A Critique of Juche
A Critique of Juche
A Critique of Juche
Hello everyone, Maoist98 here, with a brand new video. Today’s subject will be on the
Ideology of Juche. I decided to do this video because I don’t think that many people
know about the ideology of Juche and its principles. I want to go over it honestly, and
show what it truly is, reactionary. Now, this was not an easy video to make, as it was
hard to find resources on Juche that were reliable, but I did manage to find some, and
they will be in the links down in the description, and I’ll also flash a citation when I
mention them. Now, let us begin.
Now, did you catch anything odd with that statement? Might take a while, especially for
those that aren’t fully familiar with Marxist philosophy. What he is saying is that the
Marxist understanding of Materialism is limited, and that due to this, we shouldn’t
solely focus on Materialism. So he argues for an Idealist perspective. How do we know
this? Well, if he were talking about Materialism, he would only be talking about either
two types, Dialectical Materialism, or Mechanical Materialism. The Marxist
understanding of Materialism is that the Material conditions of the world are primary.
we have an understanding of the effect of our material world, and how we can change it
within limits. Within our material conditions there is universal theory and particular
theory. This is the view of Dialectical Materialism. But he is not talking about Dialectical
Materialism, nor does he mention the errors of Mechanical Materialism.
Let us observe some other examples that demonstrate Juche’s anti-materialist stance:
“Unlike biological beings, man is the master and transformer of the world. He shapes
his destiny on his own by transforming the objective world to meet his needs”. (Kim
Jong Il: ‘Socialism is a Science’; Pyongyang; 1994; p. 12).
“Man… is a social being with independence,… whereas all other material lives maintain
their existence through subordination and adaptation to the objective world.… On the
strength of this quality, man throws off the fetters of nature”. (Kim Jong Il: ‘On the
Juche Idea’, in: ‘On Carrying Forward the Juche Idea’; Pyongyang; 1995; p. 14, 15).
“Animals are part of nature and their destiny is determined by the natural laws of
change and development, whereas man… is not a being which obeys the natural laws of
change and development”. (Kim Jong Il: ‘On Some Problems of Education in the Juche
Idea’, in: ‘On Carrying Forward the Juche Idea’; Pyongyang; 1995; p. 144).
Contrast this with the Dialectical Materialist understanding of Nature and Man’s
contradictions. To quote Engels:
“Freedom does not consist in any dreamt-of independence from natural laws, but in the
knowledge of these laws, and in the possibility this gives of systematically making them
work towards definite ends. This holds good in relation both to the laws of external
nature and to those which govern the bodily and mental existence of men themselves —
two classes of laws which we can separate from each other at most only in thought but
not in reality. Freedom of the will therefore means nothing but the capacity to make
decisions with knowledge of the subject.”[5]
“In order to prove the justice and superiority of Juche philosophy, we must clearly
understand the limitations of the preceding philosophy and consider this philosophy in
its correlation with the latter. Only when Juche philosophy is studied in comparison
with Marxist Philosophy the limitations of which lie in the fact that it regards the
development of all things as a process of the history of nature, can its superiority be
clearly elucidated. Some people attempt to explain the fundamental principles of the
Juche philosophy, including the essential characteristics of man, from the point of view
of the general law of the development of the material world, instead of explaining them
by clarifying the law of social movement. In the final analysis, this can be constructed as
being tantamount to trying to explain the Juche philosophy from the viewpoint of the
development of Marxist Dialectical Materialism, not as a completely original
philosophy. This makes it impossible to clarify the originality of the Juche Philosophy
So let us dissect this. Believing that Dialectical Materialism is “limited”, Juche argues
that man can control his destiny, or in other words bend material conditions to his will.
This isn’t a development of Marxist theory, but a revision of it. It idealistically replaces
materialism with the notion of mind over matter. We must remember that matter and
mind are inseparable, the subjective is within the objective. Consciousness does not
exist separate from matter, as it is a particular form of matter in motion and it’s
important to acknowledge how it interacts with other forms of matter. Matter is
reflected in consciousness and consciousness is translated into action that changes
matter. The term “matter” here is used to refer to the particular forms of matter in
motion that are different from consciousness. Man can control his environment but
only within his own conditions, he cannot become a complete master of his destiny.
