Script - Ets 2024 LC
Script - Ets 2024 LC
Script - Ets 2024 LC
DI301 ( S±5)
( D) HAl 2a. OjX|7- |- t E-ln 5ib
- (is throwing away a plate)
7|# TEST 1 3£ 0 \ OlL|n
^ fia
96 (A) 97 (D) 98 ( C) (A ) SAf fit. yxpl xf X|g°| 8!<>m 5JHis brushing snow
99 (A) 100 (D) ^
off the roof of a car) ££0| OfL|HSfit.
( B) §9. yxf 7 f xfgxf § fe- 0]| Af SJfefis standing in the snow
beside a car) fi-gO |Hg. §t.
PARTI ( C) §Af fit. txf7 f . £fe(is shoveling snow) S.
x| H
£0| OfL|H fit.
1 M- Au ^
( D) §Af fit. yxf 7 f If S ffe(is running through the
3 M- Cn
(A ) o\m H|HH =?mM 8±l« Sn °ich ( A ) Some workers are hanging art in a gallery .
(B) W7 = Ea|0|| m§rMM
(c ) ^ aw
(B) Two of the people are having a conversation.
(C) One of the men is rearranging cushions on a sofa.
(D) omsA»um sw (D) One of the men is painting a picture.
oj ?| wait in line M M ? W^W wipe off fOH-IW throw
away tH^W
> >
^ (A )
°i^#o| 3301 2W.
(B) M m HH soi iwm am aw.
^ mmte sw.
1ai ss MIJ - AHFSI % t /
( A ) ga W7 f n|HM =?-eto\ M
* m ELMBjjl 5ife(is eating in a (c )
* # stt aoioi =^mt
# §
picnic area) 5. 0 |H . £ ja
( B)
^ ^
H4 fia W ? \ ¥ = M 0|| MM 7 |Cfa|IL
o\ $\ gallery SIS have a conversation djsfaw rearrange
^ a
in line at a food truck ) SL£0 | 0 |-L|HSL 5>
°fe( is waiting
(0 BM £a Cdxf-^ l- mm WH-HH °fe(is wiping off a bench) 3.
£0| OfL|H^ aa
2S 0|ggS Am - A ® 2J §Sf/ EH flAl (A ) sgo)| 4J8 Ajb# o | ggo|| aHitel aq.
( A ) A (- MS. S©01| j#
ab(are hanging art in a gallery) ( B ) 9\xmo \ S1? #£ xrOil m aq.
^ ZL
(C) mm MS xRR n\&s\ o\ aq.
°Jb#S ££0| M«0|X| ajog? MS. ( D ) <8&X \7 [ S W «011 7 \ p\ 0\ aq.
( B) SS. a Oll Ai b b A ®0| \ m SUL «b( are having a ^
conversation) ££ |M *IS. 0
( B) o Af MS. -|Xfit( Chairs) 0 | Sb #£ SMI 0) ab( have been
(0 SS. S#E| Afa|( A computer station)7 |- ?| 01| qg£|0) ab
3 y ”*
*" ( has been set up on a desk ) ££0 [ £g §S.
O rs
* ( D) bAf MS. ° © KA rugPl tfa|A| «01| 7 R 01 ab( has been
rolled up against a wall) ££0 | 0 [ L|Hsi MS.
TEST 1 3
submit lllioHi|- work order aa x |A|A-| do for a Living
PART 2 *
?ll# °I H Sj8|c|- assignment 2W | tenant M \
^ ^ \
7 °Hs aa ^iAiAi» x\\m o\ jLmm&= which a##
( A ) <3a EK>i aa. ii a apartmentOl|Aj aa 7|#lLl living # 0 |#
w-Br How old is this building?
® aa.
M-Au (A) To ship some materials.
( B ) nj CH aa. #aa submitted n Oj £+7113] submit# 0 |g^j
^. ^^
- -
StslJl £<
(A )
(B) 10E
(C ) t|A| A| o|
^# ^} ^0|S. 10
o|#l ship 4 aa, fr#sia material A H, x\&
^ ^ M- Cn Will you contact the vendor about changing our
sHa 2#a M-OI# ## How 2|&g delivery date?
( A ) ‘S'ct EKH £a. s l buildingOj|Ai aa ^l#f! some materials
# o|§t[ aa.
^ -
w- Br ( A ) Of course, I’ll take care of it .
(B) An e -mail receipt.
( B ) aa. 2#a L|OIM ## a#oii 10a g aa sasi-
^ (C) Could I get change for a dollar ?
JL jog. ?
° aa. Aia un#a £fsn Marion aaaa aaa?
(0 Sa BO] aa. H°a buildingOilAj <3a company
offices# 0 |§-t|- aa.
( A) ## o|£, xM |a|SM|.a
* .
^ -
( B ) 0 | cH| 34 §0 |a
(c ) 1 aa# a as a# 4 a#a&?
o|?l vendor Ma il receipt a4# change £1# 7iAH
8 * ^
aDHa«ion s§nt a i 71m# saAKwiio a##
w- Am Can you come to my jazz performance
(A )
aa. un#a 23011 m Mawi aa# 2*1 Tim# ##
tonight ?
Oil ##0 |s( 0 f course)B|n qjatt H A|ao | |a|sra!c|-D) #3
M-Cn (A) I’m sorry 1 was late for the meeting.
a^a s®£ LH## SMOIZL aaa^ aa.
( B) Mostly just local musicians.
(C) Sure, I’ll be there!
( B) aa aoi aa. aS2| contact 23 e - mail# osa
a# a Ail H^ #2oi| a# 4 aa&? a clCH aa-.
* (C) changing
^ ^loOi TfTtia change# Olgft
( A ) £|#3|A |°j S|2jo|| oHQjo
( B ) CH # AM #oh7 Fo | o
(C) M# |5, 0
oi?l performance #2 mostly a## local *iaa , 2A |a 11
¥a/as ass 2i M-Au Why was the maintenance worker here?
(A) aa aoi aa. come to my jazz performsnceO||Ai 23 w- Am (A) No, he didn’t.
7 felt late # 0 |gt|aa. (B) From three o’clock until four.
( B) aa aoi aa. USa jazz performanceOllAi <3a Zfett local (C) Because a light needed to be fixed.
musicians# Ogitaa.
0J | «2 4£?
(0 aa a ^
. 2# a aatr 23011 Msoistsurem aa
AH #aoii ^(A) |oHaa-|fi2,#nfel 2Hwaoto
A ?
§ )*fi.
7 L
12 m m MICHMI mw# MLH*I &a&oia? H
w- Am Did management make a hiring decision yet ?
(A ) Ml, 42sH4. m
(B) ofL|o xgayMona .
M- Cn ( A) Put it on the highest shelf. (C ) ## 4# # tf ° juwi4.
(B) The personnel department.
(C) Yes, they chose Jacob Borgman. 2?l employment Hg contract 7l|°f, 7l|°fA| agree 42512
employee S#
n AHI is# m^4a?
ggsioi o \
m DJI 4 mow 4*114.
( A ) n. *HS 4g 7||2fA|2 0| tHliJ 44 Of “1SftiSfe 4S 244
(B) 2Af 44.
( A) #42 ##&4 44.
(c) MI, mm SZLS# mmz. (B) s&. CH7HI Ell AAlOiWI OimiiJS US 2°^-» M^AI Oj^« s
4 #4011 0iL|fi(No)aUL f| x |# 4# 30122 42 t
*HS 1222 4# IS 24# # 4 sgAHDid) 244
( A ) #Af ITS aa #42 hiring 1#0| #Al# highest
# o|g°f 44.
^ ftfegBEEfc
(B) 22 BKH a4. #42 a hiring decisionO]|Ai 22 7 f4# the
M-Au Our division’s picnic is this Saturday, right ?
personnel department # 0|gtf 44.
M -Cn (A) There’s a lot of rain in the forecast.
(0 »*
Sa 22201 AHg IS# m 4 l OJVS 44 #40|| MI(Yes)4
(B) Sure, I like salad.
n qj4# H l|o |4 Mzi2# #S 224 244 4#
* sa (C) At the end of this corridor.
( A) ZL4 # 4A1|4 .
(B) % 44 4 424.
TEST 1 5
17 22. o1244# t \omm mmn 2#4# 2AI#OII #*# 2
( B)
W- Am We achieved our sales targets this month. oi## mo\i## 4222# ?mom °ioaP 22.
(0 # A|#z|- 244# 24. Where l##o|| W # 40|H# £4.
M- Cn ( A) That ’s excellent news! ° *
(B) A few times a day.
( C) To the end of April.
o |£|f M #fl# 42 of £.
( A ) #£ ±20|LI| !
^ M- Au You’ve booked a hotel in London, haven’t you?
(B) U Ofl jO | £. w- Am ( A ) Very enjoyable, thanks.
(c ) i ^ “ *
4 4442. ( B) He usually takes the train.
(C) Yes, I made a reservation last week.
of 4 achieve 22 H2, 22 H2 sales target 4nff
^ ^
22011 0||of Ka£ 2 2?
4f # 2M 222 iN#
(A )0H
#22S. 2A12M 2.
( A ) 22. o |«j 2 2 H #s# 42
° »l# # Af £of| ## ^2O |EID1 5. ^» »
(B) nfeM 7| 42.
#42 22. *
(C) Ml, l## of| di oia.
( B ) 22 2 244# 24. How often g§Of| TO # 40 |H# £2.
^ ° * ^
(0 22 2 244# 24. When 4##of| TO #40|H# £2.
^ °f ?l abook 0112^12 enjoyable # |- #
reservation 0 | 14 |
7 usually PPH, 2# make
TO sM 0112 Of ## if 24# #7|- 2|BH
18 ( A ) 22 22 2.2. 2 2 hotel0f | Af 22 7 h22 enjoyable # 0 |H4
M- Au How often do you travel for your job? 24.
4#4 222# 22. 4#of| 322 dm HeS 121 2#o | 2
( B)
w- Br ( A ) It turned out well.
44 201 4°P ^ £2.
( B) Yes, I did find one.
(0 22. 220|| jtU# o|| ft!fex| 2## 42 1# 4#of | L||(Yes) 42
(C) About once a month. ° ^
df 44 2, l4#of| 01|OR!J22 22 224 222 L||§# 5M22
° £ 22.
(A )20 | 2 Mf om.
(B )4 4# 42 2222. *
(C) ft toil ft 2 222.
o\ m turn out (2 2471) 42, 42 7 H2
w- Am Are there any tickets left for tonight ’s concert ?
TO # 2 221## How often 4## M- Au (A ) It ’s sold out.
( A ) 22 24 24. 4#4 How0f |A| 22 7 fetf #Af well# o |§424. ( B) He’s a concert violinist.
( B ) Yes/ No #71 £4. How often l##0f |b Yes/ No # 40 | #7 fe
° (C) They already left.
42£ 24.
2# 4 #44 222 2# 71 242?
(0 « ^ ^
22. 2# oH4 7 fex| 4#o|| tl 4011 4 2 224ZL ( A) QH 2 0f 2 .
2*1122 22# xi|A|am 2°P. 22.
^ ( B ) 24 2#4
^ 40 |# 44 AEO|| O .
(C) 2## 0 | D| 4442.
of ?| sold out QH2E #44
w- Br We should hike the Wildflower Trail today. «
TO #44 42201 40 f fej| ## Be#A|- 4##
( A ) 24. 2# 4 #44 42201 401 2# l ## 4#of| QH M44
M- Cn ( A ) This seat is available. * *
#24# 44# #422# £ 2 422# 24.
( B) I didn’t bring boots.
( B) 44 4# 24. 4#4 concert# 2# 0 |g 24.
^ »
(C) At the visitors’ center.
( C) 401 2# 24. 4#4 left # 2# 0 | #4 24.
# 4 2# 01244 401242 «J!42.
( A ) o | 22# o |§ 7 fetm
(B) l# # # 27M&of 2
* ||A
*2# l240 . 22
(C ) 12.
*| w- Br Haven’t you used this software before?
of 4 available 0 glt 4 °1# bring 71A124
M- Cn ( A) Can I take your order ?
xf|4/2# 4 2 1#
( A ) 22 40f 24. # 1#4 trailg. train2# 2# #4# 2# 22
( B) I haven’t had the chance.
(C) About 40 dollars.
7 h#4 seat# 0 |#4 24.
oA |7 o ?
^SM$||A|4| # &-L0|77W A^sH M ^ ^ ^ 25
Sa - i h? m
(A )
^ ^^
(B) fe 7|S|7 fiao|fi.
M-Cn Where are the red roses that came in this in
(C) q 40242. * M-Au
( A ) About three liters of water.
42 take an order ¥## 24 chance 4^1 (B) No, I didn’t check out the sale.
44# SftiSfe ¥ S q## (C) I needed some for a large bouquet.
TEST 1 7
#7! 7 ® A|gtfe Cil #gO | o|S? 0 | # £St8HAia& a*ll# # o|## *UA|sm^ ga.
(A )
* fe 49# »H£.
(B) # ##7l o| | 5[L[
°!tz ojcHfi.
(C ) 0
^* a
D|£S 7|AH)||
i?l be interested in ~0i| #D|7 (- 5OT, # 0|
° ss|SH , 5u|S|q- article 7|AF
Q organize w- Br Would you be interested in working on some of
^ these contracts?
7» A|gsfe nil ®g # # AW
(A )
## Who # ##
#g EW aa. aS2| pool# swimming pooia ## 0 |sHfH# * M-Au ( A ) Thank you for meeting me.
(B) A contact lens prescription.
3# #g 7 feg swim # oiefh £3. (C) I have very limited time.
( B) ga. sgaaa Aisitfe di #g sfe A ®a ##on a
# 4 o
^ SK 4 e zi Siq-JI #B1 #ZL °JPEg ga.
^ 0 lEit
. ! 7||of
# ### #0 W 2|go|
°!#o ?
^ | |
njoCH -2.#. ### interested# nKfiOj ##l# interesting# 0|
( A ) e.M A ) Ai A ®L|l .
^ ^ ^
(B) SS|MS!SAMS0 |fi.
#t!aa. (OxfeAiiKJiaaaoia.
( A ) 0 lL| o # j 10 A|01| O
aaa. *
(B) Ai# g E|S gSsl#
^ °*\ goum
(c ) oi AiasfisHa
look for ~# g# resume 0 | Aj
29 ^
M - Cn Why are we moving these sweaters to the back *H # SIL ## # #|p# # # What # ##
( A ) Yes / No # # aa. What # ##011# Yes / No # ao | #7 fe#H#
of the store?
w-Am (A) In the new shopping mall.
( B ) aa. sta ## # # # ## ##on g# # # g sfe 3# #3 #
o ®cta a#Ei ## # o |am #a#a# a# ^ #aa# ga.
(B) Yes, they come in other colors. ^
(C) Our spring merchandise is arriving soon.
(0 aa a# aa. ## # jobOllAj #a 7 f##l resume # 0 |#t!aa.
2H o| Dug ##aa #7 |# # 7ia?
(A )AH ^ g§ |
oi Aia
(B) Ml, a !## a# AHAhoi #c>io
# ?l merchandise g#
T-I|E1# # DHg # # a # # 7 |# 0|
°# # # Why # # #
(A ) # a# aa. ###
g storeOllAj g
# 7|## Shopping mall# 0 |
( B ) Yes / No #71 aa. Why # Oil# Yes/ No #ao | #7|#5la
(0 ga. A iia## DHg aaa# #7 i# oi#s ##0]| # g#
PART 3 33 H
What does the woman ask for?
(A) A guest list H
(B) A dessert recipe
(C) A business card
W- Am 32 Thank you so much for organizing
(D) A promotional code
the annual company picnic, Jingdao.
Everybody seemed to enjoy it. <WEEB# H§EE7 f?
M- Au Well, we deserved it after working so hard
(A ) SB
(B) $£| saig
this year.
c ga
( )
W - Am I agree 33 The food was great, by the (D) ME EM
way. Especially the peach pie you made.
Would you mind sharing the recipe? It was
Aii “ A ® E® - o\ m ass %
delicious. m? \ M E»H WM \ M SSSJfedl V \ y* W BE E£0 f nf
0 |7 |- #§-?i!cKThe food was great Especially the peach pie
M- Au 34 l found the recipe online. I'll send you
you made)n 8 ® A| £E|g§- SfB® 4 BEA |( Would you mind
a link to the Web page. There's a really (B)0|ch
sharing the recipe?) EH
helpful video that walks you through all
the steps . I recommend you watch it first . Paraphrasing peach pie dessert
W- Am All right, thanks.
sail m o [° m get nn 34
^b|sH ^S,
What does the man recommend doing?
y E, gyl si iJoHOLi as lMo| ° >n.
01 yolfi. aa|a
^ *
. W y±!o| BE E£ of
(A) Returning some merchandise
(B) Watching a video
nfo | o . ia| g# sal 4 2Wfi? (C) Creating an account
y MBISE §a ® o Ai satojfi. mo| | SH# MLH
* ( D) Reading a review
HSTlIfi. HE EP M01ME 3 MEtt ssyoi
^ y fe
* gsfe7 K?
5ioiH. MAIM 2 BsHS. SIM 3EBE |
01 £fA ®MM.
(B) ooo A|gs|-7|
(C) 7113 B#7 |
o\W organize £H|SK} f . '
annual £ 2® aH dE (D) 7 | °!7 |
deserve ~EEl AfM0 | BE .
BE EW <H?I merchandise 3E account 7113. 7||2|- review E-71
especially W share EEE , recipe
A ® E® -y ® A®
^ ~
a|B walk through • 0||7i|
BLH IE, ^ °Hs AH * ^
MOIME -7|-
feW DfAlB \ M HEISE EE°joilA1 fUBEdl flnilo |*| Hat-
1\\W .
MMj |J cKl found the recipe online. I ’ll send you a link to the
Web page)H SS|a L|Ai, 5LE: BT» MOIME get EEB ES30|
32 5iHL| Z® g 1 ME s BtEKThere’s a really helpful video that
What event does the woman mention?
walks you through all the steps. I recommend you watch it
( A ) A job fair ) !!g H? 3BE ( B) 0 |ch
first! °
( B) A cooking class
(C) A fund-raiser
(D) A company picnic
35 -37
oWEOiSSA ® °®8fc7 K?
(A) s®S|
M- Cn 35 I'd like to finish calculating the
(B) Ha|
company 's expense reports for the
(C) H
^ «A|-
(D) t|A|- 0 £|
month. Have you finished reviewing the
^ travel reimbursement forms from all the
*HE Aii E A ® as - oi*i-7 F ass gw
<W7|- 5! LHAWIAI gall m 0| s Eb|°H
^» 3§t neMCThank
) ! sofH
you so much for organizing the annual company picnic!
W Br 35
I'm almost done, but I have a question
about a hotel receipt from one of our
BHH 3&E ( D)0|E.
^ employees.
TEST 1 9
M - Cn What 's the problem?
W-Br Well, 36 our policy is for employees to stay What problem does the woman mention?
at a hotel that 's on our list of approved ( A ) A report has not been submitted.
accommodations. This one isn't on the ( B) An invoice is not accurate.
list . (C) A policy has not been followed.
M- Cn Who submitted the receipt ? (D) An order has not been delivered.
M Cn Hmm. He's a new employee and may have ^ .
(B) g wgatswBW*
(c) gsioi S4EM
forgotten the policy. 37 As a supervisor, I
can approve the expense this one time.
^#01 mm sm
<H ?I invoice #g, accurate g fEl
y om g s\ x\ ya| MZLAI Tiitig m w A® - am sssit s ng
¥ AIOIIAI s ggui se om ^ “j«H CHAKHIA1 gs|g
Of 7 oj q EHQjo ^ aajdi sis s goiidiAi sg y goil ^ W>||
^ gsoi ° KHS .
m ^ S =0||
^^ s|-7 |S. E|Oi SWfour policy is for employees to stay at
a hotel that ’s on our list of approved accommodations!
y 0 | JEHIZ- m\ SlcKThis one isn’t on the list!
HE! £*U°!7 f£?
gg= (c)oich
) ! Hof!! %l —
° ^
^ a| gais y £!#o| #° j£!
»PIS E|(H sms. 0|
=^ o|| aife siioil
s oii gnia.
y *^ * «
7 fg4SS llS a?
o| *^ ^
y Ai oj sal * |ga|oi|fi.
* 37
y § ••!Lb gy A OIQII § xijt ° J (>itH #A |a
0|y It sHy Alt#
^ #4
What does the man say he will do?
( A)
Delete an electronic file
2i<H2. (B)
Authorize a reimbursement
( C)
Set up a sales meeting
<Hfl calculate expense report gu| iHAi ( D)
Review a spreadsheet
reimbursement 4®, Sy department “ Ai
y fe °a# sramgsfeJK?
receipt policy gg approved #?J£! *
(A )
accommodation sales representative
(B) gag W7i
y A
^^ supervisor
(c ) ggsi2isuw7 i
(D) Ana|| cA|E a£Sp|
of ?l delete AfAilslcf electronic £1
What department do the speakers most likely work in?
set up unlaid '
*^1 authorize
( A ) Accounting
(B) Research and development WA ® ea - yxf7i- sF Ol
38- 40
o«g m m§ aa - mm\^ m
ym 3 diAidiAi om g m gui SLUM TIII ai mn gsdi »^ M- Au Good morning, Damilola. How 's
M 0\ \ M S. ggu| Ai= SSfe at 5JfeA|( l *d like to finish
calculating the company’s expense reports for the month.
everything up here on deck ?
W- Br Hi, Pedro. It was an uneventful night, and
Have you finished reviewing the travel reimbursement forms 38 our
cargo ship still hasn't moved yet.
from all the departments? )# #Af 0|A|-7|- 7-| | c\ fjjqd’m almost
° M- Au Hmm, I hope the fog over the harbor lifts
^ MOf 5fAH£ S|7|| AjO||A| 5W!L
^ soon.
^ y 4 m. gy
^ (A)OICK W- Br Yeah, me too. 39 The ship won't be able to
leave until the weather improves.
M Au I hope we won't get too far behind
schedule. 40 I'll be sure to call the port W7I- LHANAi 'gwi
^ mw
\ S?!l upf cnmxl 5!( The m
authority soon for an update on when in
ship won’t be able to leave until the weather improves) 0|2.[H
oi?| incorrectly IS, g^fSI-TlI equipment 01, Ml. 0\M tfei MCk 01Ai 2.A1|S, m U|.
A1IMR 3i
| condition
^1 properly y
^ 4hEH absent
TEST 1 11
01 S!£! E||aFA 0|| ay$fec||a# 3®S| gLJlfi. 43
y # •• w 4S Eiioisa HI
mwmm? ^ 7 iqai
What does the man say about a parking garage?
(A) It is free for customers.
01 ms . Ziajdl ^^0| 7l°|i* XFL1|
. 0
(B) It is under construction.
ojqoil wafci 813 13a?
33 y 3 2M ®oi
(C) It closes soon.
( D) It offers monthly contracts.
^ ^ ^* ^ ^*i8i# ^
. qt| ty oi? xym ay# «|o|aa|fi.
^ ^ yxfe WSoil cH
^H flap. ttsfe7 f?
oi oh, ms . yA gq. smm\ EWIW mns .
^ (A )230117 “S3.
(B) s soiq.-
o| | ^
* make a reservation ol|2jslcl garage Ala,
cashier #3 stamp ay# 33
^ (D)
o\ m 53m spta
(A) sei nm m
Where does the woman most likely work ? in
( A) At a university
(C ) CHSI 7HS|
* H
(B) At a publishing company
(C) At an electronics store
(D) E||o « as
(D) At a grocery store o\ §\ informational §MIf material AlsL hold1^1,
7Hi|8lcl registration
0fAfe 0f [l|Al
( A ) cHtfjn
^^ l? 7
m £E# 77-|Lh 7\ \ SL-§-0 |
( if you brought any brochures with
you, it ll be helpful to put those out for people to take) 0 |Ep. if
TEST 1 13
public Pis- challenge £S, AIHQH ingredient
Paraphrasing qttq The public wants healthier products
AHS recently entirely
similar H|£E, Itl compare u |JUsH^h
4 Changes in consumer preferences
investigation £Al available A|£K) | £|b
What does the man say he will do?
What type of industry do the speakers most likely
( A ) Research more information
work in?
( B) Negotiate a discount
( A) Textile manufacturing
(C) Upgrade some machinery
( B) Food production
( D) Train a new employee
(C) Health care
(D) Hospitality yxfe tr tfSfe7|-?
mmz om muq swi wm&v? (B) Wei 14 71
(A ) nm ^
(C ) 7 |7i| Sna||o |=spl
(B) sm (D) S?J Al H 5l7 |
(C ) fi|S ^ ^
o|?| research iAfsHq negotiate
(D) m *MA machinery 7 |7j|(#)
nH° it qO ’
^ oa sag ( A)
^ om .
^^ m very pleased with the sales of our brands of
cakes, pies, and cookies this past holiday season)ZL ijofe 7A2.
S MOl tfAH£ Al xflS
aM 39& Bm (
- SA al
^ ^^oicK a
Paraphrasing qtl | d0 some investigation
- g oj Research
* ^
Paraphrasing qS|-£| cakes, pies, and cookies
-> 3&°l Food 50 - 52
iH§ ElL^KThe public wants healthier products, but the same
01 A1# q# q A1A1 AHfLlQh X1I71 q<£ sa o|
Eiqo ?
^ ^ ^ aW|
great taste)EA| HA\ 7 © irXlliJ (That ’ll be our biggest _ Mamoil SW nqoi
- 31 °
challenged lain itufH
^ ^
( C ) o |q.
l h
a aifedl ±mn|c|0| Mom* n\9\ m
° ^ ni|o]# E#H soi qs. a ?Hmioim ai
^ i
0\ Oh zL oil 3101 212. n yoil ditt 2A1I3 *£* xm
^ 52
SLH A|3JCH&? 0| n^gjEOll A|30| 114 3! l AM
^ * What does the woman ask the man to send? m
is® 4 2« ?ioii£. \A
(A) A project description H
(B) An event invitation
oil expand 22^>H, tfdleH be interested in ~oil (C) Some social media links
3201 21 oversee 235H experience ( D) Some contact information
detailed 2A1H description so, 4#
ojxfe feWoiMI 321- MLH
( A) 2gAi
^afcn. 23434?
50 «
(B) WsSS
Why is the man calling? «
(C ) A n|qoi HH
( A ) To explain a business merger (D)
( B) To describe a new company policy
invitation idi, di2 contact information 224
(C) To offer the woman a work assignment
(D) To invite the woman to speak at a conference *H 2 All “ A ® as - om teW 0!|7|| MLH Urn 2343 3
W7|- 1x12 c||A|oi|Al n CHI C|® 2A® 'iSAi# Mbit- 4( Why
feW7FS£® 0|Sfc? ^
don’t you send me a detailed description of the work ?) # 234
(A )2*1111011 «1151211 H 3S3 (A) 0|Ch
(B) AH£SS|Afga ttSfa| ji
(C) o\ mn 2319 aRWBfr
(D) OWOIMI tfti 22# 23412
Paraphrasing dill a detailed description of the work
- 2y | A project description
* °
| merger H policy 33 assignment 32, 19
conference 12, 22
) !. 142 22H3
to work on a project for my marketing firm! number five for the music festival when
39S ( C)0|q. we noticed it 's got a flat tire.
M- Au Oh. That 's not good.
( B) Finding a new office space lot of catering jobs today. Ah, yes — we can
(C) Revising a budget proposal use van number three. Do you need help
( D) Creating a marketing campaign
y H=r 2301 32# 43 di a-yoi 212 1434? W -Br Yes, thanks. 55 The food's already in
( A ) c a ii 3244
coolers, but everything 's in the kitchen
(B) AieSAHji §3!
(C ) 3242X14344
with the serving utensils and napkins.
It all needs to be brought to the parking
(D) 141m J M7| area .
oil space #3 revise *£341, 43§H budget 32 -
M Au 55 All right; I can help with that.
2 oi, 9E®M|2.
Al0 | ^s D IU 3i1|°|l § 2#2 21 tfKwe have a new client in
Brazil who ’s interested in creating a marketing campaign for
1 44xl#l13 32 2 1# 3141 11 A1
* | X| 2930 f
32. Ai37|- 13 231# HHOI 212?
social media sites)2 15\H 2 H 323 ( D) 0|1
° ^ .
y oiS ?H« o | l- 23AI SfojsH142. 2#g ?i|o|Ei|j
190| 93s. of , 212. 32 2# M2 32. 3# 23
9 SL2\E.%M2?
TEST 1 15
01 .
Ml &WL|Lh o| | o\o \± 011 S7| aifecil,
SOI ±|7|=£f amm HHI °JlO\2.. ® 0£
a W K> f «Ha.
^* What does the man say he will do next ?
^ 7 2
3I#L|LL £ H J 7i|o .
(A) Arrange for a car repair
* |
^ ( B) Order some kitchen supplies
(C) Carry some items
°l?l pack (S#) AHgEf notice W get a flat
tire £fO |CHoi| §37 f Lfnf be supposed to
( D) Offer a refund
fefAfe §25
£|CH m performer 2PI |- available o |gtf
*< ^ ei ClZL 8fc7|?
^ *
4 .
catering MfSa| #±l 3a E) load m (A ) ® 4 l £ 8l
* * d
(B) SS# ?SSf7|
| 7 |
aH y A1|g A ® ££ - om
* gxiis
(W7 f
5! i\\m\ M 7|-B|H 5 SI
tiM \ St AHgafe
56 - 58
Ml E.|- 0|CH 0i| §371 y 51# f KWe were about
number five for the music festival when we noticed it s got a
to pack van
^ ^I tMI business work very long hours? 58 So
what 's your schedule like?
(C ) m
(D) AfgAl cna|2 §
*jS> yof nrAtAi 3^L|Ch 0 |Di|^0|| Ai
o|?l recording station dealership dl^lS 0| gofoilAi m «® o| °Jto\2.. naMI 0|0|| «
nv S
* II LH§
fePW g *m CHA|0||A1
ea - m\m gg i *
l| |Ei § yo| BM(Weve got a lot
* m\ m L \ °|oH H*| SS7 f#4 0| f7|# Lf
$7 0
naHAf 58
of oh,
S!& MM Ail gMi
*|S| ymBgasm -
hM0H0|cf job offer yxMl Ailtl company Web site about the proposed
SS. accept 4
^ merger with QZ Corporation. 60 lt looks
s^i LHM ea - omow mm 2 oi# like we're going ahead with it.
5! d|A|01W
0| d| #yo| SMl’m interested
yxf 7 |-
) ! sK Ai c| xfA||u| it0 lM7| £|sH yxf £!£ W- Br 60 There would be a lot of advantages to
in working in your field!
7|#2h 0 |0 f 7 ® LfipiL 5icf ( But I’m talking to some professionals
merging operations, although they also
first so I can find out more about it )H sSfH ?ioa S&-E- ( C ) talked about it last year.
0 |cf . M- Au I remember that . But there were a lot
of details to work out — like whether our
Paraphrasing bltf ^l talking -* Stf^l discuss offices would stay in Chicago 61 Now it .
looks like we won't be relocating .
W - Br Well, 611 really don't want to move, so
57 that 's a relief .
Who most likely is the woman?
( A) A newspaper editor y- ftgswifi, 7 ®|l|Af lAfo|E (H|Ai QZ 2Hld|0|A14 |
( B) A university professor tty
* 113011 -
7|AH 33 sism . «!« 5! SMIfi.
( C) A delivery person Of 338® StM 01301 o \7HX \ ny n ofj7 fe 3ao||£
( D) A professional actor aiaoifi.
oWfc OKfezf?
^ y 7 |OHLIO AfY30| AI71H0II 7|| y0 ft |
^ «*
HOf WAil Aittoi BSiojfl. 0| i a|7 f 0|3 R!
( A ) t!M BttAf
(B) cH«SLA
y# ^sm. ^ *^ *
(C ) HHitM oj M,
* 33 M in 3*1 stota. USHAI
7 - yyoi EH& .
(D) 2M HUM
o® professor HIM m\ article 7 |Al propose xllt.NjW merger tty go
TEST 1 17
59 ojxfe
What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) es*i ^ui xm
( A ) A new transportation route
(C ) 7 |# «na||o | c
(B) A company merger
(D) M# £ A|
(C) A public relations initiative ^ 0 | *j
oill avoid n.|5 [cl certification
(D) A medical facility design (H ) additional
“ ^7 f°|
m All^ Allf && - 01X171 H|S& 3
^ ^swi WH oiopiafe^? y l7|- fA|°t cHAKHIAj 0|*|8l i fits ScKNow it looks like we
(B) swtrs
* * ^
won’t be relocating)^!Ij l-xf, Ol |-7 f sa f 7|ZL -yx| fifc|-(l really
^ * ^
(C) Till!
(D) |S A|g 7j|
don’t want to move)TL HoLU
^0 (D)0|c|-.
M Agaoia7iifl- aoifl.
61 a aw aw as 3MM 7|
What does the woman want to avoid?
(A) Paying a certification fee oi # ofo 7
hAfaL|cK iti ti i 4 as,
( B) Training additional staff
* * ^oi
( C) Upgrading some technology
^A|^ aM^K
( D) Relocating to another city
01 SLHHi7l|S.
AIZI 3MOII aims,
o® useful annual carry (7 f7||0||A| (A) 21 s 21
- m
container %? \ pull up ( m cn
sl oilAi §@) «cf metal wide - mouthed
^ (B) 18 s &l
^ straw UMI
(C) 24 21
^ (D) 15
Wide -Mouthed Mug with
Steel Water Handle 64
Bottle $15
$24 What is the woman going to send to the man?
( A) A graphic file
(B ) A list of names
(C) A delivery address
^o | Aim
ora® a
(D) An account number
18m (OTtz feWoiMI 2!
( A)aan=i n®
^ «My
(B) 8B
63oj 7l |l (C)
38 ^
(D) m
24m 15m
mi Ail A ® - 0\ X\7 \ feWMI MLJ 5!
x\ DfA °t LHAfOllAl ZLEH MLH £ mKYou’U just need
^ [ |
to send me the graphic file )
naH^I nflis OjApf
62 ( A P.
Who is a gift for ?
MLH cKl can do that H cH IL
^ )
^ 0
( A ) Donors
(B) Volunteers
(C) Employees 65 - 67 q »+ W
( D) Clients
W-Br Yun, 65 l just finished recording the audio
guide for the pencil drawings that 'll be
( A ) 7 |#Al
(B) included in our modern art exhibit next
week . The files' ll be loaded onto the audio
(c) m
(D) H7ij devices tomorrow.
M- Cn That 's great . But, unfortunately, we have
mi Aii ¥ A ® - BS e
* »A® to make one change. 66 The drawing by
<W f cflAfOllAi |AK)||A| | BjH tfdKMy
#0|| i| ®
7 Aj S
^ ^
company wants to give every employee a gift )ZL
Claudia Hoffman will no longer be in the
exhibit . There was a scheduling mix - up,
8&£ (C)0|ch
and it was promised to another museum
starting next week .
W-Br Oh, that 's too bad. That was one of my
63 favorite pieces. Will you put anything in its
Look at the graphic. What is the price of the item the place?
man recommends? M- Cn No. We 'll just remove it.
( A ) $21
W-Br OK, 67 then I'll make that change to the
(B) $18
audio - guide recording. I'll do that right
(C) $24
(D) $15
TEST 1 19
qg oil 66
0\ Iansjfil aqa
Sdl o|$So|| S9
7 h0|E.
^ t q& o|fi. q B MliJ aqa 7 |7 |CH| Look at the graphic. Which piece of artwork will no
° ^ longer be included?
SSI 7i0j|o
( A) A Careful Glance
y #oia. ngcii yq ia tf 7 w HI# THI ®iaqq.
M qonse 2| ay £ O|JII SA|E|X| 7|oi|fl.
( B) Promises
^ *
yy S 0 | OIOHIII q§. ~ * q q# q# £qq tiq (C) Stormy Sea
. *.
qq# E - qo |# exhibit TIM device 8 1 717 | 5KThe drawing by Claudia Hoffman will no longer be in the
unfortunately 2tqS7l|£, it 7j|a no longer exhibit ) 0 |qa asp ap, oil ma qof ssysi ay £
^^ ^ ^
q 0|y opd mix - up #§ promise q sfq
^ Stormy SeaEp S7 |E|q °jog? (C)0|q.
museum q Ef, Ql#
remove &OHq, AiPISfq
favorite 7
Title Artist What does the woman say she will do right away ?
A Careful Glance So- Jin Park ( A ) Speak with an artist
Promises Vivek Madan (B) Edit a recording
66 Stormy Sea Claudia Hoffman ( C) Clean a gallery space
( D) Greet some visitors
The Moment Adisa Rotimi
WB TO Hfc £ SraiCfca iWB7K?
*1IB 5171 *
( A ) tqiEfO |0 f 7 |q71
<2£^a| A|{f!>
m> *
( B)
***ai 3 S£«±
«I«I qy (C) D| A| Sp |
66 a=oj u )
^ (D) a aoispi
< £>
£ OfqAf £E|D| q? editl 48W ESW , gallery !#£, S® greet qq,
q#-l careful glance #2! If - stormy B§B71 #01A |£ «9Siq
moment ££ SH2 A1|“ A ® ££ - 0\ X\7 \ d@ U
COT71 DfAiq CHAKHlAi £Q|£ 7 f 0|a ±a UpPSMthen I’ll make
q?l clay
2 51
£ iF sculpture aq
seven other major media networks there,
in addition to ours.
* W- Am Well, the offshore wind industry is going
SHid A1|“ A ® £21 - SAISIOII SA| Sf
01 171 51 CHAKHW 0|| 01m sen n| So|| s
** » to transform the way this region gets its
2£ \2. 7l0 |a *
q D ® q(| just finished recording the audio * power.
guide for the pencil drawings that ’ll be included in our modern M- Cn Agreed. Let 's compare our facts before we
art exhibit next week )a its|a 5iOELsl ( D)0 |q. start writing.
W - Am 69 So the largest cluster of wind turbines — 68
off the coast of Winston — is already built. Who most likely are the speakers?
The other sites are at different stages of ( A ) Urban planners
construction, though Lanchester is also (B) Journalists
close to being done. ( C) Engineers
M - Cn Right. 70 And I think it 's crucial for us to (D) Environmental scientists
focus on how many new jobs related to
assembling and maintaining the turbines
( A ) £A| 7||t|J|-
are opening up in the area as a result of
(B) 7 \7\
this. (0) ?!!
(D) US 43W
y om° z\7 \ 7 waia mm WOKM m2. , AHM MM 1
2|0||£ 7 m 2 gf # 0 | If
^ ^ Olfl.
M?l urban £AIM environmental
51All M - SWS°| xion
8H # §a| 010| A|yo | uffl ^
y STOffi. 7 |Af M7 | soil A ©2f b|H5H MAIM . were assigned to cover the press conference earlier today)H
* ]0| 7 © SOI MA|E| r!
SSfe oi ^ 7 |Myi- y 4 SW. MMAI yy
M §3
01 | J|o|20|2.
^ M# yAl
( B) 0 |M.
Zi'M, oAf crucial iiyMM related to ~CHI AIM SMOII °|sra, ME! SS0| o |n | £@3fe7 f?
assemble iHMM maintain EtMMM (A )aSA
(C) aSC
Site A as D
Baypon 55
nm AIM ys S7i- 0! 1 «@s as
0|Al7l MS MEJo | 7 © SOI yA | £fe ^ . .— yuiM?iMi
Clarksville J Site B
A 1
What does the man suggest focusing on?
( A ) Work opportunities
(B) Wind turbine costs
(C) Supply chain issues
( D) Power capacity
y fe SJOII y Ain xiiasfe7 f?
* ^
( A) 7 isi
(B) uis
(c )
(D) ss
M4-I opportunity 7 |M supply chain oSoh capacity fiat
00, 0 — 1
TEST 1 21
mi AII xm - dm ss# & anetsfe a
d Pt FM WW \ M L a4S A| LHCHlAi Ely
^ ^^
^ (A ) Mm
2 AH iJxfa|7|- anm SoI *H 7 |IL 2fe KH| (B) %-M
* Sffe 30| ggf #
S.W 5! E KI think it’s crucial for us to focus on how many new (C)
^^ -M
Al Al c|[ E|g
^ (D) aaaai
jobs related to assembling and maintaining the turbines are
opening up in the area as a result of this)H Hokn ?iQa Stf
^ °j?l gmayor A|g departmental dealership dMS
£ (A)0|ch
ma ii ms - cHjAixi
*tlAl g$
Paraphrasing d|ll°| how many new jobs ~ are opening
f °J i £| HdjE| OlnfE sal M ± ?_H-H SSKYou have
“0 H
up in the area reached the information line for the Cranbury Apartments
- StM Work opportunities management office) B|H tHOD. Df | AjA | §r=- £lE| Ahg4i0l|Aj tf
ZVZM if 41 SW. ^MAj ggs - ( D)0|ch
^ ^
Paraphrasing &sf°| the Cranbury Apartments
management office
PART 4 A building management office
71-73 HAp|
** 72
M- Au 7 You have reached the information line
What are the listeners asked to do?
for the Cranbury Apartments management office.
( A ) Move their vehicles
On Monday, April twelfth, maintenance work will
(B) Pay their parking fines
begin to repave the entire parking area adjacent
(C) Use an alternate entrance
to our building 's main entrance. 72
All Cranbury (D) Participate in a meeting
residents should move their vehicles from their
§Abig g
designated parking spots before eight A .M . on °di- ufam
( A) 0|#5 f 7|
Monday. Any vehicle still in its spot after eight A.M.
will be towed at the owner 's expense. 73 A map of
alternate parking sites was mailed to residents last
(C ) q# «ff 0|g f7| 5
(D) S|2|% m? \
week and is also posted in the building lobby.
°i?l fine participate in ~oil £f7| |c|- ®
mi / 4» A ® as - gxHioi s.m u
3$HbiEl OflfE ffil OHJI gSIWMCh 41 1 2Ul&lO||g
g iK xuagsfe tfAf7|- gavoil sg H HUjEl Djg
^ 8 A | *j77 lA | |* * \
21- S OII °iaa
^ ^
* !2o | AI*®
* 0HA1 AUt#
^ ^ A
* 2
OI °j£ m.
i?l reach (£ jt|^) management ga|
maintenance gA |M4, £fa| repave AHS ld entire
What does the speaker say was mailed last week ?
adjacent to ~oll
main entrance Sir-
( A ) An election ballot
(B) A maintenance plan
r e s i d e n t d e s i g n a t e d A |S£! tow at one’s (C) A map
expense A (-g°| a|go Alu | alternate deleft
^ ^ (D) A coupon
MWCl- jl if
71 (A) SPi i= fi§A|
^f ?
Who has recorded the message? (B) | !
(A) A city mayor ’s office (C) 2f£
(B) A maintenance department (D)
(C) An automobile dealership
\?\ election MM ballot #S§A |
(D) A building management office °
mi Ail “ AW - m\7 [ Aiy OII
tlAf7l W 0| Altf OH °J#0||7||
^ SLH 7A
^ ^ ^ CHAjl
M «cKA map of alternate parking sites was mailed to residents nm m\ LHsaa - OPI^H 4*II H
mm m
last week ~)ZL ffloc= ^ Stfrr (C)0|cK
0||II| J 0||A|4 3 X|## # XU t> [Jl AfcS®
episode, we’ll go over
Oj|§(On today ’s
^ in
4^1# ohu#
how you can maintain and make minor repairs to the roof of
your home)0|EfcZI gas (C)0|cf.
uh O
74 -76 O ^
Paraphrasing maintain and make minor repairs to
the roof -> 3 21 Roof maintenance
W-Am W e l c o m e t o Vour H o u s e W o r k s . 740 n ^
today 's episode, we ' ll go over how you can
maintain and make minor repairs to the roof of
your home. 75 The first thing to do is to invest in 75
a few special tools, like a trowel and crowbar. It's What does the speaker emphasize about some tools?
important to choose some that are high quality ( A ) They should be cleaned regularly.
because you'll use them for many years. With your (B) They should be of high quality.
trowel and some roof cement, you can seal any (C) They were recently invented.
cracks or chips. The crowbar will help you remove ( D) They can be easily stored.
loose shingles that you can then replace. Now,
l highly recommend you take photos of your (A )
^011 QH8H oiE
roof every year so that you can track its overall (B) M|0| #0K>M»ch
condition. (c ) se
(D) tMIMEW 42W.
< (H A) jL|Ch 0||II|±H0||Afe 0jELl£o| g j|g&-
S |M4SK&
^ ^
4 1# Sfe » ^
£3 oilS Mth 5! m
°i?l sLregularly § |*fo
&m, A few
^ 7 . recently invent aSW store
* * 3L|cf. £ a
# S . «
K >I4 # 4
^ £ 011
^ mm £?<« LHSH assfe s
°Hs Aii ^ A ® aa -
M- E
y |
| L| § J |
5101 #£tfL Ch A |§ A |
mm #a^oii aa m SJ^ mw \ ^ 4 £4011
CHS! 01 7 4 m Dil# 4 2 44. ±1 131
^. OMI, *m
^Al|7 ^m JMItt 4 SMI sH §44 *|Sfe
^tools 2!(The first thing to do is to invest in a few special
tf! # Ej| | g
«is! mm
4 aia m mm mm 4
, like a trowel and crowbar)0 |a|ul SfijA|
3PI a^lciKlt s important to choose some
MI44 .
that are high quality because you ll use them for many years)H
gaS (B)0|cf .
<H 4l maintain 4- lt4 minor 4h-B, invest ¥ |Sf 4
crowbar ±1 131 seal #£]Sl4, 11#S|4
chip 0 |7 |- uni*!
remove IPiS[4, ul0H4
loose #z-| |Sl shingle l# = replace JH*I|S[4 track 76
4 Sf4 overall 2 11°I
* What does the speaker recommend doing every year ?
^ * ( A ) Treating some wood
( B) Consulting an electrician
(C) Taking some photos
What is the topic of the episode? ( D) Draining some water
( A ) Garden landscaping
±l fe 0H £ 4S!# SIm aSSfe7 tf
(B) Window installation *
( A ) 440|| tltf E|# Sl7 |
(C) Roof maintenance
(B) 7| 7|AfO||7l| y 7|
( D) Kitchen renovations
(c) m «i i 7
op|A 4 fea Oiopp?
^* (D) « HHHL-H 7 I
( A ) 2£! S3
(B) t»«X| 4?l treat (mAAfAH) |a|S|4 consult 33SI4
electrician 2?I 7|Af drain MHHHLH 4
(C) I# £ |M4
* *
(D) 4t AH « Ait aa - JW4 DH Siam assfe a
HAf7l DlJltOil H ’d 1# Af2# ”|§ 3#
42tf 4(I highly
°i4l landscaping installation yA | renovation M4
recommend you take photos of your roof every year ~)H
gag (C)0|4.
TEST 1 23
77-79 BS- 78
What will happen at two o’clock ?
W-Br 7
Thanks again for joining me on today 's ( A) A lecture will begin.
tour of the beautiful Wallingford Conservatory. I (B) A demonstration will be given.
hope you enjoyed seeing and learning about the (C) An interview will be conducted.
many species of plants and flowers we care for ( D) A park will close.
here. As I mentioned at the beginning of the tour,
78 world - renowned
2A|oi| oiEiJo | oi# 3!2!7 F?
botanist Samantha Hughes (A) 22501 A| ®ch
will be giving a lecture on the care of flowering (B) Aigomaaft
orchid plants at two o' clock in the community ( o
room. I recommend attending. 79 Samantha 's work (D) # £!0 | Efech
has also been featured in a documentary film oj ?| demonstration "sS, conduct
called Orchid Caretakers, which you can purchase ^
through the conservatory 's online gift shop . I
m Ai» A ® aa -. 2Aioii
watched it recently and learned many new things mm §y^0|| 2 A|0|| AilTlI^jo ± mm ARW AA|7|
ys # 2.|0|| 22 OlIcKworld - renowned botanist Samantha
about the orchid species we have right here at the ^
Hughes will be giving a lecture on the care of flowering orchid
plants at two o’clock )0 |Ep.!JS& S&-8- (A)0|ch
9M ohich HUSE. at® mm L\X \ aa SAIE
ijL|Lh 0 | 0||Ai 7 Pfe
^ #2 | Al = 4 m JELH 5!0 | #
m unm. m AW ten U ESKOI, 2AK>II ?®L|E®
^ 79
OIW Al|7l|*jO £ ogsF ARSCI- M|7|- What is Orchid Caretakers'?
aaioii m 225sr onaojdifi. aatTLich A q- M|2|
b <k!£ft 7 pfe
Af2#> o|afe qwTO &l «s|oi|E K® of a
( A ) A book
(B) An album
#L|q. Sa2| aqoj 7 |L§ §0||A1 =p.o&\£ . . (C) A film
A ® 5JfeE|| OK 2Mo\\ >b ys #011
° AHSS Af #
* (D) A magazine
o | uH ojo .
^ < ys# 7^ A ®#>^
(A ) fi|
l?l conservatorybs species # mention 2® fq
°world - renowned Al * jcs
|7|| botanist ^lOTAf ’
5 (B) JS
give a lecture orchid plant ys feature |S| (D ) tfAj
S f8 fc|- recently
“ A®
A1| <»
- y 7p?£ A ®#)2|
4 24. 444 ( B )0 | CK
XRI #44# xmw m tJ?n±4 ? L|EI mm XKHI ^ m
mm 244 0 hA|QhA|n| 44 A| £ SH Paraphrasing 444 facilities 224 a building CO
fi Kf 447 f IStJJCHS.
g44 S MS. 5*! iT&ffi S33R
* | j
*12 0|* sfi01| [] D|A|A| sfi LiQK=HEH
^ 4 ojaiM I 044 £0
HSoilAi J4 0^# Af item B£ a|n £42. 4424 80% 82
0 m±z\ 4 L|E| AJEI AKHI “244. #24 04 a SWlfl!
^ ^ ^ What does the speaker encourage the listeners to do?
( A) Order tickets early
44 benefit concert 10 §44 support li H4,
* *^ (B) Visit a community center
A|A|ehchfacility A|£ in need of ~0 | USEf quite a (C) Purchase refreshments
while 4 04 reach 5=il44 encourage 44^14,
concession stand 44 42 proceeds Tna AOP
(D) Donate clothing
construction 44
^« # 1
( A ) sSiJ4 £8M
ufam 404?
(B) 7i L|E| m 4044
80 ^
(C) 440244
(D) 4 404 1
What event is taking place? ^ *
( A ) A fund - raising concert 44 refreshments 44 donate 71444
( B) A sports competition
(C) A play rehearsal
nm AII xm - 444 § i# oii 7ii 240 %
444 W¥0|| 024 £# DH40II4 044 0£# x\ 222 202
(D) An awards ceremony
42 £4(So during the concert, I want to encourage you to buy
14414 4? §20 ( C)
( A) 024
^ food and drinks from the concession stand)2
(B) A2 44
(C) <24 EfflU Paraphrasing 444 buy food and drinks
(D) 444 -> 444 Purchase refreshments
4 ?l fund - raising S4 competition 44, 3
44 s n 4§ 00 - aain 20 sw
4 14 £20011 A14 441- A|*f 44 ( Before the benefit
83 - 85
* ^
concert begins, ~) 0 |£|0I 242 2?_H? §20 ( A)0 | 4.
M- Cn T h a n k y o u a l l f o r a t t e n d i n g t o d a y ' s
Paraphrasing 444 the benefit concert workshop. Erina Kimura and I will be conducting
444 A fund-raising concert the session, and ^ we' ll be focusing on using
time efficiently as a business owner . P l a n n i n g
and spending your time wisely is a key factor to
81 business success. 84 During the presentation, I 'll
be referring to documents from the packet you
What does the organization plan to do?
( A) Change a policy were handed as you arrived. If you don't have one
(B) Repair a building .
yet, Erina 's at the back of the room OK then,
85 to
(C) Select a winner start off, we'll do an exercise to get to know one
(D) Sponsor a team another better.
^ «
H9 ET*fe S!# MiaKl7 K?
£2 430011 44oH 44 20 gm £ W -J=IW 4. 14 ? |°4 «
* 24
(A ) §
" 4 M A1I 4# §§2 oH§o |Bj , X\ SM x \ 2#§£ zm mm
(B) 2# 44 * ^
sfe V0o|| #4# m 3244 . A|2# 394 1 7j|U42 A fb
(C ) 004 §§ * ^
(D) § m 30 Af2 4441!|4 2 244 .^ toll 440O | £4*M nH 2
44 policy 44 select 44^H4 sponsor 0 SH4 0 0¥O|| 20 4M 22M4. of4 S2A|cra 0||a|Lf7l t|
^ 4s ¥Ko || 2sM4 . 4 , 34 24 i£ 4 % W> m 4 20 #0
nm AII xm - m vm 4440 2 L|ch
447|- 040Oi| A |£ 0 | £H S> 3(!02
4271 H&fTKour facilities
# SH M
have been in need of some repairs for quite a while ) 4 2# o|?| conduct t \c\ focus on ^011 441- 44 efficiently
0 222, 2“0|| |HAlo| 401 0 |J?HAE1 7 L|E| m 0AMI M
^ ^ ^
24( Eighty percent of the proceeds will go to construction at
#4 ^ key factor SHAI
^ ^ — i presentation sfl refer
to packet 44^ 1. 4-0
the Hillcaster Community Center )2 A |£ 42# 7||2]3|-2
TEST 1 25
83 ssa# sr
What is the topic of the workshop? (A) s s f l l A I g S p I
(A) Time management
(B) Public speaking
(c ) * fmoiiir W i
|8 7|
7 7
(D) ggspi
(C) Leadership skills
?|5|q participate in ~Oi| g7 |q
(D) Professional networking
°f ?l introductory
take a break
Ai -21 fill out a questionnaire
«5L62| ^*|fe ostein? £&Ag
( A)Aizmai
mssg SHa A1|J L A ® - g f #0| |- - 0i| m a
(C) qc-teM#
^ ^ *
SlJf7l Df7:| f0l| j | AiM Li a SK>B 4
C ~
° °* #= C CD
^ 5jO|Di| Mh7 | start off, we’ll do an exercise to get to know one another better )
H as & (C)0|Lh
cHfl management 5fa| professional qsq, £!£ !£J
«ng a« ms «
3 215 1
SW7|i - 0|| A
* *
^^ «
Ai A|L
^ 0||
Paraphrasing £fsl°| an exercise to get to know one
another better
# 2!( we’ll be focusing on using time efficiently as a business - 9&2| an introductory activity
owner)0 |B|ul fHoa (A)0 |q.
Paraphrasing £f5f2| using time efficiently
86- 88
-+ S&2I Time management
W-Br 86
At this site , archaeologists have
uncovered the remains of a fifth - century
84 marketplace with colorful mosaic tiles on the
What does the speaker imply when he says, “Erina’s walls . You'll notice how vibrant the colors are,
at the back of the room” ? even after all these centuries. 86 This is what
( A ) A guest speaker has just arrived . the ruins are most famous for. You can still see
(B) Assistance is available . intricate details in the artists' pictures of scenes
(C) Attendees should speak clearly and loudly.
from daily life. Now, to protect the mosaics, a roof
(D) An extra chair should be provided.
a® Mxpfsfsaraick
(A )
mi?\ “0||B|Ll7l2|2]g l oll oi LlLpap.
^ SSKPf?
has been constructed over the area, and the lights
are dim. And 87 I'm sorry, but taking photos is not
allowed, as the flash would damage the tiles. 88 As
we proceed, please hold on to the handrails on
( C) SWA ® SSfSHL 3.7i| 0 |0 f 7 |8H0 f fflq.
(D) 0\g *
°i °|Al7l £|OiOft[Lh
either side. They' ll help you stay on the path and
protect the ruins around us.
i?l guest speaker 2!gA|- assistance
° 0 ISW 4
attendee Af
86 m\s=
( A ) SL X] \ X \ $ [7 \
^m m
What is a historical site famous for ? in
(B) fi5M (gsf 7| «
( A ) Its defensive walls
( ) t® o \ ga>\7 \
( B) Its royal inhabitants
( C) An event that happened there
(D) SgSI
^t\ \ 7
°Hs AH xm sa - mm as A ®
mx\7 \ #.y“0|| Ol^^Ai t+Zi# -
(A) ^ Q oaKAs we proceed,
please hold on to the handrails on either side)n S Sln 5I££
(B) A® m ^
(C ) H 0||A1 oioHQj|
^ HAl ^ a&g (c)oicF.
Paraphrasing isf £| hold on to the handrails
CH I historical site fi l defensive iCH°| inhabitants -» a&^l Use some handrails
^ * *
All A ® as - Af *j |0||Al ogg 3
^ *
l£f f#£ 0|| SXfO |H E®
5lAl7 f £°J 0|| 0 | 0||A1 H
“ ^ !
* *
Ol cKAt this site, archaeologists 89- 91 s|2| nm
0 || 0| 5 A||7 | £JE|
have uncovered the remains of a fifth - century marketplace
with colorful mosaic tiles on the walls)n tf Ai % Ai|7 |7 f X|!*fe
a ^
SKIS- .A. afecll o |3t9j= 7 ® gasHWhis
M-Cn 89 AS you all know, our agency 's just won
d|£ lffiO|
* *
is what the ruins are most famous for )n T.
an important contract with Parker Auto Parts
Company. 89, 90 We ll
' be developing two 30-second
(D)0 |CK
ads for local radio stations to be released next
Paraphrasing itt°|colorful mosaic tiles month and two additional 20- second ads for
-* Some artwork the following month. Now, 90 l know it 's a tight
schedule , but this is a priority. The client has
actually started trying to work on this internally,
31 so there's a rough ad we can start editing. Let's
work on that now .
Why does the speaker apologize?
a| CH AW m H |- «£|A|£|2| -
( A) The listeners cannot take pictures.
0\X \± %m , o
oa |
(A) S
* ®o0|||7AKl # s|# 8».
^ h ^ ^22# A|*|ff Sfe“ihH K | a -IHK Ag^ZL*3# 2
(B) S * ^ ° ^ )
|| m0 \ HlTO
7 f S
(c )
* ach
^ SsH §A|Cf .
(D) # om ^7ii A ®ai:k
f ?l contract |of develop 7| ad in local 133
Sfe 0|§ °station *
mi A1|“ A ® A
^ §£| | afecKl’m sorry,
release additional # 13
£1 171
* ^ *° ) ! ^ *
i| 5l | l A
but taking photos is not allowed!
. (A)0|cK
tight schedule JpJfEf si priority
“ A® internally
LH“io^, LH“0||Ai roughen edit
Paraphrasing taking photos is not allowed
-* cannot take pictures 89
What is the speaker mainly discussing ?
(A) An advertising campaign
88 ( B) A market expansion
What does the speaker ask the listeners to do? ( C) Some contract negotiations
( A) Show their tickets (D) Some audit procedures
(B) Put on protective clothing SfAfe S SJOll « 0|0 f 7 |5 fe7l?
(C) Use some handrails ( A) in m°J
^ ^
(D) Speak quietly (B) M% m
( C) 711322
* m\
TEST 1 27
4?l advertising 9!! expansion 94, ^t5 negotiation s=4 Ah
o ti AII A ® - mmo \ 95011 ar #
audit 44 5AI procedure 59 SfA|9 lA |°|0i| 99 55 45# A|4lf 4 ofe
^ £ 10 | ©J4
*n # m mssa - asfsi ^
( there’s a rough ad we can start editing!
) ! 99A1 A|5 ZL2S 9
mm ^95011 99 X [ x\ “ #S|A
^ an important
~ our agency’s just won
9 -
^ contract with Parker
^ 711 4* 4 5^H MAKLet’s work on that now! ) ! MSUL $JPP ? 555 (C)0|4.
* 2.|£
88 14 4AI99 5 94# 9 4 9£# DH9 9 5 !9 1# 49011
* 59# 95
*H # mm 44 - o|go| 450194 tfoj o ) £ *H HE|5 9# 59 5944. 9999 5£J0 | 8£tf 44. 44 ±
93 on the hill on the north side of the park . There
we'll be having some free snacks and ice cream. m
What is the main purpose of the talk ? to
97 For those of you taking photos, don 't forget
( A) To make a request
(B) To address staff complaints to post them on the city 's Web site. We'd like to
(C) To present a new schedule commemorate this special day.
( D) To explain a technical process
ai|o|a M4*ft mEL'U |y fgAKHI | | OE
BS 2|
? ^wm\ |CH AH\m# \i|ftftftHft
£ y
(A ) yA *2
, —'
What does the speaker imply when she says, “That 3. Picnic Tables \
will require management approval” ?
( A ) A process has not been followed.
( B) The listeners may be asked to work extra shifts.
( C) The listeners should contact a manager.
(D) A change will not be immediate.
TEST 1 29
llb xm 9b - S01I &£ ! A £
sw + a
* 2
rpfAl | j | l|
^celebration ^ ^tKl’m pleased to welcome you to the
£ 0 7 £7 W-Br
for our town’s newly renovated Lakeville Park )al if
Thanks, everyone, for attending today 's
free public lecture, sponsored by the Springfield
- ( B)0P.
smoioo^ gga Farmers' Association . So, we've received lots of
Paraphrasing gsfsj newly renovated Lakeville Park requests for information on growing a vegetable
96 "
testing. Since this is September, all soil samples
in the next six weeks should be taken from the
Look at the graphic. Where does the speaker say
same depth, as seen on this chart. Oh, and before
refreshments will be served?
you leave today, 100 please sign up for our mailing
(A) Location 1
(B) Location 2 list to stay informed of future lectures.
(C) Location 3
(D) Location 4 0|24£, s|0||A1 £ 2| »
£7H gsioil
mm SAlSLicf. XL 7pF7|0i| fi® gM# itsfe fi
AIZI mm ^2® mm 5sh0| HSfedlfi. Ag#£ 2HSI7- II A|5fIL
( A ) 1b
9b ga# S£a goj tMb. **H5fb 9«H gga §7|g
^ H
(B) 29
(C ) 39 S fci - »
9 £ SAfojdlS. A goI 910|L| 6w Hb £9 A|£fe
0| JESOII MOltr 3! ® ga irO|0||Ai SH2. Of,
(D) 49
A|7| soil
g sHAi go| gM# 711 92AI7I uf
of ?| refreshments cfzf
^ ^
m A|Z|
£P47 f 59WI ga®
9 AI - ctm 115 S&
* »
bb 9b0l|Ai ycKWe’U end our walk
^ ^
on the hill on the north side of the park )H f9A1 7-|7 |A|
o|?| lecture g l sponsor #- fcf association 1 1
^ ^ ^
A]z|- 0 f 0 |AH J -§- b
KThere we’ll be having some free snacks
vegetable garden regular 71 9,
^^ soilIcl
^ ^ ^
depth ? 0 | sign up for bS fcf stay informed of
and ice cream):n »S|ai
4t 0 |° . g
g ( A)0|Lk
X|SE0|| ttf=9
^ ^ g-
- o] Alb 9b
(D) «goiciaoiaflgii
harvest 4
m S ll LH §30 - £ir 921214-Ail
* *
SIA 171 M°J °| £7H 321011 3 oH 4|Ai
O|| M
everyone, for attending today’s free public lecture, )H
Look at the graphic. At what depth should samples be
collected this month?
(A) 12 inches
(B) 4 inches
(C) 6 inches
(D) 8 inches
(B) 4 i |
(C ) 6 J I *
(D) 8 ix|
0\ $\ collect 433K1 .
A|zt §M 27ii - ois 9 usHot s AIS2| aoi
gg Oll
^ A|Sfe 0 |
^ Algol 910|L| Oho
^ 62£7J
SSOilAi MOIM 33 IS 0 |0i|A1 AHSoHOf gcKSince this is
* ^
September, all soil samples in the next six weeks should be
taken from the same depth, as seen on this chart! ) ! ilof! !0H,
soil CCfBE l lOilb a | 30 | |
°J | | § 93 ( A )0|ch
9 -10 2 7 -
12 0 HM
What does the speaker encourage the listeners to do?
( A ) Turn off mobile phones
( B) Have some refreshments
( C) Purchase some seeds
(D) Sign up for a mailing list
TEST 1 31
( C ) i§M 2.Q Ojx|-7|- 52 (is gripping the handle
7|S TEST 2 as of a drawer) S- 0 | 0 |-i-|.!=Lg f2§\
* ( D ) Af
^ 0 j h7|-
* 0||
notice onto the wall) Ss-0 | OfL|H.
* MO|n ° ( js tacking a
1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 ( D) 5 (C )
6 (D) 7 (A) 8 (A) 9 ( B) 10 (B)
11 (C) 12 (C) 13 (B) 14 (A) 15 (B) 2 W- Am
16 (B) 17 (A) 18 ( C) 19 ( B) 20 (C)
21 ( B) 22 (A) 23 ( B) 24 ( A) 25 ( B)
26 (C) 27 (B) 28 (A) 29 ( C) 30 (A)
31 (A) 32 (B) 33 (D) 34 (C) 35 (B)
36 (A) 37 (C) 38 (A) 39 ( D) 40 (C)
41 (A) 42 (D) 43 (D) 44 (C) 45 (B)
46 ( D) 47 (B) 48 (C) 49 (A) 50 (A)
51 (D) 52 (A) 53 (C) 54 (C) 55 (A) (A) Some window shutters are being replaced.
56 (C) 57 ( A) 58 ( B) 59 ( B) 60 (C) (B) A pillow is being arranged on a seat.
61 (A) 62 (B) 63 ( C) 64 ( B) 65 ( B) (C) An outdoor table is being cleared off.
(D) Some wooden boards are being painted.
66 (C) 67 (A) 68 (A) 69 ( D) 70 (A)
71 (D) 72 (C) 73 (A) 74 (D) 75 (B) (A) 0| oicf.
(B) ¥i30| 5 0)1 §E|£|H Sich
76 ( D) 77 (B) 78 (A) 79 ( D) 80 (D) ^
(C) 0 2| E||0|g0| X|$iX|jISlCh
81 (C)
86 ( B)
82 (D)
87 (C )
83 ( B)
88 ( B)
84 (A)
89 ( D)
85 (A)
90 (B)
(D) yswioi oicf.
oi ¥l shutter §7(1 arrange S^ISHd- wooden board S.K|
91 (A) 92 (D) 93 (A) 94 (C) 95 (A) ^
96 ( B) 97 (B) 98 (C) 99 (A) 100 (B) m Stt Af *J - AHf /AH/gg Mt HAf
( A ) §A ( SSSfSome window shutters) 0 | 2fe(are
being replaced) SH0 | 0 (-L|H . 2.S.
(B) Sif. ¥ £!(A pitlow)0| SalElH 2fe(is being arranged
Part 1 on a seat ) H£0 |° S3.
1 -
M Cn
(0 §A( «
0 f2| E)|0 | ( An outdoor table) 0| x \% X \IL [fe(is
being cleared off ) S£0 | OfL|HS £9.
( D) §Af <23\ U|#(Some wooden boards)0 | 5L jE|li Sfefare
being painted) S&0| 0H-|RSL £3.
3 M - Cn
( A ) 7|
^so| Ma||7|#oiim3| ow. ^
ia!S9 Ara - A ® o|g5f/ EHaA|-
( A) 0|7C|-7|-
afe(is inserting a cord into
(B) SM0| AjacH0|| d| |iioii:h
(C) bff| if !
* ? \£ E ] soil
(D) AiiT# 0|1E1 M
an outlet ) 5 0 |Hg.
^ °
( B) | A|- 2 . Oj |-7 f 7 |7|| | V-^n. 5ib(is pressing a button
^ * °
on a machine) S£0 | 0|- | =L
o|?l utensil 7p, discard tHa|p-, nl|7 |8|c|- empty h |W
^ rolling chair UHH s £!
A|#/# 4 Af 4 - Aim 2A| of -4 Load 4ft 4 Hftft set up 1l2ft, 4A |o|ft canopy 47H
* *
( A ) AL JOII Sfe
^ 24. Aj- jCHI 7 |2t(Some utensils)4
4A|# 0|§t[
^ mtr - Anr/AB/sg«t SAL
2E. 7 # a bin 4 2401 M0 |A | 8 g? 24.
| | ( )
° (A ) Ah jOtl
^ aoa 24.^ gAL# 0|g*f 24. A|40|| 2ti|(alobby!
) 2£ | 2 0
( B) ALTjoll §A [# 0|S§h 24. AL ioil 42LH( a sink!
) 2£0| M
o |A | °ut g 24.
^ 0 |A |
° ^ ( B ) AL 24. «zd»( ltems) 0 |
(0 »
44. u |-¥-| 41! KA rolling chair) 7 L 7 f24 Soil 0| IKhas
* ^loaded into shopping bags) 2^- 44011 442 Itftare being
01 tL|22 24.
been placed next to a counter) 240 |22 44. ( C)
Elft#(Tents) 0| 2 F40|| 44401!
2(have been set up
( D) o-AL 24. A|4s(Some drawers) 0 | 14 IKhave been left *
in a parking area ) 2ft0 l2 44.
open) 2401 0|L|22 24.
( D) #A| 24. °]ft(A worker) 7 f §7HI- x|2 °fe(is putting up a to
canopy) 2401 0 L422 24.
4 W-Am
6 W-Am
5 W- Br
M-Au Have the machines on the factory floor been
( A ) People are standing in line in a lobby. cleaned?
(B) Items are being loaded into shopping bags. w-Am ( A) No, not yet.
(C) Tents have been set up in a parking area. ( B) It ’s in the shipping container.
( D) A worker is putting up a canopy. ( C) I just put it in the trash bin.
M- Cn
appointment ?
( A ) Those glasses look nice on you.
( A) 33. as 234 \ m o \ 3^44 #b i 4b# b 2 011 oi
? (B) I already scheduled one.
Mfi a 432 A 0130134 b3 222 222
( No)
^ 33. * 4 *# 4
0 |H
* # (C) The seminar is three days long.
°lbbO)M Yes/ No #B0| #7 feS|SS
( B) Yes / No #7 f fig. What (A ) SS S AlaplijSSHS.
SB. (B) M|, 5t l$0)2.
(0 SB. BM1 afxhsi ) £| BBS- #b Sbo)| nge MIAHOll # bo I (C) A)|A|BO)| 7 fS H #?)|S.
EI SB# s*)is .
^ 5
*DS SS SISI «S2| BS oi“# s#AKHas) Bur -nr m SBb b7l S|S?
(A ) BS BO) SB. Sb-I rescheduledO)|A) BS 7Mtf calendar# (A ) ## # # o) bA|3!0)S?
oibtfSB. (B)
( B) SB. SS BB BSB BS Bb# #M S#o)| MKYesm BBS
o) ?| opening act 7HB SB fill the position #SSB
(0 S#B SBBb SB.
°HS SBSIB 7HB SBAl# ## Who Bbb
(A) BS BO) SB. Sb-I concertO)|A) BS 7MB volume # 0 ®tt
14 ( B ) SB. S# B SBffl 7HB SB# ST AHf# #b S#o)l 9 #S
w-Am Why don’t we stop by the office cafeteria on B J.W .X 7 fSBn tts| bs BSSS SB.
our way to the workshop? ( 0 BS BO) SB. SbB opening# ‘S 'SS Sb ol Hfi! - 30 <3
M- Cn (A ) Sure, we have time for that. S 7MS position# 0 |S® SB.
^ ^
( B) A full-service buffet .
(C) The topic is professional networking.
TEST 2 35
18 3a EM 23. g§2| How# °I2#
( B)
M- Au I tried updating the Web site, but it didn’t work. oh 7 fSa fine # OlSt!- £a.
(0 g&. Sb | A«a StK)| 0j «£| S jog AiEH Xl Hboil aa
w- Br ( A ) That date works for me. ^ ^
s swsw aacm sms Ahy# s^ianM st n °IOH
( B) Usually our online reviews.
ou- .
-S=. XHC
h ^
(C) Just send me the changes you want.
w-Am Did you hire a new welding specialist ? AMM! Sb^l A|g
(0 TTA|- a# na. ab l hirea h# 0 | SA ® higher # 0 |SS £a. °j^y \ uH &ia-ib EH?MS *®aas,n s?
^ ^ ( A) 01 17IU a7||0|| sm.
^ *
(B) i *doil uoaaia
(C )
<H?I solar powered mailMbaoib, man Itaa
w-Br How was the color palette for the lobby
chosen? ^Ha SbM uHBiapl- EHaas **« * ^
3£! l t lSfem O| o o
( A ) aa. 94 1 un &iai7i- EHaas a#t ssaa b asoii opi 7 i
M Au ( A ) Blue and orange.
* ^
«1 EMM gg£|x| QR
(B) It was fine, thanks.
(C) I wasn’t involved. aa. ** ai bn SiSHM
( B) Ub4 aMfc aa How much °lbbO|| P® S&0|SS aa.
ntdia A»a nas cH Tii a
( A ) nl AH XlAHOlO
^ ^uo? (0 EfO) EW aa. Hb°l water # 0 ®fi23.
^ ^^
(B) tma., aA ®Mnh
oj?| be involved
M-Au Where can I buy a charger for this laptop?
sai A«a a^i aas #b HOW abb
w -Br ( A ) Around three o’clock.
( A ) aa EW aa. ab l colorOllAl aa 7isa bluea orange # 0 |
^ (B) I can order one for you.
sttsa. (C) A limited return policy.
01 MM4 #*p|b mM 4h 4 9MS? 26
( A ) 3 A|#2.
w-Br Should I deliver these pizzas, or will you?
(BJflWWHHl 4 5i0iS.
(C ) Ail gay goia. - ( A) No thanks — I ’m not hungry.
M Au
^ ^ (B) Ten dollars for two.
oi?l charger #g7 | limited gg& 1lt® (C) They ’re being picked up.
# £ 7| T- DH 4# Where 4## m oi mm HHWHOI: ms, owe agoi sraois? m
^ -
°Hs ga ga4
( A ) §Ai 4 gasfe aa. Ai Oll 3 jg cim themaM A|g#
#4 SAW
^ goi aan aa.
° ^^
M- Cn When’s the new department director supposed ^
( B ) ga. oia a goi BS3l4fe SAi oii oiB #44
to start? ^
bAi ag sag aaa LH## #a a.?a^ ga.
w- Br (A) It ’s an hour long. (0 gAi 4 aa. HOW much a oii PIS saoia^ aa.
(B) Ms. Pavlova isn’t retiring for several weeks. ^ ^
(C) No, that department ’s upstairs.
gg ¥ Aia# 2wi a# Aigsws aoi ms? 28
( A ) SAiggaia . M- Cn How much will the repairs cost ?
(B) 4#a4 M|7 f a W SWM a# 7|0||fl.
w- Br ( A)The work is covered under the warranty
wa, a ^Afe 4#oil atcHS.
(C) 0 .
to ~44a £|Oj a4 retire £434, S|gs|c|-
°i?l be supposed (B) Yes, it ’s also available in red.
(C) In about two weeks.
« Aigsi g Aig Aig# when a# #
*(AH #) ga gfflafe ^
aa. HOW tong a^on im #aoi°^ aa. - .a| u|# anH4 WAS?
4 ai aiss fe How much 4##
ga. 42! u|##
^g oii a ga a#Ai Mg g?i goii
(A )
aoioi HISOI ageiAi
^ ^ggga ag ^ aa°^ ga.
TEST 2 37
#7 | 23 How much °|##0||# Yes/ No #ao | #7 |#
( B ) Yes/ No 4# 47 f # 011 017 [ O ?
- M 2&.
SfH ( A) tfS4H 7| a|n °iojS.
( C) ##4 4 ©8fe When 4##o|| cHtfgao| °£ aa.
(B) SfcilSOIMIfi, ZLf ?
(C ) 4 6nr SOllfi.
otel be scheduled to ^tfojlgo l- confirmation ^fS, 42
29 ^
W-Br Why don’t we provide more samples of the * »l® Eil All A ®S ## Who 4##
( A ) ga. II## HIAM# AF## o\ \ mzm 7mu 244
wallpaper patterns? *
ois SSH I I 22## sig°s. shsi 2°° ^ ga.
M-Au ( A) The newspaper is delivered daily.
( B) §i#4 4h#2# £2.
( B) An interior design course. ( C ) IS4 #22# £2. When 4##o|| qtf S20|H£ £2.
