KEBA KePlastFolder E Web
KEBA KePlastFolder E Web
KEBA KePlastFolder E Web
KEBA customers enjoy the best possible support and assistance. A thorough understanding of the markets, pro-
cesses and demands right down to the smallest detail forms the basis for a successful and long-lasting partnership.
This begins with initial consultation and continues with system design through to installation and series produc-
tion support. Our modular training programs provide focused instruction in operation, servicing and programming.
The technology expert
for optimized
industry solutions
Thanks to years of experience in controlling injection quickly and competently. They can also carry out cus-
molding machines, the experts from KEBA have ac- tomer-specific software adaptation quickly and with-
quired comprehensive knowledge of the industry and out problems through to process control optimization.
technology. As a result, KEBA employees are able to
respond to your requests in all areas quickly and com- European brand quality and innovation leadership
petently and discuss issues with you on an equal foot- through permanent monitoring of the very latest trends
ing in the specialist language that you are accustomed help you secure a decisive market advantage now and
to. in the future.
KePlast – the optimized,
integrated control platform for
injection molding machines
Optimized solutions for hydraulic, all-electric
and 2-platen injection molding machines
KePlast control systems have been specially devel- Best price-performance ratio
oped for use in plastics processing machines. The
model series covers the entire spectrum of applica-
thanks to customized solutions
tions from simple hydraulic and all-electric injection The control systems and electrical drive technology
molding machines through to complex multi-compo- used in the injection molding machines are precisely
nent systems with process-integrated robotics. optimized toward their intended application. Thanks
to the innovative solutions from the scalable KePlast
series, expensive undersizing and oversizing have be-
Uniform concept come a thing of the past.
All machines have a uniform design regardless of
whether they are hydraulic, hybrid or all-electric. All
injection molding machines stand out thanks to:
• Uniform engineering
• Uniform look and feel
• Uniform diagnostics and maintenance
Hardware solutions
in highest quality
The KePlast model series features special hardware and software solutions developed for the plastics industry
which are based on standard components of the KEBA modular system for machine and robot automation.
Operating devices
in high-quality design
Depending on the requirements of the application,
various TFT displays in portrait and landscape format
are available. Operation occures via microswitch key-
board or touchscreen.
The scalable
KePlast product range
KePlast i2000 KePlast i8000
The hardware of the i2000 series consists of a high- The control solution of the i8000 series offers the very
performance single-board computer with scalable latest multitouch technology in combination with top
performance level. I/O modules or electric drives are performance. The Linux-based complete package
connected via the integrated high-speed real-time combines state-of-the-art gesture operation with an
EtherCAT bus. open control platform and provides maximum indi-
• For hydraulic, hybrid and all-electric
injection molding machines • For hydraulic, hybrid and all-electric multi-
• Modular hardware based on Intel Atom component injection molding machines as well as
• High-performance EtherCAT interface high tonnage IMMs
• 12" SVGA to 15" XGA TFT displays in portrait • Open Linux control platform with extremely short
and landscape format control cycles
• Operation via touchscreen • Active operating unit with Linux operating system
• Seamless integration of the KEBA drive technology and JavaFx technology
incl. application package for all-electric • 15" and 21.5" multitouch widescreen displays
injection molding machines in portrait format
• Comprehensive quality data package • Seamless integration of KEBA drive technology
via EtherCAT interface
The cost-
The lower-priced KePlast control systems of the i1000 series have been specially developed for standard
hydraulic injection molding machines. By focusing on the essentials, KePlast i1000 offers an unbeatable price-
performance ratio. Furthermore the integration of the KePlast SpeedPump, our solution for hydraulic servo
pumps, makes additional energy savings possible.
HMI visualization Process functions
Integrated graphics processor for direct connection Controlled injection and holding pressure
of various panels (7", 8", 10" and 12") process with auto-tuning
High-performance 32 bit processor Thermocouple inputs for J, K or L sensors
All I/Os for standard injection molding machines Pulse input for screw speed
PWM current outputs for direct control of proportional Ethernet connection for host computer
USB connection for printer, modem, USB stick, etc.
Optimized digital outputs for hydraulic switching valves
The performance-optimized
complete package for all-electric
injection molding machines
With the solutions i2000 to i8000, KePlast offers a complete package comprising control system, drives and
software technology libraries that are all perfectly matched to each other. As a result, problems previously
encountered by machine builders when assembling systems consisting of different components are a thing of
the past.
