c21 English For The 21st Century 3 Teachers Book
c21 English For The 21st Century 3 Teachers Book
c21 English For The 21st Century 3 Teachers Book
Bill Mascull
Level3 Teacher'sBook
Introduction 4
Unit 1 Communication 10
Unit 2 Arrangements 18
Unit 3 Travel experiences 24
Unit 4 Faraway places 30
Unit 5 Changing times 36
Unit 6 Technology 42
Unit 7 Teamwork 47
Unit 8 Groups & communities 53
Unit 9 Healthy lifestyle 59
Unit 10 Health & safety 65
Unit 11 Preparing for work 71
Unit 12 Future plans 78
C21 skills 82
Progress test answers 91
Workbook answers 95
Notes 111
be required to do work between classesand not treat the
courseas simply something they do in the classroom.
At the same time, learnersare introduced to the various
Vocabulary [S]Grammar [0] qeading
aspectsof collaboration - how to work effectively with other
people, respecting their opinions and cultures,whether they
be similaror different to their own. Communicatingin groups
1 [(I}]'Jstening [6] '>peaking
and teams1schallenging and learnersare given opportunities
throughout the course to develop awarenessof themselves Activitiesand flow of the material
and the people they work and study with, and to adapt and Activities are designed to be engaging and effective.The
develop strategiesthat allow them to work creativelyand activities that require the students to think and prepareare
productively whilst avoiding misunderstandingand conflict. carefullybalancedwith activities that requirethem to use
their Englishactively and interact with each other. With the
aim of developing core (21 skillsof communication,
collaborationand critical thinking, each section features
activities that encouragestudents to personalizethe target
skills,sharetheir experiencesand opinions and/or think
critically about the themes in the units. Theseactivities are
indicated by a light bulb icon: Q
Vocabularydevelopment is a key element of each unit. The
focus Is usuallyon a group of relatedwords - for example,
placesin a town - and there may also be work on word-
building using prefixesor suffixes,and noun phrases.The
students are also encouraged to use their critical thinking
skillsto evaluatethe vocabularyitemsintroduced,for example,
•------------- Icons to show the main evaluatingthe advantagesand disadvantagesof usingdifferent
skills you work on forms of communication such as email,texts and letters.
When new words or phrasesare introduced,you can use
the photos and illustrationsto help students understand the
meaning and contexts in which they are used.
There are also headersand foorerssignposting the unit
and section. The activities in this section encouragethe students to
actively use the vocabularythat is introduced. Get the
students to use the vocabularyas much as possibleso
Opening pages that they can develop an understandingof how the words
can be used in varioussituations.Listeningactivities give
The opening spreadof each unit starts with a photo or
the students clear models of the most typical use of the
photos related to the topic. It alsocontainsan overview of
vocabulary in everydaysituations.
the learning objectives for the unit.
The amount of new vocabulary being Introduced is limited
Providesan overviewof the languagecontent of the unit. so that the students havea chance to fully understand the
This 1san opportunity for the studentsand teachersto look meaning and to rememberthe words. If some students are
ahead lo what 1scoming up or to reviewa unit later. quicker than others,you can encourage them to explore
other words relatedto the topic using a dictionary or
I online research.
Highlightsthe skills developedIn the unit. I
In each unit, the students look at and practiseone or more
grammar or functional language point, learning to put them
into practice in specificcontexts.Over the 12units of the
book, the grammar points treated in each unit build into a
grammar sequenceappropriate for the level.
The grammar and functional language is introduced in a
typical context, either through a reading or listening text
The texts contain examplesof the languageat a level
that is accessibleto the students.The texts are based
on contemporary topics or issuesthat provide an initial
discussionplatform. Studentsalso have the chance to
Quizlet OR codes hnk studentswith extra personalizethe topic and talk about their own experiences
exerciseson key unit vocabulary. and ideas.
Focusboxes provide notes on the form and use of the
Focusesthe students'attention on the topic of the language.They are followed by practice activities that support
unit. Givesthe teacherthe chanceto see what the the students In using the language for themselves.Finally,
studentsknow about the mp1c,the vocabularythey the students havean opportunity to use the language more
know or don't know,and to engagetheir interest. freely in speakingactivities in pairsor smallgroups.
Skills:Listening Skills:Reading
Studentslistento audiomaterialand practisetheir listening Readingactivitiesarebasedaroundtextsthat havebeen
comprehensionin a sequenceof exercises. Thereisa full written specificallyfor the leveland relateto the topic of the
transcriptat the backof the coursebook.Typically,the unit. Readingis an integralpart of the processof learning
listeningactivitiesdevelopthe students'abilityto listenin new vocabularyand grammar.It isalsothe meansby which
differentways. studentslearnabout contemporaryeventsand issuesrelated
Listeningisone of the mainwaysthat studentsgain insight to a wide rangeof areasincludingtechnologyandthe digital
into the variousfeaturesof conversational English.Thisis world,healthand lifestyles,the world of work,and various
an importantstagein theirdevelopment,asit providesa aspectsof culture.
modelfor them to follow and adaptwhen they communicate Readingskillsaredevelopedin stagesand studentsare
themselves. The listeningmaterialin the courseis carefully introducedto the variouswaysin which we read,depending
adaptedto suiteachleveland givesexamplesof typlcal on our purpose.SkimmingIsa keysklllthat allowsus,In a
Interactionsbetweennativespeakers. slmllarway to llstenlngfor gist,to get the generalmeaning
Listeningskillsarealsodevelopedthroughoutthe course. of the text. Sc.anning
focusesthe students'attentionon only
Listeningfor gist is an importantskillbecauseit allows the informationthey need,which meansthat they readmore
studentsto get the generalideaof what is beingsaid,rather efficientlyand do not wastetheir effort on unnecessarydetail.
than focusingon detail.Focusingon detailcan meanthat Readingfor detail helpsthe studentsto reada text closelyand
studentscannotkeepup with the paceof what is being said. understandthe text at a microlevel- an importantskillfor
Similarly,listeningfor specificinformationallowsthe students readingacademictexts,for example.
to filter out unimportantinformationand focussolelyon
informationthey need. Skills:Writing
Listeningactivitiesalsoprovideopportunitiesfor students
to hearthe grammarand vocabularythey havelearntIn Studentslearnhow to write connectedtext in a varietyof
previoussectionsbeing usedIn differentcontexts.This helps genres.Note-takingisa coreskillthat can be appliedto
to broadenand consolidatetheir understandingand also academicstudyandalsoto the world of work.Studentsare
aidsmemorization. alsogivenguidelinesasto how to composea clear,concise
emailmessage,both in professional and everydaycontexts.
Textmessages, reports,personalprofilesand application
Skills:Speaking lettersaresomeof the manyareasof writing that arealso
coveredin the course.
Thecourseprovidespracticein differentmodesof speaking.
One importantareais usingfunctionallanguageto do Studentsneedto be able to write in a wa-;that is both
somethingspecificwith the language- for example,makea coherentand clear.Thecourseintroducesthe waysin which
request,give an opinion,ofrerhelp or exchangeInformation. we organizeIdeasand usesappropriatelanguageto makethis
Studentsaregivenspokenexamplesof the necessary phrases organizationclearto the reader.
to performthesefunctionsin typicaleverydayconversations, Markingstudents'writing isan important part of the process
whichthey then useasmodelsfor pairworkpractice. and studentsvaluef'eedbackfrom the teacher- both praise
Studentsarealsoencouragedto discusstopicsand bringtheir and constructivecriticism.Commentson the students'work
own experiences and ideasinto the classroom.Studentinput shouldguidethem asto how to improvetheir work,both in
isa valuablepart of eachlessonand the morethey share their useof languageand in the way they constructa text
their knowledgeand thoughtswith eachother,the richerthe
lessonswill be. Pronunciation
CollaboratlonIsan Importantpart of the student'ssklllset,
andworkingtogetherto makedecisions,solveproblemsand Pronunciationis highlightedthroughoutthe course,in places
achievegoalsIsone of the mostImportantaspectsof the wherethe studentsneedto be ableto producethe correct
course.Thisisachievedthrough speakingactivitiesin small pronunciationof individualsounds,individualwordsincluding
groups,classdiscussions,posterpresentations and a varietyof word stress,phrasesand completesentences, including
otheractivities. basicintonationpatterns.Studentsshouldbe encouraged
to usethe correctpronunciationin the subsequentspeaking
activitiesto reinforcetheir abilityto sayindividualand
connectedsoundsaccuratelyand fluently.Spokenmodelsof
thesefeaturesareprovidedin the audio material.
C21 skills area and sub-skill How to work with the slideshows
\ You study photos from each sl1deshowto
\ predict what the slideshow is about, and the
key words you'll hear.
See page 47 -► j
You watch each
slideshow and
Reference to practice activities 1nthe
•• •=-------------
share ideas about
C21 pages at the end of the unit
•=.-::..-=::::----- I
,, II what you hear.
You discuss
------.--- o--
- - - - - -- -- - - -
questions raised
in the slideshow
in pairs or small
groups and share
your ideas with
• '::..--=..-·-··- _.,. ___ ,...
the class.
Support material
Notesin Focusboxesprovideessentialinformation to help
studentswith activitiesin classor for reviewingunits later.
Theyarecolour-codedto highlight their purpose.
Grammar Focus(Green)
Providesnoteson the form and
meaningof the grammarpoints.
ConLainsfunctional language,useful
expressionsand tips to Improve
• Transcriptscan be found at the end of the coursebook. students'written and spoken
Theseshould be usedsparinglywith studentswith communication.
lower levelsof Englishasthey can reinforcethe idea that
studentsneed to catch everyword.
• Visualorganizersareavailableon the C21website
www.garneteducation.com/c21/student/ assupport for
the note-takingphaseof the listeningactivitiesand for PronunciationFocus(Yellow)
the follow-up writing tasks. Providesmodelsof pronunciation
to suppon speakingtasksand help
students to recognizefeaturesof
Assessingprogress spokenEnglish,suchasconnected
After every unit, there areactivitiesto assessstudents' speechor short forms that can Impede
progressand encouragethem to becomeresponsiblefor understanding.
their own progressand become independentlearners;one of
the underpinningC21skills.
Planningahead activities Forsome more extensivespeakingor writing activitiesin
the units,additional materialcan be found in the Activities
Units 1, 3, 5, 7,9 & 11
sectionat the backof the coursebook.Thesetake the form
Theseself-evaluationactivitiesencouragestudentsto think of prompts suchaschartsor illustrationsor full casestudies
about their learning,identifying areasof strength and areasfor and role-playsfor pairworkand sometimesfor smallgroups.
improvement.Encouragestudentsto answerthe questions Forpairworkactivitieswhere studentsexchangeinformation,
honestlyand revisitat regularintervalsso they can seethe separatepagesare provided for StudentA and StudentB so
progressthey are makingand update their learningpriorities that they cannot seeeachother'sinformation.
and study plans.
Progresstests after every two units
All the listeningmaterialis availablein written form in this
Units2, 4, 6, 8, 10& 12 section.Youcan suggestto the studentsthat they readthe
The testscoverthe main areasthe classhasstudied in the transcriptsaher the lessonasrevision.Youcould alsoget the
previoustwo units.They can be done in classor ashomework studentsto referto the transcriptsafter a listeningactivity
after the units havebeen completed.The resultsshould give to checkon anythingthey could not understand.However,
teachersand studentsa good ideaof progressand Indicate studentsshouldn't focustoo much on understanding
areaswhere they may need to do further study. everything,asthis may slow down their progress.
