UG Business Studiesa

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Bahria Business School have offers a portfolio of two Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (4 Years)
departments and each department have the Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (2 Years)
undergraduate and graduate levels. Our graduates Bachelors of Accounting & Finance BS (A&F)
enjoy a good employment rate in commerce and
industry, which shows that employers repose
confidence in their abilities. The Department is
striving to become the best business school in the

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

Campuses Entry Requirements Objectives of the Degree Program

Islamabad, Karachi (BBA 4 Years)
• To produce BBA graduates equipped with the business
Intermediate or it’s equivalent with
knowledge and skills.
a minimum of 50% marks (excluding
Regular Programme Duration • To arouse curiosity of young minds to know the business
NCC) in any discipline.
4 & 2 Years issues as business manager.
8 & 4 Semesters • To develop critical thinking on the business issues and for
their pragmatic solutions.
Entry Requirements
• To expose the students to the changing business
Available Specializations (BBA 2 Years) environment in Pakistan and abroad.
Marketing, Finance, HRM, Two years Bachelor’s degree (e.g. • To increase the pool of socially responsible Business
BA, BSc, B Com etc) with a executives in the society.
MIS, SCM, Entrepreneurship minimum of 50% marks or CGPA
2.5/4.0 in any discipline Learning outcome of the Degree Program
Programme Timing
• BBA graduates will be able to execute the concepts of
businesses at the work place.
• Graduates will be able to participate actively in the business
development of firms.
• They will be able to become entrepreneur themselves or
will be able to contribute to the realization of
entrepreneurs’ business vision.
• Our graduates will be able to promote work ethics in
business organizations.
• Graduates will be able to pursue higher degrees in the field
of education and research in the national and international
universities of repute.

Why choose BU for the stated Degree Program?

BU is ranked amongst the top universities of Pakistan and its
management science department is accredited by the National
Business Education and Accreditation Council (NBEAC). We
promote academic excellence for grooming young minds with the
prevailing and emerging business concepts and research.
Renowned business academics, business executives and
accomplished entrepreneurs from industries contribute to
transform the young minds into business professionals at our state
of the art purpose built campus.

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

BBA (4 Years) Road Map

SCM 360 Supply Chain Management

HSS 301 Social and Psychological Development

ISL 201 / ETH 102 Islamic Socio-Economic Studies / Ethics


Note: Internship shall be undertaken after 5th Semester.

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

BBA (2 Years) Road Map

HRM 353 Human Resource Management

SCM 360 Supply Chain Management

QTM 205 Statistical Inference and Quantitative Research

HSS 301 Social & Psychological Development

Note: Internship shall be undertaken after 2nd semester. Bridging

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

SEMESTER-1: Microeconomics
ECO 110
Functional English Prerequisite: None
ENG 105
Prerequisite: None The objective of the course is to help student understand the
powerful forces that are shaping economic world and help to
In this course students are provided the opportunities to further navigate it in everyday life and work. Microeconomics focuses
improve their linguistics skills. This process of enhanced learning on the behavior of the units—the firms, households, and
enables students to cope with more complex structures in individuals—that make-up the economy. It is concerned with
situations demanding communication of complex ideas. While how the individual units make decisions and what affects those
focusing upon the functional aspect of language, students will be decisions. To describe the pattern and changes in what, how and
trained to have communicative competence, creativity and critical for whom goods and services are produced. Whether the
skills. This will enhance their ability to communicate accurately and markets are fair and do they deliver a distribution of gains from
effectively I the business environment. trade that benefit both buyers and sellers in a fair way or do they
create injustices.
Principles of Marketing
MKT 110 Principles of Management
Prerequisite: None MGT 111
Prerequisite: None
The course outline is designed to understand the basic concepts of
Marketing and it is operating in today's time. This course must be This course examines the business function of Management.
geared towards providing an understanding of the rationale of Students will learn how managers deliver value in planning,
marketing decisions. This course will make students understand the organizing, leading and controlling the organization such that the
of theory marketing, the ways marketing strategies are made and employees are always highly motivated to best serve their
how the marketing strategies are interlinked with the other managers by yielding high work output and efficient
departments. The relationships between marketing and social, performance. Topics include evolution of management, decision
political and economic trends in society. making, strategic management, organizational design and team
work. Management principles will be applied to specific real or
Business Mathematics I created situations.
QTM 101
Prerequisite: None IT in Business
MIS 161
The course focuses on applied mathematical concepts and to Prerequisite: None
integrate this with business application. Today it is essential to have
skills to deal with large number of data in business, and this enlarges This is an introductory course in basic computing theory and
the scope of study. The course provides good understanding of all practice with a special focus on developing an understanding and
basic mathematical concepts, Basic Algebra, Sets, Simple Equations, appreciation of the various applications of computers and
Simultaneous Equations, Quadratic Equations, Graph of Algebraic information systems in businesses. Emphasis is placed on
functions, Logarithms, Series of Progressions, Mathematics of learning about technologies both contemporary and those still at
Finance, Percentage, Simple Interest, Simple Discount, Compound the prototype stage in order to develop an understanding of how
Interest etc , which are illustrated with solved examples. business needs drive the development process. The course also
aims to equip students to learn various other useful skills such as
contact management, time management, profile and resume
management, bibliography management, smartphone and

