Culture and Health
Culture and Health
Culture and Health
Executive summary to become a key component in health maintenance and Lancet 2014; 384: 1607–39
Planned and unplanned migrations, diverse social promotion can be eroded. This erosion is especially true Published Online
practices, and emerging disease vectors transform how where resources are scarce or absent. Under restricted October 29, 2014
health and wellbeing are understood and negotiated. and pressured conditions, behavioural variables that
Simultaneously, familiar illnesses—both communicable affect biological outcomes are dismissed as merely
See Editorial page 1549
and non-communicable—continue to affect individual sociocultural, rather than medical. Especially when
See Perspectives page 1568
health and household, community, and state economies. money is short, or when institutions claim to have
Anthropology (A D Napier PhD,
Together, these forces shape medical knowledge and how discharged fully their public health obligations, blame J Calabrese PhD,
it is understood, how it comes to be valued, and when for ill health can be projected onto those who are already U Neuendorf MSc,
and how it is adopted and applied. disadvantaged. S Zafer Smith MSc,
Perceptions of physical and psychological wellbeing As a result, many thinkers in health-care provision across A Macdonald PhD,
A Parkhurst PhD), Heritage
differ substantially across and within societies. Although disciplines attribute poor health-care outcomes to factors Studies (B Butler PhD),
cultures often merge and change, human diversity that are beyond the control of care providers—namely, Biology and Museums
assures that different lifestyles and beliefs will persist so on peculiar, individual, or largely inaccessible cultural (H Chatterjee PhD), Hebrew and
that systems of value remain autonomous and distinct. In systems of value. Others, having witnessed the ram- Jewish Studies (F Guesnet PhD),
School of Pharmacy
this sense, culture can be understood as not only habits ifications of such thinking, argue that all health-care (Prof R Horne PhD), Institute for
and beliefs about perceived wellbeing, but also political, provision should, rather, be made more culturally sensitive. Global Health (R Reynolds PhD,
economic, legal, ethical, and moral practices and values. Yet others declare merely that multiculturalism has failed C Willott PhD), Centre for the
Although culture can be considered as a set of subjective and the concept should be abandoned, citing its divisive History of Medicine
(S Jacyna PhD), Division of
values that oppose scientific objectivity, we challenge this potential.1 Irrespective of who is blamed, failure to Psychiatry (S Jadhav MD),
view in this Commission by claiming that all people have recognise the intersection of culture with other structural Sociology (Prof G Scambler PhD),
systems of value that are unexamined. Such systems are, and societal factors creates and compounds poor health School of European Languages,
Culture and Society
at times, diffuse, and often taken for granted, but are outcomes, multiplying financial, intellectual, and
(Prof S Shamdasani PhD),
always dynamic and changing. They produce novel and humanitarian costs. Scandinavian Studies
sometimes perplexing needs, to which established However, the effect of cultural systems of values on (J Stougaard-Nielsen PhD),
caregiving practices often adjust slowly. health outcomes is huge, within and across cultures, in Museums and Collections
(L Thomson PhD), Civil
Ideas about health are, therefore, cultural. They vary multicultural settings, and even within the cultures of
Engineering (Prof N Tyler PhD),
widely across societies and should not merely be defined institutions established to advance health. In all cultural Clinical, Educational and Health
by measures of clinical care and disease. Health can be settings—local, national, worldwide, and even bio- Psychology (A-M Volkmann MSc,
defined in worldwide terms or quite local and familiar medical—the need to understand the relation between A C d C Williams PhD),
Philosophy and Health
ones. Yet, in clinical settings, a tendency to standardise culture and health, especially the cultural factors that
(J Wilson PhD), and Medical
human nature can be, paradoxically, driven by both an affect health-improving behaviours, is now crucial. School (K Woolf PhD), University
absence of awareness of the diversity with which wellbeing In view of the financial fragility of so many systems of College London, London, UK;
is contextualised and a commitment to express both care around the world, and the wastefulness of so much Department of Education,
King’s College London, London,
patient needs and caregiver obligations in universally of health-care spending, a line can no longer be drawn
UK (C Ancarno PhD);
understandable terms. between biomedical care and systems of value that Department of Psychology,
We believe, therefore, that the perceived distinction define our understanding of human wellbeing. Where University of Bedfordshire,
between the objectivity of science and the subjectivity of economic limitations dictate what is feasible, Bedfordshire, UK (A Chater PhD);
and International Longevity
culture is itself a social fact (a common perception). We socioeconomic status produces its own cultures of sec- Centre, London, UK
attribute the absence of awareness of the cultural urity and insecurity that cut across nationality, ethnic (T Walker MSc, J Watson PhD)
dimensions of scientific practice to this distinction, esp- background, gender orientation, age, and political Correspondence to:
ecially for macrocultures and large societies, which define persuasion. Socioeconomic status produces new A David Napier, Anthropology,
only small-scale, microcultures as cultural. We recommend cultures defined by degrees of social security and University College London,
London WC1E 6BT, UK
a broad view of culture that embraces not only social limitations on choice that privilege some people and
[email protected]
systems of belief as cultural, but also presumptions of disadvantage others. Financial equity is, therefore, a
objectivity that permeate views of local and global health, very large part of the cultural picture; but it is not the Systems of value
health care, and health-care delivery. entire picture. The capacity to attend to adversity—to are political, moral, religious,
economic, or social systems of
If the role of cultural systems of value in health is believe that one can affect one’s own future—is con- meaning, either overtly
ignored, biological wellness can be focused on as the ditioned by a sense of social security that is only expressed or taken for granted.
sole measure of wellbeing, and the potential for culture partly financial.
In this Commission, we review health and health As one newspaper put it: “The victims and their
practices as they relate to culture, identify and assess families were not happy. The culture of the NHS is not
pressing issues, and recommend lines of research that something that can apologise and try to atone. The
are needed to address those pressing issues and culture of the NHS cannot be punished for its misdeeds.
emerging needs. We examine overlapping domains of They wanted to see someone held to account. But the
Cultural competence culture and health: cultural competence, health verdict was clear. ‘It was’, Francis announced, ‘not
is defined as awareness of the inequalities, and communities of care. In these three possible to castigate: failings on the part of one or even
cultural factors that influence
another’s views and attitudes, and
domains, we show how inseparable health is from a group of individuals’. There was no point in looking
an assimilation of that awareness culturally affected perceptions of wellbeing. After for ‘scapegoats’. The guilty party was the ‘culture of the
into professional practice examination of these key domains, we identify NHS’. It was the culture that had ignored ‘the priority
12 findings in need of immediate attention: that should have been given to the protection of
• Medicine should accommodate the cultural con- patients’. It was the culture that ‘too often did not
struction of wellbeing consider properly the impact on patients of actions
• Culture should be better defined being taken’.”2
• Culture should not be neglected in health and However, members of the Care Quality Commission,
health-care provision the group that oversees health quality in the UK, were
• Culture should become central to care practices subsequently charged with participating in a “tick-box
• Clinical cultures should be reshaped culture”, “presiding over a dysfunctional organisation”
• People who are not healthy should be recapacitated with a “closed culture”,3 and were themselves partly held
within the culture of biomedicine responsible for the failings of the Mid Staffordshire
• Agency should be better understood with respect to Trust. Culture, here, supersedes direct actions of nurses
culture and doctors, hospital boards, local and regional health
• Training cultures should be better understood regulators, health policy makers, local and national
• Competence should be reconsidered across all politicians, and even referring family doctors as sources
cultures and systems of care of blame. Indeed, responsibility is extended to the culture
• Exported and imported practices and services should of the very commission established to regulate the effect
be aligned with local cultural meaning of cultures of practice on health.
• Building of trust in health care should be prioritised Nowadays, in assessments of health and health-care
as a cultural value provision, to blame culture, however defined, is not
• New models of wellbeing and care should be identified uncommon. Culture, as this example shows, cannot be
and nourished across cultures merely equated with ethnic group or national
We believe that these points are imperative to the allegiance. We all participate in locally defined forms of
advancement of health worldwide and are the greatest behaviour that not only produce social cohesion, but
challenges for health. Together, they constitute an agenda that limit our ability to see the subjective nature of our
for reversal of the systematic neglect of culture in health, values, our perceived responsibilities, and our
the single biggest barrier to advancement of the highest assumptions about objective knowledge. In this
attainable standard of health worldwide. context, the responsibilities of doctors and health sys-
tems, and the priorities of policy makers and
Culture and health researchers, are also collective behaviours based on
Introduction social agreements and assumptions—ie, on culture.
On Feb 6, 2013, a crowd gathered outside London’s Such examples show the degree to which culture
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre across from cannot be ignored by science-oriented clinicians, disease
Westminster Abbey. They were there to hear the verdict specialists, and policy makers, making clear the need to
of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust understand the effect of culture, however defined, on
commission that investigated the causes of hundreds of care for one another in the 21st century. To understand
preventable patient deaths in just one NHS hospital culture and what it means is crucial to improvement of
system in the West Midlands between 2005 and 2009. On health, which is why disciplines that once focused solely
the day of the announcement of the commission’s on the study of other societies are, now, central to our
findings, aggrieved families, policy makers, and mem- future health and wellbeing. Today, anthropological and
bers of the press assembled to hear the results. They all medical humanities approaches to health and wellbeing
wanted to know on whose shoulders the blame for this are necessary to reshape our understanding of how we
travesty could be placed. As the crowd listened, the conceptualise health and what makes us healthy.
commission’s lead attorney, Robert Francis, announced
that no specific group or person could be held accountable What is culture?
for such malpractice. The real villain was culture—culture The anthropologist Robert Redfield once elegantly
caused these crimes of neglect to occur, and the culture defined culture as “conventional understandings, mani-
of the UK’s NHS was responsible. fest in act and artefact”.4 This definition is useful because
it focuses not only on shared understandings, but also on evidence) from social facts (what we assume when
practices that are based on those understandings and our beliefs remain unchallenged).6 For Durkheim, the
that make sense of beliefs held in common with others. things we take for granted are foundational to our
Culture, therefore, does not equate solely with ethnic existence, even if, or perhaps because, we do not always
identity, nor does it merely refer to groups of people who recognise them. They transcend our capacity for self-
share the same racial heritage. criticism, yet exercise a continuing effect on us that is
Redfield’s definition is also helpful because it does inversely proportional to our awareness of them. Indeed,
not imply that all members of a group that share groups of people rarely believe that their moral
languages, practices, and overt expressions of belief perspectives are relative, and their awareness of how
automatically share a given value, nor that local ideas much their values are cultural only becomes clear when
can be readily translated across or even within a given those values diverge from, or are in conflict with, other
group. For example, we can say that a particular society values that they do not agree with.
has conventional knowledge about medicinal plants, The effect of culture might therefore seem overt
but clearly this fact does not imply that such knowledge when a clinician attempts to care for someone from
is evenly distributed between all members of that another society, but when we think of how culture
society. Furthermore, local healers could hold specialist affects behaviours in a hospital, we might not view
knowledge, but the benefits of that knowledge would be such activities as cultural in nature. When we speak of,
available to anyone who visits them for assistance. for example, the silent majority, we are referring to
Moreover, the effects of that knowledge could vary shared values and categories of thought that survive in
widely across encounters with those healers, and what a largely uncritical manner; this silent majority is made
that knowledge suggests could also vary between up of the beliefs, habits, ways of life, ideas, and values
various healers themselves when, say, they question a of a majority that might not feel the need to express
finding or diagnosis. The same applies, of course, to these values overtly because they are not overtly
surgeons, nurses, and dentists, and so on. Their challenged. For this reason, cultural values can become
practices and values vary broadly, even in western more obvious when members of a group are faced with
Europe and the USA, where biomedicine is sometimes practices and beliefs that vary substantially from their
thought to be uniformly practised. Germans might own. Culture is made up of not merely those variable
define low blood pressure as an illness as much as a behaviours and practices that a group understands
health benefit; North Americans might use antibiotics itself to possess and articulate daily, but those that are
to excess; and French people might spend government covert and taken for granted. Accordingly,
health funds on spas and homoeopathy.5 anthropologist Fredrik Barth once metaphorically
To say that culture is about shared conventional called culture an empty vessel—ie, a concept defined at
understanding does not, however, imply that the cultural its peripheries.7 The vessel’s walls are tangible—they
dimensions of the behaviours of any group of people are separate inside and out, and give shape to contents that
always subscribed to or overtly understood from within. might be less easily defined.