(C) There are plenty in the binders.
patternsO||A| 2#
evening, right?
cHtfe ajc|A1 0|=OiJ|3fe7K? ) S®0 |IL %l g ¥
7RMI'U head there nowi
° S9S (C)0|cK
(A) m
(B) UH
(C) 5S
(D) m 35 - 37
® 33 - MISSIS H
*yxi®|-7S|- 5^!IMMWOIIAI 232 Ojx|oi| i| ?jAKGood morning, captain)22
M- Cn Hi . 35 l m here to schedule some personal
training sessions.
£k 12 #7 fEl Spoil 3«® 0U32 l(We’ll be docking at the
port in Kolkata this evening, right ?)# #!
* I 2 H Hf| ?|0l|Ai W-Br OK . 35 What are your fitness goals? NJ
° ^ -
o|23 fe Pisra# 2 4 act. 333 3BS (B)o |2. M- Cn I'd like to lift weights and build strength.
W-Br I can work with you on that . Are you
currently a member here?
0 |#W T-A. CHJ_. incorrect 23MM, SJ I y OH-13, m 323 m 5HS. £323 1»feEH, 23
* *
siwn7ii mei 5! tf siu» 50% #2 11 scm 3233.
AiPAUfsa - ^iaaois
2t® 4 sw3?
3 12 5! CHAKHIA-1 =#21E|5l7 | m m 3MM 23°H0 f 171 [£H
* 01 ZL33, nfjMI 233 |7| 2011 m A|## o\\m
£21 0JI2MCI 2 !
^* ^
|1 ( Actually, we had to change course
)! HllTlfl.
overnight to avoid a storm, so we’re running behind schedule!
32£ (D)0|ch
2?l personal ?H23 signupfor ~# 2333
behind schedule - i
* !£3 a delay absolutely 233£, #3201 facility 1#
33-1 a storm -> 32-1 The weather was bad.
Where does the woman most likely work ?
34 (A) At a sports stadium
What will the man do next ? (B) At a. fitness center
( A) Confirm a schedule (C) At a doctor ’s office
(B) Speak to a coworker ( D) At a library
(C) Check some machinery
32£ 33 1ii33!£7l?
(D) Clean a storage room
( A ) 37 ®
yxfe 3#3M 2-3# # 32?I? (B) H|ML| A AjjEl
(A )23 M2 (c ) y#
(B) # oi|7l| 0 |0 f 7 | (D) 3 12
^ *
(C) 717l| if 2
(D) M2# 3M ^ »
2 1 M B0 - owo| s x |
yx|7l 5! dlAKHIAI PT 23# 2—3 230’m here to schedule
2?l confirm M23 £3, M3^13 coworker storage M2 some personal training sessions! ) ! 3 1 OlA (-7l 2# 2&7 |-
£22 l What are your
( fitness goals?
)# #£ 23M M0|- 3 l£
*112 A® 22 - 2#01| if 2
H|ML| A AHEJOJIAI 22 #31 2 4 23. 333 39S ( B)o |3.
3 132 M cHAKXlAi yxfoiMI 32# | || H223 A | |8H # all ll
* 77
need you ~ starting with checking the machinery in the engine
room) # £33
*1 2*12 #2(0 f course)0|El!l CH233 * 1# na|£
TEST 2 39
36 M- Cn You know, 4Cthis would be a stunning
What does the man ask about ? piece to unveil at our anniversary dinner
( A ) A discount in June . And, since it 's a big project to
( B) A form finish by then, we should get started right
(C) A business location away.
(D) A parking policy
oj MA|cfA|n| o | 2 L1|MA
feWfc Sloil cHsH
( A)
^ ms . o^ sAitr ^ a^Mcf.
MI. oinii£ yye
*« *raoiU Bahama
y .
(B) Aj±|
c m wi
( )
^ ms\ mm SA
^ ^ ss oj
All“ A® ££ - yxf£| °0| A® *K 6ioii
5fS0|1710110 , ZLttH 7; | mot
^ *M»JM0|L|
y W Ail SWH CHAKHIA1 Aifl- use 9! if a|b 50% tf i5H #qb
* ° 9SA|sf«H0 L|i:h
21lt ga® 01W &L\( \ saw online that you’re running a special for ^
new members — fifty percent off the first month ’s membership)
landscape painting #3^1 acquire Sl SId, yq
TL SJU £!Stt 4 5ibA |( Can I sign up for that ?)# § °\ $\ condition &EH significant
( A)0|ch
^ restoration ## investigateSAfsfq stunning
o|#q£, o| 5!# unveil §7Hsfcf, ajssiq
Paraphrasing c||2f£| fjfty percent off -> §y£| A discount
anniversary 7 |
37 38
What will the woman do next ? Who most likely are the speakers?
( A ) Post a sign ( A) Art restorers
( B) Confirm an account number (B) Event planners
( C) Provide a tour ( C) Photographers
( D) Look at a schedule ( D) Interior designers
W# 32
(A )fiXffi 7||A|Sp|
^#71? (A) oil## # # 7 f
(B) 7|W Bs BSPI (B) ijAMtW
(c) asrfl® 7i«^ (c) mm
(D) yyfiM7 | (D) m q*K>M
q?l post 7||A|S|q account number 7||£|-
°i?l restorer ##7| -
) ! if 3(11
around our facility! - 0 painting will need significant restoration work )ZL filIL, 0|Ap|- £
Aha .A. S
CHCJ 71| #a|# 5!?JA|( to see how we should repair the
Paraphrasing OT£| show you around our facility damaged areas)0|| cH@H 2H® fe 3!S£ M0 |- tlxH£ ZL j # # 7l°]
-» § £1 Provide a tour # St 4 Siq. q&W *j&£ (A ) o |q.
Paraphrasing qi|£| painting -> § yq Art
38- 40
M Au You know, 43 Smith Incorporated prefers
( A ) fclUJLgsM informal meetings. I think just a handout
(B ) highlighting how our marketing plan will
positively impact their book sales would
(C )
*14 w i
(D) SXIISAW7I be enough.
take a measurement * 14# AHL|- W- Br Really? Thilo, you 've worked with this
M?l contract m
client before. What do you think ? t o
^ ^ AII AM u H
| | |4
0 A -7 tHAK ||A1 ms\ ) El SAffll £4® M- Cn 430zan is right. I think they 'd prefer a
’ meeting that was more of a conversation M
CH ]| P uHOf ufeAl Atnili ( I Ll begin by investigating the
^ ^ 7 -
^ -
artist s color palette and style to see how we should repair the
’ than a presentation.
damaged areas) 0 |Ep. 1 ( D)0|L f.
M ewwifi, All 71 sjo| [in gag # aio|Hi-
S £sH 4# 20 ° Lto
A | | [ ?
M ,
01, An| A 4AJt|Al2l2| £| °|° j7 f °?
Ml. n# oj AiS ^|oiS# o 5H SDiloiMtt DMIII nm
Why does the man suggest beginning a project MTioiia.
quickly ? t|2|f - AISSHS. Ail jZfojj
( A) Payment has already been made.
yi Aj, AD| A 4*l |Afe 0®
^ ^
°a| OMIH TlltjOl S#°| *H npD[10]| OiiTil
(B) Staff will be on vacation. ss# t- asM gag- sstr 5! yBdia.
(C) An important event is approaching. giffi? US, £0|| 0| S Zf iJ5H£ *j0| OAI OIO
(D) A client is in town for a limited time.
CH I gzfSWIfi?
^ ^ ^
gAfe 2H S 9|S# tt &| A| f 8 fAfS Ai| lufe7 K?
* °
£2 h0| gjo a. gsMcfe CHUOII 7p7l£1]°|# M
^ teT2
^ *
| S HA1
(A ) 0|D| A M0
(B ) s|fi#0|
| £
^» a ! |afA| £0 ® 7i0||o .
( C)
^ 7
££3 ISjAW M7 f£S 5i0jA1
^ 0
^ jo |aiAi
<H ?I incorporated 4^|2|Af informal Kiel,
i»| A | Bfe handout highlight
M 4I payment A |M, Ail on vacation approach g£8[c|- positively impact Slf
M712M limited
*H£ A114 m ea - urn ssmt sai A|5^WH mz\ :
OIS What is the woman preparing?
Al7l DfAlQf CHAfOllAi 6l0|| °M VmM £7HS|-7 |0|| ORL 5!
*| *fg0 M 21 this would be a stunning piece to unveil at our
| (
( A ) A slide presentation
(B) A travel itinerary
anniversary dinner in June)0 |a|-D| zutHTW IIMOf S. THlE
0|L| gg - A * H0l
| §t |- ( ’
TEST 2 41
42 M- Au Thanks ! I thought we'd have to run that
What kind of business is Smith Incorporated? reaction ten times before we got a positive
( A ) A law firm result. But we got it on the third try.
( B) A construction company W-Am 45 You '
ll have to write up your results and
(C) A pharmaceutical manufacturer submit them to the research director.
(D) A bookstore chain That's Esra, right?
— I — 144# 0i£!
^ a*||°]7K? M- Au Oh, Esra's leaving the company next week .
W- Am Oh, I didn't know that. I wonder if you' ll be
(B) 21m promoted to fill her position.
( omm
(D) XKJ M - Au I don't think so. 46
I've never managed an
entire research group. I hope to get some
44 construction 21 pharmaceutical 1144 manufacturer
mM , mm
* experience doing that next quarter.
3 « ^ AW AHf as - AD| A
*L 4|S|Af 11um oiiisn
3 24 3 CHAfOJIAi Af2fo| S|o|Ojj|(|s that the
AD | A A|t| y BAWMCH a in#12# sHof
^ ^21 5
meeting with Smith Incorporated ?)# # l 0\ X \7 \ age}(Yes! )l * . Ail BWH A|£ i|Ai 3J0p. ^
411 ¥1, | AH mm 44 BdloiMS u \m
* Ifi#
240 azttltecilfl
. 0
Wl 24# aalsH a o|
1 oil 5! ° 3 12#°.
43 4# #7|oj|# as 2tJ# SHB°E #M° _
What do the men agree about ?
( A ) A subscription should be canceled. 44 experiment 14 reaction 4# positive ooll
(B) An advertising campaign should be delayed. be promoted fill the position
(C) A training session should be mandatory. entire 2214 quarter #7|
(D) A meeting should be casual.
44# 4 #0 ltt 2( 1 think they’d prefer a meeting that was Oil funding 7 |#Ag extend mm, 12W
more of a conversation than a presentation IBP. Hup 512
21# (D)0|ch
^° 41 AW AW sa - (TO21144 8 SB o |#
* «« «
4 A171 S CHAlDllAi #1 # 471 0IW S 2M4 #Cp #°HQKI
Paraphrasing 444 informal -» 414 casual heard that the results of your experiment were better than you
expected ) Dl 4 444( Congratulations!P lop 51°n
( c) o |c|-.
^ - 21# ^
44- 46 Paraphrasing 444 better than you expected
-> successful
W- Am 44
l heard that the results of your
experiment were better than you
expected. Congratulations!
45 talking with Dhruv Bajaj — a personal
trainer and gym owner. 4: Thanks for
What does the man imply when he says, “Esra’s
coming into the studio today, Dhruv !
leaving the company next week” ?
( A ) He needs assistance planning a party for Esra. M-Cn Thanks for having me ! 48 I'm excited to
( B) He will not submit a report to Esra. tell you about the gym I just opened last
month . It has state - of - the - art equipment, H
(C) He will apply for a new position. m
( D) A larger office has become available. and my trainers can work with clients at l/>
any stage in their fitness journey.
0\\ S|A »ZL^-|2 ^H 338 2|£fe 833
“0||AEH : C
*^ W- Am Sounds great. 49 How did you get started
in this line of work?
47- 49
* CHAK>1|A1 A#c|S0|| L|-£|- 3A1 3Afs
OjA|-7l j |d(Thanks for coming
into the studio today, Dhruv! H ) 7A—^- M0 |- dd-l 3471
4#L Efe
^ tt 4 m. qafAj 338 B) 0|d.
W-Am Now we 'll move on to a special segment of
our news program where we highlight new
local businesses for our viewers. Today I'm
TEST 2 43
48 better. 5 Public awareness will help us
What does the man say he recently did? get funding to meet our aim of preserving
*. 5JM.
(D ) ASZL §7 |O]| S
4?l retire 5£|SM 4|S|SM facility A|# x® %x\om f#
o| 7|£L|CK
AH . A ® 4|0O|| ® y
S MiAfOHAi xit ® ¥# 2 *lfi«0|| CHSH 0|0 f 7 |5 W| £|0j 7 |
q sil^ ^7|- 45
m ## “4 £H “ 4| 7|CH^
sHXi tifUsfe
MOm excited to tell you about the gym I just opened last «711 qtWI QHsH CH#0 | SI# 4 Sfe 7 IAI7I
“ ) !5Sf!
month! I<31 HS. §5¥ (C)0 |q.
51 Ml . - -
M - Au 5 As director, I 'm delighted to welcome 4 #l organize
you to the Redmond Aquatic Institute.
^ |ofcl,
tj fund - raiser £5 t Al
We 're happy you'll be producing content
* A® 5
^ - 01X171IL#£|0i ff S
01X 171 5! cHAfoilAi a||=£=7|- sH5 §#tf4 5WIW ygsfe
for our Web site. xi]M#0|| MleH s # —7l| 4 ¥§ 7 |cH5q( l ’m looking forward to
W- Br l'm looking forward to writing about writing about Redmond' s initiatives in marine biology!
) !. 5 of!l
Redmond's initiatives in marine biology. 0100 §5 ( A ) 0 |q.
^ ^
M Au Yes, the more articles the public can read
Paraphrasing 444 writing about Redmond’s initiatives
about threats to aquatic ecosystems, the
in marine biology §54 Write articles
M- Au I haven 't sent out the cancellation yet, but
51 53 our research partners in China are off
According to the director, what is the organization’s
this week for a national holiday, so there 's
no point in meeting. Why?
( A ) To hire professionals in the field
( B) To create educational programs W - Am Well, 54 l've been looking at the draft
budget , and we didn ' t allocate funds for a
(C) To collect data from other scientific institutes m
(D) To protect aquatic environments project leader. in
ssigoii 7 ©4 M - Au Uh- oh . I wonder how that happened .
You're right . 55 We need to discuss how to KJ
(A )
(B ) fix that .
(C )4# 4tf 121
(D) 4# m MS
^4 *^ 41 W- Am You know, 55 we allocated money for a trip
to Singapore to present our preliminary
o® organization 7 |£f, B ll collect 4444 scientific 444 findings . We don't really need to do that.
m A ® Tfl - SSISOI 7 ® o| £fiS[2 asfe s 01 oHH, 4&10|© 44# Time OfL|A|S, His?
2! 1171 4 djA|0||Ai A ®# tlSIStAs director, I’m ~)0 |Ep
* c||A|0||A| AHEH 71I M£0|Efe our aim of
y 0 ® 414: MLH 4J aatfedl,
^ 0\\
preserving these ecosystems)# 2@sp loa. §&£ (D)0|4.
wwi o|ffl 011 41
^ ! O |E|- Efi. 44# 4b
^ s|n|7|- SU5t. 2HS?
Paraphrasing 444 preserving these ecosystems 01 #, ojl-t! MU Sfec|| E&m 44# m oi®#
-> 144 protect aquatic environments mm\ steams.
y ©. 0® 4 ZLlTil _
A | SS lLi| o gAJ oj-0| SJ0p.
* ^
o® 7 | 4Ml#x M^lsHof sHS.
| |
52 l7p=M #1 1oil ®
What does Roberto say is exciting?
01 oj|b| 14#
TEST 2 45
54 software to keep track of my warehouse
What does the woman imply when she says, “ we inventory, and I have a question about
didn’t allocate funds for a project leader ” ? setting alerts.
( A ) She thinks a project deadline should be extended. .
M- Cn Sure How can I help?
(B) She is surprised by a suggestion.
W- Br Well, we've been getting an alert whenever
(C) A scheduled meeting should take place.
the inventory for our deep fryers drops
( D) A project leader will not be hired.
below ten. But we usually don't stock
-ssaiM mm ie on**# mm
$ irsfe many of those because restaurants don 't
often need to replace them. So, can I lower
(A ) SSSIM 7|s[oi E§£|OM gem the alert level for just those items?
M- Cn Yes . 58 ln the system, if you click on that
(C) oiise t|o|7Haionmk product, you'll see a link that says, " Set
(D) a|Cfe!L§E|X| fits 7AO \ E\.
Custom Alert ." And you can set it to any
5W ,
<H#| deadline Dtef,
| o £ njqj
° H
^ IE a|c|#
dig ««
number from there.
W- Br I see it. Thanks for your help.
cfe aai * ttSfsM
MI. mn samn^ia?
01 S, mm
^HiL 7l 107 H niei- oi 1[EHdcl erg#
a3fee fl. ngmi n l|#§- go|
|| ofs.
* ^
^ 4 2 42?
What does the woman say about some travel
( A) niastch
deep fryer mm stock (Mt
(B) mm.
(o s4 oi ms.m.
(D) H !
o|?| travel expense #&tiI unnecessary MS?! refund
s}#6H W receipt 234 charge g-Tsfcl-
Where is the woman calling from?
^ ( A ) A clothing store
M\ A m aa - o\m &guioi m asfe a
feW7|- *mn QHAKHlAi 0||Al# 0\m HESS ! ±°\m gcKWe
( B) A furniture store
^ *
need to discuss how to fix that)IL $\X \ 0|x|-7l j7 f ? gM #g It
(C) A restaurant supply company
0\ \# m so
^Kwe allocated money for a trip to Singapore ~) 1
(D) A graphic design firm
ZLE-jAl StO|£ a^KWe don’t really need to do that )H
° 0|
*fe 2tlSb7 f?
2!2g. M0 fgaS (A ) 0|cf. ( A ) °|= DUS
(B) 7KPS
(c ) s^ii
(D) c\ x \ \ s|Af
56 - 58 2*11 LH# aa - OIA I $3
OlAf 7 f ^HAlO|| A1
^ *
So S^ Kl ' m calling f r o m R u b i n
M- Cn Hello, you've reached tech support. Restaurant Equipment ) !! s f-IL ?ioa StfB (C)0 |ch
W- Br 56 l'm calling from Rubin Restaurant
^ ^ ^
Equipment . 571 recently purchased your Paraphrasing M|tt°| Rubin Restaurant Equipment
A restaurant supply company
W-Br OK, let 's walk over there now and take
some measurements. Then we can figure
What is some software being used for ?
out what materials we ' ll need.
(A) Inventory management
( B) Employee performance reviews M- Au Sure. 61 We have some extra parts left over
(C) Sales forecasting from when we worked on the cherry trees.
( D) Web site design I'll check what we have left after we finish m
measuring the rose garden . to
ismflofe TOO| U Sfe7 K?
( A)
*HH £fB| y 3# aa|A|fif yg o||7|51!CH2. nfc a|7 f sa
^ VO
(C ) & W Oil #
OfLlaf 3D| Spoilt A #U# X|8H «| a wifl.
^ *
(D) mom qx® ##oi TO # o goi» ^HAIS.
CHAKHIA-1 sta XHH S # x|# jo^ M?f|S.
^ *
# tJSjqfl recently purchased your software to keep track of
my warehouse inventory ~)H Hof! ! %loa (A ) 0|q.
^ o® install Aiafcf irrigation
^ , bd T^ magnolia
groves take measurements 14# Hq figure
Paraphrasing qtfq keep track of my warehouse
out mm,
* *
mq material ARM extra OITO
inventory -> S&s| Inventory management
part “s left over y#
Where are the speakers most likely working?
What does the man help the woman do?
( A ) At a flower shop
( A ) Return a purchase
(B) At a botanical garden
( B) Customize a setting
(C) At a fruit orchard
( C) Repair an engine
(D) At a hardware store
(D) Inspect a shipment
TEST 2 47
mmz mai- jiaaysfeft?
t»0| 9 2y WI£, 9S3K-I M|. # £0|A1
(A )
(B) 28 uHs 881012.
* JR# 1|# 0|
(C) g y | 380IS. aajcil <=> E| 3E|ft Al°
(D) 8ft
^ ?AlAfj *
fe | # |
7 7|
| E
am ms . ms JR#^ AILHOHAI
0| 2*l0i| 883|
H£ 3a£ ( C)0|ft.
oi?l education JR# convention tjsjal, PI# attendee
Paraphrasing ftilft an irrigation system 98 1 electric £Plft fully charged 2199 ## £!
-> 99ft a watering system *
Area 1 64Area 2
61 Electric
scooters ^Electric cars
What does the man offer to do?
(A ) Look for some materials Area 3
9 K=:°21emHXi|otSl#7l?
*m m
( A)
(B) 5AH#
(C ) ft# §7
(D) £49 ^ 27| AijiEi
ftTI assistant ZS# transplant OlAjsHft fjj7t 8Ql 373
°H8 A1|“ A ® - yftft l|of A ® 49ft
Al7l ft |ft LHAldlAi A1|a|Ll° 92# £ tt|] uo q« o| J=L= 0 | a. oi 7l#R!9
^ *
ft( We have some extra parts left over from when we worked HH
y l7 iAiJHSfeo |##?
M-Au Good morning, Ms. Aljohani. 62 Sorry I'm a (A )
* yowach
little late . Traffic was terrible. ( B) #ftl £98!ft.
W- Am That 's OK, but 63 our rental office will (c ) soil- aft
be very busy this morning. There's a big (D) $19 8S
*» yowaft
education convention in town starting ft ?l apologize Al4ftft equipment 8 I instruction manual
today, and a lot of attendees from out $19 8SA1
of town have reserved cars to get to the ^ , Ai
A ojL||
conference center.
S«3 All# A ® fiS - ^
A Ste |# 0
9 l l 5! CHAfOllAi # #ftAi |#9ft( Sorry I m little late ’ )H
M- Au Right. 64 What do you want me to do first? *7
AKftftU °jog? 981(B)0|ft.
£ a
63 W-Br That 's right . I'm working on the public
education part now. 66 There'll be a
According to the woman, why will the speakers be
children's poster competition next month,
very busy today ?
which the city mayor will judge.
( A ) The agency is offering a discount.
( B) A new rental office is opening. M-Au Interesting. Is there a prize ?
( C) There is a conference in town. W- Br The winner will get a ribbon. But all m
( D) A sporting event will take place. participants will get a seedling to plant at in
of El average E# height #0 |, 7 |
M Au I've been on vacation, so I missed our
department 's meeting. Can you give me an
W-Br Well, 65 all our public programs and
Where do the speakers most likely work ?
community events are on schedule.
( A ) At a landscaping company
M Au Great ! How about the Jannis Park project? (B) At a local government office
We're still planning on planting trees best (C) At a garden store
suited for residential areas, right? (D) At a lumberyard
TEST 2 49
£W#£ cHqAliJ<5tffe7 K? 68-70 q® + sx|2
( A ) S3 m
(B) x|e? 25
(C ) 2o||
*1 M- Cn Hi, 68 I'd like a large black coffee and an
egg- and- cheese croissant, please.
(D) xfeLL
W-Am Sure. That 'll be eight dollars. Are you a
2*11 LH£ fiS - i|* 215 X|
^ Shelby 's preferred customer?
qx|7| L\\ X \0\\ M A |<3 xm SAKall our public .
M - Cn Uh, no I'm not But 69 l do have an EZ- Cash
programs and community events)M M0|
3S2 ( B)o |ch
W- Am 69 Great . Let me ring that up for you.
55 U0|
* 71123 5U0||m
01 15 oi#
(A ) » ^0| i
^ fe |? 5 7
3 23SWI£ . ?fn| a|x |5|n O||ZL °J |S H
* *®
5 115.
(B ) nmx \^ *
01 L1I. 8 s 2.itJL|Ch #d| °CH HZH0|Aj7|o ?
(c) S
—q m
OK 0|L|o , a|x|°i EZ-?HA| 7|H7|aioifi.
^ A|a|s
(D) 3 a
#0|°. oj 27||fl.
q?l seasonal Tjl
^qoj promotion #5 51# demonstration 01
n2Mi LHS omoii
^n OI*J mm
contest d|s| lecture 3 1 ^
a 22Mia.
IBI qqs?
nm AII^ xm 22 - soil m°d
0\ m 5 *m q|A|0||Ai C|§- if 0|| CH IOI |7| oi# %
01 5iJ5, xeswaioifl?
5AE| CH1
(There’ll be a children’s poster competition next month)0|E|n
a 0|L|o t SJsfe ifOlMll 0|[L[7l2S®7||fi.
135 3A|ffL|LK
imUL ( C)0 |LK
* ^
Paraphrasing M|t|°| a children’s poster competition oj?| preferred customer 5dl 5 ring ~ up ( £
-» 2 tfq A poster contest W7 |0|| 3# 7 R® °J
5|C| ahead of time !&!
(B) E® 45
ld|0||Al ifcfsfe 22
(C) 0 | L|°
(D) |°4
5% m 3%
si® AWsagTii - LHNss
# 7 ® 7 |7| a ^
10151 0 |Ah
01A|7| D|A |Pf CHAKHlAd 0| Ml 7 |l
* L| #
hang up mi l
68 merchandise fill out
Where does the conversation most likely take place? Alii? AHf - fefXi-71- om t U
yx[7 f Cp|°f CHAKHIA1 0|LL(-7 f Ss RMI’ll call you later todays
( A ) At a cafe
(B) At an electronics shop ifSHl §98 ( A ) 0 |ch
(C) At a stationery store
(D) At a clothing store m
tHlfe WAi o | = ora 7 K?
(A ) m\
(B ) mm DHS
( C)
°l¥ DH9 » *
71-73 S niW l
(A )
70 (B) «l|o|AEfffla| AE
(C) |# W 0 |L1
What does the man say he will do later today ? °
(D) Wt* \
( A ) Call a business
( B) Return some merchandise m msae - Taisia
(C) Fill out an online survey mw m^o\\ %m urn# sao» mm AA
( D) Hang up some posters m \ just put the earrings and necklaces that you ordered from
fitfe 3 if
mm 0^71^i -
( A) mow vm? \
ifsfe7 tf
SM [LfEfAl
) ! WSUL
me in the mail!
(D)0|C|-. *
(B ) Mzd m&m
Paraphrasing &£f£| earrings, necklaces -» 3&2| jewelry
(C ) sajoj
(D) 371
TEST 2 51
72 digital copy. So, to answer your question, 75 you
Why did the speaker include a special gift ? can complete the whole order online. Just visit our
( A) Because the listener is a new customer Web site, where you'll fill in your choices for photo
(B) Because the listener is celebrating a special size and the frame and upload your photo. And
occasion for a small extra cost, we'll guarantee to replace
(C) Because the listener is a loyal customer your frame in case of damage. Please be sure to
(D) Because the listener placed a large order check that box when you order.
mt= 2H M SM# SSfe7 f?
(A ) °^5lA1|o C.\3JE\ . SSf L|Cf.
£|Af£| JEL£HEim 2|S
(B) SW7 & tf sm 2J<>|A| m °^ m\ icfe DIIAIAI §r ss
sm^ * 7®
' AfS# lt|0||7l| E|A 1
* | A i
^ - OIDII S. £
(D) LH A|b %0 \ E-] # L|q. 0|| gg HEL| H2 HE EHEBhli
^ ^ ^^ *
¥ M Md. |S| HAfO |M# &-SSWAI AfS H7 |2l
°l?l special occasion WHS loyal customer ’EM J9A ^ *
1mt>\JL AfS# 2£=S|A ® 1L|EL b|Et 23 c| JIMSF
*«sdiomsH nam
(B) g4 (D) A # OJJ O||
(c ) m ^ ^eg^ | 7
4 A1IE Alt - 8m CH 8 fe °4
(D) ¥2#
*^ item ^
mm ef¥oii s£ ® °HAK>II
q?l receipt payment method H ll
* Xhd]•
^KWe received
your voicemail
SAI^I || A | |
C3 O
8 (A ) 0|ch
£Ffe S« £ |SJfe l?
M-Cn 77 Welcome all to this week 's training in ( A) IB
^ H 7
s gucf .
^ 82
What does the speaker encourage the listeners to do?
cHfl certified
^ j#01 °>b commercialscargo
transport 4 | |- oversized
^! currently (A ) Complete a survey
region AM flexible
determine load S
(B) Fill out an application
(C) Place an order
available Olbl- 4 °ib open position S
(D) Get more information
83 - 85 S HW I» * t
^Hzr %m\n 423011 4$!#
( A) 3«i ##8F7|
W Am Hi, Jinyu. I have some exciting news !
83 The (B) AHSS XHSSAiaSH M7 |
(C ) sffiUSWI
Farmer's Table television program wants to feature
( D ) e. aa CHUISPI
our restaurant in an upcoming episode. ^They'll ^ H
CH?! experiment sl FcF, A|3aU McF ingredient #4
be coming on Wednesday to film everyone at work
inspection # 4
^ m
in the kitchen during our dinner service . Since
you're the executive chef I'll need you to come in SH # Ai|4 A ® - SM7 f 423011 SFaFTl 2§sF# 3
earlier than usual to get everything prepped and 1F F 7 F # £14011 4-2- 3011 #3 # 3i( TheyTl be c o m i n g o n
Wednesday to film everyone ~) 04F 1 AMCF “IfSl 2FA| S.4 43
set up. And just as a reminder, 85 I'm still planning
# 3*1 -2.3 fHiK~ I’ll need you to come in earlier than usual
to be out of town next week for the Springdale ^
to get everything prepped and set up)H SFH cJ3# ( A ) 0 | CF.
Pastry and Dessert Festival. Thanks!
Paraphrasing 33F2| come in earlier than usual
3 SFA||2 * 1°.
^ AI0 | oi oi TV
^ <£« o| A|Ef>o]| -> Come to work early
M m 3# (Hlnl EOll 43^ £3 SH2. 423011 SL\M
m MV #3 #4*1# a »
= Tjoflfi. #43o*o|
ttL|CF. pA |
A |L|
^CF tfE| £FAi #011 DF3 4 |2|AEE
^^ 85
HBIAF2 fe 323 cF# 4011
* u
ni 0 | H C| |M
° * « Where will the speaker go next week ?
All nHSdl A FBI# |# |
7 |t!O|0||fi. ijA |fiL|cF!
( A) To a food festival
(B) To a cooking class
3 ?l feature #33 211133 upcoming 332i= , zi ois
TEST 2 55
ef PI 2Hrrfi- Ejftei-
opposition to the project!
) ?. MOf,
2 144? H2 4 fAft |§ H g | | 2 1244. Afe Cft£ |
^ * * A
* * _HLF gg|
5 A A
H£ 4M0|| ycHSfe xmo \
* 2 P4 x \ xm gfecfe 3ft 4Efft
^lOil « 44 2ft44.
HL jOl|
^ 25 ^4 A|S^|
b fioj
°|£^ tt 22 2 4 24. 44>M
xf HHE1BI 3S g l£ SSSfeEilfl. o £»
* |n |Eg - A| * (C)0|4.
86 (C )
What is the speaker mainly discussing ?
(D) m ^i?j# oii z.mM'U
( A ) A job fair politician 442
(B) A factory m A||g A ® && - CH # 0 | A ® 2# 0i|Al 4 afe 5!
(C) Some traffic patterns
(D) A prototype electric vehicle
tfXf7|- gu[gO|| 0 lE|AE 0i| o|SH X||4g 0 | ^ IEO| 0 |D | A |7l A|S
dSOil 4A|£|0j 24(~ artist - rendered images of the project
SMfe Sioiipmo|oi7|5fe7i?
are on display at the city hall building! ) ! 24
( A ) 42 e® t| ( B) 0 |4.
!! 2°P THc
^ O 1=-1hO—.
(B) 5S
c zmm
( )
mw AH OI ir^ie m nationAI
^ *^
-4iE|# | .|7l
7l 22^KAt
a recent well- attended
public comment meeting, residents had a chance to voice any
o\ $\ Limit H§t, eP enter refer 2S6KT. £pol7|| 6lc|-
89 *
What type of product is being advertised? *H^ A1|“ Afg SS - *m ffo!# I? 4 2i!r SfS * q-
^y^-0|| ^ ^
- jE sho | uj
( A) A floor lamp IfAP 10 “ Oj oii 30ni*!
(B) A bookshelf ( If you call in the next ten minutes, you ll receive a 30 percent
(C) An office chair ) !, imp
discount!! ( A )0|q.
^ ^
2SslP(the Optimum Space Organizer is the perfect product
* Fabulous Foods . 92 Every
week , we discuss a
different vegetable and ways to cook with it to
for you) , #EW0|| 0 |
7 ® X| S®£ CfAl IgsH MU
*»» maximize flavor. Now, before we get started, 93 I'm
&PJI oH Kthis product can make even the messiest of
excited to announce that I 've been collaborating
desks look neat againp ilobb
l&Sp 3# if 4 m. SIS ( D) 0|CK
^£!£! *1IT #
with Cartwell Kitchen Supplies to develop a new
line of cookware. It'll be released in November, but
it's available for preorder right now. Keep in mind,
this product line will not be available for long. OK,
90 let 's move on to our program. With us today is
What special feature does the speaker emphasize? renowned chef Rebecca Murray to talk about this
( A ) It is durable. week 's vegetable: eggplant ! 94 Rebecca recently
( B) It is adjustable. launched a vegetarian restaurant in New York that
( C) It is easy to assemble. is getting rave reviews so far.
(D) It is available in many colors.
o\& #S# &£Sfe7|-? <SSE £E|> 0|y 0||II|£E» %*M ^A1 ^AltfLP. Jitfe DH
( A ) Mp £jO | [q
° *H±S>1 0» 0|§sH 3m ^ciWfe 2*L\m cHsH o|of7 |
^L cfeH®afeciifl
zm 7Ust\L\. . AI 7 |OII sw , m 7 \m mm AH
( B)
(c ) m.
SS ms?
Ail## 7Hmi% A # 13 HE|7f| £|0i 7| L|CK
^ ^
o\ \ durable
^ 7 feEl assemble
1110|| #A |E|A |°f JH
^ ^^ 0| 7 feffL|:
How can the listeners receive a discount ? 92
( A ) By calling within a time limit According to the speaker, what is the purpose of the
( B) By entering an e - mail address podcast ?
(C) By referring a product to a friend ( A ) To discuss the restaurant industry
( D) By using a mobile phone application ( B) To review new cooking equipment
( C) To share information about nutrition
mn s
4 ib i?
? 7
(D) To showcase individual ingredients
( A) fl «
A|LHH0|| 1
(B) Ol
^^ ^M
^ ^^
(C ) Ail # AipoiMl
(D) cHSSf
^ ^*
TEST 2 57
§}[ X \ 0\\ A E o| 3.K 2.
^ °OjO|7 ? 94
(A) fi cHSHoiopiatea
sa| pg g afe A
According to the speaker, what did Rebecca Murray
^ * 5!
7 7 7
® w # oi DHS J 3401si# 01#
Train 133 H§ AH# AW #3 -
*SlXpl gy
^ *813 A| DHfi OilTlI §
City Arrival Time 1# #7 |# D|| £# 0 | H&
you need assistance handling your baggage, please
^ ^
New York 9:30 A.M.
sH s ^Klf
) !,l
speak to a ticket agent immediately! 00 ( B) 0 |4
^ .
Philadelphia 10:45 A .M.
97Wilmington 12:05 P.M. Paraphrasing 444 assistance handling your baggage H
Baltimore 1: 00 P.M. -* b a g g a g e service m
Washington, D.C. 1:30 P.M.
133s m 97
#2 9AI 30#
Look at the graphic. When is Train 133 scheduled to
arrive at its next stop?
ijapajnioi #210A| 45#
( A ) At 10:45 A.M.
97HoS ##42A| 5# ( B) At 12:05 P.M.
#E|SOi ##• 1 A| (C) At 1:00 P.M.
D.C. fi U| 30# ( D) At 1:30 P.M.
* A|Zf 1M0|| 443, 1333 °$\ \ 4S 40|| #44=71?
Why does the speaker apologize? (A) #2 10AI 45#
( B) # 12 A| 5 #
( A ) There is construction noise at the station.
(B) There are no more seats available on a train.
(C) 2$ U|
(D) a UI 30 #
(C) A printed schedule has incorrect information. ^
(D) A train service has been delayed. 3711 - 13331 171 Cl# 3oil #44= All
*SW *
7 #3# ll 1333 cl# 3# 133( Train 133 ’s next stop will
|- 0
44b 2H Aimsl#7l?
( A ) 3 o|| #Al ±# o| °lci. be Wilmington) 0 |alZL °! [ 1, A|UE0I| 4=3 i!33# ##
(B) 1A10II 0 | # 7l#tl! l# 0 | C| 0 |4 &4. 12 5 # i #44°M 13# B Cl.
A | 0 | ( ) 0 |
fioil 3 §M7l34.
(C) i
(D) 14 #lo| x|33!4.
44 available 0 |# 7|#!, #lf # 3= incorrect #14th # # 98- 100 Ml + £.
delay x|3A|7 |4
Ail# AW #3 - t l7l AlZlslb 0 |# W-Am Hello, everyone. I' m Carmen Salazar, the
11 171 #3#oi| 7 |A13# 3#a||o |#4!i 3444= M# 43o | 31 airport operations director, 98 and I wanted to
*(Renovation work to upgrade and modernize our train station thank you for attending this press conference. As
^is underway)0 | 4 #Al . #3# £|#44(We apologize
^ ) ! oAl
noise may cause!
of this week, construction on the new regional
for the inconvenience the .
airport is proceeding on schedule for two of the
b#0i| CH H Al2iai
^ ! L 13# (A )0 | cl.
three terminals. Minor design adjustments to
terminal A have put the project slightly behind
schedule, and we anticipate about two months
will be added to the construction time frame as a
result. 100 I'd also like to mention that we now have
According to the speaker, why may some listeners
a 3- D printed model of this project ! Please feel free
need to see an agent ?
to visit our Web site so you can view it.
( A ) To ask for a refund
( B) To request baggage service
(C) To purchase a monthly pass 314AIIS, obi#. #3 13x13 71^3 4^1X 1=344. 7|xl
mm\ a wi IAH 44. 0131# 71##^ AH## g
( D) To arrange a transfer * ^ cz ||
’ 7
44 Ail 7H4 441 S -r 0 A1 #Al l o £ 11144. A 4
|gc ||
sixio|| 4 = 3, m
* # 1## 2H 34014=71?
II# 4# 1711 o |s|] 5S1 | #4 Of# #0|3£L|
M71 0|!
(A ) »» fi.SSlsi^i
4. 4 27 H1 1 # oAl 7110110113 JOS. 01111144 .
| |> # fiSS BlaI
(C )
17 # # #DH44 *
H i
£Ett a#4#4 3D nain
| 31# i #a|#xi §44.
14 §A10|JE§ £#43 Ml 4 Ste44.
(D) Slate *
44 refund #lt monthly pass H 171# arrange I344 t
TEST 2 59
o\ m affect 33# W
33 operation £3, 33 press conference 71332 as
ofH§ 3bMS. construction ijAf, 2# regional 333 °H 2 A|Zf 2M - J|30il 33# 3b 3 11
3 13 #3“0|| A E\ U \\tg *fb -M7II sag. 3sH * 2=3 0||§
proceed 2333 adjustment 42 slightly 33 behind
schedule 0II2M3 #8- anticipate 0113 13, 3333 time
* ^ ^
M3 33 #323( Minor design adjustments to terminal A have
frame 32
^ put the project slightly behind schedule ~ )H ijo\IL 3!
!, of
X|£0|| 3=3 A Ejniyoife 13 3#0| 33b (A)0|3.
W 3
Terminal C 100
^Gristar Airlines
Terminal A
o Ravley Air
What does the speaker invite the listeners to do?
Selca Air ' Bluxtin
Airlines (A) Download some designs
(B) Look at a model
B EiDiy
(C) Take a site tour
tt# ( D) View a Webcam
t \E.£ 33
3 fb 33#<>M b3# SWi 233b3?
W 3
c 3D|y *
"na AEI 33
A Elnia
«3 33 (A ) 332 c ® £ =3|7|
(B) H1M7|
33 (c ) esa*W7 i
(D) aaM7 i
33 site tour 3 33
Who most likely are the listeners? ^
( A ) Civil engineers ^All sa - §AH0||7i|figSfe 3
L A®
* *
Look at the graphic. Which of the following companies
will be affected by a delay ?
(A ) Selca Air
( B) Trilco Airlines
(C) Heathson Airways
( D) Bluxtin Airlines
( C) BM S3. ftftft la Sfe(is opening a cabinet ) £H
0 | OfL|°£ £0.
7|fi TEST 3 5S& 2ft
s ( D) ftAf7 f 4 != tfa Sfe(is holding a towel) a
^ ^ |a^ Sd.
3 M- Cn
TEST 3 61
( B)MW \ Sb gAH- 0 |g£ AR!<>1| # A |S b £S#(A line of SB Am - A ® /A»/gg SS SAf
customers)^! a£0 | MO|X| 8 ° ? aS.
(0 Afc!0|| Sb gA ® 0|S§- aS. Af lOil axlEKa signal a£0 | a
( A ) Al aS. tELKA railing) | 1|7-|E|:il
o ’ 0 Sb(is being removed) 3.
^ £0 | 0 [ L\33 as.
0 |A| %
°°i? aS. ( B) A ®( A roof ) 0 | oAf HS( is under construction) aSO |H
(D) S&. # 7 (Musicians) 0| £!# 0| = aj HOi Sb( have
gathered in a circle) a O |H £ ju.
S 3B.
6 M - Cn
of ? leanS 4 4 pile =|D 57H 583! discard SS4, miSOT
( B) Hr1 A1|^.H(Some tool sets) 0 | SAW ?ib( have been laid
^ f
uH KT structure Til
out) a£0|a xHcih fcd .
o|?l flour shelf ® out of stock 10
®0l| SJ7HW afe 0 |£# Why fiiss w-Am How much will the repairs cost ?
( A ) 2a 22011 im=7i afe ois# 2# oi| HH7l M - Cn ( A ) I have two pairs of shoes.
122 0 |«7\\k \t \JL °j°H? 2a
^ * (B) Around 200 dollars.
( B) 22 EKH 2a ggfil flour # flower 2# 0 | sHti!» 2 22 ( C) The restaurant downtown.
7 fetf roses# Ol-gsl- 22.
^ ^
( C ) Yes / No #71 £a Why °l££0||t=: Yes / No #201 #7|#ulJ=S ^(AaisfecnuiSoiaumm
) fe ® iii7ism.
22. * ^ *
(B) 2001 1 2 2.
^ ^
(C ) A|LH #22012.
tl^l A|y A|Z When 2| w-Am Where should we put the new printer ?
* ^
y ab aa Where O| 0|| CHS SS0|H£ aa M - Cn ( A) In the corner by the stairs.
(A )
^ ^
( B ) nf Oj aa 2 2 starts 4 0] 7||oj started # 0 |g£ fia ( B) The third page of the document.
^ ^ -^ ^
( 0 2a t|o| A|2 A|2# °b boil 22 2Af 2¥ 2H # ln 2
^ .
^ (C) A reusable ink cartridge.
AH sgE » o) c|fl| flotSH4£?
( A) mS H# 0|0i| o.
(B) Aj# Ai| aflyoifl.
AHA tt 4 afe 2H 7 fEa|7:| o
(C )
34 document
* A1# reusable AHAl## 4
TEST 3 63
AH sgE m mm11Where 411 71# |# E| |« Oj Til 1|#41 l #3)1# 4 342?
* ^ ^ * *
( A ) 43. AH 234!# 4 1# #141o|| 7IIET 3 Htolam 2 114
3 Axis. #3 2 ° °E? 43.
* * (A ) 42# 24 Ei7l| o.
o| = °
9 171- 9 £|b l Mb BeM l
M4 9#ftb*
*(AH9) 999 * 29. * *
M-Cn I ordered some new equipment for the factory.
( B) 9b4 9#9b 29.
w-Am ( A ) The news program on Channel Ten. 99. 9# 9 14 9M4b l Mb 9S0II 9# b l24 4 ioil 9
(B) Great — I can’t wait to use it .
* * * *
SRK 44 99 9 171- 9M4 I 9M# b4922 94 b2 922
(C) The car dealership.
2 99.
* *
#94 1 g AH 94# bb5i!42.
( A ) 109 H9 bA 222ijo | o.
* .
(B) #0\2.. 4 1 M2 9M|2
(C) l |- 499012.
* ** M- Au Isn’t the roadwork in front of city hall finished
44 equipment 94 car dealership 4MAI 99^, 499 yet ? m
9M 999 9 1M ( A) I just finished my conference presentation.
°A|- # 29. 9AK°| new4 £922 ##0| S ® news#
M- Cn
(B) A lot of traffic in the evening.
(A )
oissaa * ^ * (C) No, they still have another month to go.
( B) 99. 990l|A| # AH 9bI# bSK 42 9Sfe 9 1#o|| # 9
(Great)2 49tt fl, 4 1 MU 999 AH 940« q® 99# 51#
* AI9 9 22 # l7 f 019 9 #942?
* ( A ) 1b 4# #fi# 9 b942.
9 1b4 999b 29.
(B ) 99 oi| n 90| S0|a -
TEST 3 65
23 3
*23AH 2 *822^. 3482HUJfesl *28 *2Af8248. °
(A )
88 Be
0 AF a# as. 82
(C) It ’s this Wednesday . * tf 82. *
^ *8388 ** £ ® *
laptop 0| A top
oisaaa * 2801 ® * safety §A saved (C) I have a performance scheduled with my
( B)
83 22 82. 82
* 82.
Ai 23 fefi
s a f e t y inspectionO|| 7
38 — — -toil 8 388 38 1 338?
* *
* o o 341 88 8o o 2 8 o 33
0 32. 22 22
( || A|7 | || =
( A ) Ml, L 301
** 88 3 8 0 F8.
3 ® » 23*88 2888 2.*
|| |
S A|7 ** 8 |
(B) 2 88 7 f 0 f 5H8, 8# 88 7 f0 f 38?
^ *
* (C) HJ82F m 01128 8201 238.
88 2AFA1I8 2 111348?
8 288 32.
^ ** **
( A) 32 4 18 88.
* *(B) ## 0 |£, Ai|7 F 7 FAl 4 238.
* *
(C ) 3 2 82018.
M- Cn The workshop for this afternoon was
34 harvest
* *
2AFA1I F 238
take 234, 3 2
* A|7 |
place art museum
postponed, wasn’t it?
*/ 2 82. * 2
8 32*. * * & 1 ¥ ( B) I haven’t checked my e- mail.
(C) A ticket for two o’clock, please.
(B) Yes No
* 20138**4*2888/ 82*20. * F*23
When 0|| Yes No | 7 ,
8 8#- 8H 8 37|
*8AR IIA18* . »a,
*84 3228 82*. 288011 32 *20 82.
5ure8 Yes
( C) * Where |88
(A ) 0
(B) o|n||2
(C ) A| fi*R»18tt. «8
34 postpone 1444
* *
M- Cn Was your new laptop expensive? 3
* .£28224 388 tf22sF8 *388
*8AF* 8*828 8 EL 4 288
** 2*o ®
( A)
M- Au ( A ) Do you have a new password?
(B) I had a discount coupon.
* * g*2 82.
post office 0 |
postponed | §A
*2 * 223
(B) ¥ £ 0| 8.
(C) ?H3bd 38.
OllAi USM H3# | (W# t[ o ] 5 fe °l§§
28 oo
( A ) asaf
w-Am How were our production figures last month?
( A ) They produce electric cars.
( B ) SB. mo\\ M ZL3M SA «
0j|32A | #£0|| 0 H-|fi( No )3
M Au- stu °m 3 B24 W ®
(B) Nine o’clock in the morning.
JL CHBtt fl,
m## 2#2° q ^ SB.
AAph afe
- .
(C) We were closed down for a week. ( 0 3£4 322= as.i !£0|| 323 EiHSAh HeS. X|S 2# o | 2»
(A) ZL#£ Q7|X «g0SHa
(B) £3 9 A|fi.
(C) 1? a0 flWIS!SOfa 31 H
oj?| production 32(2) figure 4*I electric car 27|A| -
w-Am How was your morning client meeting? m
be closed down IMEI3
M- Au ( A ) It ’s great to meet you. H*
* »
H3 x|B asaoil m How 3SS ( B) No, over in conference room two. Ul
(A ) 333 a#. 3nr3 production3 333 27112 produce # 0 |g (C) The contract is now officially signed.
fi a#. £2 n?A s|2fe envois?
( B ) SS3 222= a#. When Si- oil cHfiSBoias. SB.
) 1 22 EII3M33 32W
(A )23A1 23£33.
te SB.
) IBB asgoil cHSH BSO
^ «
* B2.t JL 51°as SB.
( B)OfL|fit 22 S|2| H|A|a
0 | #2# 32#
^ (c) Tiwioifli -&i xiia«oi&.
o\ $\ conference room 2|B3 officially #33 ^.
sign a contract 7j|3§- - 3
29 ^
as US 2|2|01| CHSH How
w -Br When can I see the speech therapist ?
333 a&. 3=3 meeting 333 £+7||2 meet # 0|gS SB.
M Cn - ( A) A one-hour session.
(A )
( B) Yes / No #71 a#. How |££0||b Yes / No #B0 | #7 fe |SS
(B) Just a microphone.
° *
(C) How about tomorrow afternoon?
( o SB. 22 ns SI IOII CHSH # oii TII OI #2 mm fl
201 mMm 2 112B 4 232?
* 33
l- #acfe 3# 33 B3
^ ^SB. *
( A ) 2 A|2 A1I 2B 33.
(B) nBDloiHOiia.
(C) LHBa oittHa?
3 ?l speech therapist 20i A |SA|- PART 3
sHS 201 |£ Al# BB A|7|# When 3SS
( A ) 2S 03 aB. H§3 speech 0l|A1 2S 7 fefi session# 0 |gS 32- 34
( B) 2S 00) aB. #£3 speechOllAi 2S 7 fe0 microphone # 0 | M- Cn 32 Thecompany 's making a big change this
S0 aB. year by moving offices. It 's exciting that
( 0 SB. 201 A | AS °M M ? m #t=i S oil LHB 2#.7 [ 32 1 a the new space will be much bigger.
^ ^ *
1132 AKi2£ #n
* SB. .
W- Am Yes Do you know what the company 's
planning to do with our meeting tables and
30 M- Cn Well, 33 the new location already has
w-Am Aren’t you picking up the clients from the furniture, so we don't need them.
airport ? W- Am 33 Why don't we donate them? The
M- Cn ( A ) A product demonstration. Jebreen Foundation is a local organization
(B) No, I believe Tomoko is doing that . that picks up old furniture for donation.
(C) He prefers an aisle seat.
M Cn That 's a good idea. 34 Let 's talk to our
9S0 | #|foi|Al H3## H 1# oils 01B71
* directors to see what they think .
(A ) 1|# A|20|2.
(B) 0|L|£, SH2 m 3= SS BH BBS. 23# 33H 2i32.
slAKHIAI #5H X\ U o|
(C) ate #sa
^s# #owia AH
^ 12 3 03 # 0113013 7 |cH £H£.
3?l pick up ~# A foil EH B 713 client H3 demonstration Ml. mo\\ M ¥3 s|31A13 -IAL# o\ m #
sS, A |2 prefer 2s33 aisle
0 W| o ?
TEST 3 67
fef £0||tr 01 | 7R17 F °ioL| OHQ
»1 “ OlttHS? XilM I XHB8 ya 7H?
7| 8 fe 2
^ » ^7|Ai -
What will the speakers most likely do next ?
7 | dbA|dd l|oi|£ .
* ( A ) Train a new employee
^omifl. ° ^# i^ i| ^Ztsfe^l H
j 0| 0 7 0 7 |5H MS. (B) Review an application
( C) Check a list
d#l make a change ddl cf location &S, £ (D) Talk to some directors
furniture 7 R1 donate 7Iddd foundation AH£f
local A |dd organization B H, donation 7 |d
mmz d#o|| SH3!fe7F?
* (A )
director £f £|Af (B) mMQssm
32 (D)
of ? train
(A) It is lowering some prices . ^ofcf review S^dd
aH - application A|
^ x |^ |
°Hs A1|
“ A ® S® - SW 0| Q ® 0|| ft y
( B) It is hiring more staffers.
(C) It is moving to a new location.
* «
yxdl DfAld QM0\ \M S£!# 0 | o® 7|| 2|Sfe l 0 f|7 |SH MAKLet’s
talk to our directors to see what they think!
) ! ijofe d— M0|-
(D) It is expanding a product line.
a oii7ii o 7 ® sis# y 4 sid. ddAi
siAfc oisi ss» aisei ^ ( D)oid.
( A ) 7R« y !
* 35 - 37 3 ! W
S s o|SS® 2 tfd.
^ *
M - Au Welcome! I'm excited to show you both
d?l lower d cf staffer
product Alls
^ expand tfdefd, If
^Id -
around the Southeast Medical Trade Show.
W- Am 35 Thanks for allowing us to cover the
AM - A®* - 2|Af7 f 2ISHL dd
event for our newspaper. We really
yxf 7l CHAfOllAI tlAfOflAi #5« Af°d 0 |*jo 3 g£ ® S|8|0!
^ wanted to interview you as the organizer.
*!d The company s making a big change this
( ’ year by moving
offices!) !!f£Hg (C)0|d. W - Br Yes. How many people are you expecting
to attend this trade show?
Paraphrasing d^f-l moving offices
M- Au 36 I 'm pleased to report that registration
-* ^y°| moving to a new location has increased this year. We have over
2,000 participants.
W - Br That 's impressive .
M- Au It 's our best turnout yet.
What suggestion does the woman make?
( A) Updating a handbook W- Am Actually, 37 before we go into the main
(B) Donating some furniture room, can we get a photo of you in front
( C) Creating a schedule of the poster for the show? The one on
( D) Downloading a software program that wall ?
M- Au 37 Certainly
dAfe oi@ ||°f# dbd? !
( A ) mM Bdioimspl
(B) 7R 7|W7| y tfsttdd! m\ AI AOIAM °id dysii- 7Hai-7ti
(c ) i® fie 7 i » £|d 7 |§L|d.
^ ^ ^
(D ) smsiioi
^ dsssspi d1 m 4!SAHH|Ai o| $ x\m WHtf 4 2WI 5H A1A1
* ^
d?l suggestion A||°f handbook 5 »
SA L|Cf. 4M0|±!
^ l!£$7 £.
*k °]E]“5! ^
^ , 2.H-HA1 create Slid
d2 MI. old dddoii ofd soi u ®
^ A ® && - ojA ® xm A ®
y # | a
^ o u a s w i a?
t d IJSLMIA. mm
y 7|- d d«H dAfOllAi AHM
^ ^^
Ollb 01 | 71 71 oioL|
2 ! soi y Md.
^ |7 | £| 7
uld(the new location already has furniture, so we don’t need
) ! tfSW, W71 7 | uhb 7j| 0)BA|(Why don’t we donate
CM 2 dadoes.
“ ()|
them?) Ai|oi3l
!l B 0 d. y A© 7® « ^
if 7id Md.
011 Ai, 4|2|Sas 7|71 20l| ®S|iAEi ofO||Ai
A ® # dO] £l77 fS? SOU
SAE| o .
^| £
y ## ois!
O\ IMB P «O« sr
medical trade show SJaf allow oj^|8|c|- t ( A ) A|2 M7 |
cover jAHsfcf organizer i |?J, mis-
^ - El-
^ ^ (B) Ef2f *7 |
registration increase
^ (C) 2W §ssp|
participant 5PI |- impressive £]4T^I£] W nig (D) MV 5|7 |
* t
(B) 7 |Xf
(C ) 2|£ £@7|-
38- 40
o|?l executive Z1V-, health - care 2JS Aid |A
W- Am Murad, I need your help Can you spare 30
professional SAfA|- safety 2!E! inspector SA ®
a« Misaa - oiA o| i <
* **
51 Sn| 0 xf7 f 51 EHAhdlAd y-xKHWI gE| aSAKour newspaper)0||Ai
M - Cn I have some time after lunch. How can I
» ^
o| Am Witt S 2MI sH AjAi SAfsm tt ¥,
^ ^ »)!2JE 8KH
EKWe really wanted to interview you as the organizer! W- Am As you know, 38 I 've been redesigning Ace
ifsfe aas MOI ojA 7 |xf°j # 4 SW. ccfafAj g&£ Bancorp's Web site to add new online
(B) 0|ch
^ banking functions .
M- Cn This is the client that wanted streamlined
menus on their home page too, right ?
36 -
W Am Yes. 391 wonder whether you could test
out the redeveloped site for me .
What does the man say he is pleased about ?
M - Cn 39 l can do that . 40 Why don 't you send me
( A) The number of event participants
a list of the specific updates you made? I ' ll
( B) The amount of money raised
(C) The quality of vendors
make sure I check those.
(D) The variety of presentations
01 EfH, ggo| ngo | Ufl Ufl.30fiE! Afcftt LH 4
^5iLfo 5 ’
What will the women do next ?
( A) Watch a demonstration
( B) Get some refreshments
(C) Register for an event
(D) Take a photograph
TEST 3 69
38 OfAfe 'dmn MLH3fe7 K?
(A ) 2 jA1
What most likely is the woman’s job?
( A ) Professional chef
(B) S3£! Ugfi
(C ) Tilt!
(B) Bank executive
(D) ES
(C) Administrative assistant
(D) Web designer CH 4-I cost estimate revise S§sfcf
W°l Aii“ A ® sa - o\ xm y MM
SSfla\M 'd xw FA| f cHAKHlAi o\
* ^
x \m
° ^ \ IS ?l EdloiM ^LH #
(B) £!(Why don t you send me a list of the specific updates you
(C ) IS ! figsp.
(D)1qjfoiM si- s 4 OT. mM sas (D)oiq. *
MO OjAf7|- £3 A ® 2!
(A) -
W Br Well, they 're providing free bus service
(B) 0\ X\9] S® S® to the next few stations. 43 You can catch
( C) a shuttle bus from the south side of the
(D) 3 $L <£ H \ 0 \ E. station .
Paraphrasing cHi|-£| catch a shuttle bus
-* S&^l Take a shuttle bus
( ) Q||
^^ |Ei ^ AHS ^
|0 | 7 A |E|J1
£ £|jL
(C) Sia
^ 7
(D) cH7|
^M HSS& m 7
44- 46
oj?l safety inspection EtEl S3 conduct t \c\ install SAlufcl-
remodel 7H£5fc|- M-Cn Thanks for taking my call, Ms. Hazarika.
AI » A ® aa - axi- ^asoi nm 01# W- Br 44 l understand from your e - mail that
? \ 4a| 0 | &IA1 0 |
*! LUMM °1E\%7}\ £-
- - lA | Sfe KUnfortunately some
^ tracks
^ you're looking for investors in your
£&§0||Afe 7 |A| 7|
# s ^ ,
are being repaired, so no trains are departing from this
business . m
M- Cn Yes. Storing bikes in small apartments
platform! (C)0|ch
is tough. That's why I've developed this
space - saving bicycle rack . w
W Br I've seen other indoor bike racks - what 's
42 unique about yours ?
What does the man say he is upset about ? M - Cn Most indoor racks are one size But not .
(A) Misunderstanding some instructions all bikes are the same. 45 My product can
(B) Being late for an appointment be adjusted to suit different types of
(C) Losing a travel pass bicycles .
(D) Boarding the wrong train
W-Br That 's interesting . Send me your business
KH£0i| 7 |£0 | # A | C [JL W fe7 f? model. 46 l need to determine if you have a
^ ^ * reasonable plan for expanding production
(B) % and increasing sales before I make any
(C ) 7 I4S1- decisions .
(D) 7|
S® & 3!
<>1?l misunderstand SsHSHM- instruction SS, A |A| lose
a - m aof ^AIAI mm ui.
oJOjtHaicl board &W|cff H£8|cf 01 0|DK|ft ML| A ® mm %JL mma.
- Ml. OlHlMOil mm 22fc\7 \7 \ CH OIO n Ai
^ A ® as - dm i£oi # AI a© 01°
L h
TEST 3 71
9 f7KWIMI 32® o|#fe? - 0\ X \7 \ Ai#m at ® 0|°
(A )
* £| 3M# x-H Bj!
mi A1|“\\%y
(B) c| xl i £ 3011 5® £90 ® 0 3|3.
^ <W|- D lSf
^ C-HAfOj| Aj LHa|7 | *j0|| flAfOil
-lzt 92J39 7l|m] 0 | 90X | nfo HOf tfcKl need to determine
(C) AWI OII cue 01xpo|
^ Ein
(D) OlX h A ® 0||
^ if you have a reasonable plan for expanding production and
^ sSfBjjI
increasing sales before I make any decisions! ) ! ijo!
|- !
°l?l persuade
provide AH fcl- approval £9 prototype 33 A|xl|#
^ fc| , 390 (Dm
^ 2 -
Paraphrasing £Hll | to determine if you have a
Hs 2 11 LH § stfufe o |#
° *
wn 3J ^HANIAI yxf°| oimi^# MJL
reasonable plan
^ ^ x\xte fU 21= yA
9 ot, MI, ZL MI AH 93 a ®
^ m\ 7\JL
46 99 sHa.
Why does the woman request some documents? 01 #0 32foea. 3301171011a.
(A) To open a customer account
( B) To issue a certificate m\ head over to 3619, 7 f9 director 99X1,
(C ) To make some copies 93 low-light |££2| ruin 999, 99 9#9
(D) To evaluate a proposal experience
W7lA1= # o 0|o ?
(A )m Aim mmu ^ ^ 47
(B) £§ Aim 99SW!!
What are the speakers preparing for?
(C) A 3|!
*^ I
(D) Al|of # 7
( A ) A construction- site visit
^ ^Bl!l (B) A safety inspection
9?l open an account 71I9H 3 9, 7||£S A\ \£ [ issue
99^19 certificate W£ M , 93£ evaluate!P|5 f9
^ (C) An interview
(D) A film festival
proposal 119, All fAi
* ^
50 - 52
(A ) m ssas
(B) 33 W'Am Waseem, I know you've been very busy
°1E1 this morning, but 50 did you have time to
(D) gawi
^ take care of the photocopies I asked for ?
7 7 -\
44I construction site S3 safety inspection 33 ^ CD CD
M - Au 50 Oh, yes, those are all ready.
44I script 48 material xHfi shortage 88 revenue
84, 84 decreased 848 4 11 E|0| 7mfl?
y 34H 442. 443# Oll oHj OB| g 33# lAfOil
AII8 m sg - om 43 8 4
^ CHfiKHo .
7||o|Ejg gwi 2IH SLICK
o\ x \7 \ 8 ttjwH cHAloilAi ago ) sgo | o [ #0IA1 430 | gcffl 'm ^
) ! 3 1H ?
01 HLfe MS 48 34 0|3 mi-7711 7|gsm
concerned about the poor lighting at the bank! ^ 34 ft TiOllR. ZL## 21448 SOI 48
338 A ch ( ) 0 |
_ MOIO]| O _ B443# oj|4fi!84 m ggg7 a.
Paraphrasing 444 the poor lighting i
CD t
-3 3 2| A lighting issue
^ 01#1 take care of ~# 3E|8Hd photocopy 8AI
preparation 84 come along 44 7 H4
49 retirement 84 book 0H4§I4 celebrate
71 514, former 0 |34 colleague 8^-
Who is Marcel Lambert ? ^
conference room 44 s
( A) A company accountant
(B) A possible client
(C) A supervisor 50
( D) An intern What does the woman thank the man for?
( A ) Distributing some fliers
hi 34^8 884^ 1?
(A ) S|AfS|7l|g (B) Completing some calculations
(B) 0||U| ZIZH (C) Placing a catering order
( D) Preparing some paper copies
(C ) 383
(D) 411 01Afe 3 101141 8401144 HD144871?
* S
4$l accountant 4413 possible 7183 48 ( A ) SeguHS
(B) Tii mmtfs
413 A1I8 A ® 38 - 0 guiMO| xiw
^ ^
(C ) 410143 88# 38 3
yxf7|- n\x \ t cHAKHIAd AH nhi gtflM7|- 7ln 34 tfcKour
° (D) AfMsmes
new intern Marcel Lambert is interested in joining us)H Hol-IL ^
3S8 (D)0|ch 0141 distribute 4488 flier(flyer ) 33 complete
calculation 413
TEST 3 73
mi M \E A ® - om m\ n 53 - 55 3°im\
0W7|- 3 c||A|Oi|A| Q.m Af# ml A|
^ 1
^ °! bA |(did you have
^ ^0|
time to take care of the photocopies I asked for ?) lAf fejAfe S. .
M-Cn Hi I'm Kota Ogawa from Langston Limited.
4 b|sH cKOh, yes, those are alt ready)H UolH, 0|CH| 0lA|-7l
^ ^KThanks)ILi fH - flPH? S&# ( D)0 |ch
I have an appointment with
^ Ms. Ishikawa to view your hotel facilities
° 3 for my company's upcoming retreat .
Paraphrasing take care of the photocopies
-* P r e p a r i n g some paper copies -
W Am 541 know that she's been expecting you,
and she just wrapped up an urgent phone
call. She's on her way now.
51 .
W- Br Hi You must be Mr Ogawa I'm Hikaru . .
Ishikawa. Why don't we see our largest
Why is a gathering being planned?
conference room first?
(A) A colleague was promoted.
(B) The company won an award. M-Cn Great . And I'd also like to look at the guest
(C) A colleague will be retiring. rooms. 55 All the rooms have a high- speed
( D) The company will be training employees. Internet connection, right?
W-Br Yes, and we have a fully equipped
°Jir Tiiijul-b^ l-?
recreation area as well.
( A ) §S7 ch
(C) §S7 fltto igow. tef £ ®«WI£. UAS #ti2|AfP| SEI- P7l2l° jL|r:K 51#
^ |
m t|Af 42H1xlsH m Mm #2.1ME1H o|A|? ^
«oi£. ^
° \ $\ colleague IsL be promoted -o
win an award !
OT train nlA|7|cqt A|7|q- ~^ 011 0|A|7 f £f IX \7 \ 7 \ L\ E \ JL 7l|A|p Ofedlfl, m
#2fl fxItfOjfi. 0 W| PH ?||- fcm
1® M \E A ® 22 - HUt nmt: 0 |#
*W 012 efaswifi. P7121 AA|S? a|7 f = 0 |A|7
7| #- \ m\ M Aiy
L n|-E| £d|2 o® 7||
SHEffil 7 IB
7 ® E mm 2 1 PA|2 Til oitrHP?
^ |CK L
£|0i 7 feA|( how are the preparations coming along for Sabine
y # L|CL
PH Alois. S0 TH oil 2H
^ ^ |y! |
Hoffman’s retirement party ?)1 H §&# (C)0 |cK ^
2l£|0i 2isf HiS?
Paraphrasing Sabine Hoffman’s retirement party 012 Ml, HE|H A | o| 2H|2 a||Ha|o||ora
-* § £| A colleague will be retiring.
m appointment upcoming c|-7|HJ=., JJ. 0 | 3.
* 7||4|Sfe7 K?
U lH LfAi 2£4l2!cKl’ll go ahead and change that )H i® (B) o |cL
^ ^fH °iHHP 2
^ POl A ®#§- C-i iCH5l7 |0|fe 0||o ® S|o| 0 | Sfcfe o|D |P fi
^ Paraphrasing cHtfo| my company’s upcoming retreat
^ ( A )0 |ch
-> 2 ^ -1 A company retreat
54 .
M- Au I'm not sure about that I think the novelty
will wear off in a few weeks. 58 Let 's wait
Why was Ms. Ishikawa delayed?
to see if sales numbers stay high before
( A ) She was stuck in traffic.
we invest in any more.
( B) She was at lunch.
(C) She was setting up a room.
o| MSMAllfl! o|ffl it 4 H toilAi u\mm &mo\
(D) She was on the phone.
kho| fcttOlfi.
^ ^
2 MS 4 #£0II 2 lt!4010H# 22 7|71| 4M2
^ *
( A ) JH£
*II£01| 2*!4.
(B) 22 # 4:n sm
ms.. H2#M \W \ 4° 22# 5I71A1 24
££ 2 MU # 0lsHS.
7 7 joHm
(c ) si2i
^ §HismsisicK
(D) » §0|fl4.
01 mm S10IS. 4# £ l2o||£ 2 |sH0 tfi!4£.
* * m
4?l delay I2?A|7|4, | I|A|7|4 be stuck in traffic 16011
2 2 aKJMfi. § £ £2 22141 142 Tioiia.
244 set up £444
** * CH £444 Soil WH 4 14 7114 7|| |E|£*| 7|LIE1
* D
^* Ui
*H2 AIW. xm ea - o \ x \ m m ££ ois
m m? \ 5i cHAKHiAi 01 144 m 7 i44n mm 4?l peel 22# 5PI4 install 2 144 aisle
* slice
Hsffi 4 4( 1 know that she’s been expecting you, and she just
^ 22£ (D)0|4.
24, IWI 4^4 unique Wi£f, 44 1 branch
novelty 222, AH^# wear off 14 14
) ! U8!
wrapped up an urgent phone call! |l A 1 1,
invest £4614
* *
55 56
Where does the conversation most likely take place?
What does the man inquire about ?
( A) At a restaurant
( A ) An airport shuttle
(B) At a shipping dock
(B) Late checkout
(C) At a farm
(C) A fitness center
( D) At a supermarket
(D) Internet capabilities
) qoMOWLowafc7rc
24M °m PISH M44M4? ^Sfeo
(A )
( A ) 22 A1#
( B)442
(B) ££ l|H0l$
( C) H
A { jE|
(C) £2
(D) 4445!
(D) 245 2£
' m LHsaa - cH»2i 2^
44 capability £4 2£
4 171 5! mo\\ x] o |«j 2 £a| QHSoil 1 mom SnHS0| sol
*H 2 1I£ A|-2 ® - 244 £4 A ®
a * *
#44(Sales of pineapples have gone up a lot this month at our
2 so|| eiBi ioi 0 8 4 4
2471 444 d!40|| i
* ^
4rr l(All the rooms have a high - speed Internet connection,
) ! IWb 2!
°^ M(0|-)om 2^£ 4£]oHM- =to||Sfe oH22#
* 2 4 44. 44 1 22M D |4.
right?) 22M (D)0|4. *
56 - 58
What does the man say is popular ?
( A ) A colorful package design
W- Br Look at these results ! 56 Sales of
(B) A self - service machine
pineapples have gone up a lot this month
(C) A same - day delivery service
at our store.
(D) A television advertisement
M- Au 57 It must be the pineapple- peeling
24M °4o | o ]7 | sm 24M4?
machine we installed in the fruit aisle.
( A ) 4 HSMS9442!
Customers like watching it peel and slice *
their pineapple for them . -
(B) is 14± 7|71|
(0 22 uH£ |d| A
W-Br It is a unique experience. I think we should (D)I 4I42 2I1
install one in our other two store branches.
44 package S2 delivery ^Hs advertisement 2n
TEST 3 75
4 # AII « xm 22 - urn w \ am 8 2 «^
tef 2Jna|Ht Oiy Oil 0114 Ala 42011 14 0114# 4±tt
«WFAflS 2iS^!0|fl. *
X [ y \ 5! cHAKHlAi 4iJ # 4 mm 4£JoH# SH S|7|2 7 |T|| 42
^ ^
s 2!( lt must be the pineapple - peeling machine we installed in
the fruit aisle) 0 | 44I > ZH #2 n 7 |?||7 |- 4 lof|# Sil# SWAi stef
° 4 »
Ml , H71I fiflloilfi. °a|7|- XIIECH 24 4 »842 4#
22 MU #0 [24( Customers like watching it peel and slice
^ »*f # o| a A|24» oistr 4 88# H!4£.
their pineapple for them)ZL ?ioa ^ 2 tjrr ( B)0|4. y AdoiMI #2 40| 84£. 415 £42 © S S # 2#
^ »
445H24, 4 o|# A|2E o|#tf 2 44 42 2 1-
Paraphrasing 444 Customers like -* 1 4 is popular 4A|x| 4H# »2 §20| 8842. 4^4 J|5L47|2
^ 42 42. ZL2 2 CH 4I 4SWIfi?
^ ^
4 m2. m 2 2 4 AILK > I m m2 , n
^ ^
7 |# # S»sfe ±MM?]| of nn ? | j|# yofM7i| o .
4 # 24 4 22 - 444 24
y K4 2 P\m\ M 012 2011 44 A|2 424 44 44# 4£2
59- 61 *
4 1-71- Ai| g 884(we’ve had three patients this week who had
to cancel their dental appointments at the last minute)2 §J4A| \
M- Cn Ingrid, 59 we've had three patients this
4 14 2 o( Yes) 4 424 H4 ZL } 0| 2 1l( that’s a problem) 42 1
* ^»
week who had to cancel their dental
appointments at the last minute.
AilttH 24 2 8842 4#
* «
o| n A|24 # O|§ 2
* »*
8%1# 2J(0 ther patients might have taken those available
W- Am 59 Yes, that 's a problem . Other patients appointments if we’d been able to contact them in time) 0 |EfZL
might have taken those available 44 3J 4 44 o \o [7 \t \2 0J°E§ S9& ( 0014.
appointments if we'd been able to contact
them in time .
M- Cn You know, I have an idea . 60 l recently
scheduled a doctor's visit online, and
there was an option to receive a text- Why does the man say, “ You just have to check a
message notification if an earlier slot box ” ?
became available. You just have to check ( A ) To request some performance feedback
a box . What do you think about something (B) To express concern about a procedure
like that ? (C) To correct a misunderstanding
( D) To support a suggestion
W- Am That would be helpful. 611 have some time
y 4 “4A 4 4-34712 42 42”Bp. 242 o |°2?
this afternoon. I'll look into software
packages that include that feature .
(A) 24 4H«-H# 2244^
(B) # 44 22 24 S44.IL »
(C) 2tm 4
(D) 1I2# 3
* »4442
CH ?I performance * 3, express concern °Bllr S£ \Q
^ a aaswia , B® . AHSHS aoi- ZHAOM A ® aa a#
suggestion A||°f
correct misunderstanding
mm 7 \ §L\7\ °[ Llo? S o | L^JIOH £A ®Cfe
3® S® S| Steffi.
^ ^ -
SFAf £| °|£ Ufof - HJA 01I x] \ EL5- \7 \ aJ ©FE tf 2| 2|JE
01 s, mm m oias CHUS® a aoia.
- as onof Sd| om ^
iioil A ]
^ X \7 \ iB
AIMS o \%m M Eia sAt DIIAIXI aus * * f
! S. of ® a iswifl? «
o | onH Ai# MAi| o . oia^fesiiass sfesas .
recently scheduled a doctor’s visit online, and there was an ^
re® QIAB# aoifi. AM O® q asi
option to receive a text-message notification if an earlier slot
H7| DiZLaOl D ® 0|= L||fi . ^
H £]aa soi a^ fe OL
became available!
^oii LH^H ABO i ae 5!* sans^ia ire® * 4 SM. n*aw a #Mia. Mm-m S® H
* ^Aia ^AIOII
(A )
(B) 011 43
(c ) SWOM
^ aa
lAfO|E gd|0|M
63Desert Roaming Under the Sea
medium mug large mug
o|?| investigate iAFofcF, 4NU- revise a ofcf,
budget OH#
^ ^§6 fc| - $ 23 $25
“ A ® S@ - OjA|-7|- S#:o|| t U
01A171 a|-A|°t cHAfOllAi Sk S 0|| AIM
this afternoon) ZL 7 fe# S Sfe
^ ^c [{ \nHhave some time
| » SMM2M
7| as®
^ ^ ^ A
)! f
15SBI 20 sSi
( I ll look into software packages that include that feature!
! 39S (A)0|HK
D cp a 62
62- 64 TO +H5 ""
i i ——
Who will the man give some gifts to?
M- Cn Hi, Raquel 62 Have you had a chance ( A ) Conference participants
to look for something I could buy the ( B) Employees
employees for the New Year ? I want to be (C) Contest winners
sure I thank everyone for their hard work. (D) Visitors
Look at the graphic. How much is the mug that the W- Br 6 Instead of turning left on Elm Lane, let 's
woman likes? have them turn right and park in front of
( A ) $15 the hair salon .