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

computer productivity, computer. to established controversies in economics is shared with the

students but focus of the course is on practical application of
SEMESTER-2: macroeconomic p r i n c i p l e s in developing economies with
special focus on the Pakistani data obtained from Economic
English Writing Skills Survey of Pakistan, websites of State Bank of Pakistan and
ENG 120 Federal Bureau of Statistics. The instructor is expected to give
Prerequisite: ENG 105 relatively more examples related to the macroeconomic issues of
the Economy of Pakistan.
In this course students are provided the opportunities to further
improve their linguistic skills. This process of enhanced learning Business Statistics
enables students to co pe with more complex structures in QTM 110
situations demanding communication of intricate/ complex ideas. Prerequisite: None
While focusing upon the functional aspect of language, t he students
w i l l be trained to have communicative competence, creativity and The focus of this course is on the application of statistics in
critical skills. This will enhance their ability to communicate clearly, business situations. It introduces t he fundamental concepts
accurately and effectively in the business environment. and techniques o f descriptive statistics, pro ba bili ty, and their
application to business situations.
Introduction to Sociology Regression a n d time series analysis are also studied in detail and
HSS 202 their applications a r e highlighted. Computer based statistical
Prerequisite: None package will be used in the teaching of this subject.

Sociology is the systematic study of human behavior in social set up. Principles of Accounting
It is a basic course of sociology for the students of BBA that can help ACC 101
to improve their inter-personal and analytical skills. It focuses upon Prerequisite: None
the relationship between human beings as part of society and
physical and social environment. Under Macro- Sociology; its studies The purpose of the course is to orient the students to accounting
culture and its role in shaping attitude and perception In as a management information s y s t e m . The course is designed
Micro-Sociology; it focuses upon the socialization of individual right at intermediate l e v e l in accounting having studied principles
from the infancy through childhood and youth. The scope of of accounting and understands the basic accounting m e c h a n i
sociology is ever expanding phenomena, and with time the scope of s m - accounting cycle. Principles of Accounting covers basic
the importance of the subject in the field of social sciences is widely accounting procedures for both service and merchandising
recognized. businesses; special journals and ledgers; adjusting, clo sing, a n d
reversing entries; income measurement; financial statements;
Macroeconomics and internal control for sole proprietorships.
ECO 121
Prerequisite: ECO 110 Semester-3:

This course relates to that part of theoretical economics which deals Oral Communication / Public Speaking
with the economic variables at aggregate level. The students study ENG 132
economy at the aggregate level. Main topics include n a t io n a l Prerequisite: None
inco m e a c c o u n t s , economic growth, macroeconomic policies,
open economy, the role of exchange rate, models related to trade, This course is designed as an introduction to the study of the
inflation, unemployment and policies related to these important ma human communication process with an emphasis on effective
croeconomic i s s u e s . Although the theoretical knowledge related public communication. The course includes intensive practices in

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

public speaking, reasoning, compliant

critical thinking and listening. The main purpose of the effective oral
communication component of the core curriculum at Bahria Marketing Management
University is to hone the speaking and presentation skills of every MKT 231
student. Prerequisite: MKT 110

Statistical Inference and Quantitative Research Marketing Management is the second core course in marketing
QTM 205 and deals with the application of principles studied in the earlier
Prerequisite: QTM 110 semester. The course is designed to familiarize the students with
the methods, processes, practices and impact of the actions and
This course is designed to introduce concepts and techniques which strategies that are developed based on the known and accepted
financial products. A salient aspect of the course will be the actual principles of marketing. It helps the students in developing
structuring of a standard financial transaction as an Islamic finance their analytical, decision making and problem- s o l v i n g skills
transaction to meet the needs of the liquidity rich global principals. and applying these to the “real world” marketing situations.
The course accordingly is concerned with both theory and practice:
the theory serves to sharpen analytical skills, and the practice will Organizational Theory and Behavior
give experience in the application of the principles and techniques to MGT 242
real world business problems. Prerequisite: MGT 111

Financial Accounting This course provides an overview of the fundamental theories

