Lamont 2009 - Tipos de Destinos
Lamont 2009 - Tipos de Destinos
Lamont 2009 - Tipos de Destinos
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1 author:
Matthew Lamont
Southern Cross University
All content following this page was uploaded by Matthew Lamont on 30 May 2014.
Suggested Citation
Lamont, MJ 2009, 'Independent bicycle tourism: a whole tourism systems perspective', Tourism Analysis , vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 605-620.
The abstract and pdf of the published article reproduced in ePublications@SCU with the permission of Tourism Analysis
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Tourism Analysis, Vol. 14, pp. 605–620 1083-5423/09 $60.00 + .00
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.3727/108354209X12597959359176
Copyright 2009 Cognizant Comm. Corp.
Leiper’s model of whole tourism systems is a useful conceptual framework for generic research
into tourism. However, several limitations can be identified regarding its capacity to describe ele-
ments that comprise whole tourism systems involving independent bicycle tourism. This article
draws on a combination of empirical evidence, existing literature, and critical analysis to demon-
strate how two geographic elements of whole tourism systems, transit routes and tourist destination
regions, can be reconceptualized to better reflect tourist flows associated with independent bicycle
tourism. It is suggested that for independent bicycle tourists, the concept of a destination is multidi-
mensional. Furthermore, two distinct transit routes used by such tourists are identified. An adapted
model of whole tourism systems specific to independent bicycle tourism is proposed and implica-
tions for theory and practice are discussed as are avenues for future research.
Key words: Bicycle tourism; Whole tourism systems; Special interest tourism
Parts of this article have been published in the proceedings of the 2008 New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference,
Lincoln University, Hanmer Springs, December 3–5.
Address correspondence to Matthew Lamont, Associate Lecturer, Southern Cross University, PO Box 157, Lismore, NSW 2480,
Australia. Tel: +61 2 6626 9428; Fax: +61 2 6620 3565; E-mail:
theory to tourism in the 1970s, resulting in the Several more recent systems models relating to
emergence of several tourism models underpinned tourism include Carlsen’s (1999) adapted soft sys-
by systems theory. Systems “thinking” refers to tems methodology approach for island tourism
the practice of looking at complex phenomena in destination management; Trauer’s (2006) systems
a holistic and cohesive manner. Using a systems conceptual framework of special interest tourism;
approach, consideration is given to how the ele- and Farrell and Twining-Ward’s (2003) systems
ments making up a complex phenomenon function model for research into sustainable tourism devel-
together as a system. Meanwhile, systems “the- opment.
ory” formalizes systems thinking into a discipline
aimed at facilitating a coherent body of knowledge Whole Tourism Systems
regarding the study of systems (Leiper, 2000b).
Systems theory emerged during the 1930s as a Leiper (2004) conceptualizes tourism as an
successor to the “mechanist” approach to under- open system comprising five interrelated ele-
standing complex phenomena (Flood & Jackson, ments: one human element (tourists), three geo-
1991; Leiper, 2004). The mechanist approach be- graphical elements (traveler-generating region,
came recognized as problematic because it ana- tourist destination region, and transit route), and
lyzes elements in isolation. Systems theory over- one industrial element (tourist industries). These
came this limitation by advocating the analysis of interrelated elements are said to be influenced by
connectivity between elements in complex phe- external forces such as political, economic, and
nomena (Hall, 2000). Furthermore, systems theory technological environments. This model was origi-
distinguishes between open and closed systems. nally proposed by Leiper in 1979. The label
An open system interacts with the environment(s) “whole tourism systems” was adapted when Getz
in which it exists (Skyttner, 2001). Closed systems (1986) coined the term “whole system models” (p.
exist in a state of constant equilibrium due to the 25) of tourism in his review of tourism models.
absence of material flows in and out of the system The latest version of the whole tourism systems
(Bertalanffy, 1972). model is presented in Leiper (2004).
Models relating to the study of tourism can be Leiper’s (1979) tourism systems model was
categorized as process models or theoretical mod- proposed to reduce fragmentation in tourism re-
els (Getz, 1986). Process models articulate plan- search, a problem he believed stemmed from its
ning and management processes for various facets multidisciplinary nature. The elements of the orig-
of tourism. Conversely, theoretical models “seek inal model put forward in 1979 are almost identi-
to describe or explain some aspect of the function- cal to the latest version (see Leiper, 2004), with
ing of the tourism system” (Getz, 1986, p. 22), the exception of the original industrial element,
and can thus serve descriptive, explanatory, or pre- the tourist “industry,” which Leiper (2004) now
dictive purposes. Evident within the tourism litera- refers to as “tourist industries.”
ture are several process and theoretical models un- Leiper’s model of whole tourism systems has
derpinned by systems theory. been applied previously in a systematic study of
Gunn’s (1972) work is one of the earlier sys- tourism in Cambodia (Leiper, 1998), and also in
tems conceptualizations of tourism. At the time, an assessment of the impacts on Fijian tourism fol-
no theoretical models existed to describe the ele- lowing the 2000 military coup (Hing & Dimmock,
ments comprising tourism. Thus, Gunn proposed a 2000). Van Doorn (1982) adapted Leiper’s model
descriptive model known as the functioning tourism to construct a conceptual framework for tourism
system, aimed at the planning of tourist spaces futures (forecasting) research, while Henshall and
(Gunn, 1972). Mill and Morrison (1985) made use Roberts (1985) have examined traveler-generating
of a systems framework for their introductory countries for inbound tourism to New Zealand.
tourism text, while Mathieson and Wall (1982) Boniface and Cooper (1987) used the geographical
have also devised a systems framework that they elements of the model to frame their text on the
used as a framework for their text regarding the geography of tourism. Recently, Leiper’s model
impacts of tourism. was used in a discussion of aircraft contrail im-
pacts in whole tourism systems (Leiper, Braith- primary focus in their destination selection. How-
waite, & Witsel, 2008). ever, for special interest tourists, their priority is
pursuing their activity as opposed to the actual
Tourist Destination Regions destination they visit, which is said to be of sec-
ondary concern (Brotherton & Himmetoglu, 1997).
