FL b6 Eng
FL b6 Eng
FL b6 Eng
Application options 2
Basis of calculation 3
Input 4
Basic Parameters 4
System 4
Geometry 4
Holes (Openings) 8
Bending reinforcement 10
Loads 13
Design 16
Punching shear analysis as per EN 1992-1-1 – without column head enlargement 16
Punching shear analysis as per EN 1992-1-1 – with column head enlargement 22
Punching shear reinforcement as per EN 1992-1-1 24
Punching shear analysis with shear connector rails 26
FDB Punching shear analysis with lattice girders (interface to FILIGRAN software) 28
Output 29
Reference literature 30
Application options
This software application allows you to verify the resistance to punching shear of slabs with point-type
supports for:
Foundation slabs
Isolated footings
enlarged column heads for slabs.
Unlike shear with beams and plates, the shear resistance behaviour under punching shear load is
characterized by a three-dimensional stress state, which is caused by rotation-symmetric loading.
The software application performs the following separate calculations:
- Punching shear analysis as per EN 1992-1-1:2004/AC:2010 Para. 6.4 for columns with our without enlarged
The following National Annexes (NA) are available for this calculation:
DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA: 2011 + DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA Ber. 1:2012-06
DIN EN 1992-1-1:2013-04
DIN EN 1992-1-1:2015-12
ÖNORM B 1992-1-1:2007/2011/2018
BS EN 1992-1-1:2009/2015
PN EN 1992-1-1:2010
NTC EN 1992-1-1:2018
EN 1992:2004/2010/2014
Still available:
DIN 1045:1988, DIN 1045-1:2001/2008
Basis of calculation
The calculations performed in the punching shear application are based on the standard EN 1992-1-1:
2004/AC:2010, Para. 6.4 and 9.4.3 and the above-mentioned National Annexes.
The following European Technical Approvals for shear rails will be considered:
- Halfen HDB, certification: ETA-12/0454 from 01.09.2020,
- Schöck BOLE, certification: ETA-13/0076 from 12.03.2018 and
- Jordahl JDA, certification: ETA-13/0136 from 01.09.2020,
- EAD 160003 -00-0301 from May 2018 and
- TR 060 from November 2017
For any problems in connection with punching shear, such as the load-bearing behaviour in the limit state, or
concerning different construction and design solutions, please refer to the corresponding expert literature
such as /9/ and /13/.
For the solution of an actually existing punching shear problem, it is important to map the structural problem
correctly in the software and define an adequate decisive length of the circular cross section. If the load
transfer is non-uniform, local peak loading should be compensated with the help of a lump-sum factor for
VEd. The selection of this total load factor is at the user's discretion. The standard recommends values for
standard cases.
The B6+ application provides for the calculation of β in accordance with the method of plastic shear stress
distribution (see chapter Loading).
The input of values and control parameters has to be done in the menu on
the left side of the window – the so called FDC area (Frilo.Data.Control). You
can check the results immediately in the 3D graphic on the right side. See
"Basic operating instructions-PLUS".
Basic Parameters
Select the desired standard from the list.
The concrete and reinforcement selection lists allow the user to select the
concrete strength and the reinforcement steel quality.
The available material options depend on the selected standard.
Remarks: You can enter additional Text, which shows up in the output.
You can select among the slab types:
- Slab
- Foundation slab
- Compact foundation (isolated foundation)
For the foundation slab and the compact foundation, the area inside the
critical perimeter acrit is per default determined by iteration. This method
produces more favourable results for the user than the approximation
acrit = 1.0 · dm. A verification with a critical perimeter of acrit = 1.0 · dm is
possible with consideration of the border conditions for foundation slabs
and compact foundations (without head enlargement in each case) in
combination with the codes DIN EN 1992-1-1:2012, DIN 1992-1-1:2013, DIN
EN 1992-1-1:2015 and ÖNORM B 1992-1-1:2007 or ÖNORM B 1992-1-1:2011.
h Slab thickness
h >= 20 cm as per EN 1992 Para. 9.3.2 slab with punching
shear reinforcement
h >= 18 cm when using shear rails
dm effective height
Average effective height dm = h - co - dsl
with foundation dm = h - cu - dsl
co/cu upper/lower concrete cover
dsl diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement
If the static effective height dm is not less than the slab thickness h minus the concrete cover c
(c= ctop for ceiling slabs, c = cbot for foundation slabs and single foundations), an error
message is displayed.
