Air Pilotx27s Manual Volume 1 Flying Training Compress
Air Pilotx27s Manual Volume 1 Flying Training Compress
Air Pilotx27s Manual Volume 1 Flying Training Compress
Volu111e 1
Introduction ix
Flying Training
Airworl< Diagrams
reaction Lift
Weight Weight
~/ tI V
10 knots, 40 knots,
low ~ high
dynamic ('( ,
, dynamic
pressure ~ '.}
■ Dynamic pressure increases with airspeed
• The density of the air. At the same speed, the denser the air,
the more air molecules per second will strike your hand and so
the greater the dynamic pressure.
40 knots,
low air density
Litt Lttt
Low angle Slow High angle
~--::-....£:--:=:-::r::-=...o_f at_tac_k___ ........,_~_. of attack
■ In level flight the aeroplane can fly slower at high angles of attack
Lift (L)
Weight (W)
■ The four main forces that act on an aeroplane in flight
To control the aeroplane, control surfaces, operated from the
cockpit by the pilot, are used to alter the airflow around the wings
and the tail-section. This causes different aerodynamic forces to
be generated, and thus allows the pilot to manoeuvre the aero-
plane as desired.
That summarises briefly the basic principles of flight. Volume 4
of The Air Pilot's Manual covers this topic in depth and prepares
you for the Aircraft (General) technical examination.
Pre-flight Briefings
Each new flight exercise should be preceded by a pre-flight brief-
ing by your instructor. This briefing will outline the principles of
the exercise to be flown. A typical briefing appears on page 90.
Exercise 1
Aircraft Familiarisation
Elevator Cockpit
position light ..____
.....__ Engine exhaust
Right wing tip
a o
(e glh8 ~ 000000000000
n rp ~--- Circuit breakers
Carburettor Throttle Mixture control
heat control
■ Figure1-2 The cockpit
Variations in Design
There are variations in design between different types, but the
same basic principles apply to all aeroplanes.
Instead of a control column in the form of a 'stick', many
aeroplanes are fitted with a control wheel, which serves exactly
the same function. Moving the control wheel in or out operates
the elevator, rotating it operates the ailerons. In this manual the
term controlcolumn refers to both types.
Control wheel
Control column or yoke
or joystick
Tricycle Tailwheel
The Instruments
The panel in front of the pilot contains various instruments which
can provide important information - the main groups being the
flight instruments (which are directly in front of the pilot) and
the engine instruments (which are generally situated near the
The flight instruments include an airspeed indicator, an
attitude indicator to depict the aeroplane's attitude relative to the
horizon, an altimeter to indicate height, a vertical speed indicator
to show climb or descent, a direction indicator and a turn
coordinator with an associated balance ball.
The instruments related to airspeed and height are operated by
air pressure obtained from the pitot-static pressure system, while
those related to attitude, direction and turning are operated by
internal spinning gyroscopes (with the exception of the magnetic
compass). The gyroscope rotors may be spun electrically or by a
stream of air induced by 'suction' from the vacuum system. The
magnetic compass is usually located well away from the magnetic
influences of the instrument panel and radio.
The engine instruments include the tachometer (to read
engine rpm), and the oil pressure and oil temperature gauges.
Some aircraft also have a cylinder head temperature gauge.
Other instruments may include an ammeter to monitor the
electrical system and a suction gauge for the vacuum system.
• I
coordinato 10[2]1 Oil temperature and
pressure gauges
Heading ert ca speed
Balance ball indic)ltor. indicator
Fuel gauges
• _! ~
Circuit breakers
Other Items
There 1nay be a fire extinguisher provided in the cockpit, which
should be checked for serviceability and security in its fitting.
Light aircraft fire extinguishers are nonnally of the dry-chemical
(powder) type, which are non-toxic. You should learn how to use
the extinguisher in your aircraft.
Control locks n1ay be carried. These fit both internally to lock
the control colmnn and/ or externally on the actual flight controls.
Their purposes is to prevent control-surface movement and
damage from the wind when the aeroplane is parked. It is vital of
course that they be ren1oved prior to flight.
A pitot cover may be carried to protect the pitot head fron1
blockage by insects and water while the aeroplane is parked. It
must be removed prior to flight if the airspeed indicator is to read
Wheel chocks may be carried, to place ahead of and behind
the wheels when the aeroplane is parked as a precaution against
moven1ent. There may also be a tie-down kit of ropes, pegs and
mallet to secure the aeroplane to the ground and prevent strong
winds lifting the wings or tail.
A first-aid kit may be carried.
Written checklists are used in son1e aeroplanes to confirm_ that
appropriate drills have been carried out: for exa1nple, the 'pre-
take-off drill' or the 'engine fire drill'. The 1nethod of using
checklists may be one of:
1 - Aircra~ Familiarisation 9
Fire is a hazard to aviation and is to be avoided at all costs. For a
fire to occur, three things are required:
• fuel (Avgas, oil, papers, fabric, cabin seating, etc.);
• oxygen (present in the air); and
• an ignition source (cigarettes, 1natches, electrical sparks, etc.).
The usual method of extinguishing a fire is to eliminate one or
1nore of these items, e.g. blanketing a fire with 'd1y chemical' from
a fire extinguisher to starve the fire of oxygen.
It is, of course, preferable that fire is prevented by keeping 'fuel'
and possible sources of ignition separate. For example, when
Electrical Fire
A peculiar smell often indicates that the fire is electrical. Switch off
any associated electrical circuits. If required, a fire extinguisher can
be used, but ensure that cabin ventilation is sufficient and the
windows are open to remove smoke and toxic fumes from the
cabin once the fire is out. An immediate landing is advisable.
Whether or not to shut the engine down in flight is a command
decision and will, of course, mean a forced landing without power.
1 - Aircra~ Familiarisation 11
Cabin Fire
A cabin fire may be caused by such things as a cigarette igniting a
seat or other matter. The source of the fire should be identified
and the fire eliminated using the fire extinguisher. In flight,
maintain flying speed and a suitable flightpath while the
emergency is resolved; on the ground, consider an immediate
evacuation after securing the aeroplane (shut down the engine,
switches and fuel - OFF, brakes - ON).
Brake Failure
If the brakes fail while taxiing, then:
• throttle - CLOSED;
• steer away from other aircraft and obstacles; and, if a collision
is imminent
• stop the engine (mixture control to IDLE CUT-OFF);
• fuel- OFF"
• ignition - OFF;
• master switch - OFF;
Alternator Failure
In FADEC fitted aircraft, the engine is dependent on the
electrically powered ECU to function. In the case of a complete
electrical failure an emergency battery will supply power for a
limited amount of time to prevent the engine from stopping. If an
'alternator fail' warning appears:
• check circuit breakers are all in.
• essential Bus ON.
• Switch off all unnecessary electrical equipment.
• If there is still no electrical power available, emergency switch
• LandASAP.
• Be prepared for an engine failure and emergency landing.
Before and A~er Flight 13
Exercise la
Preparation for Flight
To prepare for flight.
The success of a flight depends very much on thorough
preparation. In the course of your training a pattern of regular
pre-flight actions should be developed to ensure that this is the
case. They must be based on the checks in the Pilot's Operating
Handbook for your aeroplane.
Preparation for a flight commences well before you actually
enter the aeroplane, and consists of:
• personal preparation;
• satisfying the pre-flight documentation requirements;
• 'booking out' the flight with an Air Traffic Service Unit;
• the pre-flight inspection of the aeroplane;
• start-up and taxi checks;
• the pre-take-off check.
Pre-Flight Documentation
A high level of flight safety is maintained partly because of the
thorough documentation required. Items that are recorded
include the history of the aeroplane in terms of hours flown and
maintenance carried out, and the details of each particular flight
and the experience of the pilot.
Airworthiness Documents
It is the pilot's responsibility to check certain documents prior to
flight to ensure that the aeroplane is airworthy. These documents
include the:
• Certificate of Airworthiness;
• maintenance documents;
• aircraft weight and balance schedule; and
• aircraft technical log.
2a - Preparation
forFlight 15
Booking Out
Booking out with Air Traffic Services (ATS) makes them aware
of your flight and allows them to document its progress and safe
completion. You can book out with the ATS unit in person
before going to the aeroplane or by radio prior to taxiing.
If the fuel is contaminatedby water, all of the water shouldbe drained ■ Figure2a-1
away.If the fuel is contaminatedby dirt or other solidcontaminants, Take fuel samples from
the whole fuel system may have to be drained. the fuel system
Do not fly with contaminated fuel!
Propeller, spinner,
air intakes and taxi light
....-- - - - ---
(or landing light, as applicable)
Wing leading edge,
' , 1
~Nose gear and tyre Repeat
(landing light) and pitot tube Static' r::;~:::::::::- 7 \ Engine (general) and oil level other side
- - -- - - - - - --
.... vent ,, ' ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
I _. - -
... . \
Wingtip and red
position light
Fuel tank d·rain,
tyre and brakes
.... ...L.z··..·:.L·~-,J.~=-~=-=i-:::-::--:::~~-~- :-:_==-~-·
Wing flap;, ;il;ro~ - -
,' - - - - - - -------
• Check the hydraulic lines to the wheel brakes for cracks and
leaks and check that the brake disc is secure.
• Check the undercarriage leg and its attachment to the fuselage.
Popped rivets, buckling of the skin or other damage should be
brought to the attention of an engineer.
• Check the tyre for correct inflation, cuts and creep, and check
that the wheel is secure.
• Check the undersurface of the fuselage for any buckling of the
skin or other damage.
• Check the flap surfaces and flap actuating mechanism; check
the trailing edge of the wing and aileron for free and correct
movement (one up - one down).
• Check the wingtip and navigation light for damage and
• Check the leading edge of the wing for smoothness -
contamination from ice, frost or insects can greatly diminish
the lifting ability of the wing.
• Check that the cover is removed from the pitot tube (otherwise
the airspeed indicator will not operate correctly in flight).
• Check that the fuel vent is clear (to allow pressures inside and
outside the tanks to equalise as fuel is used and/ or altitude is
• Ensure that all inspection panels on the wing are secure.
• Check that the wing strut (if one exists) is secure at both ends.
• Check that the static vent is open and clean (for correct
operation of the airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed
• Check the nose section of the fuselage - loose screws, popped
rivets and any buckling of the skin could indicate structural
damage from a previous flight.
• Check the propeller for damage (especially nicks along its
leading edge), cracks and security.
• Check the propeller spinner for damage, cracks and security.
• Check that the engine air intake and filter is clean, secure and
not blocked by things such as a bird's nest, rags, etc.
• Check the nosewheel and tyre.
• Check the nose oleo strut for correct extension (usually 2-3
inches), and the shimmy damper and other mechanisms for
• Open the engine inspection panel and check the oil contents
(replacing the oil cap securely), inspect for any obvious loose
cables or wires, cracked manifolds, etc., and then lock the
inspection panel.
• Ensure that the windscreen is clean.
• Continue the check around the other side of the aeroplane.
• Check that luggage lockers are securely closed.
Exercise 2b
Startingand Stoppingthe Engine
To start and stop the engine.
Prior to starting the engine, check that the surrounding area is
suitable for start-up. The aeroplane should be on a surface suitable
for taxiing and well away from any buildings, fuel storage areas and
public areas. The aeroplane should be parked facing in a direction
that will not cause loose stones or gravel to be blasted back over
other aircraft or into open hangars when the engine is running.
Also, there should be no fuel spills in the vicinity as this creates a
fire risk.
The engine then needs to be properly prepared for the start-up.
The correct procedure for this is found in your Pilot's Operating
After Starting
After engine start, various items to be checked may include:
• Starter warning light - OUT.
• Oil pressure - sufficient pressure within 30 seconds of start-up
(slightly longer in very cold weather).
• Set idling rpm with the throttle (usually 1,000 to 1,200 rpm) to
ensure adequate cooling.
• Ammeter - indicating recharging of the battery following the
drain on it during start-up.
• Vacuum gauge (if fitted) - check for sufficient suction to
operate the gyro instruments.
• Magneto check of the LEFT and RIGHT magnetos individually, as
well as with the ignition switch in the usual BOTH position (the
rpm should decrease slightly on each individual magneto and
return to the previous value when the switch is returned to
BOTH), but, if the engine stops, then a problem exists.
• Radio - ON, correct frequency selected, volume set and
squelch set.
• If your engine is fitted with a turbocharger, it is important to
let the engine idle for a couple of minutes before taxying.
Increasing the engine power before the turbocharger has had a
chance to warm up can cause damage to it.
A Flooded Engine
It is possible to 'flood' an engine with too much fuel, making a
start difficult and placing a strain on the battery which supplies
electrical power to the starter motor. If 'flooding' is suspected,
adopt the following procedure:
• Ignition switches - OFF.
• Throttle - FULLY OPEN.
• Fuel- ON.
• Mixture control - IDLE CUT-OFF (i.e. no fuel supplied to the
• Crank the engine through several revolutions with the starter
(which should clear the intake passages of excess fuel); then
repeat the starting procedure without priming the engine.
Once the fuel has been eliminated, the fire should stop. Release
the starter.
If the fire continues:
• Ignition switch - OFF.
• Master switch- OFF.
• Brakes - ON.
• Evacuate, taking any suitable fire extinguisher with you. Do
not attempt to restart the engine.
2c - Post-Flight
Actions 23
E:xercise le
Post-Flight Documentation
• 'Book in' the flight if necessary with the Air Traffic Service
• Complete the Flight Authorisation Sheet, recording the time
and nature of the flight.
• Report any aeroplane defects to your flying instructor or to an
engineer and, when appropriate, note them on the maintenance
document to ensure that necessa1y maintenance will be attended
to and that the following pilot will have a serviceable aeroplane.
• Complete your personal logbook.
During your training, debriefing by your flying instructor will
probably occur following the completion of your post-flight duties.
Flying Training 25
Exercise 3
Air Experience
In the Cockpit
Sit comfortably in your seat and relax. Since you will be trained
to become the captain of your aeroplane, you may as well start by
sitting in the left-hand seat - the captain's seat by tradition and
design. It needs to be positioned so that you can reach the
appropriate controls comfortably with your hands and feet. The
seat belt or harness should be firm.
Even though this may be your very first flight, it is important
that your seat is positioned correctly, since the position of the
natural horizon in the windscreen is a vital element in assisting the
visual pilot to fly accurately.
Fresh air is available through vents, and directing these towards
your face and body makes the cockpit more comfortable.
Communication in the cockpit is very important, so ensure
that your headset is comfortable and the intercom is working
You will have the opportunity to 'follow' your instructor on the
flight controls by placing:
• your left hand lightly on the control wheel (or control column);
• your right hand on the throttle or on your lap; and
• both feet lightly on the rudder pedals (with your heels on the
floor to ensure that the toe brakes are not applied).
There is a blind spot under the nose of the aeroplane that the
pilot cannot see, which you should periodically clear by making
shallow turns that enable you to see this area out of the side
window. Get to know the blind spots of your aeroplane, and
periodically take action to clear the areas normally obscured.
The position of other aeroplanes in relation to your own is best
described by using the clock code, based on a horizontal clock
face aligned with the aeroplane's heading.
An aeroplane ahead of you, but higher, would be described as
'12 o'clock high', while one slightly behind and below you on the
left-hand side would be at 'left, 8 o'clock low'.
The Instruments
The aeroplane has instruments which can provide useful
information regarding altitude, direction, airspeed and engine
operation. The basic division is into flight instruments and
engine instruments. An occasional glance at a particular
instrument for one or two seconds is all that is necessary for visual
pilots - your visual awareness of the world outside the cockpit
must not suffer.
As the descent, approach and landing proceed, the pilot's
workload increases. During the landing, you should again look
into the 'middle distance', to allow better judgement in the flare
and touchdown when you are making the landing. The approach
and landing seems full of action, but it will not be long before you
have mastered this manoeuvre!
A flight is not complete until the aeroplane is parked and
secured, and the post-flight duties of the pilot completed. Your
first flight is now over, but a marvellous hobby or career awaits
you. Preparing for the next flying lesson carefully on the ground
by reading the appropriate exercise of this manual (as outlined by
your instructor) will ensure that you derive the maximum benefit
from your next lesson in the air.
The Controls 29
Exercise 4a
The PrimaryEffectof EachMain
To observe the primary effect of moving each main flight control.
Aeroplane Movement
An aeroplanemoves To describe an aeroplane's attitude, or position in flight, three
in three dimensions. mutually perpendicular reference axes passing through the centre
of gravity (CG) are used. Any change in aeroplane attitude can be
expressed in terms of motion about these three axes.
Yawing plane
of motion
Aeroplane Stability
Stability is the natural ability of the aeroplane to remain in its
original attitude or to return to it following some disturbance
(such as a wind gust), without any action being taken by the pilot.
Most training aeroplanes are reasonably stable in the pitching
plane. If correctly trimmed, they will maintain steady flight with
the pilot flying 'hands-off. In other words, the nose position
relative to the horizon will remain reasonably steady without too
much attention from the pilot.
The stability of most aeroplanes in the rolling and yawing
planes, however, is usually not as great as in the pitching plane. If
the wings are moved from their position (say by a gust), the
aeroplane will eventually enter a descending spiral turn unless the
pilot actively does something about it - in this case by levelling the
■ Figure4a-3 The three main flight controls: elevator, ailerons and rudder
The Elevator
The elevatorcontrols The elevator is operated by fore and aft movements of the control
pitching. column and controls pitching. The conventional elevator is a
control surface hinged to the rear of the tailplane (also known as
the horizontal stabiliser). Some aircraft have an all-flying tail (or
stabilator) which is a single moving surface acting as both the
tailplane and the elevator. Either type has the same effect on the
aeroplane when the control column is moved.
Deflecting the elevator with the control column alters the airflow
around the tailplane and changes the aerodynamic force generated by
it. Moving the control column back deflects the elevator up, causing
an increased speed of flow beneath the tailplane and reducing the
static pressure in that area. This results in a downward aerodynamic
force on the tailplane, causing the aeroplane to rotate about its centre
of gravity. The tail moves down and the nose moves up.
Upward aerodynamic
Control column Control column force
I forward
up down
■ Figure4a-5 The elevator controls pitching
The Ailerons
The ailerons are hinged control surfaces attached to the outboard The aileronscontrolroll.
trailing edge of each wing. The ailerons in some aeroplanes are
controlled by rotation of the control wheel and in other
aeroplanes by left/ right movements of the control column. The
control column or control wheel therefore serves two functions:
1. Fore and aft movement operates the elevator.
..~~t~. CG
■ Figure4a-7
Left wing
The Rudder
yaw.. The third (and final) main flight control is the rudder, which is a
hinged control surface at the rear of the fin (vertical stabiliser).
The rudder is controlled with both feet on the rudder pedals.
These pedals are interconnected so that as one moves forward the
other moves back.
Moving the left rudder pedal forward deflects the rudder to the
left. This increases the speed of airflow on the right hand side of
the fin, reducing the static pressure there and creating an
aerodynamic force to the right. The aeroplane rotates about its
centre of gravity and so, with left rudder, the nose yaws left.
Conversely, moving the right rudder pedal forward yaws the nose
of the aeroplane to the right.
Left rudder
l!C::l Center
'-' of gravity
Left rudder
You are training to be a visual pilot, so develop good habits early.
Look out of the cockpit most of the time, both to check the
attitude of the aeroplane relative to the horizon and to look for
other aircraft. Follow the correct "You have control" _:__ "I have
control" procedures so that it is quite clear at all times who has
Hold the controls lightly and move them smoothly and fluidly.
Occasionally, large control movements are required to achieve the
desired effect but, at normal flying speeds, pressures rather than
large movements will achieve the desired effect.
Airwork 4a
The PrimaryEffect ofEachMain FlightControl
Aim To observethe primary effect of movingeach main flight control during flight.
(a) Establishthe aeroplane in its normal (b) Initially hold the wings level. Then
level attitude. Maintain a good smoothly rotate the control column
lookout. to the left.
• The aeroplane rolls to the left.
4a - ThePrimaryEffect ofEachMain FlightControl 37
Airwork 4a
( c) Centralise the control (d) To regain the wings level (e) When the wings are level
column. attitude, smoothly rotate centralise the control
control column to the right column.
• Rollingceasesand a steady
bank angle is maintained. • The aeroplane rolls to (f) Repeat this exercise for rolls
the right to the right and left using
Further effect will be a yaw - in
different amounts of control
this case left (see next Exercise).
Airwork 4a
The PrimaryEffectofEachMain FlightControl
3. The Primary Effect of the Rudder is to Yaw the Aeroplane
(d) Centralise the rudder pedals (by removing left rudder pressure).
(e) Repeat using right rudder pressure and observe the reverse results.
4a - The Primary Effect of Each Main Flight Control 39
Airwork 4a
4. The Controls Work the Same when the Aeroplane is not Flying
Straight and Level
Exercise 4b
The Further Effectof EachMain Flight
To observe the further effect of moving each main flight control.
Control Effects
Operating a single flight control can have more than one effect.
When either the ailerons or rudder are used individually there is
both a primary and a secondary (or further) effect.
■ Figure4b-1 Bank causes sideslip followed by yaw
~ Slow Fast
Maintain a good lookout, both with respect to the horizon and
landmarks and looking for other aircraft. Be very clear at all times
about who has control of the aeroplane. When you have control,
exert gentle, but firm and positive pressure on the controls as
4b - The FurtherEffect of EachMain FlightControl 43
Airwork 4b
The FurtherEffect of EachMain FlightControl
Aim To observethe further effect ofmovingeach main ~ightcontrol.
■ Le~ rudder applied ■ Le~ yaw ... ■ Causes a roll to the le~
NOTE The effects seen in steps 1 and 2 will also be the same when the aeroplane
is banked, is climbing, or is descending.
Airwork 4b
(c) /
---------- ~
4c- TheArt of Trimming 45.
Exercise 4c
The Art of Trimming
To use the trim to relieve prolonged control pressures.
Trimming is Vital to Accurate Flight
The trimming devicescan All training aeroplanes have an elevator trim that can relieve the
decrease your workload pilot of steady fore and aft pressures on the control column. Some
aeroplanes also have a rudder trim to relieve steady pressures on
the rudder pedals.
The trim is used to relieve prolonged control pressures in
steady conditions of flight, such as straight and level, climbing and
descending. The trim should not be altered in transient
manoeuvres, such as turning.
Using the trimming devices can ease the workload on the pilot
tremendously, so the effect of trim and how to use it correctly
should be clearly understood at an early stage.
Elevator Trim
Elevator trim in most aeroplanes is achieved using a small trim tab Elevatortrim can holdthe
located ori the trailing edge of the elevator. The trim tab is elevatorde~ected.
operated by a trim wheel (or handle) in the cockpit. The purpose
of the trim tab is to hold the elevator displaced with an
aerodynamic force, rather than a force that the pilot exerts via the
control column.
If the trim tab is deflected downwards, the airflow over the
upper surface of the elevator speeds up, reducing the static
pressure. An aerodynamic force now exists to deflect the elevator
Trimming Technique
A steady back pressure exerted by the pilot on the control column Whileyou are trimming
to hold the elevator up can be relieved by winding the trim wheel the aeroplane,the pitch
back. This deflects the trim tab down, reducing the static pressure attitudeshouldnot change.
above it. If the static pressure is sufficiently low for the elevator to
remain deflected upwards to the same degree, then the pilot need
not continue to hold steady back pressure on the control column.
Flying now becomes less tiring.
Trim wheel
The demands placed on the elevator change from time to time
and so retrimming will be necessary:
• after a new pitch attitude is selected;
• after a power change;
• after a configuration change (e.g. alteration of flap position);
• after a change in the position of the centre of gravity (say
as fuel burns off, passengers move, baggage is shifted or
parachutists depart).
Whenever a steady pressure is required on the control column
in steady flight, then trim it off.
4c - TheArt of Trimming 47
- .
Maintain a good lookout.
Do not be reluctant to use the trim. If you feel a steady pressure
then trim it off, but do not use the trim in transient manoeuvres
such as turns. Use the trim only to ren1ove steady pressures. Do
not use the trim to change the attitude of the aeroplane.
Trimming is an art. As you develop the skill of trimming an
aeroplane, smooth and precise flying becomes much easier.
Airwork 4c
TheArt of Trimming
Aim To use the trim to relieve steady pressures on the control column.
Exercise 4d
The Effectof Airspeedand Slipstream
To observe the effect of an increased speed of airflow over the
control surfaces.
Control Effectiveness
Increasedairflow increases The effectiveness of the three main flight controls and the rate at
control effectiveness. which the aeroplane moves in all three planes (pitch, roll and yaw)
depends on:
• the amount of control deflection;
• the airflow over the control surface, which can be increased by:
a higher airspeed; and/ or
- slipstream from the propeller.
All ffight controls are more The elevator, ailerons and rudder will all experience an increased
effective at airflow when the aeroplane is flying at a higher airspeed. Each
higher airspeeds.
control will feel firmer and only small movements will be required
to produce an effective response.
. or Elevator
Small control movements Small control movements
very effective not very effective
■ Figure4d-1 All of the flight controls are more effective at high airspeeds
\ 1 . ,./} propeller
- . ,. rotation
r:&_=;~~~~~=~··~---1~- ~r····;··
fuselage and strikes the fin on its left-hand side. This causes a
tendency for the nose to yaw left, which can be balanced with
right rudder.
If the propeller rotates anti-clockwise as seen from the cockpit
(e.g. the Tiger Moth, Chipmunk, and ARV Super 2), the slipstream
passes under the fuselage and strikes the fin on the right-hand side.
The nose will tend to yaw right and will require left rudder to
Maintain a high visual awareness. Keep an eye out for other traffic
and remain aware of the position of the aeroplane and the
direction to be flown back to the aerodrome. Exert firm, positive,
but smooth control over the aeroplane.
Airwork 4d
Effect of Airspeed and Slipstream
(d) Apply climb power (carb heat COLD) and raise pitch attitude to maintain same low airspeed.
• Ailerons (outside slipstream) still feel 'sloppy'. Large aileron control movements
necessary to roll the aeroplane.
• Elevator and rudder are firmer and more effective due to the higher airflow over
them from the propeller slipstream.
• Result of a low airspeed and high climb power (and, therefore, strong slipstream) -
aeroplane is responsive in pitch and yaw, but not in roll.
4e - The Effectsof PowerChanges 53
Exercise 4e
The Effectsof Power Changes
To observe the effects of applying and removing power, then to
counteract any undesirable tendencies resulting from power
Throttlemovementsto Pushing the throttle in (or 'opening' it) increases power, which is
increaseand decrease indicated by increased rpm on the tachometer. This causes the
powershouldbe smooth propeller to rotate faster and generate increased thrust. Pulling the
and not too fast.
throttle out (or 'closing it') reduces power.
Reducing Power
Reducingpower causesa Most aeroplanes are designed so that, if power from the engine is
pitch-downtendency. lost, the aeroplane will 'automatically' assume the glide attitude
without action being taken by the pilot. This is a safety feature
designed into the aeroplane to ensure that flying speed is
maintained in case of engine failure.
In normal flight, when power is reduced with the throttle, the
tendency for the nose to pitch down still occurs but can be
counteracted with back pressure on the control column.
Adding Power
Increasingpower causesa When adding power, the reverse effect occurs; the nose will tend
pitch-up tendency. to pitch up. This can be counteracted with forward pressure on
the control column.
Changingpower also Adding power increases the slipstream effect on the tail of the
causesa yawing tendency. aeroplane, causing the nose to yaw to the left (for propellers
rotating clockwise when viewed from the cockpit). This yawing
tendency can be counteracted with right rudder pressure to keep
the aeroplane balanced (i.e. balance ball centred).
Conversely, reducing power reduces the slipstream effect on
the tail, causing a yawing tendency in the other direction, which
can also be counteracted with opposite rudder.
Some aircraft are fitted with rudder trim, which is used to trim
off any steady pressure on the rudder pedals, e.g. on the climb.
The Mixture
Under certain conditions the fuel/air mixture can be 'leaned' using Set the mixtureto RICH
the mixture control in the cockpit (a procedure considered later in for significantpower
this section). Opening the throttle to a high power setting with the changes.
mixture lean can cause damage to the engine, so it is usual to enrich
the mixture prior to making any significant power increases.
Carburettor Ice
The air mixing with fuel in the carburettor is cooled and, if mois- When closingthe throttle,
ture is present, there is always the possibility of ice forming, even protectagainstcarburettor
at temperatures of +25°C and higher. This can block the flow of ice.
induction air/fuel to the cylinders, and so, if you intend to close
the throttle for a prolonged period, apply full hot carburettor heat.
INCREASING POWER (clockwise-rotating propeller) will cause the Counteractany pitch/yaw
nose of the aeroplane to rise and yaw left. These unwanted tendencywithelevatorand
tendencies can be counteracted with: ruddercontrol.
• forward pressure on the control column to hold the desired
attitude; and
• right rudder pressure to prevent the unwanted yaw and keep
the ball centred.
• Residual pressures can then be trimmed off
4e - The Effectsof PowerChanges 55
Maintain a high visual awareness. Look out for other aircraft and
note landmarks so that you do not get lost. Make full use of the
natural horizon when holding the pitch and bank attitude.
Have the mixture control in full RICH prior to any significant
power changes.
