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Becoming a Human Calculator

Parent Notes

Bringing out the STAR in kids!


Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 1

Thanks for having your child participate in our Becoming a Human Calculator program. These
notes are provided to help you assist you child in mastering the tricks. The notes are based on
our 15 hour camp. If your program is less hours, not all this material will be covered, so some
of it will be extra. If you have questions on anything, please let us know. 314-961-6912
[email protected] Good luck!

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 2

Folding a Paper in Half

Note: This is intended as an opening attention-grabber. It’s interactive, gets them involved, and it’s quick.

Effect: You ask students how many times they think they can fold a sheet of paper in half? I.e. the fold it in
half, then in half again, then in half again, etc. Tell them that if anyone can fold it in half more than 9 times,
you will give them a big prize. They try, and think they can do it, but they can’t fold a paper in half more than,
in most cases, 7x—certainly not more than 9x.

Props: Piece of paper for each student. (8.5x11 is good. Any size works.)

Secret/Teaching This: Why can’t you fold a paper in half more than 9x? Draw a table like the 1st diagram
below. Let the students tell you the answer for column 2. Diagram #2 has the answers when you keep
doubling. Why can’t you fold a paper in half 7, 8, or 9x? Because you are folding 128, 256, and 512
thicknesses of paper. When you try to fold more than 9x, you are folding over 1000 thicknesses of paper—
which is virtually impossible!

Math Learning: Students learn to keep doubling numbers, and how quickly numbers add up when you keep
doubling—much faster than you’d think!

After Fold # # of After Fold # # of

thicknesses thicknesses
1 1 2
2 2 4
3 3 8
4 4 16
5 5 32
6 6 64
7 7 128
8 8 256
9 9 512
10 10 1024

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 3

Lightning Addition Tricks

Materials: For each student: Lightning Addition/Subtraction/Division Worksheet, 4-6 notecards, and a
pen or sharpee.

1. Two Step Addition

To make this problem easier to solve in your head, break it into 2 steps.
47=40 + 7.

Let’s try another.


Let’s try the first section of practice problems on your addition/subtraction


2. Step Count Method

This is another method of adding numbers.

Count in steps. 23=20+3. Count first in steps of 10, then 3.

Let’s try another.


Let’s try your hand at the step method addition problems on your worksheet.

Then students make 2-3 flash cards for each of the above 2 problem types. Put a problem on 1 side,
using 1 of the worksheet problems, or they can make up their own, and the answer on the back. Write
Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 4
Human Calculator Addition Worksheet

Addition Part 1, Two Step

16 + 23 = ______ 27 + 32 = ______ 51 + 47 = ______ 84 + 46 = ______ 165 + 32 = _____

248 + 51 = _____ 456 + 25 = ______ 1026 + 71 = ______ 2514 + 63 = ______ 3548 + 35 = ____

Addition Part 2, Step Count Method

13 + 25 = ______ 32 + 37 = ______ 41 + 46 = ______ 62 + 27 = ______ 112 + 26 = _____

354 + 35 = _____ 527 + 48 = ______ 1250 + 33 = ______ 4517 + 22 = _____ 6849+34=______

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 5

ANSWERS - Human Calculator Addition Worksheet

Addition Part 1, Two Step

16 + 23 = 39 27 + 32 = 59 51 + 47 = 98 84 + 46 = 130 165 + 32 = 197

248 + 51 = 299 456 + 25 = 481 1026 + 71 = 1097 2514 + 63 = 2577 3548 + 35 = 3583

Addition Part 2, Step Count Method

13 + 25 = 38 32 + 37 = 69 41 + 46 = 87 62 + 27 = 89 112 + 26 = 138

354 + 35 = 389 527 + 48 = 575 1250 + 33 = 1283 4517 + 22 = 4539 6849+34=6883

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 6

Amazing Addition
Effect: You show a sheet with 5 rows of (primarily) 3-digit numbers. While
you turn away, your assistant from the audience jots 5 numbers in a column, A B C D E
selecting a number from each column on your sheet. Someone with a 366 345 186 872 756
calculator totals the five 3-digit numbers. They read off the 5 numbers to you.
Within seconds, you total the five 3-digit numbers in your head, and correctly 69 840 582 971 558
announce the total!
168 246 87 575 657
Props: For each child: Amazing Addition Sheet (8.5x11). 762 147 285 377 954
For the show: 11x17 laminated version.
960 543 483 179 855
Secret: As the spectator is reading off the numbers, you listen only to the last
digits and add them in your head. Suppose, e.g. that the sum is 20. That’s the 564 48 780 674 459
last part of the answer. To get the first part, subtract the sum from 50—in this
example, 50-20=30, and that’s the first part of the answer. Put them together to
get the answer: 3020! If the sum is 24, the total would be 2624.

“I’m going to attempt a very dangerous mathematical trick. Many mathemagicians have perished attempting
this. May I have a volunteer from the audience please. (Introduce yourself.) I have a bunch of varied numbers
on this sheet. Most are 3 digits. A few are 2-digits. I’m going to look away, and I’d like you to write 5
numbers in a column, choosing 1 number from each column. For instance, from column A you might choose
366; from column B, 147, etc. Pick 1 number from each column. Write your 5 numbers in a column so they
can be added up. Let me know when you are finished. OK? (While spectator is jotting his numbers, talk a
little to fill the dead air.) While he is choosing his numbers, is there anyone in the audience with a calculator—
on their phone, perhaps, or otherwise? (yes) Great. As he writes the numbers, would you add them up please.
Hopefully he won’t choose such high numbers that they won’t fit on your calculator.

Have you written 5 numbers in a column? (yes) Great. And do you have the total? (yes) Very well. I’m
going to ask you to read the 5 numbers to me and I will attempt to add them in my head. Ready? What
numbers did you choose? (As he names them, you add the last digits of each in your head. Suppose the total is
27. You announce the total.) Is the total 2327? (yes) A round of applause for my assistants!”

Notes: Why does this trick work? Do you notice anything interesting about the numbers in column A?
Answer: They all have the same middle number. And their first & last digits all add to 9. What about the other
columns? Same. Their middle numbers in each column are the same & their first & last digits all add to the
same number. The middle digits are: 4,5,6,7, & 8. The 5 numbers selected will always have these 5 numbers
as their middle digits. What do they total? 30. The first & last numbers add to: 13, 10, 7, 8, & 9. What do
those add to? 47. 47+3 (from the 30) = 50. This points you toward the explanation.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 7

Doing the Dishes
Comments: This is a gag, not a show trick. It illustrates the power of geometric progression.

Effect: You offer to do the dishes nightly and forgo your allowance for 1 cent the first night, 2 cents the second,
4 cents the third, etc. for 30 nights. When you parents say ok, you surprise them with a huge bill!

Props: Dishes Card with contract on 1 side and bill on the other.

Secret: Doubling adds up very quickly—quicker than you might think!

“I have a trick for you to play on your parents. Would you like to play a trick on your parents? (yes!)

Go home tonight and tell them that you have a proposition for them. You would like to start doing the dishes
every night after dinner. How many of you like doing the dishes? Not only that, but you want to do the dishes
so badly, that you’ll even forgo your allowance! All you ask in return is that they pay you 1 cent the first night,
2 cents the second, 4 cents the third night, doubling to 8 cents the fourth, as so on, for 30 days. How many of
you would be interested in doing that? (hopefully few)

How much would the money you charge add up to in 30 days—what do you think?” (Ask for some guesses.)
Let’s add it up. (Draw 2 columns: “Day” and “Fee”. Under day, put 1,2,3,4,… Under fee, have the kids help
you for a number of days until it becomes very difficult. Then, pass out the bills and show that the total is,
believe it or not, over $10 million!)

