Online Salon Management System For Samudra Bridal Palace

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Online Salon Management System

Samudra Bridal Palace

J.A.J.N. Jayaweera
BIT Registration No: R142099
Index No: 1420992


Supervisors: P.D. Dilshan Navinda

Dimuthu Lakshan Amithasekare

This dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the

Degree of Bachelor of Information Technology (External) of the
University of Colombo School Of Computing.
Online Salon Management System


Figure: Declaration

Online Salon Management

Samudra Bridal Palace is a well-recognized and reputed salons among peoples and
modelers around the Maharagama area. They have three salons around Maharagama,
Baralasgamuwa and Nugegoda areas. Day by day their customer base is growing up
and current manual process not efficient enough to provide quick and reliable service
to them. Also hard to maintain salon internal process. Issuing reliable report is much
needed, Because of these salon owner willing to manage their salons from one place
and also to keep their well reputation among salons and peoples much needed.

They have no automation system for their process. Even if they use computers and
tablet they do not have proper system to full fill their needs. They are using record
book to tracking their day by day process in salons. This is very inefficient and
unreliable. And keeping records not accurate with relevant salon data when calculate
reports. And also salary calculation of employees not easy.

This system will provide the functionalities of manage salons’ details, manage day by
day bookings, manage issuing many reports (employee’s salary report, product report,
booking report etc.), manage service, billing, manage employee details, manage
customer details and manage notification system for day to day transactions. This
system will help to improve the higher efficiency in the processes in the salons. It will
enable salon staff to add data to the system without bothering about creating report
formats that will increase the efficiency of salon staff. This system will used
employee’s ids and passwords for employees to access the system. In this case salon’s
confidential data will not be available to the unauthorized access.

The project was implemented using Visual Studio 2012 as the IDE and SQL server
used as the DBMS. Coding was done using the C# programming language and angular
2(JavaScript framework). In addition, Visual Paradigm for UML was used to draw the
UML diagrams shown in this interim report.

The system will provide user friendly simple interface which will help them to
make reliable, quick and effective service to their customers.

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I take this space to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have
helped me in various ways throughout the project work to make this project a success.

First, I wish to express my gratitude to the BIT Coordinator of University of Colombo

School of Computing (UCSC) and project examination board of Bachelors of
Information Technology (BIT) for giving me the opportunity to apply the knowledge
gained through the BIT degree program.

My sincere appreciation goes to the Samudra Bridal Palace owner Mr. Samudra
Siriwardana and staff, who enlightened me about the processes and functionalities of
the salon and co-operated in the course of development of the project.

In the mean time I would like to thanks my supervisors Mr. Dimuthu Lakshan
Amithasekara and Mr. Dilshan Navinda for counseling and supervising me throughout
the development of the project.

I would especially thanks to Mr. Sumedha Milroy for guiding me through all phases of
the project and helping for the dissertation document.

I am also grateful to my family and friends especially to my parents for support

given in every way possible throughout the process of this degree program of three

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TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................................................ix
LIST OF ACRONYMS....................................................................................................................x
CHAPTER 01-INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1
1.1. Background.................................................................................................................1
1.2. Motivations For The Project.......................................................................................1
1.3. Scope Of The Project..................................................................................................2
1.4. User Requirements.....................................................................................................3
1.5. System Requirements.................................................................................................4
1.5.1. Requirements for Web Hosting..........................................................................4
1.5.2. End User Requirements......................................................................................4
1.5.3. Requirements For Software................................................................................4
1.6. Outline Of The Remaining Chapters...........................................................................4
CHAPTER 02-ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................6
2.1. Current Manual System..............................................................................................6
2.2. Weaknesses Of Current Manual System.....................................................................7
2.3. Outline of Existing Similar Solution.............................................................................7
2.4. Requirement Gathering..............................................................................................9
2.5. Requirement Analysis...............................................................................................10
2.6. Functional Requirements..........................................................................................10
CHAPTER 03-DESIGN................................................................................................................11
3.1. Alternative Solutions................................................................................................11
3.2. Selected Solution......................................................................................................11
3.3. Software Development Process Model....................................................................12
3.4. Relevant Design Diagrams........................................................................................12
3.4.1. Use Case Diagram.............................................................................................12
3.4.2. Class diagram for the system............................................................................16
3.4.3. Activity Diagram................................................................................................18
3.4.4. Sequence Diagram............................................................................................19
3.4.5. Database Design And Entity Relationship Diagrams.........................................21

3.4.6. User Interface Design.......................................................................................22

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CHAPTER 04: IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................................24

4.1. Hardware and Software Requirements....................................................................24
4.2. Development Tools...................................................................................................24
4.3. Code Feature............................................................................................................27
1. Design Architecture..................................................................................................27
Major Code Segments......................................................................................................29
1. Database Connection................................................................................................29
2. Service Page Add Model...........................................................................................29
3. Service Component Save Function...........................................................................32
4. Service Layer for add new salon service...................................................................33
5. Web API Layer (Application programming interface)...............................................34
6. Service API................................................................................................................34
7. Service Business Layer..............................................................................................34
8. Data Access layer......................................................................................................34
9. Stored Procedure......................................................................................................36
4.4. Re-usable Components.............................................................................................38
CHAPTER 05: EVALUATION.......................................................................................................39
5.1. Requirement for A Good System Evaluation............................................................39
5.2. Test Plan...................................................................................................................39
5.3. Test Strategies..........................................................................................................40
5.3.1. Unit testing.......................................................................................................40
5.3.2. Black box testing...............................................................................................40
5.3.3. White box testing.............................................................................................40
5.3.4. Integration testing............................................................................................41
5.3.5. System testing..................................................................................................41
5.4. Test Case Generation................................................................................................42
5.4.1. Test Case and Test Result for Service Category................................................42
5.1.1. Test Cases and Test Result for Service..............................................................44
5.5. User Evaluation.........................................................................................................47
CHAPTER 06: CONCLUSION......................................................................................................51
6.1. Overview..................................................................................................................51
6.2. Lessons Learnt..........................................................................................................51
6.3. Critical Assessment of Project..................................................................................51
6.4. Future Enhancements..............................................................................................52

APPENDIX A – SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION...............................................................................55

APPENDIX B – DESIGN DOCUMENTATION................................................................................62
Online Salon Management

APPENDIX C – USER MANUAL..................................................................................................64

System Login........................................................................................................................64
Home Page...........................................................................................................................64
Handel Booking....................................................................................................................65
Create Bookings................................................................................................................65
View Booking....................................................................................................................69
Cancel Booking.................................................................................................................69
Modify Booking................................................................................................................70
Complete Booking............................................................................................................70
APPENDIX D – MANAGEMENT REPORTS..................................................................................72
APPENDIX E – TEST RESULTS....................................................................................................75
APPENDIX F – CODE LISTING....................................................................................................78
Delete Service Form System.............................................................................................78
Service Layer for delete service........................................................................................79
Web API Layer..................................................................................................................79
Service API........................................................................................................................79
Service Business Layer......................................................................................................80
Data Access Layer.............................................................................................................80
Stored Procedure.............................................................................................................81
APPENDIX G – CLIENT CERTIFICATE..........................................................................................82

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Figure: Declaration i
Figure 2.1: Use Case Diagram For Current Manual System 6
Figure 2.2: Main Window of Salon Management System 7
Figure 2.3: Booking View of the JBS System 8
Figure 2.4: Salon Report Creating View 8
Figure 3.1: Use Case Diagram for Owner 13
Figure 3.2: Use Case Diagram for Salon Admin 14
Figure 3.3: Use Case Diagram for Employee 15
Figure 3.4: Class Diagram for New System 17
Figure 3.5: Activity Diagram for System Login 18
Figure 3.6: Activity Diagram for Add New Service 19
Figure 3.7: Sequence Diagram For Add Booking 20
Figure 3.8: Sequence Diagram For Add Service 20
Figure 3.9: Entity Relationship Diagram for the System 21
Figure 3.10: Login Window of the System 22
Figure 3.11: Main Window of the System 23
Figure 3.12: Employee Manage Window 23
Figure 4.1: Solution Structure for Projects in Visual Studio 28
Figure 4.2: Service Add Model 30
Figure 4.3: Angular 2 Date Picker View 38
Figure 4.4: Day Pilot Pro Angular view 38
Figure 5.1: Service Category View 43
Figure 5.2: Validation for Required Fields 43
Figure 5.3: Delete Confirmation Message 44
Figure 5.4: Status Change to “True” for Deleted Records 44
Figure 5.5: Service View 45
Figure 5.6: Validation for required fields in Add Service view 46
Figure 5.8: In DB service table status changed to 1 46
Figure 5.9: User Feedback from Salon Owner 48
Figure 5.10: User Feedback from Beautician 49

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Figure 5.11: Summary Of Product Satisfaction Survey 50

