Tiryaki 2010
Tiryaki 2010
Tiryaki 2010
To cite this article: Aydin Tiryaki & Devrim Çakmak (2010): Sahoo- and Wayment-type integral
mean value theorems, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,
41:4, 565-573
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International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 565
6. Conclusion
In this article, we have obtained a simple and elegant root-finding family of
Schröder’s method. In addition, new and simple derivations based on power mean
for cubically convergent Schröder-type methods are also presented. Finally, we
provide numerical tests that show that these new methods are competitive to other
known methods for multiple roots of nonlinear equations.
R. Behl gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CSIR, New Delhi.
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[1] A.M. Ostrowski, Solution of Equations in Euclidean and Banach Space, 3rd ed., Academic
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[2] J.F. Traub, Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations, Prentice Hall, Englewood
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[3] J.E. Dennis and R.B. Schnable, Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and
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[4] E. Schröder’s, Über unendlich viele Algorithmen zur Auflösung der Gleichungen, Math.
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[5] W. Werner, Some improvement of classical methods for the solution of nonlinear equations,
in Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 878,
Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 1981, pp. 426–440.
[6] E. Hansen and M. Patrick, A family of root finding methods, Numer. Math. 27 (1977),
pp. 257–269.
[7] L.D. Petković, M.S. Petković, and D. Živković, Hansen-Patrick’s family is of Laguerre’s
type, Novi SAD J. Math. 33 (2003), pp. 109–115.
[8] L.B. Rall, Convergence of the Newton process to multiple solutions, Numer. Math. 9
(1966), pp. 23–37.
[9] K.C. Gupta, V. Kanwar, and S. Kumar, A family of ellipse methods for solving non-linear
equations, Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol. 40 (2009), pp. 571–575.
[10] P.S. Bulle, The Power Means, Hand book of Means and Their Inequalities, Kluwer,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2003.
of integral mean value theorems which are given by Wayment [An integral
mean value theorem, Math. Gazette 54 (1970), pp. 300–301] and Sahoo
[Some results related to the integral mean value theorem, Int. J. Math. Ed.
Sci. Tech. 38(6) (2007), pp. 818–822]. The importance of our results are
illustrated by interesting examples.
Keywords: Flett’s mean value theorem; integral mean value theorem;
Rolle’s theorem
AMS Subject Classifications: 26A06; 26A24
1. Introduction
We know that the following three theorems usually covered in a first-semester
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calculus course, and they are used to solve a great variety of practical problems of
optimization, business and economics, etc. Let f be a real continuous function on a
closed interval [a, b], and consider the difference f(b) f(a) between the values of f at
the endpoints of [a, b] . If derivative f 0 (a) exists, we can use f 0 (a) to estimate f(b) f(a)
by writing
If f(a) ¼ f(b), then the mean value theorem reduces to Rolle theorem which is also
the another most fundamental results in mathematical analysis and it is stated below.
Theorem B (Rolle theorem): Let f be a real continuous function on [a, b] and
differentiable in (a, b). Furthermore, let f(a) ¼ f(b). Then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such
that f 0 (c) ¼ 0.
Recently, Qazi [1] proved the equivalence between the mean value theorem and
the Rolle theorem. The other well-known result is the mean value theorem for
integrals which is established using the second fundamental theorem of calculus and
it is stated below.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 567
In 1999, Davitt et al. [3] gave a generalization of Flett’s mean value theorem and
removed the boundary assumption on the derivatives of the function f, i.e.
f 0 (a) ¼ f 0 (b).
Theorem E: Let f : [a, b] ! R be differentiable on [a, b]. Then there exists a point
c 2 (a, b) such that
1 f 0 ðbÞ f 0 ðaÞ
f ðcÞ f ðaÞ ¼ f 0 ðcÞðc aÞ ðc aÞ2 : ð7Þ
2 ba
We refer the interested reader to [1–17] for an account on Flett’s mean value
theorem and its various generalizations. Among the many other extensions of the
Flett theorem, we focus on that of Sahoo [13] and Wayment [17].
In 1970, Wayment [17] proved the following result which is an integral version of
Flett’s mean value theorem.
Theorem F: If f is a real continuous function on [a, b] and f(a) ¼ f(b), then there exists
a point c 2 (a, b) such that
ðc aÞ f ðcÞ ¼ f ðsÞds: ð8Þ
Now, let us go back to the integral mean value theorem. This result gives
conditions which guarantee the existence of a point c in (a, b) for which
f ðsÞds ð9Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ a :
Similarly, Theorem F gives conditions which guarantee the existence of a point c
in (a, b) for which
f ðsÞds
f ðcÞ ¼ a : ð10Þ
It is easy to see
R b that there
R c are nine
R b possible difference quotients having for
numerators one of a f ðsÞds, a f ðsÞds, c f ðsÞds, and for denominators one of b a,
c a, b c. Theorems C and F show that under appropriate conditions two of these
nine quotients are equal to f(c).
