(22636) Emerging Trends in Electronics (EJ)
(22636) Emerging Trends in Electronics (EJ)
(22636) Emerging Trends in Electronics (EJ)
1. The E2Eoptical path in an OTN network is specified by layer
2. In NGN ,the interface not supporting media interaction is
3. Number of layer in NGN architecture are
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4
4. In NGN communication is possible
A. Within a city
B. Within a state
C. Within a country
D. Anywhere in world
5. Layers of NGN are
A. Access ,Transport, Control ,Service Layer
B. Physical , Data link, Network , Session Layer
C. Application , Session , Data link , Network, Transport, layer
D. Network , Application Layer
6. In NGN CDF (Content Delivery Function ) is a function of
A. Transport Stratum
B. Service Stratum
C. Transport and Service stratum
D. Not from above
7. The wavelength range of the XG-PON1 downstream signal and the range of upstream
signal on a single-fiber system are
A. Same
B. For downs stream signal wavelength is greater than that of upstream signal
C. For downs stream signal wavelength is lower than that of upstream signal
D. Depend on application it varies
8. ---------- multiplexing is used in 3G.
D. Not From Above
9. MPLS header length is a field of -----bits.
A. 32
B. 24
C. 20
D. 8
10. 8000 frames/sec are transmitted in 125 µsec, in
A. STM-4
B. STM-64
C. STM-1
D. STM-256
11. The use of EXP (Experimental) bits are
A. Quality of service
B. Avoid a packet being stuck in a routing loop
C. Receiving, transmitting a labeled packet on a data link.
D. Not from above
12. The protection scheme in an OTN network is defined by
A. G 709
B. G 873.1
C. G 798
D. G 872
13. SDH is ----------
A. Session layer Protocol
B. Transport layer Protocol
C. Service Protocol
D. Application Protocol
14. Data speed in 5G is --------
A. More than 1Gbps
B. 64Kbps
C. 2 Mbps
D. 4 Kbps
15. TTL in a MPLS label is
A. Transistor Transistor Logic
B. Time To Live
C. Technology Transfer Layer
D. Not from above
Answer key
1 C 9 A
2 B 10 C
3 D 11 A
3 4 D 12 B
5 A 13 B
6 B 14 A
7 B 15 B
8 B
1. Identify which is not an element of IoT?
A. People.
B. Process.
C. Security.
D. Things.
2. Internet of things is natural extension of ----------------
A. Smart Factory
B. Computer
D. I3.0
3. Which of the following is first and most commonly used smart, interactive IoT
A. Smart Watch
C. Health Tracker
D. Video Game.
4. IOT is evolved from -------------- communication
A. B2B
B. M2B
C. M2H
D. M2M
5. ------------------ are smart devices that uses embedded processors, sensor and
communication hardware to collect and send data which is acquired from environment
A. Computers
B. Network
C. Things
D. Protocols
6. -------------- is the physical device or software program that serves as the connectionpoint
between the cloud and controllers
C. Actuator
D. IOT Gateway
7. Sequence of devices in IoTarchitecture from bottom layer to top layer is
A. 802.5.
B. 802.3
C. 802.11.
D. None of these
9. ----------------- is the direct contact between two smart objects when they share