Pass out the contracts. Tell them that if they get their parents to sign, it’s not a real contract, so they can’t really
collect the money. And they should tell the parents that if they get worried. But they can have some fun with

Math Learning: Compounding—doubling—adds to a huge sum quickly. You might even mention that this is
why it is important to save money. It earns interest, which earns interest, which earns more interest. After 20-
30 years, a small amount saved adds up to a large amount earned.

Contract Day Pay Day Pay

I, _____________________________,
parent’s name 1. $.01 16. $327.68
2. $.02 17. $655.36
agree to pay ____________________ 3. $.04 18. $1310.72
your name 4. $.08 19. $2621.44
1 cent for doing the dishes the first night, 5. $.16 20. $5242.88
2 cents for the second night, 4 cents for 6. $.32 21. $10485.76
7. $.64 22. $20971.52
the third night, double that to 8 cents for 8. $1.28 23. $41943.04
the fourth night, and so on for the next 30 9. $2.56 24. $83866.08
days. 10. $5.12 25. $167772.16
11. $10.24 26. $335544.32
_____________________________ 12. $20.48 27. $671088.64
Parent’s signature 13. $40.96 28. $1342177.28
14. $81.92 29. $2684354.56
This agreement is just for fun. 15. $163.84 30. $5368709.12
Total $10737418.23

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 8

Lightning Multiplication
Effect: The audience holds up flash cards with a variety of 2-digit x 2-digit multiplication problems. You
lightning calculate them in your head, announcing the correct answers!

Props: For each student: Multiplication Worksheet, 4-6 3x5 note cards, & pens or sharpees.

How You Do It: There are 4 different types of problems you lightning calculate:

1st Type of Problem: Squaring 2-digit #s ending in 0. _0 x _0 = ?

E.g. 30x30=? 3x3=9. Tack on 2 0’s to get 900. So 30x30=900.
60x60=? 6x6=36. Tack on 2 0’s. 60x60=3600. Just squaring #s 1-9 and appending 2 0’s. Easy!

2nd Type of Problem: Squaring 2-digit #s ending in 5. _5 x _5 = ?

What is 25 x 25? 625. How do you know? A) 25 is between 20 and 30. Multiply 2 x 3 = 6. That’s the first
part. B) Multiply the 2 last digits together. 5x5=25. That’s the last part. 625.

How about 45 x 45=? 45 is between 40 & 50. So multiply 4x5=20. That’s the first part. 5x5=25. That’s the
2nd part. Put them together: 2025. (Note: 4x5 is really 40 x 50 = 2000, + 25 = 2025)

Activity: Complete 2 rows of the 2-digit Multiplication Worksheet to hone your skills.

3rd Type of Problem: Multiplying, e.g. 32 x 38. 2-digit #s with the same first digit, whose last digits add to 10.

What is 32 x 38? Use the same approach. 3x4=12. 2x8=16. Put them together: 1216.

73 x 77 = ? 7x8=56. 3x7=21. 5621.

51 x 59 = ? 5x6=30. 1x9=9. 309? No, 3009. If multiply the 2nd digits & get a 1 digit number, e.g. 9, make it 09.

Complete Part 2 of the worksheet to hone your skills.

4th Type of Problem: 25x45=? Last digit is 5. The 2 #s are 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 apart.

What’s in the middle? 35. 35x35=1225. 45 is 10 away from 35, and 25 is 10 away from 35. 10x10=100.
Subtract 100 from 1225 and you have the answer: 1125!

55x75=? 65 is midpoint. 652=4225. 55 & 75 are each 10 away from 65. 102=100. Answer: 4225-100=4125.

One more. 35x75=? Midpoint: 55. 552=3025. 35 &75 are each 20 away. 202=400. Answer: 3025-400=2625.

Why does this work?

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 9
How many is each answer from 625? 24x26=1 less. 23x27=4 less. 22x28=9 less. 21x29=16 less. 20x30=25
less. What are these numbers? Squares of 1,2,3,4,& 5. So: 23x27=? We know 25x25=625. 23 & 27 are each
2 away from 25. 22=4. 625-4=621. This is another way of solving this sort of problem.

In 25x45, 35x35=1225. 25 & 45 are each 10 away. 102=100. Answer is 100 less than 1225, or 1125.

1. You have a packet of 2-digit multiplication flash cards. There are several different colors of cards,
each corresponding to a different type of problem above. 1 side has the problem, which can be
shown to the student. The other side contains the answer.
2. To practice, have the kids stand shoulder to shoulder on stage. Randomly hold up cards, reading the
problem. Each child gets read a different card and tries to lightning calculate the answer. They can
write it on the board if they need to.
3. In the show:
a. The lightning calculators stand shoulder to shoulder on stage.
b. Explain that we have here a series of math wizards. They are going to demonstrate their
mathematical prowess by trying to lightning calculate in their heads the answer to a series of
2-digit multiplication problems.
c. Show that you have a stack of cards with a variety of multiplication problems on them. One
side has the problem, the other side, the answer. Have members of the audience select
approximately 20 cards (4 or so from each of the 5 groups).
d. One at a time, audience members will hold up their card, and read out loud their math
problem. The next lightning calculator whose turn it is will try to lightning calculate it.
e. Depending on how many students you have, each should get ~2-4 turns.

Notes: Practice at home using the Multiplication Problems sheet.

Teaching Note: The 4th Type of Problem above is designed to stretch what they’ve learned. This is a great
accomplishment if you can get kids to solve these type problems in their heads.

Students Making Their Own Flash cards: Have students continue to build their lightning calc flashcard decks
by writing, for each of the above problem types, 2-3 flash cards. Put a problem on 1 side, using 1 of the
worksheet problems, or they can make up their own, and the answer on the back. Write large.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 10

Human Calculator Two Digit Multiplication Worksheet

Part 1, Squaring Tens

202 =____ 302 =____ 402 =____ 502 =____ 602 =____ 702 =____ 802 =____ 902 =____

Part 2, Squaring _5’s:

15 x 15 = ____ 25 x 25 = ____ 35 x 35 = _____ 45 x 45 = _____ 55 x 55 = _____

65 x 65 = ______ 75 x 75 = ______ 85 x 85 = ______ 95 x 95 = ______

Part 3, First Digits-Same, Last Digits Add to Ten:

34 x 36 = _____ 33 x 37 = _____ 32 x 38 = _____ 31 x 39 = _____ 28 x 22 = _____

41 x 49 = _____ 46 x 44 = _____ 58 x 52 = _____ 53 x 57 = _____ 67 x 63 = _____

73 x 77 = _____ 88 x 82 = _____ 84 x 86 = _____ 93 x 97 = _____ 99 x 91 = _____

Part 4, _5s - 20 or 40 apart

25 x 45 = _____ 35 x 55 = _____ 55 x 75 = _____ 75 x 95 = _____ 85 x 105 = _____

15 x 55 = _____ 25 x 65 = _____ 45 x 85 = _____ 55 x 95 = _____ 35 x 75 = _____

Abra-Kid-Abra www.abrakid.com 888-963-ABRA (2272) Shows • Camps • Classes

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 11
ANSWERS--Human Calculator Two Digit Multiplication Worksheet

Part 1, Squaring Tens

202 = 400 302 = 900 402 = 1600 502 = 2500 602 = 3600 702 = 4900 802 = 6400 902 = 8100

Part 2, Squaring _5’s:

15 x 15 = 225 25 x 25 = 625 35 x 35 = 1225 45 x 45 = 2025 55 x 55 = 3025

65 x 65 = 4225 75 x 75 = 5625 85 x 85 = 7225 95 x 95 = 9025

Part 3, First Digits-Same, Last Digits Add to Ten:

34 x 36 = 1224 33 x 37 = 1221 32 x 38 = 1216 31 x 39 = 1209 28 x 22 = 616

41 x 49 = 2009 46 x 44 = 2024 58 x 52 = 3016 53 x 57 = 3021 67 x 63 = 4221

73 x 77 = 5621 88 x 82 = 7216 84 x 86 = 7224 93 x 97 = 9021 99 x 91 = 9009

Part 4, _5s - 20 or 40 apart

25 x 45 = 1125 35 x 55 = 1925 55 x 75 = 4125 75 x 95 = 7125 85 x 105 = 8925

15 x 55 = 825 25 x 65 = 1625 45 x 85 = 3825 55 x 95 = 5225 35 x 75 = 2625

Abra-Kid-Abra www.abrakid.com 888-963-ABRA (2272) Shows • Camps • Classes

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 12

Card Prediction (15♦)
Effect: You place a prediction card face down on the table. Spectator selects a card. You ask him to multiply
it by 3. For instance, if he picked the 2♥, x3=6♥. If he chose the 3♣, x3 = 9♣. Whatever his card is, he
multiplies it by 3 , and that’ll be your prediction! Spectator says that is not possible. Why, you ask. Because,
says the spectator, you’d have to have the 15♦! You turn over your card. Sure enough, it is the 15♦!

