One Word Substitution

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 Adonis : A handsome man.

 Amazon : A tall and strong woman.
 Virago : A violent and bad:tempered woman.
 Aquarium : A tank where fish or water plants are kept.
 Avaricious : One who is greedy for money.
Autopsy/Postmortem : A medical examination of a dead body after death

 Aviary : A place where birds are kept.

 Apiary : A place where bees are kept.
 Archives: A place for keeping old documents, historical records etc.

 Annals : Historical records.

 Amphibian : Animal that can live on land and in water.

 Alimony : Money allowance paid by a husband to his divorced wife.

 Accomplice : A partner in crime.

 Amnesty : A general pardon granted by a government.
 Anarchy/Anarchist: Absence of government in a country.
 Aquatic : That can live in fresh water only.
 Marine : That can live sea water only.
 Ambidextrous : A person who is able to use both hands with equal skill.

 Autocracy : A government by one person.

 Astronomy : Science of universe with sun, moon, stars and planets.
 Astrology : The study of the stars and their influence on people’s lives.
 Assassination : Killing or murder for political reasons.
 Anecdote : Short amusing story about some real person or event.
 Atheist : A person who does not believe in god.
 Amateur : A person who does something for pleasure rather than for pay

 Altruist : One who lives and works for the welfare of others.

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 Autobiography : The life history of a man written by himself.
 Assaulter/Assailant : One who attacks.
 Archaeology : Study of ancient things like tombs buried towns.
 Antidote : A medicine to counteract the effect of a poison.
 Aversion : A feeling of dislike.
 Addict : One who has become dependent on some thing or drugs.
 Ambiguous : Capable of being understood in either two or more possible senses and
therefore not definite.
 Auditorium : A building where an audience sits.
 Ablution : Ritual washing of the body.
 Amnesia : Loss of memory.
 Asylum 1 : A place of refuge and safety.

 Asylum 2 : A hospital where people who were mentally ill, could be cared for.

 Agnostic : One who doubts the existence of god.

 Ante: Meridiem : The time between midnight and noon.

 Ambivert : Both introvert and extrovert.

 Anthropologist : One who studies the complete history of mankind.
 Agenda : List of issues to be discussed at a meeting.
 Amulet : A small object worn by some persons as a charm against bad things.

 Angler : A person who catches fishes with a rod and line.

 Awning/Canopy : A covering of canvas to shelter people or things from rain
or sun.
 Artist : One who practice one of the fine arts.
 Armistice : An agreement stopping fighting in a war, battle etc.
Arbitration : Settlement of a dispute by the decision of a person chosen and as a
Judge or umpire.
 Annihilate : To destroy completely.
 Adolescence : In the stage between childhood and adulthood.

 Altar : A raised place on which offering to a God are made.

Affidavit : A written declaration made on oath in the presence of a magistrate
Artisan : Expert in any skill of hand.

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 Auditor : One who makes an official examination of accounts.

 Articulate : Fluent and clear in speech.

 Abdicate : To give up the throne or other office of dignity.
 Anonymous : A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown.
 Altitude : The height of an object above sea level.
Attain : To get or obtain something.
 Acronym : A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase.
AIDS an acronym for acquired immune deficiency
 Alma mater : A school, college or university which one has attended or form which
one has graduated.
 Anatomy : Science of the physical structure of the body.
 Annuity : Fixed sum of money paid to somebody as income in his life time
 Accessible : Capable of being reached.
 Allegory : A story, play picture, etc. in which each character or event is a symbol
representing an idea.
Arsonist : A person guilty of setting fire to the property.
 Accelerate : To increase the speed of.
Aphonia : Total loss of voice.
 Abrogate : to end a law, agreement, or custom formally
Anomaly : Deviation from the common rule or standard.
 Architecture : Art and Science of building construction.
 Apparatus : A set of instruments put together for a purpose.
Astronaut : A person who travels in space.
Abattoir : Place where animals are killed for food.
Actuary : One who calculates premium.
 Abbreviation : A shortened form of a word or phrase. Maths is an
abbreviation of mathematics
Abbot : The head of an abbey or a monastery.
 Apostle/Missionary : One of the twelve men chosen by Christ to spread his
 Accessory : Helper but not essential part.
 Accentuate : Give more force or importance to.
Ambulatory : Able to walk free after recovery from illness.
 Ambivalent : Having mixed feelings.
 Alumnus/Pupil: Someone who was a student at a particular school, college etc.

