Manuscript Namin
Manuscript Namin
Manuscript Namin
The fermentation process involves using cassava or glutinous rice and relies
on natural microorganisms for its unique flavors and textures (Yovani, T.,
with three treatments replicated three times. The findings revealed that the
color, and general acceptability, with the mean average of 6.7 and the
description of "Like Slightly." Analyzing the results, the treatments that are
more acceptable as well as for the base thickener for Tapai (Fermented rice)
ice cream in terms of aroma and appearance/color was the null hypothesis, as
the F crit value is greater than the F value. Conversely, concerning palatability,
was accepted, and the null hypothesis was rejected. This implies a notable
treatments prove more acceptable for tapai ice cream as superior base
distinct flavors and textures to the finished product. This ancient Malay food
has been a part of the Minangkabau tradition for centuries (Yovani, T., 2019)
Malaysia, wherein the process involves mixing cooked glutinous rice with
during special occasions like Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Malay weddings, tapai
has become the staple dish in these countries and that includes the
containers. The dish boasts a sweet taste with a subtle alcoholic flavor and a
pleasant aroma. The glutinous rice used in tapai adds to its allure, providing a
Nowadays, convenience is widely embraced as an integral part of
people's lifestyles. Gelato or ice cream is one of the goods that people seek to
enhance their meal preparation, especially during holidays, open houses, and
ingredients, are mostly not health friendly. This brings the people, especially
the ones that are health conscious to look for some healthier alternatives.
flavor that is not only distinctive but also draws inspiration from cultural
traditions. This research project delves into the utilization of tapai, a traditional
combining the unique fermented notes of tapai with the indulgent creaminess
of ice cream, the study seeks to expand the spectrum of ice cream flavors and
Ice cream is considered the most loved dessert in the world. The only
trend to solve such issues. Most companies use chemical alternatives for the
flavors. But now that consumers are aware of this, many resort to much
healthier options such as organic ice creams. Hence, this project aimed to
Generally, the study aimed to determine the acceptability of Tapai
a. Palatability/taste
b. Aroma
c. Mouthfeel
d. Sweetness
e. Appearance/ Color
a. Palatability/taste
b. Aroma
c. Mouthfeel
d. Sweetness
e. Appearance/ Color
general acceptability.
general acceptability.
this study exclusively employs organic and natural resources. The approach
processed ice creams. Moreover, this study holds the potential to benefit the
Ice cream sellers. It will help boost their stores with a new type of ice
memorable aspect of the business. Customers are often drawn to novel and
Ice cream enthusiast. It will be unfamiliar to them, but it will be
something different, which may entice ice cream lovers who are interested in
trying tapai-flavored ice cream. This distinct flavor combination will appeal to
those who enjoy things with a twist. Novel and exciting flavors will entice
sensory experience, broadening their palate and providing a novel joy in the
The study's goal was to create and include a new flavored ice cream,
Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream. The study's constraints were limited to
Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms
The following words were operationally defined for easy understanding of the
Alem leaves. Leaves of Alem Tree. orbicular-ovate, 10 to 25 centimeters
very broad, with a heart-shaped base, pointed at the tip, and often
Condensed milk and all-purpose cream. are the controlled variables of the
The materials and equipment used in making tapai ice cream included
There were only three ingredients in making tapai ice cream: tapai, all-
purpose cream, and condensed milk, creating the new ice cream flavor.
Acquisition of Materials
such as condensed milk, All-purpose cream, and the Tapai paste. The Tools
and equipment used in measuring the amount are found at home to be used.
The plastic container with the wooden spoon was bought at a local shop.
Rice Cooking
Four (4) cups of plain rice were prepared the day before the ice cream
was made, and they were boiled for at least forty (40) to fifty (50) minutes or
After the rice had cooled in a bilao, it was covered with a fermenting paste
large cellophane, wrapped in clean cloth once more, and placed in a box that
To manufacture the ice cream mixture, 390ml of condensed milk is
mixed using an electric mixer. Next, condensed milk was added and
thoroughly mixed once more, and last, fermented rice was added. Condensed
and all-purpose are well combined. Finally, stir once more to break up the
were labeled with their corresponding replication and treatments, and they
were prepared to be filled one at a time with the mixture before being placed
in the freezer.
containers were placed in the freezer to solidify and get ready for the flavor
Data were gathered through sensory evaluation and taste tests. Thirty
A 9-point Hedonic scale was utilized with the following rating scales: 9-like
extremely; 8-like very much; 7-like moderately; 6-like slightly; 5-neither like
nor dislike; 4-dislike slightly; 3-dislike moderately; 2-dislike very much and 1-
dislike extremely.
Statistical Analysis/Tool
means of the thirty respondents’ ratings replicated three times and inferential
Table 2.1 Analysis of Variance for Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice)
Ice cream in terms of Aroma. Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong
October 2023.
