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Consultancy Services

Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment


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REFERENCE NO: REOI No 1 of 2023-24 DATED: 17.10.2023

Issued by: Project Director, Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Program (AUIIP)


3rd Floor, Tripti Tower, Ganeshguri, Guwahati -781005, Assam, India
Website: email: [email protected]

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This EOI is issued by the undersigned inviting “Express of Interest” from eligible consultants
for shortlisting of them to participate in the RFP process for selection of most suitable among
them to provide necessary consultancy service for PREPAREATION OF DETAIED PROJECT

Reference No: REOI No 1 of 2023-24 Dated: 17.10.2023

Sl. No. Key Information/ Events Time/Venue/Address

2 Date of issue of the EOI document Date: 17/10/2023
2 Last date of download of EOI Date: 31/10/2023
3 Pre-submission meeting Date: 25/10/2023
Time: 2.00 PM
Venue: Conference hall of AUIIP
4 Due date and Time of online Date: 31/10/2022
submission of EoI. Time: 14.00 hrs
5 Due date and time of submission of Date: 31/10/2023
hard copies of “Key Documents”. Time: 2.00 PM
Address: Project Director, AUIIP. 3rd Floor, Tripti
Tower, Ganeshguri, Guwahati -781005, Assam, India
6 Date &time of online opening of EOI Date: 31/10/2023 Time: 3.00 PM
7 Address for Communication Project Director, AUIIP. 3rd Floor, Tripti Tower,
Ganeshguri, Guwahati -781005, Assam, India, Email
ID: [email protected] Telephone: +91
8 EoI Processing Fee (non- Rs 3000.00 (Rupees three thousand only).
refundable) To be paid through online payment option available
at e-Procurement portal i.e.,

9. Bidders who seek to appeal against any decision, action or omission regarding this
particular procurement may do so as per Section 38 of the Assam Public Procurement Act,
2017 and Rule 26 of the Assam Public Procurement Rules, 2020. The first and second
appellate authority are as mentioned below:

First Appellate Authority Second Appellate Authority

Richand Ahmed. ACS, Joint Secretary Smti. Laya Madduri, IAS, Secretary,
to Govt of Assam, Department of Finance Department
Housing and Urban Affairs.

Project Director, AUIIP

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Table of Contents
















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1.1 About the Procuring Entity
1. The Employer named Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Program (AUIIP) will
select a consulting firm/organization (the Consultant) from those who will submit the required
data along with supporting as per the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI).
2. AUIIP has invited the bids for consultancy services and with which the selected
Consultant signs the Contract for the Services and to which the selected consultant shall
provide services as per the terms and conditions and TOR of the contract.
About the Project
3. The Government of Assam (GoA), has applied for financial assistance through the
Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India (hereinafter
referred as the Borrower) under the a loan facility from the Asian Development Bank–ADB
(the “Bank”) in the form of a “loan” toward the cost of “India: Assam Urban Sector
development project” (hereinafter referred as Project) The purpose of the project is to
develop sustainable urban infrastructure and service delivery improvement across urban
centres of Assam. The main outcome under the project would be:
(i) Augmentation of water supply infrastructure in 6 towns of Dhubri, Goalpara,
Golaghat, Nalbari, Bongaigaon and Barpeta town
(ii) Storm water management to reduce urban flooding in Guwahati
(iii) Institutional Development & Capacity building in urban sector
1.2 About the Assignment
4. The consultants recruited under this REOI, in close coordination with Department of
Housing & Urban Affairs (DoHUA), Government of Assam, will support delivery of following
(i) Confirmation of the feasibility studies prepared by Assam Urban Water
Supply and Sewerage Board (AUWSSB) and preparation of the detailed
project reports;1
(ii) conducting due diligence to cover the technical, financial and social
safeguard aspects of the projects, and
(iii) Preparation of the Bid documents.2
5. The proposed Assam Urban Sector Development Project is aimed at developing
identified growth centres (GCs), Border centres (BCs), district head quarter towns along core
and branch networks of NEEC corridor which are highly deficient in basic infrastructure

The detailed project reports will meet the national standards, codes, and/or best practices include detailed cost
estimates, good for construction drawings, and necessary supporting documentation in formats accepted by
ADB for each subproject.
relevant and latest applicable SBD(s) (with required addendum wording for HS COVID-19 Plan) and related
user guide(s), and RFQ/ SRFP issued by ADB; etc.
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6. The project is envisaged to support policy & governance improvement and capacity
development in urban sector along with investment in selected growth centers, border towns
and towns on the core transport network identified in the North East Economic Corridor
(NEEC) study. Following ADB supported study for the Niti Ayog on “Cities as engine of
Growth”, the state government is also contemplating to take up a holistic planning for some
selected cities (Guwahati, Dibrugarh and Silchar) that were also identified as major growth
centers in NEEC study. The proposed assistance envisages:
 Water supply projects in identified district headquarters including growth & border
 Urban flood mitigation in Guwahati
 Policy & governance improvement & capacity development in urban sector
 Planning on “Cities as engine of Growth” (concept developed by NITI Ayog) –
Guwahati, Silchar & Dibrugarh
7. Government of Assam has a vision to provide 24X7 water supply to all the urban
areas on a saturation approach. While some of the towns are taken up under GOI’s AMRUT
scheme, GOA wants to take up the important DHQ towns under the ADB assisted project for
the holistic development and planning for providing public water supply system in
convergence with the GOI scheme.
8. The urban flooding in Guwahati city is a recurrent phenomenon which requires
integrated planning effort for a long-term solution. Under ADB project GOA wants to take up
one zone in Guwahati for a systematic development of the storm water drainage system
along with preparation of a drainage master plan for Guwahati city.
9. It is now proposed to prepare quality detailed Projects Reports for the water supply
component of the projects which is augmentation of two water supply projects in two towns
of Dhubri and Bongaigaon town in Assam.
10. The DPR consultant will work in close coordination with the designated personnel of
the following stakeholders for the consulting activities/ tasks:
 Department of Housing & Urban Affairs (DoHUA) , GoA
 Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board, Govt of Assam (AUWSSB)
 Assam Urban Infrastructure Investment Programme (AUIIP)
 Assam Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation Ltd.
 Town & Country Planning Department, Govt of Assam
 Mission Directorate, AMRUT Mission
 Urban Local Bodies
 District Authorities
11. Water for all: Safe, continuous and pressurised and metered drinking water supply
services for the following towns under the following components

