Agriculture Machinery Level 4 Cu

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First published 2019

All rights reserved. No part of these Curriculum may be reproduced, distributed, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the TVET
CDACC, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and
certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission
requests, write to the Council Secretary/CEO, at the address below:

Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Email: [email protected]

©2019, TVET CDACC 2


The provision of quality education and training is fundamental to the Government’s

overall strategy for social economic development. Quality education and training will
contribute to achievement Kenya’s development blue print and sustainable
development goals.

Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision
2030 and meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education
sector had to be aligned to the Constitution and this resulted in the formulation of the
Policy Framework for Reforming Education and Training (Sessional Paper No. 14 of
A key feature of this policy is the radical change in the design and delivery of the
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) training. This policy
document requires that training in (TVET) be competency based, curriculum
development be industry led, certification be based on demonstration of competence
and mode of delivery allows for multiple entry and exit in TVET programs.

These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to
ensure the curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background
that this Curriculum has been developed.
It is my conviction that this curriculum will play a great role towards development of
competent human resource for the Agriculture Engineering sector’s growth and
sustainable development.



©2019, TVET CDACC 3


Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform the country into a newly industrializing,
“middle-income country providing a high-quality life to all its citizens by the year
2030”. Kenya intends to create a globally competitive and adaptive human resource
base to meet the requirements of a rapidly industrializing economy through life-long
education and training. TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) has
a responsibility of facilitating the process of inculcating knowledge, skills and
attitudes necessary for catapulting the nation to a globally competitive country, hence
the paradigm shift to embrace Competency Based Education and Training (CBET).

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 and the
Sessional Paper No. 14 of 2012 on Reforming Education and Training in Kenya,
emphasized the need to reform curriculum development, assessment and certification.
This called for a shift to CBET to address the mismatch between skills acquired
through training and skills needed by industry as well as increase the global
competitiveness of Kenyan labour force.
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET
CDACC), in conjunction with Agriculture Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC)
have developed this curriculum.

This curriculum has been developed following the CBET framework policy; the
CBETA Standards and guidelines provided by the TVET Authority and the Kenya
National Qualification framework designed by the Kenya National Qualification

This curriculum is designed and organized with an outline of learning outcomes;

suggested delivery methods, training/learning resources and methods of assessing the
trainee’s achievement. The curriculum is competency-based and allows multiple entry
and exit to the course.

I am grateful to the Council Members, Council Secretariat, Agriculture Sector Skills

Advisory Committee (SSAC), expert workers and all those who participated in the
development of this curriculum.


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This curriculum has been designed for competency-based training and has
independent units of learning that allow the trainee flexibility in entry and exit. In
developing the curriculum, significant involvement and support was received from
various organisations.

I appreciate the funding of the Government of Canada and its implementing partner
Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) which enabled the development of this
curriculum through the Kenya Education for Employment Program (KEFEP).

I also appreciate the Kitale National Polytechnic and its Canadian technical partners
from Olds College who collaborated to identify industry skills gaps and develop this

I recognize with appreciation the role of industry partners including the National
Polytechnic’s Industry Advisory Committee and the Agriculture Sector Skills
Advisory Committee (SSAC) in ensuring that competencies required by the industry
are addressed in the curriculum. I also thank all stakeholders in the sector for their
valuable input and all those who participated in the process of developing this

I am convinced that this curriculum will go a long way in ensuring that workers in
Agriculture Engineering sector acquire competencies that will enable them to perform
their work more efficiently.


©2019, TVET CDACC 6


ACRONYMNS AND ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................
KEY TO UNIT CODE.....................................................................................................VII
COURSE OVERVIEW..................................................................................................VIII
BASIC UNITS OF COMPETENCY...................................................................................
COMMUNICATION SKILLS........................................................................................................
NUMERACY SKILLS....................................................................................................................
DIGITAL LITERACY....................................................................................................................
ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS.....................................................................................................
EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS........................................................................................................
ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY................................................................................................
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES.......................................................
COMMON UNITS OF COMPETENCY..........................................................................
TECHNICAL DRAWING............................................................................................................
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS..............................................................................................
ENGINEERING SCIENCE PRINCIPLES...................................................................................
WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY PRINCIPLES.............................................................................
CORE UNITS OF COMPETENCY..................................................................................
FARM TRACTOR........................................................................................................................
CALIBRATION OF FIELD EQUIPMENT..................................................................................
AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY DIGITAL SYSTEMS...........................................................
HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS.............................................................................................................
AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS....................................................

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CAD Computer Aided Design

CDACC Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council

EHS Environment Health and Safety

IAC Industry Advisory Committee

KCSE Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

KEFEP Kenya Education for Employment

KNQA Kenya National Qualification Authority

KNQF Kenya National Qualification Framework

KEBS Kenya Bureau of Standards

MHE Material handling Equipment

NEMA National Environment Management Authority

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

SSAC Sector Skills Advisory Committee

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

TVETA Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority

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ENG/CU/AME/CR/ 01 / 4/ A

Industry or sector


Occupational area

Type of competency

Competency number

Competency level


©2019, TVET CDACC 9

Agriculture Machinery Level 4 qualification consists of competencies that an
individual must achieve to enable him/her in a work place. It involves operating and
maintaining farm tractor, calibrating field equipment, applying digital skills in
agricultural systems, maintaining hydraulic systems and maintaining agricultural
pneumatic systems.

The units of competency comprising Agriculture Machinery and Equipment Level 4

qualifications include the following.


