Acute Kidney Injury and Kidney Replacement Therapy in Adults

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Problem‑Solving for Acute and Critical Care

CME Article

Acute kidney injury and kidney replacement therapy in adults

less. [1] If the reduction of glomerular function extends
Opening Vignette
beyond 1 week, then the patient would have acute kidney
A 70‑year‑old man with hypertension, but no known chronic disease (duration ≤3 months, inclusive of AKI) or chronic
kidney disease, was found lying on the floor at home after a kidney disease (duration >3 months). The presence of
fall several hours earlier by family members. He had fever, AKI increases the risk of morbidity (long‑term dialysis
productive cough and malaise for the past 3 days. He was
dependence) and mortality,[2] particularly in patients with
brought by ambulance to the emergency department. On
multiple organ dysfunction. Global AKI incidence is 21.6%
arrival, he had rapid, deep and laboured breathing. Vital
in adults, with a mortality of 23.9%.[3]
signs measured at triage were as follows: temperature 39°C,
pulse rate 120 beats/min, blood pressure 80/50 mmHg, Diagnosis of AKI requires identification of AKI and
respiratory rate 30 breaths/min and peripheral oxygen its specific causes [Figure 1]. Acute kidney injury is
saturation 95% when receiving oxygen via a Venturi commonly identified, and its severity assessed via serum
mask (inspired oxygen fraction 40%). Physical examination creatinine elevation and decreased urine output [Box 1].[1]
revealed generalised body tenderness and left basal While using either creatinine or urine output criteria, the
crepitations. Bilateral consolidation was demonstrated on most severe stratum determines the overall severity of AKI.
chest X‑ray. Empirical broad‑spectrum antibiotics were given Although readily accessible, serum creatinine elevation is
for severe community‑acquired pneumonia. The patient was relatively insensitive to kidney injury. It is an intermittent
intubated and mechanically ventilated as his respiratory measurement using blood draws and requires knowledge
failure worsened. Despite volume optimisation, vasopressor of ‘baseline’ creatinine. Ideally, baseline creatinine is
use and blood pressure normalisation, only a small amount of available from the patient’s medical record. Compared to
dark‑coloured urine was produced over the next 6 h, followed serum creatinine, urine output is a more sensitive marker
by anuria for 12 h. of kidney injury[4] and recovery (i.e., successful weaning
from kidney replacement therapy [KRT]). [5] It can also be
continuously measured via an indwelling urinary catheter,
IDENTIFICATION OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY but will require close monitoring in the hospital. Urine
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is the abrupt reduction of output needs to be indexed against body weight. We use
glomerular filtration rate over a period of 1 week or the actual body weight rather than the ideal body weight,

• Identify kidney injury: Decreased/absent urine output, uraemia, elevated serum creatinine, high anion
gap metabolic acidosis
• Identify prerenal causes: Severe hypovolaemia, severe hypotension, intra-abdominal hypertension/
abdominal compartment syndrome
• Identify intrinsic renal causes: Sepsis, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, drugs, rhabdomyolysis,
haemolytic-uraemic syndrome/thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
• Identify postrenal causes: Urinary obstruction, e.g., prostate enlargement, urinary calculi, blood clots

Determine urgency
• Severe metabolic acidosis (pH <7.1, low serum bicarbonate)
• Severe hyperkalaemia (K >6.5 mmol/L)
• Severe serum urea elevation (urea >40 mmol/L)
• Severe hypervolaemia with acute pulmonary oedema
• Uraemic encephalopathy or pericarditis

Deal with causes and urgent issues

• Treat causes (may be multifactorial)
• For medically refractory kidney injury, consider kidney replacement therapy: intermittent haemodialysis
(if no hypotension), continuous kidney replacement (if hypotensive or with concomitant hepatic
• Deprescribe nephrotoxic drugs, adjust doses of renally excreted drugs
• Avoid rapid correction of urea (dialysis disequilibrium), hyponatraemia (osmotic demyelination) or
hypernatraemia (cerebral oedema)

Figure 1: Chart shows the approach to acute kidney injury.