Props: 15♦ card & a deck of cards.

Secret/Preparation: While the spectator thinks he has a free selection, you actually force him to choose the 5♦.
Before you start, place the 5♦ so it is the 10th card from the top.

Presentation: Have the 15♦ face down on the table, off to the side. Invite a spectator up from the audience.
Have him come around to the same side of the table as you, facing the audience. Ask him to name any number
from 10-20, then deal (from the top of the deck) that # of cards into a (face down) pile.

Ask spectator to pick up the pile he just dealt, add the digits of his number, & deal that many. E.g. if spectator
picks 15, he deals 15 in a pile. Then from that pile, he deals 6 cards (1+5) onto the table. The last card (the 6th
one in this example) is his card—have him set it aside on the table, as you reassemble the rest of the deck. Pick
up the 15♦ (don’t let them see its face, of course). “I have taken the liberty of making a prediction. This (hold
up 15♦, back facing audience & spectator) is my prediction card. Whatever card you picked, multiply it by 3 &
that will be my card. For example, if you have the 2 ♥, mine will be the 6 ♥. If you picked the 3 ♣, mine will
be the 9 ♣. Would you look at your card and tell me—when you multiply it by 3, what do you get? (15♦) This
is no time for jokes. I am trying to conduct a performance. The card that you’re holding, what do you get when
you triple it? (15) May we see the card please. (He shows it’s the 5♦. Pick up the deck and spread through the
cards face up, looking through it.) I must have given you the wrong card. Shall we start over from the

Would you turn over the card, let’s see how close I was. (Hold up the 15♦ so everyone can see it.) Thank you.
Let’s give our assistant a round of applause.

 Act like you messed up. Then you show that you really did get it right.

Math Teaching:
In the patter, give 2-3 examples of multiplying the value by 3, as above. This helps teach multiplying by 3.

You can also teach why the force works, which is as follows.
Spectator deals any number of cards from 10-20.
10 1+0=? (1) 10-1=? (9)
11 1+1=? (2) 11-2=? (9)
15 1+5=? (6) 15-6=? (9)
The point: Many different equations = the same number. No matter how many cards the spectator deals, it
always = your card!

Question: These equations = 9. Why is it the 10th card, not the 9th? Answer: When you deal the 2nd pile, you
start counting with the first card, which, in effect, gets double counted. If you dealt 10 cards on the table in a
row, then started on the last card and counted 1 as the next card, it would be 9th from the top.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 13

Math Quiz (Comical)
Effect: This is a gag. You explain that you took a math test the other day. You had no idea of the answers.
Yet you get all the answers right!

Props: Math Quiz sheets—4 per person. This gives each a few to use. When you write on one, it’s hard to use
again, unless you write in pencil, then erase it so it can be re-used. You might suggest this to the kids.

Blank Math Quiz Filled In Math Quiz

Part One: Geometry

Part One: Geometry
Divide this box into 4 equal parts.
Divide this box into 4 equal parts.

Part Two: Multiplication

Part Two: Multiplication
2 x 9 = __18_
2 x 9 = _____
3 x 9 = __27_
3 x 9 = _____
4 x 9 = __36_
4 x 9 = _____
5 x 9 = __45_
5 x 9 = _____
6 x 9 = __54_
6 x 9 = _____
7 x 9 = __63_
7 x 9 = _____
8 x 9 = __72_ Abra-Kid-Abra
8 x 9 = _____ Abra-Kid-Abra
314-608-6547 9 x 9 = __81_ www.abraikd.com
9 x 9 = _____ www.abraikd.com

Presentation: “I took a math quiz recently. I looked at the first question—geometry. I don’t know geometry,
so I skipped it. I looked at part 2, multiplication. I didn’t know those answers either. I counted to see how
many I’ll miss. (Start in the top blank & work down. Write 1, 2,3, 4…thru 8 in the bottom blank.) 8. Oh boy.
Let me double check that to make sure I’ll miss that many. (Now count 1-8 again, this time going up from the
bottom. 1,2,3,4,…8. When you are done, you have put the correct answers in each blank—18 in the top one,
27 in the next, 36 in the next,… 81 in the bottom blank.)

The geometry question, I don’t know that either, so I’ll cross it out. (Fill the box with an X.) I didn’t know any
of the answers. I turned in my test. Imagine my surprise when I got it back—100%! It pays to be a magician!

Math Learning: 1) Multiplying by 9’s. 2) geometry—dividing a square into 4 equal parts.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 14

Lightning Multiplication Tricks #2
Effect: You show a set of flash cards with challenging arithmetic problems. Several members of the audience
each pick 1. One by one they hold up their cards. You lightning calculate in your head and say the answers
correctly! The audience verifies you are correct, as the answers are on the back of the card.
Props: For each student: Multiplication Worksheet, 4-6 3x5 note cards, & pens or sharpees.

Trick #1: Multiplying by 9

9x25, for instance, is a tough problem. Multiply 25 by 10: 10x25=250. Then take 1 of the 25’s away. 250-
9x22=? 10x22=220. 220-22=? 220-20=200. Minus 2 more =198.
Got it? Do the first row of problems on your worksheet.

Trick #2: Multiplying x 19, x 29, x39,…

The same is true when multiplying x 19 or 29 or 39,…
For example, 19 x 3=? Seems tough. Round the 19 to 20 to make it easier. 20x3=60. Minus 1 of the 3’s = 57.
29x5=? 30x5=150. -5=145.
Try the 2nd set of problems on your worksheet.

Trick #3: 101 x _ _=?

101x67=? 6767. The number (67) repeated!
Why does this work? 100x67=? 6700. Plus 1 more 67 = 6767.
101x79=? 7979

Trick #4: 1001 x _ _ _ =?

1001 x 432=? 432432.
Similar to 101x. 432x1000=432000. + 1 more 432 = 432432.
Try the problems for 101x and 1001x in your worksheet.

Trick #5: 99x _ _=?

100 x 84=8400. Since it’s 99x84, it’s going to be a little less. In fact, it’ll be 83_ _. 8400-84 will be 83_ _.
So here’s the trick: 99x84=? A) 1 less than the number is the first part. 83_ _. B) to get the 2nd part, put the
9s compliments of the first 2 numbers. 8+_=9? 1. 3+_=9? 6. 16. So the answer is 8316.
99x43=? 42 is the first part. 9s compliment to 4 & 2: 57. Answer: 4257.
Try these problems in your worksheet.

Presentation: If you are the only math wiz in the room, have several cards selected and lighting calculate the
answers. If there are several math whizzes, they stand shoulder to shoulder. The audience selects several flash
cards and holds them up 1 at a time. The math whizzes go down the line, each correctly answering.

