BSC CS - 20230907103730
BSC CS - 20230907103730
BSC CS - 20230907103730
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science and Statistics
Academic Year 2023-24
I. Programme Details 3
II. Brief description about the Programme 3
III. Minimum Eligibility 3
IV. Programme Structure 4
V. Summary of the Programme structure 9
Programme Outcomes (PO) 10
I Semester 11
II Semester 19
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
I. Programme Details:
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Science (Computer Science, Statistics/Honours/Honours with
Research) (As updated in the spreadsheet mentioning whether Honours / Honours with research is offered)
Previous programme title: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics, and Statistics
The BSc (Computer Science, Statistics) is a dual major graduate programme, to nurture the confidence and
skills of the students in Computer Science and Statistics. It aims to impart sound fundamentals and
specialized aspects of the Computer science and Statistics. The main objective of this course is to cultivate
statistical thinking among students by acquainting them with various statistical methods and their
applications in different fields. First four semesters give them in-depth knowledge in theoretical aspects of
the subject whereas in the last two semesters, the students are exposed to the application of the subject in
various fields like industry, agriculture and population studies. Also, the students are trained in using
software packages for data analysis.
• Basic eligibility for the programme is a pass at the +2 level (Karnataka PUC / ISC / CBSE / NIOS /
State Boards) from any recognized Board in India.
• It is compulsory to have studied (Mathematics / Statistics) at Class XII level.
• Students pursuing International curriculum is according to AIU stipulations:
• Applicants pursuing IB curriculum must have 3 HL and 3 SL with 24 credits.
• Applicants pursuing GCE / Edexcel must have a minimum of 3 A levels, grade not less than C.
• Candidates writing their final year examinations in March-May are also eligible to apply.
Programme Outcomes:
PO1: Understand and apply the fundamental principles, concepts and methods in key areas of science and
multidisciplinary fields
PO2: Demonstrate problem solving, analytical and logical skills to provide solutions for the scientific
PO3: Develop the critical thinking with scientific temper
PO4: Communicate the subject effectively
PO5: Understand the importance and judicious use of technology for the sustainable growth of mankind in
synergy with nature
PO6: Develop a strong foundation in statistical theory to compete in a broad range of scientific,
government, financial, health, technical and other fields.
PO7: Analyze, interpret and report the findings of experiments or studies accurately using statistical tools
and models.
PO8: Acquire analytical and problem-solving skills using appropriate principles and methodologies of
statistics in real life applications.
BSC CS Semester - 01
Hours Per
Course Code Course Type Credits
Digital Computer Fundamentals and C
CSC101-1 Major Core 6 (2+4) 4
Programming (CIA Only)
STA101-1C Descriptive Statistics Major Core 4 4
MAT101-1C Mathematics - I Allied Core 3 3
English AEC 2 2
STA161-1 Computational Statistics SEC 3 3
CSC162-1 Data analysis using Spreadsheet (CIA Only) SEC 3 3
Holistic Education Development (HED) VAC 1 1
Environmental Science (EVS) VAC 1 1
22 21
BSC CS Semester - 02
Hours Per
Course Code Course Type Credits
CSC102-2 Data Structures (CIA Only) Major Core 5 4
CSC103-2 Operating systems (CIA Only) Major Core 4 4
STA101-2C Probability Distributions Major Core 4 4
STA102-2C R Programming Major Core 5 4
MAT102-2C Mathematics - II Allied Core 3 3
English AEC 3 2
Holistic Education Development (HED) VAC 1 1
Indian Constitution (IC) VAC 1 1
26 23
Summer Internship for 4 credits in case of Exit
BSC CS Semester - 03
Hours Per
Course Code Course Type Credits
CSC201-3C Java Programming Major Core 5 4
STA201-3C Statistical Inference Major Core 3 3
Major Core
STA211-3C Statistical Inference Lab 2 1
Multi Disciplinary Course MDC 3 3
Modern Indian Languages (MIL) AEC 3 2
CSC261-3C Web Application Development SEC 3 3
Holistic Education Development (HED) VAC 1 1
Summer Internship Internship 4 4
24 21
BSC CS Semester - 04
Hours Per
Course Code Course Type Credits
Database Management System and Software
CSC202-4C Major Core 5 4
CSC203-4C Mobile Application Major Core 5 4
STA301-4C Linear Regression Modelling Major Core 3 3
