19 Sun
19 Sun
19 Sun
◆ Objective
• Energy source
• Structure
• Magnetic field
The Sun
• The Sun is the only SS object that emits significant amount of light
• Gravitational contraction?
◆ 1 x 1041 J (complicated) → 8 million years
• Fission? 1 x 1014 J/kg
◆ Only 25% hot enough → 1 billion years
What’s the answer?
◆ Only process that can provide the necessary energy for so
◆ Einstein: E = mc2
◆ Mass & energy are different forms of same thing
◆ 4 H = 4.031 3 amu
◆ 1 He = 4.002 6 amu
◆ Δm = 0.03 amu
◆ 4H/Δm = 0.007 = 0.7%
• We have detected these coming from the Sun in large numbers, strongly
supporting that there is nuclear fusion going on in the e
• It’s not all that easy to fuse 4 hydrogen atoms into a helium
atom. Why might it be difficult to get the process started by
bringing two hydrogen atoms together?
In the interior,
heat is transported by radiation
(without transport of mass).
And a
convective zone
near the surface
Solar Structure
In the interior,
heat is transported by radiation
(without transport of mass).
And a
convective zone
near the surface
170,000 years !!!
Sun’s density = 105 kg/m3
• These are just convection cells with cooler (fainter) gas sinking at the
edges and hotter (brighter) gas rising e center. cell is about
1000 km wide
Sun’s Layers
◆ Layer where the
density is low enough
to allow photons to
• I’m free of my drunk
walk!!! (sober)
• Temp = 5800 K
• Through spectroscopy
• Lines were slightly different in a Sunspot
• Sunspots are related to the magnetic field!
Differential Rotation