Conjunctions Test Exercises Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Advanced Level 11
Conjunctions Test Exercises Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Advanced Level 11
Conjunctions Test Exercises Multiple Choice Questions With Answers Advanced Level 11
Advanced Level 11
1. ____ the music they make ____ the life they are living 7. Significant action was taken by countries ____
is a good example of how to be good persons. Canada, which announced a ban on the sale of
computers to South African security forces.
A) No sooner / than
B) Both / and A) alike
C) Not only / but also B) such as
D) Only when / then C) to illustrate
E) Although / nevertheless D) that is
E) in that
2. ____ people discover my job for the first time, they
always ask me for details of the many adventures 8. There are many doubts about the future of the
they assume I have had. school. ____, families are enrolling their children in
the school.
A) As for
B) By the time A) Even so
C) When B) Although
D) While C) So
E) As far as D) Assuming
E) If so
3. ____ the prohibition law came into effect almost ten
thousand whales were killed with illegal weapons. 9. I had not the least thought of committing suicide ____
I knew the object of my existence there.
A) By the time
A) after A) yet
B) until B) so
C) by the time C) since
D) when D) when
E) since E) as if
5. Last year, the cash income of crop farmers dropped 11. ____ plan effectively your work, you need to know
by 20%, ____ livestock farm's cash income rose 6%. how you are doing in that work.
A) so that A) In order to
B) since B) Due to
C) as C) So that
D) while D) That is to
E) as far as E) Owing to
6. Some people said that children could not distinguish 12. ____ a person does not use cigarette, he or she can
between programming and commercials. ____, they still be harmed seriously by the smoke in the
complained that there were already too many cigarette.
commercials on television.
A) On condition that
A) Providing B) Because
B) Whereas C) Even so
C) So that D) Even if
D) Therefore E) All the same
E) In addition
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Conjunctions Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers -
Advanced Level 11
13. I apologize to you for the delay. I cannot, ____, agree 18. ____ you withstand the offers of your friends, you can
to your request that the employee in question be succeed to be yourself.
A) Eventually
A) so B) So long as
B) however C) Even if
C) so far as D) Furthermore
D) although E) Only if
E) even if
19. I thought that ____ I got onto the side of the window
14. Before World War I the relations among the European sill, I could then scramble across the corrugated
countries were very bad ____ all were suspicious plastic onto the top of the wall.
about others.
A) if
A) providing B) whether
B) however C) in view of
C) as well as D) much as
D) yet E) as far as
E) and
20. She had little to live on, ____ she lived greatly and
15. ____ the noise got louder and the windows began to happily and worked under her old oil lamp.
rattle I wasn't particularly concerned.
A) but
A) Whereas B) so
B) After C) as much as
C) Nonetheless D) or else
D) Even when E) lest
E) So that
21. ____ you get your admittance card, you will be
16. ____ had he heard about the movement of the directed to the other department to finish the
soldiers of William, ____ he sent envoys to remind him final procedure.
of his oath.
A) Once
A) Only when / then B) However
B) Not only/ but also C) Inasmuch as
C) No sooner / than D) Even so
D) If/ then E) As though
E) Only if / then
22. I applied for the post of sales manager and ____ I
17. ____ we listened for the news on the radio over the have been working in the dispatch department of a
next few hours, we realized we had been lucky in large department store.
our house.
A) while
A) As B) after
B) Before C) as soon as
C) By the time D) since then
D) No matter E) so that
E) Whether
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