Recently, Sahoo [13] proved some other related integral mean value theorems
and he found conditions for each of the other seven cases, that is, conditions which
568 Classroom Notes
guarantee the existence of a number which equals the desired quotient. In addition
to this, he gave a generalization of Wayment’s integral mean value theorem and
removed the boundary assumption of the real function f, i.e. f(a) ¼ f(b).
Theorem G: If f is continuous on [a, b], then there exists a point c 2 (a, b) such that
1 f ðbÞ f ðaÞ
f ðsÞds ¼ ðc aÞ f ðcÞ ðc aÞ2 : ð11Þ
a 2 b a
It is easy to see that if f(a) ¼ f(b), then this result reduces to Wayment’s integral
mean value theorem.
In the last decades, there has been an increasing interest in obtaining sufficient
conditions for each of the other seven cases for the related integral mean value
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theorems [13,14,17]. However, all of the results obtained in the literature involve the
continuity restriction on the function f on a closed interval [a, b]. For example, none
of them are applied on theffi following type functions: f(x) ¼ ([jxj] 1)2, f(x) ¼ x [jxj]
and f ðxÞ ¼ x þ x ½jxj on the interval [0, 1]. Note that, if we replace f(a) by
limx!aþ f(x) and f(b) by limx!b f(x) in the results given in Sahoo [13], then his results
also work for this type of functions given above. However, this is not explicitly
In this article, we will give sufficient conditions for the existence of the number
c 2 (a, b) such that the integral equalities of other seven cases hold. Our condition
does not require f to be continuous on [a, b], and each proof uses an auxiliary
function. Thus, our results present a different set of Sahoo [13] and Wayment [17]
type integral mean value theorems.
2. Main results
We recall a class of functions F . The function f is said to belong to the class F if
(i) f is a real continuous function in the open interval (a, b),
(ii) f is define in the endpoints a and b,
(iii) limx!aþ f(x) and limx!b f(x) exist.
According to the above conditions, limx!aþ f(x) and limx!b f(x) are not
necessarily equal to f(a) and f(b), respectively. It is easy to see that if
limx!aþ f(x) ¼ f(a) and limx!b f(x) ¼ f(b), then the function f 2 F is continuous on
[a, b]. We see that all of the above-mentioned results can be applied to the continuous
function f on [a, b] that is normally found in the literature. On the other hand, if
f 2 F , then none of them can be applied. One can now ask the question whether all
of the results in the literature remain valid if the function f belongs to the class F .
Thus, it will be interesting to find similar results for Sahoo [13] and Wayment [17]
type integral mean value theorems with F class functions.
Let f 2 F and
1 b
Mð f Þ ¼ f ðsÞds, ð12Þ
2 a
Z b
I1 ð f Þ ¼ ðb sÞ f ðsÞds, ð13Þ
ba a
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 569
Z b
I2 ð f Þ ¼ ðs aÞ f ðsÞds: ð14Þ
ba a
Then it is easily seen that h is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b).
A direct calculation shows h(a) ¼ 0 and
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Z Zb
ba b
hðbÞ ¼ f ðsÞds ðb sÞ f ðsÞds ¼ ðb aÞ½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ ¼ 0: ð16Þ
2 a a
Therefore by Rolle’s theorem, there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that h0 (c) ¼ 0. By the
second fundamental theorem of calculus, we have
Z x Z x
0 1 1
h ðxÞ ¼ f ðsÞds þ ðx aÞ f ðxÞ f ðsÞds: ð17Þ
2 a 2 a
Example 1: Consider the function f(x) ¼ ([jxj] 1)2 on the interval [0, 1]. f is
continuous on (0, 1), f(0) ¼ 1, f ð1Þ ¼ 0, limx!0þ f(x) ¼ 1 and limx!1 f(x) ¼ 1 6¼ f(1).
Hence, f 2 F and Mð f Þ ¼ I1 ð f Þ ¼ 12 : By using Theorem 1, we can find a point
c 2 (0, 1) such that (8) holds. Indeed, all of the points in open interval (0, 1) are such a
point c.
In general, we do not have M( f ) ¼ I1( f ) for every function f on [a, b].
