1 s2.0 S2213343720307673 Main
1 s2.0 S2213343720307673 Main
1 s2.0 S2213343720307673 Main
Editor: Teik Thye Lim
Brine is a saline wastewater generated from several industries (e.g., desalination, energy and oil production) and
Keywords: its disposal can have adverse environmental impacts. To address this issue, brine treatment seems to be a
Minimal liquid discharge promising option to eliminate the wastewater discharge, while also recovering extra freshwater and valuable
Zero liquid discharge materials such as salts. This can be achieved through minimal liquid discharge (MLD) and zero liquid discharge
Brine treatment (ZLD) strategies. In this work, MLD and ZLD frameworks are analyzed and evaluated under 9 criteria (framework
High-salinity wastewater treatment stages, technologies, freshwater recovery target, feed brine salinity, energy consumption of each technology,
Resource recovery GHGs emissions, cost impact, resource recovery and social impact). Moreover, a case-study is presented under
Industrial wastewater treatment
two different scenarios, Scenario 1 (MLD system) and Scenario 2 (ZLD system). Results showed that the energy
consumption of the ZLD system is 10.43 kW h/m3 which is 1.93 times higher than the energy consumption of the
MLD system (5.4 kW h/m3). The total freshwater recovery of the MLD system is 84.6 %, whereas the total
freshwater recovery of the ZLD system is 98.15 %. Overall, the results suggest that the MLD and ZLD strategies
can be valuable strategies for wastewater utilization, reuse, and resource recovery.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Panagopoulos).
Received 4 July 2020; Received in revised form 21 August 2020; Accepted 21 August 2020
Available online 1 September 2020
2213-3437/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Table 1
Characteristics of brine effluents from different industries [9,6,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31].
Source Total dissolved Osmotic Major ions Other parameters
solids (TDS) (mg/L) pressure (bar)
2+ 2+ + +
Brackish water 7,500-22,000 6.35-18.65 Ca mg/L),
(600-1,900 mg/L), Mg (300-1,600 TOC (0-15 mg/L)
mg/L), SO mg/L), Na (900-5,000 mg/L), K (70-
desalination 500 Cl- (3,000-15,000 (900-9,000 mg/L), HCO - (800-1,400
4 3
2+ 2+ + +
Seawater desalination 50,000-82,000 42.39 -69.53 Ca (500-900 mg/L), Mg (1,700-2,900 mg/L), 2- Na (15,000-26,000 mg/L), K TOC (2-10 mg/L)
(500-900 mg/L), Cl- (20,000-44,000 mg/L), SO (4,000-7,000 mg/L), HCO - (100-
4 3
1,900 mg/L)
2+ 2+ +
Textile industry 1,500-50,000 1.27-42.39 Ca (50-600 mg/L),
2- Mg (50-1,700 mg/L), Na (220-3,500 mg/L), Cl- (2,000- COD (40-7,000 mg/L)
16,000 mg/L), SO (500-2,800 mg/L)
Flue gas 2+ 4 2+ +
5,000-50,000 4.24-42.39 COD (50-400 mg/L)
Ca (700-4,800 mg/L), Mg2- (1,100-5,400 mg/L), Na (600-5,200 mg/L), Cl-
desulfurization (1,500-28,000 mg/L), SO (1,500-8,000 mg/L), SiO (5-80 mg/L)
4 2
2+ 2+ + +
Oil and gas flowback 20,000-130,000 16.95-110.23 Ca (1,000-3,800 mg/L), Mg (50-300 mg/L),2-Na (10,000-15,000 mg/L), K COD (80-1,200 mg/L),
(100-400 mg/L), Cl- (10,000-16,000 mg/L), SO 4 (4,000-7,000 mg/L), HCO 3- (100- DOC (5-50 mg/L)
water 2+ 2+ 2-
1,900 mg/L), Br- (10-400 mg/L), (50-250 mg/L), Sr (200-1,400 mg/L), CO3
(100-900 mg/L)
2+ 2+ + +
Oil and gas produced 5,000-400,000 4.24-339.18 Ca (400-18,100 mg/L), Mg (20-3,200 mg/L), 2- Na (1,100-80,0002+
mg/L), K COD (20-8,500 mg/L)
(20-2,900 mg/L), Cl- (5,000-150,000 mg/L), SO (10-200 mg/L), Ba (50-12,000
water 4
mg/L), Sr (40-6,800 mg/L)
2+ + 2-
Landfill leachate 1,000-50,000 0.84-42.39 Ca (100-1,800 mg/L), Na (300-19,000 mg/L), Cl- (400-22,000 mg/L), SO 4 (50- COD (40-7,800 mg/L),
4,000 mg/L), TOC (20-400 mg/L)
2+ +
Dairy industry 8,000-120,000 6.78-101.75 Ca (50-2,400 mg/L), Na (700-33,000 mg/L), Cl- (900-48,000 mg/L) COD (100-20,000 mg/L)
2+ 2+ + +
Municipal wastewater 600-4,000 0.50-3.39 Ca (40-220 mg/L), Mg (10-1502- mg/L), Na (90-1,100 mg/L), K (15-110 mg/ COD (10-30 mg/L), TOC
L), Cl- (100-1,900 mg/L), SO (85-300 mg/L), HCO - (150-450 mg/L)
4 3
(10-30 mg/L)
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
as brine from the textile industry can have chemical oxygen demand
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Comparison of pretreatment technologies and processes used in MLD & ZLD systems.