Students Making Their Own Flash cards: Have students continue to build their lightning calc flashcard decks
by writing, for each of the above problem types, 2-3 flash cards. Put a problem on 1 side, using 1 of the
worksheet problems, or they can make up their own, and the answer on the back. Write large.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 15

Human Calculator Lightning Multiplication II Worksheet

Part 1: Multiplying by 9

9x25 =____ 9x50 =____ 9x12 =____ 9x15 =____ 9x35 =____ 9x45 =____ 9x75 =____

Part 2: Multiplying by 19, 29, 39,…

19 x 4 = ____ 19 x 5 = ____ 29 x 2 = _____ 3 x 29 = _____ 39 x 3 = _____

49 x 2 = ____ 49 x 4 = ____ 59 x 2 = _____ 69 x 5 = _____ 89 x 5 = _____

Part 3 & 4: 101x_ _=? 1001 x _ _ _ =?

101 x 36 = _____ 101 x 57=_____ 87 x 101 = _____ 273 x 1001 = ______ 1001 x 391 = ______

Part 5: 99x_ _=?

99 x 23 = _____ 99 x 36 = _____ 99 x 48 = _____ 75 x 99 = _____ 97 x 99 = _____

Abra-Kid-Abra www.abrakid.com 888-963-ABRA (2272) Shows • Camps • Classes

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 16

ANSWERS--Human Calculator Lightning Multiplication Worksheet

Part 1: Multiplying by 9

9x25 =225 9x50 =450 9x12 =108 9x15 =135 9x35 =315 9x45 =405 9x75 =675

Part 2: Multiplying by 19, 29, 39,…

19 x 4 = 76 19 x 5 = 95 29 x 2 = 58 3 x 29 = 87 39 x 3 = 117

49 x 2 = 98 49 x 4 = 196 59 x 2 = 118 69 x 5 = 345 89 x 5 = 445

Part 3 & 4: 101x_ _=? 1001 x _ _ _ =?

101 x 36 = 3636 101 x 57=5757 87 x 101 = 8787 273 x 1001 = 273,273 1001 x 391 = 391,391

Part 5: 99x_ _=?

99 x 23 = 2277 99 x 36 = 3564 99 x 48 = 4752 75 x 99 = 7425 97 x 99 = 9609

Abra-Kid-Abra www.abrakid.com 888-963-ABRA (2272) Shows • Camps • Classes

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 17

Mind Blowing Multiplication Stunt
Effect: You do two 2-digit x 2-digit multiplication problems in your head, using numbers called out by the
spectator, and correctly add the totals.

E.g. Spectator calls out a 2-digit number--e.g. 47. You are feeling lucky, so you write it 2x. (Below)
Spectator calls out another 2-digit number. E.g. 36. You write this. To make things a little harder, you write
another number--63. Looking away, you say you’ll multiply both problems in your head & add the products.
You jot your answer on a sheet of paper, as spectator computes, using a calculator. Spectator gives answer.
You turn your answer around. It’s right!

47 47
x36 x63
1692 2961

1692 + 2961 = 4653

Props: Blackboard or sheet of paper with backing (e.g. book or notepad), marker, & calculator

Secret: 1) The 2nd # that you seem to randomly come up with in the 2nd problem is the 9 compliment of the 2nd
# in the 1st problem. I.e. 36 was called out by the spectator in this example. What # added to 36 will = 99? 63.
2) To get the total, use the first # called out by the spectator, in this case, 47. Write 1 less, i.e. 46. Then append
the 9 compliment, in this case, 53. So your answer is 4653.

“I’d like to try something with multiplication. You, sir, can you name any 2-digit number please. (Suppose
28.) I will write 28 on the board. In fact, I’m feeling lucky, so I’m going to write it 2x. (Do so.)

Another person, can you please name any other 2-digit number. (57. Jot it below the first 28.) Hmm. That’s
pretty hard. I better make the 2nd equation a little easier. (Jot the 9 compliment of 57 below the 2nd 28—i.e. 42.
Look away, remembering the first number, 28.)

I am going to try to multiply both problems in my head. Then add the products together and give you the total.
I may get a headache doing all this mental arithmetic, but it’s worth it for your entertainment! I’ll jot down
what I come up with. Meanwhile, here is a calculator. Would you multiply each problem, add the answers, and
let me know when you have a total. (Jot 1 less than 28, 27. Then the 9s compliment, 72. So 2772. Spectator
says he has the total.) What did you come up with? (2772) Sometimes I don’t get this right. (Pause)
Fortunately, though, in this case, I did! (Turn your sheet around to show 2772!) How about a round of
applause for my assistant!”

 If spectator’s 2nd 2-digit number is above 50, comment that that is a tough equation, you’d better make
the 2nd one a little easier! If the number is below 50, comment that you’ll make the 2nd one a little
harder. It should appear that your 2nd number is chosen haphazardly, at random.
 Why does this work? Suppose the 1st number is 28. You are, in effect, multiplying it by 99. If you
multiplied it by 100, what would you get? Tack on 2 zeros: 2800. But you’re multiplying it x 99, so
it’s 2800 – 28. The answer will be 27__. I.e. 1 less than 28 for the 1st 2 digits. Last 2 digits are 72.
This is the same as taking the 9s compliment of the 1st 2 digits.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 18

Missing Digit Follow Up
This is a great follow-up to the Mind Blowing Multiplication Stunt.

Effect: You have a 4 digit total from the Mind Blowing Multiplication stunt. Turn away, and ask the spectator
to multiply the total by any 1 digit number, and write the product on the board. Ask spectator to circle any digit
(not a zero). Ask what number he multiplied it by? (e.g. 5) Say that you will multiply this is your head. Have
spectator read off the remaining digits of the answer. You reveal the circled number—i.e. the missing digit!

x 5

Props: Blackboard or sheet of paper with backing (e.g. book or notepad), marker, & calculator

Secret: As spectator reads the numbers (usually there are 4), add them in your head. Then add the digits until
you get down to a single number. Subtract that number from 9, and you’ll have the missing digit! E.g. here,
2+3+2+6=13. 1+3=4. 9-4=5, which is the missing digit!

“Since we’re on a roll, let’s try something else. You have a total. Multiply it by any 1 digit number, and write
the answer on the board. I won’t look. Let me know when you are done. (Spectator multiplies 4653 x 5
=23265 and writes this on board, and says she’s done.) What number did you multiply it by? (5) Alright, I’m
going to multiply this in my head (concentrate). Got it. In the answer you got, would you circle any number,
not a zero. Have you done that? (yes) OK. Would you tell me the other numbers in your answer? (2326)
Was the last number in your answer that you circled….5?

 Why does this work? In any number that is a multiple of 9, the digits add to 9. The original number in
this trick is 99 x something. 99 is a multiple of 9. Therefore, the product is a multiple of 9. When you
multiply a multiple of 9 by any number, the product is also a multiple of 9. So the product is a multiple
of 9. The digits add to 9. You add the digits to 1 number, subtract from 9, and you have it.
 Variation: You can also add the digits and instead of adding them together & subtracting from 9, you
could subtract them from the next highest multiple of 9. Same result.
 This sequence of tricks—Mind Blowing Multiplication Stunt & Missing Digit Follow Up—is very
 You can multiply the total by a 2-digit number and it still works, though you have an extra digit to deal

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 19

Rubber Pencil Gag

Effect: Hand someone a pencil to jot something down, but they can’t. It’s rubber!

Props: Rubber pencil

Can you come up with ideas of how you can have fun with this item?

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 20

Subtraction Quickies

Challenge #1: If you take 12 apples from 17 apples, how many do you have?

Answer: 12.

Challenge #2: Sarah had 5 apples and ate all but 3. How many did she have left?

Answer: 3.

Challenge #3: If you have $2 in 1 pants pocket, $3 in a 2nd pants pocket, and $5 in a 3rd pants pocket, what do
you have?

Answer: Somebody else's pants

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 21

Lightning Subtraction
Materials: For each student: Lightning Add/Subtract/Divide Worksheet, 4-6 3x5 note cards, & pens or

1. Two-Step

60-27 seems like a tough problem to solve in your head.