© 2023 Singapore Medical Journal | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 751

See and Wong: AKI and KRT in adults

Box 1. Stage and management of AKI (KDIGO 2012). Box 2. Specific treatment for selected causes of AKI.
Severity stage 1 Mechanism & Specific treatment
• sCr increase from baseline within 7 days: 1.5–1.9 times cause
• Urine output criteria: <0.5 mL/kg/h for 6–12 h
• Other criteria: sCr increase of ≥26.5 μmol/L within 48 h
Hypovolaemia • Stop any blood loss
• General treatment:
• Volume expansion with crystalloids
– Discontinue nephrotoxic drugs
Vasodilation • T reat any sepsis with appropriate antimicrobials
– Treat hyperglycaemia
• Treat any adrenal insufficiency with corticosteroids
– Optimise haemodynamics
• Volume expansion with crystalloids
– Manage the complications of AKIa
• Vasopressors, e.g., noradrenaline, vasopressin
Severity stage 2
Acute heart • Treat coronary ischaemia (e.g., with revascularisation)
• sCr increase from baseline within 7 days: 2.0–2.9 times
failure • Diuretics for hypervolaemia
• Urine output criteria: <0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥12 h
• Inotropes, e.g., dobutamine, milrinone
• General treatment:
• Treat arrhythmia
– Same as for severity stage 1
• Noninvasive or invasive mechanical ventilation
– Check for changes in drug dosing of renally excreted drugs
• Mechanical circulatory support
– Consider KRTb
– Consider ICU admission Raised IAP •  asogastric tube drainage and gastric decompression
• Rectal tube drainage and colonic decompression
Severity stage 3
• Abdominal paracentesis for ascites
• sCr increase from baseline within 7 days: ≥3.0 times
• Remove constrictive abdominal dressings and binders
• Urine output criteria: Anuria for ≥12 h, or <0.3 mL/kg/h for ≥24 h
• Sedation and analgesia to improve abdominal
• Other criteria: sCr increase to ≥353.6 μmol/Lc, or initiation of KRT or (in
patients aged <18 years) decrease in eGFRd to <35 mL/min/1.73 m2
• Correct hypervolaemia via diuresis or ultrafiltration
• General treatment:
• Consider surgical abdominal decompression if IAP
– Same as for severity stage 2
>20 mmHg persistently
– Avoid subclavian catheters, if possible
Intrinsic renal
Hyperkalaemia: Consider intravenous insulin, oral exchange resins;
metabolic acidosis: consider intravenous bicarbonate; hypervolaemia: Sepsis • E arly and appropriate antimicrobials and source
consider diuretics; pulmonary oedema: consider oxygen supplementation, control
noninvasive or invasive mechanical ventilation. bInitiate kidney • Volume expansion and vasopressors
replacement therapy (KRT) in the presence of life-threatening conditions (e.g. noradrenaline) to keep the mean arterial
refractory to other medical management (e.g. severe metabolic acidosis, pressure≥65 mmHg
severe hyperkalaemia, severe drug toxicity, severe hypervolaemia), uraemic Nephrotoxic • S top causative drugs and use alternatives, e.g.,
encephalopathy, uraemic pericarditis, or when urea is ≥40 mmol/L. cWith drugs NSAIDs causing acute interstitial nephritis, acyclovir
serum creatinine (sCr) increase of ≥26.5 μmol/L within 48 h, or ≥1.5 times causing crystal-induced AKI
of baseline within 7 days. dUsing the revised Schwartz formula, where • Ensure volume repletion and good urine output for
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m²)=(36.5×height in cm) divided by creatinine crystal-induced AKI
in μmol/L. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) criterion is
Thrombotic • Ensure volume repletion
introduced to account for acute kidney injury (AKI) in children with low
microangiopathy • Antibiotics for diarrhoeal illness
muscle mass, who may not get a high sCr even if AKI is severe. KDIGO:
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (creatinine increase from • Plasma exchange for thrombotic thrombocytopenic
baseline within 7 days, urine output criteria or other criteria may be used purpura
for severity staging) Rhabdomyolysis • S top any drugs (e.g., statins) that may lead to muscle
• Infuse crystalloids to maintain good urine output, but
as the former has higher sensitivity for the identification avoid volume overload if the patient progresses to
of AKI. [6] oliguria or anuria
• F or bladder outlet obstruction (e.g., due to prostatic
hyperplasia or cancer): urethral catheterisation or
INJURY suprapubic catheterisation
In the presence of oliguric AKI or postoperative AKI, • For ureteral obstruction (e.g., due to metastatic
cancer): percutaneous nephrostomy
hypovolaemia should not be assumed and indiscriminate AKI: acute kidney injury, IAP: intra-abdominal pressure,
fluid administration should be avoided. Instead, clinicians NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
need to determine the specific causes of AKI, which can be
divided into prerenal (reduced renal perfusion pressure), vasodilation, acute heart failure), extrinsic renal artery
intrinsic renal (disease of the vessels, glomeruli or tubules compression from raised intra‑abdominal pressure and renal
within the kidneys) and postrenal (urinary flow obstruction) artery stenosis. Intrinsic renal causes include atherosclerotic,
causes [Box 2]. Prerenal causes reduce blood flow into infective, inflammatory and nephrotoxin‑induced damage.
the kidney tissue, and may be due to circulatory shock Postrenal causes involve urinary outflow obstruction, which
and hypotension[7] (in turn contributed by hypovolaemia, can occur at various levels and sites.