( B) $20
M- Au OK . 6 / I'll arrange for that road to be
(C) $23
closed while we're working and alert the
( D) $25
business owners.
A|zf o\ x\7 \ ("s- o|| # oj
( A ) 15S&I tf $ SS SB SS# m fiSSte! l£7 f 0171
(B) 201W SteMch
(C) 23U&1 gg
01 dH?- # 0| DilOl # 7KHIA1
64 5
^ 7
SA ®
#H 7 f
M- Au 65 Here's the map that you requested for
next week 's shoot, for the driving scene .
W-Br Great — let 's see. 65 The actors will be 65
driving north on Maple Street . Hmm. . . What industry do the speakers most likely work in?
M-Au Is something wrong? ( A ) Tourism
W-Br 66 yye may need to alter the route so it 'll ( B) Film
be less difficult for our camera operators (C) Engineering
to follow the action .
(D) Transportation
mmz 012 %m\ M wmt? r? 111= 24 let ’ s have them turn right and park in
) ! 11231 1 y |7|- 225fe §2 Ho1- 5=- .7|-
( A ) 5® front of the hair salon!
* * * ^ ^
(B) 24 mm =
25 #- Z\JL
*^ #44 Stej JICKI’U arrange for that
(C )#4 road to be closed while we’re working and alert the business
(D) ££ owners! ) !&\1L 2 Hs?
° !## 2 £^7 f #±! H 2!2# 2 4 24.
X |£0)| CCfsg D |g-iJ oh gJZJS= 7 K) |H 22£ ( A ) 0 | 4.
oH 2 m\ 4 # 2 - 44#4 2711
y W 5! 44011 1 4#
^ £2 S3 if <31- 4 sH 2.m l £7|-
* * ^ *
Oj7| 2l4(Here's the map that you requested for next week ’s
OjX|-7|- 4¥# 0 | Ql|0 |i§
shoot, for the driving scene! )!
9 f jlf Oll lThe actors will be driving north on
68 -70 m + 3.
7 |Oi|Ai
^^ ^ ^ ^
f ! °|OH? 4 H£ 34 27l|0l|
l 441 0 |CH 7!
Maple Street ) 0 |al!
A ®# V 4 24. mM 22£ (B)o |4.
( A ) Some equipment is not available. a problem with the part where the
(B) A new business is opening. characters discover the lost city in the
( C) A process will be easier. ocean . As I was going over the layout, I
( D) Costs will be lower. found a glitch in the game play.
m 3^i
23401 ft £ 2HJ!4(We may need to alter the route
^ MoiaSLffi?
oi S, 2# # oi aoia. zuddi 4# BliaolAl
so it’ll be less difficult for our camera operators to follow the 7H 44# o| aoil £ l|7 f
action!)! 2 2 2£ (C)0|4.
M42 £ A|#
MS. aiioio a gssm 42 MIOIOII aaoi 2
* ^
Paraphrasing 444 alter - 214 make a change
01, 2 ! Algol 2012.
|Ch f 4!
444 it ’ll be less difficult for our camera 2
^ L 0 s
5 H 2 A|2f £ 4 - #±H4T=-
01A 171 All m 4 AKHIAI * ! ¥ 42SHA1
201IA1 4424 1 #!
TEST 3 79
21I1S &IH Es
What does the woman suggest doing?
SifiS 1 ( A) Contacting a colleague
G9 U[CFW 2 ( B) Postponing an event
S£H Af f
° 3 ( C) Working over the weekend
4 (D) Making travel arrangements
013 treasure MM adventure S°j kingdom if# desert Af°t oi fe J|| tSfe7 K?
outer space
(A )SSOIWI 33 71
(B) 9 07 71 ^
68 (C)
^ ^
What are the speakers preparing for ? (D) « §Hism
( A ) A video - game convention
31 contact 31^13 colleague postpone 37113
(B) An in - store demonstration
( C) A product launch
(D) A focus- group session
travel arrangement ojftl £u |
m AH “ Alt - C o m ®
^ *
01 171 Dl |°t CHAldlAi 7 fel M E|
* * ^
) 4
work on it as soon as possible!
5H0 t S3(we should
!§3 A|3=i a T
( A ) d|3£ 7113 m 330 could put some extra time in over the weekend!) !1
(B) QHS LH A|3
4WIII0IWI Ol3 A|( How about you?) MJ1i .
(C) A1| #A| ° °g. ^ (C) 0 |3
(D) 5E?1A nm A|3
31 convention 31, 131 in - store 33 demonstration
AIM s3 A|3 focus group S71A nil (A ® AAM 01M £A|#
^ principle
m break down ^sH^fEf. V^rEl- recenti£2| survey
m approach QE product placement (StH-f TV
What do the listeners need to do to obtain a discount ? ngnagg- oigai) M cfjT( PPL )
( A ) Make an appointment
(B) Print out a coupon
(C) Attend an open house 74
(D) Refer a friend What is the podcast episode about ?
( A) Marketing strategies
(B) Commercial real estate
(C) Customer loyalty
(D) Staff management
TEST 3 81
^=fc B3of|
o||ii| 4 ?l breaking news upcoming 47 f2B, # 9M
( A) u\ m SSf
(B) 42BB#4 *H 4 AH m
A ® 22 - \y\ CJSOII sr oiopi
(C ) 24 SW7|- FXlSfOll 2® SAI- 12® OH7IS& 44( l ’d like to
(D ) 4£! 24 discuss the results of my recent survey ~)2!H°Hg. £j fB (B)
o|4 .
4?l strategy 41 commercial 414 real estate BB4
customer loyalty 24 §42 management 24 Paraphrasing 444 the results of my recent survey
^Ha 4 fl M® 22 - ?H^MOllni « co| 7 -* §42] Survey results
* 11 ^ *
4Af7 f 2 BO||A1 {nfoiyis iW |2 t?HAE) o| 2# oi|n|22B 2
^ “
4 QI ^ICH Mlo-l 7 fe44 tM|0|| 22 LHSdoday ’s episode of
the Financial Parade Podcast is about the possibilities and 77-79 m 1M
limitations of marketing on social media)0|E|-n !&oaB 4! b
( A)014. W-Br 77 Next Wednesday , Arlington Landscaping
will deliver the potted plants we ordered to
Paraphrasing 444 the possibilities and limitations of brighten up the common areas in our office .
* -
marketing 444 Marketing strategies 78 Studies have shown
that plants are great
stress relievers and can increase workplace
productivity . We think you 'll find that this is a
75 great improvement to our work environment . If
What does the speaker say Ms. Bertrand is good at ? you'd like a small plant for your desk, the company
( A ) Designing billboard ads will cover the cost . To choose your plant, 79 please
(B) Solving budget problems
check the catalog in the staff room. It has photos
(C) Explaining complicated ideas
and care instructions.
(D) Creating training programs
4 K=r 4^22 At|7 f 48MI #§4421224? tn 7 7£lo|| 144 sgow BE| AfBs LH #§ 744 BWI
( A ) B4 22 444
(B) o||4b ll m
# 1711 S127f 7H& 4B1uH#sH # 3144 14# M.
« *
— . 22421- a7t| 4472 44 444# #17 142 if
Ol Ali
(C) ® 7|® 44
44. ojaiBB o|322 oE| 20| Ajg§| 7H44142 2H
(D) 2! =£lLa R
^ * ^
3144. 44011 4B 4## #2 4°A|£ sm\M 42# 714
44 billboard B4 4-2.4 budget Oj|4 complicated 444 mm . 4## 414AI41 42#oil lb ?Hf22# tUsH 7A1I
SH4 AilB AUT 22 - 4^22 At|7|- 444 4 2. Af*]424 ii&W 2te44.
4471 §u[“o||Ai 4242 4B 71|AEOIO|| U| A
L| A jE|# 0 |SSK >l 23# gsHSH 444ZL 414 24# xiBSfe 44 landscaping 24 potted plant 4B0II AIO Al =
dl #§44(Ms. Bertrand ~ is good at taking complex business
principles and breaking them down to offer clear, simple B4A|7i7B 4 increase #0|4 §7|A|7|4 productivity
advice! 4! B ( C) 0 |4. 444 improvement 44, 7H4 environment 44 cover
(B#) 44 instruction 44, A|A|
Paraphrasing 444 taking complex business principles
~ clear, simple advice
-> 444 Explaining complicated ideas 77
What will be delivered next Wednesday ?
( A ) Office furniture
( B) Color printers
(C) Potted plants
What will the speaker discuss next ? (D) Framed artwork
( A ) Breaking news
4# 7 42 011
( B) Survey results
(C) Upcoming contests (A )AIBB 47
^ | HH 4
°n s AH xm 00 - 4# 4040 a 80 - 82 dh L
^ @ i cHIAl SIS1 UH SH
2144 40 4
^ & 201I S®
# 2( Next Wednesday, Arlington Landscaping will deliver the M- Cn In local news, the abandoned shoe factory
potted plants ~)0|Bp. 290 (C)0 |4. in the central business district is finally getting
a makeover. 80 The building has been empty for
three years since the factory moved to its new ,
larger space south of town. 81 After hearing many
78 proposals, the town council voted last night to
What does the speaker say about productivity ? sell the building to developer Matthew Hughes,
( A ) It has been improving recently.
who will convert it into family housing : ten H
(B) It is higher in other departments. m
modern, comfortable units with a parking garage in
(C) It can be improved by office surroundings.
underground . 82 Up next , it looks like the rain
( D) It can be increased by working in groups.
is on the way out, giving way to blue skies this Ui
440 222011 dloH 44n1W04? weekend. Samantha is here to tell us all about it .
( A ) 40 W2314
(B) 400A.1# O | 4 04.
42 Tf-MOll 4= 2 , #2 2140011 20 43=151 29990| ntam
(C) AWU Sfsoil u\E [ Stew T 24
AHEfSl sell 9M4. 210 «94 A| y=oi| 20 4 0 AH 12
(D) « 494 24
015® off 322 b|0] 220HI2. A| 440 90 112# in
ot #| recently 40 department 14 surroundings 02 yiQ\m
* |
#SH 2M 7H994 DH #* oi|7l| D||Z|sf7l
^ .
°Hs AIH xm
-mm 022011 CHSH a $K£M4. DH# °30«9 » 7HS II29M
10 4 x|4 14
4471- sy oiw 20
^ « »^
M2 2#0 22 99 912# 424 222 100 10 H9M4. 4 2», o|ffl1
^ ^ * «
4(Studies have shown that plants ~ can increase workplace 9 upf ZLXIH 42 3 feo|| x\EM LH12 99M 4. A1244 ^ Wl
productivity) 01400 0|2°M oa) <* . sg0| g#| 7H2424
^ ^
H Ml 2(We think you’ll find that this is a great improvement
5| 0|0 f7|sH =944.
to our work environment ) 0 | 2.|ul 991( C) 0 |4. 44 local 424 abandoned 442, 042 district 40
makeover 29 proposal 112 town council 4 44 vote
Paraphrasing 244 work environment *
#fi§!4 convert 99A|7|4, 7H3i44 underground 4S|01|
-> 224 office surroundings
give way to ~CH| 9M8 f 4, 4044
79 80
According to the speaker, what is available in the staff According to the speaker, what happened three years
room? ago?
( A ) A council member was elected.
( A ) A catalog
(B) A local tax law changed.
( B) A vending machine
(C) A train station opened.
(C) Staff uniforms
( D) A business relocated.
( D) Exercise equipment
TEST 3 83
81 is moving forward. However, ^ we are more than
Who is Matthew Hughes? six months past the scheduled completion date.
( A ) A banker But this is just one of our many projects. Now, this
( B) A real estate developer delay is frustrating to residents who are dealing
(C) A government official with traffic congestion . Therefore , 851 strongly
(D) A store owner recommend that we hold a press conference to
WSsbWfcPf? address specific concerns.
( B) m^\ om 33# 3*I3 CHI OjEi TTil ^SgC||SJ J2& j2X|| =S
(C) WJEO| ijAi 33H3ILAI 9M3.
^ ^
°^*Wb 223H
(D) oH2 ^b 0H21IM3 67H1o|9 A|3£33. n33 o |2#
^ 3. 3A|3
3 ?l real estate bb3 33 BS- SS «|M 9 8H-HJ #ojM3. o | n, o | x |3b JH
# 9# 3b !#oi|7j| #3# 33n °[£33. ZL3H£ 19
AW A ® - ow s*3 sia ^
SI ?aii H±SPI 3sH 71332# 7H3# 3# 23s| 3niW3.
mw ^b¥0||Ai A| 33b SsH 7H
^ Al D||#
^ *
0|| 7|| DH 2tsf 7 |£ 3JU DH # #*b §9« o||2( the
33 transportation bb,il# replacement ! move
town council voted last night to sell the building to developer
forward 2233 completion <
delay A |b
Matthew Hughes, who will convert it into family housing)0 |2}H
frustrating M3^3b, 922# 3b deal with 333
23b ( B)0 |3.
traffic congestion it# #9 press conference 3A132
Paraphrasing 333 developer ~ will convert it into address (b3l, 22 f§#) 333, XH3§I3 specific 333,
family housing T3I22 concern 33
-> 933 A real estate developer
What is the speaker discussing?
82 ( A ) The renovation of a train station
What will the listeners hear about next ? (B) The construction of a tunnel
( A ) A sporting event (C) The replacement of a bridge
( B) Street closures (D) The repaving of a bicycle trail
(C) The weather
(D) Parking fines
3 lb bSJoil
* « o|of7|9b2?
( A ) 7|Af3 b
2 Al#b 3#££ bSMI cHaH ## 222? (B) 3 22
( A ) A5 A|HAl ( c)
(B) nj|± n (D) 323 7S\SS
(C) BJU|
33 renovation M2 construction repave XUSS§I3
(D ) 29 3b tH
s^ o
m?\ “^- ^1 ^ 1- zimt: 2#
0 |#1?
§ Z\L\<U
^Licram ms= group. However, 86 today I'll be matching you with
a partner for a one-on- one discussion. So, start
^n\ 321*11222:0. thinking about any improvements you 'd like to
make to your communication skills, because that's
(C) Sil s|S# S
(D) mu mm
^Woi 88
what you'll be sharing with each other. And later
this afternoon, we'll enjoy a prepared lunch, which
22 propose *112^12 explain (0|##) 228[cf praise 21^12 has been generously donated to us by Blue Star
«ni 2 12 2is 22 _ oa) 7 xj| as ssais § sma s
0121 22 2m
^ ^ Catering Company. We're grateful to them for their
111 2m °A SS0IIA11# 0||22mcl 67H1 0 |2 XiycKwe are H
) !I
more than six months past the scheduled completion date! .
*3 fcjL| cj. 7 i27 f-t 21 222 ? \m\ si 2H#°I in
1fl, #J # 1
° oi ^i| asx|
ssa |e # til #0 |BW 0 | S. ^
ahl 12711 MLHH 7||A|1J H ©L|Cf . CH | 1|2 #0||
saiM7|. x |H jo |BizL *^* m2 0 on# a 221
a 4 oich 22*1 §as B OICK ( )
Oil SI £11Slfedlfi. n#| §o m\ °H£ . nidi £11S
m mi# StsH 0 2i® nimM# §SH ms|BU ffL|ch n2M oj
| ||
OIIA1. oil si 7H*m 21 1 493 1 M 1|£.
Paraphrasing £22 more than six months past the
scheduled completion date
2#2 o) A #
^ ^
AIM H Oil LHSH 211Lf# 30|L|77lo . o|$ n#oi|# 121 22
* * *
- 22^1 a delay
2AH- truth “ ^Ef ?l|0|EiBOl|A| 0PS20I 7|“5H 2
soil iwstwth
21 1122 71? 86
( A ) 7 H # 2 £2271
* ^ According to the speaker, what will be different about
(B) TV 22# 22 271 today’s session?
(C ) Hgsf7| ( A ) It will take place outside.
(D) 2122 try ( B) It will be recorded.
(C) Participants will work in pairs.
2?l organize £222, £222 opening ceremony 7H22,
( D) Participants will deliver presentations.
7H12 revise 11 12 press 21
22oil 2m2, £1111# cH'Sf 20| 2#7 f?
°Ha 111 Alff 11- 222 °
* X ] \ J All
(A ) 2 1122.
2 21 2220111*1121 # 2# SH£27| f|8D 7 IAIH2# 7H 22 5!
* (B)
01120 W.
1222 iSlcfd strongly recommend that we hold a press
22 ( D) 0 |
(c ) mm 12 2# *KH mm.
conference to address specific concerns)S
^ (D) mm!si!2!o |2.
CH #I take place 322 record #2^12, ##22 participant
Paraphrasing 222 recommend -> 2#2 suggest 201 1 in pairs 12 21 12 presentation sfi
222 hold a press conference * *
A||Y A ® - SI A1|20| cf # *j
-> 222 Meeting with the press
ti i7i §21011 1 si# m°d mi# m HIMM-s- mm 2
* *
( today I ’ll be matching you with a partner for a one - on - one
discussion)0|2n 22£ °J q ? 22 ( C)0 |ch
86 - 88
° ^
Paraphrasing 222 for a one-on- one discussion
W-Br Attention, everyone. I hope you're enjoying -> 222 in pairs
the second day of our weekend workshop on
l e a d e r s h i p s k i l l s f o r e n t r e p r e n e u r s. D u r i n g
yesterday's session, we conducted a discussion
about goal setting, and we did that together as a
TEST 3 85
87 as a clogged oil filter , which is inexpensive to
What is the topic of today ’s session? fix . But well have to take a look. Oh, by the way,
91 we'
( A ) Improving communication skills re closing early tomorrow , but we can get
(B) Updating accounting practices you in the day after. We'll open at eight A. M.
(C) Managing company finances
(D) Recruiting qualified job candidates 7|S£2| 0|C|A ®L|Cf 1|4 . m =HL|Cf. D||A|X |0i|Ai
4£7 f izrE|H 7 0| Q o [
(D) 440 | iff!30 |cf. ( D ) o | q.
rn SW2| S|£ n® - gaawif ^o|afego| o!£ 92
g il, o |g 4B|
30)|A| HEpf f £! 2! IS ggtf 2jg
° * ^
ylo 0 | H| l SW(lt could be as simple as a clogged oil filter,
What type of business does the speaker most likely
which is inexpensive to fix )H 1® T -\ g nri- g ^ tt A sL MOf,
work at ?
^ \H §JSfe7 K?
IfAfe LfiijOil CH 3H *
fcd C5
y m Aiis *m ^34
^ ^ »@^#5!Zton
(A) w 7| ||7
(B) 2 Wii3
7 d
0|Lh 0\ gAN KThanks, everyone, for helping set up the showroom
goi g*
(c ) gg Ai i y**
* # # x \m Aon floor with the displays of the new bedroom and living room
Ail . A ® gg - mm LH Oil cHsH Sfe Paraphrasing Qtf3 bedroom and living room sets
^ ^
3 171 #g 0j|A| LfiiJ^ U3 £ gf=3(we’re closing early -*
8&3 furniture
* ^ ggE (B)0|*
tomorrow! )! 3. - -
What does the speaker imply when he says, “ that day
92- 94 a|2| IN
will probably not be a profitable day for us anyway ” ?
( A ) Reduced profits have prevented salary increases.
M-Au 92 Thanks , everyone , for helping set up
( B) A new sales strategy will have to be developed.
the showroom floor with the displays of the
(C) The listeners will be able to attend an event.
new bedroom and living room sets . They look (D) The listeners have been keeping accurate records.
great . 93 Many of you have asked for time off
next Wednesday to attend the town parade . I mm 'nys OMH| °a|7 f 4^o | g Lfe yoiEgfl’aiai ysfe °|£
fe SS£l7 h?
wasn't sure I could grant those requests, but ^ 01 g# 333.
after thinking about it, I realized that that day will
probably not be a profitable day for us anyway. I'll
( A ) 43 3 7
(B) AH gg asroi 7HtfEioio|: tt Aon*
(c) mmz oAfoii 4 3# Aon.
post a new employee schedule ! Oh, and one more 7 | 5H !!33 .
quick announcement — 94! need all of you to put in
3?l reduce £ j *&5l3 prevent 33 increase §71, °l£j-
an order for a new uniform . It's time we replaced
strategy 23 keep records 7 |#8|3 accurate 3S®
m\zI £| £ nf ^r - ny go | Of Lfe yy 3o | afe
^ ^ £34 |A| X \
* ^~ |5H # 71#
tfM . m
3 3 M |£ .
m£ 0| A| HWIJE
^ 43 # ?M C ®
gOllAi A f g # 0| A| ILi £i| 0|H 33
of you have asked for time off next Wednesday *^
#7H 33SKafe«sifl. n zm yon 4 y# i yxi
^ *« to attend the town parade) 3. £§§ c\ 30 f 41 ?i#A|
yatxlEf, 4 HML| nyg. CH W 4 o| g Lfe yo|c|5fl. AH^
^ ^ ^
7iiAisrai L|cH oi, w\m 3SH
^ SE ± SKt Kl wasn’t sure I could grant those requests!
^ ) ! g fgAi * ^
^^ ^ 01 A10 tfLlCK A |7 | ^£MOl, ays
5! - ajAfni £go | EI|L| #7 f#
7f s.
^ ^ ^ i H|- E||0| 0H
^ 4h3^H o|D|S g yy y
SW. CtfSlAi
^ sy
^ ( c) o |ck
twtz ss® mm
( A) §Ai mm \
(B) H|J
(C) 7||QfAlO Aigapl*«jgsp| 4!!S|| 7|-
^ lteispI °i4l passage departure board # E=
( A)
95 - 97 2tWW + x|£
(C )
^DHS0\ 7f 0|i=
W- Am Hi 95 This is Emily calling from Speedy
CH?I baggage
Services. I'm picking you up from the central train
station today. I see you selected a pickup location *ngya« LHssa - w2isia
near the ticket windows, but there's heavy traffic m\ \ £ j 0l|A1 AE| C| A1d| A 0| o|tta|(This is Emity catting
on that street. 95> 96 Would it be possible to change from Speedy Services) ! !
^ # oh< — t||a|a|
^ ^ a
your pickup location to right outside the station's
2Kl ’m picking you up from the central train station today)0|a|ul
SCI, #W0|| 5IS 4 2ibA |( Would it be possible
grand concourse ? 95 It's the designated area for
rideshare services. 97 Please let me know if you
to change your pickup location ) #-2£lA| £ x\ Ajd| A j|g
( It ’s the designated area for rideshare services) 0 |am Hofe
agree with this change by responding to the ^
3!°s ifxfe 5® SS7 Waite 3# a 4 m. n aw
prompt within the app. Thanks ! ( A ) o|cK *
a«SWIfi. Aid|Ao| oHSiaiBLich SOTSS THS ®
HA|EI if H!c||fl s|a g S DHS 5 IS
* 31- «te]SH
feOI , n 7|a|te JZ#0 | S tfLlCh 2 g&i«2| c[i oj. s
-5- UhO—
^ *
4 a» lfl? Wife $£|- A1d|A Jig
- ^
Look at the graphic. Where does the speaker want to
11 n
^ ^
M^h fflSI miAixioii sasMAJ SSOil £2|5lAfe | meet ?
* ( A ) On Market Street
Alls. AftfLlCH
^ (B) On Twelfth Street
\ $ \ pick up m\ select £j^jSlc|- location ( C) On Central Avenue
°grand SQat concourse # cf # designated !§£! ( D) On Tenth Street
rideshare o° respond
* A | zf gsoil 2|s
(A ) 42! 7 f
^ Sfxfe 0WA| 2411 ufe7l?
96 Market Street
(B ) 122 7 [-
(C ) !!M
!7 f
Ticket Concourse
(D) *102 7 |-
97 o\ s-1 nutritional § of-l benefit olN unhealthy ZJ£joi|
How can a change be confirmed? consider UBjsfcf limit nuanced IfiEf
( A ) By sending an e - mail
(B) By providing an e -signature
xfopfoib publish
serving 1 ?Jnr versus PI weight loss
^. ^
(C) By using an app Allfliy# purposed! wanderMOfcH-P sponsor
( D) By returning a call set up Al cf sampleA|A]aicf beverage
3g£ 0iS7l| 3ra 4 2fe7 f?
( A ) 0 |Q||iJ# MLHAi
Conference Schedule
(B) 3
*^ « * g IBSIW
(c) ° m OI SHAI
Introduction 8:00 A.M. Dr. Bajaj H
^ ^ mm 3HA-1 98 8:15 A .M. Dr. Novikova
“The Truth About
o|?l e - signature Fruit”
Ain as - ggs «sste aa Coffee break 9:00 A.M.
SW7 f
^ “0||Ai OHO) ZEMEE CH|A | X|CH| ggsHAI S30|| S2|S|feX| “ Daily Mineral 9:15 A.M. Dr. Ivanda
StB| ifBKPlease let me know if you agree with this change by Recommendations”
responding to the prompt within the app)Z %[°H ^§ “Talking to Patients 10:00 A.M. Dr. Shimizu
(oolck About Hydration”
m vvm. 9M MV mm M%mn tom iwia. 1
= * »
=a|n, L o|#:ofe 3 1 A|Z ( B ) 0 |Ch
si ms aa mzm AI ^^ 4
TEST 3 89
What did the speaker do last year ?
( A ) She started her own medical practice.
(B) She received an award.
(C) She published a study.
(D) She developed a fitness application.
(A ) mm TOSTK
(B) g# 3 aw.
(c) m
(D) H| E= L| AOHM 7Htt «ck
^ ¥1 medical practice award
AII A ® L - mm sf oii s y
^ ^
SW #1 0iw SMOJI 3 MU fc## tffi«cKLast year, 1
^ ^
published a paper reporting on my research ~)H Stf
S (C)0|ch
According to the speaker, where can the listeners test
a product ?
(A) In a lobby
(B) In an auditorium
(C) In a gift shop
(D) In a dining area
AIIV- A ® - mm mm A ® SH # 4 afe
swn lAl^foil 3±l AI3 §3 ±13# SOI-Q M Mam Si-
'SAi ^3S«7|- S3 #S# A|±®
(During the coffee break, feel free to wander to the dining
^room , ~ to sample a new nutritional beverage) ffloa
^ O fcd
Paraphrasing 3sf3 the dining room
-» 3 tf3 a dining area
( D) BM aa. c|-a|jl 5fe(is ironing a shirt ) s£0| of
7| « TEST 4 S2| MH 23
71 (C) 72 (A) 73 (B) 74 (C) 75 (A) glance at Hcf wipe off aof ma examine
76 (D) 77 ( B) 78 ( D) 79 (D) 80 (A) SAlSfcl, assicf
81 (D) 82 ( B) 83 ( C) 84 (D) 85 (D) m 2°d 0|# US AjS - Aflf°| SS/SEH HAj
86 ( C) 87 ( D) 88 (B) 89 (B) 90 (C) ( A) SAl aa. AISS0I ai_| E® fia J ( are
°^ glancing at a
91 (B) 92 (B) 93 (C) 94 (D) 95 (C) monitor) fisOI 0 fL|Haaa.
96 ( D) 97 (D) 98 (D) 99 (C) 100 (C) ( B) §Ah a" AUfSOI gOi| Sa 5fe(are putting pens in a
jar) a£o | oH-|°a aa.
( C) §Ajaa. AiltSOI ate® a l LHa Sfelare wiping off a desk)
a o | omss. aa. °
PART 1 ^
( D) sa. AfaSOI §A® SSSfa 2fe(are examining a document )
a-aoiaa sa.
1 M- Au
3 -
M Cn
^ «
(D) Affi o| HUB x-tcH mm x|4n oich
m 101 - AHf 2| BiM
( A) 23. 3&S\3l 9M \ s cleaning the floor) 2 °l?l row
take a ride Efcf float 2 \
uHl 5c| lighthouse
- -
load Ef cargo
TEST 4 91
(0 Mm
^ gA« 0 |§tt 23. Afcjofl m( cargo)°l H£0| ao| ( B) o- Al 23. Af #0| E|aH
picnic table) H£0 | OH-lHS.
E||0 |#t # 7 |ZL ° fe( are moving a
6 M- Cn
OIHS. sa
(0 #EH fia EWsWSome cables)0 | dROfl tf c|7 | %0\ 3 Hn AF#/#§ AFAj - AF# flAF
( have been left on the ground in a pile) ££0 | 0|-L|Hg. 2&.
^ (A ) ?|x| 23. MH(Some couches) 0 | g Hsf 2i (have
( D ) AF jOf| §AhS 0|SS 23 AHEJOfl & Ka box ) l H£0 | M0 | been pushed against a wall SLsO ONH?.23.
X |i
2£g 23.
* °
( B ) ?f | 23.
5 W- Au
( D) K S o m e f l o w e r s ) 0| g 0|| 5i ( have b e e n
) OlHsL
^ ^
arranged in a vase S
( A ) Some people are riding bicycles through a field.
( B) Some people are moving a picnic table. 7
(C) There are some mountains in the distance.
M - Au Does the shop open on Sundays?
(D) A bicycle has fallen over on the ground.
w- Am ( A ) Yes, at one o’clock.
(A )Al #0| #£1011Ai XF27-® E\| JL ojq.
Al #0| R\3M E||0K # 7U1o [q
(B) Because we drove.
(C) ga| K>| o \ L\.
* * (C) I’d like to return this item, please.
( A ) o Af 2 . #£f0f|Af Al£j 7-f # E\IL 5iHare riding bicycles) A t
(C) 0| # £i#
^ani ^offi.
#2| S 0 | S0 |A | 23.
*HS 7 WI7I- asaoil S ofeA| of ^t- #tr SSAKDoes) a£# o \ u \±u \ «4A[y s# oA|L[o?
^ ^
( A) Sa. 7 WPI- asaoil ## ojbx| (W# #br S#oi| MKYesjaKn ( A) 0 fL|o 7 \ c\m 0# 2Mch
CHS® H 1 A|E|0L qpjflSjoj A |S# #3 #S am (B) OlQjO ^
^ * * ( A) sa. oiuFindi- ^Afe'oi i #b sm o (-L|s( No ) am mat!-
A, SEH 7|c o ais a# 7iEhi) s am
I o
* MI## a#
%°° ^ sa.
8 ( B ) Hm SStefe sa. Where °|##0|| Ml # #ao |H sa.
(0 amssa# sa.
w- Br Where did these oranges come from?
M- Au ( A) Here’s a basket you can use.
(B) From a supplier in California.
(C) That umbrella is a nice color. 11
o | aa feo) qoiW 3ta? M - Au Aren’t there locker rooms at this gym?
( A ) oj7 | oid LBMAiaaLw. M - Cn ( A) These socks are quite comfortable. m
(B) aisMoho| §aa»iioiiA)fi. (B) She teaches an exercise class. in
(C) Ai A AH 0 | X|Ll| O. (C) Yes, they ’re on the lower floor.
^^ ^ ^
*11 0011 aas?
# o|# 0 | o [ A |
oi*aas EH mz.
°)?l supplier os (A )
*HS SH!A| 0*) # ## Where 2|S§
* nMfe S 4a« aL :k |[
Ml oiaH* oil J a
( A ) as 00) sa. S#0 orangesO)|Al aS 7 fee basket # 0| e
sa. * (C) , # 2 0)
( B) sa. se i #a ® S#0|| ^JE|SL|OIO | #aS*«IL #*)l o) ?| locker room #aS comfortable 00# exercise ##
* *
ss# gams ass^ sa.
(0 as 00) sa. S# l oranges # sew sss s# #a# s
*ns « *eoii asiaoi °JL&\ CW# tfasfe s a##
# as 7 fee color# o ®0 sa. * ( A) aS 00) sa. assi roomsCHlAi aS 7| # comfortable# 0 |
sttsa. *
( B ) nm sssfe sa. asoii 3as am she AIS® a#oi a
aa aoi &ss# sa.
9 ( o sa. mm asiaoi a#Ai ## am MKYesms miatt H
oian#oii sm #s ama00 MI## MOIE ass# sa.
w -Am Should I make the dinner reservation for Friday ^
or Saturday ?
w- Br ( A) The Beachside Bistro.
(B) Saturday is better. 12
(C) A large plate of pasta. M - Cn Who needs a copy of my safety training
SS 0||o» #S#^ WAS., ES#^ #77is? certificate?
w- Am ( A) Maksim does.
( A ) b | A |AfO |SU | AE
^o (B) You can hang your vest on that hook.
(B) ssaoi oi tola .
(C) nfAEf EfA |S. (C) No, I’m certain about that.
TEST 4 93
13 4 # zm 4444 Oj 2# tf 3 2 24 422
14 «
W/£ 9 922
w-Br Where does she sell her handmade jewelry ? (A ) 0# 00] £0. 029 floral arrangementsO]|A1 3# 7 feS
award ceremony # 0 ®a 20.
M- Au ( A ) They ’ll give you a discount .
( B ) 0# 00] £9. 029 orderOJW 90 delivery # 0 @S
(B) A pair of earrings.
(C) At a store in the city center.
(0 # 0. 2293 0O]| ##0 | 32# # 20] 002 20O]| 402
444 A *]| J^ AH # 49A ] 402? (Certainly)94 29ft fl, 0] 7 | 394 #0 004 000 4##
( A ) 4# o | if 3# sH # 7]o]|s. 0#O |H 3222 # 0.
(B ) 4001 90012.
(C) 20MI 02 DH0O!|Aia
o] 4 handmade #22 02 # 114 . * 17
*H 0 #A]| 24 0OH 04# #2 Where 422 M- Cn Don’t you want to buy the black sofa?
(A ) 30 00] 20. 024 sellOJW 30 7 ®a discount# 0 ®fi 20. M- Au ( A ) Some customer reviews.
( B ) 30 00] 20. 024 jewelryOJW 30 7 ®a earrings# 0 ® ( B) We already have one.
a 20. (C) I take my coffee with sugar.
(0 00. 231 24 0oH 04# 22 02O]| 20o]| 32 oH0o |af2 0
024 44# Af2 0A| 0427
4 22 3222 00.
( A ) 40 7 |# O |2.
( B) 01 | 30] .
(C) 42 440II 00# m 442.
324442QIUI0 O1“ # if 992 20 422
w-Br You ’re taking a business class in the afternoon, ( A) 30 00] 20. 024 buy0]|A] 30 7 ®a customer reviews#
aren’t you?
0120 20.
M- Cn ( A ) Actually, it ’s in the morning. ( B ) 00. 024 44 20H SI9 42# 02011 01 | 344 40
( B) That office is on the corner. 0Al# 24422 fi®94 3222 00.
(C) I have the train schedule here. (0 30 00] 20. 024 blackOM 30 7 fe® coffee # 0 ®a 20.
18 mu si°ioii mm sr 201 ewe =fe £e4(shouid) 21
1n a
M - Au Do you have this jacket in a larger size?
(A) 4a 44 24. sir- —| meetingCHlAi 4a 7 fey conference
w- Am (A) Oh, I’m not a sales associate. room # 0 @t|- 23 .
(B) I’ve read the information packet.
(C) A very large uniform.
(B) «
#£4 32«= 24. £0|| 343 CH A|- They^ * 13 # 4# 0 | «
452 301 24.
« 3 ^ * 0|*S. $|L[o ? ( 0 ga 440117i47 [of m 5014= i 4 # H oil 4±H# o |
* ^ ^ ^
0| XH
( A ) otxfeWMHoioKdEllfi. sssi 4 1# # 0
mo\\ 7 \7H7 m a 34 saa 4## «>©
^* ^
*t^a#OL4442 .
| 0 |S.
42° ? ga
(C) 0 3 S
34 Afe information packet * ts -
4 ?l sales associate tl CD
( A ) 34## 40 fsH2.
19 «
(B) n|EL| A AYEFE h-H o||AH £E01| 442.
w-Am Where did you first learn about the job ( C)
*fe »0||A1 OIU 4 A ® « 7 10110.
sH 4 44 44 tf 7|| g #
*1# #£ Where 4##
(A) 444 24.
( B) 334 24.
opening3334 ®7||4 open # 0|§y 24. -
M Cn Why did you pursue a career in video game
(0 44. 24 4# 7|| B #3# #£ #£011 QH 4 o ® §44 4£# design?
Sfe44 23134 32 #4# 4 22 42as 4a « w- Br ( A) Because I have a talent for it.
( B) This is my new laptop.
(C) It ’s on the other shelf.
TEST 4 95
w- Br I ’d like to attend the job fair next month. (A ) 2 *a ffiEKH as. *!9
£ EMM E| kk How many 2|irr
§2| concerto
^ 7
- nr
2a feS theater# 0|SS
M- Au ( A ) The speech was inspiring. 22.
( B ) #£4 aSEfe 22. When 2|S 0|| HIS SSO|H£ 22.
( B) Tunji updated the memo.
(C) Registration closed yesterday.
(C) SS. A1E El UOl
^ ^ ^§ #£?hX| #k #kOl| A OJ fi Ojaoil
A1 ARJiq-D), m\ kh Sfl7|- 2 11 S3 2 2oaE? SS.
^ -
a# a aa nation aaa^. ms.. ^ ^
(A ) wsjoiaoia
(B) »|7MHia ad|o |M5j[oifi.
(c) # *
oi m safecoa
w- Am When are they going to decide who to hire?
<>i?| job fair aa ^IBt| inspiring ir J ° ^-
° ^ 017 h 1
oas i i
ois 2M 2a mm # 'neman
AH m s.2.
(A )
(B) L1|, ojS! Sao|SA|a.
(c ) 0 *1 mam
°i0js. -
M AU I had a chance to look over the contract this
oj ?|
available position JZLAH
O — l
w- Am ( A ) Their contact information.
nm 2 xi 2a mm assfexi cwi- mttt ka akk ( B) Early next week.
( A) 2 oh EfOj 2a #k | called0]|Aj 2a fktt phone number #
° ^ (C) What did you think of it ?
ois» 2a
( B) 22 EKH 2a #k2 interview 0l|A| 2a 7 fk?t position # 0 ®
2k 22011 7||
°fA«HOI# 7|5|7|-°^ 0\2.
» 2a ( A ) ZL#
°I 2^fx|0||2.
( o aa 2xi 2a at® ssk*i kkoii oia 7 |CIEIH
am at® sxi =1«## °tia°s sasi aa.
(c)own s^A|i4fl?
* oi?| look over ~# #222, #2^2 contract Til'S, 7j|2A1
contact information 2S 1
25 HS SM aa^i axis
*( A ) |- 2
TTA ## a contracts
M- Au How many tickets do we need for tonight ’s
concert ? contact # 0|Sft 2a
^22^ ##0 | §A®
w- Am ( A ) The theater is on Johnson Avenue. 22 22 22. gA® o| this morning 0||A1 2a 7 fe® Early
( B)
next week # 0 ® # 22.
( B) At seven thirty sharp.
(o aa 2# 22oii m m «2# ?iti7i sm# soil mn a
(C) I’ll buy mine at the door. *
zisfexi 7ii2Aioii CHS 22k mu 2°° ^ aa.
k 2 A] |3JO « a k 2eii?
^(Aa)| 2SSS^ | 222
(B) 7A| 30k aaoia
2a sharp
w- Am How are the database updates coming along?
( A) Af 9# 29. Ai oj closed
^clothes ^^
# |#g £> 9.
^ ^go^ a& | ^Aftf . 0
TEST 4 97
ith-w. zwm m\ y \ IOAKHI MTSPIS Paraphrasing rough water
A ofy f ?
^ICH 9M -> 99^1 The weather is bad.
y MI, nm\ tm m m^oii H
SSA| 0|fi.
*H9 H##
01 m|a|7|- !°J? \2.? 34
y 0|«j ag£ of 3 A| What will the woman do next ?
^|LW 5 josoj|4HL|Q. oW°|
n o|#o|| sytn agch fib W M ( A ) Read a book
7-|0||£. * * ( B) Get a meal
y (C) Watch a movie
^? Lich ng 5*ioiiAj 99 yyA sHorawia.
(D) Go to a hotel
y miBi MOM =
J ® a yy $ma..
Wb |j- opK?
~Sf7|sz £|0i 2W
°f ?l be supposed to port authority
IM £R suspend §9§W, 0j|8KT rough water
^ yyyy
^a ^ sa goodly grab 9 KEg 5|c|-
* ~ (c )
(D) susos
32 of ?| meaiyAl
tf f 7|S E| Oi °l@
5! 0|-yx|( wasn’t the ferry to Osaka supposed to leave at ten
M- Cn Actually, no. 36 I 'm here because I got an
o’clock ?!) Af feW7 f M|(Yes)am diysfb 3|o £ MOf cm S b
niiEi yniyoiE
^®a 4 aw. y Ai yyb (A ) OW.
^ e- mail this morning telling me that I have
* ^ an overdue book . But I returned it to the
after- hours bin last night .
W - Br 3 ' Sometimes a book gets returned and
33 put back on the shelves without being
What problem does the man mention? entered into the system first. I can take a
( A ) Some repairs are needed. look . Can you tell me the title?
( B) A business is understaffed.
(C) The weather is bad. oi 9a#W|fi. MSI £A© qom 9 1, stu
( D) Some tickets are sold out. 7liy 7 fo ?
y ZL 7|| OfLlILo £*10|| ajy 7|fK)| X| fcf *!jO|
teWb <HBSx» 0iWb7 K?
( A ) 4W 7HlfiSW. «
SMb oimiy# yn oIS. a MI ib o|5!9oil b<3
^ *
Aiy oi#: yyyoii yysMbfi.
(c) yMpi ch oi 7is £ Ai 7 f yyyy AIA OII SM y EI I yb H
35 o\ m fin out 2222, y \
°H S M \ ¥ A ® 22 W° \ ®
Who most likely is the woman? - | X ] oj A
17|- 2B22 M 0\\ 22 222 1 B
(A) An author
(B) A librarian
COT f \ \°\
2 *H ® 22 #2
? |M
tf2(Sometimes a book gets returned
(C) A bookseller and put back on the shelves without being entered into the
(D) An event organizer system firsts Ehtj M2JI 20 can take a look )M Bsfe M
* m mmm Q |O Q Oh .A.
oi 2 K=
, T sofKjm MOS S T 212
. 222
" SB£
0|Xfeir?OK!!te7 tf
(D)0 |cK
(A )
(B) MM
Paraphrasing 2*12 take a look -> §B2 Search
(c ) H
* vm
( D ) 12
m 2*11 M @ - 0|xfo| SIS
38 - 40
o\MM t \W \ M £M 2 8J 0 |L[ 22, 5P. 2fex|(Are
you looking for any particular library book , magazine, or .
M- Au Hi I'm Malik. 38 l talked to you this
newspaper ? )# MM 7A2
- MOl EA © AhAjoJS it -A. morning on the phone about a price quote
212. 222 SB£ (B) 0 |2. for some painting you want done .
W-Br Oh, hi. Come in. Yes, I want to change the 4
color in the dining room to something
What does the man say happened this morning? .
M- Au Not a problem But 39 l do want to stress
( A ) He received an e- mail notification. that the quote may be higher than you
(B) He applied for a job online. expected because going from a darker
(C) He lost a receipt. color to a lighter one requires more than
( D) He made a delivery. one coat of paint .
W-Br I understand. And 40 will you move the
VM Mk M2 012 Sjo | 21212M B2M2?
( A) oitHliJ iMJ# B2t2. table and chairs out of the room before
(B) £2E! £ 1JA|- 2.| 0|| A ® }. you start?
(c ) §4## aowa2. * M- Au That shouldn't be necessary. We can cover
(D) mursm them with a drop cloth.
o\ m notification iJB, #A| apply for ~01| A | 8 f2 receipt
^ y ByaWIS. , i 2J 22. MM M2 225 M22M ni|oj j |
o o
«® 2| 7 ^
® 22011 m
y =
Lm 22oi oiiyswfe M2 M# 4 a2fe
me that I have an overdue book )M it2M 2-MEL^. (A)0 |2. #M22.
21BSWi 201s. 2MM 22011Ai ya AHMO ^
Paraphrasing 2^12 got an e-mail ~ telling me that ~ 7 ® B Dial 22 M20 | BfisHAlfl .
-» SB2| received an e-mail notification 2 B3!£M2. 22222 2011 yx ® 22# y yss
y Ml HM &M22. §? H 2 2 EHM.
What does the woman offer to do? o® price quote 22 22 stress 2MSH2 coat 21I2JM
( A ) Attend an event #2) H drop cloth 2
(B) Fill out an online form
(C) Place an order 38
(D) Search for an item
What type of business does the man most likely work
2A ® 2312M 1|02M2? for ?
( A ) 1422 1
(B ) § a[ oj A12 22 Q 17 |
( A ) A moving company
(B) A furniture manufacturer
(C) «7| (C) A painting company
(D) 12 5t0 fM7| (D) A catering service
TEST 4 99
dm 012 o|
* m\ M wm& w Paraphrasing dl2|-2| the table and chairs
( A ) OIA ® II
(B) 7 f4 l|£<2 1l -* ^Q-oj some furniture
(c ) miein
(D ) 7H|0 | BH
^ a*||
41- 43
m s n LHO ea - dm^ as
dm 3d dlANAI £2 2«£ niioj i s|ao| 7« 22011 CH H
^ ^
Ht!W(l talked to you this morning on the phone about a price
. .
W-Am Hi This is my first time in here Nice place!
Looks like you've got lots of state - of -the -
quote for some painting you want done!
) ! ilofe Si0 (-
dm mas & m\ M
art equipment .
a m. n aW
( C) o|cK * dm
M - Au Yes, 41 we just opened this week . All the
exercise bikes, treadmills, and workout
stations that you see are brand- new.
W- Am Great ! 42 l'm considering joining . My office
39 is right around the corner.
What point does the man emphasize?
M-Au Well, 42 here's a brochure with a
(A) A deposit is required before work can begin.
description of our membership levels. I'm
( B) A price may be higher than expected.
happy to answer any questions.
(C) A discount is available for a limited time.
(D) A schedule cannot be changed easily. .
W- Am Thanks I do like to swim a few times a
week . Do you have a pool ?
dm 1?
( A ) 8So | ARE|7 | 2011 St4 0| mam. M-Au We do. 43 Why don't we start by walking
(B) 7 ® 0| OUSMCfM 4 2M. ^ around so I can show you all of our
01 aaswia. 012 m afedi, 512 OILIIS! m
oi?| emphasize S2&|c|- deposit 24a, available
2 ma .
0 |H for a limited time 2A|2
^ d MI . 012 oii MAH* mg
m m A ® - dm assfe a ^
012 , £S 7p # 0| AHaaMcf.
dm 2m L\\ m\ M 2201 OH MC 4 stm 21-
^ ^ * 01 #Mlfi! 7 ® wazf 50|o|fl. Af Moi 04 7|0® A|fl.
22( 1 do want to stress that the quote may be higher than you
expected!) !ifflOI S8S (B)0|BK
y *
m m s§m mm ddm *\m w \
asoe «n ^Aiia.
Paraphrasing distal stress -> 2 :2 emphasize 01 iMtm U OII « 2 43 # sm 222. 43801
^ « ^
cHtlo| the quote + 2y2 A price S £?
d 3#L|ch WM0A1 1 1 A| # M0| JE22 mwz?
** ^
o® state - of - the -art 422 equipment §fb|
brand - new 0|4 A|Bd°| consider around
What does the woman ask about ?
(A) Signing a contract
71#, A1#
the corner 014 7l77| brochure 2 1 description
( B) Purchasing specialized tools
( C) Moving some furniture
( D) Seeing some samples 41
Where does the man work ?
oixfe Joil cHsH # oiM 7l?
( A ) 7||OfAl A1S
^ ( A)
At a community park
At a fitness center
(B) 2£ £4 T1QH
(c ) 7i4 om
( C)
At a public beach
(D ) 2£ t® ( D)
At a sports equipment store
o® contract 7112, 7|| fA1 specialized 2zir22 dm OIO|AI <umy \?
° ( A)
2 2 A1I4 A ® 2 - 0W2| §o| A ®
W7|- n\m cHAKHlAi
^ —|AlM & meg. 2 l(will you
( B) n|EL| A AijEl
° ^ (D) IDHS
LHO && - 5 1 44- 46
x \7 \ a
\ ©Sl cKwe just opened this
^week )Dj, cHANAi
0 |
, £|y
^ ^
QjAi, £§- 7p# 0 | AH5KAU the M- Cn Hello . 44 What brings you into our leasing
exercise bikes, treadmills, and workout stations that you see office today?
are brand-new)0|&p. ytfe M0|- feWfe H|EL|A {4|E]0||A|
W-Am Hi I currently live in unit 217, but I 'm
y 4 2W. Sit£ ( B)0 | QK wondering if there are any larger units
available to rent in the building.
M-Cn Let me see. Apartment 410 is quite large,
42 and the lease on it ends this November. It 's
a thousand per month. Does that interest
What is the purpose of the woman’s visit ?
( A) She is applying for a job.
(B) She has a complaint. W- Am 451 did just get promoted at work recently,
(C) She needs specific directions. so I can afford to spend more. So, that
(D) She is interested in a membership. won' t be a problem .
M-Cn Great . 46 Til call the current tenant and we
iWE|o|| xl can figure out a time for a viewing .
(B) «K>| Slow
y yyswia. 2# m\ y m AM OII ys sms.?
( )
^1^ ^oii ^71 ^ ^
(D) m
01 0 03
yyswia m 2 wm\ #JL
^ ZJMOII yen feg
^ 7 oiojAi oj . afeqi 7
ci ayoioifeAiyysHAja.
oj?l apply for ~0|| A | | | complaint MU, Wtt specific
^ y
Stfaa. 410S7I 2H P|, ycHAMiyoiSSH nioii
directions U
#yL|Cf. ffyoll 1 ,0001 011° . AI oiOAi| o?
^ m A® - o\ m ^ ^ ^
415 SISOOAI #*]# 5HA1 E| y oj oi yoja. na|L|
OjA|- 7|-
^ QHAfOllAi 7 htlW 77| gzf fKl ’ m c o n s i d e r i n g
TH 4hoi2.
# X \7 \ 4® # 0|| CH ^H MSfe 0|7 |
joining) 0 |ElH
SJcKhere’s a brochure with a description of our membership
$L0 \ OjAfe 4® 7 011 B Ol oiQfe 2 ST « yoiM7i|o _
) ! SSIfe
OIQK ccfaw (D)0|CK
^ ^
leasing office dl Al- L currently
^ ^
available 0|§ 7 fe£f T1# 4 '
rent AIILHQL Alfecf
lease 2JeH |- 7||y get promoted afford to
43 Ol
^o | tenant A||£ jx|- figure out yokW
TEST 4 101
45 M- Au 48 We can design an online survey for
What does the woman say recently happened? you. It 's automatically e - mailed out to
( A ) She earned a degree. your customers a week after their order
( B) She won an award. is delivered. We've had a lot of success
(C) She got a promotion. getting people to respond to those.
( D) She transferred to a new location. W- Br That 's a great idea. 4 SThen perhaps I could
offer a future discount to any customer
(A )effl# y&d.
^ HOI oioHQl!!HdEd? who completes the survey.
(B) cMI
(c) szim. y yyswia, UWSMI. EMAI sasi AIHOII rw
(D) 0H 7 | L ® 7 |S|7 f AH 7i 7 IWLICK S|A|- o |
What will the man do next ? °i?l goalEfi craft §011 automatically
respond to ~0|| g SId perhaps ohop
( A ) Make a phone call ^
(B) Prepare a contract
(C) Drop off a key
(D) Log some work hours According to the woman, what has recently happened
at her business?
fefAfe d#^£ 2 3 h opp?
(A ) 2 71
^ ^ ( A ) Customers have complained.
(B) 7||OfA| SUW7|
(B) Inspections have been conducted.
(C) Online orders have increased.
(C ) 7W
(D) S A|a 7|SSf7|
( D) Shipments have been incomplete.
^ COT01I d=3, W°| g ||o|| se d£! Ho | °!£E7l?
d#-l prepare ® Idd contract Tilde drop off 7 fxld2rd
( A ) H7-H# OI
log sA |01| 7 paid
(B) £ M7 \ om%&.
A1B A ® q-SOJI a a (C) Sara S0| S7M»cf.
y Kd d ld LHAIQIIA1 AiraAKHWI md dd ’ll c a l l t h e (D)
* * ) ! HofTL
current tenant!
( A )0 |d. o\ m complain M dd, tfddd inspection WA , £Af conduct
3Id increase §7 [d shipment 4#, 4 §- incomplete
Paraphrasing ddd call -* Sdd Make a phone call ^ ^
All “ A ® - 01X 121 gallon 5B u
Wd 5! CHAKHlAd se AB2| 0j|§gS0| EdH TCII SJ0| «?7|
47- 49 ^
A|df$d( recently, my craft supply store has started receiving a
48 M - Au I' ll need you to acknowledge receipt Could .
you sign here? And then, where should I
What can the man’s company do?
unload your calla lily centerpieces?
( A ) Provide safety training
(B) Post demonstration videos W- Am Calla lilies? I ordered lilacs for the wedding
(C) Acquire more warehouse space centerpieces !
( D) Create customer surveys M - Au Oh, I wouldn't know. I just deliver .
feWfil tt 4 W- Am Well, 52 let me call your boss. We need this
as sorted out right away.
(B) A|<2 §94f 7lW
(c ) SUSANSIM teh ttgswifi. q±ss|M A
^ojoiqis. ^
(D) JiaiassAJ m
oi?l safety 2fE! post 7HAI8K4 demonstration (A|g) gg, A|<2 Wifi. SSt AHOlTlffi.
a 2 SW
#a|0 t? c|AE Efa AS010IIA1 E|g£o|| uHif £[
acquire warehouse
^ ^
S0 - fef | o St41 S
^ A1|“ yX\«%Ht QIW ^ 01 2ta W|fl!|J«| 21nrA Ai #Lj|S. H#*|£
^ A-l oiCil
^ \M
^ iA @ m 4 2MWe can *
o|a| qiasia# 5H|S|ui 7|Efl.
) ! ofH
design an online survey for you! .
^ SSu- ( D)0 |ch ^
fet 41® tfojsH 4Aj0 f tfL|Lh 0j 7 | Ai§5H Al Ojo ?
Paraphrasing cHfl£| design an online survey
m S ® CHQIOII LHB1 JE||0|£?
- ^
> § h2| Create customer surveys ^ *
d im? Aib gs^i ti s±iss ssifeciifl!
teM OK Xfe H#L|Lh Afe UH9a
01 AfefeMI SifsH #71|S. gg smsHot sH£.
What does the woman say she could offer her centerpiece £||0 |M # cfoil setup
customers? °i£l trti |5l£|- ballroom cHEjsB acknowledge receipt
(A) A discount 41® unload ( £®) LHB|cl sort out S^IB
(B) Expedited shipping
(C) Free product samples
( D) A personal consultation
» ^
o|Afe jia oi|7i| $® qsst 4 sm SfSfe7K? Where most likely are the speakers?
( A) STC!
( A ) At a farm
(B) HUl# UH
(C )
All# ££
(B) At a landscaping company
(C) At a hotel
(D) 7 Hoj gg
( D) At a catering firm
o|?| expedited c| £ j4S| l2.|£! consultation
* t
CHICHI 2tffe7 K?
*M A1|“ Atft «
- cwf naieo||7|| 5St 4 SWJI BSfe 3! (A )
(OT7 f D iet CHAK>I|A1 gs
- .
^ ^AH- ggg!» 7-f|o||7i| customer^ goj Alisit
(B) £32
?M ( I could offer a future discount to any (C) 2il
completes the survey )
!! ?iQa
^ -
S tf E
- - ( A ) 0 |ch (D) 7||0|E|S 2
«Hg 2 11 LHSBS - iW2| ®k
¥ m yAf7 f 51 Q\M \M m 1A|- ga|A ® ^fltKLet me get
the hotel’s event manager here) 2A| ZL A fO | 4nr2 AUKshe’s
50 - 52 3fflq » ^
the one that ordered)0|E|-Dl #E|OkYuliya?)# nr H 2b -£1 —^
MOf QHfloj g oio oh 4 oicf. OJ AI 32b (0)012.
M-Au Hello. I'm from District Flower Store, and I ^^ ^
have your centerpiece order.
M - Cn 50 Let me get the hotel's event manager
here; she 's the one that ordered. Yuliya? 51
You have a delivery from District Flower What type of event is going to take place?
Store at reception . (A) A wedding
W- Am Hi ! I'm glad you 're early 51 The wedding 's (B) A flower exposition
this evening , but we're already setting up (C) A grand opening
the ballroom. (D) A birthday party
TEST 4 103
( A)
^IttLlLK. M|. Ji£| 7|#
*|- 0 fC|Af7|- 0 ® A ® °|0||
(B) S®S| °*PJ swe* ss# ^ o| u\mz. itai palpus.
(C ) 7HS ±I Oj S CHS7 tS?
(D) m n[E|
feM OK 0 fL|Af7|- A ® 2>L1|0 CU&SH Pi 41# SLICK
of ?l exposition ^ltfs|, E1A |S| y 2 AM mt> \ ss oiis. P& I asMt .
A|A |EH s- £2M£. # o|I
^ ° ^ *
*1® Ai|“ A ® Oligoj|HA (-
n «onr SLICK
^ ^ | 0 t7 t tHS! A ® ££
51 EHAKHlAi 2k
*(M ( The w e d d i n g s
’ this *
evening )0 |a|ui V@pl A)0|ch 01 =L7 ] CHHO| 1| 34E|# sHOt m\ *1 SS5i!7-|^fi.
L 0
S® tt SOialP!8 fe7l?
( A ) 14 o|| A118I71 53
What kind of business do the men most likely work
(C )
^oil k # ^ tf [l \ |
7 57
for ?
( A ) A fencing company
^* *
(D) A xlSulP
53 55 M! TO
°l$l fencing #Efa| landscaping PS roofing AlUkAl
2*11 LH§ eg -111°! ZL a
M - Cn Excuse me, Ms. Campbell. 53 My engineer, *
51 m yaw 5! CHAKHIA1 7 |#Afoi O AM of *] A ® loll 12
Adisa, is still on your roof, but I just
Sf -AlEt, 3§ 7) O| f cKMy engineer, Adisa, is still on your roof,
wanted to let you know we're almost
done with the inspection.
but I just wanted to let you know we re almost done with the ’
o® relieved EtEsfe minor ^1° positive oon
°J y 2® sWI£ 0||a|Lh £2 t|fi|0i| = sopw n\ oy^2.\
weather forecast W \ oils
miss Alcf commute horrendous
What will the woman do on Tuesday ? oi?|
### renovate 7Hiufcff M fcf add
( A) Wash her car ^
! 2| be aware of H
( B) Close her store direction ohlf rapid - transit!
(C) Take some measurements
(D) Look at some material samples
- oil q HAi ycf
fine! MOf OfAfe SffiilOII ? \7\\ SS 30|afe <>l?l apologize AfufSlcl connection ‘SH complete SSSKT,
M 4 sw. m \ gas ( B) OIC:K employee badge Af#g
* lA | cl assignment 4 11,
^ *
mi AII A ® aa - Awsfe oi #
^ o l| = 0) 7 W l '
feW7 f 5I cHAKHlAi £*] 2| |0
) ! AlZ lZL * ^cKI mgSrr
sorry about
( A)0|cK
56 - 58 missing the morning meeting!!
M- Au Hi, Erina. 56 I'm sorry about missing the
morning meeting! My commute was
Why does the woman say, “ Well, there is a rapid -
W- Am No worries. The meeting notes will be sent
transit bus service” ?
out . What happened?
( A ) To praise improvements to a system
M- Au 57 The Metro system's renovating some (B) To correct a mistaken assumption
station platforms, and it added an extra (C) To express dissatisfaction
half hour to my commute. Trains in both (D) To justify a decision
directions are only using one track, and
W7 f “= ZL UjA 7 f oi Olo -’E 0|£b?
57 the train's my only option!
( A ) H|£ 7H #
^ ^ ^
W- Am Well, there is a rapid -transit bus service. (B) yua
that. I'm still new to this fiA|5 !L
M- Au I wasn't aware of
city. How do I get more information?
(C ) Met
(D ) * saststsi !!
W - Am 58 I'll send you links to their Web site and 01?l praise improvement 7H tj, ft4h correct -
sh!t sh ! assumption
system map. mistaken
dissatisfaction Met justify Sifllslcf, sHgsfcl decision
ylTii 71 Al
= o, s
TEST 4 105
SM£| o|£ CfE B2I 2|£ y SEJ|0|fi. A|s|7 f ££ «
^ ^ i| § Cf# OHS
0 ’ Ha|S.
^ Oh V
s s s r
nq a|-Ai
- ( B)o | dK
Who is the woman?
( A) An architect
58 (B) A clothing designer
What will the woman do next ? (C ) A construction manager
( A ) Download a ticket ( D) A department store director
(B) Pick up some clients (
(C) Activate a key card (A ) EEE
(D) Forward some Web -site links ( B) 2|& C|AK >|L1
(C ) WEW
(D) mm EW
( A ) E| a clE^H8l7|
(B ) HE MIEE 71-71 m\ mssa - W2| 5|g
(CWH7 |
*fEA|7 |7| 'e frM 5! cHAKHW yAf°| A |E EAIE (WE oja ggsfe
(D)!AK>|M UHMLH7I Ml H!jO | £|7 | ?|SH i3£]?5|
aW My consultancy firm has
EE activate So-AIEE, tf -SW ? IE forward Ht-HE been working hard to help you grow your clothing company).77
ItSW WE A 2| o|a q
*H2 A1IEXA ® EE - WE z\m tt u 0Jlo A | EfUEdl Si®0| assi
^ ^oj|““|cKlngTH
0 H7||
^ ^ # | 23A
59- 61 Why does the woman say, “They usually market to a
younger clientele” ?
M - Cn Hello, Silvia . Good to see you again . 5 SMy (A ) To reject a suggestion
consultancy firm has been working hard ( B) To justify a decision
to help you grow your clothing company. ( C ) To express disappointment
W- Br Thanks . 59 ( D) To ask for clarification
l never expected so much
^ oh clarification sH§
y yaswifl, -yuioK EAI ELW E7 o . ITIAIE nm m\zi —in EE - EE H# GI SE ewt
HAfE H y ^i si# m? i yytiE EII aaoi E|7 |
^ * ysj o|£
yysi twii STOW yxi7i R\m UWSE S mn «
01 WtfLW. XII o|a C|JfO|0| ZL II H7||
^ EsfeAi(what do
you think about approaching Regents department stores)# f|Af
OliysfAl E AlLt yEOll E IHIHH.
^#|f#A| WE ojEE# EHH HOI yw *l|otulE JjtHSE H7-fj#o| “
^ ^ 5| 7
SfAl mM E WE EEM °m E aw. ttfW EEE
y Ml . a|M SWIE E O| T|| jzfsfAiia?
^ " ( A )0|ch
01 EE # E EHE# # cHAho ^ si ois.
H 7
^ ^
61 direct £ j 6 fcf give directions x|A |6lcl in
What does the man say he will give the woman?
charge of E=H 3381b footlight uR ^3
( A ) An area map flicker 34344 distracting 3b# 33SMI 4b
(B) A list of businesses costume 43 replacement mAf #) audience
(C) Some photographs 34, 3#
(D) Some measurements
62- 64 q »+ *l ! Look at the graphic. Who is the woman?
* (A) Liliana Flores
W Am Luis, 62 l noticed something while I was (B) Svetlana Popova
directing yesterday 's rehearsal. 63 l had a ( C) Lauren Campbell
problem while I was trying to give some (D) So - Jin Park
directions to the actors during act three. I
ARSMOll °|8 ®, Wbb344?
wanted to ask you about it since you 're in (A ) ia|oiLi #^ai| A
charge of lighting . (B) msamssui
M - Cn Sure. 63 What is it?
(c ) s@! m
3 soifl.
^ °
(I had a problem ~ 1
) L 4Xf 3Xf7 f H7l| # X|(What is it ?)#
TEST 4 107
COT7 f °M1 UN- # t \L ]7 \ RTjacKOne of the footlights BSLUHfl. a Ell 91?!! Ufe yo| SNaioifi.
<H I retreat .A.
What will happen next week ?
( A ) A playwright will attend a show.
* eiy &\ \
Of | venue
«2Wb.^£fgS £8 especially VI
a impressed
can’t believe opening night is next week!
) ! Hof!
°J 7 |A| <&±C\( \ Brandon Murray
( C)0|Qh
! 2
! ?
^ /V
aao| oi CHULICH
65 67 TO + WIOW
tf||oiMa| oi| 7i
0|lfe ?l
°f o|nb #^aio| n^|y
M- Au Hey, Hiroko . 65 l
got the e- mail invite to the
company retreat. I'm surprised that it's in
June this year, instead of September. 0M =^ aL|0||7 F
W- Br Yeah, we changed the dates so we could
0|lfe E £||oj tJfo |H
0|Jfe 5K)|?J
try out this venue. 66 l toured it last month o|?l adventure await 7 |cfE|Lf
and was really impressed . The rooms
especially are so comfortable. There 65
weren't any openings in September, Why is the man surprised?
though. ( A ) A new vacation policy was announced.
M Au I'm sure it 'll be worth the change. Your (B) A group is larger than expected.
team in Human Resources plans great (C) A price has increased.
events. (D) A date has been changed.
3301 oisois.
' ^
Look at the graphic. Who will lead the activity the man
44 archaeologist!LZLtfxi dig site # l #4 1
o -M
o , 43 quadrant Af
^* . *
is interested in?
capture 34 footage 4
pottery £ 17 unearth 444 excavation ##
( A ) Ketan Bora lengthy
£j, l#4 process #4
(B) Beatriz Romero * ( £JS#) #4-4
(C) Arnaud Fournier
thunderstorm slow down £
(D) Brandon Murray
TEST 4 109
68 °\3\ condition _ funding *[ , |# unavailable !!- 4 2b 7 T
^soil sisra, £2| CH «EI # efe7 f?
m 7 fe£
iin i
MB 2.
^»12 mi| | AngA £
| ) A|
( A ) 3#
®ii H ssi Hacra mmo \
^ ssoii m s# 2. 7 A0
(c ) ir
^\ & @
Aid| AS 7 . HAIS17I- 4
# 0|L
X|8 f7|
5 7| |
£sH mu SKJWS , X\
m lAfoi^oii
m A|Zf 87|| - s#l@5te £°| AI #
^ ^^ Ai# £SsH
A|£ .
b M CHAKHIAI At|2AFM20||Ai sra S(WeVe working ifAHfL|CK
in quadrant two today ) 0 |Ep. [JL &H, A|Zf £M0|| £|u
ll2 A|gS£ 0 |EfH fi7 |£|Oj flop ?
^ ^ CH 4-I reach (mfst) region Aj<* hold ( £j^HI
* ^ ( B)0|Cf.
3 1 82) A |clE|cf available A|£0 | £|b, 0 |§ 7 fe£
representative dlfi, d|2.|2i electrical outage rest
0i£ L|- technician 7 |#x|- on -site
assured that
S30II restore #T5lch
^ ^
* ^
( You’ve reached Imperial Electric and Gas, the number one security software on our internal servers. This is a
little more involved than a routine update — 74 we
! ej
power company in the Northeast regional! *W ^H^ fTL need to have an extra layer of protection on our
HS 3&£ (C)0|Ch
customers ' personal data . So, we ' re all being
Paraphrasing Qsfs| power company asked to help prepare for this event . 75 Before
A utility company
we leave the office on Friday, we'll need to shut
down our computers to enable the patch. 76 Marta
Fuentes is here to explain how we'll finish the
72 installation on our devices when we come in on
What does the speaker say will happen this Monday.
(A) A problem will be resolved.
ois won LH Aitnoii AH MOF & 4*® OR®MCK OI m
( B) A shipment will be delivered. fflL|E4. 7H?J M. in
( C) Some software will be updated.
98 ocfAl BC||0|EMI4 Li
safe &7P \ $7|£|0|0|: t \7 \ nHSBMcf .
^ $a|
o| a
( D) Some refreshments will be offered. 4
o| l£K=r fit ® Bfe 5® L|l4. S OII A AJ# Lf
^^ ^ *
m\ CH 'EI m 301am A|7| *j, nH |7 f- 7 ®5f£S 4£E|# tW . 1S 0||
( A)
am *
s DfBEf MA7 f 2\x\ ° | 7|7 0 4 ® assfe IK®
a | ||
^ ^
(B) 4#§o| uH #« sm
SH s zmm .
||0 |Ei 0 |ch
( C)
o]?l install ^Aiafcl security M°f internal
refreshments Efzf routine U&2J, layer #
oj?| resolve sHU
^Hd- shipment TO, - i o cn involved
l, (7 |7|®) £ jx|A|? |c|-
44 Ai|“ A ® 39 - £$0|| Si# B protection Ms. shut down
enable 7 f -#S|-7l| device 7 |7 | #u|
m\7 \ #tf$0 | 7 #xf# x ® esoil 1471-
| | o | £it A| f
( A ) Customer reviews _
(c) M f # aaisfais
(B) Work order forms
(D) ] !
^ !
^ Ai otAj
m Aii$ A ® sa - ^ # oi oi^ixiboi^
(C )
^A|^ m\y [ £^J¥0|| 0|“j ^BOII LH“ AitfjOll AH M°f T ^ EOiloj^ .
tfAl7 f Q lefOll AiU # HA| f ) 4
7 57lf
§A|5 7 |
§fS H 9aK ~
Paraphrasing Bsf ^l to have an extra layer of protection
please visit our Web site to
fill out
TEST 4 111
75 seven and nine A M,. . and then again between four
and six P.M. 9
What are the listeners asked to do? We'll be posting project updates on
(A) Shut down their computers our Web site, so be sure to check it regularly.
( B) Reduce their expenses
(C) Consult with their department managers H¥oM 2A| aiHULich ttaWEl ££1-
(D) Create an equipment inventory 2,
2# 3H omr a&L|cK ofe g#A|
xHassfe §
Sdu 0 |7 |£ DWIfi.
^ cn
22# mu
\m \ #20
^ 51 12 1|
0 | xr ^
77-79 S |
* 78
M- Cn 7/
Let me remind everyone that starting What will the company provide for the listeners?
on Monday, the main entrance to the office ( A) Free lunch
(B) New identification badges
building will be inaccessible while the road is
( C) Parking passes
being widened and repaved . This also means
( D) Transportation
that our usual parking lot won' t be available .
x|@tt !27l?
But don' t worry — there's plenty of space in the
(A )
parking garage next to the Jay Building. 78 For your ^
convenience, the company will be providing a van
( B ) AH
^A 2 22 ^2 24h
service that will run every fifteen minutes until the
(C )
^ 12
project is completed. The van will operate between
oi l identification £Jnr 32 farther q 2 complimentary back and forth Siq
“ A® - 5|Af7|- *jAl®0||7f| 11## 3
HAP #y
^ | gog S|A|0||Afe n£3| l #S# [CH77 fX| OH
0| E7
the company will be providing a van service ) 0 |Bp Hop. HP ~ What is the speaker preparing for ?
£ 3#8 (D) o|ch
° ( A ) A client visit
( B) A branch opening
Paraphrasing 3*12| a van service ( C) A job fair
-> §32| Transportation ( D) An equipment upgrade
SWfe ¥S® £H|5 fe7 K ?
( A) ItS
79 (B) A ® 7H2
Why should the listeners visit a Web site? o 32
( A ) To download a map (D) Sbl 2HE||O|E.
( B) To post feedback m
q?l branch A |Al, equipment SP
( C) To fill out a registration form l/>
( D) To read project updates 3HS A1P A ® gg - SW7l Sb|Sp Hfei H
siApi sg oii cf# B HIM01|A| Mfz n7-,
H# 3sH OII H Bap
«Afms 2H UAfOpt- ofeP?
iJ ^Kl’m following up about the hotel you asked
(A ) API - ^
me to book for our client visiting from India next monthp Hof
(B) npHJjl 7)|A|8lap
( ) - -
## M M P
H pH° ^ 33£ (A) 0|cl.
(D) i|ti «
BMBP Paraphrasing 3S12| our client visiting from India
°H = Aip A ® *«
sg - 3 0| mo \ m.m Iffisilof ufe o |#
Ef|L| 7 | o
-> 332J A client visit
£l l7 f DlAimOll IjAfOpOll SS3|E i
* |A| Al§-
S. 3£ltf (We ’ll be posting project updates on our Web site, so
be sure to check it regularly)# M3sp HPa ( D)0|ch
^ 81
cPq check -> 33 Why does the speaker say, “ there is one on Jefferson
Paraphrasing ^1 read Avenue” ?
( A) To express surprise
( B) To correct some information
80 - 82 S n|W | » * (C) To complain about a decision
( D) To recommend an alternative
W Br - Hi, Asako . 80 I'm
following up about the
hotel you asked me to book for our client visiting
£lxp “AiliLp
- 7 loll sm i£"ap BSte 0|°b?
TE 5T 4 113
82 83
What additional service is mentioned? According to the speaker, why are some changes
( A ) A catered meal needed?
( B) A shuttle bus ( A ) To retain employees
(C) Technical support (B) To attract investors
(D) Secure storage (C) To satisfy customers
Ojctj A|b|±7 \
( D) To increase productivity
£SE|b7 K?
(A )
^|0 |E] gAjAF m \ Oil ^\7 \ iJOsj -
01° ?
(B) Mmu\± (A ) 71| M 7| | H
(C) 7|# A| ^ ^ ^ 5
(D) o
^ (B )
^ACH|7£| | 7 ||sHoisH
o]?| additional |- | 7 o
^ support A|
^ o\* \ retain attract o |#cl, ojsoq-
“ A ® && -
A1| ~7|- A|d|A ^
investor AfA |- satisfyEi A|7 |c|- productivity -
HA 17|- #iy 0||
^ 21f Al # tHA £ ^-
^ ^^
Ail ¥ A ® && - tf 7 f fififf 0|£
5i^KThey also have a complimentary shuttle bus that can take
) !
our guest back and forth from our office! ?i° a
tfAf 7 fi 0|| JlZHo| 7|LH 0l| “ i7 i a toi n
^ ^ ^ ^^
^ ( B ch
) 0 | S7 f oiQKwe need to continually make changes to meet
customers’ expectations!
) ! sof! ! ( C ) 0 |c|-.
LH a 5H #ot o |f|£J L|CK om c ® if
^ to see where their package is in real time) 0 |a|ul ifo!
S9S (D)0|:
, “
in real time A |
Al fo^.
^ t
85 86
According to the speaker, what will begin next month? What industry does the speaker most likely work in?
( A ) A workshop series ( A ) Civil service
(B) A new corporate policy (B) Hospitality
(C) A land development project (C) Media
(D) A business collaboration ( D) Architecture
W-Br I ' m so happy we got the exclusive video q 1WI 0 | 7l| 4|£|0i
TEST 4 115
go on vacation 7 ® 7 W be willing to
°\* \ present ^ -
S W conference s\2\
Paraphrasing &sFS| ovens and refrigerators
^ -* gg-oj Kitchen appliances
m AII^ m - mm\ owa# tt«SRAFS
tfxf 7 f W V ¥ -0\ \ 0| 0f | if Afcl# WOHsH # 4
^ *®SA|*H §p
(C ) a|
7 |7|
( B ) 0 |LF.
a n n o u n c e t h a t n e x t m o n t h m y c o m p a n y 's m\y \ “ oii # s « oj- cHiei sfe -
ofyLiq qja. gtsib 01
Ol— o
expanding its offerings. 93 We're launching a new TTLT f
our art museum, but art isn' t only inside the walls
of a museum. 94 Here are some brochures with of ?l apologize Alzlulcl closure iM disagree 2|£0 | qsqt
#qslx| m motivate #711- “O lp renovation M
5 of
aaqq .
throughout the city center) 0|ElE1Al C E nl
l# |A|lli- Xl asitfe
^ * ^
SMI £iq(We know tourists
) ! stf \
like you often visit the exhibitions at our art museum! T
^ 5 7
sestn % \m\n EM oi sgswc ^IE^
* ^* .
^ l? 7
0|3fe7 K? (B ) 4f # £!
(A ) (C ) o |#s
(D) §M7 f K] ofLH
(B) S ll
(C) X |< 7 |Xl
* CH I informational 4IM# oh#
A1I4 Alt tlXl7l tAHOllTlI Xil ufe a
l l local x | 2| journalist 7 |xl
°^ ^ 11X 171 IX|°|0|| Aim 7131 Stt S^7l tZi tm Xl7l Ol 7 | °[
oH # Sfl LHSSa - A|fi| s|S » q( Here are some brochures with information, including the
) ! WSlZI ( D)0 |q.
tlAf7l sy- OII 5 41 01 *= 0\ Xll# #ij5HLl(l founded this tour times and prices!