The scope of the present study is limited to the
tourist destination region, and transit route ele-
Transit Routes
ments. A tourist destination region (TDR) is a geo-
graphic concept derived from that of a “tourist Transit routes are defined as the conduit link-
destination.” Leiper (2004) defined a tourist desti- ing the traveler between their home (the traveler-
nation as, “places where travellers choose to stay generating region) and the TDR (Leiper, 2004).
awhile for leisure experiences, related to one or When travelers reach the end of a transit route and
more features or characteristics of the place—a arrive at their destination, they cease being travel-
perceived attraction of some sort” (p. 128). As ers and become tourists. Leiper (2004) described
such, tourist destinations are places in whole tour- transit routes as the part of whole tourism systems
ism systems where tourists remain temporarily where “the traveller has left home but has not yet
static. Meanwhile, a TDR is a narrower geographic reached a place he/she regards as a tourist destina-
concept: tion for that trip. This is an intermediate zone
where the principal travel activity of tourism oc-
The boundary of a TDR can be regarded as the curs, as distinct from visit activity in destinations”
feasible day-tripping range around a tourist’s ac- (p. 122).
commodation, encompassing the area that tour-
ists might typically visit on day trips. Going fur-
As the traveler is in transition between the gen-
ther requires shifting to new accommodation, erating and destination regions, Leiper (2004) ex-
when tourists move to what is, in effect, another plained that transit routes primarily play a “sup-
TDR. In theory, each hotel or other accommoda- porting role” (p. 122) in most whole tourism
tion base where a tourist stays for a night is the systems. It was also postulated that because the
centre of a TDR. (Leiper, 2004, p. 128)
traveler is “cocooned” in some form of vehicle
(e.g., a bus, train, or aircraft) while traversing tran-
“Destinations” have been placed by some au-
sit routes, an element of the tourism experience
thors on a pedestal, to the belittlement of other
is lost or diminished while in transition (Leiper,
elements in whole tourism systems. Cooper, Flet-
cher, Gilbert, and Wanhill (1993), for example,
While Leiper (2004) does acknowledge the ex-
described destinations as the “raison d’etre” (p.
istence of transit routes between TDRs, his defini-
77) for tourism, while Ritchie and Crouch (2000)
tion of transit routes acknowledges only those that
described destinations as “the fundamental product
are a conduit between a traveler-generating region
in tourism” (p. 1). Such thinking, however, had
and a TDR. This is a limitation when applied to
been questioned. Leiper (2000a) suggested that
multidestination tourists, as his definition down-
perception of destinations as the “heart of tour-
plays tourists’ use of transit routes within TDRs.
ism” (p. 364) distorts clear thinking amongst re-
The definition also does not adequately acknowl-
searchers, resulting in flawed conclusions.
edge that, for some tourists, transit routes may be
For tourism incorporating multiple destinations,
a greater source of pleasure than the destinations
conjecture exists regarding the role TDRs play in
visited (Weber, 2001; Zillinger, 2007).
tourists’ decision making as to where they visit.
Weber (2001) noted that for tourists traversing the
Cycling and Tourism
Asian Overland Route, the experience of travers-
ing this transit route was of more importance than Nature-based tourism and adventure tourism
the final destination which was Nepal. Meanwhile, have exhibited strong growth recently (Millington,
Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) suggested that 2001). This growth has been said to be driven by
for general interest tourists, characteristics of a trends such as increasing demand for travel linked
destination, such as its mix of attractions, are the with individual leisure interests (Tabata, 1989),
and the increasing prevalence of the baby boomer collection and analysis was taken, whereby textual
generation participating in tourism (Patterson, 2002). data were gathered and used in theory generation
Cycling-related tourism is a subsegment of ad- (Creswell, 2003). This research was undertaken as
venture tourism exhibiting signs of growth in part of a broader exploratory study examining in-
terms of both consumer demand (Jackson & Mor- dependent bicycle tourism in Australia, of which
peth, 1999; Ritchie, 1998), and as an area of schol- informants for the present study were recruited
arly research. This form of tourism encompasses from an earlier phase. Initially, a questionnaire
various subsegments where active or passive par- was distributed via an Australian cycling periodi-
ticipation in cycling is an integral component of cal. The questionnaire invited respondents to con-
the tourism experience (Lumsdon, 1996; Ritchie, tact the researcher if they wished to participate in
1998). Cycling-related tourism may include orga- this subsequent qualitative phase of the study.
nized events and travel to compete in or observe
bicycle racing events. The focus of this article, Sample Selection
however, is independent cycling holidays. An in-
A broad aim of qualitative research is to con-
dependent bicycle tourist may be defined as
struct social reality using an inductive logic, in-
formed by textual and other forms of “soft” data,
A person who is away from their home town or
country for a period not less than 24 hours or one and therefore is not concerned with generalizing
night, for the purpose of a vacation or holiday, to wider populations (Neuman, 2006). “Purpos-
and for whom using a bicycle as a mode of trans- ive” sampling, whereby the researcher selects in-
port during this time away is an integral part of formants capable of providing the most pertinent
their holiday or vacation. This vacation is inde- information (Neuman) best describes the method
pendently organised and may include the use of
transport support services and any type of formal used to select informants for this study. Purposive
and/or informal accommodation. (Adapted from selection was evident in that 1) informants were
Ritchie, 1998, pp. 568–569) subscribers to a dedicated cycling magazine, and
therefore exhibited an interest and/or experience
Several initiatives partly aimed at supporting in independent bicycle touring; and 2) informants
independent bicycle tourism are evident. For ex- were screened during initial contact to verify that
ample, the National Cycle Network in the UK they had undertaken an independent bicycle tour
aims to develop a nationwide cycling network ca- prior to this study.