Unit Code Unit o Title Duration in Credit

Hours Factor

ENG/CU/AME/BC/01/ Communication Skills 20 2

ENG/CU/AME/BC/02/ Numeracy Skills 25 3

ENG/CU/AME/BC/03/ Digital Literacy 35 3


ENG/CU/AME/BC/04/ Entrepreneurial Skills 60 6


ENG/CU/AME/BC/05/4/A Employability Skills 30 3

ENG/CU/AME/BC/06/ Environmental 20 2
4/A Literacy

ENG/CU/AME/BC/07/ Occupational Safety 20 2

4/A And Health Practices

Total 210 21


Unit Code Unit Title Duration in Credit

hours Factor

ENG/CU/AME/CC/01/4 Technical drawing 30 3

ENG/CU/AME/CC/02/4 Applied Engineering 30 3

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ENG/CU/AME/CC/03/4 Engineering science 30 3

ENG/CU/AME/CC/04/4 Workshop technology 20 2

Total 0 11


Unit Code Unit Title

Duration Credit Factor
in hours

ENG/CU/AME/CR/01/4A Farm tractor 100 10

ENG/CU/AME/CR/02/4/A Calibration of field 100 10


ENG/CU/AME/CR/03/4/A Agricultural digital 60 6


ENG/CU/AME/CR/04/4/A Hydraulic systems 80 8

ENG/CU/AME/CR/05/4/A Agricultural 50 5
pneumatic systems

ENG/CU/AME/CR/06/4/A Industrial attachment 300 30

Total 0 69

Grand total 1010 101

The total duration of the course is 1010 hours.

Entry Requirements

An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum

a) Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Level 3

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b) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)- Mean Grade D-(Minus)


c) Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications

Authority (KNQA)

Industrial attachment
It is envisaged that the trainee will undergo an industrial attachment training and assessment
with a recognized agricultural machinery and equipment facility as a prerequisite for
Completion of this training course.
The course will be assessed at two levels:
a) Internal assessment: conducted continuously by the trainer (internal assessor)
who is monitored by an accredited internal verifier.

b) External assessment: conducted by an accredited external assessor who is

monitored by an accredited external verifier.

The assessors and verifiers are registered by TVET CDACC which also coordinates
external assessment.

Trainer qualification
A trainer for this course should have a higher qualification than the level of this course

An individual will be awarded a Certificate of Competency on demonstration of competence
in a unit of competency. To be awarded National Certificate in Agriculture Machinery and
Equipment, an individual must demonstrate competence in all the units of competency

These certificates will be awarded by TVET CDACC in conjunction with the training

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Communication Skills

Duration of Unit: 20 Hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required demonstrate communication skills. It
involves obtaining and conveying workplace information, completing relevant work-
related documents, communicating information about workplace processes, leading
workplace discussion and communicating workplace issues.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Obtain and convey workplace information
2. Complete relevant work-related documents
3. Communicate information about workplace processes
4. Lead workplace discussions
5. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of
1. Obtain and convey  Communication process  Interview
workplace  Modes of communication  Third party
information  Medium of communication reports
 Effective communication
 Barriers to communication
 Flow of communication
 Sources of information
 Types of questions
 Organizational policies
 Workplace etiquette
 Ethical work practices in
handling communication
2. Complete relevant  Types and purposes of  Interview
work-related workplace documents and  Third party
documents forms reports
 Methods used in filling forms
and documents
 Recording workplace data

©2019, TVET CDACC 14

 Process of distributing
workplace forms and
 Report writing
 Types of workplace reports
3. Communicate  Communication process  Interview
information about  Modes of communication  Portfolio
workplace  Medium of communication
processes  Effective communication
 Barriers to communication
 Flow of communication
 Sources of information
 Organizational policies
 Organization requirements
for written and electronic
communication methods
 Report writing
 Effective questioning
techniques (clarifying and
 Workplace etiquette
 Ethical work practices in
handling communication
4. Lead workplace  Methods of discussion e.g.  Interview
discussion  Coordination  Third party
meetings reports
 Toolbox discussion
 Peer-to-peer
 Solicitation of response
5. Identify and  Identification of problems and  Interview
communicate issues  Portfolio
issues arising in the  Organizing information on
workplace problems and issues
 Relating problems and issues
 Communication barriers
affecting workplace

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Direct instruction
 Demonstration
 Practice assignment
 Discussion

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 Role play
 Brainstorming

Recommended Resources
 Desktop computers/laptops
 Internet connection
 Projectors
 Telephone
 Report writing templates

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Relationship to Occupational Standards:

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Numeracy Skills

Duration of Unit: 25 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate numeracy skills. It
involves identifying and using whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and
percentages for work, identifying, measuring and estimating familiar quantities for
work, reading and using familiar maps, plans and diagrams for work, identifying and
describing common 2D and some 3D shapes for work, constructing simple tables and
graphs for work using familiar data and identifying and interpreting information in
familiar tables, graphs and charts for work.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages
for work
2. Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work
3. Read and use familiar maps, plans and diagrams for work
4. Identify and describe common 2D and some 3D shapes for work
5. Construct simple tables and graphs for work using familiar data
6. Identify and interpret information in familiar tables, graphs and charts for work

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of
1. Identify and use  Whole numbers  Written
whole numbers  Simple fractions  Practice
and simple  Decimals assignments
fractions,  Percentages
decimals and  Sizes
percentages for  Problem solving methods
 Calculations using the
4 operations
 Recording and
communicating numerical
2. Identify, measure and  Measurement information  Written
estimate familiar  Units of measurement  Practice
quantities for work  Estimate familiar and assignments

©2019, TVET CDACC 17

simple amounts
 Selection of appropriate
measuring equipment
 Calculate using familiar
units of measurement
 Check measurements and
results against estimates
 Using informal and some
formal mathematical and
general language
 Record or report results
3. Read and use familiar  Maps, plans and diagrams  Practical test
maps, plans and  Locate items and places in  Written
diagrams for work familiar maps, plans and
 Recognize common
symbols and keys in
familiar maps, plans and
 Direction and location of
objects, or route or places
 Use of informal and some
formal oral mathematical
language and symbols
4. Identify and describe  Common 2D shapes and  Written
common 2D and some 3D shapes  Practical test
3D shapes for work  Classification of common
2D shapes and designs
 Description of Use
informal and some formal
language to describe
common two-dimensional
shapes and some common
three-dimensional shapes
 Construction of common
2D shapes
 Match common 3D shapes
to their 2D sketches or
5. Construct simple  Types of graphs  Written
tables and graphs for  Determination of data to be  Practical test
work using familiar data collected
 Selection of data collection
 Collection of data