Figure A.1: Install SQL Server 2012 step 1 55
Figure A.2: Install SQL Server 2012 step 2 56
Figure A.3: Install SQL Server 2012 step 3 56
Figure A.4: Install SQL Server 2012 step 4 57
Figure A.5: Install SQL Server 2012 step 5 57
Figure A.6: Install SQL Server 2012 step 6 58
Figure A.7: Install SQL Server 2012 step 7 58
Figure A.8: Install SQL Server 2012 step 8 59
Figure A.9: Install SQL Server 2012 step 9 59
Figure A.10: Install SQL Server 2012 step 10 60
Figure B.1: Activity diagram for add new branch salon 62
Figure B.2: Activity diagram for deleting a services 63
Figure C.1: Login view 64
Figure C.2: Home Page View 65
Figure C.3: Branch Selecting View 65
Figure C.4: Booking Dashboard 66
Figure C.5: Booking Panel – Service 66
Figure C.6: Booking Panel - Customer 67
Figure C.7: Booking Panel - Confirmation 68
Figure C.8: Available Bookings Shown On the Booking Dashboard 68
Figure C.9: Booking Details View 69
Figure C.10: Cancel Booking Confirmation Message 69
Figure C.11: Modify Booking View 70
Figure C.12: Invoice Generates When Complete Booking 71
Figure D.1: Salon service bookings report 72
Figure D.2: Employee attendance report 73
Figure D.3: Employee booking count report 73
Figure D.4: Daily income from completed appointments 74
Figure G 1: Client Certificate 85

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Table 3.1: Use case description for System Login 15
Table 3.2: Use case description for Generate Salon’s Reports 16
Table 3.3: Use case description for Create Bookings 16
Table 3.4: Use case description for complete booking 16
Table 5.1: Test Cases for Service category 43
Table 5.2: Test Cases for Service 45
Table D 1: Test result for online booking 75
Table D 2: Test result for add booking from dashboard 76
Table D 3: Test result for cancel booking from dashboard 76
Table D 4: Test result for complete booking from dashboard 77

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OSMS - Online Salon Management System
SBP - Samudra Bridal Palace
RAM - Random Access Memory
HDD - Hard disk drive
Gb - Gigabyte
RAD - Rapid Application Development
OOAD - Object Oriented Analysis and Designing
ORM - Object Relational Mapper
DBMS - Database Management System
UML - Unified Modeling Language
ER - Entity-Relationship
IIS - Internet Information Services
IDE - Integrated Development Environment
API - Application Programming Interface
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
FCL - Framework Class Library
CLR - Common Language Runtime
EF - Entitiy Framework
MVC - Model–View–Controller pattern
XAML - Extensible Application Markup Language
HTML - HyperText Markup Language
WCF - Windows Communication Foundation
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
WSDL - Web Services Description Language
SQL - Structured Query Language
ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

Online Salon Management

1.1. Background

Day by day modern beauty culture is getting rapidly popular among the peoples,
especially among young men and woman. Also they are having a habit of
preferring a usual one beautician. So the salon owners are eager to provide their
services at its best to the customers for make sure they are remain with salon as
long as. In this case they are looking for best way to manage their salons in more
efficiencies and keep customers attractive to salons.
Samudra Bridal Palace is a well-recognized and reputed salons around the
Boralasgamuwa area. The Salon started about five years ago with one employees
in Boralasgamuwa town. By now they have three salon around Maharagama,
Nugegoda, Boralasgamuwa areas. Day by day their customer base is growing and
current manual process not efficient enough to provide quick and reliable service
to them. Managing reliable booking is much needed also generate reports,
Because of these bookings directly involve in day by day salons service.

1.2. Motivations For The Project

 Samudra Bridal Palace is well-recognized and reputed group of salons in the area.
 They have no automated salon management system for manage their salon
 Most of the employees are using smart phones and tablets, so eventually they
got the basic idea about how to use web browsers and access internet and work
on it. And they can easily adept to this online web base salon management
system with simple system introduction of how to use it.
 The system will provide user friendly simple interface which will help them to
make reliable, quick and effective service.

Online Salon Management

1.3. Scope Of The Project

The proposed system will provide manage day to day salon process easily.

 Manage branch details :-

Salon owner can manage his salons in one location. Each branches have
separate login and separate branch account. Salon owner and SBP
admin can generate reports with all possible areas according branches
and as all in one branches. Also can manage branch properties add
employee / add service etc.

 Manage employee details :-

At the beginning there was only few staff members with Samudra salon.
Now, with the expansion of their service to many region around the area
they had to recruit new staff members. With the increase of staff It hard
to keep records without proper system. To keep employees details there
should have module for manage employee. It should include manage
employee attendance too.

 Manage service details :-

Every salon has offer veracity of services related to beauty culture.
Salon has to maintain a service list with the price and service
details. It’s also help full for salon employees to deal with
Especially when creating bill. To full fill this manage service module
will be added to the system.

 Manage bookings by salon :-

Salon’s customers can directly call to salon and salon admin should
create booking for that customer with specific service and time.
Additionally booking can assign specific employee.

 Manage invoice :-
Customers had to pay full billed amount when the service received. In
this case the salon front desk should be able to generate bill for
customers. And the payment details for the bill should be recorded in
to the system.

Online Salon Management

 Generate reports :-

Online Salon Management

System reports are most important for owner to get valuable decisions
and prediction in management. Many types of reports are allowed in
system. Daily summary of payment details, summary of booking,
monthly summary of them, and most requested reports types by salon
owner, and so on.

 Manage customer details :-

Their customers are mostly regular basis. So they are planning to keep
historical data to evaluate who got service and product from their
salons. For this they are need to keep customers details against the
issued reports historical data.
 Manage product details :-
Each day salon expends lot of products and equipment in their
activities. So it should be manage to prevent run out stocks. General
reorder points for those items set into system and system will manage
message to indicate before stock ran out.

1.4. User Requirements

This system will have four potential users as given below,

 Owner
 Salon Admin
 Employees
 Customers

Main requirement of this system is manage salon process in efficient way. This system
will provide for it,

 Booking Module
 Product Module
 Service Module
 HR Module
 OSMS Settings Module
 Report Module
 Billing Module

Online Salon Management

1.5. System Requirements

At the end of project system should works on customer’s environment. There are
requirements in Hardware and Software to run the new system.

1.5.1. Requirements for Web Hosting

Web server requirements for host the application.
 Cloud base IIS v.10 server
 2Gb RAM
 Unmetered bandwidth
 Unmetered storage

1.5.2. End User Requirements

Hardware requirements for this system as given below,

 Computer or any mobile device able to run web browser and stable
internet connection.

1.5.3. Requirements For Software

 Software requirements for this system is any web browser runs
on any operating system.

1.6. Outline Of The Remaining Chapters

After the Introduction chapter, the dissertation contains five main chapters.

Chapter 02: ANALYSIS - The Analysis chapter describes the existing system,
requirements and feasibility study for the proposed system and the process model used
to develop the system.

Chapter 03: DESIGN - The Design chapter includes some diagrams relating to the
system design. It further describes the designing approach used and designing of the
data base as well as the user interfaces.

Chapter 04: IMPLEMENTATION - The main codes and the software and hardware
environment used for implementing the system are described in the Implementation

Online Salon Management

Chapter 05: EVALUTION - The test plan and test cases of the system are given in the
Evaluation chapter.

Chapter 06: CONCLUSION - The final chapter, the Conclusion includes lessons learnt
and the information about further development of the system.

After the main chapters there is a Reference section where all the materials referred to
write the dissertation are given. Furthermore in the appendices, System
Documentation, Design Documentation, Management Reports, Test Results, Code
Listing and the. Finally, a Client Certificate is provided.

Online Salon Management

This section will cover the process of discovering, analyzing, defining, and
documenting the requirements that are related to the business.

Requirements analysis in systems engineering and software engineering, encompasses

those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or
altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of
the various stakeholders, analyzing, documenting, validating and managing software or
system requirements [1].

2.1. Current Manual System

They have been using Microsoft Word and Excel files to keep their day to day
record. They keep records of day to day use items and equipment in excel files
which maintain separate files in each salon. And also each day they are creating
separate word file as summary for daily income. Once owner visit the salon he
collect the files and do calculation to get rough idea about the salon income and
expenses. This method is very in reliable, insufficient and insecure. Even they use
computers and printers they do not have proper system to full fill their needs.

Figure 2.1: Use Case Diagram For Current Manual System

Online Salon Management

2.2. Weaknesses Of Current Manual System

When carried out further analysis of current manual system some weaknesses were
identified as follows,

 No proper way to manage customers’ appointments.

 No proper plan for restock the salon items and equipment.
 Cannot analysis there historical data to make predictions.
 No data backup option.
 Very often these files get attack by computer virus and lost information.
 Anyone can access these files and salon’s confidential details not protect
from unauthorized access.
 Do not have employee details management system.
 Took more time to preparing bill.