ACC 102 and principles of organizational behavior and illustrates how
Prerequisite: ACC 101 these theories are translated into practice within organizations.
It will demonstrate the importance of understanding behavior
This course is a continuation of Principles of Accounting. It explores at the individual, the group, and the organizational levels when
more deeply the accounting principles of single entrepreneurship, managing organizations. An integral part of this course is to
partnership and corporation and conventions related to financial develop student’s leadership and interpersonal skills through
statements’ preparation. Put together these two courses would experiential exercises and discussion and to provide students
ensure that students fully understand all the activities leading to with an opportunity to evaluate their own experiences,
preparation of financial statements including cash flow statement preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, and how these may
and the characteristics of financial statement components. impact their ability to become effective members of
Islamic Socio-Economic Studies/ Ethics
ISL 201/ ETH 102 SEMESTER- 4:
Prerequisite: None
In this course, students will gain an appreciation of the magnitude MGT 211
and impact of Islamic Finance; an overview of common Islamic Prerequisite: None
financial instruments and their linkages to various business functions
and processes; relevant legal (western and Islamic jurisprudence), The Self-Management course is a holistic approach to living the
regulatory and disclosure standards. The course will cover Islamic socialization of individual right from the infancy through
finance concepts such as,Murabaha, Musharaka, Istisna, Sukuk childhood and youth. The scope of sociology is ever expanding
(Islamic Bond), Dow Jones Islamic Bond Index and so on. Thus, this phenomena, and with time the scope of the importance of the
course aims to equip financial and business professionals with subject in the field of social sciences is widely recognized.
sensitivity and competence in relation to Shariah (Islamic Law)

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

Cost Accounting including time-value of money, financial implications of different

ACC 203 legal forms of business, ratio analysis, risk return relationship,
Prerequisite: ACC 102 cost of capital and basics of capital budgeting.

This course explores principles and methods of accounting for Business Law
materials, direct labor, and the distribution of overhead expenses, MGT 301
cost records, operating reports, and budgetary control. Topics include Prerequisite: None
job-order costing, process costing, by-product and joint-product
costing, activity-based costing, just in time, and cost of quality. The The course is designed to familiarize students with the principle
purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with basic concept laws regulating business. This will enable the students to
of cost accounting, which enable them to use the accounting interpret various legal provisions regulating business. This
information system in an industrial and business environment. The course will equip the students’ knowledge of minimum legal
course includes basic cost accounting cycle, cost classification and framework required for starting a business venture and running
Cost accumulation procedures. it successfully in conformity with the legal parameters.

Business Communication Business Ethics

BCM 204 SOC 350
Prerequisite: ENG 120 Prerequisite: None

This course has been designed to hone the oral communication skills The focal themes of this course are ethical theories and their
of the students. It therefore f o c u s es on the study and practice of application on b u s i ne s s practices. This is a n insightful,
conversational English with emphasis on processes by which ideas comprehensive and groundbreaking course which presents a
are interchanged orally from one person to another or to a group. kaleidoscopic analysis of moral theories from Platonic and
The course consists of regular classroom presentations, formal Aristotelian theories to liberal ethics, Enlightenment ethics, and
speaking sessions and discussions on issues of individual/collective modernist ethics to postmodernist ethics. It opens diverse
interests. Students will make several prepared as well as impromptu vistas of critical and analytical approaches t o multifaceted et
oral presentations/speeches to develop their speaking ability. They hical problems in business. The students will be inculcated with
will be propelled to gather, evaluate, organize, and articulate the ethical discourses and their practice in t h e are as of
information in an interactive and meaningful manner. They will management, finance , economics, m a r k e t i n g , s o ci e t y and
consequently be able to refine their oral interpretation and persuasive information technology and electronic and print media. This
speaking skills. course aims to produce ethical managers and executives with
sound in-depth knowledge and ability to critically analyze the
Fundamental of Finance various aspects of business from ethical perspectives and take
FIN 201 decisions that are morally and strategically beneficial for
Prerequisite: ACC 102 business organizations, consumers and society.

Fundamentals of finance aim to prepare the students for more SEMESTER- 5:

advanced undergraduate courses in finance or for careers in which
financial knowledge is important. The course introduces the students Career Exploring Management
to basic finance concepts i . e . the saving-investment process, MGT 311
Financial intermediation by bank and non-bank finance Prerequisite: None
intermediaries, financial markets and instruments, as well as the
financial problems faced by business concerns and ways to solve Career planning today is vital to determine a course of action for
them. The course will introduce the students to the basic concepts students pursuing a professional degree program especially in

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

an economy like Pakistan where socio-economic, socio-political, and Managerial Accounting

work life balance can land you, in the choice of a career which goes ACC 304
against your personality and ends up in a lifelong dilemma on the Prerequisite: ACC 203
work front, domestic front and the social front.
Developing effective career plans therefore equips students and Managerial accounting is related with the application of
employees alike, with protective tools to help face the accounting principles and methodologies to business decision
socio-psychological pressures. problems. In this co urse students will i n c r e a s e their
Students in this course will re-examine their current career path and understanding of accounting and learn a variety of techniques
chose a program of study that matches their personal characteristics that will allow them to solve business problems relating to
and competencies. Considering this newly acquired knowledge they costs, prices, revenues, profits, financial planning and
will identify and research their “best-fit” career prospects and then competitive strategies.
determine a future career direction.
Social & Psychological Development
Human Resource Management HSS 301
HRM 353 Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: MGT 242
The objective of the course is to give students experience in
The Human Resource Management (HRM) course focuses on thinking psychologically about individual and social behavior.
importance of human capital in modern business. It highlights The students will learn about the researches related to group
proactive and productive use of human capital for attainment of development and dynamics. The historical and theoretical
organization’s strategic objectives. It emphasizes professional foundations of professional and social psychology are also
approach to maximize return on investment through development of explored.
visionary policies to attract, train and retain human capital, determine
compensations performance evaluation. SEMESTER-6:

Financial Management E- Commerce

FIN 202 MIS 460
Prerequisite: FIN 201 Prerequisite: None

Students will learn the theory of financial management and how to The major focus of this course is to enhance the student with
apply it to financial decisions in the world of large and small modern e-marketing practices & procedures that can benefit the
businesses. In addition, the course is eminently rel evant for organizations of today to retain competitiveness in today’s
application to personal decisions in real life. Although most of the dynamic business environment. This course specifically
descriptive material necessary for the study of financial management highlights the inter & intra firm issues related to electronic
will be discussed, more emphasis will be placed on the analytical and commerce comprising of e-business technology basics, B2B &
quantitative methods developed in recent years. The topics include B2C e-commerce, el e ct r o n i c payment m e c h a n i s m s,
evaluation of alternative sources of funds, asset management, online security and sources of co m p e t it i v e advantage. It a l
analysis of capital structure, funds flow analysis, forecasting, financial s o emphasizes the role of social media marketing platforms for
planning and control, and working capital management. connecting with and providing customer value. The role of social
networks & online communities (such as Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram) will also be analyzed through a
mix of lectures, group discussions, case studies & guest speakers.

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

Entrepreneurship Managerial Economics

MGT 363 ECO 362
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: ECO 121

Entrepreneurship is a core course that is designed to help the Managerial Economics can be termed as business economics.
students get a holistic view of the application of theories and The course coverage extends from the employment o f concepts
practices of Marketing, Finance and HR in the operation of a new of management, marketing, finance and more of economics to
business. Entrepreneurship course is developed to provide a the application of mathematical and statistical tools in business.
comprehensive knowledge to students about the processes and It is application of economic theory and methodology to
tools which will enable them to start their own ventures keeping in managerial decision-making problems within various
mind risks and rewards. This course will familiarize the students with organizational settings such as a firm or a government agency.
the concepts of starting and operating a new business. The course The emphasis of the course is on demand analysis and
has been designed to instruct students on how to plan, formulate, estimation of demand and supply relationships, role of elasticity
and implement strategies for a new venture through detailed in decision making related to business activities, production and
descriptions on how to embark on a new venture in a logical cost analysis under different market conditions, forecasting and
manner. decision making under uncertainty.
Students taking this course have already studied principles of
Operation & Production Management microeconomics and principles of macroeconomics and they are
OPM 360 comfortable with basic algebra and statistical tools. Some
Prerequisite: MGT 111 knowledge of calculus would also be helpful although not
This course introduces major themes and strategies of Operations
and Production Management within both manufacturing a nd SEMESTER-7:
service organizations. The primary objective is to familiarize
students with the basic concepts, techniques, methods, and Advance Application of IT in Business
applications of operations management. Topics include operations MIS 461
strategy, process choice, capacity management, quality Prerequisite: None
management, inventory management, supply chain management,
and new product & process development. Latest manufacturing The course Advance Application of IT i s designed as a
philosophies, such as World Class Manufacturing (WCM), lean follow-up course to IT in Business. This course builds on the
manufacturing, mass customization and agile manufacturing are students’ knowledge of word processing and spreadsheets.
also discussed. Students will be introduced to Access, an information systems
software program. Students will learn many types of current
Supply Chain management software.
SCM 360
Prerequisite: None Research Methods & Techniques
RMT 240
A major theme of this introductory course is to study various Prerequisite: QTM 205
aspects of supply chain, its objectives, decision phases, strategies
and designs, planning, forecasting, operation processes, cycle view, This course develops an understanding of the importance of
push/pull view, macro processes, performance achievement, research in Management Sciences. It provides training and
strategy into action (SIA), must win battles, coordination internally & insight in an organized process for conducting inquiry into the
externally, uninterrupted supplies, warehousing and transportations, issues related to business, economics, management , finance,
profit improvement plans and finally a cost effective business. marketing and leadership. This course provides students with

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA
Department of Business Studies