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See and Wong: AKI and KRT in adults

Initial workup of AKI requires careful physical examination shift. Even without active fluid removal, rapid solute clearance
augmented by point‑of‑care ultrasound.[8] Point‑of‑care by itself can reduce plasma osmolality, leading to osmotic
echocardiography may reveal hypovolaemia (presence of shift of water into the cells and hypotension. As such, for
small cardiac chambers), while abdominal ultrasound may haemodynamically unstable patients, CKRT is preferred over
reveal postrenal obstruction (presence of dilated renal calyces intermittent KRT. The PD is another continuous form of KRT
suggesting hydronephrosis or distended postvoid bladder for AKI. Frequent PD exchanges are useful for acute fluid
suggesting bladder outlet obstruction). As AKI progresses removal and solute clearance, though PD may be inferior to
in severity, prognosis worsens, necessitating therapeutic haemofiltration for treatment of infection‑associated acute
escalation [Box 1]. In general, patients require avoidance of renal failure.[10]
nephrotoxins, reversal of specific causes and dose adjustment
Temporary vascular access can be quickly created by inserting
for renally excreted drugs. Also, KRT (also known as renal
a non‑cuffed, non‑tunnelled haemodialysis catheter into the
replacement therapy) should be considered and instituted
internal jugular, femoral or subclavian vein. To facilitate
when life‑threatening conditions are present or when serum
blood flow, internal jugular and subclavian catheters need
urea exceeds 40 mmol/L.[9]
to be positioned such that their tips are at the junction of the
superior vena cava and the right atrium; femoral catheters
INDICATIONS AND PRESCRIPTION OF KIDNEY need to be positioned with their tips extending into the inferior
REPLACEMENT THERAPY vena cava. Usual catheter lengths are as follows: 16 cm for the
The KRT is required when kidneys fail to perform critical right internal jugular site, 20 cm for the left internal jugular
homoeostatic functions, despite maximal medical therapy. or subclavian site and 24 cm for the femoral site.
These functions include regulating the blood volume, pH
As blood is pushed and perfused through the haemofilter/
and electrolytes. When blood volume regulation fails despite
haemodialyser, thrombosis at the intra‑arterial side of the
diuretic use, left ventricular failure, acute pulmonary oedema
membrane (termed ‘membrane clotting’ and detected by
and respiratory failure ensue. When pH and electrolyte
increased filter pressure) and caking of the membrane
regulation fail, severe acidaemia (pH <7.1) and severe
pores (termed ‘membrane clogging’ and detected by
hyperkalaemia ([K+] >6.5 mmol/L), can result in cardiac
increased transmembrane pressure) gradually occur. To
arrhythmia and arrest. To avoid these complications, KRT
improve duration of patency (generally termed ‘filter
should be initiated when indications are present. In addition,
life’), anticoagulation should be used. Regional citrate
to lessen the risk of mortality, KRT should also be considered
anticoagulation is particularly useful as it does not increase
when the blood urea rises to 40 mmol/L or above.[9] systemic bleeding risk and results in a longer filter life
Medical officers, residents and hospitalists working in compared to systemic heparin anticoagulation (median
high‑dependency and intensive care settings would need filter life span 47 vs. 26 h, P < 0.001). [11] Nonetheless,
to be familiar with KRT prescription [Table 1]. The key anticoagulation needs to be used with caution in some
considerations are the choice of modality, the type of patients. For instance, systemic heparin anticoagulation is
anticoagulation and the rate of fluid removal. The KRT options contraindicated in patients who are actively bleeding or
are either intermittent or continuous. Extracorporeal modalities who have type II heparin‑induced thrombocytopenia, while
include intermittent haemodialysis (IHD), prolonged regional citrate anticoagulation should be carefully applied
intermittent KRT, sustained low‑efficiency dialysis (SLED) in patients with liver failure or circulatory shock.[12]
and continuous KRT (CKRT). Another KRT modality that is Some adjustments to the usual KRT prescription would
less commonly used is peritoneal dialysis (PD). In practice, be required for patients with severe hyponatraemia
extracorporeal methods are more commonly used in non- (Na <125 mmol/L) or severe hypernatraemia (Na >155 mmol/L).
resource-limited settings, and therefore, the discussion As KRT solutions have sodium concentrations of 140 mmol/L,
is focused on these methods. In extracorporeal therapy, the usual KRT will equilibrate the patient’s serum sodium
the patient’s blood is pumped through a semipermeable concentration to 140 mmol/L. Patients with severe
membrane (also known as the haemofilter or haemodialyser, hyponatraemia will be at risk of osmotic demyelination,
depending on the technique of therapy). Water is moved across while patients with severe hypernatraemia will be at risk of
the membrane via ultrafiltration, while solutes are removed cerebral oedema. For IHD, the dialysate sodium concentration
across the membrane via convection (i.e. haemofiltration) or can usually be set between 130 and 150 mmol/L. For CKRT,
diffusion (i.e. haemodialysis) or both (i.e. haemodiafiltration). modified dialysate or replacement fluid can be prepared
Finally, the treated blood is returned to the patient [Figure S1, every 24 h by injecting either hypertonic (3% or 20%) NaCl
Supplemental Digital Appendix]. or sterile water into the fluid bag, keeping the fluid sodium
Intermittent techniques may predispose patients to intradialytic concentration within 10 mmol/L of the patient’s starting
hypotension due to either rapid fluid removal or rapid osmotic sodium level [Table S1, Supplemental Digital Appendix].[13]

