D Block Assertion and Case Study
D Block Assertion and Case Study
D Block Assertion and Case Study
The transition elements have incompletely filled d-subshells in their ground state or in
any of their oxidation states. The transition elements occupy position in between s- and
p-blocks in groups 3-12 of the Periodic table. Starting from fourth period, transition
elements consists of four complete series : Sc to Zn, Y to Cd and La, Hf to Hg and Ac,
Rf to Cn. In general, the electronic configuration of outer orbitals of these elements is
1 10 1 2
(n - 1) d - ns - . The electronic configurations of outer orbitals of Zn, Cd, Hg and Cn
are represented by the general formula (n - l)d 10 ns2. All the transition elements have
typical metallic properties such as high tensile strength, ductility, malleability. Except
mercury, which is liquid at room temperature, other transition elements have typical
metallic structures. The transition metals and their compounds also exhibit catalytic
property and paramagnetic behaviour. Transition metal also forms alloys. An alloy is a
blend of metals prepared by mixing the components. Alloys may be homogeneous solid
solutions in which the atoms of one metal are distributed randomly among the atoms of
the other.
The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate
(i) Which of the following characteristics of transition metals is associated with higher
catalytic activity?
(a) High enthalpy of atomisation (b) Variable oxidation states
(c) Paramagnetic behaviour (d) Colour of hydrated ions
(ii) Transition elements form alloys easily because they have
(a) same atomic number (b) same electronic configuration
(c) nearly same atomic size (d) same oxidation states.
(iii) The electronic configuration of tantalum (Ta) is
0 1 2
(a) [Xe]4f Sd 6s (b) [Xe)4f 14 Sd2 6s 2
14 3 2
(c) [Xe]4f Sd 6s (d) [Xe[4f 14 sd4 6s2
(iv) Which one of the following outer orbital configurations may exhibit the lar
number of oxidation states? gest
5 1
(a) 3d 4s (b) 3d54s 2 (c) 3d24 52
(d) 3d34s 2
The correct statement( s) among the following is/ are
(i) all d- and f-block elements are metals
(ii) all d- and f-block elements form coloured ions
(iii) all d- and f-block elements are paramagnetic.
(a) (i) only (b) (i) and (ii) only
(c) (ii) and (iii) only (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions :
The unique behaviour of Cu, having a positive E accounts for its inability to liberate H 2 from acids. Only
oxidising acids (nitric and hot concentrated sulphuric acid) react with Cu, the acids being reduced. The stability
2 10 2
of the half-filled (d5) subshell in Mn + and the completely filled (d ) configuration in Zn + are related to their
2 3
E0 (M3 +/ M +) values. The low value for Sc reflects the stability of Sc + which has a noble gas configuration. The
comparatively high value for Mn shows that' Mn2 +(d ) is particularly stable, whereas a comparatively low value
for Fe shows the extra stability of Fe 3+ (d5). The·comparatively low value for V is related to the stability of v +
The stability of Cul;q) rather than Cu(aq) is due to
(a) more negative !).hyd H of Cuf;q) (b) less negative !).hyd H' of Cufa+q)
(c) more positive !).hyd H of Cu{a~) (d) less positive !).hy d H' of Cufa+q)·
ead the passage given below and answer the following questions :
~hef-block elements are those i~ which t~e differentiatin g el~ctron enters the (n -2)f orbital. T h ere are two series
off-block elements ~orrespon~m g_to fillmg of 4f an~ Sf-orbitals. The series of 4f-orbitals is called lanthanides.
anthanides show different oxidation states dependmg upon stability off 0, f 7 and f 14 configuration s, though
~e most common oxidation states is +3. There is a regular decrease in size oflanthanide s ions with increase in
atomic number which is known as lanthanide contraction.
The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answer :
(i) The atomic numbers of three lanthanide elements X, Y and Z are 65, 68 and 70 respectively, their Ln 3+
electronic configuration is
(a) 4fs, 4f11, 4fl3 (b) 4f11, 4fs, 4fl3 (c) 4fo, 4f2, 4f11 (d) 4f3, 4f7, 4f9
(ii) Lanthanide contraction is observed in
(a) Gd (b) At (c) Xe (d) Te
(iii) Which of the following is not the configuration of lanthanoid?
(a) [Xe]4f 106s2 (b) [Xe]4f 1Sd 16s2 (c) [Xe]4d 14Sd10 6s2 (d) [Xe]4f 7 Sd 16s2
Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit +4 oxidation state.
