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EWP Statsportal Guide For NAs Nov23

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Erasmus Without Paper

(EWP) Stats Portal
User guide for Erasmus+ National Agencies – v1.
EWP+ Consortium

Jean Monnet
School education
Vocational education and training
Adult education

Erasmus+ Higher education

Enriching lives, opening minds

Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Directorate B — Youth, Education and Erasmus+
Unit B.1 — Higher education
E-mail: [email protected]

European Commission
B-1049 Brussels

Erasmus Without Paper (EWP)

Stats Portal
User Guide for Erasmus+ National Agencies – v1.

Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

2022 EN
Prepared by EWP+ Consortium

Manuscript completed in November 2023

1st. edition

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Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) Stats Portal Handbook for
Erasmus+ National Agencies
This User Guide is for Digital Officers in Erasmus+ National Agencies to present the main
features of the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) Stats Portal. This guide demonstrates how the
EWP Stats Portal can help them to monitor the state of play and analyse progress in
implementing EWP in higher education institutions (HEIs) in their countries. It is important
that Digital Officers are aware that the data contained in the stats portal relies on the
reporting of third parties, and therefore, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed by the EWP+
consortium or the European Commission.

It is important to note that this document is not a formal guide for the Erasmus Charter for
Higher Education (ECHE) monitoring process. For information on monitoring the ECHE
commitments to digitalisation, please refer to the ECHE monitoring guide.

What is the EWP stats portal?

The EWP Stats Portal is a web service that mainly provides general information and
statistics from HEIs connected to the EWP network. Currently, the main data displayed
comes from HEIs actively exchanging digital Inter-Institutional Agreements (IIAs) and/or
outgoing and/or incoming Learning Agreements for Studies (LAs) via the EWP network. The
EWP Stats Portal is still in development, and, in the future, more statistical data may be
gathered from the partners and more features may be added.

In the EWP Stats Portal, you can find information about all HEIs that are ECHE holders, both
those in the EWP network and those not yet connected to the network. The source of the
dataset is the ECHE list. Please note: Only HEIs with an ECHE implementing student
mobility for studies are in the current scope of the network. HEIs conducting traineeship
and/or staff mobility are not expected to exchange participant data via EWP.

For a Digital Officer to see data on the use of IIAs and LAs in EWP, the “stats API” must
have been implemented in the software used by an HEI, and the server must allow access to
the “stats endpoint” to be able to see the reported statistics of a particular HEI. The statistics
are gathered once a month on the first day of the month. Although the statistics are gathered
once a month, the EWP Stats Portal is updated every day. Any change made, such as a
change in the name of HEI or its SCHAC code, will be visible the next day at the earliest. It is
important to keep in mind that the accuracy and quality of the data rely also on the EWP
software providers.

Who is the EWP Stats Portal for?

The EWP Stats Portal can be used as a tool for Digital Officers in Erasmus+ National
Agencies to gain insight into the state of play of EWP implementation at HEIs in their country
and across providers. The EWP Stats Portal is also for any interested person involved in the
project, for example, IT colleagues and colleagues working in International Relations Offices.
In the Portal, you may check if a given HEI is connected to the Network, which provider they
use, whether they are ready to exchange IIAs and LAs with up-to-date APIs, and the current
volume and status of agreements. You can also extract trend reports for an HEI and overall
data for all HEIs in any country to do further analysis. The EWP Stats Portal is still in
development and more features may be added to support especially Digital Officers in their

How is the EWP Stats Portal structured?

 Landing page
On the main page of the EWP Stats Portal, you will find five sections that all serve a different
purpose: Filters, Charts, Data issues, Statistical data export, and Monitoring. You can also
easily search the database by using the “Search” option visible on the landing page. This
guide is not intended for IT developers who may wish to use the portal in the context of their
work and therefore the features of the “Data issues” and “Monitoring” are not covered below
as these are technical in nature.

 Search Option
From the main panel view, click the search option. If you are looking for a particular HEI, you
may indicate its name in the text box. Important: the HEI name is in the native language and
consistent with the ECHE list, without diacritics (e.g. “Universitat Wien” and not “Universität
Wien” or “University of Vienna”). Word-partial, ISCED code, SCHAC code, city and country
searching is also available.