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Table 1. Prescription of kidney replacement therapy.

Domain & selected choice Advantages Requirements and considerations
Mode, dose
Intermittent HD • High efficiency It can be done using a pre-existing arteriovenous access; usually
• Possibility of anticoagulation-free protocol over 2–4 h. If fluid is removed, rapid rate of fluid removal requires
haemodynamic stability.
Not suitable for patients at risk of raised intracranial pressure, due to
compensatory cerebral vasodilation when the mean arterial pressure
drops and shift of water to the intracellular space when the solute is
rapidly removed.
Iso-UF or sequential • A
 llow higher UF rate without change in solute It can be done using a pre-existing arteriovenous access. Iso-UF
ultrafiltration concentration followed by intermittent HD allows higher fluid removal rate.
• Possibility of anticoagulation-free protocol
SLED • Moderate efficiency Usually over 8–12 h, and with lower blood flow rate and dialysate
• Possibility of anticoagulation-free protocol flow rate compared to intermittent HD. If fluid is removed, lower fluid
removal rate poses less risk of haemodynamic compromise in critically
ill patients.
Not suitable for patients at risk of raised intracranial pressure
CVVHD, CVVH, CVVHDF • H aemodynamic stability. CKRT over 24–72 h (longer filter life with anticoagulation protocol),
• Better fluid and solute control than intermittent HD delivering an effluent flow rate of 20–25 mL/kg/h. Preferable in patients
in haemodynamically unstable patients with haemodynamic instability, cerebral oedema, severe hypo- or
• Suitable for patients at risk of raised intracranial hypernatraemia or hepatic encephalopathy. CVVHD and CVVHDF modes
pressure allow increasing dialysate rate to remove excess citrate (in patients with
citrate accumulation).
Peritoneal dialysis Avoids the need for vascular access or anticoagulation Challenge of peritoneal dialysis catheter placement in critically ill patients.
Anticoagulation free No increased bleeding risk Suitable for patients with impaired coagulation.
Regional citrate No increased bleeding risk Suitable for CVVHD, CVVH or CVVHDF. May be used with caution in
anticoagulation patients with liver failure or circulatory shock.
Systemic heparin Some increased bleeding risk Suitable for intermittent HD, iso-UF, SLED, CVVHD, CVVH and CVVHDF.
Net fluid removal rate
0 mL/h (even balance) Lower risk for patients with haemodynamic instability Suitable for patients with unstable haemodynamics.
>0 mL/h or >0 L Correction of hypervolaemia For example: 1–2 L over 4–8 h for HD/SLED; 25–50 mL/h for CVVHD/
Dialysate and/or replacement fluid for CKRT
Decreased fluid Na Avoids osmotic demyelination if fluid Na is kept Modify dialysate or replacement fluid Na by injecting free H2O into the
concentration <10 mmol/L above the patient’s Na fluid bag, adjusting fluid Na to within 10 mmol/L of the patient’s starting
Na [see Table S1, Supplemental Digital Appendix]. Done for patients
with severe hyponatraemia (Na <125 mmol/L), as the usual fluid Na is
140 mmol/L.
Increased fluid Na Avoids cerebral oedema if fluid Na is kept Modify dialysate or replacement Na by injecting hypertonic (3% or 20%)
concentration <10 mmol/L below the patient’s Na NaCl into the fluid bag, adjusting fluid Na to within 10 mmol/L of the
patient’s starting Na [see Table S1, Supplemental Digital Appendix]. Done
for patients with severe hypernatraemia (Na >155 mmol/L), as the usual
fluid Na is 140 mmol/L.
CKRT: continuous kidney replacement therapy, CVVH: continuous venovenous haemofiltration (blood flow 100–250 mL/h), CVVHD: continuous
venovenous haemodialysis (blood flow 100–250 mL/h), CVVHDF: continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration (blood flow 100–250 mL/h),
HD: haemodialysis (blood flow 200–250 mL/h, dialysate flow 400–500 mL/h), Iso-UF: isolated ultrafiltration (blood flow 200–250 mL/h),
SLED: sustained low-efficiency dialysis (blood flow 100–150 mL/h, dialysate flow 200–300 mL/h)