2.3. Outline of Existing Similar Solution

2.3.1. JustBookSalon
JustBookSalon, a popular salon directory software is being used by more than
1500 salons across the world. It is highly user friendly, reliable and easily
configurable according to needs of salons. Figure 2.2 describes the main window
of the JustBookSalon system [2].

Figure 2.2: Main Window of Salon Management System

Online Salon Management

The system has features like Billing, Booking, Services management, Employee
management, Product management, Maintain salon details, Manage authentication
and Manage promotions according services and generate various salon reports.

Figure 2.3: Booking View of the JBS System

Salon report format creating view shown on Figure 2.4 describes the details about

Figure 2.4: Salon Report Creating View.

Online Salon Management

2.4. Requirement Gathering

Requirement gathering is the most crucial part of the software development life cycle.
The system is built by using user requirements. Otherwise it is difficult to develop a
good product. In this project interviewing and discussion are the main requirement
gathering techniques [3].

Following requirement gathering techniques were used gather their requirements.

 Interview user :-
By using interview it can get clear idea about currently on going manual
process. Users of different levels can be interviewed and that will help to
facilitate users with their different needs.

 Observation :-
The study of users in their natural habitats is what observation is about. By
observing users, an analyst can identify a process flow, awkward steps, pain
points and opportunities for improvement. Observation can be passive or active
(asking questions while observing). Passive observation is better for getting
feedback on a prototype (to refine requirements), where active observation is
more effective at getting an understanding of an existing business process.
Either approach can be used to uncover implicit requirements that otherwise
might go overlooked

 Document Analysis :-
Before the system is designed it has to analysis books, bills and other
documents of their manual system. This will help to get the domain knowledge
of the business process.

 Prototyping :-
Prototyping is a final requirement gathering technique used in this business
process to analyze the requirement. Prototyping was a simple working system
which has been built and it was demonstrated to users and then requested to
submit their requirements, and changes to be made system. Prototyping is a
good method when the user does not have a clear idea about the system.

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2.5. Requirement Analysis

After gathering requirements from system owner and system users, requirements
are well analyzed for identify the each user’s role in the proposed system and
witch are the functions should have each user role. In this case Use case diagrams
were used for simplify the analysis. Using a use case diagram can clearly identify
external internal user roles and use case for each user roles.

Identified Critical User roles of the system

 Owner
 Salon Admin
 Employees
 Customers

2.6. Functional Requirements

 Booking Dashboard– Manage booking very easily without having mistaken

on booking of the already schedule in system.
 Online Bookings – Allow customers to schedule their appointments online.
 Manage Branches (Salons) – Allow salon owner to manage all the salons’
information within one place.
 Manage stock of products and equipment – allow owner to maintain stock
without runout the item or products.
 Manage Billing – Avoiding calculation of billing by human hand make it
easy user and reliable to customer.
 Manage Employee - It is very easy to access employee details because all
the data of the employees who are working in the salons are stored in the
database. But only authorized persons can view employee details.
 Manage Authentication – Improve reliability of the system and the protect
confidentiality of patients’ by manage access to system
 Manage Services– Authorized person can manage services according salons.

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Design is also a very important part in the project. Design data base and design user
interfaces done in this phase. According to the IEEE definition, design is both “the
process of defining the architecture, components, interfaces, and other
characteristics of a system or component” and “the result of [that] process”

3.1. Alternative Solutions

There are two different alternates identify for the OSMS for SBP during the
requirement analysis. Those suggested alternate is
 Stand Alone System
Standalone systems are able to function without getting help from the
internet and all the path of the system are hosted on single host. This type
of system not suitable for the Sanudra Bridal Palace as they planning to
connect their other salons to manage within system.

 Web Base System

3.2. Selected Solution

 Web Base System

For the current process of the salons, they are using computers to save daily
records. Also they have internet facility in all the branches as they provide
free Wi-Fi facility to the customers. And owner has android tab. Also he is
hoping to use this system from his tab. So he needed the system to be
compatible with his mobile devices, laptop and also with desktop computer
in salon.
I have suggested and explained owner, to serve all these needs we should
developed web base system. Then the owner of SBP was agreed to develop
a web base system that this running on the any device connected to internet.

After discus with my supervisor it was suggested web service integrate to

system for facilitate future enhancement like mobile app development.

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Finally the system was developed with combination of C# and Angular2 as

Web base system [4].

3.3. Software Development Process Model

There are several types of software development process models such as
 Waterfall Model
 Prototype Model
 Rapid Application Development (RAD)
 Spiral Development
 Incremental Development

3.4. Relevant Design Diagrams

Incremental Development were chosen from the above mentioned models.

Following Models were used to develop the process of the system,
 Use Case Diagram
 Sequence Diagram
 Class Diagram
 Entity Relationship Diagram
 Activity Diagram
C# is the language that uses to develop the system which is fully support to Object
Oriented Concepts, and also Entity Framework use as the Object Relational
Mapper (ORM). The proposed system were built on the Layered architecture.

3.4.1. Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with
the system and depicting the specifications of a use case. A use case diagram can
portray the different types of users of a system and the various ways that they
interact with the system. This type of diagram is typically used in conjunction
with the textual use case and will often be accompanied by other types of
diagrams as well [5].

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Following figure 3.1 illustrates the identified use cases for salon owner in the new
system. It’s simply describes the functionalities for owner in the system. In
addition to the other users of system owner has additional use cases for system
reports. Using system reports owner can get better decisions on the salon

Figure 3.1: Use Case Diagram for Owner

Following Figure 3.2 is for identified use cases for salon admin in salon. Its express the
deferent use cases that individual branch (salon) on the system.
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Figure 3.2: Use Case Diagram for Salon Admin

Following Figure 3.3 is for identified use cases for employee in salon. Its express the
deferent use cases that employee work on the system.

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Figure 3.3: Use Case Diagram for Employee

More details about use cases can be described using use case description. From these
use case description can get a clear understand about use case diagrams.

A few use case descriptions were presented here to better explain about the use
cases of owner use case diagram. These descriptions were contain overview,
precondition, flow of events and post conditions.

Bellow table 3.1 is Use case description for the login use case.
Use Case Login
Actor All Employees
Register employees can login to the system
Employee must register with the system, Employee should have User Name and Password
Flow of Events
Enter employee Details, Validate employee details, Login to the system
Post Condition
Invalid employee will get the error message and reject login. Valid employee will get the
main window of the system
Table 3.1: Use case description for System Login

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Table 3.2 is the use case description for the Generate Salon’s Reports use case.
Use Case Generate Salon’s Reports
Actor SBP/ Owner/ Salon Admin
Generate Salon’s Reports
Employee should login to the system under authorized user type
Flow of Events
Generate salon report using veiled parameters
Post Condition
Relevant Report should be show.
Table 3.2: Use case description for Generate Salon’s Reports
Table 3.3 shows the Use case description for the Create Bookings use case.
Use Case Create Bookings
Actor SBP Owner / Salon Admin
Create Bookings
Employee should login to the system under authorized user type
Flow of Events
Create booking, open booking module and create booking under specific customer.
Post Condition

Table 3.3: Use case description for Create Bookings

Table 3.4 shows the use case description for complete bookings
Use Case Generate Salon’s Reports
Actor SBP/ Owner/ Salon Admin
Generate Salon’s Reports
Employee should login to the system under authorized user type
Flow of Events
Open booking module.
Find booking
Complete specific booking
Post Condition
Success message should be show.
On dashboard complete booking should be identify separately
Table 3.4: Use case description for complete booking

3.4.2. Class diagram for the system.

In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML)

is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by

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the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships
among objects [6].

Detailed Class diagram for the Samudra Bridal Palace as follows in figure 3.4 will
give an idea about the system structure using relationship between system’s classes.

Figure 3.4: Class Diagram for New System

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3.4.3. Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise

activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the
Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams are intended to model both
computational and organizational processes (i.e. workflows). Activity diagrams
show the overall flow of control [7].
Basically Activity diagram is a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity
to another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. So
the control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be
sequential, branched or concurrent. Following Figure 3.4 illustrates the activity
diagram for “Login” in the system. It describe the activities of system user and
system during the login.

Figure 3.5: Activity Diagram for System Login

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Following activity diagram Figure 3.5 shows the “Add New Service” in the
system. It describes the activities between user and the system during the insert
salon service to the system. In this activity diagram describes the how SBP staff
add new service to the system.

Figure 3.6: Activity Diagram for Add New Service

3.4.4. Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is a kind of interaction diagram. It describes the time
ordering of the messages between objects in a specific requirement. A sequence
diagram shows a set of objects and the messages sent and received by the instance
of the objects. We can use a sequence diagram to illustrate the dynamic view of a

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Following sequence diagram Figure 3.7 illustrate the add booking for customer
from booking dashboard.

Figure 3.7: Sequence Diagram For Add Booking

Following sequence diagram Figure 3.8 illustrate add services in to system by
system administrator.