When about to reduce power, consider whether you need
protection from carburettor ice. If so (and this is usually the case
when reducing the power to idle), apply full hot carburettor heat
before closing the throttle.
When changing power, consider the engine. It has lots of
reciprocating and rotating parts moving at high speeds and any
sudden shock to the system is not good for it. Move the throttle
smoothly and handle the engine with care.
Make coarse power changes by engine note sound and the feel
of the throttle movement (sound and feel). Make smaller throttle
adjustments by reference to the rpm gauge.
Monitor the engine gauges, especially during the climb when
high power is set and there is reduced cooling because of the
lower airspeed.
Handle the aeroplane smoothly, but firmly. Anticipate the
effect of power changes - be prepared to hold the desired pitch
attitude and prevent unwanted yaw.
Airwork 4e
Effectof MakingPowerChanges
Aim 1. To observethe effect of changingpower.
2. To counteractundesirabletendenciesresultingfrompower changes.
■ Cruise power, normal level ■ *Yaw to le~ in most ■ **Yaw to right in most
attitude training aircra~ training aircra~
airspeed(byloweringthe nose)willcausean increasein enginerpm withoutanythrottlemovement
4f- The Effectof UsingFlaps 57
Exercise 4f
The Effectof Using Flaps
To observe the effect of altering the flap position and to control
the aeroplane smoothly during flap alteration.
Flapsmove symmetrically. The flaps are attached to the inboard trailing edge of each wing.
They are operated from the cockpit - in some aeroplanes
electrically by a switch and, in others, mechanically by a lever.
They operate symmetrically on each wing.
Flapsincreasethe li~ing Flaps alter the shape of the wings and the airflow around them.
abilityofthe wingby This changes the lifting ability of the wings, altering both the lift
changing itsshape.
and drag generated. In a sense, flaps create new wings. They are
used to:
• generate the required lift at a lower speed (allowing safe
flight at low airspeeds as well as reducing take-off and landing
• increase drag and steepen the descent path on approach to
• improve forward vision as a result of the lower nose attitude.
The flaps may be used to serve various purposes simultaneously:
for example, to steepen the descent path while at the same time
allowing better forward vision and safe flight at a lower airspeed.
As the flaps are lowered the changes in lift and drag will cause
a pitching tendency. This may result in the aeroplane 'ballooning'
unless counteracted with pressure on the control column.
Conversely, when flap is raised, there may be a pitching tendency
in the opposite direction and a tendency to sink.
Once attitude and power changes are complete, and the
airspeed has stabilised at the desired value, these pressures can be
trimmed off. In general, a lower pitch attitude is required to
achieve the same airspeed when flaps are lowered compared to
when the wings are 'clean'.
The initial stages of flap are sometimes called lift flaps, because
the lifting ability of the wing is increased considerably even
though there is the cost of a small amount of extra drag. Flaps
allow the required lift to be generated at lower speed.
The larger flap settings are sometimes called dragflaps, because
they cause a marked increase in drag for little improvement in lift-
ing ability. If airspeed is to be maintained, the increased drag must
be balanced by either:
• additional thrust; or
• a greater component of the weight force acting along the
flightpath (achieved by steepening the descent).
~A I~
I ~
/ (,l ~
/ /\
I t Component
/ / of weight
Component 1 1
of weight _, 1
..._..._ I
..._..._ I/
'-...y Weight (W)
Do not exceed the maximum flap operating speed (VFE) and do
not raise them below the 'clean' stalling speed. Ensure that you are
aware of the flap LIMITATION speeds, the method of OPERATION and
the flap position INDICATOR (LOI). The last stage of flap (lift flap)
should never be raised less than 200 ft above ground level (agl) as
the aircraft may sink towards the ground.
Exercise 4g
Carburettor Heat
To operate the carburettor heat control correctly.
Why is Carburettor Heat Necessary?
Vaporisation of the fuel causes cooling in the carburettor, which Carburettorheat is used to
may reduce the temperature to below freezing. If the air is preventor removeice that
sufficiently moist, ice may form in the induc ion sy t m, partially can form in the carburettor
blocking the flow of fuel/ air to the cylinders. arbur tto • •c can
occur at outside air temperatures of +25°C or more and affects
engine power adversely. Noticeable effects of carburettor ice include:
• a drop in rpm;
• rough running; and
• possible engine stoppage.
Airwork 4g
Use of CarburettorHeat
Aim To learn the correctuse of carburettorheat.
• Note drop in rpm (due to the less dense air now entering the engine cylinders) .
• If carburettor icing was present and has been melted, a slight rise in rpm will occur
following the initial drop.
• Pushcarb heat knob to FULL COLD. Note rpm rise (denser air is now enteringthe cylinders).
Throttle Mixturecontrol
• Throttle CLOSED.
Exercise 4h
The Mixture Control
To operate the mixture control correctly.
Airwork 4h
Use of the MixtureControl
Aim To operate the mixturecontrol(red knob)correctly.
• Continue moving mixture control OUT until a slight drop in rpm occurs.
• Move the knob IN slightly to restore maximum rpm. It might be advisable to move the
mixture control slightly further in so that the mixture is slightly on the rich side (too rich
is preferable to too lean), where rpm will be slightly lower than peak value.
NOTE Whenever the power setting or cruise level are changed,repeat the above procedure.
t I
. 'j
• ',,
. I f -0 0
:o - - -
..... ::.
3. A~er Landing
To stop the engin~:
• Close the throttle (pull it fully out) to reduce engine rpm.
• Move the mixture control to IDLE CUT-OFF by pulling it fully out - this starves the engine
of fuel.
• Complete other actions as per the procedure in your Pilot's Operating Handbook .
Exercise 4i
Usingthe Radio
, ,,,.--... ....
\ I
, ....--...
'\ I
, ....--...' \
I \ I \ I \
\ I \ I I I
'\ I I I
...__ ,,,., '
.... --"' I .._
....__ ,,., ; ADF
switch -
, ....- ',
[D s· Avionics ( ':
~:~ :@ © ® @
W . masterswitch ', ,,
\I' ..__,,__.,
Headset Intercom
sockets panel
Microphone J. • b~~i~:s
124.95 114.10
0 0
The function of squelch is to eliminate unwanted weak signals
that cause background noise (static or hiss). Noise makes it
difficult to hear the desired stronger signals. Some squelch controls
are automatic and others manual. Your flying instructor will
advise you on your particular set.
Before Transmitting
Before you begin transmitting:
1. Listen out on the frequency to be used and avoid interference
with other transmissions.
2. Decide exactly what you are going to say - your instructor will
help you with your first radio calls.
The Microphone
There are various microphone types, each having its own
operating characteristics. The hand-held microphone
incorporates a transmit switch. The boom microphone attached
to a headset worn by the pilot usually has its transmit switch
situated in a convenient position on the control column.
Training aeroplanes are usually equipped with a hand-held
The Transponder
A transponder unit is fitted in most light aircraft and when
'squawking' enables an air traffic radar controller to identify a
particular aircraft more easily on his screen. There is no voice
communication through the transponder. Transponder code
selection is accomplished by dialling in the required code with the
knobs. When selecting a new code, avoid passing through the
emergency codes (7700 emergency, 7600 radio failure and
7500 unlawful interference) when the transponder is switched
ON, unless you really want to activate one of them.
Control knobs
Exer·cise 4j
Cabin Heatingand Ventilation
/ I
Cabin heat Cabin air n--,,..... __
control control
Exercise 5
Taxiing an Aeroplane
To manoeuvre the aeroplane safely on the ground.
Taxiing Speed
Use powerand brakesto Power is used to commence taxiing an aeroplane. The effects of
controltaxiingspeed. wheel friction and the brakes are used to stop it.
Like all objects, an aeroplane has inertia and is resistant to
change, so it requires more power to start moving than to keep
moving. Once the aeroplane is rolling at taxiing speed, the power
can be reduced simply to balance the frictional forces and any air
resistance so that a steady speed is maintained. On a straight and
sn1ooth taxiway with no obstructions, a fast walking pace is a safe
taxiing speed and this can be judged by looking ahead and to the
left of the aeroplane. In a confined area, the ideal speed is
somewhat less.
The amount of power required to maintain taxiing speed
depends on the ground surface and its slope - a rough, upward-
sloping grassy surface requiring much more power than a flat,
sealed taxiway. High power may also be required to turn the
aeroplane, especially at low speeds.
Brakesshouldbe To slow the aeroplane down, the power should be reduced.
used gently. Friction may cause the aeroplane to decelerate sufficiently,
otherwise the brakes can be used gently, but firmly.
Do not use power against Generally speaking, power should not be used against brakes. It
brakes. is a waste of energy and can lead to overheated brakes and
increased brake wear. There are some aircraft, however, which
have engines requiring a high idling rpm, and occasional braking
may be required to avoid the taxiing speed becoming excessive.
Toe brakes are situated on top of each rudder pedal. They are
individually applied using the ball of each foot. Normally, taxi
with your heels on the floor and the balls of your feet on the
rudder pedals, thereby avoiding inadvertent application of the toe
brakes. When braking is needed, slide your feet up and, with the
ball of each foot, apply the toe brakes as required. To brake the
aeroplane while taxiing in a straight line, the toe brakes should be
applied evenly.
Wind Effect
The flight controls should be held in a position to avoid either the
tail or a wing being lifted by a strong wind.
When taxiing into a strong headwind, hold the control column
either neutral or back. This holds the elevator neutral or up, and
the tail down, and takes the load off the nosewheel.
When taxiing with a strong tailwind, hold the control column
forward to move the elevator down. This stops the wind lifting
the tailplane from behind.
* Wind
A crosswind will t1y to weathercock the aeroplane into-wind because
of the large keel smfaces behind the main wheels. Using the 1udder
pedals, especially if nosewheel steering is fitted, should provide ade-
quate directional control, but, if not, then use differential braking.
To avoid a crosswind from ahead lifting the into-wind wing,
raise its aileron by moving the control column into-wind.
head wind Left
quartering~\ )!Vind
headwind ~
Lett . ,
quartering ~ '- ~i nd
tailwind ~
Left #wind
tail wind
Taxiing Rules
Taxiing frequently occurs on crowded tarmac areas and taxiways.
Five si1nple rules understood and followed by all pilots make life
easier for everybody.
1. Regardless of any A TC (Air Traffic Control) clearance, it is the
duty of the pilot to do all possible to avoid collision with other
aircraft or vehicles.
2. Aircraft on the ground must give way to aeroplanes landing or
taking off, and to any vehicle towing an aircraft.
3. When two aircraft are taxiing and approaching head on or
nearly so, each should turn right.
4. When two aircraft are taxiing on converging courses, the one
that has the other on its right must give way, and should avoid
crossing ahead of the other aircraft unless passing well clear.
5. An aircraft which is being overtaken by another has right of
way. The overtaking aircraft must keep out of the way by
turning left until past and well clear.
If in any doubt - STOP.
l-J1 ~ 3.
'-' ~ •. •
The onus
' ' .....--....
~. isonyou!
4. This pilot has+,
right of way
◄------- • =fl 5. This pilot has
right of way
Although the pilot is ultimately responsible for the safety of the
aeroplane on the ground regardless of who gives guidance, taxiing
guidance on a tarmac area may be given by a marshaller. Some of
the basic signals are illustrated below, but you should only follow
them if you consider it safe to do so.
On a crowded tarmac area or in very strong winds, it may be pref-
erable to have wingtip assistance from experienced personnel, or to
shutdown the engine and move the aeroplane by hand or tow-bar.
• the compass and direction indicator should decrease in heading;
• the turn coordinator or turn indicator should indicate a left
turn; and
• the balance ball should show a skid to the right: "Turning left,
skidding right." (The attitude indicator should stay level.)
• the compass and direction indicator should increase in heading;
• the turn coordinator or turn indicator should indicate a right
turn; and
• the balance ball should show a skid to the left: "Turning right,
skidding left." (The attitude indicator should stay level.)
5 - Taxiing an Aeroplane 75
Failure of Steering
As for brake failure, consider applying differential braking to avoid
obstructions. When the aircraft is stopped call for assistance. Do
not attempt to taxi the aeroplane.
The Manoeuvre
Before commencing to taxi, have a reasonable idea of the path that
you will follow to the take-off position, taking note of the surface
and the position of other aircraft. If required, obtain a taxi
clearance from ATC by radio. Ensure that tie-down ropes and
chocks have been removed before releasing the parking brake.
Test the brakes shortly after the aircraft starts to roll. Maintain
a suitable taxiing speed for the conditions and avoid using power
against brake (unless a high idling speed is required for better
engine cooling). Cross ridges and small ditches at an angle,
avoiding long grass and rough ground, and have an escape route in
mind in case of brake failure. On the taxiing run, check the
1udder and flight instruments for correct operation.
Once the aeroplane is stopped, the parking brake should be
applied and the engine set to idling speed.
Maintain a good lookout ahead and to either side. Follow the
accepted taxiing rules and do not blast debris back over your
aeroplane, other aeroplanes or into hangars.
Operate the throttle and brakes smoothly so that there are no
sudden stops, starts or turns. Do not use power against brakes and
maintain a listening watch on the radio if appropriate.
Airwork 5
Taxiingan Aeroplane
1. To Commence Taxiing
Look out:
• Survey the area around the aeroplane for obstructions and other aeroplanes. Consider
the taxiing surface.
• If permission to taxi is required at your airfield, obtain this by radio prior to taxiing.
• Loosen the throttle friction nut and reduce the power to idle.
• Releasethe parking brake.
Moving off:
• Parking brake released.
• Apply sufficient power with the throttle to get the aeroplane moving forward .
• Reduce the power to idle and gently test the brakes.
• Apply sufficient power to recommence taxiing .
• Reduce power as necessaryto maintain a safe taxiing speed (a fast walking pace).
Exercise 6a
Flying Straight and Level in Balance
at Constant Power
To fly straight and level in balance using a constant power setting.
Flying straight means maintaining a constant heading, and this
can be achieved by holding the wings level with the ailerons, and
preventing any yaw with rudder.
Flying level means maintaining a constant altitude, which can
be achieved by having the correct power set and the nose held in the
correct attitude. Altitude is displayed in the cockpit on the altin~eter.
Balancedffightmeansthat Steady, straight and level balanced flight, coordinated and in
the balanceballis trim, is desirable for both comfort and good aeroplane
maintainedin the central performance. Accurate straight and level balanced flying is one
sign of a good pilot.
_1 • --- • - -- - - --- -::::
.. - • - -_
--=~ -
-- ·-=- - ......:::::
■ Figure6a-3 Reduction in ,pro,pwash reduces downward force on
tailplane (but not as much for T-tails)
Aeroplane Stability
Stability is the natural or inbuilt ability of an aeroplane to return
to its original attitude following some disturbance (such as a gust)
without the pilot taking any action. An inherently stable
aeroplane will return to its original condition unassisted after
being disturbed, and so requires less pilot effort to control than an
unstable aeroplane.
60 - FlyingStraightand Levelin Balanceat ConstantPower 79
3 Aerodynamic
erodynamic force
■ Figure6a-4 Longitudinal stability following an uninvited nose-up pitch
Centre of
<( Moment
arm a arm b
Smaller restoring moment
Uninvited yaw
aerodyn CG
l i
....... - : .,.. __ f .... ~
Highkeel surfacesand A disturbance in roll will cause one wing to drop and the other
wingdihedralprovide to rise. The lift force will be tilted, causing a slip sideways towards
lateralstability. the lower wing. If the aeroplane has high keel surfaces, such as
the fin and the side of the fuselage, then the airflow striking them
in the slip will tend to restore a wings-level condition.
If the wings have dihedral (a design feature in which each wing
is inclined upwards towards the wingtips), the lower wing is
presented to the airflow at a greater angle of attack in the slip
sideways, thereby generating a greater lift force which tends to
restore a wings-level condition.
Sideways component
Weight of relative airflow
The wingsgenerate lift. The main wings are designed so that the airflow speeds up over
their upper surface, creating a lower static pressure and an upward
aerodynamic force. The vertical component is known as lift and
the component parallel to the flightpath is called induced drag
(inducedbecause it is the byproduct of the production of lift).
The lifting ability of a particular wing - known as the
coefficient of lift (Ct) - depends on both the shape of the wing
and its angle of attack. (The angle of attack is the angle at which
the relative airflow strikes the wing.)
~ - ~
Lift Uft
Wing tip vortices t
Wing tip vortices
cause drag pressure pressure cause drag
- -1- -1- -
+ + + + + + + +
Higher pressure Higher pressure
To fly straight and level and obtain the required lift to balance
the weight:
• at low speed, a high angle of attack is required; and
• at high speed, a low angle of attack is required.
l Same lift
Low High
Large Small
angle of attack angle of attack
w Same weight w
■ Figure6a-10 The li~ing ability of the wings depends on the
angle of attack
Angle of Attack
Backward movement of the control column raises the nose of the The pilotcontrolsangleof
aeroplane. Because of the aeroplane's inertia (i.e. its resistance to attack with elevator.
any change in the flightpath), the aeroplane will continue in the
same direction at the same airspeed for a brief period, but with an
increased angle of attack. The wing will generate lift
and the aeroplane will start to climb.
60 - FlyingStraightand Levelin Balanceat ConstantPower 83
Same airspeed
Control wheel
Elevator /
Relative airflow Increased
angle of attack
Powerplus attitude Power plus attitude determines the performance of the
determinesaeroplane aeroplane in terms of:
• airspeed; and
• rate of climb (which is, of course, zero for straight and level
Flying straight and level with constant power set, there will be
a particular pitch attitude for straight and level flight. If the nose
is too high, the aeroplane will climb; if the nose is too low, the
aeroplane will descend.
How do you know that you have set the correct pitch attitude?
Because the aeroplane maintains altitude! You can observe this on
the altimeter, with the vertical speed indicator (VSI) as a backup
instrument indicating any tendency to deviate from the altitude.
Left wing down Right aileron to correct Wings level; controls neutral
Balance is achieved by keeping the balance ball centred. If it is Keep the balance
out to the left, more left rudder pressure is required; if it is out to ballcentred.
the right, more right rudder pressure is required.
The rudder trim (if fitted) should be used to remove any
rudder pedal foot pressures.
Flying Level
The essential element in maintaining height is to establish the Establishthe correct
correct nose attitude for the power set. The external reference is nose attitude for the power
the natural horizon, which should appear at a particular position setting.
in the windscreen relative to the nose cowl or the top of the
instrument panel.
6a - FlyingStraightand Levelin Balanceat ConstantPower 85
■ Figure 6a-14 With cruise power set at cruise speed, maintain height
with elevator
The relationship between the horizon and the nose cowl will
differ for different pilot eye-heights in the aeroplane, so you
should establish a comfortable seating position and use it for every
flight. This will make it easier to commit to memory the correct
attitude for normal cruise. Then, with cruise power set at cruise
speed, you can place the aeroplane in this attitude and be
reasonably certain that level flight will result. This can be
confir:gied on the altimeter and vertical speed indicator.
• If the pitch attitude is too high and the aeroplane climbs,
lower the nose slightly and regain the desired altitude.
• If the pitch attitude is too low and the aeroplane descends,
raise the nose to regain the altitude.
• Then reselect a new nose-level attitude, monitoring the
altimeter to ensure that the chosen (datum) altitude is main-
tained. Therefore, the sequence to maintain .a datum altitude is
to select-hold-adjust nose attitude, then retrim.
Maintaining heading and height perfectly is almost impossible. Flyas accurately
There will inevitably be some deviations but these can be as possible.
corrected so that the aeroplane flies very close to the target
heading and height. More comfortable flight results from
continually making small corrections rather than occasionally
making large ones.
Keep the aeroplane in trim to make accurate level flight easier,
the correct procedure being to hold the desired attitude and then
trim off any steady control pressure.
Do not fly with crossed controls. It is possible to fly straight
and level with one wing down and the aeroplane out of balance.
For example, if the left wing is down, right rudder can be applied
to stop the aeroplane turning left. This is neither comfortable nor
efficient and is known as a sideslip or flying with crossedcontrols(since
the ailerons and rudder oppose each other). It degrades
performance by increasing drag and results in a reduced airspeed
and/ or a higher fuel consumption.
t Direction of flight
An out-of-balance
flight condition is frequently caused by a false
or poor horizon - for instance when the wings are aligned with a
sloping cloud base and rudder pressure is applied to suppress the
subsequent yaw (turn). Such out-of-balance conditions (crossed
controls) can be eliminated by moving the balance ball back into
the centre with rudder pressure and flying straight with the use of
ailerons towards a nearer ground reference point.
■ Figure 60-16 Nose high and turning left - level the wings first, then
lower the nose. Nose low and turning left - level the wings, then
raise the nose
Your eyes should be out of the cockpit most of the time to:
• look out for other aircraft above, below and to either side;
• check the correct nose position relative to the horizon;
• check the reference point on the horizon.
An occasional glance into the cockpit lasting only one or two
seconds is sufficient to cross-check relevant instruments. Only
look at the instruments from which you need information.
Yourwork cycleshouldbe: Maintain firm, positive and smooth control over the aeroplane
•Lookout and keep it well trimmed. This will decrease your workload
• Attitude considerably. Do not allow large deviations from the desired
• Instruments
altitude, heading or airspeed to occur. Small and subtle
movements of the controls, made sufficiently early, will avoid this,
and these small movements are preferable to occasional large
Follow the basic Rules of the Air:
• Give way to airships, gliders, balloons and aircraft towing
gliders or banners.
• Give way to the right and avoid passing over, under or ahead
of other aircraft unless well clear.
• Turn right if there is a danger of a head-on collision.
• Remain well clear of cloud.
Airwork 6a
Straightand Levelin Balanceat ConstantPower
• Look out.
• Select a horizon reference point on which to keep straight.
• Keep the wings level with the ailerons .
• Prevent yaw with rudder pressure .
Airwork .6a
3a. If the Aeroplane Tends to Climb
• To regain the desired altitude, select a lower nose attitude in order to descend
(and reduce power if necessary).
Then hold nose attitude slightly lower than previously with elevator:
allow airspeed to settle;
- check altimeter and vertical speed indicator.
• Trim off elevator pressure for the new attitude .
Airmanship: Lookout, location, intro to cruise checks (fuel, mixture, temperatures and pressures, carburettor heat). ::::sCl)~...,.OQ
0.. 0 Ci P"' ::::r
,....... H, P"' (1) ,...
Air Exercise: Revise Effects of Controls Part 2 and Trim. Set Power (cruise) __ to_ rpm. (I) ........
P"' ~ ::::s -
'=:I") ~
,....... (I) ;:: 0 -·
• H ti)
>< ~ crq 8 :!'I
Wings level - coaming level with the Select a sensible pitch attitude. Out-of-balance flight condition can be (I)
H (1) ~
,....... ...,.,..,.:::I
Ci H ('I) ._.. """
horizon and establish a reference Hold the attitude. caused by a false horizon. ._.. Ci Cl) 0 u,
~ ~- Cl) ::::s
point. • (I) 0 Ci
Trim the elevator. Demonstrate a gross out-of-balance ...,. ::::s 0
Prevent yaw. Check altimeter for level flight. flight condition. 0 '-< ::::s
0 ...,.
To maintain or regain reference Adjust pitch attitude if required. Demonstrate a slight out-of-balance
cr" C
('I) H
point flight condition. ~ ..... 0..
To maintain level flight 0 ::::s .....
Use about 5° bank. ~ ;:q.::::s
Look out. ::::S H ~
t-3 0
::r-' H
>:1 0 H
~ C (I)
~ ~
P"' t-c:t
Raise or lower the nose attitude Centre the ball with rudder and t::! ,....... I
p 0.. ~
(small amount). t-c:t .....
maintain straight flight with ailerons. ,.......0 crq
(1) C P"'
When datum regained, reselect level Ci C ...,.
attitude. 0 ..... cr"
::::s ::l.
(I) (I)
If error more than ±100 ft consider H .-,. O')
P"' ::::s
using power. ~ (I) C!C/
Exercise 6b
FlyingStraight and Level in Balance
at a Selected Airspeed
To fly the aeroplane straight and level at a selected airspeed.
Straight and level flight can be maintained over a range of speeds
- from a high-speed cruise to low-speed flight just above stalling
speed. While a normal cruise or high-speed cruise is suitable for
cross-country flying, manoeuvring in the circuit in preparation
for landing requires a low speed.
* Cruising flight not possible •
High power
at high cruise
at these very low speeds
Medium power
High power for nor~al speed
at low cruise Minimum
speed Maximum speed :
a;;_ __ ..,. ______
speed________ ....,.. ___
straight and level-==.-: AIRSPEED__._.
:.._ ___
Once the aeroplane has accelerated or decelerated to the target
airspeed, the power is adjusted to maintain it. Subsequent
Since the lift generated by the wings depends on both the angle As airspeedincreases,
of attack and the airspeed, the lift will increase as the airspeed lower the nose to maintain
increases and, unless the nose is lowered, the aeroplane will start height.
to climb.
If the speed is decreasing, then the lift will decrease and the As airspeed decreases,
aeroplane will lose height unless the nose is raised. raise the nose to maintain
◄ ..
High thrust required; Less thrust required High thrust required;
high angle of attack low angle of attack
■ Figure6b-2 Maintain straight and level flight with ,power and attitude
Any changes in power and/ or attitude will require a trim change.
Set the power, hold the desired attitude, and trim off any steady
control pressures.
Maintain a good lookout. Be positive in achieving the desired
airspeed and height. Maintain them! Constant attention to power
and attitude is required.
6b - FlyingStraightand Levelin Balanceat a SelectedAirspeed 93
Airwork 6b
and Levelin Balanceat a SelectedAirspeed
Aim To ~y straightand levelat a selected airspeed.
Remember P-A-T:power-attitude-trim.
There are sound reasons for maintaining certain selected airspeeds;
for example, when the maximum range for a given quantity of fuel
is desired.
Different airspeeds straight and level require different power Totaldrag,and thrust
settings. The thrust must balance the drag, which (like lift) required,va,y with
depends on airspeed and angle of attack. At high airspeeds the airspeed.
drag is high; at medium speeds it is somewhat less. This is because
the parasite drag decreases as airspeed decreases - the parasite
drag being similar to the air resistance that you feel on a bicycle.
What is different with an aeroplane, however, is that, unlike a
bicycle (which is supported by the ground), an aeroplane in flight
must generate its own support, i.e. lift. A by-product of the
production oflift by the wings is induced drag, and this is greatest
at high angles of attack, i.e. at low airspeeds. As a result, the total
drag is high when the aeroplane is flying slowly.
Indicated airspeed 60 knots Indicated airspeed 90 knots Indicated airspeed 120 knots
A high power is required at both low and high airspeeds for the
drag to be balanced. At intermediate speeds, the power require-
ment is less. The rate at which fuel is consumed depends on the
power set, and an important aspect in operating an aeroplane effi-
ciently is to obtain the maximum benefit from the fuel available.
Best-endurance Best-range
airspeed airspeea Airspeed
Best rangeis achievedat Referring to the best range airspeed as shown on the graph
the airspeedwherethe above, the rate effuel consumptiondepends on power. The rate ef
power/speedratiois /east.coveringdistanceis the speed.
Therefore the ratio of Juell distancewill be the same as the ratio
Best enduranceis achieved of power/speed, and so the minimum fuel consumptionfor a given
at the airspeedwhere
distance(i.e. the best range) will occur at the airspeed where the
powerrequiredis least.
power/speed ratio is least, as illustrated above.
The line from the origin to any other point on the graph has a
steeper gradient, i.e. the power/speed ratio is greater and so more
fuel per mile will be burned.
Exercise 6c
Cruisingwith FlapExtended
To fly the aeroplane straight and level at a selected airspeed with
flap lowered.
Cruising with an early stage of flap extended is desirable when
you wish to fly at a low speed: for example, when inspecting a
prospective precautionary landing field or when greater
manoeuvrability is required.
Because the lifting ability of the wings is increased as the flaps Avoidballooningwhen
are extended, a lower nose attitude will be required to maintain loweringthe flaps.
height. If the nose is not lowered as the flaps are extended, the
aeroplane will 'balloon'.
Trailing-edge flaps
extended here
Trailing-edge flaps extended together
with a change in the pitch attitude
■ Figure6c-1 A ~balloon' can be avoided by lowering the nose as flaps
The flaps should not be operated at high speeds, since this Onlyextendflapswhenthe
places unnecessary stress on the airframe. The maximum flap airspeedis in the
extension speed (VpE)is the high-speed end of the white band on flap-operating
the airspeed indicator.
A low nose position improves the forward view from the
cockpit - very useful, together with the low speed, when you
want to inspect a potential landing field.
6c - Cruisingwith FlopExtended 97
Flaps extended
Airwork 6c Part(0
The Effect of usingFlap
(a) Establishthe normal level flight (b) Lower first stage of flap, holding pitch
attitude. attitude constant.
• Wings clean (flaps up). • The aeroplane gains some height
• Airspeed below V FE (high speed (due to the wing's increased
end of white arc). lifting ability).
• And slows down (due to the
Leave the power constant
increased drag).
throughout the operation.
___ <a_)~-~(~b)--------~-
6c - Cruisingwith FlapExtended 99
(c) To illustrate the pitching tendency (d) To illustrate the pitching tendency
when lowering the flaps, remove your when raising the flaps, once again
hands from the control column temporarily remove your hands from
(although normally you never do this). the control column.
