Acute Kidney Injury and Kidney Replacement Therapy in Adults
Acute Kidney Injury and Kidney Replacement Therapy in Adults
Acute Kidney Injury and Kidney Replacement Therapy in Adults
CME Article
• Identify kidney injury: Decreased/absent urine output, uraemia, elevated serum creatinine, high anion
gap metabolic acidosis
• Identify prerenal causes: Severe hypovolaemia, severe hypotension, intra-abdominal hypertension/
abdominal compartment syndrome
• Identify intrinsic renal causes: Sepsis, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, drugs, rhabdomyolysis,
haemolytic-uraemic syndrome/thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
• Identify postrenal causes: Urinary obstruction, e.g., prostate enlargement, urinary calculi, blood clots
Determine urgency
• Severe metabolic acidosis (pH <7.1, low serum bicarbonate)
• Severe hyperkalaemia (K >6.5 mmol/L)
• Severe serum urea elevation (urea >40 mmol/L)
• Severe hypervolaemia with acute pulmonary oedema
• Uraemic encephalopathy or pericarditis
Box 1. Stage and management of AKI (KDIGO 2012). Box 2. Specific treatment for selected causes of AKI.
Severity stage 1 Mechanism & Specific treatment
• sCr increase from baseline within 7 days: 1.5–1.9 times cause
• Urine output criteria: <0.5 mL/kg/h for 6–12 h
• Other criteria: sCr increase of ≥26.5 μmol/L within 48 h
Hypovolaemia • Stop any blood loss
• General treatment:
• Volume expansion with crystalloids
– Discontinue nephrotoxic drugs
Vasodilation • T reat any sepsis with appropriate antimicrobials
– Treat hyperglycaemia
• Treat any adrenal insufficiency with corticosteroids
– Optimise haemodynamics
• Volume expansion with crystalloids
– Manage the complications of AKIa
• Vasopressors, e.g., noradrenaline, vasopressin
Severity stage 2
Acute heart • Treat coronary ischaemia (e.g., with revascularisation)
• sCr increase from baseline within 7 days: 2.0–2.9 times
failure • Diuretics for hypervolaemia
• Urine output criteria: <0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥12 h
• Inotropes, e.g., dobutamine, milrinone
• General treatment:
• Treat arrhythmia
– Same as for severity stage 1
• Noninvasive or invasive mechanical ventilation
– Check for changes in drug dosing of renally excreted drugs
• Mechanical circulatory support
– Consider KRTb
– Consider ICU admission Raised IAP • asogastric tube drainage and gastric decompression
• Rectal tube drainage and colonic decompression
Severity stage 3
• Abdominal paracentesis for ascites
• sCr increase from baseline within 7 days: ≥3.0 times
• Remove constrictive abdominal dressings and binders
• Urine output criteria: Anuria for ≥12 h, or <0.3 mL/kg/h for ≥24 h
• Sedation and analgesia to improve abdominal
• Other criteria: sCr increase to ≥353.6 μmol/Lc, or initiation of KRT or (in
patients aged <18 years) decrease in eGFRd to <35 mL/min/1.73 m2
• Correct hypervolaemia via diuresis or ultrafiltration
• General treatment:
• Consider surgical abdominal decompression if IAP
– Same as for severity stage 2
>20 mmHg persistently
– Avoid subclavian catheters, if possible
Intrinsic renal
Hyperkalaemia: Consider intravenous insulin, oral exchange resins;
metabolic acidosis: consider intravenous bicarbonate; hypervolaemia: Sepsis • E arly and appropriate antimicrobials and source
consider diuretics; pulmonary oedema: consider oxygen supplementation, control
noninvasive or invasive mechanical ventilation. bInitiate kidney • Volume expansion and vasopressors
replacement therapy (KRT) in the presence of life-threatening conditions (e.g. noradrenaline) to keep the mean arterial
refractory to other medical management (e.g. severe metabolic acidosis, pressure≥65 mmHg
severe hyperkalaemia, severe drug toxicity, severe hypervolaemia), uraemic Nephrotoxic • S top causative drugs and use alternatives, e.g.,
encephalopathy, uraemic pericarditis, or when urea is ≥40 mmol/L. cWith drugs NSAIDs causing acute interstitial nephritis, acyclovir
serum creatinine (sCr) increase of ≥26.5 μmol/L within 48 h, or ≥1.5 times causing crystal-induced AKI
of baseline within 7 days. dUsing the revised Schwartz formula, where • Ensure volume repletion and good urine output for
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m²)=(36.5×height in cm) divided by creatinine crystal-induced AKI
in μmol/L. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) criterion is
Thrombotic • Ensure volume repletion
introduced to account for acute kidney injury (AKI) in children with low
microangiopathy • Antibiotics for diarrhoeal illness
muscle mass, who may not get a high sCr even if AKI is severe. KDIGO:
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (creatinine increase from • Plasma exchange for thrombotic thrombocytopenic
baseline within 7 days, urine output criteria or other criteria may be used purpura
for severity staging) Rhabdomyolysis • S top any drugs (e.g., statins) that may lead to muscle
• Infuse crystalloids to maintain good urine output, but
as the former has higher sensitivity for the identification avoid volume overload if the patient progresses to
of AKI. [6] oliguria or anuria
• F or bladder outlet obstruction (e.g., due to prostatic
hyperplasia or cancer): urethral catheterisation or
INJURY suprapubic catheterisation
In the presence of oliguric AKI or postoperative AKI, • For ureteral obstruction (e.g., due to metastatic
cancer): percutaneous nephrostomy
hypovolaemia should not be assumed and indiscriminate AKI: acute kidney injury, IAP: intra-abdominal pressure,
fluid administration should be avoided. Instead, clinicians NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
need to determine the specific causes of AKI, which can be
divided into prerenal (reduced renal perfusion pressure), vasodilation, acute heart failure), extrinsic renal artery
intrinsic renal (disease of the vessels, glomeruli or tubules compression from raised intra‑abdominal pressure and renal
within the kidneys) and postrenal (urinary flow obstruction) artery stenosis. Intrinsic renal causes include atherosclerotic,
causes [Box 2]. Prerenal causes reduce blood flow into infective, inflammatory and nephrotoxin‑induced damage.