However, if you take it in 2 steps, it’s more manageable.
Break 27 into 20 and 7.
40-7=33. Quick & easy.

Let’s try another.


Try the problems on the worksheet.

2. Overshooting
This technique is good when you are subtracting a number that is close to 100, or a multiple of 100.


95=100-5. We’ll subtract 100, which is easy. Then add back 5, which is equivalent to subtracting 95.
70+5=75, which is the answer.

Let’s try another.


Try the worksheet problems.

Students Making Their Own Flash cards: Have students continue to build their lightning calc flashcard
decks by writing, for each of the above problem types, 2-3 flash cards. Put a problem on 1 side, using 1 of
the worksheet problems, or they can make up their own, and the answer on the back. Write large.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 22

Human Calculator Subtraction Worksheet

Part 1, Two Step

40 - 13 = ______ 70 - 21 = ______ 80 - 52 = ______ 130 - 44 = ______ 190 - 76 = ______

56 - 24 = ______ 87 - 36 = ______ 96 - 65 = ______ 124 - 31 = ______ 347 - 64 = ______

Part 2, Overshooting

160 - 85 = ______ 473 - 86 = ______ 131 - 88 = ______ 342 - 92 = ______ 285 - 96 = ______

514 - 185 = _____ 620 - 191 = ______ 708 - 289 = ______ 856 - 298 = _____ 997-398=______

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 23

ANSWERS - Human Calculator Subtraction Worksheet

Part 1, Two Step

40 - 13 = 27 70 - 21 = 49 80 - 52 = 28 130 - 44 = 86 190 - 76 = 114

56 - 24 = 32 87 - 36 = 51 96 - 65 = 31 124 - 31 = 93 347 - 64 = 283

Part 2, Overshooting

160 - 85 = 75 473 - 86 = 387 131 - 88 = 43 342 - 92 = 250 285 - 96 = 189

514 - 185 = 329 620 - 191 = 429 708 - 289 = 419 856 - 298 = 558 997-398= 599

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 24

Four in a Flash
Effect: You show a sheet with a bunch of numbers (see below). You turn away and ask a spectator to cover up
any 4 adjacent numbers using a little piece of paper you give him. You turn back, and ask the spectator to
uncover the 4 numbers, and you attempt to add them in your head in less than 3 seconds. He uncovers them and
you call out the total immediately. You both add up the numbers—your total is correct!

Props: Four in a Flash sheet and a Four in a Flash cover, which is just a 2”x1” piece of card stock big enough to
cover up 4 numbers (2 in 1 row and 2 in the next row).

Secret: You see what number is 2 away diagonally from any of the 4 corners of the covering paper, and
subtract that from 65. That is the total of the 4 covered numbers! For instance, in figure 2 below, the number 2
away diagonally from any of the 4 corners is 15. 65-15=50, so 50 is the total of the 4 covered #s! Uncovering
them bears this out: 1+7+18+24=50.

“Did you know that I can add numbers very quickly in my head? Sometimes. We’ll see if today is one of those
When I turn around, I’d like you to put the small piece of paper so it covers any 4 of the numbers on this sheet.
OK? (Turn around.) Let me know when you have covered the numbers. (Turn back, facing spectator &
number sheet.)
(Note the number 2 away diagonally from 1 of the corners. As you talk, subtract it in your head from 65.) Now
you could have covered any numbers. Any particular reason you covered those 4? (Note: This talk, and asking
a question gives you a moment to subtract the # from 65 in your head.) When I say ‘lift’, I want you to lift the
paper off the numbers. I will look at them quickly and attempt to add them in my head—in less than 5 seconds.
Can you time me to see how long I take? Are you ready? (By now, you know the total. If you need more time,
keep talking til you have it. Don’t have him lift the card til you have it.) Lift! (Immediately say the total when
he lifts, doing it in just 1 second!) 50!
Let’s add them together. 1+7=8. +18 = 26. +24 = 50. I’m glad you caught me on a good day!”

Tip: To help you remember to subtract the # 2 away diagonally from 65, on the Four in a Flash sheet,
“65-2” appears in the lower right corner.

15 02 19 06 23 15 02 15 02 19 06 23 15 02

16 08 25 12 04 16 08 16 08 25 12 04 16 08

22 14 01 18 10 22 14 22 14 01 18 10 22 14

03 20 07 24 11 03 20 03 20 07 24 11 03 20

09 21 13 05 17 09 21 09 21 13 05 17 09 21

15 02 19 06 23 15 02 15 02 19 06 23 15 02

16 08 25 12 04 16 08 16 08 25 12 04 16 08

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 25

Subtraction Cards
Effect: You ask someone to think of a number 1-63 (Let the audience know what it is, but not you.) You hand
him several cards that each have a bunch of numbers (see below). His number may be on 1 or several cards.
He is to hand you all the cards that do NOT contain his number. You, after briefly looking at the cards he
handed you, reveal his number!

Props: A set of 6 subtraction cards. (See below.)

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 2 3 6 7 10 11 14 15 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 20
17 19 21 23 25 27 29 18 19 22 23 26 27 30 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 36
31 33 35 37 39 41 43 31 34 35 38 39 42 43 37 38 39 44 45 46 47 52
45 47 49 51 53 55 57 46 47 50 51 54 55 58 53 54 55 60 61 62 63
59 61 63 59 62 63

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

Secret: Look at the first number of each card you are handed. Add them together. Then subtract the total from
63. That will be the thought of number. (Why 63? It is the total of the 6 first numbers.)

E.g. If you are handed the first two cards above, 1+2=3. 63-3=60, which is his number! If you are handed just
the card starting with 4, his number would be 63-4=59. If you are handed cards starting with 1,2,4,& 8,
1+2+4+8=15. 63-15=48, which would be his number.

Notes: For younger children, you can use less cards. E.g.
Cards 1-5 Think of # between 1-31 Subtract total from 31.
Cards 1-4 Think of # between 1-15 Subtract total from 15.

Math Learning: Subtracting numbers in your head.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 26


Effect: You show a magic number: 12345679. Ask someone to name their favorite number 1-9. Suppose 6.
Multiply the magic number x 6. Then x 9. What do you get? 666,666,666!

Props: blackboard & marker, or pencil and paper.

Secret/Teaching This: In the trick, we multiplied the magic number x your number, then x 9. What if we
reverse that and first multiply it x 9. What do you get? (Let students try.) Answer: 111,111,111. Hmm. So,
no wonder whatever your number is 1-9, you wind up with all of that number, since 1xY=Y.

We are going to learn a lightning calculation trick for dividing by 9.


“You’ve heard of magic words. Abra-Kid-Abra, hocus pocus, presto change, etc. But have you ever heard of a
magic number? I have one that I’ll write on the board: 12345679. Pretty magical, huh? You don’t seem very
impressed, so let me show you why it’s magical. Can you name any number 1-9? (4) Multiply the magic
number by 4. Now multiply what you got x 9. What number do you get? 444,444,444! See, I told you it was a
magic number!”

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 27

Rapid Division Tricks
Materials: For each child: Lightning Add/Subtract/Divide Worksheet, ~6 note cards, & pens or sharpees.

#1 Dividing by 5
What is 12÷5? Answer: 2.4.
What is 134÷5? Answer: 26.8
How do you arrive at these quickly?
With division, you can multiply both sides of the equation by the same number, and the answer is unchanged.
Let’s do this to make the problem easier by multiplying both sides by 2.
12÷5 = 24÷10. This is a much easier problem with the same answer. Just move the decimal on 24.0 1 space to
the left to get 2.4
134÷5 = 268÷10 = 26.8
Try the practice problems on the worksheet.