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 Biopsy : The removal of tissue, cell from someone’s body in order to check for illness.

 Biography : A written account by someone of another person’s life.

 Burglar : A person who breaks into a house in order to steal.

 Bureaucracy : A government by the officials. 
 Brewery : A Place where wine is made.
 Brunette : A woman with dark brown hair.
 Bilingual : A person who speaks two languages.
 Bovine : Pertaining to cattle.
 Biology : The scientific study of living organisms.
 Bankrupt/insolvent : A person unable to pay his debts.

 Bohemian : One who does not follow the usual rules of social life.

 Avenue : A wide street, especially one with trees or tall building on each side.

 Bigot : One who has obstinate and narrow religious views.

 Bevy : A group of girl.
 Bigamy : The custom of having two wives or two husbands.
 Bellicose : One who is ready to start argument of right.
 Belligerent : Nations engaged in war.
 Brittle : A thing likely to be easily broken.
 Blasphemy : Words uttered impiously about God.
 Benevolence : Generosity and desire to do good.
 Beneficiary : One who gains benefit from something.
 Botany : The study of plant life.
 Bashful : shy and easily embarrassed.
 Biennial : That which happens once in two years.
 Buffoon : An actor in a theatrical performances whose business is to make people
laugh through his actions or talk.
 Bully : A person who used his strength or power to frighten or hurt others.

 Psalm/Hymn : A sacred song.

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 Ode : A poem written to a person or thing.
 Sonnet : A type of poem with fourteen lines
 Booty : Things taken by robbers.
 Beverage : Any soft drinks except water. : Cold drinks,
Hot drinks.
 Barracks : Building where soldiers live.
 Borough : A small town within a town with its own governing council.

 Bridle/Rein/Halter: A part of horse’s harness that goes on

 Boutique : A small shop that sells fashionable clothes cosmetics etc.
 Benediction : Blessing given by a priest.
 Barren : Land that does not grow anything.
 Barbarian : A person who is uncivilized.
Barometer : An instrument for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere.

 Beautician : A person who runs a beauty parlour.

Beef : The flesh of a bull, cow, or ox used as food.
 Blueprint : A detailed photographic plan of work to be carried out.
Bookworm : A person who reads a lot.
Bumpkin/Yokel : A clumsy or stupid country person.
 Bibiliophile : One who loves books.
 Philanthropist : One who loves man kind.

 Catalogue : A list of books available in a library.
 Cocktail : A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks.

 Cemetery/Graveyard : A place where the dead bodies are buried.

 Crematorium : A place where dead bodies are burnt.

 Cartography : The art of map making.

Connoisseur : An expert judge of art, music, wine etc.
 Chauffeur : A person employed as a car –driver for a rich or important person.

 Butler : A man who works in a very large house as a servant.

Cynic : A person who believes the worst about everyone.

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Camouflage : An outward semblance that misrepresent the true nature of

 Contagious : Spreading from one person to another by physical contact.

 Callous : Cruelly insensitive or unsympathetic.

 Cosmopolitan : A sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries

 Cryptogram : A secret message written in code.

 Circumstantial : Clues available at a scene.
 Credulous : A person who readily believes others.
 Consternation : State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion.
 Confiscate : To seize or take away something as a penalty.
 Compensation/Indemnification : Payment given for loss injury.

Contraband : Goods which are legally forbidden to be brought into a country.

