Agrumentative Essay 2
Agrumentative Essay 2
Agrumentative Essay 2
Joselyn Convery
Tammy Barense
16 January 2023
Social media can greatly affect one's mental health. Online therapy (2023) stated
that 51% of men and 50% of women have said that they have been depressed due to
their use of social media, and additionally, 54% of men have experienced loneliness
based on social media use, compared to only 41% of women. Even though social media
can affect people positively and give people a way to communicate and celebrate one
another there is also a negative side of social media that includes bullying, harassment,
Social media can be used as a platform for people to bully and harass others.
Kim Kardashian took advantage of the social media app Snapchat by posting an edited
video of singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. Following the release of this edited video, Kim
Kardashian supporters rallied to her defense and used social media platforms such as
Instagram and Twitter to flood Taylor's account with cruel comments. According to Teen
Vogue, this hatred drove Taylor to stay out of the public eye for months and to delete all
social media. Online hate doesn't only affect the big stars, it can affect anyone who is a
user of social media. As stated by Family Orbit A ten-year-old student named Ashlynn
Conner was cyberbullied so much that she begged her mother to stay home. Online she
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was called names such as fat, ugly, and slut. After cutting her hair the bullying continued
with different names such as “pretty boy”.Cyberbullying took a toll on Ashlynn and she
decided to take her own life. Typically the subjects of cyberbullying are girls but not
always. Kenneth Weishuhn is an example that cyberbullying not only happens to girls.
According to Family Orbit, Classmates created an anti-gay Facebook group and used
that to make negative comments towards Kenneth. After Kenneth came out not only the
people who were bullying him before continued bullying him but also his closest friends.
The harassment continued online but also in school and eventually Kenneth took his
own life. If you decide to be a user of social media you risk a chance of being
Seeing others on social media can make you feel pressured to have the same
things they have and do the same things they do. Scary Mommy (2023) reported that a
mother named Dayna Motyca gifted her daughter a water bottle for Christmas that was
a knockoff of the famous Stanley water bottle on the internet. The daughter was very
happy to receive this gift. After going back to school from winter break, she was bullied
about the cup because it wasn't a real Stanley. When home from school, the daughter
asked her mom for a real Stanley, which led her mom to buy her one. Northern Eastern
Global News stated that another popular Christmas gift for young girls is skincare by the
brand Drunk Elephant. This brand is not catered towards young skin and includes
anti-aging products. Young teens want these brands to fit in with their peers who have
been influenced, and because there is a rise in social media users promoting anti-aging
products and solutions. Buzzfeed News stated that many fitness influencers and
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influencers in general use filters or edit photos that they are posting online. Viewers may
not be aware that these photos have been edited, which creates an unrealistic beauty
standard for the people who are viewing them, who are most often young girls. Over
time, viewing others who are different from you could make you feel like you need to be
similar to them.
Social media can be used to connect with others and also bring people together
to advocate for causes that they believe in. People can use social media to reconnect
with friends and family members. Being able to type in someone's name gives users the
ability to connect with friends and family they might have lost touch with. Social media
users can use their platform to promote and help people in need. Prepare Center states
that social media can be used to collect funding when major catastrophes occur. The
money social media users bring together for these victims helps them out greatly since
they have mostly lost the things that they have and also their place of work. Social
media can be used to bring people together to advocate for causes they believe in.NPR
reported that global superstar Taylor Swift used the apps Instagram and Twitter to
promote voting, which led to a surge of over 35,000 new voters. She also used her
stardom to promote a petition for the Equality Act at the end of her music video, “You
Need to Calm Down." This petition got over half a million signatures.
Online platforms can be utilized for interacting with one another as well as
bringing groups together for causes they care about. Social media can have a positive
effect on people by allowing them to communicate and come together, but it also has a
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negative aspect that includes bullying and harassment. In conclusion, social media can
have a positive impact on people, but the negative effects outweigh the positive effects.
Work Cited
“6 in 10 Americans say social media negatively affects their mental health - Online
Garrity, Katie. “This Mom Bought Her Daughter A Stanley Cup After She Was Bullied Accessed
12 January 2024.
Sullivan, Becky. “A Taylor Swift Instagram post helped drive a surge in voter
Weekman, Kelsey. “Top Fitness Influencers Edit Their Photos And Videos.” BuzzFeed
“Why Taylor Swift Disappeared From the Spotlight.” Teen Vogue, 30 August 2017,
Work Cited