the knowledge and skills which they need to solve complex problems negotiation and team development. Regarded as significant as
and help them in effective decision making, educational qualifications and experience, these skills help
irrespective of the nature of their area of special interest in the field graduates to adapt to the organizational culture and work in
of management sciences. The focus of the course at our institution is sync with people from different backgrounds. Corporate skills
on 'doing' rather than 'reading' research methods. In every lecture, are not industry specific and are integral to the professional
class participation is required in terms of their progress made in the success of every individual irrespective of his/her field of work.
topics of their interest. The instructor builds critical and analytical It also includes soft skills that are integral to the professional
skills in the students and enables them to produce publishable success of individuals, and life skills that help people learn how
research paper or at least sound research proposal of 20-30 pages. to bring in harmony within one's own self and move , work, and
m anage people with different backgrounds.
Analysis of Pakistan Industries/ Business
MGT 404 Change Management
Prerequisite: None MGT 487
Prerequisite: MGT 111
This discusses the economic environment and competitive forces
and its effect on the strategic decisions making in business and This course explores how the challenge of change in
industry. It explores the state of various industries and businesses in organizations can be managed effectively. The basic premise of
Pakistan and explores the participant to general industrial and the course is that. Change is often precipitated by external
business environment of country. drivers such as techno logical innovation, industry consolidation,
new political priorities and persistent performance problems.
Pakistan and Geo Political studies Also, a systematic change approach is discussed to seek the best
HSS 403 way to gather, analyze and evaluate necessary information for
Prerequisite: None effective change management schemes. Change Management
case analysis, presentations and discussions are an important
This course aims to introduce students to the history of the region part of the course.
comprising Pakistan and its neighboring countries, providing an
overview of contending perspectives on the origins of the Pakistan,
and examine its politics, society and culture.
Furthermore, it looks at some contemporary developmental problems
facing the country and surveys the current geopolitical issues South
Asia has to confront and the role of Pakistan as a regional participant
and its contribution to various global challenges (nuclear proliferation,
economic globalization, environmental and strategic resources issues,
world migration and global civil society).


Corporate Skills MGT 463

Prerequisite: None

Corporate skills are a part of the curriculum embedded Student

Grooming Program aimed at developing employability skills amongst
graduating students. The program includes a wide range of skills
ranging from Business Culture to Business Email etiquettes to

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (2 Years)
Department of Business Studies



Course Code Subject

MKT 610 International Marketing
MKT 655 Services Marketing
MKT 660 Strategic Marketing
MKT 665 Cases in Marketing
MKT 635 New Product Development
MKT 662 Brand Management
MKT 688 Social Media Marketing
MKT 691 Consumer Behavior and Psychology
MKT 620 Marketing Research
MKT 690 Integrated Marketing Communication
MKT 650 Sales Management
MKT 620 Marketing Research
MKT 693 B to B and Personal Selling
MKT 663 Promotion and Advertising Management
MKT 689 Digital Marketing
MKT 691 Retail and Sales Management
MKT 692 Export Marketing
MKT 693 Marketing Issues in Pakistan
MKT 694 Public Rationing and Relationship Marketing
MKT 695 Agriculture Marketing
MKT 603 Product Management
MKT 604 Distribution Management
MKT 605 Digital Analytics
MKT 606 Electronic CRM
MKT 697 Social Marketing

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (2 Years)
Department of Business Studies


Course Code Subject

HRM 666 Negotiations and Conflict Management
HRM 648 Organizational Development
HRM 676 International Human Resource Management
HRM 677 Seminars In HRM
HRM 689 Recruitment and Selection
HRM 679 Performance Management
HRM 690 HRM and HRD
HRM 691 Career Planning and Strategic Compensation
HRM 660 Training and Development
HRM 670 HR Planning
HRM 664 Job Analysis and Design
HRM 649 HR Research Methods
HRM 682 Industrial Relations and Employment Laws
HRM 671 HR Information Systems
HRM 681 Strategic HRM
HRM 665 HR Theory and Practice
HRM 692 Organizational Psychology


Course Code Subject

FIN 690 Financial Modeling
FIN 691 Strategic Finance
FIN 612 Analysis of Financial Statements
FIN 619 Financial Derivatives
FIN 611 Corporate Finance
FIN 663 Fundamentals of Behavioral Finance

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (2 Years)
Department of Business Studies

FIN 692 Financial Markets and Institutions

FIN 693 Cases in Corporate Finance
FIN 694 Money and Banking
FIN 695 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
FIN 635 Management Corporate Turnaround
FIN 696 Financial Reporting
FIN 697 Taxation and Auditing
ACC 622 Accounting Information Systems
FIN 682 Corporate Restructuring
FIN 688 Islamic Finance Theory and Practices
FIN 649 Islamic Banking and Finance
ACC 609 Corporate Law
ACC 608 Advanced Corporate Reporting
FIN 649 Financial Institution Management
FIN 600 Entrepreneurial Finance

Course Code Subject

ENT 602 Cases in Entrepreneurship
ENT 603 Developing New Products and Services
ENT 620 Entrepreneurial Strategy in Emerging Markets
ENT 606 Innovations and Entrepreneurship
ENT 607 Managing Entrepreneurial Firms
ENT 608 Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship
ENT 622 Business Growth and Entrepreneurial Finance
ENT 612 Entrepreneurial Marketing
ENT 613 Organizations and Leading Change
ENT 614 Economic of Location and Transportation
ENT 621 Retailing and International Entrepreneurship
ENT 617 Corporate Entrepreneurship
ENT 619 Technology Entrepreneurship

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (2 Years)
Department of Business Studies


