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The optimized automation solution

for injection molding machines
KePlast at a glance

The industry solution KePlast 4

The KePlast service portfolio 6
Hardware components 8
KePlast product range 10
The cost-optimized solution for hydraulic machines 12
The complete package for all-electric machines 14
The energy-saving servo pump – KePlast SpeedPump 16
One software for all performance classes 18
Software assistance – KePlast AppCo and KePlast EasyMold 20
Process monitoring for IMMs – KePlast EasyNet 22
Remote support – KePlast ServiceNet 24
KEBA – Automation by innovation 26

KEBA customers enjoy the best possible support and assistance. A thorough understanding of the markets, pro-
cesses and demands right down to the smallest detail forms the basis for a successful and long-lasting partnership.
This begins with initial consultation and continues with system design through to installation and series produc-
tion support. Our modular training programs provide focused instruction in operation, servicing and programming.

The technology expert
for optimized
industry solutions

We speak the language of your industry

Thanks to years of experience in controlling injection quickly and competently. They can also carry out cus-
molding machines, the experts from KEBA have ac- tomer-specific software adaptation quickly and with-
quired comprehensive knowledge of the industry and out problems through to process control optimization.
technology. As a result, KEBA employees are able to
respond to your requests in all areas quickly and com- European brand quality and innovation leadership
petently and discuss issues with you on an equal foot- through permanent monitoring of the very latest trends
ing in the specialist language that you are accustomed help you secure a decisive market advantage now and
to. in the future.

From simple, hydraulic injection molding machines to

complex multi-component systems – our specialists
will gladly support you with their expert knowledge.
Our KePlast team is also ready to provide assistance
in tasks relating to electrical machine design and
process-integrated robotics or in topics concerning
safety technology in order to realize the best possible
design for your project.

A large team of highly trained application engineers

are also available worldwide. The locally based teams
will put your injection molding machine into operation

KePlast – the optimized,
integrated control platform for
injection molding machines





Optimized solutions for hydraulic, all-electric
and 2-platen injection molding machines

KePlast control systems have been specially devel- Best price-performance ratio
oped for use in plastics processing machines. The
model series covers the entire spectrum of applica-
thanks to customized solutions
tions from simple hydraulic and all-electric injection The control systems and electrical drive technology
molding machines through to complex multi-compo- used in the injection molding machines are precisely
nent systems with process-integrated robotics. optimized toward their intended application. Thanks
to the innovative solutions from the scalable KePlast
series, expensive undersizing and oversizing have be-
Uniform concept come a thing of the past.
All machines have a uniform design regardless of
whether they are hydraulic, hybrid or all-electric. All
injection molding machines stand out thanks to:

• Uniform engineering
• Uniform look and feel
• Uniform diagnostics and maintenance

Hardware solutions
in highest quality

The KePlast model series features special hardware and software solutions developed for the plastics industry
which are based on standard components of the KEBA modular system for machine and robot automation.

Reliable control systems and I/Os

KePlast control systems are future-proof. They com- The functional scope of every KePlast control system
bine the classic strengths of PLC technology such as can be expanded extremely simply by plugging in ad-
real-time operation, industrial suitability and stability, ditional I/O modules. Analog I/Os, digital I/Os, tem-
with state-of-the-art technology such as real-time perature-measurement I/Os and communication I/Os
Ethernet and the platform-independent programming that can be controlled via EtherCAT or CAN bus are
language Java. The PC-based, fully scalable hardware available.
architecture provides a high level of technological re-
liability and quickest possible time-to-market, and
therefore secures investments for the future.

Operating devices
in high-quality design
Depending on the requirements of the application,
various TFT displays in portrait and landscape format
are available. Operation occures via microswitch key-
board or touchscreen.

In addition to these stationary operation and visual-

ization possibilities, KeTop provides you with a mo-
bile alternative for maximum freedom of movement.
All KEBA operating devices stand out thanks to their
robust and high-quality design.

Precise temperature control

with hot runner modules
The compact modules for controlling heating zones
are specially optimized for the regulation of hot run-
ner systems. An integrated heating-current monitoring
system and optimized regulation by means of phase
synchronization offer an extremely attractive complete
solution for the complex processes in the world of in-
jection molding.