tering for commuters, recreational cyclists, as well As of August 1, 2007, 26 cyclists had ex-
as supporting tourism (Sustrans, 2007). Similarly, pressed interest in further participation in the
Eurovelo is an initiative of the European Cyclists’ study. Email and telephone correspondence was
Federation that will upon completion enable cy- undertaken to obtain postal addresses and develop
clists to ride across the continent in safety (Euro- initial rapport with the participants. On August 7,
pean Cyclists Federation, 2007). In Australia, the 2007, respondents were mailed a package contain-
Munda Biddi Trail (Western Australia) and the ing an information sheet and informed consent
Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail (Victoria) are form. Of the 26 who initially expressed interest in
examples of disused railway corridors being con- the study, 19 returned a signed informed consent
verted to multiuse trails for walkers, horse riders, form. The seven outstanding respondents were fol-
and cyclists. Regional economic development has lowed up by telephone or email. Two respondents
been a consideration in the creation of these trails, indicated they were withdrawing their participa-
with both yielding significant economic benefits tion due to time constraints. The remaining five
for the small communities lining each route (Bee- could not be contacted.
ton, 2006; Munda Biddi Foundation, 2005).
Data Collection
Asynchronous email interviews involve the ad-
Email interviews were conducted with thirteen ministration of in-depth interview questions via
bicycle tourists. An interpretive approach to data the Internet whereby participants respond at a time
convenient to them (Markham, 2004). Asynchro- via reply email at their convenience. By the cut-
nous email interviews were utilized because of the off date, a total of 13 responses had been received.
temporal and spatial flexibility required by the Nine of the 13 respondents were male, four were
participants to participate in the research (Curasi, female. Five respondents resided in Victoria, two
2001). Many respondents advised that they were each in Western Australia, the Australian Capital
unable to participate in telephone interviews due Territory, and the Northern Territory, and one
to busy schedules, which was the primary justifi- each from New South Wales and Tasmania. Quan-
cation for their use in this study. titative information regarding age and other demo-
Asynchronous email interviewing is a relatively graphic characteristics were not collected.
new means of data collection in tourism research.
However, Meho (2006) has noted the increasing Data Analysis and Trustworthiness
number of published studies utilizing electronic
qualitative data collection techniques. Some limi- Raw data were analyzed using a three-stage
tations surround the use of asynchronous email in- process of open, axial, and selective coding (Neu-
terviews for qualitative data collection. Curasi man, 2006), in which a précis document of the
(2001) suggested that the capacity of asynchro- researcher’s interpretation of the responses as a
nous email interview methods to collect rich data whole was produced. A member checking proce-
is limited by the physical absence of a researcher, dure was undertaken to validate the researcher’s
who may “probe” respondents for further detail. interpretations (Merriam, 1998). This involved
Furthermore, the detail provided is largely depen- posting the précis document to participants for re-
dent upon the motivation and commitment of re- view. As a result of this member check, follow-up
spondents (Curasi, 2001). In overcoming these is- email correspondence was received from 10 of the
sues, follow-up emails were undertaken in most respondents, who expressed general agreement
cases to probe for further detail, and/or to clarify with the interpretations. Reading the précis docu-
ambiguous responses (Minichiello, Aroni, Time- ment prompted seven participants to provide fur-
well, & Alexander, 1995). ther information, which was subsequently inte-
On November 7, 2007, an email was sent to the grated into the results.
participants containing general instructions regard-
ing the interview procedures; criteria for defining Findings and Discussion
an independent bicycle tour (adapted from Ritchie, The results indicated that the tourist destination
1998); and an attached word processing file con- region and transit route concepts as described by
taining 13 interview questions. The interview ques- Leiper (2004) do not adequately articulate the
tions were developed following a review of the lit- tourist flows associated with independent bicycle
erature in addition to the results of the quantitative tourism. These concepts were also found to be
survey conducted previously where some areas limited in their ability to describe the nature of
were deemed in need of further investigation. The and roles played by TDRs and transit routes with
questions addressed areas such as: respect to independent bicycle tourism. The fol-
• How bicycle tourists plan for a bicycle tour; lowing discussion describes a number of adapta-
• Attributes of destinations that are of most influ- tions necessary to more accurately conceptualize
ence when planning where to go bicycle touring; independent bicycle tourism using a whole tour-
• Which sources and types of information are ism approach.
most salient when planning for a bicycle tour;
and Tourist Destination Regions: It’s Not
• Perceptions regarding road safety and infra- the Destination, It’s the Journey!
