Preboards 1-Pipe-2

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INDUSTRIAL AND POWER PLANT ENGINEERING SET A heat is 3.32 KJ/kg-C above freezing and 1.77
KJ/kg-C below freezing. The container box is 1.5
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of kilograms, and the specific heat of the box
the following questions. Mark only one answer for material is 1.4 KJ/kg-C. And the freezing
each item by shading the box corresponding to the temperature of chicken is -2.8 °C.
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. A. 15,206.4 KJ C. 15,156 KJ
14. Among the four (4), which of the following is
1. What Law states that the change of internal not a method of starting diesel engine?
energy of an ideal gas is a function only of the A. Compressed air
temperature change. B. Manual: rope, crank and kick
A. Boyle’s law C. Electric (battery)
B. Charles’ Law D. Using another engine
C. Law of Conservation of mass 15. What is the power required to transfer 97,000
D. Joule’s law coulombs of charge through a potential rise of
2. The mass flow rate of Freon 12 through a heat 50 volts in one hour?
exchanger is 10 lbs/min. Enthalpy of Freon entry A. 0.5 kW C. 1.3 kW
is 102 BTU/lb and of Freon exit is 26 BTU/lb. B. 0.9 kW D. 2.8 kW
Water coolant is allowed to rise 10 deg F. The 16. An unknown volume of container gas of 1
water flow rate in liters per minute is: atmosphere is allowed to expand to another
A. 76 C. 34.5 container of 10 m^3 volume at 500 mmHg at
B. 54.3 D. 83 constant temperature. Find the unknown volume.
3. The specific speed of turbine is 85 rpm and A. 6.58 𝒎^𝟑 C. 5.67 𝒎^𝟑
running at 450 rpm. If the head is 20 m and B. 6.75 𝒎^𝟑 D. 7.65 𝒎^𝟑
generator efficiency is 90%, what is the maximum 17. A mixing tank mixes two inlet streams containing
power delivered by the generator? salt. The salt concentration in stream 1 is 5%
A. 896.45 kW C. 322.23 kW by weight, at stream 2 it is 15% by weight.
B. 835.57 kW D. 629.81 kW Stream 1 flows at 25 kg/s, and stream 2 flows
4. The piston _________ when the fuel injection at 10 kg/s. There is only one exit stream. Find
process in diesel engine starts. the salt concentration in the exit stream.
A. Approaches TDC A. 5% C. 11%
B. Entering TDC B. 8% D. 13%
C. Leaving TDC 18. An economizer is used with a steam boiler in
D. Halfway of the stroke order to raise the temperature of the:
5. What is the pressure at point A in the tank if A. boiler feed water by utilizing exhaust steam
h = 2 feet? (g = 32.2 ft/𝑠2 and p = 1.94 from the turbines or steam engines
slug/ft3) B. air used for combustion of the fuel utilizing
A. 75 lbf/ft2 C. 100 lbf/ft2 some of the heat in the exit flue gases
B. 85 lbf/ft2 D. 125 lbf/ft2 C. air used for combustion of the fuel utilizing
6. The discharge line (B4) shall be vented to the exhaust some steam from the turbines or steam
atmosphere through a ____ fitted to its upper engines
extremity. D. boiler feed water by utilizing some of the
A. Diffuser heat in the exit flue gases
B. Nozzle 19. A furnace wall consists of 35 cm firebrick
C. Convergent-divergent nozzle (1.557 W/m-K). 12 cm insulating refractory
D. Vent Pipe (k=0.346) and 20 cm common brick (k=0.692)
7. A stainless steel cylindrical with 1 ft covered with 7 cm steel plate (k=45). The
diameter, 4 ft high tank contains 3 ft of water. temperature at the inner surface of the
What rotational speed is required to spin water firebrick is 1,230°C and at the outer face of
out the top? the steel plate is 60°C. Atmosphere is 27°C.