Figure 3.8: Sequence Diagram For Add Service

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3.4.5. Database Design And Entity Relationship Diagrams

In software engineering, an entity–relationship model (ER model) is a data

model for describing the data or information aspects of a business domain or its
process requirements, in an abstract way that lends itself to ultimately being
implemented in a database such as a relational database. The main components of
ER models are entities (things) and the relationships that can exist among them
[8]. A database is more and more important part of the information system.
Database design is achieved through data modelling. This is a technique used for
defining business requirements for a database. Following Figure 3.7 is the Entity
relationship diagram for the new system.

Figure 3.9: Entity Relationship Diagram for the System

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3.4.6. User Interface Design

Among all the major components of the system, a major role of the system is
played by user interfaces. Interactivity in between system and the user is
managed by the interface. User friendliness, integrated color combination and the
well- organized components are dependent on it.
Without having a user friendly interface, interaction with the system becomes
hard. Privileges must be set by the System Administrator to users in different
ways. Management of those privileges and presenting them effectively to users is
helped by the interfaces.

Log in Window
Login form uses to login to the system for authorized users using a valid username
and password. If username and password correct user allow to login to the system.
Else alert to user that enter the correct password. Figure 3.8 is the preview of login

Figure 3.10: Login Window of the System

Main window of the system
Main window of the system provide the tile view for access the modules in system
and see overview of the salon day by day process. For each modules it’s provides
separate tile. User can access these modules by clicking on tiles. Figure 3.9 shows
the appearance of main window.

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Figure 3.11: Main Window of the System

Service Manage View

Manage service details is one of the client requirement. In system Figure 3.12
preview the service management view in system. User can add, sort by, edit and
delete service in system.

Figure 3.12: Employee Manage Window

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This chapter is a description of the activities that ware carried out during the
development of the system. During this phase the results of the design phase ware
taken and the system was built accordingly. Code modules, interfaces and database
tables were created and successfully integrated.

4.1. Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware and software configuration for the implementation environment is as

 Software Requirements
o Microsoft Windows 7 or above operating system
o Microsoft .NET framework 4.5
o MS SQL 2012
o IIS (Internet Information Services) 8.5
 Hardware Requirements
o Intel Core i3 or above Processor
o 4Gb above Physical Memory for better perform
o 250GB above HDD

4.2. Development Tools

 Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE)

from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft
Windows superfamily of operating systems, as well as web sites, web
applications and web services. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development
platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation
Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native
code and managed code.

Visual Studio supports different programming languages and allows the code
editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming
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provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C, C++

and C++/CLI (via Visual C++), VB.NET (via Visual Basic .NET), C# (via Visual
C#), and F# (as of Visual Studio 2010). Support for other languages such
as M, Python, and Ruby among others is available via language services installed
separately. It also supports XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, Java Script and CSS.

Microsoft provides "Express" editions of its Visual Studio at no cost. Commercial

versions of Visual Studio along with select past versions are available for free to
students via Microsoft's DreamSpark program.

 Visual Code

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows,
Linux and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax
highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring. It is also
customizable, so users can change the editor's theme, keyboard shortcuts, and
preferences. It is free and open-source, although the official download is under a
proprietary license.

Visual Studio Code is based on Electron, a framework which is used to deploy

Node.js applications for the desktop running on the Blink layout engine. Although
it uses the Electron framework, the software does not use Atom and instead
employs the same editor component (code-named "Monaco") used in Visual Studio
Team Services (formerly called Visual Studio Online).

 C# Language

C#(pronounced as see sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language

encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-
oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was
developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative and later approved as a standard
by Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2006). C# is one of the
programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure. C# is
intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming

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language. Its development team is led by Anders Hejlsberg. The most recent
version is C# 7.0, which was released in 2017 along with Visual Studio 2017.

 Angular 2

Angular JS is an open source framework built over JavaScript. It was built by the
developers at Google. This framework was used to overcome obstacles
encountered while working with Single Page applications. Also, testing was
considered as a key aspect while building the framework. It was ensured that the
framework could be easily tested. The initial release of the framework was in
October 2010. Angular 2.0 was officially announced at the ng-conference in
October, 2014.

Following are the key features of Angular 2 −

 Components − The earlier version of Angular had a focus of Controllers but

now has changed the focus to having components over controllers.
Components help to build the applications into many modules. This helps
in better maintaining the application over a period of time.
 TypeScript − The newer version of Angular is based on TypeScript. This is
a superset of JavaScript and is maintained by Microsoft.
 Services − Services are a set of code that can be shared by different
components of an application. So for example if you had a data component
that picked data from a database, you could have it as a shared service that
could be used across multiple applications.

In addition, Angular 2 has better event-handling capabilities, powerful templates,

and better support for mobile devices [10].

 SQL Server 2012

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is a relational database management system (RDBMS)

designed for the enterprise environment. Like its predecessors, SQL Server 2012
comprises a set of programming extensions to enhance the Structured Query
Language (SQL), a standard interactive and programming language for getting
information from and updating a database [12].
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Microsoft SQL Server 2012, which supplants SQL Server 2008 R2, offers new
capabilities, notable among them the following.

 Column Store indexes: Read-only indexes that group data, streamlining the
processing of large data warehouse queries.
 Support for Windows Server Core: This is a stripped-down version that places
a far lower demand on computer resources than a full install does.
 Power View: Makes it possible to generate mash-ups of business intelligence
(BI) reports.
 Enhanced Auditing: Users can customize their audit logs to accommodate a
wider range of events with greater flexibility than was previously possible.
 Always On: Users can fail over multiple databases and read secondary copies,
enhancing disaster recovery (DR) operations.
 Distributed Replay: A workload can be taken from a production server and
played on another server to test it under realistic conditions before deploying

4.3. Code Feature

The main code modules developed in the system have been mentioned below by
briefly describing their functionality. Code modules consist with comments to identify
the specific reason of a particular code line.

1. Design Architecture
Project structure built according to the N-Layered architecture. Figure 4.1 is
illustrating the Solution structure for projects in Visual Studio. In the project
 Presentation Layer for front end (angular 2 project).
 WebAPI Layer for handle API calls
 Application Layer
 Business Layer for handle business related functions
 Domain Layer for handle domain objects
 Infrastructure Layer for handle and calls stored procedure
 SP_DataAccess Layer for handle common db configuration
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Figure 4.1: Solution Structure for Projects in Visual Studio

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Major Code Segments

1. Database Connection

<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\
MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=&quot;|DataDirectory|\aspnet-OTEM WebAPI2-
20170530075704.mdf&quot;;Initial Catalog=&quot;aspnet-OTEM WebAPI2-
20170530075704&quot;;Integrated Security=True"
<!-- Connection string for connect to local database -->
<add name="OSMSContext" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial
Catalog=OSMS;Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<!-- Path to save images -->
<add key="ResourceFileLocation" value="E:\BIT\Project\OSMS.WebAPI\Images\"/>
<!-- Web api url -->
<add key="ResourceServerUrl" value=""/>

<!-- Email configurations -->

<add key="MailServer" value="" />
<add key="MailServerPort" value="25" />
<add key="MailAddress" value="[email protected]" />
<add key="MailPwd" value="1qaz2wsx@" />
<add key="EnableSsl" value="true" />

<authentication mode="None"/>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5"/>
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5"/>
<add name="ApplicationInsightsWebTracking"

2. Service Page Add

Model Service add view

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Figure 4.2: Service add model

Code Level

<div class="row">
<modal #addServiceModal (onClose)="resetServiceModal()">r
<h4 class="modal-title">Add Service</h4>
<form [formGroup]="serviceForm" (ngSubmit)="submitService($event)">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Service Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="Name">
<!-- Validation -->
<div *ngIf="serviceForm.controls['Name'].hasError('required') &&
serviceForm.controls['Name'].touched" class="input-error">Please enter Service Name</div>
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Select Branch</label>

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<select class="form-control"
(change)="onChangeBranch($" formControlName="BranchId">
<option *ngFor="let bl of branchList" [ngValue]="bl.Id"> {{bl.Name}}
<div class="col-md-4">
<label>Service Category</label>
<select class="form-control" formControlName="ServiceCategory">
<option *ngFor="let sc of serciveCategoryList" [ngValue]="sc.Id">
{{sc.Name}} </option>
<!-- Validation -->
<div *ngIf="serviceForm.controls['ServiceCategory'].hasError('required') &&
class="input-error">Please select Service Sub Category</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Service Time(Min)</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="Duration">
<!-- Validation -->
<div *ngIf="serviceForm.controls['Duration'].hasError('required') &&
serviceForm.controls['Duration'].touched" class="input-error">Please enter Service
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Service Code</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" formControlName="Code">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Sort Order</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Service Charge</label>
<input type="number" class="form-control"
<!-- Validation -->
<div *ngIf="serviceForm.controls['ServiceCharge'].hasError('required') &&
class="input-error">Please enter Service Charge</div>