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 Determination of variables
from the data collected
 Order and collate data
 Construct a table and enter
 Construct a graph using data
from table
 Check results
 Report or discuss graph
information related to work
using informal and some
formal mathematical and
general language
6. Identify and interpret  Tables construction and  Written
information in familiar labeling  Practical test
tables, graphs and charts  i.e. title, headings, rows and
for work columns
 Interpreting information and
data in simple tables
 Relaying information of
relevant workplace tasks
on/in a table
 Identify familiar graphs and
charts in familiar texts and
 Locate title, labels, axes,
scale and key from familiar
graphs and charts
 Identify and interpret
information and data in
familiar graphs and charts
 Relate information to
relevant workplace tasks

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Practical demonstration of tasks by trainer
 Practice by trainees/ role play
 Discussion
 Observations and comments and corrections by trainers

Recommended Resources
 Computers
 Stationery
 Charts

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 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 LCD projectors
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Projectors
 Writing boards
 Mathematical tables

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Digital Literacy

Duration of Unit: 35 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate digital literacy in a
working environment. It entails identifying computer software and hardware, applying
security measures to data, hardware, software, applying computer software in solving
task sand applying internet and email in communication at workplace.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify computer software and hardware
2. Apply security measures to data, hardware and software
3. Apply computer software in solving tasks
4. Apply internet and email in communication at workplace

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of
1. Identify computer  Meaning of a computer  Written tests
hardware and  Functions of a computer  Oral
software  Components of a computer  Observation
 Classification of computers
2. Apply security  Data security and control  Written tests
measures to data,  Security threats and control  Oral
hardware and measures presentation
software  Types of computer crimes  Observation
 Detection and protection  Projects
against computer crimes
3. Apply computer  Operating system  Oral questioning
software in solving  Word processing  Observation
tasks  Spread sheets  Project
 Data base
4. Apply internet and  Computer networks  Oral questioning
email in  Uses of internet  Observation
communication at  Electronic mail (e-mail)  Oral
workplace concept presentation
 Written report

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Suggested Methods of Instruction
 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical assignment
 Viewing of related videos
 Project
 Group discussions

Recommended Resources
 Desktop computers
 Laptop computers
 Other digital devices
 Printers
 Storage devices
 Internet access
 Computer software

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Relationship to occupational standards
This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Entrepreneurial Skills

Duration of unit: 60 hours

Unit description
This unit covers the competencies required for creating and maintaining small scale
business, establishing small business customer base, managing and growing a
micro/small-scale business.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Create and maintain small scale business
2. Establish small scale business customer base
3. Manage small scale business
4. Grow/expand small scale business

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of
1. Create and  Starting a small business  Individual/group
maintain  Legal regulatory assignments
small scale requirements in starting a  projects
business small business  Written
 SWOT/ PESTEL analysis  Oral
 Conducting
market/industry survey
 Generation and
evaluation of business
 Matching competencies
with business
 Forms of business
 Location of a small
 Legal and regulatory
 Resources required to
start a small business
 Common terminologies in

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 Entrepreneurship in
national development
 Self-employment
 Formal and informal
 Entrepreneurial culture
 Myths associated with
 Types, characteristics,
qualities & role of
 History, development and
importance of
 Theories of
 Quality assurance for
small businesses
 Policies and procedures
on occupational safety
and health and
environmental concerns
2. Establish  Good staff/workers and  Individual/group
small scale customer relations assignments
business  Marketing strategy  projects
customer base  Identifying and maintain  Written
new customers and  Oral
 Product/ service
 Products / services
 Conducting a business
 Generating Business
 Business opportunities
3. Manage small  Organization of a small  Oral
scale business business  Individual/group
 Small business’ business assignments
plan  projects
 Marketing for small  Written

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 Managing finances for
small business
 Production/ operation
process for
 Small business records
 Book keeping and
auditing for small
 Business support services
 Small business resources
mobilization and
 Basic business social
 Management of small
 Word processing
concepts in small
business management
 Computer application
 Monitoring and
controlling business
4. Grow/expand  Methods of growing  Individual/group
small scale small business assignments
business  Resources for growing  projects
small business  Written
 Small business growth
 Computer software in
business development
 ICT and business growth

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by trainee
 Role play
 Case study

Recommended Resources

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 Case studies for small businesses
 Business plan templates
 Lap top/ desk top computer
 Internet
 Telephone
 Writing materials

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Employability Skills

Duration of Unit: 30 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It
involves conducting self-management, demonstrating critical safe work habits,
demonstrating workplace learning and workplace ethics.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Conduct self-management
2. Demonstrate critical safe work habits
3. Demonstrate workplace learning
4. Demonstrate workplace ethics

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of Assessment
1. Conduct self-  Self-awareness  Written tests
management  Formulating personal vision,  Oral questioning
mission and goals  Portfolio of evidence
 Strategies for overcoming life  Third party report
 Emotional intelligence
 Assertiveness
 Expressing personal thoughts,
feelings and beliefs
 Developing and maintaining high
 Developing and maintaining
positive self-image
 Articulating ideas and aspirations
 Accountability and responsibility
 Good work habits
 Self-awareness
 Self-development
 Financial literacy
 Healthy lifestyle practices

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2. Demonstrate critical  Stress and stress management  Written tests
safe work habits  Punctuality and time consciousness  Oral questioning
 Interpersonal communication  Portfolio of evidence
 Sharing information  Third party report
 Leisure
 Integrating personal objectives into
organizational objectives
 Resources utilization
 Setting work priorities
 HIV and AIDS
 Drug and substance abuse
 Handling emerging issues
3. Demonstrate  Personal training needs  Written tests
workplace learning identification and assessment  Oral questioning
 Managing own learning  Portfolio of evidence
 Contributing to the learning  Third party report
community at the workplace
 Cultural aspects of work
 Variety of learning context
 Application of learning
 Safe use of technology
 Identifying opportunities
 Workplace innovation
 Performance improvement
 Handling emerging issues
 Future trends and concerns in
4. Demonstrate  Meaning of ethics  Written tests
workplace ethics  Ethical perspectives  Oral questioning
 Principles of ethics  Portfolio of evidence
 Values and beliefs  Third party report
 Ethical standards
 Organization code of ethics
 Common ethical dilemmas
 Organization culture
 Corruption, bribery and conflict of
 Privacy and data protection
 Diversity, harassment and mutual
 Financial
 Etiquette
 Personal and professional integrity

