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UCSP HAND OUTS Functions of Cultural, Social and Political Institutions

 A state is basically shaped by three institutions;

Cultural, Social and Political Institutions social, cultural and political.
Quarter 4 – Module 7  Social institutions are mechanisms or patterns of
social behaviors that affect our behavioral patterns.
LESSON 1: Functions of State and Non-State  Cultural and Political institutions are the driving
 Actors are entities that participate in economic force with which we can access the power of the
relations. The two type of factors involved are the government, and the benefits we can enjoy such as
State (and its functions) and the non-state our education, health, freedom of religion, and
institutions. economic choices.
 A state is a formal group that is sovereign over its  Social institution - consists of a group of people
members and occupies a well-defined territory. who have come together for a common purpose.
 A political system of a state must be distinguished  Family Orientation-refers to the family in which
from the state itself. A political system consists of a person raised.
the formal and informal structures which manifest  Family of procreation refers to the family you
the state’s sovereignty over a territory. It is the create through marriage and by having or adopting
civil aspect of statehood. children, it is often compared to family of
orientation, which is the family that we are born
1. Population - : is a community of persons. It is a Practices in tracing family lineage:
human political institution 1. Unilineal system- a system of determining descent
2. Territory: is the second essential element of the groups in which one belongs to one’s father’s or mother’s
State. State is a territorial unit. line, whereby traced either exclusively through male
3. Government: is the organization or machinery or ancestors (patriline), female (matriline).
agency or magistracy of the State which makes, 2. Patrilineal– relating to or based on relationship to the
implements, enforces and adjudicates the laws of father or descent through the male line.
the state. 3. Matrilineal– refers to familial relationships that can be
4. Sovereignty: is the most exclusive element of traced through a female. To follow the matrilineal line in
State. State alone possess sovereignty. Without your family, start with your mom.
sovereignty no state can exit. 4. Bilateral- comes from Latin: ―bi‖ means ―two‖ and
 There is no definite limit for the size of population lateralis means ―belonging to the side.‖ Debates about
essential for a State. issues can be described as bilateral — as long as people on
 Definite territory is its essential component. A both sides get to speak.
State cannot exist in the air or at sea. It is
essentially a territorial State. The size of the Types of Marriage
territory of a State can be big or small; 1. Endogamy- marriage within one’s own tribe or group as
nevertheless, it has to be a definite, well-marked required by custom or law.
portion of territory. 2. Exogamy- marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or
 Government is the third essential element of the group other than your own as required by custom or law.
State. The state exercises its sovereign power 3. Polygamy– having more than one wife at a time.
through its government. 4. Polyandry- having more than one relationship, husband
at a time.
ORGANS OF GOVERNMENT 5. Monogamy-is when you are married to, or in a sexual
1. Legislature—which formulates the will of State relationship with, one person at a time. Humans are one of
i.e. performs lawmaking functions. the few species that practice monogamy.
 The Legislature power is vested in the Congress of
the Philippines which is consists of the Senate. Types of Residence
2. Executive— enforces and implements the laws i.e. 1.Patrilocal residence-is structured by a rule that a man
performs the law application functions; and remains in his father’s house after reaching maturity and
 This branch is composed of the Presidents and the Vice brings his wife to live with his family after marriage.
3. Judiciary—which applies the laws to specific cases 2. Matrilocal residence- is instituted by a rule that a
and settles the disputes i.e. performs woman remains in her mother’s household after reaching
adjudication/paghatol functions. maturity and brings her husband to live with her family
 This branch is consist of the supreme court. after marriage.
3. Ambilocal residence- also called bilocal residence is
Two Dimensions of Sovereignty the societal post marital residence in which couples, upon
 Internal and External Sovereignty marriage, choose to live with or near either spouse’s
ACTORS 4. Neolocal residence- type of post-marital residence in
Are people and or organizations that participate in which a newly married couple resides separately from both
international affairs and relations but are not affiliated with the husband’s natal household and the wife’s natal
any state or nation. household.
