Project proposal
Printing Press Factory
Jun, 2021
FinFine, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
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Executive summary.....................................................................................................................................2
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................3
1.1.Rational Behind the Project...............................................................................................................5
1.2.Objective of the project.....................................................................................................................5
1.3.The Economic significance of the project..........................................................................................5
A.Produce and supply quality printed materials..................................................................................5
B.Source of Revenue............................................................................................................................6
C.Employment opportunity.................................................................................................................6
D.Benefit for the local community.......................................................................................................6
E.Stimulate the local and National Economy.......................................................................................6
F.Technology Transfer.........................................................................................................................6
1.4.Location and Premises required........................................................................................................7
2.Production Description and Application...............................................................................................10
3.Market Study and plant Capacity..........................................................................................................10
3.1.1.Current industry Structure............................................................................................................10
3.1.2.Market Demand............................................................................................................................10
3.1.3.Market Prospects..........................................................................................................................11
3.1.4.Marketing Strategy and Promotion..............................................................................................11
3.1.5.Target Customers.........................................................................................................................11
3.2.Plant Capacity and Production Program..............................................................................................11
3.2.1.Plant Capacity...............................................................................................................................12
Details production of the factory...........................................................................................................13
3.2.2.Production Program.....................................................................................................................14
4.TECHNICAL STUDY OF THE PROJECT......................................................................................................16
4.1.Product Mix.....................................................................................................................................16
4.2.Raw materials and input..................................................................................................................16
4.3.New Technology..............................................................................................................................17
4.4.Technology and Production processes............................................................................................19
4.4.1.The Design /Creative Stage.......................................................................................................20
4.4.2.The prepress Stage...................................................................................................................20
4.4.3.The Printing Stage.....................................................................................................................20
4.4.4.The Bindery Stage.....................................................................................................................21
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Executive summary
1 Project name Printing press factory
2 Project owner Kuraz Printing PLC
3 Nationality Ethiopian
4 Project location Bishoftu town, Oromia Regional State
Production of various printed material
mainly financial report, brochure, book,
Project Composition pamphlet, letterhead, envelopment,
5 vouchers , visiting card, credit card, Gust
cute, packing material, invitation card, etc
6 Premises required 10,000 M2
Total Capital:- 76,000,000 Ethiopian Birr
7 Total initial Total Capital
investment capital Fixed Capital = 44,958,567 birr
Working Capital = 23,441,433 birr
Contingency = 7,600,000 birr
Source Fund
Own Equity (30%) = 22,800,000 birr
Bank loan (70%) = 53,200,000 birr
The total manpower required for the plant
8 Employment will be 250 employees
opportunity Permanent Worker :- 100
Skilled and Unskilled
On Temporary Basic :- 150
Skilled and Unskilled
Product and supply of quality printing
Benefits of the materials, source of revenue, employment
9 factory for the opportunity, benefit for the local
regional /country community, stimulate the local economy
and technology transfer.
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The present fast and double digit economic growth of Ethiopia especially
demands an equivalent growth in service and manufacturing sector. The sector
should expand rapidly to support the overall economic development sustainably.
As one sub-sector, Printing press is one of the most effective and economical
mediums of communication and promotion and is used by all major businesses.
The expansion of printing press has also a paramount impact in the development
of other sectors like education and others.
To this effect, the promoter of envisioned printing press factory, new technology
printing industry PLC, interested to invest in Bishoftu Town. This project study is
undertaken to check the market, technical and financial feasibility of this project.
The output of the study is very encouraging for the promoter to establish the
project in the town.
The promoter of the project has great interest and determination to commence
the project. Hence, he expects to get the necessary support from the regional
and town administration to realize the project. The promoter has experience in
importing and distributing paper and paper work products for different
customers ranging from private to government organizations for the last 5years.
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The printing and graphic arts sector have a great role in economic development of one
nation, due to the existence of dynamic economic growth of Ethiopia in last 20 years;
the development of this sector would have a strategic role to support the growth of all
major business sectors of the country.
The government of Ethiopian has been implementing the five years growth and
transformation development plan which is promised to bring prosperity and
development to its citizens with collaboration with privet sector investment action;
moreover, it has a conducive and favorable investment police and guidelines for private
Hence; the market potential for the envisioned business and favorable government
policies for private investor are taken as major project justification by the promoters to
establish the envisioned printing press factory with best and new technology in
Bishoftu .
The main objective of the factory is to undertake the production of quality based, cost
effective and diverse printing materials using an update and new technology for different
target customers at reasonable price.