The following column types are available for selection:
Rectangular - interior column
Rectangular - edge // b
Rectangular - edge // d
Rectangular - corner column
Circular - interior column
Circular - edge column
Circular - corner column
Internal wall corner
Wall end
Depending on the selected shape/type of column, the associated input fields are enabled.
cx column dimensions in x-direction (horizontal)
cy column dimensions in y-direction (vertical)
rx distance to the edge in x-direction of edge and corner columns
Lx supporting width in x-direction pertaining to rx
ry distance to the edge in y-direction of edge and corner columns
Ly supporting width in y-direction pertaining to ry
circular column:
c diameter of circular column
Wall end or Internal corner:
Lw wall length
b wall width (thickness of the wall)
d influence length to be applied (length of the round section parallel to the wall, per wall long side)
Internal corner
b pre-set wall thickness (wall end or interior wall corner)
d affected length defined for the load introduction area of the wall
When selecting the compact foundation, Lx and Ly are the dimensions of the foundation in the x- and y-
Ill.: Critical perimeters for edge column, corner column, wall end and interior wall corner at a distance
of lcrit = 2.0 dm stipulated by EN 1992
If for edge or corner columns, the length of the perimeters shown above exceeds that of a circumferential
perimeter (of an inner column), the circumferential perimeter is used in the calculation as per para. 6.4.2 (4).
Non rotation-symmetrical shear force loading applies because of the column geometry or the column
dimensions, for instance, or because a moment is transferred to the column or because the loads in the total
frame system are not transferred uniformly. The total load factor β is intended to map the maximum loading.
The approach based on an eccentricity as described in EN 1992-1-1, Para. 6.4.3 (3) or in the expert literature,
e. g. /9/ or /13/ is suitable for the estimation of this factor.
The calculation of the total load factor β in accordance with the method of plastic shear stress distribution
can be done with B6+ (see the paragraph Loading).
If a rectangular column grid is defined with braced systems for edge columns mainly under perpendicular
loading, the shear force action may be increased by 40 % for reasons of simplification, if the widths of the
columns do not vary by more than 25 %. For corner columns, 50 % are recommended, for interior columns 10
% (as per NA Austria /6/ 15 %). The values vary in the individual National Annexes. Total load factors are
entered by the user and should be evaluated in regard to the geometric and static conditions. If the
prerequisites are not satisfied, the load introduction area must be verified sectorwise under particular
The National Annexes for Germany /2/ and Austria /6/ prescribe a β value of 1.35 for wall ends and 1.2 for
wall corners. Other values can be assessed in a closer examination.
In addition to the wall width b, the user can specify the affected length "cal d" in order to improve the mapping
of the loading situation. For wall ends the wall length can be entered additionally. The software application
checks the length limitation of "cal d" to 1.5 dm as specified by the NA for Germany /2/ or to 1.4 dm as
specified for wall corners by the NA for Austria /6/. If the available wall surface does not comply with the
static requirements, the structural system of the edge or corner column should be used.
The shear force to be included in the calculation should be the wall load acting on the defined area portion. In
finite-elements calculations, often restraint moments with high compression loading at the outermost
discretization point are defined at singularity points . Normally, these values are peaks, which are reduced by
constructive measures or relocation of the stiffness proportions due to cracks. Geometry, material and load
values for columns, wall corners and wall ends can be transferred from the GEO program to B6+.
The load introduction area which is either defined by the user or assessed automatically on the basis of
restrictions is evaluated in accordance with EN 1992 and the perimeter is limited in accordance with the
following expression:
Uload <= 12 dm, b/d ≤ 2.0 as well
b1 = min{b; 3d}, a1=min{a; 2b; 6d-b1} NA Germany /2/ (NCI) to 6.4.1 (2) P
Holes (Openings)
Holes can be taken into consideration with all kinds and types of columns.
Input of several holes: Register „openings“
In accordance with EN 1992, holes with a distance to the column edge smaller
than 6 dm are considered as decisive.
The sum of the length deductions ui [cm] describes the section of the inner
perimeter at a distance of 1.5 dm that is limited by the intersecting tangents of
the cut-outs running from the column's centre of gravity to the cut-out
perimeters. Internally, a corrective calculation for the current perimeter is
performed. Correspondingly, the sum of the angles i [degrees] is defined as
the sum of the opening angles of the cut-out tangents. This value is not
relevant to the verification but necessary for the corrective calculation.
