1 s2.0 S0045790618319682 Main
1 s2.0 S0045790618319682 Main
1 s2.0 S0045790618319682 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Deep learning technology has been widely used in object detection. Although the deep
Received 10 August 2018 learning technology greatly improves the accuracy of object detection, we also have the
Revised 21 May 2019
challenge of a high computational time. You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a network for object
Accepted 23 May 2019
detection in images. In this paper, we propose a real-time object detection algorithm for
Available online 19 July 2019
videos based on the YOLO network. We eliminate the influence of the image background
Keywords: by image preprocessing, and then we train the Fast YOLO model for object detection to
Object detection obtain the object information. Based on the Google Inception Net (GoogLeNet) architec-
GoogleNet ture, we improve the YOLO network by using a small convolution operation to replace the
YOLO original convolution operation, which can reduce the number of parameters and greatly
Real-time shorten the time for object detection. Our Fast YOLO algorithm can be applied to real-time
Video object detection in video.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In recent years, with the rapid development of computer vision, object detection (OD) as an important part of computer
vision has been widely used in many fields. OD based on image processing extracts the features from images, and then
obtains and analyzes the object information such as the category, position and direction. OD is widely used in many real-
time situations such as video monitoring, abnormal behavior analysis and mobile robots. This approach can obtain much
valuable information through feature extraction and analysis. However, the method faces many challenges, especially in
terms of the high computational and memory requirements.
The traditional machine learning methods extract the object features from images and then input the features into a
classifier [1]. The traditional methods of extracting features include the histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) method, scale
invariant feature transform (SIFT) [2], etc. The methods of classification include the support vector machine (SVM), Bayesian,
decision trees, etc. These methods mainly rely on prior knowledge. They are not real-time because they down sample con-
stantly. In addition, these methods have few feature points and edge feature extraction is sometimes not accurate. The core
of these methods is feature extraction, and the quality of feature extraction directly affects the method performance. How-
ever, in practical applications, these methods are mostly targeted at recognizing specific objects using small datasets and
This paper is for regular issues of CAEE. Reviews processed and recommended for publication to the Editor-in-Chief by Area Editor Dr. E. Cabal-Yepez.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (B. Wang).
0045-7906/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408 399
have poor generalization ability. Although machine learning methods are constantly being optimized, from the extraction of
low-level features to the emergence of images, the most successful method is the deformable part model (DPM). However,
this method has slow detection and depends on the geometric properties of the samples. At present, the traditional ma-
chine learning methods cannot meet the efficiency, performance, speed and intelligence requirements of data processing in
OD technology.
With the advent of deep learning technology, the field of computer vision has developed rapidly. Deep learning technol-
ogy has been applied for image recognition [3], and it has made great progress in object recognition in recent years. Deep
learning technology can process and analyze features through the learning and imitation of the human brain’s cognitive
ability, which has a great effect in OD [4]. Different from the traditional feature extraction methods, deep convolutional
neural networks can achieve a high level of accuracy by extracting the features using multilayer convolution operations.
In addition, they are robust in terms of geometric transformation, deformation, and illumination and can overcome the
difficulties caused by environmental changes. The deep learning methods can construct the feature description adaptively
using the training data, and they are highly flexible and have high generalization ability. Among the deep learning methods,
region-convolutional neural network(RCNN) [5], Faster region-convolutional neural network(Faster RCNN) [6], You Only Look
Once (YOLO) [7] and single shot multibox detector(SSD) [8] are the most widely used methods in OD. However, the current
OD methods based on deep learning still have problems due to the slow detection speed and high time consumption. In
this paper, we propose a real-time video OD method. We introduce the Fast YOLO algorithm for OD theory in abstract and
then introduce the Fast YOLO framework in detail, including the preprocessing procedure, model training and loss function.
Next, we verify the performance of the Fast YOLO algorithm through some experiments. Considering the theory, proposed
methods and experiments, we can achieves an excellent performance. In detail, The Section 2 and Section 3 include the
background, related work and the main framework of our method. We first use the frame difference and background sub-
traction methods to preprocess the image. Then, we improve the YOLO algorithm by learning from the efficient convolution
operation of the Google Inception Net (GoogLeNet) and use a small convolution operation in the YOLO Network to conduct
the convolution operation. In Section 4, the experiments are described, and the experimental results prove that our method
can greatly improve the speed of OD compared with the original YOLO algorithm. In the conclusion, we summarize the Fast
YOLO algorithm, considering its application to OD in video. Our method can be applied for real-time OD in video with great
Our method has some advantages and disadvantages. Our approach improves the original YOLO algorithm and the detec-
tion speed is very fast. However, our method is limited to some extent, and it is not effective for detecting small and dense
target objects. Although the YOLO algorithm can reduce the probability of the background being regarded as an object, it
also results in a lower recall rate.