Page 6 of 30
Name Popul Augmen Meter Distri Inta R CW E Bu SC Rehab
of Town ation tation/ne ed butio ke W PM S lk AD ilitation
Sl 2011 w House n Poi P R M A of
No construc Servic netw nt M et existin
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63388 Ye Ye Ye
1 Dhubri Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
s s s
Bongai 67322 ye Ye Ye
2 yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
gaon s s s
12. In broad terms, the scope of services/ key activities of the assignment comprises of
the following:
(i) Confirmation of the feasibility study for the 2-water supply augmentation
project prepared by AUWSSB including availability of land with clear–title,
site/ right-of-way, and no-objection/ necessary clearances etc.
(ii) Prepare conceptual design, etc. (as appropriate), prior to preparation of
(iii) undertake necessary surveys/ investigations towards preparing detailed
engineering design/ any other design for each project component, and create
a database/ information repository and conduct stakeholder consultations;
(iv) Prepare comprehensive DPRs for all 6 water supply projects including
financial analysis
(v) Initial poverty and social analysis/ summary poverty reduction and social
strategy (SPRSS), resettlement plan (RP) documentation and related due
diligence reports (DDRs)/ Indigenous Peoples plan (IPP) etc
(vi) Preparation of bid documents complete in all respects with bid-level drawings,
and good for construction drawings;
13. The detailed tasks of consulting Firm include, but would not be limited to the
Project Preparation and Design Tasks
(i) Confirmation of the feasibility studies carried out by AUWSSB and prepare
conceptual design, etc. (as appropriate) for identified water supply projects,
prior to preparation of DPRs identification of any data gaps from any existing
information made available by the GoA through AUWSSB and other
concerned stakeholder agencies and undertake efforts to acquire data to
bridge any such data gap through undertaking necessary surveys,
investigations and studies, if any, that is required for satisfactory completion
of project preparatory and design activities under the assignment, and which
would be useful for subsequent implementation through the ensuing
(ii) review, and ensure that all the available surveys and data collected are
correct (amend, if required) and meets the national/ international best
practices of methods of surveying and data collection;
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(iii) undertake field surveys (site reconnaissance surveys, topographical surveys,
geotechnical investigations, including any hydrological/ hydraulic and
geological surveys as felt required, and any other engineering/ inventory of
loss etc and studies to establish a Consulting Firm basis for design and
planning of project components. The consultant may need to hire surveyors
based on the nature and scale of surveys that will be required;
(iv) wherever required, prepare/ update inventory of all utilities, e.g. networks/
assets of–water supply systems, electrical poles/ cables/ transformers/ sub-
stations, street-/ landscape- or pedestrian use-lighting, telecommunication
cabling/ wireless transmission towers/ facilities, gas pipeline, and other utility
networks, if any; and prepare recommendations and detailed designs for
utility placement either through unified ducting or separate dry and wet
utilities’ ducting options, as feasible, and whether affecting or affected by the
project work components under proposed investments in the ensuing
(v) undertake due diligence w.r.t. the detailed engineering design/ any other
design work recommended for the water supply sub projects; 3
(vi) strengthen/ integrate any existing concepts, feasibility study, detailed
engineering designs/ any other designs and DPRs developed by the Client/
concerned stakeholder authorities to ensure the designs are prepared
according to the national standards/ international standards or best practices
(whether the design prepared is at the stage of concept-/ and/or at DPR
stage), including service delivery towards meeting national benchmarks/
service-level agreements (SLAs), and duly incorporating the aspects or
factors of resilience to climate risks/ climate change impacts and disaster
risks (as per national standards/ international standards or best practices,
including ADB’s South Asia Department framework and practice, etc.).4;
(vii) finalize the detailed engineering designs/ any other design works, technical
specifications, item rate analyses, detailed schedule of quantities and cost
estimates in the DPRs that meet all the prescribed national standards/
international best practices, including service delivery towards meeting
national benchmarks/ SLAs, and duly incorporate any recommended risk
avoidance/ minimization measures, and adaptation and/or mitigation
measures to address factors for resilience to climate risks/ climate change
impacts and disaster risks, not only for new infrastructure to be built, but also
for enhancing resilience of or “climate proofing” the existing infrastructure;
(viii) identify the utilities to be replaced/ removed/ rehabilitated/ upgraded, and
prepare a detailed implementation plan with necessary cost estimates, for
project sites;

Due diligence will cover financial, social safeguards, technical, etc., aspects of the projects for ensuing loan(s)/
project (s).
For example, may refer for integrated/ holistic planning to the Urban and Regional Development Plans
Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines, 2014, Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD),
Government of India (GOI); Handbook of Service Level Benchmarking, 2008, MOUD, GOI; Codes/ Manuals/
Guidelines/ Advisory Notes (as applicable) of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and its National Building Code
(NBC), Indian Roads Congress (IRC), and Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation
(CPHEEO) under MOUD, GOI; Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) Guidelines,
June 2015, MOUD, GOI, etc. [Note: Erstwhile MOUD is now known as Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
(MOHUA)]; etc.
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(ix) undertake financial analysis of projects, and provide financial internal rate of
return (FIRR) done at the time of appraisal, including any impacts of
midstream changes during the project period for reviewing/ updating financial
analysis and evaluation/ financial management assessment*;5
(x) prepare and submit bid-level working drawings for use at bidding process
stage of work; and good for construction drawings before the end of
consulting period and prior to any commencement of construction works of
the ensuing loan/ project;
Project Safeguard Related Tasks
(xi) undertake social safeguard studies (including but not limited RP
documentation and related DDRs/ IPP/ GESI aspects/ gender mainstreaming/
gender sensitization etc.) for the proposed investments, as per state/ national/
international/ donor agency requirements. In case of livelihood impacts, the
resettlement plan will include initiatives to conduct a needs assessment for
livelihood regeneration measures.6 All of these project documents prepared
by the Consultant shall be in the prescribed ADB formats, and meeting ADB
approval requirements.
Procurement Related Tasks
(xii) Assist in preparation of the procurement plan, prepare draft bid documents for
the individual contract packages identified in the Procurement Plan as per
latest appropriate standard bidding document and related user guide, and
request for quotation (RFQ)/ standard request for proposal (SRFP) issued by
ADB for works, goods and plant, non-consulting/ consulting services’
contracts and finalize the bid documents or proposal as per comments
(xiii) ensure that draft/ finalized bid documents shall include technical
specifications, bid-level working drawings (watermarked “for tender purpose
only”), bill of quantities (BOQs), any other documents required by the ADB,
including performance targets specified as per project component’s sectoral
national standards/ benchmarks and/or international standards/ best practices
context applicability and as decided by the government;
Note: All project documents prepared by the Consultant shall be in the prescribed ADB
formats, and meeting ADB approval requirements.
14. While undertaking the specific tasks for “detailed engineering design” stage of work
under the Project, the consulting Firm shall inter alia, consider the following aspects:
A. Water Supply System improvement
15. The objective is to improve water supply services in the project towns, in order to
meet both the present and future demand requirements, and resultant need for robust
planning for deep uncertainty for following infrastructure services: (i) water supply services,
within the context of delivering continuous pressurized and sustainable water supply
services that ensure inclusive access, i.e. water for all. This is envisaged to entail:
(a) the improvement, rehabilitation of existing facilities and/or construction of new
facilities to ensure the adequacy of water supply and other services