Juche is anti-dialectical
Although Juche often references Dialectical Materialism, or “Materialistic Dialectics” in
their words, it also distorts its meaning. Now I will give two examples for my case. First
we will look at the writings of Kim Jong Il again:
“The main content of Marxist dialectical materialism is the principle of the unity of
opposites and of the struggle between them. However, this is not a problem which
should be considered simply from a scientific point of view. Like other theoretical
problems of Marxism-Leninism, the law of the unity of opposites and of the struggle
between them must be historically considered from the point of view of revolutionary
practice. Importance was attached to this law in Marxist dialectical materialism. This is
due to the fact that it was an important and historic task to elucidate philosophically the
socio-economic contradictions of the then capitalist society and the law of the class
struggle. Therefore, I think that the principle of the unity and struggle between
opposites elucidated by the Marxist philosophy has many unreasonable points in
clarifying the law of the development of socialist society at present. That is why we did
not mention this principle much when explaining the theory of the Juche philosophy.”[4]
“In like manner, every organized being is every moment the same and not the same;
every moment, it assimilates matter supplied from without, and gets rid of other matter;
every moment, some cells of its body die and others build themselves anew; in a longer
or shorter time, the matter of its body is completely renewed, and is replaced by other
molecules of matter, so that every organized being is always itself, and yet something
other than itself.
Further, we find upon closer investigation that the two poles of an antithesis, positive
and negative, e.g., are as inseparable as they are opposed, and that despite all their
opposition, they mutually interpenetrate. And we find, in like manner, that cause and
effect are conceptions which only hold good in their application to individual cases; but
as soon as we consider the individual cases in their general connection with the universe
as a whole, they run into each other, and they become confounded when we contemplate
that universal action and reaction in which causes and effects are eternally changing
places, so that what is effect here and now will be cause there and then, and vice
When two forces are at odds with each other, one will overpower the other. Man does
not exist independently of the laws of Dialectical Materialism, every single thing that
exists in this world is a temporary unity of opposites which takes on different forms.
“Nature is the proof of dialectics, and it must be said for modern science that it has
furnished this proof with very rich materials increasingly daily, and thus has shown that,
in the last resort, Nature works dialectically and not metaphysically; that she does not
move in the eternal oneness of a perpetually recurring circle, but goes through a real
historical evolution. In this connection, Darwin must be named before all others. He
dealt the metaphysical conception of Nature the heaviest blow by his proof that all
organic beings, plants, animals, and man himself, are the products of a process of
evolution going on through millions of years…”[5]
The unity of opposites is an explanation of contradiction, that is tied together until one
overpowers the other. Mao says the opposites have identity because each is the
condition for the other’s existence.[6]
Among many contradictions, there is a principal contradiction which exerts the greatest
influence on the development of other contradictions and subordinate contradictions
which play a secondary role in affecting other contradictions. To disclose which
contradiction is principal and which contradictions are subordinate in a given situation
is essential to understand the nature of the situation and how it can change. Take for
example the transformation of ice into water, the principal aspect of the contradictory
identity of water changes from being the force bonding the molecules together to the
force of the individual molecules which tend towards a random motion. The
transformation of water into gas heavily increases the margin by which this aspect is
According to Juche, in the contradiction between man and nature, man is always
principal. Man always changes nature according to his own desires, but there are no
instances in which nature shapes man’s desires. This is idealism.[4]
“Some people think that this is not true of certain contradictions. For instance, in the
contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production, the
productive forces are the principal aspect; in the contradiction between theory and
practice, practice is the principal aspect; in the contradiction between the economic base
and the superstructure, the economic base is the principal aspect; and there is no
change in their respective positions. This is the mechanical materialist conception, not
the dialectical materialist conception. True, the productive forces, practice and the
economic base generally play the principal and decisive role; whoever denies this is not
a materialist. But it must also be admitted that in certain conditions, such aspects as the
relations of production, theory and the superstructure in turn manifest themselves in
the principal and decisive role. When it is impossible for the productive forces to
develop without a change in the relations of production, then the change in the relations
of production plays the principal and decisive role. The creation and advocacy of
revolutionary theory plays the principal and decisive role in those times of which Lenin
said, "Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement."