The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 1 introduces the object detection and our Fast YOLO algorithm.
Section 2 reviews the background and related research. Section 3 introduces the improvements of the Fast YOLO algo-
rithm in detail. Section 4 shows the performance results of our method and the baseline methods in the experiments.
Section 5 presents the conclusions and future work.
With the development of deep learning technology, it has been widely used in OD due to its powerful feature extraction
ability. In recent years, research on OD algorithms based on deep learning has attracted the attention of many scholars. In
2014, the RCNN model was proposed by Ross Girshick’s team. Multiple candidate regions were selected from the input im-
ages and a CNN was used to extract the regional features. Then, the optimal regions were obtained using the non-maximal
suppression method [5]. To solve the problems of the complex training steps and the high time consumption of the RCNN,
Kaiming He et al. proposed the spatial pyramid pooling(SPP) Net, which reduced the time consumption by performing a con-
volution operation on the whole graph, and then mapped the location information of the candidate region to a feature map.
In 2015, Ross Girshick’s team improved the RCNN and designed the Faster RCNN, which was mainly used to solve the prob-
lem of repeating the computation of the candidate windows. They innovatively proposed the region proposal network(RPN)
to generate the candidate regions, which enabled the regional nomination, classification and regression to share the convo-
lution features and significantly improved the efficiency and performance of OD [9]. In 2016, Joseph Redmon et al. proposed
the YOLO algorithm which can obtain the candidate regions of images using uniform segmentation, greatly improving the
detection speed and ensuring high accuracy [7]. In addition, many other scholars have proposed advanced methods for OD.
Yadav et al. proposed a novel method based on motion detection when there is a dynamic scene object in the background
[10]. This work developed a background subtraction method based on the statistical p parameter and achieved excellent
performance. Lavanya Sharma et al. provided a detailed overview of a proposed video surveillance system that uses the
background subtraction method to detect moving objects, which can be applied to security for cities and towns or IP cam-
eras can be used to capture video sequences at home [11]. Mehran Yazdi et al. presented a survey of the advanced methods
for detecting moving objects in the video sequences captured by mobile cameras, and they also presented the challenges
and key concerns in the field [12]. Lavanya Sharma et al. proposed a powerful background subtraction method for solving
the problem of illumination changes based on motion [13]. Dileep Kumar Yadav et al. proposed a robust method for moving
OD in video frames and developed a background model based on the trim mean. It can reduce the dynamic component of
the noise or background [14]. Lavanya Sharma et al. proposed a new background subtraction method based on the threshold
400 S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408
value of the linear discriminant. This threshold value is updated automatically at runtime for each pixel of each successive
frame [15].
Unlike the convolution layers of a traditional neural network, the GoogLeNet model reduces the number of parameters
and controls the amount of computation [16], which achieves good classification performance and greatly improves the
detection speed. The Google Inception Network is a deep neural network, consisting of 22 layers, 21 convolutional layers
and one fully connected layer. A major innovation in the design of Google Inception Network is the multi-scale convolution
applied to the local densification of sparse matrix operations and the parallel processing and composition of the features,
which can greatly improve the speed.
The Inception module removes the full connected layer and replaces it with a global average pooling layer (resizing the
image to 1 × 1), which makes the model training faster and reduces the probability of overfitting. The method of replacing
the fully connected layer with the global average pooling layer is adopted from the network in network (NIN) model archi-
tecture. The design of the inception module during the inception stage improves the parameter utilization efficiency. The
inception module is like a small network in a large network whose structure can be repeatedly superimposed to train the
large network.
2.2. YOLO
YOLO is an end-to-end method of OD based on a non-regional candidate [17]. Unlike other OD methods such as the Fast
RCNN, YOLO does not divide the object recognition task into multiple processes, such as object region prediction and class
prediction. The YOLO algorithm integrates both of tasks into a single neural network model to achieve fast detection with
high accuracy.