WordUst Groupwork
Theword list isa good resourcefor reviewingvocabulary. Similarly,
group work isa good wayfor studentsto do certain
Theword listcontainsall the wordsthat the studentsshould activitytypes,for example,discussionactivities,in a waythat
be awareof in a given unit Assuggestedabove,the students is not dominatedby the teacher.
canusethe word list in variouswaysto reinforcetheir 1 Explainthe activityand makesurethe whole class
understandingof the wordsand phrasesthey havestudied. understandsit Saywhat you expectat the end of the
activity.Forexample,afterthe activity,you might want
a spokesperson for eachgroup to summarizewhat the
Leamingmethods group hasdiscussedand the conclusionsit hascome
Oneof the maindangersin languagelearningisfor the to, being readyto summarizedifferingconclusionsfrom
teacherto talk too much,and becomethe mainfocusof within the group If necessary.
classattention,insteadof the students.C21hasbeen 2 Dividethe classInto groupsof three or four,and get
designedto maximizestudent-centredclassroominteraction, studentsIn eachgroupto selecta spokesperson, or,if they
andthe notesin this teacher'sbookarewritten from this hesitate,appointoneyourselffor eachgroup.Tryto avoid
perspective. Thesegeneralnotes,and the unit-specificnotes studentsalwaysworkingtogetherin the samegroups.Also
that follow them,presentwaysof putting studentsat the avoidgroupsalwayshavingthe samespokesperson.
centreof learning. 3 Getthe studentsto starttheir discussion.
4 Theteacherlistensin to differentgroups,walkingaround
Pairworlc the room,if necessary, noting mentallyor on paperany
pointsthat arecausingdifficulty,especiallydifficulties
Manyactivitiesin the coursebook lendthemselvesto experiencedby morethanone group.
pairwork,not just the onesshownaspairworkin the 5 Whenmostgroupshavefinished,call the classto order.
exerciseinstructions.Hereisa procedurefor introducingand 6 Gooverpointsthat havebeencausingdifficultyand get
exploitingpairworkin the readingof a dialogue. one or two studentsto listenand repeatafteryou.
1 Explainthe taskand makesurethe whole class 7 Getthe spokesperson from eachgroupto give a summary
understandsit. of the outcomeof Itsdiscussions. Ifthere Istime and
2 Dividethe classinto pairs.Tryto avoidstudentsalways interest,you canthen developa whole-classdiscussion,
working togetherin the samepairs.
comparingthe pointsof view of differentgroups.
3 With the whole classlistening,the teacherreadsthe part
8 Groupworkcanoften be followedup with written
of Speaker A with one of the studentstakingthe part of activities.Suggestionsfor thesearegivenin the unit-
SpeakerB,perhapsonly speakingthe first few linesof the
dialogue,whlle the restof the classllstens.
4 Anotherstudenttakesthe part of A and the teachertakes
the part of Bagain,while the restof the classlistens.You Unit-specific
canomit steps3 and 4 if you think the classcanstartto
In the next part of this book,you will find step-by-stepnotes
work in simultaneouspairswithout a 'model'.
on the teachingof eachunit,alongwith answersto exercises
S Getthe whole classto readthe dialoguein simultaneous
and suggestionsfor supplementaryactivities.
pairs,with eachpairreadingat their own speed,of course.
Theteachershouldlistento differentpairs,in larger
classeswalkingaroundthe room,noting mentallyor
on paperanypoints that arecausingdifficultyor need
improvement,especiallydifficultiesexperiencedby more
thanone pair.
6 Whenmost pairshavefinished,call the classto order.
7 Go<Nerpointsthat havebeencausingdlfflcultyor need
lmpr<Nement and get one or two studentsto llsten
and repeat
8 Getone or two pairsto redothe activityfor the whole
class,ensuringthat they incorporateanycorrections/
improvementsthat you havementioned.
9 Pairworkcanoften befollowedup with written activities.
Suggestions for thesearegivenin the unit-specificnotes.
• Using talk, say, tell and speak
• Past simple
• Past simple questions With the whole class,get studentsto look at and comment
on the photo in relationto the Talkingpoint question.Bear
Languageskills in mind that most young studentswill only know indirectly
a world of handwritten letters,snailmail {teach this phrase),
• Speaking: Discussing communication and queuesat the post office to buy stamps,phone boxes,
body language telephoneoperators,telegrams,etc.
• Reading: Interpreting pictures
• Reading: Reading to match information
• Listening: Listening to understand body language
• Listening: Listening to match people and opinions
• Listening: Listening to complete sentences
• Listening & Speaking: Expressing opinions
and reacting
Communication RMF
• Bodylanguage
• Choosing the best way
to communicate
• Discussions
a send/get a text Drawstudents'attention to the C21skillsreference.and
b make/geta phone call Introducethe ideaof C21 skills.(Lookat the Introduction
c taIk faceto face of these teacher'snotes for mo,e on these.)As this Is the
d send/get a letter flrsttime studentswill meet the C21skillsreferencesin
e send/get an email this level,spend a llttie time explainingwhat C21skills
are,using languageappropriatefor the students'level,
fJ To give studentsthe ideaabourthe pairwork,form a
but don't give a long lecture.Studentswill learn mer€
'pair'with one scudent.Askthem to sayhow often they
about what the skillsinvolvea5 they proceedthrough
useeach type of communicationand get them to give
the book.
an advantageand a disadvantagefor eachtype of
communication in 1,giving reasons. Gerstudentsto complete1heexerciseson page 22
of the coursebook now, or come backto them later.
Get the whole classto work in simultaneouspairs,
ensuringthey arecoveringboth partsof the exercise. The t~acher'snoresfor the exercisesareon page 82
Walkaroundthe classto monitor and assistwhere ofthis book.
necessary. Forextrasupport,explainbodylangua9e:where we
With the whole class,praisegood points that you look,how closewe stand to another person,and what
heardand work on any difficulries.Get studentsto we do with our hands,areall examplesof body language.
repeat the exercise,incorporatingany correctionsand Explainthat sendingpositivemessageswlth your body
improvementsthat you made. languageand understandingother people'sbody
languageareimportant communicationskills.
Get particularpairsto give their Ideasand discussthem
with the whole class.
Possibleanswers IIJ Explainthe tasksand get studentsto work in groupsof
Advantages Disadvantages threeor four.In a multinationalclass,get studentsfrom
differentculturesto work with eachother so asto bring
(Emailsarefreeand (Youneed a computer.)
out contrastingattitudes.
very quick.) (Studentsmay point out
that you only need a Walkaroundthe classto monitor and assistwhere
Phonecalls:Youcan get
smartphone.) necessary,for example,with the vocabularyof bowing,
hugging,kissingon thecheek,embracing,etc.
questions. Phonecallsdisturb
peopleat inconvenient With the whole class,get particularpairsto saywhat
times. they came up with in relationto each item in 4 and 5.
handwrittenones,give a
Treatany differencesof opinion tactfully.
personaltouch. Letterscan take a long
Textsaregood for giving time to arriveand can get 1(1 [D,1.1 Get studentsto focuson the questionand then
key information. lost in the post. play the recording.Then play it again and stop after
Textscan seem eachspeaker,getting studentsto sayif they feelsimilar
Talkingfaceto faceis
impersonal. to the speaker,giving reasonsand developing points.
good becauseyou can
Forexample,in relationto Speakerc, get studentsto say
seethe other person's Talkingface to facecan
what 'talking about money'might mean in this context.
gesturesand body be difficult to arrange.
Forexample,is this more likelyto be about the cost of
language,ere. living in a particularcity,or the speaker'ssalary?- the
Danying I don't havea TVand I don't playvideo
games,but I usemy phone a lot.Yesterday,
I didn't havemy phone and I couldn't send
@S(i) Pastsimple texts to my friendsso I fell very lonely.
Marwan I usuallylisten to music,text my friends
D Introduce the topic of this sectionby getting students and readthe newsal the sametime. But
to talk about the picture at the top of the page and yesterdayI went outsideand I walkedfor
ensurethey understandthe title Switchoff. Elicitor give two hours.My head felt very clear!
cumoff asa synonym. Erica I love the internet and I spend hourson
With the whole class,introduce the subjectof the ic-everyday.During this experimentI
discussionby askingtwo or three studentsabout their didn't know what to do. I didn't leavethe
media habits.Explainthat mediais the plural of medium. house)I just stayedin the kitchen and
Then,in simultaneouspairs,get studentsto look at the made cupsoftea.1 wasn'thappy because
list of media.Askif they accessold media,likeTVand It was reallyboring!
radio,through new devices,like tablets. Brandon I live with my friends,but we don't talk
very much. Everyonejust watchesTV.But
Studentstalk about the media chatthey useand yesterdaywe chatted and laughedall day.
how often.Walkaround the classto monitor and assist It was one of the best daysof the year!
where necessary.
With the whole class,praisegood points that you heard
and work on any difficulties.
Get two or three pairsto summarizetheir discussionsfor
the whole class,incorporatingany Improvementsthat
you made.
Getsrudentsto completetheexercises
on page23
fJ Readthe article aloud for the whole class.
of the coursebook now,or come backto them later
Get individualstudentsto saywhy they think
The teacher'snotesfor the exercisesareon page82 of
participantsenjoyedthe experimentor not Work
this book.
through 3 beforeyou go through the C21skillspage.
IJ rt}>1.2Explainthe taskand play the recording,
explaining any difficulties.(The languageshould be 0 Get studentsto look through the sentencesbefore
quite easyfor students at this level.) doing the exerciseasa fast-pacedwhole-classactivity.
Bringtheir attention to the fact that the sentencesrelate
Then play the recordingagain,stopping after each
to the listeningexercisethat they havejust heard.
speakerand getting studentsto put a tick or a cross
againstthe speakerin question,giving a reason. Elicitthe answers.If necessary,
play the recordingagain.
With the whole class,checkthe answersand havea Answers
discussionabout them. a don't play,use
b went. walked
c didn't leave
- -
Enjoyedti' I
- Reason
- d wasn't
e live,don't talk
Didn'tenjoy,C f was
felt lonely because
a Danying
" couldn't usephone
b Marwan ti' head felt clear
Past simple
c Erica
d Brandon
spent more time
Gothrough the information in the box,working on
the structureand pronunciationof past forms.
charting and
Explainthe taskand point out that studentsshould
eachother the questionsfrom 10,for example,Did
to saywhat they came up with, giving their reasons.
you usetheinternetyesterdoy?They should add more a Bowling.A lecture is like a one-sidedgame with
information to their answer,for example YesI did.I useIt no realtwo-way exchange.
everyday,asin the example. b Frisbee.Easy-going(teachthis expression)and
Walkaround the classto monitor and assist
c Tabletennis.An argument usuallycontains
where necessary.
Bl Do this with the whole class.Studentsmight come up
with ·conversations'.like parliamentarydebates,which
could be comparedto sportswith two opposing teams
of players,e.g.,footballand rugby.
Forthe secondpart of the task,askif conversations
e Conversationsand games
between strangersare'cooperative'or not in the
students'country or countries.Treatthis tactfully.
D Explainthe task.Get studentsto look at the photos in
simultaneouspairsto identify the gamesand work on @)(9 Opinions
questionsa and b. Tellthem notto look at cfor
the moment. D Get studentsto havea discussionabout the sentences
in smallgroupsof three or four.Walkaround the classto
Walkaround the classto monitor and assistwhere
monitor and assistwhere necessary.Ensurethat they are
necessary. With the whole class,work on any problems,
using agreecorrectly,e.g.,I agreerhatlecwresareboring.
for example,the vocabulary,in relationto table tennis,
Tellthem that it's better to sayI don't think that ... rather
of bat, net,scorepoints,etc.
than I disagreethat ...
Then get variousstudentsto repeat the answersthey
With the whole class,praisegood points that you heard
gave to questionsa and b, incorporatingany corrections
and work on any difficulties.Get studentsto repeat
and improvementsthat you made.
the exercise,incorporatingany correctionsand
Then get studentsto work in pairson questionc. Refer improvementsthat you made.
studentsto the title of the article and the explanatory
Then get two or three studentsto talk about the
sentences.Studentsreadthe three partsof the article.
conclusionsthat their group came to.
generalnews- is it seriousor too serious?
sports- shouldschoolstudentshaveto do sports
at school?
technology- is it a good thing?
entertainment- arecomputergamesa wasteof time?
health- arewe livinghealthierlives?
education- what'smoreimportant:what you know
orwhoyou know?
