19 Sun

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The Sun

◆ Objective
• Energy source
• Structure
• Magnetic field
The Sun
• The Sun is the only SS object that emits significant amount of light

• It’s spectrum is close to that of a blackbody with a temperature of 5800 K

• This high temperature leads to a high fl

•the large size leads to a high luminosity
•L=4 x 1026 (J/s)
• all H are ionized (p+ and e-)

•What is the energy source!?!?!?

• Sun is about 4.5 billion years old
• what process could sustain it so long?
How does the sun “burn”?

◆ Geologic evidence shows Earth ≈ 4.5 billion years old

◆ What energy source could fuel sun for this time?

• Chemical energ y (fossil fuels)? 5 x 107 J/kg
◆ 5 x 107 J/kg * 2 x 1030 kg = 1 x 1038 J total
◆ 1 x 103 J/4 x 102 J/s = 5000 years!
8 6

• Gravitational contraction?
◆ 1 x 1041 J (complicated) → 8 million years
• Fission? 1 x 1014 J/kg
◆ Only 25% hot enough → 1 billion years
What’s the answer?
◆ Only process that can provide the necessary energy for so

◆ Fusion: conversion of lighter elements into heavier ones


◆ 4 hydrogen atoms combine to make 1


• Hydrogen: 1 proton, 1 electron

• Helium: 2 protons, 2 neutrons, 2 electrons

◆ A great deal of energy given off...

Energy Production in Stars

In 1905, a young patent clerk

changed the way we saw the world…forever.
What happened to the mass?

◆ Einstein: E = mc2
◆ Mass & energy are different forms of same thing

◆ This energy is given off in sun’s core, in form of heat

& neutrinos

◆ 4 H = 4.031 3 amu
◆ 1 He = 4.002 6 amu

◆ Δm = 0.03 amu
◆ 4H/Δm = 0.007 = 0.7%

• Of mass is turned into

Sun’s lifetime

◆ Sun’s mass: 2 x 103 0 kg

• 75% of the Sun is Hydrogen
• Only 25% of the sun is hot enough for fusion
• Only 0.7% (0.007) of mass is turned into E
◆ How long could sun “burn” hydrogen fuel?
• 2 x 1030 kg * 0.25 * 0.75 * 0.007 = 2 x 1027 kg
• E = m c2 2 x 1027 kg * (3 x 108)2 = 2 x 1044 J
•= 2 x 1044 J/4 x 1026 J/s = 6 x 1017 seconds
Time =
◆ 10 billion years!
The Sun- Neutrinos
• Neutrinos are particles that are almost massless, have no charge, and
interact only very weakly with matter

• Neutrinos are formed in great numbers during fusion 38 per second in

the Sun!)

• We have detected these coming from the Sun in large numbers, strongly
supporting that there is nuclear fusion going on in the e
• It’s not all that easy to fuse 4 hydrogen atoms into a helium
atom. Why might it be difficult to get the process started by
bringing two hydrogen atoms together?

• How could stars overcome this difficulty?

• Take 5 mins to discuss

We already know the sun’s “surface temp”

◆ At core: In order to generate nuclear fusion, density

must be extreme
• Gravity & pressure take care of this

◆ Temperature must exceed 1 06 Kelvin!

• Sun’s core temperature: 15,000,000 K.
◆ Density: 160,000 kg/ m3
• Density of water = 100 0 kg/m3

◆ All of that energy being produced in the core of the Sun

◆ Why doesn’t the Sun blow itself apart?

Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Energy Transport
Solar Structure

In the interior,
heat is transported by radiation
(without transport of mass).

Near the surface,

heat is transported by convection
(with transport of mass).

The Sun displays a

radiative zone
in the interior

And a
convective zone
near the surface
Solar Structure

In the interior,
heat is transported by radiation
(without transport of mass).

Near the surface,

heat is transported by convection
(with transport of mass).