information instantaneously without intermediaries
A. Device to device
B. Device to gateway
C. Gateway to data systems
D. Between data systems
10. Top layer in IOT architecture is
A. Agriculture
B. Electronics
C. Automotive
D. Discrete Manufacturing
13. Real time driver monitor system to detect monitor fatigue level of driver using IoT in
automotive includes
A. Sensors to detect eye blinks, gas, impact sensors and alcohol detecting sensors
B. Sensors for GPS
C. Fluid level sensors
D. RFID tags
14. Movement of materials from suppliers to shop floor and throughout the assembly linecan
be tracked with the help of
C. Gyroscope
15. Nut and Bolt manufacturing is an example of discrete manufacturing with
A. First revolution
B. Second revolution
C. Third Revolution
D. Fourth revolution
18. What is an industrial revolution?
1 A 11 A
2 C 12 C
3 B 13 A
4 D 14 D
5 C 15 B
6 D 16 A
7 B 17 B
8 C 18 B
9 A 19 A
10 B 20 B
B. Light automation
C. Security system
D. Alarm systems
6. Smart waste deals with
Sr. No. Question
A .Garbage collection and disposal
C. Recycling waste
A. Level sensors
B. Temperature sensors
C. Garbage Sensors
D. Gas sensors
C. Trained Dogs
D. Housing society
A. Machine to Machine
B. Motor to Machine
C. machine to motor
D. motor to motor
11. Subnet in M2M is used for generating the communication link between the M2M devices
and the M2M .
A. Gateways
Sr. No. Question
B. Devices.
C. Server.
D. Router
12. All nodes communicate with each other using some intermediate gateways in a
B. Client-server networks
C. Cooperative networks
A. Sensor
B. Processors
C. Gateways
D. applications.
A. Router
B. Switch
C. Bridge
D. Traffic Analyzer
A. Restricted bandwidth
D. Large range
A. Gyroscope
B. Camera
Sr. No. Question
C. Oscillator
D. Barrometer
B. Light sensor
C. barometer
D. accelerometer
A. SigFox
B. WiFi
D. LoRa
A. 60 GHz
B. 2.4 GHz
C. Sub 1 GHz
D. 5 GHz
A. Orchestration
B. Data routing
C. Data mining
D. Data analyzing
Answer key
1 C 11 A
2 D 12 C
3 A 13 B
4 C 14 D
5 5 A 15 C
6 A 16 C
7 A 17 A
8 A 18 B
9 A 19 C
10 A 20 A
CISC includes complex RISC has performance. The computer architecture aimed at
instruction. reducing the time of execution of
instructions is .
is a technique for is not the part of 3 stage Pipelining attempts to keep every part of
implementing instruction-level pipelining. processor .
parallelism within a single processor.
Following is not an advantage of Pipelining increases the To increase the speed of memory access
pipelining. of the CPU. in pipelining, we make use of
Arduino Uno board has Analog Alternate power source to Arduino board Arduino is a
Input pins. is hardware and software platform.
Arduino Uno board having Digital Operating voltage of Arduino is Arduino IDE run on platform
I/O pins.
b) 12 f) 12V f) double
c) 5 g) 9V g) triple
d) 6 h) 3.3V h) multiple
Program instructions are stored Function of JTAG port is In Atmega 328p chip P refers to
in memory.
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
The AVRs have single- Function of Data Direction Register is Atmel's AVRs have a
byte registers and are classified as 8-bit
RISC devices.
Arduino IDE consists of two functions Function of boot loader is Select Appropriate command to read
what are they? Digital Pin number 2.
o) setup() and loop() k) Transfer the data into register o) delay (ms);
p) build() and jump() l) Shift the data towards right p) digitalRead(2);
are used to write blocks of code A program written with the IDE for Function is called once when a
in Arduino IDE sketch. Arduino is called as? sketch starts after power up or reset.
ALU is the acronym of Function of barrel shifter is Most of processors designed by ARM are
q) Arithmetic and logical unit m) Shift data right and left u) 16 bit
r) Amplifier and logical unit n) Simplify data right and left v) 32 bit
CPSR Stands for In the ARM Nomenclature ARMXTDMI,D The main importance of ARM micro-
and m stands for processors is providing operation with
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
m) Constant power speed ratio e) Division and Multiplier a) Low cost and low power
n) Current program status register f) Data and Multiplier b) Higher degree of multi-tasking
o) Computer professionals for social g) Debug and Multiplier c) Lower error or glitches
p) Certified professional service h) Data and Multiplexer d) Efficient memory management
Ans: < b > Ans: < c > Ans: < a >
Pipeline depth of ARM 7 processor family In ARM processor when Interrupt occurs The performance improvement of
is ARM processor goes into following mode processor is achieved by
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
Pipeline depth of ARM 9 processor family ARM 9 operates on frequency The Embedded lCE functionality in the
is than ARM 7. ARM9TDMI core gives
i) are the heart of Flexible ii) material has excellent iii) Rigid-Flex Circuits boards are used in
Printed Circuits. high temperature characteristics. application for reliability.