Explainthat the researchaim isto find evidencein
supportof or againstthe discussionpoint. If this is
a classroomactivity,get studentsto collecttheir
researched points in their groupsand discussthe topic.
If this is a homeworktask,allowtime in a future lesson
for studentsto discusstheir points in their group.
Monitorand ensurethat all studentsparticipatein the
discussions. Askone memberof eachgroup to report
backto the whole class.
16 17 14 15
18 19
23 24 20 21
25 26 22
30 31 27 28
• Abbreviations for text messages
Critical thinking
• Inferring information
from pictures
Study skills
• Understanding the purpose
of writing
With the whole class,praisegood points that you heard Tamsin Hi,l.pura.How areyou?
and work on any difficulties,especiallyones relatingto Laura I'm fine,thanks,
the presentcontinuousand the presentsimple. Tamsin Listen,areyou freeon Saturday?
Laura No,I'm afraid I'm busy.I'm meeting
Givepairstime to incorporateyour correctionsand
a fnend.
improvementsInto their conversations,and then asktwo
Tamsin Oh,OK.How about Sunday?
or three pairsto read theirsfor the whole class.
Laura Yes,I'm free.What shallwe do?
Tamsin Would youlike rogo t-0 rhe cinema?
Laura Yes,I'd love to!
Tamsin Great1 Let'smeet at the cinemaat 7.30.
Laura Good idea.Seeyou then!
' _....I
...... ,
• I
) No,I'mafraidI'mbusy.I'mmeeting
a friend/playing
• , ,'
\ Would
~ouliketo goto thecinema/have
dinner? , ,'
'' ,' ,,- ...,
ID Get students to identify the sentencein 2 that usesthe Get individual pairsto repeat their conversations
presentcontinuous. I'mmeetinga friend/ployingfoorboll. for the whole class,incorporatingany corrections
Askwhether it is talking about the presentor the future and improvements.
- the future,as it is answeringthe question about this
evening/tomorrow/on Saturday? @f>e Textmessages
ID Explainthat studentsaregoing to makearrangements D Givestudents time to read the email and the text
with other students.Get chemto turn to page 171in
their course books. message.Then elicit the differences- the text uses
In this activity,students write three entries in their own
diary.Usethe example dialogue and the activities in fJ With the whole class,get studentsto readout the
the box to help them. Then they askif other students highlighted words in the text asinstructed.Students
are free to join them in their activities.They will also then comparewhat they havereadwith the ideasin the
make arrangementswith two other students by asking Focusbox.
and answeringquestions.Get students to write down
the namesof two other students in their diary and the
activity they will join them to do in the correct time slot.
Youmay wish to pre-teachor remind students of useful Text messages
responses,such as I'mafraidI'malreadygoing to have Get students to look at the abbreviationsIn the box
dinneron Saturdaynight, soI can'tgo on Fridaynight/ and then saythem and their full forms aloud.
Yes,I'dloveto. Then,with books closed,test students by getting
Stop the activity when most students havefinished.With them to spell out the text abbreviationsfor in my
the whole class,praisegood points that you heard and opinion,tonight, etc. Write them on the board.
work on any difficulties, especiallyones relating to the
present simple and presentcontinuous.
0 Withthe whole class,get studentsto cometo the board Whenstudentsareready,get them to text their partners
to write eachof the sentencesusingtext abbreviations. andtext you at the sametime.Theirpartnersshould
Workon anydifficulties. then replyalongthe linesgiven in the scenario,again
textingyou at the sametime.
• You'rewrong,IMO. Studythe copiesof the texts beforethe next lesson,and
b canwe meet2nite?llv1K don't forgetto comebackto them then.Startthe next
c THXfor the present.It'sgr8! lessonby praisinggood pointsIn the texts,and showing
how they can be Improved.
• Adjectives for describing life in different countries
• Sources of travel information
With the whole class,get students to look at and comment
Grammar on the photos in relation to the Talking point questions.
Encourage them to use ft could be ... , It may be ... , ft might be
• Present perfect ..., because... Ensure they give reasons for their choices and
say why the places are unique. (Thethreephotosareof Machu
Languageskills Picchuin Peru,Hagia Sophiain Istanbul,Turkey,and Stonehenge
in the UK.)
• Reading: Reading to identify main points Work on vocabulary, like exceptional,unusual,strange,
• Reading: Reading to understand opinions beautiful,curious,ere.
• Reading: Reading for specific information Then get students to talk about unique places in their own
• Speaking: Discussing and describing your country country/countries.
• Speaking: Describing photos
• Speaking: Sharing personal opinions and choices
• Listening: Listening for specific information
• Writing: Writing a review
life skills
• Avoiding national stereotypes
Study skills
• Key words
Critical thinking
• Facts and opinions
c Hedoesn't usesafetyequipment.
Transcript~ 3.1 d Forthe viewsand to takeselfies.
Photoa Photob
A H,3Ve you seenthis photo? e A 'favela'is a very poor areaof cities in Brazil.
B Wow!Who'sthat? (Teachthe word slum.)
A Hisname is HansMuller.He'sclimbedsome of f Riode Janeiro
the most dangerousplacesin the world without g Becausethey noticed that the people living there
any safetyequipment. aregood at painting.
B What?Do you mean he doesn't useropes h The outsideof houses.
or anything?
A Exactly!And hetakesa photo of himselfatthe top.
0 Write the answerto the first questionon the board
and underlinethe presentprefecttense.
B That soundsvery dangerous.Hashe ever Had
an accident? Then,with the whole class,elicit the answersto the
A No,he hasn't He must be a very good climber. other questions.
B Burwhy does he do it? Answers
A He sayshe likesthe views! a hasclimbed
B Well,we all like taking selfies,but haveyou ever b A Has,had
takena selfielike that? B hasn't
A No,I haven't! c A have,painted
Photo b B havepainted
A Haveyou everpainted something7 d havehad
B Yes,I have.I painted my bedroom lastyear.Why'
A Well,there'sa good story here.Youknow those
reallypoor are.as of cities in Brazil?
B Yeah,they'recalled'favelas:aren'tthey?
A That'sright Well,these two artistswent to Rio Get studentsto complete the exerciseson page47
deJaneiroin Brazil. Theynoticedthat a lot of the of the coursebook now, or come backto Lhemlater.
people living In the favelaswereverygood al
The relatedteacher'snotes for the exercisesareon
painting.Sothey organizeda big pa1ntingproject.
page 84.
B Whathavethey painted?
A They'vepafntedthe outsideof the housesin the
favela.Youcan seein the photo.They'veusedall
sortsof coloursand shapes.
B They'reamazing.How manybulldingshavethey
paintedso far? Present perfect
A They'vedone one part of the FavelaButthey've Talkstudentsthrough the Information.Asthey
had someproblemsbecausethe Favela 1s a should know this already,elicit from studentsthat
bit dangerous. hasis usedwith he,sheand ir, and havewith /,you,
B Really? we and they.
A YeahButthey areplanningto carryon
a dangerous,mountain,selfie
b Brazil,housing,painr
~ 3.2 Playthe recording.Get studentsto listen to
8 ~ 3.1Playthe recordingagainand get studentsto the recordingagainand repeatthe exampleswith
answerthe questions.Theywill haveansweredsomeof the correctpronunciationof have.
them alreadyin 2, but gel them to confirm their answers.
Havea classvote on the favouritestory. Transcript~ 3.2
Answers a I'vemet the Queenof England.
Photoa b Johanhasn'tdriven a car before.
a HansMuller c A Haveyou ever lived in anothercountry?
b Not mentioned,but someof the most dangerous B No, I haven't
placesin the world.
0 Doasa fast-pacedwhole-classactivity.
a Therecan be a queuefor ticketsat the museum.
b It canget quite busylaterin the day.
c It'sgreatto listento storiesofFrida'slife.
d TheCoyoacanareais reallybeautiful.
Critical thinking
• Evaluating
• Readingand describing graphs
e Holidayadverts
that some verbs are used with prepositionsto make
verb phrases.(Stickto this expressionrather than 'phrasal
verb: which is mostly used when the meaning cannot be
D Introduce the subject by talking briefly about a holiday 'guessed'fromthe verb+ preposition combination.)
you went on recently,or makeone up! Explainthe task Then get students to look through the holiday adverts
and get students to talk in simultaneouspairsabout again to find verb phrasesto complete the information
where they have been on holiday and what they did. in the Focusbox.
With the whole class,get two or three students to talk
about their partner'sholiday,not their own. Do not work
on language improvement or correction yer.Thiscan
come at the next stage.
Verbs phrases
fJ With the whole class,get students ro look at the photos Go through the completed Focusbox and ask
and advertsand to answerthe question.(The Dubai studentsto suggestother prepositions(for example:
holiday is probably more expensive,becauseit describes up,nextto,along,on).
a luxury hotel experience.)
IJ Get students to read the adverts in simultaneous a go
pairsand complete the table.Walkaround the classto b ask
monitor and assistwhere necessary. c stay
Draw the table on the board and,with the whole class, d look
elicit the information to complete it. (Pointout that the
expressionsI5-dayholidayand five-starhorelare not
plurals- -shasnot beenaddedto holidayandstar- fJ Do this as a fast-pacedwhole-classactivity.
becausethey are used asadjectivesin theseexpressions, Answers
and adjectivesdo not change.) a at
Then havea whole-classdiscussionwith individual b for
students sayingwhich holiday they would like to go on c for
and why. d after
e about
Answers f with
Seetable below. g for
h to
Transport JL Duration Accommodation Staff II Food
Cambodia 15 d..o..ys t ra.dito0ra.lWO£tl€l'lfo.11fromCo..rnbodiOJloca.1
helicopter fromo..rowic!-
Dubai -Hve-starhotel
sp€edboa.tcru.ise the u.x,rlci.
., _ d 1980
e 1979
Takestudents through the Information In the box GI Explainthe taskand get one student to talkabout their
and get them to complete the rules.Tell them that own city, to give other students the idea.
the rule given for the present perfect only coversone Get students to write their sentencesthen compare
useof thistense;thereareothers. answers
in simultaneous
Answers monitor and assistwhere necessary.
a past simple With the whole class,elicit sentencesfrom different
b present perfect students.
Model answers
0 Get students to work on this individually.Walkaround In the last 20 years,Bristolhas become more interesting.
the classto monitor and assistwhere necessary. No big projects have been built, despite many plans.
The traffic hasgot worse.
With the whole class,elicit the answersand work on
The number of cyclistshasgrown.
any difficulties.
The restaurantshave improved.
Askstudentswhich participlesare regular (a,d and e) The city has lost its character.
and which are irregular(b, c and f}. Askfor the Infinitive
(baseform) and past simple of theseverbs (become,
a haschanged Get students to complete the exerciseson page 61 of
b hasbecome the coursebook now, or come back to them later.
c hasgrown
The teacher'snotes for the exercisesare on page 85 of
d have improved this book.
e hascreated
f hasgot (Accept the AmericanEnglish'gotten'
if a student mentions it.) g Draw the incomplete line graph on the board and get
IEI Explainthe taskand do this asa fast-paced individual students to readout sentencesin the text
and to come up and draw the line on the graph on
the board.
Get studentsto briefly discussreasonsfor the
Get students to copy this into their own course
changes,bur don't get into complex economic/
books.Walkaround the classto check they have
demographic issues.
done this correctly.