Depending on the version, the modules are controlled

via CAN bus or via the real-time fieldbus EtherCAT.

Seamless integration in the KePlast application soft-

ware means that the usual parameters for hot runner
controllers can be set extremely conveniently directly
at the operating panel. As a result, an external con-
trol device is no longer required, the process specialist
works in his usual environment directly at the machine.

Highly optimized, industry-

specific compact modules
Apart from the extensive range of standard I/O mod-
ules, we also offer highly optimized components that
have been specially designed for the requirements
of injection molding machines. Whether a block I/O
module for large-scale machines with a large number
of I/Os or temperature control modules for hot runner
systems – we can provide the right configuration for
any constellation.

The scalable
KePlast product range

From simple hydraulic injection molding machines

to complex multi-component systems with
process-integrated robotics – KePlast control
systems cover the entire range of applications.

The control systems of the i1000, i2000 and i8000

series stand out thanks to their precision and
high productivity and ensure savings in energy
consumption. The common software platform and
the scalable hardware – both in control performance
and in the operating unit – provide maximum flexibility.
Identical elements are also used for visualization
KePlast i1000
in order to ensure uniform visual operation over the
entire range. Owing to its powerful computer core, the KePlast
control system i1000 is real-time-capable, thereby en-
abling a continuously controlled quality of production.

• For hydraulic standard injection molding machines

• Ultracompact single-board computer
• 7" to 12" TFT displays
• Operation via microswitch keyboard
• Closed-loop injection process including
monitoring by means of injection graphic
• SPC package (Statistic Process Control)
• Expandable via CAN bus
• Network-compatible through Ethernet connection

KePlast i2000 KePlast i8000
The hardware of the i2000 series consists of a high- The control solution of the i8000 series offers the very
performance single-board computer with scalable latest multitouch technology in combination with top
performance level. I/O modules or electric drives are performance. The Linux-based complete package
connected via the integrated high-speed real-time combines state-of-the-art gesture operation with an
EtherCAT bus. open control platform and provides maximum indi-
• For hydraulic, hybrid and all-electric
injection molding machines • For hydraulic, hybrid and all-electric multi-
• Modular hardware based on Intel Atom component injection molding machines as well as
• High-performance EtherCAT interface high tonnage IMMs
• 12" SVGA to 15" XGA TFT displays in portrait • Open Linux control platform with extremely short
and landscape format control cycles
• Operation via touchscreen • Active operating unit with Linux operating system
• Seamless integration of the KEBA drive technology and JavaFx technology
incl. application package for all-electric • 15" and 21.5" multitouch widescreen displays
injection molding machines in portrait format
• Comprehensive quality data package • Seamless integration of KEBA drive technology
via EtherCAT interface
The cost-

The lower-priced KePlast control systems of the i1000 series have been specially developed for standard
hydraulic injection molding machines. By focusing on the essentials, KePlast i1000 offers an unbeatable price-
performance ratio. Furthermore the integration of the KePlast SpeedPump, our solution for hydraulic servo
pumps, makes additional energy savings possible.

Cost-optimized solution Optimum scalability

for injection molding machines Apart from the optimized combination of control sys-
Around 90 percent of all hydraulic injection molding tem, operating panel and the matching application
machines can be automated quickly and good-value software, the KePlast i1000 series is characterized by
pricing using control systems of the i1000 model se- extensive scalability in operation. From the entry-level
ries. The ultracompact single-board computer has all model with 7" display to the comfortable 12" variant
the I/Os required to control standard injection mold- – the control CPU and operating panel are freely com-
ing machines as well as a speed input. Direct control binable.
of proportional valves is possible via separate current

HMI visualization Process functions
Integrated graphics processor for direct connection Controlled injection and holding pressure
of various panels (7", 8", 10" and 12") process with auto-tuning

Convenient, complete user interface for injection Auto-calibration

molding machines
Multichannel temperature control with auto-tuning
SPC functions
Euromap 12/67 robotics interface
Injection graphic
Integrated hot runner controller
Quality data logging
KePlast SpeedPump servo pump
Integrated service pages

High-performance 32 bit processor Thermocouple inputs for J, K or L sensors

All I/Os for standard injection molding machines Pulse input for screw speed

PWM current outputs for direct control of proportional Ethernet connection for host computer
USB connection for printer, modem, USB stick, etc.
Optimized digital outputs for hydraulic switching valves

European brand quality

Owing to its powerful computer core, the high-quality
model series is full real-time capability so that even the
lower-priced models can provide a controlled injection
and holding pressure process as standard.