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The envisaged project deemed to contribute to the economic development of the nation
in general and the region in specific with following ways;
The factory will produce quality and affordable printing materials products through this it
will serve its customers and minimize the market gap.
B. Source of Revenue
As public policy of any nation, the government collects different forms of taxes from
different business organization and individual. Among the different forms of taxes,
business income taxes. VAT and payroll taxes are collected from undertaking business
activities. Therefore, the factory will serve as sources of revenue for both the region and
nation in general.
C. Employment opportunity
One of the problems that our country faced is unemployment. Therefore, the current
objective of the government is working on tackling the problem of unemployment and
fostering the development process either through creating self employment or
employment in other organization. Hence, this factory will hire around 250 persons.
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This factory has positive externality in the zone that will encourage the economic
movement of local economy relationship and transaction among different actors.
F. Technology Transfer
By implementation modern and new technology in printing press, the project will
transfer knowledge to printing press industry of the nation.
1. Location
The envisioned project is planned to be located in Bishoftu (which is 38 km far from the
capital city), Oromia regional state, the main justification behind the selection of this
location are:
Strategically located to the central and largest market of nation ( Addis Ababa)
Premises required
The total land holding of the project is 6,000 m2 the premises required planned as follows in
table below
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1 Production Hall
2 Warehouse
Total 3,500.00
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100 M2
Packing Room
(500 M2)
Production and printing Hall
Raw Materials Warehouse
(1800 M2)
(800 M2)
Sampling Room
(500 M2)
Loading and
Office Building Inspection Room Unloading Finishing Products
(550 M2) (500 M2) (500 M2) Warehouse
(500 M2)
Show Room
(500 M2)
100 M2
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Paper is used for writing and printing for wrapping and packaging and a variety of other
application ranging from kitchen towels to the manufacture of building materials, in
modern times, its production in large quantities has been a significant factor in the
increasing in literacy and the raising of education levels of people throughout the world.
The most commonly used paper types are stationary paper (i.e. printing and writing )
newsprint, wrapping and packaging and paper card, small scale paper making is defined as
one having a capacity of less than 30 tonners of paper per day, this also includes hand-
made paper.
The market study for the printing materials media mainly arise from the business sector,
educational sector, governmental and non governmental institutions.
Description Products
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From the above market study for printing business products, there exists huge market gab in
Ethiopian market. Hence, the envisioned factory will be successful by entering in to this
Electronic Medias
Advertising (Medias, flayer and news paper)
Public Relation
The marketing strategy mainly focus on the satisfying the needs and the requirement of the
customers and to be efficient in production and delivery of the products
The company targeted different customers mainly the business organization, educational
organizational, government bureaus and non-government bureaus.
Based on the plant (machine) capacity, machine specification, wastage consideration, 300 days
of operation per year and 16 hours per day (tow shift system). The envisioned printing factory
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100% Maximum
Product Production proportion Capacity Attainable
Capacity (80%)
Kongsberg XN
Series Unity Unity
Carpet 25% 50,300 40,240
Textile 20% 700,678 560,542
Thin aluminum 40% 100,378 80,302
Drawing 8% 540,940 432,752
Gaskets 7% 1,222,861 978,289
Rubber 35% 1,031,033 824,826
Paper 40% 100,378 80,302
Adhesives/Vinyl’s 30% 864,039 691,231
Veneer 25% 1,082,265 865,812
Varnish blankets 5% 1,321,589 1,057,271.2
Wood 7% 1,222,861 978,289
Flexo plates 10% 1,582,608 1,266,086
Fiberglass 5% 1,321,589 1,057,271.2
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Considering the gradual growth of demand and the time required to the required skill the rate
of capacity utilization during the first, second and third year of production will be 50%, 70%,
and 100% respecting. Full capacity utilization will be reached during the third year of operation
as indicated in the table below.
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3.3. Pricing
It would be important to examine the possible level of price based on the competitors action.
In this connection, the existing average details prices of similar company were assessed for
the benefit of comparison. Based on the existing price in the market the firm stetted the price
as follows,
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The envisioned project with installed machinery has the capability to produce all the
products of offset printing industry except news papers. In general the following product
will be printing by the envisioned factory.
Carpet Adhesives/Vinyl’s
Textile Veneer
Thin aluminum Varnish blankets
Drawing Wood
Gaskets Flexo plates
Rubber Fiberglass
Raw materials required for the envisioned project are different types f paper, board,
cards, etc. and other inputs like chemicals, packaging materials and printing ink are also
required. The company will get some of the raw materials and inputs in domestic market
and as well as will import in the international market.
The company will be imported as well as local paper and board is being used by the
industry. Imported paper is normally used in annual reports, brochures catalogues,
prospectus and visiting cared etc. important paper is readily available in local market.