Studentsneedto plot the followingfigureson
their graphs:
1950-11 million
2000- 34 million
2005- 35 million (i)<E)ti)Slideshow
2020- 37.3million
Now playthe slideshowand do the relatedlistening,
Q ~ 4.4 Tellstudentsthat they aregoing to heara discussionand writing activities.Youwill find the slideshows
recordingabout the populationsofTokyo,NewYork in the interactivecoursebookor in the resourcessectionof
and MexicoCityoverthe last20+years.Tellthem that the website:www.garneteducation.com/c21.
they haveto drawin anotherlineon the graph,this time Formoreinformationon how to workwith the slideshows,
about the populationof NewYork.Ensurethat students seepage7 of this book.
arenot distractedby the Informationabout MexicoCity,
which they do not needto do this exercise.
Playthe recordingand get studentsto drawin the line.
Playthe recordingagainif necessary.Withthe whole
class,get one studentto cometo the boardanddraw
the linefor NewYorkon the graph.
Studentsneedto plot the followingfigureson
their line graphs:
1950-12 million
1975-16 million
2000- 18million
2005- 19million
2015- 20 million
Transcript~ 4.4
NewYorkhadthe biggestpopulationin the world in
1950.Thepopulationwasabout 12million- about
one million morethanTokyo.AsTokyo'spopulation
doubled,NewYork'spopulationwent from 12million
in 1950to just 16millionin 1975.Between1975and
2000,MexicoCitybecamethe secondlargestcity
and NewYorkmovedto third place.Its populationIn
the year2000wasnearly18 million.Between2000
and 2005,the populationgrew by about one million,
and averthe nextten yearsit went up by another
millionto over20 million.So,in 65 yearsNewYork's
populationincreasedby abouteight millionand
Tokyo'sincreasedby over24 million.
• Survival in dangerous situations
• Language learning
With the whole class,get students to look at and comment
Grammar on the photo in relation to the Talking point question. First,
elicit what the photo shows and implies; for example, the
• Using will and won't for predictions technological advances in smartphones. Then discuss what
the likely impacts will be.
• Reading: Reading to confirm predictions
• Reading: Reading for detail
• Reading: Reading for gist
• Speaking: Discussing facts, ideas and experiences
• Speaking: Ranking items and giving reasons
• Speaking: Speculating about the future
• Speaking: Ranking ideas based on personal
• Listening: Listening to make notes
• Listening: Listening for specific information
• Listening: Listening to identify opinions
• Writing: Writing guidelines
Critical thinking
• Prioritizing
• Giving a presentation
Critical thinking
• Readingbetween the lines
Positive/Negative Reasons
a Negative too expensive [) 5.5 Playthe recordingand get individual
studentsto repeatthe positiveand negativeforms.
had to speakEnglishby living
b Positive
in Australia
Transcript~ 5.5
had fun in Argentina,had
a boyfriend,learnt about I do I don't
C Positive you do you don't
another culture,improved
her Spanish shedoes shedoesn't
wedo wedon'l
lonely in London,difficult they do they don't
d Negative to speakto people,came
home early
D Do this asa fast-pacedwhole-classactivity,with
Individualstudentssayingwhat they think will happen
in the future in the areaof learningin general,not just
pronouncethem correctly.
0 Explainthe taskand get studentsto work in groupsof fJ Do this asan individualtask,either in classor for
threeor four,dependingon classsize. homework.Explainthat studentshavethe headings
walkaroundthe classto monitorand assistwhere in 6 to draw on, and the sentencesfrom 5.They
necessary.Ensurethat studentsdiscussthe lasttwo shouldadd an appropriateand clearheadingand
questionsin the exerciseinstruction.Getone personin add their own ideasundereachof the headings.Each
eachgroup to recordeachstudent'sanswer. point shouldbe bulleted'•'.Studentscan write their
guldellnesIn their notebooksor as postersfor the class.
Withthe whole class,elicitthe answersfrom eachgroup,
Allow classtime for studentsto compareIdeasand
and get them to talk aboutthe numberof studentsin
their groupwho hadtried eachtip, and whichtip(s)they
approvedof most.
a 2
b 7
C 5
d 4
e 1
f 6
9 3
0 Do this asa fast-pacedwhole-classactivity.Get
studentsto developideasaroundtheir answers,
giving reasonsfor their choices.
Listening a (wherewebsiteshavevideo/audio),c
Reading (a},c, e,g
Speaking d
Vocabulary all,but particularlyb, c, e, f, g
Writing b, d (emailor chat exchanges), f
Explainreadingbetweenthelinesto students:usingthe
text and yourown experienceto understandsomething.
Sometimesyou mayunderstandsomethingdifferent
from other people.
Get studentsto completethe exerciseson pages75-76
of the coursebook now,or comebackto them later.
Theteacher'snotesfor the exercises
areon page85 of
this book.
Forextrasupport,get studentsto readbetweenthe
linesof the 'VirtualLearning'articleon page72 of the
coursebook,thinking aboutthe positivesand negatives
discussedin exercise2 on page71.Asa class,discusswhy
virtual languagelearningmight be popular.
Critical thinking
• Evaluating usefulness
Life skills
• Promoting yourself
• Zero conditional Students may talk about their own groups in relation
to pairwork or group work In class,of course.No doubt
they will mention sports clubs and teams.Studentswith
Languageskills work experience may mention teamsworking on
company projects.
• Listening: Listening to identify advantages
Among benefits, they might mention the idea that many
and disadvantages
people find it easierto be part of a group than to work
• Listening: Listening to complete sentences individually.Among challenges,they may mention the
• Reading: Reading problems to think of solutions importance of leadership (teach this word) and finding the
• Reading: Reading to identify different roles right leader.
within groups
• Reading: Reading to match headings with texts
• Reading: Reading for specific information
• Writing: Writing about a dream job
• Speaking: Discussing roles in a team
• Listening & Speaking: Brainstorming
Critical thinking
• Finding solutions
• Working in a team
• Learning from mistakes
easyjob worksnight shift
A OK So,examsstart in two weeksand we need
to get some good gracies.
• Types of groups
• City bike schemes
With the whole class,get students to brainstorm the groups
Grammar they can join at school or in the community. These can be
formal or informal groups such as friendship groups. Choose
• Discourse markers: anyway, right and so four or five suggestions and ask students what motivates
them to join groups? If the students are struggling, prompt
Languageskills them by asking what they get from joining or staying outside
groups. Ask for their ideas about any downsides. They may
• Reading: Reading to identify true/false suggest. for example, cost, rules, obligations, loss of freedom.
information Do not spend long on this, as the unit discusses groups in
• Reading: Reading to guess meaning from context more detail.
• Reading: Reading to decide and share opinions
• Reading: Reading to find advantages and
• Listening: Listening to complete sentences
• Listening: Listening to identify reasons
• Listening: Listening for opinions
• Speaking: Using facts, opinions, causes and
effects in a discussion
• Writing: Writing a personal account
Study skills
• Guessing unknown words
Critical thinking
• Cause and effect
• Policeandarmy,of course,but alsopeoplelikebird eJ StudentsdiscussthesequestionsIn pairs.Get lndlllldual
watchersweara sortof'uniform~ studentsto shareinformationaboutthe groupsthey
b born Into:famlly;choose:clubs;cannotchoose: belongto for the wholeclass.
countrywherebom D Askstudentsindividuallyto readthe situation.Elicitwhat
c I am a studentat an Americanuniversity.Myfather the problemis (X isconfusedbecausehe belongsto two
isAmerican,my motheris French,so I feel partof groupswho dislikeeachother.).
both nationalitygroups.I vote in America- I'ma Studentsthen work in smallgroupsto brainstormideas
Democrat,so I'ma memberof that group.I prefer for the advicetheywould giveX.Remindstudentsof
soccerto Americanfootball- I supportParisSaint- usefullanguage,suchas:
Germain.I don'tseethem playveryoften,but I'm part
of that fan group,too. Xcoufd...
/fl were/was
X,rd ...
CJ Explainthe task.Studentscanworkon this in Xshould...
simultaneouspairsor individually.
Walkaroundthe class Havea whole-classdiscussion.
Groupssharethe ideas
to monitorandassistwherenecessary. they brainstormed.
Withthe wholeclass,elicitthe answers.
(i) e Discoursemarkersin conversations
D ~ 8.1Get studentsto lookat the sentences.
recordingandelfcltthe answers.
a llbrarymember,tennisclub member,teacher
b friends
c community
d footballsupporter
a Bass
Sevenalvoices Hello... morning ... good
morning ... @0@>6 A bikesharescheme
Bass Right,we needto discusslast
month'ssalesfigures... II Getstudentsto intervieweachother in simultaneous
b Phlllp Erica,this is Karl.Karl,this is Erica. pairs.Walkaroundthe classto monitorandassistwhere
Youtwo shouldtalk ... you have necessary.
a lot In common!And I'moff to Withthe wholeclass,praisegood pointsthat you heard
get anotherdrink ... andworkon anydifficulties.Getstudentsto repeat
Karl Um ... niceto meetyou. the exercise,
Erica You,too.So,howdo you know improvements that you made.
c Speaker1 ... and he'sreallyannoyingme Getindividualstudentsto reporton whattheir
becausehe'salwaysaskingme partnersaid.
the samequestion,you know. fJ Withthe wholeclass,get studentsto saywhatthey think
Speaker2 Uhuh. of eachof the threebikeschemes, perhapsin relation
Speaker1 And I'vehadenoughof it! to theirown towns/cities.Ensurethat they pronounce
Anyway,how areyou?Howare scheme correctly(/s.kiiml). Wouldthe schemesworkin
the kids? theirtown/city?Why/Whynot?
d Speaker1 I'vedecidedto changejobs
0 Readthe articlewith the wholeclassandthen get
becauseI'mJustnot enjoying
studentsto brainstormthe advantagesand
my currentposition.And I think
disadvantages in smallgroups.
I'denjoydoing somethingmore
Speaker2 So,you'regoingto lookfora new
job.Whereareyou goingto look?
e Mother Didyou havea good time?
Daughter Yeah,it wasfun.Anyway,Mum,
it'sgetting late.I'llcallyou in the
Mother OKlove,we'll chattomorrow.
Advantagu Dlsadvantaaes
{peopleget fitter) (roadsaredangerous}
Getstudentsto completethe exercises on page115of
pollutionfrom cars the coursebooknow,or comebackto them later.
reducesuseof cars- whenyou arrive Theteacher'snotesfor the exercises
areon pages87--88
trafficjams,pollution,etc. somewhere,you needa of this book.
morespaceon public cyclingin rainis not nice fJ With the wholeclass,get studentsto identifythe cause
transportfor non-cyclists andeffectin eachof the sentencesfrom the recording.
makescity morepleasant cyclistsdo not respect Answers
to live in pedestrians andother
roadusers I Cause Effect
{i6@) Slideshow
Now play the slideshow and do the related listening,
discussion and writing activities. You will find the slideshows
in the interactive course book or in the resources section of
the website: www.garneteducation.com/c21.
For more information on how to work with the slideshows,
see page 7 of this book.
Critical thinking
• Questioning opinions
Life skills
• Rules
Critical thinking
• Making assumptions
Transcript~ 9.1
Jack Howdo you keepfit Jodie?
Jodie I likecyclingat the weekend.Howabout you?
Jack I likegoingto thegymanddoinga fewweights.
Jodie I don't likegoing to the gym.It'stoo crowded.
@S(ie) can.can't,haveto,don'thaveto
Jack I knowwhat you mean.Howaboutyour diet?
Jodie Well,I want to loseweight,so I'm not eating
0 Withthe whole class,discussthe alternativesand,above
all,yourstudents'reasonsfor choosingthem. (Their
meatat the moment.
viewswill partlydependon whetherthey haveactual
Jack Good Idea.I want to stopeatingso much
workexperienceor not. If yourstudentsdo havework
sugar,but I loveeatingcakes.
experience,get them to talk about it of course.)
