The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966
The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966
The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966
( Rashmi Goel )
General Manager
1. Short title:
(1) These rules may be called the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules 1966.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definition- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires-
or order of a competent court ;
(ii) Son or daughter or step-son or step -daughter of the railway servant and
wholly dependent on him, but does not included a child or a step- child who is
no longer in any way dependent on the railway servant or of whose custody
the railway servant has been deprived by or under any law;
(iii) Any other person related whether by blood or marriage to the railway
servant or to the railway servant's wife or husband, and wholly dependent on
the railway servant.
Railway Ministry's decision- The son / daughter will come within the
purview of this rule only if he or she is dependent upon the Railway Servant.
(iv) Commit himself to and uphold the supremacy of the constitution and
democratic values;
(v) Defend and uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of
the state, public order ,decency and morality;
(vi) maintain high ethical standards and honesty;
(vii) maintain political neutrality;
(viii) promote the principals of merit, fairness and impartiality in the discharge
of duties;
(ix) maintain accountability and transparency;
(x) maintain responsiveness to the public, particularly to the weaker section;
(xi) maintain courtesy and good behaviour with the public;
(xii) take decisions solely in public interest and use or cause to use public
resources efficiently, effectively and economically;
(xiii) declare any private interests relating to his public duties and take steps to
resolve any conflicts in a way that protects the public interest;
(xiv) not placed himself under any financial or other obligations to any
individual or organisation which may influence him in the performance of his
official duties;
(xv) not misuse his position as railway servant and not take decisions in order
to derive financial or material benefits for himself, his family or his friends;
(xvi) make choices, take decisions and make recommendations on merit
(xvii) act with fairness and impartiality and not discriminate against anyone,
particularly the poor and the under-privileged sections of society;
(xviii) refrain from doing anything which is or may be contrary to any law, rules,
regulations and established practices;
(xix) Maintain discipline in the discharged of his duties and be liable to
implement the lawful orders duly communicated to him;
(xx) Maintain confidentiality in the performance of his official duties as
required by any laws for the time being in force, particularly with regard to
information, disclosure of which may prejudicially affect the sovereignty and
integrity of India, the security of the State, strategic, scientific or economic
interests of the State, friendly relation with foreign countries or lead to
incitement of an offence or illegal or unlawful gain to any person;
(xxi) Perform and discharge his duties with the highest degree of
professionalism and dedication to the best of his abilities.
(Authority- Railway Board's letter no. E(D&A)2014 GS1-3, dated 12.01.2015)
(2) (i) Every railway servant holding a supervisory post shall take all possible
steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all railway servant for the
time being under his control and authority.
(ii) No railway servant shall, in the performance of his official duties , or in the
exercise of powers conferred on him, act otherwise than his best judgment
except when he is acting under the direction of his official superior;
(iii) The direction of the official superior shall ordinarily be in writing, and where
the issue of oral direction becomes unavoidable, the official superior shall
confirm it in writing immediately thereafter, and
(iv) A railway servant who has received oral direction from his official superior,
shall seek confirmation of the same in writing as early as possible, whereupon
it shall be duty of the official superior to confirm the direction in writing.
Explanation I. A railway servant who habitually fails to perform the task
assigned to him within the time set for the purpose and with the quality of
performance expected of him shall be deemed to be lacking in devotion to
duty within the meaning of clause ii) of sub-rule (1).
Explanation II. Nothing in clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) shall be construed as
empowering a railway servant to evade his responsibilities by seeking
instructions from or approval of a superior officer or authority when such
instructions are not necessary under the scheme of distribution of powers and
Railway Ministry's decision-
In the light of the provisions of Rule 3(2) (ii) it is impressed upon all Railway
servant that-
(i) Oral instructions should not, as far as possible, be issued by senior officers
to their subordinates;
(ii) if the oral instructions are issued by any senior officer they should be
confirmed by him in writing immediately thereafter;
(iii) If a junior officer seeks confirmation to the oral instructions given by the
senior, the latter should confirm it in writing, whenever such confirmation is
(iv) A junior officer who has received oral orders from his superior officer
should seek confirmation in writing as early as practicable;
(v)Whenever a member of the personal staff of Minister communicates an oral
order on behalf of the Minister, it should be confirmed by him in writing
immediately thereafter;
(vi) If junior officer received oral instructions from the Minister or from his
personal staff and the orders are not in accordance with the norms, rules,
regulations or procedures, they should be brought to the notice of the
Secretary, or the concerned Members of the Railway Board or the Head of the
Department, as the case may be, for information.