1. Bank and Corporations Types of Family in the Contemporary Word
2. Cooperative and trade Unions 1. Transitional family- is a residential service for
3. Transnational Advocacy young women and children.
4. Development Agencies 2. Single parent- parent is a parent who parents
5. International Organization alone. It means there is an absence of the other
3. parent as opposed to a co-parent, meaning that 4. Socialization- schools offer a new environment, a
the parent is not the only parent regardless of second home, a second family with peer groups, a
whether or not they are a couple. second parents with teachers. The student learns to
4. Reconstituted- The simple definition of a blended establish rapport, relations, and attains status
family, also called a step family, reconstituted recognition.
family, or a complex family. 5. Life Preparation – schools prepare the student for
Legal Separation - A legal process by which a married a life of independence, self- reliance, and
couple may formalize a de facto separation while competence for an occupation or a job. Students
remaining legally married. A legal separation is granted in learn about task responsibilities and hardship in the
the form of a court order. pursuit of goals.
Annulment - It is a legal procedure within secular and
religious legal systems for declaring a marriage null and Functions being played by education towards
void. individual, society and nation
Divorce - It is known as dissolution of marriage, is the INDIVIDUAL
termination of a marriage or marital union, the canceling or 1. Development of inborn potentialities- Education
reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of helps the child to develop the inborn potentialities
marriage, thus dissolving. (since catholism is very family of child providing scope to develop.
oriented, they don’t agree to end marriage in that very 2. All around development – Education aims at the
simple way. holistic development of child-physical, mental,
Politics among family members social, emotional, and spiritual.
1. Patriarchal– a social system in which males hold 3. Preparing for the future – after the completion of
primary power and predominate in roles of education the child can earn its livelihood getting
political leadership, moral authority, social proper education, which has productivity. The
privilege and control of property. education should be imparted according to the own
2. Matriarchal– a social system in which females interest of the child.
hold the primary power positions in roles of SOCIETY
political leadership, moral authority, social 1. Development of social and moral value- animality
privilege and control of property at the specific can be changed with moral education. It teaches
exclusion of males – at least to a large degree. the moral value and social value like cooperation,
3. Egalitarian-relating to or believing in the tolerance, sympathy, love affection, respect
principle that all people are equal and deserve towards elder, helping the poor.
equal rights and opportunities. 2. Providing opportunity or equality- education
FOUR TYPES OF NORMS teaches us to give equal opportunities in all aspects
 FOLKWAYS - are standards of behavior that are irrespective of caste, creed, color, sex and religion
socially approved but not morally significant.
 Mores - norms of morality. Breaking mores, like 3. Social change and control – the old traditions,
attending church in the nude, will offend most customs are preserved and transmitted with the
people of a culture. situations, which are ever changing
 Taboo - meaning a culture absolutely forbids NATION
them, like incest in U.S. culture. Something that is 1. Inculcation of civic and social responsibility-
inappropriate within a cultural group. Education helps to make rising generation to
 Laws - laws are a formal body of rules enacted by understand its rights and duties as citizens of a
the state and backed by the power of the state. democratic country.
VALUES - are abstract concepts that certain kinds of 2. Training for Leadership- the leadership quality of
behaviors are good, right, ethical, moral and therefore individual is developed when he participates in all
desirable spheres of social, political, religious, and
educational activities.
Education in the Present Society 3. Total national development- Education helps for
Module 8 bringing by developing its all aspects i.e. social,
cultural, spiritual, moral, educational, etc.
Lesson 1: Functions of Education and types of education 4. National Integration- Education trains people for
Educational Institution- refers to the established unity, for democracy and not for dictatorship.
normative system of providing and receiving education and
training. Republic Act No. 9155 known as the Governance of
1. Knowledge Acquisition – schools lay down the Basic Education Act of 2001
foundations for structured learning and providing defines the three types of education in the
students with a range of learning tools, materials, Philippines
and interactive learning experience 1. Formal Education- systematic and deliberate
2. Skills Development – schools bring out from the process of hierarchically structured and sequential
students their hidden potentials, skills, and talents learning corresponding to the general concept of
that are developed through sport and training, and elementary and secondary level of schooling.
participation in co-curricular and extracurricular 2. Non- Formal Education- any organized, systematic
activities. educational activity carried outside the framework
3. Values Formation- schools mold the character of of the formal system to provide selected type
students by imbibing in them the values integrated of learning to a segment of the population.
in the courses or subjects that they take up, as well 3. Informal Education – lifelong process of learning
as the core values that the school promotes though by which every person acquires and accumulates
disciple and habit. knowledge, skills, attitudes, and insights from
daily experiences at home, at play, and from life itself
FUNCTION OF EDUCATION  As Gisbert says, “Social stratification is the
1. FUNCTIONAL THEORY stresses the functions that division of society into permanent groups of
education serves in fulfilling a society’s various needs. categories linked with each other by the
Perhaps the most important function of education is relationship of superiority and subordination.