Jodie Oh,dear.
Jack I know.I want to run a marathonnext month, fJ ~ 9.2 Preparestudentsfor the task.then playthe
so I reallymustget fit. recordingonceor twice.
Ellettthe answers.
U Explainthe exercise
andget studentsto writesentences Linkingbackto 1, askstudentswhich companythey
aboutthemselves. Emphasize that they shouldmaketheir would preferto workfor,and why.
own sentences aswell asusethe ideasin the exercise. Workon anyremainingdifficulties,playingthe recording
Possible answers stoppingto explainand workon
again,if necessary,
I don't likewatchingTY.I want to watchlessTV. anythingthat studentshavenot understood.
I likegoing to the gym. Answers
I want to startrunning. 1 a,b, d (Phonesarealsomentioned,but not the issue
I don't want to stop eatingfastfood. of a companysmartphonevs personal.}
I want to drinklesscoffee.I want to cut down from five 2 b,c (Hoursarementioned,but not salary.)
cupsto two cupsa day.
I enjoyeatinghealthyfood. I nevereatfastfood.
I don't needto get moresleep.I sleepeight hoursa night Transcript~ 9.2
I likeswimmingand cycling.I go swimmingon 1 Interviewer SoMrscarter,how do you liketo
Wednesdays and cyclingon Sundays. manageyourstaff?
I don't want to loseweight.I don't needto. Boss Rulesareimportant.My staff have
I don't want to watch lessTY,asI don't watch much to startwork veryearlyand work
anyway.In the evenings,I only watch the news,and I hard.And they haveto look
neverwatchTVduringthe day. smart too.
0 Referstudentsto page174of the coursebook.Students Interviewer Dothey haveto wearsuits?
choosea topic and usetheir onllne researchto help Boss Yes,the mendo.Theyhaveto wear
them decidewhat questionsto ask.Seta time limit for trousers,a shirtand a tie. And they
this research,and checkthat they haveall prepared can'tgrow beards.Womenhaveto
five~no questionsfor their survey.Studentsthen go wearskirtsor dresses. Theycan't
roundthe classand interviewotherstudents.Allowtime weartrousers.
for them to write up their surveyresults.Reviseuseful Interviewer Whatabout the weekends? Do
vocabulary,suchas: they everhaveto work
Sixtypercentsaid... on Saturdays?
Fiveout of 14peoplesaid... Boss Yes,of coursethey do! And
Mostpeopleprefer... they haveto keeptheir phones
switchedon 24 hoursa dayso I can
contactthem in an emergency.If I
sendsomeonean emailat 3 a.m.,
they haveto replyimmediately.
Interviewer Really? Thatseemsa bit unfair.
Boss I'm not interestedin beingfair.
And I'm not interestedin people
being happyor enjoyingthejob.
I'm interestedin makinga lot of
Grammar With the whole class,elicit ideas about why people might
cover areas in cities and towns with graffiti. Students may
• should and shouldn't for advice make suggestions that refer to creating art, expressing
themselves, making urban places look brighter, or because
Languageskills it's Just something that certain groups of people do. See what
students think the health and safety risks are.They should
• Speaking: Giving advice mention the fact that spray paint is toxic and it is not healthy
• Reading: Reading to assessideas to keep on breathing in the fumes; some graffiti artists go
• Reading: Predicting content from photos to dangerous places to create graffiti, for example, along the
side of railway lines, high up on walls, etc. They could fall or
• Reading: Reading and assessing problems
be injured. Elicit the general views of studenrs on graffrti.
and solutions
• Listening: Listening to match opinions to ideas
• Listening: Listening to take notes
• Writing: Using notes to write an email
• Writing: Writing an email with a recommendation
• Thinking creatively
Study skills
• Note-taking
d < {
Govt> privatecos.Mostin healthcare.
e accidentsat work
Women> men,older> younger,managersleast
0 Again,do thisasa fast-pacedwhole-classactivityand Reasons - 1.coldsandflu, 2. neckachesand backaches,
workon anydlfflcultles. 3.stress
Thenother conditions
• !
b ?
f =
fJ Explainthe taskand readthe emailwith the wholeclass.
C ... h > Ellcltthe answerto the question:Thethingsto llstenfor
area)the problemandb) what they want Jeremyto do
d < {
• s!1WQrk
5!g;lg~n1~ about It
@)6@ Slideshow
Now play the slideshowand do the relatedlistening,
discussionand writing activities.Youwill find the slideshows
in the interactivecoursebook or in the resourcessectionof
the website:www.garneteducacion.com/c21.
Formore information on how to work with the slideshows,
seepage 7 of this book.
• Listening: Listening to complete a table
• Listening: Listening to assessjob
interview responses
• Reading: Reading for detail
• Reading: Reading to check predictions
• Reading: Reading to match information
• Reading: Reading to categorize tips
• Speaking: Discussing future plans
• Speaking: Talking about job interviews
• Speaking: Role-playing a job interview
• Writing: Writing guidelines
~ IL..___.._J
Critical thinking
• Long-term and short-term aims
Life skills
• Networking
• Why we communicate
be going to
Get students to complete the exerciseson page 155 Talkstudents through the information and the
of the coursebook now, or come back to chemlater. examples.The tensewill alreadybe familiar to them
The teacher'snotes for the exercisesare on page 89 of at this level,so use this as an opportunity to reviseit.
for extra support, ask students cowrite listsof five long- Cl Do this with studentswriting the answersindividually.
term and five short term goals.Get them to work in It should not be difficult for studentsat this level.
simultaneouspairs.Walkround the classto monitor and
assistwhere necessary.
With the whole class,get some of the pairs to talk about
their two different lists.
Polltlvefeedbadc Negattve
feedback ~@ Bodylanguagein interviews
r .., r
a can-doattitude a loner D If you havecoveredthe C21skillssectionin Unit 1A then
a teamplayer dishonest this will be revision.If not,this maybe an opportunityto
focuson these(seepage22of the coursebook).
easy-going good at onething only
With the wholeclass,askwhy body languageis
good at multitasking lackingconfidence
importantin interviews.Getstudentsto givesome
hard-working lackingmotivation examples.(Situp straight,engageeyecontactwith the
honest lazy Interviewer,but not too much- askstudentswhat they
polite negative think Isappropriate- don't run yourfingersthrough
your hair,etc.)Theremaybe culturalvariationsabout
positive rude
what isacceptable,of course.
"" self-motivated ,J ""stubborn ,J
fJ Withthe wholeclass,get studentsto commenton
the photo.
0 Getstudentsto think of ajob that they would liketo
have.Tellthem they will do interviewsin simultaneous
pairs.First,onestudentinterviews,andthen the other, (Theinterviewersaresmiling.)
in relationto anotherjob. Emphasize that they should Theyaremakingeyecontact.
usethe languageof this unit,notjust the vocabularyof Twopeopleareshakinghands.
the previousexercise. (Quicklytakestudentsthrough 0 Getstudentsto workin simultaneouspairs.Walkaround
previoussectionsof this unit againto remindthem of the classto monitorandassistwherenecessary.
the areascovered.)Alsoremindstudentsof the ideaof
Withthe wholeclass,workon waysof talkingabout
body language(firsttouchedupon in Unit 1AC21skills)
body language. Then,get individualstudentsto talk
- posture,amountof eyecontact,amountof smiling,
aboutthe tips they cameup with, incorporatingyour
etc.Get studentsto saywhat would be appropriateIn
their own countries.
Whenthey areready,get studentsto starttheir 0 Tellstudentsthat the articlecoversmorethanjust body
language.Getthem to readit, bearingin mindthe
interviews,gettingstudentsto sit oppositeeachother,
advicetheygave.Walkaroundthe classto monitorand
hopefullyat a distanceappropriatefor ajob interview.
assistwherenecessary, for example,with vocabularylike
Walkaroundthe classto monitorandassistwhere
Whenmost pairshavefinishedtheir two interviews,
endthe activity.With the wholeclass,praisegood points Withthe wholeclass,workfurtheron anyvocabulary
thatyou heardandworkon languagerelevantto this questionsthat you wereasked.Askindividualstudentsif
unit that requiresattention.Get lndlvldualstudents they sawthe sameadvicethat they gavein the previous
to repeatpoints,Incorporatinganycorrectionsand section.Thendiscussthe otheradvicegivenin the
Improvements that you made. article.Bearin mind culturaldifferences.Talkalsoabout
the right sortof clothes,for example,for men- isa tie
u for
Getthreeor four pairsto repeatoneof their interviews
the wholeclass.
• Adverts
• Job adverts and applications
Demonstratethe taskwith the whole class.Brainstormfour
Grammar or five obstaclesto someone getting the job they want Put
these on one side of the board. Divide the rest of the board
• First conditional into two columns:lnside your control, and outside your
control. Discusseach obstacle with the classand put it into
Languageskills the correct column. Studentswork in simultaneouspairs
and make new lists.ShareIdeaswith the whole class.Discuss
• Reading: Reading to check opinions possibleways in which students can increasetheir chances
• Reading: Reading for detail of success.
• Listening: Listening for positive opinions
• Speaking: Giving speculative answers
• Reading & Writing: Reading and writing cover
letters for job applications
• Writing: Writing a personal account
Critical thinking
• Preparing for the future
• Register
Transcript~ 12.1
Amira Sohaveyou thought any more about
studying abroad?
eeale Firstconditional
Yeah,but l don't know.
I think you should do It. If you study in
England,your Englishwill reallyimprove.
D Introducethe subjectby askingquestiona to the
It'sa great opportunity.
whole classand elicit a list of reasons,which you write on
Jasmine Yeah,maybe.
the board.
Amira Butyou'll haveto speakto English
Get studenrsto work on the remainingquestionsin people,of course.Youwon't learnmuch
pairs Walkaround the classto monitor and assist If you only makefriendswith other
where necessary. foreignstudents.
With the whole class,work on anydifficulties, especially Jasmine But whaLwill I do if I don't understand
ones relatedto the languageof studying abroad.Then my teachers?
get studentsto talk about their partner'sanswers,not Amira Well,it will be difficult when you arrive,
their own. but ft will get easier.
Jasmine Yeah,I supposeso.But England's
fJ Get studentsto readthe advert.Walkaround the classto
expensive,Isn'trt?If I don't get aJobafter
monitor and assistwhere necessary.
graduating,ltwlll be a wasteof money.
With the whole class,elicit the answersand write them And what will I do ifI run out of money?
on the board. Amira Youwon't run out of money.YouJust
Answers need to be careful.Don't go out for meals
1 Theyare lookfngfor adventure. - cook at home. And don't go shopping
2 They waneto see the world and experiencea everyweek! Yourparentswill sendyou
different culture. money each month.
3 Theywant to continue their educationwhile abroad. Jasmine Yeah,rnyparents.If I do this,I'll be away
4 Internationalemployersare looking for self-motivated from home for six months.It's a long time!
peoplewith real-worldexperience. Amira Of courseil is.But you'll makenew
5 Theylearnimportant socialskills. friendsquickly.
Jasmine But I'll missmy old friends!Likeyou!
IJ Discussthe first questionwith the whole class.Their
Amira Don't worry. If you feel homesick,you can
answerswill depend on where they are in relationto
video-call me!
studiesand work, of course.Thenget studentsto discuss
the secondquestion in simultaneouspairs.Walkaround
the classto monitor and assistwhere necessary.
With the whole class,elicit the answers.
Possibleanswers ~ 12.2 Remindstudentsabout stress,explain the
Feelingsof lonelinessand isolation,especiallyat first. taskand play the recordingonce right through.
Qualityof educationvarieswidely around the world. Playthe recordingagain,stopping after eachitem to
It can be difficult to understandthe educational/study elicit the answers.
methodsof other countries.