A. 7.22 rad/s C. 22.7 rad/s What is the value of the combined coefficient
B. 27.2 rad/s D. 72.2 rad/s for convection and radiation from the outside
8. Compute the air flow in ft^3/min of mechanical wall?
ventilation required to exhaust an accumulation A. 31.13 W/𝒎^𝟐-K C. 41.3 W/ 𝒎^𝟐-K
of refrigerant due to leaks of the system B. 30.13 W/ 𝒎^𝟐-K D. 40.13 W/𝒎^𝟐-K
capable of revolving air from the machinery for 20. A two-stage air compressor at 100 kPa and 22°C
a mass of 4 lbs refrigerant. discharges to 750 kPa. If the intercooler intake
A. 200 C. 220 is 105°C, determine the value of n.
B. 210 D. 230 A. 1.400 C. 1.345
9. Compute the mass of a 2 m^3 propane at 280 kPa B. 1.326 D. 1.288
and 40°C. 21. A refrigerating machine that is classified as a
A. 6.47 kg C. 10.20 kg one-ton machine has the capacity to produce a
B. 5.1 kg D. 9.47 kg cooling effect of?
10. Foundation bolts of specified size should be A. 3.516 kW C. 211 kJ/min
used and surrounded by a pipe sleeve with an B. 12,000 Btu/hr D. All of the above
inside diameter of at least 22. The moisture content Of the boiler at exit will
A. 3 times the diameter of engine bolt be ____ , by also increasing the boiler pressure
B. 2 times the diameter of engine bolt in Rankine Cycle.
C. 3 times the diameter of anchor bolt A. increase C. equally
D. 2 times the diameter of anchor bolt B. decrease D. remains the constant
11. Steam flows through a nozzle at 400°C and 1 MPa 23. What is the absolute pressure exerted on the
(h = 3263.9 kJ/kg) with velocity of 300 m/s. surface of a submarine cruising 300 ft below the
Find the stagnation enthalpy. free surface of the sea? Assume specific gravity
A. 3300 kj/kg C. 3320 kJ/kg of sea water is 1.03.
B. 3290 kj/kg D. 3309 kj/kg A. 133.9 psia C. 100.7 psia
12. In an air-standard Brayton cycle the inlet B. 148.6 psia D. 103.7 psia
temperature and pressure are 20°C and 101.325 24. A hydro-electric plant having 30 sq. km
kPa. The turbine inlet conditions are 1200 kPa reservoir area and 100 m head is used to generate
and 900°C. Determine the air flow if the turbine power. The energy utilized by the consumers
produces 12 MW. whose load is connected to the power plant
A. 21.41 kg/s C. 19.25 kg/s during a five-hour period is 13.5x10^6 kWh. The
B. 20.20 kg/s D. 18.10 kg/s overall generation efficiency is 75%. Find the
13. A fresh supply of 50 kilograms chicken at 6 °C fall in the height of water in the reservoir
contained in a box is be frozen to -18°C in a after the 5-hour period.
electric freezer. What will be the amount of A. 5.13 m C. 3.21 m
heat that needs to be removed? The latent heat B. 1.32 m D. 2.20 m
of the chicken is 247 KJ/kg, and its specific
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25. A piston moves inside a cylinder at a velocity 38. The type of flow occupying in a 1 cm diameter
of 6.0 m/s. The 160 mm diameter piston is pipe which water flows at a velocity of 2.50
centrally located within the 160.2 mm inside m/s. Use v = 1.13x10^(-6) m^2/s for water.
diameter cylinder. The film of oil is separating A. Turbulent C. laminar
the piston from the cylinder has an absolute B. constant D. transitional
viscosity of 0.4 N-s/m^2. Assuming a linear 39. One kilogram of air is compressed adiabatically
velocity profile, find the shear stress in the and in a steady-flow manner. The compression
oil. (T = µ (v/H)). efficiency is 80% and the work done on the air
A. 50,000 N/m^2 C. 24,000 N/m^2 is 265 kJ/kg. Compute the heat.
B. 40,000 N/m^2 D. 34,000 N/m^2 A. 212 kJ/kg C. 0 kJ/kg
26. A vapor having a temperature higher than the B. 100 kJ/kg D. 331.25 kJ/kg
saturation temperature corresponding to its 40. The type of tubing that is unenclosed and
pressure. therefore exposed to sun, crushing abrasion,
A. Superheated vapor C. Compressed vapor puncture, or similar damage after installation
B. Saturated vapor D. Subcooled vapor is called _______.
27. Neil Armstrong, an astronaut is subjected to an A. Unprotected tubing
acceleration equal to 5 times the pull of the B. Bare tubing
earth's standard gravity, during the take off C. Insulated tubing
of a spaceship. If the said astronaut is 180 lbm D. Painted tubing
and the take off is vertical, determine force 41. A foundation measures 12 ft x 14 ft x 16 ft.