Lower flap in stages ( using a firm, Raisethe flaps fully in one selection
steady movement if the flaps are (an incorrect procedure not used in
manually operated). normal operations).
• Note the pitching tendency . • Note the effect. (There will most
likely be a strong pitching tendency,
Trim for the desired attitude.
accompanied by a height loss.)
Re-establish the normal level flight
attitude and retrim.
NOTE In normal flap operations you will control any unwanted pitching tendency
when flap is changed with pressure on the control column.
(c) Lower the nose to maintain (d) Lower the rest of the flaps in (e) Raise the flaps in stages and
height and retrim. stagesand maintain height by maintain height by raising
lowering the nose; retrim the nose; retrim after each
• Notice the lower nose
after each flap selection. selection.
position and lower
airspeed. • Notice the lower • Note the higher
airspeed asthe extra drag airspeed resulting from
slows the aeroplane. the reduced drag.
Airwork 6c Part(i)
The Effect of UsingFlap
3. Using Flaps to Allow Safe Flight and to Improve Forward Vision
(a) (b)
6c - Cruisingwith Flap Extended 101
Airwork 6c Part(0
(c) Reduce airspeed to a figure just less (d) Increase speed (by applying power)
than the clean stalling speed (i.e. to and raise the flaps in stages,
below the green arc on the ASI). retrimming after each selection.
Maintain height with power.
Do not raise the final stage of flap
• . The aeroplane can fly quite until you are above the 'clean' stalling
comfortably at lower airspeeds speed (low speed end of green arc).
with flaps extended compared to
when the wing is 'clean'.
--~-(-c) -~---~--
Airwork 6c Part(iO
with FlapExtended
2. To Raise Flap
• Check that the airspeed is suitable.
• Raisethe flaps in stages, holding the nose in a higher attitude to
prevent 'sink' and maintain height.
• Adjust power to maintain desired speed .
• Trim off elevator pressure.
NOTE In a go-around situation, when you want to discontinue an approach,
apply full power first, before altering the flap position.
Flying Training 103
Exercise 7
To enter and maintain a steady climb on a constant heading and
to level off at a particular height.
The Forces in a Climb
For an aeroplane to climb steadily the thrust must exceed the drag,
otherwise it would slow down and the nose would have to be
lowered to maintain airspeed. The thrust in excess of that needed
to balance the drag is called the excess thrust.
In a climb, the vertical component of the excess thrust supports
a small part of the weight and the lift generated by the wings
supports the remainder - hence the surprising result that lift is
less than weight in a steady climb.
Angle of \
climb \..- Component of W to oppose L
, at 90° to flightpath
....-'51Component of W to oppose (T - D)
w ..__ along flightpath
Powerplusattitudeequals The power applied and the attitude of an aeroplane determine its
performance. performance in terms of:
• airspeed; and
• rate of climb.
The power in a cli1nb is usually greater than that used for the
cruise and for many training aeroplanes is in fact maxinmm
power. The greater slipstream effect striking one side of the tail in
a climb will have a yawing effect, especially at low airspeeds.
Counteract the yawing tendency with rudder pressure and keep
the aeroplane in balance.
Left yaw tendency 4E:.■
~ ~--~··· -•·~~~
/ ··-.\ Clockwise
:. I propeller
\ / rotation
In a climb, the usual balance rule applies. If the ball is out to the
right, for example, move it back into the centre with right rudder
pressure. Most training aeroplanes have a propeller that rotates
clockwise when viewed from the cockpit (see Figure 7-3).
As climb power is applied, a coordinated increase in right
rudder pressure will maintain the aeroplane in balance. Some
aeroplanes have a rudder trim, which may be used to relieve
steady foot pressures in the climb (and at any other time).
7 -Climbing 105
■ Figure7-4 The climb attitude is higher than the normal cruise attitude
. ' Altimeter
Stea~y climb •. • · Altitude increasing
airspeed • ,, ,,
Rate of climb
Engine Considerations
During a climb using high power the engine is producing more Ensurethat the engine
heat energy than at lesser power settings. The lower airspeed is adequatelycooledduring
reduces the air cooling of the engine, so there is a risk of overheat- a climb.
ing and the pilot must ensure that sufficient cooling is taking place.
The engine instruments should be monitored periodically in
the climb and, if the engine temperature is too high, better
cooling may be achieved by:
• increasing airspeed; or
• reducing power; and
• opening the cowl flaps (if fitted).
It is usual to climb with the mixture fully RICH, because excess
fuel, as it vaporises, has a cooling effect in the cylinders;
Climb Speeds
The pilot can sacrifice some airspeed for a higher rate of climb (or Thereare variousclimb
vice versa). The choice of airspeed on the climb depends on what speeds to achievedifferent
the pilot wants to achieve. It may be: types of climb.
• a steep angle of climb to clear obstacles (best-angle climb, Vx);
• a rapid climb to gain height quickly (best-rate climb, Vy);
7 - Climbing 107
gained in a
given time
Max angle ,
. 0
• Max Iate
er climb
----------------- \;,
~ Normal
Airmanshipis lookinga~er Ensure that the engine is adequately cooled during the high powerI
the enginein a climb,and low airspeedclimb. The mixture should be set to RICH before power
keepinga good lookout- is increased.
especiallyunderthe nose.
Clear the area and maintain a continuous lookout. Clear the
'blind spot' under the nose every 500 ft or so in the climb. Do not
climb too close to clouds, and do not fly into clouds (unless you
are instrument-rated and in a suitably equipped aeroplane).
Be aware of the nature of the airspace above you. For example,
do not inadvertently climb into controlled airspace without a
clearance to do so from ATC. Follow correct altimetry procedures
- normally the Regional Pressure Setting is set during training so
that the altimeter reads altitude above mean sea level. However, if
flying below an overlying portion of controlled airspace (a CT A
or a TMA), aerodrome QNH should be used to ensure correct
separation from aircraft operating in the lower areas of the
controlled airspace above you.
Exert firm, positive and smooth control over the aeroplane.
Airwork 7
1. Prior to Entry
(3) ~~
Ina climbmaintain
airspeedwith elevator
2. Entry to a Climb
Look out.
P - mixture rich;
- increase to climb power;
- balance with rudder.
A - raise nose to climb attitude;
- allow airspeed to reduce and
adjust attitude to achieve
desired speed (check ASI).
T - trim off steady elevator
1. Set climb power.
2. Select climb attitude.
3. Trim.
7 -Climbing 111
Airwork 7
(4) A-P-T
1. Select cruise attitude
and accelerate.
ooe VSI
Rate of climb
3. Trim
Climb Performance
The curve below shows the power that is required for an
aeroplane to maintain straight and level flight at various airspeeds.
If the engine can provide power greater than this, then the
aeroplane is capable of climbing at that airspeed. Power is the rate
at which energy is supplied, so the best rate of climb will be
achieved at the airspeed at which maximum excess power is
0 Vy Airspeed
exoes thrust
0 Airspeed
.Exercise Sa
The Glide
To enter and maintain a steady glide and to level off at a particular
A descentwithoutpower is An aeroplane may be descended in two ways:
calleda glide.
1. In a glide, where engine power is not used and the pilot
accepts the resulting rate of descent; or
2. In a powered descent, where power is used by the pilot to
control the rate of descent.
A small 0
A lower LID ratio
component Clean
of weight to \
counteract drag 1
' \
X laps down
/increased drag)
w A larger · \
component of \
weight is required\
to countera.ctthe \
increase drag w
■ FigureBa-1 The forcesin a glide
G:liding Range
Changing the angle of attack with the control column changes the Maximum glide range is
airspeed and the lift/ drag ratio. This will have a significant effect achievedat the speedfor
best li~ldrag. Low drag
on the glidepath. A typical training aeroplane, flown at the best
means a shallowerglide.
gliding speed, can achieve a lift/ drag ratio of about 10: 1. Flown at
the wrong airspeed, the lift/ drag ratio will be significantly less and
consequently the glidepath will be steeper.
No wind 1 over the
FigureBo-3 Compared to still air, more ground is covered when gliding
with a tailwind and less with a headwind
Cockpit Controls
Mixture Control
It is usual to move the red mixture control to FULL RICH (i.e. fully Move the mixturecontrol
in) before commencing the descent, so that the mixture is not too to RICH for a glide.
lean when power is reapplied at a lower level where the air is
denser. An excessively lean mixture can cause detonation that is
very damaging to an engine.
Carburettor Heat
The usual clues of carburettor ice forming (reduced rpm and Set carburettorheat to HOT
rough running) may not be evident because of the low engine for the glide.
speed in a glide. Power, when it is needed, may not be available.
Consequently, during the glide the carburettor heat should be set
to HOT to prevent the formation of carburettor ice (but it must be
the carburettor heat knob that is pulled right out and not the
mixture control!).
Selecting carburettor heat HOT prior to closing the throttle is a
good practice so that some hot air passes through the induction
system before the engine goes to idle. Done in the reverse
sequence, there may be sufficient time after closing the throttle for
ice to form before HOT air is selected. Discuss the correct
technique for your aeroplane with a flying instructor.
Once the mixture and carburettor heat are attended to, the power Reducepower,and control
can be reduced by smoothly pulling the throttle out. Full move- airspeedwithelevatorand
ment of the throttle should take about the same as a slow '1-2-3' balancewithrudder.
count. The reduced slipstream effect will require rudder to
balance and prevent unwanted yaw. The tendency for the nose to
drop too far will require back pressure on the control column.
Ba - TheGlide 119
To Level Off
Anticipate by about 10% of the descent rate, e.g. at 600 ft/min
RoD, start increasing the power (mixture should already be rich,
throttle smoothly forward to cruise rpm, carburettor heat COLD)
60 ft above the desired level and then commence raising the nose.
Allow the nose to gradually pitch up to the cruise attitude.
The yawing and pitching effects of adding power should be
counteracted with rudder pressure and forward pressure on the
control column to stop the nose rising too far. Once the cruise
speed is achieved, trim.
Ba- The Glide 121
To ChmbAway
To climbawayfrom Climbing away hardly differs from levelling off, except that you:
a descent,such as in • smoothly apply full power (mixture RICH, a silent '1-2-3' for
a go-around,P-A-T correct timing, carburettor heat COLD); there will be a greater
'pitch/yaw' tendency which you can counteract with pressures
on the rudder and control column;
• hold the higher pitch attitude for climb, maintaining climb
airspeed; and
• trim.
Airmanshipis knowing Maintain a high visual awareness and clear the area under the nose
exactlywhereyou are in every 500 ft or so in the descent. Maintain a listening watch on
the air,and keepinga good the radio if appropriate.
Remain very conscious of your height above the ground when
descending. Set the altimeter subscale correctly so that you can
level off exactly at the desired altitude. QNH will normally be
set in training so that altitude above mean sea level (amsl) is
If the level-off height is to be below 1000 ft agl, engage the fuel
pump to ON (if fitted).
Airwork Ba
Aim To enter and maintaina steady glideon a constant headingand to leveloff at a particular
Clearing turn
1. Prior to Descent to look out
• Decide on a gliding speed.
• Select a reference point
• Look out
2. To Commence a Glide
Look out
P - power off: mixture RICH, throttle CLOSED ( carburettor heat HOT);
- balance with rudder;
- maintain nose attitude and allow speed to reduce to chosen gliding speed.
A - (when speed reached) lower nose to glide attitude;
- maintain airspeed with elevator.
T - trim.
Airwork Ba
ASI Altimeter
Monitor airspeed, and Monitor
3. To Maintain the Glide control it with elevator descent
• Look out - make clearing turns if necessary.
• Maintain:
wings level with ailerons;
balance with rudder pressure;
airspeed with elevator. •o•
• Monitor engine instruments and warm
engine periodically.
Remember: look out-attitude-instruments (LAI).
oo• VSI
Monitor descent
(4b) P-A-T
the Glide
p - ■ 1. Set power.
apply climb power (as in step 4a).
A- set climb attitude.
2. Set attitude .
T - trim. ·■ 3. Trim.
Exercise 8b
The Powered Descent
To control the rate of descent and the flightpath using power,
while maintaining a constant airspeed.
The Forces in a Powered Descent
If power is applied in a descent, the resulting thrust will balance Thepitchattitudefora
some of the drag. Consequently, the component of weight acting powereddescentisnotas
along the flightpath need not be as great for the same airspeed to lowas forthe glide.
be maintained. The pitch attitude will be higher and the rate of
descent less, resulting in the descent being shallower.
Component of
weight acting
along flight path
t ',,
- ♦ ~~~~~~-o• \
T \\ '\
\ \
\ \
■ FigureBb-1 Adding power flattens the descent
Power plus attitude equals performance. The performance
achieved by an aeroplane depends both on the power selected and
the attitude. To alter the rate of descent and the flightpath, while
maintaining a constant airspeed, both power and attitude must be
adjusted - power with the throttle and attitude with the control
column. This is precisely what happens on a normal approach to
land and on a cruise descent.
Bb - The PoweredDescent 125
The cruise descent is used to save time, say at the end of a long
cross-country flight, by commencing descent to the destination
airfield from the cruise level some miles out, by reducing the
power slightly and lowering the nose to maintain the same speed
as on the cruise.
Take positive action to achiev the d sired airspeed and rate of Afrmanshipis posiuvely
d c nt. If on approach to land, firmly control the airspeed and controlling
the flightpath. andairspeed.
Consider the engine. Warm it periodically on a prolonged
descent and use the carburettor heat as required.
Maintain a good visual awareness.
8b - The Powered Descent 127
Airwork 8b
The Powered Descent
Powercontrolsrate of descent.
The rate of descent will increase (monitor VSI and altimeter), and the descent flightpath will
steepen (closer ground aiming point).
Exercise Be
Use of Flapin the Descent
To use flap to steepen the descent.
Flaps, Drag and Glide Angle
Extending the flaps causes a small increase in lift and a greater Flapsincreasedragand
proportional increase in drag, i.e. the L/D ratio is decreased. If steepentheglidepath.
maintaining a constant airspeed in the glide, the flightpath will be
progressively steeper following the extension of each stage of flap.
In a glide, /1
clean ~-
In a glide \
with flaps ~
extended d \
,. , ~ .......____
Steeper descent \
/~ with flaps extended
■ FigureBc-1 Flaps steepen the glide
Nose Attitude
The increased drag as the flaps extend requires a lower pitch Withflapextended, a
attitude if airspeed is to be maintained. The lower nose position lowernoseattitudeis
affords a better view through the windscreen in a flapped descent. required.
This is a significant advantage, especially on an approach to land.
The greater the flap extension, the lower the nose position.
The desired airspeed is maintained by adjusting the pitch
attitude with elevator, trimming off any steady control column
Be - Use of Flapin the Descent 129
New aiming
- "" point on ground
much closer
with flap
Stalling Speed
Flap lowers the Extending the flaps alters the shape of the wing and increases its
stalling speed. lifting ability. The stalling speed is reduced and so safe flight at a
(slightly) lower airspeed is possible, retaining an adequate safety
margin above the stall.
Flyingthe Manoeuvre
Extending the Flaps
With the aircraft established in a normal descent, check that the
airspeed is below VFE (i.e. in the white band). Extend the flaps in
stages as required, holding the desired pitch attitude for each stage
of flap and controlling the airspeed with elevator. Trim.
The more flap that is extended, the lower the required nose
position. Retrimming will be required after each stage of flap is
extended to relieve control column pressures. If the original
Do not exceed the maximum speed for flap extension (VpE)and Airmanshipis ffyingthe
do not raise flap at airspeeds below the 'clean' stalling speed. aeroplanewithin its
Fly the aeroplane smoothly as flap is extended or raised; hold
the desired pitch attitude, changing it smoothly as required when
the flap position is changed.
Be aware of your airspeed.
Avoid ballooning as flap is lowered, and avoid sinking as flap is
Be- Use of Flapin the Descent 131
Airwork Be
Use of Flapsin the Descent
Approachflap extended-
steeper descent
~ I
~..:-, i"
Landing flap extended -
an even steeper descent
Maximum -----VFE
speed with
flaps extended
Airwork Be
Repeat for each stage of flap until full flap To recover back to a climb
is extended. Note:
• Apply full power
• A lower nose attitude is required to (carb heat cold, prevent yaw).
maintain a constant airspeed. • Select the desired climb attitude for
• Improved forward visibility. the flap that is set, then raise the flap
• Increased rate of descent. in stages, retrimming after each
This is similar to an approach to land. • Resumethe climb, then return to the
normal level flight attitude.
NOTE Increasing and decreasing power In other words, control the rate of
with flap selected will also increase and descent with power and control the
decrease the rate of descent. The airspeed with elevator.
elevator is used to change the pitch
A good understanding of this exercise is
attitude (nose attitude relative to
vital preparation for flying the base leg
horizon through windscreen) and
and final approach of the landing phase.
therefore changes or maintains the
Bd - The Sideslip 133
Exercise 8d
The Sideslip
To increase the rate of descent and steepen the descent flightpath
at a constant airspeed by sideslipping using 'crossed controls' and
without using flap.
What is a Sideslip?
The sideslip is an out-of-balance flight condition. In days gone by,
it was mainly used to steepen the glide without gaining airspeed
in aeroplanes not fitted with flaps. A sideslip is an especially
valuable manoeuvre when too high on an approach to land in
such aeroplanes. Nowadays, of course, flap is generally used to
increase the steepness of the flightpath.
When an aeroplane is banked using the ailerons alone, it will
slip towards the lower wing and (due to its large keel surfaces,
especially the fin) the nose will yaw towards the lowered wing.
This yaw can be prevented by applying opposite 1udder
(sometimes referred to as 'top rudder'). If the bank is to the left,
right rudder would be applied - the greater the bank angle, the
greater the opposite rudder.
A sideslipis flownwith The aeroplane will be out of balance with the balance ball on
crossedcontrols. the low wing side. You will have 'crossed controls' - the control
column one way and the rudder the other. This is a sideslip.
Pitch attitude and airspeed control can be maintained with back
pressure on the control column, but do not rely heavily on the air-
speed indicator since it may not give a reliable reading due to the
unusual airflow around the pitot tube and static vent(s) in a sideslip.
Aircraft Limitations
The sideslipping manoeuvre is restricted for some aeroplanes
when flap is extended. This is to avoid high rates of descent
developing and situations where the elevator and rudder, which
Sideslippingis not an
approvedmanoeuvrefor all
To Maintain a Sideslip
To maintain the sideslip, maintain the bank angle with ailerons
and control the heading with opposite rudder. The greater the
bank angle and rudder used, the steeper the flightpath. Airspeed
is controlled with the elevator, but bear in mind that the airspeed
indicator may be unreliable.
Maintain a good visual awareness of other aircraft and your
proximity to the ground due to the very high descent rates. Do
not sideslip in non-approved configurations.
8d - TheSideslip 135
Airwork Bd
Throughoutthe manoeuvre
look out for other aircra~.
Exercise 9'a
The Medium Level Turn
To fly a medium level turn at constant power.
What is a Medium Level Turn?
A medium level turn is a turn performed:
• at a constant height; with
• a medium angle of bank (30° or less);
• at constant power; and
• in balance.
Apart from the medium level turn, other turns which you will
master in the course of your training are:
• climbing turns;
• descending turns;
• rate 1 turns (a rate of turn to achieve 360° in 2 minutes);
• steep turns (banl<-"11gle45° or greater).
Angle of attack
increased to
maintain altitude
Maintaining Altitude
Tilting the lift reduces its vertical component, which will result in To maintainaltitudein a
a height loss unless the pilot increases the lift generated by the /eve/turn,you must apply
wings. Applying the correct amount of back pressure on the back pressure to increase
the lift.
control column as the aeroplane is banked increases the angle of
attack, and thus the total lift, so that the vertical component of lift
continues to balance the weight.
Airspeed tends to decrease in a turn, due to increased drag. The Airspeeddecreases in
lift is increased by increasing the angle of attack, which also results a turn.
in increased induced drag. As a consequence of this increased
drag, the aeroplane will tend to slow down, usually by 5 kt or so
in a medium level turn. At normal flight speeds, this small
airspeed loss at medium bank angles is acceptable.
Stalling Speed
The stalling speed increases in a turn. The wings are at a higher Stallspeed increasesin
angle of attack in a turn than when the aeroplane is flying straight a turn.
at the same speed. They carry an extra load (i.e. they generate
increased lift) and so experience a higher load factor. The
stalling angle will therefore be reached at a higher speed in a turn
than when straight and level. It is about 7% higher in a 30° banked
tum, increasing a stall speed of 50 kt to 54 kt.
For medium level turns at normal flight speeds, the small drop
in airspeed (due to the increased drag) still allows an adequate
speed range for safe flight above the new and slightly increased
stalling speed.
Bank Angle
Estimate the bank angle using the natural horizon. A specific
bank angle can be flown quite accurately by estimating the angle
between the nose cowl of the aeroplane and the natural horizon.
9a - TheMedium LevelTum 139
Pitch Attitude
The pitch attitude is higher Lift is increased in a turn by applying back pressure on the control
in a levelturn. column to increase the angle of attack. For this reason, the nose
attitude of the aeroplane will be higher in a level turn than when
flying straight and level.
Estimating the correct pitch attitude against the natural
horizon requires a little experience, especially if you are flying in
a side-by-side cockpit, as is the case in most modern training
aeroplanes. The pitch attitude for a given bank angle and airspeed
will be correct if the aeroplane neither gains nor loses height.
By pressuring the rudder ball back into the centre with the
appropriate foot, the nose of the aircraft (and the tail) is yawed so
that the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane is tangential to the turn.
The rudder ball will be in the centre and the turn will be
balanced. You will feel comfortable in the seat and not as though
you are slipping down into the turn.
If the tail tends to skid onto the outside of the turn, the rudder
ball (and you) will also be thrown to the outside. If the ball is out
to the left, use left rudder pressure to move it back into the centre.
Pilot thrown
to outside of turn
Turning Performance
The two aspects of turning performance are:
• the rate at which the heading changes; and
• the radius of the turn (its 'tightness').
Turning performance increases at steeper bank angles.The
steeper the bank angle (for a constant airspeed), the better the
turning performance - the rate of heading change increasing and
the radius of turn decreasing as bank angle is increased.
Same speed,
different bank angle,
different radius of turn
For example, the required bank angle for a rate 1 tum at 120 kt
is 120-:- 10 = 12, plus 7° = 19° ofbank.
If the airspeed indicator (ASI) is calibrated in statute miles per
hour (mph) the formula is modified to: 1/lo of the airspeed in mph,
plus 5°. For example, the required bank angle for a rate 1 turn at
120 mph is 120 -:- 10 = 12, plus 5° = 17° ofbank.
The estimate gives you a target bank angle to achieve a rate 1
tum, which can be verified in the turn by checking either:
• the tum coordinator (or tum indicator); or
• the direction indicator and clock combined.
9a - The Medium Level Tum 143
Thereis a tendencyto The higher speed of the outer wing in a level turn will create extra
overbankin a levelturn. lift on that wing, which tends to increase the bank angle. There
is no need for you to be particularly conscious of this - simply
maintain the desired bank angle using the control column.
reduced Distance bis greater than a in
the same time :. higher speed
:. more lift
Reference Point
While scanning for other aircraft, you can note visible landmarks Select a referencepoint on
helpful for orientation (i.e. knowing where you are). Select a whichto rollout.
landmark as a reference point on which to roll out following the
turn. Anticipate the desired heading by commencing the roll-out
about 10° prior to reaching it, since the aeroplane will continue
turning (although at a decreasing rate) until the wings are level.
Height constant
No rate of climb
or descent
In balance
Heading increasing
The Controls
Control bank angle ROLL INTO THE TURN with a coordinated use of'stick and rudder'.
with ailerons. Apply bank with ailerons and balance with same-side rudder
pressure (keeping the ball in the centre). Back pressure on the
control column will be needed to maintain height, which can be
checked on the altimeter and VSI. Estimate the bank angle against
the horizon, checking it on the attitude indicator if desired.
Hold altitude with elevator. To MAINTAIN THE TURN, control the bank angle with ailerons,
balance with rudder and height with elevator. Do not forget to
look out for other aircraft. If gaining height, either the bank
angle is too shallow or the back pressure is too great - increase
Note noseattitudes relative bank angle and/ or lower the nose. If losing height, either the
to the horizon.
bank angle is too steep or the back pressure is insufficient -
decrease bank angle and/ or raise the nose. The sequence of events
during a turn is LAI: lookout-attitude-instruments.
Keep the baff centred with KEEP IN BALANCE using rudder pressure. Rolling right requires
rudder pressure. more right rudder pressure, rolling left requires more left rudder
pressure. Thereafter, the balance ball indicates the precise balance
of the aeroplane during the manoeuvre - if the ball is out to the
right, more right rudder is needed (and vice versa). Aim to keep
the ball centred throughout the turning manoeuvre .
Slipping turn Balanced turn Skidding turn
Pilot slips into turn- Pilot skids out of turn-
more right rudder required too much right rudder has
to balance the turn been applied
Remain aware of landmarks and keep yourself orientated with Airmanshipis scanningthe
respect to the airfield. Your aeroplane will be changing heading in sky beforebeginninga
a turn, so maintain a good lookout.
Since a constant power will be set, you can concentrate on
placing the nose just exactly where you want it on the horizon.
Become familiar with these attitudes for both left and right turns.
Do not trim in the turn since it is only a transient manoeuvre.
Develop an awareness of balance and use rudder pressure to keep
the ball in the centre at all times. Aim for smoothly coordinated
use of controls.
9a - The Medium Level Tum 147
Airwork 9a
The Medium LevelTurn
1. Prior to Entry
• At desired height and airspeed.
• In trim. START
• Look out for other aircraft. HERE
Exercise 9b
The ClimbingTurn
To change heading while climbing at a constant airspeed.
The Forces in a Climbing Turn
The forces in a climbing turn are similar to those in a straight
climb except that, because the lift is tilted to turn the aeroplane,
its contribution to supporting the weight is reduced. The result is
a decreased climb performance (reduced rate of climb) if airspeed
is maintained.
............ . ............................... 1.:···················· .. . ..... ...................
~ .
Tilted lift force
:f angle -of attack}
Reducedvertical "'"._,.,.....,,, I
..•·• ...............
.. componentcauses. I
~WJHii~ a reduced rate
of climb
TURN provides the
w w W turning force
Rate of Climb
The rate of climb depends on the excess power, i.e. the amount The rate ofclimb
of power available in excess of that required to overcome the drag. decreases in a
climbing turn.
Tilting of the lift and the increased drag in a climbing turn reduces
the excess power available for climb performance. The result is a
decreased rate of climb in a turn, as indicated on the vertical speed
indicator and the altimeter.
The steeper the bank angle in a climbing turn, the poorer the Umit the bank angle
rate of climb. To retain a reasonable rate of climb, the bank angle in a climbing turn.
Climb performance depends on the correct climb speed being Maintain airspeed in a
flown with climb power set. For many training aeroplanes, climb climbing turn by lowering
power is maximum power, so the tendency to lose airspeed cannot the nose.
be overcome by adding extra power (since there is no more). To
maintain the correct climb speed in a tum it is therefore necessary
to lower the nose.
9b - The ClimbingTurn 149
There is a natural tendency for the nose to drop too far as bank
is applied in a climbing turn, but this can be checked with slight
back pressure on the control column. Hold the desired pitch
attitude with elevator and monitor the airspeed with an occasional
glance at the airspeed indicator.
Slipstream Effect
Keep the ball centredwith Most aeroplanes are designed so that slipstream effect is balanced
rudderpressure. at cruise speed with cruise power set. Climbs are carried out ,vith
high power at an airspeed less than the cruise, with the result that
steady rudder pressure is usually required to balance the slipstream
effect on the tail.
The usual rules for maintaining balance apply, no matter what
the manoeuvre involved, i.e. move the balance ball back into the
centre with same-side rudder pressure. The balance ball tells you
which rudder pressure is needed.
Controlbank angle The higher speed and greater angle of attack of the outer wing in
with ailerons. a climbing turn creates a tendency for the bank angle to increase.
Aileron may have to be held off in a climbing turn, but this will
occur naturally as you monitor the bank angle against the horizon.
L increased
Larger angle
Gain in of attack
Limit the bank to 15-20° and maintain a constant airspeed with
elevator. Exert firm, positive and smooth control over the aero-
plane. Maintain a lookout.
9b - TheC/imbi(]gTum 151
Airwork 9b
The ClimbingTurn
Aim To changeheadingwhile climbing at a constant airspeed.
withelevatorand acceptthe lowerrate ofclimb.
1. Prior to Entry
• Aeroplane at desired climbing speed
with climb power set
HERE • In trim.
• Look out for other aircraft.
• Select reference point for roll out
NOTE Trim is not used during this
transient manoeuvre.
Exe,rcise 9c
Part (i)
The GlidingTurn
To enter, maintain and roll out of a gliding turn, while
maintaining airspeed.
The Forces in a Gliding Turn
The forces acting on an aeroplane in a gliding turn are similar to
those in a straight glide, except that the aeroplane is banked and
the lift is tilted.
