TIE33 Design Strength of Optical Glass and Zerodur
TIE33 Design Strength of Optical Glass and Zerodur
TIE33 Design Strength of Optical Glass and Zerodur
. DATE January 2009
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1. Introduction
The design strength of a glass article is an essential characteristic when it has to survive
mechanical or thermal loads during application. Frequently asked questions are:
what is the strength of optical glass ?
what is the strength of ZERODUR® ?
what thickness is necessary for a ZERODUR® mirror blank with a specified diameter
to endure the forces from attached actuators ?
Such questions concern the strength of glass directly or indirectly. In the following some
general information will be given on the strength of glass. Additionally, a calculation scheme
will be sketched which has been used for a variety of different applications. Data of common
optical glass types are enclosed.
Recently it has been shown that a homogeneous isotropic load of 41 MPa (stress rate
2 MPa/s) on a 1 m2 ZERODUR® surface (without any pre-damage), ground with bound
diamond grain tool D151, leads to a failure probability of less than 0.1%, 95 % confidence
level range. This stress level is 4 times higher than the conservative value of 10 MPa for a
moderate surface treatment.
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3. Calculation procedure
3.1 Mathematical model
The commonly applied mathematical model, to fit the results of strength tests on glass parts,
is the Weibull distribution with two parameters.
F(σ ) = 1 − exp − (σ / σ0 )
) (3-1)
F(σ) - Probability of failure at bending stress σ
σ0 - Characteristic strength (F(σ0) = 63,21 %)
λ - Weibull modulus (slope of the Weibull straight line and a measure for the scatter of the
This distribution function is widely used in fracture statistics and allows deriving predictions
on the failure rates for collectives of identical parts. Basing on laboratory test results obtained
under well-defined conditions one can calculate design strengths for loads and conditions
posed by special application requirements.
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The formulae for the individual factors are derived on the basis of the Weibull model using
the laws on probability.
For application cases with time varying loads teff,V has to be calculated instead of tV by using
a weighing function that describes the load variation with time.
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Table 1: Characteristic strength, Weibull factor and stress corrosion factor of ZERODUR®
*= measurements from 2008 [5]. For more information on the surface condition data please
refer to table 4 in the appendix.
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Figure 1: SCHOTT ZERODUR® D151 ground and etched samples together with D64
ground and etched samples [5].
Figure 1 shows the comparison of the fracture probability of samples with D64 and D151
ground surfaces. The D64 distribution has a significantly higher characteristic strength of
62.8 MPa than that of D151 with 54.1 MPa. However, the smaller slope of the D64
distribution leads to a crossover at the failure rate of 10 %. That means for lower target
failure rates than 10 %, as will be requested in most application cases, for strength purposes
it is not worthwhile to grind surfaces with D64 instead of D151.
Additional etching shifts the curves to higher strengths, as can be seen in the right part of
figure 1. Results of D64 samples are shown, where 91 µm are removed by etching.
Additionally, the result of D151 samples with a ground surface etched to 181 µm depth which
is about 50 % higher than the maximum micro crack depths for D151 surfaces of about 120
µm. The D151 etched distribution (characteristic strength: 497 MPa / slope: 3.4) lies higher
than that of D64 ground and etched surfaces. Obviously the grain size of the preceding
grinding process does not play any decisive role anymore, when the etched off layer
thickness is significantly higher than the subsurface crack depths. This result is also of
practical significance. It means that it is not necessary to prepare surfaces with fine grinding
which are to be etched later on as long as a minimum layer thickness is etched off, which is
higher than the maximum crack depth.
It is noticeable, that both distributions for the samples with the ratio of 1.5 between the etch
depth have similar slopes. On the other hand, they have significantly different characteristic
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The results of the D151 measurement can be extrapolated to application conditions. The
general procedure and methods are described in [4] and [6]. In [4] it was shown that a
homogeneous isotropic load of 41 MPa (stress rate 2 MPa/s) on a 1 m2 ZERODUR® surface
(without any pre-damage), ground with bound diamond grain tool D151, leads to a failure
probability of less than 0.1%, 95 % confidence level range. This stress level is 4 times higher
than the conservative value of 10 MPa for a moderate surface treatment.
It can be generally stated that etching or optical polishing of ground surfaces significantly
improves the characteristic strength of the glass. Etching broadens the strength probability
distribution thus leading to a smaller slope in the cumulative failure probability plot. These
statements are only valid if the surfaces are not damaged by handling etc.