Ill.: Inner perimeters (interior columns) for the perimeter deduction ui as per EN 1992-1-1
The relation between the deduction length ui and the total perimeter length of the column type in question
must be within the permissible range. If an interior column is close to a large hole for a staircase, for instance,
the edge column type should be used instead of the interior column type in combination with a hole. The
column type with the lower perimeter length should be used as an initial system. In the proximity of staircase
holes, concentrated loading caused by stair loads for instance or loads from the building bracing may apply.
Such loading could reduce the punching shear resistance.
With long chases, the opening dimensions should be re-assessed with the help of an ideal hole width L2*. This
is done according to ill. 6.14 in / 2 / or ill. H6-32 S. 93 in /9 /. For items of older versions without this function
(< 02/2015) a conversion can be made, if necessary.
- For the condition L1 > L2, L2*= 𝐿1 ∙ 𝐿2
The hole should be outside of the centre of the column and enclosed in an opening angle below 45° if
For holes that are not calculated by the software application striking numerical values are displayed
(Ai = 999 ui = 999 i = 360°).
Ui [cm] Ai [cm2 ]
Ill.: Definition for the input of individual holes
0,0 +ys
In any case, the user should check the plausibility of the total results +xs
and the deduction lengths resulting for the holes in particular.
Bending reinforcement
Input via the reinforcement ratio
If the option "Show reinforcement area" is selected, the distances bgli, bgre, bgob and bgun are shown in the
graphic. These are the distances from the respective column edge to the left, right, up and down. These
specify up to which distance from the respective column edge the longitudinal reinforcement assumed in the
calculation is to be arranged (req. bgx = bgli + cx + bgre, req. bgy = bgun + cy + bgob).
The 1st layer is closest to the associated surface and the reinforcement
runs in the x direction. Directly below the 2nd layer runs in the y-
direction. Optionally, a 3rd reinforcement layer (reinforcement in x-
direction) and a 4th layer (reinforcement in y-direction) can be defined.
The rebars of all layers lie directly (crosswise) on each other. The
diameter and the center distance (or the number per meter) can be
defined independently for each layer.
From these values and the concrete cover above or below, the center of gravity for the reinforcement in the x-
or y-direction is determined. From the mean value, the static height dm results. Furthermore, the
reinforcement ratio Rho (and Rhox and Rhoy) is determined.
If you have selected Filigran FDB as the punching shear reinforcement and you want to enter the longitudinal
reinforcement using reinforcement layers, you must enter exactly 2 reinforcement layers (one in the x-
direction and one in the y-direction).
If the option "Show reinforcement area" is selected, the reinforcement areas Level 1 and Level 2 are measured
in the graph for the x and y direction.
When entering the bending reinforcement ratio or calculating it from the pre-set As values, the user should
note that the reinforcement ratio is to be referenced to the normal unreinforced slab. If a verification is
required in the inner perimeter of an enlarged head, the software application recalculates the reinforcement
ratio on the basis of the current cross sectional properties in the perimeter. The reinforcement ratio entered
by the user may exceed the permissible value. During the calculation, it is reduced to the value permitted for
this calculation.
The user can enter the bending reinforcement ratio rho ( in %) manually as a mean value. Otherwise, the
software application calculates this value automatically by referencing the reinforcement cross section areas
Asx [cm2] and Asy [cm2] to an ideal column strip width.
The column strip width pre-set for the calculation "cal bg" determines the reference concrete area. It is freely
selectable. If bg is set to 100 cm, the As values are specified per linear metre.
The output of the required laying widths for longitudinal reinforcement is performed separately for x- and y-
direction. Edge spacing will be considered for edge- and corner columns.
The German /2/ and Austrian NA /6/ require that the minimum reinforcement ratio for punching shear is
respected. The minimum reinforcement ratio is displayed for the countries mentioned above.
For a given reinforcement, the reinforcement ratio in each round section currently to be tested is newly
determined as the mean value of the existing reinforcement, relative to the area within the round section.
The user should note that in Germany only the supporting reinforcement of the slab that is loaded by tension
may contribute to the punching shear resistance.
The minimum reinforcement ratio is determined via the design of an equivalent minimum column moment in
accordance with the NA Germany (Para. 6.4.5(5)).