^ ^ ^
) ! ifslZL ?i H IfAf -01 S ^ll sijAl
company five years ago!
4 aiq. qafA) (B)o|q .
° ^ ^^ Paraphrasing tsiq brochures with information
^ Informational brochures
Paraphrasing tt^l this tour company
-* t&q A business
95 - 97 SJ
*+ S
Why does the speaker say, “art isn’t only inside the has announced that construction has begun
walls of a museum ” ? on the new Alexton train station, which will
( A) To apologize for an exhibit closure offer a direct rail connection to the city center.
( B) To disagree with an online review Spokesperson Claudia Schneider explained that
(C) To motivate the listeners to take another tour 96 the agency initially considered a more elaborate
(D) To recommend a building renovation design with a projected cost of 300 million dollars
but ultimately decided to go with a more cost -
TEST 4 117
effective and straightforward proposal with a that construction has begun on the new Alexton train station)
price tag of 250 million dollars. Not only is it more 0 \ sLU] £277 [X |
#£7 f Htsc. 2! 2!(which will offer a direct rail
economical, but an earlier completion date is
connection to the city center) 0 |2a. itoKH %[ oa ( C)0 |ch
expected. 97 The building will have an adjacent
small park for public use, and beginning in May,
residents will be invited to vote on ideas for it.
X |« Look at the graphic. Which proposal was chosen?
B!|0| W *# 7| l<* gx \7 \
| HH
2 fiapl- 2
^ ^
2 12# 25!! 2«22 5ffit1
* (C) Plan C
* H
(D) Plan D
2 7H*£| M2 HIS if oiz ziosf xflofos gsjcKn U22.
^ ^ A|Zf 2£ o|5l£, 0\ t& X||
2 2 112 # ® 0122
* iJxl£ 2 g7® 3£M 01l4h#22. 2 °ll
(A ) m A
°K |)
# 222.
^ (C ) Till! c
* (D) 71|1
2711 - TdEHSj X1I2
0111 local 122 transit agency £## construction
* 11 1 sy oil 2M 21 5 *12 si 7[2|°| MCI d|S
2s, oAl direct 2222 connection 22 ** ^
sS om 222 1I2£M lolKKthe agency ~ ultimately
spokesperson 222 initially 1#0II elaborate
projected 01122 ultimately 22, 522££
* ^ *
decided to go with a more cost effective and straightforward
2 vote aap
^ ^
Proposal Projected Cost According to the speaker, what will residents be able
Plan A $200 million to vote on?
Plan B $450 million (A ) Parking options
(B) Food vendors
Plan C $300 million
( C) Public artwork
^Plan D $250 million
(D) Park ideas
SMI 22 2 1?
(A )TH£122 22#
^* * 98- 100 +
(B) Hs 7!
ll A ®
(C) HM£ 7| [«
(D) HM£ 21 * W-Am Welcome, everyone, to the grand opening
* of the Wilton Business Center. 98 As the mayor I'm .
*H 2 2*11 2# 3@ - ^*11 pleased to see this kind of growth in our city. And
Sl*l7 f £«[“ 011 U|| 0 | aHc A[j
^ ohajjAB} 7 |xl« gApf
the environmentally friendly elements
into the design make this building (A )
Ef (As the mayor, I’m pleased to see this kind of growth in our
? m
) lSS&
city! Ste ( D)0|ch
^|0|| 2.±1 a#7|SgflMCf
tl|XL|A A1IB-] 7H . A|
Paraphrasing Sif2| the mayor -> SQ2| A city official
32SA1 API- OlHTil ggsfe a# M ^ 5iOiL|
^g7 j|0||
s sratispi oi a « ^
CH VMI tfLich vi oi
S Xlffl® A|A J2| Uf£ Xjog != aiAffi SteM
cl. £ oi 7H oiAia a# atiHaioHois oro uro 99 H
^ ^
oil nms 5p. SiOlAl Cf£ fiM | OlStt 4 te a MEf . Why is a building special?
* ^ ( A) It was constructed in a short time.
opening 7Ha^l, 7 fj4 | mayor A|g growth (B) It has a technologically advanced security system.
°l?l grand i4
environmentally friendly fL asf element S^. (C) It has environmentally friendly features.
^ ^
incorporate S&£| | in particular VI be equipped
E (D) It was designed by a famous architect.
with te ! OT recycling AH#§ insulation E!8 H
^ !
* «
aS0| ® 0|4fe?
repurpose Ute ufTO available 0|g 7 fe§[ (A) 97iaoii asm
( B ) 7 |# *| S OhAj £0 | A | AEiJOl OlQh
(osaasfai saoim
(D) §8 ® as7ros im
o|?l technologically
advanced 8£!, £!£|£| security
Mfif featured architect a ? f ^
HS A1| Aft aa - ?i#0|l |ftf 0|#
* ^
apro gy oii STIIOII sss ea sra sa# oi oi ate ci
^ ^
5 f 7|| ffcKthe environmentally friendly elements incorporated
into the design make this building special! )! %1°— ^
SB£ cm (
Look at the graphic. Which floor of the building is not
open yet?
( A ) Floor 4
( B) Floor 3
(C) Floor 2
( D) Floor 1
a ( the
^ ^
recreation center— will not be available for use
month)0 |Bf!
I an, a# uH l£0|| nf * ^a a||Ha|o||o|a *!!Efe
2#OII sixross. ste (c)oro.
TEST 4 119
(0 22. £i¥7 h 4*1 » HH afe(is pushing a cart ) H£0 | OhL|
7|# TEST 5 SHE
§3# 83
ill ( D) citf. £Jnr7|- Dj |Hg ohm 5i-b(is writing some
O fcd
- -
notes) H O |HS.
1 (D) 2 (A) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (A)
6 (B) 7 (A) 8 (0 9 (0 10 ( B)
11 ( B) 12 (A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 ( B) 2 M- Cn
16 (A) 17 ( B) 18 (A) 19 (B) 20 (C)
21 (B) 22 (A) 23 (B) 24 (C) 25 (C)
26 (B) 27 ( C) 28 ( C) 29 (A) 30 (A)
31 (A) 32 ( C) 33 (A) 34 (C) 35 (C)
36 ( B) 37 (A) 38 ( B) 39 (D) 40 (A)
41 (A) 42 ( C) 43 ( B) 44 ( B) 45 (D) (A) Some of the people are pulling suitcases.
46 ( B) 47 ( D) 48 (A) 49 ( B) 50 (A) (B) Some of the people are relaxing on benches.
51 (D) 52 ( C) 53 ( D) 54 ( B) 55 (C) (C) Some of the people are putting luggage onto a
56 ( B) 57 (C) 58 ( D) 59 ( C) 60 (A) rack.
61 ( B) 62 (B) 63 (A) 64 ( C) 65 ( B) (D) Some of the people are waiting in line to purchase
66 (C) 67 (B) 68 (D) 69 (B) 70 (B) a ticket.
71 (A) 72 (C) 73 (D) 74 (B) 75 ( D) ( A) AHf #o| dSB #2 sjch
76 ( B) 77 (B) 78 (D) 79 (A) 80 ( B) ( B ) 4iffto | «yx|o||AHHai . m
to AH? OI mowm.
81 (C) 82 (D) 83 (D) 84 ( B) 85 (C)
(D) * a API ?|5H SS A1A17mu °id.
86 (D)
91 (0
87 (B)
92 ( C)
88 (A)
93 (B)
89 (D)
94 (B)
90 (B)
95 (C)
d?l suitcase dS ?I9 relax #98 f )5|9 luggage
rack -idHI, “ HP! wait in line § A|A1 7 |d9d
96 (D) 97 ( D) 98 ( A) 99 (C) 100 (D) ‘
m 29 o|Af #§ AHE! - AIK1 —I §5f/&EH HAf
3 W- Br
m °W.
(A )
(B )
^7 h ±!M LhJsm
£] =
( A ) She’s looking into her backpack .
( B) She’s tying the laces of her boots.
(c ) ai¥7 ai» am aw.
(D) A \ miH# sm aw.
(C) She’s hiking on an outdoor path.
( D) She’s walking out of a tunnel.
1SI S9 A s - AlifS Sft/ SAl gEH 0|?l arrange S&IW . * mm take down PaMapUSN)
(A) Q
- *
AI as OiAf l UHS
. 7 ICdSaa °
SI - - ib( is looking into her Albft bushbb trimE®ft fold 2ft stacks
backpack) S£0 | OfL|a aS. ^ m Aft! - AHf/A /#3 SS HAf
( B ) o Al aS. <W7 f ! a £i
( C ) § S. 0fAf7l 0 t£| Sa Sib(is hiking on an outdoor path) ( B) AftN Sfe § A ® 0|§9 aS. AltjOll SS. fiJ|=Kstreet signs)
a£0|a^ gs. as.
°| H^O| MO|X|
(D) AIS01I &b § A ® OlSfi- as. Afc]0|| SS( a tunneDS H£0 | M (C) HAf aS. bb(bushes) 0 | ftHOiAlJI Si-blare being trimmed)
O |A | a°H? as. a o | OIL|H^ as.
^ «
( D) f §Al as. ftA ®( chairs)0| 23 0 | jl SiHare being folded
and stacked) aS0| OlL|ELsL aS. '
4 M Au -
6 M - Cn
£a sift.
( A ) Some cushions have been laid on the floor.
(B) SA 171 SAJIEOII ( B) Books have been piled up by a glass door .
(C ) SA 171 99
(D) SA171 Eis ftftoil bM #a Sift.
( C) A light fixture is suspended from the ceiling.
(D) A rug has been rolled up against a wall.
ft ?l plug S sfft, ft wall outlet a® bbii. cupboard 92
^ ^
kneel down ft-fri lift
(A ) ¥ 4«0 | dlft0|| Sift.
(B) »ais Soil *fto| yoj sift.
°Ha 1S 9 AIS - Alif SSf / EH HAl
^ (C ) AS 7p7l 92011 DHSft SEl.
(A) AltJOil &b SAl# 0| 9 as. AlSOil AS 7lM( a shopping (D) S^H7i SftAi soil 7|t:noi Sift.
cart) S asoi MOM a°g ? as. * °i?l lay #ft bft pile up SOI- sftft light fixture aS ®
, 7
( B ) AlAiCHI Sb SA ® 0| 9 as. AISOII SS bba( a wall outlet ) be suspended from ~ i| DHS^f Sift ceiling 92 roll 2ft
2| aso | MOM s°a as.
^ * Al#/# S Al j - AllHAl
( A) Seats have been arranged under some umbrellas.
(B ) Some street signs are being taken down. 7
(C ) Some bushes are being trimmed. w- Br There’s a meeting in the conference room
(D) Some chairs are being folded and stacked. soon, right ?
(A) fta® ON £|Af7l HH1£|O| Sft. M AU - ( A ) Yes, it ’s for the whole department.
(B ) a SA ® o | A |ftA |a sift. (B) No, put it in the closet.
(C ) bbo| ftbftAia SEI. (C) The rent is too high.
( D ) SA ® o | S5l o |a sift.
TEST 5 121
(A) Ml, A1
^mim °!£?
!| |0 | _
(0 24. 224 2 # 224b A|2b b 4bOl| 220143 # b
t \L\m 2
(B )
^ 0 |0
«®0|| bA1|2.
4 #2shlL 422^ 24.
^ .
(C ) £jAMM° ms..
4 ?! conference room 44 s whole 244 closet 42 rent 10
2A1I w- Am I suggest we paint the waiting room light blue.
44 b 4471 Sib I if 44b b7 f 4bb
* M - Cn ( A) Doctor Park has an opening at three.
( A ) 24. 44 O||A1 # 4471 4bA | #b Hboil MI( Yes)4n 44tl-
4 , bAi 241 4444 22 4S4 4bb 4b# SMOp. 422
(B) That ’s a good idea.
( C) I prefer the red jacket.
^ 24.
( B ) 42 44 22. 2b4 roomCHIAI 42 7 fetf closet# Olbtf 22.
4712# 4 #422 m 4b Ai|41fL|4.
( 0 42 44 22. 4b4 roomQllAi 42 7 fe® rent# 0 |b4 22.
(A ) 4 4Al2b 3 A |0|| d |b A |40| 442.
( B) #b 240 IMI2.
(C ) lb “t42H AH !0 | # 012
* ^
44 waiting room MPI# have an opening A | 40 | 42, A|e| 7 l
M- Au Why hasn’t the mural in the lobby been painted
22 Ai|4/ 4b4 2 A1b
yet ?
( A ) 2A1b4 244b 22.
M- Cn ( A) Red and yellow.
( B) Please pick up the ladder.
( B) 24. 47 tel# 5f#22 #5lAfb AII40II 44 #b 40144 b
^ «
£ .Z [2 422 24.
(C) Because the artist is out of town. ^
( 0 42 44 22. 2A1b4 blueO|| A| 42 7 fefi red# 0 |§ff 22.
su| 4tlb 4 oi2 44 A|A | 84a?
(A )
(B )
Af44 # # 4 b22.
(c) mn AI# 471242.
4 ?l mural 44 ladder A124 out of town (2A |§ 22) 2#
M Au Did you know that the music school is closed
on Sundays?
w- Br ( A) Forty dollars an hour.
4b 447 f 012 # 4 A| A | 4b 012# bb Why 4bb
( A ) 42 201 22. sb—I paintedO|| Ai 42 7 fbtf Red 4 yellow #
( B) No, I didn’t know that .
( C) I saw the piano recital.
0 |#tf 22.
#2 427142# o||b b# 2b 4b 42 7114 42?
( B) 42 201 22. 2b4 paintedOllAi 42 7|#2 ladder # 0 |btf
( A ) tt A|4CH| 4044444.
a o
( B ) 01L|25|
( 0 24. £b | 012 4 A |A | 4b o |#S °b bboil m? l A |
S ^
(C) Aib H|0l2 4 t| # & 42.
# 47 | 44 A122 2 1124 o |°# 1|A|42 422b 24.
* * ^
4 ?l recital HS2l, 4b4
22 #2 QML7 \ 424011 b# 2b 3b 44bA| #b aSAf (Did)
9 4bb
( A ) 2b4 244b 22. How much 2bbdl 44 20 |HS. 22.
M Cn Do you prefer writing in the morning or the
( B ) 24. #2 2271 424011b b# 2b 3b 44bA | #b 2bo||
OIL|2( NO)42 444 H b&43 b2 442 4bb 4b# 9#
w- Br ( A ) My publisher requested edits.
0 |2 422 24.
( B) Thanks for providing a solution. ^
( C ) 42 24 22. sb—I music schoolO|| Ai 42 7122 piano
(C) Mornings are usually better for me.
recitalb 0|bb 22.
ib 22011 Mb 4 228 WI2, 0124 2#a|| Mb 4 2 4
(A )S5W0IW 42b 22 32.
(B )mm *1I#4 bA1Ai 2A1222. ^ 12
(C) 2# 2201 2 #012. w- Am How do I find the office manager?
M - Cn ( A) The receptionist would know.
oi?l publisher #2Al edit 42. 24 solution 442. 44
(B) Desk lamps and headsets.
4b 2sofb A|2# bb 24 4bb (C) Twelve euros.
( A ) 42 201 22. sb2 writingO||A1 42 7 f#2 publisher edits
# OlHtf 22.
( B ) 2b4 224b 22.
mn sra Aig# awt- aa b 3#4£? 15
(A ) am s^oi # Tioiia. w- Br I’ll be out of the office this afternoon.
(B) bSbAgJZ4
^* M-Au (A) An awfully long commute.
(c) i2
^sa ( B) OK — I’ll update your schedule.
CH?I receptionist 34 SSAt (C) It ’s right down the hallway.
£W L# 34b sa# bb How 4bb
(A ) S3. ALgS
34b gfg# bb 3b0|| am SlfiOl it 7i
xig a# a
(A )
^oii A^AJOII 3# m&.
## ?mggaoia
3 33 AH# 3W bZL QjQH ^ ga (B) aaoifi. ass# adioiMttTifl.
( B) 3S EKH aa Sb3 officeOilAi 3S 7 fbB Desk Lamps# 0 ® (C) #a# 447 L3 at# °W 2.
a 23. oj?l awfully S3, #AI commute H# (7-|E|) hallway
( 0 3S 34 aa 3b3 How # HOW much . #b #3# 3b a
S 7 fga euros# oiga *H3 S£ aaa| gAffi
( A) aS aW S3. SAib3 officeO||Ai 3S 7 fb3 commute # 0 |g
a £3.
S3. b# abdl AL SOII si# SAlboil 334( 0K)n 4
( B)
SB fl, 3SS# Sd|0 | ESRj(
| #34 333 4b# 3#
M Au When did you place the order for the lumber? om 3°°b S3.
w- Br ( A) Yes, it ’s a great place for hiking. (0 as aw b3. SA]g°| officeOIIAI as 7 feB hallway # 0 |gg
• ( B) It ’s out of stock right now. £3.
(C) The warehouse on William Street. m
b H bb# 34 H
( A ) Ml, SK)|g 8|7|0|| oig #g Spoils. 16 in
(B) xisssgoioia w-Am Are you taking a vacation once this project is
(c ) tws 7 ioii absss. over ?
bb# 34 lumber gAH out of stock -
°\$\ place anHHorder
L 3b warehouse ffs
M Au ( A) Yes — I ’m planning a trip to Barcelona.
(B) This is your second time, isn’t it ?
* (C) Blueprints for a high -rise building.
*H 3 gAH bb AIS# gb When
#71 aa. When 4bb0||b Yes/ No #301 #7 fe H o | ssa|M7
( A ) Yes / No
^ ( A) .
Ml #
L 4B #7it- 7is 37 L&?
SMS 011« zj- 71|4!0|0|| O.
TEST 5 123
#E| U m\ 0 \ m 2M 5LHA® 7||A|tfA|Ck 20
(A ) #M# SW77FXI EHAIS m\ Em # 7i0j| o
(B) xii7nr
w- Br Who paid for lunch?
(c ) M# n# H301&. M - Cn ( A ) I just ate.
( B) It closes at five.
M3 post 7||A |6 H3 sales report 22 share ##5k3 (C) Alberto did.
hiring n# decision US
333# #7iy M£?
M3 Al|0|/ oo| gAi°
( A ) #A|- 2# £a. 2 Ai #M reports iT# 0 | °Altl
( A ) A) # 3# M2M £.
(B) n#b 33 AMI 20 m.
airport# 0 |b3 £2. (c) WMS.
( B) 3a. 2 Hm|0|A|0|| 22 ILAim TilAiaiAfe 1| K»| CH H #20|
^ ° ^ * M3 333# LJ AW# ## who M##
#4 ? > m # M Ma#
^ am
(0 # A|bM 322# #3. ( A) <33 2M £2. 3#M lunchOIIAI 23 7|#fi ate # 0 |#tt £2.
( B) 3#M 3#a# £3.
(0 3 3. 33 HA# 2 A ®0| ##2A| °# 3#0|| 2«ll=S7l cm
23 #£ 5i2£^ 33.
M- Au Which airline are you planning on using?
w- Br ( A ) The usual one. 21
(B) A one -way ticket.
(C) Yes, you can use mine. -
M Cn How many employees work in your
department ?
m »#A»oi»# TjiuoiAm? w - Am ( A ) I don’t mind taking notes at the meeting.
( A) 33A| 0|#5lb # 0|£ . ( B) A couple dozen, I think.
(B) 52. (C) It ’s seven meters long.
(C ) M|, l|
* a “A|£ £H2.
M3 airline S@Af
23M #A-M|Ai ##81# 3##
( A ) t|2MIA| turn# M£
^ 227m?
M3 0|## ff #AHI ## Which 2|b# (B) 242 SESlfeaaol-fl.
(A) 33. OIJ = 9#A » os
# 32*1 ## a# ou «
#AI OI#M# # (C) a0|7|- 7 Q |E|0llfi.
0|am 23 2°H^ 3a. Which M##0)|A1# the ~ one 0 | M3 take notes oHS^IM a couple dozen 247H 3^
ga s AI# ##8H-i m bAk
° M3 3 # 4# ## How many Mb#
( B) 23 2M £3. 3#M airlineO|| Ai 23 7 f#tf one - way ticket #
( A ) 23 2M #2. 3#M departmentOHAj 23 7 f#3 meeting #
oBffl #2.
( C) Yes/ No #71 £2. Which M##0)|# Yes /No #201i 7 fes[£ oise aa
( B) 3a. #Ai 3# 4# ## a#oii 243 3 M# a a m
aaa ^ ^
sasm °Ai2£5 3a.
(0 23 20) £a How manyOllAi 23 7|#e #A|- seven# 0 |# e
M - Cn Where’s this shipment of parts being sent ?
w- Br ( A ) Around five thirty this evening.
( B) To the assembly plant in Dublin.
(C) Just half the order. -
M Cn We should leave for our training course soon,
shouldn’t we?
0 |2 # # 4## 0) E|S MLHb 27lfi?
w- Br ( A) We still have a few minutes.
(A) ## AiM 5 A| 30b#0|£ . (B) There’s a map on the wall.
(B) CHM #!0|| a# £2 ggosa (C) Two sessions per day.
(C ) ## 322 m
M3 shipment 43. To CD assembly 3S2 plant #3
O|A|| # 7lot
( A) 013 * # A| °JO)°.
M3 # # 3±# # # Where M##
(B ) 2M A|£7|- 2iO)£.
( A ) 3#M 3#a# S3. When M##o) l M2 #B0 |H £3. (c ) mo\\ 4a # 7ns.
( B) 3a. ## 3^# 3#0|| mm 2# #30|am M3 session Ttl , I2
>VCH 7
#A)|32 3 # 33
^ J OD
° ^ 3a .
(0 23 20) £a. 3#M shipmentOllAi 23 7|#2 order # 0 |#3 M3 # 5L# 0|| 7101 5l#A | 322# #71 M# #
( A) 3a. 01 11 # 7|0l 5l#A| ° # 3#o|| o|3 % # A|#K) |
23. *
2MM 013 # IA| aom 3# °M3 agsm 3a.
(B) #b# #49b 24.
( C) 9# 44 24. #b# training courseOllAi 9#
' '
sessions ( A ) 2 7 W|0|fe # #271 442.
# 0 @9 24. (B ) Ml, # # Ail 7 W 4 0 [H[EO
(C) DH oii ffiaW7MHsao|fl.
4?l layout 4# charging station ##2, ##7 |
23 *H# #2 #if# 9 MS -
w-Am Isn’t there a limit on travel expenses? ( A ) gAM# 24.
M - Au ( A ) To fix the vending machine. ( B)bAl 98 24. 9#£# departmental bb#22 9801 SAffi
(B) One hundred dollars per day. apartment # 0 |#tt 2.4.
(C) Next to the travel agency. (C) §4. #9 2# H| |x|7l dffl44b 9*1 011 DN30II #4*1# *H2
#44 #9 SM dHx |7l di4 o | °i- 94 b2 4°H^ § 4.
« SH|o|| #2# 4 1 942?
( A ) 1# # # 444422.
(B) W 100940| |°.
(C ) ojfSAigoiifi. 26
o\ $\ limit £14, #2 travel expense ##4 fix 44 14 w-Br Can you look at this month’s revenue report ?
vending machine 19# M- Cn ( A) The news program is informative.
* (B) I have some free time tomorrow afternoon.
*H # ftSU|0|| #271 4b*l #93lb #bb (C) He started that position in July.
( A ) #b# #99b 2%. Why #bbO|| |® # #0 |H2 24.
M- Cn When should I tell the director that I’m (A ) 9# 44 24. #b# report# 224 442 2® 44 9# # «
interested in the management position? #4 news# 0 |§4 24.
(A) Yes, we’re extending our business hours. ( B) 94. 44 22AM 4 94b 2# o|| Ml# 2 O|| A|#O| 444
(B) Didn’t Andrey direct the play ? 49 ## 4## 4# #2 fi l2 4222 §4.
^ » ^ *
(C) I’m not on the hiring team. (0 #24 #442 24. #2011 34# 49 AI He2 1# # 9#o | 4
44 # 014222 24.
Aii7i 44 # oii 2# oi 44= a SBWOIMI 9# um
< m2?
( A ) Ml, # #b 99 AI9# 4 #42 442.
(B) 4J= M|0 |7l 2 94# 9#4 l 4442?
(C) lb AH# 40| 0140112.
* 27
44 management position 44 # extend 4#44, #44 w-Am Why haven’t the windows been replaced yet ?
direct 9##4, 98SH4 M - Au ( A ) Not too much wind, no.
( B) Look in the filing cabinet.
5 « # # 4401141 99 A|7»bb When #bb ( C) Did you see the cost estimate?
#7 f##22
( A ) Yes /No
#7 f 24. When #bb0||b Yes/ No
*401 #b# # oi# amm ass?
4#4 24. #b# director # 4#4 21414 direct# 0|§# 24. ( A ) di4o | 24 o | # A | 4oi2.
( B)
( 0 # 4. 44 # oil 4# o | 44b 9 # 9 K>IMI 99 A |7 bb #b » ^
( B ) b i 299# 2A1I2.
* s@ 3l2 42
(C) 4# Ai# 2442?
oil *l#b AM40 I 01444 9* 1 blf# b## 22
22 # 4.
4 # replace 2*||5 fcl filing cabinet b i 244 cost estimate
9# 1
m §§8 mm\ 9b oi## #b why #bb
25 24. #b°l windows # bb#22 9801 A ® wind
w-Am The layout of the footwear department has
(A ) bAl
changed. *
# 0 | 9 24.
( B) #b# #44b 24.
M-Au ( A) There’s a charging station in the cafe. ( 0 # 4. oi# jnjflsiAl 4b o | °l- sb- -
#boil 4 # AM 24
(B) Yes, a three- bedroom apartment. bA|# #24Ai 4# Aio xi A # | tH24# 4##22 94 2
|| | |
d [
td .
(C) The store has a new manager. Li- Olons
TEST 5 125
28 5 S 7 KHI isnoiw e.K-fe Tii ##42, owe =L
# 0|| 2fe mmM SLfe Ti| # #7 o ?
W- Br Isn’t your suitcase going to be heavier than the
permitted weight ? ( A)nHMa|Afoi|7i| S4 # o|M£.
(B) 0|-L|Sj 3HS0|a-
M- Cn ( A ) The building permit arrived today.
(C) b|gO |i |DH4 £L|fi?
( B) There are seats in the lobby.
(C) I’ll have to pay a little bit extra. BS department store BBS cost B#0 | #4
M- Cn By the way, 34 yoiTII need a special cable to yxfe ifiss summon?
connect to the control panel in that room. ( A)
Here, you can use this one. Just leave it
plugged in when you're finished.
(B) 7 |
(c )
^XK>I| ||
7 I
(B) s 0| ia|A| afecf.
^ yxi7i DiAim CHANAI ZL mu AiicHsoii
7iio IMO i ism
need a special cable to connect to the control panel
(c) SSSIEW atfech in that room) 0|aiDl 0171, 0|1M&KHere, you can use this one)ZL
(D) tt |7 fajf7 | dffl cf.
^ ^ U§1H ( C)0 | cl.
available 0 |§m 4 suddenly1 171
^ *
AW Aim sa - om essfe £ n
W7l CHAMlAi asa S|0|10||A1 IS
* Sfal 2feE|| 7|
35 - 37
7 |0l| — ^ ^|E|7 f 7W S cKl’m practicing my presentation in
the conference room across the hall, and the projector in there
W- Am Hi 35 I'm Amanda Hoffman, and I'm on the
keeps shutting off )H ifflOI 512
^ gB£ ( C) 0|ch panel of publishing experts. I was told to
Paraphrasing dHl2| keeps shutting off check in here at the registration desk .
- mi^-l is not working
* M- Au Yes, Ms. Hoffman. Welcome to the
Portland Literary Conference. 36 Here's
your registration packet, which includes a
33 gift card to thank you for participating.
What does the man suggest doing? W- Am Oh, thank you. Just to confirm, the panel
( A ) Moving to a different room .
discussion begins at three P.M , right?
(B) Calling a technician M- Au Yes, but 37 we do ask that all panel
(C) Canceling an event members arrive ten minutes beforehand . I
( D) Ordering some supplies hope you enjoy the conference !
TEST 5 127
»1 37
^nDhojLlQK £ x\°2L7 \ 4£OjE||£.
OR ## ClIAHOllAi iHOia H* What does the man tell the woman to do?
^ gif t^[ |Q||BKO\ . ( A ) Arrive early
Ml, SME wi.
Op| ## °!LH
^AJ 3»
7 F H AU1 SMWCfe
(B) Pay a fee
S|D |S| 4r«« £ 0| L|CK
^ ^ 5
(C) Wear a name badge
* ^
A L|Ch mo \ x\ Ol MfeMI, Ml a £#0| 9.W- 3A|0i|
(D) Choose a menu option
^ ^»
AF- fsfe sra?
^ y H=r o\ x\m\ SJ ShaKn.
y MI, swei- s nny 10 mai smu gap.
( A) £Sffl7|
^ *
2*|£EL|II 5i L|cK t[t|0i|A1 #£ A|y MMWffi!
(B) £g | p|
(c ) gwir i
1?l publishing Ml registration B literary frtjo|
° ^
registration packet BB EM nH7| | gift card oi?| fee £# .
participate confirm
beforehand ! &!, Af*ioi|
^ Ml # Af|“ A ® - yxf7 f 01 K)1|71| sfaflL If g
y f7l nwet CHAI01IA1 any SWl|7l| 108 o | a| E.m it
* ^
BfH sysiH 5icKwe do ask that all panel members arrive ten
35 minutes beforehand!) ! gop §98 ( A)0 |cf.
What industry does Amanda Hoffman work in?
Paraphrasing cHSHM arrive ten minutes beforehand
(A) Hospitality
( B) Healthcare
-> §9°| Arrive early
(C) Publishing
( D) Information technology
38- 40
0 f fc|- snofg CHCD|
( A ) §§ A1U| A
^ 71|01|A1 Sfe7l?
W Br 38 I'm looking for a gift for my brother 's
°P birthday party this weekend. He loves
(c) m
teas, and you have so many varieties !
^ 7 i# M- Cn Well, 39 l could recommend a quality brand
°H # m\ LH§ - OKWssyo] if you know what type he enjoys .
01 171 L\\ x \o\ \ M KI!8 Oiyq- ssgoiDi
* * *j=7|- nHy (rm W Br- Oh, I'm not sure. Hmm. Maybe I should get
Amanda Hoffman, and I ’m on the panel of publishing
experts)0|Ep £7||SP joq ? gag (C)0|CK him a gift card so he can choose his own.
M- Cn That 's a good idea .
W- Br I 'll get one for 50 dollars. 40 Do your cards
have an expiration date?
M- Cn Yes. We ask that they be used within one
According to the man, what is included in the
registration packet ? year of purchase.
( A ) A map
(B) A gift card oi o|«j moil KB m nfE| AI# # §P K 0\2L .
(C) A schedule of events
y#§8 m so^fedi yy # # = 71- °mi
(D) A certificate of attendance y
^MBm ois m ow=*i oiAis #8
| HE.B MMI E.B T KO\2..
y WI P OHH HH7 | |01| 0 | 5®£|0)
* * ^ 5i 7l?
^ oi oi, gsafliMia. B-
^yoi SMIy#ys
(A )
*|E A
O Olfi.
(OfSAfgga y
(D) Ol 50ya| E|S STMIfi. 7|E0||
^ 7RfO| SWfi?
o|?l manufacturer guarantee §a M A| origin 7 |#
38 ^
What event will the woman attend this weekend? m A® 3
7 | 0|
( A ) A wedding - 0il
OPW U \ X \°\ CHAKHIA1 7 (H
^ °!bA |( Do your cards
)- - H ! i ° ( A )0 | c|-.
(B) A birthday party
(C) A retirement dinner
have an expiration date?! ! ° ^ ^
( D) A graduation celebration
ojxfe o |y
(A )
Offl SAfOll
^W ^?l f?
41- 43 3fflq »
(B) m
nFE| M - Au Thanks for meeting with us, Ms. Raj.
(C) £| 7 M MM
(D) #S 7|BS|Af
41 We 're
excited to learn about the product
your company has developed for factories
o|?l retirement celebration 7 y t Af
^! opw
^ like ours.
AII A® && - om ^ AF tell you about it. 42 It 's an
01 171 ! WoM oia «fo |
* | *
m HIE| £i##
W-Am I 'm happy to
application to monitor factory machines .
Sl^Kl'm looking for a gift for my brother ’s birthday party this It identifies problems in operations and
weekend!) !1fSp. S&-8- (B)0|CK generates a report about the efficiency of
each machine.
M -Cn That sounds great ! We have about 100 H
machine operators here. How much m
39 training would be involved?
What does the man offer to do?
W- Am About an hour 's worth. 43 We provide a in
(A) Authorize free shipping
video with step - by- step instructions.
( B) Apply a discount
(C) Provide a sample M- Au Excellent . That 's good to know .
(D) Make a recommendation
teM VLfrMM A ®L| , ^te AA|. flAKHW 1*| as 52#
z\mz. ^ ^
xlsH 7IW® fllgoil HHSH <U 4 SJO] 7HL|ch
(A ) SHH£ 6eW7|
(B) tfti 3 171 Oj Sf #=E|7|| £|CH 7 |HB|fi. 5® 7|7||# fiL|E|5 fe
(C) M iBsM
^ ssnaswcf. 2#22| £ ll H®5p. 2f 7 |7||2|
* ! *f7|
(D) « ® S# 2<>|| fSH SZLAH-
^ ^tfLlCh
o |5o|| 1003 °l 7 |7|| 7 |Al7l ° [bd|S.
0® authorize ££]5|cf apply ^ 2
m 0| * n \L\ HflSf7 f£?
AII« A ® - feM2i m A ® ^51-
5! y AHOl CH §#£| AH #7i DlAfeAl <M
0|A|O||A| OjX ®
01 °f ^« |K] #££# flISSH
3 ire #E £HHi |
^ ^
JTKI could recommend a quality
- M
brand if you know what type he enjoys)H lloKlI O b i—
( D) 0 |ch
oj ?| application §§ CH# identify
Paraphrasing cHsf2| recommend t|£]5Hd operation 2#, £§ generate •
43 Who most likely is the man?
What does the woman say her company can provide? ( A ) A theater employee
( A ) A new client discount (B) A taxi driver
(B) A training video (C) A train conductor
(C) An extended warranty (D) A construction worker
(D) Customer testimonials ysfe ±
^0131^7 ft
cwtr 333 337133# 1l#tt 4 2m iWfc7 f? ( A ) 333#
33 £3 It #
(A )
* (B) iijA| £*\ X\
(C) 133 #
(C) #3 (D) oAf 3¥
713 33
(D) £3 3 #
^ o® conductor (3 4 71 13) itm#, 3¥# constructional
^ *
o® extend #333 warranty #3 Sf§ i testimonial 33 s
* ^ nm 3*n u s s a - y A ® sia
nm A ® 33 - oi i3 m?\ ii§ir 4 ate a 01 171 51 mm\M M£# 33011 7lBji tt3d’d like
* * * ) ! 3 1, dm
to go to the
3(Sure) 3, £ A | d|
01 171 3 13 cH K>1|A1 3711* 3 # o | 33 #33# H3sH £3(We
* * *
provide a video with step - by - step instructions!
Baldwin Theater!
* ^
3 LH 3B!3(I just dropped someone off in that area!
) ! itshi! ife
h ! #-P-ELS
) ! 3 c>!
sof i«A| £333# it 3 33. ddM ddm (B)o|3.
39S (B)O|3.
M-Au 47 Ms. Tamura has just given us approval
to send three. In fact, 48 the clients are
What is causing a problem?
looking to expand their online service
( A ) A truck is too heavy.
options, and the third representative we're
(B) An event has been delayed.
bringing is particularly knowledgeable
(C) A parking area is full.
about that.
( D) A road is closed,
W- Br OK . I guess we'll have to find savings
somewhere else, then.
( A ) EEH0 | Li°
(B) M-Au I've already looked into some new meeting
venues. 49 The Renova Hotel is offering
(C )
(D) £S7 fB|WffllCh discounted corporate rates this month.
o\ m delay I2IA|7|C|-
* oi y si2|o| o\\m\ CPH gxi x \&
«ng Aii f xm- - mm 01#
^ oAi| o ? n# g sg xm asmtedia.
x\ \ % CHAKHIA- xm flag £Af go ] g sf oife flHS. B gef Myigofcfi.
^know 7
^ j
they re resurfacing Circle Drive?)
^xKdid you
Wy cHAKHlAi y
^ up All £LHB x\u ,
71£ moiM l§ 7-|AEi zjg 7|aga|
4 2W(I can turn onto *
H7-Ij0| afoj Aib| A
^ mm gzffi sft. yyo
Felton Street and cut over to Lancaster Drive)H Hofe |t|7|- d|B|7 fe Ail M VI ZL X|g0| y0 f£.
MOI xm m mmai# y 4 m. n aw (D)OICL *SBJ|£ |Ch ZLgCl Cl# OilAi gefg^
* 01 L
^ ^ m
y o | | AH £|2| 4hn1^z. ° . Eilindf 21U0I
l 0jo
oia you 7 g°i sy # flysHAia.
46 U1
What does the man say he will do?
oi?| budget 0||g upcoming Ef7|SBt = 5M
(A ) Ask for a refund
representative dlfi, flaiEi approval ?] expand
(B) Take a different route
particularly VI
(C) Postpone a trip
knowledgeable OfB 2!0 | LUE saving
^ venue
(D) File a complaint
corporate 7 l y , s|Af°| rate SB
y fe “SI# ^
(A )
^ ^71?
TEST 5 131
48 coordinator, so I'm hoping you might have
According to the man, what do some clients want to some ideas on how we can attract more
do? community involvement .
(A) Increase their online offerings M - Cn Well, 511 recently read an article about
( B) Obtain additional financing a museum in Chicago that has a room
( C) Open a new office where visitors can paint on the walls.
( D) Recruit more employees It 's become very popular. We could try it
here — we have that huge room on the third
feTXK >|| DtSE,!
!35 2
( A) 5£f 2J £ XII55fe 3!M7|
Sfe7 f?
floor that isn't being used.
(B) mm mm W- Am That 's a great idea. 52 Can you draft a list
(C ) AH AHM ip | of the supplies we would need to make
(D) sure we have the budget for them?
oi?| obtain dtf , S| 4|c|- additional
recruit AHgufct
^ financing Ag,
o| 2ftJ6Wlfi. 415 °B| HfKf 2155 EW
Soil CHsH °H-W 0H 7| LMrOiaSteLlCh #Alff§-
°Hs m A ® - nm t \n -yo] afe g 5£W>|A|L| oi Tii ais x \q A ® mm 3 o| oj g
dm % OHAKHIA-1 Jim Aid| A «
SfcHtt z ® am °>
£ f ( the clients are looking to expand their online service options)
» ^ ^^ ^
S A| O|7 0 | oio
JL am (A) o|ch
», 415 Ai^ moii ^ »
55 7|A wsifeEifl.
^ |@zi » *MI nH# nH 4 £U|AJO|
SiOlS . ° F
] | a| B0H312. 0j7|Ai£EA|£5HM
7 7
Paraphrasing d|t|-£| expand their online service options
Increase their online offerings 4 S L| »*
Cf. 3# 0|| A S| | STfe jAl Ol
^ ^
oi ss azfoiMifl. oii tfoi sfeAi
49 ## 22 » ^ 4 2Mfi?
According to the man, what is the Renova Hotel
m decline outreach IfAf coordinator
offering this month?
( A) A new shuttle service
. * »
SS5 dd l attract 50 W #E| o (
involvement 5&I, 7H popular 2]7|
(B) A discount for businesses
draft 22 sf£S|c|- budget o||5
(C) A flexible cancellation policy
( D) Complimentary meals
dw \
(A ) |
^=5, i- mui SIB oiy iron ^s»
A £5 A|# A| |
d A
What problem does the woman mention?
( A) A decrease in ticket sales
(B) 7IH 521
(c ) md
(B) A lack of exhibition space
( D ) S IAf (C) A colleague’s resignation
^ ^ (D) A damaged painting
of ?| flexible complimentary °S2|
ofAfe 2®3fe7 tf
“ A ® ss - ai|Jr dl mo\ 015 m\ Ail^afe a
A1| .
( A) 2155 BDH
dm am cHAfoflAd 3^3 sMo \ o |£ Soil 7 |a 1ft! m ( B ) 3M 55
tfcKThe Renova Hotel is offering discounted corporate rates (C ) 5S2|Af j
this month)Il ttSfcn.
= *
( D ) m ll£
51 M- Cn One of our best sellers !
recently read*
^ oi|
^ al 4
^ 011 is, 0|^£ Aj J 7 \2 JU|0j|
77 H _ | O M 0
an article about a museum in Chicago that has ^ J= 4
a room where visitors can paint on the walls) Bl ?J 7 |7|- gg8| M aJ
|2# * | # 5feG|
(A )
°I# M2
53- 55 3 TO
^ (B) Ajg
(C ) a ®
W- Br Thilo, 53 this is Ms. Gao, a new customer. (D) 7R 2
She's purchasing an upholstered sofa. We 2 11 L @ @ - TO2l 94
| g
just walked around our showroom, and * i
TEST 5 133
purchasing an upholstered sofa)0|E|u! 5!if 0!
|! i M0 |- M - Cn 56 The
mmz 7 ffso!w m sr 4 m.
° ^
gas ( D)OIQK
machines have been assembling
them . They 're almost ready. Right over
Paraphrasing sofa -> furniture
W-Am Wow, they look so nice!
M- Cn 57
Look at the curved shape of the back .
54 The only way you can get that unique
shape is by means of the specialized laser
According to the man, why will a product cost more?
we use.
( A ) It includes an extended warranty.
(B) It is a custom order. W-Am Amazing ! Can I also see the pullout sofa ?
(C) A rebate has expired. M - Cn Not right now. It 's being treated with
(D) Shipping will be expedited. mineral oil. But 58 later today I should be
able to take a photo and send it to you .
y M
* <3,
*IBS 3 7^013 m w&v?
(B) 01 a«SWI£ # u|. —— # Sj-eisfai £32.
^ XIROICK mn £ioi 7
!32_ELsL ga lr (C)0|cK
) !. Hof! 01A 171 5J HHAK>I|A1 |xms mm £|0i 7 hb |( How are the chairs
some identification!
^ coming along?) f Af yAf7|- 7|7l|0||Ai 13!
! $!3(The machines
have been assembling them!
) ! soft!51— 201 s|A ®S 2|A|#
SSoiW qm 3 4 rn. 333 gas ( B)0|CK
56 - 58
you about leading the team after she's
What feature does the man emphasize about some
chairs? W- Br 61 Yes, and I've thought about it. It 's a big
( A) The color step up, even for someone like me who 's
(B) The price worked in Sales for eight years. And
(C) The shape Human Resources hasn't even posted the
(D) The durability job description yet.
M-Au Well, we need someone with experience.
yxfe 2W2| CHS mm 3^8fe8?
(A ) m
(B) AA 8 SftjSWIfl, AAI. 88 8 A|7 f 8# soil
(C) S8
(D) Lfff £! CiLfAfe g gs 881t 7-10110 . XIPI i§- £] A ®# HH Ai°|
01 [
i8 feature 8, 7 fe emphasize
° ^ 8888 Oi LilS o M|7|. HH42
*H8 M\ m AHf ss - urn assfe sm ns
8 § API Sfe
LIS 82 MU H# OlSOf
^458 0|0p|5HLfo?
m SWH LHAfOllAi fjgo| ^ Soof§ MBKLook at the curved
mm 8# 4 01 HI , 7p|oi| CH5H gzfSH %0\2.. saU0||A| 8SS 88
shape of the backH
» AW0fl7||£ £ 0|S. SAIY 0IIA1 OfZj 84
*can a||0 |X 482! ul^KThe only way you At
7|#A1# #E|J|
get that unique shape is by means of the specialized laser
we use)H 3M0|n flog? (C)0|8. a 8, Afifoi m
m\ retire 885KT, rrSlsfQ firm s|Af dozens of 488
imagine 88^H8 approach (Lpl8A|) 8# 3KT, in
58 8E H8 post 7||A|8fc|- job description 84 7|#A|
What does the man say he will do later ?
( A ) Modify a design 59
( B) E-mail a contract
What will happen next month?
(C) Create an invoice
(A) An award will be given.
( D) Send a photo
(B) A new product will launch.
a*H= L sraiqoi m^ A?
( A ) H|AfO ] 83SPI
(C) A colleague will retire.
( D) An office will relocate.
(B) 0|D||8S. 7j|ofAlMLH7 |
(C) mM 88871
8 iroii 448012 »asm?
(A ) 80148m
(B) 8Al| 0 | SA|m
88 modify contract 7j|8(A|) invoice 85A1 ^
(© ss7Hi im
m AH A® as - a*w L®OII tt a (D) Mmm oiaa8.
^Apl Dp|°f CHAKHIA1 01871- AEli- 88 MLH # 4 plater today
I should be able to take a photo and send it to you)H 88.11
88 award 8 launch #A |E|8, 7HA|8 fc|- colleague
relocate Ol jsfcf
si Hssa (D) oi8.
_ c® go||
° ^ *H8 Ai|“ A ® °d
yxpi cHAKflW £ Api son 85 #228(1 just
heard that Ms. Yoon is retiring next month)H 88-2. 8
59- 61 astern
Paraphrasing cU88 Ms. Yoon is retiring
M- Au Hi, So - Jin. 59 l just heard that Ms. Yoon is
-> 888 A colleague will retire.
retiring next month.
W Br I'll be sorry to see her go. She was my
mentor when I first joined the firm, and
we've worked on dozens of projects
together. What department do the speakers work in?
( A) Sales
M - Au 60 It's a bit hard to imagine our sales team
(B) Human Resources
without her. 61 Has anybody approached (C) Legal
(D) Accounting
TEST 5 135
OjM J=* A|o||Ai SJ8fe7 ft M- Cn Actually, it is. You can find the article in
( A) last November's issue of Theater Sound .
(B) ]Al
° “ It 's posted online.
( C)
(D) m
W-Am Great I'll look . it up.
sail LH§ && - 2fJ
M- Cn Oh — 64 my train leaves in fourteen
m Q\W \ M £
^m| ^Ai
minutes. I have to get going. Safe travels,
a bit hard to imagine our sales team without her)H §toKH
Camille !
01 SBSW LH OI M° # CHS. «i
61 ^ ^ ABOII SH
fllosH«! SM71S. 01EI KHI aia« +fl? AW| | Mi
7 L 5
4it 1 o W
62- 64 Lf|il + A|7h
(D) They viewed some real estate.
^ »SfiH^o| ?^ l? | 7
W Am Rajesh, 62 it ( A ) 2 # MSfck
was nice to see you here in
New York again this year. ( B)
tfnoii mm.
(C ) na| yyck
M- Cn Same here. 62 l look forward to attending
the Theater Technology Conference again
^ «
# a| ci.
oj ?| real estate
next year.
W- Am 631 really enjoyed your talk, especially the A1|
“ AHf ea - tFAhiOl y^Oll o[fc 0|o
0|Af l 5! LHAfOllAI Oj7 |
^ | 1 CfA| °| | l| | | ^ f^CKit
-7 0| A L -7 £E 0
information you provided on acoustics . Is
it published anywhere? I 'd like to have a was nice to see you here in New York again this year)H slAf,
y f7|- LHL401I CIA| 71# tft|0|| mV 0| Lj° 7|CfS|acKl
closer look.
look forward to
attending the Theater Technology Conference
again next year )H HohH ?i H ( B ) 0 | ch
° ^
M-Cn Great choice. By the way, 67 we just
opened our new patio this week in case
What does the woman ask the man about ?
you'd like to sit outside .
( A) Locating some information
(B) Applying for a position W -Br Actually, it is a beautiful day. 67 And your
(C) Opening a branch office patio looks lovely.
( D) Making a reservation
y ga|°jL|Ch # SMS MZl #2.A|
^ ^
^m\n ^SJOII m
( A) §M 5T7|
^|0|| ME0IIA1 My 4 MBM .
oi St , mm *H± m? \ sraoi MOIUIA. sms?
(B) °jx \ z \ xffispl
y oigot g§si s iaaEfS7ii£ x © yy
( )
apply for ~oil Al sM 01 ZLgCl
^ EpH-W a@7||fi.
CH?I locate °|A|S-
branch office A|A|-
^ y §J ZI 2 0|£ ZLBjCil , A|
fl . « 0 f £|0i| yn y
°AM3 0|*1
AH xm aa - owai °oj ^X 011 AHy-AA|7| ^ _
\ #L|| o Ei|afA £ §0|- soma.
Ol f 7|-
* ^ CHAfOllAi SS Al Oll £f 8H
^ a §M7|-
^ -
64 £1. Vegetable Ul
Look at the graphic. Where will the man travel to next ? curry
(A) Shady Grove 2. Hamburger
( B) Braddock Bay platter
( C) Largo
663. Lasagna
(D) Ashburn
4. Mushroom
AM SMOII °i3fy, yxfe M-s-oii om ogs pasta
( A ) A1|0 |C| ZLMM
U||0 |
(B) M
(C) afMZL
^ pr
(D) oHAiy
1 . AHA 7 H11I
*yxf »
AM §M 37 - yxfoj cj- —ois
7 f DfAM CHAKHIAI Aiyol n gxM 14£0| MfficKmy train
ZL, AMfiOJI n|M.y 14
2.|§Ui7i Ai|E
¥0 | MLr
) .
leaves in fourteen minutes!
^ ^
amzi( Largo!IxfOlHS.
( C ) | ch
^ 0 66 3.
4. tH$! nf Ef —
65 - 67 cHth + Dfc
M - Cn Welcome to Orlando 's Deli. If you 'd like to What does the woman ask the man about ?
try one of our daily specials, they 're on the ( A ) Whether a coupon is valid
board behind me. ( B) Whether a food is spicy
(C) Whether a drink is included
W- Br Wow, that 's a great menu 65 The vegetable
( D) Whether any seats are available
curry looks good. Is it spicy?
oiAfe yxfoipii °30|| qjsH # om
M- Cn No, it 's very mild — but we just sold out,
(A )¥ oi %-s.m oi“
^ K?7
unfortunately. ^
(B) # 4|0| DH AI W
W-Br In that case, 66 I'll have the lasagna .
fatf | A| 0l“
(D) iiyoi
| 01«oiJ=A
TEST 5 137
mi w xm - o\m stops at different trailheads.
0\ x\ y \ CHAKHW m\? \
S MKThe vegetable
° .
W- Am Right It looks like the Creek Trail and the
curry looks good) Ql HS IOs it spicy ?)# #!! %L -a . # Sr=- ( B)
^ ° ^ Pond Trail are fairly short. I'd like to do a
o |ch.
more challenging hike.
Paraphrasing The vegetable curry -» # y£| a food .
M - Au OK 69 HOW about the Waterfall Trail?
Ridge Trail
67 y
7 kilometers
(C) 0||9fSf7 |
^ 7 f7| - -''vmm
(D) Sffe.H47 |
y 7km
mi A1|“ A ® 23 - W7 f DfgOll ft u /
#Af7 f DfA|°f CHAKHW #A | 0 t2|0|| 8U 4W3 0 |«j 0i| AH 6 9 5k m
0=1 CH ^
HMcf ( we just opened our new patio this week in case you’ d like
\ <3bli 2km
) ! fAf 0jA|-7|- E||afA £
to sit outside!
^ M? MKyour patio looks %£ x\ m
lovely!) !&\JL Sitb (B)0|cf.
1 km
68 70 cHsh + |£
°1?l ridge 2# cJ°l
* 68
W- Am I 'm excited about our hike today here at What is the woman happy about ?
Marina Park . And 68 l'm so glad we got She happened to meet some friends.
( A)
to the park early before it gets crowded. ( B)
The weather is perfect for an activity.
Which trail should we hike? The park was closer than expected.
Om 7 ®0| S 0 |#fe?
(A) *
immi- eiwp.-
* 71-73
(C) oilSMq- 7\ C\.
(D) &m\ AWO| £ SICK « . .
W-Br Hi, Ms Cho I' m calling from Springdale
A1|JfLA ® fig - OW7 f 7|£0| #£ 0|S.
*m Lights . 71 Yesterday, you ordered 24 of our
om 5! 1\W \M SU|7| *jo|| %J3| ggo|| £*mw #cKl’m so glad purple solar lanterns for your upcoming event .
) !.
we got to the park early before it gets crowded! 72 Unfortunately, our supplier won't be able to get
£ S&£ (D) 0 |ch
us purple lanterns for another three weeks, so we
Paraphrasing dllf^l glad Unr^l happy only have yellow ones in stock. 73 We would like
to offer you a ten percent discount on them to
apologize for this. Please call us back to confirm
69 whether you'd like the yellow solar lights, and we'll
set them aside for you.
Look at the graphic. How far will the speakers hike?
( A ) 7 kilometers
(B) 5 kilometers aasiAiifl, s AM. ^saoia moiMSMm.
’ m SAMI
EHaa £2# 247Hw
(C) 2 kilometers # Ma
m\M gas
^ 5® W e 7iam tfL|cK
( D) 1 kilometer H
XHIL71°JtOIS. o|0|S IOH E KJt 1© m
AIZI 3MOII sisra mms sow saw i mm a aepp?
5H Ha|H asdlfl.
A }Z|£|
m AjAj MlWj E|9fl £2 # SSW
^ * in
(A ) 7km
b l gs| A | <£ 0 S U |sH
^L| CL
(B) 5km * ^ * ^ ^^ U1\
(C ) 2km
(D) 1km m\ solar EHSJ2|tEH9a# 0 |g2 upcoming
am ( A) 0 |CK
°1?l rent a^|cK TOSKM - equipment SH|
Stf2| ordered -> Sa^l placed an order
All A ® sa - 3WS I AlltHA# 7|Cfa|fe a Paraphrasing
^ - go | gg
TEST 5 139
sw# CHS1 224#7 f? 4 H|®H 44 immt: JM2. 44££Ai 5! A|S§ °|£ §H|
( A ) 7 Wo | # »q.-
£ Af4#AfJH £ £!
^ MEOfl 2# M£||7|M |fl TTA|7| dHT
(B) 7|7l|# 4E|5H0 ft.Hlh
M2. EflBfcA 4 Ai # 2 324 7M7 W3 1MM. 7 fA|7 | S
^ 0|| A |
73 According to the speaker, what is special about
Osterwind Estate?
What does the speaker offer the listener?
(A) It houses many historic paintings.
( A)
Expedited shipping (B) It was designed by its owner.
A full refund (C) It includes a botanical garden.
A free consultation (D) It is used as a museum.
A discount
tfAlOll CCfscH £ AE]£jc 0]|AE||0|EOJ EWS|:go °OJO|7 [? .
garden 444
, 3 include £#22
^ *
like to offer you a ten percent discount on them to apologize for
HA 171 £24011 £AE|E£ 0||AE||0 |M0|| £4 34 tf 244(Welcome
) !V 8\JL 2Q £ 42# (D) o|4.
this! °
to Osterwind Estate!) 22 A1 0 |4 ±<=>. o \ og o||o| JU|E
* ~
°S sPKThe former owner, Ms. Yuping Wei, was a famous
painter )2£, 0 | A|iijo| mgg o||0 | gg g7j|fi 3(What ’s
special about this estate is that Ms. Wei designed it herself
walkways around the gardens ~) Di E||E|A T OIIAI| |A |2|-
^ of the ordinary o | oj, - 0 |oi- in one’s haste
»^ ^
oj ?| out
# 7 lA|7|-2 l^KYou can pick up a bag and gloves from the patio
) ! W8KH 2 - Af£®AfA ®0 |Dl ft Ai Lfopq stuck S«r fefniWLa
^ 2b reach
area! °° ^ (S3© inconvenient MSS land
cfS 5!# s
oiQk gas (D) 0 |dK
( A ) 7 | #g bb
(B) bfi #2£ ^ sxti ussa - swai sia
Mo y |
(c ) nn JEA ® | f7|-
^5\7\\ \2J=.2.\1 | | Hca ^ \ *js ^ ®
Af- y 3|go|| b!l 2fAi gs®c|-(rm calling because in my haste
(D) E|AJ
* ^
I left a note with Mr. Hang s mobile phone number on my office
’ H
A]|b A ® SS - «A»0| g# 51 desk ) Df , 7 \M gSEffi# bAf oi|A |A |b SLH ifaKl ’ll need in
SfAf7 f DfAl Oil Sb A gAfA ®b 2bAf 2# 4 22
^ ^
( All volunteers are eligible for a complimentary visitor pass ~)
) ! ijolb
you to go into the office and text me with the number!
2!°S. MOf jAfb b|Ai ® 2 4 22. 22A1 22b ( B) 0 |Ch
* °
3L BSP 2 H gSS (B)0 |dK
° ^
Paraphrasing 23f2] a complimentary visitor pass
-> g f £| Free passes
^ 78
Why does the speaker say, “I know this is
inconvenient ” ?
( A) To suggest a deadline extension
(B) To report on an additional cost
M-Cn G o o d m o r n i n g , M s . .
Espinosa This is
(C) To offer an alternative solution
M a r c e l Fournier. It 's Saturday morning, and I' m
( D) To apologize for a request
on my way to the airport. This is a little out of the
ordinary, but 77 I'm calling because in my haste I m\7 [ -gsg 2o afb | 7-1 gop” 2.p gsfe o | °b?
( A ) 7IB 29S Allots!
left a note with Mr. Hang's mobile phone number
(B) b2 2£0|| CHsH MZ!sfBl!l
on my office desk . He's picking me up f r o m the
(C ) enroll 8HgajSA||o 3|jL
airport, and I'll be stuck if I can't reach him. 77» 78 NI (D) fig »5MI m MW&^PL
need you to go into the office and text me with
2?l deadline 22, 22 E= A|- extension 22 additional b22
the number. I know this is inconvenient. 79 I'll check
alternative 220| E|b apologize A1422
my messages once I land in San Diego.
tfAfo| o|£ nfoh _ go |afe TJ 22b tt°| SJJE
s. 7IA1 gsmis® bAf m|A|A|S. MLfl aKl'll need
SHSMIfi, OUAHli^Al 2. D|s ago||ojL|Ch
^ xrO||Ai A
^ ^
) ! tf 2
you to go into the office and text me with the number!
H0!|i colons oig go | gg 22b2 , wm 4
TEST 5 141
79 neighbor 0 |§ cover
What will the speaker do when he arrives in San available 0 |gif 4 T-lt 4
instructions §Ai
reference £hn, US
(A) Retrieve his messages 80
( B) Check in to a hotel
What does the speaker say her videos are usually
(C) Change a flight reservation
about ?
( D) Visit a company office
( A ) How to plan trips
WOIIOIILOII w ^oj7 f? ( B) How to reuse items
(A) D||A|X|If j5 f7| (C) How to organize closets
(B) s«on mz&m ( D) How to draw landscapes
(C) t@S 0|| fS3Sf7 |
(D) «@Sf7| * Kdo| g# o|
( A ) o\m Tiwsfe a
^CHI a» 30|qii Sfc7 f?
for theirs I'll be covering a lot of steps, but don't mm eesfe a m twit W2!7 f?
worry, 82 a full written version of the instructions ( A ) SIL Sfejspl
is available on my Web site . I recommend (B) ¥ £ $PI
downloading those later for future reference. (C) mg 3.2.7 \
- 0 |[ ] | X| M7 |
(D) £Bf £!0||A|
DAIS 7 [ X \ ?£3m
^Ha m AW as - mm sea 5! m EMI
iS# m3 SiCfe 0|A|3 #
mm SS¥0|| 5! EMfe HfiS mgm 32± °d (Your first
ois 3 < mMg 31 is mmsa
step is to collect the items you’ll need) 0|2.|ul ! 5iPJ=L
m uH i IMq. « m EMfe SfiS mgm PPb MIMt . 01 ^ of! O td
I tJOll HEIISOI ancf . 01LI2 SRiLf 01 0117-11 * araoiLK
£ £HS. aa EM»
DfAiifi. XII HAfoiMoil AIS © Paraphrasing &sf 2J collect the items
Gathering supplies
a sail SOA17 5i . % 0\\ ffiia 4
|- L|q
^ ^ cfg HsfAi
fe ssaaMch
o|?| focus on Oil
HA|q objects
- .^m MAfl end up in
repurpose q#l§S>||
P-fcf landfill
— &l|7 | DH fc] A| 7| collect 32c\ 4 [cf
^ ^ t
82 83
According to the speaker, what can the listeners do on What is the speech mainly about ?
a Web site? (A) A financial report
( A) Enter a contest ( B) A round of promotions
(B) Subscribe to a video channel ( C) A product prototype
(C) Submit some photographs (D) A construction project
( D) Download some instructions 2 ® 3°J7 K?
awoll uk * Al
)|moi| ST 4 2£7 f? (A) !A1
H¥ M!
( A ) rHt| B7 ®7| (B|
) M | §
(B) S& JIMWSPI (C ) A|A «
(C) A ® AH 3[-7 | » (D) 5AfS£S|E
(D) § 1 CffiS = 7|
^* « 2?l financial H22,
* promotion #M if £, 2# #§ •
83 - 85 SB
W-Br Thank you all for coming to this press Why does the speaker say, “all required studies were
conference. As you know, ^ the Grand Falls Bridge conducted a year ago” ?
improvement work has been underway for almost ( A) To correct a timeline error
a year. We're nearing the final stage of sanding (B) To provide reassurance
and painting the newly built portions. 841 know ( C) To deny responsibility for a problem
the fishing community has expressed concern (D) To argue that a new study is needed
over the potential environmental impact of this SW7 f “U 2 2 0 1 1 s a eWl AISSteMlTilp. Bsfe 0|£fc?
project on our local marine life. Well, all required oalIL
studies were conducted a year ago. I'll take some
( A ) Aim 22 M# # b
(B) BB |7|2H
questions now . 85 After that, our special- events (C ) £ 11011 m
* “OJSI-E!!
coordinator will discuss the bridge - opening (D)
* 2£7lH222TL #222! !
ceremony that's being planned. 2?l correct 2^22 timeline A|zfa reassurance 22 |7 |£
[ £] deny ¥222 responsibility 12 argue ¥£J22
2 1^212. 0 W 2 M a|HH
71 1112011 231 £2
* ME| |2| 7H2 3 W 712 |
m 21£222. HM 122
* © M's SW£| S|£ 22 - a 2 2011 i|£® 5 TL7| ISSa2te a
L '
¥£011 AIS24 H1I2MM
* 2 12 EMM 22=!! oi£L|2.
* * —I a|£
S 2£7l llfH L|ch 01X11 0|#II At B «
fishing community has expressed concern over the potential
* ^
B f7 f Tilt! #2 2B| 7H#^j0|| CHSH o|of7 ®
environmental impact of this project on our local marine life!
M01, o | | noth o&7 \ s «= ® £|o]
* 1® ¥1
Oi 7l| o | o 0j| c||S|1 Afe 322 1 22! ! 22 122! !2
2?l press conference 7 |Afl|2 improvement 7H2, o o
^ Oh - ^22. 22 1 S9£ ( B) o |2.
* *
underway 21£2 express concern ¥2 fiai2
potential 2 H22 environmental impact 21
local 122 conduct SKT opening ceremony 7HA2.
7 H#¥
TEST 5 143
85 °H m Missra - twai sis
mm 2M°I A
^ Oil sgsp.
What will the next speaker discuss?
(A) A job fair
^ U CKI hope
you’re getting settled into your office space in our building!
( B) A school opening
(C) A ceremony
Sra M, ±S7 f 2W fiSSKil °
7 feg0 | Ch
(D) 0|Ch
m M0|- Spfe
( D) A sporting event
* 0 |0 f7 ®
2!( After that, our special- events coordinator will discuss the
(D) To thank a colleague
o|?l expense u|
| §, point out Al
- . .
W Am Hello, Mr Smith 86 l hope you're getting s|£ n® - a#o| scfe »21 £
^fcfs| colleague #isL
settled into your office space in our building. I' m *?1®|| ASWSI
| ojQH 7||ofA|0lfe H|- yo||Ai
calling about some large packages that arrived for
^ 5
^ MBS®
§A| |0| S cKThe lease agreement says management will hold
your company last week. We're keeping them for
packages for five days) jl tf Tl MOf, °JcH
you in the storage room downstairs. 87 The lease 71| A10|| gA | £ 7 RK)|i4£| ## mt \7 \ £|5H fi °. Oh - .
^ ^
hO 1 A
agreement says management will hold packages oich njaw gas (B)o|ch
for five days. It's been ten days. Please give me a
call and let me know when you can come down to
claim them so 881 can be there to open the storage
room door for you.
What does the speaker offer to do?
( A ) Open the door to a room
2.WWIS, AD |A Ml . ® ziM AK® oAKHI g g§«|2 7|A|g
* (B) Reset a password
HKWch lt
*^ m »
gs J=3£L|
(C) Send a copy of a document
4. im OHH# M OII m
^ ojojfi. OJCH 7l|ofA10|fe BE|
(D) Refund a payment
0114 # 53Kf «
^ Ait
o . SSI- AjAi 2 11 7 fA |Ei
A|£|CH 2feE||fl. 1 0 | fHOj
4 Si iAli£l fc||fi. |7 f 7 fA| tlAfe S3! «sram *IKf8fe7K?
Mfi® St 10|Hi SWIfi.
* ^ ^ ( A)
^ (B) biijtfsxuggspi
(C) SAlAtMMLH7 |
cHTI settle into ~0|| ggo|c|- storage
(D) if #5H
lease agreement cjdlAlTjlot management £f2.| claim ^71
oj ?l reset refund payment 1#
* ^
S|® All A ® fiB -
^( ||0 | m\S\ Al|°f A ®
86 §\X \J \ A9 | \7\ \ y \ X \ E.] H 4 2fe | S®
Who most likely is the speaker ?
* ^ O] #
I can be there to open the storage room door for you)
SflL 21°HS ( A)0 |Cf.
( A) A salesperson
( B) A government official
^ ,
^(AAfe ^? |Tfe K?
) &um
0 7
(C) m qAfoin
(D) =te|2!
89- 91 bh£i
oo 90
Who will participate in a project ?
W-Br 89 Our next story concerns Ferndale Valley. ( A ) Biologists
It's well- known that the area is one of the windiest (B) Farmers
locations in the region, and one company would (C) Airline pilots
like to take advantage of that natural energy ( D) Real estate agents
source. Breeze Capture hopes to install dozens n Eo|| fto® 2} j7 K?
of wind turbines by the end of next year. The
" (A )
company is looking for local farmers who are ( B) o -f-
interested in leasing some of their land for the (C) t@7 | S#A|-
project . 91 In addition to being paid for the land (D)
§o® A ®
ssaiMS -I^H SA» MSfe ||
information, e-mail info @ ^
| # ##
0 T E
«* q fi E
* L| Q| *
1011 ® & It# 3® ch AW ® LH§ info@
( A ) Tickets to an industry event
(B) Technical assistance
breezecapture . comPs! 0 |ol|iJ# MLH A1|P.
^ ( C) Financial compensation
(D) Advertising advice
CH ?I concern ~0|| 5}0|cf region * 1 take
advantage of ~# 0|#Slcit install #A|8[c|- wind turbine
aS§ o
^ ~
local A| | lease participant (A ) m|HAI
H7 fA|- be compensated for CH| generate (B ) 71# A ®
# A | 7 |Cl, °t#oj
^ « (c) m* aa
89 of ?l technical 7|#2| assistance P# *® advertising Sll
mm n2-|OII «^#
( A ) # oi ssm
Paraphrasing S3|£j being paid
(B )
(C )
^^-H# %* \m.
n\ 7\ \ 7|®£|:n. yqh
-> § fPl Financial compensation
(D) b ®0| ttO| W.
( D) 0|Ck "beTmdelivered
calling to confirm that your container will
tomorrow morning at nine o 'clock .
the area is one of the windiest The driver will place it in your driveway. After
locations -» m\ It is very windy. the delivery, if you could, 94 please complete the
^ customer feedback survey that we'll e- mail you . It
will help us to improve our service. Thanks.
TEST 5 145
eMSWlfi, 7FM Ml. m|£|^ SEi# ^saixmLiLK iB 71-JHE
What does the speaker ask the listener to do?
^ ?jEl|0|b|7 f LH
t ®S|a|ji SW HUMCh 7|Af7 f E||
( A ) Purchase a warranty
* ^UZH o|2 1| o _ 1 gyoil H£0 |
(C) Clean up an area
1 ItJi-I^K AlfWcK
^ A A U A
(D) Apply for a permit
^ ^ ipfe SXKHI71I
*H srafcn zm&V
(A ) M A1 B 7|
of -l store M ofcf Ai^fofcf household belongings
^ ,
S *ll
E|A|( l’m calling from Feras
used for different surfaces in the hotel, such as
Portable Storage) Ef:n AfA ]
| 7HS® A| § Af 7 f i|B carpet and tile flooring. 96 The spray bottle on the
° ^
71XHHB# MBsHAi £E||0|L- »^ « g cKYou recently ordered top shelf, Baxlon, is for glass surfaces. The product
a container to store and move your household belongings in)H directly under the spray bottle is brand new. It
Msm tixfe soiEfe <
M4 sw. was just released this month, and it 's excellent for
v&M (C)0|CK polishing furniture . Oh, and 97 every Tuesday at one
o'clock, a delivery truck brings any supplies that
we're low on. Don' t forget to check that .
^ ^ Sltf L|EK n = si|o | w df^ ofsH xigg-
~ TT
LHB di oi T t=lMEf . Of , OH
" " o
(D) To update some contact information
? if£! i 1 A|0|| HH£ MS|0| W£t 7|3Cf§L|Cf. °JA| §£ . If
(A )
®fe7 tf 2
(B) On
oj?l custodial staff
(C )
solution surface
cleaning supplies Qd
^ m LHssa -
fAf 7 f #HfJ 0|| L-
?jE||0| |7 f LH Of J 9A | 0i| UH £|B
^ ^ ^ ^
tf ufalEL jlftfjEfd m calling to confirm that your container
^ ^
will be delivered tomorrow morning at nine o clock! ) ! sof-E '
(A ) m*\
$L0\\ 2|S
^,l|*fe 0|@ 30| ±|XIB0|BHL 3«fe K? 7
(B) mE
Klennlee ^.Baxlon (c ) z- m
(D) W
*1 =rOi
m^\ 96
What happens at one o’clock on Tuesdays?
( A) An expense report is due.
(B) A work shift begins.
Z-?«E1 96K T TO|
= (C) A staff meeting is held.
4 A ( D) A delivery arrives.
H tlSSJ 1 AIOII 0j >£! iJ0 |
95 ^AI# H
(A )
^ |AI[#Almm .
tfAl l «f “0l|
^ 1 A| || UH MiH0 |
WE 7
( A)33 fesi
^ 0
(B) 533 £3 Jl3|
supplies that we’re low on)H otlrr (D) 0|ck
(D) AHn a| A|AH 7Ht
^ Paraphrasing a delivery truck brings any supplies
KT inventory xHn, -> 33^1 A delivery arrives.
of $l consider -H
2 msaa -
HA 171 £3 0|| 01510 3^ 35s0| g:kg51 ^ ?HyIU!(This is
the custodial staff ’s cabinet for cleaning supplies) 0 |El jl | 98 - 100 +
cf3tt S OII CH ® S°i|# M AI bh £|0 f tfcKAs part
^ ^°
^ ^ ^
of your training, you’ll be expected to learn which cleaning M-Au W e l c o m e back to this professional
solutions are used different surfaces )H ~ development workshop. 98 We'll continue from
>* .
oich ccfaj-Ai 33£
where we left off in our discussion on advertising
(C) oiq.- through social media using videos, and we' ll
end today's meeting by performing a group task.
98 Last week, we discussed the planning phase for
96 "
a video marketing campaign. Today, we'll move
on to the production phase . During this phase,
Look at the graphic. Which product does the speaker
you'll need to ensure that high- quality equipment
say is new ?
is used for lighting and camera work and that you
( A) Klennlee
have the best video editors you can get for the job.
( B) Baxlon
(C) Z- Factor
100 we're very lucky to have an expert here today
(D) Clean Sure to talk about her experience with the process .
Please give your attention to Usha Madan.
TEST 5 147
m %EL£ O\i c\x \ a-y 3# tHgtfMs. #gg# ##0 ± 99
mm gaoii m m?\ ne oicH^i SKI»LI Look at the graphic. Which step will be discussed
today ?
4. aa|n a# z\xm 4t§s|0 S2 2# £01- 4S3!l=rM0.
(A ) Step 1
*lfcW>|| #gg DflliJ #H||°!2| 7|2j ^IOJI LH5H 0|0t7|5Jted|fl.
(B) Step 2
*1IS S7IIS H0J7|»L|^. 0| &7||0«A-fe ig4 7MS 4
rn H.WM S« l# A LI, S0o|| St © staS g# E0 » 4
(C) Step 3
^ *
MsHof #L|S. S §42 2k Ol oil m 4S01I rn 3110|op|
(D) Step 4
^ AIS SMOII mv , 2k OIE! 071»
SH m a##Lis, 5-M © m\ 4# y \mo\ wifi.
(A) 107JI
<4?! development 7H h leave off 0 4, §0SK4
(B) 20711
advertising §2 perform 40SI4 phase 0711
^ (C) 30711
(D) 40711
production Alls equipment S l lighting 20 editor
004 process 4§, =S give attention Sir 7 |#0 |4 AIS 07ii - 07ii
m #0 CHI 2k£ Alls 071IS gopRJlcKToday, we’U move on
\y \
to the production phase)2 #S|OI 0H, A|£0|| Ifs ® ||S 07110
307||O|HS. §00 (0014.
^ *
Step 1 Y v
Step 2
Step 3
Planning Production
Step 4
What will the listeners do next ?
(A) Read a handout
( B) Watch a video
_ _
7 |S| "AilS
3071 | 40711
m (C) Take a coffee break
V_ £° y V.
( D) Listen to a guest speaker
044 Wife?
°Hk Ai|“ A ® 00 - 04#O| c 0|| # U
( D) £M £9. o\ x\y [ ## lAp. Sfe(is drinking from a
water bottle) 3.901 OfL|H^ 39.
? I8 TEST 6 £3 £S|
1 (B) 2 (A) 3 (D ) 4 (B ) 5 (0 2 M - Cn
6 (A) 7 (A) 8 (A) 9 (A) 10 ( c )
11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (A) 14 ( C) 15 (A)
16 ( B) 17 (B) 18 ( B) 19 ( B) 20 (C)
21 (A) 22 (A) 23 (C) 24 (A) 25 (C)
26 ( B) 27 ( B) 28 (A) 29 (A) 30 (A)
31 (A) 32 (A) 33 (B) 34 (B) 35 (B)
(A) A woman is carrying a tray.
36 (D) 37 (C) 38 (B) 39 (A) 40 (D) (B) A woman is pushing a food trolley.
41 (B) 42 (A) 43 (C) 44 ( C) 45 (C) (C) Some people are leaving a restaurant.
46 (A) 47 (C) 48 ( B) 49 ( D) 50 (B) (D) Some diners are looking out a window.
51 (A) 52 ( C) 53 ( C) 54 (A) 55 (C) ( A) 0W7|ay SlcK
56 (C) 57 ( D) 58 ( B) 59 (C) 60 (A) (B) * snatch
61 ( D) 62 (A) 63 (D) 64 (B) 65 (A) (C ) 4US0| LWH °[ch
66 ( D) 67 (C) 68 (C) 69 ( B) 70 ( B) (D) mi tMSn 2M
71 (A) 72 (D) 73 (C) 74 ( C) 75 (D) trolley £4=211 diner -HMHfb A®,
76 (A) 77 (B) 78 (A) 79 ( D) 80 (C)
°1¥l tray
ns 2°] 0|4f S3 Af £J - AHt°l =5f/&EH HAf
81 (D) 82 (A) 83 ( B) 84 (D) 85 (B) (A ) Stf. gg® Lhan carrying a tray) SB.