Socialization. George A. Lundberg
2. SOCIAL INTEGRATION : For a society to work,  “Social stratification in its most general sense, is a
functionalists say, people must subscribe to a common set sociological concept that refers to the fact that both
of beliefs and values. individuals and groups of individuals are
3. SOCIAL REPLACEMENT : Beginning in grade conceived of as constituting higher or lower
school, students are identified by teachers and other school differentiated strata or classes in terms of some
officials both as bright and motivated or as less, bright and specific or generalized characteristic or set of
even educationally challenged. characteristics.” Bernard Barber
4. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL INNOVATION : Our Characteristics of Social Stratification
scientists cannot make important scientific discoveries and It is Social: Stratification is social in the sense that it does
our artists and thinkers cannot come up with great works of not represent inequality which are
art, poetry, and prose unless they have first been educated biologically based. It is true that factors such as strength,
in the many subjects they need to know for their chosen intelligence, age, sex
path. It is Ancient: The stratification system is very old.
 The Conflict Theory emphasizes that education Stratification was present even in the small wandering
reinforces inequality in the larger society. bands. Age and sex wear the main criteria of stratification
 The Symbolic Interactionist Theory focuses on It is Universal: Difference between rich and poor, the
social interaction in the classroom, on school „haves‟ or „have notes‟ is evident everywhere.
playgrounds, and at other school-related venues. It is in diverse Forms:Social stratification has never been
Social interaction contributes to gender-role uniform in all societies
socialization, and teachers’ expectations may It is Consequential:The most important, most desired and
affect their students’ performance often the scarcest things in human life are distributed
unequally because of stratification.
Social Stratification
LESSON 1: Module 10-11
SOCIAL SRATIFICATION: Its Definition, Nature &  Social inequality is the difference in the
Characteristics distribution of social desirables such as wealth,
 Stratification is a hierarchy of positions with power, and prestige.
regard to economic production which influences  It also refers to the unequal opportunities of
the social rewards to those in the positions. individuals based on
 Social stratification is one of the most significant their social class or status.
topics we shall discuss for it affects our life  This explanation is mostly inspired by Karl Marx’s
chances; from our access to material possessions to analysis the rise of
the age to which we die. Social stratification also industrialization.
affects our orientations to life. Social inequality…….
 Stratification - the division of a society into larger A. results from a society organized by hierarchies of class,
categories or strata of people who have unequal race, and gender that unequally distributes access to
amounts of scarce but desirable resources or resources and rights.
rewards. (Light, 1985) B. characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities
 Panopio (1989) - defines social stratification as and rewards for different social positions or statuses within
the hierarchical arrangement and establishment of a group or society.
social categories that may evolve into social 1. Inequality in the access to social, political, and
groups together with statuses and their symbolic capital
corresponding roles. a. Social Capital is the ability of a collective to act
 Melvin Tumin defines social stratification as “an together to pursue a common goal. It refers to the
arrangement of any social groups or society into a connection of individuals within the society.
hierarchy of positions that are unequal with regard b. Political Capital refers to the trust, good will, and
to power, property, social evaluation and psychic influence possessed by a political actor, such as
gratification” politician, to mobilize support toward a preferred
 Social Stratification is a sociological term for the policy outcome.
hierarchical arrangement of social classes, castes, c. Symbolic Capital refers to the resources that one
and strata within a society. (Psychology possesses which is a function of honor, prestige or
Wikipedia). recognition, or any other traits that one values
 As Malvin M. Tumin says, Social stratification within a culture
refers to arrangements of any social group or Government Programs Addressing these Inequalities
society into a hierarchy of positions that are are:
unequal with regard to power, property, social • Conditional Cash Transfer program locally
evaluation, and/or social gratification. known as Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program, or
 “Social stratification is a horizontal division of 4Ps, is a government program that provides
conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor
 society into higher and lower social units. “
in the Philippines.
Raymond W. Murray
• Agrarian reform in the Philippines seeks to
 “A stratified society is one marked by inequality,
solve the centuries old problem of landlessness in
by differences among people that are evaluated by
rural areas. Through the Comprehensive Agrarian
them as being lower and higher”.