the kidney tissue, and may be due to circulatory shock Postrenal causes involve urinary outflow obstruction, which
and hypotension[7] (in turn contributed by hypovolaemia, can occur at various levels and sites.
Initial workup of AKI requires careful physical examination shift. Even without active fluid removal, rapid solute clearance
augmented by point‑of‑care ultrasound.[8] Point‑of‑care by itself can reduce plasma osmolality, leading to osmotic
echocardiography may reveal hypovolaemia (presence of shift of water into the cells and hypotension. As such, for
small cardiac chambers), while abdominal ultrasound may haemodynamically unstable patients, CKRT is preferred over
reveal postrenal obstruction (presence of dilated renal calyces intermittent KRT. The PD is another continuous form of KRT
suggesting hydronephrosis or distended postvoid bladder for AKI. Frequent PD exchanges are useful for acute fluid
suggesting bladder outlet obstruction). As AKI progresses removal and solute clearance, though PD may be inferior to
in severity, prognosis worsens, necessitating therapeutic haemofiltration for treatment of infection‑associated acute
escalation [Box 1]. In general, patients require avoidance of renal failure.[10]
nephrotoxins, reversal of specific causes and dose adjustment
Temporary vascular access can be quickly created by inserting
for renally excreted drugs. Also, KRT (also known as renal
a non‑cuffed, non‑tunnelled haemodialysis catheter into the
replacement therapy) should be considered and instituted
internal jugular, femoral or subclavian vein. To facilitate
when life‑threatening conditions are present or when serum
blood flow, internal jugular and subclavian catheters need
urea exceeds 40 mmol/L.[9]
to be positioned such that their tips are at the junction of the
superior vena cava and the right atrium; femoral catheters
INDICATIONS AND PRESCRIPTION OF KIDNEY need to be positioned with their tips extending into the inferior
REPLACEMENT THERAPY vena cava. Usual catheter lengths are as follows: 16 cm for the
The KRT is required when kidneys fail to perform critical right internal jugular site, 20 cm for the left internal jugular
homoeostatic functions, despite maximal medical therapy. or subclavian site and 24 cm for the femoral site.
These functions include regulating the blood volume, pH
As blood is pushed and perfused through the haemofilter/
and electrolytes. When blood volume regulation fails despite
haemodialyser, thrombosis at the intra‑arterial side of the
diuretic use, left ventricular failure, acute pulmonary oedema
membrane (termed ‘membrane clotting’ and detected by
and respiratory failure ensue. When pH and electrolyte
increased filter pressure) and caking of the membrane
regulation fail, severe acidaemia (pH <7.1) and severe
pores (termed ‘membrane clogging’ and detected by
hyperkalaemia ([K+] >6.5 mmol/L), can result in cardiac
increased transmembrane pressure) gradually occur. To
arrhythmia and arrest. To avoid these complications, KRT
improve duration of patency (generally termed ‘filter
should be initiated when indications are present. In addition,
life’), anticoagulation should be used. Regional citrate
to lessen the risk of mortality, KRT should also be considered
anticoagulation is particularly useful as it does not increase
when the blood urea rises to 40 mmol/L or above.[9] systemic bleeding risk and results in a longer filter life
Medical officers, residents and hospitalists working in compared to systemic heparin anticoagulation (median
high‑dependency and intensive care settings would need filter life span 47 vs. 26 h, P < 0.001). [11] Nonetheless,
to be familiar with KRT prescription [Table 1]. The key anticoagulation needs to be used with caution in some
considerations are the choice of modality, the type of patients. For instance, systemic heparin anticoagulation is
anticoagulation and the rate of fluid removal. The KRT options contraindicated in patients who are actively bleeding or
are either intermittent or continuous. Extracorporeal modalities who have type II heparin‑induced thrombocytopenia, while
include intermittent haemodialysis (IHD), prolonged regional citrate anticoagulation should be carefully applied
intermittent KRT, sustained low‑efficiency dialysis (SLED) in patients with liver failure or circulatory shock.[12]
and continuous KRT (CKRT). Another KRT modality that is Some adjustments to the usual KRT prescription would
less commonly used is peritoneal dialysis (PD). In practice, be required for patients with severe hyponatraemia
extracorporeal methods are more commonly used in non- (Na <125 mmol/L) or severe hypernatraemia (Na >155 mmol/L).