When a task, no matter which, has to be performed, but there is as yet no guiding line,
method, plan or policy, the principal and decisive thing is to decide on a guiding line,
method, plan or policy. When the superstructure (politics, culture, etc.) obstructs the
development of the economic base, political and cultural changes become principal and
decisive. Are we going against materialism when we say this? No. The reason is that
while we recognize that in the general development of history the material determines
the mental and social being determines social consciousness, we also--and indeed
must--recognize the reaction of mental on material things, of social consciousness on
social beings and of the superstructure on the economic base. This does not go against
materialism; on the contrary, it avoids mechanical materialism and firmly upholds
dialectical materialism.”[6]
But why does the Juche philosophy deny this? Well to explain that, we must first, look at
what the “DPRK” society looks like in terms of class.
Juche Distorts Class Struggle
It’s important to note that the North of Korea did undergo a short-lived period of
socialist construction, although they never fully constructed socialism. For the longest
time, the DPRK claimed to have upheld the principles of Marxism-Leninism. However,
Kim Il Sung distorted the principles of Class Struggle, one of the basic ideas of Marxism.
Il-Sung claimed they will reach communism by revolutionizing the people, calling
this“Working Classizing”, and intellectualizing all members of society.[2][7] He wanted to
remould capitalists peacefully through education and persuasion, rather than struggle.
Because the goal of Juche is to “defend the fatherland”, Il-Sung assumed all people
share a common goal of defending the fatherland from external aggression.[2] This
ignores the internal contradictions of class society, treating the whole population of the
Korea as The People and all others who interfere as The Enemy. This sounds remarkably
similar to Khrushchev’s “Dictatorship of the Whole People”. Now, it is not wrong for
Communists in semi-colony countries to temporarily align with other patriotic classes if
there is a common imperialist or feudalist threat, but they must never forget the internal
contradictions between the people. In Kim Il-Sung’s rhetoric, he treats contradictions
between the people- the proletariat, peasantry, the patriotic intellectuals,
petite-bourgeoisie, and the national bourgeoisie as unimportant, regarding them as
distractions to the “real enemy”- the nebulous “outside threat”. He simultaneously tries
to mend what are in reality contradictions between the people and the enemy so long as
the enemy elements are Korean. Being Korean somehow makes one patriotically Korean
and progressive to Kim Il-Sung.
For an example of how to properly handle such contradictions, let’s look to the Chinese
Communists. In the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when the
contradictions were primarily external, the Communists made an alliance with the
Koumintang, a representative of Feudal interests. However, they kept in mind that these
internal contradictions still existed, the main one being between the proletariat,
peasantry, petty-bourgeoisie, and national bourgeoisie on the one hand and the feudal
landlord class and comprador bourgeoisie whose interests were intertwined with
imperialism. The Communists never had the intention of maintaining this alliance once
the Japanese Aggressors were defeated. However, in a similar case the rhetoric of Kim
Il-Sung would have led to a contradiction like that between the Chinese people and the
Feudal classes being ‘peacefully’ resolved.
So, we see here that Juche had liquidated class struggle in favor of class
collaboration.[8][9] Class collaboration is the idealist notion that all classes should
collaborate to serve the country instead of focusing on the contradictions of class, thus
creating a “peaceful co-existence” of class.[2][7][8][9] Here the issue is that instead of
promoting a proletarian world view, he is pushing a fascistic view that the main goal is
only to protect the father land.[7] Now, is it wrong to proletarianize the people? No, as it
transforms their petty bourgeois view into one the proletariat. Is it ok to work with, and
struggle with, the intellectuals, yes. As Mao taught us in On the correct handling of
contradictions among the people, we should critique them and remold them to serve the
proletarian class and have them adopt the communist world outlook and shed their
bourgeois point of view.[10] Lastly, of course, is there anything wrong with
revolutionaries? No, but revolutionaries must follow correct ideas, which means, they
have to have a Marxist outlook in all things. The people can be led astray by reactionary
forces, and within a society with class conflict and one that is transitioning, we should
not let this silly notion that everyone in the country should put off the class struggle in
favor of “serving to protect the fatherland”, for that is a revisionist viewpoint akin to
Kautsky’s notion of defending the fatherland in WW1. Instead of advocating for class
struggle, they would support the bourgeois for the sake of defending their country,
whilst ignoring the conditions. To deal with the dialectics of society, we must do it
through proper theory and practice, whether that be the GPCR, two line struggle, unity,
criticism, unity’ , or so on, the goal of the communist party is to deal with these, and not
fall for such an idealist notion. So, we can see here that not only does Juche deny the
proper materialist outlook, but it also denies the reality of dialectics. But this isn’t the
only error they commit.