does he exert on the seat. Find the number of sacks of cement needed for a
A. 4414.5 N C. 4810.9 N 1:2:4 mixture.
B. 8829 N D. 9620 N A. 302 C. 356
28. A Carnot cycle is represented by a rectangle in B. 404 D. 598
a T-S diagram that operates between temperature 42. Find the enthalpy of water at 212°F and 14.7 psi
limits of 300K and 650K. Inscribed within a if the dryness factor is 30%. Use the
rectangle is an ellipse of maximum major and approximate enthalpy formula of liquid.
minor axes, represents a cycle and operating at A. 461 Btu/lb C. 481 Btu/lb
the same temperature limits. Considering that B. 471 Btu/lb D. 491 Btu/lb
the major axis of the ellipse is two times that 43. Calculate the use factor of a power plant if the
of its minor axis, determine the thermal capacity factor is 35% and it operates 8000 hrs
efficiency of the cycle. during the year?
A. 52.32 % C. 44.88 % A. 38.325% C. 35.823%
B. 63.42 % D. 35.55 % B. 33.825% D. 32.538%
29. Blow off piping usually refers to: 44. The fuel used in a power plant that is used
A. vent pipes during peak periods.
B. piping coming from the super heater A. Absorbent C. Gas
C. piping coming from the safeties B. Liquid D. foam
D. piping at the lowest part of the boiler. 45. Ten kilograms per second of steam enter the
30. In an ammonia condensing machine (compressor turbine with an enthalpy of 3200 kJ/kg and enter
plus condenser) the water used for condensing the condenser with an enthalpy of 2500 kj/kg in
is 55°F and the evaporator is at 15°F. Calculate a Rankine cycle. If the turbine efficiency is
the ideal COP. 80% and the generator efficiency is 90%,
A. 11.875 C. 10.875 determine the power plant output.
B. 12.875 D. 13.875 A. 4320 kW C. 4056 kW
31. What type of blends that comprises multiple B. 3213 kW D. 5040 kW
components of different volatiles that, when 46. Three thousand cubic feet per minute of air are
used in refrigeration cycles, change saturated circulated over an air-cooled condenser. If the
temperature and volumetric composition as they load on the condenser is 64,800 Btu/hr, compute
condense or evaporate at constant pressure? the temperature rise of the air passing over the
A. Chemical C. Artificial condenser. Specific volume of standard air
B. Blending D. Zeotropic (13.34 ft^3/lb).
32. A diesel power plant uses fuel with heating A. 10℉ C. 20℉
value of 43,000 kJ/kg. What is the density of B. 15℉ D. 25℉
the fuel at 25°C? 47. A steam pipe having a surface temperature of
A. 840 kg/𝒎^𝟐 C. 970 kg/𝒎^𝟐 250°C passes through a room where the
B. 873 kg/𝒎^𝟐 D. 940 kg/𝒎^𝟐 temperature is 27°C. The outside diameter of the
33. In an experiment to determine the calorific pipe is 100 mm and emissivity factor is 0.8.
value of an oil fuel by means of a bomb Calculate the radiated heat loss for 3 m pipe
calorimeter, the mass of the sample of fuel is length.
0.75 gram, mass of water surrounding the bomb A. 1434.47 W C. 2851.82 W
1.8 kg, water equivalent of bomb and fittings B. 3746.35 W D. 3546.45 W
470 grams, and the rise in temperature is 3.3 48. Freon is:
C. What is the calorific value of this oil in A. non-corrosive C. flammable
MJ/kg assuming a specific heat of water= 4.2 B. nontoxic D. all of these
kJ/kgK. 49. The lower half of a 10 m high cylindrical
A. 25.63 MJ/kg C. 65.63 MJ/kg container is filled with water and the upper
B. 32.15 MJ/k D. 41.94 MJ/kg half with oil that has SG = 0.85. Determine the
34. If Joule Thompson coefficient is equal to zero, pressure difference between the top and bottom
then the process will become if the cylinder.
