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12 Month Conditioning Program

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New Ulm Eagles 12 Month Strength and Conditioning Program

Pulling Exercises Seated Cable Rows Lat Pulldowns (to the front) Pull-ups Isolated Bicep Curls Upright Rows Sit-ups/Crunches Leg Curls 4-Way Neck Isometrics (with a partner)

Core Strength Training Exercises Pushing Exercises Bench Press Incline Bench Press Shoulder Press Isolated Tricep Extensions Chest Flys Back Extension Leg Extensions Squats/Leg Press Calf Raises

NOTE: Muscle balance comes from creating a workout that trains both the pushing and pulling muscles. In wrestling, pulling exercises should be do slightly more than pushing exercises. Exercises like squats/leg press and calf raises work both actions of the muscle group.

Other Core Conditioning Exercises Long Distance Running 3-5 miles, 3-4 days a week is recommended. Excessive long distance running will have a negative affect on your strength tra Sprint Training Works the same muscles as weight workouts for the legs. It can be used with these workouts or in place of them. Plyometric (Power Training) Commonly called jump training, plyometrics pre-load the muscle group and then forcefully springs out of that position (like in j These exercises also include jumping rope and medicine ball throw and catch exercises for the upper body. They are all intended to devlop power in the muscles you are working.

NOTE: Any, or all of these exercises can replace a regular strength training routine and will help to break up your regular program so you don't get b

Sport Specific Training Live Drilling Drilling a core of basic techniques with different set-ups/finishes and different partners will dramatically increase your wrestling Live Wrestling There is no better conditioning exercise for wrestling other than wrestling itself. However, live wrestling should be balanced w live drilling and instruction, so you are not simply reinforcing bad habits every time you step on the practice mat. Camps and Clinics Wrestlers who want to become better need to commit to some sort of off-season instructional camp and/or clinic. To become the best, the off-season instruction should come through a training camp or a club with instruction and open mat t

New Ulm Eagles 12 Month Strength and Conditioning Program

Post-Season Workout (March and April) Comments Warm-up set (80% of regular starting weight) Maximum weight you can lift 12 times with help from a p Can be done with dumbells 1 day per week Bent over barbell or dumbell pulls can replace seated ca

Exercise Bench Press

Seated Cable Rows

Incline Bench Press

Lat Pull-downs (to the front)

Can be done with dumbells Can alternate shoulder press on opposite days Going behind the neck can strain your shoulder joint cap Can also do pull-ups on alternating days. Can do close grip bench press instead. Can do seated or standing barbell curls instead.

Tricep Push-downs

Seated Dumbell Arm Curls

Power Cleans or Back Extensions Sit-ups or Crunches Leg Press or Squats

Leg Curls

A sprint workout can replace the leg routine and should 50 yd. full sprints x 6 30 yd. quick sprints x 8 20 yd. sprint starts x 10 Note: 20 second rest between sp Fully extend leg while pointing toe up and out.

Leg Extensions

Calf Raises or 5 Minute Jumprope 4 Way Neck Iso's with a Partner

Sets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 10 repetitions each direction

Reps 12 12 10 8 12 10 8 12 10 12 10 8 12 10 12 10 15 15 12 10 8 12 10 8 10 8 15 10

NOTE: This workout has 34 sets and should be completed in 45 minutes or less. Power cleans and squats should only be done 2 days a week. Tricep push-downs and bicep curls can be eliminated to shorten the workout.

Other: Long distance running and wrestling can be done on days when you are not going to strength train.

New Ulm Eagles 12 Month Strength and Conditioning Program

Off-Season Workout (May, June July, and August) Comments Warm-up set (80% of regular starting weight) Maximum weight you can lift 6 times with help from a pa

Cycle 1 (4-6 weeks)

Exercise Bench Press

Seated Cable Rows

Bent over barbell or dumbell pulls can replace seated ca

Seated Shoulder Press

Can alternate incline bench press on opposite days Can alternate lat-pulldowns to the front 1 day per week

Pull-ups (to the front of the chest)

Sets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

Reps 12 6 8 10 6 8 10 8 10 To Failure

Close Grip Bench Press

Standing Barbell Curls

1 1 3

8 10 12

Can do seated dumbell curls 1 day per week.

Power Cleans Sit-ups or Crunches Leg Press or Squats

Leg Curls

A sprint workout can replace the leg routine and should 50 yd. full sprints x 10 30 yd. quick sprints x 12 20 yd. sprint starts x 14 Note: 20 second rest between sp Fully extend leg while pointing toe up and out.

