S Civ Cab - 00
S Civ Cab - 00
S Civ Cab - 00
The scope of this specification is to provide the technical requirements for civil works for
underground cables, to be used in the distribution networks of TAQA/ADDC/AADC.
This specification refers to civil works for underground cables, to be used in the distribution
networks of TAQA/ADDC/AADC
The list of the reference documents is indicated in the following paragraphs.
In case of discrepancy between these Specifications and any of the applicable Codes and
Standards, the following order of precedence shall apply:
1) TAQA/ADDC/AADC specifications
2) applicable reference standards
3) other documents.
The Supplier shall note that compliance with the provision of these specifications does not relieve
him from his responsibility to supply proper design, material and construction, suited to meet the
operating guarantees at the specified service conditions.
3.1 TAQA/ADDC/AADC specifications
Table 1- List of TAQA/ADDC/AADC specifications
The last edition of following standards is applicable for the scope specified in the present
document. In case of deviation, the Supplier can propose equipment/material compliant to an
alternative standard, subject to TAQA/ADDC/AADC approval.
Table 2- List of Standards
Standard Description
ADIBC Abu Dhabi International Building Code
ACI318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
AISC 360 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete
Standard Specification for Welded Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete
Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for
ASTM A 185
Standard Specification for Low-Relaxation, Seven-Wire Steel Strand for
Prestressed Concrete
ASTM C 150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement
ISO 527 Methods of Testing Plastics
ASTM D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics
3.3 Regulation and law
All works shall be in accordance with the following Regulation and laws:
• Abu Dhabi International Building Code
• The Electricity Wiring Regulations
The prescription included in the Regulations and Law shall prevail on all other international
standards mentioned in paragraph 3.2.
The service conditions are specified in S-GEN-SER. Design shall be in accordance with S-CIV-
GEN and prescriptions mentioned in the present specification.
5.1.1 General
The Supplier shall carry out all kind of earth and rockwork works required within the Project,
either by manpower or use of fuel driven machinery and tools acceptable to TAQA/ADDC/AADC.
Works shall include, but not be limited to:
• Trench excavation for services, including clearing and grubbing, excavation of topsoil
• Demolition of existing structures, removal of obstacles and archaeological findings
• Backfilling, including replacement of material.
The Supplier shall fully inform himself concerning the nature of the ground likely to be
encountered during operations, and the excavation of ground of any nature and all types of soil
likely to be met with and shall be included in his offer. No claims for extras on any account
whatsoever shall be accepted. No increase in price for excavation in sand dunes, hard ground or
rock, pumping water well point systems, cutting and reinstatement of any concrete, asphalt or tiled
surfaces or any other cause shall be granted.
This refers also to green areas, where the Supplier is obliged to check with the authorities
concerned if reinstatement may become necessary. All relevant costs (if any) shall be included in
the Supply.
The trenches shall be located exactly within the approved reservation, the sides shall be straight
and free from any sharp material/edges likely to injure the cable or accessories, the bottom shall
be firm and of smooth contour and shall be free from any sharp material/ pebbles, etc., and likely
to damage the cables.
Where trenches pass from a footpath to a roadway, or at other positions where a change of level is
necessary, the bottom of the trench shall rise and fall gradually.
The Supplier shall take all precautions necessary to prevent or minimize damages to road or ground
surface due to a slip or breaking away from the sidewalls of the trench.
The Supplier shall deal with and dispose of water so as to prevent any risk of the cables and other
materials, which are to be laid in the trenches being detrimentally affected. He shall provide all
pumps, well points and appliances required, and shall carry out all necessary pumping and bailing.
The Supplier shall allow for all such equipment and operations.
Excavation in paved sidewalks shall be carried out with special care. When removing paving slabs,
the Supplier shall take the necessary precautions to avoid breakage. All slabs removed during
performance of the work shall be re-established or replaced. Where sand dunes exist in the cable
routes as finally approved, they shall be cleared to the normal ground level. Where the existing
ground level is much higher than the final future ground level, cables shall be laid to a depth
measured from the final future ground level. The amount of additional excavation shall be included
in the Suppliers scope.
All excavation works shall fulfil the safety rules/procedures by TAQA/ADDC/AADC either at
general level or at project level.
Following type tests shall be carried out on the Protection Tile and the Supplier will be required to
submit copies of test certificates for ADDC review and approval. The Supplier shall submit along
with his offer one copy of test certificates for similar product manufactured in the past.
6.1.1 Tensile Stress and Elongation Tests
Tensile stress and elongation tests shall be carried out as detailed in the Electricity Wiring
Regulations, as promulgated by the Regulation and Supervision Bureau, Emirate of Abu Dhabi
(design and construction of all electrical components, equipment and systems, installation of all
electrical devices and wiring) & ASTM D638 (Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics), on
specimens cut from the LDPE protection tile. Five specimens shall be taken longitudinally and five
transversely. The tensile stress and the elongation at break shall be the average result of five
specimens in each mode and shall not be less than the values specified below:
• Minimum ultimate Tensile Stress at Break (N/mm2) ... 10
• Minimum Elongation:
o Longitudinal (%) ... 300
o Transverse (%) ... 350
6.1.2 Chemical Tests
2 x 15mm holes
Black Text
<11 kV
1000mm 25mm
• 11 kV cables
• 22 kV cables
• 33 kV cables