As such, for patients with severe hypo‑ or hypernatraemia, dialysis using low blood flows or with CKRT. For patients with
CKRT is recommended. low electrolyte levels (hypokalaemia, hypophosphataemia,
Some other adjustments to the usual KRT prescription may be hypomagnesaemia), the dialysate or replacement fluid should
required in the following scenarios. For patients with severe contain the relevant electrolytes to avoid further lowering of
uraemia (e.g. urea >60 mmol/L) who are at risk of dialysis electrolyte levels. For patients with hypocalcaemia who do
disequilibrium syndrome (reverse osmotic shift due to rapid not require regional citrate anticoagulation, the dialysate or
urea clearance leading to cerebral oedema), the urea clearance replacement fluid should contain calcium to avoid worsening
rate should be slowed down by either short duration intermittent hypocalcaemia.

754 Singapore Medical Journal ¦ Volume 64 ¦ Issue 12 ¦ December 2023

See and Wong: AKI and KRT in adults

As the patient improves, KRT should be de‑escalated. Although staff training and protocols have enabled a
If KRT is still needed and the patient can be taken off complex intervention like KRT to be successfully initiated
vasopressors and inotropes, then CKRT should be switched in high‑dependency and intensive care units, KRT may be
to intermittent KRT. Compared to CKRT, use of intermittent interrupted due to premature filter clotting/clogging. The KRT
KRT would decrease the cost of care and facilitate early interruptions can be detrimental in several ways, including
mobilisation. When urine output improves, a trial of KRT loss of clotted blood in the circuit, reduced therapy time and
cessation should be done, with initial close monitoring of effectiveness, increased nursing workload from frequent filter
pH and electrolytes. changes, increased costs and aggravating shortages of KRT
consumables. Filter clotting occurs when thrombosis occurs
TROUBLESHOOTING OF KIDNEY REPLACEMENT at the intra‑arterial side of the membrane, marked by a sharp
rise of filter pressure drop, calculated as the pressure difference
THERAPY between the prefilter pressure and the return pressure. Filter
After initiating KRT, frontline clinicians should be ready clogging occurs when proteinaceous material blocks the
to solve one or more of the following problems: persistent membrane pores, and is marked by increased transmembrane
metabolic acidosis or hyperkalaemia (related to inadequate pressure, calculated as the pressure difference between the
KRT dose), premature filter clotting/clogging, intradialytic blood and dialysis compartments. Both filter clotting and
hypotension, citrate overload, citrate accumulation (also clogging have common causes and may be considered together.
known as citrate toxicity) and type II heparin‑induced An approach to filter clotting/clogging requires a systematic
thrombocytopenia [Table 2]. search for access, anticoagulation and prescription problems.