Example: When you enter “Wien”, 28 HEIs related to this word will show up (linked to the
Erasmus Code/Name/City).

 Filters
This option is used when searching for strictly defined information, for example, if you want to
retrieve a list of HEIs using a specific third-party provider system in a specified country. The
system will display this data set as a result:

 Charts
This option is used to display a global overview of aggregated IIA and LA data. You can set
the filters based on different data groups (IIAs; outgoing LAs; incoming LAs), datasets, and
aggregation. By choosing “Snapshot date”, you can view the dataset from the given date (by
default, the newest dataset is displayed, but it is possible to display the dataset from the
previous data imports). This also allows you to export an Excel file with the same global
overview. As an example:

Snapshot date: 2023-08-01 | Group: IIAs | Dataset: Institutions | Aggregations: Country |

Additional country filter (on the left side)

Results: The system displayed the number of HEIs in Bulgaria, Denmark, and Ireland. We
can see in the chart the number of HEIs connected to the Network and the number of them
actively exchanging data via EWP.

Please keep in mind that the Excel file will contain all datasets as selected in the options in
Charts. The country filter will not be included in the spreadsheet, i.e. the filter will only
change the display on the website, not limit the dataset in the Excel file.

 Statistical data export (for National Agencies)

This section enables the export of statistical data per country in an Excel file, as requested
by Digital Officers. Data can be exported in two possible modes:

 snapshot – dataset from the selected date of data import;

 full history – containing all data imports.

By exporting the data, Digital Officers can see the current state of play at the national level
and/or per HEI, as well as observe their long-term development in EWP. It is important that
Digital Officers are aware that the exported data sets will only consist of those HEIs
connected to the EWP network. If a particular HEI is not showing up the Excel file, it means
that it is not yet connected to the EWP network.

The Excel file exported from the “full history” mode, in comparison to the Excel file exported
from the "snapshot" mode, has one additional column titled “Is current”. What does it mean?
Since not all HEIs might have data imported on the same days (e.g. because of network
errors), this column ensures you will see the most recent data received from this institution
that has been stored in the database.
How do I interpret the information in the EWP Stats Portal?

 HEIs status in the network

An HEI that is not connected to the EWP network is not in the EWP registry and therefore
does not have an “EWP provider” or “SCHAC code” displayed. The “EWP details” and
“Statistics” sections (the first two icons on the left side) are also inactive.

If an HEI is in the EWP network, EWP provider and SCHAC code are filled in and the “EWP
details” and “Statistics” sections (the first two icons on the left side) are active.

The three sections displayed for each connected HEIs are as follows:

 EWP details (the network icon) – contains all the available information about the
implemented APIs.
 Statistics (the charts icon) - contains the statistics reported by an HEIs system.
 Data sources (the stack icon) – contains basic information about an HEI derived
from the ECHE List and EWP catalogue.

Displaying all HEIs in the EWP network is possible by adding filters. For example, to see all
HEIs in the network in a specific country, you can set the filter “EWP providers” to “is not
empty” and then select the filter “Country” and set it to “contains” which allows you to type
the name of the country. You can then click “apply” to get the results.

Watch a short video tutorial in the EWP Knowledge Base to see how else you can browse
the EWP Stats Portal.

What do the APIs mean?

 APIs brief description
APIs are connectors on which basis the exchange of data via the EWP network is possible.
The connectors are grouped related to specific business processes, i.e., exchanging inter-
institutional agreements (IIAs) or learning agreements (LAs). In the EWP Stats Portal, there
is detailed information about the following available EWP APIs:

 Primary Network APIs: basic APIs needed for an HEI to be visible in the network.
 General Purpose APIs: enable the sharing of basic information about an HEI in the
 Inter-institutional Agreement APIs: enable IIA exchange, approval, and informing
partners about changes.
 Outgoing Mobilities APIs: a set of functionalities for mobilities (for data initiated in the
sending institution’s system).
 Omobility Get/Index - used for sending nominations, allows the receiving
HEI to access information about incoming mobilities.
 Omobility CNR – enables the receiving HEI to receive information about the
incoming mobilities.
 Omobility LA Get/Index/Update - used for sending LAs, allows the receiving
HEI to see and accept LAs, including any future changes.
 Omobility LA CNR – enables the receiving HEI to receive information about
the incoming LAs and any future changes.
 Incoming Mobilities APIs: a set of functionalities for mobilities (for data initiated in the
receiving institution's system)
 Imobility Get – used for sending information about the mobilities, allows the
sending HEI to access information from the receiving HEI’s system (e.g.,
dates of mobility)
 Imobility CNR – enables the sending HEI to receive notifications about the
changes in the information about the mobilities made by the receiving HEI
in their system.
 Imobility ToR Get/Index - used for sending ToR, allows the sending HEI to
access ToR issued by the receiving HEI.
 Imobility ToR CNR - enables the sending HEI to receive information about the
incoming ToR and any future changes.
 APIs – versions
APIs change over time. The version of each API implemented in the profile of a specific HEI
is displayed in different colours to inform about the status of the version implemented and
whether it is up to date. Depending on the type of the changes and their backward
compatibility, the version number changes accordingly. For the end users with limited IT
knowledge to understand the state of play, a colours coding system has been implemented
in the EWP Stats Portal.

Green colour means the API version is up to date; brown means the API version is still
supported, but it’s not the most recent and should be upgraded soon, red means the API
version is outdated and no longer supported by the EWP Network and thus can no longer be
used. If the column next to a given API is blank, it means that this API is not implemented

 Statistics
The statistics are gathered for three types of documents – IIAs, Outgoing LAs, and Incoming
LAs. LAs are also shown separately for each academic year, starting from the academic year
2021/2022, in two different ways. The data can be presented as follows:

1. as raw numbers (select: Data tables in Presentation Form)

2. in the form of charts (select: Trend charts in Presentation Form).
The raw numbers per document are displayed by default in the main view. Select Trend
charts to see how the volume of data has changed over time (including all stages of the
administrative processes). If an HEI has changed their software provider, gathered data will
be displayed in charts per provider.

 IIAs in HEI X

o Provider and import date show what system is used for exchanging the type
of document and the latest date of reported statistics.
o Total IIAs are those shared/exposed by an HEI with partners in the EWP
network. It represents the total number of IIAs in the network regardless of
their status.

o Approved only by partner are the IIAs pending approval of the HEI in
o Approved only locally are the IIAs that are pending approval of the partner
HEI of the HEI in question.
o Approved by both sides are the concluded IIAs.

To see the total number of IIAs approved by an HEI in the EWP network, you should take
those approved only locally and approved by both sides.

Calculating the approval rate is done by dividing IIAs approved by both sides by total.

Example scenario for the statistics above:

HEI X has 1259 IIAs available (total) in the EWP network. Those are both
agreements started locally and received from partners. They include all IIAs, also
those that are not yet approved by anyone. In HEI X’s system, there are no IIAs that
are approved by their partners and are pending their approval (approved only by
partner), but there are 175 IIAs that are already approved by HEI X and are awaiting
the approval of the partner HEI (approved only locally). HEI X has successfully
concluded 462 IIAs – they are approved both by HEI X and the partner (approved by
both sides). The remaining IIAs that account for the difference between the IIAs
signed by at least one of the HEIs and all IIAs in EWP, are either legacy agreements
left over from the initial testing roll-out (i.e. they only exist as a "draft" but no concrete
network action has been undertaken yet) or they are still being negotiated (partners
propose the conditions before the final approval).

The dataset can be also displayed in the form of charts. To change the presentation form,
select: Trend charts. The chart shows how the numbers changed overtime. By default, all
sets are visible. It is possible to limit the display to selected ones to simplify the view (e.g. to
compare how many IIAs are approved by both sides to the total number of IIAs, click on
Approved only by partner and Approved only locally on the legend to hide them from the
 Outgoing LAs in HEI X

o Provider and import date clarification on what provider system is used for
exchanging the type of document and the latest date of reported statistics.
o Total are all outgoing LAs in a given academic year shared in the network.
o Not modified after approval are the completed LAs (approved by all three
parties) that had just one version (with no changes to the original version).
o Modified after approval are the LAs that were changed, regardless of their
current status (approved, rejected, or pending).
o Latest version approved are the LAs that are completed (approved by all
three parties), regardless of the number of versions.
o Latest version rejected are the LAs that are rejected, regardless of the
number of versions.
o Latest version awaiting are the LAs started locally and waiting for approval.