Leg Extensions

Weighted Calf Raises 4 Way Neck Iso's with a Partner

3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

12 15 6 8 10 8 10 12 8 10 15 10

10 repetitions each direction

NOTE: This workout has 36 sets and should be completed in 45 minutes. By the end of the 6 week cycle it should be done in 30 minutes.

This is a 3 day per week program. It can be changed to 5 days by doing the upper body exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the leg exercises on Tuesday and Thursday. Or, it can be a 6 day per week program by doing pushing exercises on Monday, pulling exercises o Tuesday, and leg exercises on Wednesday. Then you repeat the cycle Thursday, Friday and Saturday and take Sunday off. If other exercises are added, make sure that you are balancing the added pushing exercises with pulling exercises.

New Ulm Eagles 12 Month Strength and Conditioning Program

Off-Season Workout (May, June July, and August) Comments Warm-up set (80% of regular starting weight) Maximum weight you can lift 6 times with help from a pa Regular bench presss should be done one workout per w Regular Seated Cable Rows should be done once a wee

Cycle 2 (4-6 weeks)

Exercise Dumbell Bench Press

Bent Over Dumbell Pulls

Incline Bench Press

Lat Pull-downs (to the front)

Sets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 12

Tricep Extensions

Reps 12 6 8 10 6 8 10 8 10 8 10 12 12

Preacher Bench Curls

Weighted Back Extensions Sit-ups or Crunches Squats

Leg Curls

A sprint workout can replace the leg routine and should 50 yd. full sprints x 10 30 yd. quick sprints x 12 20 yd. sprint starts x 14 Note: 20 second rest between sp Fully extend leg while pointing toe up and out.

Leg Extensions

Weighted Calf Raises 4 Way Neck Iso's with a Partner

2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

15 15 6 8 10 8 10 12 8 10 15 10

10 repetitions each direction

NOTE: This workout has 34 sets and should be completed in 40 minutes. By the end of the 6 week cycle it should be done in 30 minutes.

A week should be taken off between each cycle to let your body recover. There should be no more than 3 cycles in the 4 month off-season.

New Ulm Eagles 12 Month Strength and Conditioning Program

Off-Season Workout (May, June July, and August) Comments Warm-up set (80% of regular starting weight) Maximum weight you can lift 6 times with help from a pa

Cycle 3 (4-6 weeks)

Exercise Bench Press

Seated Cable Rows

Bent over barbell or dumbell pulls can replace seated ca

Seated Shoulder Press

Can alternate incline bench press on opposite days Can alternate lat-pulldowns to the front 1 day per week

Pull-ups (to the front of the chest)

Sets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

Reps 12 10 8 6 10 8 6 10 8 To Failure

Close Grip Bench Press

Standing Barbell Curls

1 1 3

10 8 12

Can do seated dumbell curls 1 day per week. To Failure with a partner

Power Cleans Sit-ups or Crunches Leg Press or Squats

Leg Curls

A sprint workout can replace the leg routine and should 50 yd. full sprints x 10 30 yd. quick sprints x 12 20 yd. sprint starts x 14 Note: 20 second rest between sp Fully extend leg while pointing toe up and out.

Leg Extensions

Weighted Calf Raises or Jumprope (5 min.) 4 Way Neck Iso's with a Partner

3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

12 15 10 8 6 12 10 8 10 8 15 10

10 repetitions each direction

NOTE: This workout has 36 sets and should be completed in 45 minutes. By the end of the 6 week cycle it should be done in 30 minutes.

New Ulm Eagles 12 Month Strength and Conditioning Program

Pre-Season Workout (September and October) Comments Warm-up set (80% of regular starting weight) Maximum weight you can lift 6 times with help from a pa

Exercise Bench Press

Seated Cable Rows

Incline Bench Press

Lat Pull-downs

Tricep Extensions

Seated Dumbell Curls

Power Cleans Sit-ups or Crunches Leg Press or Squats

To Failure with a partner

Leg Curls

A sprint workout can replace the leg routine and should 50 yd. full sprints x 10 30 yd. quick sprints x 12 20 yd. sprint starts x 14 Note: 20 second rest between sp Fully extend leg while pointing toe up and out.

Leg Extensions

Weighted Calf Raises 4 Way Neck Iso's with a Partner

Sets 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 10 repetitions each direction

Reps 12 10 8 6 10 8 6 10 8 12 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 15 12 10 8 12 10 8 10 8 15 10

NOTE: This workout has 35 sets and should be completed in 45 minutes. By the end of the 6 week cycle it should be done in less than 30 minutes.

Pre-season drilling and wrestling should be limited to no more than 3 times per week.

Long distance running for weight control, or sprint workouts for power can also be incorporated 2-3 times per week.

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