(vii) If a junior officer received oral instructions from the Minister or from his
personal staff and the orders are not accordance with the normal rules,
regulations or procedures, they should seek, further clear orders from the
secretary, the concerned Member of the Railway Boards or the Head of the
Department, as the case may be, about the line of action to be taken, stating
clearly that the oral instructions are not in accordance with the rules,
regulations, norms, or procedures.
(No, E(D&A)78 GS-1-9 dted.14/12.78).
3.A. Promptness and Courtesy-
No Railway servant shall-
(a) In the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous manner;
(b) In his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt dilatory tactics or
willfully cause delays in disposal of the work assigned to him.
3C. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women.
1. No railway servants shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any
Women at her work place.
2. Every railway servant who is incharge of a work place shall take appropriate
steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at such work place.
Explanation. For the purpose of this rule, 'sexual harassment' includes such
unwelcome sexually determined behavior, whether directly or otherwise as:
a. Physical contact and advances.
b. Demand or request for sexual favours;
c. Sexually coloured remarks;
d. Showing any pornography; or
e. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non –verbal conduct of a sexual
(Authority : Railway Board's letter No.E(D&A) 97GS1-4 dtd. 13/05/98
(RBE 96/98 )}
Advance Correction Slip No. 124
In the Railway Services (conduct) Rules, 1966, for Rule 3 C, the following rule
shall be substituted namely:-
3C. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women-
(1) No Railway servant shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any
woman at any work place.
(2) Every Railway Servant who is in-charge of a work place shall take
appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at the work
Explanation – (1) For the purpose of this rule:-
(a) "sexual harassment" includes any one or more of the following acts or
behaviors (whether directly or by implication)namely:-
(I) Physical contact and advances; or
(ii) a demand or request f or sexual favours; or
(iii) making sexually coloured remarks; or
(iv) showing pornography; or
(v) any other unwelcome physical, verbal, non –verbal conduct of a sexual
(b) The following circumstances, among other circumstances, if it occurs or is
present in relation to or connected with any act or behaviors of sexual
harassment may amount to sexual harassment:-
(I) Implies or explicit promise of preferential treatment in employment; or
(ii) Implies or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in employment;
(iii) Implies or explicit threat about her present or future employment status; or
(iv) Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or
hostile work environment for her; or
(v) Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
under that person or if he or any member of his family is interested in such
matter or contract in any other manner and the railway servant shall refer
every such matter or contract to his superior officer or authority and the matter
or contract shall thereafter be disposed of according to the instructions of such
officer or authority.
5. Taking part in politics and elections.
(1) No railway servant shall be member of, or be otherwise associated with
any political party or any organization which takes part in politics nor shall he
take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political
movement or activity.
(2) It shall be the duty of every railway servant to endeavour to prevent any
member of his family from taking part in, subscribing in aid of, or assisting in
any other manner any movement or activity which is, or tends directly or
indirectly to be subversive of the Government as by law established and
where a railway servant is unable to prevent a member of his family from
taking part in, or subscribing in aid of or assisting in any other manner, any
such movement or activity , he shall make a report to that effect to the
(3) If any question arises whether a party is a political party or whether any
organization takes part in polities or whether any movement or activity falls
within the scope of sub-rule (2) the decision of the Government thereon shall
be final.
(4) No railway servant shall canvas, otherwise interfere with, or use his
influence in connection with or take part in, an election to any legislature or
local authority.
Provided that –
(i) a railway servant qualified to vote at such election may exercise his right to
vote, but where he does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in which
he proposes to vote or has voted;
(ii) a railway servant shall not be deemed to have contravened the provisions
of this sub-rule by reason only that he assists in the conduct of an election in
the performance of a duty imposed on him by or under any law for the time
being in force.
Explanation- The display by a railway servant on his person, vehicle or
residence of any electoral symbol shall amount to using his influence in
connection with an election within the meaning of this sub-rule.