If you staytoo long abroad,you may loseyour network Answers
and possiblejob contactsin your home country. a ]f you study fn England,your Englishwill really
0 ~ 12.1Playthe recording,work on any difficulties and b Burwhat will I do if I don't understandmy
elicit the answers. teachers?
Answers c If I don't get a jQQafter graduating,i! will be a
If you study in England,your Englishwill reallyimprove. wasteof money.
It'sa great opportunity. d If I do this, I'll be awayfrom home for sixmonths.
It will be difficult to understandyour teacherswhen you e If you feel homesick,you can video-callme!
arrive,but it will get easier.
Youwon't run out of money.Youjust need to be careful.
You'llmakenew friendsquickly.
With lhe whole class,work on any remainingdifficulties.
a study,will
b won't
c will I do, don't
d will, run
e feel,can
1 The speakersaretalking about events in the future.
2 The highlighted things arepossiblygoing to happen.
Chris Oh,hi, Gemma.Haveyou got a minute?
Gemma Yes,sure.Why? D With the whole class,get studentsto talk about the
Chris Well,it'sjust about the kitchen.It wasa bit father and son shopping.Get them to describethe visual
of a messlastnight, I had to spend half an cluesin the photo and to makenotes.
hour washingthe dishesand cleaningup
before I could eat. fJ Get studentsto usetheir notes to write individual
Gemma Really?I'm so sorry.But actuallymost of the stories.Walkaround the classto monitor and assist
messhasbeen there for two or three days. where necessary.Studentscan complete their storiesfor
Chris Right Yes,I seeyour point, but some of the homework if there is not enough time in class.
Gemma Yes,OK.Look,let's both try to cleanup In
11 Repeatthe aboveprocedurewith studentstalking and
future.And we need to talk to Jim He never writing about the photo, or finding their own photo to
washesup. bring to talkabout next time.
Chris You'rerighl Thanks,Gemma.
IJ Allocaterole-playsto different pairs,walk aroundthe class
to monitorand assistwherenecessary. Thenget individual THE PURPOSEOF WRITING
pairsto repeattheir discussionfor the whole class.
D Go through the reasonsfor Wfiting,explainingany
difficulties.Then do the exercisewith the whole class.
Progress a thanking
b arranging
l&Get studentsto look through the unit and make
c sympathizing(Pointout to any Latin-basedlanguage
their listsindividually.Givethem plenty of time.
speakersthe specificuseof this in English- it doesn't
When they areready,get themto comparetheir list
just mean being nice.)
with their partner'sand discusssomeof them with
d suggesting
the whole class.
e informing
My learningplan for next week f warning
g requesting
IBGet studentsto maketheir plansand compare
them Withtheir partner's.(Pointoutthat it may not
be possibleto haveexacttimings for somethings.)
D Discusswith the whole class.Don't be surprisedif
D Get studentsto identify the chartsand graphs. studentssaythat there are no speechesat weddings in
their culture.e.g.,in Franceor India.
a Figure2 m1 Get studentsto preparetheir presentationsbasedon
b Figure3 the ideas.If you havethe time and equipment,get them
c Figure1 to preparePowerPointpresentationswith photosor
illustrations.Otherwise,go for more low-techalternatives.
fJ Discusswith the whole classwhich chart or graph is best
for eachtype of information.
b Figure2
c Figure1 D AskstudentsIf they havea similarexpressionto 'reading
fJ Get studentsto choosean ideaor their own subject. between the lines'in their own language(s).Get students
Ensurethat they select the best type of chart or graph to to look at a, band c in simultaneouspairsand then
illustrateit. discusswith the whole class.
fJ Get studentsto discussin smallgroupsand then with the II Get studentsto suggestthree more situationswhere we
whole class.Pointout that in somebusinessmeetings makeunstatedrequests.
now,thereis a ten-minutebreakeveryhour for employees Possibleanswers
to consulttheir smartphones,which they leaveat the 1 Carpassengerto driver:I'm feeling sick,(requestto
door when theyarrivefor the meeting.Askstudentsif slow down/stop)
they think this is a good way to avoiddistractions. 2 Guestto host: It'svery hot in here.(requestto turn
3 Flatmateto fiatmate:The rubbish bin is full. (request
to empty it)
Repeatthe procedureoutlined on page 83.
STUDYSKILLS:NOTE-TAKING a get married,starta family
b finish marketingreport,visit parents,saveup for a
D ~ 10.6 Remindstudentsabout note-taking- keypoints, mini-breakfor them
usingabbreviations,etc.Explainthe task,get them to look c John travellingso much, her own work
at the two setsof notesand playthe recording. d Students'own ideas.
b is better - more concise,informative,with nothing Transcript~ 11.6
irrelevant(teachthesewords) HI,I'm Rachel.I'm getting mi'!rriedto John sometime
next year.But there'sa lot to do before then.We
Transcript~ 10.6 haven'tAxeda date yet becausewe'reboth so busy.
Hello.My name'sSimonWorthy,and I'm from the John'sjob meanshe travelsabroadonce or twice a
Council.Thankyou for inviting me here today to talk to month, and my manageroften needsme to work late
you about health at work. Did you know that lastyear to write reports.In fact. I haveto finisha marketing
there were 630,000injuriesat work?It's a big problem, report by Wednesday. That meanswe haven'thad
isn't it, both for employersand for employees?I wa-s enough time to start makingarrangements.My dad
surprisedby that number,and that'swhy today I'm hasn'tbeen well,either,so It'sbeen hard on my mum.
going to talkabout two things.Firstly,how to avoid I visit my parentseveryweekend.I wantto buythem
accidents,and secondly,what to do If there is one. I'm a nice mini-break,so I'm savingup for thatJohn and
alsohappy to takeany of your questions,but we've I hope to start a familyafter we get married,but first
got a lot to get through,so let'sdo that at the end of we need to makea bit more money.I'm hoping John's
my talk.OK? going to get promoted soon.He deservesit!
Anyway,startingWithavoiding accidents,I'm going
to cover ,:iccldentswith hot water and food, and fJ Makesureeachstudent hasa long-term aim,or has
accidentsfrom furniture.So,I'd like to askyou, how imaginedone, before they start completing the
many of you use hot water to makeyourselfa drink diagram.Walkaroundthe classto monitor and assist
at work?And how often do you carryhot drinks up where necessary.
and down steps,or carryyour books,laptopsand Thenget a few studentsto presenttheirdiagrams,
hot drinksat the sametime astrying to open a door drawingthem quicklyon the board.
between differentrooms?Thesearedangerousthings
to do.That'swhy I'm encouragingemployersto put
safewater he;:icers on eachfloor. LIFESKILLS:NETWORKING
Get studentsto discussthe Peterquotation in the II Discussthesepoints quicklywith the whole class.
introduction.Also mention the YogiBerraquote:'If you come Answers
to a fork in the road,takeit!' The sentencesare polite waysof ...
D ~ 11.6Explainthe task,get studentsto look at the a Introducingyourselfto someoneyou don't know.
b leavinga conversationto talkto someoneelse.
questions,play the recordingonce or twice.Workon any
difficulties.Elicitthe answers. c talking to someonewho may or may not remember
you from a previousmeeting.
d askingfor sensitive{teach thisword) information.
e askingfor someone'sdetails.
fJ Discussthiswith the whole class.The correctansweris 0 Get studentsto work on these individuallyand then
probablyc. discusswith the whole class.Talkabout the possible
addition of pleaseto eachof thesewith no pausebefore
the please.
PLANNINGAHEAD Possibleanswers
Repeatthe procedureoutlined on page 83. a I wonder if you could give me a lift.
b I was wondering if you could lend me your
c Couldyousendmeyourcontactdetails?
d I hope you don't
mind me asking,but canyou tell me
what the salaryis?
e Could you show me what the right answerIs?
Explainthe meaningof'likelihood' as'probability'and
givean exampleof how to fill In the matrix basedon
the template in the course book.Get studentsto draw
matrixesof their own and to complete them. Walk
around the classto monitor and assistwhere necessary.
Thenget a few studentsto presenttheir matrixes,drawing
them quicklyon the board,and presentingthem.
Askquestions2 and 3 to individualstudentsafter they
havepresentedtheir matrixesindividually.
a send d about
b get e sure
c make
speak a
f talk a doyouwork
g tell b Do you want
c do you know
d areyou doing
a -
e she is talking
a He hasn'tstayedin a five-starhotel.
b He hasswum in the sea.
c He hasmet local people for a meal. D
d He hasn'tslept under the stars. a thirsty
e He hasbeen to the capitalcity. b boil,ill
f He hastakena selfieon the beach. c hunt
g He hasn'tclimbed to the top of the castle. d poisonous
e shelter
f sleep
a Themuseumcontainsthe largestcollectionof exhibits
from ancient historyin Turkey.
It is in the old part of Ankara.
Students'own answers.
c Thebest waysto get thereare to walk or to takethe metro.
d No,you can't book ticketsin advance.
e Youshouldvisit earlyor late in the day to avoid the crowds. a
f Theexhibitsareclearlylaid out and the jewelleryand a virtual
artworkare beautiful. b avatar
g Youcan buy souvenirs. C experience
d nervous
e order
a f running
Possible answers 9 improve
Fact h dictionary
a It issituatedin the old part of Ankara. abroad
b Someof theoldestexhibitsarefrom8000BCE. cheaper
c The museumbuilding was usedasthe bazaaruntil 1921.
d Coachtourscan be expensive. a
e Entranceticketsarecheap. a accurate
f It's a good idea to go earlyor late. b quick
c remote
d exact
m e useful
f difficult
a about
b with g safe
C for
d at
e for a
f after Possible
a Smartwatches are usefulfor telling the time.
9 to
b Solarpanelsare usefulfor makingelectricity.
c A SIMcard is usefulfor identifyinga mobile phone.
a d CCTVcamerasareusefulfor identifyingcriminals.
e 3D printersare usefulfor making3D modelsof things.
a haschanged
b grew f A quadcopteris usefulfor taking photos in the air.
c havegot
developed a
f attracted a hard-working
g built b organized
h started c interested
hasnot lost d experienced
e satisfied
a I'll turn up the heating.
b I'll take you in the car.
c I'll go to the supermarket.
a ... because she has always had an interest in singing.
b ... because the leader of the choir said nice things
about her singing.
d I'll help you. c Some members said her singing style was different.
e I'll turn it down. As a result ...
d Her singing improved because she took singing lessons.
a self-employed D
b multinational a revise
c employees b studying
d colleague c getting
e call centre d going
night shift e doing
f cycling
g swimming
fJ h lose
a time drinking
b behind, deadlines, stressed j eating
c frustrated k eat
d identify
e concentrate. open
a Earning a high salary isn't very important for me.
fJ b He has to start work at 9 a.m. every day.
a the leader helps to build everyone's confidence. c You can't park here - move your car!
b share it with your colleagues. d You should get a good night's sleep.
c the'doctor'in the group can help identify and solve it. e You must wear a seat belt. It's the rule.
d expressyour opinion in a positive way. f I can't work late tonight Sorry!
e the planner will plan the next stage of your project. g Can we pay in dollars?
f they should celebrate. h IFyou want to keep fit. you shouId exercise every week.
a a
Possibleanswers C
a (If I'm not free during the day,)
b lfl can't remember something,
c If a colleague looks stressed,
d If I can't talk to anyone about my work,
a no
e If my boss lets me, b no
c yes
d no
a financiaI services
b human resources
c energy
d construction
e IT services
f healthcare
a am going to apply
b is going to help
c am going to send
d am going to do
e is going to lend
f are going to let
g am going to move
a work abroad
b write your CV
c apply for a job
d do an internship
e search online
f join an employment agency
a bad
b good
c bad
d good
e bad
f good
9 bad
h good
1 Communicat,on
H s A p
V Q p s
N K p A
a internet E K E V
b pencil
C paper
d write M F N J
e call
C p
p F L
1 e T D T
2 C
3 b E D z C z T V E s
4 d a said
5 a b ate
6 f c watched
d bought
aa My sister speaks Italian.
b Tell me all about your holiday! g spoke
c In England, people often talk about the weather. h told
d Don't tell him I broke the window'
e When I meet new people, I never talk about money. fJ
f Do you know how to say'thank you'in Spanish? a wrote
g Pleasespeak slowly so I can understand. b went
c had
aa tell
d sent
e was
b speaks f bought
C says
d tell II
e talks a He listened to the radio.
f Tell b He didn't play computer games.