Table 2. Troubleshooting of kidney replacement therapy.

Problem Cause Possible solutions
Persistent metabolic acidosis or Inadequate KRT dose • Treat underlying causes
hyperkalaemia • Increase effluent flow rate: increase ultrafiltration flow rate in CVVH or CVVHDF;
increase dialysis dose in CVVHD or CVVHDF
Premature filter clotting/clogging Catheter malfunction • F ix catheter kinking
(sharp rise of FPD/TMP, with <48 h (sharp drop of access • Improve the volume status to reduce vessel wall collapse onto catheter side holes
of filter lifespan) pressure) • Exchange with catheter of an appropriate length
Insufficient • U se anticoagulation, e.g., RCA or systemic heparin
anticoagulation • Optimise anticoagulation, e.g., increase the citrate dose for RCA
Suboptimal prescription • R educe filtration fraction (i.e. ultrafiltration flow rate divided by plasma water flow rate)
while keeping the KRT dose constant
• Decrease ultrafiltration flow rate when using CVVH or CVVHDF, or by switching from
• Increase plasma water flow rate by increasing the blood flow rate or by increasing
the proportion of prefilter versus postfilter replacement fluid when using CVVH or
Intradialytic hypotension Excessive fluid removal • R educe or cease fluid removal
rate • Fluid replacement if hypovolaemia
Non-dialysis‑related • S top any blood loss
cause • Vasopressors (e.g. noradrenaline) to keep the mean arterial pressure ≥65 mmHg
Citrate overload (indicated by tCa/iCa Excessive citrate dosing • D ecrease citrate load, e.g., by decreasing blood flow rate or citrate flow rate or by
≤2.5, with metabolic alkalosis) and citrate metabolism targeting a lower citrate dose
not overwhelmed • Increase citrate clearance by increasing dialysis dose
Citrate accumulation (citrate toxicity) Citrate metabolism • D ecrease citrate load, e.g., by decreasing blood flow rate or citrate flow rate or by
(indicated by tCa/iCa >2.5, with severely impaired and targeting a lower citrate dose
metabolic acidosis) overwhelmed • Increase citrate clearance by increasing dialysis dose
• Use non‑citrate anticoagulation strategy, e.g., no anticoagulation or systemic heparin
Type II heparin‑induced Antiplatelet factor 4/ • S top all forms of heparin, including low‑molecular‑weight heparin
thrombocytopenia heparin autoantibodies • In the presence of thrombosis and warfarin use, administer intravenous vitamin K to
that activate platelets to reverse warfarin and halt further protein C depletion
cause arterial and venous • Start anticoagulation with direct thrombin inhibitors or factor Xa inhibitors
• Regional citrate anticoagulation is not useful
CVVH: continuous venovenous haemofiltration, CVVHD: continuous venovenous haemodialysis, CVVHDF: continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration,
FPD: filter pressure drop, calculated as the pressure difference between the prefilter pressure and the return pressure, iCa: ionised serum calcium,
KRT: kidney replacement therapy, RCA: regional citrate anticoagulation, tCa: unadjusted total serum calcium, TMP: transmembrane pressure, which is the
pressure gradient across the filter membrane, calculated as the pressure difference between the blood and dialysis compartments

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See and Wong: AKI and KRT in adults

