OS Set2

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Second Internal Assessment (SEM- 6th) EXAMINATION, 2017

Operating Systems (TCS-601)

Time: 3Hours Total Marks:100

Attempt all five of the following:

Q1. Attempt any four parts:

C) Describe how the FIFO page Replacement algorithm will work
A) What are the different functions and features of operating system? for the given reference pages and 3 frames:
Explain in brief.
B) Differentiate between Batch systems and real time systems.

C) What are the Services provided by the Operating System. Q4. Attempt any two parts:

D) Explain the communication schemes in IPC. A) Explain Contiguous and Non-Contiguous memory allocation
scheme with the help of diagram.
E) Explain the Belady’s Anomaly with suitable example.
B) What do you mean by external fragmentation? Why do we need
Q2. Attempt any two parts:
A) What is a process? Draw and explain State Transition Diagram of
C) Explain the elevator Algorithm of Disk Scheduling with suitable
a process with example. example.
B) Find Average Waiting Time and Average Turnaround Time for Q5. .Attempt any two parts:
the given processes:
A) What do you mean by Virtual memory? How demand paging is
used for its implementation? Explain

B) What is Translation Lookaside Buffer? Why do we need it? Find

the Effective Memory access time given h=0.9, Ttlb=10 ns, Tm=100

C) A CPU generates 32-bit Virtual address and 24 bit Physical

address. Total number of frames are 256 , for two level page table
with first level is of 8 bits calculate:

C) What is semaphore? Explain the solution of producer consumer i. Logical Address, Physical Address with
problem. diagram.
Q3. Attempt any two parts: ii. Number of pages in first level PT.
A) What do you understand by Deadlock? Explain with example also iii. Total number of pages in Second level PT.
Discuss the difference between deadlock prevention and Deadlock
Avoidance. iv. Size of the Page Table.

B) Is it possible to find a Safe sequence in the given scenario with

total 12 resources? Explain the required solution if any.

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