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 Commitment to jurisdictional laws
 Emerging issues in ethics

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Simulation/Role play
 Group Discussion
 Presentations
 Q&A
 Case studies
 Assignments

Recommended Resources
 Computers
 Stationery
 Charts
 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 Radio sets
 TV sets
 LCD projectors

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Environmental Literacy

Duration of Unit: 20 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to demonstrate environmental literacy. It
involves controlling environmental hazard, controlling environmental pollution,
demonstrating sustainable resource use and evaluating current practices in relation to
resource usage.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Control environmental hazard
2. Control environmental pollution
3. Demonstrate sustainable use of resources
4. Evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Methods of
Learning Outcome Content
1. Control environmental  Purposes and content of  Written
hazard Environmental Management tests
and Coordination Act 1999  Oral
 Purposes and content of Solid questions
Waste Act  Observatio
 Storage methods for n of work
environmentally hazardous procedures
 Disposal methods of
hazardous wastes
 Types and uses of PPE in line
with environmental
 Occupational Safety and
Health Standards (OSHS)
2. Control environmental  Types of pollution  Written
Pollution  Environmental pollution tests
control measures  Oral
 Types of solid wastes questions

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 Procedures for solid waste  Observatio
management n of work
 Different types of noise procedures
pollution  Role play
 Methods for minimizing noise
3. Demonstrate  Types of resources  Written
sustainable resource  Techniques in measuring tests
use current usage of resources  Oral
 Calculating current usage of questions
resources  Observatio
 Methods for minimizing n of work
wastage procedures
 Waste management
 Principles of 3Rs (Reduce,
Reuse, Recycle)
 Methods for economizing or
reducing resource
4. Evaluate current  Collection of information on  Written
practices in relation to environmental and resource tests
resource usage efficiency systems and  Oral
procedures, questions
 Measurement and recording of  Observatio
current resource usage n of work
 Analysis and recording of procedures
current purchasing strategies.
 Analysis of current work
processes to access
information and data
 Identification of areas for
5. Identify  Environmental  Written
Environmental issues/concerns tests
legislations/conventio  Environmental legislations  Oral
ns for environmental /conventions and local questions
concerns ordinances  Observatio
 Industrial standard n of work
/environmental practices procedures
 International Environmental
Protocols (Montreal, Kyoto)
 Features of an environmental

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Suggested Methods of Instruction
 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Practical demonstration of tasks by trainer
 Practice by trainees/ role play
 Discussion
 Observations and comments and corrections by trainers

Recommended Resources
 Computers
 Stationery
 Charts
 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 Radio sets
 TV sets
 LCD projectors
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate Occupational Safety and
Health Practices

Duration of Unit: 20 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to practice safety and health and comply
with OSH requirements relevant to work. It involves adhering to workplace
procedures for hazards and risk prevention and participating in arrangements for
workplace safety and health maintenance.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Adhere to workplace procedures for hazards and risk prevention
2. Participate in arrangements for workplace safety and health maintenance

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of
1. Adhere to  Arrangement of work area and  Oral questions
workplace items in accordance with  Written tests
procedures for Company housekeeping  Portfolio of
hazards and risk procedures evidence
prevention  Adherence to work standards  Third party report
and procedures
 Application of preventive and
control measures, including use
of safety gears/PPE
 Study and apply standards and
procedures for incidents and
2. Participate in  Participating in orientations on  Oral questions
arrangements for OSH requirements/regulations  Written tests
workplace safety of tasks  Portfolio of
and health  Providing feedback on health, evidence
maintenance safety, and security concerns to  Third party report
appropriate personnel as
required in a sufficiently
detailed manner
 Practice workplace procedures

©2019, TVET CDACC 33

for reporting hazards, incidents,
injuries and sickness
 OSH requirements/ regulations
and workplace safety and hazard
control procedures are reviewed,
and compliance reported to
appropriate personnel
 Identification of needed OSH-
related trainings are proposed to
appropriate personnel

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Assigments
 Discussion
 Q&A
 Role play
 Viewing of related videos

Recommended Resources
 Computers
 Stationery
 Charts
 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 Radio sets
 TV sets
 LCD projectors
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g.
 Mask
 Face mask/shield
 Safety bootsn
 Safety harness
 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
 Hard hat
 Face protection (mask, shield)
 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
 Anti-static suits
 High-visibility reflective vest

©2019, TVET CDACC 34


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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Prepare and interpret technical drawings

Duration of Unit: 30 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and interpret technical
drawings. It involves using and maintaining drawing equipment and materials,
producing plane geometry drawings, producing solid geometry drawings, producing
solid pictorial drawings and producing orthographic drawings.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Use and maintain drawing equipment and materials

2. Produce plane geometry drawings
3. Produce solid geometry drawings
4. producing solid pictorial drawings
5. Produce orthographic drawings.

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods:

Learning outcome Content Methods of
1. Use and maintain  Identification and care of  Observation
drawing equipment drawing equipment  Oral
and materials  Identification and care of questioning
drawing materials  Written tests
 Reference to manufacturer’s
instructions and work place
procedures on use and
maintenance of drawing
equipment and materials
 Reference to relevant
environmental legislations
 Use of personal protective
equipment (PPEs)
2. Produce plane  Types of lines in drawings  Oral
geometry drawings  Construction of geometric forms questioning
e.g. Squares, circles  Practical
 Construction of different angles tests

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 Measurement of different angles  Observation
 Bisection of different angles and
 Standard drawing conventions
3. Produce solid  Interpretation of sketches and  Observation
geometry drawings drawings of patterns e.g.  Practical
Cylinders, prisms and pyramids tests
 Sectioning of solids e.g. Prisms,  Oral
cones questioning
 Development and
interpenetrations of solids e.g.
Cylinder to cylinder and cylinder
to triangular, prism
4. Produce  Meaning of pictorial and  Observation
orthographic orthographic drawings  Practical
drawings  Meaning of sectioning tests
 Meaning of symbols and  Oral
abbreviations questioning
 Drawing and interpretation of
orthographic elevations
 Dimensioning of orthographic
 Sectioning of views