Major Core
STA311-4C Linear Regression Modelling Lab 2 1
STA312-4C Elements of Stochastic Processes Major Core 4 4
Modern Indian Languages (MIL) AEC 3 2
Holistic Education Development (HED) VAC 1 1
23 19
BSC CS Semester - 05
Hours Per
Course Code Course Type Credits
CSC301-5C Design and Analysis of Algorithms Major Core 4 4
CSC302-5C Computer Networks Major Core 5 4
CSC303-5C Computer Science Mini Project - I Major Core 5 4
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
STA401-5 Major Core 4 4
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Major Core
STA411-5 2 1
Techniques Lab (Practical)
STA402A-5 Applied Statistics
Major Core
STA402B-5 Statistical Quality Control 4 4
STA402C-5 Categorical Data Analysis
Major Core
STA481-5 Statistics Project-I 3 3
27 24
BSC CS Semester - 06
Hours Per
Course Code Course Type Credits
CSC304-6C Artificial Intelligence Major Core 5 4
CSC305-6C Cloud Computing Major Core 5 4
Major Core
CSC381-6C Computer Science Project I 5 4
STA401-6 Design of Experiments Major Core 4 4
STA402A-6 Survival Analysis
Major Core
STA402B-6 Actuarial Statistics 4 4
STA402C-6 Operations Research
Major Core
STA412-6 Design of Experiments Lab 2 1
Major Core
STA481-6 Statistics Project-II 3 3
28 24
28 22
STREAM - II : Fourth Year
Stream A : BSC Statistics - Honors (Tentative)
BSC Statistics Honors: Semester - 07
Hours Per
Course Code Course Type Credits
STA501-7 Measure and Probability theory Major Core 4 4
STA502-7 Distribution theory Major Core 4 4
STA503A-7 Multivariate
STA503B-7 Reliability Major Core 4 4
STA503C-7 Bayesian Statistics
Research Methodology and Elements of
STA504-7 Major Core 4 4
STA581-7 Project Project 12 6
Total 28 22
Numerical Methods and Monte Carlo
STA506-7 Major Core 4 4
Research Methodology and Elements of
STA504-7 Major Core 3 3
Numerical Methods and Monte Carlo
STA511-7 Major Core(P) 2 1
Simulation Lab
STA581-7 Project Project 12 6
Total 29 22
V. Summary of the programme structure
Category of Course as per UGC Minimum Credit requirement
3 Year UG 4 Year UG
Minor 6 6
Multidisciplinary 9 9
Summer Internship 4 4
Minimum Credits to Graduate
UG Certificate 43
UG Diploma 84
I Semester
Course Objectives
The course provides the fundamentals of C programming, number systems, Boolean algebra and logic
gates. The C programming helps the students to solve problems through logical thinking and basic digital
logic helps the students to understand the concepts of number systems and Boolean algebra.
Unit -1
Teaching Hours: 12
Introduction to Computers & Number systems
Different number systems and their conversions (Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal) Binary
arithmetic - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of binary numbers, 1’s and 2’s complement,
Coding – BCD, Gray and ASCII. Boolean Algebra -Boolean operations and expressions, Laws and rules of
Boolean algebra, DE Morgan’s Theorem, Boolean expressions, Simplification of Boolean expression.
Teaching Hours: 18
Introduction to C and Control Structure
Data type Declaration. The Decision Control Structure - The if - if-else- Nested if-else statements.
Decisions Using switch - The Loop Control Structure While Loop - for Loop - break Statement - continue
Statement- do-while Loop.
Lab Exercises: -
Program to implement conditional statements.
Program to implement the concepts of while loop, for and do while loops.
Program to implement the switch and nested switch statements
Teaching Hours: 20
A Simple Program Using Array - Array Initialization - Two Dimensional Arrays- Initializing a
2-Dimensional Array - Memory Map of a 2-Dimensional Array – Strings - Standard Library String
Functions - strlen( ) - strcpy( ) - strcat() - strcmp() - Two-Dimensional Array of Characters.
Lab Exercises: -
Program to implement 1D array concept and 2D array concepts
program to implement multidimensional array
Program based on string concepts.
Teaching Hours: 20
Functions & Pointers
Function - Passing Values between Functions - Scope Rule of Functions - Calling Convention - Return
Type of Function - Call by Value and Call by Reference - An Introduction to Pointers - Pointer Notation –
Lab Exercises: -
Program to implement functions.
Program demonstrating recursion functions.
Program to implement pointer expression
Teaching Hours: 20
Macros and Structures
Introduction to macros, Structures - Declaring a Structure - Accessing Structure Elements - Storing
structure elements and Unions.
Lab Exercises: -
Program to demonstrate call by value and call by reference.