What is the correct position for the proletariat of a country to take in a situation where
their ruling bourgeoisie is fighting a reactionary war against the ruling bourgeoisie of
another country? We can look to the example of the Bolsheviks during World War I.
As Lenin States:
“During a reactionary war a revolutionary class cannot but desire the defeat of its
Now, you might say that any war that the so-called “DPRK” is involved in against U.S.
imperialist aggression today would be a progressive war that the proletariat of the
“DPRK” should support. What is the problem with this view? It is a failure to
understand the current state of the “DPRK”. The “DPRK” would be fighting this war on
behalf of another imperialist power. In this case, on behalf of either China, Russia, or
both, as the country had been a semi-colony of the revisionist USSR since the 1960s
until its dissolution, and ever since, a semi-colony of China and Russia, but we will talk
about that later.
“Opposition and struggle between ideas of different kinds constantly occur within the
Party; this is a reflection within the Party of contradictions between classes and
between the new and the old in society. If there were no contradictions in the Party
and no ideological struggles to resolve them, the Party's life would come to an end.”
-Mao Zedong, On Contradiction[6]
Juche, along with the so-called “WPK”, has promoted an anti-critical stance, as well as
reactionary hero worship.[2][12] To understand the origins of this anti-critical stance, we
must first understand the history of Korea and the Workers Party of Korea (WPK).
The Koreans fought two legitimate wars for liberation, one against the Japanese and one
against the Americans.[1][2] With the victory of both of these wars, only the Northern half
of Korea had gained independence. The WPK, along with the help of the Soviets and the
Chinese, managed to gain power and popularity among the masses. In 1948, the WPK
was led by Kim Tu-Bong . Kim Tu-Bong was later voted out in favor of Kim Il-Sung. This
happened a year before the Korean war, and the rightist line started to consolidate
power.[13] Now, let’s move ahead to 1956; by this time the Khrushchev clique had
consolidated power, and they began to dismantle the USSR’s DOTP; Stalin and his
contributions had been denounced; The basis of the Sino-Soviet split was set in place.
In Korea, the rightist line did the same as the rightists in the CPSU, purging, jailing, and
killing those that upheld the opposing line in Korea. The main faction that opposed Kim
Il-Sung was the Yenan faction, who began to give open critique of him.[13] Of course, the
Yenan faction had issues of their own. One being that Yenan faction leader, Ch’oe
Ch’angik, formed a coalition with the revisionist Soviet faction of the party, which was
led by Pak Ch’angik.[14] Further, the coalition didn't base their faction on ideology nor
identity, but solely on anti-Kim il-Sung rhetoric, thus leading to a bad way of dealing
with the proper issues and rightism of Kim-il Sung.[14] Kim Il Sung’s clique would
instead resort to administrative measures to purge dissidents from the party.[13][14] This
is indicative of a one-sided distortion of dialectical materialism as it relates to the
contradiction between centralism and democracy.
Points one and two deal with democracy, while points three and four deal with
centralism. In order for the first two points to be realized, democracy must be conducted
on the basis of centralism. Without unity in action, the individual is not subordinate to
the organization and the minority is not subordinate to the majority. Without diversity
in discussion, the centralization of correct ideas cannot be attained and the higher level
will be prone to committing subjectivist errors in formulating orders for the lower level.
A concrete example of the liquidation of centralism in favor of ultra-democracy is to not
oblige all party members to follow orders that are formulated through a majority vote.
On the other hand, an example of the liquidation of democracy in favor of
ultra-centralism is to prevent criticism of the party line from occurring by systematically
purging dissenters from the party without conducting an ideological struggle against
their faction.[12] Both will lead to a rightist path.
