Rokugani Sayings
Rokugani Sayings
Rokugani Sayings
There cannot be two suns in Heaven, nor can there two Emperors on Earth
"A wise man does not fear long knives, but knives that may only strike close."
"Do not be wary of men who take risks with titles and lands, be wary of men who have nothing to lose."
"When ten thousand men clash with arms and fire, it is always a single man's actions that make the difference."
"The way of darkness always brings great power. The way of darkness always brings a great price."
"...for the more corrupt the soul, the more painful it becomes to look upon the pure. So it is with crystal and jade and the creatures of the dark
lands. Remember this, Hantei, for it will one day save your life."
"Courage may feed a man's soul, but it is rice that feeds his belly, and an army cannot move on courage alone."
"It takes a wise man to see an obstacle as it truly is and not as it appears to be."
"It is the sound of purest harmony, the sound of the universe. Make your soul sing its song, and you will find there is nothing you cannot
"Only the face of all that is and is not can reveal the truth."
"One must learn to see what is to be seen and to see though what others wish you to see."
"Wisdom can be found in many places, but you must always begin at home."
"Winds blow, nations change, fortunes rise and fall, but the simple folk will always be asked to shoulder the weight."
"If a general is wise, he knows that a single man can halt an entire army."
"Sometimes the downfall of houses hinges on a fumble of the wrist."
"A sagacious general, armed with the knowledge of his enemy, will be able to act as if he knows his enemy's every thought."
"You need no armor, you need no sword. You need only to know that you cannot be defeated."
"There are no secrets. There is no understanding. Void is all and nothing. It is the dance of the elements."
"Destiny does not believe in secrets. When something is meant to be, it is obvious to all but the foolish."
"You cannot balance the elements while you are without balance."
"When you are doing one thing, be concerned with that one thing and nothing else. Distraction breeds disaster."
"When your enemy is certain you cannot act, victory is within your reach."
"Your soul - your life energy - is not bound by the flesh. In can reach where your fingers cannot."
"While others lament on what they should have done, the wise man prepares for what he should do next."
"Guard your words carefully, for you own every word you speak."
"In order to chose the correct path, you must know the pitfalls that await you."
"Knowing your advantage does you no good if your enemy is able to keep you from employing them."
"Courage may feed a man's soul, but it is rice that feeds his belly, and an army cannot move on courage alone."
"Do not be wary of men who take risks with titles and lands; be wary of men who have nothing to lose."
"There are subtler strategies and deadlier battlefields than even I know."
"You cannot balance the elements while you are without balance."
"The Tao of Shinsei is more than clever sayings and trite wisdom; the wisdom of Shinsei contains the secrets of the universe."
"True nobility comes not from being superior to another man, but from being superior to your past."
"The elements are not the means to an end…they are the beginning and the end."
"As an ocean to a small stream, the leader to his people, this is the Tao to the world."
"Your soul - your life energy - is not bound by flesh. It can reach where your fingers cannot."
"Shinsei said, 'Who binds you?' The Emperor said, 'No one binds me - I am the Emperor.' 'A contradiction in itself,' said the monk with a
"A black heart hides many secrets. The blackest heart hides the deadliest secret of all."
"We tell the tales of heroes to remind ourselves that we also can be great."
"Study what the pine and cherry blossom can teach. Man is not the only keeper of enlightenment."
"In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities. In the expert's there are few."
“A handful of wealth is worth a handful of dust when compared to the riches a samurai’s family gives to him.”
“Every journey begins with a single step. Step well, and your journey will be filled with fortune. Step poorly, and it will be wrought with
“The truth of the world can be found sitting at the riverside. The river never begins, the river never ends. All of life is like the river. Lessons
never begin and lessons never end.”
“Every day of his life a man has one judge, and that judge is himself.”
“A man must find his place in life, or he is a wandering fool, never content, never at peace bringing discord with him wherever he goes.”
“The road of revenge leads straight to the sun, hanging on the horizon. There are no wayside inns to give the traveler rest, there are no detours
byways or deviations. It is a long, bloody path that can only end in a grave.”
“Held in a hand you trust, it is your ally. Held in a hand you do not trust, it is your enemy. Learn the way of fire and your learn the way of the
“The wind moves with such subtlety, you do not even notice your own breathing. Be aware. Only a fool knows the wind is empty.”
“The Earth is silent and still, a sleeping giant who does not wish to be disturbed.”
“Master the way of the Earth, and you will find the virtue of the eternal mountains.”
“Take away your enemy’s foundation, and you will find he is not as threatening as he once was.”
“Evil spirits are the result of an impure life. Live your life with certainty and justice, and you will be free of fortune’s curses.”
“Just as Water washes away the stains of the Earth, so does it wash the soul clean of the stains of fear.”
“There are no secrets. There is no understanding. Void is all and nothing. It is the dance of the elements.”
“You can not command the elements any more than you can command the stars in heaven. You must learn to hear the music of the celestial
chorus. Once that is done, you must learn to dance.”
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? –Sherlock Holmes
The best way to predict the future is to invent it- Alan Kay
He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future
conquers the past- George Orwell
I am my destiny
The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create- Leonard Sweet
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them
into the impossible- Arthur C. Clarke
When you think all is lost, the future remains - Robert Goddard
It is not important what you believe, only that you believe- Unknown
Do not seek death. Death will find you. But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment - Dag Hammarskjöld
It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny - Jean Nidetch
If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are.
If you cannot find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?
Those who know do not speak Those that speak do not know. - Lao-Tzu
He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know. --Lao-Tzu
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. --Lao-Tzu