Via Ethernet it is possible to integrate the compact

control system in a control station concept. As a re-
sult, all machine data can then be managed conve-
niently using a PC.
Verified quality

The performance-optimized
complete package for all-electric
injection molding machines

With the solutions i2000 to i8000, KePlast offers a complete package comprising control system, drives and
software technology libraries that are all perfectly matched to each other. As a result, problems previously
encountered by machine builders when assembling systems consisting of different components are a thing of
the past.

Top-class control systems Control at the highest level
The control systems of the i2000 and i8000 series The high-performance hardware platform in both con-
stand out thanks to their precision and high produc- trol and drive technology and the matching KePlast
tivity. Furthermore the controllers provide in combi- software package together present an attractive com-
nation with the electric drive package lowest energy plete package for the injection molding market. Intel-
consumption. The high level of precision is made pos- ligent control algorithms that run directly at the drive
sible by fast controller cycle times while an increase in guarantee extremely short response times and opti-
productivity can be achieved thanks to sophisticated mum process behavior.
control technology with the parallelization of move-
ments. The possibility of coupling drives and by doing so
further increasing performance and dynamics offers
maximum flexibility. Whether rigidly coupled systems
High-performance drive technology or master/slave drive combinations with intelligent
software-based solutions – the right solution is avail-
A comprehensive range of drives and motors is avail- able for every machine requirement.
able for all-electric injection molding machines. They
are inexpensive and offer a high degree of flexibility The technology libraries used in the KePlast software
with regard to the design of machine configurations. and the parts of applications optimized for electric
injection molding machines round off the complete
Whether highly dynamic applications with low power package.
requirements or high-energy installations with an in-
jection power of up to 300 kW – the experts at KEBA
will gladly assist you in dimensioning drives in order to
determine the perfect combination of drive technology
and motor configuration.

The KePlast SpeedPump is a complete package However, conventional hydraulic concepts with stan-
consisting of a highly dynamic servo drive and a dard motors and fixed displacement pumps can pro-
robust, economical hydraulic pump. A key advan- vide only a constant energy value over the entire ma-
tage is the use of the CANopen or EtherCAT field- chine cycle.
buses with which the KePlast SpeedPump can be
optimally integrated in the KePlast system. The KePlast SpeedPump only provides hydraulic en-
ergy when it is actually needed.

In idle phases (e.g. during the cooling time), energy

Cost saving through consumption therefore drops to almost zero. The en-
energy reduction ergy reduction achieved with the KePlast SpeedPump
corresponds to that of an all-electric machine.
Highly dynamic changes in energy flows to the individ-
ual hydraulic consumers during the production cycle
are typical for injection molding machines.

Mold Inject Hold Plast. Cooling Mold Eject

Close Open

KePlast SpeedPump
Variable displacement pump
Standard constant pump

Energy saving Cycle time

Highly integrated,
hydraulic servo pump

Simple commissioning and service Optimum efficiency by integrated

thanks to fieldbus communication temperature and energy monitoring
The consequent use of CANopen and EtherCAT field- The motor temperature of the servo pump is perma-
buses allows user-friendly and time-saving commis- nently monitored and recorded in the KePlast control
sioning of the KePlast SpeedPump drives. system. This allows the cycle time to be optimally
shortened and the performance potential of the in-
All adjustment and optimization work can be carried jection molding machine to be fully utilized. The inte-
out directly at the KePlast control system via the con- grated performance measurement function continu-
venient machine HMI without the need for additional ally forwards current energy consumption values to
tools. the KePlast control system for the purpose of further
The data sets for the entire KePlast SpeedPump sys-
tems are permanently saved in the control system.
Thanks to automatic recognition, the hydraulic drive
always receives the optimum parameters.