i) A Lithium-ion battery is rechargeable ii) Mostly Non-aqueous electrolyte is i) In Li-ion battery, the .................. is/are
electrochemical battery converting used in Li-ion battery because lithium ion based
energy into energy
Recall/ Remembering Understanding
a)Aqueous medium is not conductive a) Negative Electrode
a) chemical , electrical
b) Non aqueous medium is conductive b) Positive electrode
b) mechanical, electrical
c) Pure lithium is very inactive c) Positive & Negative Electrode
c) electrical, mechanical
Ans: (b)
Ans: (a) Ans: (d)
Set 2: Question No 1 Set 2: Question No 2 Set 2: Question No 3
i) A nuclear battery uses energy ii) Nuclear batteries are very but iii) Nuclear batteries are used in
from to generate electricity. have an extremely and high applications due to its compact
energy density compared to other insize and light weightand long lasting
batteries. reliable voltage supply, independent
of atmospheric conditions.
OLED stands for In OLED, at least one of the electrode is OLED displays provide power
consumption compared to LCD
c) microwave oven
c) Pick and place c) first
d) soldering oven
d) Machine d) fourth
NGN is a Network. In NGN ,the interface not supporting Pick the odd one out of the application of
media interaction is Next Generation Network
The provides the signaling Pick the odd one out of the NGN Network Session Border Controllerprovides
interface between the VoIP network and components functions such as .
the PSTN signaling network
d) Trunk Media gateway d) Trunk Media gateway d)Announcements and tones, and collect
user information.
Ans: <a> Ans: <c> Ans: <a>
Industrial, Scientific, Medical type manages and sets standards Identify from the following unlicensed
includes several medical monitors and with regard to the spectrum use. radio band application.
other devices that operate in the
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
a)900-MHZ, 2.4-GHz a)Wi-Fi Alliance a)Commercial FM radio
c) 4G c) PDMA c) 4G
d) 5G d) CDMA d) 5G
Ans: <c> Ans: <d> Ans: <b>
PSTN Core network is used in mobile Data speed in 5G is -------- Pick the odd one application of 4G
network. Network.
In FTTH, following protocol is used for up In FTTH, telemedicine is ------------ service FTTx architecture can be applicable for ---
streaming directions.
The would include the FTTx network architecture uses -------- OLT provides interface to-----
modulation schemes for both the medium between ONU and OLT.
upstream and downstream channels
In MPLS for TTL (Time to Live) the In MPLS Network, at the first Edge LSR, MPLS technology efficiently supports to-
Number of bits used are label is added to the packet. This process
is called
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
A is a router that supports Pick the odd one out of theLSRs exists in In MPLS, label value can be in between
MPLS. an MPLS network:
The protection scheme in an OTN STM-1 Frame is transmitted in OTN supports bit rate up-to
network is defined by
Client signal encapsulation , Rate The wavelength range of the XG-PON1 For GPON line rate for down streaming is-
Justificationis the function of - downstream signal and the range of
upstream signal on a single-fiber system
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
b)Optical transport unit(OTU) b) For downs stream signal wavelength is b) 622.08 Mbit/s.
greater than that of upstream signal
c)Optical data unit (ODU) c) For downs stream signal wavelength is c)2.4 Gbit/s
lower than that of upstream signal
d)Optical Payload unit (OPU) d) Depend on application it varies d)155.52 Mbit/s.