For Kim Il-Sung, there was no need for an honest struggle between different ideas of
different kinds in order to raise the level of unity in the party.[12] He maintained that the
unity of the party can be only preserved by eliminating all struggle within it. Kim
Il-Sung’s approach was that of ultra-centralism[15]. What are some examples of
ultra-centralism? Well, for one, the capitalist workplace is ultra-centralist. There is no
struggle or voting allowed within the workplace. The workers are expected to follow the
commands of the bourgeois owners--there is no democratic aspect. Similar to this, the
so-called “DPRK” government’s ultra-centralism is an egregious example of
ultra-centralism without any democracy. They have liquidated any democratic aspect
(i.e. struggle), causing the Workers Party of Korea and thus the state of the “DPRK” to
be run like a business--ultra-centralist and Corporatist in its approach.[8]
In April of 1956, the third congress of the Workers party commenced with attempts by
the Yenan faction to critique Kim Il Sung and the other rightists. These criticisms were
silenced by Il-Sung, stating that his critics were a “faction aimed at [seizing] power”.[13]
Some months later, Kim Il-Sung takes a trip to Moscow to meet Khrushchev. While he is
away, the Yenan faction prepares a broad criticism of the rightist faction in the Worker’s
Party. In response, Il-Sung postponed the general meeting that was originally set for
August 2nd to August 30th The army was stationed at the borders and some agents were
sent to dress as civilians in Pyongyang.[14] This was to scare the Yenan faction, but they
did not fear this cowardly scare tactic. When the Assembly met, Kim Il Sung gave a
speech about his trip to Eastern Europe, but at the end of the speech, he gave a clear
warning to anyone that critiqued the party or him, saying they were considered as an
enemy.[13] In Marxism we support the practice of “Ruthless Critique of all that exists.”,
which is a fundamental principle of learning, and handling incorrect ideas. When Kim Il
Sung states that anyone that criticized the party or his lines, was an enemy of the
people,[13] this is a fascistic notion that promotes “Freedom from criticism”. We can also
see here the seeds of what will be later a reactionary form of hero worship, planted.
Later, there was a speech given by Yon Gong-Heum, another member of the Yenan
Faction, but he was cut off by heckling of the right line. Only fragments were heard, as
Yon critiqued Kim Il-Sung.
“Methods of threats and surveillance are being employed with regard to our comrades,
who are devoted to the Party and the revolution and who offered constructive opinions
and suggestions, […] He [Kim Il-Sung] himself grossly tramples on intra-Party
democracy and suppresses criticism; these actions completely contradict the Party
charter and the Leninist norms of Party life; this means undermining revolutionary
Marxist-Leninist principles.”[16]
Another member of the Yenan Faction, Choe Chang-Ik, also tried to give a speech but he
too was heckled. He still argued that the struggle be carried on, but the next day Kim
Il-Sung put forward a vote to exclude the opposing faction, and won. Members of the
Yenan Faction were either purged, killed, or jailed.
This has gone down in history as “The August Incident”,[13][14][17] and this marked the
beginning of how the people will begin to have a reactionary view of Kim-Il Sung and the
Kims in general. Before we move on, we should know the Yonan faction (and the
coalition) wasn’t really leftist, but did oppose Kim-il Sung, who would later reveal a
rightist line. The main point is this, he (Kim Il-Sung) liquidated democratic
Reactionary Hero Worship
Following the purging of the Yenan Faction, a revisionist social and political trend has
manifested in the “DPRK”.[12][18] From the 50’s to the early 70’s, the state regarded itself
as Marxist-Leninist (in name only), until 1972 when Juche was labeled as the state
ideology, promoted as a “creative” interpretation of Marxism-Leninism.[19][8] In 1998,
any mentions of Marxism-Leninism were removed from the constitution[19] and 11 years
later, communism was also removed from the constitution,[20] and soon were replaced in
2011 with the “theory” of “KimIlSungism-KimJongIlism” which has no basis in
anything. In 2014 Kim Jung-Un stated that the party's most powerful weapon is
ideology. Not the working masses, not Dialectical Materialism, but the ideology of
KimIlSungism-KimJongIlism.[17] But what is this ideology?
Well, Kim Jung-Un states that KimIlSungism was the founding ideology of the country.
In that case it would make one think of Juche,[17] but KimilSungism advocates that the
DOTP is unnecessary for a colonial country such as Korea.[21] Needless to say, this is a
complete deviation from Marxism, as the DOTP is the necessity for a socialist society to
happen. Without the proletariat rule over society, there will only exist a rule of the
bourgeois, which only looks after the needs of the ruling class, and not the workers.
Another deviation is the joint dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, as Kim Il-Sung believed
that the national bourgeoisie was part of the Proletariat.[21] Now of course there are two
things that I must stress.
KimilSungism even states that to transition to socialism they must do so with the
continued alliance of the national bourgeois.[21] This, needles to say, is absolute rubbish.