ADB. 2019. Financial Analysis and Evaluation: Technical Guidance Note. Manila; ADB. 2017. Preparing and
Presenting Cost Estimates for Projects and Programs Financed by the ADB: etc.
ADB. 2009. Safeguard Policy Statement (Policy Paper, June 2009). Manila.
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commensurate with the projected demand requirements from existing and
potential customers, including the poorer section of the community currently
not serviced in integrated urban sector;
16. The specific tasks contained in the detailed scope of work are intended to serve as
minimum requirements for the Consultant to undertake the project study/ review and design
work for the assignment. Additional tasks that add to a greater understanding of key issues
may be addressed, as appropriate. To implement the objectives of the proposed
assignment, the work of “detailed engineering design” stage for project towns/ work
components under water supply sub projects should be organized under the following tasks:
Task-1: Survey of Project Towns
(a) Defining the Boundary of Planning Area. In consultation with the DoHUA/ULB the
consulting Firm will identify the geographic boundary of the municipal administration
area, including the potential future growth area and the drainage outfall area outside
the municipal boundary to be covered in the project. The municipal boundary area of
each of the project towns along with that of development authority boundary, if any,
taluk and district should be coded using GIS if any existing GIS map available with
the client. Any landuse map/ GIS-based maps available with DOHUA will form the
baseline for the Consulting Firm’s integrated planning purposes.
(b) Collect present water supply infrastructure and service data. Conduct a
reconnaissance survey; articulate and accurately identify conditions in the existing
water supply will provide an effective base from which to define the direction for
overall improvements; and evaluate alternative development scenarios. The following
surveys will help to identify the infrastructure augmentation and service delivery
enhancement needs of residents of respective project towns, as applicable:
i. review of existing plans and demographic data: The Consultant should
obtain and review the existing plans as available related to land use
planning, water supply and other related infrastructure
ii. data on socio-economic characteristics, property ownership, growth
character, special characteristics like, international border trade,
connectivity, power availability, natural gas availability, etc;
iii. water supply infrastructure inventory: The Consultant will prepare a detailed
inventory of existing infrastructure. This shall include details of:
Water Supply System
 water resources available/ source augmentation needs, raw and
treated water quality, treatment plants, iron removal plants, storage
(overhead/ underground) and pumping systems, metering, and
inventory of loss;
 water network details with approximate age profile, type and class of
pipes laid;
 service connections and service levels;
 current O&M organization, staffing, maintenance data for at least two
(2)-calendar years;
 financial data comprising of annual capital and O&M budgets, current
expenditure trend, prevailing tariffs, revenue billing and collection
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 list of ongoing capital and maintenance works (plan and non-plan);
 any other available information relevant to the study shall be
compiled from primary and secondary sources and site visits. Any
inconsistency or deficiency in the information shall be noted. The
Consulting Firm should compile and integrate the existing water
supply infrastructure database to be able to integrate with GIS
 Carry out NRW study to estimate NRW in the existing system and
propose measures to control NRW in the proposed project
(c) Topographical survey data. The Consultant shall also undertake topographical and
block levelling surveys of all infrastructure components under water supply projects
covering: (i) water supply facilities, such as water source, intake/ diversion weir,
transmission mains and distribution networks, water treatment plants, pumping
stations, balancing reservoirs, etc. The topographic survey should cover entire road
network without leaving a single HH for comprehensive coverage of water supply
network including new areas under development. Adequate contour level should be
taken for proper hydraulic modelling of the water supply network. The topographic
survey data should be compatible with GIS format. (Indicative Scope of Work for
Topographic survey requirement is at Annexure A)
(d) Geo-Technical Surveys/ Investigations. The Consultant shall organize and
undertake standard geo-technical surveys to investigate and determine the soil
strata, foundation requirements, sub-surface water levels, trench cutting
requirements, etc., for the prioritized subprojects; and the number of samples shall
be in accordance to relevant Indian national standards.
Task-2: Water Supply Improvements
(a) Planning and Design Scope. Considerable effort is expected to be expended in
developing town-specific, water supply improvement plans based on any existing
water supply master plans that, when designed and constructed, will lead to the
sustained delivery of continuous pressurized 24X7 water services that meet social
and environmental expectations. This part of scope of study will be undertaken in
several stages, and as far as is practical, these stages are expected to run in parallel:
 Stage-1 of Source Identification Report: The content of Source
Identification Report shall consist of the guidelines provided at Section
3.2 of CPHEEO Manual;7
 Stage-2 of Feasibility Report: To confirm the feasibility study already
done by AUWSSB to the guidelines provided in Section 3.3 of
CPHEEO Manual;
 Stage-3 of Detailed Project Report: The content of Feasibility Report
shall consist of the guidelines provided at Section 3.4 of CPHEEO
17. The study is to place emphasis on the practical operation of the planned water
supply system. It is not enough to plan conventional normative piped water network
systems, which often result in substantial variations during implementation due to

Section numbers refer to respective sections in the CPHEEO, Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, 1990.
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topographical needs, onsite obstructions, land availability and restricted work sites and geo-
technical issues. Practical influences include the hydraulic requirements, the topography, the
town layouts, road networks, the density of property development, the location of the water
extraction point, intake/ diversion weirs, water treatment plant, reservoirs, etc., and
maintainability of the assets. Factors such as population size, topography, groundwater level
as well as the locations of pumping stations and the treatment plant must be considered. In
addition to capacity augmentation of drinking water infrastructure facilities, there is a
significant need for investments in retrofitting the existing infrastructure to cover the backlog
maintenance. The study is expected to address each of these and how they impacted the
design and operation of the planned water system.
18. These terms of reference for water supply subsector include a planning
methodology, which is to be followed by the Consulting Firm. The degree of success of the
planned water system will reflect the experience and the detailed attention that is to be
carefully applied to each aspect of the system, as outlined in these terms of reference. The
Consultant shall employ a concerted effort to develop an integrated water management
solution, which is resilient to climate changes and delivers services in an optimum manner to
provide an effective, efficient, and sustainable service in these towns.
(a) Water Supply Infrastructure Design. Prepare the design of the selected water
supply component of prioritized subproject towns, including intakes, intake/ diversion
weirs, desilting tanks, transmission and distribution systems (new/ replacement),
water treatment plants, pumping stations, reservoirs (overhead/ underground), water
supply zones, metering, etc. As part of this, the Consultant will:
i. review the current design/ service parameters, suggest any changes it
considers appropriate, and conduct hydraulic analyses of proposed system
designs, to determine their compliance with the agreed parameters;
ii. Population projection using various methos suggested in CPHEEO manual
and selecting optimum population projection
iii. undertake the assessment of water needs, available resources, and the
capacity of existing systems, and advise on any improvements necessary to
achieve and sustain the agreed design and service standards. This may
include source and system augmentation, rehabilitation and extension, etc.;
iv. identify suitable water sources (surface water and groundwater), confirm
quality and quantity of water available;
v. design of intakes and/or infiltration galleries to maximize their efficiency, and
minimize the effects of siltation, climate change impacts and their
maintenance requirements;
vi. design the water treatment systems duly evaluating latest technologies most
appropriate for the local needs, institutional capacity, environment,
sustainability, and operation and maintenance capacities, etc.;
vii. design water transmission main including pipe trenching, laying, thrust blocks,
pressure testing, access for cleaning/ repair (including air/ scour, flow control,
pressure regulating valves), pumping, power supply, water quality monitoring;
viii. design the water distribution systems including pipe trenching, laying,
pressure testing, access for cleaning/ repair (including air/ scour valves),
pumping, power supply, water quality monitoring, fire-fighting capacity,
household/ communal water points or stand posts, household collection and