The Sun displays a

radiative zone
in the interior

And a
convective zone
near the surface
170,000 years !!!
Sun’s density = 105 kg/m3

Even photons take a

Long time to escape

Kind of a drunk walk…

The Sun- Granulation
• Convection in the outer layers of the Sun causes granules to form

• These are just convection cells with cooler (fainter) gas sinking at the
edges and hotter (brighter) gas rising e center. cell is about
1000 km wide
Sun’s Layers
◆ Layer where the
density is low enough
to allow photons to
• I’m free of my drunk
walk!!! (sober)
• Temp = 5800 K

◆ It makes the Sun

appear as a solid disk,
even though it is
• The observed surface of the Sun at visible
wavelengths is the photosphere . More exactly, the
photosphere is defined as the layer of the Sun’s
atmosphere from which nearly all of the observed
photons escape.
• The temperature T beneath the photosphere
increases with depth, as does the degree of ionization;
the interior of the Sun is a hot plasma of free electrons
and positively charged ions.
• Because the top of the photosphere is cooler than
the layers beneath, the photosphere produces
absorption lines in the spectrum of the Sun.
Limb Darkening
• The chromosphere is the layer of the Sun’s
atmosphere immediately above the photosphere.
• The characteristic red color that gives the
chromosphere its name is due to strong emission
from the Hɑ6563 line.
• The temperature of the chromosphere increases
with distance from the Sun’s center (unlike the
temperature structure of the photosphere, where
the temperature drops with increasing distance).
• At the top of the photosphere, which constitutes
the base of the chromosphere, the temperature
is 4400 K; at the top of the chromosphere, at a
height of 2500 km above its base, the
temperature has risen sharply to 9000 K.
• A corona is the outermost layer of a star's
atmosphere. It consists of plasma.
• The Sun's corona lies above the
chromosphere and extends millions of
kilometres into outer space. It is most
easily seen during a total solar eclipse, but
it is also observable with a coronagraph.
• Spectroscopic measurements indicate
strong ionization in the corona and a
plasma temperature in excess of 1000000
kelvins, much hotter than the surface of
the Sun, known as the photosphere.
• A prominence, sometimes referred to
as a filament is a large plasma and
magnetic field structure extending
outward from the Sun's surface, often in
a loop shape.
• Prominences are anchored to the
Sun's surface in the photosphere, and
extend outwards into the solar corona.
• While the corona consists of extremely
hot plasma, prominences contain much
cooler plasma, similar in composition to
that of the chromosphere.
◆ Has an even higher
temperature than the
• 2 x 106 K!!!
◆ Less dense than

◆ Seriously, what is going on?

• Any guesses???
Sun’s Magnetic Field
• Almost the entire Sun is liquid
charged particles
• HUGE magnetic field!
• Complicated magnetic field…
Magnetic Fields

Masses produce gravitational fields

Static charges produce electric fields
Moving charges produce magnetic fields

Magnetic Field The sun is a ball of ionized gas

produced by current

Current A convective cell is a current loop

We should expect magnetic fields

associated with convection
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Fields
Solar Flares

The most powerful explosions in the solar system (~1032 ergs)

Flares are explosions on the surface of the Sun

powered by magnetic reconnection
Mag Field Lines
Plasma follows the magnetic field lines
◆ What happens if
the field lines break
or meet another
◆ Magnetic fields of
this magnitude hold
a lot of energy
• As much as an
energy plant in a
million years.
Coronal Mass Ejections!
• Mag lines break and
eject plasma into space

• Some are small

• Flares

• Some are HUGE!

• Coronal Mass

• Astronomers noticed dark spots appear and vanish

• Every 11 years

• Through spectroscopy
• Lines were slightly different in a Sunspot
• Sunspots are related to the magnetic field!
Differential Rotation

The equator spins faster than the poles

As any gaseous body, the Sun displays differential rotation.

25 days at the equator

35 days at the poles
Differential Rotation
◆ Rotates faster at the equator
◆ Slower at the poles

◆ The Sun winds up like a rubber band

◆ Rubber band breaks
◆ Polarity is switched!

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