One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution
Altruist : One who lives and works for the welfare of others.
Asylum 2 : A hospital where people who were mentally ill, could be cared for.
Bohemian : One who does not follow the usual rules of social life.
Avenue : A wide street, especially one with trees or tall building on each side.
Catalogue : A list of books available in a library.
Cocktail : A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks.
Adultery : Sexual intercourse between a husband and a women who is not his wife
or between a wife and a man who is not her husband.
Dawdle : To walk slowly, wasting time
Ex – Hurryup and don’t dawdle.
Dynasty : Succession of rulers belonging to one family
Dermatologist : He is a doctor who is a specialist in skin disease
Demagogue : A democratic orator
Dominion : An area of land that is controlled by a ruler :
Drought : Dry weather with no rainfall
Draught : Gust of wind :
Dipsomania : Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks
Dipsophobia : Fear of alcoholic drinks
Dandy : A man who pays too much attention to his clothes and personal appearance.
Drown : To die in water or any other liquid because one is unable to breathe.
Embezzle : Using money placed in one’s care in a wrong way to benefit oneself.
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Hutch : A wooden box with a front made of wire that is used for keeping small
Byre : The shelter for cow.
Hurricane : Violent storm.
Hijack : To forcibly take control of a vehicle.
Hive : Artificial center for honey bees.
Introspection : Examination of self thoughts or feelings.
Indefatigable : Able to work for a very long time without become tired.
Irrigate : To supply water to land by canals or other artificial means.
Incorrigible : One who can not be corrected.
Inaccessible : Not able to be approached, reached or obtained.
Interpreter : A peson who translates the word of a speaker into the language of his
Impeachment : Special trial of the head of state by parliament.
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Incredible : Something that is hard to believe.
Inveterate/fastidious : Very critical and difficult to please.
Idiosyncrasy : An unusual way in which a person behaves.
Intangible : That canot be touched.
Interregnum : The period between two reigns.
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Leer : An unpleasant kind of smile.
Laxative : A medicine which makes it easier to pass waste matter from the bowels
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Nomad : One of a group of people with no permanent home who travel about with
their sheep, cattle etc.
Nepotism : Giving of special favour to one’s kith and kin.
Omnibus : A book which holds several works of one author.
Obsolescent : Passing out of use.
Bovine : That which is cattle like/cow like.
Feline : That which is cat like.
Canine : That which is dog like.
Equine : That which is horse like.
Orator/Eloquent : A proficient public speaker.
Omniscient : One who knows everything.
Omnivorous : One who eats both vegetables and meat.
Nonagenarian : A person from ninety years and ninety nine years old.
Obstetrics : The science of helping women before, during, and after the birth of
Obstetrician : A doctor who specializes in obstetrics.
Orchard : A garden or other area in which fruit trees are grown.
Opprobrium : Scornful and contemptuous language.
Oblation : The act of making a religious offering.
Observatory : A place for observing and studying the stars, weather etc.
Offspring : The young of an animal or plant.
Ornate : Covered with decorations/using many fancy words.
Oncology : Study of tumors.
Onomatopoeia : The creation of word that imitate natural sounds.
Boom, Bang
Obese : A very fat man.
Panacea : A remedy for all ills.
Pacifist/Dovish : A person who believes in pacifism.
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Philatelist : A person who studies and collects postage stamps.
Numismatics : A person who studies and collects coins, paper money, and medals.
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Predecessor : A person who has had a particular job or position before someone else.
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