#2 Dividing by 9 (x÷9 where x<9)

What is 2/9? .2222
X divided by 9 (where X < 9) is X repeated.
For 2-digit numbers, the same is true if you divide by 99.
43/99=? .434343
For 3 digit numbers, same divided by 999.
Instructor note: When the last digit >5, it gets rounded up at the end. e.g. 6÷9=.66666… Rounded, this is .6667
Try the practice problems on the worksheet.

#3 Dividing by 9 (x÷9 where x>9)

Can you solve this problem: 9 123 1
 Put the 1 digit in the dividend, in this case, 1, atop the line. 9 123

 Add the 1 above the line to the next digit in the dividend, 2. 1+2=3. Put 3 above the line. 9 123

 Repeat. 3 (above the line) + 3 (next digit in dividend) =6. Put 6 above the line. Since it’s above the last
digit in the dividend, it is the remainder. So the answer is: 13 remainder 6, or 13 6/9.

Another example:
2 24 246 246 r8 = 246 8/9
9 2222 = ? 1) 9 2222 2) 9 2222 3) 9 2222 4) 9 2222

Try the practice problems on the worksheet.

Students Making Their Own Flash cards: Have students continue to build their lightning calc flashcard decks
by writing, for each of the above problem types, 2-3 flash cards. Put a problem on 1 side, using 1 of the
worksheet problems, or they can make up their own, and the answer on the back. Write large.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 28

Human Calculator Division Worksheet

Part 1, Dividing by 5

8 ÷ 5 = ______ 14 ÷ 5 = ______ 17 ÷ 5 = ______ 22 ÷ 5 = ______ 63 ÷ 5 = ______

86 ÷ 5 = ______ 113 ÷ 5 = ______ 231 ÷ 5 = ______ 473 ÷ 5 = ______ 834 ÷ 5 = ______

Part 2, Dividing by 9 (x÷9, x<9)

3 ÷ 9 = ______ 4 ÷ 9 = ______ 17 ÷ 99 = ______ 25 ÷ 99 = ______ 39 ÷ 99 = ______

48 ÷ 99 = ______ 102 ÷ 999 = ______ 281 ÷ 999 = ______ 340 ÷ 999 = _____ 476÷999=______

Part 3, Dividing by 9 (x÷9, x>9)

13 ÷ 9 = ______ 35 ÷ 9 = _____ 61 ÷ 9 = ______ 152 ÷ 9 = ______ 321 ÷ 9 = ______

403 ÷ 9 = ______ 800 ÷ 9 = ______ 1111 ÷ 9 = ______ 3210 ÷ 9 = ______ 4301 ÷ 9 = _____

Abra-Kid-Abra www.abrakid.com 888-963-ABRA (2272) Shows • Camps • Classes

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 29

ANSWERS - Human Calculator Division Worksheet

Part 1, Dividing by 5

8 ÷ 5 = 1.6 14 ÷ 5 = 2.8 17 ÷ 5 = 3.4 22 ÷ 5 = 4.4 63 ÷ 5 = 12.6

86 ÷ 5 = 17.2 113 ÷ 5 = 22.6 231 ÷ 5 = 46.2 473 ÷ 5 = 94.6 834 ÷ 5 =166.8

Part 2, Dividing by 9 (x÷9, x<9)

3 ÷ 9 = .3333 4 ÷ 9 = .4444 17 ÷ 99 =.171717 25 ÷ 99 =.252525 39 ÷ 99 = .393939

48 ÷ 99 = .484848 102 ÷ 999 = .102102 281 ÷ 999 = .281281 340 ÷ 999 = .340340 476÷999=.476476

Part 3, Dividing by 9 (x÷9, x>9)

13 ÷ 9 = 1 4/9 35 ÷ 9 = 3 8/9 61 ÷ 9 = 6 7/9 152 ÷ 9 = 16 8/9 321 ÷ 9 =35 6/9

403 ÷ 9 = 44 7/9 800 ÷ 9 = 88 8/9 1111 ÷ 9 = 123 4/9 3210 ÷ 9 = 356 6/9 4301 ÷ 9 = 477 8/9

Abra-Kid-Abra www.abrakid.com 888-963-ABRA (2272) Shows • Camps • Classes

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 30

Coins in the Envelope Prediction
Effect: You have a spectator think of a number and perform some numerical calculations, arriving at a final
number. Whatever the final number is, the spectator should divide it by 2, and that, you state, is the amount of
money in your envelope. E.g. if the spectator arrived at 10, you’ll have 5 cents. If she has 8, you’ll have 4
cents. She says that when she divides her number by 2, she gets 2 ½. You think she’s joking, but she is not!
You open your envelope and, sure enough, you have 2 pennies and half a penny!

Secret: The spectator always arrives at 5 which, divided by 2, is 2 ½.

Props: For each child: 2 pennies, a half penny, a 6.75 size white envelope, & a 2”x4” label with the below

1. Think of any number 1-10.
2. Double it.
3. Add 10.
4. Divide by 2.
5. Subtract the number you started with. (They will always be at 5 now.)
6. Divide by 2.

Preparation: Put the sticker on the envelope so you can remember the steps, if you need to refer to it. Put 2.5
cents inside the envelope.

“I have some money in my envelope. (Show envelope. You can read the steps from the envelope label.) I’m
going to try a prediction. Can you think of a number 1-10, don’t tell me what it is. Do you have one? (yes)
Double it. Add 10. Divide it by 2. Subtract the number you started with. You are left with a final number,
right? Whatever number you have, we’ll divide it by 2 and that is how many cents I have in this envelope. In
other words, if your final number is 10, I will have 5 cents. If it is 6, I will have 3 cents. Whatever number you
are thinking of, divided by 2, I will have that many cents. When you divide your number by 2, what do you
come up with? (2.5) Seriously, this is no time for jokes. The final number that you arrived at, divided by 2,
what do you get? (2.5) 2.5? (yes) (Dump out the envelope contents, showing 2.5 cents.) You had me a little
worried there for a moment!”

 If performing for a group, have the spectator jot her calculations on a paper or blackboard, so everyone
can follow along.
 Why does this work? Can they derive the algebra behind it and see why it works?
((2x+10)/2)-x = 5
(x+5-x) = 5.
5=5. The point: x can be anything and you still get 5.

What If…
If you add 14 instead of 10, what would the final number be? Answer: 7. However much you add, the final
number is half of that. So if you have them add 14, you can end with 3.5 cents.

Math Learning: Multiplication, division, algebraic derivation, fractions.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 31

Through the Brick Wall

Effect: Magician shows 2 puzzle pieces that fit together to form a solid brick wall. When they are turned to the
other side and put together, a hole in the middle appears!

Props: Brick wall sheet; kids scissors

Art Project: Have each child cut their brick wall into 2 pieces, cutting along the subtle stepped line. The result
is 2 stepped pieces that are the same size.

Secret: The 2 pieces can be put together in 2 ways. One shows a solid wall. The other shows a hole in the
middle. To achieve the 2nd way, slide one piece down a step.

Presentation: You can talk about Harry Potter, and how when he went to the train station to go to Hogwarts, he
went to track 9 ¾, but all there was was a solid brick wall. How did he get through it to get on the train?

The secret was to look on the other side of the wall. When he went to the other side (turn each piece over), he
found a secret opening in the middle that he could slip through!

But if you’re standing in front of the wall, you can’t see it. (Turn the pieces back over, showing solid brick

Teaching Points:
 Have the kids hold the pieces up, rather than doing this on the table. It’s more visible to an
audience that way.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 32

Giant Eraser

Effect: You need to erase something, and pull out a humongous eraser!

Props: Giant eraser.

Can you think of any ideas to have fun with this prop?

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 33

Calendar 9 (Pocket Puzzlers)
Effect: You show a calendar. While you look away, you ask a spectator to draw a circle around any 9 days in a
3x3 matrix. (See example below.) Then add the 9 dates on a calculator. You ask for the lowest number
circled. Spectator gives it. You add the 9 numbers in your head instantaneously and announce the answer,
which proves to be correct!

