Present Company Included Prioritizing Mental Health and Well Being For All Final
Present Company Included Prioritizing Mental Health and Well Being For All Final
Present Company Included Prioritizing Mental Health and Well Being For All Final
This article is a collaborative effort by Jacqueline Brassey, Erica Coe, Renata Giarola, Brad Herbig, Barbara Jeffery, and Roxy Merkand, representing
views of the McKinsey Health Institute.
Julia Anas and Kelly Greenwood, “It’s a new era for mental health
at work,” Harvard Business Review, October 4, 2021.
Includes respondents reporting to have a mental-health or
substance-use diagnosis now or in the past, reporting to have 1
Responses include reporting having a mental-health or substance-use diagnosis now or in the past; reporting to have sought or considered treatment for a
sought or considered treatment for mental-health or substance- mental-health or substance-use condition; or having listed at least one of the following: high symptoms of anxiety, burnout, depression, or distress.
use conditions, or indicating to have experienced at least one of Source: McKinsey Health Institute Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey 2022 (n = 14,509, in 15 countries)
the following: high symptoms of anxiety, depression, distress
or burnout, reporting a mental-health or substance-use-related
status; see also Julia Anas and Kelly Greenwood, “It’s a new
era for mental health at work,” Harvard Business Review,
October 4, 2021.
Caryn Pearson, “The impact of mental health problems on family
members,” Statistics Canada, October 7, 2015.
No demographic Mental-healthand
Mental-health andwell-being
challenges affect
affect the
the majority
majority of employees
of employees in in
appears immune to most demographic
mental-health challenges
Share of respondents reporting at least one mental-health challenge,1 % Global average (59%)
50 50
0 0
Technology, Infrastructure Global energy Consumer Education Advanced
media, and and materials and retail industries
Asset Healthcare Professional, Public
Travel, transport, management systems scientific, and sector
and logistics and insurance and services technical services Other
50 50
0 0
18–20 25–29 35–39 45–49 55–59 Manager Nonmanager Male
21–24 30–34 40–44 50–54 60+ Executive Female
Responses include reporting having a mental-health or substance-use diagnosis now or in the past; reporting to have sought or considered treatment for a
mental-health or substance-use condition; or having listed at least one of the following: high symptoms of anxiety, burnout, depression, or distress.
Source: McKinsey Health Institute Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey 2022 (n = 14,509, in 15 countries)
“American Time Use Survey–2021 results,” Bureau of Labor
Statistics, US Department of Labor, June 23, 2022.
Mental-health challenges include reporting at least one of
the following now or in the past: high symptoms of anxiety,
depression, distress, or burnout, or reporting a mental-health or
substance-use-related status currently or in the past.
Charlotte Lieberman, “What wellness programs don’t do for
workers,” Harvard Business Review, August 14, 2019.
We also recommend employers revisit the following questions: Employers have the opportunity
— Do we treat employee mental health and well-being as a
strategic priority?
to move the needle on burnout,
— Do we effectively address toxic behaviors?
to explore ways to help workers
— Do we create inclusive work environments?
struggling with mental-health
— Do we promote sustainable work?
and well-being challenges, and to
— Are we holding leaders accountable? explore ways to create the healthiest
— Are we effectively tackling stigma? environments for employees.
— Do our resources meet employee needs?
Julie M. Fratantoni et al., “Parenting with a kind mind: Exploring kindness as a potentiator for enhanced brain health,” Frontiers in Psychology, March 2022, Volume 13, Article 805748; Joseph Chancellor et al., “Everyday prosociality in the
workplace: The reinforcing benefits of giving, getting, and glimpsing,” Emotion, June 2018, Volume 18, Issue 4.