structure provision relating to bicycle touring in
Independent bicycle tourists typically cycle
from point to point each day, spending each night
Respondents were requested to type their re- in a different location (Ritchie, 1998; Simonsen &
sponses using the attached file, and return them Jorgenson, 1998). That is, they are often multides-
tination tourists. Data collected in the present eral interest tourists may prove to be inappropriate
study suggest that destinations arrived at the end for independent bicycle tourists if suitable cycling
of each day’s cycling are not perceived as the ele- routes are not available, or if cycling routes are
ment in whole tourism systems which provides in- perceived as unsafe. The following quote refers to
dependent bicycle tourists with the most pleasure the Great Ocean Road, a popular drive tourism
and satisfaction with their experience: route in Victoria, Australia. This respondent notes
the resplendent scenery and quality roads. How-
most often the destination is somewhere to go ever, she describes touring by bicycle along this
home from rather than the attraction. We led a route as unappealing due to high traffic volumes
ride from Alice [Springs] to Canberra in 2001, which may jeopardize cyclists’ safety:
we have rail trailed in 2 locations in Victoria, we
toured the South Island of New Zealand, and I
have toured Central NSW, as well as touring I may have driven through the area and thought
from Byron Bay to Wangaratta. . . . On each oc- it would be a good place to ride there, road con-
casion, the attributes of the destination had no ditions, distance between towns, availability of
real influence. It was simply a bike tour, and we alternative transport if required, my ‘perception’
would see and experience many things on each of it—i.e. there are a number of places that I
of them. (“Peter,” ACT). would love to go riding—the Black Spur and
Great Ocean Road (in Victoria), but I would not
[I consider] the weather, the ‘attitude’ of motor- ride there, despite some factors being ideal e.g.
ists & other people I may interact with (e.g., ac- great scenery, reasonable road surface etc. but I
commodation providers), the scenery/surrounds, KNOW that both roads are narrow, attract lots of
the food, and the cycling itself, i.e.: the journey, tourists (=inattentive driving) [sic], and have lots
rather than the destination. (“Nancy,” Victoria) of hazards. In the case of the Black Spur, log
trucks, and the Great Ocean Road, tourist buses.
So I have never seriously considered it. (“Nancy,”
Destinations for independent bicycle tourists Victoria)
were perceived partly as convenient, intermediary
stopover points used for physical recovery, under-
Notably, when asked which features they seek
taking bicycle maintenance or repairs, and replen-
in a bicycle tourism destination, respondents gen-
ishing supplies. This role is similar to that of
erally did not mention cycling routes in isolation.
“traveller destinations” described by Leiper (1990,
A common response was a combination of cycling
p. 94), which serve as a point in transit. Sightsee-
routes and natural scenery. Cumulative attraction
ing and other activities at intermediary destina-
theory may therefore be useful in understanding
tions were generally of secondary importance for
independent bicycle tourists’ destination selection
the respondents. Similarly, Framke (2001) has noted
processes. Originally proposed in the context of
that mobile tourists are not overly concerned with
retail, Lue, Crompton, and Fesenmaier (1993) sug-
destinations. He observed that it is necessary for
gested that cumulative attraction theory has impli-
mobile tourists to make stops for sleeping, eating,
cations for multidestination tourism itineraries, in
to make use of facilities, and labeled these stop-
that “the appeal of two or more attractions on a
over points as “nodes on the travelling line” (p. 15).
single route or in the same area is sufficient either
to induce tourists to make a trip they would not
Cycling Routes as Tourist Attractions
have undertaken if there had been only a single
Independent bicycle tourists’ primary concern attraction” (Lue et al., p. 296).
in selecting a destination was a region’s capacity This theory could be relevant to independent
to support cycling. The respondents reported being bicycle tourism because it appears that for a desti-
attracted to an area primarily because of the pres- nation to attract bicycle tourists, cycling routes
ence and quality of cycling infrastructure (particu- and appealing scenery (both potential tourist at-
larly roads, paths, and trails), endowed resources tractions in their own right) must be present. Lue
(appealing natural scenery), supporting industries, et al. (1993) also described similar cumulative at-
and ease of accessibility. tractions, which are two or more attractions, that
It appears that destinations popular among gen- when combined “can draw more visitors than
apart” (p. 297). For example, while a scenic road creasing in physical size, moving from the top to
may be capable of attracting drive tourists, instal- the bottom of the hierarchy.
lation of wider road shoulders, informative sig-
nage, or a segregated cycling path along the same Destination Area. The largest geographic des-
route may form a similar cumulative attraction, ca- tination concept is a destination area. In examining
pable of also attracting bicycle tourists to that destination selection among bicycle tourists, it was
area. evident that a single destination is not selected in
isolation for a cycling tour, as explained by this
A Hierarchy of Destinations? respondent: “it’s not like my destination is ‘Syd-
ney’ or ‘Uluru’” (“Peter,” ACT). Instead, a large
The concept of a destination appears to be mul- geographic region is selected, which acts as the
tidimensional for independent bicycle tourists. The tourist space (Framke, 2001) for an independent
destination element described in Leiper’s (2004) bicycle tour.
whole tourism systems model is limited because it In the case of independent bicycle tours (which
only acknowledges the geographical space that often incorporates multiple destinations), a distinc-
may be covered by tourists in the temporal con- tion may be made between a destination area and a
fines of day trips. Hence, there is a need for theo- TDR. Leiper defines the boundaries of TDRs “the
retical models to better reflect the multidimen- feasible day-tripping range around a tourist’s ac-
sional nature of destinations in conceptualizing commodation” (p. 128). This may be problematic
independent bicycle tourism using a whole tour- because the scope of a TDR is conceptualized as
ism systems approach. the space in which a tourist can plausibly move
A hierarchical model of destinations is pro- within the time span of one day. Thus, the study
posed here in bringing clarity to this quandary. of tourists’ movements within a broader spatial re-
Figure 1 identifies three types of destinations per- gion over multiple days (i.e., multidestination itin-
tinent to independent bicycle tourism: a destina- eraries) is restricted. Zillinger (2007) supported
tion area, tourist destination regions, and node this contention in arguing that many abstract con-
destinations. These are geographic concepts de- ceptualizations (Leiper’s model included) depict
tourist movements within the TDR as being static:
“such a system brings difficulties when it comes
to round tours, as the intrinsic value of mobility is
downplayed. . . . At least parts of the transit route
should be included in the tourist-receiving region,
as mobility can be seen as playing an important
role in the tourist experience” (Zillinger, 2007, p.
