Sedentary Lifestyle Overview of
Sedentary Lifestyle Overview of
Sedentary Lifestyle Overview of
Review Article
One-third of the global population aged 15 years and older engages in insufficient physical activities, which affects
health. However, the health risks posed by sedentary behaviors are not well known. The mean daily duration of
sedentary behavior is 8.3 hours among the Korean population and 7.7 hours among the American adult popula-
tion. Sedentary lifestyles are spreading worldwide because of a lack of available spaces for exercise, increased occu-
pational sedentary behaviors such as office work, and the increased penetration of television and video devices.
Consequently, the associated health problems are on the rise. A sedentary lifestyle affects the human body through
various mechanisms. Sedentary behaviors reduce lipoprotein lipase activity, muscle glucose, protein transporter
activities, impair lipid metabolism, and diminish carbohydrate metabolism. Furthermore, it decreases cardiac out-
put and systemic blood flow while activating the sympathetic nervous system, ultimately reducing insulin sensitivi-
ty and vascular function. It also alters the insulin-like growth factor axis and the circulation levels of sex hormones,
which elevates the incidence of hormone-related cancers. Increased sedentary time impairs the gravitostat, the
body’s weight homeostat, and weight gain, adiposity, and elevated chronic inflammation caused by sedentary be-
havior are risk factors for cancer. Sedentary behaviors have wide-ranging adverse impacts on the human body in-
cluding increased all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, cancer risk, and risks of metabolic disor-
ders such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia; musculoskeletal disorders such as arthralgia and
osteoporosis; depression; and, cognitive impairment. Therefore, reducing sedentary behaviors and increasing
physical activity are both important to promote public health.
Keywords: Sedentary Behavior; All-Cause Mortality; Cancer; Metabolic Disease; Physical Activity; Exercise
Jung Ha Park, et al. • Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks 367
of 1 kcal/(kg/h). One MET is the RMR or energy cost for a person at scribed below.
rest. When classified quantitatively based on their intensities, physical Sedentary lifestyles are associated with metabolic dysfunctions,
activities can be classified into 1.0–1.5 METs (sedentary behavior), 1.6– such as elevated plasma triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein
2.9 METs (light intensity), 3–5.9 (moderate intensity), and ≥6 METs (HDL) cholesterol and reduced insulin sensitivity.15,16) Lipoprotein li-
(vigorous intensity) (Figure 2). pase (LPL) is a protein that interacts at the cellular level, and a low LPL
A sedentary lifestyle increases all-cause mortality and the risks for concentration is known to decrease the plasma HDL cholesterol level,
cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension while affecting the prevalence of severe HTN, diabetes-induced dys-
(HTN), and cancers (breast, colon, colorectal, endometrial, and epi- lipidemia, metabolic disorders caused by aging, metabolic syndrome,
thelial ovarian cancer). This has been consistently documented in the and coronary artery diseases. Moreover, LPL activity is diminished by
literature.3,10,11) There is no disagreement on the fact that prolonged to- physical inactivity. Additionally, physical inactivity inhibits LPL activity
tal sedentary behavior times are associated with poor disease out- in skeletal muscles and rapidly signals for impaired lipid metabolism.