For example, a group may perceive itself to care for the Most importantly, culture is a dynamic concept—
elderly while failing to address the actual needs of sometimes overtly expressed, sometimes not openly
ageing. Moreover, members can regularly—and defined. For example, citizens might rally around
wrongly—assume that their own practices are universal, national identity in times of conflict, but happily return
rather than particular. Monotheists, for instance, might flags to their cupboards in times of peace. Likewise,
customarily think of religion as a belief in God, whereas they might fundamentally believe in human equality,
for many people, religion is not the belief in any single, but participate actively in prestige hierarchies in their Prestige hierarchies
omniscient being at all. This example is a social places of work. Because it is often taken for granted, are hierarchies created by real or
perceived differences in status
convention—something widely evidenced (even ass- culture as a category of inquiry is crucial to the
and authority, and acted out in a
umed to be universal), but not often consciously experience of health and wellbeing, and the provision of defined environment, such as a
questioned or critically examined. Cultural systems health care. clinic or hospital
might, therefore, not be overtly expressed, but their Culture, then, can be thought of as a set of practices
effects can be ubiquitous, including in daily scientific and behaviours defined by customs, habits, language,
practices. Not only hospitals, but universities, scientific and geography that groups of individuals share. As the
laboratories, global health charities, and government UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
agencies all have their own cultures, although they (UNESCO) affirms8 in its adoption of anthropologist
might seem less obviously cultural than the kinds of Edward Burnett Tylor’s 1870 definition of culture,9 we
cultures anthropologists traditionally study. However, need to find ways to develop a complex understanding of
because they are sometimes more covert, their un- how customs, moral values, and belief systems manifest
examined effects might actually be greater. themselves in particular settings over time. Here, part-
More than a century ago, the sociologist Émile icularly, a medical humanities approach could be used to
Durkheim separated empirical facts (what we see and reshape medicine and health care.
However, the difficulty of acknowledging the impor- But to defend local cultures, and especially to appreciate
tance of culture does not alone enable us to recognise how culture affects local ideas about health and related
our own cultural assumptions. Indeed, the hardest thing health outcomes, is not always easy. Since Lévi-Strauss’
to know in a relative and comparative sense might be report, UNESCO has struggled to mediate between the
one’s own culture: what anthropologists call the need for universal human equality and the right to
anthropological paradox. On the one hand, we believe harbour diverse worldviews, and it has been criticised for
that it takes one to know one; whereas, on the other, we its perceived ambivalence. Indeed, its policies (embodied
acknowledge that the hardest thing to know is one’s own in its 1995 report)15 reignited the right-to-culture debate
culture—ie, to critique objectively the subjective nature by promoting “a relativistic view of development and a
of our own practices.10,11 This difficulty accounts for why universalist view of ethics”.14–16 In short, the difficulty with
culture remains, for many, a vague concept. By respecting local differences while promoting health
definition, being immersed within a culture can be hard universalism is that under such conditions, culture can
to recognise. be used “to legitimise not just exclusiveness, but exc-
This dimension of culture is seen in the initial NHS lusion as well”.14 Apartheid, for instance, is an intolerable
example, and is crucial to our major claim: the systematic form of multiculturalism—separate but unjust, rather
neglect of culture in health and health care is the single than separate and just.17
biggest barrier to the advancement of the highest Although Lévi-Strauss’ document13 provided a basis for
standard of health worldwide. Although we accept, along decision making about culture, no-one knew at that time
with the Francis Commission,12 the accountability of how globalisation would affect the dissolution of cultural
culture for clinical malpractice, we also suggest that diversity. The 1950s was the era of salvage anthropology, in
examination of culture holds the key to good practice. which anthropologists were charged to record dying
Not only are the things we find most difficult to examine cultures and their local social practices. At that time,
the things we take for granted.When a society’s own people needed to recognise the benefits of indigenous
objectivity is compromised by local practices and covert knowledge—of how surgical practices, for instance, might
understandings, we begin to understand why culture be advanced through understanding the Amazonian use
matters in ways that affect us all. of curare to paralyse muscle tissue.
We believe the time has come to revise common views But as globalisation continues, cultural diversity
of culture as overtly shared and largely unscientific decreases, denying us not only the benefits of genuine
ideas and practices. Culture can as much concern what differences, but also the different kinds of knowledge
we take for granted and do not critique—what we that characterised humanity in former times. Many of the
assume is universal—as what we understand at the level estimated 6000 languages still spoken across the world are
of social diversity. We therefore recommend the rapidly disappearing. Many are now only spoken by a
following definition of culture: handful of people, and a unique mother tongue dies every
The shared, overt and covert understandings that
two weeks.18 The failure to preserve cultural diversity might
constitute conventions and practices, and the ideas, not only be incalculable, but also rob humanity of the very
symbols, and concrete artifacts that sustain conventions alternatives it so desperately needs—not only from the
and practices, and make them meaningful. standpoint of indigenous knowledge about the natural
world and the cures such knowledge might hold, but also
Why culture matters in terms of models of cooperation and trust that have been
In 1952, the French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss lost on modernity. As cultural diversity and biodiversity
led a study13 commissioned by UNESCO to address the give way to global homogeny, both other ways of thinking
issue of racism and the threat that it posed to world peace and potentially important ethnopharmacological resources
and stability. In the period after World War 2, when are jeopardised.
colonial values were still common, the project provided a Nowadays, issues not recognised when Lévi-Strauss
direct attack on ethnocentrism and its assumptions about wrote for UNESCO13 affect how we see the benefits of
the superiority of one society over another. Lévi-Strauss diversity. There was, for instance, no way of knowing
“warns against genetic determinism, reveals the fallacies how indigenous rights issues would come to be legally
of ethnocentrism and facile cultural evolutionism, tied to court cases involving the return of indigenous
defends the rights of small societies to cultural survival, property,19 or of anticipating how new definitions of
and revels in the intricacies of the symbolic systems of culture would encourage racial use of biological markers
societies to most of his readers”.13,14 Embedding these to establish indigeneity,20 or of predicting how both would
concerns into a key UNESCO document by a leading contribute to contemporary stereotyping of health-related
anthropologist assured that the idea of culture would behaviours by well-intentioned clinicians and culture
inform contemporary views of multiculturalism, cultural mediators working to improve clinical competence.21,22
competence, and the value of social diversity. UNESCO’s Because of these complex difficulties, many people
perspective on cultural rights became the foundation of now maintain that we no longer need Lévi-Strauss’ form
how health rights are now defined multiculturally. of structural anthropology, nor the idea of autonomous
cultures, to understand, account for, and acknowledge informed choice. By contrast, findings from another
how meaning is constructed locally.23,24 After all, how do study27 in Nigeria showed that women booked their first
we engender the moral trust needed to cross ideological appointments too late because all clinical care was
boundaries, if not by faith in what the Brundtland report deemed curative and seemed to offer no advantages for a
in 1987 called “our common future”—ie, by a focus on healthy mother. Here, participation in health care was
our uniformity rather than our diversity?25 Furthermore, mediated by ideas about the cultural meaning of care.
what constitutes culture in a globalised world where Finally, in a study28 of use of folic acid supplements
differences are often only annoyances to be ameliorated during pregnancy in Arab and Turkish ethnic pop-
and levelled? ulations, underuse was associated with economic
For many people concerned about global health, pressures on pregnant women rather than because
culture is less important than addressing political and participants were neglectful or lacked information.
socioeconomic inequality, even perhaps a thing best These are just a few instances of how the investigation of
de-emphasised, if not wholly forgotten. We completely stereotypical views of—wrongly presumed—culturally
disagree. Worldwide equality can only be achieved by influenced behaviours can have a real and lasting effect
recognising cultural systems of value and countering the on clinical encounters. Unless we address local models
idea that local cultures are obstacles to worldwide of wellbeing that might differ from what we assume to
equality. Indeed, a failure to acknowledge culture leaves be universal, we have no way of understanding the day-
its negative effects unaddressed and its positive potential to-day behaviours on which good health and wellbeing
for providing new models of thinking unrealised. depend.
Ignoring culture prevents each person from feeling like It is important, then, to understand how wellbeing is
he or she belongs to a local moral world. socioculturally generated and understood, and how
Culture in itself is neither good nor bad. Thinking cultural systems of value relate or not to notions of health
about cultural systems of value often helps, but and to systems of care delivery. Because wellbeing is
sometimes hinders, the amelioration of differences increasingly recognised as both biological and social,
between people. When culture works unchecked to health-care providers can only improve outcomes if they
exclude and discriminate, an effort should be made to accept the need to understand the sociocultural
uncover practices that are taken for granted so that they conditions that enable people to be healthy and make
can be changed. When culture creates moral bonds that themselves healthier—ie, to feel well.
increase commitment and empathy, endeavours should To achieve such an understanding means asking what
be made to understand how those bonds improve is lost to health care by ignoring the cultural systems of
wellbeing and health, and how they might provide future value of not only patients, but also caregivers, health
models of care. administrators, charities, and researchers. Thus, in this
To dismiss, however, that culture is ever-present—for Commission, we assess how a closer attention to local
example, that the universalism of science can be and worldwide meanings can improve health in a world
opposed to the local prejudices of culture, or that of burgeoning health-related costs and diminishing
worldwide goals should take priority over local ones—is resources. We critically examine what is known about
to blind us to our own vanity and the exclusionary ways how caring for one another succeeds or fails across
in which even the best-intentioned individual can cultural divides, how cultures of care function or
unknowingly behave. In times of social dysfunction, collapse in response to changing values, how health
people with a public voice might come to share more cultures alternately ameliorate or exaggerate inequality
with one another as an emerging culture of worldwide and inequity, and how health itself is affected by the
elites (irrespective of their views) than with the presence or absence of general wellbeing in any given
incapacitated others with whom they might otherwise sociocultural group.
share an ethnic, religious, or racial heritage, or with In this Commission, we assess the nature of cultural
whom they identify morally. competence (how people communicate across cultural
Although suffering and compassion are often dis- divides), the adverse effects of health inequality (how
cussed, if carers are ignorant of what brings value and culture can unequally limit opportunities to become
meaning to another’s life, it becomes difficult to make healthier), the structure and function of communities
life better when illness undermines health. For example, of care (how collective activities around health either
irregular antenatal visits and reluctance to attend succeed or fail), and the social conditions that under-
common screening tests are well-known issues across mine or improve human wellbeing (how personal
the world, adversely affecting maternal and infant health relates to the presence or absence of social
health. Findings from a study26 of south Asian women trust). This Commission is less an inventory of
done in the UK showed that, contrary to health culture-specific definitions of illness and healing
professionals’ beliefs, non-adherence to these visits and (ie, of traditional medical anthropology) than
tests had little to do with negative attitudes towards an assessment of why cultural awareness matters
antenatal care. Instead, the women merely lacked in health.
expense with the entire GDP of China, the world’s promoted worldwide by emulating business practices that
second-largest economy: need immediate financial returns on investment without
“China’s G.D.P. is $5·9 trillion (compared to America’s
any responsibility for long-term outcomes? We call for a
$14·6 trillion). So the United States, with a population resurrection of respect for caregivers who are wholly
a quarter of the size of China’s, spends just on health capable of saving money and lives, if given the time to
care slightly less than half of what China spends on show their abilities to do so.
everything…If we continue at this rate of growth,
health care will be roughly one-third of the entire Clinical adherence
economy by 2035—one of every three dollars will go to
Although competence is generally understood as the
health care—and nearly half by 2080.”43,44
ability to implement recognised standards of best
But if laboratory investigations are not cost effective, why practice, what constitutes competence in medicine is far
are they used instead of reallocating resources so that from clear.46 Martin Talbot,47 for example, questions the
clinicians can spend more time with patients? Is it because competence model of medical education, claiming that it
health care has become an increasingly predatory business sometimes rewards low-level or operational competencies
endeavour? Is it because biomedical cultures have become at the expense of “reflection, intuition, experience and
overly devoted to testing practices? In what way, for example, higher order competence necessary for expert, holistic or
might health-care cultures in the USA be called caring well developed practice”. By contrast, Betancourt and
when fees for services become the number one cause of colleagues48 think of competence as a means to address
personal bankruptcy?45 Perhaps most importantly, why has organisational, structural, and clinical barriers to health-
culturally relevant research—now 40 years old—been care access and provision faced both by physicians and
systematically ignored in restructuring health delivery those who seek their help.
procedures and delivery costing? Although cultural competence training has roots going
As the authors of the 1975 study concluded long ago: back to the 1960s, it almost never figures in the training
“Firstly, physicians can allocate the relative time spent
of public health organisation employees, and has only
taking the history and examining the patient with some been formally integrated into medical education since
confidence, knowing that the extra time spent on the the 1970s, arguably in response to calls for new medical
history is likely to be more profitable than extra time models that address the shifting demographics caused by
spent on the physical examination. Secondly, more migration.49,50 In most training, however, it is not present,
emphasis must be placed on teaching students how to even if the view prevails that cultural competence can
take accurate histories in a medical clinic, and
improve clinical outcomes by addressing the needs of
proportionately less on showing them how to elicit
physical signs. Thirdly, more emphasis must be placed those who are different from whatever dominant
on research into communication between the patient sociocultural groups provide care.
and his physician, and perhaps less emphasis is needed Cultural competence and diversity are vaguely defined,
on the development of new laboratory services. Fourthly, poorly understood, and prone to being affected by
there are implications for the planning of medical political rather than educational motives.51 Conventional
outpatient departments. There needs to be more
understanding of cultural competence that emphasises
emphasis on space for interviewing patients, and
proportionately less on space for examining them. Our recognition of racial, ethnic, and linguistic identities
findings also have implications for the number of shifts clinical meaning away from socioeconomic factors
follow-up appointments that need to be given to patients and standard clinical diagnoses. Cultural competence is
who seem to present diagnostic problems. It seems that surely far more than a vague umbrella term that
if the physician is still in considerable doubt about the encompasses training in cultural sensitivity, multi-
diagnosis after the history has been taken and the patient culturalism, and cross-culturalism.52
has been examined, then laboratory investigations are
unlikely to be helpful.”41
Research into diverse health views of speakers of non-
native languages has furthered understanding of just
Health economists should quantify the potential how wide ranging health needs are around the world.