Asx Asy
vorh 100
2 bg (dm or dr )
max 0,5 2,0% according to the German NA /2/ the following applies in addition:
max 0,5 (NDP) 6.4.4 (1)
According to the Austrian NA /6/ the following applies in addition: max 0,4 Para. 9.4.8
If the existing reinforcement ratio exceeds the permissible maximum value, the calculated reinforcement ratio
is reduced.
Collapse reinforcement should be installed in the lower layer of a column connection in accordance with the
NAs for Germany and Austria. The German NA (Para. 9-4.1(3) prescribes the following calculation:
As = VEd / 1.4 / fyk with γF = 1.0.
Column load VE VE is the shear force resultant in the perimeter around
the column. In most cases, it is set in accordance with
the column load. If a uniform area loading applies
(with foundation slabs and compact foundations), the
load could be reduced by the area load portion inside
the perimeter. If strongly asymmetrical loading
applies (e. g. at the wall end or with columns under
bending load) either the shear force bearing capacity
should be increased or the verification should be
performed sectorwise in partial areas of the column.
As column type, edge or corner column should be
selected in this case.
The shear force resultant is shown in the 3D-view.
safety factor E In order to facilitate the switching over between standards for reasons of
comparison, a safety factor E is available. It is considered as a mean value to map
the influence of the partial safety factors and combination coefficients. The design
value VEd is the product of VE E. If a result was produced in accordance with the
combination rules of EN 1992, the value E should be set to 1.0. The safety factor E
also applies to the soil pressure and for the moments MEx,col, and Mey,col .
Total load factor The shear design force should be increased by a factor β because of the loading
applies not rotation-symmetrically. The factor is used to verify the punching shear
force resistance for peak stresses.
Current recommendations as per EN 1992-1-1:
= 1.10 for general interior columns
= 1.15 for interior columns as per NA Austria /6/
= 1.40 for edge columns
= 1.50 for corner columns
According to NA Germany /2/, the following applies in addition:
= 1.35 for the wall end and
= 1.20 for the interior wall corner
Other values can be assessed in closer examinations.
If there are no cut-outs, the total load factor β can be calculated in accordance with
the method of plastic shear stress distribution.
The total load factor is also considered in the calculation of the punching shear
Pretension The consideration of an axial concrete stress (pretension, compression) σcd is possible
for slabs (without column head reinforcement) in combination with DIN EN 1992-1-
1:2012. The pretension value to be entered is limited in the range of 0.0 ≤ σcd ≤
2.0 N/mm², because reference /9/ only allows a consideration of pretension up to 2.0
N/mm² in the calculation. Compressive stress should have a positive sign (attention:
other sign definition as with DIN 1045-1).
Soil pressure For foundation slabs or compact foundations, the user can enter a soil pressure to be
included in the decisive combination in addition to the column load. If the specified
soil pressure is > 0 kN/m², the foundation self-weight multiplied by 1.35 is deducted
from the soil pressure in the punching shear analysis. It is still possible (in the case
of an existing edge projection and a soil pressure > 0.0 kN/m2) to choose whether the
area of the soil pressure to be applied should be assumed without or with deduction
of the area of the edge areas (areas adjoining the edge of the foundation). Up to now,
the areas of the edge areas were deducted in B6+. In order to have comparability with
other programs (e.g. design programs for shear rails), the full relevant area for the
soil pressure can now be assumed.
The calculation of the total load factor β in accordance with the method of plastic
shear stress distribution is optionally available if no holes have been defined.
For the calculation of β, the moments MEx,col and MEy,col can be defined by the user. If
MEx/y,col 0 : moments are represented graphically.
The variable and indexes have the following meaning:
MEx,col moment around the x-axis referring to the column centre.
It is positive, if the moment vector points in the positive direction of the axis.
MEx,col moment around the y-axis referring to the column centre.
It is positive, if the moment vector points in the positive direction of the y axis.
These moments are internally converted to refer to the centre of gravity of the critical perimeter.
The calculation of β is based on the equation NA.6.39.1 in the National Annex for Germany.