Railway Ministry's decision.(2) The Railway Servant should not only be
impartial but they should appear to be impartial in relation to the elections.
They should not take part in any election campaign nor should they canvas.
They should always take scrupulous care not to lend their names, official
position of authority to assist one group as against another. Any disregard of
these instructions will be considered as serious act of indiscipline. Their
attention is drawn to the provisions in section 134-A of the representation of
the People Act, 1951 which reads as under:-
defamation or incitement to an offence.
Railway Ministry's decision - (2) The position regarding the scope of this
Rule is clarified as under:-
(I) Demonstration, meetings and processions, which are orderly and
peaceful and are held outside office premises and outside working hours,
should not be interfered with.
(ii) The wearing of badges while at work should not be interfered with unless
the badges have inscriptions or slogans which may offend against the
interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State ,
friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality or
which may amount to contempt of Court, defamation or incitement to an
offence, The colour of the badges or arm band should not be considered in
any case.
(iii) Demonstration or the raising of slogans or other such disorderly conduct
should not be permitted within office premises and disciplinary proceeding
should be started against those found indulging in such action within office
No. E(D&A)63 GS-1-3 dated.27/04/1964)
Railway Ministry's decision - (5) The principle of ' No work No Pay should
not be circumvented in any way including by grant of leave to a railway servant
for the period of absence caused due to participation in a strike.
No. E(LR)II77 ST1-126 dt.15/07/1978)
federation/unions of railway employees)or editor/publishers office bearers of
journals issued by such association (including federation/union ) pass
resolutions making statement and/or expressing opinion on issues which
involve violation by the individual employees of this Rule become liable for
disciplinary action.
No. E(D&A) 68 GS1-6 dt.24/06.1968)
to invite public criticism and should not be permitted.
No. E(D&A) 68 GS1-7 dt.19/22/08/1968)
functions/seminar premises or in the souvenir brought out on such occasions
or participate in response to notice from the organization in this regards.
(iv) Fund raised shall be in the distinct bank account of the proposer
organization. Expenditure ,except that involving petty amounts, shall be
made through cheque or draft.
The power of sanction of the Government if exercised by GM/PHOD/AGM/
CHODs on the Zonal Headquarter /PUs/RSC/RE/Metro/RDSO and NF(C) in
respect of staff and Officers working under them and likewise by DRM on the
Divisions and CWMs (in SAG) in Workshops. In respect of Railway Board's
Office and offices directly under control of Railway Board, the power will be
exercised by concerned Member of the Board or Secretary ,Railway Board.
No. E(D&A) 2009 GS1-6 dt.21/04/2010)
13. Gifts- (1) Save as provided in these Rules , no Railway servant shall
accept, or permit any member of his family or (any other person acting on his
behalf) to accept any gift.
Explanation- The expression 'gift' shall include free transport, boarding,
lodging or other service or any other pecuniary advantage provided by any
person other than a near relative or personal friend having no official dealings
with the Govt. servant.
Note. (1) a casual meal, lift or other social hospitality shall not be deemed to
be gift.
Note. (2) A Railway servant shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality or frequent
hospitality from any individual, industrial or commercial firms, organization,
etc having official dealings with him.
(2) On occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or religious
functions, when the making of gifts is in conformity with the prevailing religious
and social practice, a Railway Servant may accept gifts from his near relatives
or from his personal friends having no official dealings with him, But shall
make a report to the Government, if the value of such gifts exceeds.
(i) Rupees seven thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any
Group .A. Post.
(ii) Rupees four thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any group B
(iii)Rupees two thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any Group
C post ; and
(iv) Rupees one thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any Group
.D. post. (NEW)
According to ACS 126, above sub clauses substituted, namely:-
(i) Rupees twenty five thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any
Group 'A' post;
(ii) Rupees fifteen thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any
Group 'B' Post ;
(iii) Rupees seven thousand five hundred in the case of a Railway servant
holding any Group 'C' Post;
(Authority- Railway Board's letter no. E(D&A) 2014 GS-1-3, dated
(3) In any other case, a Railway servant shall not accept any gift without the
sanction of the Government if the value exceeds.