Suggested methods of instruction

 Projects
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Discussions

Recommended Resources

● Drawing room

● Drawing instruments e.g. T-squares, set squares, drawing sets

● Drawing tables

● Pencils, papers, erasers

● Masking tapes

©2019, TVET CDACC 37



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply Engineering Mathematics

Duration of Unit: 30 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to apply engineering mathematics. It

involves using concepts of basic arithmetic in solving work problems, using formulae
and algebraic expressions for solving work problems, applying geometrical
calculations for solving work problems, applying statistics to solve work problems
and carrying out business calculations.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Use concepts of basic arithmetic in solving work problems

2. Use formulae and algebraic expressions for solving work problems
3. Apply geometrical calculations for solving work problems
4. Apply statistics to solve work problems
5. Carry out business calculations
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of

1. Use concepts of  Identify various kinds  Written tests
basic arithmetic in solving of numbers  Oral
work problems  Carry out arithmetical questioning
operations accurately  Assignments
 Use indices in  Supervised
multiplication and exercises
2. Use formulae and algebraic  Solve simple algebraic  Written tests
expressions for solving work equations  Oral
problems  Form simple algebraic questioning
equations  Assignments
 Represent linear  Supervised
equations exercises.
 Solve simple
simultaneous equations
3. Apply geometrical  Calculate areas of  Assignments
calculations for solving work selected shapes  Oral

©2019, TVET CDACC 38

problems  Calculate surface areas questioning
of selected shapes  Supervised
 Calculate volumes of exercises
selected shapes  Written tests.
 Apply Pythagoras
4. Apply statistics to solve work  Data collection  Assignments
problems  Data organization  Oral
 Data representation questioning
 Median  Observation
 Charts  Supervised
 Interpretation of data exercises
 Written tests

Suggested methods of instruction

● Group discussions

● Demonstration by trainer

● Online videos

● Power point presentation

● Exercises by trainee

Recommended Resources
● Scientific Calculators

● Relevant reference materials

● Stationeries

● Internet

©2019, TVET CDACC 39



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply Agricultural Engineering Science

Duration of Unit: 30 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to apply engineering science principles. It
involves carrying out measurements, determining force, work, energy and power,
solving simple problems on friction, identifying characteristics of light and sound and
applying general chemistry in experiments.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Carry out measurements

2. Determine force, work, energy and power
3. Solve simple problems on friction
4. Identify characteristics of light and sound
5. Apply general chemistry in experiments

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning outcome Content Methods of

1. Carry out  Select appropriate units of  Written tests
measurements measurements  Oral questioning
 Convert units from one form to  Assignments
another  Supervised
 Carry out simple measurements exercises
2. Determine  Define force, work, energy and  Written tests
force, work, power  Oral questioning
energy and  Describe forms of energy  Assignments
power  Convert energy from one form  Supervised
to another exercises.
 Solve simple calculations on  Practical tests
force, work, energy and power
3. Solve simple  State meaning of friction  Assignments
problems on  Identify the advantages and  Oral questioning
friction disadvantages of friction  Supervised
 Solve simple problems on exercises

©2019, TVET CDACC 40

friction  Written tests.
 Practical tests
4. Identify  Identify sources of light and  Assignments
characteristics sound  Oral questioning
of light and  State the laws of reflection and  Practical tests
sound refraction  Observation
 Determine the characteristics of  Supervised
images formed by mirrors exercises
 Solve simple problems  Written tests
involving location of images
 Describe propagation of sound
in a given medium
 State the properties of sound
5. Apply general  State the classification of  Assignments
chemistry in matter  Supervised
experiments  Describe the strength of exercises
chemical bonds  Written tests
 State the properties of elements  Practical test
and compounds
 State the properties of acids and
 Prepare salts from acids and

Suggested methods of instruction

● Group discussions

● Demonstration by trainer

● Online videos

● Power point presentation

● Exercises by trainee

Recommended Resources
● Scientific Calculators

● Relevant reference materials

● Stationeries

● Relevant practical materials

● Laboratories

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● Internet

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Relationship to Occupational Standards:

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply workshop technology principles

Duration of Unit: 20 hours

Unit description:
This unit covers the competencies required to apply workshop technology principles.
It involves interpreting working drawings, choosing of appropriate tools and
materials, marking out of work piece(s), producing components as per the drawing
and performing finishing processes.

Summary of Learning Outcome

1. Interpreting working drawings
2. Choosing of appropriate tools and materials.
3. Marking out of the work pieces
4. Producing components as per the drawing
5. Performing finishing processes

Learning Outcomes, Content and suggested assessment methods

Methods of
Learning outcome Content
1. Interpret  Reading and extraction of information  Written tests
working (dimensions, tolerances, BS/ANSI  Oral
drawings drawing standards, geometric iso questioning
symbols & abbreviations)  Assignments
 Development of working procedure/  Supervised
operational plan exercises
2. Choose  Types of hand tools  Written tests
appropriate  Using hand tools.  Oral
tools and  Using machine tools questioning
materials  Selection of tools as per the specific  Assignments
operation  Supervised
 Inspection and/or recalibration of tools exercises
 Demonstration of correct handling of
 Selection of material for the given
3. Mark out of  Use of marking out tools  Written tests
work  Laying out work piece(s)  Oral
piece(s)  Transfer of dimensions onto the work questioning

©2019, TVET CDACC 43

 Assignments
piece(s)  Supervised
4. Produce  Secure work piece on work holding  Written tests
components device securely.  Oral
 Perform suggested operations but not questioning
limited to:  Assignments
o Tapping  Supervised
o Drilling exercises
o Boring
o Filing
o Grinding
o Sawing
o Turning
o Soldering/brazing
o Welding
5. Perform  Finishing  Written tests
finishing  Polishing  Oral
processes  Filing questioning
 Grinding  Assignments
 De-burring  Supervised
 Painting of components exercises

Suggested methods of instruction

 Demonstration by trainer
 Discussions
 Practical work by trainee(s)
 Exercises
 Industrials visits
 Internet.
 Simulation

List of Recommended Resources

 Welding
 Drilling machines
 Vices
 Burnishing machine
 Cutting tools
 Combination square
 Centre punch
 Centre lathe
 scribers
 calipers
 Dies and taps
 Surface plate