(a) Cerium (Z = 58) (b) Europium (Z = 63) (c) Lanthanum (Z = 57) (d) Gadoliniu m (Z = 64)
(iv) Identify the incorrect statement among the following.
(a) Lanthanoid contraction is the accumulation of successive shrinkages.
(b) The different radii of Zr and Hf due to consequence of the lanthanoid contraction.
(c) Shielding power of 4f electrons is quite weak.
(d) There is a decrease in the radii of the atoms or ions as one proceeds from La to Lu.
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions :
Transition metal oxides are compounds formed by the reaction of metals with oxygen at high temperature.
The highest oxidation number in the oxides coincides with the group number. In vanadium, there is a gr adual
change from the basic v o to less basic V 20 4 and to amphoteric V 20 5 •V 2 0 dissolves in acids to give vo 2 +
2 3 4
salts. Transition metal oxides are commonly utilized for their catalytic activity and semiconduct ive properties.
T~ansition metal oxides are also frequently used as pigments in paints and plastic. Most notably titatnium
dioXide. One of the earliest application of transition metal oxides to chemical industry involved the use of
Vanadium oxide for catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulphuric acid. Since then, many o ther applications
have emerged, which include benzene oxidation to maleic anhydride on vandium oxides; cyclohexane oxidation
to adipic acid on cobalt oxides. An important property of the catalyst material used in these processes is the
:b~dity of transition metals to change their oxidation state under a given chemical potential of reductants and I
XI ants.
the following questions
are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answer :
(i) ,An... . b . d. . ?
•v nich oxide of vanadium is most likely to be asic an ionic ·
(a) VO (b) V 20 3 (c) V 0 2 (d) V 20 s
(ii) Vanadyl ion is
(a) vo2+ (h) vo; (d) voi-
Which of the following statem ents is false?
(a) With fluorin e vanad ium can form VF 5•
(b) With chlorin e vanad ium can form VC1 5.
and fluorid e VF5 .
(c) Vanad ium exhibits highes t oxidat ion state in oxohalides VOC13 , VOBr3
5 and reduci ng nature ofr.
(d) With iodine vanadi um canno t form VI 5 due to oxidising power ofv +
(iii) The oxidat ion state of vanadi um in V2O 5 is
(a) +5/2 (b) +7 (c) +S (d) +6
Read the passag e given below and answer the follow ing questio ns :
configuration of these elements
Transi tion elemen ts are elements that have partially filled d-orbitals. The
y, cadmi um and zinc 1.re not
corres ponds to (n - l)d - ns - • It is import ant to note that the elements mercur
1 10 12
corresp onds to (n - I)d nl-.
consid ered transit ion elements because of their electronic configurations, which
Some genera l proper ties of transit ion elements are :
These elements can form coloured compounds and ions due to d-d transition;
These elements exhibit many oxidation states;
wide variety of stable complexes
A large variety of ligands can bind themselves to these elements, due to this, a
These elements have a large ratio
formed by these ions. The boiling and melting point of these elements are high.
of charge to the radius.
ent of reason is given. Choose
In these questi ons (Q. No. i-iv), a statement of assertion followed by a statem
the correct answer out of the follow ing choices.
ation for assertion.
(a) Assertion and reason both are correct st~tements and reason is correct explan
explanation for assertion.
(b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct
(c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
(d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.
(i) Assert ion: Tungsten has very high melting point.
Reason : Tungsten is a covalent compound.
(ii) Assert ion: Zn, Cd and Hg are normally not considered transition metals.
Reason : d-Orbitals in Zn, Cd and Hg elements are completely filled, hence
these metals do not show
general characteristics properties of the transition elements.
(iii) Assertion : Coppe r metal gets readily corroded in acidic aqueous solutio
n such as HCl and dil. H2S04· J,
In these que stions, a st atement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given. Choose the correct
answer out of the following choices.
(a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
(b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
(c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
(d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.
6. Assertion: Mn 2+ is more stable than Mn 3+.
Reason: Mn + has half-filled configuration.
7. Assertion : Members of 4d and Sd series of transition elements have nearly same atomic radii.
Reason : Atomic and ionic radii for transition elements are smaller than their corresponding s-block
8. Assertion : Fe2+ is paramagnetic.
Reason : Fe2+ contains four unpaired electrons.
9. Assertion: Transition metals are good catalysts.
Reason: V 20 5 or Pt is used in the preparation of H2SO4 by Contact process.
10. Assertion : Zinc becomes dull in moist air.
Reason : Zinc is coated by a thin film of its basic carbonate in moist air.