\.. - L
• ••• •••••••••• Lift less than weight •••••••• ••••••••••.. • •••••• .. • • .....Tiiiect·····. ·--·;s····••·••···················
... lift force : : ~/
~~ -------- 1
I •
ning ... ' ___ I·... : .. Reduced
. vertical
• component
causes an
Inward component rate of descent
provides the
turning force
w w w
Maintainairspeedin a The increased drag in a turn will tend to decrease airspeed, so, to
glidingturn by loweringthe maintain the desired airspeed in a gliding turn, the nose should be
nose. held in a lower attitude.
As in all turns, there will be a tendency for the nose to drop,
requiring back pressure to stop it dropping too far. Simply hold
the attitude that gives the desired airspeed. For side-by-side
cockpits, the position of the nose cowl relative to the horizon will
differ for left and right turns.
■ Figure 9c-2 Entering a gliding turn, lower the nose to maintain airspeed
Rate of Descent
The rate of descent in a Tilting of the lift in a gliding turn, and the lower nose position to
glideincreasesin a turn. maintain airspeed, result in an increased rate of descent and a
steeper flightpath. The steeper the turn, the greater the effect, so
be careful near the ground!
Limit the rate of descent in a gliding turn by restricting the
bank angle. In a gliding approach to land, the turn to join final
500 ft above aerodrome level (aal) should be flown at about 20°
and certainly should not exceed 30°.
Hold desiredbank angle Two effects tend to cancel each other out in descending turns,
with aileron. both when gliding and when using power. They are:
• an overbanking tendency due to the outer wing travelling
faster; and
• an underbanking tendency due to the inner wing 1n a
descending turn having a higher angle of attack.
' \
.... ✓
Loss in
Slipstream Effect
Most aeroplanes are designed to be in balance and require no Keepthe ballcentredwith
rudder pressure when cruising. In a glide (in which there is no rudderpressure.
slipstream effect) rudder pressure may be required for balance, i.e.
to keep the balance ball in the centre.
For an aeroplane fitted with a propeller that rotates clockwise
as seen from the cockpit, the lack of slipstream effect in the glide
will require steady left rudder pressure. If the aeroplane has a
rudder trim, then make use of it to relieve this steady pressure.
Normal balance rules apply. If the ball is out to the left, apply left
rudder pressure. Left rudder pressure should be increased when
rolling left in a descent and decreased when rolling right.
Engine Temperature
As in a normal straight glide, apply power from time to time if the Keepthe enginewarmin a
gliding turn is prolonged. This will keep the engine and its oil prolongedglide.
supply warm and clear any spark plug fouling that may have built
up while the engine was idling in the glide.
Airmanshipis keeping Maintain a good lookout - especially important in any turn. Be
a goodlookoutin aware of your altitude, since descent rates in descending turns can
descendingturns,and be high. Maintain airspeed with elevator and exert firm, positive
beingveryawareof your
heightabovethe ground.
and smooth control over the aeroplane. There is no need to trim,
since the turn is a transient manoeuvre.
Throughout thismanoeuvre
acceptthe higherrate ofdescent.
9c - DescendingTurns 157
Part (ii)
The Descending Turn Using Power
To alter heading in a descent at a constant airspeed with a
controlled rate of descent.
Descent Performance
Therateof descentcanbe A descent may be either a glide with the throttle closed, or a
withpower. powered descent in which power is used to control both the rate
of descent and the flightpath.
Descent performance is controlled by power and attitude -
control airspeed with the elevator and the rate of descent and
flightpath with power. The nose attitude in a powered descent is
higher compared to that in a glide at the same airspeed.
Flyingthe Manoeuvre
Establish the aircraft in a powered descent at a steady airspeed and
a specific rate of descent (e.g. 300 ft/min) using power as required,
with the wings level and in trim.
Enter the turn normally, adding power to maintain the desired
rate of descent and controlling airspeed with elevator.
The steeper the bank angle in a descending turn, the greater
the additional power required to keep the rate of descent constant.
To reduce the rate of descent and flatten the descent path:
• add power; and
• raise the nose to a slightly higher attitude to maintain airspeed.
To increase the rate of descent and steepen the flightpath:
• reduce power; and
• lower the nose to a slightly lower attitude to maintain
Rolling out of the turn, gradually reduce the power to
maintain the desired descent rate and adjust the pitch attitude to
maintain the airspeed.
Aim To alter heading in a descent at a constant airspeed, with a controlled rate of descent.
Part (iii)
The Descending Turn with Flap Extended
To alter heading in a descending turn with flap extended.
Flyingthe Manoeuvre
Turning with flap extended is a very common manoeuvre when
making an approach to land. Flying with flap extended:
• allows the required lift to be generated at a lower airspeed;
• reduces the stalling speed, making slower flight and shorter
landing distances possible;
• requires a lower nose attitude for the same airspeed.
A descending turn with flaps extended is flown exactly the
same as a clean descending turn except that the nose position is
lower. Because such manoeuvres are made during the approach
to land it is important that suitable airspeeds and rates of descent
are maintained. In general, do not exceed 30° bank angle.
As in all turns:
• maintain the bank angle with ailerons;
• maintain balance with rudder pressure;
• maintain airspeed with elevator; and
• (if desired) control rate of descent with power.
Part (iv)
Sideslippingin a DescendingTurn
To lose excess height in a gliding turn at a constant airspeed by
sideslipping the aeroplane in the turn using crossed-controls.
NOTE Refer to the Pilot's Operating Handbook to determine if
sideslipping is an approved manoeuvre for your particular
aeroplane type and, if so, in which configurations. For instance,
some aeroplanes are not to be sideslipped with flap extended
because of the disturbed airflow around the wings.
Slippingcan steepen The rate of descent and the steepness of the :flightpath can be
the flightpath. increased dramatically by sideslipping, while the airspeed is kept
constant. This manoeuvre is especially useful in an aeroplane not
fitted with flaps when too high on approach to land.
Only sideslip in approved aeroplanes and configurations (refer to Airmanshipis beingaware
your Pilot's Operating Handbook). of yourheightabovethe
Be aware that high rates of descent and steep flightpaths can ground.
result from sideslipping, so allow sufficient height to recover
balanced flight at the end of the manoeuvre.
9c - DescendingTums 163
3. To Cause a Sideslip in a
Gliding Turn
• Look out.
• Apply rudder opposite to the direction of
• Maintain bank angle with aileron.
• Maintain airspeed with elevator (a lower
nose attitude).
• Control rate of descent with bank angle and
E.xercise 9d
Turning onto Selected Headings
To turn onto a selected magnetic heading using:
1. The direction indicator; or
For example:
A turn from 090°M to
300°M is 150°.
Time seconds.
on clock 150° at rate 1 (3°/sec)
= 50 seconds.
Exercise 1Oa
Slow Flying
Note thatyourinstructorTo develop an awareness of the aeroplane's handling characteristics
mayprefer to sequence at abnormally low airspeeds, and to return the aeroplane to a safe
stalling(Ex.1Ob)before flying speed.
the slowflyingexercise.
Slow Flight
Slowflyingis anawareness This exercise is designed to provide exposure to flight at
exercise. abnormally low airspeeds so that the pilot can:
• recognise an inadvertent approach to the stall;
• experience how the aeroplane handles at an abnormally low
airspeed; and
• take recovery action by returning the aeroplane to a safe
flying speed.
The exercise also provides handling practice for those brief
periods of low airspeed that do occur in normal flight, when the
aeroplane is accelerating to climbing speed immediately after lift-
off, and during the landing flare as the airspeed decreases prior to
Power Handling
At normal cruising speeds, higher speeds require higher power
settings. Also, any minor speed variations due to gusts will
automatically correct themselves in the normal flight range - a
slight increase in speed causing a drag increase that will slow the
aeroplane down.
Maximum speed
/ Speed for best endurance straight and level -........_ AIRSPEED
1 I
I •
1 Thelower the steady, The higher the steady speed,
,speed, the higher the 1 the higher the power required
• power required
~ Unstable -:------- Speed stable -----------.-
In the slow flight range the situation is reversed, i.e. the lower the The slowerthe steady
speed, the higher the power required. This is because at low speeds a speed you wantto
high angle of attack is needed to produce the required lift, greatly maintain,the more power
you require.
increasing the induced drag. The increase in total drag will slow the
aeroplane down unless power is applied. The lowest steady speed that
can be maintained by an aeroplane may be limited either by the max-
imum power that the engine/propeller can deliver, or by the stall.
In the slow-speed range, the aeroplane is not speed stable
because an airspeed loss due to a gust will result in an increase in
total drag which will slow the aeroplane down further (and con-
tinue to do so) unless the pilot takes corrective action by adding
power. An airspeed gain, conversely, will reduce the total drag and
the aeroplane will accelerate unless the pilot reduces power.
Control Effectiveness
At low airspeeds, the controls will feel 'sloppy' and less effective. The effectivenessofthe
Large control movements may be required to obtain the desired flightcontrolsdependson
the airflowoverthem.
response. Since the elevator and rudder are in the propeller
1Oa - SlowFlying 169
Airmanshipis flying the Exert firm, positive and smooth control over the aeroplane, being
aeroplaneaccuratelyand prepared to make large and prompt power changes when
positively,especiallyat the
criticallyslow air-speeds,
and keepinga good
Maintain airspeed in level turns at a low airspeed with the use
lookout of additional power. Coordinate the use of power/ elevator/
Monitor the engine instruments to confirm adequate cooling
of the engine at the high power and low airspeed.
Maintain a safe height above ground level and obstacles if the
slow flying is associated with low flying.
Remember that a continuing lookout is important in all phases
of visual flight. Weave the aircraft regularly because the higher
nose attitude may preclude forward and downward vision.
Airwork 10a
-~-(1_> __ ·~---~-(2_> __
Add power to maintain airspeed
Look out
in a low-speedturn.
Level flight
Exercise 1Ob
To recognise the stall, and to recover from it with a minimum loss
of altitude.
What is Stalling?
Stallingoccurswhen the Streamline flow over the wings breaks down and becomes
critical angle of attack is turbulent when the critical (or stalling) angle of attack is
exceeded. This causes:
of airspeed.
• buffeting (shaking or shuddering) of the aiiframe, felt through
the controls;
• a marked decrease in lift, resulting in sinking;
• rearward movement of the centre of pressure (through
which the lift acts), resulting in the nose dropping;
• a marked drag increase.
Stalling will occur whenever the critical angle of attack is
exceeded, irrespective of airspeed. The only way to recover is to
decrease. the angle of attack (i.e. relax the back pressure and/ or
move the control column forward).
Straight and level Descending
50 knots AS
16° angle
of attack
The pilot can increase the angle of attack (and reduce airspeed)
by pulling the control column back. This happens in many
manoeuvres such as:
• establishing slow flight;
• turning (especially steep turns);
never-exceed speed
(maximum speed for all Vso
operations) stalling speed,
landing gear down,
flaps lowered,
power off
stalling speed,
VNO __J,..--,r:::; landing gear up
maximum structural (if retractable},
cruising speed flaps up, power off
(for normal operations)
• norma1operating
maximum speed, flaps extended
The published stalling speeds are only a guide, since stalling Treatpublishedstalling
always happens at the same angle of attack and not the same speedsas a guideonly.
indicated airspeed. Turns, pulling out of dives and contaminated
wing surfaces (e.g. frost or snow) will increase the stalling speed;
high power and decreased weight will reduce it.
1Ob- Stalling 175
The Ailerons
Be carefulusingailerons A dropping wing can normally be 'picked-up' by moving the
nearthe stall. control column in the opposite direction. This causes the aileron
on the dropping wing to deflect downwards, increasing the angle
of attack, and producing more lift on that wing. If the wing is near
the stalling angle, the aileron deflection could cause the critical
angle to be exceeded on that wing and, instead of rising, the loss
of lift would cause the wing to drop further. With any yaw, a spin
could develop.
Normal flight
■ Figure10b-3 Near the stall, use of aileron may not pick-up the wing
The Rudder
Near the stall, any tendency for the aeroplane to yaw can be
prevented with opposite rudder.
Stall Recovery
To recover from a stall reduce the angle of attack by moving the Stallrecoveryrequires
control column centrally forward (releasing the back pressure may decreasingthe angleof
be sufficient) until the buffet or stall warning stops. attack.
Once the wings are unstalled buffeting ceases, the airspeed
increases, and the aeroplane can be eased out of the slight dive
back into normal flight. The altitude loss will be of the order of
200 ft. Power can be added to regain or maintain altitude,
otherwise flying speed should be maintained in a glide.
1Ob- Stalling 177
Altitudelossduringa stall Altitude loss during the stall can be minimised with power.
can be minimisedwith Adding power is not required to recover from the stall; however,
altitude loss will be minimised if full power is applied as the
control column is moved centrally fo1ward (back pressure is
released) and the nose is lowered. Recovery can be achieved with
a altitude loss of less than 50 ft.
After Stalling
Avoid entering a secondary Following stall recovery, ease the aeroplane into normal flight by
stall during a stall recovery. gently raising the nose and applying power as the nose passes
through the horizon.
The ine1tia of an aeroplane causes it to follow the original flight-
path for a brief time before the change in attitude and resulting
change in forces move it into a new flightpath. Pulling the nose up
too sharply during the stall recovery may not give the aeroplane time
enough to react and ease out of the dive, but may merely increase the
angle of attack beyond the stalling angle again. A secondary stall will
be induced, and a second recovery from the stall will be necessa1y.
Initial stall
Attempted pull-up;
secondary stall
■ Figure 1Ob-6 Raising the nose too sharply during recovery may induce
a secondary stall
~ ~1---~~·
X. .,
Stalled attitude
Unexpected stalls should never occur. Airmanshipis never
Carry out the HASELL check (page 179) prior to practising stalls allowinga stallto develop
and stall recovery.
but knowinghow to
Exert smooth, but firm and positive control over the aeroplane. recover,just in case.
Be particularly conscious of any other aircraft in the vicinity,
your height above ground level and the area over which you are
flying. Ensure that stalling is only practised at altitude. Note
landmarks and the direction to the airfield. Maintain a high visual
10b-Stalling 179
H Height
Sufficientto recoverby 3,000 ft aboveground level.
A Airframe
Flapsand landinggear as desired,brakes off, in trim.
s Security
- hatchesand harnessessecure;
- no loosearticlesin the cockpit ( extinguishers,tie-downkits, etc.);
- gyroscaged (if necessary).
E Engine
- normal engineoperation;
- fuel contentsand selectionchecked(fullest tank selected,fuel pump on if
- mixture and carburettorheat as required.
L Location satisfactory
- away from controlledairspace,towns,active aerodromesand other
aircraft, and in visualconditions.
L Look out
- make an inspectiontum (usually 180°, or 2 x 90°) to clear the
area around and below you. Beginthe manoeuvreimmediatelyon
completionof the clearingtum.
Airwork 10b
TheStandardStalland RecoveryProcedure
Practisestallsin various
Flapped,poweron Recognise the actual stall:
Climbing,descending and turning • nose drop
• sink rate
1Ob- Stalling 181
Airwork 10b
4a Stall Recovery without Power
• Move the control column centrally forward to unstall the wings.
• Prevent yaw or further yaw with rudder .
• Level wings with aileron if necessary.
• Attain safe flying speed.
• Resume normal flight and regain altitude as required.
Height loss approximately 200 to 300 ft.
~ .. - (3) Stall
. -
(4a) Recovery
without power
4b. Standard Stall Recovery with Power (SSR)
• Move the control column centrally forward to unstall the wings.
• Add full power- throttle smoothly FULLYOPEN (carb heat COLD) .
• Prevent yaw or further yaw with rudder .
• Level wings with aileron if necessary.
• Attain safe flying speed and regain altitude .
Should the wing not drop at the point of stall, maintain aircraft balance on
application of power with rudder.
Height loss approximately 50 ft.
Wing Surface
If ice, frost, insects or any other contaminant is on a wing or if the Contaminatedor damaged
wing -is damaged (especially its upper leading edge), the airflow wingsincreasestalling
could become turbulent at a lesser angle of attack than normal. speed.
Stalling will then occur sooner and at a higher airspeed. Always
check the surface condition of the wings (especially the upper
leading edges) in your pre-flight inspection.
1Ob- Stalling 183
______ ...___.,___
- .----------- w w
■ Figure10b-9 Increased wing loading (g-factor) means increased
stall speed
Stalling in a Turn
Acceleratedstalls- at a Back pressure on the control column increases the angle of attack
higherstallingspeed than and may cause a stall. Since the load factor is increased in a turn,
straightand level- can the stall will occur at a higher speed than in straight and level flight
occurwiththe higher
g-loadingin manoeuvres
- by how much depends on the g-loading. Stalls at a higher speed
suchas turns. than normal are called accelerated stalls.
Follow the standard recovery of moving the control column
centrally forward (relaxing the back pressure may be sufficient),
and when the wings are unstalled, use coordinated rudder and
ailerons to roll the wings level. Apply power as required and
resume the desired flightpath.
stalling speed will be lower. The increased drag will cause the
aeroplane to decelerate more rapidly when power is reduced and
the lower speed may make the controls feel very 'sloppy'. Also,
the changed distribution of lift on the wings may cause a greater
tendency for a wing to drop.
With flaps extended, the nose attitude will be lower in each
phase of flight, therefore stalling will occur at a lower pitch
attitude than when 'clean'.
The recovery from a stall with flaps extended is standard.
Altitude loss can be minimised by applying full power as the
control column is moved centrally forward, but be prepared to
hold forward pressure on the control column so that the nose does
not rise too far with the strong pitch-up moment that full power
produces. Do not use ailerons to roll the wings level until the
wings are unstalled. If full flap is used, a climb-away may be
difficult unless some flap is raised once a safe speed is attained.
Power-On Stalls
With power on, the propeller creates a slipstream over the inner
sections of the wings which may delay the stall. This will occur at Powerdecreases
a higher nose position. The slipstream makes the elevator and the stallingspeed.
rudder more effective, but not the ailerons. The increased airflow
may delay the stall on the inner sections of the wing - the stall
occurring first on the outer sections, perhaps leading to a greater
wing-dropping tendency. Standard recovery technique is used,
1Ob- Stalling 185
J~------ ---- - - - _ _ __ _ _ 1 Greater
w weight
---- ---- ------
■ Figure10b-11 Stalling speed is less at lower weights
Thepositionof the CGis
shownin diagramswith
a centroidsymbol: S,
tre of
gravity (CG)
Exercise 11a
Incipient Spins
To recognise the onset of a spin and recover before a full spin
Incipient spin means the beginning or onset of a spin. It is, if you
like, a recovery from a spin before the spin actually occurs - with
a minimum loss of height.
While spinning is not permitted in many training aeroplanes,
the incipient spin is. Recovery should be made before the wings
go through a bank angle exceeding 90°.
Airwork 11a
The IncipientSpin
Aim To recognisethe onsetofa spin and recoverbefore a full spin develops.
~~ 7 \ ·,.'-,.~-~
2. Recovery Procedure
As the spin commences, simultaneously:
• move the control column to the central position (sufficient to unstall the wings); and
• centralise the rudder.
When the rotation has stopped (ailerons and rudder held in neutral position):
• level the wings with coordinated use of ailerons and rudder; and
• apply maximum power and regain altitude (see note below) .
. the wings
NOTE If the nose has dropped steeply below the horizon, close the throttle, move the
control column to the central position(ailerons and rudder held neutral). When rotation
has stopped, level the wings, ease out of the dive, then regain lost altitude with power.
11b - FullSpins 189
Exercise 11 b
To enter, maintain and recover from a fully-developed spin
(provided it is an approved manoeuvre for the aeroplane).
NOTE This exercise is not mandatory.
What is a Developed Spin?
A spin is a condition of stalled
flight in which the aeroplane
describes a spiral descent.
As well as the aeroplane
being in a stalled condition,
one wing is producing more
lift than the other (caused by a
roll at low speed). Greater drag
from the stalled lower wing
results in further yaw, further
roll, etc., etc. Pitching of the
nose may also occur.
The aeroplane is in motion
about all three axes. In other
words, lots of things are
In a spin, the aeroplane is:
• stalled·
• rolling;
• yawing;
• pitching;
• sideslipping; and
• rapidly losing height, even
though the airspeed may
not be increasing.
NOTE In a developed spin the
aircraft is also acting as a
gyroscope. Therefore mass ■ Figure11b-1 The spin
distribution will have an effect
on the form the spin takes and
how easily it will recover.
In a spin the wings will not produce much lift, since they are
stalled. The aeroplane will accelerate downwards until it reaches
a vertical rate of descent where the greatly increased drag balances
the weight. The height loss will be rapid as the aeroplane spins
downwards about the vertical spin axis.
Characteristics of a developed spin include a low indicated air- A well-flownspin will
speed (which does not increase until recovery action is initiated) not stressa properly
certificated aeroplaneany
and a high rate of descent. A vital part of the spin recovery is to
more than a normal stall.
unstall the wings by moving the control column centrally forward
(which reduces the angle of attack), and to build up flying speed.
Spin Rotation
If the aeroplane adopts a higher nose attitude and the spin flattens: The flatnessofthe spin
• the rate of rotation will decrease; and determinesthe rate
• the rate of descent will reduce (due to increased drag from ofrotation.
the higher angle of attack).
A spinning ice-skater moves her arms in and out from her body
to alter the rate of rotation. The same effect occurs in an
aeroplane. In a steep nose-down attitude, the mass of the
aeroplane is close to the spin axis and the rate of rotation is high.
If the spin flattens, some of the aeroplane's mass is distributed
further from the spin axis and the rate of rotation decreases.
Spiral Dives
Do not confusea spin A manoeuvre that must not be confused with a spin is the spiral
(stalled)with a spiraldive dive, which can be thought of as a steep turn that has gone wrong.
(not stalled). In a spiral dive the nose attitude is low, the wing is not stalled, the
airspeed is high and rapidly increasing and the rate of descent is
high. Because the wing is not stalled, there is no need, in the
recove1y from a spiral dive, to move the nose forward. Spiral dives
are considered in Section 15 on Advanced Turning.
Practising Spins
During your first spin, you will probably be a little overcome by
the sensations and not really know exactly what is happening.
After a few practice spins, however, you will become reasonably
comfortable and the whole manoeuvre will seem to slow down
enough for you to recognise the characteristics, count the turns,
recognise landmarks and so on.
■ Figure11b-3 The spin as you first see it, and as you will see it
\ \
\ \
\ •
• Relative airflow
Misuse of Ailerons
Misuse of ailerons Trying to raise a dropped wing with opposite aileron may have the
can causea spin. reverse effect when the aeroplane is near the stall. If, as the aileron
goes down, the stalling angle of attack is exceeded, instead of the
wing rising it may drop quickly, resulting in a spin. This is the spin
entry technique on some aircraft types.
Control wheel to right
but aeroplane rolls left
"I L---i
Flight near the stall
Use of Power
Powermay destabilisean At the incipient (early) stage of a stall, having power on may cause
aeroplanebefore a greater tendency for a wing to drop, which could lead to a spin.
and during a spin.
Once the aeroplane is in a spin, power may destabilise it as the slip-
stream will tend to flow across the outer wing, increasing its lift and
consequently increasing the rate of roll. If power is applied, the
entire spin manoeuvre may be speeded up or flatten and slow down.
It is essential, therefore, to remove power by closing the throttle
either before or during the spin recovery.
The ffaps should be raised The flaps tend to decrease the control effectiveness of the elevator
for spinning. and rudder and so should be raised either before or during the
.spin recovery. For many aircraft, practising spinning with flaps
down is not permitted, since the aerodynamic loads on the flap
structure may cause structural failure.
Recognition of a Spin
You can recognise a spin by the following characteristics:
• a steep nose-down attitude;
• continuous rotation;
• buffeting (possibly);
• an almost constant low airspeed;
• a rapid loss of height at a steady rate of descent.
The gyroscopes may topple in a spin, so information from the
attitude indicator will be of no value. Some aircraft have gyro-
scopic instruments (e.g. the AI) which should be caged (locked)
prior to performing any aerobatic manoeuvre in order to protect
Airspeed indicator Attitude indicator Altimeter
low airspeed toppled and useless altitude decreasing rapidly
The precise spin recovery depends on the spin direction. In The turn coordinatoris the
practice, of course, you will know the direction of the spin that best clue to spin direction.
you have induced. In an inadvertent spin, however, where the
direction of spin may not be obvious, it can be obtained from the
turn coordinator indicating left or right. Pay no attention to the
balance ball in a spin. Your outside view of the ground may also
assist you, but the turn coordinator is the best clue to spin direc-
11b- FullSpins 195
Airmanshipis knowinghow Ensure that your aeroplane is certified for spins and that weight
to recoverfroma spin, and balance aspects are correct.
even thoughyou may never Ensure that you know the correct spin recovery technique for
haveto do it.
your aeroplane type (found in the Pilot's Operating Handbook).
The spin is an aerobatic manoeuvre and so the pre-aerobatic
HASELL check should be performed prior to practising. A proper
aerobatic harness should be worn. A thorough lookout is essential
as a spin and recovery will consume a lot of height (possibly 500 ft
per rotation). Commence your practice at a height plus an
allowance that will allow you to recover fully before 3,000 ft
Exert firm control over the spin entry and recovery. You
should fly the aeroplane - not vice versa.
Moving your head during a spin can cause severe
disorientation - it is better to just move your eyes to check inside
and outside the aircraft.
Never spin inadvertently! When climbing away after each spin
recovery, reorientate yourself using familiar landmarks.
Airworl< 11b
Aim To enter, maintain and recoverfrom a fullydevelopedspin
(providedthat it is an approvedmanoeuvrefor the aeroplane).
NOTE Full recovery from the spin should be made before 3,000 ft agl.
--~--===-c1~~J'---~•~~-- ~d4i/' Yaw and
~ wing drop
1. Complete the Pre-Aerobatic ~HASELL,
Check (see page 179)
2. Inducing a Spin
Normal stall entry:
• Power OFF (carb heat HOT).
• Maintain altitude with increasing control back
pressure, wings level, balance with rudder.
Just prior to stall:
• Smoothly apply full rudder in desired direction of
• Hold control column fully back.
3. Maintaining the Spin
• Control column fully back.
• Full rudder in direction of spin. Applyingpower
• Hold ailerons neutral. whilethe noseis still
belowthe horizon Fully
4. Recovery from the Spin willcausea greater ~ de_veloped
• Throttle CLOSED ( check flaps UP). lossofheight. ' spin
• Ailerons neutral.
• Confirm spin direction on turn coordinator.
• Apply full opposite rudder.
• Pause (if required) and move the control column
centrally forward progressively (to unstall wings)
until the rotation stops.
• When rotation stops, centralise rudder and level the ~
• Ease out of the ensuing dive.
Recovery \}l,
• As the nose rises past the horizon, add power (carb
stage ~
heat COLD) and climb away.
.._~ . -__J/1~~
NOTE The spin entry and recovery technique in the Pilot's Operating Handbook for your
aircraft may differ slightlyfrom this procedure. For example, T-tail aircraft may not require a
pause before moving the control column forward. Use the technique recommended for
your aeroplane.
Flying Training 197
Exercise 12
Standard Take-Off and Climb to
Downwind Leg
To take off into wind and climb out in the circuit pattern to
downwind leg.
This manoeuvre involves:
• flying the aeroplane off the ground and clearing any obstacles;
• a climb to circuit altitude; and
• positioning the aeroplane on downwind leg.
The Take-Off
intowind During the take-off, the aeroplane must be accelerated to an air-
if possible. speed at which it is capable of flying. Having a headwind compo-
nent on a runway 'gives' you airspeed even before you have started
rolling. For example, a 10 knot headwind component gives you
10 kt of airspeed over and above the groundspeed on take-off.
Taking off into wind is good airmanship because it gives:
• the shortest ground run;
• the lowest groundspeed for the required take-off airspeed;
• the best directional control, especially at the start of the ground
run, when there is not much airflow over the control surfaces;
• no side forces on the undercarriage (as in a crosswind);
• the best obstacle clearance because of the shorter ground run
and the steeper flightpath over ground;
• the best position in the climb-out from which to make an
into-wind landing straight ahead (or slightly to one side) in the
case of engine failure immediately after take-off.
~ .."'~ ~
Wind Direction
The circuit direction will normally be into wind, since this Alwaysbe awareof the
benefits both take-offs and landings. Knowing the wind, you can surfacewinddirection.
choose the most suitable runway and work out what the circuit
pattern will be. You can determine the wind direction:
• as you walk out to the aeroplane;
• from the wind direction indicator (i.e. the windsock);
• from other clues such as smoke being blown away from a
• by asking Air Traffic Control (ATC), who will advise you of
the (magnetic) direction from which the wind is blowing and
its strength, e.g. 360/25 is a north wind at 25 kt.
Runway Distance
The take-off performance chart should be consulted if you are not Ensurethattherunway
certain that the runway is adequate in all respects. High-elevation is adequate.
aerodromes and high temperatures will increase the runway dis-
tances required, because of the decreased air density which
degrades both engine and aerodynamic performance. Runway
upslope and a tailwind component will also degrade the take-off
Use of take-off flaps shortens the take-off run. Most training aircraft
use either zero flap or an early stage of flap for take-off. Extending
take-off flap increases the lifting ability of the wings, enabling the aer-
oplane to take off at a lower airspeed and with a sho1ter ground run.
Clean takeoff·~
Iii - .. ,.
with flaps
Less distance _. - - • • extended
but less climb _.• - - - - • •
1■ Figure12-2 Flap allows a shorter take-off ground run
Landing flap
--l,,.lt~~ ........