Identify one that is not the element of IoT Recognize the first IoT Device The role of gateway is to
Recall/ Remembering Recall/ Remembering Application
IoT is evolved from communication IoT is natural extension of are smart devices that uses
embedded processors, sensors and
communication hardware to collect and
send data which is acquired from
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Understanding
The role of sensor is to Devices that provide tamper detection, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, WAN can be examples of
encryption, hardware random generation with respect to IoT architecture
and cryptography are layer.
Data is aggregated, summarised, filtered Advanced analytics and monitoring IoT Devices are referred as control tier.
and forwarded by for further ecosystem is provided by
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Understanding
Device layer elements are Analysis, Storage and Management of Machine Learning and visualization
data accomplished at technology generally accomplished at
devices are able to intervene the Operations on server side is done Data aggregation and Data Acquisition
physical reality like switching of the light at systems takes place at layer
or adjust the temperature of room.
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
Device layer elements are Analysis, Storage and Management of Machine Learning and visualization
data accomplished at technology generally accomplished at
devices are able to intervene the Operations on server side is done Data aggregation and Data Acquisition
physical reality like switching of the light at systems takes place at layer
or adjust the temperature of room.
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
----------------- is the direct contact Human Machine Interface [HMI] is used Operator Interface Terminal [OIT] are
between two smart objects when they in used
share information instantaneously
without intermediaries.
Sensor –PLC-SCADA- Cloud Data route' : Correlate the technologies / devices / is an part of IoT ecosystem that
functions between Group A and Group B: handles communication with local
Group A servers and remote users.
a. PLC b. Gateways c. Cloud d. Things
Group B:
i. Sensor ii. SCADA iii. Collate and transfer
data iv. Big data
Vehicle Communication, driverless car, " ” is the industry term for the Real time driver monitor system to detect
connected cars are the examples of IoT in: manufacture of finished products that are monitor fatigue level of driver using IoT in
distinct items capable of being easily automotive includes
counted, touched or seen"
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
Which of the following is more Aircraft or satellite manufacturing is an Smart farming can be achieved by
appropriate about connected cars? example of discrete manufacturing with using:
a) Cars with GPS capability a) High Complexity and Low volume a) Humidity sensors
b) Cars with internet surf capabilities b) Low Complexity and high volume b) IoT stick
c) Internet enabled cars having c) Low Complexity and low volume c) pH sensors
communication with other cars
d) Car with infotainment service d) High Complexity and high volume d) Temperature sensors
Identify one that is not the element of IoT Recognize the first IoT Device The role of gateway is to
Recall/ Remembering Recall/ Remembering Application
IoT is evolved from communication IoT is natural extension of are smart devices that uses
embedded processors, sensors and
communication hardware to collect and
send data which is acquired from
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Understanding
The role of sensor is to Devices that provide tamper detection, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, WAN can be examples of
encryption, hardware random generation with respect to IoT architecture
and cryptography are layer.
Data is aggregated, summarised, filtered Advanced analytics and monitoring IoT Devices are referred as control tier.
and forwarded by for further ecosystem is provided by
Device layer elements are Analysis, Storage and Management of Machine Learning and visualization
data accomplished at technology generally accomplished at
devices are able to intervene the Operations on server side is done Data aggregation and Data Acquisition
physical reality like switching of the light at systems takes place at layer
or adjust the temperature of room.