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<!-- Image Upload Section -->
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Service Image</label>
<div class="input-group file-upload">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="service-img"
placeholder="Select a file...">
<div class="input-group-addon">
<input class="" type="file" (change)="onChange($event)" size="60"/>

<!-- End Image Upload Section -->
<div class="">
<div class="form-group">
<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" id="comment"

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" data-dismiss="modal"
#closeServiceModal (click)="addServiceModal.close()">close</button>
<button type="submit" [disabled]="!serviceForm.valid" class="btn btn-primary pull-

3. Service Component Save Function

* Save Service data to the databese after form validation
* @param {object} service model
* @return {int} sevice id
submitServiceData() {
// Check service form validation
if (this.serviceForm.dirty && this.serviceForm.valid) {
// Variable to hold a reference of addComment/updateComment
let serviceOperation: any;
// Check service add or edit
if (this.serviceModel.Id == undefined) {
this.editing = false;

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serviceOperation = this._salonServiceService.insertOrUpdateService(this.serviceModel)
// Subscribe to observable
(service: any) => {
if (this.editing) {
this.footerNotification.success('Update', 'Successfully saved');
} else {
this.footerNotification.success('Save', 'Successfully saved');
if (this.editing) this.editing = !this.editing;
(err: any) => {
// Log errors if any
} else if (!this.serviceForm.dirty) {'Info', 'No changes detected ');

4. Service Layer for add new salon service

* save service details
* @param {object} service object
insertOrUpdateService(obj: Object) {
let url = this.commonService._serviceUrl + '/' + 'api/Service/InsertOrUpdateService';
// Convert json object to C# object
let params = this.commonService.convertObject(obj);
return, params.toString(), this.options)
.map((res: Response) => {
// Success on post request.
return res;
.catch((error: any) => {
// Error on post request.
return Observable.throw(error);

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5. Web API Layer (Application programming interface)

#region Service API Commands

/// <summary>
/// Pass Service data to Service API
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service"></param>
/// <returns>Service Id</returns>
public int InsertOrUpdateService(Service service)
return ServiceAPI.InsertOrUpdateService(service);

6. Service API

/// <summary>
/// Pass Service data to Service Business Layer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service"></param>
public static int InsertOrUpdateService(Service service)
return ServiceBL.InsertOrUpdateService(service);

7. Service Business Layer

/// <summary>
/// Pass Service data to Service Action
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service"></param>
public static int InsertOrUpdateService(Service service)
return new InsertOrUpdateServiceAction(service).Execute(EnumDatabase.OSMS);

8. Data Access layer

using OSMS.Domain.DomainObject;
using SP_DataAccess.DbFramework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

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using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OSMS.DataAccess.SpDbCommands.ServiceSpCommands
public class InsertOrUpdateServiceAction : OSMSDbActionBase<int>
private readonly Service _service;

public InsertOrUpdateServiceAction(Service service)

_service = service;

/// <summary>
/// Get Database connection and execute stored procedure
/// </summary>
/// <param name="db connection"></param>
/// <returns>Service id</returns>
protected override int Body(DbConnection connection)
int serviceCatId;
const string storedProcedureName = "dbo.OSMS_SVC_InsertOrUpdateService";
var cmd = CreateCommand(CommandType.StoredProcedure,

// Add Service data to stored procedure

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", _service.Id));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@name", _service.Name));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@description", _service.Description));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@imagePath", _service.ImagePath));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@duration", _service.Duration));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@serviceCharge",
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@branchId", _service.BranchId));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@code", _service.Code));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sortOrder", _service.SortOrder));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@serviceCategory",
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@isDelete", _service.IsDelete));

//Set out put Parameter

DbParameter outputParam = new SqlParameter();
outputParam.DbType = DbType.Int32;
outputParam.ParameterName = "@serviceId";
outputParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

serviceCatId = outputParam.Value == null ? -1 :


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catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return serviceCatId;

9. Stored Procedure

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[OSMS_SVC_InsertOrUpdateService] Script Date:
2017-11-07 9:00:16 PM ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: Janith Jayaweera
-- Create date: 2017/07/03
-- Description: Insert or update service details
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[OSMS_SVC_InsertOrUpdateService]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@id int,
@name varchar(200),
@description varchar(1000) = null,
@isDelete bit,
@imagePath varchar(500) = null,
@duration int = null,
@serviceCharge varchar(500) = null,
@code varchar(500) = null,
@sortOrder int = null,
@serviceCategory int = null,
@branchId int = null,
@serviceId int output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

-- Insert statements for procedure here

IF @id = 0 OR @id IS NULL


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Description ,

SET @serviceId = @@IDENTITY

-- Update statements for procedure here
UPDATE [dbo].[Service]
Name = @name,
Description = @description,
IsDelete = @isDelete,
ImagePath = @imagePath,
Duration = @duration,
ServiceCharge = @serviceCharge,
Code = @code,
SortOrder = @sortOrder,
ServiceCategory = @serviceCategory,
BranchId = @branchId
Id = @id

SET @serviceId = @id


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4.4. Re-usable Components

The following re-usable components have been used when implementing the
system to add more attractiveness and to maximize the efficiency of the system.
 Angular 2 Date Picker - mydatepicker
In the system Angular 2 Date Picker – mydatepicker was used as date
pickers in forms for insert dates. [16]

Figure 4.3: Angular 2 Date Picker View

 JS PDF & JS PDF Auto table
For the reporting module JS PDF & JS PDF Auto table library was used to
generate report and print reports. [17]
 Day Pilot Pro Angular
Day Pilot Pro Angular was use for booking dashboard [18]

Figure 4.4: Day Pilot Pro Angular view

 ng 2 Model
On the system ng2 model used for popups.

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After the successful implementation of a system for its accuracy the system is needed
to be verified and validated. Software testing is performed to verify, that the completed
software functions according to the expectations defined by the requirements. In this
chapter describes about the test plan used in the development of the system, and
sample of a test result is also provided as evidence that the specifications have been

5.1. Requirement for A Good System Evaluation

Before the system developed in to business environment it must test in various

ways to ensure system not gain any type of error. System testing is performed on
the entire system in the context of a Functional Requirement Specification(s)
and/or a System Requirement Specification. System testing tests not only the
design, but also the behavior and even the believed expectations of the customer.
It is also intended to test up to and beyond the bounds defined in the
software/hardware requirements specification.

These tests were helped to check,

 The functions developed are according to the specification.

 The identification and reporting of error that occur in the system
and correcting them as needed.
 Improving the performance and efficiency of the system.

5.2. Test Plan

The test plan is describes the testing strategies and the approaches to testing
quality assurance will be used to validate the quality of the system. While the
coding system, it was carried out the unit testing to ensure that functionalities are
working as expected. This was done by testing the code unit wise.

An integration testing has been done for the test modules in system. It was
integration of few units of codes. And all the modules together tested as system
testing to confirm all the modules work together. And also as the system users are

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able to access via any browsers need to be test at least most common web
browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Edge etc.

5.3. Test Strategies

5.3.1. Unit testing

In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which

individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules
together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures
are tested to determine if they are fit for use. Intuitively, one can view a unit as
the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming, a unit
could be an entire module, but it is more commonly an individual function or
procedure. In object-oriented programming, a unit is often an entire interface,
such as a class, but could be an individual method. Unit tests are short code
fragments created by programmers or occasionally by white box testers during
the development process.

Ideally, each test case is independent from the others. Substitutes such as method
stubs, mock objects, fakes, and test harnesses can be used to assist testing a
module in isolation. Unit tests are typically written and run by software
developers to ensure that code meets its design and behaves as intended [19].

5.3.2. Black box testing

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality

of an application (e.g. what the software does) without peering into its internal
structures or workings (see white-box testing). This method of test can be applied
to virtually every level of software testing: unit, integration, system and
acceptance. It typically comprises most if not all higher-level testing, but can also
dominate unit testing as well [20].

5.3.3. White box testing

White-box testing (also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, transparent
box testing, and structural testing) is a method of testing software that tests
internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality
(i.e. black- box testing). In white-box testing an internal perspective of the
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system, as well as

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programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to
exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs. This is
analogous to testing nodes in a circuit, e.g. in-circuit testing (ICT) [21].

5.3.4. Integration testing

Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is

the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are combined
and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing.
Integration testing takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups
them in larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those
aggregates, and delivers as its output the integrated system ready for system
testing [22].

5.3.5. System testing

System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete,

integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its
specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing,
and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or

As a rule, system testing takes, as its input, all of the "integrated" software
components that have passed integration testing and also the software system
itself integrated with any applicable hardware system(s). The purpose of
integration testing is to detect any inconsistencies between the software units that
are integrated together (called assemblages) or between any of the assemblages
and the hardware. System testing is a more limited type of testing; it seeks to
detect defects both within the "inter-assemblages" and also within the system as a
whole [23].

