Fast Spoken French Tip

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Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your

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There’s a notable difference between spoken and written language in English and French.
We often shorten words in speech for convenience, like saying “Hang on a sec” instead of “a second” in English.
Similarly, in French, word abbreviations enhance spoken fluency when learned.

C’est parti!

1 – Four shortened words
2 – Everyday French abbreviations
3 – Guess the shortened version
4 – Real French conversation
5 – Quiz

1) Four shortened words

French people often cut the end of common words so we can speak faster.
English-speaking people do the same thing with words and expressions: “ads” (= advertisement), “pics” (= pictures), “macncheese” (= macaroni and
cheese). Like in English, you need to get a feel for these abbreviations – so you don’t get caught off guard when they’re used in natural, fast-spoken
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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1 – Resto
Un resto (informal) = un restaurant (formal) = a restaurant.

2 – Petit-dèj
Un petit-dèj = un p’tit-dèj (informal) = un petit-déjeuner (formal) = a breakfast (or literally, “small lunch”).

We often cut the “uh” sound in a word, so “petit” often sounds like “p’tit”.

Click here to learn more:

– Essentials of Spoken French – Cutting the “e”
– Essentials of Spoken French – Cutting words

3 – Ordi
Un ordi (informal) = un ordinateur (formal) = a computer.

Le truc en plus: Don’t try to guess your translation for “computer” because “con” and “pute” are both insulting swear words, beware of
embarrassing mistakes!

4 – Aprem
L’aprem (informal) = l’après-midi (formal) = the afternoon, literally.
Après-midi is one of the few French words that can have both genders: you can say un après-midi (un aprem) or une après-midi (une aprem). Both
are correct.

So: resto, petit-dej, ordi, aprem. Did you know what each of these words stands for? Anyway, I won’t give you a simple list of dry examples. Let’s
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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take a look now at some real everyday French sentences.

2) Everyday French abbreviations

Shortened words are often used in everyday spoken French, so you need to learn them – or at least to be able to guess what they mean in context.
For instance, what do these sentences mean? Try to guess if you don’t know.

1. Ça te dit d’aller au ciné ce soir ? = Are you up for going to the ciné tonight?
2. J’ai acheté une veste d’occas’ dans une friperie. = I bought a jacket d’occas’ in a thrift store.
3. Romain fait une fête dans son nouvel appart. = Romain is throwing a party in his new appart.
4. Ah, ça me rappelle quand j’étais ado ! = Oh, that reminds me of when I was ado.

Did you understand them all? So the shortened words here are:

Le ciné = le cinéma = cinema, the movies.

D’occas’ = d’occasion = [“s” sounds like “z”] = second-hand, we sometimes also say de seconde main.
Un appart = un appartement = an apartment, a flat.
Un(e) ado = un adolescent, une adolescente = an adolescent, a teenager.

Other important expressions and vocabulary:

Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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Ça te dit… ? = Are you up to…? Are you OK with that plan?
Une friperie = a thrift store.
Un bon appart’ = a good flat ≠ un Bonaparte, a relative of Napoleon’s.

So the sentences mean:

Ça te dit d’aller au ciné ce soir ? = Are you up for going to the movies tonight? ( = au ciné)
J’ai acheté une veste d’occas’ dans une friperie. = I bought a second-hand jacket in a thrift store. (= une veste d’occasion).
Romain fait une fête dans son nouvel appart. = Romain is throwing a party in his new apartment. Romain fait une fête dans son nouvel appart.
(= son nouvel appartement)
Ah, ça me rappelle quand j’étais ado ! = Oh, that reminds me of when I was a teenager. (= adolescente)

3) Guess the shortened version

What is the shortened version of the following four words? Here are four common French words:

La télévision = television
L’actualité = the news
La musique = music
Le réfrigérateur = the fridge
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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Here’s the answer, it’s :

La télé = la télévision = television.

L’actu / les actus = l’actualité = the news, what’s happening these days.
La zik = la musique → This is strange; we keep the word’s ending. It comes from le verlan, a type of French slang.

Click here to learn more:

French Phrases: Using and Understanding Verlan (You Didn’t Learn This In School)

Le frigo = le réfrigérateur = the fridge. This one is also a surprising abbreviation.

Le frigo comes from the adjective frigorifié (= refrigerated). Later, the brand Frigidaire became so well-known that un frigidaire became another
word for un réfrigérateur. However, frigo (and “fridge”) was also used before the brand was famous.

Click here to learn more:

frigo — Wiktionnaire, le dictionnaire libre
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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4) Real French conversation
Finally, let’s explore more examples with a longer context. Here’s a short presentation in French with transcription. What do you think the
shortened words mean in that context? How many shortened words do you see? I’ll give you a complete rundown right after. C’est parti !

