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Physical Science

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Physical Science Quarter 1: The Atomic

Number and the Synthesis of New Elements

• Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of

new elements in the laboratory. S11/12PS-IIIb-11
• Elements are made up of tiny particles, the
neutron, proton, and electron. Hydrogen
and helium are the elements that first
formed during the early stage of the Big
• As the universe expanded and cooled, there
was a period of proton-proton chain
reaction wherein protons were fused into
During the main sequence stage, how is energy generated in a star’s core?
a. Hydrogen fuses into helium c. Helium fuses into hydrogen
b. Carbon fuses into hydrogen d. Carbon fuses into oxygen

• The proton-proton chain reaction is one of the

primary ways that stars, like our sun, generate
energy in their cores. In the core of a star,
particularly in the early stages when it's
predominantly composed of hydrogen, immense
pressure and temperature cause hydrogen atoms
to collide at high speeds. This collision results in
a series of nuclear reactions known as the
proton-proton chain.
• Dmitri Mendeleev arranged the
elements in the periodic table
primarily based on their atomic
masses and chemical properties. The
arrangement was based on observed
similarities in properties and the
periodic recurrence of elements
according to increasing atomic mass.
The concept of atomic numbers came
after Mendeleev's time, later refined
by Henry Moseley.
• Henry Mosely, He was an English
physicist whose experiment
demonstrated that the major
properties of an element are
determined by the atomic number,
not by the atomic weight, and
firmly established the relationship
between atomic number and the
charge of the atomic nucleus.
• Henry Mosely was a researcher at Rutherford

• In 1913, Mosley used Rutherford work to

advance the understanding of the elements and
solve the problem in Mendeleev’s periodic
• Moseley noticed that shooting electrons
at elements caused them to release x-rays
at unique frequencies. He also noticed
that the frequency increased by a certain
amount when “positive charge” of the
chosen element.
• By arranging the elements according to the
square root of the frequency they emitted, he
was able to draw out an arrangement of
element that more correctly predicted periodic

• “Elements” atomic number, or place in the

periodic table, was uniquely tied to their
“positive charge” or the number of proton they
• The discovery allowed for a better arrangement
of the periodic table and predicted elements
that were not yet discovered, his method of
identifying elements by shooting electrons and
looking at x-rays become very useful tool in
characterizing elements and is now called x-ray
Moseley's X-ray spectrometer
- to determine the atomic number of an element
• Which of the following statements is TRUE about the synthesis of new
elements in the laboratory?

a. Dimitri Mendeleev arranged the elements in the periodic table

according to its atomic numbers.

b. The elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their

atomic mass until today.

c. Scientists think that there were still undiscovered elements because

of the gaps in the periodic table.

d. Moseley arranged the periodic table according to their atomic mass.

• Which of the following statements is TRUE about the synthesis of new
elements in the laboratory?

a. Dimitri Mendeleev arranged the elements in the periodic table according

to its atomic numbers. – based atomic mass

b. The elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their atomic
mass until today.- “atomic number until today”

c. Scientists think that there were still undiscovered elements because of

the gaps in the periodic table.

d. Moseley arranged the periodic table according to their atomic mass.

-atomic number
• What is the advantage of having the arrangement of
elements suggested by Henry Moseley?

a. Periodic table is now arranged according to their atomic


b. Patterns or trends appear because of the arrangement.

c. There is a connection of atomic numbers and atomic


d. Arrangement lines up elements that differs in properties.

• What is the advantage of having the arrangement of elements
suggested by Henry Moseley?

a. Periodic table is now arranged according to their atomic mass.

b. Patterns or trends appear because of the arrangement.

 Moseley's arrangement, based on atomic numbers, revealed patterns or trends
in the properties of elements across periods and groups. This arrangement
allowed for the identification of periodic trends such as the periodicity of
chemical properties and behaviors. Elements with similar properties tended to
fall into columns (groups) on the table, showing a regular variation in
properties. This understanding helped in predicting the properties of new or
undiscovered elements based on their positions in the table.

a. There is a connection of atomic numbers and atomic mass.

d. Arrangement lines up elements that differs in properties.