(i) Rupees One thousand five hundred in the case of a Railway servant
holding any Group 'A' or Group –B post ; and
(ii) Rupees five hundred in the case of a Railway servant holding any Group
.C. or Group-D . post .
[Authority : Bd's letter No.E[D&A]2004 GS1-2 dtd. 15/03/2004]
(4) Not withstand anything contained in sub-rules (2) and (3) , a Railway
servant, being a member of the Indian delegation or otherwise , receive and
retain gifts from foreign dignitaries if the market value of gifts received on one
occasion does not exceed rupees one thousand. In all other cases, the
acceptance and retention of such gifts shall be regulated by the instructions
issued by the Government in this regard from time to time.
(5) A Railway servant shall not accept any gift from foreign firm which is either
contracting with the Government of India or is one with which the Railway
servant had, has or is likely to have official dealings. Acceptance of gifts by a
Railway servant from any other firm shall be subject to the provisions of sub-
(Authority : Bd'sletter No.E[D&A]96 GS1-8 dtd. 17/01/1997(RBE
Railway Ministry's decision- (5) The following are the instructions in regard
to receipt, retention and disposal of gifts of high valuation received by Railway
servants from foreign dignitaries and foreign firms.
1. The presents of symbolic nature like a ceremonial sword, ceremonial robe
etc. may be retained by the recipient.
2. The gifts of value not exceeding Rs. 1000 may also be retained.
3. Railway servant shall report the receipt of gifts, the value of which exceeds
Rs. 1000/- to the department indicating the value. The Department will refer
the matter to Toshakhana for valuation of the gifts. if it is found that the value is
Rs. 1000 or less, the gift will be returned to the recipient.
If however, the value exceeds Rs. 1000, it will be retained by Toshakhana and
the recipient will, have the option to purchase it from Toshakhana by paying
the difference between the value as estimated and Rs. 1000.
4. Acceptance of gifts from foreign firms with whom the railway servant has
had or has or is likely to have official dealing either, directly or indirectly by
virtue of his official position, as well as acceptance of gifts from firms which
are contracting firms with the government are prohibited.
(E(D&A)76GS1-31 dt 22/12/76)
Railway Ministry's decision- (6) In terms of note 2 below rule 13(1) of the
Railway Service (conduct) Rule 1966, a Railway servant shall avoid accepting
lavish or frequent hospitality from any individual, industrial or commercial
firms, organizations, etc. having official dealing with him. Further, a Railway
servant is expected to avoid the familiarity arising out of private hospitality.
A case has recently come to the notice of Board where a group of
Railway officers arranged a function in a reputed private hotel to bid farewell to
a senior Officer retiring on superannuation. Though the function was
purportedly arranged on contribution from the Railway Officers, a substantial
amount was paid by a private party towards the expenditure for holding the
Board desire that all Railway servants should follow the extant rules on
the subject scrupulously and violation, if any will be viewed seriously inviting
strict punitive action.
E(D&A) 2010 GS-1-7 dt.19/05/2011)
13-A. Dowry-No Railway servant shall-
(i) Give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry; or
(ii) Demand directly or indirectly, from the parents or guardian of a bride or
bridegroom, as the case may be any dowry.
Explanations:- For the purpose of this rule, dowry has the same meaning as in
the Dowry Prohibition Act,1961.
In this Act. "dowry" means any property or valuable security given or agreed to
be given either directly or indirectly.:-
(a) by one party to a marriage to the other party to marriage ; or
(b) by the parents of either party to a marriage or by any other person, to either
party to the marriage or to any other person; at or before or after the marriage
as consideration for the marriage of the said parties, but does not include
dower or Mahr in the case of persons to whom the Muslim Personal Law
(Shariat) applies.
(i) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that any presents made at
the time of a marriage to either party to the marriage in the form of cash,
ornaments, clothes or other articles shall not be deemed to be dowry within
the meaning of this section unless they are made as consideration for the
marriage of the said parties.
(ii)- The expression ' Valuable Security' has the same meaning as in Section
30 of the Indian Penal Code.