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5.4. Test Case Generation

In test plan most, important part is test cases writing. Most commonly test cases
include the test case title, inputs, expected results, test case status (Pass/Fail). To
minimized complexity of testing total solution tested by module wise. Test Cases for
the “Test” Module in OSMS

5.4.1. Test Case and Test Result for Service Category

In the table 5.1 it’s showing the test cases and test result for service category.
Mainly adding service category, editing service category, deleting service
category and validation tested on here.
ID Description/steps to test Expected Result/s Actual Result/s Status
1 Click Service Category Service category view should be See Figure 5.1 Pass
on left navigation in loaded in to service window
Service Module
2 Add service category 1-Should be save to database table 1- Record added to the Pass
Values: 2-Text fields should be cleared. database table
Category Name- Face 3- Add Category view should be 2- Text fields get
Description - Facial get closed. cleared 3- View get
treatments 4- New row with the entered closed
Branch - Boralasgamuwa values should be added in to table 4-New record added to
Click save on view. the table on view
3 Add new service 1-Red color border should be See Figure 5.2 Pass
category- appear around the required fields
Click save with empty & shown error massage.
text fields
4 Add new category 1-Should be save to database table 1- Record added to the Pass
Values: “Name, Branch” 2-text fields should be clear. database table
field and click save 3-Table in view should be added 2- Text fields got cleared
new row with entered values. 3-record added to the db
5 Add new test category- 1- Fields validations should Red color border appear Pass
Values: only to be fired around text box
“Description” text field 2- Data should not be insert in to validation messages
and click save database table shown
6 Delete service category- 1- Delete confirmation 1- See Figure 5.3 Pass
Click Delete button in message should be shown to 2-Deleted row
table the users removed from table in
2- If click yes - selected category view
should be removed from view 3- on data base record
3- If click no – selected category update to 1 in status
should not be removed from view column. Figure 5.4
4- deleted record should not be
deleted from database table, status
value should set 1 in database
7 Edit service category- 1-selected service category’s Selected service Pass
Click Edit button in table values should be fills into service category loaded to the
category form. form.

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8 Save changes made on 1-database table should be On the DB its changes Pass
service category updated as changes done in fields. applied.
1- Click Edit Change 2- Edit view should be closed Edit view get closed.
values in fields 3-Table in view should be refresh Changes reflected on
2- Click save with new values. view

Table 5.1: Test Cases for Service category

Bellow Figure 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 images are refers to “Actual Result” column in table
5.1 Test Case for Service Category.

Figure 5.1: Service Category View

Figure 5.2: Validation for Required Fields

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Figure 5.3: Delete Confirmation Message

Figure 5.4: Status Change to “True” for Deleted Records

5.1.1. Test Cases and Test Result for Service

In the table 5.2 it’s showing the test cases and test result for the adding service, editing
service, deleting service and validation tested on here.

ID Description Expected result Actual Result/s Status

1 Click Service on left Service View should be load See figure 5.5 Pass
navigation into main window
2 Add new service - 1- Should be save in 1- Record added to the Pass
Service Name: Eye Brow database table database table
Service Cat: Face 2- Add Service view should be 2- Add view get closed.
Description: Eye Brow get closed. 3-New record shown on
Duration: 15 minutes 3- Table in view should the service view table
Price: 200.00 added new row with entered
3 Add new service 1-Fields validations should be See Figure 5.6 Pass
Click save with empty shown “Please Enter Service
text fields for service Name” for Service name
4 Add new service 1-Fields validations should be 1-Vlaidation tool tip Pass
Values: Only for Service shown required for Service shown when click on the
Name Category, duration and price text box.
46 | P a g
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2-Should not save to database not insert to the

table database table
5 Add new service 1-Fields validations should be 1-Shown the tool tip Pass
Values: Service Name andshown for Price and Duration message for price text box.
Service Category 2-Should not save to database 2- Not save to the DB
6 Add new service 1- Fields validations should 1-Shown the tool tip Pass
Values: Service Name, be shown “Is required” Price message for price text box.
Service Category, 2- Should not save to database 2- Not save to the DB
Duration, Description table
7 Click Delete in data grid 1-Should prompt for user to See Figure 5.7 Pass
8 Click Delete in data grid 1- Selected Service’s isDelete 1- See Figure 5.8 Pass
Confirm as yes attribute value should update as 2- deleted record removed
“1” in database from the table in view
2- Table in view should refresh
and deleted row should be
9 Click Delete in data grid 1- Confirmation 1- Confirmation Pass
Confirm as No message should be message closed
closed 2- record not removed from
2- No changes in data base table in view
or table in view
Table 5.2: Test Cases for Service
Bellow Figure 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 images are refers to “Actual Result” column in Table
5.2: Test Case for Service.

Figure 5.5: Service View

47 | P a g
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Figure 5.6: Validation for required fields in Add Service view

Figure 5.7: Service delete confirmation message

Figure 5.8: In DB service table status changed to 1

48 | P a g
Online Salon Management

5.5. User Evaluation

After implemented the system successfully it was tested by the client side. The user
acceptance testing was carried out by implementing the system at the real working
environment along with the real test data & available conditions in the actual
For the evaluation, system users were selected and they were given an evaluation
form to answer some questions about the system. All the users were asked to
perform their appropriate functionalities and test the system. Finally, their feedback
was collected and analyzed. The final overall results were indicate that system
work properly and they were satisfied about the system. According to the test
results it can manage easily and supply user-friendly environment for the users.
Some bugs were identified during the accepting testing and they were corrected
and also some small features were changed according to the user requirements for
better performance.
Finally, overall feedback was indicated that the system was implemented
successfully with all the objectives and customer satisfaction.
The questionnaire used to assess the customer feedback is given below with test
results. All the users were given this evaluation form and data were collected and

Figure 5.9 illustrates the product satisfaction survey form filled by salon owner.
Allong with other salon employees feedback for the survey analysed for final
summry product satisfaction.

49 | P a g
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Figure 5.9: User Feedback from Salon Owner

50 | P a g
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Figure 5.10 illustrates the product satisfaction survey form filled by salon manager
(Samudra Bridal Palace Maharagema Branch). Allong with other salon employees
feedback for the survey analysed for final summry satisfaction.

Figure 5.10: User Feedback from Beautician

51 | P a g
Online Salon Management

Overall satisfaction of SBP staff about the new system is good and Figure 5.11
illustrate the chart for the summary of all the staff answered for the
satisfaction survey form.


Normal Bad
11% 0%



Figure 5.11: Summary of Product Satisfaction survey

52 | P a g
Online Salon Management


6.1. Overview
From start to end of this project, was prototyped to the client to ensure that his
requirement has been fulfilled by the implementation of system in each phase.
This constant checking with the client is assured that the developed system met
the requirements of business that were identified in requirement analysis phase
and client requested.
By user reviewing the functional and non-functional requirements that
discovered during the analysis phase and checking back with the functionalities
implemented in the developed system, it can be said that all the requirements of
the user have been satisfied.
The simple user interfaces that was designed and developed are easy to learn
and use proved to be satisfactory for the user.

6.2. Lessons Learnt

I was not familiar with the C# language or Visual Studio development
environment. So, I had to learn C# and JavaScript frameworks including
Angular 2 to fulfill this project. In addition to these Angular base UI designing
was learned.
I found some grate video tutorials and some example, and view them and
follow examples to grab lessons.
Mostly inexperience of project planning and scheduling identify and have grate
advices from my supervisors to improve proper time management and

6.3. Critical Assessment of Project

With the customer satisfaction survey summary, it indicates the system is
achieved the most of their original requirements. Their functional requirements
for the new system are gathered in system analysis part (CHAPTER 02:
ANALYSIS) given bellow as summary.
 Manage Salon Report
 Manage Authentication
 Manage Branches (Salons)
53 | P a g
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 Manage Booking
 Manage Employee
 Manage Billing
 Manage Services and Product
And the nonfunctional requirements of the new system is given bellow as
 User Friendliness
 Improved Reliability
 Simple Interfaces
All the above functional and nonfunctional requirements are fulfill by the new
system and during the system development some more future enhancements ware

6.4. Future Enhancements

Adding following future enhancement in the system are as follows.
1. Create attractive separate web sites for each branches using data collect
in current version.
2. Improve appointment booking using mobile app
3. Enhance the features of the system

54 | P a g
Online Salon Management

[1] Wikipedia. “Requirements analysis” Internet: [May 14 2017]
[2] Accurate iOneSoft (Pvt.) Ltd. “JustBookSalon”. Internet: [May 10 2017]

[3] Tyner Blain. “Ten Requirements Gathering Techniques”. Internet:
[May 21 2017]
[4] PCMag Digital Group. “Definition of: Web application”. Internet:[May 28