• Letter A is not the answer because…
because Henry Moseley's contribution to the periodic table was
specifically arranging elements based on their atomic numbers,
not their atomic masses.

• Letter C is not the answer because…

"There is a connection of atomic numbers and atomic mass," is
not the primary advantage of Henry Moseley's arrangement of
the periodic table”

Moseley's crucial contribution was establishing that atomic

number, rather than atomic mass, was the fundamental
property that determined an element's place in the periodic
• Letter D is not the answer because…

• "Arrangement lines up elements that differ in properties," is not the

most accurate answer regarding the advantage of Henry Moseley's
arrangement of the periodic table.

• Moseley's arrangement did indeed organize elements based on

their atomic numbers, and while it did highlight elements with
similar properties falling into columns (groups) of the table, the
primary advantage was the revelation of patterns or trends in the
properties of elements. Rather than simply lining up elements with
differing properties, Moseley's arrangement allowed for the
recognition of periodicity—specifically, the regular recurrence of
similar properties after certain intervals—leading to the
identification of periodic trends among elements. This
understanding significantly enhanced the predictive power of the
periodic table.
Discovery of Nuclear Transmutation

• In 1919, Ernest Rutherford successfully

carried out a nuclear transmutation reaction-
a reaction involving the transformation of one
element or isotope into another element. The
first nuclide to be prepared by artificial means
was an isotope of oxygen,170. It was made by
Ernest Rutherford in 1919 by bombarding
nitrogen atoms with a particles: +
• However, both alpha particles and atomic nuclei
are positively charge so they tend to repel each
other. Therefore, instead of using fast moving
alpha particles in synthesizing new element,
atomic nuclei are often bombarded with neutrons
(neutral particles) in particle accelerator.
• James Chadwick discovered the neutron a
neutral particle close to proton in 1932.

• A neutron is a particle with no electric

charge that, along with positively
charged protons, makes up an atom's
The Discovery of the Missing Element
• Recall, that in 1925 there were four vacancies in the
periodic table corresponding to the atomic
numbers 43, 61, 85 and 87.

• Two of these elements were synthesized in the

laboratory using particle accelerators.
 a particle accelerator is a device that is used to
speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion
between the protons and the target atomic nuclei by
using magnetic and electrical fields.
• Ernest Lawrence and American physicist who synthesize the
new element with atomic 43 using a linear particle
accelerator. He bombarded molybdenum (Z=42) with fast-
moving neutrons. The newly synthesized element was
named Technetium (Tc) after the Greek word “technetos”
meaning “artificial) Tc was the first man-made element.
Best describes how the understanding of atomic structure and
properties contributed to the discovery of previously unknown

The understanding of atomic number and electron

configurations facilitated the prediction and synthesis of new
elements in the laboratory.
• How are the elements having an atomic number of greater than 92 synthesized?

a. By using a particle accelerator c. By using a neutron accelerator

b. By using an electron activator d. By using an electron accelerator
• How are the elements having an atomic number of greater than 92 synthesized?

a. By using a particle accelerator c. By using a neutron accelerator

b. By using an electron activator d. By using an electron accelerator
• Which of the following best describes how the understanding of atomic
structure and properties contributed to the discovery of previously unknown
• a. The discovery of isotopes allowed for the identification of new elements
in natural sources.
• b. The development of nuclear reactors provided a means for creating
new elements through controlled nuclear reactions.
• c. The observation of atomic spectra provided evidence for the existence
of new elements in distant stars.
• d. The understanding of atomic number and electron configurations
facilitated the prediction and synthesis of new elements in the laboratory.
• Which of the following best describes how the understanding of atomic
structure and properties contributed to the discovery of previously unknown
• a. The discovery of isotopes allowed for the identification of new elements
in natural sources.
• b. The development of nuclear reactors provided a means for creating
new elements through controlled nuclear reactions.
• c. The observation of atomic spectra provided evidence for the existence
of new elements in distant stars.
• d. The understanding of atomic number and electron configurations
facilitated the prediction and synthesis of new elements in the laboratory.
“Particle Accelerator”
In 1940, Dale Corson, K. Mackenzie, and Emelio Segre discovered element with atomic number 85. they
bombarded atoms of bismuth (Z=83) with fast moving alpha particles in a cyclotron is a particle accelerator
that uses alternating of a magnetic field. Element 85 was astatine form the Greek word “astatos” meaning