■ Figure12-3 Flap for take-off is less than that used for landing
12 - StandardTake-Offand Climbto DownwindLeg 199
{Left) Downwind
Short Windsock
final CII> Wind
Final J Upwind
Upwind '
Holding points
I (Right) (Right) I
1 Base Crosswind
(Right) Downwind
...... - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - (RIGHT-HAND PATTERN)
- - - - - - ....
■ Figure 12-4 The circuit ,pattern is rectangular
The standardcircuit The circuit is a rectangular pattern, based on the runway in use.
pattern is le~-handed. The standard circuit is left-handed, with all turns being made to
the left. This gives a better view from the captain's seat than turns
to the right. At some aerodromes and on some particular
runways, however, the circuits are right-handed to avoid built-up
areas, high terrain, restricted airspace, etc.
The circuit is referred to the runway on which it is based, e.g.
"join the circuit for 36" refers to the circuit based on Runway 36.
The '36' indicates that the runway heading is somewhere in the
range 355° to 360° to 005°M.
The Legs of a Circuit
Following take-off, climb straight ahead on the upwind leg to at
least 500 ft above aerodrome level (aal).
At 500 ft, commence a turn onto the crosswind leg and
continue the climb to circuit height, which for most aerodromes
is 1,000 ft aal, and level out.
Commence 1 ,
descent 1 , Crosswind
.., ; leg )
', * ...
·,•, •• ···•••·•···•••·•··•••••••••·•·•·•··•••···•·•··•·••••••·••·•••·•••••••··•j••••
t ''- I
. •
. I
•, Wind
While flying in the circuit, you should aim to fly a rectangular Allowfor wind effect in the
pattern over the ground. This means that, on any leg where there circuit.
is a crosswind component, drift should be laid off to compensate
for the wind effect. This is most easily achieved by selecting a
reference point on the ground well ahead of the aeroplane and
making sure that the aeroplane tracks directly towards it.
The wind at circuit height may differ from that on the ground
- simply adjust your heading so that the track over the ground is
12 - StandardTake-Offand Climbto DownwindLeg 201
.Flyingthe Manoeuvre
Before Take-Off
Taxito a suitableposition Taxi towards the runway and position the aircraft clear of the
for the pre-take-offchecks. runway (or in a run-up bay if provided) to carry out your engine
run-up and pre-take-off checks. Ensure that:
• the slipstream will not affect other aircraft;
• a brake failure will not cause you to run into other aircraft or
• loose stones will not damage the propeller or be blown
A suitable position is usually at 90° to the runway, giving you
a good view in either direction, although, in strong winds, it is
better to face into wind. This ensures adequate cooling of the
engine and avoids spurious rpm fluctuations due to wind gusts
during the run-up.
Set the brakes to PARK and set idling rpm (typically 1,000 to
1,200 rpm). This allows the engine to continue warming-up, yet
be adequately cooled.
# ~Windsock
Vital Actions
The pre-take-off check contains vital actions. Set the brakes to
PARK and complete the pre-take-off vital actions. You are just
about to take the aeroplane off the ground and into the air, so it
is vital that everything is as it should be. The pre-take-off check
should confirm this.
S Switches
Magnetos: confirm that there are no aircraft behindyou and run the engine
up (typicallyto 1,800 or 2,000 rpm).
While at high rpm, the carburettorheat can be tested at HOT,which should
causethe rpm to drop by about 100 rpm. Thisindicatesthat the systemis
working,the warm air enteringthe enginebeing lessdenseand causinga drop
in the power produced.An rpm increaseduringthe 10 secondsor so you leave
the carburettorheat HOTindicatesthat carburettorice was present and has
been melted. At the end of this test, return carburettorheat to COLD.The
magnetoscan now be checkedknowingthat the carburettoris free of ice. If you
think carburettorice may re-form prior to take-off, take appropriate action (see
Switchfrom BOTHto LEFr(and note an rpm drop, typicallybetween 75 rpm
and 175 rpm, due to the right magneto systembeing earthed and only the left
spark.plug in each cylinderfiring,then back to BOTH,when the rpm should
return to that set).
Switchfrom BOTHto RIGHT(and note an rpm drop, typicallybetween 75 rpm
and 175 rpm, due to the left magneto systembeing earthed and only the right
spark plug in each cylinderfiring,then back to BOTH,when the rpm should
return to that set).
No rpm drop, a 'dead cut' (i.e.the enginestops firing) or an imbalancein the
two rpm drops (exceeding75-100 rpm) indicatesa problem.
If you inadvertentlygo to OFFwhen testing the magnetos,allow the engineto
stop. An experiencedpilot will be able to keep the enginegoing,but quick
action is needed,otherwisebackfiringand possibledamage could occur.It is no
problem to stop the engineand then restart it again normally.
Closethe throttle and checkrpm (typically600 to 700 rpm); then return to
1,000 or 1,200 rpm.
Other Switches: as required(includingpitot heaters,rotating beacon,if
C Controls: full and free movement.
Carburettor heat: COLD(or as advisedby the Pilot'sOperatingHandbook if
you are in conditionswhere the formation of carburettorice is likely).
Cowl flaps: set for take-off (if fitted);
H Hatches: doorssecure,and no loosearticlesin the cockpit.
Harness: secure,seat firmly lockedin place on the ~oar,passengersbriefed.
Hydraulics: as required(if appropriate).
ATC and Radio Procedures
Consider Air Traffic Control (ATC) and radio procedures before
lining up on the runway. The category of the aerodrome will
determine whether take-off clearances are required. Consider this
and other ATC aspects before entering the runway, checking 'all
clear left' and 'all clear right' along the runway and on final
approach before you do. Aircraft already taking off or landing
have right of way over a taxiing aeroplane.
Torque reaction
_....•········ ······•
\ Clockwise
;" 1 propeller
/ rotation
Li~ the aeroplaneoff When flying speed is reached, take the aeroplane off the ground
the groundwhen you reach with elevator. A gradual backward movement of the control
flyingspeed. column will allow the aeroplane to become airborne when flying
speed is reached.
Climb speed
Acceleration ----~-
Lift-off .... ~----
' ~
■ Figure12-11 When flying speed is reached, Ii'~ off gently with elevator
If you lift off too soon, the aeroplane may not fly and will settle
back onto the ground; if you lift off too late, the wheels and tyres
will have been subjected to extra stress, the airspeed will be
excessive and the take-off will have been unnecessarily
lengthened. Obstacle clearance might also be a problem.
The Climb-Out
Initial Climb-Out
• Look out, both at the horizon to check your attitude and your When airborneand
tracking, and to look for other aircraft. climbing,checkattitude
• Keep the wings level with ailerons. and tracking,and lookout
for othertraffic.
• Maintain balance with rudder pressure.
• With the elevator, hold the nose attitude in the correct
position relative to the horizon for the climb-out, glancing at
the airspeed indicator to confirm that climb speed has been
• Trim.
At a safe height (say 200 or 300 ft aal) raise the take-off flaps (if
used). During the climb following take-off, look out to check
your attitude and to check for other aircraft. Confirm that you
have achieved the desired climb speed and adjust the attitude if
necessary. After the aeroplane has settled into a steady climb, trim-
off any steady control pressure.
The procedure for aircraft that have a fuel pump switched on
for take-off is to switch it off at a safe height (say 500 ft aal). Then
check that fuel pressure remains satisfactory.
NOTE In more advanced aeroplanes with a retractable
undercarriage, the wheels will be raised once a positive climb is
established after lift-off. Most training aeroplanes have fixed
landing gear and so this is not a consideration.
If your Pilot's Operating Handbook calls for an after-take-off
check (with respect to flaps and fuel pump for instance), then it
would be appropriate to perform this check when you are
established in the climb-out (say at about 600 ft aal).
Downwind Leg
At (or approaching) circuit height, check 'all clear' for other traffic
and turn onto downwind leg, selecting a reference point well
ahead on which to parallel the runway. You may be required to
call "Downwind" on the radio as you pass abeam the upwind end
of the runway (i.e. the climb-out end of the runway).
Maintain a good lookout prior to entering the runway and in the
circuit area.
The take-off roll, lift-off and climb-out to circuit height is one
continuous manoeuvre that you should endeavour to fly
smoothly, with firm control over the aeroplane. Hold your
heading accurately, and adjust the pitch attitude to hold the climb-
out speed as closely as possible, but certainly within 5 kt.
Fly an accurate circuit and follow the basic Rules of the Air.
Airwork 12
StandardTake-Offand Climbto DownwindLeg
Aim To take off into wind and climbout in the circuitpattern to downwindleg.
rL ...... Downwind
1. Taxi for
~ 2. Pre-take-off
............' ------
checks. 3. Take-off clearance
if required .
Look out
4. Look out.
- ...
Check runway and 5. Line up on runway centreline;
approaches are nosewheel straight. Select
'all-clear' left and right. reference point straight ahead.
~ Brakes OFF, heels on floor.
Apply full power smoothly.
12 - StandardTake-Offand Climbto DownwindLeg 211
Airwork 12
12. At 500 ft aal. make a climbing tum onto
crosswind leg (bank angle 20° maximum,
maintain climb speed with elevator, and
select a reference point to turn to).
9. Wings level with aileron; Referencepoint
balancewith rudder. Maintain ,,,,.
,,,.well ahead to help
climb attitude with elevator. ,,,,.~ maintaintracking
a'.'~.::~~b attitude.
4. Complete checks
(time permitting).
1. Immediately adopt
the gliding attitude.
1-------Accelerate--------+------- Stop------1
Exercise 1Ja
The Circuit, Powered Approach and
Normal Landing
To continue a normal circuit for a powered approach and landing
into wind.
Continuing from Exercise 12, this manoeuvre involves:
• flying an accurate circuit based on the runway used;
• making a powered descent, an approach; and
• an into-wind landing.
(Left) Downwind
CE> Upwind
(Right) I I .
Base I I Cross-
I wind
(Right) Downwind /
- - - - - - - ,◄◄- - - - - - - - - _...,,,.
■ Figure13a-1 The circuit pattern
Landinto a headwind Landing into wind is desirable because:
if possible. • for a given airspeed on approach, a headwind gives the lowest
• there is no tendency to drift sideways;
• it allows the best directional control both in flight and on the
ground; and
• the landing distance required is least.
Landing Distance
If necessary, consult the landing chart to confirm that the runway Ensurethatthelanding
is adequate for the conditions and aeroplane weight. High distance available
elevations and high temperatures decrease air density and increase is adequate.
the landing distance required, as does a tailwind component, a
downslope, or a contaminated runway.
An engine-assisted approach is the normal procedure, since: Usepowerintheapproach
• you can control the rate of descent and approach flightpath andlanding.
in varying winds;
• the engine is kept warm (ensuring power is available for a go-
around); and
• the change of attitude in the round-out from a powered
approach to the landing attitude is less compared with that for
a glide approach.
Using flap provides: Useflapintheapproach
• a lower stalling speed, thus permitting a lower approach andlanding.
speed while retaining an adequate margin over the stall;
• a steeper flightpath at a given airspeed, because of the
increased drag;
• a lower nose attitude at a given airspeed, providing a better
view of the approach and landing path;
• a shorter hold-off and a shorter landing run because of the
increased drag and the lower airspeed.
NOTE The amount of flap used will depend on the aeroplane and
the wind conditions actually prevailing. In strong and gusty winds
it may be preferable to use less than full flap (possibly no flap at all)
for better controllability and power response. Your flying
instructor will advise you.
Turning Base
A medium level turn from dowhwind onto base leg is made when
the touchdown point on the runway lies approximately 30°
behind. This is the 8 o'clock position from the track of the
aeroplane. In a strong wind, the turn should be commenced
earlier to keep base leg closer to the aerodrome boundary.
Allow for drift on base leg so that the wind does not carry the
aeroplane too far from the field and to maintain the rectangular
circuit pattern. The amount of drift can assist you in estimating
wind strength - the greater the drift angle on base, the stronger
the headwind on final.
~= -
- N=
- 0 Commence
.... descentat any
pointfrom here on
~ I
* Wind '\
0 Turn at
8 o'clock
\, position Look!
'oo__, ___ out I
..,,, .... I
Downwind leg
0 Downwind 8 Pre-landing 8 Observe
radio call checks passing abeam (.,)
(if appropriate) the threshold.
■ Figure 1Ja-2 Positioning in the circuit and turning base
a little experience, you will get a feel for just where to commence
descent to achieve this. Judgement develops with experience.
The availability of power and flap also gives you the ability to
control your descent flightpath as you wish.
Flap for the approach and landing should be used as
recommended in the Pilot's Operating Handbook and as advised
by your flying instructor.
• Reference point
: for tracking
N= +Final--.....,~
'•,,. \J
'"",,,_ I,
I Base
Wind '•,, I leg
'• •,
•.•, I
Commence descent:
• Reduce power
(carb heat as
Final Approach
The turn onto final is a medium descending turn in which you Aimto be linedup on final
should: by at least 500 ~ above
• limit the bank angle to 30° or less, maintaining balance with aerodromelevel.
rudder pressure;
• adjust the bank angle to coincide with the interception of the
runway centreline;
• aim to be lined up on final at or above 500 ft aal;
• maintain airspeed with elevator.
The runway perspective as seen from the cockpit will indicate
whether you are in line with the runway or not. If not, then do
something about it!
If undershooting f
ease off the bank a
Ideally 15° to _
20° bank angle -
maximum of 30°
Wind Effect
Allow for wind effect when A tailwind on base will increase the aeroplane's speed over the
turning f,naf. ground and the turn should be commenced a little early to avoid
flying through final. Conversely, if there is a headwind on base,
the turn onto final can be delayed. If any crosswind exists on final,
then lay-off drift so that the aeroplane tracks along the extended
centreline of the runway, ensuring that the aeroplane is in balance.
Delay the
Wind~ Wind* turn to final
Wind~ Wind*
Begin the
Tailwind Headwind
on base leg on base leg
Runway Perspective
The perspective of the runway seen on approach will depend on
the position of the aeroplane. If it is too high, then the runway
will appear longer and narrower than usual and a steep flightpath
will be required to arrive near the aiming point for round-out. If
the aeroplane is too low, then the runway will appear shorter and
wider than usual and the aeroplane will have to be 'dragged in'
with power.
Either of these situations can be remedied and the earlier the bet- Take positiveactionwith
ter! Adjust the rate of descent and the flightpath (using power and power and attitude
attitude) so that the runway assmnes its n01mal perspective as soon to stay on slope and
on speed.
as possible. This n1ay require fi1m and positive action, but the
sooner you do it, the n1ore likely you are to make a good landing.
Aim Aim
point point
■ Figure130-8 Fly a stabilised approach
13a - TheCircuit,PoweredApproachand NormalLanding 221
■ Figure 1Ja-9 Ideally, the aiming point remains fixed in the windscreen
.■, Figure 1Ja-10 Fly the aeroplane down the desired approach path
Airspeed Control
Controlairspeedwith Power plus attitude equals performance. Any change in power
elevatorand ~ightpathwith will require a change in pitch attitude if the same airspeed is to be
power. maintained.
• If power is added, raise the nose to nuintain airspeed.
• If power is reduced, lower the nose to maintain airspeed.
If the actual approach path projects to a point short of the aiming
point (indicated by the aiming point moving up the windscreen
and the runway appearing shorter and wider), then regain the
desired flightpath by adding power and raising the nose to
maintain airspeed.
If the actual approach path projects beyond the aiming point (indi-
cated by the aiming point moving down the windscreen and the
runway appearing longer and nan_-ower),steepen the descent by:
• increasing flap and adjusting the pitch attitude; or
• reducing power and lowering the nose to maintain airspeed.
Flightpath Corrections
You will make many corrections to the approach flightpath. Most
flightpaths fluctuate between a slight overshoot and a slight
undershoot and continual minor corrections are required. Ideally,
of course, you will always be on the perfect slope.
13a - TheCircuit,PoweredApproachand NormalLanding 223
Short Final
A good landing is most likely following a good approach, so aim
to be well established in a stabilised approach, with the aeroplane
nicely trimmed, by the time you reach short final. Shortfinal for a
training aeroplane may be thought of as the last 200 ft. Do not
allow significant deviations in flightpath, tracking or airspeed to
develop and destabilise the approach.
Carburettor heat will normally be returned to COLD on short
final in case maximum power is required for a go-around;
however, ificing conditions exist, follow the guidance provided in
your Pilot's Operating Handbook.
Throughout the final approach and landing, have your:
• left hand on the control column to control attitude; and
• right hand on the throttle to control power.
The Landing
The landing starts with a round-out commencing at about 20 feet
above the runway and does not finish until the end of the landing
run. Once you reach the round-out height, forget the aiming
point because you will fly over and well past it before the wheels
actually touch down. It has served its purpose and you should now
look well ahead.
A normal landing is similar to a power-off stall, with
touchdown just prior to the moment of stall. This method of
landing allows the lowest possible touchdown speed (significantly
less than the approach speed), with the pilot still having full
The landing consists of four phases:
1. The flare (or round-out).
2. The hold-off
3. The touchdown.
(or round-out)
Hold-off period
(throttle closed)
Approx. 20 ft • -~~x;t.
■ Figure 1Ja-13 The landing
1. The Flare
Breaktherateof descent During the flare (or round-out) the power is reduced and the nose
asyounearthe ground. is gradually raised to break the rate of descent. The rate of sink is
checked with the control column - a high rate of sink requiring
a greater backward movement to check it.
2. The Hold-Off
The hold-off should occur with the aeroplane close to the ground Hold the aeroplaneoff for
(within a foot or so). The throttle is closed and the control column as long as possible,juSt
progressively brought back to keep the aeroplane flying level with above the runway.
the wheels just off the ground. If sinking, apply more back pressure;
if moving away from the ground, relax the back pressure. The
airspeed will be decreasing to a very low figure, but this is of no
concern to you. You should be looking well ahead from the
beginning of round-out until touchdown. Any sideways drift
caused by a slight crosswind can be counteracted by lowering the
into-wind wing a few degrees and keeping straight with rudder.
3. The Touchdown
In the touchdown, the main wheels should make first contact Touchdown on the
with the ground (which will be the case following a correct hold- main wheels.
off). The nosewheel is kept off the ground using the control
column while the speed decreases.
4. The Landing Run
During the landing run the aeroplane is kept rolling straight down Keep on the runway
the centreline using rudder and the wings kept level with aileron. centrelineduringthe
The nosewheel is finally lowered to the ground before elevator groundrollusingrudder,
and keep the wingslevel
control is lost. Brakes (if required) may be used once the
with aileron.
nosewheel is on the ground. Remember that the landing is not
complete until the end of the landing run when the aeroplane is
stationary or at taxiing speed.
Airmanshipinvolvesflying Fly a neat circuit pattern, on height and on speed. Commence
accuratelyand smoothly, descent once on base leg to position the aeroplane for a turn that
and exercisinggood will have you lined up on final at or above 500 ft aal. Use flap as
Fly a stabilised approach on slope, on the extended centre-
line and on speed. Maintain firm, positive and tight control of all
Although you will be very busy, remain aware of other aircraft.
Keep a good lookout.
Airwork 13a
PoweredApproach and Normal Landing
Aim To make an approach with power and land into wind.
Downwind leg Lookout
l:1eg,npre-landing checks
Airwork 13a
approx. 20 ft 9. A medium
descending turn,
* 10. Select
ideally 15-20° bank
(30° maximum).
11. Hold attitude landing
Control airspeed
to attain final flap.
12. Lower nose with elevator.
to maintain
13. Trim. approach
speed. l
a:Aim to begin
~ l turn onto final
above) I lj at between
600-700 ft aal.
___ ,__ . -- r - ~
'L' -'-'+-*'""""""·
.• 'r; ~?'
(Y ---=
6. Control rate ~f descent wi~ power
and airspeed with elevator .
. . /
5. Lower early stage of flap and lower·
nose to commence descent.
'' i Maintain height; reduce 'speed. )'
.. /
' 3. Redu·ce power (carb heat as required). /
-l- /
1. 30° banked level iurn (maintain height) //
8 o'clock I
position /
/ Final
/ ..
i/ •,
•,•, Base
/ \,. ~
/ \ leg
/ 8 o'.clock\. .
position 0/ J
[ /
_,,_,,,- J
Further Points
Common Faults in the Landing
Every pilot learns how to land through experience. It is inevitable
that many landings will be far from perfect, but progress will be
made when you can recognise faults and correct them. Three very
common faults are the balloon (when the aeroplane moves away
from the ground before touchdown), the bounced landing (when
it moves away from the ground after touchdown, perhaps after
several touchdowns) and rounding out too high.
The Balloon
A balloon can be caused by either:
• too much back pressure on the control column; and/ or
• too much power left on; and/ or
• too high an airspeed; and/ or
• a gust of wind.
To correct for a small balloon:
• relax some of the back pressure on the control column;
• allow the aeroplane to commence settling (sinking) again;
• when approaching the hold-off height, continue the backward
movement of the control column; and
• complete the landing normally.
■ Figure1Ja-15 Correcting for a small balloon
A LARGE BALLOON. A large balloon may call for a go-around,
certainly for an inexperienced pilot. As experience is gained, it
may be possible to reposition the aeroplane (possibly using power)
for the flare and landing, but this uses up lots of runway. The
decision to attempt a recovery from a large flare will therefore
depend on the extent of your experience and on the runway
length remaining.
Touch-and-Go Landings
The number of practice circuits per hour can be greatly increased
by doing touch-and-go landings. This involves a normal approach
and landing and then, when established in the landing run and
after the nosewheel has been gently lowered onto the ground (and
with sufficient runway length remaining):
• move the flap to the take-off setting;
• apply full power and perform a normal take-off without
having stopped.
In a touch-and-go take-off, the trim may not be set for take-
off and so there will be a reasonable amount of forward pressure
required on the control column to hold the nose in the climb
attitude. Once established in the climb away from the ground, this
pressure can be trimmed off.
2. Flaps to take-off
Normal flare position and apply Normal ~
~...-... and touchdown 1• Keep full power takeoff "
straight (carb heat - COLD) 3. Accelerate _.--
_________ _..., _____ ~~~~----------1 ...,_-----
A ploughed field
(experiences greater heating)
Wake Turbulence
Significant wake turbulence can form behind the wingtips oflarge
aeroplanes flying at high angles of attack (e.g. during take-off and
landing). The vortices that cause the turbulence drift downwards
and with the wind. They are best avoided! Never be afraid to
delay a take-off or approach if you suspect that wake turbulence
from another aircraft (fixed-wing or rotary) could be a problem.
For more about wake turbulence see Volume 4 of The Air Pilot's
----- L ~-...
;;, - ··,
• s flight-:-..,
✓,,,../ Manoeuvre/
to windwid
Exercise 1Jb
The Go-Around
To enter a climb fron1 a flapped approach.
Why Go-Around?
It may be necessa1y to perform a go-around for various reasons: The go-around is a climb-
• the runway is occupied by an aeroplane, a vehicle or animals; away from a discontinued
approachto land.
• you are too close behind an aeroplane on final approach that
will not have cleared the runway in time for you to land;
• the conditions are too severe for your experience (turbulence,
windshear, heavy rain, excessive crosswind, etc.);
• your approach is unstable (in terms of airspeed or flightpath);
• you are not aligned with the centreline or directional control is
a problem;
• the airspeed is far too high or too low;
• you are too high at the runway threshold to touch down safely
and stop comfortably within the confines of the runway;
• you are not mentally or physically at ease;
• following a balloon or bounced landing.
Initiating a Go-Around
A successful go-around requires that a positive decision be made
and positive action taken. A sign of a good pilot is a decision to
go around when the situation demands it - the manoeuvre being
executed in a firm, but smooth manner.
The procedure to use is similar to that already practised when
entering a climb from a 'clean' descent. P-A-T: power-attitude-
trim. The additional consideration is flap, which will be raised when
the descent is stopped and the climb (or level flight) is initiated.
To INITIATE A GO-AROUND smoothly apply full power (counting
"one-two-three" fairly quickly is about the correct timing to
achieve full power) and move the carburettor heat to COLD.
Keep the aeroplanestraight Be prepared for a strong pitch-up and yawing tendency as the
and the wingslevel. power is applied. These tendencies can be counteracted with
forward pressure on the control column and rudder pressure. Hold
the nose in the desired climb attitude for the flap that is set, and
then trim. The initial pressure and trim required may be quite
significant, especially with full flap.
Full flap creates a lot of drag and only a poor climb
performance at a suitable airspeed may be possible. In this case
level flight might be necessa1y while the flap setting is initially
reduced. If only an P'.lrly stage of flap is extended, a reasonable
climb can be entered without delay .
• Power - FULL • Initially retract flap • Clear of obstacles, accelerate • Accelerate to the best
(carb heat - COLD) to a take-off setting. , to the best angle of climb rate of climb airspeed,
• Attitude change • Target airspeed is the airspeed, Vx (say 60 kt). Vv (say 76 kt).
• Trim obstacle-clearance • Retract the flaps. •Trim as necessary. •
airspeed (say 55 kt). • Trim as necessary.
• Trim as necessary.
Make a
timely decision
,to go around.
Control the airspeed
with elevator.
Make a positive decision to go-around, then perform it decisively. Airmanshipis
Exert firm, positive and smooth control over the aeroplane. Firm beingdecisive.
pressure must be held on the control column and rudder pedals
when the power is applied. Correct trimming will assist you
Ensure that a safe airspeed is reached before each stage of flap
is raised. Once established comfortably in the climb-out, advise
the Air Traffic Service unit (and the other aircraft in the circuit) by
radio that you are going around.
It is usual, once established in the go-around, to move slightly
to one side of the runway so that you have a view of aeroplanes
that may be operating off the runway and beneath you. The
'dead-side' away from the circuit direction is preferred.
Following the go-around, delay turning onto crosswind leg
until at least at the upwind end of the runway to avoid conflict in
the circuit.
13b- TheGo-Around 235
Airwork 13b
The Go-Around
• Power - FULL • Initially retract flap • Clear of obstacles, accelerate • Accelerate to the best
(carb heat - COLD) to a take-off setting. to the best angle of climb rate of climb airspeed,
• Attitude change . • Target airspeed is the airspeed, Vx (say 60 kt). Vv (say 76 kt).
• Trim obstacle-clearance • Retract the flaps. •Trim as necessary.
airspeed (say 55 kt). • Trim as necessary.
• Trim as necessary.
Make a
timely decision
to go around.
Exercise 1lc
Departing and Joining the Circuit
The aim of this Exercise is to become familiar with standard
procedures and considerations when:
1. Departing from the circuit after take-off on a flight to the
training area or on a cross-country flight; and
2. Returning to the aerodrome from outside the circuit area with
the intention of joining the circuit for an approach and landing.
A lot of your early training will be carried out away from the
airfield and this gives you a chance to develop good habits in
departing from and rejoining the circuit. It should be noted that
procedures for circuit departure and circuit joining vary between
countries and, if flying overseas, you should ask to be briefed on
them. The procedures here refer to the United Kingdom.
For flights away from the circuit area, you need to be confident
of your:
• local area knowledge (landmarks and airspace restrictions);
• circuit departure and rejoining procedures for your
particular aerodrome;
• altimet1y procedures;
• radio procedures;
• en route or regular checks to ensure satisfactory operation of
the aeroplane;
• ability to fly a particular heading using the magnetic
Depart here
- --
on chart
■ Figure 13c-2 The altimeter reads height amsl with QNH set; height aal
with QFE set
Be at
' ---►-----
Descend to circuit
In poor visibility you may not be able to see the aerodrome from Flyingmagneticheadings
your local training area. You should become familiar with all the can assistyour orientation
local landmarks (e.g. reservoirs, railway lines, motorways, towns, in the vicinityofthe
villages, churches, other airfields, radio towers, etc.) that will lead
you to your home field. You should also know the approximate
magnetic heading to steer to return home.
13c - DepartingandJoiningthe Circuit 239
Some ATS units are able to determine the position of an aircraft
from its radio transmissions. This is a useful facility if you are lost
and request navigation assistance.
In such a situation, the ATS unit will advise you of the
magnetic track to the station, known as QDM. You can then steer
a suitable heading to allow for drift due to the wind to make good
this track. The QDM may be revised by the ATS unit, if
necessary, as the return to the field progresses.
In-Flight Checks
In-flight checksof the While flying the aeroplane for long periods, either en route, in the
aeroplaneshould be made local training area, or for prolonged periods in the circuit area,
regularly. periodic checks (say every 15 minutes or so) should be made of
the various systems that are vital to safe flight.
F Fuel
Fuelon and sufficient.
Fuel tank usage monitored.
Mixture rich or leaned as required.
Fuelpump on (if fitted and if required)and fuel pressure checked.
R Radio
Radiofrequencycorrectlyselected,volumeand squelchsatisfactory.
Make any necessary radio calls.
E Engine
Engineoil temperature and pressure; mixture set correctly;carburettorheat if
required;checkof other systems (ammeter for electricalsystem; suctiongauge
for air-drivengyroscopes if installed).
D Direction
Directionindicatoralignedwith magneticcompass (only realignthe DI with the
magneticcompass in steady straight and level ~ight).