YOLO converts the OD to extract the features from images directly and calculate the bounding boxes and probabilities
of the categories; it then obtains the object categories and position information. YOLO adopts a single convolutional neural
network to predict the multiple bounding boxes and probabilities of the categories. Compared with traditional OD methods,
the YOLO algorithm has these advantages: (1) the process of YOLO is simple and the detection speed is very fast. In this pa-
per, we improved the convolution operation of convolutional neural network based on the GoogLeNet architecture by using
a small convolution operation to replace the original convolution operation. Our method can optimize the YOLO algorithm
to improve the speed of OD. (2) In the training and prediction processes, YOLO extracts and uses the feature information of
the whole graph, which greatly reduces the error rate compared with local detection. (3) The YOLO algorithm can learn the
important features accurately and the general information of the objects universally.
3. Methods
The purpose of image preprocessing is to intercept each frame image in the video and separate the background and
target objects after removing the random noise from the image. The current methods include the optical flow, background
difference [18] and frame difference methods [19],etc. These methods have simple steps and a fast detection speed. However,
these methods also have some disadvantages. The background difference method needs to obtain the background images in
advance with is sensitive to environmental factors such as light changes, which causes it easily to make wrong judgments.
The frame difference method uses to make the difference between two consecutive frames or several consecutive frames
in the video. If the environmental change between two frames is weak, the frame difference method can obtain the mov-
ing object accurately. However, objects with a slow speed, may not be detected, and environmental changes such as light
variation have a large influence on the results. In this paper, we use a combination of the frame difference and background
difference methods to separate the image background.
A video is approximately 25 frames per second, so the time between two adjacent frames is very short. The background
and moving objects pixels change significantly, so we can assume that the brightness of a particular pixel follows a Gaussian
distribution [20]. Notably, (x,y) represents the coordinates of a pixel, and B(x,y) ∼ N(μ, σ 2) is satisfied, where μ represents
the mean difference of the Gaussian distribution, and σ 2 represents the variance of the Gaussian distribution.
μ(x, y ) = Fi (x, y ) (1)
σ (x, y ) = [Fi (x, y ) − μ(x, y )]
S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408 401
The Gaussian model is trained by pixel points, and these two parameters are optimized in the training progress. The
difference operation is performed on the pixel points in the background regions of the news and previous image frames to
obtain different values. If this value exceeds the threshold value, it is determined that an object has been detected.
The detection of the motion regions uses the frame difference method. By comparing the difference value between adja-
cent frames and the threshold value, we can determine the changeable regions. The formula is defined as follows:
Dk (x, y ) = | fk (x, y ) − fk−1 (x, y ) | (3)
We use the frame difference method to remove the similarity between the two frames, and then adopt the background
difference method to detect the objects. The Gaussian model is used to fit the pixel points.
In the Google Inception Network, the fully connected layer is replaced with a pooling layer and the inception module
is designed to improve the efficiency of parameter utilization. Fig. 1 shows the structure of the Google Inception Network.
There are four branches in the network. The first branch convolves the input by 1∗ 1 convolution. The 1∗ 1 convolution or-
ganizes the information across the channels and reduces the dimensions of the output channels to improve the network.
As seen in Fig. 1, the 1∗ 1, 3∗ 3, and 5∗ 5 convolution layers, and the 3∗ 3 max pooling layer are completely entirely before
the input, and the stack is the output. When an image input, the network will choose the right path. If we perform the
convolution kernel operation in the output of previous layer, the computational complexity of the 5∗ 5 convolution kernels
is too large, which may cause the thickness of the feature maps to be too large. In order to reduce the computational load
and speed up the operation, we add a 1∗ 1 convolution layer before the 3∗ 3 convolution, 5∗ 5 convolution and max pooling
layers to reduce the thickness of the feature maps. The main framework of the Google Inception Network is as follows:
YOLO is an improved CNN [21] that, adopts a convolutional neural network to extract features, and then uses the full
connected layer to predict the object information. The model includes 24 convolutional layers and 2 fully connected lay-
ers. The convolutional layers, mainly use 1 × 1 convolution to reduce the channels. The convolutional layers and the fully
connected layer use the ReLU activation function, and the last layer uses a linear activation function.