Mostly, the business is done on just in time concept due to readily availability of the raw
material, but it is recommended that some amount of raw material inventory is
maintained if the maintained project is located at a distance from suppliers, from the
following table it is evident that increase in production paper is being consumed by the
printing industry.
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The project will use new production technology using update/new of version of Kongsberg
XN Series. These have many characteristics in terms of efficiency, speed, wastage,
minimization, and quality and workers safety, Eliminate errors, save time and reduce waste
with i-cut Suite, the industry standard Design-to-print-to-cut workflow
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Figure 1
Figure 2
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Getting Order
Conceiving Idea
Approval of Sample
Image Setting
Plate Making
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In the Design stage the design of the product taking in to account the overall look and feel of
the paper. Text to be printing is typed is and graphics to be shown are create. Designing is of
two types, halftone and line art. Halftone is the reproduction of continuous-tone artwork (such
as a photograph) through the application of a screen that converts the image in to dots of
various sizes. Line art is the art that is made up of continuous lines such as pen & link drawings
or typefaces. These is no tonal difference from one area to another, after designing the
designer sets page layout and the design is sent to the pre-press department.
In the pre-press stage the artwork is taken from its delivered state (either reflective art or
digital file) all the way to the press plates. In pre-press stage, the artwork is transformed to
negative film either by imaging a digital file through an image setter, or by shooting reflective
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artwork with a copy camera. The pages are stripped together into a flat that reflects how the
page will be printed on the press sheet. The flat is burned on to a metal plate. After the flat is
burned on to the plate, the plate washed in the developing chemical, this developed plate is
wrapped around the press cylinder. For the purpose of this feasibility, this process will be
outsourced because of the high capital cost of machinery and equipment used in process and
the infrequent use of machinery.
The printing stage covers the transfer of an image to paper. Offset lithography is based upon
the principle.
The paper is fed through the press from a pile of paper already cut to the size of the machine.
Offset printing print at a high speed. The speed can reach 14,000 impressions per hour in case
of Kongsberg XN Series the printing image is rendered ink-receptive and water repellent,
while the non-printing areas are rendered water- receptive and ink-repellent. The ink is
distributing to the plates through a series of rollers. On the press, the plates are dampened.
First by water and then ink rollers, the rollers distribute the ink from the ink fountain on to the
plates. The image areas of the plates pick up ink from the ink rollers. The water rollers keep the
ink off the non-image areas of the plate. Each plate then transfers its image to a rubber blanket
that in turn transfers the image to paper. The plate itself does not actually touch the paper. All
of this occurs at a high speed. During the process the machine man checks the blending of inks
to maintain the colour control. Print quality is checked frequently by the operator.
The bindery stage is when any trimming, folding, perforating, collating, stitching or gluing is
performed as required. Mostly, printing press performs the trimming and folding in-house and
works closely with an outside bindery on the collating, stitching and gluing.
A typical job such as an 8.5x11 newsletter may include, a post press cut, a half fold and a double
parallel fold, there for, the purpose of this feasibility, this process will be out sourced because
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the process is lab our intensive and to perform the process in house the business requires
steady orders of binding.
Following are different technology/process options are available for printing:-offset lithography,
web printing, letter press, flexo, Gravur, Screen printing, waterless lithography, Digital printing
to used for the country.
In a world with rapid technology and business change, it is important to invest in equipment
that offers all of the capabilities you need for the present, but with flexibility for the future. The
Kongsberg XN is easily the most versatile digital finishing device ever introduced. Whether your
focus is 2D or 3D; packaging, signs or displays; or with just about any material from vinyl’s to
boards to wood; the Kongsberg XN is perfect for any job or application.
Eliminate errors, save time and reduce waste with i-cut Suite, the industry standard
Design-to-print-to-cut workflow
The machinery and equipment required for the envisioned printing factory will be imported
from Japan.
The following are the list of necessary machineries and equipments for the envisioned printing
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Electric part
Other miscellaneous equipments and machineries.
As indicated in art 1 the total land requirement for the project is estimated to be 6,000 M2. The
buildings are planned to accommodate production houses (workshops), storage, showroom,
and other utility requirements as well as office and a social rooms/construction. In general the
buildings must be capable of being kept clean provision should be made for keeping the
sewerages drained out properly and room temperature is attained to keep health environment.
In most environments, equipment should be totally enclosed in light structure, where the
climate is suitable. A concrete floor, which can be swept, is usual.