A Altitude
Altitude checkedand subscalesetting correct(normallyRegionalQNH
en route, and AerodromeQNH or QFEif joining a circuit).
GolfAlphaBravoCharlieDelta- Cessnaone seventwo
Intendto landfivemilessouthof Ponte/and
Passingtwo thousandfeet
Headingtwo eightzero
13c - Departing and Joining the Circuit 241
GolfBravoCharlieDelta Echo- PiperWarrior
Unsureofpositionin poor visibilitynorthof Airdrie
Cruisingtwo thousandfeet
Headingthree fourzero
Steady Red Give way to other White Flashes Green Flashes Return to this
aircraft and continue circling Land at this aerodrome aerodrome for landing
(await further instructions) after receiving a steady
green light (to appear
after Hashing green}
do not land (go somewhere else) pilot satisfied no colilis[on risk exists
~-- •♦
----- ..♦...
--- ..♦
.... - ---
Red Flashes • ..- ..... Steady G.reen Authorrsed to take off
Move clear of
landing area • • • • • •
• • • • • !!
if pilot satisfied no collision risk exists
Steady Red Stop
"- ..-2Owhite Flashes Return to Green Flashes Authorised to taxi if
~ starting point on aerodrome ~~;;;I pilot satisfied no collision risk exists
Exercise 13d
The FlaplessApproach and Landing
To approach and land without the use of flaps.
A flapless approach will be necessary if a failure of any part of the
flap system occurs (a rare event), and is advisable- in strong and
gusty winds. Crosswind landings are often made in such
Compared to a normal approach and landing with flap, the
main features of a flapless approach and landing are:
• a flatter flightpath (but not normally below a 3° approach)
requiring an extended circuit;
• a higher approach speed (due to the higher stalling speed);
• a higher nose attitude and poorer forward vision;
• almost no round-out and a longer float (due to less drag) if the
hold-off is prolonged before the aeroplane touches down;
• a risk of scraping the tail if the nose is raised too high on
touchdown; and
• a longer landing run.
It is most important to control the flightpath and airspeed fairly
tightly on a flapless approach. As usual, airspeed is controlled with
elevator and flightpath with power. If too high, reduce power and
lower the nose slightly - if the power is already at idle, consider a
sideslip to increase the rate of descent and lose height.
A 'clean' wing has less drag than a flapped wing, which means
that excess speed takes longer to 'wash-off, i.e. a flapless aero-
plane is 'slippery'. This can lengthen the hold-off and float con-
siderably. To avoid using too much runway and also to avoid the
risk of scraping the tail, do not prolong the hold-off, particularly
on a short runway.
Once the nosewheel is on the ground, brakes can be used if
Airwork 13d
The FlaplessApproachand Landing
- -
Garb heat-COLD
in case of a go-around
2. Extend
Exercise 1:Je
The GlideApproachand Landing
To carry out an approach and landing without using power.
Why Not Use Power?
The glide approach and landing made without the assistance of
power is very good for developing your judgement and is good
practice for emergency forced landings following an engine
failure. On a glide approach, the flightpath angle to the runway is
controlled mainly by the use of flaps to steepen it.
Glide Glide
approach approach
Power-on ~ ~
approach ~- .. •
withflap ~
with power
Flyingthe Manoeuvre
Base Leg Position
To achieve a steeper approach path to the aiming point on the Flya closerbase leg for a
runway, make the downwind leg shorter than normal, with base glideapproach,especially
leg flown closer to the field than in the normal power-assisted in strongwinds.
approach. In strong wind conditions, the base leg should be flown
even closer to the field to ensure that you do not undershoot.
Descent Point
Descent point on base leg should be carefully chosen since the aim Delaythe descentfrom
is, once power is removed, not to have to use it again. Use the circuitheighton a glide
amount of drift required on base to estimate the wind strength on approach.
Ideally, if you have judged the closer base leg correctly, descent
may be commenced when the runway is at 45° (as for a normal
engine-assisted approach, except that the closer base leg means
that you are closer to the runway). Initially, aim well down the
runway (the initial aiming point should be approximately one
third to half way down the runway) so that the aeroplane is
definitely higher than normal on approach. The approach can
later be steepened with flap, whereas it cannot be flattened
without the use of power.
- - - -..... - - - - - - - - - ....
\ ..,
\ 'I
Glide approach -
turn base earlier
- ____ \x - - -
Note: Turn all base legs Normal 8 o'clock base turn
sooner in strong winds position for powered approach
■ Figure13e-2 Turn base earlier and delay descent for a glide approach
13e- TheGlideApproachand Landing 247
co- (!)-
' \\
Too high Too low I
Widen base Cut in base
Extend flap Delay selection
earlier of flap
■ Figure 1Je-3 Use flap to control flightpath, backed-up by tracking
Theglidepath will steepen Avoid steep gliding turns, since the descent rate will increase
in a turn. significantly and stalling speed will increase. Be prepared for an
increased rate of descent and a steepening of the glidepath in the
medium turn onto final.
Glide Distance
Do not allow airspeed to get too low by trying to 'stretch' the Do not try to
glide - it will not work! At very low airspeeds the flightpath will 'stretch'the glide.
steepen even though the nose position is high. Raising the flaps is
not advisable, since it will initially cause the aeroplane to sink. In
a strong headwind, a slightly higher approach speed may give the
aeroplane more 'penetration' even though the descent rate is
increased. Apply power and go around if the approach has been
badly misjudged.
Landing Flap
If the aiming point with partial flap is, say, a third of the way down Delaythe selectionof
the runway, selection of more flap will give you a new aiming landingffap untilcertainof
point nearer the threshold. Progressively lower the flap as reachingthe field.
required, but delay the selection of landing flap until you are
absolutely certain that the runway will be reached comfortably. In
a glide approach, a slight overshoot of the aiming point is
preferable to an unrecoverable undershoot.
' ' ''
:.... ··•i t· ...:
l •.
f u J •
The Round-out
With full flap and no power, the glidepath will be steep and the In a glide approach,
nose attitude will be quite low to achieve the desired approach commencethe round-out
speed. The change of attitude in the round-out will be quite slightlyhigherthan normal.
pronounced and a gentle flare should be commenced a little
higher than normal. Make the appropriate type of landing
applicable to the conditions (crosswind, short-field, soft-field,
13e- TheGlideApproachand Landing 249
Airwork 13e
TheGlideApproachand Landing
11. More pronounced 10. Carb heat COLD in 9. Select full flap when
round-out. case of go-around. absolutely certain of
reaching the field.
5. Initially descend
45° clean (no flap).
• power OFF
(Carb heat HOT);
• maintain height until
speed reduces-to
glide speed;
• select glide attitude;
• trim.
HERE 3. Reassesswind effect.
-, -------2-. _T_u_rn-ba_s,._e
;.;;ier than usual,
especially in strong winds.
Normal 8 o'clock
base turn position
Exercise 1 Jf
Crosswind Operations
To take off, fly a full circuit and land using a runway which is
experiencing a significant crosswind component.
Not all aerodromes have a runway which is facing into wind on a
given day. For this reason, take-offs and landings on runways
where there is a crosswind component are frequent events.
Every aeroplane type (from the smallest trainer up to the Airbus Do not operatein
A340 and Boeing 7 4 7) has a maximum crosswind component crosswindconditions
specified in the Flight Manual and Pilot's Operating Handbook. If that exceedaircra~or
the actual crosswind component on the runway exceeds the limit
for the aeroplane and/ or what you feel is your own personal limit,
then use a different runway (which may even mean proceeding to
a different aerodrome).
Crosswind Strength
The crosswind component on a runway can be estimated from the
wind strength and the angle that the wind direction makes with
the runway.
100%----- .,.....___
(10 kt wind)
50% - - -- -
As a rough guide:
• a wind 30° off the runway heading has a crosswind component
of 112the wind strength;
• a wind 45° off the runway heading has a crosswind component
of 3I4 the wind strength;
• a wind 60° off the runway heading has a crosswind component
of 7/8 the wind strength (nearly all);
• a wind 90° off the runway heading is all crosswind.
I Standard
' ' Crosswind~
j '
' ,~ /
Part (i)
Crosswind Take-Off
Aileron to keep the wings level
■ Figure13(-3 Keep straight with rudder; and wings level with ailerons
Crossed Controls
A right crosswind, for example, requires right control column and The controlsare crossedin
left rudder, i.e. crossed controls. A glance at the windsock before a crosswindtake-off.
you open the throttle for the take-off run will allow you to
anticipate this and position the controls correctly.
13( - CrosswindOperations 253
Maintain an exceptionally good lookout and give way to
aeroplanes using the into-wind runway and standard circuit,
which may conflict with your circuit.
Exert firm, positive control during this manoeuvre and ensure
a clean lift-off.
•--···-··~)(----- L.:::k--....,_ i
Look out _ ___\
10. This is still called crosswind 9. Climoing tum
f leg,but allow for the head- after 500 ft aal.
Allow or tailwind by adjusting
for drift position of turn onto I
I downwind leg.
5. Line up on centreline,
2. Pre-take-off check windsock; brakes
START checks.
OFF, heels on floor,
HERE aileron into wind. Apply
full power smoothly.
1. Taxi for
__ _,,.
Part (ii)
Crosswind Approach and Landing
I Adjust descent
Adjust time on • ~ point to allow for
crosswind leg
to allow for head
- J.. head or tailwind
' on base
or tailwind I
\ I
Plan flap to
be used
Crosswind Circuit
Flythe crosswindcircuit Planning for the crosswind approach and landing starts early in the
accordingto the wind. circuit, even as you turn onto the crosswind leg shortly after take-
off A tailwind on the crosswind leg will tend to carry you wide;
a headwind will hold you in too close. Adjust each leg of the
circuit to position the aircraft suitably with respect to the runway.
Tailwind on Base Leg
Anticipatethe effect ofa A tailwind on base leg will increase your speed over the ground
tailwindon base leg. and tend to carry you past the runway. For this reason, you should
show some anticipation and:
• commence descent early;
• begin the turn onto final early; and
• continue the turn onto final beyond the runway heading to
allow for drift.
NOTE If you fly through final, avoid any tendency to overbank
(30° bank angle is a reasonable maximurn). Simply rejoin final
from the other side.
• delay the turn onto final until almost in line with the runway;
• stop the turn short of runway heading to anticipate the
expected drift.
If you turn too early then you may not reach final, and a
positive turn will have to be made into wind to become
established. If you turn too late and fly through final, fly the
runway heading and the wind will most probably carry you back
onto the extended centreline. Once in line with the runway, lay
off drift to track directly down final.
Delay the
turn to final
Begin the
Tailwind Headwind
on base leg on base leg
General Considerations
Strong crosswinds are often accompanied by gusts and turbulence,
and consideration should be given to using only partial or zero
flap and a slightly higher approach speed than normal to give you
better controllability.
The round-out in a crosswind landing is normal, but the hold- Rememberto flare,but do
off should not be prolonged (otherwise sideways drift could not prolongthe hold-off.
develop). The aeroplane should be placed on the ground, wheels
aligned with the runway, while the flight controls are effective and
with the aeroplane tracking along the runway centreline.
Once on the ground, directional control is more easily
achieved if the nosewheel is lowered onto the ground at an early
stage in the landing run. Light forward pressure on the control
column may be required. You must retain positive control
throughout the whole manoeuvre until the aeroplane is stopped
or at least has slowed to taxiing speed.
During the landing run: On the ground,keep on the
• keep straight with rudder (the crosswind will cause an into- centrelinewith rudderand
wind weathercocking tendency); keep wingslevelwith
• lower the nosewheel to the ground to assist in directional
• keep the wings level with progressive into-wind aileron as the
airspeed decreases (the crosswind will tend to lift the into-wind
wing). Full into-wind control column may be required by the
end of the landing run.
Be firm and positive 1n your handling of the aeroplane. Be Airmanshipis beingpositive
decisive! and alertto the effects of a
Remember that your crosswind circuit may conflict with the crosswind.
standard circuit, so keep a good lookout.
If at any stage you feel distinctly unhappy about the approach
and landing, go around and start again.
13(- CrosswindOperations 259
Round-out and
reduced hold-off
Align the
aeroplane just
before touchdown
3. Just Prior to Touchdown 4. The Landing Run
• Align the aeroplane with the • Keeping straight with rudder, lower
centreline with smooth, firm rudder the nosewheel onto the ground.
pressure. • Keep wings level with progressive
• Hold wings level with aileron. into-wind aileron.
• Hold nosewheel on the ground to
obtain positive steering.
Round-outand hold-offperiod
-----~- ------
_L.._ __ ..___~__,_, ______ Reducedhold-offcompared --------
with normalinto-windlanding
13f - CrosswindOperations 261
Drift Control
Controldri~ with If the aeroplane starts to drift downwind across the runway, you
wing-down,and have applied insufficient wing-down, so:
headingwith rudder. • lower the wing a few degrees further; and
• keep straight with rudder.
If the aeroplane starts to slip into wind across the runway, you
have applied too much wing-down, so:
• raise the wing a few degrees; and
• keep straight with rudder.
Stay alignedby varyingthe In gusty conditions especially, you will be continually varying
amount ofwing-downand the degree of wing-down and opposite rudder to remain aligned
rudderpressure. with the runway centreline.
The Touchdown
The wing-down and opposite rudder is held on through the Touchdown on the
round-out and touchdown, which will occur on the into-wind into-windmain wheel.
main wheel. Throughout the manoeuvre the aeroplane will be
tracking straight down the runway with its longitudinal axis
aligned with the centreline. No sideways drift across the runway
should be allowed to develop.
Keep straightwith rudder;
Introduce Wing-down keep the wings level with
wing-down landing aileron into the wind
1. On Final Approach
• Adjust the heading to track (crab) down final along
the extended runway centreline.
• Keep the wings level, and balance with rudder
Crab approach
2. At or Approaching
Round-out Height
(about 20 ~ above the runway,or hangarheight)
• Use smooth rudder pressure to align aeroplane
with runway centreline - and stay aligned. Introducethe wing-down
• Lower the into-wind wing to prevent sideways and oppositerudderas
drift. the flare is approached.
4. The Touchdown
• Touch down on the into-wind main wheel and
allow the other main wheel to follow.
• Maintain directional control with rudder.
Exercise 1lg
Short-Field Operations
To operate safely and efficiently out of and into a short field.
What is a Short Field?
A short field is one at which the runway length available and/ or
the obstacle-clearance gradients are only just sufficient to satisfy
take-off and landing requirements.
Performance Charts
The take-off and landing performance charts for your aeroplane Referto the appropriate
should be consulted to ensure that a short field in a confined area performancechartsfor
is indeed adequate for the planned operations under the existing youraeroplane.An
additionalsafety factor
conditions. An inspection on foot of the proposed take-off and
of 1.33 shouldbe added to
landing surface and the surrounding area may be necessary. the take-offdistance.
During the inspection remember that the take-off is not complete
until all obstacles are cleared in the climb-out, so not only the
take-off surface, but also the surrounding area, need to be
Flaps 10°
Full Throttle Prior to Brake Release
Paved, Level, Ory Runway
Zero Wind
1. Short field technique II aptlCifledIn Section4.
2. Prior to takeoff from fields above3000 feet elwatlon, the mixture should be leanedto give maximum RPM In a full throttle,
static runup.
3. Decreasedistances10" for each9 knots headwind. For operation with tailwinds up to 10 knots, Increasedistancesby 10%
for each2 knots.
4. For operation on I dry, grassrunway, Increasedistancesby 15%of the "ground roll" figure.
1670 60 64 S.L I 640. 1190 695 1290 755 1390 810 1495 875 1605
1000 705 1310 765 1420 825 1530 890 1645 960 1770
2000 775 1445 840 1 9 0 1690 980 20 05 1960
for the steepest climb-out:
• with takeoff flap, this is the obstacle-
clearance airspeed (+5/-0) kt.
• with zero flap, it is Vx (+5/-0) kt.
End of Maximum-performance
runway ground run (short)
Exercise 13 h
To operate safely and efficiently from a 'soft' field.
What is a Soft Field?
A soft field could be an area which has a soft surface such as sand
or snow, a wet grassy surface or a rough surface. A soft field may
be quite long and with no obstacle-clearance problems in the
climb-out or approach path. It may also be short, which means
the short-field considerations of obstacle-clearance also become
important. For this exercise, we assume a long take-off surface and
no obstacle-clearance problems.
Soft surfaces create extra frictional drag and stress on the So~ surfacesdegrade
wheels and therefore degrade the acceleration in the take-off run. acceleration.
The wheels may have a dangerous tendency to 'dig-in'. Only use
a soft field if you are totally satisfied that a safe take-off and/ or
landing can be made.
Flyingthe Manoeuvre
The Soft-Field Take-Off
The main concern in a soft-field take-off is to shift the weight
from the wheels to the wings as soon as possible and achieve a
short ground run. Consequently optimum flap and maximum
power should be used.
Apply elevator
back pressure to Initiate a
raise the nosewheel normal
off the ground as Lift off at an Accelerate in climb-out
soon as possible early stage ground effect
During the take-off run, keep the weight off the nosewheel
with the control column held well back. Lift the aeroplane off the
ground as soon as possible (at a lower speed than in a normal take-
off) and accelerate to climb speed close to the ground. The
13h- So~-FieldOperations 271
Exercise 14
To fly solo and be the pilot-in-command of an aeroplane for the
first time.
Consolidation Flying
Further refinement and consolidation of the basic skills that you
now possess will follow, with solo periods being interspersed with
dual periods. The dual flights allow your flying instructor to
refine your skills and develop them further. In the solo periods
you will develop the skills of a captain, making your own decisions
and acting on them.
Your initial solo flights will be in the circuit area, practising
take-offs and landings, but, quite soon, you will be proceeding
solo to the local training area to practise other manoeuvres.
Advanced Turning 275
Exercise 1 Sa
The Steep Level Turn
To perform a steep level turn, maintaining constant height and
A steep turn is a turn in which the bank angle exceeds 45°. It is a
high-performance manoeuvre which requires good coordination
and positive control.
Increased Lift
A steep levelturn requires In straight and level flight, the lift produced by the wings balances
increasedlift, and this the weight of the aeroplane. In turns, the lift force is tilted and
requiresback pressureon consequently the lift generated by the wings must be increased to
the controlcolumn.
provide not only a vertical component to balance the weight but
also a horizontal component (known as the centripetal force)to pull
the aeroplane into the turn. In a 60° banked turn, for example, the
lift produced must be double the weight if height is to be
w w
■ Figure1Sa-1 A steep level turn requires increased Ii~
IncreasedIi~ in a turn The increased lift in a turn is generated by back pressure on the
is generatedby an control column which increases the angle of attack. The back
increasedangleof attack. pressure required to maintain height is quite significant in a steep
Increased Drag
The greater angle of attack used to generate the increased lift Dragincreasessignificantly
required in a steep turn also creates additional induced drag. This in steep turns,so additional
must be balanced by increased thrust if the aeroplane is to thrustis requiredto
maintain airspeed. Whereas it was acceptable to lose a few knots
in medium turns, it is very important to maintain airspeed in steep
turns because of the higher stalling speed.
15a - TheSteepLevelTum 277
• I
------ :~~----'
Airmanshipis keepinga Practise steep turns in an appropriate area and keep a very good
good lookout,and flyingthe look out for other aircraft.
aeroplanepositively. Note various landmarks that will assist in orientation during
Rememberthat your
and after the turn. It is easy for an inexperienced pilot to become
manoeuvreis: disoriented in steep turns which involve large changes of heading.
Lookout, Handle the power smoothly and monitor the gauges to ensure
Attitude, engine limitations are not exceeded.
Instruments. Exert smooth, but firm, control over the aeroplane.
Airwork 15a
1. Entry
• Complete the HASELL check.
• Look out.
• Select a prominent reference point on the horizon .
• Roll on bank with aileron .
• Balance with rudder .
• Apply sufficient back-pressure on control column to maintain height
• Add power progressively to maintain airspeed.
3. Roll Out
• Look out.
• Locate roll-out reference point (anticipate by 30°) .
• Roll off bank with ailerons.
• Balance with rudder .
• Release elevator back pressure to maintain height.
• Before passing 30° of bank, reduce power to maintain the required cruise airspeed.
15a - The Steep LevelTurn 281
Further Points
Do not overstressthe The lift which can be generated by the wings with full rearward
airframe in a steep turn. movement of the control column is far greater at high airspeeds
than at low airspeeds and results in greater load factors occurring.
For example, pulling the control column fully back at 150 kt will
increase the g-loading considerably more than at 50 kt. At high
airspeeds, therefore, there is a danger of overstressing the airframe
by exceeding the maximum allowable load factor (+3.8g for most
training aeroplanes).
Positive g-loading
Normal straight +1 g
and level flight
Negative g-loading
Exercise 1Sb
Recovery from Unusual Attitudes
To recognise and recover from an unusual aeroplane attitude that
may develop into a potentially hazardous situation. 1
While a steep turn should be a straightforward manoeuvre, it is
possible that early in your steep turn training some unusual
attitudes may develop. It would be appropriate for you to reread
Exercises 10 and 11 at this stage.
Flyingthe Manoeuvre
Nose High and Decreasing Airspeed
Nosehighand decreasing If the nose is well above the horizon and the speed is low and/ or
airspeed- bewareofa decreasing, a stall is a possibility.
stallor spin. To recover from a nose-high/low-airspeed unusual attitude
before a stall occurs:
• apply maximum power;
• apply sufficient rudder to prevent yaw;
• level the wings with coordinated use of rudder and aileron;
• ease the control column centrally forward.
If in a stalled condition, move the control column centrally
forward until the wings are unstalled, before levelling the wings
with aileron.
Airwork 15b
Recoveryfrom UnusualAttitudes
Aim To recognise and recover from an unusual aeroplane attitude which has developed.
Exercise 1 Sc
The Steep Descending Turn
To perform a steep gliding turn.
A steep descending tum can be made in:
• a glide; or
• a powered descent.
Fly Faster
It is usual to increase the flying speed as a steep descending turn is Flyfasterin a steep
commenced to retain an adequate safety margin above the stalling descendingturn becauseof
speed (which increases during a turn). Typical speed increases the increasedstalling
above the best gliding speed are:
• 10 kt for a 45 ° steep descending turn; and
• 20 kt for a 60° steep descending turn.
In a steep gliding turn, the rate of descent will increase
markedly. It can be controlled by reducing the bank angle.
Flyingthe Manoeuvre
A steep descending turn is flown like a steep level turn except that
the increased airspeed is maintained with the elevator.
The nose will tend to drop in a descending turn and so, even
though the nose position is lower to achieve a higher airspeed,
some back pressure on the control column may be needed to stop
it dropping too far.
If airspeed becomes excessive:
• ease off the bank angle with ailerons;
• raise the nose with elevator; and
• re-establish the desired steep turn.
The lack of slipstream in a glide will mean that more rudder is
required when rolling in one direction than when rolling in the
Simply exerting increased back pressure on the control column
in a steep descending turn may tighten the turn and increase the
g-loading beyond acceptable limits. A spiral dive may also result if
attitude and airspeed are not monitored.
1Sc - TheSteep DescendingTum 287
Still air
* Wihd
Airmanshipis remaining Be aware of your proximity to the ground since the rate of descent
aware ofyour altitude and will be quite high in a gliding steep turn.
ground clearance.
Allow the airspeed to increase and maintain a safe margin
above the stall, but do not let a spiral dive develop.
Keep a very good lookout, especially below.
Airwork 15c
Steep DescendingTurns
Aim To perform a steepglidingturn.
1. Entry to the Turn
Complete checks.
Look out.
..- w..a,.ae~ent
• Select desired pitch attitude
with elevator.
Exercise 16
The Forced Landing Without Power
To carry out a safe approach and landing following engine failure.
Why Would an Engine Fail?
A forced landing due to a mechanical malfunction or a structural
problem is a rare event with modern aeroplanes. However,
occasionally it happens, so be prepared.
Alwayscheck the fuelprior Fuel starvation is often the cause of an engine stopping in flight.
to flying. Fuel gauges can be inaccurate and fuel agents have on rare occasions
loaded inconect or contaminated fuel. A visual inspection of the
fuel tanks and of the fuel itself during your pre-flight inspection
should prevent insufficient or inc01Tectfuel causing a forced landing.
Alwayscheckyourfuel Forgetting to switch from a near-empty fuel tank in flight to an
selectionand use the alternative tank, incorrect use of the mixture control and failure to
mixtureand carburettor
use carburettor heat can all lead to an engine stoppage through
heat controlscorrectly.
fuel starvation.
Engine Restart
An immediateengine An experienced pilot may decide very quickly to attempt an
restartmay be possible. immediate restart and will perform the required actions while
allowing the aeroplane to slow down to gliding speed.
A less-experienced pilot may be advised to concentrate just on
flying the aeroplane - first establishing it in the glide and trimming
it beforeperforming any restart actions. Your flying inst1uctor will
advise you on this point.
Rectifythe problem If the propeller is still turning, rectification of the fuel or
if possible. ignition problem (if that is the cause) will see the engine fire up
again without any need to use the starter. Some obvious items to
be considered in an attempted restart of the engine are:
• A fuel problem:
change fuel tanks;
fuel pump on (if fitted);
mixture RICH;
primer locked.
• An ignition problem:
check magneto switches individually (BOTH - LEFT - RIGHT).
If the engine operates on one magneto as a result of a fault
in the other magneto system, then leave it there, otherwise
return to BOTH.
• An icing problem:
- carburettor heat FULL HOT.
NOTE Following a mechanical failure or fire, the engine should
be stopped immediately. If the failure is partial, resulting in
reduced or intermittent running, then use the engine at your
discretion. There is a likelihood that it may fail at a critical stage,
so it may be best not to rely on it and simply assume a total failure.
Following a failure due to faulty operation by the pilot, restart the
engine in the glide.
Part (i)
Forced Landing Without Power
Flying the Manoeuvre
Forced Landing Scenario
Many scenarios are possible and your actions will depend on the
situation at the time, the height above ground at which the failure
occurs, the surface wind and the availability of suitable landing
fields (possibly even an airfield).
We will consider a very general situation which is capable of
modification to suit your precise set of conditions.
If the engine fails at a reasonable height (say 3,000 ft or more
above ground level), a basic pattern that may be followed is:
• convert excess speed to height or to useful distance;
• trim for a safe glide;
• attempt a restart;
• select a suitable field and plan an approach to it;
• make a distress (Mayday) radio call;
• attempt to resolve the emergency (while maintaining a safe
• carry out a safe approach and landing (in the case of training,
a go-around rather than a landing will usually be performed).
Smoke .
, ./,..,,.,,
F. c::~?;)
■ Figure16-2 Always be aware of the surface wind direction
Not to scale
W Wind
0 Obstacles (on surface:trees, rocks,etc.)
S Size and Shape of field (inrelationto wind)
S Surface and Slope
S ~shoots, (undershootand overshootareas)
S Sun (positionrelativeto finalapproachplanned)
S S(c)ivilisation (proximityfor assistancea~er landing)
...,.----- 2,000 ft agl
Selected field
The first aim in the descent is to glide to the high key, keeping
the field in sight. The purpose of the high key is simply to assist
your judgement in reaching the low key, which is of course the
more important key point. After some practice glide descents,
you may find that you can glide direct to the low key without any
definite consideration of the high key.
Engine failure at a low height (say 2,000 ft agl) will also mean
flight direct to the low key.
Planyourdescentfor Monitor descent to the key points and plan on a long base and
a longbase and a a short final. If too high, widen out; if too low, cut in.
short final. If the initial aiming point appears to move up in the windscreen
or side window, you are becoming too low, so immediately turn in
towards the landing area. If the initial aiming point appears to move
down, you are becoming too high, so turn outwards. Try to
maintain a constant aspect as the aircraft closes onto the landing
High key
2,500 ft agl
;' ......
I Revised plan ',
Low key
1,500 ft agl
if tending to
high key
too high.
A short final allows for a glidepath steeper than expected.
Rectifying the Problem
When established in the glide, there may be time to look for the Attemptto rectifythe
cause of the engine failure and to remedy it. The Pilot's Operating engineproblem.
Handbook will contain a list of the appropriate items to check. It
will include:
• fuel·
• mixture·
• carburettor heat;
• throttle linkage;
• fuel pump on (if fitted);
• primer (locked);
·• magneto switches.
If the propeller is rotating, then fuel and ignition ON should be Donotneglectto
enough to restart the engine, otherwise the starter may be control
required. While attempting to rectify the problem, the continuing
descent towards the key points should be monitored and the
suitability of the field confirmed. If you decide that your chosen
field is unsuitable, then select another as early as possible.
Radio Calls and Passenger Briefing
Make a Mayday distress call (in a real forced landing, but not Adviseothersof your
when practising). VHF radio signals may not be effective from forcedlanding.
very low levels, so the sooner a Mayday call is made in the glide
the better. The Mayday call should be made on 121.5 MHz as this
frequency secures best A TC assistance.
Keep radio conversations brief and do not be distracted from
your main duty, which is to fly the aeroplane. Squawk transponder
code 7700, as this helps ATC radar to identify an aeroplane
expenenc1ng an emergency.