Top-class control systems Control at the highest level
The control systems of the i2000 and i8000 series The high-performance hardware platform in both con-
stand out thanks to their precision and high produc- trol and drive technology and the matching KePlast
tivity. Furthermore the controllers provide in combi- software package together present an attractive com-
nation with the electric drive package lowest energy plete package for the injection molding market. Intel-
consumption. The high level of precision is made pos- ligent control algorithms that run directly at the drive
sible by fast controller cycle times while an increase in guarantee extremely short response times and opti-
productivity can be achieved thanks to sophisticated mum process behavior.
control technology with the parallelization of move-
ments. The possibility of coupling drives and by doing so
further increasing performance and dynamics offers
maximum flexibility. Whether rigidly coupled systems
High-performance drive technology or master/slave drive combinations with intelligent
software-based solutions – the right solution is avail-
A comprehensive range of drives and motors is avail- able for every machine requirement.
able for all-electric injection molding machines. They
are inexpensive and offer a high degree of flexibility The technology libraries used in the KePlast software
with regard to the design of machine configurations. and the parts of applications optimized for electric
injection molding machines round off the complete
Whether highly dynamic applications with low power package.
requirements or high-energy installations with an in-
jection power of up to 300 kW – the experts at KEBA
will gladly assist you in dimensioning drives in order to
determine the perfect combination of drive technology
and motor configuration.
The KePlast SpeedPump is a complete package However, conventional hydraulic concepts with stan-
consisting of a highly dynamic servo drive and a dard motors and fixed displacement pumps can pro-
robust, economical hydraulic pump. A key advan- vide only a constant energy value over the entire ma-
tage is the use of the CANopen or EtherCAT field- chine cycle.
buses with which the KePlast SpeedPump can be
optimally integrated in the KePlast system. The KePlast SpeedPump only provides hydraulic en-
ergy when it is actually needed.
KePlast SpeedPump
Variable displacement pump
Standard constant pump
Highly integrated,
hydraulic servo pump
Quality overview
Whether a single-board computer or a complex modular system, whether for hydraulic, hybrid or all-electric
injection molding machines – all KePlast systems are based on a completely scalable control and software
Software makes
the difference
KePlast MachineSequencer
Software assistant for configuring
the machine sequence
KePlast MachineSequencer is a graphical online pro-
gramming interface for machine sequences. Its intui-
tive design allows the sequence program to be adapt-
ed quickly and cost-effectively.
KePlast AppCo
Minimal training required to
configure instead of programming
Pre-programmed software elements allow applica-
tions to be created quickly. The machine equipment
such as clamping unit, injection unit, ejector or ma-
chine options such as core pullers and hot runner
controllers simply need to be selected in a predefined
query matrix and the assistant then automatically cre-
ates the entire control software in the background.
Afterwards, the application can then be transferred
to the machine comfortably via CompactFlash. With
KePlast AppCo, the project designer of the standard
machine configuration does not need to enter any
The ergonomic software tool KePlast AppCo as-
program commands.
sists the machine manufacturer in creating his
control application by guiding him in dialog form
through the entire configuration process to the
completed control program without the need for
programming skills. Expensive and time-consum-
ing employee training courses for complex pro-
gramming languages are therefore unnecessary.
Assistance for fast
application creation and
quick commissioning
KePlast EasyMold Just a few steps to produce the perfect molded part
Process monitoring for
maximum productivity
Central production and Integration of third-party machines
quality data management A production hall often contains machines from a
EasyNet captures all of the machine parameters rel- variety of different manufacturers. With the optional
evant in a production facility and reads them out cycli- add-on EasyNet AccessBox exists an opportunity to
cally. This data is stored in a database on the control integrate machines which are not controlled by the
station PC where it is then available for evaluation. KePlast control system into the EasyNet network.
Quality protocols or productivity evaluations can be
presented in a clearly structured manner.
Production status
available at any time
KePlast EasyNet Mobile is an add-on for the EasyNet
control station software and makes the data available
for mobile devices. Important performance indicators
such as the current cycle time, reject rate and utiliza-
tion factor are available on the mobile device.
Remote maintenance –
At the machine in seconds
KePlast ServiceNet is a user-friendly plug & play solution for comprehensive remote support and efficient re-
mote monitoring of injection molding machines. Fast, worldwide access to process data for Service & Support
as well as simple remote diagnosis are just as easy and uncomplicated as the convenient support of operating
employees in the case of application and process queries.
Same screen
• System diagnosis
• Process information
• Online support
• Service log
Remote support
Automation by innovation.
KEBA is continuously occupied with the production of Optimized complete systems for the respective tar-
new developments and solutions for industrial auto- get market are developed jointly in intensive coop-
mation, banking and service automation and energy eration with customers. A thorough understanding of
automation. Its goal is to provide its customers with markets, processes and demands right down to the
sustainable competitive advantages. smallest detail has top priority at KEBA and forms the
basis for a successful and long-lasting partnership.
Locations Markets
Austria Italy
Germany USA
Romania China
Turkey Japan
Czech Republic Taiwan
Netherlands South Korea
We reserve the right to make alterations in line with technical progress. Data provided without guarantee. All rights reserved. 1A - D5
Fit for the future
with KEBA.