Reform Program (CARP) initiated in 1987,
the government addressed key national goals:
the promotion of equity and social justice, food Lesson 2: Approaches and Responses to emerging
security and poverty alleviation in the countryside challenges in contemporary societies
• SK Reform Act of 2015 has the provisions that Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) -It is known to
prohibits political dynasty. target a person’s respiratory system in which infected
• The Universal Access to Quality Tertiary patients may exhibit symptoms such as fever, cough,
Education Act is a law that institutionalizes free shortness of breath, and in some cases, muscle pain and
tuition and exemption from other fees in state sore throat. Some patients may also be asymptomatic
universities and colleges (SUCs), local universities
and colleges (LUCs) in the Philippines. Global Warming and Climate Change
The increase in the global temperature has resulted to
2. Minority Groups incidences of forest fires and grass fires in the mountains
- Are groups composed of less-dominant classifications in such as the Amazon forest fires and Australian bushfires.
society that experience disproportionately lower Contemporary Issues
opportunities than their dominant counterparts. Population Growth-An increase in the number of people
Programs: that reside in a country, state or city.
1. The Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Deforestation- It is the permanent removal of trees to make
Development room for something
(PPGD) - It places people at the center and aims to make Migration - The movement of people from one place to
development work for all groups. another
2. The Magna Carta of Women (MCW) Epidemic - When an infectious disease spreads quickly to
• Increasing the number of women in third level more people than experts would expect
positions in government to achieve a fifty-fifty ICT - Refers to technologies that provide access to
(50-50) gender balance within the next 5 years information through telecommunications.
• Leave benefits of two (2) months Climate Change - The encompassing abroad range of
• Non-discrimination changes happening to our planet
• Provision for equal access and elimination OFW - A person from the Philippines who is living and
working in another country, typically on a temporary basis.
3. Ethnic Minorities Pollution - The introduction of harmful materials into
• Because some minorities live traditionalistic lives environment
far away from the city and technology, and some Population – Group or type of people or animals living in
may appear differently than usual, they have been an area or country.
consistently labeled and treated as people with Pandemic- A disease outbreak that spreads across countries
minimal knowledge and capabilities or continents
Programs: Global Warming - The phenomenon of increasing average
1. Republic Act 8371, known as the Indigenous air temperatures near the surface of Earth over the past one
Peoples Rights Act (IPRA), was enacted in 1997. to two centuries
It has been praised for its support for the cultural Scarcity – Basic Economics problem- the gap between
integrity of limited resources and theoretically limitless wants.
indigenous peoples, the right to their lands and the right to “Alone we can do little; together we can
self-directed development of these lands. do so much.” Helen Keller
4. Other Minorities
This may include people with disabilities or people with Lesson 3: Develop advocacy to adapt
religions that are less prevalent in society changes in contemporary societies
1. Republic Act No. 9442, an Act Amending • What is the Impact of Technology on Our
Republic Act No. 7277, Otherwise known as the Society?
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, and For Other The Internet as an information resource and a
Purposes’ Granting Additional Privileges and communication platform and conveniently ignore the fact
Incentives and Prohibitions on Verbal, Non-verbal that an overexposure to it leads to Internet addiction.
Ridicule and Vilification Against Persons with
Disability Overexposure to the Internet has taken its toll. In
2. Department of Education has adopted the policy to this virtual world, you can be who you are not, you
provide special protection to children who are can be virtually living even after you die.
gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances Children are spending all their time playing online
3. Enactment of Anti-Bullying Law and less or almost no time playing on the ground.
Emerging Challenges in Contemporary Societies Youngsters are spending most of
Module 12 their time social networking, missing on the joys
of real social life.
Lesson 1: New and Emerging contemporary issues in The impact of technology on society is deep. It is both
societies positive and negative. Technology has largely influenced
What is Contemporary Issue every aspect of living. It has made life easy, but so easy
Any modern-day trend, event, idea, or topic around a that it may lose its charm some day.
current subject that is relevant to people can be defined as With the developments in technology, we may be able to
a contemporary issue. An issue that is currently affecting enjoy all the pricey luxuries in life but at the cost of losing
people or places and that is unresolved. its priceless joys.
Contemporary issues help shape the fabric of our society.
Some contemporary issues are useful and unifying for
society like electronic banking while others can be divisive
such as politics, climate issues, and more.

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