MEd,x u1 2 MEd,y u1 2
1.0 (k x ) (k y ) 1.10 Eq. NA 6.39.1
VEd W1,x VEd W1,y
kx, ky shape coefficients as per table 6.1
MEd,x / y moment around the x- or y-axis referring to the centre of gravity of the perimeter (calculated
internally by the software)
VEd corresponds to VE, see max. shear force. For foundations and slabs VEd,red instead of VEd
should be used in the calculation based on eq. 6.51 or eq. NA.6.51.1 (is automatically done by
the software)
u1 length of the critical perimeter
Instead of the reduced critical perimeter according to NA Germany, Fig. NA.6.12.1 or NA Austria,
Fig. 3, the gross perimeter length is used in the beta value calculation.
W1,x / y plastic section modulus of the critical perimeter referring to the x- or y-axis
The formulas for W1,x and W1,y as well as the centre of gravity of the perimeter are taken from reference /9/.
With greater load introduction areas and a critical perimeter that is subdivided by these areas, u1, W1,x and W1,y
refer to the global perimeter (i.e. not subdivided) for reasons of simplification.
For a moment around one axis only, equation 6.39 is used instead of eq. NA 6.39.1.
MEd u1
1.0 k 1.10 Eq. 6.39
VEd W1
Note: the initial parameters are the same as with eq. NA 6.39.1.
For interior columns with a circular cross section, a simplified version of eq. 6.39 is applied:
1.0 0.6 1.10 analogous to eq. 6.42
D 2lu
e resulting load eccentricity referring to the column centre
D diameter of the column
lu distance of the critical perimeter u1 to the border of the load introduction area
For better illustration, both the critical perimeter with its centre of gravity and the load application point
(application point of the column load displaced by the moments) are shown in the graphic window. If the load
application point coincides with the centre of gravity of the critical perimeter, the distribution of the plastic
shear forces along the critical perimeter would theoretically be uniform, i.e. β = 1.0 . According to the NCI to
6.4.3 (3) β < 1.10 is not permitted. Therefore, β = 1.10 is put out. The larger the distance of the load
application to the centre of gravity of the perimeter, the greater becomes β.
For slabs and foundations, β is constantly recalculated in the iteration for the determination of the critical
perimeter in accordance with reference /21/.
Ill.: Critical perimeter around load introduction areas as per EN 1992, 6.4.2
The user shall only consider the shear resistance as per Para. 6.2 in the areas between the perimeter sections
if the distribution of the shear force along the perimeter corresponds roughly to that of the resistance vRd,c.
Otherwise, the system should be modelled with the help of the wall end or the interior wall corner.
vEd vRd,max [N/mm2] (6.38), (6.53)
u dm
vRd,max must not be exceeded. The decisive section for the verification of the concrete compressive strain
should have the perimeter u0 at the column face.
In accordance with the NA Germany /2/ (NDP 6.4.5 (3), the maximum load-bearing capacity is verified in the
critical perimeter u1.
In combination with edge or corner columns, the critical perimeter may reach up to the orthogonal intersection
with the edge, as long as this perimeter is smaller than the solid section or the perimeter reduced by holes.
Without punching shear reinforcement, the following condition must be satisfied in the control perimeter
vEd vRd,c , with
Alternatively, the user can include the shear resistance as per Para. 6.2 for slabs if the proportions of the load
introduction are exceeded.
For foundations, the following condition applies:
Crd,c = 0.18 / c or as per NA
k1 = 0.1 or as per NA
dm,x dm,y
dm [mm] = average effective height =
k 1 2,0
Additionally applies:
l 0,5 as per NA Germany /2/ or
l 0,4 as per NA Austria /6/
In combination with DIN EN 1992-1-1:2012, DIN EN 1992:2013 respectively DIN EN 1992:2015, axial concrete
stress (pretension) can be considered for slabs (without column head reinforcement) . The value to be
entered for the pretension is limited to the range of 0.0 ≤ σcd ≤ 2.0 N/mm², because reference /9/ only allows a
consideration of pretension up to 2.0 N/mm² in the calculation. Compressive stress should have a positive
sign (attention: other sign definition as with DIN 1045-1).
As specified in the NA Germany /2/ CRd,c = 0.15/ c should be used for compact foundations. The draft /4/
recommends CRd,c = 0.15/ c for foundation slabs too. To provide for sufficient safety, the B6 application uses
CRd,c = 0.15/ c also for foundation slabs.
In DIN EN 1992:2013 the above mentioned value CRd,c = 0,15/ c for foundation slabs incorporated.