comes. However, the patterns of sedentary time may differ even within In an experiment based on a rat model, the reduction of LPL activity in
the same total amount of time, and not much is known about the par- rats that engaged in light walking was only about 10% of the LPL activi-
ticular patterns of prolonged sedentary time that pose more significant ty in rats that were only placed in their cages.17) The fact that muscle
health hazards (for example, continuous sedentary behavior without a LPL activity is highly sensitive to physical inactivity and low-intensity
break or intermittent sedentary behavior). One study reported that muscular contractile activity can serve as evidence supporting the the-
even if the total sedentary time was equal, having short sedentary ory that sedentary behavior is a risk factor for various metabolic disor-
bouts and engaging in physical activities intermittently can have rela- ders.18)
tive health benefits. The total sedentary time and moderate-to-vigor- Physical inactivity reduces bone mineral density.19) In a study on
ous physical activity (MVPA) have been reported to be negatively cor- healthy adult men and women, 12 weeks of bed rest decreased the
related, where the waist circumference (standardized β, -0.16; 95% mineral density of the lumbar spine, femoral neck, and greater tro-
confidence interval [CI], -0.31 to -0.02; P=0.026), body mass index (β, chanter by 1%–4%.19) The balance between bone resorption and bone
-0.19; 95% CI, -0.35 to -0.02; P=0.026), triglyceride level (β, -0.18; 95% deposition mediates the relationship between sedentary behavior and
CI, -0.34 to -0.02; P=0.029), and 2-hour postprandial plasma glucose the reduction of bone mineral density. According to some studies, bed
level (β, -0.18; 95% CI, -0.34 to -0.02; P=0.025) decreased with increas- rest elevates bone resorption markers and does not influence bone
ing the number of breaks in the sedentary time.13) Furthermore, when formation markers.20-22)
the sedentary time was interrupted with light- or moderate-intensity Some studies have provided limited evidence that sedentary behav-
physical activity, the systolic and diastolic blood pressures dropped by ior has a negative impact on vascular health. A study on healthy wom-
2–3 mm Hg whereas interrupting the sedentary time with light-inten- en reported that 56 days of head-down bed rest decreased the endo-
sity physical activity (LIPA) or simple muscle training in patients with thelium-dependent vasodilation while increasing the endothelial cell
diabetes (88% of the population had HTN) decreased the systolic pres- damage. Such alterations in vascular function were prevented through
sure by 14–16 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure by 8–10 mm Hg. aerobic exercise and muscle training.23)
368 Jung Ha Park, et al. • Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks
Sedentary time (sitting time, television or screen viewing time, lei- 3) Dyslipidemia
sure time while sitting in a day) is independently associated with all- Sedentary behaviors induce metabolic dysfunction characterized by
cause mortality, CVD incidence or mortality, incidence or mortality of elevated blood triglyceride levels, reduced HDL-cholesterol levels, and
certain cancers (breast, colon, colorectal, endometrial, and epithelial diminished insulin sensitivity.17) A study reported that sedentary be-
ovarian cancer), and type 2 DM. In particular, the adverse effect of haviors increased the rate of newly diagnosed dyslipidemias in women
sedentary time was more evident among people who engaged in little (OR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.00–1.36) and increased the risk for dyslipidemia in
physical activity compared to those who engaged in frequent physical both men and women (men: OR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.02–1.44) (women:
activity. The relative risk (RR) for all-cause mortality was 30% higher OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.04–1.48).31) In contrast, MVPA was negatively asso-
with high physical activity (HR, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.84–1.59) compared to ciated with blood triglyceride levels (β, -0.18; 95% CI, -0.36 to -0.01;
that with low physical activity (HR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.22–1.75).28) P=0.038).32)
Jung Ha Park, et al. • Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks 369
ly correlated with only colon cancer (RR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.09–1.41).36) (RR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.79–1.23)43) but was positively correlated with de-
Sedentary behavior leads to metabolic dysfunctions such as hyper- pression risk in another study (RR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.10–1.34),44) and thus
glycemia, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, perturbation of insu- its correlation with depression remains controversial. The mechanism
lin-like growth factor axis, and changes in the circulation levels of sex underlying the correlation between sedentary behavior and depres-
hormones. Altered circulation levels of sex hormones can be linked to sion may involve the following: sedentary behaviors may increase the
hormone-related cancers such as breast and endometrial cancers.38) risk for depression by blocking direct communication and lowering
Additionally, sedentary behavior induces low-grade chronic systemic social interactions, or by reducing the available time to engage in
inflammation, and sedentary time is associated with inflammation-re- physical activities that help to prevent and treat depression.43)
lated markers such as C-reactive protein (β, 0.18±0.06; P=0.002), inter-
leukin 6 (β, 0.24±0.06; P<0.001), leptin (β, 0.15±0.04; P<0.001), and the 2) Cognitive function
leptin: adiponectin ratio (β, 0.21±0.05; P<0.001).39) Chronic inflamma- The relationship between sedentary behavior and cognitive function
tion can trigger cancer growth. Adiposity can also mediate the rela- is uncertain. A systematic review found marked alterations of cogni-
tionship between sedentary behavior and cancer, and obesity is a risk tion (improved in two studies45,46) and impaired in two studies47,48)) in
