DLL - ENGLISH 3 - Q2 - C12 - Abbreviations

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Teaching Dates & Time: JANUARY 15-19, 2024 (Week 9) 8:00 – 8:50 Quarter: SECOND


A. Content Standards Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
understanding of understanding of English understanding of understanding of
English vocabulary used vocabulary used in both English vocabulary used English vocabulary CATCH-UP
in both oral and written oral and written language in both oral and written used in both oral and FRIDAY
language in a given in a given context language in a given written language in a
context context given context
B. Performance Proficiency uses English Proficiency uses English Proficiency uses English Proficiency uses
Standards vocabulary in varied and vocabulary in varied and vocabulary in varied and English vocabulary in
creative oral and written creative oral and written creative oral and written varied and creative oral
activities activities activities and written activities
C. Learning Recognize some words Recognize some words Recognize some words Recognize some words
Competencies/ represented by common represented by common represented by common represented by
Objectives abbreviations (e.g. Mr. abbreviations (e.g. Mr. abbreviations (e.g. Mr. common abbreviations
( Write the Lode for Ave., Oct.) Ave., Oct.) Ave., Oct.) (e.g. Mr. Ave., Oct.)
each) EN3V-IIIa-7 EN3V-IIIa-7 EN3V-IIIa-7 EN3V-IIIa-7
II. CONTENT Common Abbreviations Common Abbreviations Common Abbreviations Common Abbreviations
(Subject Matter)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual
Resources presentations, pictures presentations, pictures presentations, pictures presentations, pictures
A. Reviewing previous Identify the different Read the sentences below. Match the days of the Give 10 abbreviations
Lesson or presenting sources of information Write inside the arrow the week in Column A with we have discussed.
new lesson in reading. correct abbreviations of their abbreviations in
the underlined words. Column B.
1. Doctor Cuestas is kind.

2. Attorney Cruz is my

3. August is my favorite

4. Mister Lopez is a
Mathematics teacher.

5. I visited my grandfather
last Thursday.

B. Establishing a Let us read the dialogue

purpose for the lesson below.

C. Presenting examples/ Read the following An abbreviation is a Mrs. Santiago: On Feb. Present other
instances of the new sentences carefully. Give shortened written form of 10, Dr. Erwin Reyes will abbreviations in class.
lesson. the abbreviation of each a word. Most common talk about how to keep
of the italicized words. abbreviations begin with a our body healthy. How
capital letter and end with about Atty. Amy San
a period. Alberto, Celia?
Celia: My aunt has
already accepted our
Mrs. Santiago: That is a
wonderful news. Atty.
1. Engineer Paras builds San Alberto will talk
and designs buildings about children’s rights
and other structures next month.
Ruby: Everyone in our
class is excited to listen
to them.

2. Attorney Cruz advises

people about the law
and legal rights.
3. We celebrated
Valentine’s Day last
February 14, 2020 at
my grandparents’ house.

4. Doctor Pascual treats

sick and injured people
in our place.