Course Code Subject

IT 655 Database Management System
IT 620 System Analysis and Design
IT 679 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation
IT 672 Web Application Development
IT 625 Business Process Re-Engineering
IT 680 Data Communication and Networking
IT 681 Information Security and System Auditing
IT 657 Knowledge Management Systems and Technologies
IT 658 Business Intelligence and Decisions Support
IT 608 Digital Analytics
IT 607 Electronic CRM

Course Code Subject

SCM 619 Strategic SCM
OPM 611 Operations and Production Management
SCM 650 Total Quality Management
SCM 600 Inventory Management
SCM 614 Strategic Operation Management
SCM 615 Sourcing and Logistics Management
SCM 616 Supply Chain Modeling
SCM 617 Demand Forecasting
SCM 618 Pricing In SCM
SCM 520 Purchasing
SCM 630 Strategic Procurement in Supply Chain
SCM 631 Operational Planning in Supply Chain
SCM 632 Execution and Control of Operations in SCM

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (2 Years)
Department of Business Studies

SCM 633 Master Planning of Resources in SCM

SCM 634 Detailed Scheduling and Planning In SCM
SCM 635 Strategic Management of Resources In SCM
SCM 636 Green Supply Chain Management – GSCM
SCM 637 Shipping in SCM
SCM 639 Operational Planning in Supply Chain
SCM 638 Supply Chain Strategy, Design and Compliance
SCM 640 Supply Chain Implementation and Operations
SCM 641 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management

Foreign Languages

CLE 401 Chinese Language

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (4 Years)
Department of Business Studies

Roadmap of BBA with 14-year education

Course Code Subject
MKT 698 Protocols and Practices
MKT 610 International Marketing
MKT 655 Services Marketing
MKT 660 Strategic Marketing
MKT665 Cases in Marketing
MKT635 New Product Development
MKT662 Brand Management
MKT688 Social Media Marketing
MKT691 Consumer Behavior And Psychology
MKT620 Marketing Research
MKT 690 Integrated Marketing Communication
MKT 650 Sales Management
MKT 620 Marketing Research
MKT 693 B to B and Personal Selling
MKT 663 Promotion and Advertising Management
MKT 689 Digital Marketing
MKT 691 Retail and Sales Management
MKT 692 Export Marketing
MKT 693 Marketing Issues in Pakistan
MKT 694 Public Rationing and Relationship Marketing
MKT695 Agriculture Marketing
MKT 603 Product Management
MKT 604 Distribution Management
MKT 605 Digital Analytics
MKT 606 Electronic CRM
MKT 697 Social Marketing

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (4 Years)
Department of Business Studies


Course Code Subject

HRM 666 Negotiations and Conflict Management
HRM 648 Organizational Development
HRM 676 International Human Resource Management
HRM 677 Seminars In HRM
HRM 689 Recruitment and Selection
HRM 679 Performance Management
HRM 690 HRM and HRD
HRM 691 Career Planning and Strategic Compensation
HRM 660 Training and Development
HRM 670 HR Planning
HRM 664 Job Analysis and Design
HRM 649 HR Research Methods
HRM 682 Industrial Relations and Employment Laws
HRM 671 HR Information Systems
HRM 681 Strategic HRM
HRM 665 HR Theory and Practice
HRM 692 Organizational Psychology


Course Code Subject

FIN 690 Financial Modeling
FIN 691 Strategic Finance
FIN 612 Analysis of Financial Statements
FIN 619 Financial Derivatives
FIN 611 Corporate Finance

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (4 Years)
Department of Business Studies

FIN 692 Financial Markets and Institutions

FIN 693 Cases in Corporate Finance
FIN 694 Money and Banking
FIN 695 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
FIN 635 Management Corporate Turnaround
FIN 696 Financial Reporting
FIN 697 Taxation and Auditing
FIN 682 Corporate Restructuring
FIN 688 Islamic Finance Theory and Practices
FIN 649 Islamic Banking and Finance
FIN 649 Financial Institution Management
FIN 600 Entrepreneurial Finance
ACC 622 Accounting Information Systems
ACC-609 Corporate Law
ACC-608 Advanced Corporate Reporting

Course Code Subject

ENT 602 Cases in Entrepreneurship
ENT 603 Developing New Products and Services
ENT 620 Entrepreneurial Strategy in Emerging Markets
ENT 606 Innovations and Entrepreneurship
ENT 607 Managing Entrepreneurial Firms
ENT 608 Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship
ENT 622 Business Growth and Entrepreneurial Finance
ENT 612 Entrepreneurial Marketing
ENT 613 Organizations and Leading Change
ENT 614 Economic of Location and Transportation
ENT 621 Retailing and International Entrepreneurship
ENT 617 Corporate Entrepreneurship
ENT 619 Technology Entrepreneurship

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (4 Years)
Department of Business Studies


Course Code Subject

IT 655 Database Management System
IT 620 System Analysis and Design
IT679 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation
IT672 Web Application Development
IT 625 Business Process Re-Engineering
IT 680 Data Communication and Networking
IT 681 Information Security and System Auditing
IT 657 Knowledge Management Systems and Technologies
IT 658 Business Intelligence and Decisions Support
IT 608 Digital Analytics
IT 607 Electronic CRM