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storage capacity;
ix. design various instrumentation systems for effective and efficient supervisory
control, data acquisition–SCADA and monitoring of asset and operational
performance, service delivery monitoring and sustainable maintenance
x. plan for road cutting and restoration (making good the same at each road
crust-layer levels with proper compaction, and maintaining the same road
surface level as before, as a best practice) and managing the excavated soils
and all related social and environmental safeguards, and shifting of utilities,
removal of construction debris, and permits for undertaking various works;
xi. prepare the detailed engineering designs, bid-level working drawings, and
good for construction drawings for the proposed works;
xii. assess requirements for effective, efficient, and sustainable operations and
maintenance of the assets created (preventive and routine maintenance),
including all commercial service requirements like, meter reading, billing,
revenue collection, customer contact management, etc., with all necessary
needs of staffing, transport, administration, consumables, etc., complete in all
xiii. while designing and adopting particular technology, consideration should be
given for the life-cycle costs of the proposed systems, the financial and
technical capacities of the respective local bodies to operate and maintain
proposed system;
xiv. incorporate successful regional, national and international experiences in
water supply systems and strategies in comparable situations (from technical
perspective, the State of Assam is located in the northeastern region of India),
especially in the field of water demand management to optimize the system,
water resource(s) and equitable water use;
xv. prepare the required technical specifications, bills of quantities (BOQs), cost
estimates, and bid documents (complete in all respects, following ADB
accepted formats and meeting ADB approval requirements);
(b) Hydraulic Modelling. The consulting Firm shall undertake GIS based hydraulic
modelling of the water pumping transmission, pumping, storage (overhead/
underground), and distribution network (WaterGems or equivalent). The purpose of the
hydraulic modelling is to determine the required diameters of water pipelines for the
design flows, and to also determine the performance of the pipes laid at peak flows.
The performance of entire pumping, storage, and distribution system shall be
demonstrated on an extended period simulation for at least 72 hours of continuous
flow regime.
Task-3: Safeguard related work
(a) Social Safeguards. Prepare social safeguard documents in accordance with ADB’s
Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS, 2009) and the country’s legal requirements. Assess
government policies, experiences, institutions, and the legal framework for
environmental assessment, involuntary resettlement and Indigenous People to
address any gaps with ADB’s SPS. First update, as needed; (a) resettlement
framework; and (b) Indigenous Peoples planning framework, if applicable, developed
specifically for the project; and then; (c) land acquisition and resettlement plan/ only

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RP documentation and related DDRs, and/or (d) IPP documentation, as appropriate
for each project (e) GESI aspects/ gender mainstreaming/ gender sensitization.
Task-4: Project Financial Viability
19. Financial Analysis: Develop a long-term financial model for the water supply
services. In particular, this would include the financing of and projected revenue from the
proposed investment program.
20. This would include the utilization and estimation of forecast parameters (NRW,
staffing numbers and ratio, organization structure and resources, unit operating costs,
accounts receivables, etc.) using well run water supply and wastewater/ septage
management operations as the benchmark. The consulting Firm would present a fully
developed financial model and forecast for the agreed city investment plan, to demonstrate
the economic and financial viability of the recommended option. Similarly, undertake
financial analysis for other above-stated infrastructure services in the project.
Task 5: Submission of the Draft Detailed Project Report
21. Consequent to approval of feasibility report/ conceptual design report, the consulting
shall prepare a Draft comprehensive detailed project report (DPR) for water supply for each
town. The DPR is to contain the following, but not limited to:
i. Executive Summary. Summary of the salient features of existing water supply system
of the town, the recommended solutions, any significant planning and design/
implementation impediments, the cost, and any significant environmental and/or social
ii. Introduction. The background to the project, the study methodology, the study criteria
and parameter values, and a map of the study area showing relevant study features.
iii. Study Area. Features of the study area influencing the recommended solution,
decisions and trade-offs made, possible planning and design/ implementation
impediments, and social and environmental areas of significance. A map showing the
proposed infrastructure distribution zones overlaid on a map of the town, including land
use and habitation areas is to be included.
iv. Existing Situation. A description of (i) existing water supply system, problems being
experienced (including prevailing service levels), and information on existing O&M
organization, financial condition, cost-recovery mechanism, etc.;
v. Proposed Project and Detailed Design. The project design shall include population
projection, source sustainability study, method of extraction, design of intakes,
pumping systems, treatment process and all related general layout, and process and
instrumentation design, hydraulic design, hydraulic flow diagrams, hydraulic model for
pumping, storage, transmission and distribution systems for water supply services;
vi. Social safeguard issues. As required RP and related DDRs/ IPP (as applicable)/
GESI aspects/ gender mainstreaming/ gender sensitization, and a separate social
impact assessment, (i) highlighting any areas of significance, which may require
resolution before the project proceeds to the next stage; and (ii) duly including in its
advice/ recommendations etc.
vii. Cost Estimation and Implementation Schedule. The estimated capital and annual
operating cost of the recommended solution is to be provided. Quality infrastructure
investment should attain value for money, and remain affordable with respect to life-
cycle costs, by taking into account the total cost over its life cycle (planning, design,
finance, construction, O&M, and possible disposal), compared to the value of the
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asset, as well as its economic, environmental and social benefits.8 A contingency of (i)
10% should be added to each estimate for water supply system; A detailed
implementation schedule showing dependencies should be included.
viii. Recommendations. Any recommendations regarding the detailed design,
construction or operations and maintenance of the recommended solution, especially
those relating to social issues.
ix. Appendixes.
 Appendix A – Design Criteria
 Appendix B – Drawings
 Appendix C – All relevant technical and survey data.
Task-6: Final Report on Comprehensive DPR
22. Consolidating all the reports, the Consultant shall prepare the final report with an
executive summary, implementation plan, and respective financial operating plans. The draft
final report shall be delivered within 16-weeks (maximum typical duration available), and the
final report after incorporating final comments from Client shall be submitted by end of 20th-
week (maximum typical duration available), since commencement of each comprehensive
DPR as per phasing of deliverables. The comprehensive DPR would cover the urban
infrastructure sectoral component, as applicable, and duly integrated with urban roads
sectoral component, for each prioritized subproject town.
23. The consulting Firm shall submit a soft copy and 5 hard copies of each of the above
reports. The Consultant should submit electronic copies of all database files developed as
part of the project, including mapping and drawing files (SHP and DWG formats), data tables
(XLSX). It is to be noted that all original design files for hydraulic models, mathematical
analysis, Auto-CAD etc as part of the assignment.
Task-7: Preparation of Bid Documents
24. The consulting Firm would support the EA in preparation of the procurement plan, bid
documents (suitably as civil works, goods/ plants/ equipment, and any non-consulting/
consulting services contracts) for the above-stated components.
25. The assignment period for consulting services as stated above is 5 months
(presently envisaged). The Consulting Firm is tentatively expected to be mobilized by End of
November 2023 and accordingly the consulting services is to complete by April 2024. These
priority list of projects will go to the stage of bidding process, upon completion of the
projects’ detailed engineering design, and allied activities of necessary supporting
documentation and bid documents-set complete in all respects, as required. The bidding
process for such subprojects’ contract packages to commence latest by the 1st quarter of
2024 or earlier, for start of issuance of invitation for bids (IFBs).
26. Under the assignment, the consulting Firm is envisaged to prepare one
comprehensive DPR per water supply project duly considering the required coverage/
projected demand within the Municipal boundary of the project towns. In addition, the
consulting Firm by the end of the assignment period should target support for completion of
all the IFBs issued for identified and prioritized ULBs,