savings from allowing clinicians time to gain accurate This research seeks to prevent medicalisation of ethnic
case histories. Provision of such time would also increase groups on the mistaken assumption that because they
a physician’s sense of worth, and might even help limit might fare less well clinically they are less willing to
the high levels of mid-career disenchantment. However, comply with and adhere to treatment regimens.53,54
such savings could have a negative effect on investment Substantial scope exists for further research into these
in for-profit health, where clinical care is routinely areas, particularly for studies that critically explore how
exposed to service delivery models and physicians are ethnic origin and language proficiency can be rightly or
sometimes referred to as health-care vendors. As this wrongly held responsible for clinical non-adherence.55
neglected study made clear, saving time in the short term The need for this research is especially clear when
will not translate into saving money. health-care providers consult in multiethnic communities,
Despite the age of this study, its findings are still where the need for translation is essential.56,57 Language
relevant. What health-care delivery culture is being mediates most experiences of health-care services for
patients.58 These services include not only face-to-face the real loss in both social and financial terms, let alone
consultations with health-care practitioners, but also in terms of mortality and morbidity?
language-specific medical leaflets, health-related tele- However, health and culture deserve attention not only
vision programmes, and, increasingly, health advice on from the point of view of patients and health-care
diagnostic websites and online discussions. professionals, but also in relation to increasingly diverse
However, intercultural health communication is not non-medical staff, including social workers, receptionists,
only about language translation, but also situated beliefs telephone and internet respondents, and care admin-
and practices about causation, local views on what istrators who function as service gatekeepers. These
constitutes effective provision of health care, and providers might participate in their own professional
attitudes about agency and advocacy.59 It is also about cultures that are as diverse as or even more diverse than
understanding communities of care and how they the patients and communities that they serve. The
function at a local level to ameliorate uptake and overuse responsibility for advancement of cultural awareness in
of expensive services. In one north London community health-care practice should not be borne solely by those
(Tottenham and North Middlesex) studied for this who deliver direct care, nor should responsibility only be
Commission, more than 50% of the community health seen as a community issue, and therefore non-clinical.
organisations functioning in 2010 were shut down as a Because competence involves understanding how
result of government withdrawal of support for their barriers to better care can be overcome, practices should
services. Ignorance of the social needs of patients be improved and more responsive (and responsible)
therefore has real knock-on effects. Who is quantifying clinical cultures should be created. Competence is highly
anthropological, embracing culture less as static and
stereotypical than as something always in the making.60
Panel 1: The Cultural Formulation At its best, cultural competence, then, bridges the cultural
The most pressing challenge for mental health therapists working with different cultures distance between providers and consumers of health care
is to develop a sensitive and culturally viable method of improving the wellbeing of through an emphasis on physicians’ knowledge, attitudes,
psychologically marginalised people. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental and emerging skills.61–63 Competence is about creation
Disorders (DSM)-IV65 (1994) and DSM-IV-text revision66 (2000) of the American and growth of meaningful relationships.
Psychiatric Association introduced, as an appendix, a method that used culture as the Competence, therefore, demands attention to both
main focus for the generation of a clinical rapport between therapist and patient. The patients’ and carers’ explanatory models and perceptions
1994 inclusion was the first attempt to promote widely what is now called the Cultural of illness and wellbeing. The importance of such an
Formulation.67 explanatory models approach has been widely recognised
and adopted as a structure for competent practice to
In this formulation, the patient is asked to develop a life story—ie, a culturally
include the following questions:
embedded biographical narrative.64 The story forms the focus of the therapeutic
• What do you call this problem?
environment. Published alongside a glossary of culture-bound syndromes, the
• What do you believe is the cause of this problem?
formulation can mitigate some of the difficulties associated with psychiatric
• What course do you expect this problem to take? How
assessment and diagnoses of patients from ethnic minorities whose frames of
serious is it?
reference sometimes differ greatly from those of their therapists.68 Its application is
• What do you think this problem does inside your
also effective for treatment of any illness for which cultural differences have an effect
on care.
• How does this problem affect your body and your
Although the full clinical effectiveness of the Cultural Formulation has not yet been mind?
established, results of trials have shown promise for clinicians engaging, assessing, and • What do you most fear about this problem?
treating those in need by taking into account local contexts and forms of meaning.69 • What do you most fear about the treatment64 (panel 1)?
Derived from the insights of medical anthropology,70 the formulation represents an Frameworks that bridge cultural distance might be the
attempt to transcend biomedical frames of reference that are often incompatible with necessary first step in reconciling divergent illness
individual ideas of being unwell.71 As a result of its acknowledged potential,72 the Cultural perspectives held by health-care providers and patients;
Formulation has been integrated into the 2013 DSM-5.73,74 but merely establishing commonalities is not sufficient.
Although the new DSM-5 version of the Cultural Formulation enables mental health-care Social competence is also relevant when patients and their
providers to assess the potential effect of cultural factors on development of mental doctors share knowledge that is taken for granted; when
illness, further elaboration (Bloomsbury Cultural Formulation)75 invites caregivers to physicians and patients share too common a language for
establish common ground with patients by providing personal narratives that mirror the description of illness and disease, patients might end
those of patients. Such reciprocal engagement therapeutically acknowledges both the up with poorer understandings of their disorders, with
perceived alienation of those in need and the cultural divide that has to be transcended to incorrectly assumed agreement.77,78 Again, competence is
achieve good outcomes.76 This expanded version of the Cultural Formulation therefore about making relationships meaningful enough to limit
directly addresses a continuing criticism of the DSM, namely that it fails to acknowledge the damaging effects of suffering. Mutual understanding
its own cultural orientation, maintaining a singular view of the causes and meanings of provides a foundation for affective caring, but time and
mental distress. space should be provided for such new forms of clinical
care to emerge and take root.
Competence needs to include knowledge of how to only a third of patients adhere to therapeutic rec-
develop new ways to evoke clinical meaning and ommendations (in the Tayside Region).90 Evidence-
acceptance that meanings can differ.79 Whether or not based approaches to practice have long recognised that
competence involves physicians developing clinical research evidence and clinical skills alone are not
variables that encourage patients to make their own sufficient to achieve optimum outcomes. Treatment
choices,80 competence in culture needs production of decisions often need risks to be weighed, such as the
clinical spaces within which misunderstandings can be decision between an aggressive or conservative approach
bridged.81,82 Caregivers need time to create meaning, to management of a disease by care provider, patient,
saving unnecessary expenses. and health services and funders. Good quality care
Competence is the nurturing of communication should therefore integrate “best research evidence with
between caregivers and patients to remove barriers to clinical expertise and patient values”.91
care.50,63 Therefore, cultural competence can no longer be Even in the narrowest biomedical models of health
considered only “a set of skills necessary for physicians care some form of cultural competence is needed to
to care for immigrants, foreigners, and others from frame and present information so that patients can
‘exotic’ cultures”.61 Moreover, cultural competence make choices in line with their goals, values, and beliefs
should not concern itself exclusively with perceived
differences. Culture is less successful when it functions Panel 2: Medicalisation of culture and mental health
as a medium through which medicine translates clinical
realities to uninformed others than when it produces The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5 of the American
new social circumstances that successfully contextualise Psychiatric Association (APA) preserves the omniscience of the caregiver at the expense
clinical knowledge. A new technique called the of the patient’s understanding. Surprisingly, this criticism has been most strongly
Bloomsbury Cultural Formulation75 exemplifies such a levelled not by medical anthropologists,83 but by the British Psychological Society (BPS)
commitment, and should be reviewed carefully for in an open letter to the APA:
its potential application in all clinical settings “clients and the general public are negatively affected by the continued and continuous
(panels 1 and 2). medicalisation of their natural and normal responses to their experiences; responses
which undoubtedly have distressing consequences, which demand helping responses, but
Competence and evidence-based medicine which do not reflect illnesses so much as normal individual variation.”84
Although a glaring need exists for cultural competence
In effect, the response shows what the BPS felt to be the potential medicalisation of normal
awareness and training in both public health policy and
behavioural variation.85 However, the issue is not just about creating illness from individual
clinical care, the cultural determinants of health
variation, but also from cultural variation—where otherwise acceptable cultural ways of
behaviour need to be better understood and compared
thinking are themselves redefined as illnesses. Indeed, much of medical anthropology has
with prevalence rates that suggest genetic causes of
been devoted to explaining how cultural practices (eg, states of possession) can provide
illness in ethnic and racial minorities. Although the
acceptable cultural mediums for expression of anxiety, loss, and helplessness.86 This
central goal of evidence-based medicine is to reduce
difficulty has been identified for decades by medical anthropologists,87 yet psychiatry
disease burden through measures that have been
continues to assume a position of omniscience with respect to cultural diversity.
proven to be both effective and efficient, it is rarely
associated with sociocultural factors affecting disease To put it another way, what the BPS accused the new DSM-5 of promoting was the
burden and outcome. medicalisation of human diversity whenever and wherever symptoms seemed to vary
Because values and behaviour are largely socially from the DSM’s own cultural norms—ie, where symptoms could be identified as
conditioned, to understand the cultural factors that subjectively unique. In short, the BPS was openly accusing the APA of falling victim to its
influence treatment-seeking behaviours and treatment own cultural prejudices by defining as symptoms whatever behaviours did not conform to
adherence is crucial to maximise health outcomes. A the dominant North American behavioural model from which the DSM emerged, and by
strong evidence base for the treatment of diabetes, for allowing for diagnoses that rely on value-laden, subjective judgments that showed little or
example, enables doctors to reduce the effect of no evidence of being caused by biological mechanisms requiring pharmaceutical
symptoms, but only if patients present themselves for treatment. What is equally difficult is the fact that the DSM’s diagnostic categories,
treatment. Likewise, accurate advice on management of according to the BPS, have no predictive value,88 leaving as many as 30% of all personality
diabetes will improve the patient’s health, but only if the disorders to be characterised as “not otherwise specified”.87 Such a high percentage creates
patient puts the advice into practice. the risk of defining as an illness any form of behaviour that seems unusual to a psychiatrist
Health care, therefore, fails to be effective if patients lacking cultural sensitivity.
either do not make use of health care to which they are Why has the APA now endorsed as pharmaceutically treatable forms of behaviour that
entitled or do not adhere to treatment regimens. Type 2 merely seem at odds with North American biomedical models, to the degree that cultural
diabetes is a case in point—for a disease whose major differences themselves now stand at risk of being even more readily medicalised? How
causes are known (as are rates of mortality and should growing concerns about the culture-specific nature of diagnoses affect the APA’s
morbidity, preferred treatments, and modes of claim that the DSM’s diagnostic categories transcend cultural barriers? In our opinion,
prevention), compliance is only between 40% and 60% worldwide wellbeing goals and the tendency to treat diverse culturally valued behaviours
even in the most privileged economies,89 with findings as new illness categories need to be redressed.
from studies in Scotland, for example, showing that
about their own ability and the effects of their actions. the effect that these could have on diagnosis and treatment
From the caregiver’s perspective, cultural factors cannot decisions.94 Training courses need themselves, therefore,
be ignored by labelling them as non-clinical or non- to be developed competently.
evidential because much of what is clinically possible is Cultural competence training at its worst creates an idea
set by these very factors. Patient empowerment and of culture as a thing “made synonymous with ethnicity,
related self-help strategies are useful only for those who nationality and language”,64 and that can be taught as
believe that they have the capacity to affect health by though it can be satisfied using a checklist—do this, not
taking responsibility for themselves; for those who do that. Under such conditions, doctors who have been
not feel—or are not—empowered, quite different trained in cultural competence can often misattribute
strategies are needed to improve wellbeing, and these cultural reasons to patient issues, rather than recognise
strategies, in general, rely on opportunities for person- that patient difficulties can be equally economic, logistic,
to-person engagement and building of trust. circumstantial,64 or related to social inequality.