11. Assertion : Fe 3+ is more stable than Fe +.
Reason : Fe 2 + ions are easily oxidised to Fe + ions.
12. Assertion: [Ti(H 2O) 6 ] 3+ is a coloured ion.
Reason : Ti shows + 2, +3, +4 oxidation states.
13. Assertion : Transition metals form a large number of interstitial compounds.
Reason : They have high melting point and boiling point.
14. Assertion: Chromium is hard but mercury is soft.
Reason : Chromium is a 3d transition element.
15. Assertion: Most of the trivalent lanthanide ions are coloured both in the solid state and in aqueous solution.
Reason : The elements with xf electrons have a similar colour to those of ( 14 - x) f electrons.
16. Assertion: cu+ is paramagnetic. +
Reason : Cu+ is less stable than Cu •
17. Assertion : In transition elements, ns orbital is filled up first and (n - l)d afterwards, during ionization ns
electrons are lost prior to (n - l)d electrons.
Reason: The effective nuclear charge felt by (n - l)d electrons is higher as compared to that by ns electrons.
18. Assertion : Europium (II) is more stable than cerium (II). .
Reason : Cerium salts are used as a catalyst in petroleum cracking.
19 · Assertion: Zinc is used in the galvanisation of ir~n._ . .
Reason : It s coat·mg on iron
· articles increases their hfe by protecting them from rustmg.
20. Assertion : When Zn is placed in a magnetic field, it is feebly magnetised in a direction opposite to that of
the magnetising field.
Reason : Zn has completely filled atomic orbitals.
21. Assertion: The correct order of oxidising power is: vo; <VO< V0 +.
Reason: The oxidation state of Mn is +7.
-- - -,,v,,,,,.,.,y I vld:::iS12
the following,
So, its electronic are
8. (a): Fe has atom ic num ber 26. vo;: x+ 2(-2) = +I
configuration is [Ar] 3d 4s2. 6 ⇒ x=+ S
Fe2+ has electronic con figu rati on [Ar]
3d .
4s VO
⇒ x - 2 =0 ;x= +2
/t /t /t /t /t /0is paramagnetic. vo2+: x + 1(-2) = +2
x= +4
It has four unp aire d electrons and it is :
The correct order of oxidising power
and vari~ble
9. (b): Due to large surface area intermediate vo < vo 2+ < vo;
.. tals form
valenc1.es, trans1t10n me h ce they are used as stitutional alloys
. 22. (b): Transition metals form sub
acti.vated complexes eas11y, en can substitute
since they have nearly the same size, they
good catalysts.
is coated bx one another in the crystal lattice.
10. (a): Zinc, in pre sen ce of moist air,
its surface an 23. (a)
a thin film of its basic carbonates on
24. (c): Mn + = [Ar]3d ,
2 5 Mn 3+ = [Ar]3d4
becomes dull.
Fe 3+ = [Ar]3d
Zn( OH ) 2 .
4Zn + 3H2O + 20 2 +C O2 ~ ZnC OfJ Fe2+ = [Ar]3d6,
2 on than Mn +
Thus, Mn + has more stable configurati
+; The i!e~ tron ~
II. (b): Fe3+ is mo re stable than Fe 3
on than Fe +.
configuration of Fe + has half-filled
3 d' or it s an while Fe + has more stable configurati
3 2
/Mn + couple is
Hence, reduction potential for Mn +
thus, becomes mo re stable. 6 . th an Fe3+/Fe . 2+
more pos1.t1ve
Fe2+ : 1s2 2s 2p 3s 3p6 d65
2 6 2 3
sation potential
26 6 2 3 As we move across the period, ioni
Fe 3+ : 1s2 2s 2p 3s 3p d
2 Fe is more than
dd increases, thus, ionisation potential of
u has [Ar ]3dl con figu rati on. Thu s, -
12. (b): Ti3+ that of Mn.
b 1·t shows colour.
transition is possible and th ere Y ation state. Ni
25. (d): Both Co and Ni have (IV) oxid
13. (b)· Some non -me tall ic atoms (e.g
., H, B, ~'. N, (IV) has 3d6 electronic configuration.
of trans1t10n Oxi. states
etc.) are. able to fit in the interstitial sites nd Metals Outer electronic
pou s. configuration
metals lattices to form interstitial com
. · mbe rofu npa ired 3d74s2 +2, +3, +4
. d Co
l4. (b): Chromi um has max1mumnu e any unpaire 3d 84s 2 +2, +3, +4
d elec trons while Hg do not hav 1
d electrons. Thus, Cr is hard but Hg
is soft meta ·