A destination area exhibits characteristics that
distinguish it from the two other destination types.
First, a destination area features an entry and exit
point; a point in the system where a traveler
alights from a transit route and vice versa. For ex-
ample, the South Island of New Zealand may be
the destination area for an Australian bicycle tour-
ist for whom Christchurch International Airport is
the entry and exit point. However, for travelers
making their way to and from a destination area
by private vehicle, entry and exit points are more
qualitative concepts. For example, an entry point
could be seen as the point from where returning
Figure 1. Destinations for multidestination itineraries. home would require more traveling time than is
possible in a single day; or the first night’s accom- tions in the geographic hierarchy of destinations
modation establishment; or the point where a mo- model.
tor vehicle is exchanged for bicycle transport and Figure 2 aids in articulating the role played by
the cycling component of a tour begins. Exit TDRs for independent bicycle tourism. It illus-
points could be thought of in a converse manner. trates the three destination types in an abstract itin-
The second distinguishing characteristic is that erary incorporating five stopover destinations. It
a destination area for a bicycle tour is selected pri- can be observed that where the radial limits of two
marily due to the presence of suitable cycling TDRs intercept, the tourist enters a new TDR.
routes. Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) con- Within TDRs are transit routes, which connect
tend that this practice is common among special mobile tourists with the next “node” destination,
interest tourists, in that the activity to be pursued the final destination type acknowledged in the hi-
takes precedence over the destination in their deci- erarchy.
sion making, which data gathered in this study
Node Destinations. The third destination type
is node destinations, where independent bicycle
For the purposes of developing a model of whole
tourists stop at the end of each day’s cycling.
tourism systems specific to independent bicycle
Framke’s (2001) notion of a node is adapted here
tourism, a destination area may be defined as:
in labeling these points node destinations. Framke
was critical of the static connotations often associ-
The combined geographic space of all tourist des-
tination regions through which bicycle tourists
ated with the term destination, noting that mobility
travel on a bicycle tour. A destination area has an exhibited by multidestination tourists contradicts
entry point, which represents the point in whole such notions. Framke (2002) further stated that al-
tourism systems where travelers leave a primary though multidestination tourists are characterized
transit route and become tourists. They also have by their mobile nature, a necessity still remains for
an exit point, where tourists join a primary transit
route to depart the destination area, thus becom- these tourists to set down regularly in order to eat,
ing travelers. A destination area may take any rest, and make use of facilities.
shape and be of any size, and may encompass
multiple political, economic or geographic juris- travellers are not travelling all the time—they
dictions. have to stop to eat and sleep, and they will stop
at places with interesting views and relevant
Tourist Destination Regions. The second type
facilities and services. These stopping-places can
of destination recognized in the hierarchy model be called nodes on the line of travel, where the
is tourist destination regions. They are identical in tourist makes contact with people and establish-
nature to TDRs as defined by Leiper (2004). This ments, and consequently they constitute tourist
concept represents the geographical space in which places if such stops are made. (p. 104)
a tourist may feasibly travel in the temporal con-
fines of day trips. Node destinations are locations where indepen-
However, the manner in which TDRs have dent bicycle tourists lodge overnight and make use
been defined may cloud the study of bicycle tour- of local facilities and services to refuel their bod-
ists’ spatial movements in whole tourism systems. ies, undertake bicycle maintenance/repairs, and re-
Because the scope of a TDR is the space in which plenish supplies. They are a point in transit where
a tourist can plausibly move within the space of a sightseeing and other tourist activities were re-
day trip, the study of tourists’ movements within ported by the respondents as being of secondary
a broader spatial region over multiple days (i.e., importance to the cycling experience. Further-
multidestination itineraries) is not possible. How- more, specific node destinations were described
ever, TDRs in the context of the space that may by respondents as being included in itineraries on
feasibly be covered by a tourist in the space of one the basis of convenience, because one node desti-
day (as per Leiper, 2004) remain a relevant con- nation was within an optimum cycling distance of
cept for independent bicycle tourists. Hence, TDRs a previous one. This is perhaps with the exception
are acknowledged as the second level of destina- of node destinations featuring natural or other at-
tractions that a bicycle tourist may wish to specifi- nents in the case of nodes, it is argued here that
cally visit, in which case an itinerary might be tai- such interdependency is unnecessary in conceptu-
lored to include node destinations of particular alizing node destinations relevant to independent
interest. bicycle tourism.
Typically, a node destination is a village, town, In justifying this argument, the data suggested
city, or other form of human settlement. However, that service components are of most concern for
node destinations for bicycle tourists will not al- independent bicycle tourists when deciding which
ways comprise formal human settlements. Ritchie node destinations to include in an itinerary. Attrac-
(1999) noted that his study of independent bicycle tion complexes appeared to be unimportant in
tourists in New Zealand may have been biased by their decision to visit a particular node destination,
not being able to access bicycle tourists who made as the following quote alludes to:
use of informal camping sites between major
towns. A similar notion was observed in the pres- I look for a region that is “cycle friendly.” That
is: good safe roads on which to travel, sights to
ent study. “On many of my tours the destination see along the route, bicycle paths that give access
is often the side of the road, or a shearing shed, or to points of interest, or allow safe passage
a campground, or even a 4 star property” (“Peter,” through heavily built up areas, safe, secure places
ACT). to leave the bike when not riding it, eateries and
In her model of destination regions, Dredge accommodation within cycling distance that cater
to the casual style of travel. Also of importance
(1999) explained that nodes feature two, often in- is [that] the region’s local attractions that can be
terdependent, components: attraction complexes accessed by pedal power. (“Melissa,” NT).