[5] Wikipedia. “Use Case Diagram”. Internet: [June 06 2017]
[6] Wikipedia. “Class Diagram”. Internet: [June 10 2017]
[7] Wikipedia. “Activity Diagaram”. Internet:[June 10 2017]
[8] Wikipedia. “Entity Relationship Diagram”. Internet: [June 16

[10] Tutorials Point. “Angular 2”. Internet: [June 03 2017]
[11] MSDN. “Model View Viewmodel”, Internet:
71a65441 [June 12 2017]
[12] Tec Target. “SQL Server 2012”. Internet: [June 02 2017]

[14] “Form Validation”. Internet:

validation [August 26 2017]
[16] GitHub. “mydatepicker”. Internet:
[August 17 2017]
[17] NPM Package. “JS PDF”. Internet:
[August 17 2017]
[18] Daypilot. “Angular 2 Scheduler”. Internet:
[August 17 2017]

55 | P a g
Online Salon Management

[19] Wikipedia. “Unit Testing”. Internet:

[August 17 2017]
[20] Wikipedia. “Black Box Testing”. Internet:
box_testing [August 15 2017]
[21] Wikipedia. “White Box Testing”. Internet:
box_testing [August 15 2017]
[22] Wikipedia. “Integration Testing”. Internet: [August 15 2017]
[23] Wikipedia. “System Testing”. Internet: [August 15 2017]
[24] MSDN. “How to Install and Configure Internet Information Services”. Internet: [August 06

56 | P a g
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The system documentation provides guidance for system administrator to setup system
on server environment to use it. This section contains importance information about
system configurations, steps how to setup and additional details about hardware and
software configuration needed.

Hardware Requirements
 Personal Computer
 Web Server
 Printer

Software Requirements
 Web Browser
 Web Server
 .NET 4.5
 SQL Server 2012

How to setup system

A.1.1. Install SQL Server 2012
Step1: To start the SQL server installation, click the first option after selecting
installation tab from the installation center as shown below. Since this is going to be
new SQL server installation select the first option.

Figure A.1: Install SQL Server 2012 step 1

57 | P a g
Online Salon Management

Step2: The installation will then check all the pre-requisites that are required to install
the SQL server. If everything is fine, you will see green checks as shown below. Click

Figure A.2: Install SQL Server 2012 step 2

Step3: Accept the license terms and click Next.

Figure A.3: Install SQL Server 2012 step 3

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Step4: The installation does the pre-requisite checks once again as you can see below.

Figure A.4: Install SQL Server 2012 step 4

Step5: Select the required SQL features and click Next.

Figure A.5: Install SQL Server 2012 step 5

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Step6: Under Instance Configuration, choose Default instance. You can also define
custom instance name. Similarly, you have the option to choose the location where the
instance will be stored. I will leave the defaults and click Next button.

Figure A.6: Install SQL Server 2012 step 6

Step7: Under Server Configuration, review the Service Accounts, I will leave the
defaults. Here, you can also use Active Directory user for various SQL services.

Figure A.7: Install SQL Server 2012 step 7

Step8: Under Database Engine Configuration, choose Windows authentication mode.
You also have option to choose both windows authentication and SQL server
authentication. Then, add the users who will be managing this SQL server and click

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Figure A.8: Install SQL Server 2012 step 8

Step9: Under Ready to Install, review the installation information and click the Install

Figure A.9: Install SQL Server 2012 step 9

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Step10: After the installation is complete, click Close. You can now start creating

Figure A.10: Install SQL Server 2012 step 10

A.1.3 How to install IIS on Windows 8

1. On the Start page, choose Control Panel, and then choose Programs.
2. Under Programs and Features, choose Turn Windows features on or off.
3. In the Windows features dialog box, expand .NET Framework 4.5 Advanced
Services, and then select ASP.NET 4.5.
4. Expand WCF Services, and then select HTTP Activation.
5. If the .NET Framework 3.50 is installed, then expand Microsoft .NET Framework
3.5 (including .NET 2.0 and 3.0), and then select Windows Communication
Foundation HTTP Activation.
6. In the Windows features list, expand Internet Information Services, and then
expand World Wide Web Services.
7. Expand Application Development Features, and select the following features:
 .NET Extensibility 3.5 (if .NET Framework 3.5 is installed)
 .NET Extensibility 4.5

62 | P a g
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 ASP.NET 3.5 (if .NET Framework 3.5 is installed)

 ASP.NET 4.5
 ISAPI Extensions
 ISAPI Filters

8. Expand Common HTTP Features, and then select the Static Content feature.
9. Expand Security, and then select the following features:
 Request Filtering
 Windows Authentication

10. To install Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager, under Internet Information
Services, expand Web Management Tools, and then select IIS Management
Console. This step is optional

11. Choose the OK button to complete the installation.

12. To verify that the web server has been installed correctly, start your browser, and then
type in the address. The default web site opens and should display an
IIS 8 image. For more information and to install on Windows 7 [24]

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Following Figure B.1 is activity diagram for add new branch salon to the system. In
this scenario when user login system will check the credential and load the authorized
module for user. Then user select “SMP Settings” module form view system will load
the “Branch Salons” view. Then user able to add details for new branch and click
“Save”. Then the system add new branch salon to data base and refresh the view for
show the newly added branch salon.

Figure B.1: Activity diagram for add new branch salon

Following Figure B.2 is activity diagram for deleting a services from system . In this
scenario system shows the branch salons in database on the view. User select the delete

64 | P a g
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for selected collecting center. System will check the selected collecting center is in
used or not. If it is in use show message can’t delete. User can click ok to close
message or after 20 second system will automatically closed the message. If it is not in
use, record will delete (change the status) and refresh the view and removed the
deleted collection center from view.

Figure B.2: Activity diagram for deleting a services

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System Login
Employee must be login to the system with correct credentials. In this case system
administrator password will be provided by developer.

Figure C.1: Login view

Home Page
When the system administrator login to the system successfully it will appear the
system home page (Figure C.1). On the home page user will see all the modules and
some important details in categories view.

It’s included,
 Modules
o Booking
o Services
o Products
o Reports
o Invoice
 Brunch wise current ongoing booking details
 Current day employee attendance
 Stock details of products use in in house.
 Booking summery in chart view.
 Calendar view to direct access to booking view

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Figure C.2: Home Page View

Handel Booking
Create Bookings
Select a Branch Salon
When user select booking module, it will show the branch selecting view as shown in
Figure C.2. Main process for create booking start from here.

Figure C.3: Branch Selecting View

Booking Dashboard
From booking dashboard (Figure C.4) user can choose,
 A date for booking
 An employee for booking
 A time for booking

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Figure C.4: Booking Dashboard

After decide date and employee, then user can click on time slot for as booking start
time. Then the Booking Panel will appear shown as on Figure C.5.
Booking Panel
From the booking panel employee can select,

 Service
 Customer

To complete the booking.

In first step, employee can search and select relevant service (Figure C.5)

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Figure C.5: Booking Panel – Service

When select a service it will navigate to the next step. In this step (Figure C.6) user can
search and select relevant customer or add new customer

Figure C.6: Booking Panel - Customer

After select or add customer it will navigate to confirmation view as last step (Figure
C.7). In this step it will show summery of booking and employee can add additional
comment for booking.

When the booking completed with confirmation, it will appear on the dash board as
shown in Figure C.8.

User can perform four main operations on the bookings

 View Booking
 Edit Booking
 Cancel Booking
 Complete Booking

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Figure C.7: Booking Panel - Confirmation

Figure C.8: Available Bookings Shown On the Booking Dashboard

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View Booking
Click on a booking showing on dashboard, it will appear menu with all four options. Select
view booking option (Figure C.8).

It will appear the detail view of the relevant booking as shown in Figure C.9.

Figure C.9: Booking Details View

Cancel Booking
Select cancel option form the menu appear when click on booking on dashboard. It
will show the confirmation message to the user as shown in Figure C.10.

Figure C.10: Cancel Booking Confirmation Message

Click on “Yes”. It will cancel the booking and it removed from the dashboard. Then
user can add new booking to the same time slots.

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Modify Booking
Select modify booking from the menu appear when click on booking on dashboard. It
will show the modify booking view. As same as add booking view user can change the
details of the booking from modify booking view (Figure C.11.)

Figure C.11: Modify Booking View

Complete Booking
Select complete booking from the menu appear when click on booking on dashboard.
It will appear the invoice view with the relevant service charge details as shown on
Figure C.9.

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Figure C.12: Invoice Generates When Complete Booking

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OSMS provide various types of management reports for the owner. And even more
reports can be added to the system with help of developers. These reports can help
salon owners to make management decisions. Owner can generate results for reports
by changing report criteria. Even it can be download as PDF files and it can use to
print hard copy of report.

Following Figure D.1 is report for salon service bookings. For the selected date range
owner can generate a report of bookings for all salon or selected salon.

