Singh 1999
Singh 1999
Singh 1999
Short Survey
Irradiation of polyethylene: Some aspects of crosslinking
and oxidative degradation
Ajit Singh 1
Research Chemistry Branch, AECL, Whiteshell Laboratories, Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada, R0E 1L0
Crosslinking is the dominant process when polyethylene is irradiated under inert atmosphere; however, when it is
irradiated in air, oxidative degradation becomes the dominant process, particularly at low-dose-rate gamma
irradiation. There have been suggestions in the literature that (i) crosslinking may still be an important process
during low-dose-rate gamma irradiation, and (ii) that peroxides can act as sensitizers for radiation-induced
crosslinking of polyethylene. A consideration of possible radiation eects in polyethylene, in the presence of oxygen,
suggests that there could be (i) an important role of cationic reactions leading to crosslinking; (ii) possible
crosslinking within the crystalline regions; and (iii) excitation energy transfer to the peroxides produced during
oxidative degradation to produce alkoxy radicals. # 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bangkok (14±16 December, 1995). formation dominates over the recombination reaction:
Present address: 822 Gulfview Place, Victoria, BC V8Y
2R6, Canada. PE O2 4 PEO2 2
0969-806X/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 9 - 8 0 6 X ( 9 9 ) 0 0 3 2 8 - X
376 A. Singh / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 56 (1999) 375±380
However, with increasing dose rates, there would be 2.1. Ionic species
increasing competition between these two reactions,
and the reaction of PE with the peroxy radical would Work at low temperatures (<200 K) has demon-
be strated the formation and reactivity of the cation and
electron formed in PE (Willard, 1968; Ausloos, 1970;
PE PEO2 4 PEOOPE 3 Dole, 1972, 1973; Iwasaki et al., 1983; Tagawa et al.,
1983, 1989; Brede et al., 1987; Jonah and Sauer, 1989;
At the high dose rates typically obtained with electron Le Motais and Jonah, 1989; Trifunac et al., 1989;
accelerators (e103 Gy sÿ1; Singh, 1991), the recombi- Ogasawara, 1993). These species have also been
nation reaction (reaction (1)) dominates in the compe- detected in room temperature and elevated temperature
tition between these reactions, primarily because the work. The reactions of the cations formed in polyethy-
dissolved oxygen gets rapidly consumed and the rate lene (reaction (4)) have not been studied in detail.
of the peroxy radical formation becomes dependent on However, based on the known or suggested reactions
the rate of diusion of oxygen into the PE samples of the hydrocarbon cations, reaction (5) and the fol-
(Dole, 1972, 1973; Seguchi and Yamamoto, 1986). lowing reactions would be expected to occur on ir-
However, in addition to the expected crosslinking of radiation of polyethylene:
polyethylene on irradiation with electrons, some
workers have reported the occurrence of crosslinking Charge transfer:
of polyethylene even at the low-dose-rate gamma ir- PE peCH CHpe 4 PE peCH±CHpe 8
radiations done in air (Torikai et al., 1986; Minkova
and Mihailov, 1990). There are also reports that per-
oxides can act as sensitizers for radiation-induced Dissociation: PE or PE 4 peCH±CHpe H2
crosslinking of polyethylenes (Yu et al., 1992, 1994; 9
Kurian et al., 1993). A brief review of the mechanisms
of reactions in PE on irradiation has therefore been
undertaken to identify the processes that may lead to Condensation:
crosslinking of polyethylene in the presence of air. PE or PE peCH CHpe 4 peCHPE±CH2 pe
tions, as is the lack of the eects of air, acetylene or 2.2. Excited states
temperature (Hagiwara et al., 1973; Mitsui et al., 1973;
Torikai et al., 1986). The fate of the PE excited states has not been fully
The reactions involving electrons, hydrogen atoms elucidated; though, based on the results of radiolysis
and other free radicals can only occur in the crystalline and photolysis of other hydrocarbons (Calvert and
regions, where oxygen is absent (Winslow et al., 1966). Pitts, 1966; Holroyd, 1968), reactions (6)±(7), and
In the amorphous regions where oxygen is present, (22)±(23) would be expected to occur:
oxygen would react with electrons, hydrogen atoms
and other free radicals, to give reactions (2), (18) and PE or PE 4 H2 peCH CHpe 22
(19) (Buxton et al., 1988):
eÿ O2 4 Oÿ
2 18 PE 4 PE hu 23
xylene solutions at 708C, 858C and 908C. The self-seed- work on irradiation of polyethylene, it may be useful
ing method was used to ensure that the crystals were to focus on some of these processes, to obtain evidence
predominantly monolayers. All preparations were for or against them.
degraded by ozone at 608C to the stage where all folds
are cut and only COOH-capped single-traverse stems
remain. The samples were gamma irradiated (60 to Acknowledgements
6000 kGy) under vacuum. All samples remained fully
soluble (presumably in xylene); the gel dose varied Helpful comments by B. J. Lyons, T. Seguchi, J.
with the core thickness of the crystals, from 5910 kGy Silverman and A. Trifunac are gratefully acknowl-
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