©2019, TVET CDACC 44

 V-blocks
 Dial gauge
 Die stock
 Engineer’s square
 File card
 Assorted Files
 Assorted hand tools
 Hammers
 Measuring tools
 Drill bits
 Assorted inspection tools and equipment
 Jigs and fixture
 Pliers
 Rotary disc abrasive grinder
 Reamers
 Saw
 Screwdrivers
 Tap wrench
 V-block
 Workbenches
 Mops/ Brooms and buckets
 Firefighting equipment
 First Aid kit

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Operate and maintain farm tractor

Duration of the unit: 100 hours

Unit description:
This unit covers the competencies required to operate and maintain farm tractor. It
involves performing safe operation of farm tractors operating tractor systems,
performing maintenance on selected systems of farm tractors, evaluating the
performance of tractor systems and performing adjustments to tractor components and

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

1. Perform safe operation of farm tractors

2. Operate tractor systems
3. Perform maintenance on selected systems of farm tractors
4. Evaluate the performance of tractor systems
5. Perform adjustments to tractor components and systems
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning outcome Content Methods of

1. Perform safe  The observance of Kenyan  Observation
operation of farm regulations concerned with health,  Practical
tractors safety and the environment; exercises
 The use of personal protective  Oral
equipment and clothing (PPE) used  Written
throughout work activities;  Third party
 Potential safety hazards in the work report
 Pre-operation checks on;
o Cooling system
o Electrical system
o Transmission system
o Hydraulic system
o Lubrication system
o Fuel system
o Steering system
 Perform safe driving of tractor

©2019, TVET CDACC 47

2. Operate tractor  Identify selected tractor systems  Observation
systems o Cooling system  Practical
o Electrical system exercises
o Transmission system  Oral
o Hydraulic system
 Written
o Power take-off (PTO)
o Lubrication system  Third party
o Fuel system report
o Steering system
o Hitches
 Test selected tractor systems
 Perform operation of selected tractor
3. Perform  Select appropriate tools and  Observation
maintenance on equipment for maintenance of  Practical
selected systems of selected tractor systems exercises
farm tractors
 Perform maintenance procedures for  Oral
selected tractor systems  Written
 Cooling system  Third party
 Electrical system report
 Transmission system
 Hydraulic system
 Power take-off (PTO)
 Lubrication system
 Fuel system
 Steering system
 Hitches
 Perform routine service on selected
tractor systems
4. Evaluate the  Perform basic diagnostics on selected  Observation
performance of tractor systems  Practical
tractor systems o Cooling system exercises
o Electrical system  Oral
o Transmission system  Written
o Hydraulic system
 Third party
o Power take-off (PTO)
o Lubrication system
o Fuel system
o Steering system
o Hitches
 Identify common malfunctions of
selected tractor systems
 Interpret results of the diagnostic
tests of selected tractor systems
5. Perform  Perform adjustments for optimal  Observation
adjustments to performance of selected tractor  Practical
tractor components

©2019, TVET CDACC 48

and systems systems exercises
 Cooling system  Oral
 Electrical system  Written
 Transmission system  Third party
 Hydraulic system report
 Power take-off (PTO)
 Lubrication system
 Fuel system
 Steering system
 Hitches
 Perform tests of selected tractor
systems to validate adjustments

Suggested Methods of Instruction

Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
Supervised activities and projects in a workshop;
Visiting lecturer/trainer from the Agricultural Machinery service and repair
Industrial visits.

Recommended Resources

 A fully equipped agricultural machinery and equipment maintenance workshop;

 Fully operational tractor
 Internet access to manufacturers’ technical information;
 Personal protective equipment (PPE) and suitable coverings to protect vehicles;
 Facilities for the disposal of waste oil and used parts;
 Customer database and systems for recording maintenance records.
 Lubricants
 Fluids
 Replacement parts
 Cleaning materials

©2019, TVET CDACC 49



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Calibrate Field Equipment
Duration of Unit: 100 hours
Unit Description:
This unit covers the competencies required to calibrate field equipment. It involves
assessing the condition of field equipment, operating selected farm machines and
equipment, performing maintenance and servicing procedures on selected agricultural
equipment, calibrating selected farm equipment and testing the operation of field
equipment and carrying out final adjustments.

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

1 Assess the condition of field equipment
2. Operate selected farm machines and equipment
3. Perform maintenance and service procedures on selected agricultural equipment
4. Calibrate selected farm equipment
5. Test the operation of field equipment and carry out final adjustments

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning outcome Content Methods of


1. Assess the  The observance of Kenyan  Observation

condition of field regulations concerned with health,  Practical
equipment safety and the environment; exercises
 The use of personal protective  Oral
equipment and clothing (PPE)  Written
used throughout work activities;  Third party
 Potential safety hazards in the report
work environment
 Pre-operation checks on;
o Tillage implements
o Planting equipment
o Spraying equipment
o Harvesting equipment
 Processing equipment
2. Operate selected  Identification of farm machines  Observation
farm machines and and equipment  Practical
equipment o Tillage implements exercises
o Planting equipment  Oral

©2019, TVET CDACC 50

o Spraying equipment Questions
o Harvesting equipment  Written Test
 Processing equipment  Third party
 Functions of the farm machines report
and equipment
 Components of farm machines and
 Operate farm implements and
 Hooking up and unhooking of
farm implements
3. Perform  The importance of using  Observation
maintenance and appropriate technical information  Practical
service procedures as a guide for maintenance; exercises
on selected  Cleaning of components to  Oral
facilitate inspection and  Written
assessment of components;  Third party
 Selection of appropriate tools and report
 Diagnosis and servicing of;
o Tillage implements
o Planting equipment
o Spraying equipment
o Harvesting equipment
 Processing equipment
 Correct methods and procedures
for dismantling farm machines and
 Using visual and measurement
methods and procedures for
inspecting and assessing
components for:
o Damage
o Wear
o Corrosion
o Fracture
o Distortion