86 (B) 87 ( D) 88 (A) 89 (A) 90 (B) ( B) AIJI01I Sfe §A » 0 |S® 23. A ®01| SM ? fE ( a f 00 d trolley)2|
91 (C) 92 ( B) 93 (A) 94 (C) 95 (D) H£0 | M0|X | 29. m
96 ( C) 97 (A) 98 (C) 99 (B) 100 ( D) f A|-
( C) | A|- f -s( Some people) 0 | Al s L- WH ° f e( a r e
— £oh2 .
leaving a restaurant) fif5-0 | 0 H . aS.
|- |
(D) AfSOil SA» 0|gtt aa. Altjoil *tS(a window)°l S£0 | o\
M0 |A| gosssa.
1 W- Am
3 W - Br
6 M - Cn
installed) H£0 | OlL|EH Ha. °i?l wooden MbsL EUtOjE] planter box Wb next to each
other Lfatai log #3b pile cf,
( B ) 3a. 0 f£| AjAf #3( An outdoor dining area) 0 | b | 0| Sib(is
install 3 IW
^ ^
brick #
unoccupied ) HbOl-HH 7OHctd.h. *
(0 Amoii ab oibw na. AHEM m( Fiowers)°i saoi HOI A /ggAm - A« flA|-
x \ aogg na.
(D) Afc]0|| 3b §Akl 0|bW Ha. AREM bb( a fountain) H£0|
(A ) *
33. LhbH 3#0i3 Wb#(Some wooden planter boxes)0| Lf& j-
H0 |X | ojon ? Ha.
^ s| Sib(have been set next to each other) H O|Hb 33.
( B ) ARjOll 3b §A ® Ha. AR10II fL KSome wood
logs) W HS0 | H0 | X| %°
. Hb Ha.
5 W Br-
(0 AHEM 3b §Aks o
*I a°
. Hb na. *»
na. Amoii #( bricks)a saoi HOI
( D ) SA [ Ha. 3b#(Some windows) 0 | 3A | £|H Sib( are being
installed ) H£0 | OH-lHH Ha.
(A) Some people are gathered on top of a building.
(B) Some trees are blocking the entrance to a
M- Cn Who’s going to take home the leftover cake?
(C) A woman is taking some stairs to a lower level.
( D) A woman is walking across a pedestrian bridge. M-Au ( A ) Marcel said he would.
(B) A lovely selection of desserts.
(A )AH® 0| am bd]7|0|| HOI Sick (C) No, I thought it started at noon.
(B) 4b#oMiaaH# ansick
(c) o\ m o }2i#n£ 7kb 313# my \n sick 3b 7l|0|Hb b3 3-HsL 7 Wa 33H?
(D) W7kH»XFS CIE|# bMH Sick ( A) m2.
(B) 513 C|XiES 0|Ll|H.
gather HHcf HO |c|- block 33 entrance WH
°i$l 313 , stairway ^
(C ) 0 kL| Of K £ 0\ \ A|S®C& mm2.
pedestrian bridge H3AHI cfa|
( A ) 3 S UBS2.
( A) SB. B£ ?1|0|£ELm 7 Wif A ®# ggo| i- s o | naiaiq-ai
^ (B) SS lSSsHS
^ .
sMS ^ o sj oioo (C) °£| U S#0| 7 (-S.
^ ^
( B) SS £K>) SB. ug2| cake0l|A1 £S 7 feB desserts# 0|gB
BS waterfront SH2]7|- admission fee SS^- reasonable
*182. Li° ulWI B8
( C ) Yes / No #7 f SB. Who BSSOfe Yes /No B0| S7 feS|H£
SB. * m Itwis A ®# # tr who B¥¥
( A ) S¥4 SBBfe SB.
(B ) SS SB SB. SilrS boat ride 0f|Ad SS 7 ® fl- admission fee
# 0 @B SB.
8 ©E1EEE> (0 SB. BIBB ^ BB BoI # AH@ °bSS0|| ¥B 8 SSOIB
w-Br Can you tell me where the security office is? S SSSfcll ° fSH SB.
M - Au ( A ) Today ’s my first day here.
( B) A photograph for the badge.
( C) Because it ’s after lunch.
SBsO| o|B BB 4 BBS? w-Am Could you request a technician to repair the
( A) fea opi © oia «
(B) S ¥ # AISO IS.* * M-Au
packaging machine?
( A ) Three years of technical school.
(C ) SS oi¥BA1S.
( B) Sure, I’ll do that.
B?l security office SBs badge uH l, SnHI ( C) The blue one with gold trim.
m aui4ifix»etzKisifie SS 7|7»4B # 7|#x SSsH « 4 BBS?
(A) SS. SMS B l# S OII S# 0\7 \ B-Ai BA ® BAI # (A ) 7|# gstU 3tf 4S0|S.
8# Sisss BB
^ (B) # # o|s, SB7||S.
^ ^
( B) BS SB SB. Sir-1 security officeO||A| BS 7 ®8 badge # (C) HI¥Bi- nfBS0|S.
OIS& SS. B?l packaging SS, SS H trim SS, HI¥B co
( 0 S¥4 SSSfe SB. Why B##oil M8 #So|H£ SB. *
sHS ¥8/fiSB aiSS
( A ) BSB SB. SnrB technician BSB i=f7|| l technical# 0 ®
8 SB.
9 »
( B ) SS. SS 7 |7| 4BB 7|#X ® SS H Safe S0|| ##( Sure)
w- Am What ’s the best way to contact you?
^ “
o|a& CUBS H naiam ufs^ SS.
TEST 6 151
13 sHtf m\ ## fiia 3## ffojsfe sgAKDid) fiiss
M- Au ( A) aa. a*l 1 2 #= aa# #f!#x| ^ d |go | # 22 1#
Why is Jonathan leaving early ?
(B) EKH 2# aa.
^ early# 2# 0|S2
o | niAEfe # #2 #a|a7|- 20| uts.ns.'?
( A ) mb E||0 |#a7ioi(>|o
(0 Af a# aa.
^o @2 aa. leaving
^ ##0 | SA ® lives #
(B) 01LIS, ZL XI Sr#L|QK
= ^
(C) m L7 ] # 0 lsHS.
M Cn (A) Supplies for the office.
SHa m 4E| a^# #2 Where °i## (B) I’m free after two.
( A) 2a aa aa.i#°l companyOlM 2a 7 #2 firm# OSS- aa. ( C) Probably on Harold’s desk.
( B) aa 2# aa. # a party # 2# oistt aa.
(0 aa. siAh m\ aa# ## a#oii HAE® siaam a #*i 2a^ 2AII 2a # a#aa?
* ( A ) A ao||Ai # §# 0 |S.
**aa 2oa ^ aa. (B) ^ 0|| AI20I OICHS.
*fe ^ A| 0|*aiaoii
(c ) ofa uHina 2# mz.
15 a?l .
invoice aaAi #a supplies ##, a##
w- Am Did you want to sign up for a one-year a#M 2°£ 2# A12# mb When °\b£
( A ) 2a 22 aa. Hfr-I invoicesO||Aj 2a 7 feif Supplies # 0 |#
magazine subscription?
M Au ( A ) How much will it cost ? saa.
( B ) aa. 2a A12# # £0|| A| oi -fLOii AI20 I sm #2 ofa
( B) Near the service center.
°iaEs aa.
( C) Akiko works at the front desk.
(0 a222 aa. Where °|##01| c|® ao |HS aa
a*i 12 a# aa# * .
( A) d|S0| # DfOl| o ?
(B) AiH| AAllEl 2A-lo
(C ) 2LH d| AHo||Ai 2sna.
M- Au Would you like me to help you open a savings
a?l sign up for ~# aa^ fEf magazine #hA | subscription ##
account ?
cost u |#0 | #cf
w- Am ( A ) I’ve already counted them.
(B) That ’d be great.
( C) 50 euros each.
oie m JH ® ® # 3# sasims? 21
( A ) 0 |D | ZL5!M 0)
^* a
A|9 # !OjS.
M- Au Are you traveling in business class or economy?
50 # S.
M- Cn ( A ) My flight was just canceled.
^ ( B) My focus is history.
of ?l open a savings account oils 71|£|# ?H count M \ £\ , ( C) London, then New York .
7H4.W «
iia/assi a##
^L|^ #dHA # EWIS, 0 fL| 2 0|SSD | #&HA# EfA||.2?
( A) w sr ttsEoi a fl aoia
( A) £A|- a# £9. j# °| a c c o u n t £*|S^ ® 0| £Af ® *
(B) )l 9# Afe «A
counted # 0 |g® S9.
^^ * (C )
* . ZLC ^OIS
^ ^^ .
( B ) ®a oils S2ff 3M# II90|| ZL &H 9 #3!## S
aa# «tn SISH^. sa * ^ #S !# # # E-!j 9##
(A) sa U| L|A2f 0|3tD| # CH— iHt 0|§afeA| BHOII
( 0 9& 99 Sa. savingsO||Ai 94h 50 euros# 0|g ^ §ns &## #ti s . sasta sis
ssaoi a ^* ^
a sa.
( B) a# 9<H S9 # #9
history # 0 |g® sa.
* 3*)|®)0||A| 9& 7 fefi
economy ® )!,
( 0 §a
a# 301 a° ^ sa.
SSOII A |9afeA | ## S#01| Li|( Yes) ElS CH9® 1,
Sisa Kim 5# 0 |n Q|°g? s h.
^ ( A ) E|#
EH9 9 19 #SA|7 |A | as oj gTii s^ste?
* * CH 9 AHOI# 7 fe5Ho.
^ ^
(B) 0 lL| Ot 2 ° u|o|| 5H 71 9 cUQjo
(c ) sxtioii di # # XI#8KH AIM as# ®7ia
^ ^
TEST 6 153
42 solar panel 42 2 12 maintenance 4 IM> .
* 26
S4i SB# 44 How 444 w-Am Should we meet to discuss our research
( A ) #44 2224 as. project ?
( B ) Yes / No #71 as. How 4 = 0||4 Yes / No S20 | #7 feS|HS.
CD t 3
( A) A publishing manual.
M- Cn
a2. (B) Put something on my calendar.
( o 22. 2 12# 42 14 1 2a 22 14 as# 44 agoii %m\
* * * ^
44# l#2a |a4 22# 24 222a 422 24, 24
(C) Alphabetical order is fine, I think.
* ^*
2*11# oi sia 24 1 42A|7|x| Sa 7 fee 422a
24 a aoii LHSH 4227 I £|SH eH-M 24a?
^ *
a SSfc 2o |a XHClhtd . O * (A) #2 2S ia.
(B) 11 22S01I iO] 4 11 .
* °
(C) 2iiHS! 4 l7l #42 20 fa.
42 publishing #2 manual 22 1 order 4 1
24 * *
w-Br When will I receive my certificate in the mail? *112/2^2 244
M - Cn ( A ) I’ll have to check with the office.
( A ) #£ 4 2424 as.
(B) Turn left at the light .
(B) 22 24 ssajm 42# 23H 2401= | |
. #44 S2S4 «*
Sol 224 242 244 #34 S2# 422a 4a °!aaa
(C) No, thank you. ^
ss*i# 2*n 42a^ s i 12a?
( A)
43 EKH aa 324 shoesOM 43 7| « size 38# 0|§® 24.
( B)
* 43 32# QHO1 §7 |7is aatjioifi.
(C) Isn’t the policy in effect already ? 3 a## 233011 #&2 i a#scH,
* ss# tf 43.ii 4°
s43a S^oiifl, 2% x \ 8L £? sa.
» «
(A) ®nH ois7i cm §aoia * ( B) aS aoi sa. 2 124 seasonalOllAi 43 7 23 summer # 0 |
* *
® ) 3 i 4Ssa s& aa.
(c ) 2 gais o i i xm 20m auis? ( C ) 424 sa. 8 124 m0Ve4424 27114 moving# 0 |g® £&
4?l effective JLZ124 advertisement 3ZL issue M in effect
^ .
2 24 AIIH OI
7|- |
| - tf ?j3fe o oo
*H 2 S45jaSliaAl
( A ) sa. s434 3H4AB s sfe 32011 BDHaoi # «44 2
aa -|A ® ^ ?i° *H
32- 34
( B) 43 then sa.
324 a d v e r t i s e m e n t s 4 2 7 fe ®
magazine # 0|g® sa.
( C) 424 sa. 324 effectives 434 ®7||4 effect # 0 ® ® £& M - Cn 32 The renovations we're planning for the
* theater are long overdue.
W Br 32 I'm glad we have time between H
productions so we can get the work done .
30 in
w-Br Why don’t we take a walk after lunch? M - Cn I agree — and even though 33 it 's great that
our latest musical production has had Q\
M- Au ( A) The sales report is due at one o’clock.
such a successful run, we can all use the
( B) No, in parking area B.
break .
(C) I’ll have spaghetti, please.
TEST 6 155
32 mms ois!i 7i i i i3f e7 F?
( A ) 7| f2|2
What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A )
(B) £ HM
Theater renovations
(C) sqg
(B) Changes to a performance schedule
(D) A
(C) Selection of a new lighting director ^S|
(D) A promotional gift
*i® AH AywHm aa - SPWOI nmt SSAI-
(WT CHAldlAl q# if i AK>t| Ega 4 Siir A| t0|
«Ziq(it^gives us time to focus on next
^ month s fund-raiser)!! 7
( A)
^H o|op| fe K?
5 7
mi , JL 1AI0IIA1 7 g0 | £« 0 3
(B) sa n§ tfcKHopefully
( C) AH ES we ’ll raise enough money at that event !) L ~ A—^-
Af £§
^ MO I- SIAM Tiiuam 4 aq . qaw
q?l performance 5 selection
promotional #M°|
^ directorate
n m\ Misaa - qsfai
'dxw % OlAhoilAi
^s® o | L-j ° ±0\ x \ JL QJcKThe 35 - 37
renovations we’re planning for the theater are long overdue! )!
M-Au Fernanda, 35 l wanted to tell you that the
i W, 0\ X [7 \ A|0 |0|| Aiaol [CHA-1 S® #
^ q «
( I’m glad we have time between productions so we can get the top candidate we chose for the customer -
care position just accepted our job offer.
work done) 0 |aiDj
*1^011 c||ffi d|s|# 0|CH 71JI Q Q
°^ § I'll send him a contract later today.
W- Am Great ! But now I think we need a bigger
Paraphrasing qsf2| The renovations we’re planning for
office space for our business. With the
the theater > § f £| Theater renovations
^ new hire, there'll be ten of us in the office.
M-Au I agree. Our lease expires next month,
so we should look at a different space.
33 36 There 's a new office building on Second
What does the man say about a musical production? Street . It has solar panels, so all of its
( A) It was based on a book. energy comes from renewable sources .
(B) It has been successful.
W- Am 36 like
l that. 37 But I'm worried we may not
( C ) It will be performed overseas.
be able to afford the lease.
( D) Some casting changes were made.
M -Au We 'll see I'll contact the rental agency
mit »
* 011 disH samisfe7 K?
* today.
( A ) a|0!| 7 |y i?!isiq.
(B) *
7| q.
(C) * aoiq.
n|| atrqf !i j SE|s|o||
Wa| x||of # sf sraiqfc
^a| f gag
7 i|!i°| §.SJ\7 \
Ha|ams. oleum
(D) H¥7|- egsiq.
7||ofAi# My SL-iq.
°i£l be based on ~01| 7|yg- ^q overseas sHfiloll casting o\ iEHMIfi! olA |° f o|S| 2 1- IsH q AI° O | U£tf
^ ^ ^
3 0m.
m A1I¥ A® && - min %-m 5®o|| CHSH ^ ^* *
EllM fl.
H8 |0W A |0|| S §0 | ofll1
^ ^* »
*j»H cHAK>i|Ai SI5 |% s@0| g a| o|| &2£|<>iA1 y 7||of 0| Oil- yo|| efSEiq qg
q( ’
# it s great that our latest musical production has had such a MOf ns . 22 7 ® AH AfM 2# 0| oiojo _ EHS
) ! SlHsL
successful run! ( B)0 |q.
^ §
oWfc SJoil m
( A ) AH
What did the speakers recently do?
^ T|EL|
( A ) They launched a new product.
(C) £S ?V1
( B) They chose a job candidate. (D) Cf7 f£S 7 ®
(C) They moved to a different city.
( D) They renovated a space.
o® competitor commute #0 (7-|a|) upcoming
ap ®S SEPSIS Sfe7K? ^ .
cf 7 |- b i§ deadline 7 |2
mi All A ® 22 - OW°| o a1 m
( A ) gg§# #A|SJ!ck
mn =
mm °mi gys ® zwn M zjgscKBut
# JEA|£ 0|
^ m
oioo g&S (C)0|ck
(D > ^
o® Launch 7HA|SH4, #A|8[C|- renovate
Ai|“ A ® »
sfj 0| 2|S0|| S £1
yspf S CHAL0IIA1 UZH aE|S|0|| ® a|7 f Aditjtt !
| L I ALE| 38- 40
X1I21# QJ
Ea|S|Zl SUcKl wanted to tell you that
the top candidate we chose for the customer - care position M-Au How can I help you ?
just accepted our job offer! [ L 5 9— SfAfsS ilr?0ll ±L7A
) ! iJo!
^» ^ .
W -Br Hi, 3® 39 I'd like to order a cake for my
°JA[- A|2 @ # {cfe A=[ it 4 2 . ttpw SSS (B)o|cf.
o 7
son's birthday next week . He really likes
dinosaurs .
M - Au 39 l have several different dinosaur - shaped
36 pans for you to choose from .
What do the speakers like about a building? W-Br Actually, 40 l was hoping you could make a
( A ) It provides 24 -hour access. standing cake instead of a flat one. m
( B) It has an outdoor space. -
M Au Oh, I see . 40 I'm
sorry. I do have someone
(C) It is near public transportation. on staff who can make those, but she's Q\
(D) It uses renewable energy. all booked up for the next few weeks . Try
2M01I m Carmen's Creations on Pine Street.
*]# D ®O]| # CH sfc7 F?
( A ) 24A|tf .
® 4 SW
(C) CHSH»2f 7 ®Cf. 0\
°® 8W|£. C® ^ 0m g£i0|| £ 5HI0I3#
(D) XH« 0||L|X» A ®«Ch gsms. oi# oi #oiaHs.
of l access tJoh. S2 public transportation dl # y gais® 4 Si2 ofai 7 fx| c®g g# ay goi
^ ^
TEST 6 157
m AH *L m m 41- 43
COT?!- % P\m\ M
^ om
oil # violas
like to order a cake for my son’s birthday next week )ZL
^ ^ cKI’d
ifuhlL W-Am Hello, you've reached Quick Phone Repair
OIOH g&£ (B)0 |Ch Service.
M- Cn Hi, 411 went online to schedule a repair for
my mobile phone, but all appointments
(B) Some invitations were sent late. o|?| reach (£ja|sL) appointment book
(C) A store is closed for a holiday. 0||o|S|q- cancellation unfortunately
( D) A request cannot be fulfilled.
AgTim ojEraniE last A| £|nl recharge
SEW, xHSSSia walk - in A ® o||ot w 0 |
y fe 2H Af2f 5 fe7 f ?
* ^
( A ) £? a ¥isi 4 ad.
(B) icHS 41
^ ^
# 7||
(c) DHSOI ^aoii mm. What did the man try to do online?
(DlflSifoii aci.
^ ( A) Purchase a new phone
(B) Make an appointment
of ?l apologize Afzfafcf invitation sdl, sdlS fulfill a request
omm, KHW (C) Order a part
( D) Cancel a contract
m AII^ A ® && - y w A ®sfe o \m
om ^ mo\ \ M *«aa TIIOIH CH y fe
* SH fife7 f?
l^2! fH^Kl
was hoping you could make a standing cake (A) AH my i
(B) oj| f
instead of a flat one)H ## Sffl, fem 2|#S| ia ZL#
* °
(C )
5® 4 aife !£!0 | Olfecll,
* 9 W 0||of0| cf m
( \' m sorry.
I do have someone on staff who can make those, but she’s all
AII AHf aa - yxwsa
booked up for the next few weeks)ZL ufELsL 0|A|- |
5!# it 4 m^
. A1 g&B ( D )0 | riK
° #0 j # m
yxf7 f
qAfoiiAi sqissi- 4ai
^og ^1 e a afoioii mm( \
went online to
schedule a repair for my mobile phone)H
44- 46 fingHtjyfc
°1 schedule a repair
->^3£f£| Make an appointment
23. 33
* 1 324 ( C)o |3. ) ! Hoi
newspaper, it has to be on my desk by nine P. M ! !.!
249.4 1F H4 34AI0IIA1 4412 24# 2 4 23. 33 1
Paraphrasing come to the store
S&4 (C)o |q.
* *
^£| Visit
a store
TEST 6 159
45 M- Cn Do you think you 'd like bricks or stones
Why has the woman been unable to finish a task ? for the retaining wall ? Many homeowners
( A ) She needs a manager ’s signature. prefer brick because it creates a nice,
(B) She cannot access her files. uniform look . But 48 stones will last longer.
(C) She cannot get the necessary information. They are more expensive, though .
(D) Some data are incorrect . W- Am I don't want to have to make repairs.
48 should have been paid last week. But
51 Adem handles those requests, and he
What does the woman imply when she says, “ I don’t
was on vacation. He's just catching up
want to have to make repairs ” ?
(A) She is not qualified for a task .
(B) She prefers durable materials. M- Cn 52 Do you have an estimate of how long it
(C) She will buy a new appliance. will take to process the request?
( D) She is not happy with a cost estimate. W- Br 52 I'm not sure, but I can speak to Adem.
TEST 6 161
owoil nfME, TO MI#o|| x|23fe7l? M - Au Yes. And 55 can we also add
at- home auto -
( A) M# 0| XhB Uim » care advice?
(B ) M ZL OI gciioiEEiaq.
(C) A-ioii an# sHM . ^
(D) AHs ga|o | Aiam ^ y1 xmn
0|7| MIMa! #IT £HMAIO |H, OIM#
°i?l mislabel Bps# if# #0|iM- implement A|fye|c|-
m A1U| A a| A| M|° jL|CK A|-o| Xiigoi m DH Oil
mn 0|°]0^| £fe
* ^d|
^o ^
oHM A|| A ® ffla - x|go|«.
0\ «
#, 3G|S| X £ Hicifi # 0|am #E| M|£. flAto)
om if m QHAKHIA-I O IOI m
mmM Ml#ff 4 Si# St# ato|ME|amL|:ih
^ *m#Mi, #7i- #oiacf
( Adem handles those requests, and he was on vacation!
SSyoikd y joi Ai l aioil qffll 4dgsmf
^ ^^
^JoF na|#o||7|| 4a| 4S#
° °£ SSS (A)o|ch y2
Paraphrasing qtl2| he was on vacation
*|l@t|ESfe2| § gsj
Llof 7|tt SMS?
^ * g
*^ 7} - £§
y 1 MI. mM SF#
*m*\ aai SEE *7® ^ a**®?
<H$| general manager SAluHoj, ftE|oi be eager
52 to -
# Z.WI um, Stn
o |q# q educate
^ sld benefit
7|-aA|c|- process
What information will the woman most likely provide
F§ customized 7lPH?iq �|| content
later ?
[ |- description
LH# include £lfA|7 |i
(A ) A cost breakdown # §,
(B) An account number exclusive lifetime warranty So
(C) A time estimate MM M#
(D) A phone number
^ A»as
MltfeOjqAi 0|ifO|A|#7 K?
m Aii - om igtf #M
SA171 if
CHAI IIA1 2.m |a|Sfe Ml
(A ) MIS m
^# |# A|LKDo you
* £
have an estimate of how long it will take to process the
(C) Al# l # tl|±
request?)# # l, 0|Xf7|- # SSX|E OgSE|| 0H7I8H MSMl’m not
* (D)
sure, but I can speak to Adem)H u|-HsL SM# (C)0 |q.
3HM S II msss - owsis
53- 55 3°!tm
m AII^ A ® -mm sssfe xng°i m q?l outline concerned B£jO | °iB
mm 51 cHAKHiAi m2 #oiafe mo \ ?IA^ Lp \mM
41 $iB HB Bo o qo|ME|5.|(my product is called Video Room.
take a look sq take out q 7 «
, lA |n 47 fq
unnecessary MUSE in the meantime ^B?!
1 '
55 What industry do the speakers most likely work in?
What do the men want to do? ( A ) Fashion photography
( A ) Extend business hours (B) Information technology
( B) Enter a local contest (C) Filmmaking
(C) Include customized content ( D) Marketing
(D) Upgrade some equipment
2fAf#8 OiE S7l|0|| Ai SJuHU!B7l?
EWMB BS2 # o\n oi Sfe7|?
( A ) gaARjsaspi
^ (A )
| ||
enter a contest
^ we’re making)# ^ o tf S3W 15!
think it ’ll be a great ) ! Hofl!
film! tfA|#B gsi- Al|q
n AIIV - A ® sa - few#oi sm BCH sfe a 0 «O|W 5W& oh ^ oiq qaiAi gas ( )o |q
* £ LH§# 7 ® » ?iBA|( Can we
. .
B BAfo| CHAfOllAi
add our own customized content ?)# BAf, * =* HHH yx|-7|- qA|q
AIBAI aa| £££
CHAKHW tj0l|A1 Sfe
add at - home auto - care advice?) B^L
^7 W 4 SiBAyAf|(can#Bwe also 57 o\
LHB# s » A|7& B0i fiqfe « q. 44Ai BBB (C)o|q. What does the man imply when he says, “ I want it to
be less than an hour ” ?
( A ) He is very busy.
( B) He approves an itinerary.
56 - 58 (C) A route has a lot of traffic.
( D) Some revisions are needed.
M Au Hi, Carmen. 56 I've just reviewed the
mm ® A |zj |°K)|°HO £ SH
[] ysfe BStePt?
outline you gave me for the nature
(A ) BAfe DH ° u \m.
documentary we're making . I think it'll be
(B) aAf7 tag# 6aaq.
a great film, but I'm a bit concerned. I want
it to be less than an hour.
(c ) »
tBoii H aoi yq
(D) SB B0| ys q.
W- Br 571 understand. I'll take another look at ^ ^
o® approve B?jqq itinerary o® traffic mB
- B
it and see where I can take out some
revision £3,
unnecessary scenes from the storyboard .
1W°| o|£ qoh _ 3 A ® Diaoiooa tiq-B aq 2|£
M Au Great. In the meantime, 58 l need to follow
CdA|- 7 h qA| M Ai
up with our camera team to make sure
yxpf 5! CHAI 0IIA1
Asa|fi=o||A| 14 2iB MUSS SE50| o|q ]A|
they have all the equipment they need to “ °
take another look at it and see where I can take out some
begin filming.
unnecessary scenes from the storyboard! ) ! 5|B 2® M0|- tfAfe
go Oh -A. oiq qqAj
B B (D)o |q.
y- ewwifl, Wl«! °® x ®
® | asiq
^- |
B £S. tf
fi .
qWB!E|E|o| 7HS# q Mtt 15!
BS|7lE|Ll|fi. tlA| D|°fO| o
yai Liq. qA| MSA1 £a|MH0||Ai
^ ^^
^ ^
MBStf ys# o| qqojxi tfojsH fi3!sL|q.
y tofo ZLBB AiB 7 ® qgo|| 2B5HA1 A|«f 8fe
nil ystf HB ?>hu|# «HOR!IO|fl.
TEST 6 163
58 41 0
^^| ^^ ^0|IL ^i^ |0l|fi. |*1| |°*
7 0 0 0
“ A ® aa - 3*f7 f 4*11 g£» 2
M Au Kriti and Melissa, 59 l reviewed the results
of the soil tests yesterday, and 60 most of
* f7 f 5! MWOJW 0|
*ll SAf 14# SSJiqai(l reviewed the
the sports fields we manage have healthy 4.
) ! Hof!
results of the soil tests yesterday! !
^° .^ 323 (C)0|
soil . But unfortunately, the baseball field
on Smith Drive has elevated levels of Paraphrasing 444 the results of the soil tests
potassium . -» 344 Some test results
22 mmo \ SBUI efe y
^5!A ®cHAKHlAi - -
4*l 4 2 Sfe
# | §£ § # ° l SH-|
° I AD | A yo | ofi® o | ME[1 -
wfe m 2 4 sw. nwAi ( A ) OICK oi #4 tijyoiMifl. sHy ayoii 4M4 E\ &\ o ® y =
&2 Mlgoi % 7H OJM 2L . Xl|7 f 4M01 Mg 24M4
4H94 oioiliJM MLHA1 cf # M44 o 0| u\ n\n etaf
^ ^
CH - I alley Mgg adult 92 participate in
What will Melissa send by e- mail? ^ ~bowling
0l| 47 fS|q- convenient 249 available 0|g
(A) A summary of work tasks
7 fea
( B) A letter of appreciation
(C) A news article
( D) A cost estimate
League Schedule
iElAfe oimiys
( A ) 94 £4
^s * SM 324? Junior League ( ages 9-12 )
Monday 5: 30 P.M.
(B) 942 1
(C ) yA 7 |Af
* Teen League ( ages 13-17 )
(D) 29 1 Tuesday 6:00 P.M.
* Wednesday 7:00 P.M .
ojfl summary appreciation
Adult League m
sHM Aii AUfsg - ya|Af7|- o|ii||ysMy 5! 1/1
y l7i 4 2 HH CHARM yaiARM 294 u| y A| ho |
^Thursday 6 : 00 .
P M .
* ( *^ ^ O
Ai2 l Melissa, do you have time to prepare a cost estimate?)#
# i, 4 m oiAi7i 499 m £4 yaw m 3( sure. it
ap. MSS
won’t take long)0 |am t \Q\ 99 XR&\X \ MM! ] ! 4 A M 0 |D||y ^lay|CH am (9- 12*11)
IfAiiL aaicKl’ll send it by lunchtime, and I’ll cc you both on the
£4 5 A | 302
§A!d am (13-17A1I)
) ! M4
e - mail! !! 5i2H 992 ( D)0 |cK
^ m°d £4 6 AI
4ay a 7A |
92 am
62- 64 q » + «RI* 631? OQJ £4 6 A |
TEST 6 165
63 closed this Friday. The library is being
Look at the graphic. On which day will the Junior used for the district elections .
League meet starting next month? M- Cn I see. 66 Are there any movies showing?
(A ) Monday
W-Br 66 Yes there's one on Thursday evening .
( B) Tuesday
(C) Wednesday M- Cn Oh, too bad. 66 I'm away for a client
(D) Thursday meeting on Thursday.
^ (D)0|ch
o|?| fish pond ofOioh award a grant OS T 4
67 Color Price
Look at the graphic. When will the man most likely Garden Green $23
attend a library event ? 70Misty $27
( A ) On Monday
Sunrise Peach $19
(B) On Tuesday
Antique White $16
(C) On Wednesday
( D) On Thursday
7 f?
AJ|Ah 7
A|Zf 3M0II 442, fefAfe 2
* 11 £A ® *$ X\0\\ ^:>IE|!
7| i£ 23 = 21-
( A ) HSU 7 D| 27 ai
(B ) m°d ° ^
£jaK> l2S n|x| 19 Bi
* Q°d
°HE|H 5l0|^ 16 £i
A|Z| S 7|| - £A ® lAfoil Sfgsfe SL°d
What is the conversation about ?
W7 f Ail m CHAKHIAI 42 4 *H§- #0» Z L O| *H A [°!5|0||£
( A ) Extending a fence
24J 0 | 2s 2 ItcKif you like Sumit Mehta s books, you might be
(B) Building a storage shed
) !H fAf, yApf £fAf£| £]A|£|- If#||
interested in his book signing!
’ )!
^ (C) Repairing a bridge
ZIttH 4A| 23JW(Thanks, I ll come back for that!
(D) Updating an entrance area
Afojtioii Wte 4
Mof mi 44
Afojt|7 f Q.°d 0\ \ E|H (C) 0 |Cf.
^ ^^ ^
TEST 6 167
(A )
^#\\ 0 CHtfoi7 f? ® fc s § 7©
|3A| | 8b|B 2^jA|(we want it to be as close to
(B) SB 8P 28
^ E| 38 the original color as when it was first built, even though that’s
the most expensive option on the list) 2.p Hop. SiB. E||2iM
(C) q-a| a|
(D)HP 7H8 ^ S80II Ctp D | AE| M#7l 7l*f 71 01
^ ^ 888 (B)0 |ch
om MU H^ii - om
0|Al7l U \x \
°t m 288 ICHSJ
^ AH& m 3|CH8
Paraphrasing Htp clinic -» 88^1 medical clinic
72 are a few things you need to know. To begin
with, if you want to use the device for commercial
What is mainly being discussed?
purposes, such as photography or videography,
( A) A hiring decision
(B) A marketing campaign then you'll need to apply for a license. 76 I'll share
(C) A customer satisfaction survey some resources at the end of this podcast to guide
( D) An electronic check-in system your application process.
0|0MSfe7 f?
EIIHM^D^I AH opEEMMcK H oil m o|
( A ) n# m opm oHgbJMch m
M mo \ z\& owof ft #01 OJ&
( B ) n \nm anlfc! ^
(C) n7-J} Z.M LICK
^ m ? \ m AHEI MM £Efe ss# MM MS
^ Watoil iFS# MMfflte *ES SS»B!!#L|ch
1?l hiring It# satisfaction EM
^ m LHSaS - SX|2l 3tt|| of ?l to begin with ## Ej 1 device S*l, 7 FP-
l l7l seiWW 0\ \ ||H ]
^* 0| |y- §0| 7#|.9H#cK 0tfjur# clinic
° ? |9 >Sa7 F
~ ^
is getting a check -in kiosk Bf , # AH
) ^^ % 7H
commercial apply for # '£d Slcl license
share il#Slcl resource
m M^!Sl£ EE of ZdOfl
0|| cpH AAE? ### MS 4 Sicl# (
What process 4§
this means is that patients will be able to check themselves
in to their medical appointments by clicking through some
buttons in the kiosk )0 | 2|H1fSp. SM# ( D)0|cl. 74
Who is the podcast intended for ?
Paraphrasing MS|fi| check-in kiosk ( A) Party organizers
-* § tf ^J check-in system (B) Travel agents
(C) Technology enthusiasts
(D) Carpenters m
What will happen next Tuesday ? (A )nlE| i |Al
( A ) A new security system will be installed. (B)
TEST 6 169
AII3 xm ## - 13 mmm\ «as a «r 4i£# 2A ©g £# £3 SAW 3# 3#44. 3
* <
mm 424 330112 o | 5^H£ = 423011 22 42# 3MISI3 4?l mechanical 7 |71|°| trade show 33 334 participant
o322J!4(m share some resources at the end of this 332 laboratory 33 =
) !12
podcast to guide your application process! ! !lot=l 3 XH ^ h
O td
m m mssa - «w 2| A
3 A o 4.
( ) |
427|- £
* *
330112 # 2# 01M # # 2 4 4 3
| ( A t t e n t i o n,
Paraphrasing 344 some resources ~ to guide your exhibitors) 0 | am 3 =32, 33 42!#£34 44£ 4£#ai|0 ®
application process #oH23 MHASOI 3QH24 42 £# ! 13 421 AK) |42
- 234 Application instructions
* 4— 3011 £2 3# Ifm^KWelcome to the Digital Signage Expo,
where representatives selling digital billboards and video
displays can interact directly with buyers)£ 12.IL 1 £
° ^
77-79 #2 233 (B)0|4.
M- Au 7
Attention, exhibitors. Welcome to the
Digital Signage Expo, where representatives
selling digital billboards and video displays can
What does the speaker request that the listeners do?
interact directly with buyers. The exhibit hall will
( A) Take safety precautions
open in fifteen minutes. 78 To ensure everyone's
( B) Sign a registration sheet
safety, we request that you clear your exhibit
(C) Wear name tags
area of boxes and debris and be sure cables and ( D) Move their vehicles
electrical cords are securely taped to the floor.
^ And remember, the exhibit hall will close at
423 22142 31# 24£ £2234?
( A) 32 0113 £2 4271
five P.M. today so that exhibitors can attend this
(B) #33011 22271
evening 's reception. That will be held in the (C) 0|#S 37|
building's main lobby. (D) 2# 0|#A|7|7|
79 80
What will take place in the evening? Who most likely is the speaker ?
( A) A debate ( A ) A customer service representative
(B) An award ceremony ( B) A software developer
(C) A film screening (C) A podcast host
( D) A reception (D) An event coordinator
*(Amon ^o \ m
) £# (A ) Aiu| A ggxf
(B) 7 WU \
(B) A | AhAI
grn g
(c) (C) !OT
(D) gg gsi ^ (D) «A> giW*
A ® as - Ai oii um g < CH ?I representative dlft, dRIEI developer ^Hs^l host (TV,
mm ^ y ^ oiiAi
^ A-m gsioii 4 ajqa SM) £!SA|- coordinator g£W,
) Hof!
SicKexhibitors can attend this evening’s reception! ! !
s*n msaa - <
^Afxi3 ##
0100 ggg (D)0|ch
^ im E£j oi|Ai
^ sgffl
^ < cHM a|g>
( Welcome to M o n e y R e v e a l s , the p o d c a s t f o r s m a r t
investors) 0 |aln «Sfcn. °iQ£ ? IfAfe 51?HAE gf|x|o|g af 4
oich fffeW ( C ) 0 | ch
80 - 82 »1
M Cn 80 Welcome to Money Reveals, the podcast
for smart investors. This week, I'll be discussing 81
the best tips for amateur investors, if you 're just According to the speaker, what can a software H
getting started. But first, this episode is brought application be used for ? m
to you by Codeword. 81 Don't search online for i/i
( A ) Making travel reservations
discount coupons any longer ! Codeword is a (B) Uploading documents
software application that scans the Internet (C) Managing subscriptions
for promotional codes and applies them to (D) Searching for discounts
your online shopping cart . If Codeword finds
tlAK>|| ccfa 4^M$||CH O a|7||0|aS SJ0|| o |g 4 Sfe7|?
^ ^ »
any discounts, an Apply Coupon button will ( A ) Oig 0||of
automatically appear at checkout. 82 What's more, (B) £Ai
the first 100 listeners to use the download link on (C )
my Web site will receive free music festival tickets. (D) If
°! 2 -!j
l oj
^ Mm !
OMI Sf ApISHSC® B0|s. S lf 0IS oj|ii|£Efc
*| !°l z.m vrn 0|0|7|UL|:r K o\2&m
oHs Ai| A ® && -
IIA171 gttWW q 0 |Ah 3HD | * gaKDon't
H jL|Lh E| 0|# IJOI =lSf . aafoio 7HAjj5 W
search online for discount coupons any longer !! )!
TEST 6 171
mmz 4 sfe7 f? °H s 3 11 mg && - mmsit 2 m
(A) UH *
mm £ 0i|A1 2 Am\ Afe ^*]0|ZL A |y
(B) ±M \
^ O|| 0 | QJIS. 0 |Ah
(This is 5 o -Jin — in Apartment 2 A. I just moved into the complex
(C ) oHSMixiB DH
(D) w- y 1
^ last month! ) ! atl H oh 7H ^KH § l|£c. jlffJJiiKl’m calling
^ * ^
^ - s
) ! slH
about a problem with my kitchen sink! * jl|- ^AjOJ^ 7j
sign up for £J 6 fcf newsletter m aaiaa# ##tr 4 m. s&s (B)OICK
^ in - store DUS
Paraphrasing &tf°| Apartment - i§&2| property
“ Al-Sf - 8 0|
Aj| « SB
SW7|- D ISfOil 1A 0|E01|A1 CISSH 0 |g 100 g°|
oTWg g f 5=-Aj| tjoh #
^ ^
c 7j| @c.|-( the first 100 listeners to
use the download link on my Web site will receive free music
festival tickets! (A)0|q. What problem does the speaker have?
( A) Some appliances have not arrived.
Paraphrasing &SF2| use the download link ( B) Some boxes have been damaged.
- §&2J clicking on a link
* (C) A water cooler is not working.
( D) A sink is not draining.
83 - 85 S n||AM »
tfAfeO|£j Ai|7 f oi ?
ra 1BB0| £sfSW 8flct
(A ) 7
* mm.
W-Br Hi . ^ This is So - Jin — in Apartment 2 A . I (C) y47|7 > s»SMBfect
just moved into the complex last month. 83> 84 rm (D) 7H CH # 0| HHfX|A | BfeCl.-
calling about a problem with my kitchen sink .
of ?l appliance 7 All# drain MO I MfA|cf
^ The drain is completely clogged, so the water
AII xm && - eesfe m
won't go down. 85 I've tried a few different drain
2fAf 7 F #y 0||A| 2* U } 7H 4CH SA||S SSKKfeCll UH 4£f 0 | gx\ f> \
cleaning products, but they didn't help. I think I've ^
°t3|Aj #0| LHB|7 fA | SfecKl’m calling about a problem with my
done all I can do. I'm at work now, but I'll be home
kitchen sink . The drain is completely clogged, so the water
this afternoon. 85 Could you call me back, so we
can arrange a time to meet there? Thanks.
won’t go down! )!
°|oa ^ £!&£ (D)0|q.
* oTfo|| || ###a HiW
S| |7|- “ tf 4 2fe
(A ) 7
C ” g
* 8H!£i5fiS! Mh80fBf£|!iELf!!itsfe o|° ^°jy \?
Who is the speaker most likely calling?
(B) oA|-2.| £g0| SfiSfLfe 3M LtEtLHEiH
(c ) JEM 4SOII o \% m
( A ) A store owner
(B) A property manager
(D) S
^ 7f m SKJSF3UI
(C ) A delivery driver of ?l refund #11 indicate M|ti|A|iif assistance Eg
(D) A restaurant supplier enroll confirm nr^f, complete
^oMi S2FSRfe f? 7 ^8|cto
( A ) nHs a ttAfo ) |£ E OF -
^ a 4^ a SH a
^ ^ ^ SIJE
^ Af7 t #y 0||Ai « 7 fA| qo® UH4 f
( B) 2M B|?J
^ ^| | ^’
^ ^ Ail #
^ £§0 | Alj
(C) UHMM |Af
^ 7
^fcKl ve tried
they didn’t help!
a few different drain cleaning products, but
) ! 3® Tl, ¥ [2 5i2D|, f7 ||0|| °M
(D) Alg
^£X \ ]
A|TIM ttM 4 2feA|( Could you call me back, so we can arrange
86- 88 m Ml 87
What does the speaker thank Rajeev for doing?
M-Cn 86 Next Tuesday the eleventh is our office ( A ) Paying for refreshments
cleanup . We'll have bins stationed all around the (B) Reserving a meeting room
office for you to put garbage and recycling in. Be (C) Arranging transportation
sure to shred any documents that have private (D) Renting some equipment
client information on them. 87 Our office manager 7|- S! tt doil m
Rajeev has rented some extra document shredders
(A )
|§ Xl
^* ^
for us to use . Thanks for taking care of that, (B) OllSf
Rajeev. Now, 88 we've
hired two new accountants c
( ) ora
who are supposed to start in a month, and we (D) m CHCM
need to make space for their desks. Now that our d?l refreshments cM arrange equipment
work is mostly paperless, the south corner of the
office has a lot of empty file cabinets.
An * A ® ag - mm araMowi mn sfe g
(D) y nzHyoi
^ tfxw y * 0j|Ai yy s|?ns g £1- *H x |o|| 01121
^ ^ n
d?l renew contract 7j|2ft 7j|yA| greet ynh oS# uisOjOf tfcKwe’ve hired two new accountants and we
) ! y?f Tl y sf-Tl
^ A ® aSyg- SXWO
A|| | DH a ^ sfagoii
»y need to make space for their desks!
7i xHy g ixiiyuiafe °|M . tf yy #y
ilxf7i tygoiiAi n&yy Aigy dy 7i ycKNext
^ yyg (
^ tfxfyyg ^ ^
^ )!
Tuesday the eleventh is our office cleanup! B) 0|
oiy. ufafAi ( A)O |LK
TEST 6 173
paper. Due to bad weather conditions last week, mm\ ^=3, ^|Af0 Ois! ^ \17
roads around our warehouse were closed. As a (A )
(B) HH£ IS
result, 90 customers may be experiencing delays in *
receiving their recent orders. Now that the roads
(D) MfbtfAHn
are clear, we've resumed deliveries. However, we'll
need a few days to catch up. To make up for this CH ?I staffing 0# AH§ shortage 0 - limited A-Ht[0 0100
^ t
Web site. 91 Onceyou do, your discount code will ( customers may be experiencing delays in receiving their
^ I j P ? 020 (B) 0 |c|-.
) ! #af!
arrive in an e-mail. recent orders! °°
Paraphrasing 21J2 delays in receiving their recent
eMSWIfi. |2| 2-IH2I Af00 j| 338 11 x \m \ |S|A|oi| m
* * *^ orders -» 02^1 Shipping delays
SMSi-M. X |20 tCH Oll m 0H °B 0±H
n m, n-nH#oi i= w m
4 10# ai
^ ^ *
A| 0||# $\%5\
^ ^Al |# DSaiPI-
Sl 0| B |8fe
|«A |
¥ 2 -
| ajojojLit . AP# WHatmb A|S2|
m0\\ S! » ^AIojL|CK ZLE|H ^ | 74fH
^§ A (B)
7 ! EL
^ | 3^A|iJ | |°JL|CK
M ct¥H CHS m
72 xl ai *ft| EIIO & 0\& %
| H f m\ ISsHof tfLicK mm fe
(D) A
^#Af4 aS
«S | 2
^ A5 0
^ K
^ We ll need to
what overall community themes should be addressed and
CH ?I commission responsibility ^IcJ manage prioritized)0|alH 1® H H&HA1 °J#°| Af 5} 0 |
5fE|S[c|- initiative 7|1
| ! mayor A |S decision IS
redevelop AlPH ^ Sfcf opportunity 7 I^I integrate ^
2.5lulu SS KSo I think it’s important that we conduct a
^ *
) ! slElsL Slrr ( A )
survey regarding the residents’ preferences!
sculpture -EZt, 2iS# determine IS^IS, OK-Hnf
overall Efc||£| theme £\ \ Q \ , 11 address S¥LI\ -Ho lcf
0 |S.
^* ^
prioritize 33-^. AjElslcf conduct sKT resident i ^ S 2| to determine what overall
- x |- preference 3s diverse ofSt!- a range of cfcM,
community themes
^ perspective 33 skilled #33, inltt win an -» 3 To decide on a theme
award SM
92 94
What has the mayor decided to do? Why does the speaker say, “I think Alvaro Gomez has
( A) Run for election again won several awards” ?
( B) Redevelop an area of the city (A) To correct some information m
(C) Host an art festival (B) To praise a museum exhibit H
(D) Provide public art classes (C) To recommend a suitable candidate
(D) To congratulate a colleague
AISS - 5!# SPISIS f?
(A )
S7i AHftDf
^ mw “iMs:noll*7|- ojaf 3 3# S3 7A ^#L|ci” £!
f iitsfe 0|°
(B) A|°| tfX|2j wm
^(A )°3^Moj#|-?HISEPI |OH
< 7
(C) Oll Ail 7H 4|
^ (B) l # SA|s|# sm |
AI9# AH 7H #U Cfe A|S —I as A |«
H?l correct ti S3 - praise
( exhibit 3A|s|, 3AIi
^ ^ ^
x | x|-
A ® S |CH| y7 [ - S(The mayor’s decision to redevelop the
^ ^ ^
suitable Stftf candidate MAf,
Hoverton District is welcome news across the community)0 |El *H 3 SW°| |£ n® - aue!iail^!f CHE1 3 4
» S3 a
HSH^ S&£ ( B) 0|cL a
asi £
What is the goal of a survey?
(A) To decide on a theme
(B) To raise money for a project
(C) To educate the public about a problem
( D) To recruit some volunteers
TEST 6 175
- » *
95 97 S o|A| | + 2Ks|
* 95
Who most likely is the speaker ?
W-Br Good afternoon, Mr. Kwon,95 this is Olga ( A) A seating usher
Popova from the Smith Theater. You're next on the ( B) A band director
wait list for theater tickets . On your preference (C) A stage actor
form, you requested four tickets together in either (D) A sales agent
the orchestra or the mid -balcony. Unfortunately,
those sections are completely sold out on the (A) ew®
date you requested. 96 But I do have four tickets (B) 22 l¥l |-
together in the lower balcony for that date. I' ll be (C ) 2 -
* *
happy to set aside those tickets if you'd like. I can (D)
hold this request for 24 hours. 97 Please call our 3 11
box office as soon as possible to let me know if *
m\7 \ £2^0||A1 AD|A =S2| ssuKthis is Olga Popova
you're still interested. from the Smith Theater) ! ! 747 ® A7HaH2>M 2 AAph
n ^
Lp \ 22—I £b§- xfalKYou’re next on the wait list for theater
eiaswifi, 2 ^l. ±n|A =go| 71 ssHraMch am
dp12 «22 EH- |o|22S.
%m\M |AeaH0|2
tickets) Elea 2 4 22.
*^ »
#2 Hsh3L|Aio^ s 4§ £SSUfee||fi. 2E |£ SH9 22
^ ( D ) 0 | 2.
A|zf 2M0II 2
(A ) 7522
^2, o ® 7 feS 222 SLi 222? K?
Smith Theater
(B) 10022
Rear balcony
$75 (C) 12522
(D) 15022
$100 I » » » JL » « « » » jr A|Z[ SM 22I - 0 ® 7 feS V22 S
Lower balcony mw #2V0||A1 SH9 2^K>II OI-BH 2^MSO||S iMI ^ 433 S7l
Kl do have four tickets together in the lower balcony for that
date)al 5JU, HS | 2= 2 ORH
! 1
Orchestra £ 0| 125220|H£ S2S
$150 ( C) o |2.
AnlA S
2 23L|Aj
^ r^|
^ \ r ~\ H£7
§2 2
^ What does the listener need to do within 24 hours?
10022 ( A ) Make a phone call
960 fEH 2 M ! (B) Send in a payment
12522 ^ ^
( C) Pick up an item
£?1|AM22 ( D) Fill out a form
3 fe 24 A |2 o |LM V2# sHOl ^ fe7l?
( A) 3337|
(B) Xg8p|
33 rear 2 3 lower 012 2 stage
^ ^ (C ) 2 7 lAl7 f7 |
(D) Ai2 7 | Jul7 |
32 send in payment AMif, c|g
*H9 *iib m - m?\ 24 * ® OILHOII m sr a
m\? \ 3*13^o\ \M £|c|® (El nfjfiAS mmM OH £HO| 2te
i3(Please call our box office as soon as possible to let
*mel know >
’ )! 9i H 33b ( A )0 |
if you re still interested! ° ^
98 -100 0|SJ 3M + |£
* 3 ?l city hall I3 harbor US
W- Am Welcome to this bus tour of the Kensey
Harbor. 98 Unfortunately, one of the stops on our
Look at the graphic. Which stop has been canceled?
itinerary, the museum, is closed, and we won't be
( A) Stop 1
able to visit it. The museum had a water pipe
burst overnight . It looks like repair and cleanup
( B) Stop 2
(C) Stop 3
work will last this whole week. I apologize, since I (D) Stop 4
know many of you were looking forward to seeing
*(AI3) 13S^=3| °|I ®, OiCDj | | |- fl±f|fe7 K?
the museum's exhibit on local fish 100To make . 0| 5 X7
* u
^ *
0|rn 5! aSL|cf. 3b bW 3 « *«
f3 S l I7 | 3 11- sn
, ’
is closed and we won t be able to visit it! ) ! 33
! ! |S! ||
* 0
33 SKaqfe 9 37|o|| 12H =HL|3. o M5SPI »
* 3= 3 3#bb 3 i * =3* |0 |HS 33b ( 0013.
* 13011 £35® bfi 3
bS 3b# —3M *
3 3 f# sH S
* 99
33 itinerary 01|H 33fi museum 3#b, water Why has a stop been canceled?
pipe uHSb, USb burst 3 13 last IS33 apologize
* *
12 13 look forward to ~# Hdl5l3 exhibit 3 ls
( A ) A guest speaker is unavailable.
*^ * (B) A building is undergoing maintenance.
* ~
local U I3 make up for # ^333, 335H3 (C) An area has closed for a festival.
complimentary 3^3 cannery #£3 o mxi
. -
(D) A private event has been scheduled.
=3*|7HH fl^«fe7 f?
( A ) 2L3 b ® A ® o | 3 b3.
* * # 33.
* 1| ^3.
®# 0| # |MS
(C) ® |
* ^*^ ^0
(D ) H3 SWilSoi 9S3.
3 1 unavailable I30 | 3 3b
Stop 3:
33 guest speaker
undergo 33 maintenance b I^S private 133, 7H33
* *
1lb ® bb - =3 13 o |#
* * *
3 31 #3 || 1 330II 3#30 1 dHSb0| &H3(The museum
* ^*0
had a water pipe burst overnight ) 0 |3 S LHLH S3 3 3S 33
0 | l3 s 3 93( lt looks like repair and cleanup work will last
* ) ! 33
this whole week! ! ! 33b (B)0|3.
TEST 6 177
What will the listeners receive?
( A) A refund
(B) A souvenir
(C) A printed map
(D) Meal vouchers
(A )
(B) 7 | #
(C) x |£. £]±H#
“ xm
*on»Mo| B*7|a ±ran Aiga cKTo
^ ^H 5
make up for this, we ' re providing complimentary meal ^
vouchers! (D) 0 |ch
( D) y F? F A]## 2fe(is examining some plants) S.
£0|J=1^ ga.
7| TEST 7
3 M- Au
TEST 7 179
m SS Am - AUT/Affi/gg Stf sAf (A ) AHT#0| A gagollAI 7 |Cfa|H 33.
( A ) So. hA|-7 [- hS-E CHI If# #Bj :n 3b( is resting his arm on a (B) AffiTj 7H |[lH7 h
^ e |0| x|£|Oi 33.
^ ^ ^ (C) l# o| MM# 33 * ^
|oi 33.
counter) Ht O IHM 33.
(B) #A|- M3. 3 f7 f 7HH 2fe(is folding his coat) H£0| Of
*®# | A|
(D) A 0
^SOxf| 33
|HM M3.
* 0|f| bike rack l37t 7\m place 3 1513, ¥3 lawn 33
(C) #A|- 2*3. 7Hb|y b( A cabinet door) 0 | Sj 3b( has been left * * ^
open) 2£ 0 \ 0 [L|°S 23
^ sidewalk MM, £]5L gather MM3, so |3 square 2oMh
( D ) #A|- M3. £|AKSome stools) 7 f 30|H $ib(are being wiped *(AHtf) AmoilAm - A ®/Am /%% Stf HAf
&b SAf# OSS- M3. Amoil 3A bus stop)°|
down) S/sOl OfL|H 2%.
^ M | MO| | ° jO££ M3.
^0 A
( B ) AHEIOII 3b SAhl 0 ®a 23. Amoil Am7-| 7i |qi( Bike racks)
3 tt|tt(a lawn)°| M£0 | M0 |X |i
4 M - Cn
° °H? M3.
( C ) Su. Af# (Some cars) | MM# 33 -Af £|CH 3b( are parked
along a sidewalk ) M30|H
^ THcih
oj?| floor #
=3*13 #4,1
- what 3##
7 (A ) 333= S3.
33. 3*13 #4# fe ##oi| 25#o|am *1133 #4# *11^
M - Cn Who’s providing the floral arrangements for the
( B)
A|Sp. °|£H 33. *
party ? ^
( C ) 33 33 S3. ##3 going toOJ|A| 33 7 feEr there # 0 |§3
M - AU ( A ) The florist on Main Street.
(B) She’s had a long career.
(C) Yes, his flight has been arranged.
mi3 7 fo| #3o|S.
M - AuHow do I set up this projector?
(B) ZLLfe #301 # 3S.
(C) Ml, a7Hf 9§H0 | nraso|fl. w- Am ( A ) The storage area downstairs.
(B) A new project code.
3?l floral #3, ## Al|§#t arrangement =3, aHs florist .XLXl
(C) There’s a manual in the drawer.
flight 333 arrange =333
o | assiEfe 33 1 # |sms?
m 43 33 *113*1# #= Who 3## ^ *
( A ) 33. njEi 33 mm ##on miei m 3013s e
^ *
( A ) 0 HH# M3 S30|S.
* *
sfe 3*11# 33 s ° . ° ? 33.
^ jq
(B) AH 2£S.
(C) A1301I #3 Al7 foiOiS.
3£f&= S3 asoil 333 dm She^. 1m 3#o | 3
( B) ,
* 3?l set up sA |sl3 storage S3 manual #3 1 drawer
33 301 S3. *
( C ) Yes/ No #7 f S3 Who 3##01I= Yes/ No #301 #7 fc§|SS. m * £*iEi m SHSSfe HOW 3##
S3. ( A) 323= S3.
( B) 333 S3. 3=3 projector3 333 37fl3 project # =tt
33. ss.m #*l 33 # #b 3=oil Aj oil # 3371 333 3
8 ( C)
33# 3S5iais 33 3 oa ^ 33.
w- Am Why didn’t you finish the budget report ?
M- Au ( A) At the finish line.
( B) No, it wasn’t expensive.
(C) I was meeting with a client. 11 1/1
2H 0||3 SSAi# LHA | a5i!3S? w -Am Who has already received their promotion
(A )##30||AiS.
^ letter ? VI
(B) OIMS, 343 333S. M- Cn ( A ) I did yesterday.
(C) 3b S34 33S 333S. (B) A party invitation.
( C) Polina gave the speech.
3?l budget o||3 finish line H#3 expensive 33
V7l #3 # 1 1# 01 | 333S?
sH # 0||yMjlA|# SLHx|!ieo|S SfeWhy 2|SS **
( A ) 33 3# S3. 3#3 finish# 3# 0 | £l S3.
( A) X1I710WI 333S.
(B) Yes / No #71 S3. Why 3##0||b Yes /No 301 #7 fe5 fS
(B) 3E| 21330IS.
S3. *^ c
( ) # 337133# ma .
TEST 7 181
12 outreach #Af if# coordinatori #A|- reach SS fund
w -Br Did you read the press release? AfS# AIS H# accountant 2 7 S ^|7||A|-
^ | ||
w-Am (A ) I haven’t checked my e -mail all day. m oil# M## SS# A|7 # # When 2®s »
(B) It ’s not raining here yet. ( A ) Af ## MS. # # | outreachS S M ## 0 | #A ®
(C) The switch works fine.
reach# 0|#S MS.
° * ^
( B) SS. Oil # M## ## if#i #A|0||7|| *©# A|7 ##CH| »
SSS ! Lf IKWDI SS# #M7l &S# #^ISMM #a|
( A) #s ows# %°jm\ zmz.
(B) O|7 |S 0 lS U|7|- O|2fo .
(0 #S&# MS. Why S##oil c|® S&0|H. MS.
^*I# # S# HM. 5
(B) Here’s the paper for your newsletter. °i# appointment S# annual S3IS, oHSS checkup 3S
SCI 0||°|# tfOjsfe - 71 |# #
(C) Yes, it was renewed for another six months.
( A ) <3# SOI MS.
° ^
I appointment #- Dr.Oil A] S # 71##
BI xitwoii s# ### asm?
( A ) HAI# 1301| oiQ|o
annual checkup # 0 ®# MS.
(B) oi7i MSXI# m sm.
( B ) # #m- #s&# MS.
(o as. is sis## oiia# #s## ##OII Lii(Yes)Bm ms#
H s MS SM g# oia
(c) HI, 67! « H SA| # 4 ew
°\ $\ renew IS^I# subscription MS newsletter MAjx | oas _> .
^ (
^ #2 SS# SS2 HlSt
17 ( B) #14 23. How much 4HHI q® #30|2 23.
34 3123. 14 take # 310 | 3 23.
M - Au Would you be able to reschedule my haircut for
Monday ?
(0 #
w- Am ( A) No, we’re fully booked that day.
(B) I’ll open a window to let in some fresh air. 20
(C) The grass needs cutting. w-Am Will this month’s company gathering be held in
Benson Park ?
*(nA)3ojioi-L^|s#, atfS
3# #232 i
O||2f0| 4 $42.
M - Au ( A) I usually park by the fountain.
(B) It ’s still cold outside most days.
(B) 333 #44
(C) 34 *4221si* wia (C) Those should be printed in color.
4?l reschedule 33# 33^ H4 fully booked oj|40| 4 3 o ® 34324 !E!£ S£0]W1# 0113442?
( B) 1 |- 3 23. #14 haircuts H322 # 0 | £A ® air #
fountain ^
oB 23.
* °H
* 1W 24 34# 3R! fe SSAKWillg) 411
( ) .
*#* *1 41 4 4## ls* 322
oil dR g 0132 # 44 3!#
| .
0|| A |
44 12 4222 33.
(0 324 343b 24.
M-Au Should I take the train or the bus to the airport ?
M- Cn (A) The bus stop is five kilometers away.
( B) There are enough for all of us. 21
(C) No, I went to a training session. M - Cn When will the tickets for the performance be
ready to pick up?
#444 44# 401342, 0144 4 A# E\O { #7712? m
( A) 4 3 3 !5km 44HI2. w- Br ( A ) We should get them by the end of the m
^ ^
(B ) 24 21# 18HS14 442. week. H
(B) A famous director.
1 2lo|| &ini2.
(C) 0142, l si
* (C) Twenty-five euros.
SH3 4 Mg 2114# #133 4##
#4 33414 *1113 # 14#42?
33. 7|44 4 A g 4 4g 2114# 1#S0|| 4 A gagg
( A)
5 km 4444 4 A 31301 44 4222 7 |Apl ycfe # # 1 !##14# 40112.
( A) 13 011
( B) 14 *31012 .
# 322 44 12 4222 33.
( B ) 314 ga&fc 23.
(C) 25122.
* !33
( C) Yes/No #71 23.13413# 4 #Sfe 31# 11442 4?l performance #4 director 31. 41*l, 33*1
4H0II1Yes/No 301 7 feS|a2 23.
* * m # 4 334-1 IS A |3# #1When 411
(A) 33. #4 3344 IS 1# |*j# #1ggo|| 13 0!3#
14# 30|am 34 12 4222 33.
* * *«
19 ( B ) 43 301 23. #14 performanceO||A1 43 7|#3 famous
director # 0 | g 23.
w-Br How long will the online course take?
M - Cn ( A) You can finish it in a few hours.
(0 #14 333123. How much 4H0II 4 # #30 |22 23.
TEST 7 183
2S 7HsL7 \ 0 |D | #£3feA| £T £ =31412. dB. 0 WM2| Sg
( B) »U§0|| 0p| O ' CH^I- TlPMOll A|g§p|
( A)2 d£r Oi|A1 d lM%0\ 2L. op! OWMOII a# l atoi- H#cfe Aid# s|da
(B) ILLfe
fiXg MU iSS.
^* ^
° 5 B3 SiSHi dB.
(C) 12A| 3o# dda#oia (0 nr-Af ## £B. d#S apartment ## #S B#0 | Af #
2?l packaging MB material H5 loading dock ( 2112) d agreement # 0 |# # 2.a.
^ ^
B# # appointments#
o|g 2 o|
^H # ^
( A)dB. SS H57i o| | ##3bA| # dd#oil a a#
* »
501W 2 ® £22 01 | 22325 J7 oio
M-Au How much oil does your heater use in the
winter ?
^^ ««
( B) Ai S 22Sfe £B. A ol 3BB CHSAI Shei x|S2 S# w-Am ( A ) We may need to stop for gas on our trip.
0| aB£ 301 &o 5 aa
° (B) That recipe calls for butter.
(0 Ai s aaBb aa.
^^ (C) We only use electric appliances.
BBS 22# 7 »^
0I| 7 |# #
| afl4M?
( A ) 2 # S12BA1
23 ^
(B) niaia# tHEpl USsHS.
SsH d Hof HAIM #aio
w-Am Could you please send me the sales report ? (c ) # 2# 271 nmv A SHS.
M- Cn ( A ) Fifty percent off last season’s S?l recipei2B call for ~s ®fiS 5fc|- electric B7 |°J
merchandise. appliance 7 |7| 7 fd Ail#
S?l merchandised# weather report iJ7 | oi|M
( A) ad BS aB. salesOllAi ad 7 f#f[ Fifty percent off # w-Am Where can I find the vitamins?
o|gtf aa M- Cn (A) In aisle six.
( B) da B2 SJUi# MLH BB# Sdoil ZL # o ( 0 f coursejafu - . A
( B) That ’ s a really healthy recipe.
22 H i# zifTii srajcw dd am a## s## BMOIM (C) The library is closed on Sundays.
aan? da.
(0 as a# aa. report# a# o @2 aa.
aaa^ ss ass?
(A) 6B #50||
(B) da aas ## saaoiMia.
(c ) MAia asms aoia.
24 ^
Sd aisle #5 healthy BBS ## library JEA©
M- Cn What type of view will your apartment have?
5 Hd 22B0| b | A|a Where 2|§§
w- Br ( A) The kitchen lighting looks great.
( A ) da. uiEiaoi b |Aia a i# # #OII 6a a ida 2
( B) I haven’t signed a lease yet. ^ ^
( C) We’re in complete agreement on that . ^is azi a 9H da.
( B ) ad aS aa. vitaminsOllAl adh 7 fe2 healthy# 0 |#
aaa ^aoi sa7is? 2 aa.
(A )
^ ssgoiswa. (0 a#4 daa# aa.
(B) oid °Am\ idAioii AigsfAi
^ aasa.
(C ) afe 7H 7 loll ad3| # o|5HS.
S?l lighting lease dSAf 7||d complete add 27
agreement w -Br Thank you for helping me create a survey.
OWE o| what S# # M-Au ( A ) The software did most of the work.
( A ) dd aS aa. Unr -I apartmentOllAi ad 7 (## kitchen ( B) Our loyal customers.
lighting# 0 |§# sa. (C) The crates are still in the warehouse.
*118dl#¥M^*W 8!*<1998
*82 8 22
^ H F « !a
. ( C) 28 29 2af. § 1 9 presentation
o | g 29. ** ^^ 28 7f
*8 handouts
( A)
9 2# 28# o .
SS? | 7
*8*1## f8 992
(C) 0 §20|| .
99 8 loyal
* 82
8 28 BI 28
customer # 81
* , crate 30
w- Br Didn’t there use to be a parking garage on this
°Hs AI aas AI ]§
89. 8 118# 298 * *1 1 ! 88 cH#£# ^
gAfafcfe § 0| TE M - Cn it ’s been torn down.
( A ) Yes, but
( A)
mm ^99
* xhtdoi 88 8 # # # 8
# *m## 2#82* ^ . ( B) You canhang your keys on this hook.
[22 ga (C) My car has a flat tire.
^282 °90 )*29. 8 1 9 surveyOilAi 28 fe9 l o y a l 7
( B)
* *. 0 | 7|E|0l| #X ®0| 2
*l 9982?
( 0 # l 9# £9.*
customers# 0| 8 29 ( A)m, ngqi 9#992.
8 1#9 c r e a t e #£82 g#o| 8 18
* *
crates # 0| 8 £9.
^ * * (B) oua|o!| 9±® 7i |21M8.
* (C) 1I 980|97 f §i3.992.
99 parking garage 8 18 tear down (2##) 9#8, # 7lsl8
hang #8 have a flat tire E.[-o|CH0!| JQBJ \ 88
mo \ siat^i tfgsit 8 9##
xlSOl 99# l !«*9251 g= oi| Li| (Yes) alZL
w-Am When will you be done testing the new mobile
d| 9#$89 2 # 2# 9#*
( A) 71E| 0|| 0
cH9tf ¥1,
^ * o| 89.
8 9 82&* 29. *
2 2
M- Cn ( A ) No, just an older laptop model.
(B) I’m almost finished.
(C) It ’s about a two - hour drive from here.
( * 22 9*. 8 9
0 28 £ # parkingO!|A1 28 7 fe9 car # 0 |§£[ 29.
I8 2 112 99 2712?
AH 28#
(A )
* * * *
OH-12, c| 29 # 2 8 H# 0 |2.
* 31 Ofcsaaiaa#
(B) 719 12.
(C ) 97| 18 2 l2# 0 | o -
w- Am Will you be available to work on Thursday or
* * * A| Friday ?
* H 9 28 J
° *IS9 8# # When 9##
( A ) Yes / No # f 29. When 9## || *Yes / No #901 #71 92
AH # M- Au ( A) There’s mandatory training on Friday.
* 0
* * (B) Yes, it was a good show.
(C) A daily schedule.
( B ) 89. AH 28#
*189 *18# #*°8J *Poil?71989^ LD
8# 9 112 2 #290 9 112?
* , 0 |-L| || VI
s AI80 I # 9* # 982 99 2
( 0 28 29 29. 8* 9*
. H
* ^ ° . *29929011
( A) 9
# o #92.#2 |
testingO!|A1 28 feft drive # o | g 29.
* 7
* *Ml 92 *820I292
(B) , .
(C ) 89 A|2fi2
99 available l#0| 9# mandatory 9 9
29 *
29 9
w -Br Don’t forget to turn off the projector after your
uH # 7 fett 9#
TEST 7 185
PART 3 Paraphrasing H|2|A| some samples of our new
vegetable chips
32- 34 §&2| some product samples
W-Am Hi I'm Gabriela Alvarez of Organic Easy
Meals. 32 I'm scheduled to offer some 33
samples of our new vegetable chips to
Where is the conversation most likely taking place?
your customers from three to five P M. . ( A ) At a restaurant
M Cn Oh yes. Hello, Ms. Alvarez. I'm Ryan (B) At a factory
Hughes, the manager. 53 We have a table (C) At an organic farm
set up for you at the end of aisle eight . ( D) At a grocery store
That 's our snacks aisle.
W-Am Thanks . I'll start bringing in food and some (A )
equipment from my truck. But first I'd like (B) SS
to take a look at the table I'll be using . (C )£7 feteS
(D) 4|K3
M-Cn Sounds good. 34 lf you'd like any help
bringing in your stuff, just let me know. o|?l organic £-7 fe | grocery
oj 2.7N o |xi
| ! | 7 lMa|lEl
° dm % EiHAMlAi 8*} soil E||0 |M§
# |sH STKWe have a
2.3* 3 A|
“Ei 5 AI77I-AI *|S| AH 28S =HM MM * ^
table set up for you at the end of aisle eight) 2Ul Al #sL(That ’s
our snacks aisle)aKn lfxH0| ±|S§ . S0|W
d Of, HI. of 5lAi|o , StHfHI* JU|. m £fB| Xf°l E|0 |£ j
H L|Ch 8S
^ H 31- 4 2W. upM *!&£ (D)0|CK
# 01| E1|0|M Mm WKHfi. ALJj
cnt|2| snacks -> 8Q2| grocery
01 *
ifAHWCf. !=mM xym o]M7| ApTMa.
d #0 fo . # 2#
HI £§0| USsfAlE itaj 34
What does the man offer to help with?
oi£l be scheduled to 0H§0|cq
vegetable AHA ( A) Scheduling an interview
a i s l e e q u i p m e n t s stuff 13 ( B) Mixing some ingredients
( C) Carrying some supplies
32 ( D) Assembling some equipment
35- 37 36
What does the woman ask about ?
W- Br Hello. 35 l
received a notice in the mail ( A ) A method of payment
about a fee I need to pay because I (B) A type of delivery service
returned some books late. My name is (C) A way to fill out a form
Ling Gao. (D) A schedule change
M Cn Hmm. 35 Yes, it says here in the system
- oj
^te ^oil m #01Mb7l?
that you owe ten dollars for overdue ( A) m\
materials . Would you like to pay that now? dH Aiu | A
W Br 36 Do you take credit cards? (C )
(D) £3
M- Cn We usually accept either cash or
payment M , HAH fill out
credit, 37 but our card reader has been °i?l method *
malfunctioning. Let me see if it's working 1® AII A® aa ow°i so| A ®
* ^=
^ |( DO you t a k e c r e d i t
OlApf cf|Af 0l|A1 J
cards?)# %1°H^ ( A)0|ch
oi sftsswia. m twHAi m tr m\&\
#*l# Hfl. Afe M 5HS .
(B) M
^ rnmn
( B) A librarian m Aii^ A ® ^ - yji7it ^
(C) A mail carrier teW7|- lA|°t qAlOllAi a| G|7 | 7|- 2M( our c a r d
(D) A truck driver reader has been malfunctioning ) ^f#0 | c|A | E| A | M2M
) ! Hof!
( Let me see if it’s working again! !
^ ^ (C)0|CK
oi F?
»^ ^
(A )
Paraphrasing cHsl°| see -* Check on
(B) AW
M1t|-°| card reader -* ?j&2| a machine
(C) ¥ 1I ¥-
(D) EEH ° *j7|A|
TEST 7 187
W-Br Oh no ! 40 My presentation requires the use 2HSM |0!|
of a television. (A )
^0| Li° Alum.
M Cn 40 Don't worry. We're meeting in the
* cf.
(C) S|o|4|0| 0|n| AFS 0|
boardroom. There's a smart TV there.
M - Au Is that room large enough for our team?
participant IPfAf delay A|2jA|7|ft revision
M - Cn Yes, we won't have a problem.
m AW ss - mm oi«s 01°
¥ y PI- 5! cHA|0|| Ai S|2|fe 5| OJ 0||A1
feh Of &|#. SSSI2I £b |7|- £| Lfo ?
^ ’
^ ^
meeting s in the conference room, right ?) # #Af 5!
7-I °feA|(The
01 m. fetfS 5H| nH5teL|ft
* *
y 2 S|2|fe 2|2| 0||A1 sfe 7|- £, tLfo ?
0 H-|£( No) afcn. y # flf fbfAloll £ 33ft( there’s been a
* °
feM OfL| o gfUfJ|0|| ZgmSL . IT Apf A|# Af ##
' ^
last- minute change)d IT Ap|-
“ l | | § MU %ft(The
° ^
conference room is being used by the IT department all day ) ~
W ## S|°|# # MU SicHfi. 0 | S 3 0! |I
of Ai ! Ail ysp TV# 0|§5H0 f SfeEllfl.
^ * ( C) 0 |ft
^ t|o|# 0l|Ai t| |# 5HS. 7i7 | ADfE TV
Paraphrasing d|5f2| The conference room is being
3S OWfl. ° used by the IT department all day
-* A room was already taken.
2 Ait| HO I Cl 0| SMei #7710 ?
yi **
Hi, sxiia# ai-ift
put together Sid, presentation
conference room s|2|# last - minute y£te|, What is the woman concerned about ?
( A ) The security of an Internet connection
°|blA|o| department A| job candidate T Af,
“2|£| ^
A |# Af boardroom # (B) The amount of approved funding
(C) The feedback from some colleagues
(D) The availability of some equipment
Soil m Bl5 fe7l?
What does the woman say she has finished doing?
(A) yn°i Mo|.
(A) Organizing a luncheon
(B) # J£JAiy ??s.
(B) Preparing some materials °
(C) s | n.\m
(C) Submitting a purchase order
(D) Reviewing some resumes
(D) m OIS 7 fe 0|¥
dAfe TO gnram
« security MOf
01 connection yH approve
* K?
* *^
i tl|# d Klve finished putting together Paraphrasing the use of a television
my presentation!) ! # olTl
Sun (B)0|ft -4 §y°| The availability of some equipment
AHE xm - twn nasoi SHOI © cm 3
M - Cn 42 I'm afraid they'll have to park on another
street . They can still access the store on 51 t\\ m\ M £ y # o | E£| 7 \m\
o\ x\y \ £fcx|( How will
foot. customers visit our store ~?)lr #A| y |7|- cl# 7 ] 2-\ 0\\ E f5H0 f
s A e Kl m afraid they ’ll have to park on another street!
*) !
W- Am OK . 43 I'll update our social media page to
7 '
^ ’0100 0
(C)0 |QK
direct our customers .
^ ^^
Paraphrasing d|2|s| park on another street
y HioioiiAi gx\ sxi*i ois? HE xwmo \ ai
7|a|# EISH OILHJEIIL Oi £ . OI E. 0 | H a 4 OH OJ
^ -> yy°| Park in a different area
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
01 |to|S! £y # 0| x\t \n t =jj A|*|# a|
7I71I0II Ojl|7|H£?