(2) A railway servant may, without the previous sanction of the Government:-
(a) undertake honorary work of a social or charitable nature, or
(b) undertake occasional work of a literary ,artistic or scientific character, or
(c) participate in sports activities as an amateur, or
(d) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the
holding of an elective office) or a literary, Scientific or charitable society or of a
club or similar organization the aims or objects of which relate to promotion of
sports, cultural or recreational activities registered under the Societies
Registration Act,1860 (21 of 1860),or any other law for the time being in force,
(e) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the
holding of an elective office) or a co-operative society substantially for the
benefit of railway servants, registered under the Co-operative Societies Act,
1912 (2 of 1912) or any other law for the time being in force.
Provided that:-
(i) he shall discontinue taking part in such activities ,if so directed by the
Government; and
(ii) in a case falling under clause (d) or clause (e) of this sub-rule, his official
duties shall not suffer thereby and he shall within a period of one month of his
taking part in such activity, report to the Government giving details of the
nature of his participation.
(3) Every railway servant shall report to the Government if any member of his
family is engaged in a trade or business or owns or manages an insurance
agency or commission agency.
(4) Unless otherwise provided by general or special orders of the
Government, no Railway servant may accept any fee for any work done by
him for any private or public body or any private person without the sanction of
the prescribed authority.
Explanations:- The term 'fee' used here shall have the meaning assigned to it
in Rule 103 (18). R1
debentures or mutual funds scheme etc. exceeds Rs. 50,000/- during the
calendar year.
(ii) Group 'C' and 'D' Officers- If the total transactions in shares, securities,
debentures or mutual funds scheme etc. exceeds Rs. 25,000/- during the
calendar year.
No. E(D&A) 93 GS-1-2 dt.07/05/1992)
(2) (i) No Railway servant shall make, or permit any member of his family or
any person acting on his behalf to make , any investment, which is likely to
embarrass or influence him in the discharge of his official duties . For this
purpose, any purchase of shares out of the quotas reserved for Directors of
Companies or their friends and associates shall be deemed to be an
investment, which is likely to embarrass the Railway servant.
(Authority : Bd's letter No.E[D&A]96 GS1-8 dtd. 17/01/1997 )
(2) (ii) No Railway servant who is involved in the decision making process of
fixation of price of an initial Public Offering or Follow-up Public Offering of
shares of a Central Public Sector Enterprise shall apply, either himself of
through any member of his family or through any other person acting on his
behalf, for allotment of shares in the initial Public Offerings or Follow-up Public
Offerings of such Central Public Sector Enterprise.
(Authority : Bd's letter No.E[D&A]2009 GS1-4 dtd. 14/07/2009 )
(3) If any question arises whether any transaction is of the nature referred to in
sub-rule (1) of sub-rule (2), the decision of the government thereon shall be
(4) (i) No Railway servant shall ,save in the ordinary course of business with a
bank or a public limited company either himself or through any member of his
family or any other person acting on his behalf :-
(a) Lend or borrow or deposit money, as a principal or an agent, to or from or
with, any person or firm or private limited company with whom he is likely to
have official dealing or otherwise place himself under pecuniary obligation to
such person or firm of private limited company, or
(b) Lend money to any person at interest or in a manner whereby return in
money or in kind is charged or paid.
Provided that a Railway servant may give to, or accept from, a relative or a
personal friend, a purely temporary loan of a small amount free of interest, or
operate a credit account with a bonafide tradesman trades man or make an
advance or pay to his private employee.
Provided further that nothing in this sub rule shall apply in
respect of any transaction entered into by a railway servant with the previous
sanction of the Government.
(ii) When a railway servant is appointed or transferred to a post of such nature
as would involve him in the breach of any of the provisions of sub-rule (2) or
sub-rule(4), he shall forthwith report the circumstances to the competent
authority and shall thereafter act in accordance with such order as may be
made by such authority.
Railway Ministry's decision – Loan taken from LIC by the Railway servant
against their insurance policies will be covered by the exception provided in
the above rule and permission of the Government will not be necessary.
E(D&A) 68 GS1/21 dt.21.11.68)
second time, such permission may not be granted by an authority lower than
the General Manager or Head of Office who, if he decides to retain the
employee in service, shall report the circumstances to the Railway Board for
information. As the Railway Co-operative Credit is often the creditor in such a
case and other railway servants are sureties for the debtor, the said authority
will, in deciding whether or not the debtor should be retained in railway
service, consider the effect of this dismissal or removal on the railway and on
his fellow employees.