©2019, TVET CDACC 51

4. Calibrate selected farm  Calibration methods  Observation
equipment  Identification of farm equipment;  Practical
o Planting equipment exercises
 Precision planter  Oral
 Seed drill
o Spraying equipment  Written
 Boom sprayer  Third party
 Knap sack sprayer report
o Harvesting equipment
 Pick-up hay baler
o Processing equipment
 Hammer mill
 Selection of desired application or
operation rates
 Selection of appropriate measurement
 Application of the appropriate
mathematical units
 Application of the required mathematical
principles to calculate the application or
operation rate
 Performing adjustment to the required
rate of application or operation.
5. Test the operation  Performing field test of the  Observation
of field equipment and adjustment to the application or  Practical
carry out final operation rate exercises
adjustments  Comparing the actual application
 Oral
or operation rate to the desired
application or operation rate  Written
 Evaluating whether further  Third party
 Adjustment is needed and making report

Suggested Methods of Instruction

Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
Supervised activities and projects in a workshop;
Visiting lecturer/trainer from the Agricultural Machinery service and repair
Industrial visits.

Recommended Resources

 A fully equipped agricultural machinery and equipment maintenance


©2019, TVET CDACC 52

 Tillage implements
 Planting equipment
 Spraying equipment
 Harvesting equipment
 Fully operational tractor
 Internet access to manufacturers’ technical information;
 Personal protective equipment (PPE) and suitable coverings to protect
 Facilities for the disposal of waste oil and used parts;
 Customer database and systems for recording maintenance records.
 Lubricants;
 Fluids
 Replacement parts:
 Cleaning materials;

©2019, TVET CDACC 53



Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply Digital Skills in Agricultural

Duration of Unit: 60 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to apply digital skills in agricultural
systems. It involves applying theoretical knowledge related to agricultural digital
systems, performing troubleshooting procedures on electronic components and
systems, operating electronic diagnostic control tools, performing service and
maintenance operations on agricultural digital systems and evaluating the operations
of agricultural digital systems.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Apply theoretical knowledge related to Agricultural Digital Systems
2. Perform troubleshooting procedures on electronic components and systems
3. Operate electronic diagnostic control tools
4. Perform service and Maintenance operations on agricultural digital systems
5. Evaluate the Operations of agricultural digital systems
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning outcome Content Methods of
1. Apply theoretical  Concepts of magnetism  Written tests
knowledge related to  Principles of electricity  Oral
agricultural digital  Functions of electricity and presentation
systems magnetism within electrical  Observation
and electronic components
and systems
 Principles of agricultural
digital systems
 Computer control theory
with respect to agricultural
digital systems
2. Perform troubleshooting  Selection of PPE according  Written tests
procedures on electronic to specific context and policy  Oral
components and systems  Connection of electronic presentation
diagnostic tools with  Observation
agricultural equipment.  Project
 Different troubleshooting
codes in electronic

©2019, TVET CDACC 54


3. Operate electronic  Levels of access to electronic  Oral

diagnostic control tools diagnostic tools questioning
 Selection of electronic  Observation
equipment calibration at  Project
operator level
 Description of electronic
calibration of equipment at
the service center level.
4. Perform service and  Care and maintenance of  Oral
maintenance operations electronic networking questioning
on agricultural digital diagnostic control tools  Observation
systems  Performance of software  Oral
updates on electronic presentation
diagnostic control tools  Written report
5. Evaluate the operations  Selection of PPE according  Oral
of agricultural digital to specific context and policy questioning
systems  Identification of electronic  Observation
diagnostic control tools  Oral
 Connection of selected presentation
electronic diagnostic tools  Written report
with agricultural equipment.  Project
 Interpretation of results from
selected electronic diagnostic

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
 Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
 Supervised activities and projects in a workshop
 Instructor lead facilitation of theory
 Demonstrations
 Simulation/Role play
 Group Discussion
 Projects
 Presentations
 Case studies
 Assignments

Recommended Resources
 Computers
 TV sets
 LCD projectors

©2019, TVET CDACC 55

 Internet access to manufacturers’ technical information;
 Personal protective equipment (PPE) and suitable coverings to protect vehicles;
 Facilities for the disposal of waste oil and used parts;
 Customer database and systems for recording maintenance records.
 Stationery
 Charts
 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 Radio set
 Digital multi-meters
 Test lights
 Laptop diagnostic systems
 On-board diagnostic systems
 Batteries
 Sensors
 Regulators
 Heaters
 Printed circuit boards
 Communication plugs
 Circuit tests
 Component tests
 Service code diagnostics

©2019, TVET CDACC 56



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Maintain Hydraulic System

Duration of the unit: 80 hours

Unit description:
This unit covers the competencies required to apply digital skills in agricultural
systems. It involves demonstrating understanding of agricultural hydraulic systems,
performing trouble shooting of hydraulic systems, performing service and
maintenance of hydraulic systems, calibrating hydraulic systems and optimizing the
operations of the hydraulic systems.

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

1. Interpret agricultural hydraulic systems

2. Perform trouble shooting of hydraulic systems
3. Perform service and maintenance of hydraulic systems
4. Calibrate hydraulic systems
5. Optimize the operations of the hydraulic systems
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Methods of

1. Demonstrate  The observance of Kenyan  Practical
understanding of regulations concerned with exercises
agricultural health, safety and the  Oral
hydraulic environment; questioning
systems  Demonstrate disposal of faulty
 Use personal protective
equipment and clothing (PPE)
throughout work activities;
 Identify components of
hydraulic system
 Select tools and equipment for
servicing Hydraulic system
 Dismantle the hydraulic
system for service.
 Identify hydraulic systems are
 Describe working principles of

©2019, TVET CDACC 57

hydraulic systems
 Compare hydraulic systems
 Identified Hydraulic systems
 Interpreted schematic
representations of hydraulic
 Use of technical data in
servicing and repairing
2. Perform trouble  Select appropriate tools and ● Observation
shooting of equipment
hydraulic  Apply appropriate safety ● Practical
systems protocols to evaluation of
hydraulic systems ● Projects
 Identify common malfunctions
of hydraulic systems
 Test for malfunction and
performance of hydraulic
 Demonstrate understanding of
principles of operation of the
 Demonstrate understanding of
Structure of the pump
 Perform service and fitting of
the pump
 Demonstrate precautions when
handling hydraulic pump.
 Use flow controls and dividers
3. Perform service  Perform service and ● Practical
and maintenance maintenance procedures on
of hydraulic hydraulic system circuits exercises
systems  Generate service and ● Oral
maintenance reports on questioning
hydraulic systems to industry
standards ● Written tests
 Hydraulic reservoirs
 Hydraulic filters
 System and machine plumbing
 Air dryers and lubricants
 Principle of operation of the
relief and unloading pressure
control valves
 Types and Structure of valves
 Fluid power actuators
 Accumulators
 High- and low-pressure pipes