Minimum reinforcement
To ensure sufficient shear force bearing capacity, slabs shall be designed in the column area for minimum
moments as per Para 6.4.5 (5) of NA Germany or Para. 9.4 NA Austria.
mEd,x = x · VEd and mEd,y = y · VEd
Moment coefficients x , y :
x y
Interior column 0.125 0.125
Edge column, edge x 0.25 0.125
Edge column, edge y 0.125 0.25
Corner column 0.5 0.5
wall end (in x-direction) 0.125 0.25
wall corner 0,125 0.125
In the verification of the minimum reinforcement of foundation slabs and compact foundations, the shear
force to be included is only reduced by the soil pressure inside the column cross section (minus the
foundation self-weight).
When using stirrups, at least two reinforcement rows should be installed. In accordance with the NA Germany,
always two reinforcement rows should be defined in the software application if punching shear reinforcement
is required.
vEd = design value of the mean shear force applying in the considered perimeter.
vEd = design value of the mean shear force permitted in the considered perimeter.
vRd,c = supporting portion of the concrete in the critical perimeter.
Asw = cross-sectional area of the existing reinforcement per row
u = circumference of the critical perimeter minus the perimeter deduction due to the holes at a
distance < 6dm.
sr = effective width of one single reinforcement row; sr 0,75 dm
vRd,max 0,4 fcd
vRd,max 0,5 fcd as per NA Austria to ÖNorm B 1992-1-1; 2007
0,6 (1-fck /250)
The bars must be installed with an inclination angle of 45 ° <= <= 60° to the slab plane. If oblique bars are
used exclusively, they must be installed in the area of 1.5dm around the column as specified by the NA
Germany, figure 9.10 punching shear reinforcement. The design equation (6.52) applies here too.
vEd = design value of the shear force applying inside the outer perimeter.
vRd,c = design value of the shear force resistance as per equation 6.2a or 6.2b inside the outer
In general, it applies:
(vEd,cs- 0.75 vRd,c) u1 d
req. Asw= equation 6.52 rearranged to obtain Asw
1.5 (d/sr) fywd,ef sin()
If a pretension σcd was defined, the more favourable effect of pretensioning (compression) is taken into
account for the concrete load-bearing portion vRd,c in eq. 6.52 with 0.5 k1 σcd in accordance with reference
/9/ for the determination of the punching shear reinforcement.
For compact foundations and foundation slabs as per NA Germany (NCI to 6.45 (1) applies:
req. Asw,1+2= Total of the first two reinforcement rows for stirrups
req. Asw,1+2= Total of the first two reinforcement rows for bent reinforcement
1.3 fywd sin()
fywd,ef = 250 + 0,25 dm fywd Effective design value for the yield strength of the punching shear
fywd Design value for the yield strength of the punching shear reinforcement
α angle of punching shear reinforcement to slab plane
According to the NA Germany, the required punching shear reinforcement of the first row is to be multiplied
by the factor 2.5 and that of the second row by 1.4. This does not apply to foundation slabs and compact
foundations. With column head enlargements, these factors apply to the first two rows inside and outside of
the enlargement. According to the NA Austria of 2011, the factor 1.6 applies to the first two rows inside and
min Asw = required minimum reinforcement as per Para. 9.4.3 (9.11) (per reinforcement
minAsw [0,08 /(1,5 sin() cos())] (sr ui)
minAsw [0,08 /(1,5 sin())] (sr ui) for Germany in accordance with
The shear force to be taken into account in the calculation of foundation slabs and compact foundations can
be reduced by the portion ΔVEd in accordance with equation 6.48. In the calculation of the punching shear
reinforcement, the application automatically includes the soil pressure inside the critical perimeter (minus the
foundation self-weight multiplied with 1.35). If no soil pressure is entered, no foundation self-weight is
For the calculation of the punching shear reinforcement from the third row on, the area inside the
corresponding reinforcement ring is taken into account, except in combination with NA Austria. NA Austria /6/
stipulates that always the area inside the critical perimeter must be used for the calculation of ΔVEd.
