Wlp-W10-Philo 001
Wlp-W10-Philo 001
Wlp-W10-Philo 001
Subject Code: PHILO 001 Subject Description: Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person
Week: 10 Inclusive Teaching Dates : October 23-27,2023
Schoology Access Code:
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learner understands the human person’s freedom
B. Performance Standards
The learner shows situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of choices.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
1. Realize that “all actions have consequences”.
2. Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices
3. Realize that:
a. Choices have consequences
b. Some things are given up while others are obtained in making choices
4. Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of their choices
IV. Procedures:
A. Reviewing the previous Students will establish the meaning of Freedom of the human
lesson or presenting the new person
How can you relate the song entitled “Ain’t it fun” to our topic
A. Aristotle
The Power of Violation
C. Jean-Paul Sartre
D. Thomas Hobbes
Theory of Social Contract
● Kagandahang Loob
● Kasarilihan
● Amor Propio
● Tayo-tayo or kami-kami
● Sakop
● Kagandahang Loob
● Kasarilihan
● Amor Propio
● Tayo-tayo or kami-kami
H. Making generalization
and abstraction about the
lesson Students will summarize the lesson discussed.
Guide Questions;
V. Remarks:
VI. Reflection
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