Summer Internship Project
Summer Internship Project
Summer Internship Project
Top Detection: -
The system dashboard shows the collection company
systems, such as Network, System Health, Activity, and
The network shows the bit rate ranging such as max, min,
and avg. it displays the number of packets transferred
ranging in the same way as max, min and average, also
displaying the bytes of frames.
Detections: -
The Detections page shows the exploits that are detected
and orders them in the most exploitable order
The top OFFENDER in the list is LIME Using Shellshock
Shellshock is a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability
in the Bourne-Again shell (Bash) that attackers have been
exploiting since 2014. An attacker sends an HTTP request
with a Shellshock payload to a vulnerable device. The
payload includes code with a syntax similar to () { :;};
<exploit command>. The malicious command runs in Bash
and creates a shell. The attacker connects to the shell to
remotely run commands on the victim.
The total no of devices are 281
Threat Quotient
We can see total numbers of scans and the status of it, they show the vulnerability risk.
The tool shows total number of vulnerability.
The tool can also be used for testing your own website for the vulnerabilities.
The scans can be scheduled as well can be flexibly schedule a scan for a domain.
Over the period of 3 to 4 months I have working on
building my personal portfolio website showcasing front-
end developmental skills and offset other skills I am
learning as well
The website has been made with the use of HTML, CSS,
Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript
Used Html to make a simple nav bar and body to showcase
an introduction to the website
This is the home page with a simple nav bar and website
introduction the design was made using tailwind CSS