Technology Removal targets Cost impacts Limitations References
Chemical precipitation Hardness US$0.82–0.93/m - Performance is affected by the brine’s composition [36,35]
- A by-product is generated, and its safe disposal is therefore required
Chemical coagulation Organic matter US$0.09–0.12/m A by-product is generated, and its safe disposal is therefore required [40,39,94]
Electrocoagulation (EC) Hardness, organic matter and silica US$0.25–0.35/m A by-product is generated (less than in chemical coagulation), [41,42,44]
and its safe disposal is therefore required
Ion exchange (IEX) Hardness and silica US$0.08–0.21/m Performance is affected by the resin type and the brine solution’s TDS [47,48,49]
Nanofiltration (NF) Hardness, organic matter and silica US$0.08–0.12/m - Fouling problems [55,56,57,95]
- Limited to low-salinity brine effluents
(COD) of up to 7,000 mg/L. Industrial brines, as presented in Table 1, remove different substances has been proposed [51]. Nanofiltration
have a wide range of characteristics as they depend on the activities of
each industry. Among others, brines from oil and gas production have
the highest total dissolved solids (TDS), reaching up to 400,000 mg/L
[10]. It should also be noted that differentiation in composition can be
observed even in brines from the same category of industry (e.g., dairy)
as a product is manufactured with different quality characteristics.
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Table 3
Comparison of treatment technologies used in MLD & ZLD systems.
Technology Maximum feed brine
salinity (mg/L TDS) Maximum freshwater Limitations Energy consumption Cost Impacts References
recovery (%) (kWh/m )
quality standards. To utilize this advantage, however, the feed brine the adverse impacts of brine effluents on the environment has
effluent must contain specific ions, (e.g., Mg and Cl-) to generate the
desired high-purity salt (e.g., MgCl2) and decrease the treatment cost
[86,87,88]. Unlike SD, EFC has no restriction in the feed composition
since it generates high-purity solid salts (>90 % purity). Even so, its
capital expenditures are high, and there are only a few studies on the
brine treatment aspect [89,90]. WAIV is a straightforward crystalliza-
tion technology for brine crystallization and has a small footprint.
However, just like the SD, this technology doesn’t recover freshwater
[91,92,93]. A summary of membrane-based and thermal-based treat-
ment technologies is presented in Table 3. Overall, both pretreatment
and treatment technologies are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Recently, the demand for freshwater has become very high, and
therefore alternative strategies to obtain freshwater have to be found.
One such solution is the wastewater recycling and reuse. This approach
allows for the recovery of both freshwater and other useful materials. In
addition, it is an approach that is based on the circular economy model
which is a modern sustainable development concept promoted by the
European Union [96,97]. Furthermore, increasing public awareness of
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
contributed to the adaptation of stricter regulations for brine disposal
that may restrict several disposal methods in the coming years [98,99].