Course Code Subject

SCM 619 Strategic SCM
OPM 611 Operations and Production Management
SCM 650 Total Quality Management
SCM 600 Inventory Management
SCM 614 Strategic Operation Management
SCM 615 Sourcing and Logistics Management
SCM 616 Supply Chain Modeling
SCM 617 Demand Forecasting
SCM 618 Pricing In SCM
SCM 520 Purchasing
SCM 630 Strategic Procurement in Supply Chain

Bachelors of Business Administration BBA (4 Years)
Department of Business Studies

SCM 631 Operational Planning in Supply Chain

SCM 632 Execution and Control of Operations in SCM
SCM 633 Master Planning of Resources in SCM
SCM 634 Detailed Scheduling and Planning In SCM
SCM 635 Strategic Management of Resources In SCM
SCM 636 Green Supply Chain Management – GSCM
SCM 637 Shipping in SCM
SCM 639 Operational Planning in Supply Chain
SCM 638 Supply Chain Strategy, Design and Compliance
SCM 640 Supply Chain Implementation and Operations
SCM 641 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management

Foreign Languages

CLE 401 Chinese Language

Bachelor of Accounting & Finance BS (A&F)
Department of Business Sciences

Campuses Entry Requirements

Islamabad, Karachi HSSC – II minimum or its equivalent
50% Marks A Level. • The aim of the program is to give students an understanding of

4 Years career. We require students to master some techniques, and to

8 Semesters


Programme Timing •
Morning CFA).

development knowledge and conceptual understanding of the

Learning outcome of the Degree Program

• Recognize and understand ethical issues related to the

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• Recognize circumstances providing for increased exposure to

the engagement.
• Understand the audit process from the engagement planning

business performance.

• 66£@ !668368-!;' /<&+1'2; &'8-='& (831 023>£'&+' 3(

Department of Management
Department of BusinessSciences

! #<9-2'99T#<9-2'99T
!2& )2!2$'W
!2& ,'
-9 &'9-+2'&
;3 ;
4 years - 138 Credit Hours
First Semester
ENG 105ENG 105 Sr. No Course Code Course Title Cradit Hours
None 1 None
ENG 103 English-I 3
-2 ;,' $3<89'9
-2 ;,'3(
)2!2$'T 3('$3231-$9T
)2!2$'T '$3231-$9T
This course
2 introduces
QTM 101students
to the fundamentals
the fundamentals
of Englishof -English
I 3
language language
in the world
in the
of world
of business.
It has beenIt has
been designed
to propelto propel
3 ECO 110 Microeconomics 3
4 QTM 103 Principles of Microeconomics
Microeconomics 3
5 ACC 101 Principles of ECO 110ECO 110 3
None None
and convey
convey TheMGT
6 meanings. 111
is course
is instrumental
not onlyofin
only in helping 3
,-9 -9 ;,'
-9 ;,'
;,' !8'!
-2 ;,'
3( '$3231-$9
!8'! 3( '$3231-$9
(38 (3
the students
the students
to further to their
their in
other indisciplines
other disciplines
of of
is the study is the
of individual
study of individual
Second Semester
making in
real life.
in real
The life.
The students
in this course
in this learn
thelearn th
Sr. No Course Code Course Title producersproducers
and managers
and managers Cradit
of businesses.
of Hours
The students
The students
also learnalso lear
MKT 110MKT 1101 ISL 101 Islamic Studies 3
Prerequisite: None2 None
Prerequisite: ENG 104 English-II 3
in the event
in the
of event
various government
policies and
and governmen
3 QTM 105 to 3
4 ECO 121 Macroeconomics 3
of producotfs parnoddusc5
etrsviacnedsACC c102
icnessum Financial
toercsonasnudmbeurs inaensds bcusitnoem
. stomers. 3
6 QTM 102 Business -II PrinciplesPrinciples
of Management
of Management
MGT 111MGT 111
Third Semester Prerequisite:
None None
social andsocial globaland environments.
global environments.
The course The is course
a studyisofa study The
of courseTheis course
is designed
to provide
provide students
an overview
an overview
of the of th
Sr. No Course Code Course Title Cradit Hours
1 PAK 101 Pakistan Studies 3
2 MIS 210 to Technology
Major focus
Majorwould 3 making
focus bewould
on be on students
making studen
3 ACC 203 Cost 3
leading leading
and controlling.
and controlling.
Course alsoCourse
also emphasis
on the on th
4 FIN 201 to Finance 3
of skills and
of skills
and knowledge
needed to
to successful
5 BCM 243 3
QTM 101QTM 101 6 MGT 242 Behavior 3
None None