Quality overview

Whether a single-board computer or a complex modular system, whether for hydraulic, hybrid or all-electric
injection molding machines – all KePlast systems are based on a completely scalable control and software

Comprehensive technology libraries Fast and simple creation

Part of the powerful software framework is the exten- of applications
sive range of technology functions for controlling the KePlast software is extremely portable. Without te-
injection molding process and for implementing all of dious adaptation, programs that were created for
the injection molding functions. As a result of years one injection molding machine can also run on other
of experience, a wide variety of technology modules KePlast-controlled machines with different hardware.
such as servo valve control or control of the mold To ensure that applications can be created simply and
position is available. Furthermore, process-specific quickly, comprehensive software and technology li-
special functions such as coining and venting are also braries for injection molding machines are included in
contained in the software and technology libraries. the scope of delivery.
They allow highly complex applications to be realized
in a very short time.

Software tools for injection molding

Programming takes place in a uniform, modularly
2 PLATES ELECTRIC MULTI-COLOR structured development environment. The operating
concept and the scope of services are adapted to the
performance and the target market of the machine in
question. In this way, the customer receives an opti-
ICM CLOSED LOOP HOTRUNNER mally dimensioned control system for each machine,
irrespective of whether it is hydraulic, hybrid or electric.

Software makes
the difference

KePlast MachineSequencer
Software assistant for configuring
the machine sequence
KePlast MachineSequencer is a graphical online pro-
gramming interface for machine sequences. Its intui-
tive design allows the sequence program to be adapt-
ed quickly and cost-effectively.

The sequence of all machine movements is fully flex-

ible so that new tools are ready for use in no time
at all. KePlast MachineSequencer is ideal for use in
high-quality machines with complex alternating core
sequences or multiple injection units.
Time and cost saving
when commissioning
KePlast MachineSequencer allows the machine set-
ter himself to adapt the sequence program of his ma-
chine on the end customer needs because no modifi-
cations to the control software are needed to do this.
This saving in special, typically external programming
know-how ensures extremely short lead times when
commissioning customized tools or optimizing the
machine program.


KePlast AppCo
Minimal training required to
configure instead of programming
Pre-programmed software elements allow applica-
tions to be created quickly. The machine equipment
such as clamping unit, injection unit, ejector or ma-
chine options such as core pullers and hot runner
controllers simply need to be selected in a predefined
query matrix and the assistant then automatically cre-
ates the entire control software in the background.
Afterwards, the application can then be transferred
to the machine comfortably via CompactFlash. With
KePlast AppCo, the project designer of the standard
machine configuration does not need to enter any
The ergonomic software tool KePlast AppCo as-
program commands.
sists the machine manufacturer in creating his
control application by guiding him in dialog form
through the entire configuration process to the
completed control program without the need for
programming skills. Expensive and time-consum-
ing employee training courses for complex pro-
gramming languages are therefore unnecessary.

User mask of KePlast AppCo

Assistance for fast
application creation and
quick commissioning

Quicker startup and

higher sampling quality
Within a very short time, employees without specialist
injection molding know-how can use KePlast Easy-
Mold to set up a mold tool and move it to the opti-
mum operating point. This was previously the reserve
of skilled experts. With KePlast EasyMold, the process
of finding the right tool parameters is standardized
and therefore reproducible. The result is an increase in
User mask of KePlast EasyMold quality of the entire sampling process.

KePlast EasyMold Just a few steps to produce the perfect molded part

Fast and reliable determination

of the correct mold settings
KePlast EasyMold is an interactive software assis-
tant for quickly determining the correct process set-
ting when putting a mold into operation, and can be
used by the user without the need for any specialist
practical experience. The KePlast EasyMold software
package contains the control and process know-how
required for the plastics industry.

Process monitoring for
maximum productivity

KePlast EasyNet is a simple, user-friendly program

enabling low-cost networking of injection molding
machines and is ideally suited for central data ac-
quisition and backup. KePlast EasyNet allows you
to keep an eye on your production machines at
all times. Short response times ensure maximum

Status of all machines

at a glance
With EasyNet, the production manager or shift super-
Productivity overview
visor can access all machines in the network. EasyNet
makes the production status, the quality data and the
productivity data of every single machine available at
the control station PC or on a smartphone.