Because competence is about identification and Those studying health care need to appreciate what is as
interpretation of the unknown, it has not been furthered, yet unknown and the processes by which new knowledge
and might have been hindered, by an exclusive focus on can be obtained. To teach culture as a fixed perspective on
medicine’s evidence base. Although development of best illness and clinical behaviour risks the promotion not
practices from what has already been tested is laudable, only of mediocre care, but also of poor strategies to
an obsessive focus on evidence also means valuing what address difficulties that emerge in socially complex
is known at the expense of what is not yet known, what treatment environments. Such practices and assumptions
might not be known, or, indeed, what might not ever be are especially harmful because they are exacerbated by
clinically knowable. A thing in the making, by definition, health-care students’ insecurities about knowledge and
cannot be fully known by straightforward recourse to evidence. They are also made more harmful when
existing formulas or normative theories.92 Curiosity is educational hierarchies encourage students to emulate
key to innovation. Use of normative decision-making authoritatively their senior doctors who themselves might
techniques can, therefore, have disastrous effects. This be at odds with the relevance of culture.
issue is shown by many well-intentioned, competence-
improving initiatives that teach culture reductively, Mistaking compliance for competence
exacerbating already harmful stereotypes.92,93 Many medical students believe that equality of care is
Although anthropologists try to avoid approaching best ensured by a doctor’s refusal to use ethnic, racial, or
culture as stereotypical and fixed, many medical religious characteristics as clinically salient diagnostic
educators do not. Medical school initiatives and caregiver criteria. In doing so, these students support Dogra’s51
training programmes often reduce individual behaviours claim that the a priori acceptance of racial and ethnic
to broad stereotypical formulas, or at least encourage distinction by doctors is, by nature, problematic. Yet,
such stereotyping by applying specific behaviours to difficulties arise if doctors insist that patients present
categories of people. Broad truths might exist on which themselves in ways that doctors understand as culturally
such generalisations are based—for example, many neutral. To ask female Muslim patients to remove their
German people relate low blood pressure to a weakening veils during diagnosis, for instance, or to request that a
of the heart, and fear it more than most. But family of Hasidic Jewish patients not bring food into
generalisations should be accepted cautiously, with the hospital might seem only to ignore the relevance of
realisation that individual responses to norms vary religious affiliation. But those who find these practices
widely. One of our main concerns, then, is the question meaningful deem such requests hostile. Although to
of whether something as dynamic as culture can be blame culture is problematic, the fact that culture is
effectively known from within the highly normative factored out of clinical settings might merely show some
theories of engagement that are central to medical acknowledgment of the extent to which it is inherently so
education. Culture, including institutional cultures, difficult to assess.
should therefore be examined carefully and rigorously. Most students are encouraged to equate competence
To establish what is and is not culturally normative, with achievement of clinical compliance—culturally
Social capital broad generalisations run the risk of defining cultural competent doctors are those who learn to use the social
is defined as the valued social lifeways as themselves pathological, with indiscriminate capital of patients, families, and communities to
networks and reciprocal social
bonds that sustain human
application of normative stereotypes to diverse beliefs, achieve measurable clinical results. Such models of
engagement and cooperation patterns of acting, and systems of meaning. Sensing the care,64 which increasingly conceptualise doctors as
presence of a shared value relates little or not at all to how health-care vendors, only succeed when goals set by
a member of a society might or might not respond to that managers and administrators are similar to those of
value. Cultural competence courses can as much patients. However, they will not solve issues generated
inadvertently strengthen culturally associated stereotypes by deep social difference.
that physicians hold about patients, thereby making it Rigid conduits for giving care in which doctors invariably
more difficult for doctors to perceive their own biases and emerge as non-patient-oriented replace personal
relationships and clinical freedom. Mid-career dis- takes time, trust, and patience—therapeutic time for both
satisfaction and depression are common in health-care patients and doctors, but also for managerial overseers who
workers as patient distrust of providers grows.95 Care otherwise haunt clinical encounters, leaving caregivers and
recipients increasingly perceive novel patient patients fearful, if not depressed. In this regard, the system
empowerment programmes as attempts to devolve needs to change, as health-care administrators and policy
responsibilities from caregivers to the patients themselves. makers are in much need of critical study. Such large-scale
For example, packaged service programmes can widen difficulties in the culture of care are not easily addressed,
gaps for those who cannot access them, leaving the poor and new approaches to teaching competence in medical
to be blamed while the wealthy are treated as consumers schools therefore vary substantially.50,101,102
with assets to spend. In HIV public health messages, for To rethink cultural competence is a challenge. Cultural
instance, patients in high-income countries are repeatedly competence is caring competence. Not only does it
informed that their infections are manageable and that include an awareness of diverse patient needs, it also
they are healthier than they might think; whereas demands some awareness of medicine’s own cultural
campaigns in low-income countries barrage the so-called practices, including its prejudices, assumptions, and
uninformed patients with messages about how they are institutional values. Those professionals who are at odds
less healthy than they could possibly imagine.96 with such hierarchies often find their motives questioned.
Under such circumstances, what can students be Rural primary care doctors, who openly acknowledge the
taught? In the worst cases, they are taught that patients importance of social work, regularly complain that their
will agree if doctors speak positively, look the patient in treatment strategies are perceived as time-wasting and
the eye, and exude whatever warmth and closeness might second-class by hospital-based colleagues.103,104 Nursing
be needed to cajole patients into following therapeutic has become so undesirably subservient that some
instructions. Although such enforced behaviours might countries cannot survive without a massive influx of
sway patients under specific clinical circumstances, they immigrant caregivers into their workforces. Even the
do not show clinicians how patients will behave outside invention of family practitioner subspecialties has not
of the clinic. And while patient–doctor interactive helped,105–107 frequently leaving family practitioners to be
training can produce an immediate expression of lumped in with countercultural or other forms of
compliance on the part of patients in doctors’ offices, so-called alternative medicine.108
doubts about treatment effectiveness can re-emerge soon In short, cultural competence is the tail end of a much
after patients leave the clinic. Polite patients who go on to bigger issue involving professional prestige hierarchies, a
ignore the agreement that the physician thought had scarcity of education, and basic cultural ignorance on the
been established in the clinical encounter are later part of medical educators. If medical schools need to
labelled as non-compliant, when in fact the physician make ends meet by indirect revenues on grants and
mistakenly thought he or she had convinced the patient profit-making clinical services, and by a dependency on
to follow his or her instructions. Such misunderstandings philanthropy, why should they be focused on education,
do little but reinforce sociocultural stereotypes.97 health promotion, or a curiosity about the great unknown
Although humanitarian concerns might, then, drive that other viewpoints represent?109 Cultural awareness
competence training, compliance issues are sometimes and competence should not be a secondary concern for
viewed as a managerial annoyance. health-care trainees, but an essential element of training
However, active patient and user engagement improve and research into training—something fully and centrally
care when other compliance and adherence strategies supported as an educational and research priority.
fail.98,99 For this reason, social encounters cannot be Medical training institutions need to change if they are
wholly replaced by technical innovations because in the to promote clinical competence. Not only should
best cases, student health providers (doctors, nurses, administrators and training staff become more aware of
midwives, and therapists) learn that therapeutic en- their own cultural practices, but they should take culture
counters are events in which outcomes can be improved more seriously than whatever subspecialties are presently
by genuine care. They also learn that respect and esteem drawing the most attention of those in training.
are key factors to assist patients in discovering new Moreover, they should show clear evidence that such
meaning through the suffering that illness creates. Much initiatives are substantive and genuinely supported by
of social science has devoted itself to showing how new training staff. Training institutions should stand up for
kinds of meaning can be created when patients and the rights of future caregivers to learn and implement
carers work together and are mutually respectful.100 new ways to provide care through training that is
In view of the brevity of competence training and the extended and exploratory. If professional schools object
limitations placed on health-care providers, one might on the grounds that students already have far too
reasonably ask whether a little knowledge is a dangerous much basic science knowledge to absorb, then new
thing. This difficulty is compounded by short-term care-mediating professions should emerge on an equal
managerial demands for outputs, creating little time for footing in terms of academic status and financial
cultures of care to emerge. To unpack such goal tending remuneration.
Culture, inequality, and health-care delivery salient within broad populations as a result of cultural
Dynamic inequalities values. Broad cultural attitudes can vary over time and
Societies and groups (cultural, political, or professional) place, just as social determinants of health can vary
are built on consensus and conventional, often taken from culture to culture.
for granted, practices. These groups can become The ancient practice of understanding oneself by
vulnerable in periods of great change and when exposed differencing ourselves from others is, in part, what
to external and internal stressors. Especially in unstable makes people social and enables local alliances to
times, groups tend to focus on social and cultural emerge.113 When societies are stable or moving towards
differences rather than similarities.110–112 Although the stability, they are naturally less concerned about what
views of individuals within societies, and the practices they perceive to be outside influences.114–116 However,
of those individuals that are based on diverse views, can assimilation of those perceived to be outsiders (however
vary widely, generalisations about perceptions of one might define them) becomes difficult in moments of
wellbeing can be measured collectively and become political instability, social insecurity, and crisis.117–122
Americans who once invited in the tired and poor might
attempt to ring-fence themselves after 9/11, and in the
Panel 3: Multiculturalism and the limits of governance UK, Prime Minister David Cameron might even proclaim
that “multiculturalism has failed”, asking in turn that
In May, 2012, a regional court in Cologne in Germany defined male circumcision on
physicians become gatekeepers for the identification of
religious grounds and without medical indication or legally valid consent of the
irregular migrants1.
circumcised as bodily harm and thus liable to prosecution.123 The ruling outlawed a
Indeed, exclusion of outsiders in moments of perceived
religious ritual central to Jewish and Muslim faith communities on the grounds that
duress is not limited to nations and majority groups—the
state law needed to protect the basic right of children to physical integrity. By doing so,
same tendency to discriminate is equally evident when
the Cologne court made a continuation of Jewish and Muslim religious life impossible.
health-care workers discriminate against other kinds of
In the ensuing debate, health-care professionals argued both for and against the ruling. health work as less important; when health authorities
Mathias Franz (University of Düsseldorf, Germany) claimed that the damage inflicted on the perceive non-biological interventions as expendable; and
body and the long-term psychotraumatic effects of circumcision outweighed their religious when advocates of global health criticise local practices as
significance. The German Academy for Paediatrics avoided a clear statement, but pleaded in insufficient or unprofessional. To perceive different
favour of new legal provisions respecting both a child’s physical integrity and the religious cultural practices as sources of trouble occurs especially
sensitivities of their parents. The highly respected Deutscher Ethikrat, a committee advising when those who represent dominant forms of care
parliament on medical ethics, was unable to reach an agreement on how to reconcile provision feel threatened and vulnerable. In these
religious freedom with protection of children from religiously motivated surgical practices. circumstances, the biomedical validity of other cultural
Beyond the importance of male circumcision to both faith communities, the fact that practices (and notions of health and wellbeing) can be
Germany would have been the first and only nation in the world to outlaw the practice challenged outright (panel 3).
weighed heavily in the debate on the fault lines of religious commitment and cultures of However, although contemporary biomedicine is
care. An all-party committee in the German parliament developed legislation, passed with quick to see itself as universal,126 in some countries as
an overwhelming majority on Dec 12, 2012, that legally protects male circumcision on much as 85% of a population self-medicates without
religious grounds, introducing basic medical requirements for the procedure. the benefit of biomedical care—ie, do not participate
directly on a daily basis in worldwide biomedical
Courts worldwide have studiously avoided adopting the term male genital mutilation in
culture and the professional networks of biomedical
an effort not to confuse the practice with the more debilitating forms of female
practitioners.127 Indeed, most people choose their own
circumcision (now universally called female genital mutilation), which have affected the
forms of medical treatments because biomedical
lives of roughly 125 million women worldwide,124 and have been condemned by many
provision is absent.128,129 Although this majority might
Islamic legal bodies, WHO, the World Conference on Human Rights, and the UN. In fact,
rely on local, indigenous remedies, inauthentic and
female circumcision has been outlawed in most countries.
out-of-date pharmaceuticals, or products and inter-
Many followers of the debate believed that the German reversal on similar grounds was mainly ventions that have unknown effects, it nonetheless can
a function of the country’s historical need to honour Jewish identity practices, rather than the be made up of individuals who have strong views about
fact that to make male circumcision illegal did more harm than good, or that most German wellbeing and health. The idea that biomedicine is able
citizens strongly support the need to protect the basic right of children to physical integrity. By to address the ills of the world is therefore a
contrast, circumcision is promoted in the USA on the grounds that it might prevent HIV. fundamentally cultural notion. An understanding,
When does the human right to physical integrity give way to cultural or religious values, then, of how culture plays out in disadvantaged societies
or a perceived health advantage? More troubling still, why has legal protection for and groups can enable people to go beyond simplistic
females been so universally adopted despite actual practice, whereas the male right not to arguments that focus exclusively on the benefits of
have surgery exists virtually nowhere and has now been legally removed in at least one worldwide financial equality, while also holding impor-
otherwise progressive political environment? Why has the practice for females continued tant answers to overwhelming health-care delivery
in so many countries where governments have felt the need to outlaw it but have done challenges (panel 4).
little or nothing to prevent it?125 In a healthy society, both outsiders and upwardly
mobile professional achievers can nourish, inform, and
reshape conventional practices; in stable times, a society becomes increasingly unattractive and career prospects
can withstand people who put themselves forward to diminish as career challenges increase in disciplines of
represent its needs in universities, medical schools, and care now deemed less promising.
positions of political authority. However, in moments of This focus on upward professional mobility has
cultural insecurity, many citizens will fear both new- implications on the ground—ie, at the level of basic
comers and the upwardly mobile who could come to be primary care. First, people who lack influence in
seen as asking more from people in need than they health-care provision are not heard. Second, health-care
believe that they can give. Under such conditions, a professionals who do choose to work in places of high
group’s altruism is seriously jeopardised by its own social need and less prestige increasingly pay for that choice in
insecurity. Here, both caregivers and educators might terms of status and economic reward. And finally, as
find themselves targets of resentment. When a society upwardly mobile health-care workers—be they doctors,
becomes unstable, people who seek out advancement educators, researchers, or medical anthropologists—
and prestige—especially in education and in health—can succeed, they might be thought of as doing so at the
be perceived to have placed themselves above a expense of those they purport to represent, participating
widespread disillusionment. as much in a society’s inequalities of achievement as
Likewise, although individual views of trust vary changing them.
substantially in any society, broad measurement of trust
is possible. Politicians are the least trusted people in Sick societies
many settings, but not in all cultures. Social pressures, In the Problems of the World,132 the UN summed up the
and pressures from outside in particular, can be felt worldwide price of modernity. Asked to provide single
collectively and give way to collective action that would words that corresponded to the difficulties characteristic
be deemed unacceptable in other times and places. of various societal domains, respondents painted a sorry
When a society is under pressure, it might not be capable picture. For “culture”, the response was “rootless”; for
of producing the trust needed to tolerate the difference “politics”, “powerless”; for “economics”, both “jobless”
that outsiders represent, or even the insiders who and “ruthless”; and for the “environment”, “futureless”.
challenge notions of social and economic class through
their career and life choices. At the level of culture and
health, the tendency is logical: when groups find Panel 4: Masking biomedicine
themselves in flux and unstable, the less fortunate are
The fact that between 85% and 90% of citizens self-medicate even in countries claiming
often not met with empathy, but with impatience and
widespread primary care provision130 means that what appears to constitute a system of
disregard. Simultaneously, the personal gains of the
organised biomedical care could well mask both an absence of regulation and a workforce
upwardly mobile are, by the less advantaged, easily
of caregivers who remain almost wholly untrained.
confused with alien values, and criticised as such.