A. isobaric C. isothermal A. 90.74 kPa C. 83.38 kPa
B. isenthalpic D. isentropic B. 92.74 kPa D. 98.10 kPa
35. What is the power ratio of a pump and its 1/5 50. What is the term use for its volume as determine
scale model if the ratio of heads is 4 to 1? from internal dimensions of the container with
A. 20 C. 12.5 no allowance or space for the volume of internal
B. 200 D. 125 parts?
36. What is also known as deaerator? A. Total-interference volume
A. Electric heater C. Heat pump B. Total allowance volume
B. Open heater D. Close heater C. Internal space volume
37. What is the pressure at 12300 ft altitude if air D. Internal gross volume
is incompressible, if the atmospheric air 14.7 51. How much power is required if a turbine receives
psia and 60oF at sea level? Note: @ 60°F ; the 150 lbm/sec of air at 63 psia and 2450 deg R and
density Of air is 0.0763 lbm/ft3 ; P1 = 14.7 expands it polytropically to 14.7 psia. The
psia exponent n = 1.45 for the process?
A. 9.33 psia C. 9.63 psia A. 53,343.16 ft-lb/sec C. 52,343.16 BTU/sec
B. 9.43 psia D. 9.53 psia B. 53,343.16 HP D. 53,343.16 kW

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52. The work done on air is 10.86 kJ/kg, determine 67. The journals of a stainless steel shaft are 38.0
the compressor power if it is receiving 272 cm diameter, it runs at 105 rpm and the
kg/min of air. coefficient of friction between journals and
A. 2954 hp C. 49.23 hp bearings is 0. 02. If the average load on the
B. 66 hp D. 36.72 hp bearings is 200 kN, find the heat generated per
53. In a refrigeration system, which of the four(4) minute at the bearings.
is not a type of a water-cooled condenser? A. 501.575 kJ C. 501.375 kJ
A. Shell and tube C. Double tube B. 505.575 kJ D. 401.375 kJ
B. Shell and coil D. Double shell 68. What will be the coefficient of Performance
54. A rectangular aluminum sheet duct has a (COP) of the system, if the energy efficiency
dimensions of 25 cm by 200 cm. Compute for the ratio of the refrigeration system is 12.6?
Equivalent Diameter of the duct. A. 3.69 C. 6.96
A. 0.50 m C. 0.40 m B. 5.96 D. 4.69
B. 0.60 m D. 0.70 m 69. Water is boiled in a big pan on a gas stove at
55. A cylinder tank weighs 150 lbf and its cross- sea level. During 10 minutes of boiling, it is
sectional area is 40 sq in. When the cylinder observed that 200 grams of water has evaporated.
tank stands vertically on one end, what pressure What is then the rate of heat transfer to the
does the cylinder tank exert on the floor? water?
A. 14.1 kPa C. 0.141 bar A. 53.5 KJ/min C. 46.4 kJ/min
B. 58.2 kPa D. 0.258 bar B. 45.1 kJ/min D. 41.8 kJ/min
56. A small steam turbine generator power plant of 70. Type of condenser that operates like a cooling
5,000 kW capacity has a full-load steam rate of water
6.0 kg/kW-hr. No-load steam consumption may be A. Air-cooled condenser
taken as 10% of full-load steam consumption. At B. Water cooled condenser
60 per cent load, calculate the hourly steam C. Shell and tube condenser
consumption of this unit. D. Evaporative condenser
A. 20,500 kg/hr C. 25,000 kg/hr 71. A diesel engine consumed 945 liters of fuel per
B. 19,200 kg/hr D. 18,500 kg/hr day at a temperature of 35 deg C. If the fuel
57. Typical compression ratio of Otto cycle is was purchased at a temperature of 15.5 deg C and
A. 6 C. 8 30 deg API at P29.00/li, compute for the cost
B. 10 D. 12 of fuel to operate the engine per day.
58. Calculate the specific volume of an air—vapor A. P4,677.50 C. P27,127.76
mixture in cubic meters per kilogram of dry air B. P48,088.90 D. P5,677.50
when the following conditions prevail : t = 72. Water is pumped at 1 cum/s to an elevation of 5
30°C, w= O .015 kg/kg, and Pt = 100 kPa. meters through a flexible hose using 100 per
A. 0.79 m3/kg C. 0.89 m3/kg cent efficient pump rated at 100 kilowatts.
B. 0.92 m3/kg D. 0.69 m3/kg Using the same length of hose, what size of
59. If the specific weight of liquid is 60 lb/cu ft, motor is needed to pump 1 cum/s of water to a
what is its equivalent to kN/cu m. tank with no elevation gain? In both cases, both