 Congregation : A group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually

attend a given church.
 Attic : A room at the top of a house under the roof.

 Chasm : An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground.

Cataclysm : A violent disaster or upheavel.
 Crusade : A campaign in support of a good cause.
 Cascade : A waterfall.
Cull : An act of killing surplus animals.
 Carnival : A public entertainment.
 Colleague : A person with whom one is associated in a profession or occupation.

 Cavalry : The part of an army consisting of horse soldiers.

Infantry : The part of an army consisting of foot soldiers.
Artillery : The part of an army which looks after and fires large gun

Archer : A person who shoots with a bow and arrows.

 Corroborate : To confirm with the help of evidence.
Complacent : Showing satisfaction with one’s own situation
Conscription : A person legally ordered by the state to serve in the armed forces.

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 Census : An official counting of a country’s inhabitants.
Circumlocution : A roundabout way of speaking.
 Conscience : Part of one’s mind which hold one’s knowledge or sense of right and
 Culprit : A person responsible for something wrong, unpleasant.
 Custom : A person is in the habit of doing regularly.
 Coffer/treasure : A store of money, gold, jewels etc.
 Cynosure : A person or thing that have centre of attraction.
 Chauvinism : The belief that your country, race is better than any other.

 Adultery : Sexual intercourse between a husband and a women who is not his wife
or between a wife and a man who is not her husband.

 Cereal : A kind of grain used as food.

 Cantonment : A military force.
 Conspirator : A person who conspires.
 Carcass : Dead body of a large animals.
 Corpse : A dead body of a human being.
 Calligraphy/Orthography: The art of beautiful, decorative hand writing.

 Cacography : Bad hand writing.

 Consort : A royal wife or husband.
 Caricature : A drawing or imitation of someone or something which is so
exaggerated as to appear ridiculous.

 Dawdle : To walk slowly, wasting time
Ex – Hurryup and don’t dawdle.
 Dynasty : Succession of rulers belonging to one family
 Dermatologist : He is a doctor who is a specialist in skin disease
 Demagogue : A democratic orator
 Dominion : An area of land that is controlled by a ruler :
 Drought : Dry weather with no rainfall
 Draught : Gust of wind :
 Dipsomania : Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks
 Dipsophobia : Fear of alcoholic drinks
 Dandy : A man who pays too much attention to his clothes and personal appearance.

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 Destitute : The state of being miserable bereft of all possessions.
 Dexterous : Skilful at handling things.
 Deprecate : To feel or express disapproval of something or someone.

 Dilettante : One who is dabbler in arts, science or literature.

 Delegate : To give one’s authority to another.
 Demography : The study of population.
 Distort : Pull out of usual shape.
 Dictatorship : Government run by dictator.
 Dotage : Extreme of old age when a man behaves like a fool.
 Dormitory : Sleeping room with many beds.
 Diurnal : Of the daytime.
 Dogma : Opinions settled or fixed by an authority.
 Domicile : A person living permanently in a certain place,

 Decennial : An event which happens once in ten year.

 Delinquent : A young person who regularly does illegal or immoral things.

 Drown : To die in water or any other liquid because one is unable to breathe.

 Diplomacy : The activity of managing relations between different countries.

 Defame : To injure one’s reputation.

 Dilate : To make or become larger.
 Denizen : A person, an animal or a plant that lives, grows or is often found in a
particular place
 Dialogue : A conversation between two persons.
 Distraught : Very worried and upset.
 Dwarf : An animal, plant or person much smaller than normal.
 Drizzle : Light rain.
 Discrepancy : Difference between two things that should be the same.
 Directory : A type of book giving names and addresses etc.
 Diffident : One who lacks confidence.
 Ductile : Capable of being bent or pulled into different shapes
Ex: Ductile iron.
 Demophobia : Fear of people.
 Disperse : Scatter in all direction.

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 Dockyard : Place where ships are built and maintained.
 Dummy : Large modal looking human being and used to clothes.
 Debutant : One who makes the first apperance in public platform like dancing,
 Etymologist : A person who studies the origin and history of words.