Especially in contemporary biomedicine, career choices For example, findings from a study131 in rural Madhya Pradesh, India, show that 67% of
have immediate effects not only on the lives of individuals health-care providers have no medical qualification whatsoever and, perhaps worse,
making them, but also on those being cared for, and on adherence to checklists and related best practices differs little between trained and
society in general. For example, in a long-term study104 of untrained doctors. The nature and scope of the issue suggest that merely arguing for
more than 240 rural primary care doctors in North more medical providers is inappropriate. Although 70% of rural primary care visits are
America, physicians reported spending up to 60% of their carried out by providers that have no formal training (15-times as many providers have
professional time providing non-biomedical attention to no qualifications as those who do), training is not even correlated with higher-quality
patients. These physicians thought that such caring was care. Findings from the study, in fact, showed no meaningful variation between the
an important aspect of clinical care. Indeed, they openly ability of trained and untrained health-care workers to provide an accurate diagnosis or
resented being treated as less competent by hospital-based correct treatment.
and university-based specialists, including not only their The assumption that quality of care in rural India is, therefore, higher for trained doctors
supposedly more highly trained peers with greater should be openly questioned so that, at the very least, the culture of primary care in India
authoritative voice and professional status, but also health focuses more on the training and practice of caring than on the availability of expensive
administrators who punished them financially for drugs and equipment.131 Findings from this study call for a much broader debate125 and
spending too much time on so-called social welfare. beg a fundamental moral question: should systems of care be promoted that cannot be
More research is therefore needed to assess the effect implemented or sustained? Furthermore, is self-reporting on the presence or absence of
of educating health-care professionals to believe that primary care an adequate means of assessing levels of care provision? Is it morally
their best opportunities are at prestigious centres of acceptable to expect countries with limited health infrastructure to adopt systems that
excellence. In socially and financially unstable times, few are not only unworkable, but that also hide the depths of destitution into which so much
health-care workers believe that they have the luxury to of the world has fallen? Should WHO reassess standards of health so as to take account of
be working in remote rural areas, with the dispossessed the worldwide absence of clinical competency? How can we work openly to achieve the
and poor, or even with elderly people who can seem eight Millennium Development Goals if some of the data for care provision used to assess
demanding and burdensome. Away from the bright benchmarks do not take into account an assessment of levels of competency?
lights of world-class research institutions, caring
Health care has, in many countries, become big business, favour of centres of excellence (and the countries and
especially when this business sees bodies as commodities societies that have created them) should be replaced by
to be exchanged and bartered in all of their parts143 new models of excellence, and especially by training
(panel 6). programmes that value communities and their local
In short, no trust in government—so-called big needs. New forms of community health intervention
society—is possible with the continuing erosion of should be created on par with clinical medicine—new
local, personal, and sociocultural needs in favour of life forms of caregiving that nourish local systems of value.
under the brighter lights of urban, national, and Therefore, in addition to measurement of socioeconomic
worldwide stages. The issue here is the dissolution of determinants of health, cultural determinants of health
the welfare state and the damaging effects of present should also be examined and better understood so that
neoliberal thinking about health and wellbeing. Also at resources can be effectively allocated.
risk are nations whose human resources in health care
and other sectors are eroded or destroyed by an almost Structural violence
ceaseless draining of skills and services. Large-scale If the cultural determinants of health are ignored, hidden
migration now occurs by people seeking specialised aspects of social inequality will be missed. Because when
health care.147,148 Abandonment of local health needs in inequality can be latently embedded in institutions and
social relationships, its damaging effects often go Problems with the structural violence model
unchecked. Social scientists use the term structural The root cultural determinants of inequality often remain
violence to describe the link between unequal social hidden if suffering is seen mainly as a moral hurdle (eg,
structures and actual harm to individuals. Much work on unaddressed poverty), or when disease is compounded
structural violence focuses, as a result, on how poverty, by the effect of “multiple social stressors (eg, dis-
race, sex, and oppression affect susceptibility to disease. crimination, malnutrition, stigma, lack of access to
Additionally, other broad structural relations become medical treatment)”.158 Everyone lives within hierarchies
equally relevant. Diffuse, dislocating, and destabilising of authority that are, by definition, unequal (eg, doctor
factors (eg, shifting labour needs, climate change, and nurse, or teacher and student), so the question of
overpopulation, and resource scarcities) all supersede whether a structure—as opposed to a person—is capable
and therefore shape the capacity of individuals to control of violence remains moot. A sole focus on structural
their futures.149 inequalities might, moreover, too easily attribute blame
The concept of structural violence is useful in that it to disparity itself. As Wacquant159 said, the difficulty with
draws attention to how social conditions can substantially reducing human strife mainly to structural violence is
limit opportunities and capabilities of individuals, that it:
particularly the less fortunate, explaining in broad terms “conflates fully fledged domination with mere social
why the world’s poor are unfairly burdened by disease disparity and then collapses forms of violence that need
and the absence of wellbeing.23 The concept also shows to be differentiated, such as physical, economic,
the inappropriateness of price-costing human suffering. political, and symbolic variants or those wielded by
As Yong Kim and colleagues150 put it: state, market, and other social entities…Nothing is
gained by lumping under the same heading ‘steep
“because the patients are poor and the treatments grades of social inequality, including racism and gender
expensive, the logic of ‘cost-effectiveness’ had stalled inequality,’ that may operate smoothly with the consent
innovation in treatment and control of HIV and drug- of the subordinate with, say, wife beating and ethnic
resistant strains of TB and malaria…Rather than assume rioting or ‘brute poverty’ with, say, invasion and
a fixed universe of limited resources that makes only the genocidal policies.”159–161
simplest and least expensive interventions possible in
poor countries, we must search for a more appropriate Furthermore, to call attention to inequality and
share of rapidly expanding global resources…Any
legislate to ameliorate it are entirely different things.
barriers that currently exist to comprehensive global TB
control, either in the minds of policy makers or in the Often, attempts to legislate equality have not worked
‘real world’, must be brought down.”150,151 well. More than 30 years ago, Littlewood and
Lipsedge,87 for instance, reported on longstanding
If policies are guided solely by the perception that inequalities in psychiatric treatment of blacks (African
financial resources limit what is feasible, disease burdens and Caribbean) in the UK. Why do racial minorities
will grow alarmingly and disproportionately. Multi- (and especially so-called Afro-Caribbean groups) in
resistant bacteria, diabetes, and dengue provide clear Britain have much higher prevalences of diagnosed
examples of how prioritisation of immediate need leads mental illness than the general population? Why are
to an absence of public health foresight, focusing on these prevalences so much higher in migrant
short-term gains while long-term health burdens grow communities than they are in these groups’ comm-
logarithmically and disadvantage people structurally less unities of origin? Does the act of living in a different
positioned to transcend oppression. The goal of focusing country create mental illness (structural violence in
on structural violence, then, is to address long-term the community), or is the trend to overdiagnose a
debilitating circumstances by exposing hidden obstacles physician’s concern (the result of latent racism
to increased health equity,23,152,153 revealing how even embedded in clinical practice)?
clinicians, biomedical researchers, and policy makers What has happened during the subsequent 30 years?
can become culturally blinded to the complex social Despite this longstanding awareness and many
structures that shape the burden of disease. regulations, discrimination remains almost unchecked.
Ideally, policies that redistribute public funds and Blacks outnumber other racial groups by as much as 3:1
wealth154–156 can directly affect local health outcomes, in some UK psychiatric intensive care units.162 Similar
allowing local ethnographic research to inform better findings from a study of life expectancy of black
practices, and improving delivery structures that take Americans showed that racial disparities in the delivery
account of both local and global health priorities.157 of heath care have not decreased substantially, leaving
Manderson and colleagues157 put this succinctly: “a social them to live, on average, 6 years less than white
science perspective on diseases of poverty is critical to Americans.163
ensure that equity remains an underlying principle in Decades of work have “documented that whether
policy development, research, advocacy/dialogue, legis- bounded by ethnic or racial identities, immigrant status,
lation, resource allocation, planning, implementation, English language fluency, educational attainment, poverty,
and monitoring of programs and projects”. low socioeconomic status, or urban/rural residence,
minorities and the poor receive less care and poorer quality regarded those who defended or promoted structures
care than their middle class and educated compatriots”.163 that systematically worked to their advantage and to the
Type 2 diabetes is so common in indigenous communities disadvantage of others as murderers (eg, for Engels, the
(more than 50% of men older than 50 years of age for Manchester factory owner murdered his employees by
some Native American groups) that local leaders openly exploiting them to the point of making them sick and so
describe the sequestration of indigenous people into shortening their lives).171 This kind of structural violence
reservation social housing as a form of cultural genocide. is not as controversial if acknowledged in the past or in
In the Pacific Island Countries and Territories, the situation distant places. However, it clearly applies no less to
is particularly worrying, especially when considered contemporary financial, business, political, and other
against the background of groups in which this illness was elites than it did to Engels’ factory owners.
once virtually unknown164 (panel 7). To put this point another way, people’s lives are
Although measurement of differences in treatment structured by social mechanisms that they are often
according to race is still important, the effects of largely unable to affect, the elucidation of which is
interventions need to be gauged as they relate to the opposed by the advantaged.23 Caste, class, status, sex,
ability of people being treated to make their own ethnic group, age, and gender preference are all
decisions. “Unless differences in medical care examples where hiding difference also involves hiding
according to race reflect the quality of care and inequality. In India, the so-called Scheduled Castes (or
meaningfully affect patients’ survival or quality of life, Untouchables) who make up about 15% of the pop-
the existence of racial disparities will remain of far ulation continue to be subjected to systematic structural
greater interest to social scientists than to policy makers violence,172 despite the fact that the Indian constitution
and physicians.”167 If freedom to make decisions is explicitly prohibits discrimination based on the now-
limited by race, then racial disparities should first be abolished caste system. For example, findings from a
addressed and controlled for before disease can be field study showed that 10 years after the reforms began
examined racially. In too many instances, racial factors in 1951, only 6% of formerly Untouchable families had
are assumed relevant to disease without controlling for been able to purchase land compared with 55% of high-
social inequality and its effects on an individual’s caste Hindus and 66% of intermediate-caste Hindus
capability and opportunity. and Muslims.173
Despite debate about their meanings and relation to Libertarians often argue that agency is available to
one another, the ideas of agency and social structure are all—a thing we earn through hard work—and some
still used in many disciplines to highlight the relation
between individual decisions and a person’s sense of
what is feasible. At an individual level, obtaining and Panel 7: Cultural genocide of indigenous groups
maintaining a minimum degree of agency—that is, an
individual’s capacity to act on the world—might, in fact, Samoan Airlines has announced that it will introduce extra-wide seats to
be as or more important than relative status in any given accommodate the increasing need for such seating by obese passengers.165
society because perceptions of inequality are always Three-quarters of deaths in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories are caused by
relative and, in unstable contexts, exaggerated in non-communicable diseases.166 According to a WHO report,166 60–90% of people aged
unexpected ways. Many social scientists agree, therefore, 25–64 years are overweight in some regions of the Pacific, where diabetes occurs in up
that if the aim is to grant every human being a sense of to 40% of some populations. Although genetics are important, much of the
agency, then the expression and exercise of will needs disproportionate non-communicable disease burden of Pacific Island people is the
always to be locally contextualised. After all, people will outcome of cultural disadvantage. Although high rates of non-insulin-dependent
often use their their own agency to deny themselves what diabetes would suggest genetic susceptibility, diabetes prevalence seems more directly
is otherwise accessible (food, water, and protection from connected to rapid lifestyle changes associated with westernisation and the availability
the elements) when they put aside their own needs in of inexpensive, high-energy, low-nutrition foods.167
favour of those of their families and friends. Populations and local cultures evolve symbiotically with their environments. If, for
Agency is inevitably structured, although not always example, Amazonians die from the common cold because they have not evolved
structurally established. People’s everyday lives and the symbiotically with a foreign pathogen, social non-adaptation should not be attributed to
restrictions on their decision making are, in part, shaped genetic reasons in the absence of other biological explanations. When cultural
for them by external and internal structures. explanations provide adequate answers that far outstretch the capacity of biological
Because structures can remain hidden (eg, when sciences to offer useful reasoning, ignoring both the limits of scientific explanations and
culturally driven ideas are assumed within a group the usefulness of cultural ones would surely be unwise.
holding them to be universal, or when people working to The physical condition of a culture a century ago now thought to be genetically disposed
abate inequality themselves subscribe to their own to type 2 diabetes shows how our own prejudices about science outstrip our willingness
prestige hierarchies), education should be the means to to see clear evidence. In what sense are genetic dispositions relevant when we consider
increase awareness of those structures and their effects. the degree to which this biologically non-communicable disease is wholly communicable
Pioneer 19th-century thinkers about health and its at the level of culture?168
maldistribution, such as Engels169 and Virchow,170
religions (eg, strict Calvinism) might even posit that artifact and outcome of cultural practices. Saying that
personal gain is a sign of God’s grace. At the same time, medical practices are cultural, however, does not mean
human beings have always been able to harm one that they are no less real. Because culture and value
another—not only through conflict or open war— are—anthropologically speaking—wholly inseparable,
which is why rights organisations (eg, Amnesty this fact should be acknowledged. Otherwise, members
International) so often focus on the absence of of any society fail to see how we apply equality in one
individual agency. setting (eg, our views of democracy) and thrive on
However, cultures can also lack agency, and when they inequality in another (eg, when one personally strives
do, they are called fourth-world cultures to distinguish for excellence in the face of mediocrity). The issue,
them not only as economically disadvantaged members therefore, is not inequality, but how agency and
of the third world, but also as socially disadvantaged for advantage is described and understood when managing
being denied basic agency. Organisations such as the unequal opportunities that disadvantage others.