(ii) A railway servant who seek the assistance of the Insolvency Court without
the previous permission of the competent authority shall render himself liable
to removal from service.
(iii) A railway servant who is arrested for debt is liable for dismissal.
(iv) Steps will be taken from time to time by the head of an office to ascertain
from pay sheets, etc. whether any railway servant under him are in habitual
stage of indebtedness. If a moiety of the pay of a railway servant is being
frequently attached for debit has been continuously so attached for a period
exceeding two years or is attached for a sum, which under ordinary
circumstances he could not repay within two years, such railway servant shall
be considered liable for dismissal.
(v) Every case falling under (iii) or (iv) shall be considered in the light of the
instructions contained in clause (i) above before it is finally decided whether or
not the railway servant concerned should be dismissed or removed but in
exceptional circumstances such railway servant should not be retained in
(3) A railway servant shall also report to the Government or to such authorities
as may be specified in this behalf the facts when a portion of his salary is
constantly being attached, has been continuously attached for a period
exceeding two years or is attached for a sum which, in ordinary
circumstances, cannot be paid within a period of two years.
(4) When a moiety of a railway servant's salary is attached, the report by his
superior officer to the Government competent authority should show what is
the proportion of the debts to the salary; how far they detract from the debtor's
efficiency as a railway servant; whether the debtor's position is irretrievable,
and whether in the circumstances of the case, it is desirable to retain him in the
post occupied by him when the matter was brought to notice or in any post
under the Government.
Note.1- Sub-rule (1) shall not ordinarily apply to Group –'D' railway servants,
but the Government may, in appropriate cases, direct that it shall apply to any
of such railway servants or any class of such railway servants.
Note. 2- In every return, the values of items of movable property worth less
than Rs. 10,000/- may be added and shown as a lump sum. The values of
articles of daily use such as clothing, utensils, crockery, books and the like,
need not be included in such return.
(ii) Every railway servant belonging to any service or holding any post
included in Group-A or Group-B , shall submit an annual return in such form as
may be prescribed by the Government in this regard giving full particulars
regarding the immovable property inherited by him or owned or acquired by
him or held by him on lease or mortgage either in his own name or in the name
of any member of his family or in the name of any other person.
(2) No railway servant shall, except with the previous knowledge of the
Government, acquire or dispose of any immovable property by lease,
mortgage , purchase, sale ,gift or otherwise either in his own name or in the
name of any member of his family.
Provided that the previous sanction of the Government shall be
obtained by the railway servant if any such transaction is with a person having
official dealings with him.
(3) Where a railway servant enters into a transaction in respect of movable
property either in his own name or in the name of a member of his family, he
shall within one month from the date of such transaction, report the same to
the Government ,if the value of such property exceeds two months 'basic pay
of the Railway servant’
Provided that the previous sanction of the Government shall be
obtained by the Railway servant if any such transaction is with a person
having official dealings with him.
Note.1- Purchase of items of movable property for giving presents at the time
of marriage will be regulated by rule 18(3) above like any other transactions in
movable property.
(Railway Board's letter No. .E[D&A]65 GS1-12 dated. 23/04/1966)
Note.2- The powers of the Government so far as sub-rule (3) is concerned,
may be exercised by-
(i) General Manager and the Chairman, Railway Rates Tribunal , in respect of
both Gazetted and non- gazetted officers under their respective
administrative control; and
(ii) Senior Deputy General Manager on Zonal Railways in respect of gazetted
officers below the Senior Administrative Grade and non-gazetted officers
subject to the condition that the powers hereby delegated are not further
delegated by them to lower authorities so far as cases of gazetted officers are
(4) The Government or any authority empowered by it in this behalf may, at
any time by general or special order, require a Railway servant to furnish,
within a period specified in the order, a full and complete statement of such
movable or immovable property held or acquired by him or on his behalf or by
any member of his family as may be specified in the order. Such statement
shall, if so required by the Government or by the authority so empowered,
include the details of the means by which, or the source from which, such
property was acquired.