As shown in Fig. 2, the YOLO model includes 24 layers. The L(3) to L(24) layers and are similar to the L(1) and L(2) layers.
There are two convolutional layers and the max-pooling layers appear alternately in each layer. The convolution kernels of
all the convolution layers size=3, stride=1 and pad=1. All the max-pooling layers have size=2 and stride=2. The output
layer is a tensor of 7 × 7 (5 × 5 + 5) dimensions.
YOLO can use the whole image to train the model directly, and does not enquire the extraction of all the regions from
the images. The labels of images include both the categories and positions. YOLO divides the images into S∗ S grids and then,
for each object and grid, it calculates the probability that the center of the objects falls within the grids. If the probability
exceeds a threshold value, it is determined that there is an object in the grid. B boundary boxes are built for the grids with
objects, and the confidence level of each box is computed simultaneously. The confidence level reflects the probability that
the boundary box contains the object. The formula is defined as follows:
Pb = Pr (Ob ject ) ∗ IOU (4)
area(BBdt ∩ BBgt )
IOU = (5)
area(BBdt ∪ BBgt )
Where, Pr (Object) represents the probability that the boundary box contains an object, BBgt represents the reference bound-
ary box based on the training labels, BBdt represents the detection boundary box and area(·) represents the area.
402 S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408
There are five parameters in each boundary box: x, y, w, h and the confidence level. Where, the center position of the
boundary box relative to the original grid is represented by (x, y), w represents the width of the boundary box, and h
represents the height of the boundary box. Each grid also predicts Pr (Classi |object), which is the probability of the object
belonging to one of the class C, and it denotes the probability that the center of class i falls within the grid. Finally, the
network outputs tensors of S∗ S∗ (B∗ 5 + C) dimensions.
For each frame in the video stream, we divide the image into S∗ S grids. We use five different sizes for the bounding
boxes for the center of each grid, and then extract the features of the boxes and predict the probability of the categories
for each bounding box. Based on the multiple bounding boxes in each grid, we predict the probability of the categories
and take the category with the highest probability as the category of the object. Therefore, our method can overcome the
issue of overlapping of objects. When objects overlap in the image, different categories of vehicles will appear in different
bounding boxes with the highest probability. Therefore, we can obtain the category and location information for different
vehicles even if the objects overlap.
We use the sum of squared errors as the loss function. The YOLO algorithm divides the images into S∗ S grids and the
output of each grid has dimensions of (B∗ 5 + C) and includes the position information, the confidence level of the boundary
box, and the class probabilities.
Our loss function is defined as the sum of squared errors and consists of three types of error information. The loss
function is defined as follows:
Loss = (coordError + iouError + classError ) (6)
For the size√and position errors of the boundary frame, the effect of the former is more noticeable. Therefore, we replace
w, h with w, h. The coordError represents the sum of the squared errors of the position information and it is defined as
B 2 2
√ 2 2
coordError = Iiobj j xi − xˆ + yi − yˆ + Iiobj j wi − wi + hi − hi (7)
j=1 j=1
Where, we let Ii represent whether there is an object at the center of grid i. If there is an object in the grid, Ii is 1, otherwise
it is 0. Iij denotes whether there is an object in the boundary box j of grid i. If so it is 1; otherwise it is 0.
In detail, we compute the value of IOU value of the current bounding box and all the reference bounding boxes, and
select the object with the maximum IOU as the object detected by the current bounding box. The iouError represents the
sum of the squared errors of the confidence level and it is defined as follows:
B 2
B 2
iouError = Iiobj j Ci − Ci + Iinob
Ci − Ci (8)
j=0 j=0
S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408 403
The classError represents the sum of squared errors of the classes and it is defined as:
classError = Iiob j ( p i ( c ) − p i ( c ) )2 (9)
Obviously, these factors have different effects on the accuracy of object recognition. In addition, many grids do not con-
tain objects, and the confidence level of the boundary boxes built by them is 0. In general, the gradient used in the training
process of these grids without objects is higher than that of the grids containing objects, which will result in unstable train-
ing and divergence. Therefore, we set different weights for different grids. We let α coord represent the weight of the grids
that contain the center of an object, which is equal to 5. α noobji represents the weight of the grids that have no object,
which is equal to 0.5.