and service components. Attraction complexes are
described as “any facility that tourists visit or con- It is therefore unnecessary for attraction com-
template visiting. The term refers to one or more plexes and service components to be interdependent
individual attractions, sights or objects which cre- in the case of independent bicycle tourists. In some
ates a place of interest” (Dredge, 1999, p. 782). circumstances, attraction complexes and service
Service components refer to commercial entities components may exist in a complementary manner.
necessary to serve the needs of tourists, such as That is, when the presence of natural or other at-
restaurants, accommodation establishments, and tractions makes one node destination more attrac-
retail outlets (Dredge, 1999). Although Dredge ar- tive than another which lacks attraction complexes.
gued that there is an interdependent relationship Therefore, in the context of independent bicycle
between attraction complexes and service compo- tourism, node destinations may be defined as:
A geographic location used by independent bicy- gion and destination area; and 2) transit routes tra-
cle tourists as a lodging point for one or more versed by bicycle between node destinations
nights, upon reaching the first, and subsequent
tourist destination regions on a trip. The primary within a destination area.
motivation for selecting a node destination is ac- A second limitation of Leiper’s (2004) defini-
cess to service components, however, comple- tion of transit routes is that this definition carries
mentary attraction complexes may exist, which a notion of necessity regarding the use of transit
enhance the attractiveness of one node destina- routes. Implied in Leiper’s definition is a connota-
tion over another.
tion that time spent traversing transit routes consti-
tutes a necessary evil. This, however, may not be
Implicit in the hierarchy of destinations model
true for some tourists. Indeed, independent bicycle
is a notion that the three destination concepts exist
tourists appear to derive more pleasure from cy-
along a continuum of the degree of trip planning
cling along transit routes, than destinations, as ex-
required, decreasing from the top to the bottom of
the hierarchy. For example, few travelers would plained by this respondent: “At times a particular
arrive at an international airport without having a route is chosen purely as a means of getting from
clear conception of the destination area they will A to B, but more often than not a route is chosen
fly to; this is typically planned well ahead of de- due to its scenic appeal and the destination is sec-
parture. It may also be necessary to obtain a visa ond to that (unless the destination is to be a pivot
and/or any inoculations, both of which require point for day trips)” (“Melissa,” NT).
some lead time. Once in the destination area tour- There are clear distinctions between the two
ists are at leisure and have more scope to act in a types of transit routes used by independent bicycle
spontaneous manner. Tourists may elect to move tourists. It is imprudent to group the two transit
to another TDR at short notice, or stay in the same routes utilized by independent bicycle tourists as
node destination for additional nights. This spon- one generic element of whole tourism systems.
taneity may diminish however, if the tourist has For the purposes of constructing a model of whole
purchased a packaged travel product that forbids tourism systems specific to independent bicycle
changes in itinerary. tourism, it is proposed that transit routes connect-
ing the traveler to and from the traveler-generating
Two Transit Routes: Primary and Secondary region and destination area be referred to as pri-
mary transit routes. Transit routes traversed by bi-
In Leiper’s (2004) model of whole tourism sys- cycle between node destinations within a destina-
tems, transit routes are defined as a conduit link- tion area may be referred to as secondary transit
ing the traveler between their home (the traveler- routes.
generating region) and the TDR. Two limitations
surround this definition when transit routes are Primary Transit Routes. Independent bicycle
considered in light of independent bicycle tourism. tourists make use of transit routes to depart the
Although Leiper (2004) acknowledges that traveler-generating region (TGR) and travel to the
some whole tourism systems may involve transit destination area to undertake the cycling compo-
routes other than those used to depart and return to nent(s) of their journey. This is elementary, as a
the traveler-generating region, this is not explicitly traveler must be away from their home region in
recognized in his definition of transit routes. Such order to be considered a tourist (Leiper, 2004; Ma-
a deficiency is troublesome when conceptualizing thieson & Wall, 1982). Similarly, independent bi-
whole independent bicycle tourism using a whole cycle tourists must travel another transit route to
tourism systems approach. A fundamental element depart the destination area and return to the TGR.
of independent bicycle tourism experiences is Primary transit routes are typically character-
traversing transit routes between node destinations ized by the use of transport modes such as private
within a destination area, by bicycle. Thus, inde- vehicle, coach, train, or airplane. They are there-
pendent bicycle tourists make use of two distinct fore characterized by long distances and high
forms of transit routes: 1) transit routes connecting speeds, relative to the distances and speeds associ-
the traveler to and from the traveler-generating re- ated with travelling by bicycle along secondary
transit routes. The use of such transport modes ap- traversed by bicycle, and are characterized by the
plies to independent bicycle tourists unless the shorter distances that may be feasibly covered by
traveler departs the TGR by bicycle to undertake a bicycle. Psychologically, secondary transit routes
circuit in which they arrive back home by bicycle. are also perceived in a different manner to primary
A further distinction between primary and sec- transit routes. Secondary transit routes appear to
ondary transit routes may exist in the traveler’s provide tourists with the greatest source of plea-
psychological state. A traveler en route to a desti- sure and constitute a key factor in bicycle tourists’
nation area to undertake a bicycle tour may exist decision-making regarding destination area selec-
in a state of anticipation. They may be anxious tion.
to reach the destination area to begin the cycling Leiper (1990) has argued that transit routes are
component of their trip. “The tourist-generating “where the major travelling occurs in the [tourism]
region is left quickly, as tourists aim to reach their system, as opposed to the visiting that occurs in
destination region . . . In this phase of the journey, destinations” (p. 91). This is generally not the case
tourists are considered to be less willing to take for independent bicycle tourists, however. Travel-
detours or extend travel time by making more ing occurs while traversing primary transit routes.