Figure D.1: Salon service bookings report

Following Figure D.2 is report for employee attendance. Salon owner can be generate
employee work record from this report. Report generate information about employee
working hours and overtime. Mainly for employee salary and commotion.

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Figure D.2: Employee attendance report

Following figure D.3 is report of employee wise booking count for selected date range.
This report also can be used to measure employee productivity.

Figure D.3: Employee booking count report

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Following figure D.4 is report of daily income from completed appointment booking.
It’s help owner to have an idea about daily income of each branch.

Figure D.4: Daily income from completed appointments

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Test cases for customer create booking online
ID Description / Steps to Expected result Actual Result P/F
Go to marketing site Marketing site should Marketing site loaded P
be loaded
Select a salon Should be direct to Directed to the salon P
the salon page page
Select book now Services list should be Services list loaded P
button loaded
Click on book button Booking view step 1 Booking view loaded P
of a selected service should be loaded
Select a date form Should be direct to Directed to the step 2. P
view the step 2 time slot
selecting view
Select time slot Should be direct to Directed to the step 3 P
the step 3 confirm
Click confirm button Should be get closed Create booking view get P
create booking view closed
Go to adminconsole On the time line it On the time line it P
booking panel and should be shown the shown by covering the
select the above relevant time slots time slot of relevant
booking added date covering for booking booking
Table D 1: Test result for online booking
Test cases for admin create booking on dashboard

ID Description / Steps to Test Expected result Actual Result P/F

Go to booking module 1. Features belong to the Booking P
booking module should be dashboard
loaded in to the left loaded
2. Booking dash board
should be loaded as
default selected feature
Click on the future time slot Create booking button Create booking P
between working hours. should be shown. button appeared.
Click on “Create booking” Create booking view should Create booking P
button be appear view appeared
Select service from list Should be move to next step Select customer P
2 – select customer view view loaded
Search customer by name Customers list should be Customers list P
loaded according to the appeared
entered name. according to the
entered name

77 | P a g
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Select a customer from list Should be move to step 3 – Confirm booking P

confirm booking view view appeared.
Selected time, service and Selected time P
customer should be shown services and
on the step 3 view customer shown
on the view
Click Confirm button Create booking view should Create booking P
be closed view get closed.
Create booking success Success message P
message should be appear appeared.
On the dash board, a time Booking for the P
slot size of a service time service indicating
should be covered. on the time line
by covering time
slots size of
service time.
Table D 2: Test result for add booking from dashboard
Test cases for cancel booking.
ID Description / Steps to Expected result Actual Result P/F
Go to booking Already added booking Previous added bookings P
dashboard should be shown on the indicate on the time line.
time line by covering
time slots.
Click on the selected Menu should be appear Menu shown with, P
booking(time slot) with,  Cancel booking
 Cancel booking  Edit booking
 Edit booking  Complete booking
 Complete booking
Click on Cancel Confirmation message Confirmation message P
booking should be shown to the appeared
Click “Yes” Confirmation message Confirmation message get P
should be get closed closed
Booking cancel success Booking cancel success P
message should be message shown.
shown to the user
Time slot cover should Time slot cover of the P
be removed for relevant relevant booking has
booking. removed.
Table D 3: Test result for cancel booking from dashboard
Test case for complete booking with generate invoice
ID Description / Steps to Expected result Actual Result P/F
Go to booking Already added booking Previous added bookings P
dashboard should be shown on the indicate on the time line.
time line by covering
time slots
Click on selected Menu should be appear Menu shown with, P
booking with,  Cancel booking

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 Cancel booking  Edit booking

 Edit booking Complete booking
 Complete booking
Click on Complete Invoice view should be Invoice view loaded P
booking generated with the Service price include in
service details included the invoice
in booking.
Invoice generated for Invoice created for the P
the customer of customer of the relevant
booking. booking.
Click Finish button Print view should be Print view of the invoice P
loaded in to the view loaded
Click print button Print view should be Print view closed P
Invoice generate view Invoice generate view get P
should be get closed closed
Booking complete Booking complete success P
success message should message shown
be shown to the user
On the dash board, On the dash board P
relevant booking should relevant booking changed
be change its color to its color to green
Table D 4: Test result for complete booking from dashboard

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Delete Service Form System
Html Code level
<td class="text-center">
<div class="popover confirmation fade bottom in hidden" id="{{item.Id}}"
style="display: block;">
<div class="arrow"></div>
<h3 class="popover-title">Are you sure?</h3>
<div class="popover-content">
<p class="confirmation-content" style="display: none;"></p>
<div class="confirmation-buttons text-center">
<div class="btn-group">
<button (click)="confirmDelete(item)" type="button" class="btn
btn-xs btn-primary" data-apply="confirmation">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> Yes
<button (click)="cancelDelete(item.Id)" type="button" class="btn
btn-xs btn-default" data-dismiss="confirmation">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i> No
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger {{item.Id}}"

Delete Function

* Delete confirmation
* @param {object} service
confirmDelete(service: any) {
this.deleteStatus = true;
.subscribe(reuslt => {
// Reload service page
}, errorMessage => {
// Log errors if any

80 | P a g
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Service Layer for delete service

* delete service cateogry
* @param {any} service category id
deleteServiceCategory(id: any) {
let url = this.commonService._serviceUrl + '/' + 'api/Service/DeleteServiceCategory';
// let body: string = obj;
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
var x = "Id=" + id;

return, x, options)

.map((res: Response) => {
return res;
.catch((error: any) => {
// Error on post request.
return Observable.throw(error);

Web API Layer

/// <summary>
/// Pass service id to Service API
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service"></param>
/// <returns>true of false</returns>
public bool DeleteService(Service service)
return ServiceAPI.DeleteService(service.Id);

Service API

/// <summary>
/// Pass Sevice Id to Business layer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceId"></param>
public static bool DeleteService(int serviceId)
return ServiceBL.DeleteService(serviceId);

81 | P a g
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Service Business Layer

/// <summary>
/// Pass Service if to data access layer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceCategoryId"></param>
public static bool DeleteService(int serviceCategoryId)
return new DeleteServiceAction(serviceCategoryId).Execute(EnumDatabase.OSMS);

Data Access Layer

using OSMS.Domain.DomainObject;
using SP_DataAccess.DbFramework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace OSMS.DataAccess.SpDbCommands.ServiceSpCommands
public class DeleteServiceAction : OSMSDbActionBase<bool>
private readonly int _serviceId;

public DeleteServiceAction(int serviceId)

_serviceId = serviceId;

protected override bool Body(DbConnection connection)

// Common update for service delete
const string storedProcedureName = "dbo.OSMS_Common_Update";
var cmd = CreateCommand(CommandType.StoredProcedure,

// Get table name form service object

cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@tableName", new
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@fields", "IsDelete='" + true + "'"));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@values", "Id='" + _serviceId + "'"));

82 | P a g
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return true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

Stored Procedure

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[OSMS_Common_Update] Script Date: 2017-11-08 1:02:38
AM ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author: Janith Jayaweera
-- Create date: 2017-07-08
-- Description: Common Update
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[OSMS_Common_Update]
@tableName varchar(50),
@fields varchar(max),
@values varchar(max)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)
-- Insert statements for procedure here

SET @sql = 'UPDATE '+@tableName+' SET '+@fields+' WHERE '+@values;

EXEC sp_sqlexec @sql


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Figure G 1: Client Certificate

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.NET Framework...............................................24,60 Hardware............................................................,4, 24

ACTIVITY DIAGRAM........................................,18
Analysis..............................................................51,53 Implementation...................................................4, 24
ANALYSIS.............................................................51 IMPLEMENTATION...............................................4
appreciation.............................................................iii Interface................................................................,v,1
automation................................................................ii Interview user............................................................9

Language.....................................................12, 16, 24
BIT........................................................................i, iii

Client...................................................................,5,23 Microsoft........................................................6,24, 53
CONCLUSION.......................................................51 Model........................................................,iv,vii,x, 12
CURRENT MANUAL SYSTEM........................,6,7 SQL....................................................................24,53
customer base.........................................................., 1 SQL Server......................................................,viii,24

Object Oriented....................................................., 12
Database........................................................21,24,29 Observation...............................................................9
Database Management System............................., 24 Owner............................................................., vii, 10
Designing............................................................,4,51 P
Development Tools................................................,24
Document Analysis...................................................9 PROPOSED SYSTEM................................2,4,10,12

Effective............................................................., 9,22
ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAMS..............21 Reliable............................................................,1,6,10
Entity-Relationship...................................................x Reports..........................................................13,38,72
EVALUTION...........................................................5 reputation..................................................................ii

full fill...................................................................,2,6


85 | P a g
Online Salon Management

USE CASE DIAGRAM.....................................12,53
supervisors............................................................, 51

View......................................................................, 10
unauthorized access................................................, Visual Studio............................................., 24, 27, 51
Use Case....................................................,vii,ix,6,12

86 | P a g

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