Example 2: Consider the function f(x) ¼ x [jxj] on the interval [0, 1]. f is
continuous on (0, 1), f(0) ¼ 0, f(1) ¼ 0, f ð1Þ ¼ 0, limx!0þ f(x) ¼ 0 and limx!1 f(x) ¼
1 6¼ f(1). Thus, f 2 F . But Mð f Þ ¼ 14 while I1 ð f Þ ¼ 16 : Hence, Theorem 1 cannot be
applied to the function f(x) ¼ x [jxj] on the interval [0, 1].
In this connection, we have the following generalization.
Theorem 2: Let f 2 F . Then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
f ðsÞds 6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ a þ ðc aÞ: ð19Þ
ca ðb aÞ2
Proof: Apply the Theorem 1 to the auxiliary function
6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
HðxÞ ¼ f ðxÞ ð2x a bÞ: ð20Þ
ðb aÞ2
570 Classroom Notes
6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
¼ I1 ð f Þ ðb sÞð2s a bÞds
ðb aÞ3 a
6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ ðb aÞ3
¼ I1 ð f Þ þ
ðb aÞ3 6
¼ I1 ð f Þ þ ½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
¼ Mð f Þ: ð22Þ
From Theorem 1, we know that there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
HðcÞ ¼ a : ð23Þ
Zc Zc Z
6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ c
HðsÞds ¼ f ðsÞds ð2s a bÞds
a a ðb aÞ2 a
6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
¼ f ðsÞds ðc aÞðc bÞ, ð24Þ
a ðb aÞ2
we have
6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ af ðsÞds 6½Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
f ðcÞ ð2c a bÞ ¼ ðc bÞ, ð25Þ
ðb aÞ2 ca ðb aÞ2
which yields Equation (19). œ
Applying Theorem 2 to Example 2, we can find that there is a point c 2 (0, 1) such
that (19) holds. Indeed, all of the points in open interval (0, 1) are such as point c.
We shall also give an other example.
Example 3: Consider the function f ðxÞ ¼ x þ x ½jxj on the interval [0, 1]. It is
easy to see that f 2 F , and by using Theorem 2 we can find c ¼ 25 36.
The proof of the following theorems can be obtained easily by the method used
in the above theorems with a slight modification. We shall give only the auxiliary
functions h and H that are used in the proofs.
Theorem 3: Let f 2 F . If M( f ) ¼ I1( f ), then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
f ðsÞds
f ðcÞ ¼ c : ð26Þ
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 571
Theorem 5: Let f 2 F . If 2M( f ) ¼ I1( f ), then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
f ðsÞds
f ðcÞ ¼ a : ð29Þ
Proof: Apply the Rolle theorem to the function
Z x Z x
hðxÞ ¼ ðb aÞ f ðsÞds ðx sÞ f ðsÞds: ð30Þ
a a
Theorem 6: Let f 2 F . Then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
a f ðsÞds 6½2Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ þ ½ð2c a bÞðb aÞ þ ðc aÞðb cÞ : ð31Þ
ba ðb aÞ3
6½2Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
HðxÞ ¼ f ðxÞ ð2x a bÞ: ð32Þ
ðb aÞ2
Theorem 7: Let f 2 F . If 2M( f ) ¼ I1( f ), then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
a f ðsÞds ð33Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ :
Theorem 8: Let f 2 F . Then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
f ðsÞds 6½2Mð f Þ I1 ð f Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ a þ ð2c a bÞ: ð35Þ
bc ðb aÞ2
572 Classroom Notes
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6½2Mð f Þ I2 ð f Þ
HðxÞ ¼ f ðxÞ þ ð2x a bÞ: ð39Þ
ðb aÞ2
Theorem 11: Let f 2 F . If 2M( f ) ¼ I2( f ), then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
c f ðsÞds ð40Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ :
Theorem 12: Let f 2 F . Then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
f ðsÞds 6½2Mð f Þ I2 ð f Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ c þ 3
ðb cÞðc aÞ ð2c a bÞðb aÞ : ð42Þ
ba ðb aÞ
Proof: Apply Theorem 11 to the function (39). œ
Sahoo [13] proved the following results by using Lagrange mean value theorem.
Here, we shall also prove these results by using Rolle theorem as follows.
Theorem 13: Let f 2 F . Then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
c f ðsÞds ð43Þ
f ðcÞ ¼ :
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 573
Z b
hðxÞ ¼ ðx aÞ f ðsÞds: ð44Þ
Theorem 14: Let f 2 F . Then there is a point c 2 (a, b) such that
f ðsÞds
f ðcÞ ¼ a : ð45Þ
Proof: Apply the Rolle theorem to the function
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Z x
hðxÞ ¼ ðb xÞ f ðsÞds: ð46Þ
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