Advise your passengers of your intentions. Request them to Donotbe distracted from
remain calm, to remove sharp objects from their pockets, to yourmainduty,whichisto
remove glasses and dentures, to ensure that their seatbelts are flythe aeroplane.
fastened securely and to adopt the brace position. Soft clothing or
pillows will help to protect them if a sudden deceleration or impact
is expected. Harnesses should remain fastened until the aeroplane
stops. Be firm and tolerate no interference. Request silence.
Approaching the Low Key Point- 1,500 ~ agl
As normal circuit height is approached, all of your attention needs Securetheaircra~
to be focused on positioning for the approach and landing. touchdownona rough
Further attempts to re-start would only distract you from this. surface.
Secure the aeroplane, placing it in a safer condition for a landing
on an unprepared field by carrying out the required security
check (also known as the crashor impactcheck):
16 - TheForcedLandingWithout Power 299
• fuel OFF
• ignition OFF;
• radio OFF;
• master switch OFF (unless flaps are electrically operated);
• cabin heater OFF;
• brakes OFF;
• harnesses very secure;
• doors unlatched (if appropriate to your aeroplane type);
• all loose items secured and the position of safety items noted
(e.g. fire extinguisher, first-aid kit).
Low key
1,500 ft agl
If too low , If too high
....... ✓
Final Approach
Once certain that you can glide well into the field, continue
extending flap in stages to steepen your approach and bring the
aiming point closer to you.
Keep the aiming point comfortably past the near boundary so
that, even if an undershoot occurs, a safe landing in the field can
still be made. It is safer to hit an obstacle at the far end at slow speed
than to hit the fence before landing. It is safest, of course, to judge
your aiming point so that neither occurs and so that you land com-
fortably into the field. Ensure that the master switch is OFF once
electrically operated flaps have been placed in the landing position.
If you are too high on final approach:
• extend flap;
• make shallow S-tums (but avoid this if possible);
• dive-off excess height (but avoid this also if possible).
16 - TheForcedLandingWithout Power 301
■ Figure 16-9 Use of more flap brings the aiming point closer
The Landing
A forced landing with full flap is generally safest because:
• the touchdown speed is low (due to the lower stalling speed);
• the landing run is shorter; and
• the stress on the airframe will be less if the field is rough.
Hold the nosewheeloff Touch down on the main wheels, holding the (less-robust)
duringthe landing. nosewheel off to avoid unnecessa1y stress. Brakes should be used
to shorten the ground run.
Unseen obstacles and ditches could be a problem. If collision
with an obstacle is imminent (say the far fence), apply 1udder, brak-
ing on one side only to initiate a controlled ground loop if possible.
Aeroplane at Rest
Securethe aeroplaneand A forced landing is not complete until the aeroplane is stopped,
evacuate. the passengers evacuated, the aeroplane made secure and assistance
obtained. So as soon as the aeroplane stops:
• set the brakes to PARK;
• secure the aeroplane (check all switches OFF, fuel OFF, control
locks IN);
• evacuate;
• chock the aeroplane;
• remove any items thought necessa1y;
• protect the aeroplane, e.g. keep animals away;
• seek assistance and telephone the chief flying instructor and
the appropriate authorities. If possible, leave someone in
charge of the aeroplane.
Do not attempt to take off1
Part (ii)
Simulated Forced Landing
Airmanshipis µyingwell When practising forced landings without the use of engine power:
and making sound • Look out, especially in the latter stages of the glide approach -
other aircraft may be practising forced landings into the same or
a nearby field.
• Clear the engine by increasing rpm at least every 1,000 ft on
• Do not descend below the authorised break-off height.
• Know your checks thoroughly and execute them in the
correct sequence.
• Do not turn your back on the field - keep it in sight at all
• Do not make unnecessary changes in your field selection.
• Make command decisions in a calm but firm manner.
Airwork 16
the ForcedLanding
5. Simulate 4. Simulate Trouble Check
Distress Call
as in Pilot's Operating Handbook:
• Mayday
• (Name of station
High key point
addressed) 2,500 ft agl
Look out (4) ~
• (Your callsign
and type)
• (Nature of Warm the engine
8. Initiate Go-Around
(Your intention) Monitor
// • Full power- (carb heat COLD).
the descent • Stop descent (initially fly straight
• (Present position,
altitude and heading) and level).
• (Pilot qualification)
c~ • Raise flap in sequence (as
recommended in POH).
Squawk transponder
• Adopt climb attitude.
code 7700, (Mode C,
if fitted) • Trim.
Warm the ·,
Turn base Initialaimingpoint
to the wind
\ Use flap
as required
u •,,a•! ■ t•' I I U;, l•ii •• • ■■ ■•• ■ ■ n • • ■ •-t IP• I U I; I U ii I u ■• • • • • u ••, ~~ P, •+• II It •+1 n, 1, ■
16 - The ForcedLandingWithout Power 305
Airwork 16
3. Plan the Approach
• Select key positions.
• Keep turns towards the field.
2. Select Field: (W O S S S S S)
- Monitor~
' the descent~ ~ • Wind.
Look out • Obstacles (on surface).
• Size and Shape (in relation to wind).
• Surface and Slope.
• 'Shoots' (under-lover-shoot areas).
• Sun (position relative to final).
Warm the engine
• S(c)ivilisation (proximity for assistance).
• Correct local flying training area.
• At a suitable height above the ground.
• Look out for other aircraft.
• Maintain awareness of low flying regulations.
Forced Landings 307
Exercise 17a
The PrecautionarySearchand Landing
To carry out a safe powered approach and landing at an unfamiliar
Why Land on an Unfamiliar or Unprepared Field?
A pilot may be faced with the decision to land away from an
aerodrome for a number of reasons. These include suspected
engine or airframe problems; a sudden deterioration in weather,
with low cloud and decreasing visibility making further flight
unsafe; or as a result of deficient flight planning or navigation.
Being totally lost, having insufficient fuel or insufficient daylight
remaining are good enough reasons to consider making a
precautionary landing in a field.
Impending incapacitation of the pilot, say due to food
poisoning, is best coped with on the ground. Land sooner rather
than later, but ensure that the field chosen for landing is suitable.
If you are about to land at an unfamiliar field, then you should
consider a precautionary inspection before landing, especially if
there is no other activity at the field.
Decision to Land
Make an earlydecisionto If any doubt exists as to the advisability of continuing the flight,
land. make the decision to land while there is still time to do so with the
aeroplane under full control and before conditions deteriorate to
a dangerous level. It is better to land before you run out of either
fuel, daylight or visibility, even if the landing is in a field rather
than at an aerodrome.
Estimate what time you do have available. Slowing the
aeroplane down and possibly lowering some flap may help
enormously. Slow flight gives you more time to observe the
ground and to plan, as well as making the aeroplane more
manoeuvrable. Turning performance is better at slow speeds and
forward vision from the cockpit is improved. Slow flight may
reduce the problems facing you and may even eliminate them.
Aircraft Configuration
If low cloud, poor visibility or a restricted manoeuvring area is Consideradoptingthe
involved, then adopt the precautionary (or bad weather) precautionary
configuration. Use the optimum stage of flap, which may be just configuration.
the first stage. Extending some flap allows:
• slower speeds (due to reduced stalling speed);
• a smaller turn radius and a higher rate of turn (due to the
reduced speed);
• better visibility from the cockpit (due to lower nose position);
• improved elevator and rudder response due to higher power
and greater slipstream effect over the tail (possibly).
Staying in the one configuration allows you to fly the whole
sequence (descents, straight and level, and climbs) at a constant
airspeed, thereby removing one variable. Fly the attitude for the
desired speed, and control descent, level flight and climb-out with
the use of power.
Field Inspection
Several inspection runs should be made in the precautionary Inspectthe selected
configuration and a circuit pattern and circuit height established. landingarea.
With no restrictions, a normal circuit pattern should be suitable.
In bad weather, a low and tight circuit (e.g. 500 ft agl) may be
advisable. The heights at which the circuits are flown and the
17a - The Precautionary
Searchand Landing 309
Fly the aeroplane into a position for a normal engine-assisted
approach. Consider making a short-field landing to minimise
stress on the aeroplane during the touchdown and landing run if
the field is rough. Complete the appropriate pre-landing checks.
If time is not a consideration, be prepared to go around if not
totally satisfied with the approach.
Be aware of the usual illusions of low flying resulting from the
wind effect. Keep your turns accurate and balanced in spite of the
deceptive appearance of the ground if there is a strong wind. Add
power to maintain airspeed in the turn if necessary and monitor
the airspeed indicator.
Learnto make command Even though three preliminary circuits are shown in "Ai1work
decisionsquicklyand 17a" on page 311, adapt the procedure according to your require-
efficiently. ments. Learn to make command decisions quickly and efficiently.
Adapt your plan to suit the conditions (e.g: low cloud,
imminent darkness, low fuel). Possibly a 500 ft agl, close-in circuit
with only one inspection run might be called for, with no delay
in making a landing.
When practising the precautionary search and landing:
• Ensure that you are in the correct local flying area and keep a
good lookout for other aircraft.
• Consider any regulations or local rules (such as no descents
below 500 ft agl, do not frighten animals, etc.), and obey them.
• Align the direction indicator with the landing direction
(either on 360 or 180) to help with orientation.
Your flying instructor will give you plenty of practice at this
procedure in many different situations. Adapt to each situation as
you see fit.
Further Points
Airwork 17a
The PrecautionarySearchand Landing
Aim To carry out a safe approach and landing at an unfamiliar (teld with engine power available.
For the purpose of this exercise, the scenario is a cloud base of 600 ft agl,
poor visibility and 20 minutes' flight time available before night sets in.
I (2)
2. Adopt Precautionary
• Flap ..................
• Speed ...................
kt IAS.
• Align direction indicator.
1. Select Field
• Into wind.
• Large.
HERE • No obstacles in the approach or go-
around areas.
• Level or slightly uphill.
• Firm surface, no obstructions.
• Near civilisation.
Airwork 17a
Run 1. 300 ft agl, To right of • Obstructions.
landing path • Ditches.
Look for: • Transmission wires.
to 300 ft agl
on final ---- ....-:-
to mo ft agl
on final
Inmate go-around
(in practrce situation)
soft-field approach and
;~~ ~~~~
landing techniques
17b - Ditchingin Water 313
Exerci:se 17b
Ditchingin Water
To alight on water as successfully as possible, if ditching is the only
available option.
NOTE This exercise is not part of the EASA syllabus.
Landing Direction
If the water is smooth, or smooth with a very long swell, then land
into wind.
If there is a large swell or rough sea, then land along the swell,
even if you have to accept a crosswind. This avoids the danger of
nosing into a big wave. Waves generally move downwind except
near a shoreline or in fast-moving estuaries, but swells may not
bear any relationship to surface wind direction.
Clues to wind direction include:
• wave direction;
• wind lanes (the streaked effect being more apparent when
viewed downwind);
• gust ripples on the water surface;
• aeroplane drift.
Best po.sitlon
Exercise 18a
Pilot Navigation
* *
~*•*: EASAPart-FCLTo fly cross-country, navigating with visual reference to the ground.
requires radio
navigation to bestudied
(Ex.1Bc).Thisisnot Considerations
required fortheUK
national syllabus.When you have completed most, or all, of your basic flying
EASAPart-FCL students training, the next challenge awaiting you is to deal with cross-
shouldreadthis country navigation. Flying to another aerodrome, perhaps quite
introductorychapterto distant, requires the additional knowledge and skills encompassed
andthengoto in flight planning and navigation. In this exercise, we have
Vol.3 of TheAirPilot's summarised the knowledge that is covered in detail in Volume 3
of navigation,includingof this series, Air Navigation. Volume 3 prepares you for the CAA
radionavigation, are PPL exam in this subject.
covered indepth.
Flight Management
theprogress of As the pilot-in-command of a cross-country flight you have
yourflightfromthe certain duties to perform, both on the ground and in flight. The
stageto closing main flight management tasks are:
• to fly the aeroplane; and
• to navigate it to the destination, which involves:
- flight planning; and
- en route navigation.
You have limited resources in the cockpit which need to be
managed efficiently. For example, it is difficult to measure tracks
and distances on a chart in flight while trying to fly in rough air.
Better management would have seen the chart work done on the
ground prior to flight. The better the flight planning, the easier
the en route navigation!
Flight Planning
Weather and Operational Considerations
B fore you tart t plan any flight, you should check the likely Obtain a thorough
w a her to h found on e plan ed route including a fo • ca t of pre-flight briefing.
wind and t mp ratu ·es. It is good airn1anship o ak advantag
of the bri ting facilitie avai] le o get a w ather bri · fing for
yo r plann d ar a and a rodron1 of op rafon.
Weather information is available:
• in aerodrome briefing offices (where, at certain aerodromes,
print-outs and facsimiles of Area Forecasts and Aerodrome
Forecasts are available - as advised in UK AIP GEN 3-5);
• by telephone from the AIRMET automated text infonnation
ervic , u ing h AIRMET r gr .1n shown in IP EN 3-5; or
• by fa imil fr rn th dial-u ME •- a •erv1c • hich
upplies a variety of graphic a ·ea for ca ts and RME •
18a - PilotNavigation 317
From/To Safety ALT RAS TAS WIV TR 1 Ori~ HDG Var HOG GS , Dist Time ETA HOG
Elstree ALT OT OT OM oc
Temp I
_I 069 '
Ipswich I
I 1
. 1286 ' 40
-2081 38
Total 138
■ Figure 1Ba-2 The flight log at this stage
18a - PilotNavigation 319
Track Guides
To allow easier in-flight estimation of any deviation from the
desired track, it is useful to draw in 5 ° and 10° guides either side
of track emanating from each turning point. This avoids having to
use a protractor or plotter in flight.
■ Figure1Ba-3 Track guides
■ Figure1Ba-4 If necessary convert IAS to TAS (using pressure
altitude and temperature)
On the wind side of the computer, use the forecast wind to set
up the trian le of velocitie and calculate drift, heading and
NOTE It is most important when using the wind side of the
computer that you work either completely in degrees true or
completely in degrees magnetic. Do not mix them! Either method
is satisfactory, but it is most common for PPL holders in the UK
to work in degrees true. Using the navigation computer is covered
in detail in V olun1e 3 of this series.
Having obtained the values for groundspeed (GS) and heading
HDG( , ins, rt the1n n the flight log. Magnetic variation, found
on the chart, is then used to convert the true heading into
magnetic heading - required when using the magnetic compass
and the direction indicator during the flight.
Having measured the distance of each leg and calculated the
expected groundspeed, determine the estimated time interval and
insert it on the flight log.
Add all of the individual time intervals together and obtain the
total time interval for the whole flight.
It is good airmanship at this point to compare this with the
total distance for the flight and verify that it is a reasonable result,
considering the average grounds eed expected to be achieved. Also,
confirm that you will a-riv with adequate daylight remaining.
18a- PilotNavigation 321
2310 98 102 270130 212 +14 226 2W 228 84 42 30 230
2113 98 102 270/30 241 +8 249 2W 251 75 17 14 253
+10 i
Shoreham I
Total 144 Ii
Fuel Calculations
The fuel consumption for various power settings is published in
the Flight Manual and Pilot's Operating Handbook. These figures
assume correct leaning of the fuel/ air mixture at higher levels
(usually above 5,000 ft) when cruising at less than 75% maximum
continuous power. Leaning the mixture correctly can decrease
fuel consumption by up to 20%.
At least 45 minutes' From the estimated time interval for the whole flight and the
reservefuel is published fuel consumption rate, calculate the expected flight
recommended. fuel. Reserve fuel should also be carried to allow for in-flight
contingencies, including diversions, fuel consumption poorer
than that published, unexpected headwinds en route, etc. At least
45 minutes' reserve fuel is recommended.
Insert the fuel calculations onto the flight log.
Route 88 10.3
Reserve 45 5.3
Fuel required 133 15.6= 16
Margin 180 21.0
Total carried 313 37.0
340 lbs.
~ 400
~ $TO FUEL •~• ..,;~ 6 .... ••L
·, " .
...3'NI JI,
F\lt. !W, w,._ -II.
;: 200 '
. . I
9 100 .
, BA ell . .
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 s.s
,, .
... 1000
.. ... .
:I ·1 ...
.. ...
• -I·, ..
130 140 150 !GO 170 180 IIIO lOO
2.5 KNOTS.
816 50 57 SL 142 263 168 21
l581 (661 2000 169 312 187 3A 10"C 20"C 30't: 40'C
4000 202 369 221 4( SPEED (86°F) (104"FI
!:; l32"FI l40"FI 168'FI
6000 241 439 268 41 ... AT60 FT
8000 290 623 321 61
!:!.,, .,,
w •
z::, a: z
::, a: z::, a:
::, a:
==~ ~
... ......
a: ...
a: ;5 t:
.J 0
.J 0
.J 0
a: ;5a:
I c::lfi:
< &&.
I <,
CJ Ill
<, C, CJ "'I
99B 68 7B SL 123 410 127 422 130 434 133 445 137 458
2000 130 434 134 447 138 i 460 141 473 145 487
4000 138 461 • 142 476 146 490 150 504 165 519
6000 I 147 492 I 151 507 156 523 161 639 165 655
I 8000 157 526 I 162 643 167 560 172 578 177 595
( 907 i 65 I 75 L..fil:.J 115 1362 ! 118 392] 121 402 124 413 127 424
2000 121 403 125 414 128 426 131 438 135 449
4000 12a I 421 132 440 135 I 452 139 '!65 143 478
I 6000 136 4541 1140 468 144 482 148 496 152 511
8000 145 484 149 600 164 J 615 158 531 163 547
816 61 71 SL 107 : 353 ; 110 362 112 I 311 116 380 118 390
2000 112 371 115 381 118 I 392 121 402 121 412
4000 118 393 122 404 125 415 128 426 131 438
6000 I 125 I 415 129 429 136 454 140 467
I 132 II 441
8000 133 443 137 457 141 471 145 4B5 149 499
Flight Notification
Prior to flight you should contact the relevant Air Traffic Services
(ATS) unit and either:
• book out; or
• file a flight plan.
A flight plan may be filed with A TC for any flight and is
advisable when planning to fly more than 10 nm from the coast or
over sparsely populated or mountainous areas, especially if the
aeroplane is not equipped with a radio. A flight plan must be filed
for certain flights, e.g. in certain controlled airspace. The AIP and
AICs detail the requirements. Notification can be in the form of
a full flight plan, or an abbreviated flight plan containing the
limited information needed to obtain a clearance for a portion of
a flight. The abbr· viate flight plan can be filed on the radio or by
t lephone prior take-off.
For most visual flights, however, it is sufficient to book out
with the ATS unit. This may be done by radio prior to taxiing, by
telephone, or in person if necessary. Booking out details should
include the aircraft registration, the destination, flight time,
endurance and the number of persons on board.
is vaid unless r1Mlked
6. This Ce,tilicale of AilwcJf1ho>ess
Dean/and Airfield
"TIiisartillcate &hal be carried on board during aN alg!lb
The work recorded above has boon carried out in accordan.;e 'n~H1 lhe requi1~ments of lhe Air Nav(Jation OrdN rc,rthe ti:nc
being in force and in that respect the a1rcraft/equipmenlis conside1ed fil for release to service
A fA ct11~)
I c· \Engine)
R' (Radio)
Certficate is ValidunUI 24.00 hours on 13"' September, 2008 \date)
: or upon comple1:onby l11eaircraft or ------;-50;:----- Fiying hours rr~n the dale of ceffif,:ntion.
i whthe\•er 1s the sooner ..-- • ..........-
_ _ ___ I
~o • Eri1frn, ~ -i>,or,ollc1 ·e I
·,_.., .--- ~ /102 Nol ··-No ~----- 7
-----·----=Rt.•2'1G97-15 .. _ K~716-3
M86.5 48.8S IOH
IS) d: 10$ .fit~. NA,
Cerbfied lhal a maintenance revie't, ol 1hisaircraft and such or ils equipment~!; ;s necessary for rts airworthiness has ~en
c~rried oul in accordance with the requirements of lhe Air Nav;,ga:ionOrder for the lime being m force
The Flight
Start-Up and Taxi
Following normal procedures, start the engine, switch on the radio,
book out with the ATS unit (if this has not already been done) and
taxi to the take-off position. If in any doubt about the exact time,
confirm it with an A TS unit and ensure that your clock is set
correctly. Complete all of the normal pre-flight checks.
Ensure that your navigation equipment is accessible, but will
not restrict the controls in any way.
.~ Estimated
F, 'set heading'
Once well clear of the circuit area, enter the 'set heading' time
on the flight log and estimate the arrival time at the destination and
at selected points en route. Regional Pressure Setting (obtainable by
radio from an ATS unit) should be set in the altimeter subscale so
that height above mean sea level is indicated, i.e. altitude. Look
well ahead to ensure that visual flight and the required separation
from cloud can be maintained and, if not, consider a diversion.
When established outbound from the aerodrome:
• Arrange the chart so that your planned track runs up the page,
making it easier for you to read from map to ground.
• Confirm that the direction indicator is aligned correctly with
the magnetic compass.
• Positively check a definite ground feature or group of features
within the first 10 nm to ensure that you are indeed on track
and that no gross error has been made - misreading the com-
pass or misaligning the direction indicator is always a possibility.
■ Figure 1Ba-13 Check that tracking is correct soon a~er setting heading
En Route Navigation
It is important to maintain steady headings for known times when
flying cross-country.
There is no need to refer to the chart all the time, but be sure
to keep it handy (and usually on your lap). It is best to select
ground features that will appear at intervals of 10 minutes or so
(which at a groundspeed of 120 kt puts them about 20 nm apart)
to verify that you are on or near track. Selecting checkpoints this
far apart allows time for your other duties, which include flying
the aeroplane, making radio calls and carrying out periodic checks
of the aeroplane systems (see FREDA check, page 240).
Knowfrom the chart which At the appropriate time, look ahead for the next checkpoint
features to expect ahead. which should be coming into view - in other words, look at the
chart, note the features that should shortly come into view and
then look outside with the expectation of seeing them. Read
Groundspeed Checks
The actual groundspeed is easily calculated from distance/time, Make regularchecksof the
using the time and distance between two fixes or crossing two groundspeedand revise
position lines. For example, if you cover 5 nm in 3 minutes, then yourETAs.
the groundspeed is 100 kt (3 minutes = 1/20 of an hour, therefore
GS = 20 x 5 = 100 kt). These calculations can be done mentally
or on the computer. Mentally is better if you can manage it.
Once you know the GS, you can revise your ET A for the next
check-point (and others further on). Again, this can be done
mentally or by computer. For example, if it is 40 nm to the next
checkpoint, then at 100 kt this should take 40/100 (4/10) of1 hour=
4 x 6 minutes = 24 minutes. If the time now is 1343 UTC, ET A
at the checkpoint is 1407 UTC.
Checking the actual time at the 1/4, 112 or 3/4 points along the
way makes the mental calculation of the next ET A very easy. Also,
it is good airmanship to log the times at fixes (or mark them on the
map), so that you have some record of what positions the
aeroplane passed over and when.
l i
~134~/\ .
,;: .,,_•
..~··· Town
►•.,..,•~,.•••• ~•ho1 •~ •••••~•Oo>, •t •~•••••
I '··--
Off-Track Corrections
It is usual to find that the actual track made good over the ground Adjustheadingas
differs from the desired track plotted on the map, possibly because necessary.
the wind is different to that forecast.
Whatever the cause, it is quite a simple calculation to revise the
heading to reintercept track. There are various means of doing
this and your flying instructor will recommend a method. It can
be done by computer or it can be done mentally (which leaves
your hands free for other duties and avoids having your 'head in
the cockpit' for too long). It is good airmanship to log the heading
changes and the time at which they were made.
In each of the three methods in the next figure, the same result
(turn 12° to the right) is obtained. Having regained track, turn 4°
left to maintain it.
1Ba - PilotNavigation 329
1.1:60 Rule
4 nm in 30 nm = 8 nm in 60, :. TE 8°
4 nm in 60 nm,:. CA4°
:. alter heading by 12°
2. Track Guides
by estimation TE =8°
:. alter heading by 12°
3. Ratio Method
TE = 8° in 1/3 distance
:. CA= 4° in 2/3 distance
:. alter heading by 12°
Turning Points
Just prior to reaching a turning point, check that the DI is indeed
aligned with the magnetic compass (part of the FREDA check).
Take up the new heading over the turning point, log the time and
calculate the ET A for the next checkpoint. Then, within 10 nm
of passing the turning point, confinn from ground features that
you are on the desired track and that no gross error has been made.
Use of the Radio
The radio is a very useful aid. En route and outside controlled
airspace, you will normally select the FIR frequency (shown on
the charts) to enable i1nmediate contact with the Air Traffic
Service unit if desired. If passing close to Aerodrome Traffic
Zones, Military Air Traffic Zones, regulated airspace, etc., make
sure that you contact the appropriate R/T frequency prior to
penetrating the airspace.
Further Points
A successful cross-country flight does not necessarily mean
arriving at the destination. Sometimes conditions are such that
continuing to the destination would expose your flight to
unnecessary risk. Weather forecasters are not infallible. If the
actual weather conditions ahead deteriorate to such a degree that
onward visual flight would be unsafe (or less safe than you like it
to be), then to divert is good airmanship.
There will always be pressures to press on from, for example, Never be afraidto divertif
passengers wanting to get home, a sense of failure if you do not you think it is the
make it to the planned destination, the inconvenience of having to appropriatething to do.
stay overnight away from home unexpectedly, etc.
When faced with an operational decision of whether to divert
or not, forget all of these secondary problems! They are irrelevant.
Your decision should be based on flight safety grounds alone.
Having decided to divert, perhaps in difficult conditions such
as turbulence, there is a basic diversion procedure that you
should follow:
• Make your decision to divert earlier rather than later.
1Ba - PilotNavigation 331
Low-Level Navigation
If a diversion is due to a lowering cloud base you may find yourself
involved in low-level navigation. Low-level flying is fully covered
in Exercise 18b, but navigation aspects worth noting are:
• If possible, perform any required checks before descent to a
low level.
• Consider using the precautionaryconfiguration (which allows
slower flight, a better forward view, better manoeuvrability, but
poorer fuel consumption).
• Your field of vision at low level is small and the speed that
ground features pass through it is greater.
• Check features need to be close to track to fall within this field
of vision and must be prominent in profile (i.e. when seen from
the side).
Uncertain of Position
Being temporarilyuncertainof your position is not the same as being
lost. A DR (dead reckoning) position can be calculated which,
hopefully, can shortly be backed up with a positive fix over or
abeam a ground feature.
If, at any time, you are uncertain of your position:
1. Log your heading (compass and direction indicator) and the
2. If the DI is incorrectly set, then you have the information
needed to make a reasonable estimate of your actual position.
Reset the DI and calculate a HDG and time interval to regain
the desired track.
3. If the DI is aligned correctly with the compass, then the non-
appearance of a landmark, while it will perhaps cause you some
concern, need not indicate that you are grossly off track. You
may not have seen the landmark for some perfectly legitimate
reason (bright sunlight, poor visibility, a change in features not
reflected on the chart, cloud, etc.).
4. If you think it is appropriate, make an urgency call (Pan-Pan
Pan-Pan Pan-Pan, etc.) on the frequency in use or on the
emergency frequency 121.5 MHz, squawk the appropriate
conspicuity code on your transponder and request assistance.
S. If still unable to fix your position, follow the procedures on the
next page.
Most probable
Important Points
• If you want to cover as much ground as possible with the fuel
available, you should fly the aeroplane for best range.
• Keep a navigation log going.
• Remain positively aware of time. Keep your eye on the fuel
and on the amount of time remaining until last light. If last
light is approaching, remember that it will be darker at ground
level than at altitude and, if you are flying in the tropics, that it
will become dark very quickly following sunset.
18a - PilotNavigation 335
Exercise ·1Bb
Navigation at Lower Levels
and in ReducedVisibility
1. To fly the aeroplane safely at a low level.
Why Fly at a Low Level?
A low level is generally considered to be 500 ft above ground level flyingis at 5 00 ~
or lower. Low-level flying may be necessary: aglor below.
• in poor weather conditions such as low cloud and/ or poor
• to inspect a field in preparation for a forced landing with
power available;
• in the VFR Entry /Exit Lanes that provide access to certain
aerodromes beneath airspace reserved for Instrument Flight
Rules (IFR) operations.
Pilot Responsibilities
Do not fly within 500 ft of any person, building, animal, etc., Remainaware ofyour pilot
except when taking off or landing. There are other restrictions responsibilitieswhen low
regarding flight over built-up areas (1,000 ft) and large open-air flying.
Around the country there are areas that have been set aside for
local training. Other aircraft may be operating in these areas at the
same time as you, so keep a good lookout for them (and for
obstructions such as TV masts and transmission wires). Remember
that balloons, helicopters, sailplanes, hang-gliders, microlights and
fast jet milita1y aircraft may also be operating at low levels.
Obstacle Clearance
A close study of charts of the area is advisable prior to flight -
special attention being given to the height of the ground above sea
level, the nature of the terrain and the position of obstacles.
Watch out for radiotowers Flying at a low level you have a limited field of vision and
and elevatedcableswhen surface features move rapidly through it. You need to anticipate
low flying,especiallyin any ground features and recognise them quickly. Obstacles such
as overhead cables, radio masts, chimneys and rising ground
deserve particular attention. Note these prior to commencing
low-level flight.