All fully agreed outgoing LAs are those in the latest version approved. The approval rate
can be calculated by dividing the latest version approved by the total.

The latest version awaiting indicates how many LAs are started locally but are not yet

Following the same logic, if you want to see how many LAs a given HEI has approved in its
own system, you can sum up the latest version approved and the latest version awaiting.

Example scenario for the statistics above:

HEI X has 292 Learning Agreements (total) shared in the EWP network in the
2022/23 academic year. Those are all LAs of their outgoing student mobilities that are
available in the network for the respective receiving HEIs. 142 of them are fully
agreed at the time of the above statistics, meaning approved by all three parties
(student, sending HEI and receiving HEI (latest version approved)) with no further
changes pending approval. 105 of the LAs that are fully agreed had just one version,
meaning there are no changes to the original version (not modified after approval).
Overall, 64 LAs have more than one version (modified after approval), but those
include fully agreed LAs, rejected as well as waiting for approval. As of now, the
majority of LAs have just the original version (105 LAs not modified after approval vs
64 modified after approval). 49 LAs are still waiting for approval (latest version
awaiting), they may be the first version of LA as well as changes to the already
approved versions. So far, 7 LAs have been rejected.

The dataset can be also displayed in the form of charts. To change the presentation form,
select: Trend charts. For LAs, the charts are shown for each academic year separately. In
the same way as in the case of IIAs, the number of sets displayed at the charts can be
limited by clicking on the items on the legend to hide/unhide them.
 Incoming LAs at HEI X

o Provider and import date clarification on what provider system is used for
exchanging the type of document and the latest date of reported statistics.
o Total are all incoming LAs received in a given academic year through the
o Some version approved are the LAs that have at least one version approved
by all parties, regardless of the number of versions and the status of the latest
o Latest version approved are the LAs that are completed (approved by all
three parties), regardless of the number of versions.
o Latest version awaiting are the LAs waiting for approval.

All fully agreed incoming LAs are those in the latest version approved. The approval rate
can be calculated by dividing the latest version approved by the total.

Latest version awaiting indicates how many received LAs are not yet concluded.
Example scenario for the statistics above:

HEI X received through EWP 266 Learning Agreements (total) of their incoming
students in the 2022/23 academic year. Those are all LAs of the students nominated
to HEI X that are available in the network. These might include also LAs of students
who cancelled their mobility. So far, HEI X has approved 224 LAs (some version
approved), but only 207 of them are fully agreed at the time of the above statistics –
meaning approved by all three parties (latest version approved) with no further
changes pending approval. The remaining have changes pending approval.
Currently, 49 LAs are waiting for the approval of HEI X (latest version awaiting), they
may be the first version of LA as well as changes to the already approved versions.
So far, 4 LAs have been rejected.

The dataset can be also displayed in the form of charts. To change the presentation form,
select: Trend charts. In the same way as in the case of Outgoing LAs, the charts are shown
for each academic year separately and the number of sets displayed at the charts can be
limited by clicking on the items on the legend to hide/unhide them.

 No statistics available
There might be HEIs whose statistics are not visible in the network yet (as presented in the
screenshot below). This is because the system servers do not allow the EWP Stats Portal to
access IIA and LAs endpoints.

Below are some examples of how such situations look like in the EWP Stats Portal:

 Statistics incomplete

Statistics available only for some of the features may mean that the HEI has not yet
implemented all the APIs. This can be verified in the EWP details by checking the
implemented APIs. The example below presents an HEI that has implemented IIA APIs but
not LA APIs. If the API is implemented and there are still no statistics, it means that system
servers do not allow the EWP Stats Portal to access the endpoint.


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