Therefore, we improved the loss function and defined it as follows:
Loss = αcoord ∗ coordError + αnoob j ∗ iouError + classError
B 2 2
√ 2 2
= αcoord Iiobj j xi − xˆ + yi − yˆ + αcoord Iiobj j wi − wi + hi − hi
i=0 j=0 i=0 j=0
B 2
B 2
+ Iiobj j Ci − Ci + αnoob j Iinob
Ci − Ci + Iiob j ( pi (c ) − pi (c ) )2 (10)
i=0 j=0 i=0 j=0 i=0 c∈classes
4. Experiments
In this section, we use several data sets and comparative methods to experiment. We use different evaluation metrics to
demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of our method [22]. The main equipment in the experiment included the E5
processor, four-channel GPU (GTX-1080) and 64 GB of memory. We implement the algorithm by using Python in TensorFlow
Our datasets consist of vehicle monitoring videos from smart cities from the Xiamen municipal transportation bureau.
The videos consist of several 416∗ 416 color image. We preprocess the videos with the combined of the frame difference and
background difference methods. We obtained 80 0 0 1280×720 images. There are 60 0 0 images in the training set and 20 0 0
in the test set. In the training set, we mark 12,0 0 0 labels for several classes and statistic on five classes including cars, buses,
trucks, motorcycles and pedestrians. We can see these five simple images as Fig. 3.
We use the images with labels to train the model and optimize the parameters of the improved YOLO algorithm. When
the video is input, we capture each image frame in the video for preprocessing, and then input them into the improved
YOLO algorithm. Through the YOLO network, we can extract the images features from the video and obtain the location and
category information as shown in Fig. 4. We implement object detection for the vehicles in the video.
We use the precision and recall rates and the frames recognized per second (FPS) to evaluate the experimental results.
We compute the IOU of the detection boundary boxes and reference boundary boxes to judge whether the results are true
or false.
≥ 0.5 ture
IOU = (11)
< 0.5 f alse
404 S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408
Table 1
Experimental results of evaluation metrics.
P recision = (12)
Recall = (13)
Where, TP, FP, and FN represent the number of real cases, false positive cases and false negative cases respectively.
1. Sliding Window: In this model, the images are divided into several grids and the sliding window is used to extract the
features of each grid and predict the probability of categories for the objects [23].
2. CNN: The Image features are extracted by a convolution operation based on the color, edge, texture, etc. [21].
3. RCNN: The images are divided the images into several local regions. These regions are input into the CNN to obtain the
regional features, and then classifier is used to determine whether the region is an object or background [5].
4. Faster R-CNN: On the basis of the RCNN, the extracted feature regions are mapped to the feature map of the last convo-
lutional layer of the CNN so that the image feature of images are only extracted once [6].
5. YOLO: The image is divided into several grids, and the probability of the center of an object falling within the grid is
calculated. B boundary boxes are built to calculate the category probabilities of the objects [7].
6. SSD: Different scales of feature mapping are extracted from the output of different layers. The mess are divided into
different scales to determine the object categories in the grids [8].
In the experiments, we use five datasets to test the performance of these algorithms. We obtain the precision rate, recall
rate and the frames of recognized per second (f/s) for the YOLO algorithm and the baseline methods for different datasets.
We also calculate the average of each evaluation metric for the different datasets, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
Compared with the other algorithms, both the Fast YOLO and YOLO algorithms achieve better results, especially in terms
of the recall rate. In the experiments, in order to ensure the real-time performance of YOLO, we set the grid parameter S to
8. Therefore, perhaps the possibility of a missed detection reduced the recall rate.
S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408 405
Table 2
The precision rates of the categories.
As shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, the YOLO algorithm and other baseline methods tend to increase and stabilize in the
precision rate and recall rates as the number of samples increases from 20 0 0 to 60 0 0. When the number of training samples
is small, the model is underfit. As the number of samples increases, the model can better fit the sample distribution. When
the number of samples reaches 60 0 0, the model essentially begins to converge. The Fast YOLO algorithm always achieves
the best results in the different cases.
From Table 2, we can see the precision rate for various categories for all the algorithms. Compared with the other algo-
rithms, the Fast YOLO and YOLO algorithms have a significantly higher precision for all the categories. From the categories
recognition of the objects, the precision rates of cars and buses are significantly higher than that of trunks. This result has a
406 S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408
lot to do with our datasets. Cars and buses appear more frequently than trunks in our monitoring video. With more sample
tags input to train the model, which a more accurate model. can be implemented. The motors and persons are similar to
cars and buses in that they appear frequently in our dataset.