Central production and Integration of third-party machines
quality data management A production hall often contains machines from a
EasyNet captures all of the machine parameters rel- variety of different manufacturers. With the optional
evant in a production facility and reads them out cycli- add-on EasyNet AccessBox exists an opportunity to
cally. This data is stored in a database on the control integrate machines which are not controlled by the
station PC where it is then available for evaluation. KePlast control system into the EasyNet network.
Quality protocols or productivity evaluations can be
presented in a clearly structured manner.
Production status
available at any time
KePlast EasyNet Mobile is an add-on for the EasyNet
control station software and makes the data available
for mobile devices. Important performance indicators
such as the current cycle time, reject rate and utiliza-
tion factor are available on the mobile device.

Reduction of standstill periods

If a fault occurs or in the case of important events
such as maintenance, EasyNet Mobile sends an
e-mail to specific service staff to enable a fast
Quality overview and efficient response, thereby reducing ma-
chine downtimes. This makes production moni-
toring much easier, reduces inspection rounds
and shortens response times in the event of faults.

Remote maintenance –
At the machine in seconds

KePlast ServiceNet is a user-friendly plug & play solution for comprehensive remote support and efficient re-
mote monitoring of injection molding machines. Fast, worldwide access to process data for Service & Support
as well as simple remote diagnosis are just as easy and uncomplicated as the convenient support of operating
employees in the case of application and process queries.



Same screen
• System diagnosis
• Process information
• Online support
• Service log

Remote support

KePlast ServiceNet Reduction in travel expenses

Remote support for IMMs The machine and the service engineer of the machine
Service engineers from KEBA as well as from machine manufacturer set up an Internet connection to a cen-
manufacturers can process incoming support queries tral service portal at which the service engineer logs
quickly and conveniently using a user-friendly software in using customer-specific login data. In this way, ser-
tool. A secure connection to the respective injection vice operations can be carried out irrespective of the
molding machine and to the on-site engineer is set up location – whether at the service headquarters of the
at the click of a mouse. machine manufacturer or on site during a service visit.

Independence from IT integration

No intervention in the IT network, firewall or Internet
connection of the respective company is needed to
set up a secure and fast ServiceNet connection. No
cables have to be installed and no other additional
network components are required. Communica-
tion takes place via a completely autonomous, direct
UMTS/HSPA modem connection (3G) by means of a
secure VPN tunnel.

Automation by innovation.

KEBA is continuously occupied with the production of Optimized complete systems for the respective tar-
new developments and solutions for industrial auto- get market are developed jointly in intensive coop-
mation, banking and service automation and energy eration with customers. A thorough understanding of
automation. Its goal is to provide its customers with markets, processes and demands right down to the
sustainable competitive advantages. smallest detail has top priority at KEBA and forms the
basis for a successful and long-lasting partnership.

Technology from KEBA

helps people to organize their living and working
environment more easily.

Locations Markets

Austria Italy
Germany USA
Romania China
Turkey Japan
Czech Republic Taiwan
Netherlands South Korea

We reserve the right to make alterations in line with technical progress. Data provided without guarantee. All rights reserved. 1A - D5
Fit for the future
with KEBA.

KEBA AG was founded in 1968 and is an internationally

successful electronics company headquartered in Linz
(Austria) with branch offices worldwide. In line with its credo,
“Automation by innovation” KEBA has been developing and
producing inventive, top quality automation solutions for 45
years for industrial, banking, services and energy automation

Indeed, as a result of competence, experience and courage,

KEBA is the technology and innovation leader in its market seg-
ments. Extensive development and production expertise have
proved a recipe for highest quality.


KEBA AG Headquarters, Gewerbepark Urfahr, 4041 Linz/Austria,

Phone: +43 732 7090-0, Fax: +43 732 730910, [email protected]

KEBA Group worldwide

Austria • China • Czech Republic • Germany • Italy
Japan • Netherlands • Romania • South Korea
Taiwan • Turkey • USA

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