Bachelor of Accounting & Finance BS (A&F)
Department of Business Sciences

Fourth Semester
Sr. No Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
T in Business
IT in Business 1 MGT 301 Business Law 3
MIS 161 MIS 161 2 QTM204 inference 3
rerequisite: None
Prerequisite: None3 HRM353 Human Resource Management 3
& probability concepts.concepts.
& probability
his course
coursetopics ranging
covers from
4 topicsACC304basic
ranging understanding
from of a
basic understanding
Managerial of a 3

management The 5
sciences. sciences. TheACC220
concept of E-Commerce
concept Principles
is becoming
of E-Commerce a of
is becoming a 3
eality and moreand
reality businesses 6 today FIN202
more businesses than everthan
today haveever
a presence
have onManagement
a presence
Financial ENG 132ENG 132
on 3
he internet. ComputerComputer
the internet. networks,networks,
internet internet
and and
Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: None
Sr. No Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 ACC400 Advanced Managerial 3
2 ACC 305 Financial -I 3
ternet, intranet
internet,and the World
intranet and3 Wide
the Web
ACC 306 are
Wide useful
Web in
are business.
useful in business.
Principles of component of the core
component curriculum
of the 3University
at Bahriaat
core curriculum is to
Bahria University is to
,' 9;<&'2;9 >-££ !£93>-££
,' 9;<&'2;9 #' !£93
;,' -&'!;,'
+-='2 3( )£'9T &!;!#!9'9T
-&'! 3( )£'9T &!;!#!9'9T
4 BCM302 and Skills 3
5 FIN 306 Financial Modeling 3
6 HSS-1 3
and web designing tools.
and web designing tools. ECO 121ECO 121
Prerequisite: ECO 110ECO 110
Six Semester
2 2
Sr. No Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
deals with the with
deals economic variables variables
the economic at aggregate level. Thelevel. The
at aggregate
1 FIN 320 Financial Management
students study economy
students at the aggregate
study economy 3 Main
at the aggregate topics
level. Main topics
NG 120ENG 120
2 FIN 308 Corporate Finance 3
rerequisite: ENG 105ENG 105
Prerequisite: macroeconomic policies, open
macroeconomic economy,
policies, the role of
open economy, exchange
the role of exchange
3 MGT 508 Corporate Law 3
4 ACC320 Financial -II
policies related
policies to these to
related important 3 macroeconomic
these important issues. issues.
nables enables
students students
to cope5towith more
cope withcomplex structures
more complex
HSS in
structures in 3
controversies in economics
controversies is sharediswith
in economics the with
shared students but
the students but
6 HSS 3

macroeconomic principlesprinciples
macroeconomic in developing economies
in developing with
economies with
special focus on focus
special the Pakistani data obtained
on the Pakistani from Economic
data obtained from Economic
Seven Semester
Survey ofSurvey
Pakistan, websites websites
of Pakistan, of State of
Bank of Pakistan
State and
Bank of Pakistan and
environment. Sr. No Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1 ACC 410 Advanced 3
2 ACC412 Advanced of the Economy of Pakistan.
of the Economy of Pakistan. 3
TM 120QTM 120 3 -1 3
rerequisite: QTM 101QTM 4101
Prerequisite: -2 3
QTM 110QTM 110
5 ECO 415 Econometrics 3
gebra, linear programing
algebra, and calculus
linear programing andthat are commonly
calculus used in used Prerequisite:
that are commonly in None
Prerequisite: None

or management decision problems,

for management solving management
decision problems, problemsproblems
solving management
Department of Management
Department Sciences
of Business Studies

Eight Semester

Sr. No Course Code Course Title Credit Hours

1 PR0450 Project 3
2 -3 3
3 -4 3
4 -5 3
5 -6 3

BS & Finance)-

Sr. No Course Code

1 ACC623 Corporate Governance
2 ACC624 System with SAP
3 ACC625 Law
4 ACC626 Advance IT
5 ACC627 Strategic Management and Control
6 ACC628 Tax Management and
7 ACC629
8 FIN621
9 ACC631 Merger and
10 ACC607 Advance Financial
11 ACC612 Analysis of Financial Management
12 FIN 685 Business Intelligence
13 FIN 684 Financial Engineering
14 FIN 659 Advance Financial Management

Bachelor of Accounting & Finance BS (A&F)
Department of Business Sciences

Sr. No Course Codes
1 FIN 646 Financial Econometrics
2 FIN647 Financial Restructuring
3 FIN619 Financial
4 FIN648 Finance
5 FIN649 Islamic Banking and Finance
6 FIN650 Analysis of Financial Time Series
7 FIN 651 Financial System
8 FIN613 Analysis and Management
9 FIN 618 Treasury and Fund Management
10 FIN 603
612 Entrepreneurial Finance
Analysis of Financial Management
11 FIN 621 Budgeting

12 FIN 612 Analysis of Financial Statements

Sr. No Course Code
1 FIN 660 Branch and Branchless Banking
2 FIN 652 Lending-Products, and risk management
3 FIN 653 Finance of trade
4 FIN 654 of Financial Services
5 FIN 655 technology in Financial Services
6 FIN 617 Investment Banking
7 FIN 615 Commercial Banking


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