From Fig. 7, we can see that the Fast YOLO algorithm can recognize 45 frames per second, far exceeding the ability of
the other algorithms. Our method based on the YOLO network, greatly improves the detection speed. In general, the traffic
monitoring video is 25 frames per second. Therefore, our method can implement the real-time detection of the traffic videos
with the given equipment.
Currently, in the big data environment, we can collect massive samples of objects in advance to train the Fast YOLO,
algorithm and retrain the trained model in the configuration files. When new samples are input, we can read the configura-
tion file to generate the model directly and detect the objects, which can greatly reduce the detection time and the OD can
be implemented in real-time.
In the IoT cloud environment, many sensors collect data and generate massive datasets for various application every day.
The OD methods based on deep learning have a powerful feature extraction ability and can be applied to obtain high-value
information in the IOT-Cloud environment. Our Fast YOLO algorithm can apply to the IoT cloud environment. We can use
parallel computing method to train the model from the massive samples, and store the metamodel. Then we can use a
depth-enhanced method to optimize the model continuously with update data from the Internet, which can enhance the
detection accuracy. Combined with the previous reduction in the time consumption, our method can be applied in the IoT
cloud environment to obtain valuable information and promote the development of businesses.
In this paper, we present a fast object detection algorithm for video. We highlight the performance of our algorithm
in terms of the speed of detection with outstanding efficiency of more than video frames per second and high accuracy of
detection. Based on You Only Look Once (YOLO) network, we improve the convolution operation instead small convolution to
reduce the amount of calculation and speed up detection significantly. With the image progressing, we eliminate the effects
of environment and noise. Furthermore, we need not build any size of boxes as the bounding boxes of the background and
reduce the analysis of the background.
We conduct experiments on videos from a vehicle monitoring dataset obtained from the Xiamen municipal transporta-
tion bureau and use the precision and recall rates and frames recognized per second (FPS) as the evaluation metrics. We use
the image patches with marked labels from the vehicle monitoring video to train our model and obtain the object informa-
tion. The results demonstrate that our method can perform better than the original YOLO algorithm and the other baseline
methods. Our method can not only achieve a fast detection speed but also ensure the high accuracy. The number of images
that our method can recognize exceeds that in video frames. Therefore, our method can implement object detection for
videos in real time under good equipment conditions.
In the future, we will consider the problem of an imbalance between the positive and negative samples when most of
samples are negative and adopt some methods such as resampling and voting to address this issue. In addition, we will
consider multi-scale parallel processing for our model to improve the detection speed and optimize the structure of the
network further, because we still face the problems of a large computational load and dense target objects.
S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408 407
Algorithm 1
Fast YOLO.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Supplementary material
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.compeleceng.
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408 S. Lu, B. Wang and H. Wang et al. / Computers and Electrical Engineering 77 (2019) 398–408
Shengyu Lu: He was born in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China in 1995. He received a B.S. degree from the Software School, Nanchang University, China, in 2017. He
is currently pursuing an M.S. degree at the Software School, Xiamen University, China. He was a visiting researcher at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His
research interests include computer vision, natural language processing and recommendation systems.
Beizhan Wang: He was born in XianYang, Shangxi, China in 1965. He received a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degree in College from the Computer Science, North-
western Polytechnical University, China. Since 2004, he has been a professor with the Software School, Xiamen University, China. His research interests
include computer vision and data mining.
Hongji Wang: He received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Software and Theory from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Since 2008, he has been an
associate Professor with the Software School, Xiamen University, China. His research interests include data mining and information security.
Lihao Chen: He was born in Maanshan, Anhui, China in 1993. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the Science School, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, China. His research interests include computer vision and high throughput calculation.
Ma Linjian: She was born in Longyan, Fujian, China in 1981. She received a B.S. and M.S. degree in Xiamen University, China. She has been an engineer
with the Software School, Xiamen University, China. Her research interests include data mining.
Xiaoyan Zhang: She was born in XiAn, Shangxi, China in 1970. She received a Ph.D. degree in College from the Computer Science, Northwestern Polytech-
nical University, China. She has been an associate Professor with the Tan Kah Kee College, Xiamen University, China. Her research interests include big data