Cultural Survival and Survival International exist Although awareness of the cultural dimensions of one’s
specifically to draw attention to the absence of agency in own practices and values is difficult, culture mediates
many cultures (panel 8). between agency and the structures that provide or limit
Recognition of who does and does not have agency wellbeing, healing, and health. To the extent that tension
means recognition that advocates, by definition, have it. exists between the structurally advantaged and dis-
Recognition that structural violence is an effect of our advantaged, culture provides pertinent sites and relevant
blindness to inequality in all its forms at least sensitises narratives for contestation of human values. Any social
people to the need for humility when they have privilege, debate about a government’s responsibility for health care
and the importance of cultural trust when they do not. As will, for example, show not only what is being contested,
Albert Einstein said: “strive not to be a success, but rather but also the limits of what is contestable.112 Because our
to be of value”. values are measured against cultural practices that we
believe ourselves to share or not share with others, an
Transformation of economies of health understanding of the cultural dimensions of our own
In that cultures are “conventional understandings, practices becomes just as important as those of others.
manifest in act and artefact”,4 global health priorities are We believe that this observation is crucial to health
also cultural because biomedical knowledge is itself an because it emphasises the cultural dimensions of shared
moral choices. We do not mean that morality is relative,
but that it is always expressed in relative terms. Cultural
Panel 8: Agency and fourth-world cultures
systems of value are not wholly abstract. They consist of
‘Fourth-world’ cultures include traditional societies whose human rights are at risk because functional ideologies that have moral consequences,
their ways of living may differ from those of dominant populations or nations within whose especially when otherwise inalienable rights become
borders they reside—say, Jews in Europe before World War II, or tribal groups in many parts negotiable.
of Amazonia—but the term also may be used to describe members of indigenous groups For example, in his work on French asylum policies
who are unfairly used in double-blind clinical trials, or who do not sufficiently understand and immigration, Didier Fassin122 described precisely this
the nature of experiments conducted on them to provide genuine informed consent. moral variation—how the lives and suffering of others
are variably governed and altered by tensions over time
The term ‘fourth-world’ refers therefore to any disenfranchised groups that lack agency.
between repression and compassion. “Why”, he asks,
Even subpopulations can be reduced to fourth-world status when social infrastructures
should there remain “in societies hostile to immigrants
deteriorate. Hurricane Katrina, for example, made clear that once human agency is lost,
and lacking in concern for undesirable others…a sense of
people can no longer empower themselves. After all, members of poor communities
common humanity collectively expressed through
cannot advocate for services when the level of social capital necessary to get a so-called
attention paid to human needs and suffering?”
needs designation—a formal petition for help—does not exist.
How does a moral economy transform? Does variation
Viewed this way, health rights apply to cultures as well as individuals. When fourth-world in a moral economy also produce, over time, a kind of
people are thus disadvantaged, they might not only lack agency, they might also be moral epidemiology? Although the term used in this
unknowingly victimised. Many clinical trials, for instance, are done in isolated groups that sense is ours, not Fassin’s, it does capture a crucial point
are thought to provide genetically pure samples.174 Therefore, when data (blood samples, in his work. This point is that it is much easier to claim
DNA, or experimental cell lines) are collected from such groups, the question of who owns the moral high ground from the vantage of
that biological and intellectual property can be hotly contested. Indeed, one of the most socioeconomic and hegemonic stability and privilege
important public debates about indigenous rights focused specifically on the possible than to acknowledge how humanitarian societies can
abuse of rights of a certain culture versus the possible benefits gained from its indigenous become less humanitarian in the face of social stress.
biological knowledge by scientists.175 Here, the question of agency becomes crucial to Attention to welfare and wellbeing is sadly negotiable,
understanding the extent to which the right to self-determination can exist for groups. even in states where the rights to health have been
Who does and does not have agency extends not just to the right to individual self- foundational.
determination, but also to the recognition that groups also can have or lack agency. Does a stated concern with structural violence, then,
present an incomplete picture of the actual needs of
the socially disadvantaged? Writing on the state of equal—must become a priority when care providers
refugees in contemporary France, Fassin cites a address the most fundamental challenges in care
startling disjunction between humanitarian law and delivery. Otherwise, the desire to be fair in management
actual practice: of human adversity will remain unfulfilled.
“In 2004, with 58,550 applications submitted, France
became the industrialized country with the highest Techniques of erasure
recorded number of requests for asylum, ahead of the Michel Foucault178 argued that confinement of prisoners
United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, was dehumanising not merely because containment
which until then had been the top three countries for itself is painful. In extreme forms of confinement,
refugees. Yet, in the same year, the rate of acceptance of prisoners lack the ability to make the most basic eye-to-
applications…reached its lowest level at 9·3%. Thus, if eye social agreements with those who imprison them.
we count not the applications submitted but the actually
granted refugee status, France…was far behind not only His concern has direct implications for what a focus on
Pakistan, Iran, Tanzania, and Chad…but also Germany, structural violence can miss—namely, the effects of
the United States, and the United Kingdom.”122 erasure of other forms of meaning, and the assumptions
that carers make regarding what constitutes a cure.179 As
Fassin is acerbic in his criticism: “as with other Laurence Kirmayer writes:
nations, France is more generous the less it has to bear “for those others who come from far away, and especially
the cost of its generosity”.122 Here, Bourdieu’s idea of for those escaping extremes of chaos and violence,
symbolic violence moves the discussion beyond experience is hard to come by and harder to convey. Symbolic violence
inequality to a consideration of how violence inadvert- There may be elements of the random and arbitrary that is defined as socially dominant
fall outside the possibility of any conventional account, forms of persuasion and coercion
ently occurs when disadvantaged people are wholly that occur without the use of
disempowered. Allowing for variation in both degrees and challenge our need for order and explanation.”142
physical force
and forms of agency, Bourdieu176 shows how an
individual’s so-called habitus, or mindset, extends to or Kirmayer’s point is not that cultural awareness might
limits the predisposition to act—how violence, therefore, be unachievable, but rather that what people find credible
takes place, even if passively. in stories of suffering is defined for them by personal
This understanding—how self-motivating and values that are never neutral. To provide a proper
self-sanctioning behaviours move human action for assessment of suffering, practitioners should come to
some, and limit it for others—has implications for health understand that sufferers of intense structural and
care and behaviour beyond the material resources political violence are often not going to follow convention
available to people. The assumption that individuals are by providing emotionally moving illness narratives that
always moved by self-interest is itself a cultural prejudice fulfil the expectations of their advocates.179,180 For some
that is overturned each time a human being makes a well-intentioned therapists, attempts to evoke deep mean-
sacrifice for someone else. It also affects attitudes towards ing can often be met with silence.181 Time and again,
distribution and redistribution of resources and an silence—what cannot be said in clinical settings—reveals
individual’s ability and willingness to have an effect on much about the limits of social engagement in moments
local circumstances. In Buddhism, for instance, the worst of extreme suffering.
acts of evil are not those committed by criminals as such, Eliciting clinical responses, therefore, should be
but by those who have had the privilege of learning and tempered by an awareness of what cannot be said. Even
now use that knowledge inappropriately. Knowledge the most sensitive care providers might not only miss
comes of experience, and suffering can not only have what is culturally important,64 but, in favouring some
meaning, but also provide enlightenment.177 Such a view forms of empathic narrative, also wholly eliminate
shows that collective suffering—such as that associated alternative idioms (behaviours at home, at work, and in
with, for example, the killing fields of Cambodia, Sri moments of heightened ritual engagement) that help
Lanka, Indonesia, and, most recently, Burma—can also the patient to make themselves better. If carers cannot
heal when it is acknowledged. become aware of how another’s normality can be
Inequality, then, is only one (even if the most medicalised by their own prejudices—ie, acknowledge
fundamental) part of what limits the capacity of people to their own cultural dispositions—they will surely not
control their futures. Identification of socioeconomic see which of those dispositions are helpful or
inequalities is important. However, inequalities are damaging.78
relative and are not purely financial and economic. Such erasure of an individual’s personal and cultural
Cultural systems of value affect local and worldwide context of meaning is evidenced in the long-term effects of
inequalities in much more subtle and complex ways than short-term clinical priorities, especially when exchange
are often immediately apparent. Care providers, between carer and patient is minimised. When people
therefore, need to be diligent in recognising how and overdetermine, confine, or reduce care practices, they not
when they participate in discriminatory practices. only limit expression of other voices; they also eliminate
Cultural equality—treating others as different but their own ability to recognise when they have done so. In
the UK, for instance, a much applauded 2010 NHS survey182 embedded, research should identify not only how vuln-
of quality of care for antenatal maternity services improved erability is measured, but also how the voices of the
provider–patient communication by increased use of vulnerable are inadvertently eliminated.
online advice and related information services; however, People of marginal social status risk being culturally
the response rate was only just higher than 50%. under-represented.184 Norms can be internalised, allowing
Almost 50% of voices were therefore not heard, and so-called enacted stigma (shaming) and enacted deviance
those who customarily fall through the net in antenatal (blaming) to be displaced or complemented by felt stigma
(as in any other medical) care were over-represented in (self-shaming and a fear of being shamed) and felt
the voiceless group. The views of those not represented deviance (self-blaming and a fear of being blamed).
are impossible to know; but not being represented Although enacted stigma and deviance can and often do
more or less defines a key dimension of being control and govern people with less voice,185 felt stigma
vulnerable. As many vulnerability assessments stress, and deviance can be forms of social control in which
those who fall through the net are always invisible people police themselves. Personal responsibility to
when results are based on research participation. monitor one’s risk behaviours includes, by definition,
Motivation, capability, and opportunity might be some submission to one’s own behavioural
buzzwords of behaviour change, but they also hold true conditioning,186–189 a colonisation by care providers,
for individuals’ complete disengagement with services managers, and insurers of the patient’s life and, by
(and their inability to fill out a maternity services implication, a form of communication that is largely one
survey). The experiences and opinions of those more, way.190 Self-monitoring is necessary for health
and perhaps most, vulnerable were precisely those maintenance, but chronic stigma can lead to a sense that
voices that remained unheard. one is never actually well.
The issue of widening health disparities can remain,
therefore, even in the face of apparently high levels of Rethinking cultures of care
satisfaction. As shown by some hospitals reporting high Culture and knowledge
proportions of births from women born outside the UK (as Health outcomes can be improved and money saved if
high as 76·4% in Newham Trust),182 false reliance on data caregivers are allowed time to engage with patients and
can not only warp views of the effectiveness of care, but help patients integrate into care communities. Why
also directly erase the very people whose views such have more resources not been invested worldwide to
monitoring procedures were put in place to protect. How support development of integrated communities of
can carers know what they are missing if they position care that bridge the gap between biomedical settings
themselves only to listen to what they are prepared to hear? and the diverse needs of multicultural groups? One
As ethnographers know better than statisticians, you reason is that increased medicalisation of clinical care
cannot measure what you cannot evidence—the empty throughout the 20th century has limited the role of
survey form that comes back to school in the backpack of empathy in health care. An implicit assumption within
the same vulnerable child it went home with cannot biomedicine, therefore, needs challenging—namely,
inform; but the study that it is a part of can mislead. that doctors have knowledge, and patients have beliefs.