(5) The Government may exempt any category of Railway servants belonging
to Group-C or group-D from any of the provisions of this rule except sub-
rule(4). No such exemption shall, however, be made without the concurrence
of the Railway Board, who will consult the Ministry of Home Affairs (Now
Cabinet Secretariat, Department of Personnel).
Explanations I - for the purpose of this rule, the expression 'movable
property' includes-
(a) Jewellery, insurance policies the annual premium of which exceeds two
month's basic pay of the railway servant, shares ,securities and debentures.
(Authority : Bd's letter No. E(D&A)2011 GS 1-3 dated. 11/07/2011)
(b) All loans, whether secured or not, advanced or taken by the Government
(c) motor cars, motor cycles, horses, or any other means of conveyance; and
d) refrigerators, radios, radiograms and television sets.
Explanation II - For the purpose of this rule, "lease" means, except where it
is obtained from, or granted to, a person having official dealings with the
Railway servant, a case of immovable property from year to year or for any
term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent.
Railway Ministry's decision 2- The intention of proviso to sub-rule (2) & (3)
regarding bonafide deal is to assure that –
(i) the transaction proposed to be entered into is for bonafide purposes;
(ii) the acquisition/sale of property in question is at fair prevailing market
prices and does not involve any element or profiteering or speculation;
(iii) there is no reasonable ground to hold that the transaction in question is the
result of the exercise of any undue official influence by the officer e.g. in return
of any official favour conferred or likely to be conferred upon the prospective
seller/buyer of the property ;and
(iv) there is nothing otherwise objectionable in return to the proposed
(E(D&A) 60 GS1-5 dt.07/06.60 )
(a) Before starting construction of the house, he should report or seek
permission as the case may be and after completion of the house, he should
report to the prescribed authority.
(b) The details in proforma prescribed should be furnished wherever it is
possible to do so. Wherever it is not possible to furnish the details about
purchase of movable property acquired for the construction of the house, the
Railway servant concerned should mention the covered area on which the
building is proposed to be erected and the estimated cost of the building.
(c) In case where the expenditure to be incurred on repairs or minor
construction in respect of any immovable property belonging to a Railway
servant, is estimated to exceed Rs. 1000/- sanction of the prescribed authority
is required.
(E(D&A) 75 GS1-36 dt.13/12/76 )
Railway Ministry's decision 9- The provision of Delhi Rent Control Act and
similar other provisions in other States, wherever applicable, should be
observed by Railway servants while taking rent advance for property held
(E(D&A) 76 GS1-2 dt.30/04/76 )
(i) Group 'A' and 'B' Officers-If the cumulative transactions i.e. sale,
purchase of both in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme
etc. exceeds Rs. 50,000/- during the calendar year.
(ii) Group 'C' and 'D' Officers-If the cumulative transactions i.e. sale,
purchase of both in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme
etc. exceeds Rs. 25,000/- during the calendar year.
The above intimation will be in addition to the intimation(s) required to be
given under Rule 18(3) in respect of individual transaction in shares,
securities, debentures, etc. which exceeds the amount prescribed therefor.
(No.E(D&A)92GS1-2 dated 17/21/05/1992)
(Authority : Bd's letter No. E(D&A)2007 GS 1-1 dated. 26/10/2007)
(2) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prohibit a railway servant from
vindicating his private character and or any act done by him in his private
capacity and where any action for vindicating his private character or any act
done by him in his private capacity is taken, the railway servant shall submit a
report to the Government regarding such action.
The Department of Personnel and Training's O.M. dated 06.06.2013, referred
to in para 1 of their above O.M. No. is available at their website '/, asp' under 'ONs & Orders'- Vigilance – 'CCS (Conduct)
2. It is reiterated that all concerned are required to strictly comply with the
aforesaid instructions and violation(s) thereof may entail suitable action.
Please acknowledge receipt. Hindi version will follow.
DA: As above. Sd
Dy. Director Establishment (D&A)
Railway Board.
No. E(D&A)2015 GS1-5, dated 29.12.2015
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Telefax: 23093176
have, access whether on payment or otherwise.
25. Repeal and Savings- The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules , 1966,
contained in Appendix VI of the Indian Railways Establishment Code, Volume
I, shall cease to be in force except as respect things done or omitted to be
Published by Personnel Department,
DLW, Varanasi.