SOF - DOF Advantum VDC-20220907JK
SOF - DOF Advantum VDC-20220907JK
SOF - DOF Advantum VDC-20220907JK
Drafted by (initials): JK
Customer: Advantum
Country: Jamaica
Type of order:
New service Offer Code: Date requested by the Customer:
Addition of service
Change Delivery: Date of activation (scheduled by Operations):
Name of Customer’s technical contact: Email Address of technical contact: Telephone number of technical contact:
Kay Wilson-Kelly [email protected] (876) 923-7022
Position: Date:
Signature of authorized person: _________________________________________
Signature of C&W Business’ representative
Name: ____________________
Position: Date:
The Customer agrees to purchase the services covered in this service order form and its technical annexes. The information herein contained will be
included in the Service Agreement. Annexes classified by services are:
Design for the solution: Please draw the main components and physical sites of the architecture, including all
services marked on the table.
Datacentre Solutions
1 Bogota
2 Panama
3 Miami
5 Cayman
- Resource Sharing Mode: Resource Sharing Mode is the capability that allow all users under the same account to share the same VLAN and
the quota of resources for the account. It also allow all users to have visibility on all the VMs of the other users. When Resource Sharing
Mode is set as False then each user will have its own VLAN and its own quota of resources.
- The resources noted above will be managed by Advantum only and accessed via the Internet. You will be able to create VMs based on the
resources required, taken from the total amount of resources available in your VDC. Your secondary storage will also available to you to
store files such as ISOs as well as to create snapshots as you wish of the VMs that you create.