Props: Calendar pad and pencil.

Secret: You add 8 to the number the spectator gives you, which tells you the middle number (i.e. the average
number) of the 9. You multiply it by 9, using the 9s multiplication trick previously learned.

Presentation: “Ever wish there was more time in the day? I have solved that problem. On this calendar, I’ve
added a few extra days to the end of the month! I’m going to look away. When I do, I’d like you to draw a
circle around any 9 days in a 3x3 configuration. For instance, you might draw a circle here or here (without
making a mark on the page, move the pencil in a circle around 9 dates to be sure he knows what you mean) –
wherever you like. Got it?

(Look away as spectator draws a circle around 9 dates in 3x3 configuration.) Let me know when you have done
that. (Spectator says he has.) Good. Show your dates to the audience. Now, I’d like you to add the 9 dates on
the calculator. Let me know when you have the total. Would you jot it on the board. (where you cannot see it)
Tell me the lowest number of the dates you circled. I am going to see if I can add the 9 dates in my head…Is
the total you came up with…___? (yes) A round of applause for my assistant, please.”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 34

Calendar Magic (Pocket Puzzlers)
Note: This is a series of 3 tricks using a calendar page. 1) Demonstrate a trick. 2) Teach it. See if the
students can figure it out. 3) Let students practice. Then repeat this sequence with the other 2. At the
end, optionally have 3 students come up, each demonstrating 1 of the calendar tricks to the whole group.
Props are the same for each trick: a pad of calendar pages for each student, and a pencil. Note: The
calendar has 35 days to provide more selection possibilities.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Trick #1: Favorite Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Effect: You show a calendar page (see below). While you look 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
away, ask a spectator to think of her favorite day and draw a circle 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
encompassing 3 dates on that day. (See example.) The spectator
tells you the total of the dates (51). You, then, immediately name
the 3 dates (10,17, & 24)!

Secret: Divide the spectator’s total by 3. This tells the middle

number of the 3 (51/3=17 in this example). How, then, do you
get the 3 dates? Subtract 7 to get the low number of the 3.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Then add 7, and 7 again to get the other 2 dates! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Trick #2: Favorite Week 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Effect: This time while you look away, you ask a spectator to 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
think of their favorite week in this calendar, and draw a circle
encompassing 5 days in that week. (See example.) The spectator
tells you the total of the dates (55). You, then, immediately name
the 5 dates (9,10,11, 12, & 13)!

Secret: How do you do this one? Since 5 dates were chosen,

divide the total by 5 to get the average, or middle number in this case. (55/5=? 11) How do you then
know the 5 dates? The average is the middle, or 3rd of the 5 dates. Subtract 2 to get the starting date.
Name it and the next 4 (9,10,11,12,13).
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Trick #3: Favorite Square 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Effect: In this last version, while you look away, ask a spectator to 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Draw a square around any 4 dates (See example.) The spectator 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
tells you the total of the dates (92). You, then, immediately name
the 4 dates (19,20,26, & 27)!

Secret: This one is harder. But doable with practice. How many
dates were chosen? 4. So what do you divide the total by? 4.
92/4=? 23. (You can use pencil and paper on this one if you wish.)
How do you get from 23 to the 4 dates? 23 is the average, but it is not any of the dates. What do you do?
Subtract 4 to get the first date. 23-4=19. The next date is 1 higher, 20. How do you get the last 2 dates?
Add 7 to each. 19+7=26. So 26 & 27.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 35

T-Shirt Card Trick (Art Project)
Effect: Spectator selects a card. Amidst clever patter (see presentation), magician
reveals the card on the label inside his collar!
Props: T-shirt with rabbit in hat drawing; box of fabric-marking crayons; card deck;
Black marker or printed sticker that says “2♣”; ¼ page sheet with instructions for
washing the shirt.
Secret: Although it seems as though the spectator has a free choice, you actually
force him to choose the card on your label, using the cross cut force. This is explained
in the glasses trick instructions.

1. Have the kids color in their shirts using the fabric crayons. Tell the kids when they go home,
to have mom iron the shirt, permanently sealing in the colors. Give them the ¼ page sheet
that has instructions for mom.
2. Write 2 ♣ in black marker on the shirt label (on the collar). Or, put a 2 ♣ sticker over the
label. Whichever works best.
3. Have the 2 ♣ secretly on top of the (face down) deck.

Presentation: “I need a volunteer from the audience. Thank you. Would you cut the cards approximately in
half. I’ll mark your cut.

(Divert attention for a moment.) Incidentally, do you play card very much? What sort of cards do you play?
Very interesting. Take the card that you cut to (lift off top half, handing him the force card—supposedly the
“free choice” he cut to), show it around, and don’t let me see it. Did everyone see it? Put it back in the middle
of the deck.

I am going to see if I can guess the name of your card. In fact, I’m so sure I can that if I’m wrong, I’ll give you,
ah—well, how about the shirt off my back! I will look through the cards (hold them between your hands,
spread them faces toward you, & pull 1 out—not his!), and here is your card, the 8 of hearts! Right? (no) Oh.
Well, sometimes it takes me 2 tries. The 7 of spades! (No) What was your card? (2 of clubs) Well, I guess I
have to give you my shirt. Sorry it’s not cleaner; though it is 100% cotton—I think. Can you read what it says
on the label? (Pull out the label. Have him read out “2 of clubs”!)

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 36

Placard Number Prediction (extra)
Effect: Explain that you’ll jot down a prediction. Then you’ll ask a spectator for a 3-digit number. You will then reverse
it and subtract the two, then reverse the total and add, coming up with a final number which, hopefully, will match your
prediction. You do all this, show your prediction at the end—but but it’s wrong! But wait a minute, you turn it upside
down. It is correct after all!

Props: pencil & 2 sheets of paper

Secret: The number always comes out to 1089!

Preparation: Write 6801 on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Put a curl in the 6 so it’ll look like a 9 when upside down. Put a
pencil dot on the back of the sheet at the top, so you know that when you lift up the page & the dot is up, it’ll say “6801”.


1. _________ Spectator names any 3 digit number. All digits are different. E.g. 752

2. __________ Reverse the number. E.g. 257 (If reversed # is larger than first #, put reversed # on top.)

3. __________ Subtract. E.g. 495

4. __________ Reverse the number. E.g. 594

5. __________ Add the last 2 numbers. E.g. 1089

“I’m feeling lucky today so I’ve made a prediction (show back of the paper & set it down), which we’ll get to a little later.
I’m going to ask someone to call out a 3 digit number—any 3 digit number they want. I will then reverse it and subtract,
then reverse the total and add, coming up with a final total. With any luck, it will match my prediction. We’ll see if luck
is with me today. Can someone call out any 3 digit number where the digits are all different. (E.g. 752.) Uh oh. No one
has ever called out that one before. Are you sure you don’t want to change your mind? ( Jot it on the board.) I will
reverse it. (Do so. If reversed number is larger, put it on top. If it’s smaller, put it beneath.) Now I’ll subtract. (Talk out
loud as you do.) Please check my arithmetic.

Now I will reverse the total (do so, putting it beneath). And finally, I’ll add these last 2 numbers together. Now you
could have selected any number. We wound up with 1089. You remember that before we started, I made a prediction.
Believe it or not, I predicted…6801? Hmm. Wait a minute. What was the total we wound up with? (1089) Oh, I’m
sorry, I had my prediction upside down. (Turn it upside down, showing 1089!) You had me a little worried there for a

 The pencil dot on the back of the prediction is important. If you pick up the prediction the wrong way and it says
1089, you’ll lose the gag in the trick—not as effective.
 If you get 99 in step 3 above, tack a 0 onto the front. 099. When you reverse, you get 990. 990+099=1089.
 If you have a small audience and write on a paper, make sure it is positioned so both you and your audience can
read the numbers. I.e. don’t have it upside down to either of you.