©2019, TVET CDACC 58

 Intensifiers
4. Calibrate  Tools and equipment for ● Practical
hydraulic testing
systems  Manufacturer’s specification in exercises
setting pressure and voltage ● Oral
 Identify appropriate tools and questioning
equipment for calibration
 Perform adjustments on ● Observation
hydraulic systems according to
factory specifications
 Perform calibration of
hydraulic systems
5. Optimize the  Apply appropriate safety ● Practical
operations of the protocols to evaluation of
hydraulic hydraulic systems exercises
systems  Perform tests on hydraulic ● Oral
system circuits questioning
 Analyze results of tests of
hydraulic system circuits ● Written tests
 Field-test the operation of
hydraulic systems

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;
 Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
 Supervised activities and projects in a workshop;
 Visiting lecturer/trainer from the workshop service and repair sector;
 Industrial visits.
Recommended Resources
 Hydraulic system Instructional models;
 A fully equipped agricultural equipment maintenance workshop;
 Fully functional tractor(s)
 Functional hydraulic system;
 Hydraulic system components and units;
 Vehicle lift/inspection pit;
 Internet access to manufacturers’ technical information;
 Torque setting tools;
 Personal protective equipment (PPE) and suitable coverings to protect
 Facilities for the disposal of waste oil and used parts;
 Customer database and systems for recording maintenance records.
 Digital instructional material including DVDs and CDs;
 Consumables for service and repair of hydraulic systems including;
 Oil seals and gaskets;

©2019, TVET CDACC 59

 Coolants;
 Cleaning materials;
 Hand cleaner;
 Dusters.
 Hydraulic fluids
 Separate parts and components of several different hydraulic systems

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Maintain Agricultural machinery

Pneumatic Systems

Duration of the unit: 50 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to apply digital skills in agricultural
systems. It involves demonstrating knowledge of agricultural pneumatic systems,
diagnosing malfunction of agricultural pneumatic systems, performing service and
maintenance of agricultural pneumatic systems, performing adjustments to
agricultural pneumatic systems and optimizing the operations of the agricultural
pneumatic systems.

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of agricultural pneumatic systems

2. Diagnose malfunction of agricultural pneumatic systems
3. Perform service and maintenance of agricultural pneumatic systems
4. Perform adjustments to agricultural pneumatic systems
5. Optimize the operations of the agricultural pneumatic systems
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning outcome Content Methods of

1. Demonstrate knowledge  The observance of Kenyan  Practical
of agricultural regulations concerned with exercises
pneumatic systems health, safety and the  Oral
environment; questioning
 Disposal of faulty components
 The use of personal protective
equipment and clothing (PPE)
used throughout work
 Components of pneumatic
 Tools and equipment for
servicing pneumatic system
 Dismantling of pneumatic

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 Pneumatic systems are
 Working principles of
pneumatic systems are
 Pneumatic systems are
 Pneumatic system
components are identified
 Schematic representations of
pneumatic systems are
 Use of technical data in
servicing and repairing
2. Diagnose malfunction of  Select appropriate tools and  Observation
agricultural pneumatic equipment  Practical
systems  Apply appropriate safety  Projects
protocols to evaluation of
pneumatic systems
 Identify common malfunctions
of pneumatic systems
 Test for malfunction and
performance of pneumatic
 Principle of operation of the
 Structure of the pump
 Servicing and fitting of the
 Precautions when handling
pneumatic pump.
 Flow controls and dividers
3. Perform service and  Perform service and  Practical
maintenance of maintenance procedures on exercises
agricultural pneumatic pneumatic system circuits  Oral
systems  Generate service and questioning
maintenance reports on  Written tests
pneumatic systems to industry
 Pneumatic reservoirs
 Pneumatic filters
 System and machine plumbing
 Air dryers and lubricants
 Principle of operation of the
relief and unloading pressure
control valves
 Types and structure of valves

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 Fluid power actuators
 Accumulators
 High- and low-pressure pipes
 Intensifiers
4. Perform adjustments to  Tools and equipment for  Practical
agricultural pneumatic testing exercises
systems  Perform adjustments on  Oral
pneumatic systems according questioning
to factory specifications  Observation
 Perform calibration of
pneumatic systems
5. Optimize the operations  Apply appropriate safety  Practical
of the agricultural protocols to evaluation of exercises
pneumatic systems pneumatic systems  Oral
 Perform tests on pneumatic questioning
system circuits  Written tests
 Analyze results of tests of 
pneumatic system circuits
 Field-test the operation of
pneumatic systems
Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Presentations and practical demonstrations by trainer;

 Guided learner activities and research to develop underpinning knowledge;
 Supervised activities and projects in a workshop;
 Visiting lecturer/trainer from the workshop service and repair sector;
 Industrial visits
Recommended Resources
 Pneumatic systems Instructional models;
 A fully equipped agricultural equipment maintenance workshop;
 Fully functional tractor(s) and agricultural equipment and implements
equipped with pneumatic systems
 Pneumatic system components and units;
 Vehicle lift/inspection pit;
 Internet access to manufacturers’ technical information;
 Torque setting tools;
 Personal protective equipment (PPE) and suitable coverings to protect
 Facilities for the disposal of waste oil and used parts;
 Customer database and systems for recording maintenance records.
 Digital instructional material including DVDs and CDs;
 Consumables for service and repair of pneumatic systems including;
o Oil seals and gaskets;
o Coolants;

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o Cleaning materials;
o Hand cleaner;
o Dusters.
 Pneumatic and Hydraulic fluids
 Separate parts and components of several different pneumatic systems

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