If you select acrit = dm in combination with DIN EN 1992-1-1:2012, DIN EN 1992-1-1:2013 respectively DIN EN
1992-1-1:2015, only 50 % of the defined soil pressure are taken into account in the punching shear analysis in
accordance with reference /9/. When calculating the punching shear reinforcement (of reinforced concrete),
only 50 % of the soil pressure are taken into account for the first two reinforcement rows, if acrit was set to dm
in combination with the NA for Germany. If the critical perimeter is determined by iteration, it is permissible to
take 100 % of the soil pressure into account in the punching shear analysis and the calculation of the
punching shear reinforcement in accordance with the NA for Germany.
Ill.: Punching shear as per EN 1992 figure 6.17 or 6.18 with column head enlargement
An enlargement is considered as being circular when equal head lengths are specified for a circular column,
otherwise a rectangular enlargement (outline) is assumed.
The term rcrit instead of rcont is used for the distance of the critical perimeter in the above illustration.
For lH < 2hH (compact column head), the punching shear resistance must be verified outside of the column
head enlargement. For lH < 2hH (slender column head), the punching shear resistance must be verified inside
and outside of the column head enlargement.
As specified by the NA Germany /2/, the verification limit lH < 2hH is to be replaced by lH < 1.5hH. For column
head enlargements with 1.5hH < lH < 2.0hH, an additional verification is required at a distance of 1.5 (d +hH).
The punching shear analysis of the column head enlargement is similar to the verification of the unreinforced
slab. As static height in accordance with Para. 6.4.2(10), the static height dH at the face of the column head
enlargement is taken into account.
The reinforcement ratio of the longitudinal reinforcement is matched to the static height in a corrective
l l with dH d m h H
The area of the column cross section is considered to be the load introduction area Aload. The specifications
concerning the spacing of the perimeters in the output refer to the outer column edge. If required by the
selected NA, the length of the critical perimeter is checked against the permissible value.
The punching shear analysis of the column head enlargement is similar to the verification of the unreinforced
The cross section of the head enlargement is considered as the load introduction area. The specifications
concerning the spacing of the perimeters in the output refer to the outer edge of the head enlargement. If
required by the selected NA, the length of the critical perimeter is checked against the permissible value.
We like to point out at this occasion that the punching shear resistance is not always increased in comparison
to the shear resistance in connection with slender head enlargements (see also Interpretation of DIN 1045-1,
current number 268 by the German Building and Civil Engineering Standards Committee NABau).
If punching shear reinforcement is required inside and outside of the column head enlargement, the As-values
of the first two reinforcement rows inside and outside of the head enlargement must be multiplied with the
alignment factors 2.5 or 1.4 specified by the NA Germany /2/ or 1.6 specified by the NA Austria /6/.
A pre-design of the column head enlargement is available for slabs. The dimensions are selected in such a
manner that no punching shear analysis is required inside the head enlargement and no punching shear
reinforcement is required for the slab outside of the column head enlargement.
The proposed head dimensions are calculated by iteration. The user can still reduce the iteratively determined
head dimensions, if required.
If the punching shear resistance cannot be verified despite the head enlargement, a value of “1” is proposed
for LH. The verification-light on ribbon bar shows red.
If a head enlargement is required, the value 1 is displayed for hH and LH.
For foundation slabs and compact foundations, no pre-design of the head enlargement is performed because
the double iteration for the determination of the critical perimeter and the calculation of the head dimensions
would take a relatively long time. This would slow down the input process considerably because the double
iteration is performed each time a new value is entered.
U1: to the outer edge of the column 0.5dm
U2 to Ui: sr
U: from Ui 1.5dm (only verification)
Maximum radial reinforcement spacing: sr ≤ 0.75dm
maximum tangential reinforcement spacing ≤ 1.5dm in the critical perimeter
maximum tangential reinforcement spacing ≤ 2.0dm in the outer perimeter
Punching shear reinforcement with vertical stirrups EN
1992 9.4.3 Tangential spacing inside the critical
<=1.5 dm,
and outside: <=2.0 dm
Oblique bars
In accordance with reference /15/ to /17/, the concrete strength class for
the punching shear analysis with shear connector rails must not be lower
than C20/25 and not higher than C 50/60. In B6+, only the permissible
concrete strength classes are available.
The user shall define the arrangement of the shear connector rails if
possible. Holes in the slab are taken into account. You can edit the anchor
diameter, the number of shear connector rails per column (nL), the number
of anchors per rail (nD) as well as the arrangement of the shear connector
rails (front end and angle to the x-axis, in case of circular columns only the angle to the x-axis). Moreover, you
can specify the concrete cover on top and on bottom (co and cu).