Math Learning: Addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 37

The Psychic Mathematician (extra)
Effect: You have been struck by a premonition, so you jot a prediction and set it aside on the table. 1-3
spectators create 3 different 3 digit numbers as follows: For each 3-digit number, the first number is 1,2, or 3.
The 2nd is 4,5,or 6. And the 3rd digit is 7, 8, or 9. A digit can only be used once. So, e.g., the 3 #s might be:


You add these and get….774. Which matches your prediction!

Props: pencil and paper.

Secret: The answer is always 774. Ask the students why. The last column is always going to have a 7, an 8,
and a 9. Does the order matter? No. Same with the other 2 columns.

Logistics: If you have 3 spectators, have each choose 1 of their numbers to help create each 3-digit number. If
you just have 1 spectator, he can create all the digits, staying within your guidelines.

Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 38

Extra No Prop Math Pocket Puzzlers
8 Queens
Draw an 8x8 grid (see diagram # 1).
Challenge: Can you place 8 pennies (or
other small objects—bits of paper or
whatever) on the grid such that no 2 are in
the same row, column, or diagonal? Each
object occupies a different square.
Props: Pencil and paper.
Note: There are multiple answers. One is
pictured here.

How Many Sides?

Activity: From an 8.5x11 paper, cut a strip ~1”x11”. Bend it into a loop, make 1 twist, and tape it, forming a
ring with 1 twist in it. Ask how many sides your loop of paper has. Paper has 2 sides, right? But the correct
answer with this piece is 1! How is that? Draw a line, going all the way around the loop. You’ll see that
(because of the single twist), it makes 1 single line, ending where it starts! Which shows that you have, indeed,
a 1-sided piece of paper! This is called a Mobius Strip, named after the mathematician who discovered it.
Props: Paper, tape, pen or pencil.

Calculating the Answer

Claim that you have such great mental math abilities that your friend can give you any 2 numbers, you will
multiply them in your mind, without using any other items, and tell him the correct answer. Does he think you
can do that? Your friend thinks of 2 numbers and multiplies them—either on paper or using a calculator. He
sees the answer. He tells you the numbers. E.g. 462 x 597. You concentrate briefly and say “the correct
answer”. This is a play on words. You don’t solve the problem. You said you’d tell him “the correct answer”!
Note: You can also do this with adding (or any operation). Use several #s if you’d like. E.g. 1976 + 586 + 93
Props: None.

Can you arrange 8 4’s so they total 176?

You can put them together in any configuration: e.g. 444, 4444, etc. You can also provide a hint if you wish:
This just uses adding. Answer: 44+44+44+44 = 176!
Props: Paper & pencil.

Can you arrange 5 6’s so they total 19?

Answer: 6+6+6+6/6 = 19!
Props: pencil & paper.
Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 39
Mathemagic Puzzles

1. Apples 2. 26 Cents 3. All Squared Up 4. An Equalizing

Put 4 crayons in a plus
If you take 6 apples from I have 2 American coins sign, as in the below You have 2 cards. #1
8 apples, how many in my hand that total 26 diagram. says: 1+9. #2 says: 3+4.
apples do you have? cents. One of them is not In 1 move, can you make
a penny. What are they? Challenge: can you make the answers to the 2
a square, moving just 1 problems be equal? You
crayon? cannot add, cross out, or
take away numbers. Work
with what you have.

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5. Sheep in Pens 6. A Rat in the 7. Shape Up! 8. Circumference Vs.

House Height
Sheeps & Pens: Farmer
Bob has 9 sheep & 4 pens. A Rat in the House Might What’s bigger, you ask a
The Agriculture Eat the Ice Cream. spectator, the circumference
Department, after visiting of the cup or the height of the
his farm, recommends that What do the first letters of cup? Put something under the
Farmer Bob put an odd these words spell? cup to raise the height from
number of sheep in each of Can you divide a square into 4 the table. Ask again. Keep
the 4 pens. Can you show equal squares? raising height & asking until
Bob how he might do this. spectator says the height is
Can you divide a triangle into 3 bigger. Pull out a string or
equal triangles? paper & show that
www.abrakid.com © 2012 0014e circumference is bigger.

www.abrakid.com © 2012 0045?

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9. Riddle of the 10. Easy as 1-2-3 Solutions 1A Solutions 1B

Sphinx 1. 6. 6. arithmetic
Set out 2 pennies, 2
nickels, & 2 dimes. 2. A quarter & a penny.
In Greek mythology, the One isn’t a penny— 7.
Sphinx guarded the gates the other is!
of the city of Thebes with Challenge: Using only
these 6 coins, can you put 3. Move 1
this riddle:
them in a row so there is 1 outward, 8. Beforehand measure both
What goes on 4 legs in the coin between the pennies, making a sq with a string, to see how
morning, on 2 legs at 2 coins between the in the middle. high you can raise it & still
noon, and on 3 legs at nickels, & 3 coins have circumference be
dusk? between the dimes? 4. Turn 1+9 upsidedown. greater.

5. Put 1 sheep in each of 9. A person (crawls as a

Can you solve it? 3 pens, 6 in the 4th. Put 1 baby on all 4’s, walks in
of the pens inside the 4th. middle, has a cane late.)
www.abrakid.com © 2012 0033r 10. D P N P D N
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Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 40

11. Half of 8 = 3? 12. Time Warp 13. 5 Triangles 14. 8 Triangles, 6
My teacher says that When I wear my green shirt, Can you make 8 triangles
it takes me 1 minute and 20 using only 6 toothpicks (or
half of 8 is 3. How seconds to write the
can this be? Or has straws)?
he lost his marbles? With 9 toothpicks, form 3 No bending or breaking.
However, when I wear my equilateral triangles as
purple shirt, it takes me 80 above.
seconds to write the
alphabet. The challenge: Move 3
toothpicks to make 5
How do you explain this? equilateral triangles. (You
cannot bend or break them.)

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15. Writing 1000 16. Days of the 17. Bus Trip 18. 8+8=10000?
You're the bus driver. To
Can you write “1000” Some months have 30 begin, your bus has 0 kids.
without the pen leaving days. Some have 31. Your 1st stop you pick up 3
the paper? Which months have 28 kids. 2nd stop: pick up 3 8
days? more, 1 gets off. 3rd stop: 3

No marks should be
get off, 1 gets on. 8
visible connecting the What color is the driver's
numbers. And the pen hair?
Can you, in 1 move, make
must make a mark this = 1000?
whenever it moves
across the paper.
www.abrakid.com © 2012 0006c www.abrakid.com © 2012 0019r www.abrakid.com © 2012 0010s www.abrakid.com © 2012 0052a

19. 9 Boxes 20. Making a Solutions 2A Solutions 2B

11. Draw a line thru the 8.
Diamond The right half is a 3! 8 16. All of them!
12. They are the same
amounts of time. 17. Whatever color your
hair is, since you are
. the bus driver.
13. 18. Turn it sideways.(10000).
Can you put numbers in the 8
outside boxes above so the Use 5 toothpicks to make 14. 19. white,gray: 1,7 or 2,5 or
top & bottom row, and the left a rhombus (diamond) with 3,3 or 4,1.
& right column all total 9? a line in the middle as 15. fold
White squares must each get above. Challenge: Can edge 20. Move 3 to the side.
the same #, and gray you take away 3 Then move the last 2
squares must also each get toothpicks, put back 2, and Fold the paper. Draw “1000”.
over to the 3,
the same #. Can you come be left with the same Connecting lines go above edge.. reconstructing the same
up with more than 1 solution? Unfold and just “1000” shows. shape!
diagram? Connecting lines are on back.
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Copyright 2015 Abra-Kid-Abra St. Louis, MO 314-961-6912 41

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