Emphasis on data more than basic human interaction—at Patients are, of course, implicitly and sometimes
home, with neighbours, or in clinics—contributes not explicitly held responsible for corrupting medical
only to devaluation of personal meaning, but also to knowledge (as when they are blamed for not following
widening of health disparities. When once-informative instructions). When societies reframe, translate, or
personal engagements are limited or eliminated, meth- merely do not or cannot participate in medical science,
ods emerge that sometimes only favour those who make patients may also be unduly blamed. Those vulnerable
and use them. In rural USA, communities too poor to to being blamed make up most of the world’s citizenry
recruit the necessary social capital to be designated as for whom biomedical care is either unaffordable or
physician shortage areas not only are not helped, but are unavailable—people who depend on human care for
also wholly erased.183 Obvious conditions of inequality health, instead of on health care per se. At stake are not
are, here, not only hidden; they emerge with a wholly only biomedical needs, but also the status of rational
wrong meaning. knowledge systems compared with beliefs held by
Information systems (eg, online appointment and patients.191,192 This potential for blame itself constitutes a
treatment management programmes) establish non- true source of symbolic violence.
negotiable terms through which a patient’s wellbeing Yet, social scientists have established a framework and
must be negotiated. At the same time, the easy flow of body of knowledge through which biomedical claims are
information shifts responsibility for care from the also shown to be shaped by a range of political, economic,
caregiver to the individual, who can now be blamed for and cultural forces.46,126,193,194 Evidence-based medicine and
not accessing what is on offer even if he or she might be practice are not wholly neutral, objective bodies of
incapable of participating in such processes. To under- knowledge. They are products of specific contexts, and
stand how violence is overtly expressed and covertly anchored within specific historical frameworks, just as
beliefs and practices are embedded within traditional Substantial research into building health communities
worldviews.77,85,195 has been carried out, not least into the circumstances that
Vested interests—including those of the gave rise to the world’s single largest health-care provider,
pharmaceutical industry and scientific laboratories, the UK’s NHS. Surprisingly, its origins were neither
and the biomedical status and cultural identities of national nor English. In fact, the basic structure of the
researchers and their institutions—establish research NHS was adopted in 1948 from a plan begun in Scotland
questions, study design, sampling techniques, research in 1913 (and set out formally in 1936) to attend to the
instruments, data analyses, and interpretation.196,197 neglected health needs of rural poor in the Scottish
Above all, they not only shape illness categories,198,199 but Highlands and Islands after the longstanding social
also constitute cultural systems of value in themselves. collapse caused by the Highland Clearances of the 18th
They have their own ethics, conflicts of interests, and 19th centuries.83 A system of health care for all was an
dynamics of power, and methods of knowledge innovation that grew from a brutal disaster that led to a
production that can differ substantially from those of regional community health innovation. What made this
other cultures, sets of values, and the community needs plan successful was that it was neither wholly local nor
that they should serve. How community health gets wholly national. It did not force communities to deal on
regenerated in a world of widespread fiscal and their own with the redistribution of scarce national
ideological retrenchment presents, therefore, one of resources—dividing dwindling assets and requiring
the biggest hurdles to contemporary health care. The communities to get on with things. Nor did it expect
constant reminder of what cannot be afforded is members of rural and remote communities to see their
perhaps the greatest obstacle to thinking about what futures as non-local, as dependent on the draw of urban
is possible. areas where better services and opportunities for
advancement would be supported in the name of
Community culture and health excellence.202
When services are reduced or denied on the grounds In fact, the system worked (not only in urban settings,
that they cannot be sustained for whatever reason, but for the most isolated areas of the UK) for three
insecurity is likely to prevail. Tolerance is rarely reasons. First, it embedded and incentivised health-care
sustainable in insecure social settings where consensus, providers sufficiently to enable otherwise fragile
social agreement, and basic trust are put at risk. This communities to re-emerge and survive. Second, it
decreased tolerance is evidenced not only in moments increased the status of rural doctors through its
of extreme social suffering, such as wars and epidemics, inducement practitioners scheme. And third, it enabled
but also when systems of health care are radically re- doctors to become advocates for the communities they
engineered, even in the interest of innovation (eg, when served. These basic strategies should be emulated, and
non-governmental organisations restructure health- resources should be devoted to understand them better.
care delivery in developing countries, or when The designers of the NHS recognised that care is a
politicians enact policies that are designed to transform person-to-person exchange that can be disrupted easily
radically a system of care). Indeed, the cost of innovation when community is eroded or advocates’ loyalties and
can be high because many informal and fragile aspirations are in conflict. For instance, removal of
networks disintegrate when systems of support collapse patients with Alzheimer’s disease from homes to care
or are withdrawn.200 homes shows that disorientation is a risk factor for
The challenge of innovation in cultures of care is, vulnerable people irrespective of health status.203,204
therefore, directly exacerbated by social stress. In times 100 years on, those same Scottish communities still
of stress, the number of people who survive de- consider having a primary care doctor the key to making
stabilisation and successfully transform their practices a community viable.205
and ways of thinking can fall because social stress not As the world becomes less culturally diverse, fewer
only has a direct effect on tolerance to perceived models of caring are available. However, much can be
outsiders. Stress also reduces the actual number of learned from traditional cultures about caring,107 from
caring relationships a person can tolerate.201 Merely traditional institutions about innovation to meet essential
forcing cutbacks to induce innovation is, therefore, needs, and from new institutions of care that emerge
potentially wrong in many ways, as large-scale political around diverse cultural values. How different individuals,
oscillations can introduce change while undoing families, and communities give care should be carefully
outstanding systems of trust. Hence, one important studied.107 For example, all societies need to rethink how
issue with enforced innovation is that it often comes families can make possible more dignified ways of
with ethical and moral costs that are wholly ageing when increased life expectancy changes
unacceptable.200 When systems of care, for whatever populations and social priorities. Furthermore, when
reason, become less stable, the question of how health- necessity demands innovation at the local level, new
care communities—that is, cultures of care—can be ways of caring sometimes emerge that can provide
regenerated becomes crucial. promising solutions to otherwise insurmountable needs
elsewhere, making it possible, at times, to build a difficulty with strategies that rely on private investment
successful health-care system from an idea generated for public wellbeing is that businesses more often fall
locally (panel 9). vulnerable to profiteering. Indeed, they may even at times
However, in multicultural settings, a special need exists be sued by their shareholders if they do not put
to be open to new models of care; a group’s views of what legitimately accrued profit-making ahead of altruism, no
is feasible can often be limited by what it might already matter how seriously they take corporate social
assume to be immutable. If clinical care alone does not responsibility. Although profit can incite productivity, it
sustain health, clinical care embedded in relationships of cannot induce altruism unless the charitable efforts of
social meaning does—that is, not only in community in a business are protected from financially motivated
demographic sense, but as it makes possible face-to-face decision making; competitive gain is never a gain without
consensus on suffering, tolerance, altruism, and another’s loss,201 otherwise gain is not competitive. The
goodwill. Success demands complex social skills that are danger with making health a business is that the financial
not well replaced through technical innovations in gains are potentially infinite, while the losses to wellbeing
communication.208 might prove irreversible.
The first half, therefore, of creating affective Illness needs (what patients need to get better) do not,
communities of care involves gaining an understanding in this sense, lend themselves to simple cost–benefit
of a community’s sense of what is feasible. However, considerations, which is why courts remain so busy
socially generated wellbeing is the other half of clinical dealing with health neglect. If public–private partnerships
care that decides a population’s willingness to shoulder are to serve communities, new ways to establish trust
social burdens and emerge with dignity and respect for need to be developed that are not mediated by financial
having done so. Wellbeing is about sustainability, trust, demands of shareholders or the prestige cultures
and continuity. It is not an indicator to be measured subscribed to by policy makers and global health leaders.
economically, even though some think that public trust is We believe that the trend towards favouring public–
itself measurable.209 Social security cannot be generated private partnerships in care needs to be rethought so that
in the absence of social trust when security is defined the responsibility for health-care needs can be
only as the economic advantage over others. Application reconsidered at the level of social trust.
of business models to health cultures of care is therefore Corporate health culture (in which private companies
difficult and potentially dangerous (panel 9). provide health care for profit) should, then, be required
However, because health businesses often do employ to embrace systems of ownership that do not merely
well-intentioned people, private enterprise can sometimes reward aggressive financial practices at the cost of
provide useful innovations that are in the public interest, altruism. When needs are defined as marketable
as long as they can maintain a strong financial base. provisions, businesses that serve the needy act in
Conflict-free altruism does become possible for predatory ways, which is why the public health goals of
businesses, but mainly when their market shares are some health-care providers can be legitimately
immune to hostile pressures for profit, as when charitable questioned, despite support for care commissions and
trusts own a controlling interest in a company. The other overseeing bodies. Providers need to be careful
about how they harness social capital as a method for
further reductions in support of failing health-delivery
Panel 9: Cultures of care cultures.
In apartheid South Africa, what has come to be known as the As evidenced by the history of the NHS, if
Pholela experiment206 helped establish a model for culturally communities of care are to re-emerge, patients need
sensitive primary care and the idea of cultural competency. advocates—non-conflicted ones—as much as they need
Under the direction of its founders, Sidney and Emily Kark, the drugs. Patients are much more willing to burden their
Pholela Health Center provided integrated community care to suffering when that suffering has shared meaning. For
the poorest Zulu people in the eastern province of Natal this reason, health cannot be separated from culture.
(South Africa). Offering culturally sensitive clinical care and Indeed, health-care provision can only be advanced by a
attending to food, housing, and sanitation, the centre helped reassessment of, and renewed interest in, the role of
generate new interest in social epidemiology and, to an extent, culture in health.
what is now called medical anthropology.207 Pholela also The importance of culture for the future of health care
provided a model for community health centres around the lies not only in policy formation, but also in policy
world. Although the study of alternative ways of caring can implementation.210,211 The activities of those providing
provide new models of how to meet diverse needs, such services have a large effect on delivery.212 Health-care
research can also alert us to new forms of clinical meaning that workers have much control over the allocation of rewards
might have been lost on modern biomedicine. As health care and sanctions; without this discretion, the health-care
and the role of health-care workers is reassessed, potential system would collapse under the weight of its own rigidity.
contributions of other cultures should not be underestimated. This discretion, however, often benefits or harms particular
groups or individuals, and so increases both horizontal
inequality (when neighbours and even family members On the other hand, vulnerability increases exponentially
compete for the same few services) and vertical inequality when family networks and the heritage that they embody
(when inequalities are created by advantages of income or cannot also migrate. This effect needs to be accounted
social class). Overworked, underpaid, and undertrained for, particularly in hyperdiverse environments where
providers can render empty universal political declarations new alliances need to be made rapidly, and where
on the future of health, as shown when so many worldwide individual opportunities emerge at the cost of secure,
health goals are unfulfilled, such as WHO’s Alma Alta extended sociocultural networks. Recruitment of allies in
decree—Health for All by the Year 2000.213 unstable moments is crucial to survival for migrators,
Where are such issues being acknowledged? especially when the behaviours, rituals, and artifacts of
Developments in culturally informed biomedical app- culture disappear. This fact is made clear by the high
roaches, such as the Movement for Global Mental rates of mortality and morbidity attached to those who
Health and the 10/90 gap of the Global Forum of Health migrate into new environments lacking family and
Research (10% of research expenditure on the poorest ethnic ties. Heritage is more than a polite celebration of a
90% of need), show the danger of capitalist societies sense of belonging. As a stabilising device, it provides
and market economies imposing fiscally driven public self-definition and acknowledgment.227,228 Culture
biomedical templates on the understanding and is, in part, heritage because the artifacts (both material
treatment of illness.214 They also show (in their dogmatic and ideological) that constitute culture define an
approach to public–private partnerships) just how individual’s sense of belonging.
culturally driven mainstream ideas are about global Despite the fact that culture is embedded in heritage,
health needs, global health provision, and the concept governments are often unwilling to place a high priority
of global health itself. on heritage (both in the context of the arts and in the
Recognition that different societies and disciplines have sense used in this Commission). In fact, some measures
vastly divergent ways of understanding and measuring of wellbeing entirely omit cultural heritage. One reason
health and illness should be included in medical for this omission is that the social benefits of culture and
education and care provision worldwide.215,216 Likewise, heritage are, by nature, unstated and difficult to quantify.229
work should not be devalued if carried out in locations We believe that this oversight is a mistake with real effects
that are perceived to be less rigorously controlled.217 on the wellbeing of individuals and whole populations.