Under these conditions, treatment systems should be designed that can
maximize the freshwater recovery and achieve resource recovery by
minimizing the volume of the brine effluent (Fig. 2). Hence, the devel-
opment and adoption of ZLD systems can achieve this goal. ZLD systems
incorporate numerous desalination technologies to produce freshwater
and remove completely the liquid waste [16,100,17]. The freshwater
generated from the ZLD systems is of high purity and can be used for
domestic or industrial use. Besides the freshwater, the compressed solid
salt that is produced can either be sold, used by the industry itself, or
discarded in an environmentally friendly manner. In more detail, when
the technologies are properly selected, the production of multiple high-
purity salts can be achieved instead of a compact mixed solid salt [6].
Early implementation of the ZLD systems started in the 1970s when
power plants near the Colorado River introduced ZLD systems due to
the increasing salinity of river water. As of now, most of the ZLD systems
around the world are operating in the US [60,101]. The global ZLD
market size reached US$0.71 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach
$1.76 billion by 2026, demonstrating a compound annual growth rate of
12.1 % over the forecast timeframe. There are many companies
involved in the ZLD market all over the world, with the following being
the main: Condorchem Envitech (Spain), Aquarion Group (Switzerland),
SafBon Water Technology (US), Toshiba Infrastructure Systems &
Solutions Corporation (Japan), Arvind Envisol (India), Fluence
Corporation Limited (US), Veolia Water Technologies (France), Hydro
Air Research
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Fig. 1. Classification of pretreatment and treatment technologies in the MLD and ZLD systems.
plant, which was built in San Luis Potosi (Mexico) in 2008, is an example
of the MLD strategy. It is a plant with an annual vehicle production
capacity of 160,000 and is located in an arid area, 400 km northwest of
Mexico City. By integrating various technologies and processes such as
RO, IEX, etc., the plant can turn up to 90 % of the wastewater into
reusable water, leaving less than 10 % of the liquid waste to be disposed
of in adjacent solar ponds for evaporation [104].
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Fig. 3. The nine criteria used in the assessment of the MLD and ZLD strategies.
Fig. 4. The four stages in the ZLD framework. The stages are pretreatment, preconcentration, evaporation, and crystallization.
Fig. 5. The two stages in the MLD framework. The stages are pretreatment and preconcentration.
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Table 4
Assessment of the MLD and ZLD frameworks.
No Criteria ZLD MLD
1 Framework stages 4 2
2 Technologies Membrane-based and thermal-based Membrane-based
3 Freshwater recovery target up to 100 % Up to 95 %
4 Feed brine salinity up to 350,000 mg/L TDS up to 350,000 mg/L TDS
3 3
5 Energy consumption of each technology 0.6-72 kW h/m 0.6-69 kWh/m
6 GHGs emissions High Moderate
7 Cost impact High Moderate
8 Resource recovery Yes Yes
9 Social impact Positive Positive
Fig. 8. The arrangement of the technologies used in the MLD system (scenario 1).
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Fig. 9. The arrangement of the technologies used in the ZLD system (scenario 2).
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Fig. 11. Major issues in the MLD and ZLD systems.
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020)
Fig. 12. Present and future prospects in the MLD and ZLD systems.
4. Conclusions [8] S. Jim´enez, M.M. Mico´, M. Arnaldos, F. Medina, S. Contreras, State of the
art of produced water treatment, Chemosphere 192 (2018) 186–208.
In this review article, an analysis and evaluation of the MLD and ZLD treatment primer, Power 153 (2009), pp. 34-34.
strategies under nine criteria is presented. Initially, the analysis revealed [9]
that they are several pretreatment and treatment technologies that can
be combined to treat brine effluents from different industries. In addi-
tion to the positive environmental impacts of the two strategies, these
strategies help the transition from a linear economy to a circular econ-
omy, where valuable resources such as salts are recovered. ZLD systems
can be very effective in the treatment of brine effluents (up to 100 %
freshwater recovery); however, their viability is strongly limited by the
high capital and operating costs. On the other side, MLD systems have
lower freshwater recovery range (up to 95 %) but are more cost-effective
as they comprise only of membrane-based technologies. Furthermore,
the results of the case-study investigated showed that the energy con-
sumption of the ZLD system is nearly twice as high (10.43 kW h/m ) as
that of the MLD system (5.4 kW h/m ). In the coming years, several
aspects of both frameworks can be improved, while future research
studies should focus on coupling RES with MLD/ZLD systems or novel
materials/configurations for the brine treatment technologies. Overall,
the results suggest that MLD and ZLD strategies can be valuable
wastewater strategies.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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