Infrastructure should be inclusive, enabling the economic participation and social inclusion of all. Economic and
social impacts should be considered as an important component when assessing the quality of infrastructure
investment, and should be managed systematically throughout the project life-cycle.
Page 15 of 30
27. The indicative stage-wise workflow is given in Table 1 (not in any strict hierarchical
order and subject to further modifications):
Table 1: Indicative Stage-wise Workflow

S. No. Stage of Work/ Deliverable Type Responsibility

1. Reconnaissance survey, availability of land with clear– Facilitation: DoHUA

title, site/ right-of-way, and all no-objection and
Primary task: Consulting Firm
necessary clearances for each subproject

3. Delineation of project site boundary/ any alignment, Facilitation: DoHUA

topographical, geotechnical, hydrological and geological
Survey task: Consulting Firm
surveys (as felt required), and any other engineering/
demand / inventory of loss survey etc.

8. Confirmation of feasibility report/ concept design, etc., as Approval: DOHUA

appropriate for each project*

9. a. Preparation of Comprehensive DPR for each Facilitation: DoHUA

prioritized subproject town/ subproject work
preparation task: Consulting
components, as applicable
 Detailed Engineering Design
Time period – 5 Months from
 Detailed Cost Estimate date of signing of agreement

 Drawings: bid-level working drawings first, and

detailed good for construction drawings later
 Draft DPR, and Final DPR

b. Technical Sanction of Final DPR Technical Sanction: DoHUA

Maximum time period for the
Technical Sanction: one-months

c. Acceptance of Comprehensive DPR (including detailed Approval: DoHUA

estimated costs) for commencing the procurement
Follow-up, technical clarification
and support task: Consulting

28. The consulting Firm will report to the Project Director, AUIIP. For day-to-day basis of
reporting, the team would coordinate with Nodal Officer under DoHUA or any other
designated representative from Client for execution of the consulting assignment. The Team
Leader is responsible for delivery of all the work outputs and corresponding reports. The
Consulting Firm is required to submit following reports, to the Project Director, AUIIP. All
reports should be submitted as required below (Table 2), in an electronic and hard copy
29. The list is indicative and the consultancy firm may be required to provide additional
services as required for the fulfillment of technical and safeguard aspects as per guideline of
the funding agency. The firm should have adequate number of back up experts of each
stream so that in case of unforeseen events, if the services of one or more team members
cease to continue, the firm should supply substitute team member of equal or higher
competence within agreed time frame. It is clarified that no extra remuneration/ payment

Page 16 of 30
would be made to the firm for the substitute member so offered. The substitute member shall
be subjected to approval of the AUIIP, Govt of Assam.
Table 2: Details of Milestones/ Deliverables: Reports/ Timing
Milestones/ Deliverables No. of
Sl no (Type of Report) Timing Copies
1 Confirmation of feasibility report At the end of 4 weeks 5
2 Submission of Draft DPR At the end of 16 weeks 5
3 Submission of Final DPR At the end of 20 weeks 5
4 Draft Bid documents At the end of 18 weeks 5
5 Final Bid Document At the end of 20 weeks 5


30. For the consulting services requirement for the water supply project preparation, the
following key and non-key persons would be required. The team composition of consulting
Firm covering key experts and support staff is in Table 3.
Table 3: Team Composition for Consulting Firm

Deployment Type (onsite/

S. No. Expertise Positions Offsite) out of total proposed
man month

A. National Key Experts

Minimum 50% of the proposed
1 Water Supply Expert – Team Leader 1
man days (onsite)
2 Design Engineer-Water Supply 1 Onsite /offsite as required
Minimum 50% the proposed
3 Procurement Expert 1
man days (onsite)
4 Structural Engineer 1 Onsite/offsite as required
Electro-Mechanical Engineer (Water Supply
5 1 Onsite/offsite as required
6 Financial analyst 1 Onsite/offsite as required
Minimum 60% of the proposed
7 Social Safeguard and Gender Expert 1
man days (onsite)
B. National Support Staff
1 Quantity Surveyor(s) 1 No
2 Draughtsman 1 No

Table 4: Qualifications and Responsibilities of Key Experts

A. National Key Experts

1. Water Supply Expert – Team Leader

Qualifications: Preferably a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering/ Public Health

Engineering/ Hydrological Engineering/ Water Resources Engineering/ Civil Engineering/
Structural Engineering or equivalent; over a basic Bachelor’s degree from a recognized
University in Civil Engineering or equivalent.