 Eulogy : A speech in praise of.

 Epithet : A word that describes a person. Big B Amitabh Bacchan

 Embezzle : Using money placed in one’s care in a wrong way to benefit oneself.

 Eternal : Something which lasts forever. God is Eternal.

 Epilogue/Peroration : Short speech or poem given at the end of a play or a book.

 Extempore/Impromptu : A Speech delivered without any preparation.

 Enviable : Likely to arouse envy.

 Emigrant : One who leaves one’s country in orders to settle permanently.

 Effeminate : A man who is quite like a woman ,

 Euthanasia : Bringing about a gentle and easy death especially to end suffering.

 Epitaph : Words inscribed on a tomb.

 Entomology : The study of worms and insects.
 Equilibrium : A State of equal balance between weight, Force etc.
 Effulgence : A state of being bright and radiant.
 Egoist : A person who is self centered.
 Excerpt : A part taken from a book / An extract from a book of writing.
 Editor : Person who directs preparation of a news paper.
 Ecology : Study of the interaction of people with their environment.

 Exonerate : Free somebody from blame or guilt.

 Encyclopaedia : A book containing various branches of knowledge arranged in alpha
betical order.
 Egocentric : A person who thinks only about himself and not about other needs.

 Egotist : One who always talks about himself.

 Edible : Fit to be eaten.

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 Extravagant : A man who wastes his money on luxury.
 Embankment : A raised bank or wall that is built to carry a roadway.

 Economical : Avoiding wastage.

 Epicurean/Epicure : Involving an appreciation of fine food and drink.

 Effluents : Waste matter from a factory.

 Extant : Still existing and known.
 Effigy : A likeness of a person.
 Etiquette : The rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave.
 Esplanade : An area for walking or driving along a shore.
 Endorsement : To write one’s signature on the back of a paper or cheque.

 Epigram : A short and clever poem.

 Etiology/Aetiology : Science of the cases of diseases.
 Exodus : Large scale departure of people.
 Electorate : A body of voters.
 Emporium : A trading centre/ A large retail store.
 Equator : An imaginary line round the earth.
 Eccentric : Not conforming to ordinary rules of behavior.
 Elysian/Elysium : Paradise or a place where one gets supreme delight and bliss.

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 Fastidious : Not likely to be easily pleased.
 Famine : Widespread scarcity of food.
 Facsimile : An exact copy. Xerox Xerox ,

 Fugitive : A person who runs away from justice or the law.

 Flora : Plants of a particular region.

 Funambulist/Acrobat : One who walks on rope.
 Fatal / Mortal : Causing death.
 Fatalist : One who believes that events are decided by fate.
 Figment : Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist.
 Fanatical : Excessively enthusiastic often unreasonably about something.
 Fratricide : Murder of a brother.
 Patricide : The act of killing one’s father. P P Patricide
 Parricide : The murder of a parent. Parricide R

 Suicide : An act of killing oneself deliberately.

 Homicide : The murder of a person by another.
 Regicide : The crime of killing a king or Queen.
 Germicide : A substance that kills germs.
 Matricide : Murder of mother M Mother M Matricide.
 Sororicide : Murder of sister.
 Uxoricide : One who kills one’s wife
 Mariticide : One who kill one’s husband
 Feminist : A man who want to make women’s legal, political, social etc right equal to
those of man.
 Facade : The front of a building.
 Flamboyant : Extremely showy and colorful personality.
Fold : A small enclosure for cattle, sheep etc.
 Fleet : A group of ship.
 Fortnight : A period of 15 days/ two weeks.
 Feasible : Able to be done.
 Fraud : An act of dishonestly.
 Glutton : One who eats too much.
 Gullible : One who is easily deceived.
 Garrison : A number of soldiers, for guarding a fortress, town etc.
 Gynaecologist : A person who deals with the disease of women.
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 Genocide : The killing of whole group of people.
 Gamble : To play a game in which you can win or lose money or possessions.
 Garrulous : Very talkative.
 Gangrene : The decay of a part of the body of a living person, animal etc.
 Galaxy : A very large group of stars.
 Gregarious : Liking the company of other people.
 Gust : A sudden blast of wind.
 Gourmet : One who likes or knows about good food.
 Gladiator : A man trained to fight with other men or with animals for the amusement
of Spectators.
 Genetics : Study of heredity.
 Groom/Ostler : A person who looks after horses.
 Heresy : An opinion contrary to popular belief
 Hearsay : Something heard from another person.
 Hierarchy : A system in which pepole are placed in a series.
 Hamlet : A cluster of houses in a village
 Horizon : The line when the land and sky seems to meet