Researchers and policy makers often fail to prevent Findings from a population study230 in Norway of
assimilation of practices and findings from other more than 50 000 adults, for instance, showed that
countries precisely because their own prejudices and participation in creative cultural activities was associated
practices are largely cultural in nature.107,218–220 Ideas about with good health, satisfaction with life, and low anxiety
suffering and healing need an examination of how and depression, even when the data were adjusted for
knowledge is culturally negotiated in clinical practice.64,221,222 confounding factors. Many other examples show the
Understanding, for example, how non-adherence to effect of engagement with cultural activities on levelling
pharmaceutical therapies is less a function of un- health inequalities.231–233 Continuing health-care reforms
willingness to adhere than of an absence of informed that shift responsibility to local communities will
choice provides just one example of a mistaken change how health-care and social care services are
assumption about clinical behaviour. Until a full analysis delivered in the future.234,235 New models advocate a shift
of caring communities is provided and clinical encounters from cure to prevention, encouraging local communities
are better understood, using exclusively financial models and people to take collective responsibility for their
to scale up service delivery will continue to fail at environments and capacities to affect public health.
providing genuine care.223 Such reforms will need a multiagency approach, with
increased reliance on third-sector organisations that can
Migration and communities of care assist communities where governments fall short,
Although migration can substantially improve quality of especially when oppression, psychiatric trauma, and
life, when instability forces a transition from one culture to irregular migration exist.236,237
another, destabilisation produces both opportunities and Studies of health-care delivery cultures—particularly
vulnerabilities. On the one hand, health outcomes of of their embedded structures and potential in-
migrants explain the urge to migrate. Bangladeshi women, equalities—will help to conceptualise the entire
for instance, can increase their life expectancy by a decade therapeutic pathway, including not only the physician’s
or more by migrating to Europe.224 Cypriot migrants can practices and clinical techniques, but also the patient
expect to live as long and as healthily as those who stay in and the patient’s sociocultural values and patterns of
times of peace provided they migrate into families and behaviour.238,239 The allocation of health-care resources
stable communities. Otherwise, their health outcomes are should thus be informed by an awareness of how
worse.225 These conditions are mediated, moreover, by so- different cultures of care variably improve health and
called hyperdiverse worldwide environments in which wellbeing, and how diverse social communities interact
communities are continually reshaped.226 with systems of caregiving.
concerns. Although person-centred care has been modified for those in need, rather than marketed to the
embraced by WHO in its Health 2020 policy framework, wealthy. When patients lack ability, they become
the question of how its mainly biomedical focus will be disproportionately incapable of participating in their own
reshaped is unclear. Implementation of a medical improvement, meaning that the cost of caring does not
humanities approach across WHO will need serious rise proportionately for those with resources, but it does
examination of its own prejudices and prestige hier- rise substantially for society. Profit making should not be
archies because these very hierarchies might be largely assumed to encompass altruism because the two are not
responsible for its longstanding diffidence to the role of always compatible.
culture in health. Building trust should become a major focus of
Cultures of health-care providers (norms, values, health-care policy. The long-term costs of short-term
practices, and prestige hierarchies) need to change if financial decisions on health should be replaced by the
professionals are to retain their influence on the practice study of how health care can be reshaped to make both
of health care—from a narrow focus on immediate behaviour change and wellbeing its central focus. When
working environments to a broad understanding of the public organisations mask private gain, those who would
culture of biomedicine and its role in improving or otherwise contribute to the public good lose trust in
limiting population health. Because culture affects collective action and turn instead to strategies for
clinical relationships and outcomes, patients should improving self-worth. When resources are limited, self-
also be given the educational resources and information worth loses its collective and cooperative meaning,
to understand how to adjust their own behaviours to invariably becoming self-centred. Health care cannot
improve health and wellbeing. continue as the most profitable industry in local
economies, and limits should be placed on the predatory
Clinical cultures should be reshaped nature of medical profiteering on the backs of the weak
Caregivers cannot improve patient wellbeing in the long and vulnerable.
term if they cannot develop cultures of care. Clinical
systems should be redesigned to cultivate social engage- Agency should be better understood with respect to
ment between caregivers and patients, and between culture
caregivers’ and patients’ cultures (such as advocacy Intercultural health communications are about not only
groups). These new forms of engagement should develop language proficiency, but also a people’s beliefs about
in conjunction with local provision cultures. Such a what constitutes effective health care and their personal
redesign could take the form of a reconfigured medical capacity to prevent illness and influence illness outcomes.
home for patients, but the effectiveness of any Although subjective somatic complaints (eg, levels of
reconfiguration should not only be measured in terms of pain, or perceived weakness) are often negatively att-
clinical outcomes. Effectiveness is equally dependent on ributed to culture, somatic problems that result from
functional outcomes and patient satisfaction. To encourage emotional stress can be a basis for forming trusting and
behaviour change, people need to work together across caring bonds when carers are aware of the origin and
cultures of care. meaning of such complaints, and if they have a strategy to
Expensive procedures and management cultures address them.
should be discouraged so that money can be spent on New caregiver–patient relationships that improve access
actual care. The cost–benefit of such a transformation to information about self-management strategies, and
should be measured to shift the emphasis of health related behavioural practices that encourage patients to
care from for-profit activities to caring ones. Local participate in self-improvement, should be nourished. If a
communities need to generate cultures of care that are caregiver has time to speak with patients, not only are
focused on solutions rather than problems. Behaviour better judgments about what forms of personal
change should extend not only to a focus on prevention, empowerment work for them possible, but doing so also
but also to the re-education of science and business saves time and money that is wasted on misuse or
establishments about the value of research into cultures underuse of funded educational programmes and
of care. Affect should be considered an important treatments. In this sense, personalised medicine may be,
influence on health, with positive affect being in fact, not only cost effective, but cost saving. Patients
something to strive for. To spend scarce resources on should therefore be educated on how they can empower
more oversight rather than provision will exacerbate themselves within their local cultures and the cultures of
the impotence of health-care systems worldwide to care that serve local needs. Emerging medical information
create positive change. technologies should be used to create new modes of
patient participation in health maintenance; however,
People who are not healthy should be recapacitated these technologies are not a substitute for face-to-face
within the culture of biomedicine care, especially for those in need who may lack the capacity
Because non-adherence often results from an absence of to care for themselves. Studies are needed to establish
capability from patients, clinical practices should be how new technologies (internet resources, social
networking sites, and online patient self-management Exported and imported practices and services should be
initiatives) empower some patients and alienate others. aligned with local cultural meaning
Forms of communication that encourage adherence Culture is the most important factor in the promotion of
should be used to cultivate clinical trust, and straight- global health. Policy makers in high-income countries
forward strategies to locate and respond to health should be aware of the effects of exporting treatment,
vulnerabilities should be developed and implemented. pharmacological remedies, and untenable delivery
models to poorer countries. Capacity building in public
Training cultures should be better understood health should augment heroic relief strategies. Where
The training of caregivers needs to change substantially. relief is urgently needed, the strategies of capacity
Medical hierarchies and medicine’s hidden curriculum building should be mediated both by honest assessments
of prestigious imitation (hierarchical attitudes, values, of indigenous capacities to respond to global health
and perspective taught implicitly to caregivers) should interventions and by an open acknowledgment of waste
be openly acknowledged so that clinical students and by elitist cultures in high-income countries that export
staff can spend less time reporting to superiors and practices that are neither locally relevant nor sustainable.
more time engaging with patients and understanding Worldwide salvation dramas should be replaced by
their needs. Teaching communication skills should not honest analyses of local capacities to respond to
be optional (conveying implicitly or explicitly to international recommendations and interventions.
students of health care that such training is less Export of untenable ideologies has harmed people in
valued). Students need extensive training in culture to need and increasingly damaged the willingness of fair-
understand the importance of creating communities of minded people worldwide to participate with the best of
care by finding common ground with patients. New intentions in health interventions that they now see as
values are needed to reduce waste through better heavy handed and arbitrary. Such a change of perspective
adherence strategies and negotiated caring. An under- will require that WHO review its skills, as recommended
standing of how culture works for patients alerts in a Chatham House Report.244
caregivers to the importance of caregivers’ assumptions Those who influence global health and wellbeing
and the importance of understanding the practices and should temper their idealism with options that are real
limitations of the professional culture of health-care and feasible. They should, moreover, be prepared to
delivery in which caregivers participate. Caregivers invest in vulnerability assessments and informed
cannot know the importance and pervasiveness of their allocation of scarce resources, with local expression of
patients’ cultures if they do not recognise their own worldwide standards of basic wellbeing as their main
cultural assumptions and biases. If medical students focus. Although an evidence base synthesises and
cannot learn to care, then new professions in cultural prioritises what is already known, these evidence bases
mediation and local community health advocacy should be augmented by a value base that encourages
should be developed and prioritised. examination of other and new ways of thinking.
Competence should be reconsidered across all cultures Building trust in health care should be prioritised as a
and systems of care cultural value
Culture is crucial to the sustainability of local health- New worldwide economic alliances and cultures of
care systems, and the strengths and weaknesses of offshore health-care provision can weaken the capacities
care practices. Competence in health-care delivery can of nations to chart their own health-care destinies. When
be improved through studying the wellbeing practices weakened nations and political institutions become
of other cultures. Some stable and progressive health incapacitated, they not only become dysfunctional, but
systems (eg, New Zealand) have introduced guidelines also disillusion citizens from participating in
and stringent cultural competence requirements for health-improving initiatives. As personal mobility
health-care professionals.243 The effects of such becomes increasingly released from local meaning,
guidelines should be studied. The destabilising disjunction between what people value morally in their
consequences of health-care brain drains and daily lives and perceive to be the values of society at large
worldwide shifts in professional opportunities should can diverge sharply. This disjunction in values places
also be monitored to establish the effects of health people at odds with their daily practices and encourages
migration on local cultures and their systems and selfishness and personal gain rather than care for others.
care. Competence awareness, therefore, means not WHO and the large health charities should rethink their
only the introduction of more exploratory thinking views of public–private partnerships, advocating such
into care training to increase awareness of the partnerships only when and where altruism can be
importance of culture in caring, but also an safeguarded from hostile profiteering.
understanding of how worldwide priorities and health Long-term damage resulting from what seem to be
migrations can undermine value-based local caring by short-term gains should be examined carefully and their
eroding fragile resources. effects on trust accounted for. Policy makers should step
back from short-term cost-controlled objectives and ask of health care is to improve health and eliminate disease is
how trust emerges over time. Instead of governments a wider context in which prevention needs to be learned;
presenting a publicly structured system of welfare behind for creation (or restoration) of wellbeing demands that
which lie for-profit private providers about whom patients patients have options that are real to them and that
know nothing and in which they express no trust, new encourage them to live lives that they have reason to value.
models of care should be sought, carefully assessed, and Biomedical interventions often, but not always, provide
either modified or replicated. the best ways of dealing with the disadvantages that
disease and disability create; they offer the prospect of
New models of wellbeing and care should be identified bringing a person back to full health, rather than merely
and nourished across cultures enabling that person to function despite ill health or
In this Commission, we present a new opportunity to impairment.156 However, an understanding of the effects
remodel medical practices by stressing the importance of of sociocultural processes on biological ones has been
culture and its effect on wellbeing. Medical practice needs largely neglected and should become a main focus of
to account for how cultural values and related heritage research. Now, perhaps more than ever before, mutual
can be better understood and nourished in the interests convergence of biological and social sciences creates
of health. Engagement with the idea of culture can enable new opportunities for revising our understanding of
a change in health-care planning and delivery, from a how sociocultural factors affect biology, and not just the
focus on medical technocracy to humanity; from other way around. Changing parameters of specific
biomedical cures to the uses and misuses of such areas of scientific research have resulted in recognition
potential cures; and from often unrealistic magic bullet not only of the deep relation between culture and biology,
research to improved wellbeing. To live up to a but also of the way in which social behaviours and
health-in-all-policies approach will not mean merely to environmental factors can turn on and off biological and
claim the relevance of wellbeing in WHO’s Health for All genetic processes. Immunologists, virologists, neuro-
ideology in its yearly health reporting,245 but to augment scientists, and epigeneticists are now becoming
its focus on economic inequality (eg, as defined by the increasingly aware not only of how life itself creates a
2011 Rio Political Declaration on the Social Determinants of background against which biological processes unfold,
Health)246 with an acceptance of the cultural determinants but also of how local biologies create unique forms of
that affect the very priorities of global health organisations, illness and health.253–256
charities, and funding agencies. Proponents of the social model of disability argue that
Taking proper account of culture is essential to advance the disadvantages that individuals with impairments
people’s ability to care for one another. All possible have are caused mainly by the way that social
avenues to understand and nourish wellbeing should environments adjust to disability. For example, deafness
become the highest health-care priority and publicly was not necessarily a disadvantage on Martha’s Vineyard
supported and funded at least as much as new (North America) 100 years ago, where, as a result of
biomedical research. several generations of congenital deafness, nearly
everyone was able to communicate through sign
Conclusion: lives to be valued language.257 Indeed, many now aruge that disability can
Health is a core human concern, even if it is not cons- assist in developing entirely new skill sets.258,259 Social and
ciously considered, or is valued only for instrumental psychosocial factors underlie how one can live pro-
reasons. Everyone wants to lead a fulfilled life that is free ductively and creatively with what others might label a
from illness and disease, even if tending to disease can disadvantage. Caregivers need to recognise both the role
itself be a catalyst for hope and happiness.247,248 In view of of culture in biomedicine and science, and the need for
worldwide inequalities, emergence of improved caring the social sciences to be more critically engaged with
should be inseparable from freedoms that all societies scientific value judgments.40
should provide.249,250 Such freedoms, in turn, should allow The failures of health-care provision are magnified by
human beings across race and gender divides to conceive the cultural assumption that biomedical practices—
of futures beyond abject poverty and chronic suff- being scientific and evidence-based—are value free, that
ering.251,252 After all, few patients care about disease culture is something that scientists themselves do not
indicators such as blood pressure or lung capacity unless have, and that culture hinders science. If biomedical
these indicators are connected to themselves and their culture does not acknowledge its own cultural basis or
life goals. incorporate the relevance of culture into care pathways
Once ill, a person cannot assist in his or her own curing and decision making, then the waste of public and
unless he or she possesses the capability, opportunity, and private resources will continue to cripple health-care
motivation to adjust effectively to create new forms of delivery worldwide. If the culture of biomedicine
wellbeing.248 Disease prevention is therefore often inhibited remains only one of evidence-based practice, expectation
by an unwillingness to acknowledge the immanence of of adherence, hierarchies of treatment, and disease
illness. Behind the commonplace statement that the goal cause, many barriers will go unrecognised. And if a
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