Program to demonstrate structures and union.
Program to implement nested structures
Essential Reading
[1] Yashavant P. Kanetkar, Let Us C, 15th Edition, BPB Publications, 2012.
Recommended Reading
Byron Gottfried and Jitender Chhabra, Programming with C, 3rd Ed, Tata McGrawHill, 2010.
Balagurusamy E, Programming in ANSI C, 4th Edition, Tata-McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Deitel H M and Deitel P J, C - How to Program, 7th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.
Susant K Rout, Cimple,C, Tata-McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2016.
Web Resources:
CO – PO Mapping
(please take up the strength mapping here, map your COs to POs at -, 1, 2, and 3)
CO3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 2
CO4 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2
Course Objectives
This course will provide students with hands-on experience and skills with a spreadsheet. Students will
learn the various functions and commands of the spreadsheet as well as how to plan, create, and program
spreadsheets for common business applications. It is appropriate for accounting and business majors,
programmers and spreadsheet application developers.
Course Outcomes
CO1: To use and leverage on the functionalities of spreadsheet
CO2: To familiarize the students with process and techniques of data analysis with the use of spreadsheet
CO3: To enable students to apply and take logical decisions
Unit-4 Teaching Hours: 10
Importing Data - Data Cleanup Techniques - Exporting Data - Creating a Pivot Table Automatically
Creating a Pivot Table - Manually Working with Nonnumeric Data - Creating Pivot Charts - Types of
What-If Analyses - Data Sources for Get & Transform
Lab Exercises:
Exploring different types of charts
Working with Pivot table
Text Book
Excel 2016 Bible, , Wiley, 1st Edition, 2015.
Recommended Reading
Excel 2019 All-in-One for Dummies, Greg Harvey, For Dummies, 1st edition, 2018.
Slaying Excel Dragons, Mike Girvin, Holy Macro! Books, 1st edition, 2016.
Web Resources:
CO – PO Mapping
II Semester
CSS102-2 - Data Structures
Course Objectives
The course is designed to develop skills to design and analyze simple linear and nonlinear data structures. It
strengthens the ability to identify and apply the suitable data structure for the given real-world problem. It
enables students to gain knowledge in practical applications of data structures.
Unit-4 Teaching Hours: 9+6
Introduction - Binary Trees- Properties of Binary Trees - Binary Tree Representations - Binary Tree
Binary Search Trees: Introduction - Searching a Binary Search Tree - Inserting, Deleting an Element -
Limitations of Binary Search Tree.
Lab Exercises:
1. Menu driven program for Binary Tree creation and Traversals
Essential Reading
[1] Yashwant Kanetkar, Data Structures through C, BPB Publication, 2 edition, reprint 2016.
Recommended Reading
[1] Horowitz Sahni Anderson-Freed, Fundamental of Data Structures in C, Universities Press, Reprint
[2] Seymour Lipschultz: Data Structures, Schaum series TMH, 2010.
Web Resources:
CO – PO Mapping
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the fundamental principles of operating system and system structure.
CO2: To evaluate the process scheduling, deadlock system and effective memory management.
CO3: To analyse the file structure, directory structure, allocation methods and system security.
CO4: Implement the Operating System concepts by using C – Programming.
Lab Exercises:
Basic system calls.
Inter-process communication using pipes.
Basic Concepts - Scheduling Criteria - Scheduling Algorithms - Thread Scheduling
-Multi-Processor Scheduling - Real-Time CPU Scheduling - Operating-System Examples -
Algorithm Evaluation
Lab Exercises:
First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling
Shortest-Job-Next (SJN) Scheduling
Unit-3 Teaching Hours: 9+6
Synchronization Tools: Background - The Critical-Section Problem - Peterson’s Solution -
Hardware Support for Synchronization - Mutex Locks – Semaphores Deadlocks: System Model -
Deadlock in Multithreaded Applications - Deadlock Characterization - Methods for Handling
Deadlocks - Deadlock Prevention - Deadlock Avoidance - Deadlock Detection - Recovery from
Lab Exercises:
Priority Scheduling
Shortest Remaining Time
Essential Reading
Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin and G. Gagne, Wiley India, New Delhi,
10th Edition, 2018.
Recommended Reading
Operating system Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 7th Edition,
Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Herbert Bos, Pearson Education, 4th
Edition, 2014.
Operating Systems, H.M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, D. R. Choffnes, Pearson Education,
3rd Edition, 2007
CO – PO Mapping
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CO 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
CO 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
CO 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 1
CO 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2