 Homogeneous : Consisting of parts all of the same kind.

 Heterogeneous : Consisting of different kinds of people or thing

 Hangar : A building in which aircraft are housed.

 Huddle : Number of things or portions close together without order or arrangement.

 Hamper : A large food basket with a cover.

 Honorary : Without pay or emolument.
 Hermit : A person who prefers to live alone, without contact with other people
 Herbivorous : Animals which live on herbs / plants
 Carnivorous : One who eats flesh.
 Omnivorous : One who eats both plants and other animals.
 Graminivorous : Animal that eat grasses.
 Cannibal : A person who eats human flesh/An animal which eats others of its own
species. ::

 Frugivore : One who eats fruits.

 Hoard : To Store and stock
 Honorarium : An emolument over and above fixed income or salary

 Hypocrite/Imposter : One who pretends to be what he is not.

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 Hutch : A wooden box with a front made of wire that is used for keeping small
 Byre : The shelter for cow.
 Hurricane : Violent storm.
 Hijack : To forcibly take control of a vehicle.
 Hive : Artificial center for honey bees.
 Introspection : Examination of self thoughts or feelings.
 Indefatigable : Able to work for a very long time without become tired.
 Irrigate : To supply water to land by canals or other artificial means.
 Incorrigible : One who can not be corrected.
 Inaccessible : Not able to be approached, reached or obtained.

 Irrelevant : Unrelated to the subject.

 Itinerary : A route for a journey.
 Infallible : A person or his judgement never making a mistake.
 Invincible : That cannot be overcome or defeated.
 Incombustible : Not able to be burned.
 Inflammable : Easily set on fire.
 Ineffable : Impossible to describe.
 Insolvent : One who is unable to pay one’s debts.
 Intermittent : Happening occasionally. -
 Inaudible : Not loud or clear enough to be heard.
 Intermediary : A person who takes messages from one person to another in a
dispute in order to settle the dispute.
 Imperialism : The policy of having or extending control over the territory of other
 Irresistible : Impossible to resist.
 Idolatry : The worship of idols.
 Sculptor : A person who makes idols.
 Ingenious : Clever at finding new or simple solution for complex problems.

 Incongruous/Odd : Unsuitable or out of place.

 Illegitimate : Born of parents not married to each other.
 Irrevocable : That cannot be altered or with drawn.
 Illiterate : A man who doesn’t know how to read or write.
 Inexplicable : Impossible to explain or understand.
 Incendiary : A person who sets fire to building etc unlawfully.

 Interpreter : A peson who translates the word of a speaker into the language of his
 Impeachment : Special trial of the head of state by parliament.
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 Incredible : Something that is hard to believe.
 Inveterate/fastidious : Very critical and difficult to please.
 Idiosyncrasy : An unusual way in which a person behaves.
 Intangible : That canot be touched.
 Interregnum : The period between two reigns.

 Imperishable : Not perishable.