Table 4. Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of
Sweetness. Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Table 5.1 Analysis of Variance for Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice)
Ice cream in terms of Appearance/color. Brgy. New Isabela,
Tacurong City, September 2023.
September 2023.
moderately, followed by T3 that has 6.2 which is also like slightly and T1 that
has 5.9 which is Neither Like nor Dislike. The Total Average is 19.8 and
General Average is 6.6. This means that the acceptability of Tapai (fermented
Table 1.1 shows the Analysis of Variance for the Acceptability of Tapai
while the F crit value is 1.973975. Since the F value is greater than the F crit
terms of Aroma. T2 got the highest average of 7.1 which is like moderately,
followed by T3 that has 6.5 which is like slightly and T1 that has 6.1 which is
also like slightly. The Total Average is 19.7 and General Average is 6.5 This
means that the acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of
Table 2.1 shows the Analysis of Variance for the Acceptability of Tapai
(fermented rice) ice cream in terms of Aroma. The F value is 1.484268 while
the F crit value is 1.973975. Since the F crit is greater than the F value, the
terms of Mouthfeel. T2 got the highest average of 7.5 which is like moderately,
followed by T3 that has 6.7 which is like slightly and T1 that has 5.9 which is
neither like nor dislike. The Total Average is 20.1 and General Average is 6.7
This means that the acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms
Table 3.1 shows the Analysis of Variance for the Acceptability of Tapai
while the F crit value is 1.973975. Since the F value is greater than the F crit
moderately, followed by T3 that has 6.6 which is like slightly and T1 that has
6.5 which is also like slightly. The Total Average is 20.7 and General Average
is 6.9 This means that the acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in
Table 4.1 shows the Analysis of Variance for the Acceptability of Tapai
while the F crit value is 1.973975. Since the F value is greater than the F crit
Table 5 shows the acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in
moderately, followed by T3 that has 7.3 which is also like moderately and T1
that has 6.7 which is like slightly. The Total Average is 21.5 and General
Average is 7.1 This means that the acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice
Table 5.1 shows the Analysis of Variance for the Acceptability of Tapai
1.744291while the F crit value is 1.973975. Since the F crit is greater than the
terms of General acceptability. T2 got the highest average of 7.8 which is like
moderately, followed by T3 that has 6.4 which is like slightly and T1 that has
5.2 which is neither like nor dislike. The Total Average is 19.4 and General
is 6.4 This means that the acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in
Table 6.1 shows the Analysis of Variance for the Acceptability of Tapai
8.602536 while the F crit value is 1.973975. Since the F value is greater than
the F crit value, the null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance.
as the base thickener for ice cream is not acceptable in terms of aroma and
(fermented rice) as the base thickener for ice cream is acceptable in terms of
the null hypothesis is rejected. This means that the tapai (fermented rice) is
not acceptable as a base thickener for ice cream in terms of aroma and
more acceptable for tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of aroma and
appearance/color, the results turned out that the null hypothesis is accepted.
This means that tapai as ice cream is not acceptable in terms of aroma, and
hypothesis is rejected.
This also implies that there are significant differences among the
researchers to improve the quality and results of the study for future
crush the rice before mixing it with the other ingredients to improve the
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Ice cream is a frozen product made from processed milk, cream, and a
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compounds in fermented glutinous rice (Tapai) using gas
(10) Raji, M. N. A., Karim, S. A., Ishak, F. a. C., & Arshad, M. M. (2017).
Past and present practices of the Malay food heritage and culture in
(11) Syed, Q. A., Anwar, S., Shukat, R., & Zahoor, T. (2018). Effects of
(13) Yovani, T. (2019). Lamang tapai: the ancient Malay food in Minangkabau
(14) Zainuddin. (2022, January 12). Sharia and alcohol: Tape ketan as
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Appendix 1. The table below serves as the survey rating to assist the 30
respondents at Tacurong National High School in rating the product in
terms of Palatability/Taste, Aroma, Mouthfeel, Sweetness,
Appearance/Color, and general Acceptability.
Appendix 2. Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of
Palatability/Taste. Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Appendix 3. Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of
Aroma. Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Appendix 4. Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of
Mouthfeel. Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Appendix 5. Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of
Sweetness. Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Appendix 6. Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream in terms of
Appearance/color. Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Appendix 7. General Acceptability of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream.
Brgy. New Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Appendix 8. survey questioning of Tapai (fermented rice) ice cream
compared with strawberry, ube, mango flavor ice cream. Brgy.New
Isabela, Tacurong City, September 2023.
Appendix 10. Actual photo evidence during the conducting of the
Appendix 11. Actual photo evidence during the taste testing and rating
of the product.