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Wlp-W10-Philo 001

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E. Aguinaldo Hi-Way, Crossing Silang, Tagaytay City


1ST SEMESTER S.Y. 2023-2024

Subject Code: PHILO 001 Subject Description: Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person
Week: 10 Inclusive Teaching Dates : October 23-27,2023
Schoology Access Code:

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learner understands the human person’s freedom
B. Performance Standards
The learner shows situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of choices.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
1. Realize that “all actions have consequences”.
2. Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices
3. Realize that:
a. Choices have consequences
b. Some things are given up while others are obtained in making choices
4. Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of their choices

II. Content (Topic Covered)

Freedom of the human person
III. Learning Resources
Abella, R. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City. C&E Publishing Inc.

IV. Procedures:
A. Reviewing the previous Students will establish the meaning of Freedom of the human
lesson or presenting the new person

B. Establishing a purpose for Music Time!

the lesson/Motivation
Music is capable of making us feel emotions,
think, dream, have fun, and create. Music helps to
learn, improves mood, motivates us in life, and
helps us
recover from stress.

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions below.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFEmTsfFL5A

C. Presenting When was the time you felt most free?

examples/instances of the
new lesson When did the time felt most unfree?

How can you relate the song entitled “Ain’t it fun” to our topic

Is freedom the ability to do whatever we want to choose? or is it

the ability to choose what we ought to do?

D. Discussing new concepts A. What is Freedom?

and practicing new skills # 1 ● It is the power or right to act, speak, or think as
one wants without hindrance or restraint.
● Freedom or Liberty is a social and political
concept that has great significance in how people
participate in society.
The quality or state of being free, such as the absence of
necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. liberation
from slavery or from the power of another. Merriam Webster

Realize that All Actions Have Consequences (Philosophers


A. Aristotle
The Power of Violation

B. ST. Thomas Aquinas

Love is Freedom

C. Jean-Paul Sartre
D. Thomas Hobbes
Theory of Social Contract

Aquinas gives a fourfold classification of law:

● The eternal law - Aquinas means God’s rational purpose

and plans for all things. And because the Eternal Law is
part of God’s mind then it has always, and will always,
exist. The Eternal Law is not simply something that God
decided at some point to write.
● Natural law- does not generate an external set of rules
that are written down for us to consult but rather it
generates general rules that any rational agent can come
to recognize simply in virtue of being rational. For
example, for Aquinas, it is not as if we need to check
whether we should pursue good and avoid evil, as it is
just part of how we already think about things. Aquinas
gives some more examples of primary precepts:
● Human law- Human laws are considered conclusions
from the natural law when they pertain to those matters
about which the natural law offers a clear precept. To use
Aquinas' own example, “that one must not kill may be
derived as a conclusion from the principle that one should
do harm to no man.
● Divine law- which is discovered through revelation,
should be thought of as the Divine equivalent of the
Human Law (those discovered through rational reflection
and created by people). Divine laws are those that God
has, in His grace, seen fit to give us and are those
“mysteries”, those rules given by God which we find in
scripture; for example, the ten commandments. But why
introduce the Divine Law at all? It certainly feels like we
have enough Laws. Here is a story to illustrate Aquinas’s

E. Discussing new concepts

⮚ Choices have consequences and some things are given up
and practicing new skill # 2
while others are obtained in making choices
⮚ Situations that Demonstrates Freedom of Choice and the
Consequences of their choices:
● Sakop

● Kagandahang Loob

● Kasarilihan

● Amor Propio

● Tayo-tayo or kami-kami

Accountability, Autonomy, and Responsibility

• Accountability is being liable for the actions you do.

Freedom comes with it a high degree of accountability as we
cannot just do what we want to do without considering the
situation of others (as will be discussed in Module 6). If you do
something, you have to be ready for the consequences.

• Autonomy is being free and understanding that freedom

is also given to others. As a person, you do not own or
monopolize freedom. Just because you understand and agree on
a topic, you cannot assume that anyone who disagrees should be
attacked and corrected. After all, freedom is the capacity to
choose – and that includes what to believe and what not to

• Responsibility is similar to being accountable. A person

must understand that before making a choice, there are effects
that he has to be prepared for. We don’t touch a steaming pot of
coffee without understanding the consequences of burning your
hand. Being responsible means making the smart choice – and
that means sometimes making a difficult one.
F. Developing mastery What is Freedom?
(Leads to Formation
Assessment 3) Give common situations were observed or experience the
following :

● Sakop

● Kagandahang Loob

● Kasarilihan

● Amor Propio

● Tayo-tayo or kami-kami

G. Finding practical MY CHOICE

applications of concepts and
As a student, you have made some important life decisions in the
skills in daily living
past. Enumerate Some of the major decisions in your life and the
consequences of those particular decisions.

H. Making generalization
and abstraction about the
lesson Students will summarize the lesson discussed.

I. Evaluating learning Activity: “Poster Making: Prudence in Choices”

PRUDENCE is the ability to govern and discipline oneself with

the use of reason.

Create a poster that shows the students’ experiences when they

have to make choices in their lives while exercising prudence.

Guide Questions;

1. What are your experiences that served as your basis in

creating your poster?
2. How did you practice prudence in making decisions at
that time?
J. Additional activities for Review for the 2nd Long Assessment
application or remediation
My Choice
Write “Arf” if the statement is correct and “Uwu” if it’s

1.Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as

one wants without hindrance or restraint. (Arf)

2. According to ST. Thomas Aquinas

“Love is Freedom” (Arf)

3. Accountability is being free and understanding that

freedom is also given to others. (Uwu)
4. Responsibility is similar to being accountable. (Arf)
5. Autonomy is being liable for the actions you do. (Uwu)

V. Remarks:

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the

formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked


F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did

I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:



Approved by:


SHS Principal

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