The two other elements with atomic numbers 61. and 87 were discovered through studies in radioactivity.
Element 61 (Promethium) was discovered as a decay product of the fission or uranium while the element-87
(Francium) was discovered as a breakdown product of uranium.
Physical Science Quarter 1:
Polarity of Molecules
• Atomic Mass
• Atomic Number
• Dmitri Mendeleev
• Henry Moseley
• Moseley's X-ray spectrometer
• Particle Accelerator
• Liner Particle Accelerator
• James Chadwick
• Ernest Lawrence
What have you remembered
about the Chemical Bonds?
• Chemical bonds are formed when ATOMS LOSE, ACCEPT OR SHARE
How to find the Protons Neutrons and Electrons of an element on
the Periodic table
Try this!
Determined the Valence Electron
Is the proton and electron number always
the same?

The number of protons is always the number of

electrons in a neutral atom. In an uncharged
atom, the number of protons is always the number
of electrons.
• Occurs when there is a transfer of one or more valence electron
from one atom to another.
• It exist between metal and nonmetal atoms.

• Where metal loses electrons

while nonmetal accepts the
electrons donated by metal.
• When two nonmetal atoms
combine, neither of them loss
or gain electrons.
• Electron pairs are being shared
by both atoms and the type of
chemical bonds formed is
How does polar covalent bond is differ to non-polar covalent

• Did you know that electronegativity of

an atom can be used to further classify
covalent bond into polar and non-polar.
Our lesson for today will help you to
find out that substance have different
polarities, and this explains why there
are substance that do not mix while
others do.
• Water is POLAR
• Polar molecules means that its
structure has a positive charge
one and a negative charge the
other end.
• Water molecules stick together
because the positive end of one
water molecule is attracted to
negative end of another
Non-polar molecules

Its charge is evenly balanced

rather than having one positive
and one negative end

This means oil molecule are more attracted

to other oil molecules than water and water
molecules are more attracted than oil, so
the two never mix.
 Polar
Both end has a
negative and
positive charge
 Non-polar
Both end are
equally balance
 Charges

CH2CO (Formaldehyde) - This compound has a bent molecular geometry and contains
polar bonds, so it is polar.
 Formaldehyde (CH₂O) is a colorless, highly toxic, and flammable gas at room temperature.
It is used in the production of fertilizer, paper, plywood, and some resins. It is also used as a
food preservative and in household products, such as antiseptics, medicines, and

H2O (Water) - Water has a bent shape and is highly polar due to its O-H bonds.

NH3 (Ammonia) - Ammonia is polar due to its trigonal pyramidal shape and polar N-H
 Ammonia is used as an ingredient or on its own in several household products used
for cleaning many household surfaces such as sinks, toilets, tubs, tiles, kitchen countertops,
etc. Ammonia is effective also in breaking down stains from vegetable oils, animal fats, or
any sort of household grime or cooking grease.
• How to find protons, electrons and
neutrons in periodic table
• Determined the Valence in periodic
This time, we are going to • Determine if a molecule is polar or non-
learn….. polar given its structure.
Determine if a molecule is polar or non-polar given its structure.
• Molecules are either Polar and Non-Polar, which of the following
compound is polar?

a. H2 c. N2

b. O2 d. NH3
• The following compounds are polar except:
a.H2CO c. H2O
b.CH4 d. NH3
• Which of the following structure is polar?
a.N – H c. C – Cl
b.N – Cl d. C – H
• Which of the following structure is considered polar?

a. c.

b. d.

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