Experience: Minimum 15 years of specific experience as Water Supply Expert in undertaking

planning and detailed engineering design work for major water supply networks infrastructure
projects with proven experience in urban development, complete water supply (both ground
and surface water) and treatment, and related infrastructure designs. Work experience in
planning and design, and implementation of external-aided/ MDB projects in integrated urban
Page 17 of 30
A. National Key Experts
sector is desirable.

2. Design Engineer (Water Supply)

Qualifications: B.E., or B.Tech. from a recognized University in Public Health Engineering/

Environment Engineering/ Civil Engineering or equivalent

Experience: Minimum 10 years of experience in water supply project design in water supply
network design, hydraulic modelling, establishing DMAs etc

3. Structural Engineer

Qualifications: Preferably a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering/ Civil Engineering/

Architectural Engineering or equivalent; over a basic degree of Bachelor’s from a recognized
University in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Architecture/ Architectural Engineering
or equivalent.

Experience: Minimum 10 years’ experience in structural design of water retaining structure

including various components of water treatment plants, reservoirs etc. conversant with use of
latest structural design software tools, and undertaking designs of structural elements in
integrated urban sector

4. Procurement Expert

Qualifications: Master’s degree in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering / Electrical

Engineering/ Law/ Contracts Procurement and Management or equivalent; over a basic
Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University with a major in Civil Engineering/ Architectural
Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Law/ Purchasing, Contracts, and
Business Management or equivalent.

Experience: Minimum 10 years’ specific experience in procurement and contract management

for major civil works and goods projects, and consulting services, with proven credentials in
procurement management. Knowledge of ADB Procurement Policy, Regulations, Standard
Bidding Documents Request for Quotation (RFQ)/ Standard Request for Proposal (SRFP), and
Guidelines/ Guidance Notes issued by ADB, including those under the ADB’s New
Procurement Framework of 2017, is an advantage. Work experience in procurement planning,
and project design and implementation of external-aided/ MDB projects in integrated urban
sector is desirable.

5. Electro-Mechanical Engineer (Water Supply Systems)

Qualifications: B.E., or B.Tech. from a recognized University in Mechanical Engineering/

Electrical Engineering or equivalent

Experience: Minimum 10 years’ experience in designing of various electro mechanical

components of water supply/waste water projects

6. Social Safeguard and Gender Expert

Qualifications: Master’s degree in Social Science/ Sociology/ Anthropology or equivalent; over

a basic degree of Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University with a major in Social
Science/ Sociology/ Anthropology or equivalent.

Experience: Minimum 10 years’ specific experience as a Social Safeguards Expert on similar

Page 18 of 30
A. National Key Experts
major infrastructure projects, and in land acquisition and involuntary resettlement, resettlement
planning, and Indigenous Peoples plan documentation and related due diligence reports, health
and safety management plan, is required. Possess up-to-date knowledge of laws and
regulations of India on land acquisition and compensation, rehabilitation and related activities.
Knowledge of ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009, GESI framework and necessary
safeguard document preparation and monitoring for compliance is an added advantage.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English are desirable. Work experience in
planning and design, and implementation of safeguard elements in external-aided/ MDB
projects in integrated urban sector is desirable.

7. Financial Analyst

Qualifications: Chartered Accountant or having a Master’s degree in Finance/ Accounting/

Business Management/ Economics/ Cost Accountant or equivalent; over a basic Bachelor’s
degree from a recognized University with a major in Business Management/ Finance/
Accounting/ Economics or equivalent. Qualification preferably be from a professional
accounting body (PAO) recognized by the international federation of accountants (IFAC) (e.g.,
CA/ CPA/ ACCA) or equivalent.

Experience: Minimum 10 years of general experience in public sector project finance and
accounting with professional practice experience focusing financial reporting in India. specific
experience in financial analysis, and tariff setting/ regulation of integrated urban or municipal
infrastructure sectors and services is an asset.

Table 5: Support Staff Positions–Qualifications and Experience Requirements

Positions of
National Support Qualification Requirements Experience
1. Quantity Surveyor(s) B.E. from a recognized University or 5 years (B.E.)
– 1 No’s Diploma in Civil Engineering / 10 years (Diploma)
Architectural Engineering/ [Urban Infrastructure-Water
Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Supply/ Drainage/ Sewerage
Engineering/ Quantity Surveying or or Septage/ Electro-
equivalent Mechanical, Transportation,
and Other Related
2. Auto-CAD Diploma in Civil Engineering/ 5–7 years
Draughtsman – 1 Architectural Engineering/ Computer (Experience of working on GIS
No’s Science/ Computer-Aided Design or software like, Arcinfo,
equivalent Geomatica, etc., is desirable)
The period of the assignment will be for 5 months.
Sl no Milestones/ Deliverables (Type of Report) Payment Schedule
1 Confirmation of feasibility report 20%
2 Submission of Draft DPR 40%
3 Submission of Final DPR 20%
4 Draft Bid documents 10%
5 Final Bid Document 10%

Page 19 of 30
31. Purpose of this EoI is to shortlist qualified Applicants as per the eligibility criteria.
After the completion of the EoI process for shortlisting, the procuring Entity (i.e., Client) shall
issue RFP to the shortlisted applicants requesting them to submit a detailed proposal
(Financial& Technical) as per the FRP terms and conditions (i.e., RFP Stage). In the RFP
stage, the most suitable among the shortlisted Consultants shall be selected for award of
contract, based on the evaluation of the proposals submitted as per the RFP terms and
32. The Consultant can either be a company, a partnership firm, or a proprietorship firm.
The following are the Pre-Qualification Criteria –
a) The bidder must be a registered company/ registered partnership firm registered/
proprietorship firm under appropriate authority as per Indian Law with registered office in
India and have an existence for minimum 7 years in providing technical consultancy services

b) The bidder must have minimum 5(Five) similar assignments related to preparation of detailed
engineering project report for municipal/urban water supply projects in India for any state or
central government agency (Copy of Completion certificate, work order/copy of contract or
any other which can be verified by the appointing authority).

c) The bidder must have executed minimum 5 (Five) similar assignments related to preparation
of detailed engineering project report for municipal/urban water supply projects in India
funded by ADB/World Bank /any Multilateral development banks having environmental and
social safeguard documentation as part of the deliverables in India for any state or central
govt agency or any MDB (Copy of Completion certificate, work order/copy of contract or any
other which can be verified by the appointing authority).

d) The applicant must have a minimum average annual turnover of Rs. 2.00 Crore over the last
three years (i.e. 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23). Copy of CA certificate to be submitted along
with the audited report.

e) Joint Venture or Association is not allowed

f) The Bidder should not have been blacklisted by any Government Departments/Agency/
Ministries or PSUs. In this regard a Notary attested affidavit is to be submitted.