stops than are actually needed” (Zillinger, 2007, Visiting takes place while cycling along secondary
pp. 12–13). transit routes, where bicycle tourists explore the
Zillinger (2007) further contrasts the states of destination area by stopping at peripheral settle-
mind that a mobile tourist may experience be- ments, taking in the surrounding scenery while
tween traveling along transit routes to arrive in the traveling at a relaxed pace.
destination area, and transit routes traversed The efficiency of primary and secondary transit
within the destination area. Zillinger supported the routes is also influenced by different variables,
notion of pleasure being derived from mobility which subsequently influence the level of accessi-
within the destination area, as reported by respon- bility to a TDR. Efficiency of primary transit routes
dents in the present study. are influenced mostly by factors relating to carri-
ers servicing such routes (Leiper, 2004). Restric-
The difference between the mobility in the tour- tive policies imposed by transport companies re-
ist-generating region and receiving region is that garding the carriage of bicycles may reduce the
mobility is understood as necessary transport in
efficiency of a primary transit route, hampering
the generating region, while it is part of the at-
traction in the receiving one. As tourists can en- accessibility to a destination area for bicycle tour-
joy mobility through this region as part of the ists. In contrast, variables such as road surface
holiday attraction, they do not necessarily take quality, terrain, and road design affect cyclists’ ef-
the shortest possible route between two places, ficiency of movement along secondary transit
since mobility becomes a pleasure in itself. (p. 13)
routes (Parkin, Ryley, & Jones, 2007).
Given the differences between primary and sec-
Therefore, primary transit routes may be de-
ondary transit routes outlined above, it is impor-
fined as: Transitory routes that provide an outbound
tant that primary and secondary transit routes be
and return connection between the traveler-gener-
acknowledged as distinct elements in models of
ating region and the destination area. Primary tran-
whole tourism systems involving independent bi-
sit routes are characterized by the use of transport
cycle tourism. For the purposes of such a model,
modes such as private vehicle, coach, rail and/or
secondary transit routes may be defined as:
air, and often by relatively long distances and high
speeds. Primary transit routes may also be tra-
versed by bicycle in the case of bicycle tours in Experiential cycling routes traversed by indepen-
dent bicycle tourists within the destination area.
which the traveler’s home is the starting and fin- Secondary transit routes are traversed by bicycle
ishing point for the cycling component of the and are characterized by relatively short distances
journey. and slow speeds. Such transit routes represent the
element within whole tourism systems where the
Secondary Transit Routes. In contrast to pri- tourism experience is consumed, and also influ-
mary transit routes, secondary transit routes are ence the traveler’s overall satisfaction with the
experience. Secondary transit routes perform a Because independent bicycle tourism rarely
dual role in that they are also the means by which takes place in isolated geographical areas (Ritchie,
independent bicycle tourists move between node
destinations within a destination area. 1998, Simonsen & Jorgenson, 1998), the imple-
mentation and management of bicycle tourism ini-
If secondary transit routes are the major source tiatives should take a macro-approach to avoid
of pleasure for bicycle tourists, exerting the most fragmentation of infrastructure and supporting ser-
influence over destination area selection than all vices. For example, it is inadequate to provide ex-
other elements in the tourism system, one may cellent road surfaces, wide road shoulders, and
question why routes linking node destinations are quality signage in one local government area
labeled “secondary” transit routes instead of “pri- (LGA), only to cross into an adjacent jurisdiction
mary.” The logic here is that in order for tourism where bicycle tourists encounter poor road sur-
to occur the individual must depart their home re- faces, narrow road shoulders, and a lack of infor-
gion (Mathieson & Wall, 1982; Smith, 1999). A mative signage. Planners and managers should
primary transit route must be traversed to access aim to provide a network of pertinent infrastruc-
secondary transit routes in a whole tourism sys- ture throughout a region catering for a broad spec-
tem, thus transit routes linking the traveler’s home trum of demand.
region and destination area (labeled a “primary” North-East Victoria, Australia is a prominent
transit route here) are arguably the most important example of where a macro-approach has been
transit route in the tourism system because depar- taken to the implementation and promotion of a
ture from the home region is a fundamental re- bicycle tourism initiative. This region incorporates
quirement for tourism to occur. Hence why the the Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail, which
two transit routes are labeled the way they are. passes through three local government jurisdic-
tions: the Rural City of Wangaratta, as well as In-
Independent Bicycle Tourism: An Adapted Model digo and Alpine Shires (Rural City of Wangaratta,
Alpine Shire Council, & Indigo Shire Council,
Figure 3 presents an adapted whole tourism 2008).
system model for independent bicycle tourism. In 2007, the three LGAs initiated a collabora-
This adapted model deviates from the original in tive arrangement aimed at positioning North-East
that, 1) the TDR element has been modified to Victoria as a prominent destination area for bicy-
reflect the three hierarchical destination elements cle tourism. This involved the employment of a
associated with independent bicycle tourism; and Cycle Tourism Officer, responsible for the devel-
2) the recognition of two distinct transit routes: opment and implementation of a cycle tourism
primary and secondary, as per the definitions pro- strategy incorporating the three LGAs for the pe-
vided earlier. riod 2008 through 2010 (personal communication,
Murray to the Mountains Cycle Tourism Officer,
Implications for Policy and Practice
13th October 2008). The strategy extends to the
Independent bicycle tourists tend to take a mac- management and promotion of independent bicy-
roperspective in destination area selection, thus a cle tourism on the Murray to the Mountains Rail
macroperspective may be useful in the planning Trail as well as on public road and trail networks
and management of initiatives aimed at attracting within the three LGAs. (Rural City of Wangaratta,
bicycle tourists to a region. The concept of a desti- Alpine Shire Council, & Indigo Shire Council,
nation area recognizes that independent bicycle 2008).
tourism can incorporate multiple political, geo- This whole-of-region approach aims to ensure
graphical and economic jurisdictions. This has im- the provision of a coherent network of cycling
plications for planning and management because routes which satisfy a broad spectrum of demand.