resource-limited settings, and therefore, the discussion As KRT solutions have sodium concentrations of 140 mmol/L,
is focused on these methods. In extracorporeal therapy, the usual KRT will equilibrate the patient’s serum sodium
the patient’s blood is pumped through a semipermeable concentration to 140 mmol/L. Patients with severe
membrane (also known as the haemofilter or haemodialyser, hyponatraemia will be at risk of osmotic demyelination,
depending on the technique of therapy). Water is moved across while patients with severe hypernatraemia will be at risk of
the membrane via ultrafiltration, while solutes are removed cerebral oedema. For IHD, the dialysate sodium concentration
across the membrane via convection (i.e. haemofiltration) or can usually be set between 130 and 150 mmol/L. For CKRT,
diffusion (i.e. haemodialysis) or both (i.e. haemodiafiltration). modified dialysate or replacement fluid can be prepared
Finally, the treated blood is returned to the patient [Figure S1, every 24 h by injecting either hypertonic (3% or 20%) NaCl
Supplemental Digital Appendix]. or sterile water into the fluid bag, keeping the fluid sodium
Intermittent techniques may predispose patients to intradialytic concentration within 10 mmol/L of the patient’s starting
hypotension due to either rapid fluid removal or rapid osmotic sodium level [Table S1, Supplemental Digital Appendix].[13]
As such, for patients with severe hypo‑ or hypernatraemia, dialysis using low blood flows or with CKRT. For patients with
CKRT is recommended. low electrolyte levels (hypokalaemia, hypophosphataemia,
Some other adjustments to the usual KRT prescription may be hypomagnesaemia), the dialysate or replacement fluid should
required in the following scenarios. For patients with severe contain the relevant electrolytes to avoid further lowering of
uraemia (e.g. urea >60 mmol/L) who are at risk of dialysis electrolyte levels. For patients with hypocalcaemia who do
disequilibrium syndrome (reverse osmotic shift due to rapid not require regional citrate anticoagulation, the dialysate or
urea clearance leading to cerebral oedema), the urea clearance replacement fluid should contain calcium to avoid worsening
rate should be slowed down by either short duration intermittent hypocalcaemia.
As the patient improves, KRT should be de‑escalated. Although staff training and protocols have enabled a
If KRT is still needed and the patient can be taken off complex intervention like KRT to be successfully initiated
vasopressors and inotropes, then CKRT should be switched in high‑dependency and intensive care units, KRT may be
to intermittent KRT. Compared to CKRT, use of intermittent interrupted due to premature filter clotting/clogging. The KRT
KRT would decrease the cost of care and facilitate early interruptions can be detrimental in several ways, including
mobilisation. When urine output improves, a trial of KRT loss of clotted blood in the circuit, reduced therapy time and
cessation should be done, with initial close monitoring of effectiveness, increased nursing workload from frequent filter
pH and electrolytes. changes, increased costs and aggravating shortages of KRT
consumables. Filter clotting occurs when thrombosis occurs
TROUBLESHOOTING OF KIDNEY REPLACEMENT at the intra‑arterial side of the membrane, marked by a sharp
rise of filter pressure drop, calculated as the pressure difference
THERAPY between the prefilter pressure and the return pressure. Filter
After initiating KRT, frontline clinicians should be ready clogging occurs when proteinaceous material blocks the
to solve one or more of the following problems: persistent membrane pores, and is marked by increased transmembrane
metabolic acidosis or hyperkalaemia (related to inadequate pressure, calculated as the pressure difference between the
KRT dose), premature filter clotting/clogging, intradialytic blood and dialysis compartments. Both filter clotting and
hypotension, citrate overload, citrate accumulation (also clogging have common causes and may be considered together.
known as citrate toxicity) and type II heparin‑induced An approach to filter clotting/clogging requires a systematic
thrombocytopenia [Table 2]. search for access, anticoagulation and prescription problems.
regional citrate anticoagulation or no anticoagulation can Correspondence: Dr. Kay Choong See,
be used. For heparin‑induced thrombocytopenia, given Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine,
ongoing thrombosis, another systemic anticoagulation National University Hospital, 1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block Level 10,
119228, Singapore.
method (e.g. direct thrombin inhibitors) is required and E‑mail: [email protected]
regional citrate anticoagulation is not enough.
Received: 24 Oct 2022 Accepted: 09 Mar 2023 Published: 29 Nov 2023
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