Drift on
crosswind regularly
* Wl
Fast over the ground
(same TAS, high GS)
~ Downwind
------ ~ ------------
■ Figure 1Bb-4 Wind effect is very noticeable in low-level flight
Remain downwind of obstacles, especially when turning, to
avoid the wind carrying the aeroplane into them.
Aircraft Configuration
In good visibility and over open country, the normal cruise Considerthe precautionary
configuration of 'clean' wings may be suitable for low-level configuration
for lowflying.
flying. In poor visibility or in confined areas where good
manoeuvrability is required, however, the precautionary
configuration with an early stage of flap lowered may be
Using the precautionary configuration allows:
• better vision because of the lower nose attitude with flap
• a lower cruise speed because of the reduced stalling speed;
• better manoeuvrability and smaller-radius turns because of
the lower airspeed;
,. better response to elevator and rudder, due to the extra power
required causing a greater slipstream effect.
A disadvantage of having flap extended for long periods,
however, is the increased fuel consumption and the reduced range
18b - Navigationat LowerLevelsand in ReducedVisibility 341
Be we//prepared before As it is important that the pilot maintains a very good lookout
descendingto a low level. when flying at a low level, a low-flying check of items in the
cockpit should be completed prior to descending. The FREDA
check, outlined previously, may be adequate:
F Fuel
Fuel on and sufficient.
Fueltank usagemonitored.
Mixture rich.
Fuelpump on (if fitted) and fuel pressurechecked.
R Radio
Radiofrequencycorrectlyselected,volumeand squelchsatisfactory.
Make any necessaryradio calls (receptionwill decreaseat low levels).
E Engine
Engineoil temperatureand pressure;mixture set correctly;carburettorheat if
required;checkof other systems(ammeter forelectricalsystem;suctiongauge
forair-drivengyroscopesif installed).
D Direction
Directionindicatoralignedwith magneticcompass,and your position on the
map checked.
A Altitude
Altitude checkedand subscalesetting correct(normallyRegionalQNH, possibly
QFEif joining a bad-weathercircuit).
An aeroplane that is correctly trimmed is easier to fly and more Keep in trim when
likely to maintain height. Since your attention is directed out of low flying.
the cockpit for most of the time in low-level flying, a well-
trimmed aeroplane is essential. A very slight nose-up trim will
help to ensure that an unintentional descent does not occur.
1Bb - Navigationat LowerLevelsand in ReducedVisibility 343
Maintain a high visual awareness. Keep a good lookout for other
aircraft and also for birds. Avoid congested areas and maintain a
suitable altitude (at least 500 agl). Also, avoid annoying people or
farm animals. Select a suitable area with good ground references.
Beware of false impressions caused by the wind effect, best
counteracted by reference to the airspeed indicator and the
balance ball. Be aware of false horizons.
Divide your time appropriately between:
• aeroplane control;
• maintaining and adjusting the path over the ground, keeping
coordinated with rudder pressure; and
• maintaining a visual scan so that you can see and avoid other
aircraft or obstacles, if necessary.
Apply the necessary wind drift corrections in straight flight by
adjusting heading, and in constant ground radius turns by
adjusting bank angle (but not to exceed 45°). Entering a
manoeuvre with the wind behind you will mean that the first turn
will be the steepest.
Turbulence may be greater at low levels, so ensure that you are
strapped in securely.
Hold the chosen speed to within 10 kt and altitude to within
100 feet. Avoid bank angles in excess of 45°.
Airwork 18b
Airwork 18b
Look out
Further Points
Low Flying in Bad Weather
Poor visibility, a descending cloud base or rising ground may require
some unplanned low flying. If you are 'caught-out' in really marginal
conditions, maintain as much separation from the ground as possible,
but never enter cloud - an estimated 100 ft beneath it is adequate.
Use any aircraft systems that can assist you in coping with bad
weather, such as carburettor heat (if required), pitot heaters,
window demisters, etc. Make your aeroplane more visible by
switching the rotating beacon and strobe on.
If the legal requirements of minimum visibility and distance
from cloud cannot be satisfied, then consideration must be given
to either:
• executing a 180° turn;
• diverting to an area where better weather exists;
• landing at a nearby aerodrome, or requesting radar guidance if
navigation is a problem; or
• making a precautionary landing in a field (this procedure is
discussed in Exercise 17).
,c f
20-SO secs
threshold \
500 ft aal
conffguration necessary ~
,- ----~---~----------------- --
Ground path of bad-weather circuit pattern ' ,
. . \
•Begin descent \\ ',
from 500 ft
when on final
4 ,,
··...... ' ' .... \
Monitor airspeed in turns to base
and final; add power if necessary
Exercise 19
Fundamental Skills.
The three fundamental skills in instrument flying are:
• instrument cross-check (also known as scanning the
• instrument interpretation (understanding their message); and
• aeroplane control (directing the aeroplane along the desired
flightpath at the desired airspeed using attitude flying).
Instrument flying is much easier if you are comfortable in the
cockpit and know your aeroplane well. Adjust the seat position
prior to flight to ensure that you can reach all of the controls easily,
and so that you have the correct eye position.
Attitude Flying
Attitude flying is the name given to the technique of using a Powerplus attitudeequals
selected power and a selected attitude to achieve the desired performance.
performance of the aeroplane in terms of flightpath and airspeed.
For a given aeroplane weight and configuration, a particular
attitude combined with a particular power setting will always
result in a similar flightpath through the air, be it a straight and
level flightpath, a climb, a descent or a turn. Any change of power
and/ or attitude will result in a change of flightpath and/ or
Aeroplane attitude has two aspects - pitch and bank, i.e. nose
position against the horizon, and bank angle. Pitch attitude is the
angle between the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the
horizontal. Bank angle (or bank attitude) is the angle between the
lateral axis of the aeroplane and the horizontal.
Pitch Attitude
The pitch attitude is the geometric relationship between the Pitchattitudeis not
longitudinal axis of the aeroplane and horizontal. Pitch attitude angleofattack.
refers to the aeroplane's inclination to the horizontal, and not to
where the aeroplane is actually going. The angle of attack, how-
ever, is the angle between the wing chord and the relative airflow.
The angle of attack, therefore, is closely related to flightpath.
19 - Instrument Flying 349
Relative airflow
Pitch attitude
■ Figure19-3 Pitch attitude and angle of attack are not the same
Pitch attitude and angle of attack are different, but they are
related in the sense that if the pitch attitude is raised, then the
angle of attack is increased. Conversely, if the pitch attitude is
lowered, the angle of attack is decreased.
wing bars of the miniature aeroplane and the horizon bar, or from
the position of the bank pointer on a graduated scale at the top of
the attitude indicator.
Most of your attention during flight, both visual and on Check the attitude
instruments, is concerned with achieving and holding a suitable indicatorevery few
attitude. A very important skill to develop when flying on seconds.
instruments, therefore, is to check the attitude indicator eve1y few
seconds. There are other tasks, of course, to be performed, and
there are other instruments to look at as well, but the eyes should
always return fairly quickly to the AI.
To achieve the desired performance (in terms of flightpath and
airspeed), you must not only place the aeroplane in a suitable
attitude with the flight controls, you must also apply suitable
power with the throttle. Just because the aeroplane has a high
pitch attitude does not mean that it will climb - it requires climb
power as well as climb attitude to do this. With less power, it may
not climb at all.
Attitude flying is the name given to the skill - controlling the
aeroplane's flightpath and airspeed with changes in attitude and
power. The techniques used in attitude flying are the same
visually or on instruments.
Figure 19-7 Layout of a typical instrument panel
- •
Yourmain scan is across Scanning is an art that will develop naturally during your train-
six basicinstruments: ing especially when you know what to look for. The main scan to
• AS/ • Al • ALT
develop initially is that of the six basic flight instruments,
• TC • DI • VS/
concentrating on the AI and radiating out to the others as
required. Having scanned the instruments, interpreted the mes-
sage that they contain, built up a picture of where the aeroplane
is and where it is going, you can control it in a meaningful way.
, II
Change Check, Hold, Adjust, Trim
Sensory llilusions
Sensoryillusionscan Most people live in a 1g situation most of the time, with their feet
leadyou astray. on the ground (1g means the force of gravity). However, some
variations to 1g do occur in everyday life - for instance, when
driving a car. Accelerating a car, hard braking, or turning on a flat
bend will all produce g-forces on the body different from the 1g
of gravity alone. Passengers with their eyes closed could perhaps
detect this by bodily feel or with their sense of balance.
A right turn on a flat road, for instance, could be detected by
the feeling of being thrown to the left - but it might be more
difficult to detect if the curve was perfectly banked for the
particular speed. A straight road sloping to the left (and causing
the passenger to lean to the left) might give the passenger the false
impression that the car is turning right, even though it is in fact
not turning at all. The position-sensing systems of the body, using
nerves all over the body to transmit messages of feel and pressure
to the brain, can be fooled in this and other ways.
The organs within the inner ear, used for balance and to detect
accelerations, can also be deceived. For instance, if you are sitting
in a car travelling around a suitably banked curve, the sensing
system in your ears falsely interprets the g-force holding you
firmly and comfortably in the seat as a vertical force, as if you were
moving straight ahead rather than in a banked turn.
The inner ear organs have other limitations, one being that a
constant velocity is not detected, nor is a very gradual change in
velocity. If you are sitting in a train, for instance, and there is
another train moving slowly relative to you on an adjacent track,
ally, for instance when setting a particular power for cruise or for
In instrument conditions, when the natural horizon cannot
be seen, pitch attitude and bank angle information is still available
to the pilot in the cockpit from the attitude indicator. Relatively
large pitch attitude changes against the natural horizon are
reproduced in miniature on the attitude indicator.
In straight and level flight, for instance, the wings of the
miniature aeroplane should appear against the horizon line, while
in a climb they should appear one or two bar widths above it.
In a turn, the wing bars of the miniature aeroplane will bank
together with the real aeroplane, while the horizon line remains
horizontal. The centre dot of the miniature aeroplane represents
the aeroplane's nose position relative to the horizon.
Nose high
Wings level
1,--=:c--~ ----- I
I ~~ I
',,........-====----- ~[!!J1~Jl_;=--;.J
I 1.------
il I
■ • •
Figure19-10 The Al is the master instrument for ,pitch attitude
and bank angle
Simple Scans
Balance (Coordination)
The AI, while it shows pitch attitude and bank angle directly, does
not indicate balance (coordination) or yaw. Balance or coordina-
tion information can be obtained simply by moving the eyes from
the attitude indicator diagonally down to the left to check that the
balance ball in the turn coordinator is indeed being centred with
rudder pressure. The eyes should then return to the Al.
Directional information can be obtained from the direction
indicator (DI) or from the magnetic compass. From the AI, the
eyes can be moved straight down to the DI to absorb heading
information, before returning to the AI.
Each eye movement to obtain particular information is very
simple, starting at the attitude indicator and radiating out to the
relevant instrument, before returning again to the AI.
----------------------, --------- ------------,
- __ ,___
I______ _
. I
I ,a;
• I
I ________. _______
I =•"---",,,,..,,~-JI _.
■ Figure19-11 A simple scan for balance ■ Figure19-12 A simple scan for heading
Airspeed information is also very important, and this is easily
checked by moving the eyes left from the AI to the airspeed
indicator (ASI), before returning them to the AI.
The altimeter is the only means of determining the precise height
of the aeroplane, in visual as well as in instrument conditions.
To obtain height information, the eyes can move from the AI
towards the right where the altimeter is located, before moving
back to the AI.
r I
I II~~!-~~: I
I . ,.......,,,.."_ I
f ~-·••S•"'N• J
I---~=-~ ~ ~:~~:;;-·'=~-
-------, ,--------- ,--------
I :
• •
~~~_j: ________.
■ Figure19-13 A simple scan for airspeed ■ Figure19-14 A simple scan for altitude
19 - InstrumentFlying 357
Vertical Speed
The rate of change of height, as either a rate of climb or a rate of
descent in feet per minute, can be monitored on the vertical
speed indicator (VSI) by moving the eyes from the AI diagonally
down to the right to the VSI, before returning them to the AI.
The VSI, since it is often used in conjunction with the altim-
eter, is located directly beneath it on most instrument panels.
A turn is entered using the AI to establish bank angle and the ball
to confirm balance (coordination). Additional information on the
turning rate is available from the turn coordinator once the bank
angle is established.
The normal rate of turn in instrument flying is 3 ° per second,
known as rate 1 or standard rate, and this is clearly marked on
the turn coordinator (or turn-and-slip indicator).
■ Figure19-15 A simple scan for vertical ■ Figure19-16 A simple scan for turn rate
speed information
With six basic flight instruments, plus the power indicator, it is
possible to fly the aeroplane very accurately and comfortably without
any external visual reference, provided that the instruments are
scanned efficiently, and the pilot controls the aeroplane adequately in
response to the information that he derives from them.
- - - .,
• ' I
, . •. . I
• • .i . I
... '.
~(~~=--_, L____;::::~__;,,,
guide to correct
pitch attitude r:--:;~=--=:_-;::::::::::::::=::;;;~~;::..-=,
erforman erforman
ide to pitc ide to pitc
. , l ' I
: • I ' • . I
• • II I
If climb power is still set after the aeroplane has been levelled
off at cruise altitude, then the aeroplane will accelerate, shown by
an increasing airspeed on the ASL At the desired speed, the power
should be reduced to a suitable value.
Correctpowerwhen While it is usual simply to set cruise power and then accept the
cruisingis checkedon the resulting airspeed, it is possible to achieve a precise airspeed by
adjusting the power. Because the ASI indications will then
determine what power changes should be made during level
flight, the airspeed indicator is the primary performance guide to
power requirements in the cruise.
r;■- '~I
- '
" .
I : -
• ,
• I
'I . •
'1 ,. ... ,
I "' • W I I ~-
,-------1 ·- - - - - -,.
, I
~!'!!,.T.,~~-t:_1' _,, ..._""b~~-:::__,
!I _____ _.l, ....
■ •
Figure19-23 The ASI is the primary instrument in the cruise to
confirm correct power
IPower controlj •
Check wings level on the Heading is maintained with reference to the direction indicator
attitude indicator. (DI), any deviations being corrected with gentle balanced
(coordinated) turns. Because the indications on the DI will
determine what minor corrections to bank angle should be made
on the attitude indicator during straight flight, the direction
indicator is the primary performance guide to zero bank angle in
maintaining a constant heading for straight flight. It is supported
by the turn coordinator as well as the AI.
Keep the balance ball The ball should be centred to keep the aeroplane in balance,
centred. avoiding any slip or skid, i.e. to provide coordinated straight flight.
to direction
I ,
If cruise power is set and left alone, with the resulting airspeed
being accepted (often the case in a normal cruise), then scanning
19 - InstrumentFlying 363
the ASI need not be as frequent, and the scan can concentrate on
the AI, DI, and altimeter.
Also, once established and well trimmed in the cruise, the
aeroplane will tend to maintain altitude because of its longitudinal
stability, making it less essential to scan the altimeter continually
compared to when the aeroplane is out of trim. The aeroplane
may not be as stable laterally as it is longitudinally, however, and
so the direction indicator should be scanned quite frequently to
ensure that heading is maintained.
Non IMC-rated pilots are already well-practised at scanning
the altimeter regularly, since it is the only means of accurately
maintaining altitude, but they may not be used to scanning the DI
quite so frequently as is necessary in instrument conditions. This
skill must be developed.
Do not allow the radial scan to break down. Avoid fixation on Keep the eyes moving,and
any one instrument because the resulting breakdown in the radial continually
returnto the
scan will cause delayed recognition of deviations from the desired attitudeindicator.
flightpath and/ or airspeed. Fixation on the DI, for instance, can
lead to heading being maintained perfectly, but in the meantime
altitude and airspeed may change - tendencies which would have
been detected (and corrected for) if the altimeter, VSI and ASI
had been correctly scanned. Keep the eyes moving, and continu-
ally return to the AI.
Occasionally, the eyes will have to be directed away from the
main flight instruments for a short period, for instance when
checking the power indicator during or following a power
change, or when periodically checking the oil temperature and
pressure gauges, fuel gauges, the ammeter, or the suction
(vacuum) gauge, or when realigning the direction indicator with
the magnetic compass. Do not neglect the radial scan for more
than a few seconds at a time, even though other necessary tasks
have to be performed.
Avoid omitting any relevant instrument. For instance, after
rolling out of a turn, check the DI to ensure that the desired
heading is being achieved and maintained. The wings might be
level and the aeroplane flying straight, but you may be on the
wrong heading.
Use all available resources. For instance, with correct power set
and the correct attitude selected on the AI, it is possible to main-
tain height, at least approximately, using only the AI and the
power indicator but, if precision is required, then the altimeter
must be included in the scan as the primary reference for altitude.
: g :
,.~, :
. I
. ________.
Other Scans
It is necessary on some occasions to have a fast scan, such as on
final for an instrument approach. On other occasions, however,
the scan can be more relaxed, for instance when cruising with the
autopilot engaged. It may then be suitable just to have a fairly
relaxed circular scan.
• 1:i;:~~~~~~?~I
-------1 I"'-------
al, .. ,
___ _.
Performance Table
To help you adjust to a new aeroplane type, we have included a
type performance table. You can fill in this table as you become
familiar with the power settings and attitudes required to achieve
the desired performance in the various phases of flight.
Attitude can be shown on the AI by inserting a horizon line.
The table allows for aircraft with retractable landing gear - if yours
has a fixed undercarriage, then just pencil the wheels in on the
chart, and only fill in the power settings and attitudes that you
need. Knowing the numbers simplifies the game.
Never proceed into instrument conditions without a flight Airmanshipis never
instructor unless you are properly qualified (with a valid proceeding into instrument
conditionsunlessyou and
instrument rating) in a suitably equipped aeroplane, and within
the aircra~are properly
the limitations of your ability and licence rating privileges. equippedto handlethem.
Always calculate a lowest safe altitude before entering
instrument conditions.
Keep in practice! Use smooth and coordinated control move-
The basic manoeuvres will be practised initially while you have
visual reference to the outside world, and then solely by reference
to the cockpit instruments.
,This introduction to instrument flying may best be handled in
the following four separate parts:
• Part (i) Straight and Level
• Part (ii) Climb, Cruise and Descent
• Part (iii) Turning
• Part (iv) Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
19 - InstrumentFlying 367
Configuration Power Attitude Performance V-speeds
Flaps Gear MP Airspeed
rpm VS/
Vs1= ...................
(stall speed,clean)
0 Vx= ..........
_ ....
Climb up
(best angle)
Vy= ..................
(best rate)
VA= .................
VNo= ...,.. m ~.... , ...
VNE= .................
(500 ~/min)
1. Clean
maps extended)
2. Flaps
extended up
VLo= .................
3. Flapsand (landinggear operation)
landinggear Vso= ...........
extended down (landingffapsand landing
gear extended)
*Aim to have airspeed, altitude and heading precisely on the desired numbers.
If they are not, take corrective action immediately.
(a) From straight and level, enter a climb at a constant airspeed:
• Settle into straight and level flight (a cruise) and note airspeed.
• Smoothly open throttle to full power (balance with rudder).
• Simultaneously raise nose slightly to maintain airspeed, and hold attitude .
• Note the VSI shows a rate of climb and altimeter a gain in altitude .
• Trim .
(b) From a climb, level off and maintain a constant airspeed:
• Lower the nose to maintain a constant airspeed.
• Reduce the power to normal cruise as set before (balance with rudder).
• Note the VSI shows zero and the altimeter a constant altitude.
• Trim.
( c) From straight and level, commence a descent:
• Reduce power by (300 rpm or so), balance with rudder.
• Lower the nose to maintain a constant airspeed.
• Note the VSI shows a rate of descent and the altimeter shows a decrease in altitude.
• Trim.
( d) From a descent, enter a climb:
• Smoothly open the throttle to full power (balance with rudder) and simultaneously
allow nose to rise to the climb attitude.
• Hold the attitude to maintain desired airspeed.
• Note the VSI shows a rate of climb and the altimeter a change in altitude.
• Trim.
accuracy: • airspeed± 10 kt
Suggested • heading± 10°
power • =m
accuracy:• airspeed± 10 kt
Suggested • heading± 10°
NOTE If desired, you can trim earlier in the sequence, while holding the new attitude as
airspeed decreases, to off-load some control-column pressure. However, a final trim
adjustment will need to be made. Do not use trim to change the attitude; pitch attitude must
only be changed with elevator. The trim is used solely to relieve sustained control pressures.
A steady climb is maintained with reference to all flight instruments, with the AS! confirming
that you are indeed holding the correct attitude for climbing, as set on the Al.
19 - InstrumentFlying 373
NOTE Steady, straight and level flight is maintained by reference to all flight instruments, with
the altimeter confirming that you are holding the correct attitude for straight and level, as set
on the attitude indicator.
Suggestedaccuracy: P-A-T ~~
• airspeed± 10 kt ~
• heading± 10°
• Reduce power (balance with rudder and exert back pressure on the control column as
necessary to maintain altitude).
• Allow the airspeed to decrease towards descent speed.
• At descent speed, lower the nose to the estimated descent attitude .
• Hold the new attitude to allow descent speed to stabilise (VSI will show rate of descent
and altimeter a decrease in altitude).
• Make minor adjustments to achieve the desired descent speed and rate of descent
( control airspeed with attitude and rate of descent with power).
• Trim .
At descent speed,
Descentpower, lower pitch attitude •
hold altitude and trim
NOTE A steady descent is maintained with reference to all flight instruments, with the ASI
confirming you are holding the correct attitude for descent as set on the Al.
19 - Instrument Flying 375
, _
' •
Simultaneo~s~ ;.~:
pitch attitude
•- ~
too high and add power
To level off at a specific altitude, increase the power and gradually raise the nose towards the
cruise position just before that altitude is reached-the amount of 'lead' being approximately
10% of the rate of descer:-it.For example, at 500 ft/min rate of descent, start increasing power
and raising the nose 50 ft prior to reaching the desired altitude.
• Increase power to cruise rpm (and balance with rudder pressure).
• Raisethe pitch attitude to the cruise position .
• Make minor adjustments to maintain altitude .
• Trim .
Steady straight and level flight is maintained with reference to all flight instruments - with the
altimeter confirming that you are holding the correct attitude for straight and level as set on
the attitude indicator.
19 - Instrument Flying 377
P-A-T ~q
Climb attitude __ ~ --
-------- ~ ------ ~
NOTE If making a go-around from an approach, you should apply maximum power (keeping
ball centred with rudder), hold a higher pitch attitude to establish a climb, and then raise the
flaps in stages. If your aeroplane has a retractable undercarriage, you would retract it once
you have a positive rate of climb.
• altitude± 100 ~
• bank angle±5°
• heading± 10°
A.irw-ork19, P-art(iii)
NOTE A rate 1 turn may also be achieved by using the clock and the direction indicator. By
holding the calculated bank angle you should achieve a turn rate of 3°/sec, which will give a
45° heading change in 15 seconds, a 90° heading change in 30 seconds, a 180° heading change
in one minute and 360° heading change in two minutes (hence the 2 MIN that is marked on
many turn coordinators).
2. A 30° Banked Level Turn
At the speeds achieved by most training aircraft, a 30° banked turn is greater than rate 1. A
steeper bank angle requires greater back pressure to maintain altitude, so the airspeed will
decrease a little further - by about 5 or 10 kt. The pitch attitude will be slightly higher than
for straight and level flight.
The rate of turn can be estimated from the turn coordinator, or by using the clock and the
direction indicator (bearing in mind that the turn coordinator may be limited by stops at about
rate 2 (twice rate 1, or 360°/min) - so that steeper bank angles will not be accompanied by
an increased rate-of-turn indication).
• altitude± 100 ~
• bank angle±5°
• heading± 10°
• altitude± 100 ~
• bank angle±5°
• heading±10°
4. Descending Turns
The descending turn will normally be entered from a straight descent. A lower pitch attitude
will be required in the turn to maintain airspeed. The rate of descent will increase - it can be
controlled with power, if you wish.
• altitude±100 ~
• bank angle±5°
• heading± 10°
1 -
I ' -:
'r=:~,---, •
:(!/!!;~~~~ •~ :
I .
.I i'
) •.
• ,
• i .:-
I ,
: - -!
I.___-==-=-__, I •~ • I
.. - - - - - '----==----' ._______ ~-- I
I •
• ~ I
J 1. Apply power
ISpiral dive I
■ A nose-low unusual attitude and recovery
Appendix 1 383
The PPL(A)SkillTest
Below is an example of a completed Report Form for the PPL(A) Skill Test -
note that the applicant was successful!
SERIES No:..... t ............ A'ITEMPT No: ..... 1...........
SURNAME: ... t\Y.U~.b~............................ CAA REF. No: ~.),jJi..J\.b. ..........
Test sections inco111plcl
• due:
Items not completed:
The reverse side describes each manoeuvre from each section, item by item.
Clvll AviationAuthorityRegulatlon6
Regulation 6(5) of tho Civil Av,ation Authority Regulations, 1991 as follows: Any pon:on y,t,o ha5 failod any lost or oxilminntion y,t,ich ho is
roqulrod lo pass bolore he Is granled or may exercise the privilegos of a porsonnol liconco may within 14 days of being notified of his faiJuro
request lhal the Authority dotormino whothor the test or examination was properly conducted. In ordor to succoed you v~IIhave to s11t,slythe
Authority that lhe examination or test was not proporty conducted. Mere dissatlslaclion of the resutt is not enough.
b Massand balance and performance calculation b • Procislon l.:inding (short lield landing), cross wind (if suitable
oondijions available)
d Engino slarting and aftor starting procedures d Approach and landing with ldlo power (Single engine only)
g Aerodrome departure procedures g ATChaison and compliance, R/T procedures, Airmanship
h _ATCliaison and compliance, R/T procedures, Airmanship h Actions aftor !light Including documentation
b Straight and level llighl ...,ithspeed changes a Simulated engine failure after take off (Single engine only)
C Climbing: i, Best rate of climb I> • Simul11ledforced landing. (Single engine only)
ii. Climbing lurns
- ,j~ Lovc1Iinci
Modium turns (30' llank)
C Simulated precmilionary landing (Single engine only)
0 ' Stoop turns (360' lef1and 119hl- ,15' b,mk) including recognition d 'Simulatod emergenclei;
: and recovery from a spiral divo.
h Dosconding:
- -
I. With and without power a Simulatod ongine failure during take oll (at a safe altitude
ii. Dosconding turns (stoop gliding turns) I
unless carried out in a FNPT II or a night simulator)
b ' Asymmotrlc approach and go around
b Maintenance of allitudo, heading and spood 'e ATC liaison and compliance. Arr procedures, Airmanship
C O1iontation, timing and revision of ETAs, log keeping I As dotormlnod by the Fhghl ExRminer - any relevant itoms of
the class/type rating skill lost to include, ii applicable:
d Diversion to alternate aerodrome, planning & implomentation I. Aeroplane systems including handling of auto pilot
II. Operation of pressurisation system
0 Uso of radio navigation aids, position fix and tracking iii Uso ol de•icing and anti icing system
+ Additionally,Items a, b and h of Socllon4 shall be assessed j .. Some ol these Items may be combinedat tho discretionof tho
within nny re-tut or ;sollt108'. _ FlightExaminer
A approach
aeronautical charts 337 attitude instrument flying 347, 368-382
ailerons autorotation 191
adverse yaw (unwanted yaw) and 33
aileron drag 140
effectiveness 49, 52
further effect 40, 43 bad-weather circuit 346
primary effect 3, 32, 36 balance ball 34; 74, 84, 355, 357, 359
spinning and 192 balancing
stalling and 175 a turn 140
use in turns 148, 153-163, 277, 286 ballooning 58, 96
use on landing 258 bank angle 348
use on take-off206, 208, 211, 252 base leg, of circuit 199
airspeed basic-T scan 362
best endurance 94, 167 battery 6
best range 94 baulked approach
control effectiveness and 49, 168 see go-around
drag and 94, 112 best-endurance airspeed 94
elevator and 41, 44, 49 best-range airspeed 94
in a climb 103-113 brakes
in a climbing turn 148 brake pedals 4
in a descending turn 153, 157, 161, 286 failure 11, 75
in a glide 116-121, 247 inspection 17
in a medium level turn 127, 141 on landing 224
in a powered descent 124 use during taxiing 69, 75
in a slip 133
in a spin 189, 190
in straight and level flight 91-95 C
limits 95, 281 carbon monoxide poisoning
low-level flying and 341, 344 precautions against 68
on approach 216, 220, 221, 223, 228 carburettor 5
airspeed indicator carburettor heat 5
flap operating range 59, 100, 129, 131 on approach and landing 223
limit speeds 173 use 54, 61, 118, 121
stall speed markings 59, 129, 174 carburettor icing
alcohol causes 60
seemedical aspects effects 60
all-flying tail 31 prevention 54
alternator 6 centre of gravity
angle of attack effect on stall speed 185
elevator and 82 effects on spin characteristics 190
in a climbing turn 149 longitudinal stability and 79
in a descending turn 154 weight and balance calculations 321
in a spin 190 charts 337
in a steep turn 27 6 checklists 8
in straight and level flight 82 after start 20
stalling 173-177, 180-186 after take-off 208
vs. pitch attitude 348 after-landing check 225
adverse yaw in turns 33
power changes and 53