Ce matin, je suis allée voir une expo avec Ludo. Il m’a donné des infos pour ses prochains cours d’impro, qu’il va organiser à la fac. En rentrant,
une manif avait bloqué le tram. Heureusement que j’étais à vélo ! L’aprem, je suis allée emprunter du matos à l’assoce écolo. Ils ont des outils
impec pour mon potager bio. Et ce soir, je rejoins Alex ma pote véto, à l’heure de l’apéro!

Let’s see now what it all meant.

Ce matin, je suis allée voir une expo avec Ludo. = This morning, I went to see une expo with Ludo.
Une expo = une exposition = an exhibition.
Une exhibition = flashing someone.

Click here to learn more:

Spoken French Vocabulary: French People Would Never Say These 5 Words

Ludo = Ludovic (first name)

Il m’a donné des infos pour ses prochains cours d’impro, = He gave me some information for his upcoming improv classes,
Une info = une information = an information.
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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Les infos = les informations = les actualités = the news.
L’impro = l’improvisation
Le théâtre d’improvisation = improv theater.

Click here to learn more:

Les Quand Mêmes

qu’il va organiser à la fac. = which he’s going to organize at the university.

La fac = la faculté (synonym of l’université = university or college).
En rentrant, une manif avait bloqué le tram. = On the way back, a demonstration had blocked the tram.
Une manif = une manifestation = a march, a demonstration.
Le tram = le tramway.
Heureusement que j’étais à vélo ! = Luckily, I was on my bike!
Le vélo (a shortened word of le vélocipède) = la bicyclette = a bicycle.
L’aprem, je suis allée emprunter du matos à l’assoce écolo. = In the afternoon, I went to borrow some equipment from the eco-friendly
L’aprem = l’après-midi = the afternoon.
Le matos = le matériel = equipment.
Une assoce = une association = a club, an association.
Écolo = écologique = eco-friendly or écologiste = environmentalist.
Ils ont des outils impec pour mon potager bio. = They have perfect tools for my organic garden.
Impec = impeccable = impeccable, flawless, perfect.
“Impec !” = “OK !”, “Great!”
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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Le potager bio = a small vegetable garden without artificial pesticides.
Bio = issu de l’agriculture biologique = organic food.

Click here to learn more:

La certification en agriculture biologique

Et ce soir, je rejoins Alex ma pote véto, à l’heure de l’apéro. = And tonight, I’m meeting up with my friend Alex, who’s a vet, for some drinks!
Alex can be a name or a nickname for Alexandra or Alexandre.
Une véto = un(e) vétérinaire – a vet.
L’apéro = l’apéritif = the time for drinks and appetizers before dinner.

Extra mile:

Le prof = le professeur = a teacher.

La déco = la décoration = decoration.
La photo = la photographie = a photograph, a picture.
Un kiné = un kinésithérapeute = a physiotherapist.
Un psy = un psychologue / un psychiatre / un psychothérapeute = a psychologist / a psychiatrist / a psychotherapist.
Un amphi = un amphithéâtre = an auditorium, an amphitheater.
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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5) Quiz
Let’s make sure you remember some of this vocabulary when you need it when talking to French people and have a rapid quiz on what we’ve just

For each of these common words, answer these questions:

1. What do they mean?
2. Find the shortened version if it’s a long, formal word.
3. If it’s a shortened informal word, find the long version of the word.

La vétérinaire
Le matos
La musique

Find your answers below or by watching this video again! Meanwhile, Congrats! I’m sure you did well!

La vétérinaire: 1) a vet; 2) formal word; shortened, informal version: un véto.

Le matos: 1) the equipment; 2) informal shortened word; formal version: le matériel.
La musique: 1) music; 2) formal word; shortened, informal version: la zik.
L’ordi: 1) computer; 2) informal, shortened word; formal version: l’ordinateur.
Speaking French: An Underrated Tip to Speed Up Your
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You can keep improving your everyday spoken French comprehension on your own now!

Or keep exploring modern, everyday French with me and the obstacles to understanding fast-spoken French!

Or you can keep learning about understanding fast-spoken French with me!

Click here to get your next lesson:

Why You Can’t Understand Spoken French

Speaking French vs. Reading French (Unlock Faster Fluency)
My Top 5 Tips to Be Better Understood When Speaking French (from a Native Parisian)
French Fluency: Tips for sounding more authentic when speaking French
Spoken French Vocabulary: French People Would Never Say These 5 Words

À tout de suite.
I’ll see you right now in the next video!

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