“the use of administrative boundaries commonly An objective of the strategy is to reduce fragmen-
adopted in land-use planning may limit proper tation of cycling infrastructure across the three
conceptualisation and planning of the destination LGAs, and to undertake collaborative marketing
region” (Dredge, 1999, p. 781). initiatives that promote cycling-related tourism
Figure 3. Independent bicycle tourism depicted as a whole tourism system. Source: Adapted from Lieper (2004, p. 53).
across the whole region (Rural City of Wangar- Beechworth, Myrtleford and Bright provide the
atta, Alpine Shire Council, & Indigo Shire Coun- spokes. To use a cycling analogy, a wheel would
collapse with only one spoke.
cil, 2008). In adopting a macro-approach to the
management and promotion of cycling-related The Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail itself is
tourism, the geographic space incorporating the a great example of the three shires working col-
three LGAs could be thought of as a destination laboratively to develop cycling infrastructure.
Without Wangaratta the trail would not be con-
nected to public transport, without Bright and
This example demonstrates the usefulness of Beechworth, it does not have the known tourism
the concept of a destination area for the planning destinations. Without Myrtleford it does not have
and management of bicycle tourism initiatives. appropriate services available for cyclists along
Personal communications between the researcher the trail. (personal communication, Murray to the
Mountains Cycle Tourism Officer, 13th October
and the Murray to the Mountains Cycle Tourism
Officer revealed the important role that a macro-
approach to planning for and managing cycling- As Ritchie and Hall (1999) have noted, inde-
related tourism in this region has played: pendent bicycle tourists tend to travel for a longer
period of time than other tourists: “they often stay
The basis of the three LGAs working together overnight in smaller more peripheral towns and re-
was the fact the three shires complement each
other very well. The Rural City of Wangaratta gions” (p. 103). The concept of a destination area
is the service centre for the region and a public assists in emphasizing that due to the mobile na-
transport hub, and the Indigo and Alpine Shires ture of their travels, expenditure by independent
had known tourism destinations in Beechworth bicycle tourists tends to be dispersed throughout
and Bright respectively. In effect, and this was the destination area instead of concentrating in
probably not realised initially that the ongoing
success of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail isolated areas.
is only possible due to the three shires working Planners and policy makers should recognize
together. Wangaratta provides the hub and that secondary transit routes play a key role in at-
tracting independent bicycle tourists to a destina- proposed, acknowledging the mobility of multi-
tion area. Planning initiatives should focus on destination tourists through geographic space, con-
meeting the expectations of bicycle tourists in sisting of a destination area, tourist destination re-
terms of cycling route surface quality, terrain, gions, and node destinations. Two distinct transit
safety, and supporting infrastructure (such as sig- routes were identified: “primary” transit routes,
nage, rest areas, toilets, drinking water). The attri- which connect bicycle tourists between the TGR
butes of secondary transit routes should be empha- and the destination area; and “secondary” transit
sized in marketing initiatives, particularly appealing routes, which are travelled by bicycle between
scenery, quiet roads, or segregated paths/trails. node destinations. An adapted model of whole
Packaged bicycle tourism products should con- tourism systems specific to independent bicycle
sider distances between node destinations, which tourism was also proposed.
should be within reasonable cycling distance of Several implications for the management of cy-
one another. The availability of products and ser- cling-related tourism arising from this research
vices required by independent bicycle tourists were discussed. These implications highlighted the
such as bicycle repairs and maintenance, tourist need for policymakers and planners to be aware of
information, food and drink provisions are further the specialized needs and unique travel behaviors
considerations for marketing and product develop-
associated with this form of tourism.
Several avenues for future research exist. First,
Finally, it is evident that destination areas not
limitations surround the present study due to the
palatable by general-interest tourists may be
methods used. The empirical findings reported
highly suitable for bicycle tourists if quality cy-
here are not generalizable beyond the cases which
cling routes exist along with appealing scenery,
informed the research (Neuman, 2006). Notions
which has implications for regional development.
put forward in this paper require validation through
For example, the Coed-y-Brenin forest is a section
research incorporating a representative sample of
of national park in Wales which was transformed
in the early 1990s into a basic trail system, which independent bicycle tourists. This research also
quickly gained popularity. Corporate sponsorship provides a conceptual framework which may act
later enabled the construction of a more elaborate as a platform for future research into independent
trail system. Today Wales is internationally recog- bicycle tourism. Individual elements of the frame-
nized as a mecca for mountain bike enthusiasts work may form the basis for studies into specific
(International Mountain Bicycling Association, facets of independent bicycle tourism. The frame-
2008). work may also be applied in its entirety to assess
a region’s ability to support independent bicycle
Conclusion and Avenues for Future Research tourism. Future research may also assess the appli-
cability of the adapted model to other forms of
Systems theory has been applied in many con- multidestination tourism, which long-distance hik-
ceptual models of tourism, of which Leiper’s ing, and drive tourism are possible examples.
(2004) model of whole tourism systems is a prom-
inent example. Little attention, however, has been
paid to assessing the applicability of this model to Acknowledgment
specific forms of special interest tourism. This ar-
ticle has contributed to broadening our under- The author would like to thank Professor Neil
standing of whole tourism systems by demonstrat- Leiper for his valuable constructive criticism in
ing limitations of Leiper’s generic model when the compilation of this paper, and is also apprecia-
applied to a specific form of tourism. tive of the feedback provided by the three anony-
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