An alliance is needed with them only in a new democratic revolution against the
semi-feudal and semi-colonial class, but when the progressive force wins, the national
bourgeoisie either needs to be overthrown, or be proletarianized and become productive
workers. KimJongIllism isn’t really defined, from any of the sources I have read. At best
one could think it has to do something with the Nuclear program which helped them in
terms of putting up with American imperialism, but it’s not a real synthesis, least of all a
universal synthesis! Instead, they just use this faux-ideology to createhero worship in
order to imbue the Korean people with a sense of duty and loyalty to the state.[2]
There are always references to the theories of the “Dear Leaders'', but not the scientific
theory of socialism, Marxist political economy, or Marxist Philosophy.There are talks of
reunifying and protecting the country, and not of proletarian internationalism and its
principles.[17] As for the social aspect, here is where things get odd. We all know of all the
inane, absurd, and mystical propaganda about the “DPRK”, but there are some kernels
of truth. For instance, one of the common things in the “DPRK”, is that the emphasis
placed upon the leaders is more fascistic than communisitc. For instance, in the square,
people are required to observe the statues whilst passing, cyclists are required to
dismount from their bikes and look at the statues or portraits of Kim Il-Sung and Kim
Jong-Il; Car’s too must slow down, and gaze upon their leaders.[22] This isn’t culturally
acceptable in the Marxist sense. Yes, if a person in private bows down to a picture is one
thing, but when the society does it, it is reactionary hero worship. There is a reason why
Mao promoted critique and self-critique of the party and himself. With a lack of critique
or a left line, we see this odd culture of leader worship in the so-called “DPRK”. There is
a true cult of personality within the “DPRK”, both socially and politically. The Kim’s
have made sure their family will stay in power under this absurd philosophy known as
In the 1960’s in China, Chairman Mao launched the Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution in order to destroy the remnants of the old capitalist and feudal culture
within their newly built soicalist society. Revolutionaries struggled against old customs,
old traditions, and old ideas, challenged bourgeois academics, and led an unprecedented
growth in the productive forces and the economy, along with the quality of life for the
people. This sent shockwaves throughout the world. The only other country to try to
mimic this campaign was Albania, as they were the other genuine socilaist country. As
for the supposed “red” countries, they were shocked and appalled. For one, Kim Il-Sung
was against the Cultural Revolution, as it challenged not only just old customs, but
bureaucracy, opportunism, and reactionary hero cults. Kim had said that “The GPCR
has seriously alarmed us!” and called Mao an old fool.[23] A genuine socialist would’ve
welcomed this revolution as it had been shown that failing to counter the old society’s
superstructure will lead to a capitalist restoration, as we saw what happened in the
I wouldn’t be doing any justice if I didn’t mention that Kim Il-Sung’s mentions of
carrying out a so-called Cultural Revolution within his country,[7] but as you may guess,
this was nothing like the Cultural Revolution in China, or Albania. Yet, what was this
“Cultural Revolution”? Was it the class collaboration I mentioned earlier? Or was it the
hero worship and lack of critique? Well, there has been no evidence of shedding of old
reactionary culture, or resolving class contradictions through class struggle.[14][24] For
instance, according to “Life in North Korea” a film that provides fair coverage, arranged
marriages are still prevalent.[22] Now to be fair, marriage out of love is a new phenomena
which is emerging. However, the fact that there are still arranged marriages, a feudal
practice, in a supposed “socialist society” is quite abhorrent. Plus there is another issue,
class. The intellectuals, Dongchu (money masters) are at the top, and at the bottom are
the people descendant of Japanese ancestry; the Dongchu are a new strata of the
“DPRK” bourgeoisie.[15][22] This is an example of reactionary national chauvinism. If
there was some form of a cultural revolution, the countryside would have been
developed. It is a fact that, in China during the 60’s and 70’s, it was concluded that for
socialism it’s not enough for the property regime to be “state property”, rather the
proletariat must effectively run the state. If proletarian ideology is not correctly applied,
there is an imminent risk of a remergent bourgeois class in the Socialist state, to restore
its mode of production through revisionism. Such has occurred in the USSR under
Khrushchev and in China under Deng Xiaoping.
In North Korea, where the “three great differences” (principally between manual and
intellectual work) are not narrowed but, on the contrary, it becomes clear the same has
already happened in Korea. In China during the GPCR, the countryside was beginning
to develop, new schools, clinics, and so on were being built. In the supposed “socialist”
Korea, we have seen the only developed place to be the capital; The villages are still
poor, and do not receive the same treatment as the select few that live in the city.[22] Now
going back to National Chauvinism, there is a growing lie told by the Kim Family,
mainly by Kim Jong Il in his books, and Kim Jung Un in his speeches that the world is
looking at Juche as the guiding light for revolution.[7] This is utter nonsense. As we have
seen, the only revolutions that managed to gain traction were that of a Marxist variety.