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with σ0 being the nominal stress perpendicular to the crack plane and a the depth of the flaw.
Y is a geometry related factor. A flaw will result in a fracture if KI reaches a critical value.
K I ≥ K IC (6-2)
KIC is the fracture toughness for fracture mode I (tensile forces normal to the crack plane,
crack propagation perpendicular to the forces). KIC is a material constant. For glasses without
additional strengthening the value is typically ≤ 1. Table 3 gives fracture toughness values of
some glasses:
Glass KIC [ MPa m1/2]
N-BK7 1.1
F5 0.9
SF6 0.7
Table 3: Fracture toughness values of some glasses [9,10]
In principle, therefore, if one knows the crack geometries of all of the cracks in a part and the
fracture toughness of the material, then one can predict the strength of that part. As a
practical matter, it is not yet possible to know the crack geometries of all of the cracks in a
part exactly enough in order to make reliable predictions of the strength of the part [11].
For a given nominal stress the plate will break for a critical crack depth ac of
⎛K ⎞
ac ≈ ⎜⎜ IC ⎟⎟ (6-3)
⎝ 2σ 0 ⎠
Numerical example: For the characteristic strength of ZERODUR® of samples with D64
surface condition σ0 ≈ 64 MPa (table 1) and ZERODUR® KIC ≈ 0.9 MPa m1/2 the critical flaw
size ac is approx. 49 µm. This flaw size compares to the grain sizes for D64 bonded diamond
grains (table 4).
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All oxidic glasses and ceramics subjected to tensile stress at their surfaces in a humid
environment exhibit a slow crack growth as long as the stress intensity factor lies well below
the critical value. The velocity of the crack growth can be approximated by [12]:
da ⎛ K (a ) ⎞
= A * ⎜⎜ I ⎟⎟ (6-4)
dt ⎝ K IC ⎠
a denotes the depth of the crack, A is a material specific constant and n is the stress
corrosion constant depending on the material and environmental humidity. As a rule, the
drier the environment is, the higher is n. For glass and glass ceramic materials it is known
that in humid environments without stress load the strength gets even higher to a certain
extent, due to a healing effect (rounding of the microcrack tips due to chemical corrosion).
Typical values for the stress corrosion constant can be found in table 1 and 2. Typically the
sub critical crack grow can start from 0,25*KIC.
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9. Literature
[1] G. Exner, SCHOTT Glaswerke Mainz, in Glastechnische Berichte 56 (1983) Nr. 11,
p. 299 - 312
[2] H.Richter, G.Kleer Report V24/83 1983, Fraunhofer Institut für Werkstoffmechanik,
[3] M.J.Viens NASA Technical memorandum 4185 Washington 1990
[4] P. Hartmann, K. Nattermann, Th. Döhring, M. Kuhr, P. Thomas, G. Kling, P. Gath, S.
Lucarelli: “Strength Aspects for the Design of ZERODUR® Glass Ceramics Structures,”
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6666, (2007)
[5] Hartmann, P., Nattermann, K., Döhring, T., Kuhr, M., Thomas, P., Kling, G., Gath, P.,
Lucarelli, S.: “ZERODUR® Glass Ceramics – Strength Data for the Design of
Structures with High Mechanical Stresses,” Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7018 (2008)
[6] K. Nattermann, P. Hartmann, G. Kling, S. Lucarelli, B. Messerschmidt: “ZERODUR®
Glass Ceramics Design of Structures with High Mechanical Stresses ,” Proc. of SPIE
Vol. 7018 (2008)
[7] F. Kerkhof, H.Richter, D.Stahn Glastech. Berichte 54 (1981) No. 8 p. 265 - 277
[8] G. Exner, O.Lindig Glastech. Berichte 55 (1982) No. 5 p. 107 - 117
[9] The properties of optical glass; H. Bach & N. Neuroth (Editors), Springer Verlag 1998
[10] Viens, Michael J.: “Fracture toughness and crack growth parameters of ZERODUR®”,
NASA technical memo A969903 (1990)
[11] J. Varner: “Strength and Fracture Mechanics of Glass”, ICG Advanced Course 2006,
Strength of Glass, Basics and Test Procedures (2006)
[12] S.M. Wiederhorn, L.H. Bolz: “Stress corrosion and static fatique of glass”, J. Am.
Ceram. Soc. 53, 543-548 (1970)
TIE-33: Design strength of optical glass and ZERODUR