factor for several cancers. some studies but no changes in cognitive function in some studies.49)
However, the only long-term study included in that systematic review
4. Sedentary Lifestyles and Osteoporosis suggested that a less-sedentary lifestyle and less sedentary work have
Sedentary behavior is known to show a negative association with the benefits related to cognitive function.46) It is believed that replacing the
bone mineral density of the total femur and all hip sub-regions irre- sedentary time with physical activity can help improve the cognitive
spective of MVPA, and the bone mineral density (g/cm2) of the total function. In a randomized clinical trial that analyzed the cognitive
femur had a marked negative correlation with the sedentary time (β, changes after 30 minutes of sedentary behavior with other activities for
-0.16; 95% CI, -0.24 to -0.08) in adult women.41) Bone mineral density 6 months in older adults with little physical activity, replacing the sed-
was correlated with the duration and not the frequency of sedentary entary time with MVPA and sleep significantly improved cognitive
behavior. In men, sedentary behavior was not markedly correlated functions, and replacing it with LIPA did not lead to statistically signifi-
with the bone mineral density of the hip and spine. cant changes.46)
5. Sedentary Lifestyles and Musculoskeletal Diseases SEDENTARY LIFESTYLES AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
A prolonged sedentary time was correlated with chronic knee pain. In
an analysis of the correlation between chronic knee pain and the total 1. Discrepant Health Effects of Sedentary Lifestyle and
daily sedentary time (<5, 5–7, 8–10, >10 hours), the results claimed that Physical Activity
the incidence of chronic knee pain was higher in individuals with lon- Past studies have observed that a prolonged sedentary lifestyle leads to
ger sedentary times (P for trend=0.02).42) In particular, a sedentary time poor health outcomes irrespective of physical activity. A sedentary life-
>10 hours a day was markedly correlated with chronic knee pain (ad- style was independently correlated with mortality and was not com-
justed OR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.02–1.61; P=0.03).42) People who engaged in pensated for by physical activity.10) The time spent in front of a screen
greater physical activity had less chronic knee pain (adjusted OR, 0.78; was positively correlated with the presence of metabolic syndrome, in-
95% CI, 0.67–0.91; P=0.00), but women with >10 hours of sedentary dependent of the level of physical activity (OR, 3.30; 95% CI, 2.04–
time while engaging in greater physical activity were highly likely to 5.34).50)
experience chronic knee pain (adjusted OR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.02–1.39;
P=0.03). The study recommends individuals to shorten their sedentary 2. The Attenuative Effect of Physical Activity on Sedentary
times to <10 hours a day.42) Lifestyles
A few recent studies have reported that increasing physical activity can
6. Sedentary Lifestyles and Other Diseases offset the adverse impacts of sedentary behavior. In particular, the off-
set effect was more evident in people with little physical activity.
1) Depression A meta-analysis reported that mortality was not elevated in the peo-
Mentally passive sedentary behaviors such as television viewing (RR, ple engaging in high levels of moderate-intensity physical activity (60–
1.18; 95% CI, 1.07–1.30), sitting, listening to music, and talking while 75 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day) even when
sitting were positively correlated with depression risks (RR, 1.17; 95% they had >8 hours of sedentary time a day. There was no difference in
CI, 1.08–1.27). In contrast, mentally active sedentary behaviors such as mortality between the most active people (>35.5 MET-h/wk) with <4
reading books or newspapers, driving, attending a meeting, or knitting hours of sedentary time a day and equally active people (>35.5 MET-
or sewing were not markedly correlated with depression risk (RR, 0.98; h/wk) with >8 hours of sedentary time a day (HR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.99–
95% CI, 0.83–1.15).43) Using a computer, which is a mentally active sed- 1.10). However, television viewing for >3 hours a day increased the
entary behavior, was not correlated with depression risk in one study mortality regardless of physical activity, and the people who watched
370 Jung Ha Park, et al. • Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks
television for ≥5 hours a day showed markedly high mortalities (HR, CLINICAL PEARLS FOR SEDENTARY INDIVIDUALS
1.16; 95% CI, 1.05–1.28).51)
In one study, sitting time showed a dose-response with all-cause While the various countries have their own guidelines for physical ac-
mortality and CVD mortality risk in the least active group (<150 MVPA tivity and sedentary behavior, overall, the recommendations are simi-
min/wk).51) In contrast, the group with at least 8 hours of sedentary lar.
time a day showed a higher mortality than the group with less than 4
hours of sedentary time a day (HR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.13–2.03). However, 1. Recommendations in the United States
the group who met the essential MVPA criterion (150–299 MVPA min/ Although the 2018 Advisory Committee revealed that sedentary be-
wk) or engaged in more physical activity did not show a consistent havior is strongly correlated with all-cause and CVD mortalities in
trend in the relationship between increased sitting time and CVD and adults, the evidence was insufficient to offer advice on the recom-
all-cause mortalities. mended daily sedentary time and duration of physical activity. It could
Similarly, a study showed that a sedentary time of over 9 hours per not determine the recommended daily sedentary time and frequency
day in the low physical activity group (<600 METs-min/wk) had a sig- of physical activity for adults or adolescents because the risks associat-
nificant association with an increased CVD risk (OR, 1.29; 95% CI, ed with sedentary behavior are related to the amount of MVPA.
