Christianity To Muslim English Tjan
Christianity To Muslim English Tjan
Christianity To Muslim English Tjan
2. That from my boyhood I mixed with my Muslim neighbors and gradually I came to
learn as to their religion. I read the Bengali and English versions of the Holy Quran
and the life story of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM). That I became deeply
fascinated by Islam and decided to embrace Islam.
3. That accordingly on the 15th day of June, 2010 I became a Muslim uttering the
Kalima "La Ilaha Illallahu Mohammadur Rasulullah (SM.)" in presence of witnesses
under the guidance of the Imam of the local mosque of my present address and kept
my name as Tjan.
4. That henceforth my name is Tjan and I need be called, addressed and known as such
and I need be recorded as such in all records.
Cont. To Page 2
5. That I embraced Islam out of my own accord without being influenced, pressurized,
intimidated by any person or from any quarter whatsoever.
6. That from today instead of my former name used in any Bank, any official
transaction, any document or in any place my new Muslim Name Tjan will be used.