9 says c He made a video call.
d He wrote an email.
e He didn't read an eBook.
f He didn't receive a text.
D fJ
a What 1 (d) Across 3 seeing
b Was 2 C 4 texting
C Why 3 f 6 writing
d Did 4 a 7 growing
e What 5 b Down 1 sending
Did 6 g 2 following
g Did 7 e 3 sitting
5 going
a He'srunning.
a b
a argument (football) d He'swaving.
b lecture (kite surfing) e He'spushing.
c discussion(chess) He'sthinking.
d argument Uudo)
e discussion(badminton)
f lecture (running/gym)
a 'm writing
b catch
fJ c leaves
Give an Ask Agree Disagree Not d arrives
opinion for an decided e 'm standing
opinion is
g makes
a b d C 9
e i f j h
a 2
b 8
C 6
b LI
d 3
e 4
d gr8
g 7
h 5
g CU 18r
2 Arrangements
e true
f false
a g true
a Mum
b Evie a
c Evie a coming
d Jack b warchfng
e Dad c visiting
f Dad d having
a Whatis the languageof businessand science?
9 taking
English- that'swhy so manypeople studyit.
b Isit easyto work out the tone of emails?
Cl Not always.Emojisor emoticonscan help.
a (askingfor help) c Whatdoes this gesturemean?
(Hi.How do I get to your housetonight?) Bequiet!
b apologizing d Isnon-verbalcommunicationimportant?
Stuckin trafficjam. Will be late.I'm sorry. Yes,mainly in face-to-faceconversations.
c thanking
e Whatdo we do when we areannoyed?
Thanksfor the lift! Seeyou later! We hunch our shouldersand leanforward.
d thanking How manymusclesarethere in the face?
It was nice to seeyou.Thanksfor the coffee. Thereare43.
e inviting g WhatdoesAmy Cuddybelieve?
Canyou come for dinner tonight? Our body languageshapeswho we are.
apologizing h Do great paintersunderstandbody language?
I can't meet later.To be honest,I'm too tired.I'm sorry. Yes,especiallyportrait painters.
g askingfor help
Haveyou startedthe assignment?What booksare useful?
a thinking their own thoughts.
b is too bright.
c havegone therelate at night becausethey want
D d somedetail,so we know that this is in NewYorkin the
a experts mid-20th century.
b convey e lonelyAmericawas in the 1940s,
c unspoken
d winking
e tone
f emphasize
9 divided
h upset
3 Travelexperiences
a Breatheslowlyand deeply.
b Don't laugh.
c Finda quiet corner.
d Getcomfortable. adjectives
e Hold the pose. a tradition
f Hold your headhigh. b taste
g Keepyour backstraight. c culture
h Putyour handson your hips. d happily
e time
e f feeling
Wecan tell a lot about other people from their body language.
Butwe can alsouseour own body languageto our advantage. fJ
Thisis Amy Cuddy.She'sa socialscientist.Her theory is:'Our a b
body languageshapeswho we are.'Her researchshowsthat, b d
if we @illlf our posture,we can completelychangethe way C C
other~ seeus. d f
e (a)
But her researchhasalsofQ.u.DQ somethingevenmore
f e
interesting.And very useful!Shehasfound that, if we strike
a positiveposefor a few minuteseveryday,we can actually
changethe chemisrrvin our bodies.
a dirty
a havehad
b boring b havetried
C crazy C hasread
d rude d hasswum
e high e hasbroken
f quiet f havewritten
9 simple 9 havedone
h lovely h havebeen
wrong have ... eaten
j easy have ... held
k old
Mysteryadjective:traditional a
a w C E M w D y w D
im-: Impossible,impolite, impatient M E V E 0 G X R T
un-: unhappy,unnecessary, unkind L E w A N H M N
in-: inaccurate,invisible,inactive
p a y T E M X T A
a delicious D y A E R G 0 y T H
A y 0 K E N
b strong
C busy I N a p N X
d modern
e cheap
V 0 A u N K
f polite E A B E E N
9 cool N L A E A D F H D
h boring
a Royand I havespent two months in Asia.
b We havevisited 13capital cities.
c We havemet thousandsof amazingpeople.
D d It hasn'tbeen easy!
e Someof the roadshavebeen very challenging.
a It's the Acropolisin Athens.
b It's the EiffelTowerin Paris. Our bike hashad 36 punctures!
c It's the RedFort in Agra. g We haverun out of petrol nine times.
d It's the Kremlinin Moscow.
fJ a havejumped
a Yes,I've lived in AustraliaandThailand. b havedriven
b Yes,I'vedone a parachutejump. c haven'teaten
c No,but I've seenthem. d haveseen
d No,but someonestole my wallet once. e hasn'tswum
e No,but I haveslept in a cave. haven'tslept
f Yes,I'vevisited the FoxGlacier.
g No,I've neverhad enough money!
a at
b about
D C up
a opinion d after
b fact e through
C fact f across
d opinion g for
e fact
f opinion
9 opinion
fJ D
a Kaididn't enjoy the jeep safari. a haschanged
b An elephanttakesfour people. b hasrisen
c Mandydidn't like the insects. c were
d Kairecommendsthe ElephantBreedingCentre. d was
e Hanssuggestsgoing early. e hasimproved
f An elephantsafaricosts 1,500rupees. f hasfallen
g Mandy thinks the safariis cheap. 9 was
h Hanssawa crocodile.
The ElephantBreedingCentrecostsSOrupees. fJ
a been
4 Faraway
b changed
C risen
d was
e dropped
f visited
9 were
h stayed
D a
a false
a Luca
b false
b Sofiaand Lorenzo
C true
c Jenand Ian
d true
d Miguel
e true
e Gregand Alison
f Flo
fJ a
a August
a I need to find out when the museumopens.
b January
b He doesn'tknow about the opening times.
c December
c We went for a swim after breakfast.
d February
d We arestayingat the hotel in Prince'sRoad
e June
e Who will look after the cat, when we'reaway?
f October
f The bus broke down so we were late arriving.
g September... October
g it's a good idea to shop aroundfor a good deal.
a both
b a travelwebsite
D c both
a opinions d a guidebook
b remember e both
c biased f a travelwebsite
d online 9 both
e rude h a guidebook
f negative both
g award a guidebook
h helpful
a D
a How about you? a water
b Whatwill you see? b shelter
c Wherewill you stay? c food
d Areyou readyfor an adventure? d air
e How much money areyou going to need? e plants
f Haveyou sampledeverything Istanbulhasto offer? sleep
g Who knowswho you'll meet or what you'll discover?
h What about the markets.squares,cafesand restaurants?
Will you leaveyour guidebook in the hotel?
a nashdrive
a b GPS
c lighter
a Soyou buy a guidebook and read all about the city. d penknife
Theverbsdon't match the subject. e torch
b All online reviewsarebasedon opinions. electricfan
A prepositionis missing.
c Youcan spendweekshereand neverget bored.
An adjectiveending is wrong.
a relatingto money
d Imagineyou are planninga city breakin Istanbul. b an amount of money to be spent over a period of time
Thereis a mistakewith an article. c an electricalwave that carriesinformation
e Youvisit the BlueMosque,with its blue tilesand d the act of stealing,or taking,something
sixminarets. e softwarefor a phone, tablet or computer
Thereis a mistakewith an apostrophe. f Itemshaving a high monetaryprice
An amazing experienceis waiting for you. g someone,or a company,that givesa serviceto a customer
The word order is wrong.
g Somepeoplecan't usecomputersvery well.
An adverbis wrong. a
a restaurants
h Youwalk acrossthe stunning Ataturk Bridge.
The wrong form of the verb is used. b home
c buildings
d provider
e phone
f charger
g valuables a dictionary
h GPS b translate
app C tutor
d grammar
e memory
f notes
9 audio
h thesaurus
D write
a false e true
b true f true
c true
d false
a do
b don't
fJ C don't
a will give e will recycle d do
b will throw f will takeapart e do
c willgo g will disappear don't
d will soak
9 do
h doesn't
a How will children learnin 2030? j
b Will there be classrooms? k don't
c Will teachersget replacedwith phones?
d Will childrenusecomputers?
e How will teachersassess children?
a 2
How will schoolshelp poorer children? b 1
a f d e
b b e C 2
C a f d
6 Techrlology
a selfiestick
b smokealarm
C nashdrive/memorystick
0 y d zip
w V
Bathroom: toothbrush,waterproof radio,safetyrazor
Office: ballpoint pen, stapler,flashdrive
A T u T
Kitchen: blender,can opener,toaster
y L 8 E
e Cl
a Kettlesboil water. a Yes,I'll email my CV to you.
b In 2004,therewere more televisionsthan people. b I'll get some!
c A microwavecookswith radiation. c I'll arriveat about midday.
d A light bulb is made out of glass. d I'll do it!
e Umbrellasprotect people from rain/sunand sun/rain. e I don't know! I'll look in the kitchen.
f A mirror reflects4% of the light. f I'm not sure.I'll checkthe map.
g A freezerpreservesfood with very low temperatures. g I'll come!
h More than 200 million people listen to the radio
A torch is called a flashlightIn America./ln America,
a I'vefilled
a torch is calleda flashlight. b We'll help
Most Britishpeople heat their homeswith radiators. c I'll check
d I'll hold
Cl e I'vechecked
a television f radio f I'vesent
b umbrella 9 bulb g they'll be
C microwave h radiator
d kettle torch
e freezer mirror
a radiation noun
b helmet noun
C right adjective
D d adapt verb
a social e diameter noun
b message f survive verb
C letters 9 basic adjective
d post h microbial adjective
e million generate verb
f private robot noun
9 program
fJ a averagetemperature
a webcam b breathableatmosphere
b monitor c humancivilization
c tower d human body
d mouse e main goals
e keyboard night sky
f speaker g protectivesuits
h usefulfacts
e a
a graduated
b studied Curiosiryhasfound out lots of new, usefulfactsabout the
c volunteered planet It hastakenmeasurementsof temperatureand
d helped pressure.It'slooked for signsof water and microbiallife.It has
e taught sampledsoil and rocks.And it hassent thousandsof amazing
f haveworked photographsbackto Earthfor us all to enjoy.
g havedeveloped
h havetravelled
Cl a
u L T
Shelter/Protection Air to breathe l (M
E y p D
N A L)
Peoplewill live underground Oxygenwill be used
F y G G P t< L Y
to protectthemselves to createa breathable
L p y L
atmosphereinsidethe life-
support units. w
Peoplewill wearprotective TI1eair on Marsis poisonous,
suitswhen they go outside. so peoplewill live in special F S F
'life-supportunits'. I S Z
Solarpanelswill generate
electricityfor heating. I W W R O P C M Y
Q I B A C U S T 0
S D T A y
Food Drink I A E J X A I E
a office
g multinational
a How will we get there? h shift
b Marsis more than 50 million kilometresaway!
Lotsof differentcompanieshavedrawn up detailed plans.
Don't worry if you find it hard to understand. a
e We can'tall be rocketscientists!
Story1• (a),e, I
StoryL (b),d, g
f Will humansever liveon Mars?
Story3 (c),f, h
g Will anyonereallywant to live on Mars?
h A companycalledMarsOne askedfor volunteers.
