Andi Wirawan,
School of Business and Management, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB),
J1. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia.
Email: [email protected]
Findings - Historical data record shows that by consistenly implementing AIMS Chevron
succesfully reduced incident (oil spill) caused by integrity problems (corrosions, erosions and
mechanical failures) from 212 events in early 2003 to be 14 events in late 2013.
Implementation of AIMS have truly assisted PT. CPI to sustain world class company.
Original/Value – This paper presents an original and novel approach of Asset Integrity
Management System (AIMS) to manage integrity of asset in Indonesia’s biggest oil & gas
company PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia.
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
Key words: Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS), Surface Equipment Reliability &
Integrity Program (SERIP).
Research Type: Research paper
1. Introduction
Asset integrity nowadays is considered as one important element to improve productivity in
oil and gas production facilities (production, refining, and distribution). In the development,
asset integrity arises from technical issue (maintenance, inspection, engineering assessment)
to a higher level of corporate management policy.
Asset Integrity
Asset Integrity is the ability of an asset to performs its required function effectively and
efficiently while protecting health, safety environment, and the asset.
Asset Integrity Management (AIMS)
Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS) is the systematic implementation of activities
such as inspection, tests and maintenance task necessary to ensure that important equipment
will be suitable for intended application throughout its service life.
Asset Integrity Management builds on existing Reliability Efforts
• Focused on high consequence events - consequences of failure are unacceptable.
• Applies a layer of rigor and governance to ensure the integrity program is being
executed as planned and that variations from the plan are appropriately addressed.
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
Figure 1. Flexible Riser Failure Incident
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
The SERIP Asset Integrity Process only focuses on the last three (3) element barriers (i.e.,
process containment and functionality; warning devices; engineered safety devices; and
safety equipment). The first two (2) barriers (i.e., design, construction, and start-up
processes; and procedures, training and qualification) are included in different process called
Chevron Project Development and Execution Process (CPDEP). CPDEP process is out of
scope in this paper.
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
•Program Description
•Competencies, Qualifications, and
B Training
• Tenets of Operation:
1. Always operate within design and environmental limits.
2. Always operate in a safe and controlled condition.
3. Always ensure safety devices are in place and functioning.
4. Always follow safe work practices and procedures.
5. Always meet or exceed customer’s requirements.
6. Always maintain integrity of dedicated systems.
7. Always comply with all applicable rules and regulations.
8. Always address abnormal conditions.
9. Always follow written procedures for high-risk or unusual situations.
10. Always involve the right people in decisions that affect procedures and equipment.
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management
Figure 15. Data tumpahan minyak (oil spill record) lebih dari 1 bbls
5. Conclusions
The key features of the AIMS program in PT. CPI are the detailed failure history, design
reappraisal, practically balanced risk prioritization, focused inspection and extended
verification. The methodology could if used as intended, provide the concerted effort to make
a major difference in supporting deepwater developments, in particular where hazop, safety,
environmental and financial margins are tight.
The methodology will ensure that corrosion prevention and control is well addressed, and that
practical fit for purpose solutions are planned, and less reactive further down the line. The
AIMS process can be constructively applied to structures, pipelines, subsea developments,
topsides facilities, specific equipment or can be directed at selective failure investigations or
The principles apply to new and existing facilities, the strategy and matrix generation should
focus attention to urgent and high risk areas of safety critical items only, thus streamlining
effort. Close adherence to the loop will ensure that practical, theoretical and empirical
judgments tend to converge with re-iteration. Ultimately sanctioning the target of zero
corrosion surprises. Consistently implementation of AIMS have support PT. CPI to sustain its
world class performance.
ICTOM 04 – The 4th International Conference on Technology and Operations Management