33. The Applicant must get registered with the e-Procurement portal using valid DSC for
online submission of the EoI.
34. Interested eligible parties must submit their EoI online (scanned copy) on the e-
Procurement portal within due date and time of submission in the manner as prescribed in
this REoI document. In addition to online submission of EoI, the Applicants must also submit
hardcopies of the “Key Documents” as given below before due date and time of submission
of key Documents as mentions in the Notice Inviting EOI. Delayed submission shall be
considered as non-submission.
(a) EoI Processing Fee of Rs 3000.00. (The original instrument if paid vide DD)
(b) Original Power of attorney document authorizing the signatory to this EOI
(c) Declaration as per Form-6

Page 20 of 30
35. The EOI submission should be along with all documentary proof with respect to pre-
qualification and other documents as mentioned in below in form of checklist while uploading
36. Each page of EOI (submissions) should be signed by the representative duly
authorised by the applicant executing a Power of Attorney in the format given under
Annexure-4. In case the proposal is signed by any one of the Directors or key officials (CEO,
CFO or Company Secretary) a certified copy of the appropriate resolution / document
conveying such authority may be enclosed in lieu of Power of Attorney. In case of
partnership firm it should be signed by any one of the partner duly authorised by the
37. The applicant is responsible for submission of EoI proposal complete in all respect.
The Authority shall ignore the EoI in case of incomplete or defective submission.
38. Each page of the EOI submission should be serially numbered, signed and stamped
by the authorized signatory and submitted on-line in the e-Procurement portal i.e.
http://assamtenders.gov.in and hard copies of “Key Documents” as defined in the
address as given below, on or before the due date and time for submission.
Address for Submission (Hardcopies):
Project Director, AUIIP. 3rd Floor, Tripti Tower, Ganeshguri, Guwahati -781005,
Assam, India,
39. Submission of hardcopies of the “EOI document” within due date and time is
3.4. Checklist for the EOI submission
Sl. Submission Page
No. Status (Y/N) No
1 Covering Letter (As per Form-1)
2 Applicants Date Sheet. In the format given under Form-2.
3 Average annual turnover of Rs 2.00Crs (Rupees Two
Crores) over the last three years (i.e. 2020-21, 2021-22 and
2022-23). Copy of CA certificate to be submitted along with the
audited report (Form -3)
4 Minimum 5(Five) similar assignments related to preparation of
detailed engineering project report for municipal/urban water
supply projects in India for any state or central government
agency (Copy of Completion certificate, work order/copy of
contract or any other which can be verified by the appointing
authority). (Form 4A)
5 minimum 5 (Five) similar assignments related to preparation of
detailed engineering project report for municipal/urban water
supply projects in India funded by ADB/World Bank /any
Multilateral development banks having environmental and
social safeguard documentation as part of the deliverables in
India for any state or central govt agency or any MDB ((Copy of
Completion certificate, work order/copy of contract or any other
which can be verified by the appointing authority). (Form 4B)
6 “Power of Attorney” appointing the signatory, as per para
in the format given as Form-5.
7 Declaration with respect to non-blacklisting and debarment
in non-judicial stamp paper duly notarized. As per the
format given in Form-6.

Page 21 of 30
Sl. Submission Page
No. Status (Y/N) No
8 Self-attested photocopy of GST Registration Certificate,
PAN, PF & ESI Registration Certificate.
9 Any, other the applicant feels necessary
40. All the EoI submissions received (online & hard copies of Key Documents) within due
date and time shall only be considered by the Evaluation Committee.
41. The evaluation committee shall first ensure that the applications are complete in all
respect. Only those EoI submissions which are complete in all respect shall be considered
for further scrutiny.
42. Evaluation Committee reserves the right to seek further clarifications, explanation or
information on any issue relating to the eligibility till such time the Committee is fully
43. The Client (EoI Inviting Entity) shall finalize the list of the Consultants to be
shortlisted to participate in RFP based on the evaluation of the EoI submissions and
decision of the Client and the same shall be final and binding.
44. Names of the Consultants shortlisted (for RFP process) as per the evaluation of the
EoI responses/submissions will be hosted on the e-Procurement portal on completion of all
45. Detailed Proposal shall be invited by the Client from the shortlisted Consultants
(Applicants) issuing RFP. In the RFP document all technical and operational details shall be
furnished. At RFP stage the parties must submit detailed technical and financial proposal for
evaluation and selection of most suitable amongst them, as per the proposal submitted.
46. The selection of the Consultant shall be strictly based on the evaluation of the
proposals received from the shortlisted Consultants in response to the RFP, as per the
terms and conditions and specifications mentioned therein.

Page 22 of 30

Form 1: Covering Letter

Covering letter
[On the letter head of the Applicant]

Kind Attention: [location, date]

<Insert Designation & Address of EoI Inviting Authority>

Sub: EoI (Refence No…………………….)for shortlisting of eligible applicants to

participate in the RFP process forselection of consultant for <insert the name of
the assignment>.

Having read, carefully examined, and understood the “Expression of Interest” document
dated ______________ issued by <insert EoI Inviting Authority>(“Client”) and all
Annexures and other documents attached thereto, and all subsequent addenda and
clarifications issued pursuant thereto (collectively the “EoI”), we hereby express our
interest to participate in the RFP process, if shortlisted in this EoI stage.

We hereby agree and confirm that our EoI Proposal has been prepared strictly in
conformity with the instructions in the EoI document (including the forms set forth
therein) and that we shall always act in good faith and abide by the terms and conditions
of this EoI.

We agree that we have inspected and examined the EoI documents and have
ascertained that they contain no inconsistencies, errors or discrepancies and have
otherwise familiarized ourselves with all conditions of the EoI which may affect our
Proposal and all queries on other contractual matters have been addressed.

We represent and warrant to Client the information furnished by us is complete,

accurate, unconditional, and fairly presented.

We have the necessary capacity and experience to execute the assignment and
participate in the RFP, if shortlisted.

We follow all the terms and conditions of the EoI; there is no information, data or
documents which have not been disclosed which may prejudicially affect Client’s
evaluation or decision in relation to pre-qualification shortlisting.

We have all the necessary corporate and statutory approvals and authorizations to
participate in this EoI.

Page 23 of 30
We acknowledge that we have neither failed to perform any contract, as evidenced by
imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial client or a judicial pronouncement or
arbitration award against us or any of our director/trustee/partners or key officials nor has
been expelled from any project or contract by any public entity nor have had any contract
terminated by any public entity for any breach of contract by us.

We declare we have not been declared ineligible for corrupt or fraudulent practices in
any tendering process.

We undertake that we will intimate Client of any material change in facts, circumstances,
status, eligibility, or documentation relating to us during this EoI and till completion of
ensuing RFP process.