A. 9.420 C. 9.249 ends of the hose are at temperature pressure.
B. 9.643 D. 9.334 Neglect kinetic energy.
60. A small drop of water at 80 ½F is in contact A. 51 kW C. 36 kW
with the air and has diameter of 0.02 in. If the B. 22 kW D. 43 kW
pressure within the droplet is 0.082 psi greater 73. What will be the weight of 30 lbm, if its weighed
than the atmosphere, What is the value of the on the moon? (gmoon = 5.47 ft/s2)
surface tension? A. 4.1 lbf C. 2.1 lbf
A. 0.00492 lb/ft C. 0.00654 lb/ft B. 3.1 lbf D. 5.1 lbf
B. 0.00043 lb/ft D. 0.00876 lb/ft 74. It is a commonly used device for measuring
61. Needs only single pump regardless of number of temperature differences or high temperatures.
heaters A. Thermistor C. Thermocouple
A. Open heater B. Bimetallic Strip D. Mercury in glass
B. Closed heater 75. Refrigerant number R-744 is
C. Mono heater A. Carbon monoxide C. Carbon dioxide
D. Regenerative heater B. Propane D. Butane
62. What is the free-aperture cross section in sqm 76. What will be the equivalent pressure at 600 feet
for the ventilation system of a machinery room depth of sea water in kPag.
if the mass of the refrigerant is 9 kg? A. 1,793.96 kpag C. 1,693.96 kpag
A. 0.414 m>> C. 0.614 m>> B. 1,993.96 kpag D. 1,893.96 kpag
B. 0.514 m>> D. 0.314 m>> 77. An adiabatic tank containing air is used to
63. Hot water from condenser enters the cooling power an air turbine during times of peak power
tower circuit at 50 degC and exits the tower at demand. The tank has a volume of 500 m3 and
32 degC, if the ambient condition is at 35 deg contains air at 1000 kPa and 500 kPa. Determine
C DB and 34 degC WB, what is the cooling the mass remaining when the pressure reaches 100
effectiveness of the cooling tower in percent? kPa.
A. 69.23% C. 59.23% A. 276.37 kg C. 772.73 kg
B. 74.28% D. 64.23% B. 672.73 kg D. 227.73 kg
64. What is the best and modern way of detecting air 78. Is use if extracted steam upon condensation gets
compressor leak? subcooled
A. Air leak detector A. Trap C. Filter
B. Soap and water B. Deaerator D. Drain cooler
C. Gas leak detector 79. If the atmospheric conditions are 13.9 psia and
D. Acoustic leak detector 68 deg F and the barometer fluid is mercury, to
65. A precision and electronic barometer Is used to what height will a barometer column rise?
measure an airplane's altitude by comparing the A. 6.26 ft C. 3.56 ft
barometric pressure at a given flying altitude B. 2.36 ft D. 5.36 ft
to that on the ground. What will be the 80. What is the type of geothermal plant that is
airplane's altitude if the Captain's pilot used when there is a presence of brine extracted
measures the barometric pressure at 700 mm-Hg, from underground?
the ground says it is at 758 mm-Hg, and the A. Wet geothermal plant
average air density is 1.19 kg/m3. g = 9.8 m/s2. B. Triple flash geothermal plant
A. 889 m C. 980 m C. Binary geothermal plant
B. 535 m D. 663 m D. Double-flash geothermal plant
66. A coal from Marinduque has the following 81. Two hundred metric tons per hour of coal are
ultimate analysis: burned in 125 per cent of stoichiometric air;
C = 69% N2 = 5% H2 = 2.5% S = 7% the ultimate fired analysis is 75 per cent C, 4
A. 4.5 per cent C. 2.5 per cent per cent H, 0.5 per cent S, 6 per cent O, 1.5
B. 3.5 per cent D. 0.5 per cent
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per cent N, 8 per cent W, 5 per cent ASH. Find 95. A “Fairbank Morse” vertical turbine pump draws
the mass of air needed to burn the fuel. water at a head of 110 meters and a discharge