^ ^ ^
y D|# 7ia| cHI if 2 yo|° . oj *j§| yqAiE 7 M| £
What will the woman do next?
( A) Cancel her plans for the weekend
01 IRJIoifi. oiqoi oi|o| |oil Ji7J!# oi|7-|| y #
LH # AHS #171| O .
* (B) Close the shop early
(C) Drive slowly
( D) Post an update on social media
m construction §A| t direct yLH6 fcl access
aesw. -
oissicl on foot ojAj
(WE fj- 3JOJ7 K?
(A ) w Tilt! fl±8p|
(B )
41 (o m* \ SESPI
What problem do the speakers discuss? (D) £flD|c|o|o|| AH 7l|A | # # a|7|
( A ) A parking garage is full.
m\ post 7||A |5
( B) A street is closed.
AHf EE - W7 f Cb§Ol| £
(C) Some equipment is broken.
(W7| DfA | y CHAlOllAi
# D | qO| H||0 | X |0|| immM ttMISfc
(D) Some items are damaged.
LHE # # a| q (ril
^ media direct
CHS £ 1 M 0 |0 f 7 |5 fe7l?
our customers! ) ! St5|
! !
update our social
( D )0 |cf .
page to
(A )
*®o| cM ck
^ »
(B) JES7 JBII4HSW. Paraphrasing qtfq update our social media page
4 Post an update on social media m
ssoifli act.
(D) i/>
^ H
q?l equipment yu| damage £&hA|7 |q-, $J|£8|c|-
m AH xm - ti*«oi mm 44- 46
yxf 7l 51 QMQWM fi 0|OM gA| axffi SfE l( Did you see
the road construction sign at the corner ?)# # Ql HE ®#0|
* M - Au 44 lt 's
your first day working here, so we ' ll
°2-l 7la® n|sH oiLH£|JI 5ic|. (All traffic is being directed away
* spend the morning surveying the walking
from our street! )! 0lA|7| ycKl know!! )! trails so you can get a sense of the area.
44 While we 're at it, we 'll also collect soil
£ HE
* SA S eitt
| ££ nlMoil o | 7 |u«
of |E 5!§ St 4 2W.
samples from different areas of the park .
ffPM SSS B ch
( )0 |
W- Br 44 > 45 We
need to test the soil samples to
monitor the health of the preserve, right?
42 -
M Au Yes. 45 We don't have a laboratory, so we
send them out for testing every month .
What does the man say customers will have to do? And 46 since it 's a sunny day today, it 's a
( A ) Visit an online store good time to take photographs for our
( B) Present a receipt social media page.
(C) Park in a different area
W -Br 46 l can do that . I brought my camera .
( D) Schedule a delivery
TEST 7 189
01 Ms ?<*°| £E » ^71 34 $ 3A ® ?1°H QHsh LHMtlliiKWe don’t have a laboratory, so
SANO feTiS, nils?
^ we send them out for testing every month!
M0 f ( B)0|CK
) ! ifShU 512
fef HI . 4124101 SOW Af # °|sH DHiT 2|M LH LICK
^ ^
SW-M Diqoi |0|X| | ## Af * # | | J|
^ B| 0| l S7 0
01 fl|7|- # 4 2i£Mq. 7
^1# 7 W«Olfl. 46
q?l survey iqq, iAfoiq walking trail £®!i=. What does the woman volunteer to do?
get a sense of ~# iJAlsfck ( A ) Leada training session
collect 9°d,
monitor MA|5fcf, (B) Take some photographs
(C) Order some supplies
( D) Organize a tour
( A)
At a nature preserve (C ) SM MSPI
( B)
At a vegetable farm (D) ¥oj
^ |af |y
At a garden supply store ^ 7
45 -
W Br That 's right. 47> 480ur entire postal delivery
fleet is being replaced with electric
What will the speakers do with some samples?
vehicles .
( A ) Display them in a window
( B) Send them to a laboratory M- Cn I just hope that we don' t have to charge
( C) Distribute them to customers them every few hours. 49 I'm concerned
(D) Donate them to a university that the battery won't last through my
entire route.
If 2Joj7|?
(A ) SSOll *M8p| 01 etaswifl, 0 |U[. SL m OWI 7||AHEfO|| ## SEfOl 44
(B) MLH7 | ^
ao\ z . s Lfs?
0H 7 ISI2
(C) :na o||7i| 43 71 ^
(D) nHtfjaoii 7 |«ef 7 |
^ y qxn Af oii warn
E &mmms..
AI ®I S#
5! EHAfOllAi MS
0lXf 7 f mm 2m? \ 34 sa 2M#
M2 \? t EIAI
MAfoHOf ufeA |(We need to test the soil samples to monitor
the health of the preserve, right ? )# MAf MA|-7|- SlOjAi
flyer 2B post 7l|A|8Kd bulletin board WS!'
HHE1E|71 flDM 1 1 1
mail carrier B*1IB entire S*II4 postal
( A)
*^ *
DlLfU| X|
fleet OT , xftf concerned y lB, ^ ^
(B) BMI # 0|
nm S«ffi | ^
7l| E|Cf, A| E|L|-
^ last (C ) 7| 0||M7
^ ^
(D) a.% S ZL HOI
^ ^ ^ ^ H44 BSsfe l
CH 4-I accurate current £1 114,
m AIIB m BB - y i4 BEI A ®
Who are the speakers? y f7|- U \x \°t cHANiAi
* £!“ S- &H 4 I tiHEHaph H]E|X | Bim
( A ) Executive assistants * *
4 cJHEKl’m concerned that the battery won’t last through my
(B) Maintenance supervisors ^
entire route! ) !!
°J°-H^ S3B (A)0|ck
(C) Postal workers
(D) Food delivery drivers
*»B V?£i f?
( A ) b|Ai
50- 52 3BW
(B) BA|M
(C) BE
^ ^ |Af E
W-Am Kota, I want you to meet Claudia. 50 Claudia
is starting work today. Could you show
(D) B ^l MliMA|- her around and explain some of our
^ m\ MIS SB Sp»2| * j j
~ <>
0| f7|- B M CHAKHIA-1 BE|°| OEJ HUH a*ll(0ur entire postal
delivery fleet)B& Hep. 3HB (C)0|ch -
M Au 50 Of course, Ms. Park . Welcome to the
team, Claudia !
y 0 |°f #
^ eH a O |D|
bulletin board yesterday)!! 5H!! B MIAKHIA1 BE uHH
j A
°? ^
012 Ml , SWE 0|7|A| Afgsfe 4^EO||0| A|±id]4 4#1
| ! 2 14(0ur entire postal delivery fleet is
Qxp \ E IAhsL jnjflE!
^ * AIB OIS.
being replaced with electric vehicles)!! EIE I LHB# 9M0!
^ |! ^
y # %9. oi 7ii SFBAI yai .
SHSg9B (D)op. m
o|?| show ~ around ~o||7l| It oh-H^Hd, B AITI B4
Paraphrasing 444 postal delivery fleet
-> Some vehicles process m\,
• •• •
49 50
What is the man concerned about ? What does Ms. Park ask the man to do?
( A) How long a battery will last ( A ) Assist a new employee
( B) How expensive a purchase will be (B) Book an event
(C) How accurate a weather forecast is (C) Meet with a vendor
(D) How current a training program is (D) Prepare a presentation
TEST 7 191
dj Mib dmm °si# SH if B.\JL
' zm&w ) ! f> m,
I see you have here! m\ sf#A | 9# #3!cl( [_et
( A)
t!9Al£j ££l#7| me show you how)ZL sjolU %l aM
^\ \7 0\
( C) 0 |c (-.
(B)|HAK)j|0f 5F7|
(o ^mwi Paraphrasing PIsi# show -• Demonstrate
(D) U|5 f7 | Plsl# a different software system
^ ^
-* a computer program
assist SP- book 01|°foK:f vendor MAI
^ ( A ) 71#
(B) ° I 7|
oj?| demonstrate ( AlgSD M0|#clt
^gslcl coworker
(c ) mi
A||# A19 tePW cl oil 9 <U
01 171 DlXlQf CHAKHlAj d7| |
A A u|#
^ A|A 0j4
^ - £W # 0 | 59«l kBfe S
# ^ AfgfilcKvve used a different software system than the one oH
^ All#WA19l 5sa
! HHAKHIA1 o | # £0 | ol 7 oi
| i| 7 | OI
m{ \
oj|Ah s.
) ?. o\X\ another facility just a few miles from here .
didn’t expect this restaurant to be so popular!
< \ SfcKl know CHaS SI
7 )
! .
! |
! 1 9H ? ( B) 0 |Ch
^ 57 I
'm surprised they want to open another
location so close by.
M Au- Well, this is a densely populated area.
much time) M A| ys C\X \ Ag E\JL 7 [ X\ U|0|| oj@ sIM populated £p7|- staff Allo P
s[ckWe need to drive back to the office to train our interns at
one o’clock!
) !ISKH ( C) 0 | ch
AlSy (D)0|cK
) ! 5|A|- 51
order something to go! 0lAf7|- g!f( Good ^
idea ) 0 |Ep. ISP. SS-g ( c)0|cf. Paraphrasing TO^I the gym -» SQ^I a fitness center
56- 58 57
Why does the man say, “ this is a densely populated
W- Am Hi, Ahmed Did you see the e - mail from area” ?
management ? (A ) To complain that traffic is heavy
M- Au 561 just got here to teach my aerobics (B) To suggest changes in regulations
class. (C) To explain a decision
(D) To request a review of property values
W- Am 56 » 57 lt looks like the gym is opening
TEST 7 193
“244i® JE|q 2rr 24b 0|4tr?
01 n\m , ®
^! 442 %m U23 tUA ®
( A ) H# O | 2# MWB!|!
W& Scilfl .
(B) 43 eg# xi|o a|ai
^ y :iana.
S|2| # o|em ojo .
23011 LH^H TOSH^I
(D) 4#3 m SM#
^ ^^
01 nSdl ISAfe AM 44 ZL &H 4 C|A 0 |L1# O|# TO 20 |
0 L|CK *|#4 7) o| 3 « oj 10| SjZijo
^ j a.
7-j 0|
q$l complain MUsiq regulation 53 decision 23, 23
property AH£f, 4b2 value 7 [AI
^ 2 £ |-
teT Oh, TO . 47 W ±43# lO sH2. AM 54
0| b 77 |
SH 2 £413 oj £
_ oj -7
^p h 23301 2b |qo|sfe yoj o| mmo \ XK&|0|A|-a|oi|Ai SAKHI 3TO 4 2£4 43.
yoiw 01 171 711 101 017 IA1 a
A £
q #0 hfl . gaheios if 4 2b s432 HTJH Sf #oil CH§H
^ * ® 232 D
^ Oil SH43 | #
Ofe 2 24(lt looks like the gym is opening another facility just
troFMTiia .
a few miles from here) 3 HIM 7|-Z7|b 50|| cl# Al # H! ! 23
^ m reserve Ojl fcf conference room 432
Sfqi-I stf ^Kl ’m surprised they want to open another location
on - site S33 nearly 713 participate 33 13-
so close by)!! TO yApf j#b# 2TO 2 S MOf, AH4b
° ° ^
A|3# oib 2011 TO 3S23 23011 3 H tf 332 0 | o 7 OIPO remotely 23A1, feel included ±43#
2333b 3££ if 22# 2 4 23. 33A1 3TO (C)o |3.
^ ±33 equally 201, fH§37j| do a search
33 13, 3J0|b3 effective 322 activity ##
^ ^
What is the conversation about ?
What does the woman think a business should do? ( A ) Organizing an event
( A ) Hire more employees ( B) Preparing for a renovation
(B) Place a large order
( C) Updating some software
(C) Revise an employee handbook
(D) Selecting a caterer
(D) Advertise on social media
42011 TO 3323?
oi Aib 2*117142# m em £mb?i? (A) SW £H|
( A) 4## q HS«f7|
' *
(B) 3# 4b3?l
(B) M4 £4 btd|
(C ) ±SM$||3 gd|o|E
(c ) 3# 23 13233
* (D) ?i|0 |Eig 23
^o|qqoiia^7| ofil organize 5333 renovation 3±, ±4 select 2* 33
oj?l revise 7ll38 fch employee handbook 2# QLWM
advertise °Hs 2x11 LHSaa - WSI Afl ^
01A171 5! CHAhOilAi ba| ZLEH^j CIAIOJ al-21 m H3EL fHAh
m A1I4 AHf - 0lAh7 h SA1I71 sHOf s 20|af!I«2tShb 2
q JlgsH0|= ft 2 aq(l guess
71143!! 33(l’d like to plan a team -building event with our *
01A 171 DfA |£f cHAfdlAi they’ll graphic design group! l rn
) ! 3A|\ yA|-7|- HZI1fi( Sure) 3! oo
o\ \ travel expense #yu| refund SMsH .
M- Au Great Thanks for the information I'll stop .
* &2.\m ±v \c\ venue yLE correct
^ l yytf
£ feel excluded
by later this afternoon.
postpone M^lcl
tm SW£| 2|JE HfPj - ^j joj 7-| o| 3 « o | 10 |
y 33«Wlfi. flA ® 43® UAf 0|E 0|| Ai 7-|n| EfJH-
s —I 2|s=
^ MU Straws. yy an y mis. 430113# W
II # OI aifexi 33 3 4 ama?
£!§©§ 2© « "I y*l?l SfOtfifyoure right)Bp. §® 3 S^7 f *^ ^
sm #7j0 |
ao ^^3« J=77|0| slcKEveryone needs to feel equally
| : oj HI , °©L|ch ° loL| £ai° i
^included ) AlMi ET S|S#0| AIM X| a|0i|Ai «A|01| SO® - .
- A ? lihanoi | sm M3 4 ££My.
5Mi=.4 SfxKLet’s have our on-site staff join the event from their « «
y Ml . sm ys . M 40 0 |§5 fn alow DH3# ? IM
desks)TL Xl| f8K=r
° MOf *<U « ^
S S slXl
S| ±211® n zjSSMIfl.
if 33# 3 4 £13. ufaW 3£ )0|ch
(B « £fe m
MW 01 oi,
S2-IM|O |E|7|- £WS.
y #0\SL . yam 3A ®L|ch 0|ccl7l 9.m\ 337||fl.
M- Au Hi 63 I'm calling because I saw some 62
coffee tables on your department store 's Look at the graphic. Which floor will the man visit ?
Web site. I 'd like to see them in person. ( A ) Floor 1
62, 63 Can
you tell me if you have the same ( B) Floor 2
furniture selection in your store? (C) Floor 3
(D) Floor 4
W- Br 62 Yes, we do. We're fully stocked at
the moment, so you'll be able to see
everything that 's on our online catalog.
A|Zf yMOll
(A ) 1#
°is ®, yxfe 0j £ ## ^0171?
M- Au OK . One more thing. 64 l use a wheelchair, (B ) 2 #
(C) 3 #
and I 'm concerned about navigating your
(D ) 4 #
sum *M M - yxpi «®tt #
W- Br Oh, 64 that 's not a problem. We have large
01 DHSOIE W AKCan you
elevators that can easily accommodate a yxl7l Qim\M UAlO |E (}j| 01 7
tell me if you have the same furniture selection in your store?)
Ktn, &1X 171 5icKYes, we do)H 'g& . !tFS m^ M3 mm
n|® £ 3 #O |H yw ( Ooiy.
^ ^
TEST 7 195
63 65 - 67 q »+«r
Why is the man calling the store? *KJR
( A) To complain about receiving a faulty product W- Br Adam, 65 our Kyoto office just called. Our
(B) To point out an error in an invoice investors want me to present a project
(C) To ask about seeing some merchandise update there as soon as possible. Can
(D) To request delivery of a catalog you get me on the first flight to Kyoto
tomorrow morning?
feW7 fD|®0|| SS 2 0|£te?
(A ) *
nit sib nmm now -
M Cn Let me check. 66 Per company policy,
we can only use Blue Jet airlines for
(B) OTWOII Site MU# 13 !
(C) £££ Mte 3MI CHsH
* ^
international travel — and unfortunately,
(D) 7 «£n that flight 's not the first one out tomorrow.
W- Br That will have to do, thanks. And I'll need
°f #l complaininvoice feStt^m
faulty UltoI Site point out
merchandise a ride to the airport too. Can you arrange
that ?
m m LHO - dm nH3oi at® 01#
M - Cn Sure thing. 67 I 'll finalize the reservations
dm « t\\w \ M EWOIMOIW m mm MM a«rKi’m
calling because I saw some coffee tables on your department and e- mail you the details.
store ’ s Web site)EW dd MU smil ' d like to see them in
Of o [ d , -?a| MM A | A1 dd m \ BteEllfi.
person! ) ! iffi fl nHSOll itte 7p i|##0| SiteA| iMf # 4 Site
A |( Can you tell me if you have the same furniture selection in wmmoi ^ 0| ?
urai m uxoiw RSWE. m A ®#
dm X ME ms.. LHS om
your store?)# feM SI M
° ^ (C)0|Cf.
M sms?
7 ite % tsa#
Paraphrasing dlsf^l some coffee tables d sf jsH Mi. m ifnoii m SHMI mds »2! ttEte
-» S tt^l some merchandise ^
o \m M sitetHis. mms.a t®aoi mu 3
| H7 |7l 0 lL| Li|S.
oj?| departure fl
2 18 °
65 *
Why does the woman need to go to Kyoto?
( A ) 0|X » ° ^ ^7 |
59 S. EH L
l | 7|
( A) To attend a conference
(B) 2 0|
(C) 3Mft 0|Dim£ ML|7|
( B) To sign a contract
(C) To find investors
(D) ih
^ rnm \ ?
s §l2
( D) To report on a project 2?l print out
^ boarding pass
(C) 82 9 A| 7 * “ j-m 6 AI
y aaswia, OIAEA|= . 15w&i°j£
(D) 82 10 1 208
* ^
UN #5iJ0| 37I9& 2828 ±50|1m2.. n
2# A f 28 3711 - 01XI-7 I- mss MW8 12
* ssaisdl 22 #oM28?
2 12 cHAKHIAd s| l yuoil trial 22 #28 M83J 9351 o ®9
* »
12 Ail ^2# o| n 0H 7 tfojsH m2 . SfS % m
-T- o!2(Per company policy, we can only use Blue Jet airlines
yw 112 1011 2tt 2 282# 22J8MI2. £A| Ml 501
* * ^
TEST 7 197
o\ \ vehicle m
^ o\ m asm asfe
<WI 5! - i\W \M m lfcMo CHS
* || SflcKlve just
gained exclusive access to some bidding proposals)!!
! ijotlL
oioo § ( D) 0|CK
^ ^
Look at the graphic. According to the woman, where
will a stadium most likely be located?
( A) At site A
( B) At site B
(C) At site C
( D) At site D
A|Zt 3S01I o|s
( A ) A - Al
^ qxfe 37 ® | OjdlOll *|*|tf 3 mi-i* fe K
0 5 7 ?
(B) B A |
(C) C ¥ I
( D ) D A|
68 °\ m be located
Who most likely are the speakers? A|Zf §£ <331 - asfe S7IS2I ?| |
( A ) Architects »
'dxw " &H CHAKHIA1 AH g7 ® mot A A| 0 fcA|( Do you
(B) Government officials *
know where the new stadium might be built ?)# #A [- OjAfe
(C) News reporters tf Ai0j| [LlB
^ ^ mmm
A|E|o| Xd|oj- 0 | 7 ® U tM( one
( D) Contractors document suggests that Columbia City’s proposal is the
) ! itSUL & oDjf A |£0|| Ifl- sg ##d | 0|- A |Efe C A |0|Hg.
( A ) 2 71-
^ (C)0|Eh
(C) 7|A|-
(D) Eg&n
°Hs m\ ms && - mmm PART 4
3 cHAKHlAi AIM 6 A| = E|-o](For
AO | g||j
tonight ’s
six o’clock news broadcast, the lead story is ~ )0|| EH H itsfI- L
^ 71-73
M ,
^ a
m AioiiAi °E| 7i # son ois mm susam
dlBN Klt’s great you were able to confirm this before we went
on the air)H M0|- llAf#£ 7 |Al J# 4 icf. u\R [ A|
° °
W-Am 71
Are you interested in learning how to start
§9£ (C)0|ch
^ your own business? Winston Community College
is the place for you ! 72 Last month, we opened
a new campus in Cedarview that offers lots of
business courses to equip aspiring entrepreneurs
69 with the tools to launch a new career. We offer
What does the woman say she had access to? flexible schedules so you can take courses in the
( A ) Uniform designs evenings or on weekends. 73 Visit us at our new
(B) Sporting event tickets campus or online to submit your application.
(C) A company vehicle
(D) Bid proposals mm AfS# A|S|S|fe ggg &S±!7|fi? 2\±E± |= L|E|
OjAfe M4 §tsfe7|? mm Ufs 0|a®iSift ^LICH xit® AIEHWHI AH
^ m A|snr 4 s=?m m
ffii, 0HU| SS7|K)||7|| AH . A
(A) #L® qjj-oj
9m SHmm |2 -IA us
(B) A3A|
(c ) mm
HAf ^ U SL
(D) %J « XH fA1
u KH #aH AI# AI# mmis..
q?l equip tz llr W- aspiring §x|- ~7 | E|Bfe
^ ^
- -
| |- Bj
^ 7f - | | ItElA ® M- Cn 74 Please be sure to mark your calendars
( D)0|Lh
0 E
^ LE
for a get-together on April sixteenth . We all work
on different biochemistry research projects, and
it 's nice to share and celebrate our progress .
75 Sung-
Hee has reserved us rooms at a conference
72 center off - site where we ' ll be able to relax
What happened last month? outdoors after our sessions. Thanks for taking m
( A) A Web site was launched. care of that, Sung - Hee . 76 A few of you have i/i
(B) A company merger was finalized. asked whether we can hold other social events
(C) A new location was opened. Nl
throughout the year. We don't have the budget
(D) A new director was hired.
to do anything big, but I'd like to hear your ideas.
Alt Oil £ S|0 | °l°fe7 f?
^ ^«
( A ) IAK > I
Everyone has my e-mail address.
TEST 7 199
74 m \? \ *11 O |DII
^ usfe °I E t&mw
(A ) Af # 0| ZKHWI SWI%m\
(B) ^
What is scheduled for April 16?
M° 3@ OlOlliJ# ¥ .ITf MS B|
( A ) An awards banquet
(B) A software demonstration
(C ) |t| i| \ f W \
(D) a WOllTfll 1|^
7 0 L > \ #!tfe I
0 7]
* !
! I
(C ) 2|
Af #tHgAf oh()
Ai #
^ ^ LHLH « » HSISI 4 life*l “#
AjS- -
(D) #31i g-2|fHLf ( A few of you have asked whether we can hold other
social events throughout the year )EM 0 5W | |7
°1?l demonstration A |<2, A |£
rrp-(~ I ’d like to hear your ideas!
° °
) !i® T-I Ufefe#
^ ^
°Hs AWAitt
mm ^UfeOil
^U%m\ 41^oii16 mm
ii6 life °d
Si# fe fiA|8H aKPiease
°i°.a- ? ,
^ oich
# A O| oimi s °I 2# MLH# 3# SBjsfe
^ tf
be sure to mark your calendars for a get - together on April
qjOjS QJ-
^ ^ \M S&S ( D)0|CK
sixteenth! «
£! &U# fe ! f!
^ KMit ’s nice
to share and celebrate our progress! ) ! s p. life 31 sL M0|-
^ ^
41 16 s0|| 2|Af mm ?\ oj| £|oi life# # 4 lief, ccfaw Slfe
^ 77-79 5 »HA|*|
(C) 0|ch
M- Au My name is Raul Phillips. I know it's short
notice, but 77 I'm a patient at your clinic, and I'd
like to see a doctor today. 781 ran in a local half-
75 marathon yesterday, and, well, I didn't feel pain at
What does the speaker thank Sung -Hee for doing? the time, but I think I sprained my ankle during the
( A) Presenting her research
race. It's been sore since after the race, and I might
( B) Approving a budget
need an x- ray. Could you call me back ? 79 I'll be
(C) E- mailing an agenda
conducting some job interviews this morning, so
( D) Reserving some space
I may not be able to answer my phone, but please
swfe gsmi nrSioii «^mfe7 f? leave a message. My number is 555-0167. Thanks!
( A ) <2# Effi
(B) oj|fefe !
° Aife al# stl— tJL|C.h a Ofedlfi. MII
(C) 2R! 0|DiliJ # ¥
tfAHJdl 2# as - IP CHXil 2 j 5p DP#0||A1 gE|7|
(D) oiler * |
fi sifeEiifl. fe, oAin!i#t —77|XI aatfeqi g7i # «
\ W\ approve agenda 2|X1I, life
° tf 5! #op. g7 | o|$s. ofn- fAi ^!AH|0 |S slow ft 31 L|ch
AW A && -« 3£|0|7|| ifAfSffe 31 ATM m* W AI CHO ?
^^ S OII SS# Zim 0ll§0|EfA1 a
mm # fefeoii # s\ w\ ^ 0^1 ga* onei=«ci- »
s cfA | fel liA |°l D||A|A|S fefTi A||£. X] \
^ 555-
(Sung - Hee has reserved us rooms at a conference center 0167 tjL|:f. 2A ®L|CH
off - site ) A1 £]t| AA|0l|7i| A|E|aH mi fAfuKiKThanks for taking
care of that, Sung-Hee!
) !l!0Hg. S&g- (D) 0|ck o|?| short notice local A| o| feel pain o o s
sprain un| fe ankle shfe sore Ofs. conduct m\
Paraphrasing Itl^l reserved us rooms job interview
-* § tf ^l Reserving some space
76 Why is the speaker calling?
( A ) To obtain a copy of his medical records
Why does the speaker say, “ Everyone has my e - mail
(B) To express interest in a job
address” ?
(C) To complain about a service
( A) To discourage the listeners from calling his phone
(D) To request an appointment
( B) To complain that he receives too many e- mails
(C) To explain how he learned about an opportunity
(D) To encourage the listeners to make suggestions
Paraphrasing 3S£I conducting some job interviews
(A ) aS 7 « A^ «foa| 1 j
2&2| Holding interviews
ro 22# s iBin
(C ) Ald| A 0|| CH^H imam
(D) omatmBiz
80 - 82 a» D||AW
o|?l obtain medical record 2S 7|k express
L|-E|-L4lQ|-tSlsfcf - request 22 H2 appointments
* M-Cn This is Giovanni calling from Salazar Market .
2 11 LHsaa - aasois
80 We'reexcited about selling your breakfast cereal
m \y\ ia-WI 120 | ZL
* SttKMI 2k 2Sft in I’m in our store . Our customers have been asking
a patient at your clinic, and I ' d like to see a doctor today! for your brand for several months now 81 I'll be .
b 512 Mot,^ 2s OII o. °» mm s
2 ® #i4
§ m. V e-mailing you a contract later today. You can sign
aM 3S£ ( D)o|ch it and send it back to me at your convenience. It
states that we' ll be displaying your cereals at the
Paraphrasing 35® to see a doctor
-» 2 To request an appointment end of an aisle, on the endcap, as you requested.
want to make sure we have enough boxes
82 You'll
21« k # 21 l 51 s 3 sm ° . DH30II 2
4IE 012 mo\\ K=7 K? A®
#Ms| oi 21# 51 1711 am 22011 M2#
( A ) oj|k § 1l ^ *
(B) 37|
* # 5S 33L|cf .
32 43 1
(C )
(D) 2M §oi
* * o® contract 7||°fA1 at one’s convenience EH&I2 Wl
S20| £| CH^ state SAISfcf endcap #^ # 21d1 m
\ \ SGOII 37 ® «AI- ^
*n # AII^ A ® ea -Xm
display 21. 2 1 stock (So® 12#) 33 i/
OMI ® m |S|B0||A1i® 7» STKl ran in a
* *
local half - marathon yesterday, ~)H 3§|ul ?i°H^ (B)0 |CK
What does the speaker say he will be doing this 3 fe 51# 32 fe7l?
* ^
( A ) 712
(A) Picking up supplies (B) 2 f 1l§
(C) #3
( B) Holding interviews
(C) Giving a demonstration (D) m
( D) Touring a facility H # A1I2 A ® 22 - 32 fe 5!
8« ttao|aKiLirsfe7 ft
*m *
2 011 X ® DH301IAI T| Afo| 0 f2 2 ® A | a|k # mm
2k 22011
^ ?\
£|01 7 |MCKWe’re
excited about selling your breakfast cereal in
(A ) #§ 322.17171
)! 2 fe A|E|k # 51# 14 °J&. 3
(B) 22 23 171
* our store!
3 1 33£ ( c)0|ch
(C) A |2 f7 |
D AI 2 2 171
( )
^* I facility lk
Paraphrasing 35® breakfast cereal -» 233 Food
\ 3 supply #§, #§ demonstration 1 *
_ *
31# All “ A ® SB \7\ 2k 22011 51
^ »
m \71 W¥0 2k 22011 12# 233 OJISd’U be conducting
some job interviews this morning, ~) 0|Efll Ho ®. ?i222 23
TEST 7 201
What does the speaker say he will send the listener ?
U 01E1M, °a| ?l# £!E1S! A|A!°J DQY-5£| A!
| 7|#0|| CHtt
MU# M£E# ms. OhA|ChA|H| DQY-5# 2|1A|«Oi|Ai ° \ E] 0\\
(A) A contract
ttH A ft # 2i# AH g& 4 ! MlLftlLlCK All Af
(B) A delivery schedule ^
SBficm WU Lim. nidi
(C) Some display ideas ^
HHI47 f- #0|| g|J [IH A|b|A #gO| lOjfctem
^ 7l#U
(C ) Sfflofoiqo]
(D )
^ °® debrief MU# #c| satellite
- satellite dish £11
o# 4AJ £!dl4 access S#3fc|- remote 2JEt,!
AW A ®1 !- SPPI SWoMI M.LJ 3 generally tpllM interruption receiver 4AJ7 | melt
ga 011 7j|°fA® 0 | o||gs. MMBrKl' U be
^ P7|- ¥0ll
you a contract later today)H US ( A ) 0 |q.
e - mailing #0 |cl connection disrupt HSfcj-. 11# W
* ^
^ brainstorm OfOiqoj# ^K HEf technical 7 |#1°J solution
82 83
What does the speaker recommend doing? What type of product has the team developed?
( A ) Lowering a price ( A ) A robot for household tasks
( B) Advertising in a newspaper (B) A mobile application for weather updates
(C) Developing new flavors (C) A satellite dish for Internet access
(D) Sending plenty of inventory (D) A smartwatch for fitness tracking
mafciiasfe7 K? H# oil #
^l m»§ 7H»Sfe7P?
( A ) 7 WSJ# $ias
DQY 5 is a small satellite dish that can be used to access the
^ Internet in remote locations) 2.|uL # gsm ?ioa
^ US ( C)0 |c| .
83 85 t|2|'UiW used to access the Internet
m~\ A satellite dish for Internet access
W-Am 83 Team, let s debrief on the trial run of the
opportunity 7 |t| notice (M7JL|- n) yc| usher £H
What will the listeners most likely do next ?
2.H-I® volunteer xf£|
j §AlA |- patron # # x (-, nzij booklet
(A ) Take a break
(B) Work in small groups ^
TEST 7 203
(c) m mm L|LK om^. £ fOl A MSI SHOt Ifi
^8Km . 1 AH
SJ§, 7 |Ef £Aj7|-
b [].
* ,
What is the focus of the training?
88 ( A ) Using some software
Where does the speaker say some information can be ( B) Processing customer complaints
found? ( C) Securing sensitive documents
( A) On a posted sign ( D) Creating advertisements
( B) At the box office
(C) In a program booklet
(D) On a Web site ( A) ±M ^ oj|oj Af §
(B) nq Mf
tfXfe Ojd|Ai SM# * »4 flLp U8fc7 f? (c )ei sAiMs
( A ) 7i|A|=! fi ©
(B) DHfi
* (D) £P IP
(C) sany ± W
q?l process |E|8|c|- complaint Mel, #£! secure
(D) HA10 |E * sensitive QllEJEf advertisement
m a ii LHsa@ - jsi§2i i
q?l post 7H|A|apl- box office QHfi
^ * ^
m\y \ Hi^Oil AH S£*1|E ^a| ^nEOj|0jo | A|A §| 0||0 |A X [ gO\ \
oH A1I A®
^ *
SW7|- DlAl OH S-feJOl °J£3
S® 4 5 dltt ZL \ A £tq-(l’m here to train everyone on using System
^ ^
^ 4 d|0|A|0||Ai A||“
A ®# SfEjefBKlf you’re interested, be sure to check page four
Ace, your new project management software! ) ! ifup %i0 [=] .
3S£ (A)o |ch
of your program booklet for more details! ) ! ifoP %loa
(C) 0|cf.
Where do the listeners most likely work ?
89- 91
( A) At a conference center
(B) At a factory
W-Br I ' m Natalie from Akroy Technologies, and
(C) At a warehouse
89 I'm here to train everyone on using System Ace,
(D) At a department store
your new project management software. 50
3 f#£ 0|qAiii5 b7 f?
you organize and provide a venue for professional *
( A) ?JnjsjA Ajjq
conferences and trade shows System Ace will . (B) §S
allow you to create separate project folders for
(c) tm
each event. This means that event - related to - do (D)
lists, schedules, and other documents for each
l® S ll LH§ && - SX ® | o
folder will all be in one place. Now — the best way *SW *
7 I se 7 l S| o|2|.
to learn a new program is by using it. 91 So please,
- _ 0j|
^ 2°
Hi®q(Since you organize and provide a venue for
get out your tablet or laptop . We're going to try a *
professional conferences and trade shows ~P sop
few things together.
?j o g M0 |- §A|#£ SHiajA AjlE|0||A| A ®#£ it 4 »
oiq. AAM ( A ) o|q.
0p£0 | E||3.te |o| Lf E|OjL|Lh
A|±l 0||0 | A
* ^
A|§ | CHsH 0|SM1
* .? | |°]
HE|E1 ® |Ch | ©
nE j0
£ S|2 » *©11
* L
91 92
What does the speaker ask the listeners to do? What is the topic of the talk ?
(A) Create an account ( A ) Customer satisfaction
(B) Open a manual ( B) Career development
(C) Fill out a form (C) Energy efficiency
( D) Take out an electronic device (D) Time management
22 1
^A . electronic device 2 17|7 |
* m sxii LHsea - a»2i ^i
AH# ® 12 - sw°i as A ® H l7 f H°j“0|| 0 |«j §aK| AI KHfe H# C]7 |Ai X||A|fii7 | <*#0 |
m «* ^
## 4 2fe |0|| CHSH 0|0 f7|SlH CKln this
11X171 afARoil § |#o||7i|
* Hi=#
please, get out your tablet or laptop)# fig8to. %[ H
2!( So 0] 7ll 0||L1A|
* ^
online session, I’d like to discuss how small businesses like
° ^ )!
( D) 0 | CK those represented here today can be more energy efficient!
Paraphrasing get out your tablet or laptop
-* 222 Take out an electronic device
92- 94 m Why does the speaker say, “There’s a lot of combined
knowledge at this meeting ” ?
M- Au 92 ln this online session, l d like to discuss
( A ) To encourage participation
how small businesses like those represented here ( B) To indicate an agenda change
today can be more energy efficient. For example, (C) To stress the importance of leadership
some companies install solar panels to reduce (D) To correct a misconception
their electricity costs. Now, we all have different m? \ o i sMb a£ HOI Hcj Mcr i
oi° ? in
^ ^
* iL
ideas about how to conserve energy. What » * H
" (A ) go 8BfflB|ji
does your company do to reduce its carbon
footprint? There's a lot of combined knowledge at
(B) a2 g Awsf 3iJi
(C) mm #fi2# ZtSSWZ.
(D) HSU#
this meeting. Let's take advantage of that. Please
submit your questions and comments in the .
of *| encourage gaisicf gssicl- indicate mm, MMm
chat. 94 By the way, this session is being recorded agenda 22, 2 11 stress correct 2H22
misconception fi§H
so that it's available to all participants after the
11 12 o|£ nfoh SISIOJI ag |*|0| Hot o| o|£ «
* | |
* 5lH
ntOllA] 01212 S| fc #0 7
017 IA1 HlARf ±7|2#0 | 0 1 0||L-1X |
0|ffl &\ d A|£lOfe fi#
m 0|0 f7|8|2 L|LK 0111 #01
^ 21 l( What does your company do to reduce its carbon
* # 2#8H 2HH HOI, gx|#2 gqs
#2# #il 4
filAfe S7 | fi## #0 |7 | |3H EHC> 2 1m
^ footprint ?) # #121 °i#
#2.1 71 25LH if
4 OILK [4EW £21(A)0|ch
^ * *1, 13 ^
HU OIIMAI Ml ggoil EHsH AIS Cl# 3 #
^ ° . Oja®
2 Afe
2| #*R# « 0 |7| ° sH 12#
| 2Wfi? 0 | l|ojOi|
L|Cl. 0|# 0|#5H Mi. 3212 2[ o|
2# AHUHS i&H lAiifi. n&z\\ o|»i A|2fg Aiigoi # Hi
^ 94
What does the speaker say will happen after the talk ?
7| g0| 01114 91£ m 2l£|H
^ L|CK
^ ( A ) Refreshments will be served.
(B) Payment will be collected.
o\ $\ represent Al|A |ulcl energy efficient CHIM I #20 |
install # A |3 fcf solar panel EHcf 2 H reduce
(C) A group photograph will be taken.
# Lt, iA|7 |cl electricity cost 27 | H# conserve
( D) A recording will be shared.
0 |
^ carbon footprint ELL # R combined gtfl,
knowledge I2 take advantage of ~# olguHd-
available 0 |§ 7 (#tf, H#
* participant
TEST 7 205
m\zz 21f ¥ ¥ £ 20| o '# 30|Ep 2# 3 mm
(A) 227p1l#22 ^
ngg[ 10D|EH
(B) l
*« fb# 2#2.
(c ) 2 11 Af2# 2#2.
A|# |-
* 1322
* 97 m 20U \ E]
(D) 5 # t.n:h
^^ ^ 212 25 m
2 #l refreshments 22 payment H§, H ll collect £^2
* *
mi AflV A ® - 9SI- m 2# u
2?! description #2 length HO I
* ^ ^ «
2 f7|- DlAl l 0|*j Afc® AII OI © 4 ¥ Sb PWM0| 0|gtt
¥ 2P¥ sf@2(this session is being recorded so that it’s
^ ) ! H5p 2 —
available to all participants after the session!
° ^ Who most likely are the listeners?
a&s ( D) OICK ( A ) Warehouse supervisors
(B) Construction workers
(C) Safety inspectors
95 - 97 S|S| WI + a (D) Truck drivers
tWSS oRj
M-Cn Thanks for coming to this weekly briefing.
^ ^?
( A ) SaLEHlM-
As you know, 95 Joe's Trucking Company takes (B) 2a #
(C ) 22
^1 *
safety very seriously, and I'm glad all our drivers
(D) MS| 7|Af
are able to attend today. So we have five loads
to deliver, including two loads of steel beams. o|?l warehouse !
^ Yasushi, you've been assigned to the car carrier, oAl =
, 2
! supervisor 2#2, 222 construction
so please be sure to follow the safety checklist, sH # 2 2§« - §2#2 5 jg
especially the part about securely fastening all HAP sBfWI M sn saa lte 22# QH ¥ gfiSMI 0|7 |D1
restraints. Junko, 97 I'm concerned the lumber *
#27 |A|- SfiOl 2.# *f2tt ¥ 2MI 22 7 |McKJoe’s Trucking
you're carrying will be considered oversize. I think Company takes safety very seriously, and I’m glad all our
the company will need to obtain a permit for you — drivers are able to attend today)H Hop 2 ° # Af#b
° ^
we'll talk after the meeting. 7|Afo # 2 ¥ SW. miM (D)o|2.
0 |2 ¥2 ME|*jO|| 2 ¥A1Ai 2A ®L|Cf . OlA|LfA|n| £ sm ##2
m 22# H¥ SfiSM op|2 £27|Af 2201 2#
° ¥
SMI 22 7BL|cf . g® 2 ¥ 7 » SHOI 22 A 2
What does the speaker remind Yasushi to do?
£22. opA| Ml , x |- &&B. HH32SP2 22 22 ###
( A ) Park in a different location
3 22 ¥MIfl. V \ sb 22 S
a. SM AA| t
*» 2WI 2b SMI c|® bbo|
WH f 1° Hem 0|?KM ¥2122. SW
7 L
(B) Follow a checklist
(C) Contact a customer
0IIA1 5|7 f#t 20101 # 7-|0j|£. 2|2| 0 | 0H7 |2 £ 22.
* (D) Check a schedule
* .
IP# O AICHMI ¥2# 22!127|A|7 fe7 f?
0|f| safety 22 seriously 2 12711 ggsffl load 2, 2#
assign §22 car carrier A [#A|- bbA|- especially ¥2
( A ) 2# 2A0i| ¥2271
securely ¥#221, 225 1 fasten MOW, 22 restraint (B) 22 # ¥ 2M7|
(#22# ms )h) 22 S | concerned 2§5b, 2251b (C ) aa|0||7|| 225171
obtain 22, #512 permit 271#
(D) 22 225171
m\ contact <22512
mi AII ¥ A ® 22 - mm O AIOIMI
Load Description Load Length ^ %
Propane 10 meters
m \ #2¥ fAA
? 0|| 0 | u|o|
| xfb2 b2 P HHS2Si°2 22 22
#¥# # Hp2(Yasushi, you’ve been assigned to the car carrier,
Automobiles 13 meters
so please be sure to follow the safety checklist! ) ! Hop.
97 Lumber 20 meters oioo
22 # ( B) 0|2.
Steel beams 25 meters
97 Curtis Avenue
Look at the graphic. Which load length is the speaker Lake ij :j 99
concerned about ? DriveI]
( A ) 10 meters Oak Street |
(B) 13 meters
(C) 20 meters
(D) 25 meters
Main ; I
Street ! ; ]
3E|2 7 f
(C) 2033
( D ) 2533
AIZI 2M 27ii - mm ga fe m m
mm 5215011
=x|p\ 35 H3!i 331M 5323(rm
concerned the Lumber you’re carrying will be considered
sj 99 tJ 2 c
) ! itSf!
oversize! =
! SU, S0|| 3 E 5 H | Uo |5 2033 O |25
*° |j
D||Oj 7 L
2 5 ( 0013.
* ^ in
98 -100 +
^ (Dm
What will the listeners hear after a commercial break ?
( A ) A financial report
( B) A weather forecast
(C) An interview with a government official
( D) A live musical performance
A © OI
affetay tuned after the commercial break for our weekend
) !# & S9S ( B) 0|cf.
Paraphrasing &sf2| weekend forecast
-* ^&2| A weather forecast
( C) Oixph *fZLH °Mis locking a door) H£0| o \L\
7 ISTEST 8 39. c x|-7 l- MS||7|SS SOISalJi °)tr(is lifting a bin) H90 |2
( D)
1 (D) 2 (B ) 3 (D) 4 (C) 5 (B)
6 (A) 7 (B) 8 (A) 9 (B) 10 (B)
11 (C) 12 ( B) 13 ( B) 14 (B) 15 (A) 2 -
M Au
16 (C) 17 (A) 18 (B) 19 (C) 20 (A)
21 (B) 22 ( C) 23 (B) 24 ( B) 25 (A)
26 (A) 27 ( C) 28 (A) 29 ( C) 30 (C)
31 (B) 32 (A) 33 (C) 34 (B) 35 (B)
36 (A) 37 (D) 38 ( D) 39 (C) 40 (A)
41 (B) 42 (C) 43 ( B) 44 (D) 45 (A)
46 (A) 47 ( B) 48 ( C) 49 (D) 50 (D)
51 (A) 52 ( D) 53 ( B) 54 (A) 55 ( D) (A) A man is repairing a railing.
56 (C) 57 (A) 58 (D) 59 (D) 60 (B) (B) A man is climbing some stairs.
61 (A) 62 ( B) 63 (A) 64 ( D) 65 (B) (C) A man is carrying a ladder.
66 ( C) 67 ( B) 68 (A) 69 ( D) 70 (D) (D) A man is looking up at a roof.
71 (B) 72 (A) 73 (C) 74 ( A) 75 ( B) (A )
76 (C) 77 (C) 78 (A) 79 ( D) 80 (D) (B) y |7|71I&S 9.aj ojcK
84 ( C) 85 (D) (C )
* 4=2 SM
81 (B) 82 (A) 83 ( B)
(D) $14.
86 (C) 87 (D) 88 ( C) 89 (A) 90 (A)
91 (B) 92 ( B) 93 ( D) 94 (A) 95 (A) of ?| repair 42|§I4 railing 921 climb 2^4 ladder A|49
96 (C) 97 ( B) 98 ( B) 99 (D) 100 (C ) look up at ( A |£ SOI)» 3424
m 1$! §3 A|9 - A|9 | §9/3° «! 2A|
( A ) §Af 29. 9Xf7l tRJfi 4951.11 $fe(is repairing a railing) 2
901 OfL|HS 29.
PART 1 ( B ) §9. yx|7l 7f|9S 9 g ~P $)fe(is climbing some stairs) 290|
1 W- Am
^ 99.
(0 A15J0II §A »
OlSSf 29. AI90II AH99(a ladder) | 290| °
M0|x | S .g ? 29.
| §# 3922 $lfe( is looking up at a roof )
( D) §A|- 29. yxl7l X|
2901 0 fL|22 29. \A
3 W- Br
TEST 8 209
m AM - AM / xmmg s HAt
( A ) gAt 5>
_ H? aa
a abOlM b22a 2¥(is swimming in a lake) Atg°|
33 pile 13 wheelbarrow 223 £431 suspend 0U23, 23
occupied MB #°J, 312 shade a xpll t \c\
H O | MO|X | &P
( B ) AfcjOll 2b SAH- OlStr a2. Afc|0|| S IEKA sign)3 H 0 | M
All/§g A - gg SAl
0 | A| a
* ^ ( A ) AHEIOII § Af# 0 ®B a2. Amoll b43l( a wheelbarrow)
°° ? 23.
(0 AHEIOII 2b §A ® 0 |gB aa Afc|0|| AH ( A bird) 3 a£0 | M0 | X | ^
( B ) §a EilhtKSome telephone wires) 0 | zj 3011 93 2b( are
aa suspended over a road) aao |a 7HO . -
6 W - Am
V7iab# 7M# Zi7 lS? 10
( A ) # 0 | a lOlfl.
^ It 7 m 5H0]S.
w- Br What do you think I should take to the
(B) 7 ® 0|
(C ) n7| M&i|7 g 77iyicHa.
^ conference?
M Au- (A) In the lobby.
oill take out zflLHq trash MS||7 | (B) Just your laptop.
aa as# y\*m au# #s who ^i^ (C) A three o’clock shift .
** ^Sass S*0| £A ®
SA #S2| newspaper
( A)
e cn
0 |gtt sa.
t|o|0||17M7 W # % mS-?
( A ) Sd | 0|| AlS.
( B)as. as# 7 W# A«OI ssa*! ^ asoii mo \ sram (B) SSS £ £EM2 .
mz. S*1iaSS <MZ\ ojQE? aa. (c ) 3 AI men e^oiia
( o asa a as sa. asoii 3°ia dm Hes xistt a#oi a
as aoi^a°H^ aa
o]?| conference t|°| shift Sp\ A|S
( B) aa 5|2|OII 7 7 fot a aoii CH H = 0|| SJ=S =E|a\JL
1 1l
# S
8 ^
s*nass JIIAI ZL °JQ ^ aa
w- Br When is your doctor ’s appointment ? ( o asm- as&s aa
M- Cn (A) This afternoon.
(B) That’s a good point.
(C) At a medical clinic.
as oiiaoi ewis? M- AuWhere’s the festival being held?
( A) 2M 2$2.
w-Br (A) A music concert.
(B ) # £ A |30 |L1|£.
(c ) aaoiiAia
( B) Probably sometime in December .
(C) In the town center.
oi?| appointment medical clinic
^ *Wlfeo]qA| M oiiaois?
as Oj|of Ala SS When 2|££
( A ) aa as m Aias ss asoii s# 2#a& sastn. 512°
(A) satis.
( B ) 0 fDM 2fl #S S.
saa (C) S40||A1o
' .
( B ) SAf #§ aa #S2| appointment S80| SA ®
point# 0 |Stf S.a.
^ m m? \ Si! MS Where 2|££
(C) aa BO| <2 f. #S2| doctorOllAI sa 7 feit a medical clinic#
(A ) aa EKH sa
HS2| festivalO||Ai
7 IMt! A music concert
asa as&s aa when 2 011 cut!- saoins aa
o aa. ^Aipi gn a^s MS ^
( B)
( ssoii saoiwap. aa as m
°saa H
M - Cn Why don’t we have a company picnic?
w- Am (A) Potato salad and green beans. 12
(B) Because it costs a lot of money.
M - Au Who do I present my proposal to?
(C) I already have that one.
w-Am (A) A hotel reservation.
|Alo i|# H f 7 te?
^ °
£MSa|£2Hig !0|fl.
2 (B) The acquisitions committee.
( A ) aa aoi sa as2i picnicoiiAi aa 7 baa salad# oi#a aa q?l present MOi cl proposal A||a( A|) reservation 0||°j
( B ) aa tiAi o \° m 7 IAI 015$ MS asoii HISOI aoi #7 i
acquisition a^r a# committee °l#t|
disom s*naa oi^i*IIA|5HLi ° °H^ aa
( C) OlLia, 7t 7 fe Li Oi o
^ ^
CH ?I basement A |8t§- reservation QIIS
w- Am Isn’t the accounting seminar tomorrow ? #s s ##
*(AHg) #*#ns4/^gSSfe as. S^oil 3Sg dm Hea *!§» SM0| oj
M Au (A) I’d like to open an account, please.
#¥! go | s?a as.
(B) Actually, it ’s on Friday. ^
( C) Time management.
( B) Sg SOi aS. H£S employeeCHIAj £g 7 fett people # 0 |g
tt as.
*» *
S|7|| A||D |Lfc LHS 01S7IO 7 (0 gs. gs ais ISIS #7toi m\ ## SSOII om£(No)a&
( A ) 7||S » 7H # H ^Ai|
5 o
cHStt ¥l, Tpfe Li° ofic D| “g SS4 iJSS mg# S#O |
(B) # #
( )
Ais sa.
n ga *
oi?| accounting t|7|| open an account TllS# 7f1#8lcl
management SS 17
m4 SI7II X] \ Q \ L\7 \
^*« nfgoi
LHSSAI 0)!8te ¥§ M - Au
You changed the color printer cartridge
( A ) nigoj as. ^ SA IS account# |#
accounting ) 0 recently, didn’t you?
S as . w-Am (A) Right, just a few days ago.
(B) gS. S|7 | 1| LI I LH # SA|
| A D| 7 gaSJ0|ap
m\ M \ n \ \ [ LH^ | oh !# Stef^ °joq^? gs
# # |
0 0| ( B) They ’re painting the walls blue.
Ly O = . (C) A different password.
( C) S oh S0j aS. l seminarO | Ai Sg 71#it t i m e
snr - |
management# 0 |gij- aS.
ilEoil aSS 71ME|A|# gggs, aii?
( A) %0 [2, Di # SOUS.
(B) a#81# niggas gap k>ia.
(C ) g# d|s pa.
M- Cn
mi m *¥!S mzl*| JZM 01^# ^71 1^g##oil sola
When’s the dishwasher being repaired? ( A) gs. 2i 7i^ E| A| BM \
W-Br (A) The technician came this morning. ^ -
cHSit ¥1, m goiEiDj #g SS4
( Right )Ela LH## a
( B) I store the knives in a separate drawer.
#«aa^ gs.
(C) The bread is in the pantry. (B) sg soi as. gsai coioroiiAi sg 7i#s blue# ogg- as.
g7 |Apj7 |b Wil 42.IS 4S? (0 sg SOI as. changedOllAl gg 7 feS different# 0 |g
( A) a# 0H> 0l| 7|#Al7l
0lo. S as.
(B) ## las Aisoil asaHa.
(C ) go i gs# Aisgoii ssa.
mi AM® # m a# 4 #s se M 2iss
18 ^
w - Br We’re not going to be able to fit everyone in
( A ) ga. A|x i$ °|# 4 2iS l 01« #S SSOII MI( Yes)a& cH
this space.
as H eoi ia SO|ajD| S3 a£4 iiSS Llof SM aa
* ^
M Au (A) A professional - development workshop. ( B) gg EfOj fia. US-1 prototypeOi|Ai gg 7 fetf innovative # 0 |
( B) There’s a larger room down the hallway.
(C) These shoes are exactly the right size.
(0 leal- gesfe aa. gsoii 3gg CHSAI- Hes xistt g# oi g
ga. (B)
MS on aaoia
(C) gg S0| 2S. §Ai o| fitOIW gg 7 tee right size # 0 ®e
^ (c ) ag SISI oiia
3 HS ga OH 941 SS Where °ISS
^ »
( A) gg EKH aa. HS2| WhereOilAi gg 7 fee on my desk# 0|
(B) ga. ass aom 4 sib 3£s #s usoii g#s 'tmm a
M- Cn Is it easiest for me to take a bus to the city «
D e 5!o | Ofy # as| sa gaES ga.
center ? ( o asa gesife aa. when assoii cue sshoi ° aa.
w-Am (A) A new department store.
( B) When did you buy it ?
(C) I usually do.
agaS. tH AS E\JL 7IS }0| 7 ®
^ ee7|a
- ?
M-Cn How often do you have to install updates?
( A ) AH u-HtlSO | o
w- Am (A) This letter needs more postage.
(B ) SIAll Ah&oia?
( B) An incorrect serial code.
(C) Waseem is the software administrator.
o|?l department store gtfg
ad|0|M# gnm A|sH0 f SHS? in
Bln 7 fe 3 j0| 7 ® B®M 01«#S BeSAf o|°° (A) 01 T ®
^ c| LHOf SHa.
(A) gg EfCH aa. USa city centerOl|Ai gg 7 fee department (B) ass asBaaMft oo
store # oise aa.
( B ) SSM gags aa.
(C) 2® 0|
^° ^aixfoiia.
mo\ gg°i cHas suga^. sesm si° a ^ ga. uij£# #S How often IS£
mi aciloiM °
( A ) gs44raasaa.
(B) gg ETCH aa. updatesoiw gg 7 feg ^?noia ^
20 serial code # 0|§f[ aa.
w- Br Are you able to make a prototype soon? (0 ga. ac||0|Eg gam gsoil af joi
w-Am (A) Yes, my team is working on it.
gxisHOf Sfexl
aixiEfoi CHS S°ia A ®# a| xfg a sH
(B) I thought it was very innovative.
Tg. EOj|ai
Stiga a uia siaa ga.
^ ^ ^
(C) He’s a good typist.
# S SiEfe ^ ^ ^
§ g=g 4 2Wa?
( A)m mi goi ga
, x-
(B) ggsi t|7 |go |Eia gg o|a. «
(c) as ao ISM gaHa.
TEST 8 213
23 oj?| express mailers overnight 0£t2| expensive u|B
w-Br Let ’s talk about your project after lunch. shipment TO §
M Cn (A) Because her microphone is broken.
(B) I’m leaving work early today.
* ci xiaer as# y*iHEOII
A ya. ci iag sa as#
( )
yoi a uiAJi|ci- Dj #
s sw# AIEHSH sasta ^ ya.^ ^
(C ) I have two pairs of shoes.
( B ) as4 asatb a.
£ AI AJA| > chAjo | SSSIEOII
^aH 0H 7 |5H #A|4. ^
(0 n CH aa ag2| ship44yof BTR] shipment# 0|ggaa.
( A ) ZLL=jo| DfO|a7 S L[A12.
^ . ^
(B) ?|B| S|5»feE||fl
(C) lfe ±!aESiMBO]a.
*ny y 26 Omi
<H?I broken leave work £|# lci
^ w- Br How do I turn on the air conditioner in this
*Hy xiia/asai a ®
* aa. why office?
( A) yA®4
°IESOII q® saoias. aa. M- Cn (A) The temperature is controlled
( B) aa. ^ 'Al * MAfe Xliaoil a#
0H 7 I8H «
«®l seecw aaaMoil OH 7 |SIE m #7 4
( B) Turn left after the post office.
siaas tfa|:n %p ° ^ ya.. -
n^ ^ a&a SE
(B) ioiaa
^ ya# d|£|Oi oi L|Ch
(0 Yes/No #71 fia. How 4EE01IE Yes/No #B0| §7 feS|a£
(c ) DR OII aa.
^ asiaoifl.
prepare EH|s|c|- necessary Sag
°i$l banquet
invite sdlsfcf
icHE Ey ay #E Be# Af o|°°
w-Am Have you trained Hikaru to use the new
(A) ay EKH aB. 3ffi2| guestsOHAj ay 7 feg Room 305# 0|§
g as.
( B ) ya. Ey aaoi &EAI #E #EOII oiay BAM na
w- Br (A) 1 have my own car.
- ya#
tf aE B44 xigg- SS H £ 4 &4E 2!# Esiy
^ (B) That ’s enough, thanks.
° ^ ga.
QI .
* (C) 1 misplaced the instruction manual.
(0 ay EKH aa. invitedO||A1 ay a banquet hall# 5|7i= oi| 7i| AH gn|g AI§S # assume?
oise aa. (A )AH Ai7iaojs.
(B) # # 5HO yAltfLlLh
(c) ygAi# o\ m\ fe i s. ms..
25 CH?I train microscope yolS misplace A1|AIE|0||
aof fA | afcf
M- Au Would it be cheaper to ship by express mail or
overnight delivery ?
^ instruction manual
sHy Al gln#°HE |
w-Br (A) Express mail is less expensive.
( A) ay EKH SB.
^ * SSAKHave) 2ISS
trained# 7| f trains Xhs 5
( B) I ’d like a large. ay 7 feg car# oise aa. * 7 0
#£4 7i| oj jufa, o (-L|a a # HHyo | oj 40?
^ yyAi# cHdiofi sfexi S IAI
* ^
(A ) go| a U|A4fl.
(B )
aiA| W7i| o
s 5ini
^ ° °H^ ya.
(C) 4# 4 #0i| aojs.
o\* \ deal 7-14, ®a| leaseTOftOT 1
28 ©ECEEEi
go through yAlEiy # 4 £|£f supply ##
, sy# filing
^ ^
w-Am We’re meeting this week to discuss the
finalize 4°4 14 quarter 1
upcoming merger.
cabinet ^ ^
H # m CHOI m ofef ## £#Af (Did) -
M- Au (A) I have it on my calendar. *
( A) £K> j f2. . ife°| leaseO]|Ai yy 7 fey apartment# Ofe
(B) Please merge onto the highway.
( C) A law firm in Glenview. tt a&.
( B) 2 of £KH £y. U-nr-l equipmentO||A| yy filing cabinet
4? « ftgoil CHSH ^444 ofe ^o|| yyM4.
( A) iJysoil
(B) 2+222
m °[oIS.
(0 *yyois. sbi CHOIa m m 4 t
§h £
¥ - ##4 o (Not yeboiyn
4 44 y y«£ 4 4##
(c ) m^ o\ \ ° fe
ytf 4 ofe
^yy.7 |oj|
^ “
merge t
4?l upcoming 47l£# # 4# merger
1JAI4 law firm y#Al-
oH # §£ SSSI @ 4# 31
( A) sa 4?» tfeoil cHuH ^444 ofe ^o|| y4*H= 9>®oil y w- Am Would you like to take this vehicle for a test
SSOII 44 °!44 0|D| yn °fe# 5|5|og. ^4 OIO£
^ drive?
M Cn- (A) Because there’s no parking available.
( B ) nfyoj aa # 4 ^ 4 merger 494 £!4|°l merge # 0 |§tf
^ ( B) I heard a new model is coming out in
(0 gA «4 aa (C) Only two doors.
0 | 4# AfesH MAI
(A ) mzo \ owa&
29 ^
(B) AH £# 0| 310II 4£ 4H #$0]a
M - Au How long will we have to wait for a taxi to (C ) # 7H°ta.
4?l vehicle x\g available 0 |§- 7 fe£ft T1# 4
w- Br (A) About twelve kilometers. o| o|°
(B) No, I don’t think so.
oHy °
y 44 sy. ##4 vehicle4 driveO||Ai yy 7 fe*l- parking
(C) Would you prefer to walk ? (A )
A|7iaysf7 ® 714401 #77ia?
( A ) i 2ysn|E| yaa
(B) sa Afe^H Ai|o|0f| AH H# 0| 31CHI 4£4H #°J4
o 4 0^ fiasm 4°° ^ ya
(B ) oj-L|a, AH yy ziiJi yoi&
7 |
4 fe4 Af |
| 7
( 0 ay B4 aa H£4 vehicleOllAi gy
^ two doors # Ofe
(C) n #3I<HS? y aa H
jA| ay A|7f # How long 4# #
^ o|°°o yz ®
(A ) ay EKH ay. How long # 44# ^
y yy 7 fetf kilometers# 0 |##
® - ay. 00
( B) Yes / No #71 ay. How long 4##0||# Yes / No #yo | #7 fey
(0 sa i* W ay Aias ## y#oii mmm 4444 ^AI# 7 | 32- 34
444 y# 4# yyoH CHB yy# yaaa yy.
W Am Matteo, do you have time to help me
organize the storage room? 32 The
30 construction crew 's going to be starting
w-Br Did the deal to lease the equipment go renovations on the lobby next week. 33 We
through? need to make space to store the lobby
M- Cn (A) A one -bedroom apartment . furniture .
( B) The supply catalog is in the filing cabinet . M- Cn Actually, I know the plan is to replace those
(C) Not yet — but we hope to have it finalized tables and chairs. 33 Maybe we should
this quarter. just donate them now rather than putting
yd| cHopm £Af £Hi4£? them in storage.
(A ) y # yLf 4y oinfeo W-Am Good idea ! 34 I 'll do some research to see
## 7 HSH71 £Aj M yoil Siam.
(c ) ofyois. yyy oiy M7|oi| 4°E|EIIJ afs\SL.
which organizations accept donations of
furniture. I'm sure there are several in the
TEST 8 215
donate them now rather than putting them in storage!
) ! Hohn
01 n\H\9. , A|2 £ a| § sazans? £AI 0100 gg£ (C) 0 |Lh
2¥# o| c ® 5 £b| M5# A|5® Edlfi. Sb| 7 HP ^
MB® £2# 0 ® 8||0 sHAiS. *
y 9\ X \ m *
fi 7||S|fi£ St
! !SKH&. !
f LOl|
M2sl l yn J@ 7|5sfe 5!0| # # 34
* 0| | ojCEj c |7|- 7R1 7|¥ #|
^^ L1 OJ
R LHOll 01E.1 01 oi# 3L|Cf.
feX| SA
^H What does the woman say she will do?
* ^ (A) Meet a client
(B) Research some options
o® organize £bI5R, §a|5KT storage M2, Mis- (C ) Make a presentation
construction oAf, 2 s renovation 7HH, M,-v (D) Sign a contract
replace fiAi|5|c|- donate 7 |“5(-cf rather than
~Mcl2 organization 7|2, 2 11 accept oiAfe sram
* ( A )!
!ZH tLp |
(B) A ® £A ®7|
32 (C) ys 7|
(D ) 7l|
Ai0l| Al§5p|
According to the woman, what will happen next
week ?
oj?l option AIff contract TlR, TlIRM
( A) A renovation project will begin.
m Aii
(B) A company will move to a new location. ^ AUfsa - oiwtta
01X 1- 71- D IR CW01IA1 Oia E IR 7 ff 7 | ¥ # feA| SAfSH »
( C) Some technology will be updated. ^ ^
STilcKl ’ll do some research to see which organizations accept
( D) Some new employees will be trained.
!iWal ?i£H
donations of furniture)! (B)0|ch
W0|| CL CHE1 o | oi-g 3°j7l?
^ , X CHI
( A ) M5 SS3|M7|- A|S15!0|CK
(B) 1 |A17 UH
^ oiStf 20|ch
(c) 71 01 gcnoiMi 2o|ch 35 -37 32 m
(D) S jA # 0| y# aoiq.-
^^ -
W Am Hi, Liam. We 're really glad to have you
<H ?I location 2 1,
* join our team. 35 The harvest season is our
m A115 A ® - cis OII a a
^ *
om CHARIAI SAl °J5#0| c ® 5 Sd| M5# AISff 2(The
M~ Au I'm
busiest !
excited to get started.
construction crew ’s going to be starting renovations on the
lobby next week ) 0 |El!! a#& Ste® (A)0|CK -
W Am Let me introduce you to Brian. 35 He will
take you out to the berry fields for your
Paraphrasing dj f-l The construction crew ’s going
^ training.
to be starting renovations
M- Cn Hi, 36 Liam . Here's a pair of gloves for you
- Sy l A renovation project will begin.
^ to use .
M - Au Thanks !
7| H # 5H HI SLICK
CH?I equipment ytd| instruction S( AI) arrange f 22 ygswia, EI°K yyoi oi 7| aoifi.
^ ^R yi 2A ®L|LH
m Aii5 A ® 22 - y i°i 2# A ®
* 22 t7| [L\7|25 298Hfi. 3lA|2 0| c-iyouM m0|
0\ X [7 \ CHARIAI Sd| 715# MB® tfcKWe need
| !5 #
to make space to store the lobby furniture!
M25|-M| 2!
! 7|55 fe 20| #§ 2 E KMaybe we should just
^ } 10||
\7 \ §!
^ 20|
y # 7 IA12HLI77 F 24# TjOllfl.
o\ m sunscreen AM label fi[ aHSMO|q- follow a\m
CH?I straightforward ZiBet, THZE- plenty of stay
sHB Ai|“ xmB@ - Mafo|<yo | §as|c!!asfe %
hydrated 4rr# A|5lc|-
^ EM 8 WDWof x\o\\M o | c| |°!!
Bo | u \x \n AldO i ora TT A |
^ * ^ *
3dO| £525 cKit s important that you get plenty of water and
35 * )
stay hydrated in this heat! !Bof!! ou8 ( D ) 0 | c
| .
Where do the speakers most likely work ?
Paraphrasing tHtf2| get plenty of water
(A) At a restaurant
-> 88°| Drinking water
(B) At a farm
(C) On a fishing boat
(D) At a public park
38 - 40
mmz mM
(A )
M-Cn 38 Welcome to my gardening podcast .
(B) 88
I'm Rajesh Varma, and today I'm here
(C ) cH>d
with So - Jin Lee, a botanist from Denton
^ - mmzi e
University who recently developed a new
m s*n m i
^ hybrid flower. Could you tell us more,
0fA|-7|- tHAfOilAi 4 - 8 tjlMo |- ( The harvest season is
# 7 |7 | 7
H|AfO||A| *j
Ma 0 |£!o||7l|
Professor Lee?
our busiest !!
) ! 2, "
7H5l , ZL7 f £7|£og. Plain Lf 7 fA1
sH # Zd(He will take * W-Br Certainly. 391 developed a new type of
rose — it 's special because it blooms
you out to the berry fields for your training) 0 |EfZL B^ fe
longer than any other rose .
1- 8 4 2W. tcfalAi
MO |-
71 fegoilAl
* ^ -
M Cn That's interesting . Is it difficult to grow?
W- Br Not if it 's planted under the right
conditions. 40 Next month, the rose
will be featured at the botanical show
36 downtown . I hope your listeners will come
What does Brian give to Liam? to see it.
( A) Some gloves
( B) Some bags «
W7| WH^S JL|C . BWI4H bfSD 0!| !fi.
( C) A plastic bucket
AHSS 88 *
7H £8 0!# HW22| *
(D) A clipboard AiMtfAf o|±*i m 8WL| . 0| c| o«7|sH
Al Oia?
^ a|°f0||7||
^ E? Y? ^^ »
# #^l 8D 7H8«fecilfi. £n|Mc
( A) 8B of HI. Aib
2 11 Mn cfe £0| fi8s s. * m
(B) 7 ®
( C) # BfABl dfilL|
* | |B 7|7
0|#L |fi. 7 f OilLffi?
(D) AifjL
01 BB£ ?ioi Ai £cl£ Qj Al 80 fl. c 8 Boll
i | 7 |
8MI<HI 0| £n|7 4# £L|C . * *
8 1 8 * 5!
- MS|-O|E]O| a|8oiMI
nHAKHIAI E|80|| || S80| 0| | BcKLiam. Here’s a
AiMA E 3|(Hfi. * *
^ * ** * 7
) !B !
pair of gloves for you to use! f !8 -?
TEST 8 217
teMte p?
41- 43
(A) tW £*]X|-
(B) tAi W- Am So, Vivek, I think our employees could
(C) A|
benefit from some more training. 41 How
(D) uioA|-
about using this software application
£ |x|-
°i?l coordinator
£ publisher official that I found? The app provides a platform
for uploading our own training videos.
«H I a*ii msaa - tewg * jg And employees could view them on their
cfA|-7 f QHAK>i|Ai 7 pp-71
phones at any time.
podcasMH 7Hs&
5J7H^^.(Welcome to my gardening
Stefa (D)o|ch M-Au You know, I've heard that those online
^ programs help employees retain
knowledge. But 42 aren't those apps
39 W- Am Actually, the cost is reasonable. And 43 the
What does the woman say is special about a flower ? Web site has some interesting reviews
(A) It is resistant to insects. from other businesses that have used the
( B) It has an unusual color . app and found it helpful.
(C) It can bloom for a long time.
(D) It has a unique smell. oi xf, d|w|, *11#o| q gg. 4
5il- 5! Oio xj|7|- %2. 0| EO||0j OH # x ® ais
0\ X \± £ ©| o\ Q 20 | iWfe7 f? ^
oittHa? n sa a|2i sss#
(A ) asoii am. ^
x swaa. ZLEIH g iia §gg
* *
(D) Sf7|7 ng £af
^ W. 5 ter °i *|iio| x|*j # Mas 4
^dl ng aa d|jufx| $142?
o . ZL
°1$l resistant *1t^ insect S§
> unusual -W# 01
A by u|# 0 | SSsHfi . a tS # n sswii s*®
® as - o\ m OII m
*01ns171AII5^! ACHAldlAi *AH * go gafe a “ aioifi.
a*i®si anisa w-m IAIOIMOII
Irn Him l zm SOlMCf 9.
^ ’ ^
S0 | - s l^Kl developed a new type of rose — it ’s
^ ^
special because it blooms longer than any other rose!
)! °l*l benefit SIN# teR s Mq- retain M afc®
^ * (7 f 0|)
knowledge | ] expensive H| reasonable
^ gg-
ssa, saisei ^ ^
Paraphrasing iffl°| it blooms longer than any other
rose -> S tef^l It can bloom for a long time. 41
What does the woman propose doing?
( A ) Hiring a computer technician
40 ( B) Using a training application
What will happen next month? (C) Replacing some printers
( A)
A botanical show will be held. ( D) Changing business hours
( B)
A public garden will open. o|xfe 5!# SW:axKfafe7 f?
An experiment will be conducted. ^
(A ) SSfEplAUgSpI
( D)
A gardening class will be offered. (B)
c® got go | ® 3?i7 K? (C ) SSJEI JHA1|ai7 |
° (D) sgAiasgsr7i
(A) am
(B ) §So | s# aam propose |gs|c|- technician
(c ) gaoixi «iam
°l?l business A|
hours SteMa gx
7 |A|, 7 |#xf
replacei2 l|8K4
(D) SS 7 ff 7| ? mx|@f { am
oHS A1|“ A ® && - 0lXf7 f ||°f 8fe 3J
i?l be held *
° s
^l^l experiments ^ conduct 8H4 01X 171 5! cHAlOllAi ^? 01 OHS. Xfgg 3( How about using
. EO||
42 W-Br OK . I'm glad we're on the same page. 46 I'll
complete the paperwork and send it to
What is the man concerned about ?
the human resources department later
( A ) Scheduling delays
(B) Employee satisfaction
(C) The cost of a product
( D) The quality of a product
2 etaswifl . na|AE|LK §2 22 2OT 22 Sib 22
xmm xi2*i# mm ? \m Jims.? g 221
2*lbb2!o|| cpH S 3|Sfe7|-? !§5H 0 faHS.
( A ) 22 12 01 soIS. *1b 0 [° tL\ c|£= °| *lb l7|- # 2 SOI M20IS .
(B) 22 2
^ 3nisi|o|§zf 2| ?1I2# II2$!&0 }£.
*» ^ 7
(D) xlBSa
2 b HS. 2222 TPfoiSS. S&IA b xg 7 ®
^ ^
bS£f H2 # sH-fnS. 012271 ## 5! IMS.
oi?| delay 12 satisfaction 2
* ^ quality 01 Ml. -120120 w # L|2. 1# 2S# &£.*W o \ m
^ *
iib m 22 - 222 aj ® SAWS MLj7l|S.
EH KH| 1 H2 2b* | 2 l 2b l( aren’ t those apps
2 f7|-
* b
* * * 22b (C)* |ch * m\ 22 2 application 12, 12 1
expensive?) bn 0 look over ^
sales representative T2H2, 22 12 be
* * *
interested in ~CH| 2201 22 role 2 s deal ?1I2,
221 impressive 2222 on the same page
43 222, 2201l=b complete 2^12 paperwork
According to the woman, what can be found on a Web 1# 22 human resources department 2 1“ *
( A ) A company address 44
(B) Customer reviews
What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(C) A chat feature
( A ) A presenter at an event
( D) Discount coupons
(B) End - of -year bonuses
2 loi| 2=2, HWoisoM b2b St# b 2b?I?
(A) 2 11 b±
(C) Vacation requests
(B) H2 7|
* (D) An applicant for a new role
(C) H 2 ? 12
* * H l#bbbb2oil
( A ) 2 122 1
« 0 |0 f7|2b7l?
(D) lt 2 bb * *
(B) 2if MM A
m\ feature 712, 2 ^ (C) # 71
(D) AHMb 2tt l£! |- H
no AH ® && - omiio|Eoii im b sm imb a * *
* ** * *
01271 n\ x \°\ 2*1011*1 ZL OHO. M bb2Mn 222 2 1I#2
• -
td S
# ! &§ #7 |7 | H*|O |M0l| 22( the Web site has some interesting
2?l presenter 22*h afi* f vacation #7 f applicant * 1 *1
W°| l|
reviews from other businesses that have used the app and
found it helpfuOn °ioa- 22b ( B) 0 | 2.
*H 2 2 11*
2*f 3 M*K I 1
7-| >1 22
22 2tM 22 2b 22 12#2 * l £! 1i-
* *
^ mm 7 |s|7 | 22b* l
- ( Did you have a chance to look over the
applications from our sales representatives who are interested
in the new team leader role? )# b l M l7|- c\ [ \ did )H 222 1
* *
22 m I2 K>1I Mtf LH§# 222H Siss 22b ( D)o |ch
^ *
44- 46 * * ^
M Cn Hi, Christina. 44 Did you have a chance to
look over the applications from our sales
representatives who are interested in
the new team leader role? We' ll need to According to the speakers, what has Amanda Diop
decide on a team leader soon. accomplished?
( A) She secured a business deal.
W Br 44 l did . 45 l really liked Amanda Diop 's
( B) She completed a professional certification.
application. She's the one who signed
(C) She won an industry award.
that deal with Wallerston Corporation.
(D) She reduced production costs.
M Cn I agree. That was an impressive deal.
Wallerston is one of our biggest clients
now. I think Amanda would be a great
TEST 8 219
®q qasfe S!# m&Y!
*H0l| mm o aw.
^ W-Br I'll start. What does the city plan to do with
( A) A ® this tax revenue, Ms. Haddad ?
*i£ nmm aq.
W- Am 48 The money will be used to add bicycle
(c ) »
4 H&q.
lanes citywide, which I'm excited about .
(D) a^ uiss #sq.
Bicycle lanes should reduce traffic and
<H?I secure a deal 7l|°j# nH-Hq professional certification promote health .
£!nr Af3# win an award 4@ cP reduce #0 |cf
M- Cn 4 SSome business owners are concerned
production cost £1 u| ||
^ about losing street parking. Are you
M \ ¥ A ® 2f 4 - SfX ® 0| 0 ®C|- CISLS7I- sH
m\ M Of°fcf qasfi) A|# AP ^ °J0|| « q(l really
2 worried about that?
