Gas Laws
Gas Laws
Gas Laws
The gas laws are a group of laws that govern the behavior of gases by providing relationships between the following:
The volume occupied by the gas. The absolute temperature of the gas.
The pressure exerted by a gas on the walls of The amount of gaseous substance (or) the
its container. number of moles of gas.
The gas laws were developed towards the end of the 18th century by numerous scientists (after whom the individual
laws are named). The five gas laws are listed below:
Boyle’s Law: It provides a relationship between the pressure and the volume of a gas.
Charles’s Law: It provides a relationship between the volume occupied by a gas and the absolute temperature.
Gay-Lussac’s Law: It provides a relationship between the pressure exerted by a gas on the walls of its
container and the absolute temperature associated with the gas.
Avogadro’s Law: It provides a relationship between the volume occupied by a gas and the amount of gaseous
The Combined Gas Law (or the Ideal Gas Law): It can be obtained by combining the four laws listed above.
Under standard conditions, all gasses exhibit similar behavior. The variations in their behaviors arise when the
physical parameters associated with the gas, such as temperature, pressure, and volume, are altered. The gas laws
basically describe the behavior of gases and have been named after the scientists who discovered them.
Avogadro's Law
Pressure is inversely proportional to Volume
Volume(V) is directly proportional to the Amount of
In 1662, Robert Boyle discovered the correlation between Pressure In 1787, French physicists Jacques Charles, discovered the
(P)and Volume (V) (assuming Temperature(T) and Amount of correlation
Gas(n) remain constant): between Temperature(T) and Volume(V) (assuming Pressure
(P) and Amount of Gas(n) remain constant):
And finally get the equation:
P=655mm Hg
You can get the numerical value of gas constant, R, from the ideal
Ideal Gas Law gas equation, PV=nRT. At standard temperature and pressure,
where temperature is 0 oC, or 273.15 K, pressure is at 1 atm, and
The ideal gas law is the combination of the three simple gas laws. with a volume of 22.4140L,
By setting all three laws directly or inversely proportional to
Volume, you get: General Gas Equation
Initial Case: Final Case: 2. If 1.25L of gas exists at 35oC with a constant pressure
of .70 atm in a cylindrical block and the volume were to
be multiplied by a factor of 3/5, what is the new
temperature of the gas? (Hint: Charles's Law)
Setting both sides to R (which is a constant with the same value in 3. A ballon with 4.00g of Helium gas has a volume of
each case), one gets: 500mL. When the temperature and pressure remain
constant. What will be the new volume of Helium in the
ballon if another 4.00g of Helium is added into the
ballon? (Hint: Avogadro's Law)
4. A sealed jar whose volume is exactly 1 L, which contains
If one substitutes one R for the other, one will get the final equation 1 mole of air at a temperature of 20 degrees Celcius,
and the General Gas Equation: assuming that the air behaves as an ideal gas. So, what is
the pressure inside the jar in Pa?
Standard Conditions
4. In the Ideal Gas Law, the gas constant R = 8.3145 Joules · mol-1 ·
= 0.082057 L · atm·K-1 · mol-1
Practice Problems
1. If 4L of H2 gas at 1.43 atm is at standard temperature,
and the pressure were to increase by a factor of 2/3, what
is the final volume of the H2 gas? (Hint: Boyle's Law)
DALTON’S LAW OF PARTIAL PRESSURE pressure. The partial pressure of a gas can be calculated using the
ideal gas law, which we will cover in the next section, as well as
The pressure exerted by an individual gas in a mixture is using Dalton's law of partial pressures.
known as its partial pressure.
Let's say we have a mixture of hydrogen gas, H2 (g), and oxygen
Dalton's law of partial pressures states that the total gas, O2 (g). The mixture contains 6.7 mol hydrogen gas and 3.3
pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the mol oxygen gas. The mixture is in a 300 L container at 273 K, and
partial pressures of the component gases: the total pressure of the gas mixture is 0.75 atm.
Let's take a closer look at pressure from a molecular perspective pressure of hydrogen in this problem using Dalton's law of partial
and learn how Dalton's Law helps us calculate total and partial pressures, which will be discussed in the next section.
In this article, we will be assuming the gases in our mixtures can be Dalton's law of partial pressures states that the total pressure of a
approximated as ideal gases. This assumption is generally
reasonable as long as the temperature of the gas is not super low mixture of gases is the sum of the partial pressures of its
We assume that the molecules have no intermolecular would exert if it was the only gas in the container. That is because
attractions, which means they act independently of other
we assume there are no attractive forces between the gases.
gas molecules.
Since we know P, V and T for each of the gases before they're
is the number of moles of that gas divided by the total moles of gas
in the mixture, and it is often abbreviated as x:
Once we know the number of moles for each gas in our mixture,
Calculating the partial pressure of a gas when you know
we can now use the ideal gas law to find the partial pressure of
the mole ratio and total pressure
each component in the 10.0 L container:
Calculating moles of an individual gas if you know the
Let's say that we have one container with 24.0 L of nitrogen gas
at 2.00 atm, and another container with 12.0L of oxygen gas at 2.00
If both gases are mixed in a 10.0 L container, what are the compared to the pressure of the gas in the original container. This
partial pressures of nitrogen and oxygen in the resulting makes sense since the volume of both gases decreased, and
We can now get the total pressure of the mixture by adding the pressure, it might be better to use the second method to save a
fraction of a gas, x:
1. A sample of gas A evaporates over water in a closed
system. What is the pressure of gas A if the total pressure
is 780 torr and water vapor pressure is 1 atm?
2. There is a mixture of 4 moles of hydrogen gas, 8 moles
of oxygen, 12 moles of helium, and 6 moles of nitrogen
Once we know the total pressure, we can use the mole fraction in a closed container. What is the total number of moles
in this system?
version of Dalton's law to calculate the partial pressures: 3. If there is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas in a
container with 10 moles total and the mole ratio of
hydrogen is .67 molHydrogen to 1 moltotal, how many moles
of each gas are there?
4. 24.0 L of nitrogen gas at 2 atm and 12.0 L of oxygen gas
at 2 atm are added to a 10 L container at 273 K. Find the
partial pressure of nitrogen and oxygen and then find the
total pressure.
5. Flourine gas is in a 5.0 L container that is 25 C and 2
atm. A certain amount of hydrogen with a partial
pressure of .5 is added to the container. What is the mole
ratio of hydrogen?
Luckily, both methods give the same answers!
You might be wondering when you might want to use each method.
It mostly depends on which one you prefer, and partly on what you
are solving for. For instance, if all you need to know is the total 1:
Convert pressure to same units so 780 total pressure is 2 atmFlourine+.5
torr=1.03 atm atmHydrogen=2.5 atmtotal
Subtract water vapor pressure from remember that pH/ptot=nH/ntot=vh/vtot so
total pressure to get partial pressure of the mole ratio of hydrogen to the
gas A: PA=1.03 atm- 1 atm=0.03 atm mixture is is .5/2.5=.2 molHydrogen to 1
2. The law of partial pressures also applies to
the total number of moles if the other values
are constant, so