This Proposal shall be construed, interpreted, and governed, in all respects, by Assam
Public Procurement Act’2017, Assam Public Procurement Rule’2020 and the relevant
laws of India, without reference to its conflict of law principles. The courts at Guwahati
will have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of all matters arising out of this EoI process.

We undertake that we have not been debarred or blacklisted by any government

(Central/State) agency or PSU and fulfill all eligibility criteria as stipulated in this EoI

We have provided details, in accordance with the instructions and in the form required by
the EoI and have attached the same as appendices to this application.

Yours faithfully,

[Signature and Details of the Applicant/ Authorised Representative]

Page 24 of 30
Form 2: Applicant Details

1. Organizational Details
1.1. Full Name
1.2. Legal Status (firm/company, etc.)
1.3. Jurisdiction of Incorporation
1.4. Year of incorporation / registration
1.5. Registration Number
1.6. Registered Address

2. Details of Authorised Signatory

2.1 Name
2.2 Designation
2.3 Address
2.4 Contact Details

(Copy of the document of authorisation to be


3. Tax Registration Details

3.1. GST
3.2. Income Tax

4. Contact Person for this Proposal

4.1. Name
4.2. Address for Courier
4.3. Office Phone
4.4. Mobile Phone
4.5. Fax No.
4.6. E-mail Address

5. Certifications, Awards & Accreditations, if any


Note: attach company profile and type of services provided including list of clients, projects

Date: Signature of the Applicant


Page 25 of 30
Form 3: CA Certificate (Financial Information)

On the letter head of Chartered Accountant/Statutory Auditor

We/I have verified the Audited Financial Statement of Accounts and other documents
of…………………….. having registered office at …………. pertaining to the financial year
2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 has not been completed as on the due date of submission of
proposal). Based on our verification of the aforesaid statements and records, we certify that
the following details are true to the best of our information and according to the explanation
given to us.

(Amount in INR Crores)

Financial Year Average
Financial Information 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-21

Audited Audited Audited

Total Annual Turnover from
Consulting Business
Turnover from similar
consulting business
Annual Profit Before Tax

I/We also certify that the Applicant has 7 years of experience in providing technical
consultany services, in India for and on behalf of government or international agencies as on

Date: Signature and seal of the CA firm

UDIN :……………………………………………….


a) In case audit of 2022-23 financial statements are not complete, the Applicant may
furnish audited financial statements for 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23 and appropriate
disclosure shall be made in the certificate.
b) Documentary evidence in support of at least 7 (Seven) years in providing technical
consultancy services , in India for and on behalf of government or international
agencies, must be enclosed

Page 26 of 30
Form TECH-4A: Bidder’s experience in preparation of detailed engineering Project
report for municipal/urban water supply projects in Indian context for any state or
central govt agency

[List projects (not more than 10) in the last five years which are similar to that in the RFP.]
[The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference assignment
for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies
within a consortium, was legally contracted by the Employer stated below.]

Name of the Project: Approx. value of the contract (in current `):
Country: Duration of contract (months):
Location within country:
Name of Client:


Start date (month/year):

Completion date (month/year):

Name of joint venture partner or associated

partner if any:

Name of senior regular full time employees of

the firm involved and functions performed
(indicate most significant profiles such as
Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services* provided in the Contract:

*Copy of Work order /completion certificate to be submitted

Firm’s Name:

Signature of Authorized Representative:

Page 27 of 30
Form TECH-3B: Bidder’s experience in Specific Experience in preparation of detailed
engineering project report for municipal/urban water supply projects in India funded
by ADB/World Bank /any Multilateral development banks having environmental and
social safeguard documentation as part of the deliverables in India for any state or
central govt agency or MDB

[List projects (not more than 5) in the last five years which are similar to that in the RFP.]
[The following information should be provided in the format below for each reference assignment
for which your firm, either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies
within a consortium, was legally contracted by the Employer stated below.]

Name of the Project: Approx. value of the contract (in current `):
Country: Duration of contract (months):
Location within country:
Name of Client:


Start date (month/year):

Completion date (month/year):

Name of joint venture partner or associated

partner if any:

Name of senior regular full time employees of

the firm involved and functions performed
(indicate most significant profiles such as
Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services* provided in the Contract:

*Copy of Work order /completion certificate to be submitted

Firm’s Name:
Signature of Authorized Representative:

Page 28 of 30
Form 5: Power of Attorney

Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Application

(On a Stamp Paper of Rs 100/-)

Power of Attorney

We, …………………………………………………. (name and address of the registered office)

do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. / Ms. ………………………………(name and
residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of
…………………………………………….as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf,
all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our response to
the EoI for shortlisting of eligible applicants to participate in the RFP process for selection of
an agency to
g signing and submission of all documents and providing information to the Client (i.e.
…………) and its officials or representatives, representing us in all matters before Client, and
generally dealing with Client in all matters in connection with our EoI response.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney
pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds, and things done by our aforesaid
attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

Dated this the _______ day of _______20_

For ___________________________

(Name, Designation and Address)

(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)

Date : __________

i. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, as laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executants(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal
affixed in accordance with the required procedure.
ii. In case an authorized Director or key officials of the Applicant signs the Application, a
certified copy of the appropriate resolution/ document conveying such authority may
be enclosed in lieu of the Power of Attorney.
iii. In case the Application is executed outside India, the Applicant must get necessary
authorization from the Consulate of India. The Applicant shall be required to pay the
necessary registration fees at the office of Inspector General of Stamps.

Page 29 of 30
Form 6: Affidavit


(To be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper of minimum Rs 50/- duly certified by Notary)

We, M/s. ……………… (the Applicant), (the names and addresses of the registered
office) hereby certify and confirm that:

(i) We or any of our promoter(s) / director(s) / partner(s) are not blacklisted or

otherwise disqualified pursuant to any debarment proceedings by any Central or
State Government, Local Government or Public Sector Undertaking in India from
participating in any bidding process, either individually or as member of a
consortium as on the_______ (Date of Signing of Application).

(ii) We are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt, being wound up, having our
affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, having our business activities
suspended or subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing reason.

(iii) We or any of our promoter(s), director(s), partner(s) and officers are not
convicted of any criminal offence related to their professional conduct or the
making of false statements or misrepresentations as to their qualifications to
enter into a procurement contract within a period of three years preceding the
commencement of the procurement process.

(iv) There is no conflict of interest in submitting this Proposal

We further confirm that we are aware that, our Application for Shortlisting of
Organisations to participate in the bidding process eligible parties to select most
suitable of them to implement <insert name of the project>, would be liable for
rejection in case any material misrepresentation is made or discovered at any stage
of EoI evaluation or thereafter during RFP and the agreement period.

Dated this ……………………..Day of …………………., 20…..

Name of the Applicant

Signature of the Authorized Person

Name of the Authorized Person

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