* L\
( A ) 0 |ch ^*fe?
( A ) B# 71IH
(B) mm HSI
(C) A 7 |t|
47 49 32! m\ (D)
AWA ® Ai|
o® initiative 7p| proposal Aliy volunteer AH HAKAl)
W- Br Thanks for agreeing to this interview for opportunity 7 |s|
our upcoming article in the Thomasville
SAII msaa - cii«2i i
Gazette , Ms. Haddad. ^
W - Am Of course. As you know, 47 the city council ^ o\m 2
0 |CHI cpH
AI £SAII Aim# yoisp °pdi
cH#d|7l| yap ycKthe city council is proposing the
is proposing the implementation of a road implementation of a road tax. And I want to make sure the
tax . And I want to make sure the public is public is informed about itp tf B Ail Aim A||yo|| cHtf cHs®
informed about it. o |o| Lf7p Q|
°.g? (B)0 |ch
M- Cn Well, we like to keep our readers in the
know, so we have a long list of questions
for you.
48 meeting with Scarney Department Store.
What is Ms. Haddad excited about ? W-Am Thanks for taking care of that . 50 They re
(A) Attracting international visitors prospective clients, and I've been so busy
(B) Increasing employment opportunities sending them samples and preparing my
(C) Installing bicycle lanes presentation that I haven't given a thought
(D) Improving a health - care facility to my reservations.
oi 4l attract s0 jsjoc|-
increase §7 lA|7|cl W- Am OK . 52 Can you forward the plane ticket
!§ opportunity 7 |s| install ^ A |aict
• confirmation, please?
improve tfyAplcf facility A|y M - Au 52 Til e- mail you right now.
sma AII Am m mtfe %
ea -
y m o\m m CHAIOIIAI MIOM Afc AIK JI- o\ m\ y etaswia, sou* MI . «Htis42i mm
Stt TllljeiAl
^ ^
AA|7|- XHS £A| £ < 011 A 7-|
* ^ * 7114! m Altf#
^ = a|E1HS.
7 futy dl A|## Hld| Of -nr 71cH 71- cf(The money will be used to 01 AiaiaH A1A1 JLU \# a. 7 fey ££ uzHoiaf ZL# ||7||
^add bicycle lanes citywide, which^ I m excited about)
’ !
^MLHJI ya& rn slay M° uH«W || fg- 09
^ gg^ (C) |cf. 0
y 4 2MAI 7 | L|Lf. SSS Oliy # tfStUbdlS.
Paraphrasing cHliy add bicycle lanes
7|LH # cffe liift m SISSW
+ § yo| Installing bicycle lanes
0| SSf S SWIfi. ZL XI
^ o 0|
^ L|Lh
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
01 Stfiloia. ssa tfyAt # 4 3W£?
y xeoin « jsMLHa # L|:
i h
What concern does the man point out ? 0141 take care of #Mcl, AjEiafci prospective
( A ) Some equipment is missing. 91 presentation shS give a
7 fey
( B) A project may be understaffed. thought to
^ \, reservation
(C) Some safety guidelines are unclear. ^.
OIR confirm SRJSHW srasia allow me \Q
( D) Some parking spaces may be lost . carry - on luggage 7 |LH #cH§ 4^Ht otherwise
n Al yoDi charge sy forward MUlcl
y H=r Ot l
* ^ Allf # A |
( A ) tt ¥ SH|7 faiCh
^fe l?
^ m
(B ) ssajMOil oj o | ouq. H
^ ycf.
rn Ai^joi ytfsiAl
Who is the woman scheduled to meet with? 00
(D) wwoiaoia Em
^ ( A ) A company lawyer
0141 equipment yo| understaffed ?J safety Sty
guideline A |y
0 (B) A senior partner
(C) A prospective employee
m Ati^ A fit ag - yaw Ai^sfe ^BI A ®
. (D) A potential customer
yxf 7l U \xm flWOlW A ® t£ in# §LK> | Ml
t \H
5OT(Some business owners are concerned about losing
oiAfey # yyoiiyoi7i?
(A ) S|Af £
^ Af
) !i lZL lQH
° ^ (D)0 |:
c |-. ^
street parking!
^ (B) A ®
Paraphrasing £\\ m losing street parking -* yyy Some (D) m ny
parking spaces may be lost.
o] 4| lawyer SM7 lt senior partner Afet Afy
potential mm , 7 fey
50 - 52 »
Al|“ A ® SS - 0 7 f Dftf Oligoj Aiy
yxf 7l y CHAMIAI 01A12I A7 fL| «Htiy 4o | t|£|# 4|tf 7l|4|
TEST 8 221
Store!) ! f !Ul 0\ X \7 \ ZL#B =1B
= al^KThey're prospective 53 - 55
clients)o|af! ! eigfcl Q|op. ? o|Afe S H!!7JIM OIISS# it 4
OIQK LL AI s& ( D)0|CK
g *
^ M - Cn Hi. I'm Marcel from Novik Solutions.
Glad you could stop by my trade show
Paraphrasing cHlIB prospective clients
booth today.
-» SS°| A potential customer
W Br Nice to meet you. I'm Silvia from Media
Futurescapes. So what type of product
does your company provide?
M- Cn 5
We create accounting software so that
What does the man remind the woman about ?
(A) A luggage restriction companies can do their own accounting.
Currently, I'm showcasing a new version
(B) A required signature
(C) An online guidebook
for companies with under 50 employees .
(D) A refund policy W- Br Well, we have about 200 employees.
m AW m ^ - urn OI^KHI^I 5
^UU ||0|S0 |A|B
^ |0 fojL| lh
A? | b [
) !Uo|ZL 91aaB SttB ( A ) 0 | ch
free piece of carry - on luggage!
5|S ttMB. WH 4r!0| 50 s 0|5l ]
HAiM 12 mm !MO!
4114 only allows one free piece of carry-
* |!
forward the plane ticket confirmation, please?) &§8|A|- yA|-7|- m s*ii LHsaa - cHssig.^
AIB 0|D||iJS MURJinKfll e - mail you right now!
) !1WZ1 tem 5! ^HAfoilAi B4 mm BAOil $|A| !LBfcKGlad you
S&B D 4
( ) 0| ) ! ijo|Z!
could stop by my trade show booth today!
SSB B ch) 0 |
54 M - Au 57 We were going to start those repairs
on Monday, but I've been looking at the
What does the woman mean when she says, “ we have
weather; it 's going to rain all weekend . I
about 200 employees” ?
think we should reschedule.
( A) A product would not be useful for her company.
( B) She is looking to hire a manager. -
W Am Right . We can' t add a protective layer to
(C) Her business has recently become successful. the asphalt when it 's wet. I'll contact the
(D) Employees will need to be trained. property manager at the shopping center
to discuss alternative dates.
o\ x \y \ * i £io | 200§ yafe °.5joj7l?
M-Au OK . Just so you know, 58 we've received a
( A ) II OI Kjo| sixfoil
* ^ »* °am 4£ aw.
(B) ®a|x ng aijn. few new requests for consultations on our
(C) AIO|
^se - !
714 ioich road repair services. I'll try to slot those in
( D ) *j£j#o| yoK > f ft aoick for Monday instead.
tbKWe create accounting software so that companies
4£ 0| C® 44 1 A|5fE|fe 7A 0 fy 7 fo ?
IS OII sHST £41 A| a| !abdl yjuw az
can do their own accounting!) ! stf T\ ,
*] 0| 50§ 0 |af-°J
| l S KCurrently, I’m showcasing
^ !
24 £. 42 LHLH d 7 f SCWIfi. 22#
| If
T-ltf 2T?- 22
a new version for companies with under 50 employees!) ! 5!li2 EMIS .
ZLEHS . OfA E 71 24 °[# CtH 24# 4b
iftf 5!011 CpD W7|- °!
ess m\
J 4!2®3! fI M01, yxpf
oixh^i SIAKHI %ym \ 24b ^IJES s
^ 2# 24 KOT 4*11
7 te fyJWfe2|8H M IS .
MS 2 4 24. 442 S2b (A)o|4. ^
* y #0 fo . ZLB!
| L 0 lA|pA|n| S.S. £4 A|H|A A]
ass 2 § yaws , yauoii 42 mm m
0 |
What does the man give to the woman? 4?l be scheduled to ~lh 0112014 reschedule!-§
£3 14 protective Msslb layer 2, 4, S
( A ) A regional map ^
(B) A name tag property bit, bbb alternative 4401 £|b, 4*11
(C) A resume 7 febl consultation
(D) A chart
y feW0||7i| 42
!4b7 f? 56
(A )
44 X £| Who most likely are the speakers?
(B) 0 |#fi ( A ) Plumbers m
(C) 0 |^ Ai ( B) Commercial architects in
(D) m H
( C) Road repair contractors
4?l regional 144 (D) Landscapers 00
mi 114 A ® - yjf7 f OlXKHlTil A sW #bb 40 |3!bn?
£g A|-
56 58 - ^
on^ a« mssa - sfA»2i
CHAKHW miia ASbEi 4 4A1# ?|y b 3.H
W-Am Rodrigo, 56 aren't we scheduled to start 0jxl7l
s® 0 | x
011 f fe 5101 Olt! aren
|5 | - | ’ scheduled to start
the seal- coating job for the street parking
around Bevelton Shopping Center next
^ A £ t we
the seal- coating job for the street parking around Bevelton
M4 4 011 « b!
week? Shopping Center next week ? )
aas ooicf.
^ !
TEST 8 223
57 -
W Br 60 lmprovements that could decrease our
H Sd^KWe were going to start those repairs on Monday, but
oi mMzimm°d 4 #8 43012?
I’ve been looking at the weather) 43 LHLH ti \7 \ # 7laf £U1 #
if 7A 34( it ’s going to rain all weekend. I think we
ter Ml. o|y tty H&1SH MA1IS. b|VSOT# #H01|
3# #oi OT 7 t£zjsi 8## 3401sraora.
should rescheduled BSfcn. 3
° 3 3 8 (A) 0|4. 01 44 3°]A| OTOlfl. ZdiM® Bfj EH 7177101 43*143
W- Am Oh, 63 that is a mistake! I meant to request
two .
What does the man imply when he says, “employees
have to carry the batches across the room ” ? M- Au OK, great I .
did think that was strange,
( A ) A machine is malfunctioning. given that there are only fifteen of us in
(B) A process is time - consuming. our department !
(C) Salaries should be increased. w- Am Thanks for catching that. 64 Do you know
( D) More workers should be hired. when the supplies will get here?
7g «a| -
dm msote ana ttsfe 2| M- Au I'll place the order this afternoon, so they 'll
££ °o o]7|-? probably arrive next week.
(A )
( B) v m M m yoi y gtt|0| fl|#5Rd
^a| °« | | |y “ Ai |
XL0 £ SgAi# MU
(C )y§0| aaoifi.
(D) c| SS 3£x ® ji 5Hotsq .-
o\ $ \ malfunction lld|S £®8f | m time - consuming A|£K)|
oi agciifi?
increase #a| §7 fA|7 |cf
* y # 4 # sfc! SMIfi.
^ 0
^71 ss n* |SOI
- 7
_ s|ggg^
SJ0| f
7 gaa| yaW m ok # o]|2! 7H #
^ ^i 5 oii afedi2oi* 012 . «
nd SW°
te »
| 2|£ Ufoh
£| fils
* d
y of MI . AIOII S
^ ^ ^sm^SHCHS.
SJOIW AK» #ii 4 afe 7H #°jA |( lmprovements that
om OfLH A1A1 ILD S. ## | 2 11 E4TSTXI 0M|fi?
could decrease our production time?)# #Af cW7|- £|]|-ir#
^2# zm ^ ^ * 0
“ A® - yjpi- OlAfO||7l| M01# a
ZUEH l?oH 10
feW7|- n| |e|- cHAfOllAi TKLet me show you
the cost
! ! Hofm 5i2
0j|# d|§ MOj
ELsL #
^ ( A)0|D k
CH ?I quantity 43, 3 microfiber s
^ |Af
(B) 2! |L|01BI
W- Am Yes? (C) eJAl-
M - Au I think you might've made a mistake. (D) #M 7|#
63 Do we really need that many computer
TEST 8 225
m - 3p«2i 5^*i 65 - 67 q»+ 7p»
Apl 2cH-^KHlAi °EL| yx|L|CH i -A1(| was just looking at ~ our
engineering department ) £2Ai#
^ SiSJEhU Ijo\JL 2oa
W- Am Welcome to Halcyon Florals. How can I
aas (B)oi . ^
^ help you?
- .
M Cn Hi 65 I'm planning the Lambert- Evans
wedding that 's taking place this weekend.
63 I received an e - mail this morning that
there's a problem with the flowers I
Look at the graphic. Which quantity needs to be
ordered for the floral arrangements .
( A) 20 W- Am Yes, 66 unfortunately, my supplier notified
(B) 35 me that they 're out of stock because of a
(C) 15 shortage . I'm sorry, but 67 you'll have to
(D) 10 choose a replacement for the lilies.
A|zf o| -
M Cn I know my client likes orchids, but I'm
( A) 20
*^ ojcDj
'Zdm efe7 f? guessing those are too expensive. 67 We'll
(B) 35 still need a flower that 's under five dollars
(C ) 15 per stem.
(D) 10
W Am Well, what about these? They fit within
your budget.
°171| - tf 4 «
^ SM i \ X \o\ \ M 2
gi ZL TII %o \ Sfi£tt|( Do
^ E1
^ -
M Cn Those will be perfect .
we really need that many computer mouses ? ) HAf, OjAp |-
24( that is a mistake!) 7
to request two )H S# 0 |2L oiJl,
^ fTKl meant
^» [£
fS2 S#E|
o| 1AI2 ISilMch Sfih=l|77ha?
d ia wi£. oi»!
I Afe 4S0I 20O|HS
^ ( A)0|Eh
nmn * iiluiM oii A
2. 22 owns istfecii m
i®0| £0|| £ M 0 lELEl 5HAi2.
01 HI , Al2| 331X||0||A1 # # 7HIL 7
sm 2E-!j5lAl0 f
What does the woman ask about ?
( A ) A refund
a Ait| jiajoi LJM # ofsfe ISOfecil, ZL2 ul
| 5!
loffl. 0j2s|17I151E1 nlfifl o|
(B) A signature
(C) A meeting location
0| #, 012 ojcojAilo ? 0112011 iMIfl. *
(D) A delivery date a oi # ois.
= °201| m #012^71? oj$l floral arrangement iH£0 | out of stock Ap.7 |-
(A ) «» =012, s= ! shortage
(B) A12 ^ replacement cpll®
lily ^11 orchid t+s expensive U |2 stem #7 |
(C) S|2|
fit 21
(D) <
UX \ ^
budget 0112
A ® 22 -
^ “ | f cHAKHIAI<W70f 101
^2 A 7
* Look at the graphic. Which flowers will be used in the
»I97|2| ( A ) Lilies
mm 4.50M (B) Tulips
(C) Roses
(D) Orchids
^ *501011 CH^ *o
A|zf o|§ |A
8.00 2-
(A ) m
65 (C ) Sol
What type of event are the speakers discussing? (D) yi
( A ) A retirement party £ 711 - 501011 AtSl £
( B) A wedding
A| Z|
CHAKHIA-1 »1® cH^HIS mm Kyou’ll have to
(C) A garden show
o Kd if
^ yaH
* ^
) ! fK!If y |7|- Oj jsl #7|g
( D) A grand opening
choose a replacement for the lilies!
* ^
512.1 Diyy H0| UfiSfcKWe’ll still need a flower that ’s under
mmz oiy awoii « oio^isi^i? five dollars per stem!) !18& 2i£&l, 7p®>|| fffsE 5121 - !£!£]
(A) SS| 7 ia nfE| iK 51 O |H£ «3! b ( B) O | CK
(B) 144
(C) afBSI
(D) 7HS ^J
oH m LHo - SW«0| fc£| §oj|jjA|-
68 -70 q »+ »««*
^ OMA gs^is TIWSUL
'am a cHAKHiAi om 41011 11 W - Br 68 l think I've inspected enough to
m( l’m planning the Lambert Evans wedding that’s taking
determine a fair market value for your
) !ISp. °
place this weekend! - ^ SIS (B)0|ch
J°a store .
M Cn OK . 68 You have the paperwork verifying
that I replaced my roof last year, right?
66 Buyers look for properties that don't need
major repairs.
According to the woman, what has caused a
problem? W- Br I do have that . And you 're right — recent
( A) An invoice error repairs are a factor that add to the value of
(B) A rainstorm a property. m
(C) A supply shortage in
M Cn 69 The historic windows will be a selling H
(D) A reservation cancellation point, I think. They 're made of handblown
Woil my, 43 ttH£0|| 5 1171l
- fe7K?
* «» glass. All the storefronts in this row of
(A ) a# shops have them.
(B) .
W- Br They do add character Now, 701 need to
(C) walk around with my camera to take some
(D) 0||of $|
^ photos to file with my paperwork .
<>141 invoice reservation oil^f cancellation
^ oi sail nnasi £ 2 A ® y \m #bsi mi
- o\ mmi i ayoiam isfe %
Aii ^ km
017:171 4 m CHAWW S2 7 £
Ag || 1*||0||A|
^ tt 5! ms..
XHH71 ulcfji iBH&cKunfortunately, my supplier n o t i f i e d
CD Ml. mo\\ l£# ampfe 5!#
* 5A1# 531
71IAIS, ZLiS? 0H 4 f #b E 4 f IS lb 2ii
) !1
me that they’re out of stock because of a shortage! |1
gg- o (C)Q |
^ ^ m yojo aa! L|Lh SI5 b4 oAf 7 f y # 7 @
^ **
y EM ynHOil 1lOffi 5®
E 0 21715S.0 W 2l Jo|| lb sb
# 0iAi | |
nHSsi 2ih4bo | a £ a|s yojs .
TEST 8 227
oi c-ism. n, ?\mm stn. m CWBI SAKHI 69
Look at the graphic. Which part of the storefront does
the man say is historic ?
°i?l inspect A|if§K4 determine fair
market value ir A|§f 7 fA| paperwork ¥ A1 XK
§ — >H
I fcj
( A ) Part 1
(B) Part 2
verify replace mx-IISKT property
(C) Part 3
¥#tf, ZM factors?] historic Af*joi selling
point EMI
2 handblown (%m) £OII 2!!
( D) Part 4
(A) 1
(B) 2
m (0 3
(D) 4
Livingstone Hardware A|Zj SM 2711 - fefXW Tr- Ai ifsfe DNS &
SJpN ss
historic windows will be a selling point!
^a5&| H,*DHohsS§(?The!#
ME S¥¥ 4E0 |H¥ SSE ( D)0|ch
What will the woman do next ?
( A ) Recommend a paint color
( B) Inspect some lighting
(C) Measure a wall
( D) Take some photographs
OfAfe ¥E# It
( A ) n]|OlEAHM
(B) SS S2
(C) « xl¥ S
68 (D) AfS
What is the man most likely planning to do? ojll lighting
( A ) Sell a shop
H AH ¥ Aftf as - 01A171 Cf # 0|| ft S
( B) Expand warehouse space
W7I- nwat CHAI0IIA1 7|O||E 3£n # oj cfHoj ¥A]oi| m Afc #
(C) Replace a sign
( D) Install air- conditioning
®IWRJ|CKl need to walk around with my camera to take some *
) ! ifSfcjl ?i2J=LsL SSE- (D)0 |c.f.
photos to file with my paperwork!
Twmm& t?
( A) nisanl Paraphrasing d|al¥ take some photos
(B) Sn £S!fS Take some photographs
(c ) aes^i
(D) OH
AII ¥ ® ~ Tiisisfc a
<W7|- 5]
CHAKHIAI naia oHS( your store)# AS SS A|S PART 4
1S317 I01I #¥ 5| sst- S 3 S® SW SA171 saoil
AIS# HAIItHLfe 5 » ¥A1# ItJL ?l¥A |( You have the 71-73 IP
paperwork verifying that I replaced my roof last year, right?)
# o A1 nH¥Al#¥ ¥ ¥B|7 f #£ OH
^ - SfecKBuyers look
for properties that don’t need major repairs!
) ! iJo![ L
W Br- Are you furnishing a small apartment? 71 Go
to and check out Jill's Cabinet
teMfe DHSS DHSsfaife 3# it ¥ m. (A )o|ch Bed . 72 This
unique bed fits into a hardwood
cabinet, becoming compact and saving you space.
When you need to use it, just open the cabinet
and unfold it to set it up. And this month only,
. o\ m guarantee MgSjcf, S|Qf5|q- last 22p \c\, A Ejq
we're offering listeners a special deal: if you
environmentally friendly
use the code 623Z to order on our Web site, we'll multiple cHr ,
\m d
throw in two free pillows with your purchase. So * °
visit to start enjoying a more °Hs m MS - m?\ s@sfe *nssi ss
spacious apartment ! swotl 0| sag
xjC|i -
SXH ?Hd| y J£S 4
EL7 |7 l *f0 lX|ZL -gZt# 0 § | (This unique bed fits into a
° *
- H| |8P. 7t| .
jL|77 f? Jillsbedstore com#
hardwood cabinet, becoming compact and saving you space! ) !
oinfEOll 7 FP1
BBMAI m ?nuiy mm
* ^
SAIIS. OI umfe ET ° °-g?
asKai ( A) O|CK
( A ) EM
W spacious y ® ® *
(C) 1AF0IM0II 2H tJ sHAi
71 ( D ) ±M »
* 8IW
What product is being advertised? o|?l fill out a survey TrUWc iq enter tJ
( A ) A desk
T Siq newsletter
^ ^ ^iq subscribe
(B) A bed
(C) A bookcase m A ® aa s*»oi EM as 4 Efe aa
TEST 8 229
rest remain ® ^|ofc|- temperature 7 |£
moderate 3Sit, SJif snowfall cover ?|x|0KT, What will the listeners hear next ?
local 1 21 recent iE ^ (A) An interview
*^ (B) An advertisement
(C) Some sports updates
74 (D) Some newly released songs
What is the broadcast mainly about ?
( A ) The weather M 5!a7 f?
(A )
(B) Traffic updates
( B ) id
(C) An outdoor festival
(D) A city cleanup initiative
(D) AH^
^ Ea | |
SS SJOll 5® } oj7 F?
( A ) kFM|
^ ^ o\ m release SSfcf ,
(B ) A1| “ A ® fig - S*«0| cf^Oll Sflff 3
(c ) o im SW7|- DfAl Oll x|
(D) £A| SSI- Till!
^ * ? sH£|i|E ±±|* MEficKnext
< A
77 Mlii 8M £80|#8?
1 } 0 |QK
Why is the speaker calling? ^ ^ ^
(A ) M4 0|
y \ y \m 7Aon
( A ) To provide a cost estimate
^ ^ ^
(C ) sao | A|
| Sl 0|CK
(B) To confirm some warranty information (D) gaoicj.
(C) To report that a service has been completed ^
o|?l renovation Mg on vacation inspection
(D) To recommend that another business be
&A, £ M conduct m
m A® - <&m m ## gfe 0 |°
SW7FES® o fe? » £fxf 7|- a| | |0|| LHMS-
( A ) S W # l@mB|!
* * I * ° ^gwoiat Efe^KJust’
tomorrow is a national holiday and we ll be
be aware that
closed! |l
) ! iJo!
(B) MU Mg tf°]3f 3|!
(C) Ajd 7 - SfsSi # &B| TO jl siOHssastwow.
^ |
( D ) zm a oii a *
am mm.
oj?l cost estimate 2j |A| confirm warranty Ms
MgA-j complete Sh&eHM
80 - 82
a« mssa - a« 2iois
M- Cn 80 We're here tonight to celebrate Fritz
m\7 \ m^oi MH&im AI71I TOSSIMI CHAII K] -^gg £ A|T||
gl *
^sHAi SSKffi^KThis is Brilliant Watch Repair calling) ! about Schneider 's outstanding service to the company
the antique wristwatch that you dropped off yesterday! on the eve of his retirement. Fritz has been with
UHEjEll- ) ! Hofe
we replaced the battery! M0|- Elta Footwear since its inception, and without him,
AMI ga|7 f SSEICH tt 4 m. 3 8 C 0 ch
^ ( ) | we wouldn' t be where we are today. With unfailing
optimism, he has provided consistent leadership
to help us grow as a company. Thanks largely to
his efforts, 81 today we produce more than 25 lines
of athletic footwear. We'll miss him, but we wish
What does the speaker suggest the listener do?
him well ! And now, 82 I'd like to share a short video
( A ) Schedule regular maintenance
with some highlights of Fritz's many years with
( B) Wait for a sale price
(C) Call the manufacturer
(D) Ask for a second opinion
sal* «LK>IC|O| gel aw , Mm\ 7 \m wti
£f f8 % X \m\ TO# mu Rf fe7K? * *
* *f Mk If o| Jfaioil |sa|-#L|cK sa|*8 rn MW SI aH^
( A) 27 | Mg!J 2 7|
(B) oj 7 ® 7Pa|7 | * m SEL 7
* MkW W \m MAI a
** «
(C ) I|S2 0|| SSJSPI
L|£h MBS
» ^
M #L| . ZL2| MWI H71I|
ME aicia AigsH t|Af7 f ass&
j° jO| 25g 0|&2| 8g5f
(D) C «A ® 2| O|2 0)M7|
^ * a L ch n# aaiWBlAlET eWSWAlil a ®M
o|$l regular §7 |5}o ] manufacturer I|£EJ |- opinion £J23
* * * *
CH on MBI^71 kEm sw ® AII # zhK! ss ea tmi M
om Ail^ A ® - m * \S\ R1A ® BCLtW .
^ * *
VOII 3tfDKM ff m gfe jo| t cKwe suggest
S\W \ S
^ ^ ^
bringing it in for basic maintenance once every three years ~) o|?l celebrate 7 | 5KM, gSfSfcf outstanding Wtf,
! afs& ass (A) 0|Ch ^
gStf service (M8 7 |£l g i- |) gg retirement 8 1, S| l
°° ^ *
inception A|5ft 7HA | unfailing Ef # H8 optimism Hgg l,
Paraphrasing &Sf 2| basic maintenance once every
4ETO consistent S®g 2fc, ME largely H7|| gM
three years > a&^l regular maintenance
What is the purpose of the speech?
Why will a business be closed tomorrow ?
To present an award
( A)
(A ) Some renovations will be done.
To announce a job promotion
( B)
(B) The owner will be on vacation.
(C) An inspection will be conducted.
To introduce a new product
( C)
To celebrate a retirement
(D) It will be a national holiday.
TEST 8 231
2-6do| s.*jo.?
83 - 85
(A ) »^
4 Bp.
(B) ££! Ste|B|H
W-Br This is Yuliya , the building manager.
( C) ls»^HSFaiji
(D) g£|fi 7|ysw
83 I'm calling to let you know that workers are
coming tomorrow morning to replace a defective
°f ?l present an award promotion #£] introduce water pipe under the pavement in front of your
apartment. 84 It should only take a few hours to
S ll LHSffla - 2
* «2| a*j complete, but I know you sometimes work from
smi^¥Oil = ^O|Clo| 0£| 2^, s|Afo|| 7|0j& flojy
Tr home, and they'll be using loud machinery. Sorry
3 7|B#U F 2k g 01 A|-E|CH| H^iiKWeVe here tonight to
^ ^
celebrate Fritz Schneider’s outstanding service to the company
this is such short notice — part of the pipe runs
next to a telephone pole, so 85 l was required to
on the eve of his retirement!
) ! ifolul i2Hg ( D) 0 |c|-.
^ apply for a permit to have the work done safely. I
thought approval would take at least a week, but
it was issued yesterday.
ZJM £S|£! «a|0 »|L|Cf . ?|5F2| o\zm o > o|£ DJ oiJ=
What does the company produce?
(A) Cookware
a# 2fli8f7 i m ma om Q&MOI SLICK g Aiaoia SSEI
tWte SS WiQ&Y!
^ * 0| ^
( A) ££122
i ht
(C ) 9 \ m <H?I defective Htfo 1 p a v e m e n t ?J2 22 work
from home AP 0 8|c|- machinery 7|7|| telephone
(D) SS 7p
^ ~
pole £!£!nr be required to 5H0 faicl apply for
AH AUT £ £ - mm x 'fclS HiK permit 7|g approval #?] at least
SW7|- gy Oll 2kk p. o|q.
^ ^
^ 25# Ol foj osjjf A
^ ^
( today we produce more than 25 lines of athletic footwear!
) ! if
s|££ issue asm
a p o i o o 30g ( B ) O|Cf .
^ 83
Paraphrasing gs£| athletic footwear -> §if £| Shoes What does the speaker say will happen tomorrow ?
( A ) A roof will be repaired.
(B) A pipe will be replaced .
82 (C ) A payment will be processed.
(D) An application will be submitted.
What will the listeners most likely do next ?
( A) Watch a video m n 2# ijoi o [# ^oiEfn
^ «
IfAl7 f DfAl Oll fig §94 SWI Mata m( l ’ d like to share a in front of your apartment )!
! of!
! %1 2
^ggg °B
tlH#£# !HA1lit
short video ~)H #§& ° J°E5 (A)0|cf. 0ll # 0 |Efe 3 » g # rn. ( ) 0 |ch
Paraphrasing share a short video Paraphrasing g$f2| replace a defective water pipe
-4 §g£| Watch a video 4 §g£| A pipe will be replaced.
84 so all doctors, nurses, and essential staff will still
be able to use the desktop computers at each
Why does the speaker say, “they’ll be using loud
workstation . However, 88 our patients will be
machinery ” ?
( A) To reject a proposal
wondering why they can't connect to the Wi-Fi. So
(B) To explain a delay please remember to let them know what's going
( C) To provide a warning on.
(D) To make a complaint
^ naiM-
(C) ?2| WJ1
* ^ ||A1 d|Aair
9 l Kl £ tl si l a
*H Wl
(D ) W2|SF3|J1
proposal ® delay I2! warning
Sf0 2H0I °t |£ | °|0Mt
| 11 .
^ °
* £
* * * c
CH?I reject
complaint 1JS|,
* *
o|°| wireless ££| | process sAf nfg restore TofCl
1W2| s|£ - 5fB
*«0| A|naj§ 7|T|» A»ST
. £
^ -,
hardwired uH{s!2S 9aa ! | available o |g
^connect Sim, 2
2fO|W SIA171 % A|LK)|S fiSElXlSf 7 ^*
?|oKlt should only take a few hours to complete, but I know you
) .1® ?]§—# pjoag,
sometimes work from home!
7 |7|| E|7 f m 5 011 SS ^ - .
» 3# Dial sha|7 | m
A 86
sisa# °=h 4 SW.
^ ( C)0|Ch Where is the meeting taking place?
( A) At an office building
(B) At a museum
(C) At a hospital
85 (D) At a hotel
What does the speaker say about a permit ? CHC| Ai 0 | = OjA |
It has been mailed to the listener.
( A)
t| o|
(A )
AHf4! 2#
It has been denied.
(B) (B)
It cost a lot of money.
(C) (C)
It was granted sooner than expected.
(D) ^
( D ) SI
o\ $ \ locked
^ ^
delay I
staff. 87 Our wireless Internet has gone down, and
* ^A|7 |cl
we are in the process of getting it restored. But m A1|^ Al|f && - 11*171 ^ *i|
don't worry — hardwired access is still available, 11 171-
* ^ ojEi ^ Ol El^ H*1 ^ £ 5® 0 |
^( Our
TEST 8 233
wireless Internet has gone down, and we are in the process of m Dil4r7 f 1Bf { CIH ± |4b m 40 47 f H7i| »7|3}
getting it restored) 0 | £fIL 143 (D)0|ch
* b
there is a significant increase in the number of vegetarian ° om.
0 |=n [ j
^E| <U | 40HKSS7I-
° ^ Af
meals consumed!
) !f>\VM SfE
SSit TAg Dfe SdlOl l
l WI|A|afe % if 4 . m
¥ £0||A| L
MI | gH A1
^LICK £ # sms 2ME ^ ^ 4 2M . 7|
H HI «8H
d| AM
L fl
O 10 H 0 7 j 2%
n|fiW g&E (A ) o |p. ^
^ E
^ 3*11 ^ A
TEST 8 235
sW°l °|JE H® - iJ2| 40S-1*!!M.7 f H Al E 0||A1 LgCfe
asi sis
^ ^ nH BI IfA Soil Sfe nhBh ME|*O|| #&i SS
^ 4 SteM^h
fA|°fo AjtlE Ej 0|4r #0 | ngJia# LHrl W ateMC . AI
h^i- ejgs# seer ¥i
^ ^ ^
o |qHo||7i|
^ im AIDIAS 2 1
8H am £3tt 7j| 4j( We plan to ask existing clients * 1| JAR)|E www. chesterfieldcommunityfestival.comOilAi
^ ^
to recommend our ad services to their business contacts) 0 |E|uI
W HUSH# 4SSE&I4I 4°J&m.
sfefe M0|- 5fA|E HZijS Qi S|Mtti|S7 |- [OjAl £f i J§ if
° *° oj?l annual £tel|2|, nHIcl^l announcement §A |, afi
4 2W. fffaW S&E ( D)0|CK vendor £toH?J, ao sustainable A |4 7 fe£f
environmentally friendly f3 practice E3
protect Mssfcl- available o |§ 7 fe§tf T-tf 4- 91
no longer ^1 0|£t ~ Oft! hand out L-HN-W
What incentive does the company plan to offer ?
( A ) A discount for referrals Entrance
( B) A subscription to an online magazine
(C) A satisfaction guarantee 0
Redvale Jams and Grandma 's
( D) A certification course Growers Things Pastry Shop
SIAfe oi ^j &B|*H # AilSS I I£!7 K ?
( A) cHtflfoi ** 0 0
(B) EEf J & A| 4 !
° ^
(D) Afzj#
Stage ^ Marta's
Wei Family
^ AHAf5 7| tiHEoH £!§E|
produce their goods! 91a — - otliir (A)0|ch^
L|Cf . $3# MH5IE jO | °E| A |«Als|0l|
^ ^
5!# iU a!
OL|74fi. M, Mk
^ AHA EAiM fi7l O l L|Lf. $||0|
^ ^
96 conference offerings . And before you head off to
your sessions, 100 l wanted to announce a change
Look at the graphic. Where can the listeners purchase
concert tickets? of location for the twelve-thirty session today. It's
( A ) At location 1 been moved, and the schedule board has been
(B) At location 2 updated.
(C) At location 3
(D) At location 4 tfl| 7IS #alU |A| 0|£S||il JU|o| Xh
BiroI 4afe S
^ . 2 1 £3011 « c| o|
A|Z[ SMOII sisra,
SBSI s m otcw
opm mu S AIBI2 ZLMO|i| x\xm SHIOM mfim BBM
° Ai *
Ch Eras 5111 aiBMtH e|£l LKH I iJ*o | 71 :
1 0.
(B) 2 1
* L|CL
am s#2| o§2l 3I|HH-ij# arasioi tffl SS# W
(C) 3 £
l-SI-THI £|01 0H° 7IWI BBtNCf. Ai| °£. #0i7l7 |0|| BA1,
(D) 4
*1 C4
^ 12AI 30m Alk oj
BBlEBLlCf . 9^71-
A|zf SM 3711 - S
^ SI £§ 4 5U4 Ste ^
S3 7IIAIEI0 I BC||0 |EE| L|Cf .
sl l7l
* W> | nH a|
^ go|| cfEl ea|^oi| #21- s# ^
-p-DH s 4 2W(You can stop by Marta ’s Treats next to Wei Family
) ! BSKn. SR A |£Q|| 3|0 | IIHUE-I 8^ o|?l conference s|2|, tft| keynote speaker 7 |s 3 =Al
Farms to buy a ticket!
3 *1 S OlHg. SBS (C)0 | cK phenomenal BitASKr, latest 4|£12|, £|T53
Soil °ib alBl ^ engaging oH !2] demand 4S.
definitely xirasl,
additional 7 |- °| offering xiimsfe
According to the speaker, what can be found on the
Remote Workforces 9: 00-10: 00 Sky Room
festival Web site?
( A) A job listing Team Collaboration 10: 00-11:00 Landmark Room
(B) An event program Lunch 11: 00-12:15 Cafeteria
(C) Safety regulations 100lnnovation Tools 12:30-1:30 Orion Room
(D) Names of sponsors Problem-Solving 1:30-2: 30 Vista Room
swoii m *ii iAfo|Boi|Ai m 4 sim7i?
( A ) Afa|
^ ^ 9 : 00-10 : 00 A7|0|#
CD fcd I 10:00-11 :00 SfiEDla#
^AIS ^
11 :00-12 :15
12: 30-1 : 30
^ H
<4 1 safety ?!£1 regulation iTS, -TWI sponsor #-
^ ^*
1 ^
m*ii m 1 :30-2 :30 UIAEm
Aii A ® sa - m LAFOIEOIIAI m 4 <&$= 2
mw afAl Oil lAlO|MO||Aj fHAh im PSSHtt 4 SMYou <H?I remote workforce -o £14
can download the event program from our Web site ~)S ilol.IL
collaboration innovation ! tool £
problem solving £ I sHU
- A1
^ SB (B)om. ^
What does the speaker encourage the listeners to do?
98-100 9Sf + °J3 WJ ( A) Pick up refreshments
(B) Purchase a book
M-Cn I hope you enjoyed the conference's keynote (C) Exchange contact details
(D) Volunteer for an activity
speaker, Ms. Olabisi Adewale. What a phenomenal
speech. 98
lf you're interested in more of what tlAfe *jxi# 0iM| Siam £!SH=4l?
she has to say about running a business, her ( A ) C|2f 7Mfi7 |
(B) ! 4DHS17|
latest book is for sale in the lobby. It's definitely ^
(c ) niisi7 i
an engaging read ! The rest of the conference is
(D) BSOII Al Sl7 |
ahead of you now. We're excited that this year ^
o|?l refreshments cfal exchange ZLlfSlcl volunteer A Sfcl
because of popular demand and all the feedback ^
we received, we've added an additional day to the
TEST 8 237
mi AII
L mmn assfe 5!
sn mgoii « ^ stm oiop ® mu
What does the speaker say happened as a result of
attendee feedback ?
( A ) Registration was conducted online.
( B) A more diverse range of speakers were invited.
(C) Extra charging stations were provided.
(D) Another conference day was added.
(A ) S OlSEfojosOfflgcl.
^ own a «oi s&m.
(C) ^
(D) m
of ?l registration conduct sfcl diverse range
^ charging t§S
mi Alim AW sw - *mn|=o|2| S4SWM °d
^tXf®-71- gy Oll am AW 2| 0 21 H|= «l® ygsfo) tftl ass
^ * ^
sf C| 7|®MI £|a^K ~ because of popular demand and all
the feedback we received we’ve added an additional day to the
) !Hoi
conference offerings! !-! ^ ( D)0|ch
Look at the graphic. Which session’s location has
( A) Remote Workforces
(B) Team Collaboration
(C) Innovation Tools
(D) Problem -Solving
°|8fE, CHS! AHI^ O , 1 sg
(A ) S3 S3
(B) sm
(C) ST1
(D) S II m
A|Z| 27j| - §4:71- Alls
m \y \
^ amoll AI m 1IS s l E3SM( I w a n t e d
12 30 A
^ to
announce a change of location for the twelve - thirty session
today! l !, iW 7||AffiO||
) ! WSU! !
° 12 : 30 -1: 30 3S ST1 m
Ai|S0 |° m
& ( C)0|IlK
( 0 §3. &
) \7 \ AWa| 9M \ S climbing a ladder) 2£0|°
^ 33.
* 952
(A) He’s standing on a rug. 3 W- Br
TEST 9 239
(A ) own s# OII 90 3 99.
3 39.
trimmed ) 390| 0 lL|H3 39.
( D) o Al 39. 9( A shovel) 0 | £® 0|| 71cH OH X=i 93( is leaning
6 W - Br
(0 oAf 39. 49 m(Some shopping carts)7 f 913 #0|AH AIM/99 A19 - Al# SAl
( A ) A190II 99 SAB Oise 39. Al jo|| s®0|| 99 9#( A potted
( have been lined up in a row) S90 | 0|-L|H3 39. *
( D ) #Af 39. Al|9# (Some products) 0 | dWOJI 9SAi 99( have plant )°| 390 | 30|A| 9333 39.
fallen on the ground) 3901 0 K-|33 39. ( B ) A190II 99 SAl# Oise 39. A190II 713# ? l#( a lamppost ) 9
390| 30 | X | 9333 39.
( C) 99. SAKSome chairs) 7 f # #3 UHA|£|S 99( have been
arranged in a line) 390133 99.
5 -
W Am
- *
( D) SAf 39. S#(Some bricks) 0 | Ej|af 30t| 0| 99( have been
piled on a patio) S90| 0 |-L|H 39.
( A ) Snow is being cleared away.
( B) Bricks are being arranged on a walkway. 7
(C) Tree branches are being trimmed. M- Au Who’s covering for Ms. Hamada?
( D) A shovel is leaning against a flowerpot.
w- Am ( A ) Yes, it may rain later.
(B) No, I have enough.
(C) Her assistant.
t \ u \ n\ m 10
(A ) * ^9992^ ^.
M|, 0|D}7|- b|7|-
|£ # fi
w- Br What did you do for Mr. Sugiyama’s retirement
BlofMfi sH
*Al* h°.
(C) HL=|o| d| 7
, 2.
party ?
( A ) I helped decorate the room.
o|?| cover (Af9 u Al 9 iJ 0199
# | 24 ) assistant , d|A|
swq m cHdsr Ant#
* * *9
( B) He’s not tired.
(C) Try the file cabinet.
I* * / * 901 71 92
* who
.A.•7 lop - M|O| £s| 7 M
( A ) Yes No
71 29. # °
** * * * Who 01| Yes No #
( A) # 20|
I nfE|
2&012. * *aH1SHaoifl?
( B ) Yes No
/ 29. 9 Oil
#7 |-
* / *901 # *uf *
Who CJ tn
Yes No 7| 2 * *^ (B) nbn|5SWaofa
29 (C ) Ai M tf 2A1|2.
0 39. SKW « Afe 429 1
* ** 9 II 1 0| S0 2L=|o| d|A
* * *9 2o |9
Bp.9 42 9° B| 99. -2 s? ** *
H 9 47 p m SSI 719 mm
, decorate
* |0 |-
9. 47 I PI *sH esH#e#9*#* 3 °011**9#
- M| o |
What |
( A) § SSI 9 nfEls
* ** * 7|
nH9 Ailom
* Where 9
(B) An old refrigerator.
* #s*^s* 9
- ** (C) No, the clock is fast.
( A) 99. 49 AflalM
9sp 99. ** #*oi 2352 2*1199 3| Bp ££
## e § q 7 W 7 fs qqa?
( B) Yes/ No #7 f 29. Where 0 | Yes No 7|
** * / *901 # *42
°l l ** o
9 1922.
(A) 9
| 5 >q
S. 29.
(0 99 99 29. 9 9 fashionOM 99 7 fee blouses# 0 |§e
* , ria^.
NS (C) 0 ZLA|7j|7
0 9 9999 29.
(B) Because of safety regulations.
(C) A hat and a scarf.
* * m
#2 99# 2H m 8H42? 12
OIL| OJ z\ m 9 o|2. VO
(B) 99 29 4 0112.
** M - Au Isn’t this the last train out ?
(C ) 299 292. w- Br ( A ) A round-trip ticket to New York .
q?l safety 99
regulation 29 2 11
( B) The office next door.
* (C) No, there’s one more.
4 # MI 99# qo 9 o |£# Why 9
( A ) Yes / No #71 29. Why 9 ** ** **
0|| Yes / No 901 #7 feH2 .
* *
0| 019712?
# Af7 f
29. ** * *
*9*Al1**#* . .
(A )
(B) 0 |2
* ( A)
99 99 29. # l * ** 99
1 99**
aao|| SS 2 f A 7 |- 94 gfi®42? 17
( A) % ? ms*. . M - Cn When can we use the new color printer?
(B) <ASHi|= >
fA 7|X&
^* 7ias a ao&
w - Br (A) This afternoon.
(c) oiMfi, 2 ( B) OK, that ’s good to hear.
M3 merger H9 publish #S5KP (C) Sure, I can take a photograph.
18 mm#2\ °i##
( A) 44. SBt A[ AJ ex-KHW LHN# 3# *IIBSfe ^©Hl #4
M - Au Could you order some more paper plates?
^¥1, ## «PfO|aM #4 444 SffiS LH## 51
w- Am ( A ) Thanks for the invitation.
( B) He got a job at the restaurant. # o 7 (#
(C) We have enough for three months.
44 EKH 24. 4#4 flyer# flyS 4# O
( B)
tf flight# 0|#t[ £4.
^ ^
#0| 44# m C| ## 5 « 4 sms? (0 a# EKH £9. 4# ] officeOM <24 7| fi elevator # 0|#tf
(A ) 94tm 24.
(B) a# 4S0II S|A[a|# 2fi!42.
(c) 37H1wrssteswiifi.
^ aa
5iH *
( 0 sa S4S 0II SDK 4 A[ 7 fex | ## 4#oi| c|7 [ AfcK)| BA| a
m 445HA1 xp\ §- 4# 7HI4 m sms?
44 4# 7HI #4# 4442^ fi«S|2 °J°^ 44.
(A) 4# oil 44A|4.
( B) Ml, AI90 I 2J2A|E£.
(C) Ai# 4#4 7 |# O aaisHI 9o[2.
^ 22
4?l vegetable AHA w- Am Do you want me to fix the printer in your office?
m # 4/2.44 4## ( A) An official document.
( A ) 4#4 24.
M - Cn
( B) Yes, that would be helpful.
( B ) 44. 42A m M1442 #4# 7HI4 7 [of ^h#A | ## (C) I printed it on both sides.
4#o|| Ml(Yes) 42. MI44 ¥1, A| o | 4440|E[H #4 4m 4
44 Ml## 4M42°^ 44.
^ A (-44011
°i # ^ 4411JLX^WAQ? .
(A ) # 4 #A101|2.
(0 44 44 24. 4#4 foodOllAi 44 7 fe8 cook 4 vegetable m
( B)Ml, JESOI 9 a aota. in
oil# 0 | 4 29.
* (C) Aib 44 iil
TEST 9 243
23 # g nm EL# gg
( A ) Yes / No 7f * How £|# #
ag. How ElMMOfe Yes/ No ggo| #7 feS|H£
M-Au Will the company ’s warehouse be built in the
city or farther out ? ag. *
( B) g 44®5feaa
w-Am ( A ) It’ll be in the city.
(0 gg. ±ig u i# gg#
( B) Yes, he ’s wearing a red sweater.
#o | gg
R! fcl °J °^ ga ** *gg AISM
(C) Two square kilometers.
D 3
* **£
x|CH &\£3
&:fe £A|o|| X|CH
^ zplfi, ONE M ^a| sow
( A) £A|0|| J|Oj 3L|CK
(B) Ml, nb ^A Eii- ojn oiojo M-Au The party is supposed to start at six P.M., right ?
(C ) 2 HMSQ|E|
* a^ w- Am ( A) I added her name to the guest list.
(B) No, the invitation said seven.
M?l warehouse ga farther M
(C) Because the party decorations were
SHS t|Af SSSHS m »
S£ MM SN MMM expensive.
( A ) sa SW ##gnt- AIM In MMMOll SAlafDl #
|&| 7|£#
H 6 A|0|| APW7E E|CH 2JS, ZLgS?
M 5 fL® S9#& °J£HS gg.
( B ) Yes /No #7|- fiS. SS2I- g (A) m=Lm on# SEMI
°IMM 0||M Yes / No #go | ** SM# l|2|SKfe
* (B)
(C )
oms, iCHgolfe 7AIS E|CH ojtO\3..
nfE| ggo| d|«7| qffio|oi|fi.
( C) gg EfM ag. HMM fartherO||Ai gg 7 fMtf kilometers # 0 |
se ag. M?l be supposed to £|M add invitation
sdl, decoration gg
HfE| A|g A|7|# tfoiSfe M7|-
24 OE33EE1 ( A ) ag go) aa partyO|| A1 <2g 7 fe£f guest list# 0 ®fi
M - Cn The taxi has finally arrived. ag.
( B ) gg. H|-E| 7|- a 6 AICHI A|g# fex|
w -Am (A ) Oh, did it get stuck in traffic? *
(No)ap. digit H scHSoilte 7A|s MM
Sfojsfe SSOII ON
MS 0 4 fcffi
(B) Thanks, but I already have some.
( C) It ’s their final offer. M ms » ga ^
( 0 go) MM ag. assi party # MM o @g ag.
— MM siAwagsRoia
( A) OF, mi- xiisoii gsama?
(B) jiswao|Di # ao)a
(c ) n# 14S 4aoioiia
M?l stuck in traffic a#o | g* , Mil final offer 1# IIM
M Cn- Does the manager want us to pick up the
^ * * supplies or have them delivered?
*HS Afg/ ga *tg°| 8A-® w- Br ( A) She’ll be here soon .
( A) ga HMM iijA|7 F £ t cfe SA1#oj| m# |go|| g fex| #
s OIMOII im Ma %oaE? gg.
* «° (B) You dropped your pen.
(C) You ’re right about that.
( B ) SAIM4 gggfe ag.
£NAN= MMM ### 7 WM m ufama, ONE yn#Ai 7 i
(0 ag. SA1#£| finallyEl nfgo] 7||o] final# 0|
^ »
* 71# dfama?
( A) ZLU|7F = # 7m.
(B) m
25 (c ) gg go i gom.
M-Au How can we train all the new team members? M?l supply ##
w-Br (A ) Yes, I worked on those.
(B) It wasn’t as long as we thought.
3 HS #f £|AF7 F ## uH # gg » # E-i! 2IMM
( A ) gg. m# 434 # BIAI7 F gg#
(C) People like watching videos.
71 # # 7-|ElDi E| Xf7l
28 flflEEEEEfc ( B) 8A«4 24. Where M® S&0 |H£ 24.
44. 2?® 4Af n ?ga§ dlSUl 2Wb 42# 4it3H=r 8
w-Am Has Jacob come into the office today ?
( C)
#o|| £#o | gfig |# 4# S40|HS. 44.
^ *|
M AU ( A ) His briefcase is on his desk . * ^
(B) Yes, it is a nice office.
(C) I can come in for just a minute.
A|- |0|#b 2# A 4!0|| &40 ?
( A) ZL21 Aj = 7 801 m $|0|°JtO\2..
w-Am Is your car expensive to repair ?
(B) Ml, 44 A*
^ OlOiia M-Cn ( A ) The largest model available.
( B) Only a few more times.
(c ) AH ggg # 4 4 442.
^ (C) It ’s been running perfectly since I bought it.
briefcase Aj# 7 f8
444 4= 44 4 # O | *KM2?
## SSAKHas 4##
*H 4 *l|0@0| 2ir AH4J0II SfeAB (A) 0|S 7 fe»t 7 8
( A ) 49. AilOHOl a# Al ± \m 4#0|| 021 AW 7 8 % aei 40 *
^ H^0|0||fl.
2 D
0 | «4 floil
^ X
AH OII &## ? si # again ?. oa ^
a |
^ ^ .
(c) =?w$fc BHW we sm.
( B) so) aa
aa as2i office# oigg 4?l available 0IS 7 fesi- perfectly
(0 EKH y# aa 4#4 come # 4# o|gg aa m Be Al 2|°°
Al ai b |S0|
^ ^
( A) 44 EKH £8. 4# l carO 1 44 7 g The largest model#
° || A
29 OEEE2> ( B) 8S4 444= 24.
(0 49. A 45-I HISOI d|g | #b §go|| 29SM ttH Ei S*|SMI
w- Am Are you joining the team for today ’s briefing? * *
AH 014 4 » 4 94 Ai 9A| g#
M - Cn ( A) My top client is in town.
° ^ 49.
io £
^ ^
( B) Vittorio’s Pizzeria.
(C) I enjoyed that film.
*H 4 2# MELIS ttH noil g#8fex» Be#Al °|## W-Am Mr. Hughes? My name is Ms. Ayhan. 32 I'll
( A ) 49. 2# ME|4 [EH 8011 twsbbxl# ^b 4#o|| sin 2401 4 be interviewing you today for the open
2W 4 a 4 oi uizH# vm g
^ »^ sig ® s zmii si position of patient transporter. I see on
PH? ga your application that you ' ve worked in
( B) ##4 449= 29. health care before.
to 449= aa HOW °I #OII eng sgoias. aa .
^ M - Cn That 's right 33 l worked at the main
reception desk at the Southeast Regional
Hospital for a while . But I 'd like to try a m
30 different role.
w- Br I’m organizing a healthy eating program at the W- Am You 'd be responsible for moving patients VO
office. to various locations throughout the
M - Au ( A ) She studied at that theater program. hospital. 34 It 'll involve about six miles of
(B) Right beside the new projector. walking every shift. Are you OK with that ?
(C) Do you need any help with it ? M - Cn I actually do a lot of hiking and rock
AJOIIAI aa® MM *^n8# Eb|8 n 2J42. climbing in my free time. So I 'm looking
Ajb A
n4b n 44 ssag# #4 4 .
* forward to having a job that 'll have me on
my feet more.
(B) AH ssaiEfueaoifl.
(C) £# 0| #S5 fA1|o ?
JULI? Atb ofoitioi4 2# gx sgag
m\ organize ZMm, healthy 2441 #8 288. 4
#4 AH ## 35H Aii7 f
MI £ 2# ggg SML . 4S
g 1 #ofoi| Ai gg go| °i4n A|8A|OIIAI gbMIfl. *
* /484^499
A M ®A b
°H 4
( A) § Aib 9= aa 4AI #OII 394 Mm she . Aigg ° jt-
^ gn GGAI°A 0| AE J|« QJ|OI
01 999AI aa
gmdiAaoiiAi gggL|c . 4A | 4 4# 4 ## OIMH
TEST 9 245
oi yasi oiai O ®AIS ^jjo oi
' 34
MS. DH sen SWef 6Q ® §s M17|0||a.
What does the woman emphasize about the job being
y w \ AIM mm ay «® BOI tm HEM ( A ) It demands long hours.
BS. y BO 1 y
^ ^u ^CHS. (B) It requires a lot of experience.
( C) It offers a competitive salary.
m open position patient #Af transporter (D) It involves a lot of walking.
4 Af, ®iS|fe Apy application x ®, x ® A|
^ 0|
health care £|S for a while role tf
^ *fe *ll£E| i]A^| i| CHoH
e¥ A|Mm
(A )
rr 0
- .
M Au Yes - thanks At first, we were just going to
33 open the business without any advertising.
What was the man’s previous job? .
M - Cn Right 36 But then we consulted a friend
( A ) Receptionist in the retail industry. He said a strong
(B) Custodian advertising campaign makes a difference
(C) Tour guide and referred us to you.
(D) Bus driver
W-Br He's right. You need to advertise your
yxf °| o |*i siSS store before it opens.
( A) BLHdl^a
^SffiPI? M-Au Have you looked at the information we
sent ?
(C) 5®7 K> |=
(D) tt] A W- Br Yes, and here's what I think : 3 first, you
should emphasize the fact that this will
f ?l previous 0 |£ jo|
° be a family- run business. Local customers
op|# ±» SJ3L|: ih 37
Bgo | steMc . 7HQSPI £joi| DHS-S
£H £. * What does the woman say should be emphasized
about a business?
fef 2 ( A) That it will provide many jobs
01 SOTfe (B) That it will be run by family members
01 Ml , 11 Zf #
AF4IS 323tA|0t t LlCK
^ 7^
|3 | F#£ feO| (C) That its owners have a lot of experience
^ * ^d * ZL
( D) That its owners live in the neighborhood
ojxfe 2
*11011 cpH assHof wi tt«fe7 F?
o® suit SS advertising §31 consult ( A ) BS 2 ®t- etf 0 |Efe
* * ^ a
£f°PFcF retail DH make a difference AfO |# =QF
^ (B) 7 F 0 | «th 0 |afeS
refer j[ 7H ]5lc|- emphasize a fcf family -
^^ ^ (C)« ^ ^
^ !o| ga|oiBDfeS
run business 7 f 0| §g5|fe 2 11 local 13^1
appreciate d%m, 17
^ » * * (D) 2o| 2Boi| 7ffScfcS
^ 3?l neighborhood E
AM A ® SB - o) F7 |- <S*M CH^H gssHot!W2 BSfe 5!
om DF |3 cHAKHIAd
7 o | £<§uhb 2 l|afe A ®#
What kind of business will the men open? * ^ ^ *
OF t^Kfirst, you should emphasize the fact that this will be a
( A ) An electronics repair shop ) !.
family- run business! ?iQa ^ (B)0 |ch
( B) A car dealership
( C) A restaurant Paraphrasing CHIF2J be a family-run business
(D) A clothing store -* §B3 be run by family members
CTO # = o| g in a 327 F?
(A)S f IB 43S
(B) F§ F CUE® 38- 40
(C )
* *
(D) 38 0H2 M- Au 38 Look what just arrived — they 're the new
handheld scanners we've been waiting
11 “ A ® se - y o| 7HS FH 0 1 2*11
W 51 d|AfO||Ai HOI*7HBS& riOj
^ fe® SB » 31of®
* *
for !
|| cpH B3 ®!
^ E
IB SH Kl 'm calling to discuss the men’s suit
§ W- Br 38 That 's exciting! 39 It 's going to be so
and coat store that you want to open)H ijoF.IL Sife 7AQ£- MOF d much easier to scan the groceries with
ms 38 DHS %1L 01 £FCfc 3 Oh 4 oicK CtFEFAi
^ » ( D) these. Do you know when they 'll be
0 |Ch * installed at each of the checkout stations?
M- Au Our manager is hoping to set them up
Paraphrasing CH1F°| the men’s suit and coat store
tomorrow night after the store closes. She
-> §23 A clothing store
asked if I could help, but I'm not available.
W- Br Oh, 40 l can stay late tomorrow night. I'll
go let her know.
36 H
How did the men learn about the woman’s consulting . in
d »8 E«® X £ MA1I& -?E|7 F 7 ICFEIS ± \ *m 4®
± mo\\2.\
( A) From a local business owner VO
01 >jL[Li|0 ! o|£S Ajsg# TjOllfi .
(B) From a marketing course
(C) From a friend who works in retail ^fbcH m| 2*11 ^DHB*li#!*d| £W¥£? AlfHo SHO
2f 7|| 0| 0 |
( A ) 13 LH A ® SJ?E| 10| A|
^ .. *
^ums -
OF, A1I7 F LH d 71|77F | do\ Sl# 4 °Ao\2.. LH7 F 7FA1
* ^
0||A1 # CHAi
(C) ±QH 271|0|| #AFsfe A| 0||71| # 01A1
(D) ±JS : »
»#3HA| ^ O
^l handheld 0j|
^ 7 |7 | grocery
^ #
install =A|SFCF checkout station 71|AFCH set up
- 2 F# 0| 01 ® AiU|A# Oh ig
AM A ®
* * m\ £38
^ sAISFcF available AKjoiEfe
5! m tf M CHAI01IA1 ^DHSTIIOII 2b
* ^
5J!^Kwe consulted a friend in the retail industry) 1
£FP-7 F 0®
HsH cKHe said ~ and referred us to you)ZL ij^FlE 2Qa ^
^ (C)0|cf.
TEST 9 247
38 o\ $\ work extra hours 4H°5lc|- supply HM stock Witt
What are the speakers excited about ?
( A ) An upcoming holiday *HM Allif * A ® 2® - Oirn &a|x|- ot|7i| a ^
( B) A staff training session WF7I- n [ x \°\ QHAKHlAi £° io | LHSJ y MTPW yof °[# 4 SMI
(C) Some new equipment can stay late tomorrow night ) Ai 7|A1 £{-a|x[o||7j| IfsBUMI’ll go
( D) Some staff discounts let her know! )!
S3& (A)0|cK
cHaH 7 | nitj 5 fe7i?
Paraphrasing P144 stay late • § w o r k extra hours
(A )
(B) m HH
(c) AH m
(D) MS] 41- 43 3?! TO
CH?I upcoming c|-7l<2
^ H Si§
—- equipment
^! W - Am 41 I 'm Mona Pahlavi, from Pahlavi
“ A ® && - SfJ®0| 7|U|8Kr 5! Construction, and this is Ms. Taylor,
feW7 f *j CHAlOllAi °E|7l 7 |ClE|E| ^HM ^l our interior designer. We're looking for
5! # MEKLook what just arrived — they ’re the new handheld a source for reclaimed lumber. Many
scanners we’ve been waiting for!! ) ! 5|-X|-, Ct|A|-7|- £ jtMThat’s customers are asking to incorporate old
) ! mU S i ( C)0|c h wood into their construction projects.
M - Au You 've come to the right place . We carry
Paraphrasing the new handheld scanners
-» SS Some new equipment wood rescued from barns, factories, and
other structures that have been torn down.
W- Br 42 People think using reclaimed lumber is
cost- effective. Is that true?
Where most likely do the speakers work ? M- Au 42 Surprisingly, no . It 's actually more
nmm assn
01X 171 5! CHAlOllAi 0|S£ Aj^HM 4WHS ( lts a
going to be so much easier to scan the groceries with
s s 5to^ L|Lh mm
these) 0 | El!L efSfe aof A|S#go||A| mm ^
asmiAi yy mm
3M if 4 SM 4BIA1 S&a (B)0|Ch ^
012 A ®§S m m? \ 7 ® U| «
| C|2 Zf 8 fB!E||fi.
Al ?j7lo ?
s W7|£ A®OI OIYLICK mm XHA ®S 4 vsm
40 etafe zi 4si 7-1301 si7 i [IH OII A ® EI WMES..
011 H. CH THI SSSMIfi, % \ mi 4?
What will the woman tell her manager ?
( A) She can work extra hours.
012 !14#H HHAH 2© o|| HM 01 x|Mtf 2M4. SfAlSf
(B) She needs more supplies. TlOllfi.
(C) She stocked some shelves.
^§sl | soil
7 2HM MU S
* ^
|Ch 21 SfS® fl. A| 0|
^ L
TEST 9 249
44 _
444 o|£ z\qt g A1I71I 597H 0j| 4#S& 24tr tfS| 45=
Who most likely is the man? 01 ss %0\\M yxpf n Offs s|A|-7\ g>0|
^ 5! W( lt seems
( A ) A history professor like it ’s expanded a lot since then, right ?)ZL H4, 0) 47|- 2HM#
oj SHo
^ ^. y oj xjx|0 | ( )0|2tojA|7i
O O P Q|
( B) A mechanic S5 D 5 £S tl 20142
(C) A lawyer 2# 2 4 &4. 444 C CK
(D) A journalist
( A ) 442 JH4 47- 49
(B) 7|7l@
(C) 2i> 4
W- Br Hi, Sergey. 4 / Have you been able to finish
( D)
the updates for the new bridge we're
n s*ii mssa - teWfiisia designing? I'd like to include them in the
* 3 CHAKHIAI xf24 A|o 7|A[0i| BOI 1|§SH agenda for our client meeting next week .
* ^
7 |s|7 f H Kit ’ll provide plenty of information to use in my
^ - 22
article for the newspaper ) 0 |a(H M0 |- 2X12 224
M- Au Yes. 47 I 've reinforced some structural
features and added the pedestrian
7 |Al2S 2 m 444 322 ( D ) 0 |ch
^ walkway they asked for.
W- Br Oh, perfect ! 48 Could you take over that
part of the meeting to explain the changes
45 to the clients?
What does the man say he read about the company ? M- Au Sure, I can do that. But first, 49 l'll send you
(A) It was started by the woman’s father. the updated calculations on the bridge's
( B) It manufactures automobile parts. weight capacity. Some of the numbers
(C) It was recently purchased by a competitor. have changed significantly because of the
(D) It is the area’s largest employer. structural changes we've made.
W- Br OK . I'll take a look tomorrow and get back
342 444 Sff 42 LH§# o 'oHcm 2427 f?
( A ) 444 o\ a\ x \ y [ to you.
(c ) se mvm 01 SIA» umm. 01 Ofaswifi, Ail a 71101. E|7 f 2711411 °i2 AH 2LgfO|| 2tt
44 mz\ H220 I 4. SH|0|M# 42 4 SlSWfi? Qj-S. 0|| Ol# UZH t|o|
(D )
ZL LH§t stfshn oiAis .
4?l manufacture 11 44 competitor 334
^ * a MI. 2^4 712#
Z L# O I at® FINAI§ #st-
feW7 mo\\ 2sH i-15242 24 LH§
A|ff A ® 22 - 7 f3H0|S.
347 f *
2 WH CHAI0IIA1 444 0|- bHX|7 h S| A ® 2 ^
^ ^
42 2#
32240 read that your father founded the company):!! 24M
01 01, 24 sHM! 2|£| §o|| SH§r “2# aTiaoW n oiMI
ES4 S 8tt smo|fl?
oioo gg§ (A) 0 |4.
^ * *
a nlfi, 1- 4 2£M4. 443 24 JH2 s® S o|| Mitt »
i|2 7112 34# SLHHl7i| o . Ait|7|- 2 2 4 23
42o|| 22 4 |7 f 4T93I yffl oia.
* ^
46 01 aaioifl. 42 33 MU 44 0H 7 |8Hfi.
Why does the woman say, “ We export to fifty - nine
countries around the world”? 4?l include Ssl4? l4 agenda 22 reinforce
m\m, M3®I4 structural 2 44, 2^43
(A) To correct an error *
feature 712, - 3 pedestrian M§xKg) walkway
(B) To justify a decision ^
calculation 7112, 7j|2 4 weight ¥7il,
(C) To confirm an assumption
capacity §2,
significantly 2o l
( D) To explain a delay ^
44724422 AM 597HM0II oiOiMMUL 2^12 0 | 2?
(A )
Mlm 4M2M2.1H
^ 47
(B) am « Who most likely are the speakers?
(C) (A) Artists
(D ) A|20|| 48H ( B) Engineers
( C) Accountants
44 correct 4M34 justify 2 o 4 H4 4344 decision ^ o,
^ ( D) Lawyers
^ AI confirm 24 assumption 23 delay 43
lW#4440|3!b7l? °H = Ai| “ A ® 22 - 4401141 M3 3
(A ) m 243 CHAKHIAI jag 5® sgroii m m m mm
(B) 2!4M4 M442J!3(ril send you the updated calculations on the bridge’s
(c) m
\M ) !. s£5\IL 2oa 334 (D)0|3.
weight capacity! ^
(D) SsA|-
nm a ii 4# 22 - tw#3 32
cOT?l 3 cHAKHIAH 4a|7 f 2b AH am\ 22 24o|^#
50 - 52
HU 4 22bA|( Have you been able to finish the updates for
the new bridge we ’re designing ?)# #4 #471 75 -1 7 |##
M kH H2j 0 | M14# #4.# 47H3( l ’ve reinforced
W Br - Ketan, what do you think about this
some structural features and added the pedestrian walkway
month's marketing report ? 50 It looks
like our computer keyboard sales are
they asked for)H #2 3M4 MOf Sp\#4 °!!4L|0® # # 4 24.
decreasing .
424 33b (B)0|ch
M-Cn Yes, I saw that I think it may be connected
to our existing marketing strategies.
5 , 51 The keyboards are advertised mostly
on our Web site. I think we need to look
What does the woman ask the man to do? into expanding our advertising campaign
(A) Lead part of a meeting to other types of media .
TEST 9 251
o\m % PWoiW
* *»
S ll LH§ SS - Sf 0| fe£|
* ||g
a^shb 5! lW(lt
a| S EI 7 |MJ= & p\
53- 55
^ ^
looks like our computer keyboard sales are decreasing) t \ \ !! X W-Am Hi, Raul. 531 wanted to let you know
'dxw !AK >|M0||A| SUSP. SMThe keyboards that we received all of the bids we were
are advertised mostly on our Web site! ) ! s|SA| waiting on for the Meyerville Bridge
yWH £S ! l ?iQa
^ ( C) 0 |ch replacement project .
M -Cn Thanks . Are there any acceptable bids?
54 I
'm worried that with costs rising
51 nowadays we may exceed our budget for
city infrastructure projects.
According to the man, how are the products currently
being advertised? W-Am Well, steel costs per ton are in the
( A ) On television thousands for every bid.
(B) On a Web site - .
M Cn I see We 've already reached out to all of
(C) In magazines the contractors we can, so we'll just need
(D) By direct mail to seek additional funding, then. 55 Let 's
twoii cnfsa, nmz SAH o\ m smstn ° >bg? put together a spreadsheet comparing
( A ) TVOilAj the bids this afternoon. We'll use that
(B) lAfO|E 0l|A1 for reference at our next transportation
c m\m
( ) department meeting .
(D) 3ti!S
m\ direct mail
0\ -?a|7l 7 \C\ Z\&mm 2gr Eft
£|ft :|!
- Itf 3| HE|H
m A1I4 A ® - l|gO| m S!l£!
| ! Jt SW
yA|-7|- P\m\ M
* W |M01|A| SiStn. oicKThe y !!SfsM .
* ) ! y§|1
keyboards are advertised mostly on our Web site! - L ^ a ® 2® 0| o [
Lffl? 24 H|§0|
r n\ A| 7|SA ® SS3|E 0||£101 S4S 4£ 5iOiA1
HSS&S B Cf( ) 0| .
01 4, 1S9 2® 7 f 3£ y§ofcf 451BWIlfi.
y »
yaioifi. oini 7 ® 24 £SS IIOII sa®
52 °J
What topic will the speakers discuss at a meeting?
^ 24011 °Jti HIS®
Anai|HA|E# °®Oi #A|Lf. c® JZW1| 0|0|W #
( A ) Budget changes ita Afss vstt 2Mg.
(B) Design modifications
(C) Production delays CH 4I bid 0td1^s1-, 7 R3 A||A| replacement aA|| acceptable
^ O J=. nowadays 24 exceed 4S|c|-
( D) Open job positions
budget 0||4> infrastructure 7 |EfA| j reach
mmz S|2|OIIAI CHE! 4AI» out 4sf3| $\c\ contractor
^ seek
( A ) on era
(B ) ** additional 47ig funding Ag put
together (0 |2!A-12H§ SOD compare tdIJUSK^I-
(c ) mm reference U! !, 4hS department 4Ai
(D) 3
oj?l modification 4§, production
Aj| 4 A ® as - sp»0| 2|°|01|A1 fefi® 4A1I What project are the speakers mainly discussing?
°t cHAK>l| Ai o (- |- a\9\m on ®
ojxl-71- U \x \ yaf! if
7 *
KPerhaps we need to advocate for a larger marketing
( A) The demolition of a shopping center
(B) The construction of a skyscraper
! c® o \9\ m 1|2|0||A| 0 |
up at our next marketing meeting!
7-|#5 fAKLet’s bring this
) ! 4?I 0j|£K)|| cHoH lJo!
[ L 5i2
(C) The replacement of a bridge
( D) The redesign of a train station
H£ S9£ (A)0 |Ch
CHE! ssa|M0|| CHSH o|op|sfc7 f?
Paraphrasing cHSf^l a larger marketing budget (A )
-» Stfg Budget changes (B) nf514
(C) 282x11
(D) 7 |A ® AH
g?l demolition
7- construction skyscraper ol5!4
m §*n LHO - mmo \ 43 #2 Paraphrasing 343 put together a spreadsheet
3 l7 f *j CHAKHIA1 7| a|S Di|o|oi tmm 3tt 2##
2233 23 43 §23( 1 wanted
^ £*|| n to let you know that we
-> §23 Create a spreadsheet
TEST 9 253
57 we'll be able to finance your business
What does the woman say about a hotel? project .
( A ) It was a suitable venue for an event. W - Br Oh, that 's wonderful news ! Opening a
( B) It was reserved by a professional organization. flower shop has been my dream for so
(C) It is environmentally friendly. long.
( D) It is convenient to public transportation.
M- Cn Absolutely 60 l just have one detail to
Wfe sio|| c H flaKz ysfe7 K? confirm . Do you still live at 21 Anderson
(A ) mm mm
^ Avenue?
(B) 2£ 7 ® oi|AioiP!rh ^OICK W- Br Actually, I've recently moved. Here's a card
(c ) m ssHsioich
with my new address.
(D) C|@jiL## o|SSp|oil
M- Cn Thanks ! I ' ll be right back . 611 need to
o|?l suitable venue 2P reserve
go over to the printer to pick up some
environmentally friendly #2
documents that I need you to sign.
public transportation
*112 AflV A ® && - 0frW Sl0|| cHsH ttSfe a fef OjA| £Al|£! ]t|
* ST7I7I- Li° fj#X|
<W7|- n o| i]o|a® g bfafo O]A| oAi|o
^ ^
! 2JSfeA|(Did you know that it was the first environmentally
ag. 2H® ( C ) 0 |c|-.
*H|7f AfS S£9|B0| S 4 Silt A
" 7
58 y yA ®L|tH MM Aigs®
Why will the hotel close temporarily ?
( A ) To allow staff to conduct a training session
( B) To be subject to an inspection
CH I application 22Ai, A ® A| finance
(C) To accommodate an expansion ^
absolutely 22 ., #2201 confirm
( D) To ensure movers have access to the rooms ^
(A )
* mo \ up# Aiair 4 ais® map What did the woman apply for ?
(B) 22 0H30|ajA|
( A ) A professional license
(D) » ^0|| #0)^ 4 <M map
® 7 ® AH o| 3 ( B) A job at a bank
(C) A business loan
oj ?| temporarily 2Ap HAI3 conduct mm be subject to
^ ( D) A credit card
| cHgo |c|- accommodate expansion #3, SjcH
o| fe S ±JSSfe7 f?
ensure Mysfcf have access to ~oil 3EW 41 Him * ^*
(A )2£
3H 3 A1|“ A®
^ - SijOl o|A|£ gfe 0 |§ ^
(B) S9 HAp|
yspl- DfAiaf CHAKHlAi C® fiO|| EP ££K>1|
^71 £ ® m
(They ’ll be closed next month while they work on an addition to
(C) M m CH®
(D) 2g7p
the main building! ) !H P flop ? 3H® ( C ) 0 | .
^ m oj ?l professional 2nr32 license Af3®,&\ loaned#
Paraphrasing d|tl | an addition -» 2HP an expansion
° - W7I- Mm 2
*H 2 A1|“ A ®
I hope you didn t have too much trouble finding our banking
59- 61 ) ! S Aj 23A® 3feG|| A ® S£S|EO|| A12# H 4 HI# X
HmO ve read your application, and it looks like we’ll be able to
M- Cn Francesca, welcome ! 59 l hope you didn't ) !Hop. %lon . 2Hhiz- (C) 0| .
finance your business project!
^ m
have too much trouble finding our
banking office. Please, take a seat. 59 I've
read your application, and it looks like
W- Am What size do you need ?
What information does the man ask the woman to M- Cn One that accommodates three or more
verify ? people.
( A) Her income W- Am Well, 63 there's only one larger cabin
(B) Her account number available. It costs 150 dollars.
(C) Her phone number
M- Cn 63 That s fine — well take it! Also, 64 do you
* ^
^Haga-8 (D)o|cf. 01 oiea7|7HflSW|fl?
Paraphrasing TO°| confirm -> Hn:2| verify C3
61 XRSWLffl?
xnsth-W! w ® a® wosfe aaM . m
What will the woman most likely do next ? 01
oA|x| a [ .
A|S X|£| 7 01= 2 M| £b|5 3!£L|:
^ ^
( A ) Sign some documents
( B) Download some software
^ ^^ * * * * *
(C) Speak with a friend o® nature preserve cabin book
( D) Make an appointment 0||
°m reservation OH°f accommodate
||7 fes complimentary °S2|
ojxHir c 8
* °s m . # m& Y!
available 0|
make arrangements f &blefc ,
(A) £A|0|| Ai«5l7|
L ®S S 7|
(c ) SH® mm? \ * Cabin Rates
(D) 7|
^^ North cabin (2 people) $100
AW A ® && - 01x 1-71- q oii a a East cabin (3 people) $120
C||A|0||A| SHE®. 7 KM 0|A 7 7 3 |2|0| £
* *
^A ®documents
AjgSf C :
fe|S 7
* to go over to the printer to *pick* up some
OKI * need
South cabin (4 people )
63 West cabin (5-7 people)
(A) 0 |c .
that I need you to sign)H if
^hlL %loa ^ * mag
mm (2°j^) 100
^1 2-
TEST 9 255
M^MOil %o \7 V? 65 - 67 TO + |£
(A ) ST *
(B) md ST
° W- Br Can I help you find something, Lee?