1.04–1.62). In the group with more physical activity, sedentary time It is advisable for inactive people not engaging in moderate physical
was not significantly associated with CVD risk. activity (MPA) to lower their sedentary behavior and replace their sed-
In other words, while increased sedentary time increases the mor- entary behavior with LIPA. However, LIPA alone is insufficient to ob-
tality among people who engage in little physical activity, adequate tain health benefits; they will be able to reduce their health risk by
physical activity seems to offset the impact of increased sedentary time gradually increasing their physical activities to MPA or beyond. Inac-
on mortality. tive people who engage in insufficient physical activity that does not
A study analyzed the correlation between all-cause mortality and meet the criterion of 150–300 minutes of MPA per week would be able
net uncompensated sedentary behavior metabolic equivalent hours to obtain health benefits by increasing their MPA slightly and reap
(USMh=MET/h [sedentary time]–MET/h [MVPA time]), which was even greater health benefits by reducing their sedentary behaviors. Ac-
computed by subtracting METs for MVPA from METs for sedentary tive people who engage in sufficient physical activity (150–300 minutes
behavior throughout a day. USMh was independently associated with of MPA per week) would gain more benefits by lowering their seden-
all-cause mortality when it was greater than 7 MET/h, and for televi- tary behaviors. Highly active people who engage in more than 300
sion viewing, when it was greater than 3 MET/h. The mean increase in minutes of MPA per week are recommended to maintain or improve
mortality per USMh was 1% (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 1.00–1.02; P=0.01), and their levels of physical activity by participating in a variety of activi-
the mean increase in mortality per USMh for TV watching was 7% (RR, ties.57)
1.07; 95% CI, 1.04–1.10; P<0.001). In other words, physical activity as
well as sedentary time should be assessed, and therefore, USMh was 2. Recommendations in Australia
revealed to be a more practical index for assessing sedentary behav- The Australian Government Department of Health presented age-spe-
ior.54) cific recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behavior.
In the people with the least daily activity (≤17 min/d MVPA), replac- According to the Australian physical activity-sedentary behavior
ing 30 minutes of the sitting time each day with light physical activity guidelines, individuals are recommended to minimize their sitting
reduced the mortality risk by 14% (HR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.81–0.89), and times, including sitting during work, commuting, and breaks, and to
replacing it with MVPA reduced the mortality risk by 45% (HR, 0.55; avoid sitting for prolonged periods as much as possible.58) Infants and
95% CI, 0.47–0.62). However, in the people with the highest daily activ- children aged less than 5 years are advised to not be bound in a stroller,
ity (MVPA >38 min/d), replacing the sitting time with LIPA or MVPA car seat, or high chair for more than 1 hour at a time. While they en-
was not linked with a reduced mortality risk. gage in sedentary behaviors, they are recommended to spend time
Replacing the sedentary behavior with physical activity also has an reading books, singing, solving puzzles, and talking with their caregiv-
impact on cancer-related mortality. A recently published study ers as compared to watching television or a DVD (digital video disc),
showed that sedentary behavior was independently associated with playing on the computer, or playing other video games.59) For children
cancer mortality risk, where a higher sedentary time led to a greater between the ages of 5 and 17, the sedentary recreational screen time
cancer mortality risk. In this study, the individuals in the top 1/3 of the should be limited to 2 hours a day, and they are advised to engage in
sedentary group showed a substantially higher cancer mortality risk positive social interactions and experiences. Older adults aged 65
than those in the bottom 1/3 (adjusted HR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.01–2.27).56) years and more are advised to remain active as much as possible every
However, replacing 30 minutes of sedentary time with LIPA reduced day.60) The recommended amount of physical activity for adults is 150–
the cancer mortality by 8% (HR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.86–0.97) and replacing 300 minutes of MPA or 75–150 minutes of vigorous physical activity or
it with MVPA reduced it by 31% (HR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.48–0.97).56) an equivalent MVPA per week.
Jung Ha Park, et al. • Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks 371
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