Bahasa Inggris - XI
Bahasa Inggris - XI
Bahasa Inggris - XI
You might be asking what expression to use when making a suggestion, so this is the
expression we often use,
● Let’s ….
● We could ….
● Why don’t we ….?
● I suggest that ….
● I think ….
● I don’t think ….
● How about ….?
For example when using these kinds of expression we can make a suggestion such
● Why don’t we go to the movies?
● I think that it is not a good idea for us to be involved.
● How about doing this instead?
When there’s a suggestion, there will also be an answer towards that suggestion.
When making a suggestion the receiver can either accept or decline that suggestion,
for an example,
Suggestions Accepting Declining
I think you should take out Ok, I will. Sorry, but I think that can
the trash before sleeping. be done tomorrow.
Why don’t we go see a Yes, let’s go. It is a good I’m sorry but I am busy as
movie? idea of now.
After talking about the subject of suggestion, let’s talk about the subject of offering
● Offer
● What an offer can be
● Social Function
Offer, offer means to give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be
taken as a gift or a trade
What an offer can be, an offer can be given in terms of money, food, solutions or a
bargain, just like a suggestion it can be accepted or refused
Social Function, social function is to facilitate communication between different
Examples of an offer can be many kind of things, as such these are the types of
examples of an offer,
● Can I help you?
● Shall I bring you some food?
● May I give you a hand?
● How about I help you with this?
● Would you like another piece of cake?
Of course there will be an answer toward that offer and it can be accepted or refused,
Offers Accepting Declining
Can I help you? Yes, please. I appreciate It’s fine, I can do this on
the help. my own
Shall I bring you some Thank you, that is very No thank you, I’m fine
food? kind of you
Can I walk you back Of course, I appreciate That’s alright, I will
home? your help manage on my own.
Now after we learned about offers and suggestions we’re gonna be learning about
opinions and thoughts.
CHAPTER 2 : Opinions And Thoughts
An opinion is the way you feel or think about something. It can be about something,
or how someone is based on your perspective. Whenever we give or express our
opinion, it is important to give some type of reasoning or an example to support our
opinion, if someone has a different opinion than ours.
For example this is our opinion but someone maybe will have a different opinion than
ours such as,
● I don’t agree with you. I think Godzilla’s CGI is underwhelming
● I don’t like playing tag because people end up fighting over it.
Now we’re gonna look at the sentence structure to express our opinions
Subject Verb Object
I Agree With what you are saying.
We Asume You are biased on this
I Reckon This could be right
considering your
I Think You are mistaken.
We Believe This is not the way it
should be.
There’s also expressions, so that our opinions can be expressed in the ways given
● Personal Point Of View
● General Point Of View
Personal Point Of View are used to express our own personal point on the subject,
some examples maybe is,
● What I mean is …
● In my opinion …
● By this I mean …
● I strongly believe that …
After talking about our personal point of view on the subject, there’s also a general
point of view,
General Point Of View, These expressions are used to show a general point of view.
A general point of view creates a balance in writing and helps avoid one absolute
statement. For example,
● Some people say that …
● Most people agree that …
● The majority disagree with …
When an opinion is shared you can either agree or reject it, these are some of the
expressions used to express agreeing with an opinion,
● This is absolutely right.
● That’s a good point.
● I couldn’t agree more.
● I agree with this opinion.
And this is some of the expressions used to express disagreeing with an opinion,
● I can’t say I agree with this.
● I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
● I think you are wrong.
● It is not justified to say so.
Opinions can be expressed using mental verbs like think, doubt, assume, believe,
But with expressions, we can either disagree or agree using humble words or rude
words. Some expressions can be considered rude and some can be considered nice
in the eyes of the one who is receiving it.
With invitation letters there are several types of them which is,
● Formal Invitation
● Informal Invitation
A formal Invitation is an invitation which follows a dignified form, tone or style. For
● An invitation to the opening of a school
● An invitation to a graduation ceremony
● An invitation to a wedding, etc.
The use of an invitation letter is for inviting people to formal and social events, there
are also linguistic characteristics for an invitation letter. It should be,
● Simple, precise, and concise words
● Detailed information
● The tone of the text should be friendly and sincere
- State for who the invitation is and by who it is given
- Reasons of invitation
- Date and Time
- Place
The format of the envelope for invitation is addressed the same way as the envelope
of a letter. Formal invitations are written on cards. The text is written in calligraphic
2. Declining
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall regret that they are unable to accept the kind invitation of Mr.
and Mrs. Maulana for Friday, the 12th of December at seven o' clock due to prior
3. Responding Card
The responding card comes with the invitation card. This card should be preferably
And for the last part, the difference between a Formal and Informal letter is that a
formal letter is written in formal language, and usually for official purposes such as a
wedding. An informal letter is a letter written in a friendly manner to someone you are
familiar with.
As for the structure, formal letters are formal and polite or courteous, while informal
invitations usually take the shape of a personal letter.
Like invitational letters there are Informal letters and formal letters, first the personal
Personal Letters
Social Function : Personal letters are letters that are written to people we know
such as friends, parents, siblings and cousins. Letters are to inform and strengthen
the bond between two people writing to each other.
Linguistic Features :
● Sentence structure
● Style
There are also some useful expressions for letter writing such as,
● Thanks very much for …
● It was very kind of you to …
Giving advice
● Have you thought about …?
● In your last letter you asked me about …, I think …
● I think you shouldn’t …
Delivering good news
● By the way, did you know that …?
● I’m sure you will be happy to hear that …
Delivering bad news
● I’m sorry but I have to tell you that …
● It was sad to read about …
● I’m sorry to hear that …
Letter writing is used to inform the other person how you are feeling or maybe some
of the events that happened while they were not there. Whether it be good news or
bad news.