Even then, other groups that are opposed to Marxism do not carry out their “revolution”
in the name of Juche. Nobody is looking at Juche as the guiding light. This is just a
chauvinist lie to remain in power. The only universal political ideology of our current
time is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. There is no other. Juche is something metaphysical
and even then, was once proclaimed only fitting the struggles of the Korean people.[1]
But then the Kims state that it is universal.[17] Juche was never synthesized to fit the
international world stage. When a theory is synthesized, it has to be proven to work
universally, this is how Leninism was synthesized by Stalin, and Maoism was
synthesized by Gonzalo. It’s important to note as well that during the Peruvian People’s
War, the so-called “DPRK” sent arms and troops to the fascist Peruvian government to
fight against both MRTA and PCP. Instead of supporting the revolutionaries, they allied
themselves to the fascist government in Peru.[25][26] Only revisionist states could do such
a thing.
Let us make one thing clear. Yes, The UN sanctions are part of the reason as to why the
north of Korea lags behind. We should oppose such imperialist sanctions as they force
states into bending the knee to imperialist powers. It’s crucial to note that the sanctions
are hardly the invention of only the Yankee imperialists. In fact the Chinese have been in
favor of these sanctions in order to force the “DPRK” compradors into further
capitulation. Today, the country heavily relies on China for the economic gain, just as
they did with the USSR.[27] This is, in fact, a semi-colonial relation between the
social-imperialist China and the “DPRK”. This is not merely socialist fraternity, this is a
two-faced comprador attack against the Korean people. China and Albania managed to
get by fine without help from the revisionist USSR and both were heavily sanctioned, yet
they still managed to build socialism and uphold the self-reliant line. They had the
support of the people, and managed to get by without foreign capital investment. The
“DPRK” has no such mass support, since it sells its country to the highest bidder!
But when did the “DPRK” begin its comprador relations with the Russian and Chinese
“Kang Sheng began the meeting by outlining the position in regard to North Korea.
While earlier the Korean Party led by Kim Il-Sung had leaned somewhat towards the
Chinese position, after the fall of Khrushchev in 1964, the CPSU began an intensive
drive to win the Korean Party to its side. Kang informed me that Brezhnev, the then
CPSU leader, had flown to Pyongyang with a package of bribes. These included
undertaking to give Korea substantial financial assistance, and offering a wide-ranging
trade agreement on very favourable terms along with essential food and military
supplies. Kim accepted, signed appropriate agreements and withdrew any support for
The cause of the arduous march was not just UN sanctions, but also to their sole
reliance of the USSR, which now had dissolved in front of their eyes.[15][28][29] They had
become another victim of Soviet social imperialism. The amount of private business
co-ops have increased over the years,[27] in a similar trend to the revisionist “PRC”. One
of the most notable issues is the “SEZ”, or special economic zones established on
southern and northern border zones, which today rely on cheap labor of the Korean
people, low tariffs and taxes in order to entice imperialists to invest capital in the north
of Korea; They mainly try to attract investments from China, Russia, and Hong Kong.[27]
As I have stated earlier, this form of reliance turns a country into a semi-colony. Both
the north and south of Korea are neo-colonies, one for the US, and the other for Russia
and China. This isn’t good for the Korean people, and totally spits in the face of the
notion of self-reliance, self-determination, and resistance to imperialism. We have seen
similar comprador “communists” in Cuba under Castro, where he turned the country
into a sugar cane colony for the USSR.[30] This is all irrefutable proof that the “DPRK” is
in no way socialist, and that the only solution for the Korean people trapped under the
weight of the oppressive imperialists is to overthrow their state.