(C ) £.d ST
(D) 9.d M M- Cn Please ! 65 One of the tractors just broke
°^ down out in the cornfield, and Kyle
SH2 A1| A ® S0 - yxw ai
^oii A|*j
sent me back for a toolbox. I just started
'dxW M HHA AH SI HfiST SToil
| || oj o|| M E a®
^ ^
S tfC-Kwe still want to stay on Monday night, but we’d like a
working here, though, so I'm still getting
bigger cabin):zi W>\3. SSS ( A )0 |M.
used to the layout of this place.
W- Br Oh, 66 you'll want to go to the toolshed .
It 's right across the road, next to the
pond .
Look at the graphic. Which cabin does the man agree
M- Cn Alright Which way is that ?
64 © 05
What can cabin guests receive free of charge?
( A)
Shuttle rides Orchard
( B)
Swimming pool access ©a
A hot breakfast
( D)
A guided tour 4
( A ) A®
^ 4 2fe |?
(B) 49S 0IS
(C ) M o MAl
(D) 7 f 0|H M
M?l free of charge access 0 |§, SS 1
Ai| A® as - 2«0| ss xiBSTfe 5!
^ ^ ^ 44S
teW7 T MAIM MAloilAi 7HM #.0iS AillufeAKdo you
offer private tours of the nature preserve?)! ! #Af, MAIM Aifg-
tfM( We do ! )£ SSM &SM tffll W ® a® fi( lt’s
complimentary with your cabin booking)MM S il
^ 4
^ £
^A | if
3| S 71-0|.Ej?|- If il £H|M3!M(Just let me know when you’d like
^ ^
to do it, and I’ll make arrangements with our guide!) ! HohlL
SHSSa^ (D)0|M.
Paraphrasing complimentary
-> free of charge
o\ \ complete unlock
65 ^
What problem does the man mention? xii ¥ xm 22 - oixiai m A ®
OlXl-71 |-X|5| cHAldlAi 1>0| 7 \
JJIcKl ’ll head over there with you)
( A ) A worker has not yet arrived.
) ! Hop 2Qa
everything be ready tonight instead of
tractors just broke down out in the cornfield! ^ tomorrow. Let 's make this a priority.
S9£ (cm
W- Am OK. I see their initial order came in at
Paraphrasing TO2J broke down §&2| is not working eleven thirty this morning. Their items
haven't been placed in the washer yet .
When do they need this rush work done?
66 M - Au Byfivep.M.
Look at the graphic. Where does the woman tell the W- Am 70 We can do it if we put them ahead of job
man to go? sixteen .
( A ) To building 1
M - Au Sounds good.
( B) To building 2
( C) To building 3 -
W Am So I'll just hold sixteen back then. That will
(D) To building 4 help free up some washing machines and
A|Z|3M0|| OlXfe yxK>||7|| Om ? WSfe7 tf
( A) 12 vm y
(B) 2 *1 2#
aitU nmm ifSsHofsHS.
^2|EiloiMM ^2,
(C ) 3*1 2M
(D) 4*1 2M 01
y ®. 17 ffl0ifl. LHS D £i20i| H blsH yap
A|Zj <2711 - CHX171 feWOMI 7 f £p ^
fitlSKHfi. 0 | *j® £|¥2 £ £|0i| 5= - sp.
^ *PH cHAKHIXi ^p- gUJr- 7 \o { tfcKyou’ll want to go to ^^
01 i&ioifi. a WOI 1UI 30 oii ftoiSMIfi.
the toolshed ) 2>M zj 2L12 2H Soil SEKlt ’s right across the
OH App|0|| #0|7 lX | fl&<Hfi. 0 |
road, next to the pondP WSp 5P, X |£0i| [4 =2 2£ Soil SP ZL12I m
St2S 2XWX| D 0 f 5fLfS? in
as 12 2# 0|° ( A ) 0 |EK
^ _
! (•
9.W - 5 A|7;|A |S.
^ H
01 162 s® £°2 7 ®SHfi.
a # 0 fo
67 ng 162® SMMIfi. E® Apj7 |2t <HS7 | « dpi-
What does the woman offer to do? ti|0ifl.
( A) Complete the man’s work shift
( B) Go with the man
m\ batch (S]# |o £ ia|£|fe) aErfi=ia| linen ms
(C) Move some boxes * * ~
H) a|2 AilM instead of di2 priority
(D) Unlock a gate A ® initial ip£|, i | ahead of ~ Soil free up
TEST 9 257
Job Number Time Received Business Name 70
15 9:30 A.M. Larkston Hotel How does the woman suggest resolving an issue?
16 10:00 A.M. Trissler Hotel (A) By issuing a refund
6917 11:30 A.M. Benchlal Restaurant ( B) By consulting with a supervisor
18 12:00 .
P M. Cho Fine Dining ( C) By explaining a policy to a customer
( D) By adjusting the order of some work
16 22 10A|
(A )
6917 as iui 30^ S! l Elicit
* ^ (c ) n.m\ n ss»
18 2.W- 12A| SiLloj iqoi d
' (D) SfS sgsogjukl
o\ c\M
(A ) *11- DUS
(B) S|S H§ Aiti | A g il
^ ^
(c) PART 4
^ ^
i?l fabric 2M, 2 staffing 2 71-73 5»|
° ^
inspection S3, 2AI
commercial 23^1 laundry Mm facility A | l
m\ msaa - si*«2i -
W Am Attention, all Curious Minds shoppers .
am 5! CHAWW A-p® cHS°| EiloiMM, 32, aM XIH& tf Hof During our going- out- of-business sale, all of our
tt^Kl need
to check on a large batch of tablecloths, napkins, hardcover books are being deeply discounted .
and linens that we’re cleaning) Al|ifII|- From now until the end of the week, they will
( ) |
^ L\\§ ES ! f!
^ ^ be sold at an 80 percent discount. In addition,
^ 0
all paperbacks will be 50 percent off this week .
And please remember — while this store will be
shutting down soon, you will still be able to shop
69 in person at our Lawrenceville location, which is
Look at the graphic. Which business did the man just a fifteen-minute drive from here.
receive a request from?
( A ) Larkston Hotel
( B) Trissler Hotel ^BICSE^ £^ojx ^ opf&H unL|cf. x|2| nils
A D 7H
^ ^0|fe802a
® » KOI WM HUMP. Al El o|m
(C) Benchlal Restaurant *
Aj| §JOJ njnH Llcf. SEtf ni|o |ni
^O|2 5022! H£ jfj
s. 5
“ H
^ ^-
gJ|BF j£| SjJAigJ XlSCHIAfe 7|ft 22
§xfeo|4Mo #(HxB!fe7 f? AW xm aa - mw § I#< I mMm x
a oiw s DHS=-
* « AisoiiAib
°l# DH3 - jpi-
^^ ^
=?m SiEfe yA 7| 5H a^Kplease remember—while this
(B) A1S
store will be shutting down soon, you will still be able to shop
xm*\ c||a|g
(D) ) ! ^ of!
in person at our Lawrenceville location! ! %! H? oSir
m s«i mgas - §xi &± ( D)0 |ch
What does the speaker say is happening this week ? volunteered to bring a cake. Actually, Lorenzo,
( A ) Discounts are being offered. there's a great bakery not far from the park that
(B) An area is being remodeled. you could order from. It's cash only, but there's a
(C) New merchandise is arriving. bank across the street. We still need other food and
(D) Interviews are being conducted. supplies, though. 76 I've posted a list of what we
still need in the break room, so write your name
m\^ 0|gj ^0|| iJOl ° [ Cl!litsfe?!?
( A ) «reioi \mm. next to the item you'll bring.
(C )
^oil£a|Sfi®*Chg# W. oi mm m\ y \ soil, w CH MSUM nm
(D) SIOII EHsH 0|0 f7|5! «
f ! #L|Cf. P|¥
^*M 0 | D|
A , SlOi, ##0||Ai
m e r c h a n d i s e M- conductW SSI27I- ?l|0|H# 7
^^ 3! !!
4 2teIK m%0 \ awa.
m AiiYAWBa - oiH oii m Uh OI
OTttS || 9S0|
^ a a
g isf g SMSOII e oi CHS.. ZL&H£ EI# #soi
m\? \ SWOII xi
^ Ei oiy SOU-HAM it°j Mm
( From now until the end of the week, they will be sold at an 80
* « « ^
tfL|Cf . 71141011 OHM fl2 7f|A|sH x! L| 7p|8
) !HSKZL ggg- (A)0|ch soil AKd l on# gowana.
percent discount!
Paraphrasing From now until the end of the <H?I wrap up [Waim department “Aj purchase
actuallyAh# post |A |8lcl
week #££1 this week decoration
they will be sold at an 80 percent
discount g&£| Discounts are being
break room
offered. 74
What is the speaker discussing? H
( A ) A vacation schedule
73 (B) A professional- development opportunity
What does the speaker remind the listeners about ? ( C) A department ’s social event
( A ) A return policy (D) A marketing campaign
( B) A rewards program
SMfc Sloil cH5H 0 |0 f 7 |5 fe7 f?
(C) An updated Web site ^
( A ) # 71 SJg
( D) An additional location (B) 7Htf 7 |S|
(C) Aixl^ iSAf
( A ) etsga
4f7 |A|7|fe7 f? ^
(D) DMIS amis
(B) MgsSZia professional development £!nr SS, 1° 7Ha
(C) lAf 0 |E cl|0 |E
^ *
opportunity 7 |s| social Along# AfS|g°]
(D) £E Ef # Jig
^ m mssa - «2i2i ^mi
o|?l policy 7 fo|
rewards M4h additional
^ tlAl7 f a| AlOllAi Chi-
° “ ^ MfiSS Tims 0 | || H
^ ^ 20 C
0 |0 f 7 |5l
! ! gc|-( l wanted to discuss the
picnic our department
has been planning for next Saturday! l ! ?i° a-
) !H !
^ ^ ( C)
TEST 9 259
77-79 9
Paraphrasing &St2| the picnic our department has
been planning
In local news, Malton Supermarket is
§ A department ’s social event
throwing a party today to celebrate its one- year
anniversary. 78 l spoke with owner Antonella
75 Lambert about the store's success. She told me
Why does the speaker say, “ there’s a bank across the that Malton strives to offer products from all over
street ” ? the world to meet the needs of the city 's diverse
( A) To request assistance population. And customers have responded with
( B) To make a suggestion enthusiasm, happy to find familiar products from
(C) To provide driving directions their countries of origin. As for her vision for the
( D) To complain about a location future, Lambert said she's already started raising
&t \7 \ “H 2ME0II £fHo | sioifi
* -am itufe o °^?
money from investors so that she can open more
Malton Supermarkets in adjacent towns.
(B) xrewai2
( ) aeHj » iBwsiiL ^^ DH|chOJM
L 2# an 1ws
(D ) $\ m\ M* 7 Hi|ftL|Ch
^ m o^a|. SH EE
feEllfl. HU|o| yon [Efag > SEO
Q ofej. AIEJS2I 4
of ?l assistance suggestion Ail?! directions H Sim ^o| S® 2
^2m SLICK mmS |
M \m\M S. AlgSfe Ell Kd
t>h£|5 fc|-
°l H OIM S. #7j# 5*01 7|W|atOt
*1® SWSI o|£ njqj. a 2L1B0II saoi Sicfe as| o|£ ^
£ |Ch HHjSfe
L D|EH UI 20II m , °Jm
## fiHf
GhollAi iOlMI £ # 0|| Ai yx|
^ Oil 51
( A) (D) To promote new products
(B) 2|X1» 0| ||S£ MLH7 |
III 2H mm 0fe7 K ?
(C) WS|2|0|| S ISPI
* ( A ) AH 2fE|x»sras afcL
* *
(D) 87 W 5f
^| 7
( B ) 0 |EK
Paraphrasing write your name
9&^l Fill out a sign-up sheet
78 80- 83 SSI-
According to Antonella Lambert, why is Malton
Supermarket successful? .
M-Au Hi, everyone 80 I'd just like to say that I 'm
( A) It is open 24 hours a day. aware of the issues you 're experiencing with
(B) It is near public transportation. Internet speed and connectivity in the office . I
(C) It offers international products. realize how difficult it is to get your work done
( D) It provides friendly service. with the interruptions. We're fixing it as fast as we
ups, can — 81 a technician is coming in an hour or two.
ssttai- 2H
(A )
821 know the sales reports are due on Wednesday,
(B) oisst7|oi| y \m. but I've talked to your team leads about the issue.
(C) SI2IX1IMXIISW. As always, thanks for your hard work.
Paraphrasing 322 open more Malton Supermarkets
332 open additional locations According to the speaker, what will happen in the next
few hours?
( A ) A technician will come in.
(B) A complaint will be filed.
(C) A Web site will be updated.
( D) An office will close.
TEST 9 261
SWOII § A ® SB QjCDj qj0 | OJ#
^jo 7p
85 86
What does the speaker say is located in the back What industry does the speaker most likely work in?
room? ( A ) Transportation
( A ) Some decorations (B) Health care
( B) A video projector (C) Hospitality
(C) Some furniture ( D) Entertainment
(D) Some dishes CH «E! <2 m\ M SJsrafe7P?
m\^ 2m ctoiiAj 4
*# »^ sm1*9471?
§ ( A) 442 1
(B) 9 2 1 *
(A ) 99#
(B) b|C|£ SSa|E|
^ **
(C) 99 19 <£ j\ \
(D) 2011 1
(D) 9A|
* LHO sa - mw 44 2#
AH A ® m grow n# 4 ate a mm £24011 4£# 431# 99 h 199 sis,
* *
SW7|- 9 19011 ofolt#
* yg 9 19 °|
* #0|-i KPlease
* » ^ 99 19
* “ A|
OiT• St9(we don’t have enough baggage handlers,
)! ground crew, or ticketing agents to handle the demand! )!
make sure some low tables and chairs are set up for them!
§12 1 § yo|| ( You’ll find them in the back room) 0 |Ef! 92 1 $zt|#4 £.£H 19 A|2# oicKPassengers are
* ^ i
* ) !1314 3JS4 SOf
|! 99S- ( C) 0 |9. experiencing longer lines and flight delays!
9 14 »§AK 4 442 1011 » ! & 294 3# tt 4 29. 99*1
Paraphrasing 999 tables and chairs
994 (A)o |9. * *
999 Some furniture
86 - 88 S|2| ml 87
What does the speaker say is a priority ?
W-Br Peak travel season is almost here. And, ( A ) Upgrading some equipment
as everyone knows, 86 we don't have enough (B) Promoting an industry event
baggage handlers, ground crew, or ticketing (C) Hiring more staff
(D) Increasing inventory
agents to handle the demand . Passengers are
experiencing longer lines and flight delays . tl l4 42o | 49 AWOiaf!! 9§l47l?
Therefore, hiring more staff is our top priority.
* 99 S!1 I|0|H
(A ) &
(B) 2 l # AfSJst
Now, we already have an incentive program for
employees to refer friends for open positions. (C) «lfiW* *» H
(D ) AHn IfcH
Please continue referring your friends to apply to
work for us. And, ^ for our current staff, we're now < ?l equipment 9bI promote §M§ f9 increase #99,
going to start offering complimentary meals in all * §7 fA|7 |9 inventory AN!!, ## 4#
°22U X m s^th-th AW m g^EaiAis. A|
^ What are the listeners reminded to do?
ZKHfe ±A|## o *
^7||M^S^jAIS.|pf|#0|| °<b A|*b Afl- lf ( A) Secure their belongings
oil Af#±|# H°4! m tfL h
* ^ ^ «£SWE Af| AFAJ01I ^ 01 ( B) Verify their appointment time
(C) Provide detailed information
( D) Arrive early
inconvenient #®
^ISsP regulation TFS (B) o
^ A| Hfo]^ |
7 7
92- 94 «*| mms 44*i 'uzm& v?
(A ) #3
(B) 333
W-Br G o o d m o r n i n g, a l l . I h a v e a q u i c k
(C ) 5#
announcement about some staff shifts. 92 Starting
next week, everybody will see their evening hours
(D) m m DHS
45 3 il LH4 && - 3 l#°l oX|
adjusted. Since summer is ending and people are * * ^
mm ssvoii 4901 #7114*1 334# 3 3*1133 §3011*1 m 3
having dinner earlier, we're going to be closing at
eight instead of ten P.M. on weekdays. 93 It doesn't 44( lt doesn t make financial sense for our kitchen to stay open
TEST 9 265
m UAfOlMOllAi Li
0\2- . X\ S3, £ m AIS
*H* A|Z|SM 3711 - 3^@
^ ingredient HS, SM be
aware 13 entrance 14 construction BM , H
^Cooking Class June 2 What are visitors to the business advised to do?
Starting a Garden June 9 ( A ) Come on weekdays
Music with Larry Bowen June 16 ( B) Park in a designated area
Harvest Festival June 23 (C) Bring reusable containers
(D) Use an alternate entrance
96£E| 61 21
3*ii i- s a s& s\& n
31Mm? \ 61 911
( A ) gioii BBtm
33 MH341 61 161
61 231
(C )
4 3feS7 | 7 Wa7 |
(D) m* wo»»7i
3?l harvest 44, 4
^ 3?l designated !§£! reusable HAISit 4 Sfe
* * container
95 S7 | alternate dl l|2| c|WI
* f
(B) 98-100
(C) £S £!
(D) sgAia M-Cn This isYun Kang with local information for
m AIWU® »B - &S2| m Greenville residents. 98 Your taxes have increased
SW7 f S9S0I AHM um 3#!a|7|| E|(H 7|j*3( WeYe significantly this year — I know you ' ve noticed ,
excited to announce that we’re now under new management!
)! and you want to know what your money's being
l a 3°° ^ #14 (C)O|LK
^ spent on ! The city is going ahead with four
major projects to improve your library, parkland,
firehouse, and streets. Work on the firehouse
is currently in progress, while the other projects
96 will be started in coming months. Remember: the
Look at the graphic. When does the mentioned election for mayor is approaching, and your vote
activity take place?
affects what projects become future priorities in
( A ) On June 2
the community. °°
The candidates are holding a
(B) On June 9
debate in our studios this Wednesday, and you're
(C) On June 16
(D) On June 23
all encouraged to attend.
A|zf *jM0|| 111 m all 43 0\mn A|3 SMi - 3 33 B 3133. #5H Alg
( A) 61 21 o| 4BS|
O D|ofAiaixfiffl. 3343 £o | o\ m AAOIMAI
(B) 61 91
la 133! A|o||Afe SAffi, §1, &0tMt JiKdSfe
(C ) 61161
(D) 61 231 Ml H° 4£
7 | 4l3!l!1£33. ±UA| Egm?\
m oeif of#
* «
17Hi LHOII A|sr 3133. AI
3 17171 Ll7l£!l13417 |°|8 W|£. 0j34°l fi4 A |3AU>|0||
M CH S!^. m\ ' 1011 %m
» 99
mo\ Oia 2.°d 1 1 A Cl Oil LffiJ- m## fcE||fi 0|S|
^ ^ »* * ^ ^ » . Look at the graphic. What is the cost of the project
fta £MSM£ Mr}.
^ currently being worked on?
(A) $425,000
residential significantly 4® l
| local
go ahead with improve 7H£!8H4-, t®A|? |c|-
* (B) $375,000
(C) $328,000
in progress E!S #£J election 71
mayor A ® approach votefi. affect 9t@
^ ( D) $460,000
$ 460,000
What is scheduled for Wednesday ?
( A ) A fund - raiser
SAM ® (B) A festival
s *
# 425,0001^ 21 ( C) An election
(D) A debate
375,000 21
^ oiiss «e SK!7 f?
99£2M1 7 H 1
^ (A ) H
^ IAI-
' 328,0001 21
* *11
(C ) ^ l
460,000 21
^ u|7
(D) £#
m A1|
*lAHf && - 0HSS H
tlAf7 f fA Oll MAl# | |*j A# |201| \9.\I |#
<>1 |
* expansion S® renovation 7HS, restoration
^ ^ ^
0 0 C
(D) A1HS7 f
oj | fuel price
* ^#u| limited 1lEtS,
* congestion Bet
“ A® as - -^°J«0| ttOf»i& ttSfe 5! [
H Algol 4®S| 01 | 0 ® !( Your
tfAf 7l ia oi|
^ 5
taxes have increased significantly this year I know you’ve —
TEST 9 267
( D) cM. feW7|- ohtdh# ^[o °H MU 5iM( is trying on gloves) S.-EJO |
1 (D) 2 ( B) 3 (0 4 (A) 5 (0 2 W -Br
6 (A) 7 (A) 8 ( B) 9 (0 10 (A)
11 (C) 12 ( C) 13 (A) 14 (C) 15 (C)
16 (A) 17 (A) 18 (A) 19 (B) 20 (B)
21 (A) 22 ( C) 23 ( B) 24 (C) 25 (C)
26 (A) 27 ( B) 28 ( C) 29 (A) 30 (B)
31 (C) 32 (B) 33 (C) 34 (C) 35 (C)
( A) She’s opening an umbrella over a dining area.
36 ( D) 37 ( B) 38 ( D) 39 ( B) 40 (A)
(B) She’s standing on a patio near a house.
41 (0 42 ( D) 43 ( C) 44 ( C) 45 (A) (C) She’s taking a tool out of a storage cupboard.
46 ( B) 47 (C) 48 ( B) 49 (A) 50 (C) (D) She’s picking up some cushions off the ground.
51 (A) 52 (B) 53 (A) 54 (C) 55 (C) (A ) om A|Af 5<* mjjn. jcf.
56 ( C) 57 (A) 58 ( B) 59 (A) 60 (D) (B) oms «A0|| -M SM
61 ( D) 62 (A) 63 (B) 64 (C) 65 (A) (C ) m? \
66 ( B) 67 (A) 68 (C) 69 (D) 70 (B) (D) goM 2M
71 (B) 72 (A) 73 (C) 74 (A) 75 (A) o|»| dining tool £-5 storage cupboard 5©
76 ( D) 77 (C) 78 ( D) 79 (B) 80 (A)
81 (D)
19J #§ - AHf°
A ( X| m SAf
| % x\ /
82 ( B) 83 (C) 84 (A) 85 (A) ( A) SAl aa. OW71 ufaf## mjJI °)b(is opening an umbrella) a
86 (C) 87 (C) 88 (A) 89 (C) 90 (A) £o | O )L|H^ as.
91 (B) 92 (A) 93 (C) 94 (D) 95 (B) ( B) §S. OlAl7 f S 5A) Ej|5.|-A0|| Aj 2Jfe( is standing on a patio
96 (A) 97 ( D) 98 (C) 99 (A) 100 (D) near a house) 2.sO|HsL §S.
(0 SA ) as. om 4aS0l|A1 ss AMtS 2fe(is taking a tool
out of a storage cupboard) aS l 0 H-|Hg. aS.*°
(D) SAl as. OjA)7 f SoilAf 4 ga °ib(is picking up some
PART 1 ^*
cushions off the ground) SBO | OH-IJELS. asf.
1 W-Am
3 M-Au
kM MS. ZiL1| SdMis handing a box to a
( C) SS. A ©#0| S !Oi|Ai SJS|uI 5iM(are working in a garden) M
S0|M XHc.h.
O fcd
^ ( B)
( D ) f|A|- MS. AHT#0| #0|| IrU 5iM( are watering some ( C) |0||A| S# §HE|M &His crouching down
flowers) MSOI OH-lHS. MS.
behind a counter) Mi=fO | M |M 5JS.0 O td
0 | MO |X | S[ H? MS.
4 M- Cn
6 M- Au
( A)
aS. -§^l( 5 ome food ) 0| SA| m #0W °Mhas been laid
(c) vm \ axieoi mast sn
out on platters) MSO |MM £jS .
(D) 7 fMM
^Ai ^ | lEloiCl.0
kM MS. UfS EfS(Some floor tiles) 0 | x |£|M °[S(are being
installed ) M£0| OlL|HM MS.
^ *Wk Mk /%% AfS - §3 MAf
( A ) a&. SffiOll S£ SM( Some potted plants) 0| SM Si
( D ) AHEiOl Wb §A ® 0 ®a MS. A|fiO|| 7H40H ( a sink ) S M£0| M
Hare on both sides of an entrance) MS0|MM SSh.
( B) AKIOII S# §A|# 0|Sff MS. AftlOll ®(a parking area)°|
(0 AfSOll S# SAhl 0 ®e MS. AISOII SAffiKSome signs)S M
( D) SA|- MS. 7 W( Some furniture) ^ SO I 2irr(is
propping open a door) M 0| 0|-L|HM MS.
(D) 5| 0| %mk SM 2W. m mm s^ii mm zi^ fM?
of ?l lightbulb SM hand SMIS crouch down CJ
o o
3ME IS ( A)
(B) Oj&| MZH0||7l| o
nk 2s oia as Afs - A ®S| S EH HAI-
( A ) -oAf MS. 2M# SM ife(is changing a lightbulb) M£
(C) AfeOl
0 | MO|X| SMMMMS. of ?l at the latest #CHM trailer oiSAj
TEST 10 269
7HF2 j BH# A |7 « #teWhen 0**
. 7po| H[fe API ** lH* 08chH * IS?
7 7|| £ 77
(A )
H °j £?
* .
01| 2lS 77|-A|alJI #EL1
* ** *
( A) ngfi,
*° & lo L|
JX| 0
(B) 0
*3.* * *
01 £ . **
*°| ordered^ 00 7 fet| clients* 0|g»
(C ) S
# i0
^ * ** . 0| A2
£ o\ m payabiU 7l|A|A-® j|M5lcl
(C) 0
23*.*01 * ** l
£ . - orderedOi| Ai 00 7 fell bought
* g» 0|
*(AH*) 0
Sa. 011 n S(Sure)ELlll
^* * ^
7 lS . 7|| SH£ £feA| ^
a® fl, olo| 3 4 ass Ml # # o |n * ** *
* ** *
( B) 00 01 2&. * * 0
* .
» * ** * °l bill# A1 Ofe Bills. IIS
7 fet! him 0|gt!S .
w- Br Is your flight tomorrow or this afternoon? ( o * *
**m 000* sa.
M- Cn ( A ) In -flight snacks.
( B) It ’s this afternoon.
(C) At baggage claim.
11 ©HgEEEi
0011 |
* fe
** **
( A ) 7 |LH A] 0 |S.
LH 7 lSt OlL| S S
* * ^* 7 lS? M-Cn The project proposal still needs work.
(B) s * . spoils
w-Br ( A) The other office.
4* »fe
( B) No, it ’s still not working.
(C ) £0||A|a
(C) I can help you with it.
* *LH*^#m g» *. *
(B) 01L|S, OH 0 3
( A)
*5a01 *#g»*».5021
S # ° | flight 0| S
(C) Xl|7l£2lS * *1 ^01^.
i lS.
( B) 0|
* ^m SH » ^H
011 # * A| 0|
* *510*^* ga
** * S 2.W- 1| A|
*^ ° 0
( )
B nfeol 3 nfeoi 711 working# g» 23.
9 C 03
( )
* * 11^ 171workOHf 00
. A
*USsf* 1 01 -
| A
** ** * *
. A |
M - Cn How often does the research team schedule 003 sst \ sa. 2
training sessions?
w- Br (A) The team leader, I think.
(B) Some new software.
(C) Every other week.
w- Am Where do you plan to stay during your visit to
0 3 0Dh4 AH 2 A|0 300?
** * » the city?
( A ) 30 2! 0 fo .
* *
(B) AHS 4:SS$||0lfi.
M - Cn ( A ) I thought the building had twelve floors.
(C) 2 011 t| 0| o.
(B) Oh, just to present at a conference .
* 61* ElAi
oj ?| every other
( C) At a friend’s house.
mi #
2 £ A |# assfe 50 Op|Al gg 711
* loll
0 o?
* ** # # ®» 23.
How often
*** (A ) n
( B ) 01,
l 2# o |afe gzftjioifi.
011Ai 'gSsfcfcLZ .
B *# 01
* team 0
* ** . sessions01 Ai 0» fetl
( ) (C) 02 S 01IA1O .
*software #
* *Ofetf training. | 7 new
0 sa
( * ** ^ 011 2 011 0 ID1 o® present 3fi5l0 conference sl3, s|
* * * *
o 03. EAIm »s fe *#* # # OII* aoiwEi-
10 01 1H S^ 03* * | ** ° # * . * ** |
* * *A
w-Am Can I pay my bill with a credit card?
M-Au ( A) Sure, that ’s fine.
(B) I don’t believe him either.
(C) The gas station on your right.
13 AH m o] A | o|* z \ A| 7 | # ## When
( A ) Yes/ No #7|- aa When °l##Oll# Yes/ No #&0 | #7 |#5[H
- £
M- Au How did you improve the processing speed?
w-Br (A) That ’s a question for Silvia.
lobbyO||Ai gg 7 fet| The front door#
( B) EKH £9. USX
( B) What ’s the speed limit ?
(C) I don’t like to swim.
(0 ga AH rn EH iai S l A|7
^ * » ## g#oil rn 0 |LHEp ax ^.
m ^ » OfiMI SteW*
4 5L |fl4£? H
( A) n2 4lu|o
^ n| fo ? E|
(B ) A®
^ ^^ £7
(c ) jfe assowxisoa
X ?l improve 7H£!Wt SgA|?|c|- processing i£| speed limit
7® 4=a
* w-Am The new marketing director will be hired soon,
won’t she?
* »
t m 1EL| 4f £# ltc> A|?j 98 ## HOW °|# # M- Cn (A) Didn’t you check your e-mail?
( A ) ga xx xgAig as ## g#oii guioiM #OIMX (B) It ’s about ten minutes from here.
n & 5H # 4 Mb Afg ax 5i2£^ ga * (C) No, a little lower.
^ *
( B ) EKH ax aa sssi speed # gx o @g aa
# S9 MID o |Ah xHgate, nm?
(0 gsx g afe aa
^ ( A) 0|nj|gxggx wa? *
(B) oi7 iAiaiox 7) aioiia *
(C ) 01L| S, oftt C| yoa
14 «HS DMIS 0|A|- O| H§ 01 # XSJSfe #7 f o|°°
w- Br Do you take exercise classes too, or just dance ( A)
* ^
ga gg mm owai AH# OI## xaxfe g#oii owia xg
classes? g sifexi OICHIM ag AH# oix# if 4 a§# #tigo
M-Cn ( A) The instructor teaches in the mornings. s ax ga
( B) These shoes fit perfectly. ( B) gg 9X aa STEX soonOHAi gg 7 feg about ten minutes
(C) I only take dance. # oi#gaa
(0 gg go] aa hired # a§0| d|£ff higher . §t#
## gxs owg ng # gxg ^
( A) ngAfeagoi| 7|Sxa '
# # gg 7 fee tower# oiss aa
(B) oigaexsMIfi.
« «
(c) Xfe g oia
TEST 10 271
18 mm # AI OH I
^ - m °i££
w-Am Who can I talk to about scheduling a haircut? ( A) EW £a USP coffee # S# 0|gff MS.
( B) 3S. n|CH| #A | S 'g# !# #M #£011 tt pAGi
w -Br ( A) Will you be available tomorrow afternoon? ^ ^ * »
* ^
(B) Not too short on the sides, please. CfZL
^ X||2® AH|3 |
° ° Xi|A |5fH °J- °5^1 #S®. -
(C) EtP MS. #£S take your coffeeCHIA j So 7 fe | place "
(B) «
?.long :§ a
Sc> SP 52 . #fi-S haircutO||Ai Set 7 felt too short on the
(B) £P£ £ PM# # S!0HM. *
(C) AfexH3!# J# aoilfi.
sides# OlStf 52S. ^
(0 «
EKH y-H. £ . #£P scheduling # S# 0|§fi £ . « m\ current £HAH°| outdated MPS rent # B|p stall 7 felcH
aH # A H S s f e Why o|° n
0| o
( A ) SS. AH ??i= 3llOl # A| 0 |°# #£Ofl WH
19 *
MAHSii o|£S mt \Ji 212°.? Sa
(B) fe
* * pA|JI £ fo. sa
(C ) Soa* sHoHMoiifi.
mails M|7 0 HS| £ X| aS 0|ft» SSWhyfi|SS
M - Au Would you ask Tae - Joon to help set up the
( A) *
%-M tt# ae. ag2| hereof- a#0| HA ® hear# 0|g£ £&.
( B) ##4 4®Sfe a.
product display ? ^
( o aa. mans m OH sx \ a# OH# ^ # a#oii £teimm sa
M Cn ( A ) Several kinds of headsets.
#oiam OH # mAism aa.
( B) No, I can do it myself.
(C) I can’t see the bottom line of the chart.
EH£0l|7i| m SIS £4 «
fi SW !lO|a?
* 26
( A ) ma ms«oia M- Au I heard that our company might be merging
(B) 0|-L|2., m4If # SKH2..
(C) £S°I S®0| Of M0|L1H. with another one.
M - Cn ( A ) Oh, I didn’t know that .
4?l display SM, Ss bottom line sIS, m=l (B) A good- selling product.
ma ma/asm a## (C) Akira told me to put it there.
(A) HAf tfg aa. ##4 help set 4 ##4
°^. a#0| HA® sm mn 4# HAW eras sm a
headsets# 01## a.
( A) o mfesaoifl.
( B ) aa. 11#
* msoiim iram ass 34 1 ## a#oii
* ^«
(B) a a|SxiB0|fi.
oiLH am ma A ® oi a # °im #a asm mg
( ) & ,
^ «
MBS sworn °i2H? aa.
* (C ) 0i7 |al7l 40lM| 717 |0]| a|ui oia
TEST 10 273
WuHa|§ 4 irH7 i4fi?
( A ) 7 IKS 5 jCH #7j|£.
^ 31
(B) SH 4 SK 0 |0||a.
w-Am When should we hang up the posters for our
OH 01# 0| 0|-L| L
^ | £.
W- Br ( A ) Sure, my car will be fixed soon.
harvest 4
^KT flavor K, § l have a view of
° ~0| M0|q (B) Next to the main entrance.
(B) At seven o’clock, I think.
(0 sa. 44 5AE11- LH # A|7 » 9boil OH 4 19# 4b9
anof tf 44 A|K0| 4 SlfiSWb!# K99 ®s 94 bn
(C) Actually, I don’t have a preference.
^ 99.
°Ei7i # 44 1 mi gum at ia?
( A ) #2 E|5!0| DH jfHoiS.
(B) 7A|oj K m3..
(C) Af -y 2 94 4«lb KOI rns.
q?l performance sold out oH4b, #4b preference 4s
9 ?l make a reservation 0j|9ol9 than usual 9 29- ^ What does the woman request ?
outdoors o\anm appetizer oHulEj-ofia|
( A ) A group discount
( B) A special menu item
32 (C) To be seated in a quiet area
What did the woman forget to do? ( D) To be seated near a window
(A) Ask about menu choices
( B) Reserve a table (A ) m\ mei
(C) Invite a colleague (B) M Qfc
( D) Bring a parking permit (C)
« smtpvi
(A) *
mi oil cH^H k928 7A
^ *n § AII8 A ® sa - 999 2§ A ®
(B) mm oii fe m
(C) SS £c||SNr 3!
997 f 999 qAldlAi 7 fe49S £ & 8S01I 9! ! §9(we’d like
^ °°^ -
35 37 39 44
Paraphrasing 999 make a reservation
-» § °| Reserve a table W-Br Hi, Suresh. 35 0ffice World Incorporated
^ is thrilled about this collaboration with
your company. Your signature line of
office products looks great, and we believe
33 they 'll sell quite well. We're looking
What does the man say about the restaurant ? forward to partnering with you.
( A ) There are more customers than usual.
M - Cn Thanks. 35 l look forward to a good
( B) There is an upstairs area for parties.
working partnership as well . And 36 I'm
(C) The business hours are different today.
proud of the fact that all my products are
( D) The waitstaff is new.
made with recycled materials. I want to
9 18 ±19011 pm 8192 Sfe7 P?
* » promote environmental responsibility.
( A ) §±298901 99. 37 here
W-Br I'm impressed ! Ah, and is Vedika
(B) T-I# OII mm 91saoi 99.
with her camera equipment .
(C) 2k SflAiaoi 9=9.
(D) SS ®0| AH£ 3W. W-Am Hello — 37 I'm here to take some
promotional photos . I'd like to get some
99 upstairs °lt§ business hours 99AI9
shots of you with your products, Suresh.
AII8 A ® sa - ±19011 CHSH sfe 9 We want to post them online.
ysw 8 vn dHAfoilAd 7H 9 Af §±29
9# H 0 §(we 'll be closing earlier than *
usual this evening for a 91 aaswifl. 9 . 2EI± IH 899 18 WWSI *
) 92 \ 9 § 98 ( C) 0 |9 . m
private event 0 |
^ JL
°- 28 oia 19011 nHsH 0H8 mi\\ §9199. 949 92
Mggg 0 \ #5HA1 2H xh s s s 32 98199.
nhs.1 in
Paraphrasing 999 closing earlier than usual this
evening -» §99 The business hours are
?|Af99la # HCHSl!
< !°iO]2.
9 m*H99. 42 #8 9813 SMI# 71992 O
different today.
9£99. rn § xi|§o| mg ± *H2 M<HS98 SOI
91±S£99.1 §0|| H° j l8 W» MS|2 §92.
* * *
91 99 9992! 01, m|c|47|- qnflq 9u|fl 7i |2 992.
92 9 awifi. #28 A ® # 929 &£L|q. #2
711 ® # g 92 8319 |. 899011 7||A|S|2 |-
A] A
! L § , AA
TEST 10 275
o\ m thrilled -tJOj y, 4¥ #nr£f collaboration
signature A-|g,i - § look forward to n4S|c|- Why has Vedika joined the meeting?
proud AHfA3£l4 recycled AHifg2 material ( A) To discuss sales results
promote #M5[cf environmental 243 (B) To take some photographs
responsibility 44 impressed 4## 4rr, 4§ 44 ( C) To conduct an interview
§3 fe equipments ! post 44 K4 ( D) To go over customer feedback
^ ^
2H S|syo|| £MSfe7 K ?
°H # SI LH§ ai - 44-1 2 11 *
4«H 344 51 CHAKJIW 2§A 12 !s|Afe 4443 o |y IS 38 - 40
CHI 44 42 4^41 §32l§( 0 ffice World Incorporated is thrilled
) ! 44 §44 #2 t!
about this collaboration with your company! M-Au Hi, Lirong. Thanks for meeting with
1SI# 7|cHEt§(l look forward to a good working partnership me. 38 I'd like to consider advertising
as well!) ! B44 44 114 cHl 44# o |4 7 to. Q| p § 44
( C ) o |§.
° ^ strategies for our bicycle shop during the
annual charity bicycle race .
Paraphrasing 444 this collaboration with your company W- Br Well, like last year, as one of the sponsors
-» §44 A business collaboration of the event, we'll have our company name
printed on the banner.
M - Au Great, 39 but this year I'd also like us to
36 donate our top- of - the- line bicycle to the
winner of the race to show how much we
What does the man emphasize about some products?
care about our community.
(A) They have a low price point.
(B) They can easily be customized. W- Br That 's a nice idea, but 40 sponsoring the
(C) They are designed to be durable. race is already going to be costly. I'm
(D) They are made of recycled materials. worried about the added expense of
donating a bicycle as well.
*IB4 44 24# &ssfe7 tf
(A ) 7134444.
4 44442, 3#. 4324A] §Aftf §§. Ml 43 424
(B ) m 22 413# 2 43.
(C ) m m 4 2 444m 4t| £4 ¥ 4 424 44# 21# 444 MJL
^ ms..
(D) xH ®E ±xH£ ef 4.
4?l price point 7134 customize 22 II3^H3 durable
4 m2 , §24 42714^, §4
44§o| °fe £47 fe be made of
* 4#§4§ 23 2|Al£l 0 |## #44^4 4443!
consider HBlSjcj- advertising gn strategy SPf
What concern does the woman express?
annual ?te||g, oH'dlg charity Al£! sponsor -¥- 1
banner 4 , IPH^ lM donate 7 I4^K4
^* ( A ) A proposal may be too costly.
top - of - the - line 4|ngij2| costly u|gO| BOI £g
(B) An employee needs further training.
(C) A guest speaker is not available.
added g7 lg expense ti |g, 3UI
(D) A shipment has been delayed.
(A) mow uisoi yoi % m m.
What event are the speakers discussing? (B) s|S0||7lU # c| 3H0 «tq.-
( A ) An annual sales promotion
^ ^
( B) A company picnic (D) uH oi
(C) An office health fair ^
( D) A charity bike race
oj ?| proposal AHEI- further £| 0 |g°| g7l°| guest speaker
TEST 10 277
y MOi | ! 0 1X1 1 3 BUH L|CK 0171 ate
cfft *t! tJ 2! |L|o® iy a| mMl Ai|§# fiWlz
* * ^
What will the woman most likely do next ?
®Sfex| ofe oil ££0 |1$ m EM|o||£.
( A ) Report a lost badge
* ( B) Tour a facility
(C) Work on an assigned task
°\ $ \ identification
- ^4|ej onboarding
AHS S#S AHJO| UUf 27 |
(D) Fill out some paperwork
process £F§, x \ manufacturer OjXfe oajo
Xll xll vacuum cleaner
^ (A) asroii nHsH ±IIL-5\7 \
^ graduate
sttSfcf apply j§Sfc|- theory 0| - directly «
(B) A|g 2 W7 |
* ^ (C) 0\ x \ S OII
Sl&o | task [% 4xi| §-§) ^ ^7|^t\7 \
EP |C| take apart SsHSKH reassemble xH£i|8 fc|-
* (D) A1# 7 |°J ^
knowledgeable Ofb 0 |
^ ^ function 7H8 fc|-, <H $| assign STO, uHSSIP fill out sfgsicf, 7 |°j8 fc|-
44 - 46
(A ) asffis
M- Au Hey, Jyoti. I can't believe it . 44 You
(C) ?« A|L|01
know how I told you that I won some
m ^
(D) 2 2
tickets to my favorite basketball team's
m s*ii u® aa - teWo| sig championship for this weekend? Well,
\7 [ QHAfOllAi 4 i| | |Ol(rm a senior engineer) | 45 now
^Hsp ^ (C) |Ch I can't go.
® AL £ul
. °jO S
^ £ 0
W- Am Why? 45 What happened? You look really
M-Au 45 One
of my clients has requested a rush
42 on their order.46 l'll need to do a quality
44 o\m sraicKa A|-|°f5fe7 f?
( A ) o||9fagsp|
What was the man hoping to do this weekend?
( A ) Go on a camping trip
*« »E|XKHW| 0|0p|
S4 7|
(B) Perform in a local band
(C ) yj
^ ^ EH | ^7|
( C) Attend a sports competition
(D) LM
^ ^ | 7
^gAfafch XISSAW
m AII^ xm - dm sm %o\ tt «i
dm % ^HAKHiAi om ?yoii s» feh ®oi fe ?u MISI 47- 49
* ^ 7
-r fi!c:K ~ I won some tickets to my favorite basketball
order! ) !d 4 2b 0 |g# gsm 2
°° ^ Sgb (A)0|Df.
^ o\ m candidate -¥-MAf deliver a speech 2 m
keynote speech 7 \£dM specialist 2tr7|- in
Paraphrasing 444 requested -> made a request
medicine 44 develop 7H m surgical
444 athlete BB 44 injury BM publish
^ O
M44 budget 0114
What does the woman offer to do? 47
( A ) Change a reservation
What was the man asked to do in preparation for a
(B) Check some products
(C) Speak to the man’s supervisor
( A) Choose a caterer
( D) Give the man a ride
(B) Book the conference rooms
(C) Find a keynote speaker
( D) Make travel arrangements
TEST 10 279
m °I^H siap. sg'&x& K L-HN # 0| a- ofiiKl w o n d e r i f w e h a v e
(A ) |0 |E|fj 2
^ ^
* ° # ^*
(B) 2| | Ojl
11 # # enough money to give copies to everyone who comes to the
conference! ) ! USfcH JQ ? OjXfe t# Af#0l|7l| H# Lf !
° ° * * !
^ St 4 2W. nf
(C) 7|S2
(D) ^
m% m
# ^! # oi acte &W (A) o|cK
CH ?I make arrangements
^ | fc(
td 5 -
OTfl understand that you've found a good -
W Br Hi. I'm calling about your advertisement .
candidate to deliver the keynote speech at our conference!
)! 501 currently rent a space downtown
!JSp. (C)0|dK where I build and repair furniture, but the
owners just sold the building, and I have to
be out by the end of the month.
gX [ 7 [ 0| A1|01| ZL 2.| AH
* (D ) 7 |7|®
^ ^ AiAl f 0| £j # # CH|
^ -KHis new book) onmthe
C topic will be published later
this month, actually! \, W f t[t|Ol|
^ AB»1| || 7 7
a*n LH§ 22 - OT£| x| g ( <
53 - 55 OHiEIiS)
o\ m % OWOIIAI m £2oii ?\ m e»oi n i2 sm:n.
* ^ *
Si^Kl currently rent a space downtown where I build and repair W- Am Waseem, I know this is last- minute,
) ! IJSfc SO |- OjAfe 7p ||SEX ®S 2 4 22. but 53’ 54 is there any chance we can add
CWA1 22£ ( C )0|CK
* another section to the workbook for
tomorrow 's seminar?
(D) HHl#
AihJ|A# 2 OK 2Ems oi i wafeciifl.
SIAHHIAi n^-H §CH 2 AH 22#
°1?l assign
01 SBJIojfi.
yA owi nn smot 22. ^
°H s “ A1| A ® 22 - 22 sm CHSH gssfe 2
4 1 71 2011 |HSW 2 IS 7|«® OjElHS? ZL2
| |
also has a dock the
teW7|- 5! BHAKH A 3 o CHI 2 E||O|L- 27| 22 222o| OT( lt
^ back ) ! ijohlL
to load large containers! 2
^^ * *
£3 A®o|| CH 5H <U 4 2# TjOllfl. *
q? 22g ( A)oi2.
° 2?l last - minute 222, 22 12 policy 22 include
Paraphrasing TO2 a dock ~ to load large containers SlfA|7 |q- insert (2S 2J±H3|0|) 22 1 «*
222 a loading dock pass out i-KNW
52 What are the speakers preparing for ?
What does the man offer to do for the woman? ( A ) A seminar
( A ) Print out a contract (B) A trade show
( B) Activate a utility (C) A client meeting
(C) Replace some lights (D) A book launch
(D) Apply a discount 2 f #2 °2# 2222 1?
* nm •
* *» ?ISH7|ijiss SBMII
y fe oi - m y \? ( A ) A1|
( A ) 71| A1 ft
^ (B > ^ 222
^ ^
(B) S» A|d|ASf A|7|7| (C ) 512 22
(c ) ss ^m \y \ * (D) SAj #A|
$fe l( is there any chance we can add another section to the
AII ® s® - a ® n°FA ®
* -I
* * * workbook for tomorrow ’s seminar ?) ir?!
!, 2
^ oicfe^ 5^!S® 0|0j
2 7|!
feW7|- 2 12 CHAKHW H 2^ 171 o [ §0l£feC||
* ^* 22*H 1 #Oj
* UlBlAi
222 (A )0|Ch
- - 7H ft 41 22( Currently, there ’ s no electricity, but I could call
and have it turned on today! ) !1125! 23£r ( B)0|2.
TEST 10 281
54 W- Am Well, we've had a lot of requests for that
^ Oj
“hOlfi. £[£ M5. AILffi# #2J§IW A1I7ITO# # #
r M. n W
0 | Xfe ### # SWfe 0 | 0. Oh -A.
2 Oh 2i# l M71IS. M# M !# TOM .
g9 (C)op.
s as s ~
^ * * ^
open - door (xf gnr) MAM-
°I3 ## #“ lately £1# promise 3#
^ day shift
What does the man suggest ?
( A ) Contacting a presenter Who most likely is the woman?
(B) Using a catering service ( A) A career counselor
(C) Adding a page to a book (B) A sales representative
(D) Revising an invitation ( C) A factory supervisor
( D) A computer programmer
y fesS XHOf fe7 tf
* *
(A ) yaxKHMI 3M7 |
( A ) £!S
(B) 7l|0 |ElgA1tl|A 0 |g5 f7 |
(C) ajoii 1E||0|X| (B) 32 ygw
(C) #S 2aM
(D) Adi# #M7|
(D) # #E] ggzM
oif | presenter HfiAl revise ##5lcf invitation sdK #)
2 11 msaa - wsi # 3
m AH xm aa - urn xiia xm
* 0lAf7 f «*
CHAfOllAI OK ##0|| 3# Al# o| a= *j##0i|7fe
^X [7 \ DfA |3 LHAlOllAi Lf^7| *jOl| ^3.^0^ #* 1#
( why don’t we just add an insert to each copy of the workbook
^allL##my32 # ^H
^°|( have an open
s - door policy for
0\ x\7 \ “415 2 2. m SOI ifSfe 0|°b?
°j K ±m m2 . o \m ^xi n\\ x \m syfedis.
« ^
( A) 7 fe# 0j| im fiS al
API A|#0| °f HmS- . HHEiE|7 t Lfcf % m2..
(B) 24011 cHsH £§ifl 3F3lai
I|A|LKH| 2\X ] J= Oj EM# 21#5lX| =ff #H|£.
(C ) AIM cHSH ggsfa-pi *
teM !#. x-fe £EoilIFF JEA| o|#
(D) #S# S
* ^
f |A|M| o gn|3| ttsra \ \ 2% #0|X|Ef
of ?l express doubt ^Fr1## fic l- possibility
01 BWM, A |7 0 £
# •• At o1 §2. X|<* gS? # ZlSElHlfi.
* «
H# 4MS| o|£ nfof - ZB 2 ass 01 BSMte #S| o|£
^ ^
y1 ltf4 2 #0j# X\2\ m\ ft!# KH mm2 . Et lOilAl
yoilAi yxl7|- AKi# 4Zt URfe ail’d like to talk about *
4£ XID oil mysa soifl.
changing my work schedule to the day shift ) # & 5|-x|- OjXpl
^ ^
eiSS 2® ms. sol, 4£t 54S £ 31- °]£jo |
BOW aH O | t!A | °|SL£ tf BB B 4 SW. EPW 9B£
oi?| lead 0|#c|- seaport IFF ^AI available A|£fO| £|b
BSI ® handle i£|SW c W .
( A ) 0 |ch
historic Al* | l
* *
warehouse U2L district IB,
^ °
4 nervous £J £lfe shadow (HH ® 7 | ?|SH) iffll
What does the woman say she will do? 59
( A ) Attend a meeting What news does the woman share?
( B) Check a schedule ( A ) A colleague will be late to work .
(C) Take inventory (B) An item cannot be found.
(D) Hire more employees (C) A form has a mistake in it.
(D) An order has been canceled.
* \m2 m^ \?
wfe y
TEST 10 283
WA m mu »2| 5|S
- ferx
teT §Af lJyo|| CHSH &L\ x\2\ tf ]5H0 f 5HS.
3 cHAKHlAi
^ 2 m S^F EA| ¥0» ei#m(l m
. '
o ! i OHC O NOJA OJIAJ iioioiia °i2
leading a tour of the seaport this morning) fjtH, Ojx|- l
9- fclO | A| _K | cKRajeev, you’re available!
^ ^
43# M ?1SH 437
7 |
|- AfAj Ojaj 7||Z iM#
! £
T )
401 fo | j # st 4 fd. ufafAi
) ! iJSfe
timz .
° 7
^° °
(D) o|c|-. y ttaioifl. ois mmm mwiamfi?
oi 4§! ®Ef HHHH
2H oiy mi±H oiy # 4Hoii ytt# H7ii 43&£.
Oj Sioifl. JH# # =fa|5fe tj| °J# # £*Jtt
Why is Rajeev nervous?
( A ) He made a mistake on his paperwork .
( B) He recently asked for a salary increase.
m\ construction £!# multiple 343, &£
except for A||2|§|I- L passing lane 4H Af£!
(C) He cannot reach someone by mobile phone.
closure ni|±H affect 3tf# 43 commute #B
( D) He has not completed his training yet .
personnel 3##, manage £JSS|3 S&IW f
M- Au According to the Web site, they are.
Look at the graphic. Which lane will stay open today ? W- Br Perfect. 67 I 'll call the orchard to make a
( A) Lane 1 reservation for our group.
( B) Lane 2
feT 9 1 41of ll# 11 11 gA|4.
(C) Lane 3
(D) Lane 4
* ^ * *
Ml . 0 f £|(H|Al 5H0 f ttcm 314 §9 a 94
ohaH AIL M4b 711 39 # # i= 0h2.. *
0 [ 0 L|
A|zf £M0i| 449, 49 x\m ZL4£ 94 9i=4?
y yof . a| tn £ inalb 9= ! 4 141194
( A ) 19 13
(B) 29 *
° ^ *
942. 7 7|Ai|HAf # if 4 92142.
* *
(c) 32 m of 12fO|L||2. of ££|b 6lo|S. ZLttH b# OlLfo ?
(D) m 13 EO]| cq-a
* y
ofo _
si A| 94 - 2it n4£ 94 °lb 13
y l7|- b 941 4 141 1 49 13 « * *
MI±H8|b |(Which ones are
oi #
^ m\ * mm em one® m\s..
xj|7|- \
* *
g l 4 l7 f
139 mu 3b(All of them of l annual 944, 494 retreat orchard
we closing ?
* * *
except for the passing lane) 4
! ! Iful !
! 9!!, 13 £2KH| Hh -9
* ^
^ 449 make a reservation 44814
13£ 29 kdO |HS ( B ) 0 |CK
* *
Oliver’s Orchard: Picking Dates
64 Strawberries: May
66 Black Cherries: June, July
What does the woman say she will ask for?
Blueberries: August
(A) A pay raise
Green Apples: September, October
(B) Extra supplies
(C) More personnel
(D) A safety barricade
2x \2: 4 471 OT
oi Aib ashram imb7i? U7 |: 51
(A ) «WJt|B|: 61, 71
^ 4H9 #9
7 « *
# |a|: 81
(C) 5*14: 91, 101
(D) 93 gom
TEST 10 285
66 M- Au Does the complex have a lot of outdoor
Look at the graphic. Which fruit will be picked during space? I'd like to have an area to entertain
the event ? guests outside.
( A ) Strawberries W- Am Yes, there 's plenty of green space. 69 The
(B) Black cherries building in the back corner, farthest from
(C) Blueberries the office, has the most space and a lot of
(D) Green apples shade.
AIZI SMOII aisra, y 35m? M- Au I'd be interested in that .
(A )
(B) * 7|
W- Am And for an extra 80 dollars per month,
you can get a reserved parking space right
( ) wmiBi in front of your unit .
2 27j| - m§ it 49 y 9gsWI£. ofnfMfi- SSI 444 £Ln# %o\2.. 5loi|
HU CHAKHIA1 SsjtH £ li= alb 41=4 zfxl 4iJ# 0|# 7 feff H# 27H 014M71 442?
CCh - .A *
44(There’s a place, Oliver’s Orchard, that lets you pick 01 Ml. AH 9 1 SApf 9
your own fruit) Aj 7p \ M fljAHl- ft 4 2HJ!4(We could have the
event there!
^ 1
01 18094# f£ M|A|® SH9 M|LH bfs 9011 x|S
£9# 92# 41442.
^ - ^*1
What does the woman say she will do?
( A)
Contact a business m look for 44 advertisement 42 available
01# 7 tf 4 4b in fact A[ construction
( B)
Draft an invitation ^
oAf, 4 s complex #lf 9#, 9 1 entertain
Recruit some volunteers *
3444 farthest 7|4 51 be interested in ~0||
( D)
Prepare a budget
440 | 44, #o |7l 44 reserve (Afa| §#) 42 94
oiAlb 4# 43142 9Sfe7 f?
^ 44
( A) 9
*11011 gw7i
(B) $cH9 i 9
(D) Oj A |^
(C ) Al #AlAlS jul7|
^ >
^ | l|
bl 5 7
02 My
69104 \
l?l drafti9# 4 14 invitation ^4 recruit S#8H4
° budget 0114
^ D
^ A1|
A ® S0 O|XW 99 - iri
0|Al l DIAI4 CHAK>I| 1 nK oil ESfflW 9 11 0114# 43!4( fll call
^ A
* m
the orchard to make a reservation for our group) 942 42
£ S98 (A)o|4.
Paraphrasing 444 call the orchard Office
494 Contact a business
68-70 q » + *|£ Yl 02UOU103U(
/m ms rh rrK
69104 /
/n rfN
M- Au Hi 68 l'm looking for an apartment, and
I saw your advertisement. Do you have
any two - bedroom apartments available in
W- Am 68 Yes . In fact, we've just finished
construction on a new complex .
2 H=: 5!« xl°H *1## 9 4 2fe7 K?
68 * ^
( A ) 4992ISS
°n # m\ LHgas - orosi 22
x \7 \ *j cHAWlAi 0[n[Ef %IL o \ c\7 [
£fcKl m looking for ’
^an apartment, and I saw your advertisement ) 5 SCHI ||| PART 4
^ 0
from the office, has the most space and a lot of ) ! fif!
shade! !,
A |£0|| [LfB 3 Al # 0|| Ai 7 © 3 H# 0 | 104 # 0 |H
^ 71
29£ ( D)0|ch
^ What is the purpose of a meeting ?
( A ) To prepare staff for a special event
(B) To review some closing procedures
(C) To introduce some staff members
70 ( D) To resolve an issue with inventory
What might the man pay extra for ?
S|2|2| 24 4333?
( A ) A pool membership
(A )
m «A» I^H 23## SH|A|7|a|!!
(B) A reserved parking space
(C) Monthly maintenance
(B) n® 9
*» » !!
(C ) S|9M 7H
(D) Laundry facilities ^ © H 25 fEl!l
(D) AH!!
^ ^Ail# 5
TEST 10 287
°H S m LHSfia - S|2|2ia»| 74-76 n||A| l
SW7|- £H¥0|| £# 0 | AJ4 . OfE H # HBpBjAi sHOf ft
^ ^ ^
l -71 £ H 0 | s|£|# tMcKSome of you have been
^^ o §| |8
accidentally skipping some of your closing duties so I’
, ve called
M- Au Hi, Melissa . It ' s Hiroki from Ecology
Now Magazine . 41 just read your article about
this meeting to clarify what is expected!
) ! If 7A— - S0 |- 0 |
^ t
protecting old - growth forests in Europe and
SSsfBfe 3|
! ® H 4 HH. KfBW how important these conservation efforts are
(B)0 |CK
to the local communities . First of all, 5 I loved
m\= # o | 0 |0 f # mm IW.
7 | nap *
AfciE. £0| ZL3 21
^ ^
7HSS4 m ass «1 £PA| @11 97 K> f^ »
0Hb WHfl. AISOI 0-1 U£8|A|E Stl Ailo .
IM( After you've
sanitized all the food preparation areas in the kitchen, make
sure the pantry and walk - in refrigerator doors are shut and CH ?I protect conservation at, ME effort
locked!) ! If 2JOS. MOf, HH01W a!
[ l [cfe 5!# H first of all description 7 |#, SAf present MOiEH,
4 m. Wi HHE (A)0|dK
^ °
44LH 4 recreation HoI lawmaker H«7|-
responsible for ~01l HHO| Hb regulation ES TWI .
impact SI® W include SffAplof aside from 2|0||b ~
guidance IUt HLH
73 *
What does the speaker say he will do? 74
( A ) Sign a contract
What topic did the listener write an article about ?
( B) Mail an invoice
( A ) Forest conservation
(C) Edit a document
( B) Travel recommendations
(D) Change a schedule
( C) Bird - watching
HHb SRTP!Wb7 f? ( D) Social media usage
( A ) 7|| M0|| AiSSM
^ 7|
( A)
* « 7|Al# *Sfe7 K?
HAfb CHEj E 1|0ll
(C) SM 4S 7| « ^
(B) Oj o
(D) HS
(C) #AH EH
°l?l contract TlPf, 71IHH invoice Eoh (D) aiqoi o |S
^ 8H
b2Ml know the current checklist isn’t up - to - date, so I’ll make
sHH A1| A ® E!d - 7|Ap|
HA171 iE Oll ° \ E£H ! 510II E^H
) ! Hop H - - ofctb (C)0 |4.
the necessary revisions to it! ° ^ ^ ^ ^ £ 7 |Al
H- H H ^KI just read your article about protecting old- growth
forests in Europe ~!
) IHop Hot==3 ( A )0 | c|-.
Paraphrasing HH^I make the necessary revisions ^
-» aasi Edit
Paraphrasing HH^I protecting old-growth forests
HH^I the current checklist Forest conservation
H §H I a document
demonstration easy to follow. Please feel free to
raise your hand to ask questions at any time. We
What does the speaker like about the article?
want these sessions to be interactive.
( A) The descriptions
(B) The photographs
(C) The organization °J# A|# 71# ^H^OII 2£\ # ### «2tW#. # ## TO
33Af7l St LlCf . A|S|S}
( D) The use of statistics
# #7|H 7||Afe £) 01133#
L|Ch «tAfeW S
m\^ 7 |Af°| m 2# ##o|| #oj sfe7 f?
7| x|oH W l OfChAl fAM#
^ *
“ SA|
^ '
j 0| o \7 [ B2fr \£ % 7 h | ££# 2L|CK
(A) 3
44# A|A| *
** 3 3 n nEH0i7 t owciais.
^ ^ o| A g . o A 0|0 7
® ti# sHa # T ME td^
| |
B Aft!
( ) o. £#0i| ##0 |
(C ) # #
L |#. 3 1EA
*l##7ll b# #n
tW #.
( D ) #7|| 0 |S
77-79 SSh
78 m
W- Am Welcome, everyone, to this workshop on What industry does Dr. Adachi most likely work in?
artificial intelligence technologies.
77 Though I ( A ) Filmmaking
know everyone 's been enjoying the coffee and ( B) Interior design
conversation, we have a lot of speakers on the (C) Construction
(D) Computer science
schedule. 77’ 78 To start things off, we're delighted
to invite Dr. Haruka Adachi to the stage. She'll 0l#A| HfAfe m t ]7||0||A| #5l
^!b l?
TEST 10 289
A» A ® MM 0 \ \ \ [A ® gg
^ -
m\ [ gwoil SMM 0 ® | «^
* * to^ qthe|S stage
delighted to invite Dr. *Haruka Adachi
fA HAIfllcKweVe
) MAi ifA| |
-7 -
o\ m attention S m
^ .^ SWIfi. feature mt \ Sim
latest RMR a variety of RSJif material
SSR A| IO | o|7 t customization AIR designate AR^R at least
fiHfSfe * ® BH# MOf # (She’ll
demonstrate some ways computer systems can simulate ^ assistance £§- direct (M#) attendee
human intelligence)0|alIL Mop. OfCfx| “fAfe g E| RRAf raffle participate R7pel
ApH# qa B ||0||A| # p ^
mM ( D ) 0|EK
^ 7
^ 3# M 4 2iR.
What type of event is most likely taking place?
( A) A trade show
79 (B) A museum exhibit
(C) A food festival
What does the speaker encourage the listeners to do?
( D) A gardening workshop
( A)
Complete a survey
(B)Ask questions OfM m°-\ o^l7 f «E|H o fe7 ft «
(C )
Introduce themselves ( A ) #<* mm
(D)Work in small groups (B) M#MMA|1|
(C ) §A| #xi|
»Afe 3*l#0||7i| pEp MR #?I?
(D ) 8S 7 ff7 | fla6
(A) gSSfejSPI
o|?l exhibit RA |
(B) aww
(C) A17| 7HS17|
^ ^ m mssa - sA® #
(D )
RAP sB 0 | *
A | | l ft A| - =| DMOllAd ARMR(the
^ | 7| 0 A 7 7|
free to raise your hand to ask questions at any time)# MRS showcase will feature the latest designs for showers and
OIOH ggg ( B) 0 |ch
^ bathtubs ~) 0|Ep °H-HRS RM# ( A ) 0 |cf
80- 82 «*| 81
What are exhibitors asked to do?
M- Au Attention, everyone: 80 the home bathroom ( A) Wear identification badges
showcase will begin in an hour in Hall D. The ( B) Distribute samples
showcase will feature the latest designs for (C) Obtain parking passes
showers and bathtubs, as well as a variety of (D) Arrive at a location early
^ « SPP
materials for home customization. 81 Exhibitors, SAIS*UMS 8
please be at your designated booth at least 30 ( A ) tig mm mm? \
minutes before the showcase opens to the public. (B) M# WSs171
If you need assistance, any staff member can direct (C ) B7 |
you to your booth. Attendees, don't forget to bring (D) g±oii MR sgsm
MR. p
7|£f aso|i|A ] qx|o|ft ORR M# XII
771A | ARM RA0 |A] cH |SH # ( Exhibitors, please be at your
| 7
^|0 0||Afe A
^ designated booth at least 30 minutes before the showcase
R# MR RS AfxH# RMMMR. mm mg , m?\ CISOII
- opens to the public)# %°
. °? RM# ( D) 0 |nK
7|| #7HE|7 | 4|± 30# m I ARM ¥ 0||A1 C||7|SH 1°.
* ^ ^ Paraphrasing Msf£| be at your designated booth at
0 | #S5|M R #0 | CjRMR “ A £ OHJISH H# 4 SleM^h
least 30 minutes before the showcase
RRAI- CHEHM, ^7||0 | A MRM# 9CA | Mi 7 fAiiAi|S. M# #
5H AH » ^
715 HBL-lCf. R7 f5fA|a MR# 0|
opens to the public
82 83
What does the speaker say attendees can do with What industry does the speaker most likely work in?
their tickets? ( A ) Hospitality
( A) Receive a discount ( B) Finance
( B) Enter a contest ( C) Advertising
(C) Access a special area (D) Technology
( D) Purchase refreshments twb ois <sm\ M
tf 4 2m gSfe7 K?
^ A|u|
(A) A
( A ) V21 ?l
(B) StfOll %7\f>\7 \
(C) £tH
(D) 7 |#
( )
(D) C ® ?g 7 | « S 71I
S || LH§
* - SW
m \ s 0| IL Aj(the clients that
^ Sl° B Ch ( )0 |
^ What does the speaker mean when she says, “ this is
Paraphrasing -» ggq a contest
gftq a raffle your first account ” ?
gqq participate -> §&q Enter ( A) She is impressed by some work .
(B) She is available to answer questions.
(C) A mistake is understandable.
(D) A process will take a long time.
83 - 85 SSt |A|*|
" m\7 \ “gfc!2| 3 SMI H7-fjO | OlS"BfZL gSfe q^te S!£j7 f?
( A) s oil » »^
14 g q.
^* siq
W-Br Hi, Andrew. I'm calling about the Dearborn ^
(B) usotgg
Hotel account — 83 the clients that we're producing
(C) #Mgsshd.
the television commercial for. I just heard from
( D ) ijxioii Ai oifiEH m aoiq.
them, and they said they 've been very satisfied ^
with how you 're addressing their needs for the of ?l impressed £Jg gdl gq^lte, gSH gte understandable
(m ggOHAj) gag, 0I8HW 4 Site process 4S,
project . 84 It 's always great to get such positive
feedback from our clients, and this is your first iwq £|£ qq - 94!©| 5 ywn nzsjoiafe g°| 2|£
account . 85 They also mentioned that they'd like to goiW nzijo ^ Ei n£! n|=«i» a gg Kit's
make some adjustments to the project timeline. always great to get such positive feedback from our
Could you e- mail me the most recent copy of it? clients)0 | afZL gg fl JStel ©8
° ° m
?i£E , 5! H7-
^ ^^
ggg ! E\!=Lm gte 0 | SHdte qss. g gg 14 Siq.
(A )0 |q.
^ ** *
SfcSSMIfl, a
. qoj£ si aasHAl gSKBIoifi. a|7|- TV
gn# ggo| - «
H7H0|o ya H |E|| #Sfedl gaol ZL#o|
s&m S T1 Mm - agon ggsi g m swia. 2.
^ 85 m
g° £ E| ng n|H“H# gfe a gg 5!a go |o||fi. diq in
7i gg°i % M aiaioiaota . £Eg Es*m isss sgssog
What does the speaker ask the listener to send?
( A) A timeline
A1IHI 7 fg 4B 0|Dj| # MLH g T - - Ol A
IHlflLE ^ AA
^ (B) An address
#77 fo ? aA ®L|CH (C) Some sales figures
(D) Some meeting notes
produce commercial gn
^l account 0) 1 dlsH) n JsHd, q q
qAfe AIOHHI qqt MLH gam s sfe7 f?
^ ^
address (£ 11,
* ^
mention ?©qq adjustment Sg,
^ ^ (A) gSfi
recent ^°
(C ) q# q
(D) 2|o| d|H
TEST 10 291
_ x\m\ MLH aau
°Hs A1I“ A ® 33 ^ 2 87
lfX|-7|- DhX|°|CH| ZL #0| n^ wjE 0D|OI What is the speaker mainly discussing ?
u® flW(They also mentioned that they ' d like to make some
( A ) Purchasing some tools
adjustments to the project timeline )EAi 7 ® £|E a fif
ONUS SLH# 3d(Could you e - mail me the most recent copy of ^ (B) Training cleaning staff
(C) Repairing some equipment
it ?)® fitWai J g ? 3&E (A)0|CK
°° ( D) Arranging transportation
°J\m MEdlS. al3 y #MLf “JM0IIA1 °Jjx||7|- AHE 3# 338 » tfxfe ojE mm rewfc7 j?
[[ MS
4&|5 fSlJI 5 fA | DteJAia. X|0l|7||
^ EA|0 m% ( A) XII2SXII0II S§W7|
IIOII ssisiw 2 11 1ESHM LlCh ZLiAl (B) Oil ut H0|7 |
A|7 fiS|Bl-|Cf.
*“ ^ = s] ME
(C ) HIM jCH 5l7 |
^ (D ) gHAKfk £|7 |
(A )
^ Eastgate Art Museum . 8SThis month, we 're
delighted to offer a special exhibit of Johann
Weber 's paintings. 90
ln just a few minutes, our
(C) 5 3
(D) 4 M2! museum director will be giving a talk in the
* museum theater about the artist's life and work.
m S*ll LHH 33 - tW«2| EEA | 91 While you're here, please consider becoming a
mm iy^oii ^EI SEE 53 SUISI- 303 member of the museum. To sign up, stop by the
E- Ail# DIE Ml 0cKAs farm employees, we have all come
* information desk . Members will receive advance
across various issues with our equipment! )! §Af#E
notice about educational events, like the one
5cfoiiAi mu O |0- -- OICK ElElAi E&E ( C ) 0 |ch
0 Oh A
Mn s S “I
etaswia. oiAETiioiM awH m%yyy . oia
According to the speaker, what can the listeners do at
m\ sm «M an mat ii#m HEM W 7 ®LICL % g
^ 2|
* the information desk ?
!#£ w °EI ai g asyoi m my m zim m
«H 0|0p|sH HI gL|q. 0j7 | £# noil nits Sfflo| £fe goil m
( A ) Pick up a newsletter
( B) Sign up for a membership
oH aElsH # A|£. #»WE|B am mi^aoil #&i |s. £|#£ ^
a# tf&
fHAfoil cH H AH3 #A|# a# 4*
(C) Enter a contest
* ( D) Register for a workshop
m Ai» A ® ag -
noil JS|g m AlSfe dl £#0| 1 7|0||fl. ag OKHIIS *
0 | 0 Ol
^ o
mm sa^oii g a ^ oi#^ =SOIIAI Di#a asoi m my ^ Oiqoil fi £?
^ ^
y SISOII mm 0|0 t7|SH # 3f (ln just a few minutes, our museum
director will be giving a talk in the museum theater about the q?l average expense aul, UIS wage dental
flop ? SQ® ( A)0 |cf. hygienist A| | AI assistant budget Oil# on target
artist ’s life and work ) 0 |Efa
^^ take
Paraphrasing Efsf^l In just a few minutes
^ gradually SAI increase
upAfAl^ fcl supply #Al savings focus
-* momentarily sSSSTW efforts .
TEST 10 293
92 94
Where does the speaker most likely work ? What will most likely be discussed next?
( A) At a dental office ( A ) A relocation plan
(B) At a commercial bank (B) A staff -recruitment drive
(C) At an equipment rental company ( C) Some changes to a work policy
(D) At an employment agency (D) Some marketing ideas
SMb o\ c\M wm& Y! 18°b 85# 85
( A) m ( A ) 0 |171|S|
( B ) 15 81 (B) 1# ai 8#
(C) 11cHojgxi (C ) Eb 51
(D ) 15±7H± (D) oMIl o\ o\ c\o\
« n|Ap| + |£
What does the speaker imply when she says, “ we
95- 97
* *
- .
M Cn Hi I' m calling to purchase some backpacks
haven’t looked at other suppliers recently ” ? for my company . We recently started selling
( A ) She is unfamiliar with a task.
textbooks, and our employees will be traveling
(B) She is asking for volunteers.
regionally to sell them. 95 I 'd like to provide the
(C) More affordable options may be available.
backpacks to our customers as promotional
(D) Some information needs to be corrected.
gifts, but I'd like them to be sturdy — so 96 I 'd like
mm “SIE1# oE5Ut lien 8 m Bteqq-qo!ifsfe °|£ something with padded straps to make them
88557 K? comfortable. And there should be easy access to
(A )
a water bottle as well. If you have what we need,
( B ) JraSAMsagsKagq.
we plan to order 50 of these. So, 97 can you tell me
(C) 7 «
0| q gg® 11 11-
*. 4 Si# 3* o|q.
if there is a bulk discount? Please call me back at
(D ) lM# bfSSOK) ffiCf
mm £8 815 comfortable access IE
bulk discount! 1E5! E
A |zj y
^o|| 2|sra, 4E uHoho | iW° l SE01I Sfe7K
Backpack Features
Water Padded
Bottle Straps
( A) 0
(B) HE M4M4
Pocket (C ) HH 4MH
96 The
Outsider v v (D ) aalMSS
Traveler o J oH
^ A|Zf
^ 7j| - tW |
° ^oji afe |j^
O y
^ V V 97
What does the speaker ask about ?
( A ) Photographs
H|£H V ( B) Expedited shipping
(C) A return policy
i (D) A discount
TEST 10 295
i?l grocery store -NSMS supplier
°neighborhood SiB- demand S! 1
increase f§7 \t \c\
( A) HH #
(B) &
meet the need S2B0II loan dlii expand fS P
operation Apg additional 7|-°| fundAfa, 7 |B
^ ^ to m
effective A|fDE|fe immediately A|
^ available 0 |§
Thursday: 9:30 A.M. 9:00 RM.
Friday: 9:30 A.M.-9:00 PM.
Look at the graphic . Which day will the business hours
Saturday: 10:00 -5:00 RM.
A .M.
100 Sunday: Closed ( A) Thursday
( B) Friday
(C) Saturday
SSAin ( D) Sunday
9A| 30£-£¥ 7A| A|Zf 3M0|| gSA|y0| £! l|°PF?
22 9A| 30 -S° 9A| (A )
^ (B)
^9U : 9*1 9 | 30S-S¥ 9 |
< A A
(c )
22 10A|-S#: 5A |
(D) <U9<U
100 S :
^^ hours gSAfcj-
°i?l business
A| Zf £ 7|| - g0AK.K>| ggEfe ooj
98 sWn IV-Oll 2.-=iV-Et T- 7%! tr# s (effective immediately,
What type of business does the speaker run?
we’ll be open seven days a week !)0 |E|H
^ 5ij2, 5A | £K)||
( A) A hair salon £|Oj Q Qg
[ .
^ Sj°ij SSAI^IOI
(B) A bookstore a «
St 4 2 . nsw (D)oin.
(C) A grocery store *
( D) An appliance store
(B ) A-®
(D) 7 H3
*IB Hoh
) !i !
store five years ago! f!
^^Kl opened this grocery
^ ( C)0 |cK
According to the speaker, what did the business
( A ) A loan
(B) An award
(C) Some sample products
( D) Good customer reviews