5. Miss Antonio and her

friend love to listen to
D. Discussing new What is the underlined Some of the common Do you know how to Abbreviations refer to
concepts and word in the first abbreviations are the read the underlined shorter versions of
practicing new skills. sentence? following: words? How are these words. Words are
What is the abbreviation words called? These are shortened to avoid
of Engineer? Doctor - Dr. words in their repetition of long words
An abbreviation, Engr. Monday - Mon. abbreviated forms. and save space and
is a shortened written Attorney - Atty. time. A word may have
form of Engineer. Tuesday - Tues. more than one
An abbreviation, Atty. is Engineer - Engr. abbreviation since
a shortened written form Saturday - Sat. rules in abbreviations
of Attorney. January - Jan. are complex and may
An abbreviation, Feb. is Avenue - Ave. vary.
a shortened written form February - Feb.
of February. Street - St.
An abbreviation, Dr. is a Mister - Mr.
shortened written form Boulevard - Blvd.
of Doctor. Miss - Ms.
An abbreviation, Ms. is President - Pres.
a shortened written form
of Miss.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing Mastery
(Lead to Formative
Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical Read the sentences. Use each of the following From the options below, Use each of the
application of Then, choose the correct abbreviations in a identify the following abbreviations
concepts and skills in common abbreviations sentence. abbreviations of the in a sentence.
daily living of the highlighted words. 1. President - Pres. listed terms. 1. Fr.
1. Miss Cruz is sleeping. __________________________ Jr. St. Sr. in. 2. km
2. I live in Santa Cruz ________________________ Ms. 3. St.
Street. 2. Boulevard - Blvd. lb. mm Engr. 4. Jr.
3. Mister Glenn loves to __________________________ Mr. Fr. 5. Ms.
play Soccer. ________________________ cm km ft.
4. Doctor Claro and her 3. Honorable - Hon. pt. Dr.
daughter are watching a __________________________
movie. ________________________ _____1. Saint
5. The two friends read 4. Lieutenant - Lt. _____2. centimeter
books every Saturday. __________________________ _____3. Doctor
________________________ _____4. inch
5. Captain - Cpt. _____5. kilometer
__________________________ _____6. Father
________________________ _____7. pound
_____8. point
_____9. Miss
_____10. Engineer
_____11. Junior
_____12. foot
_____13. Mister
_____14. Senior
_____15. millimeter
H. Making 1. What is an 1. What is an 1. What is an 1. What is an
Generalizations and abbreviation? abbreviation? abbreviation? abbreviation?
Abstraction about the 2. How are most of the 2. How are most of the 2. How are most of the 2. How are most of the
Lesson. common abbreviations common abbreviations common abbreviations common abbreviations
written? written? written? written?
3. What are the 3. What are the examples 3. What are the 3. What are the
examples of common of common abbreviations? examples of common examples of common
abbreviations? abbreviations? abbreviations?
I. Evaluating Learning Draw a happy face if the Choose the correct Fill in each blank with Write the whole word of
italicized abbreviation abbreviation used in the the correct abbreviation each abbreviation
used in the sentence is sentence. of the underlined word. below. Write your
correct and a sad face if Write your answers in answers in your
it is wrong. your notebook. notebook.
1. Gov. Mancera works 1. Because of the 1. Dr. Juan dela Cruz
in the office. miracles he performed, 6. Bagong Pag-Asa St.
2. My house is in Narra Lorenzo became the first 2. Univ. of the
1. Who is our municipal
Blvrd. Filipino saint. He is Philippines 7. Oct. 3,
health doctor?
3. Mrs. Corpuz helps the called ____ Lorenzo Ruiz. 2020
a. Dr. Villa is our
poor people. 2. He is called Junior 3. no. 3 8. Cinco Ave.
municipal health doctor.
4. School days start because he was named 4. Prof. Joven 9. the ff.
b. Dtr. Villa is our
every Mon. after his father, Mang questions
municipal health doctor.
5. Janr. is my birth Pedro. His full name is 5. Pres. Magsaysay 10.
c. Doc. Villa is our
month. Pedro Santos, _____. 2 in.
municipal health doctor.
3. Her brother is an
d. Dctr. Villa is our
engineer. He is _____ Ed
municipal health doctor.
4. The military group is
headed by a general. He
is ____ Alejandro Palma.
5. Rita’s father is a
2. In what avenue do you doctor. He is ____ Gloria
live? de Guzman.
a. I live in Narra Avenu.,
Davao City.
b. I live in Narra Ave.,
Davao City.
c. I live in Narra Aven.,
Davao City.
d. I live in Narra Avnu.,
Davao City

3. Who is Miss Reyes in

our school?
a. Mss. Reyes is the new
teacher in our school.
b Ms. Reyes is the new
teacher in our school.
b. Mis. Reyes is the new
teacher in our school.
c. Miis. Reyes is the new
teacher in our school.

4. Who is our governor?

a. Govnr. Ranoco is our
b. Gvr. Ranoco is our
c. Govr. Ranoco is our
d. Gov. Ranoco is our
J. Additional Activities
for Application or

A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:
Annaliza S. Maya
Teacher I

Checked by:
Rosegelly S. Del Mundo
Master Teacher I

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