In the case of edge or corner supports with large edge projections of the ceiling or of the foundation plate, it is
possible to choose between 2 types of the shear connection rail arrangement (edge-parallel or segment-
Optionally, you can put out the arrangement of the connector rails (coordinates of the rail front end,
coordinates of the outermost anchor and angle between the rail and the x-axis for each rail) in a table.
When designing punching shear reinforcement with shear rails for EN standards other than DIN EN, it is first
checked according to the rules of the corresponding EN standard (including NA) whether punching shear
reinforcement is required at all. If this is the case, the shear rails are designed according to the corresponding
ETA approval in conjunction with Technical Report TR 060.
An exception exists in the case that u1 applies to the critical circular section according to the corresponding
national EN standard:
vEd ≤ vRd,c ,
but is valid for the load perimeter u0:
vEd,u0 > vRdmax,u0
The design of the shear connector rails is only available for unreinforced slabs (no head reinforcement).
If the permissible border conditions for the load introduction area are not complied with (u0 / dm > 12, and/or.
cmax / cmin > 2), you should divide the column cross section into two wall ends or four wall corners to design it,
because the shear rail connectors are only effective in the area of the critical perimeter. If the limits of the
afore-mentioned border conditions are only slightly exceeded, you can relocate individual connector rails.
Note: For foundation slabs with shear connector rails, a CRdc-value of 0.10 ( = 0.15 / γc) is used in the
verification of the critical perimeter analogously to foundation slabs with punching shear
Consider Beta-red
For shear rails, it is possible to apply the reduction factor β to βred for the outer perimeter uout. The reduction
factor takes into account the influence of the decaying torsional moments at the free edge of the slab.
The calculation with the value βred should not be done in every case. For example, if two interior columns
whose punching shear areas overlap are calculated as edge columns, in this case there is no slab edge in the
punching shear area, so the favorable influence of the decaying torsional moments cannot be taken into
account either.
Information on the calculation of the reduction factor βred can be found in Technical Report TR 060.
The generation of a DXF file, in particular for the acquisition of the dowel bar assembly in the formwork plan is
In the design of the shear connector rails preferably the standard elements are taken into account
Alternatively, a design of an FDB punching shear reinforcement is possible directly in the B6+ program.
Output profile
Reference literature
/1/ EN 1992-1-1:2004 / AC:2010
/2/ DIN EN 1992-1-1 / NA:2011-01
/3/ DIN EN 1992-1-1 / NA Ber 1:2012-06
/4/ E DIN EN 1992-1-1 / NA / A1:2012-05
/5/ ÖNORM B 1992-1-1:2007-02-01
/6/ ÖNORM B 1992-1-1:2011-12-01
/7/ DIN EN 1992-1-1 / NA:2013-04
/08/ EN 1992-1-1:2004
/09/ Draft for Booklet 600, Erläuterungen zu Eurocode 2, DAfStb
/10/ Ricker M., Siburg C., Hegger J.: "Durchstanzen von Fundamenten nach NA(D) zu Eurocode 2" in:
Bauingenieur, 06/2012 pages 267 to 276
/11/ Siburg C., Häusler F., Hegger J.: "Durchstanzen von Flachdecken nach NA(D) zu Eurocode 2" in:
Bauingenieur, 05/2012 pages 216 to 225
/12/ Beispiele zur Bemessung nach Eurocode 2, volume 1: Hochbau, 2011 Verlag: Wilhelm Ernst und Sohn
/13/ Goris A., Hegger J.: "Hintergründe und Nachweise zum Durchstanzen nach Eurocode 2-NAD" in
"Stahlbetonbau aktuell 2011", Bauwerk Verlag, S. E.3 et seq.
/14/ Goris A., Hegger J.: "Durchstanzen" in "Stahlbetonbau aktuell 2012", Bauwerk Verlag , S. D. 80 et seq.
/15/ Halfen HDB Dübelleiste, Europäische Technische Zulassung ETA-12/0454 vom 18.12.2017
/16/ Durchstanzbewehrung Schöck Bole, Europäische Technische Zulassung ETA-13/0076 vom 12.03.2018
/17/ Jordahl Durchstanzbewehrung JDA, Europäische Technische Zulassung ETA-13/0136 vom 20.03.2018
/18/ DIN EN 1992-1-1 / NA:2015-12