The loading and offloading areas together with incoming and outgoing road are proposed to
pave to ensure a clean environment around the project site. The site will be encircled by a china
linked fence fastened to concrete posts. The project constriction is designed by professional
engineers and construction will be done under close supervision and collaboration of the
4.10. Utilities
A number of utilities would be put in place in order to ensure smooth functioning of the factory.
These utilities including;
Water Supply
Supplementary Electricity Supply
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At the top of the organization structure, there will be a general manager with the responsibility
of supervising the overall activity of the factory, Depending up on the nature of the center and
the amount of work to be performs; there will be auxiliary units the general manager.
Employees under each unit will be supervised by unit head that is accountable for the general
The company will use efficient trained staffs in the area of marketing to be competitive supplier
of printed materials. The opportunities of begin serviced by well skilled professionals well
enable the company to evaluate the internal weakness and strength of the company as well as
to assess the global opportunity and risk in the world market so that the company can cope up
with the dynamics of the market situation. The company will hire a total of 142 employees. Out
of this 100 permanent workers (92 skilled and 8 unskilled) and 42 temporary workers (40
unskilled and 2 skilled)
The detail human power required, monthly and yearly salary is indicated in part 5 financial part.
The organizational structure of the project is designed by including all the necessary personnel
under the right division. At the top of the organizational structure, there will be a general
manager with the responsibility of supervising the overall activity of the plant. Employees under
each unit will be supervised by the department head that is accountable for the general
manager. General Manager is accountable to the owner of the factory as indicated in figure
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Hence the following section deals with the duties and responsibilities of some departments.
1. Manager
Duties and Responsibilities
She/he will plan, organize, direct and control the overall activities of the factory.
She/he will devise policies and strategies that will enable the factory to be
She/he will incorporate modern technology innovation that will facilitate the
service delivery of the project center and increase customer’s satisfaction.
She/he will plan, organize, direct and control the human and non-human
resources of the factory so as to achieve the short and long run objectives of the
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Will handle the overall marketing activities of the organization which including
planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
Gather information on new products, designs, fashions, profiles etc.
Approval of new products profile and brand plan analyzes market research.
Plan and execute sales.
Will develop effective customer handling strategies.
A. The total cost of money that is required to estimated the envisaged modern construction
materials is to be birr 76,000,000.
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1 Fixed Investment
1.1 Land, Building and Construction 22,000,000 0.00
1.2 Machines and Equipment’s 18,548,200 0.00
1.3 Vehicles and Motors 5,600,000 0.00
1.4 Office Furniture and Equipment 3,500,000 0.00
Total Fixed Investment Cost 49,648,200 0.00
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D. Vesicle
E. Office Equipment’s
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The total amount of raw materials and inputs estimated to be br.14,754,000.6 at full capacity of
operation. It is based on ration output analysis, which is 50% of the direct raw materials out of
the selling price. These materials including the domestic and imported one
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B. Depreciation
Machinery and Equipment ………………………………………………………..15%
Office Furniture……………………………………………………………………20%
Vehicles ………………………………………………………………………..…..15%
C. Working Capital
Accounts Receivable…………………………………………………………….30 days
Raw material Local …………………………………………………………..…..30 days
Work in progress…………………………………………………………………5 days
0 0 0 0 53,200,000
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Amount of
Rate of
values of Capital Depreciation
No Capital Assets depreciation
assets (Br.) estimated
Cash 3,551,800
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Fixed Asset
Vehicles 5,600,000
Owner Equity
Capital 22,800,000
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6.1.1. Profitability
According to the projected income statement, the project will start generation profit in the 1 st
year of operation. Important ratios such as profit to total sale, net profit to equity |(return on
Equity) and net profit pulse interest on total investment (return on total investment) show an
increasing trend during the life time of the project.
The income statement and the other indicators of profitability show that the project is viable.
The investment cost and income statement projection are used to project the pay-back period.
The project’s initial investment will be fully recovered with in 6.1 year of operation.
7. Future Development
Every under taking is it large or small should have future development plan. It is a
plain fact that business activates are undertook in a dynamic business nature and different
environment. Therefore, the factory will have an expansion phase depending on the condition
of the industry character particularity in producing the profile itself installing the plant, in this
regard; the factory will expand its capacity to produce new paper in the future.
The promoter will provide the land on lease, and all required compensation will be paid
for the project. The livelihood of the local peoples around the project area is rural
dwellers of various occupation and economic background.
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Current the issue of environment and envelopment get due emphasis and thus every
citizen called expert their maximum effort for fighting against any negative impacts on
th4e environment so as to result in a win-win solution on common agenda that is
creating environmental friendly business environment. The project has some impact on
the environment and the independent EIA report is required.