 Insomnia : Inability to sleep.
 Curator : A person in charge of a museum
 Custodian : A person who guards or takes care of something buildings, grounds,
Animals etc.
 Sexton : A person who looks after a church
 Jury/ Panel : A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdict in
 Jockey : A person who rides horses in races as an occupation.
 Jurisdiction : A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised
 Journalist/Reporter : A writer for a newspaper, magazine etc.
 Juggler/Conjuror : One who performs tricks or acts of magic or deftness

 Stroll /Saunter : A walk

 Kleptomania : An excessively morbid desire to steal
 Bibliomania : The extreme fondness for books.
 Kangaroo court : An unofficial court that punishes people unfairly.
 Kennel : A type of small hut for a dog.
Knell : The sound of a bell giving warning of a death or funerals.

 Kiln : A type of large oven for baking pottery or bricks.

 Potter : A person who makes plates, cups, vases etc.
 Kerne : The softer substance inside the shell of a nut
 Lexicographer : One who compiles a dictionary
 Legible : Clear enough to be read
 Labyrinth : A place full of long, winding passage / a maze
 Lithotomy : Cutting for stone in the bladder.
 Lunatic : A person who is insane or crazy.
 Lair/Den : The den of a wild beast.
 Lullaby : A song sung to make children go to sleep.
 Lull : A temporary period of calm.

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 Leer : An unpleasant kind of smile.
 Laxative : A medicine which makes it easier to pass waste matter from the bowels

 Laboratory : A place where scientific experiments are carried on.

 Limnology : The study of lakes or fresh water.
 Legend : A myth or traditional story, handed down from one generation to another.

 Lavatory : Room with toilet facilities

 Misologist : One who hates knowledge.
 Misogamist : One who hates marriage.
 Misogynist : One who hates women.
 Misanthrope : One who hates man kind.
 Microscope : An instrument which makes very small objects able to be seen
magnifying them greatly
 Telescope : A kind of tube containing lenses through which distant objects appear
 Kaleidoscope : A tube : shaped toy in which loose coloured pieces of glass reflected
in two mirrors form changing pattern.
 Manuscript : The hand written or typed material for a book etc.
 Mortuary/Morgue : A building or room in a hospital where dead bodies are kept
before burial or cremation.
 Mercenary 1 : A person who is solely motivated by money or personal gain.

 Mercenary 2 : A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.

 Mammals : Animals which suckle their young.

 Monopoly : Exclusive possession or control of anything:

 Miser/parsimonious : A mean person who lives very poorly
 Menu : A list of dishes.
 Maverick : A person who refuses to follow the customs or rules of a group.

 Massacre : The killing of a large number of people with great cruelty.

 Maxim : A saying, general truth or rule giving a guide to good behavior.
 Maiden 1 : The first speech made by a person.
 Maiden 2 : A young unmarried women.
 Manoeuvre : A planned movement of troops, ships, aircraft, vehicles etc.

 Mirage : An illusion of an area of water in the desert or on a road

 Migration : The movement of persons from one country to another.


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 Nomad : One of a group of people with no permanent home who travel about with
their sheep, cattle etc.
 Nepotism : Giving of special favour to one’s kith and kin.

 Null : To reduce to nothing.

 Narcissism : Excessive indulgence to self.
 Notorious : A person who is well known for badness or wickedness.
 Nomenclature : A system of naming things.
 Nimble : Able to move quickly, easily and lightly.
 Novice : A beginner in any skill.
 Naturalist : A person who studies animal and plant life.
 Nostalgia : A longing for past time.
 Neurology : The branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system.

 Nun : A member of a female religious community.

 Nunnery/Convent : A house in which a group of nuns live
 Celibate : The state of being unmarried or of refraining from sexual intercourse.

 Bachelor : An unmarried man.

 Spinster : A woman who is not married.
 Virgin : A person, especially a women, who had no sexual intercourse.

 Omnibus : A book which holds several works of one author.
 Obsolescent : Passing out of use.
 Bovine : That which is cattle like/cow like.
 Feline : That which is cat like.
 Canine : That which is dog like.
 Equine : That which is horse like.
 Orator/Eloquent : A proficient public speaker.
 Omniscient : One who knows everything.
 Omnivorous : One who eats both vegetables and meat.