7 Teamwork D
a AngelaMerkel
b BillClinton
c IndraNooyi
d RichardBranson
e NelsonMandela
a If everyonemovesforwardtogether,then successtakes
C at careof itself.
d for b If thereis no communication,the teamwill fail.
e by c The team wlll work best If eachpersonknows their role.
f with d If people in the group think only about themselves,the
teamwill not succeed.
fJ e A team is more likelyto succeedifthe obJectiveis made
a nurse clearfrom the start.
b builder f A teamis effectiveif it hasa mixtureor peoplewith
c teacher differentexperiencesand skills.
d tax advisor g If a team hasa good leader,conflictsand disagreements
e Illustrator aresolvedquickly.
8 0 Groups& commun1t1es
f leaves
g is
h focus
a A sportsteam Isa type of group.
a If I havea good idea.I tell my group.
b Neighboursare part of a community group.
c Somepeople belong to the sameblood group.
d Membersof a book club meeLto discussnovelsand poetry.
b If a team memberstayssilent,I invite them to speak. e If you'rein a fan club,you support a famousperson.
c If I don't understand,I askthe speakerto repeat. f Teenagersare in the sameagegroup.
d If everyonesharestheir ideas,the team workseffectively.
e If a team member feelsangry,the project suffers.
f If peopleknow their roles,the team works well.
a sports
b friendship
c club
d family
e community
D f age
a writer Mysteryword: online
b individual
c appearance
d correct
a adjective
e problem
b noun
f old
c verb
d verb
fJ e adjective
a true f adjective
b false g noun
c true h verb
d false
a collections
g false
b kept alive
e c
not usually
a The subjectdoesn't match the verb (the verb should e same
be are). f not working
b The pronoun should be I.
c The word order is wrong.
d The punctuation is wrong.
e The tenseis wrong.
f The prepositionshould be on.
g The article is wrong. D
a because
b so
c because
d because
e asa result
f so
vital adjective
a Cooperationis key to a team'ssuccess. D
b Somerolesare more difficult than others. a sugar
c 'Neverleaveyour wingman: b studying
d Extrovertslove to demonstratetheir skills. c carrot
e Problem-solvingis alsoa big part of teamwork. d water
f Teamleadersplay a vital role. e sleep
g Are you a strong team player? f drive
h What style of leaderdo you prefer?
a fJ
a trainers
PlayersIn a football team,doctors and nurses,membersof b running machine
a spaceshipcrew and firefighters,areall examplesof team c tennis racket
memberswho cooperate.Eachteam member hasa role. d bike
Some rolesare more difficult than others.In a restaurant e skipping rope
kitchen.one personchops,another person mixesand another f skis
cooks.They need to coordinate so that the processmoves
smoothly from one person to another.
a a
Is running healthy?/Runningis healthy.
Walkingevery day keepsyou healthy.
a Someleaderscan be pretty bossy. c Isdoing yoga good for you?/Doing yoga is good for you.
The word order is wrong. d Doing yoga 1srelaxing/ls doing yoga relaxing?
b Thiscan lead to some team membersgetting stressed. e Iseating fruit good for you?/Eatingfruit is good for you.
The verb phraseis wrong. f Eatinglots of sugar is bad for youJfs eating lots of sugar
c So,leadersmust know when to stop pushing. bad for you?
The final verb is in the wrong form.
a drinking
b mixing
a exercisesto improvestrength,flexibilityand posture
e drinking b Aneneedlesare insertedin the skinat specificpoints
f Adding c creatinga relaxedstateof mind open to suggestion
g eating d usinga handrailto do exercises
h drinking e the act of quiet reflection
f food eaten by earlyhumans
a Bob wants to sleepfor eight hours. fJ
b Jo likesjogging in the park.
c He likesdrinking fizzydrinks.
d Theywant to go on a diet.
e We like swimming in the sea.
f Shewants to do yoga.
a sleep
b meals
c employer
d limit
e work
f emails a stress
g time b obesity
h perfect c exercise
d diet
fJ e sleep
a No,you can wearany smartclothes. pollution
b No,you haveto stayuntil the end of the day. g lifestyle
c Youusuallyhaveto work on Saturdaysand Sundays. h chemicals
d Youcan't useit in the classroom.
Yes,and you haveto do a teachingcourse.
No,you have to eat in the staffroom.
a true
g No,but you haveto be fit and enthusiastic! b false
c true
e d false
a Youcan't useyour computer (here). e false
b Youcan't drink the tap water. f rrue
c Youcan't take pictures. g true
d Youcan't useyour phone.
e Youcan't makefireshere.
Positive: smokeless,more physicalactivity,fewervehicle
Cl deaths,accessto doctors,accessto fitness
can: active,have,that,and, began,fatty opportunities,not lonely,lower suiciderate
can't heart,aher,started,tomato,halfvvay,calm Negative: crime rates,air quality,fast-foodrestaurants,
more cancer,more heart disease
10 Health& safety
f we
a more a If you are stressedour, you will probably get sick.
b more b Sitting down all day is bad for you.
C less c You should do half an hour of exerciseevery day.
d less d Eatlots of tomatoes,vegetables.fish and grains.
e less e Keeplearning and trying new things.
f You shouldn't smoke,it causescancerand lung disease.
a Youshould cook at home.
a D
b Youshould eat more vegetables. a around 400,000
c Youshouldn't watch TV every evening. b World Health Organization
d You should take the stairs. c Thereare no cures.
e Youshould cycle to work. d insecticidekills mosquitoes,nets stop mosquitoes biting
f You shouldn't drink so much coffee. e spraywith pesticide
g workerstake daysoff sick
a disadvantage
b problem
c alternative
d evaluate
e efficiently D
idea a toxin noun
g goal b reliable adjective
h advantage C daily adjective
Mysteryword: solution d evidence noun
e digest verb
f gram noun
9 syrup noun
h celebrities noun
D a
a false- Pencilsdid not become common until the
191h century. a up
b rrue b to
c true C back
d true d down
e false- UKemployeescan claim Statutory SickPayfor up e up
to 28 weeks,but it is usuallylessthan salary. f to
false-About 40%of workersin Australla are not Australians. 9 on
g true h about
e h paramedic
I demist
The'grapefruitdiet'was popular In Hollywood In the 1930s-
and it still hasfanstoday.Followersof the diet believethat if Mysteryjob: architect
you eat a grapefruittogether with fatty foods,you won't put
on weight The acid in the grapefruit breaksdown the fat. fJ
Nice try! But there Is no evidencethat this diet makes a true
people healthier. b false
c false
a d true
e false
a In fact,90%of the cellsin our bodiesare not humanl
One of the nouns is singularnot plural.
g true
b Imaginethe varietyof microorganismsinside
your stomach.
Therels a spellingmistake. a
c Eatsensiblyand listen to health advicefrom a 2
reliablesources. b 1
An adjectiveis usedwhere an adverbis needed. C 3
d Don't go crazyworrying about your diet. d 4
A verb Is in the wrong form. e 3
e Know your body. f 1
The possessivepronoun is wrong. 9 2
Listento it. h
A prepositionis wrong.
g Finda diet that makesyou feel happy and healthy. a
An article is missing. Short-termgoals:(a),d, g, h
h Yourhealthis the mostimportantthingyou have. Long-termgoals:b,c,e,f
The superlativeadjectiveis wrong.
a havechangeda lot.
b often try new diets.
c difficult to stayup to date with science.
a Are you going to work abroad?
d unsurprisingthat everyonedigestsfood differently. b No,I'm going to stayin Spain.
e not worry about eating healthyfood too much. c Areyou going to apply to any internationalcompanies?
f it's important to find the right diet for you. d Yes,I'm going to sendan applicationto Repsolin Madrid.
e Areyou going to join any networking groups?
11 Preparingfor work fJ
I'm going to add my profile ro Linkedln.
C went
d made
e doing
f enjoys
D 9 said
a banker
b surveyor
c doctor a
d teacher a are
e designer b are
accountant C is
g engineer d am
a showing
g is
b nod
h is
c ohen
a He is going to apply for a job.
d mirroring
e knowing
f backwards
b He is going to buy a new suit. g still
c He is going to finish his degree.
d He is going to do an MBAcourse.
e He Is going to develop his skills.
He is going to earn more than $80,000.
g He is going to set up his own website.
a I mer one of your colleaguesat a careersconference.
b This is a respected,internationalcompany. a HarvardUniversity,USA
c I have a degree in Maths. b Universityof Cambridge,UK
d Yes,I'm fiuent in Frenchand English. c The UniversityofTokyo,Japan
e Yes,I spent three months as an intern at Sparx. d The Universityof Hong Kong
f I would like to move into a position of responsibility. e King FahdUniversity,SaudiArabia
g Right now, I simply want more experiencein the field. Universityof Melbourne,Australia
h I was part of our universityteam,which won UKIEPC.
fJ a I'll pay lessfor tuition fees.
b if I study in America.
c when you graduate.
M N R d if you go overseas.
0 T L e I'm not going to buy my ticket.
T H V f I'm in my secondyear.
g you graduate next year.
u T
a destination
T A b desirable
E s c commit
d spare
D T T :~
e familiarize
----""-----~ f register
J T u B 8 R N)Q N g homesick
b polite
a If I go abroad,I'll take spareglasses.
C rude b If I'm homesick,I'll video-call my family.
d boring c If shevisits on holiday,she'lllearn more about the country.
e stubborn
d If they savemoney, they'll be preparedfor emergencies.
f motivated e He'llregisterwith the embassyif he movesto the
9 confident Middle East.
h dishonest
f If we use the internet, we'll find desirableplacesto work.
Researchshows that people who can think long term are
more successfulin achieving their goals.But how can we
D measurethis?
a,d,e,g,h One way Is the marshmallowtest. A child is Q!!1in a room with
a marshmallow.Sheis told: 'Go ahead,eat the marshmallow.
fJ But if you can wait for 15minutes,you can have two.'
a I would like to take on a position of responsibility. Canyou guesswhat usuallyhappens?Themarshmallowtest
b DearSir/Madam, ~howshow much self-control someone has.Or doesn't have.
c Yoursfaithfully, Childrenand adults aren't that different.
d Currently,I am PublicSpacesOfficer for RutlandCouncil.
I'vedesigned a sensorygarden for the local hospital.
I'm well organizedand I enjoy solving practicalproblems.
a Set a stopwatch or kitchen timer to 25 minutes.
Requestinglessnoise b
Wishing someone luck g e a Generally,animalsdon't plan ahead much.
The word order Iswrong.
D b Squirrelshide food to eat in the winter.
One of the nouns is plural not singular.
Order Figures Words c On the other hand,chimpanzeescan think ahead.
1 (highest) €2,500,000 two million, five hundred A preposition is wrong.
thousand euros d If you offer a chimp a banana,he will eat It.
2 >€250,000 two hundred and fifty-five The first verb is in the wrong tense.
thousand euros e The chimp chooses the stick.
There is a spelling mistake.
3 €250,000 two hundred and fifty
The chimp has self-control.
thousand euros
The subject doesn't match the verb.
4 €25,000 twenty-five thousand euros g He can imagine a better result.
5 <€25,000 twenty thousand euros The comparativeadjective is wrong.
h What a cleverchimp'
6 <€20,000 eighteen thousand euros
An article is missing.
7 (lowest) €2,500 two thousand,five
hundred euros
a true
b false
c true
d false
e false
D f rrue
a instinct g true
b strict h false
c episode
d obstacle
e concentrate
g outcome
h overcome
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skills: Vocabulary 21-1centuryskills: Collaboration, Communication,
Grammar Creativity,Criticalthinking,Studyskills
Fourskills - listening,speaking, and Lifeskills
C21followsan Integratedapproachto Introducingandprovidinglearningopportunitiesthatemphasize21st centurysklllstogether
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t> sklU-andtask-based
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