Quick note on Songun
Songun translates as “Military First”, a clearly militaristic policy. Militarism clearly is
not a communist principle, as militarism exists mostly as a manifestation of fascism and
expansionism. In the “DPRK”, the so-called People’s Army is a wholly bourgeois, white
army. There are supposedly militias, but these are subordinated totally to the “KPA” and
the central state. Furthermore, that the masses are not educated in proletarian
principles, not armed, and simply made to follow the state and its bourgeois army is
proof enough! Again, this just reiterates that this is just a fascistic policy that puts the
state and its bourgeois military in firm control of the workers. The Songun policy
signified a complete removal of the proletariat from its revolutionary role, as the first
line of defense for socialism. It was a complete negation of the Communist method of
revolution, which Marx affirmed and Mao synthesized, in an “armed sea of masses”
defending their interests in a death battle with its class enemies. We must ask: Why,
then, did the Army replace the proletariat in the role of “principal defense organism of
the revolution”? This was a reflection of the objective reality, in which a bureaucratic
bourgeoisie is situated in the highest rankings within the Army and began to direct the
North Korean state -- not the proletariat. If a country wishes to have an army to protect
the people, that country needs a people's army, without the people, revolution is not
Kim Il-Sung wanted a peaceful reunification
Finally, I must mention that Kim Il-Sung had wanted a peaceful reunification of Korea's,
one country, two systems, both wanting to defend the fatherland. This was his so-called
Ten Point Program. This is similar to the One Country, Two Systems policy in Hong
Kong today, which was implemented by arch-revisionist Deng Xiaoping. This kind of
policy is an undialectical approach to unification, removing any line of armed struggle
against the capitalist and imperialist, allowing socialist construction to be halted by a
liberal sense of nationalism. This Ten Point program is really quite damning, showing
the very height of opportunism by the Jucheists.[33]
With this analysis, we can come to some definitive conclusions.Today the “DPRK” is not
socilaist, nor has it ever been socilaist, as its socialist construction phase was undone
before completion. The so-called “DPRK” , like the “ROK”, is nothing more than a
semi-colony, and the people of Korea suffer under the boot of both foreign and national
capital. As Marxists we must decry this humiliating affair, and call out the role of the
Fascist “DPRK” in this abhorrent situation.. Juche is a useless philosophy based on
metaphysics meant to serve a new bourgeois class in the north of Korea. It should be
regarded as nothing other than a bourgeois ideology. We must give our solidarity to the
workers and the oppressed people of Korea that are under the boot of the false
“communists” of the North. We condemn all imperialism aggression against the people
of Korea, whether that be from the Yankees or the Chinese. We must stand against
revisionism, and be ruthlessly critical of it. Given the criticism I’ve constructed here,
that certainly includes the ideology of Juche. This is Maoist98 for the Six Heads Study
Circle signing off.
[1] Cumings, Bruce, 2005, “Korea's Place in the Sun: a Modern History”. New York: W.W. Norton. pp.
[5] “Socialism: Utopian & Scientific, Chapter 2, Dialectics” , F. Engels, 1880.
[8] “Corporatism & the Juche Idea”, Andrea Matles Savada, ed., 1993.
[9] “On Preserving the Juche Character & National Character of The Revolution & Construction”, Kim
Jong-Il, 1997.
[10] “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People” , Mao Zedong, 1957.
[11] “The Defeat of One’s Own Government in an Imperialist War” , V. I Lenin, 1915.
[12] “Letter from Seo Hwi, Yun Gong-heum, Li Pil-gyu, and Kim Gwan to the Chinese Communist Party
Central Committee”, 1956, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, GARF, Fond 5446, Opis
98, Delo 721, Listy 170-190. Translated by Gary Goldberg.
[14] “The August Incident & the Destiny of the Yenan Faction”, J
in Guangxy, 2012.
[15] “The Organization of the Government [of the DPRK]”, U.S. Library of Congress, 1993.
[16] “Understanding North Korea: Indigenous Perspectives”, Edited by Han Jongwoo & Jong Tae-hern,
[17] “Let Us Hasten the Final Victory Through Revolutionary Ideological Offensive”, K
im Jong-Un, 2014.
[18] “Ten Principles for the Establishment of the One-Ideology System”, Kim Jong-Il, 1974.
[20] “Reforming North Korea (Law, Politics, and the Market Economy”, D
arren C. Zook, 2012.
[21] “Bill Bland: The Workers’ Party of Korea and Revisionism”, 1 995, revolutionarydemocracy.org.
[24] “Tradition & Modernity in North Korea”, U.S. Congress Library, 1993.
[25] “Peru Orders Weapons from North Korea”, 1988, UPI Archives.
[28] “Politics and Ideology, Meetings with Kang Sheng 1966-68,” Ray Nunes.
[32] “The Ten Point Program of the Great Unity of the Whole Nation for the Reunification of the
Country,” Kim Il-Sung, 1993.