Another important problem is intradialytic hypotension,

Closing Vignette
which has been associated with increased mortality among
Further blood investigations revealed the following:
critically ill patients.[14] To manage this, a key step is to avoid
creatinine kinase 75,000 U/L, urea 22 mmol/L, creatinine
anchoring bias, which is to refrain from pinning the cause
250 µmol/L, pH 7.15, serum bicarbonate 11 mmol/L, serum
of hypotension on KRT alone. Non‑KRT causes need to be ionised calcium 0.74 mmol/L. The patient was diagnosed
considered, including hypovolemia/haemorrhage (which may with stage III AKI secondary to sepsis and rhabdomyolysis,
be exacerbated or unmasked by fluid removal during KRT), and rhabdomyolysis‑associated hypocalcaemia. As he
sepsis, cardiac dysfunction, pericardial tamponade, tension required vasopressor support, continuous venovenous
pneumothorax and pulmonary embolism.[7] haemodiafiltration, regional citrate anticoagulation and
intravenous calcium replacement were commenced. Clinical
Finally, anticoagulation is a double‑edged sword. While
improvement, resolution of rhabdomyolysis and recovery
it can prolong filter lifespan, adverse events can occur.
of urine output occurred over the next 4 days and KRT was
For regional citrate anticoagulation, excess citrate in the
then stopped. In addition, the patient was extubated and
patient’s blood can be metabolised by hepatic and muscle transferred to the general ward for further monitoring.
cells to bicarbonate, leading to citrate overload (indicated by
a ratio of unadjusted total calcium [tCa] to ionised calcium
[iCa] ≤2.5) and metabolic alkalosis. However, in a minority
Financial support and sponsorship
of patients with liver failure and circulatory shock, citrate
metabolism is severely impaired.[12] Excess citrate then
remains as an acid and binds free serum calcium, leading Conflicts of interest
to citrate accumulation (also known as citrate toxicity, See KC is a member of the SMJ Editorial Board, and was thus
indicated by tCa/iCa >2.5), hypocalcaemia, metabolic not involved in the peer review and publication decisions of
acidosis and eventually cardiac complications.[15] When this article.
using systemic heparin, bleeding and type II heparin‑induced Kay Choong See1, MRCP, MPH, Weng Kin Wong2, MRCP, FAMS
thrombocytopenia with thrombosis may occur. In both 1
Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine,
cases, systemic heparin needs to be stopped and alternative National University Hospital, 2One Future Kidney Care, Mount Elizabeth Hospital,
anticoagulation needs to be considered. For bleeding, either Singapore

regional citrate anticoagulation or no anticoagulation can Correspondence: Dr. Kay Choong See,
be used. For heparin‑induced thrombocytopenia, given Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine,
ongoing thrombosis, another systemic anticoagulation National University Hospital, 1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block Level 10,
119228, Singapore.
method (e.g. direct thrombin inhibitors) is required and E‑mail: [email protected]
regional citrate anticoagulation is not enough.
Received: 24 Oct 2022 Accepted: 09 Mar 2023 Published: 29 Nov 2023

TAKE HOME MESSAGES Supplemental digital content

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This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
replacement therapy initiation for severe acute kidney injury (AKIKI
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Online Quiz:‑programme
Deadline for submission: 6 pm, 05 January 2024
Question True False
1. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is the abrupt reduction of kidney tubular function over a period of 1 week or less.
2. Compared to serum creatinine, urine output is a more sensitive marker of kidney injury and recovery.
3. Stage III AKI can be diagnosed when the duration of anuria exceeds 12 h in a patient with AKI.
4. Prerenal AKI is always due to hypovolaemia.
5. Raised intra‑abdominal pressure can lead to AKI.
6. For patients with AKI, kidney replacement therapy (KRT) should be considered when serum urea exceeds 40 mmol/L.
7. Intermittent modes of KRT may predispose patients to intradialytic hypotension due to rapid solute clearance, even without
fluid removal.
8. Intermittent modes of KRT are not suitable for patients at risk of raised intracranial pressure.
9. A non‑cuffed right internal jugular dialysis catheter would usually have a length of 24 cm.
10. During continuous venovenous haemofiltration, the main mechanism of solute clearance is via diffusion.
11. For continuous KRT, regional citrate anticoagulation results in a longer filter life compared to systemic heparin anticoagulation.
12. W
 ithout prescription modification, KRT may lead to osmotic demyelination in patients with severe hyponatraemia
(serum Na <125 mmol/L).
13. If KRT is still needed and the patient can be taken off vasopressors and inotropes, then continuous KRT should be switched to
intermittent KRT.
14. When urine output improves, a trial of KRT cessation should be done, with initial close monitoring of pH and electrolytes.
15. F ilter clotting occurs when thrombosis occurs at the intra‑arterial side of the membrane, marked by increased
transmembrane pressure.
16. Intradialytic hypotension worsens mortality in critically ill patients.
17. Intradialytic hypotension is always due to excessive fluid removal.
18. For regional citrate anticoagulation, excess citrate in the patient’s blood may result in either metabolic acidosis or alkalosis.
19. F or regional citrate anticoagulation, citrate accumulation is identified by the ratio of total albumin-adjusted calcium to
ionised calcium ≤ 2.5.
20. F or heparin‑induced thrombocytopenia, regional citrate anticoagulation can be used instead of systemic heparin anticoagulation
for continuous KRT.

Singapore Medical Journal ¦ Volume 64 ¦ Issue 12 ¦ December 2023 757

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