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
Sensor –PLC-SCADA- Cloud Data route' : Correlate the technologies / devices / is an part of IoT ecosystem that
functions between Group A and Group B: handles communication with local
Group A servers and remote users.
a. PLC b. Gateways c. Cloud d. Things
Group B:
i. Sensor ii. SCADA iii. Collate and transfer
data iv. Big data
Vehicle Communication, driverless car, " ” is the industry term for the Real time driver monitor system to detect
connected cars are the examples of IoT in: manufacture of finished products that are monitor fatigue level of driver using IoT in
distinct items capable of being easily automotive includes
counted, touched or seen"
Which of the following is more Aircraft or satellite manufacturing is an Smart farming can be achieved by
appropriate about connected cars? example of discrete manufacturing with using:
a) Cars with GPS capability a) High Complexity and Low volume a) Humidity sensors
b) Cars with internet surf capabilities b) Low Complexity and high volume b) IoT stick
c) Internet enabled cars having c) Low Complexity and low volume c) pH sensors
communication with other cars
d) Car with infotainment service d) High Complexity and high volume d) Temperature sensors
Industrial Revolution is The series of events best describes the "The Scopes of I4.0 are:
transforming from I1.0 to I4.0 are:
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Understanding
z) New technologies and novel ways of b) "Mechanization of production ,invention b)Not real time
perceiving the world that trigger a of steamships and railroads, the digital
profound change in economic and revolution"
social structure
aa) An event that happened in a c) Discovery of electricity, the growth of c)Interconnected Global systems
previous century and doesn't affect mass production, the digital revolution.
modern society
bb) A series of technological advances d) Mechanization of production, the d)Real time and Interconnected Global
that may or may not have a agrarian revolution, the digital revolution systems
profound effect on society
c) Electrification a) Agrarian society become more urban a) a- ii, b-iv, c-iii, d-i
b) Mass production b) The world became less reliant on b) a- ii, b-iv, c-i, d-iii
animals and humans for energy creation
c) Electronics c) Mass production created more jobs for c) a- i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
skilled workers
d) Mechanization. d) Electronics and information technology d) a- i, b-ii, c-iv, d-iii
began to automate production.
Ans: <d> Ans: <b> Ans: <b>
Technologies enables user to The aspects like Economy, Business, Society I4.0 was implemented in
produce more and faster with efficient was impacted by
allocation of resources.
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
The scope of I 4.0 is Scalability in production in Smart Factory For automation in PLC’s and Robots
was implemented by using generation of IoT was used.
IIoT included devices are located in The QoS concerns in IIoT are IoT applications covers domains like
The maintenance in IIoT is The security requirements in IIoT are: IIoT was implemented in applications
A smart home incorporates all the provides ability to Lights can be turn ON when aphoto-
advanced . monitor and control various home electric sensor detects that it’s dark. It is
devices through wireless connection. possible in one of the following system.
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application
The oldest and best-known smart home X-10 home automation system Name the device that constantly crawls
automation system is . uses to send regular around floors sweeping the dust.
switching signal.
are main component of Video monitoring system for home The use of can assured
home appliances control system. consists of and that family will be safe from unforeseen
. dangers.
Home appliances in smart home can be "Hey Google, turn on all lights.". This Identify the one that is not provided in
controlled remotely over long distance is voice command is for smart home.
possible due to used in smart home.
Select caption of given image Automated traffic signals are part of delivers health
. information and services to enable data
transmission, storage and retrieval for
clinical, educational and administrative
This education system is replacing Efficient and energy-saving waste Name the detector used for fire safety in
traditional classroom, and provides the management system reduces smart city .
flexibility of learning. .
The security and surveillance tools use Identify application of surveillance system Smart Surveillance used for automatic
surveillance and sensors. in which camera provide critical evidence over speeding vehicle detection and red-
for investigations. light violation detection system are under
system of smart city.
In Fire detection System video image Natural disaster such as flood can be The city of Detroit (USA) managed to
detection technology is used to detect prevented through real-time updates and reduce crime by 50% by implementing
and flame. monitoring using camera Project Light
M2M communication is a communication Function of device domain in M2M In a --------------- networks, all nodes
between network is . communicate with each other using some
intermediate gateways.
Wireless range for indoor applications Identify the motion sensor: - Name IR-based sensor to detect the
using ZigBee protocol is------- presence of nearby objects without any
physical CONTACT