A. 4526.2 Mton/hr C. 2446.45 Mton/hr rate of 550 liters per second. What is the brake
B. 6532.2 Mton/hr D. 3652.3 Mton/hr horsepower input if the pump efficiency is at
82. A common filter material used for brazing is 70 percent?
composed of: A. 854.75 kW C. 847.57 kW
A. 95/5 tin-antimony C. Cast steel B. 875.74 kW D. 874.57 kW
B. 50/50 tin-lead D. 15% to 60 % silver 96. If the specific gravity of mercury is SP = 13.55
83. A private transport company specializes in the , what is the specific weight of mercury?
shipment of pressurized gaseous materials. An A. 139.2 kN/m3 C. 123.9 kN/m3
order is received for 100 liters of a particular B. 193.2 kN/m3 D. 132.9 kN/m3
gas at (32 deg F and 1 atm). Determine the 97. What is the color code of compressed air
minimum volume tank that is necessary to pipelines?
transport the gas at a temperature of 80 deg F A. brown C. light blue
and a maximum pressure of 8 atm. B. red D. violet
A. 12 liters C. 14 liters 98. A continuous and unobstructed path of travel
B. 10 liters D. 16 liters from any point in a building or structure to a
84. The unit of measurement for current flow. The public way
magnitude is determined by the number of A. Average of aggress
electrons passing a point at a given time. B. Mean of aggress
A. Ohm C. Wattage C. Hallway of aggress
B. Ampere D. Voltage D. Pathway of aggress
85. A pressure cooker operates by cooking food at a 99. Convert 8500 lb/hr of standard air to cubic feet
higher pressure and temperature than is possible per minute (cfm)
at atmospheric conditions. Steam is contained A. 1988 C. 8198
in the sealed pot, with vent hole in the middle B. 1889 D. 1898
of the cover, allowing steam to escape. The 100. What Is the color code for the cylinder of R-
pressure is regulated by covering the vent hole 22?
with a small weight, which is displaced slightly A. Green C. Orange
by escaping steam. Atmospheric pressure is 100 B. Silver D. White
kPa, the vent hole area is 7-mm2, and the
pressure inside should be 250 kPa. What is the
mass of the weight? ***END***
A. 0.1783 kg C. 1.75 kg
B. 1.05 kg D. 0.107 kg WARNING: Failure to submit your Test Questions
86. At standard conditions, pressure p = 14.7 psia
and temperature t = 32 deg F, what is the volume (Complete) set will cause the cancellation of your
of any gas per pmol? Test-Results for the subject.
A. 359 cu.ft/pmol C. 959 cu.ft/pmol
B. 395 cu.ft/pmol D. 953 cu.ft/pmol
87. The Coefficient of Performance (COP) of actual
absorption refrigeration system is usually
A. less than 1 C. less than 3
B. greater than 2 D. less than 4
88. Find the approximate value of the temperature
of water having an enthalpy of 2-8 BTU/lb.
A. 618.67 degC C. 115.55 degC
B. 218.67 degC D. 118.67 degC
89. Are suitable for use in ammonia system
A. Copper
B. Aluminum and its alloy
C. Plastic
D. Cast iron
90. A nozzle receives 0.5 kg/s of air at a pressure
of 2700 kPa and a velocity of 30 m/s and with
an enthalpy of 923 kJ/kg, and the air leaves at
a pressure of 700 kPa and with an enthalpy of
660 kJ/kg. Determine the exit velocity from the
A. 700 m/s C. 726 m/s
B. 923 m/s D. 660 m/s
91. An atmospheric pressure boils at 212 deg F. At
the vacuum pressure of 24 in Hg, the temperature
is 142 degF. What is the Boiling temperature
when the pressure is increased by 40 psia from
A. 263.45 degF C. 449.42 degF
B. 526.34 degF D. 479.13 degF
92. Where objects are to be cooled to temperature
below ___ cascade refrigeration cycle is often
used in industrial process?
A. -46°C C. -36°C
B. -26°C D. -66°C
93. If a particle has a velocity of 4 m/sec and a
kinetic energy of 144 Joules, what will be the
Mass of this particle?
A. 44 kg C. 18 kg
B. 24 kg D. 16 kg
94. In a new model Francis turbine, the pressure
gage leading to the turbine casing reads 380
kPa. The velocity of water entering the rubine
is 8 meters per second, if net head of the
turbine is 45 m, what is the distance from center
of spiral casing to the tailrace?
A. 4.0 m C. 4.5 m
B. 3.5 m D. 3.0 m

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