 Omnipotent : One who have unlimited power.

 Omnipresent : One who is present everywhere.
 Oligarchy : Government by a small group of all powerful persons.

 Orphanage : A home for orphans.

 Orphan : A child who has lost both parents.
 Ornithology : The study of birds and their behavior.
 Obituary : A notice of a person’s death.
 Orchestra : A group of musicians playing together.
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 Choir : A group of singers.
 Troupe : A Performing group of actors, dancers.
 Troop : A group of soldiers.
 Optimist : One who looks at the bright side of things.
 Pessimist : A person who always expects bad things to happen.
 Oculist/ophthalmologist : A person who attends to the diseases of the eye.

 Octogenarian : A person from eighty and eighty nine years old.

 Nonagenarian : A person from ninety years and ninety nine years old.

 Sexagenarian : A person from sixty to sixty nine years old.

 Septuagenarian : A person from seventy to seventy nine years old.

 Ombudsman : An official appointed to look into complaints especially against a

 Octagon : A geometrical figure with eight sides.
 Orbit : The path in which something moves around a planet, star etc.

 Obstetrics : The science of helping women before, during, and after the birth of
 Obstetrician : A doctor who specializes in obstetrics.
 Orchard : A garden or other area in which fruit trees are grown.
 Opprobrium : Scornful and contemptuous language.
 Oblation : The act of making a religious offering.
 Observatory : A place for observing and studying the stars, weather etc.
 Offspring : The young of an animal or plant.
 Ornate : Covered with decorations/using many fancy words.
 Oncology : Study of tumors.
 Onomatopoeia : The creation of word that imitate natural sounds.
Boom, Bang
 Obese : A very fat man.
 Panacea : A remedy for all ills.
 Pacifist/Dovish : A person who believes in pacifism.

 Pedantic : A person who makes a great show of his knowledge.

 Philistine : A person who is indifferent to art and literature.

 Perseverance : Ability to continue to do something inspite of difficulties.

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 Philatelist : A person who studies and collects postage stamps.
 Numismatics : A person who studies and collects coins, paper money, and medals.

 Paradox : A statement that contradicts itself.

 Phonetics : A study of sounds.
 Peninsula : A piece of land that is almost surrounded by water.
 Paediatrics : The study of the illness of children.
 Plagiarist : Someone who uses another person’s words or ideas.
 Pseudonym : A false name used by an author.
 Posthumous : Happening or coming to a person after his death.

 Potable : That can be drunk.

 Penchant : A strong liking for something.
 Pandemonium : A state of noise and confusion.
 Paragon : A perfect example of a good quality.
 Polygraph : A lie detector.
 Pensive : Thinking deeply about something.
 Predator : One preying on or exploiting others.
 Parasol : A light umbrella used as a protection against the sun.
 Patriot : A person who loves his or her country.
 Partisan : A strong and enthusiastic support of a person.
 Protocol : Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence.
 Parvenu : A person of obscure position who has gained wealth.

 Periphery : Boundary of an area.

 Perch : A branch on which a birds sits or stand.
 Porch/Veranda : A covered entrance to a building.
 Patent : Sole right to make and sell some invention.
 Playboy : A rich man who spends his time and money on pleasure.

 Prodigy : An unusually gifted or intelligent young person.

 Prodigal : A person who spends money extravagantly.
 Pedestrian : A person who travels on foot.
 Prerogative/Privilege : A special right belonging to a person because of his rank.

 Pedagogue : Someone who educates young people.

 Proprietor : An owner of a shop , hotel.
 Postscript : A part added to a letter after the writer has signed it.

 Projectile : Something that is thrown as a weapon.

 Pilgrim : A person who travels to a holy place.

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 Predecessor : A person who has had a particular job or position before someone else.

 Palaeography : The study of ancient writings.

 Plebeian : A common person.

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