GTM 5 Srichaitanya 2023
GTM 5 Srichaitanya 2023
GTM 5 Srichaitanya 2023
Question Answered for Marking Question Cancelled for Marking
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and ‐1 in all other cases.
SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 29‐12‐23_ Sr.Super60_Elite, Target & LIIT‐BTs _Jee‐Main_GTM‐05_Q.P
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3. 2 2
Potential is varying with x and y as V 2 x y . The corresponding field pattern is:
y y
x x
1) 2)
y y
x x
3) 4)
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4. Two electrons are moving with the same speed V. One electron enters a region of uniform
electric field while the other enters a region of uniform magnetic field. After sometime if the
de Broglie wavelength of the two are 1 and 2 , then (select the best alternative)
1) 1 2 2) 1 2
3) 1 2 or 1 2 4) 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 2
5. A rod PQ is connected to the capacitor plates. The rod is placed in a magnetic field (B)
directed downward perpendicular to the plane of the paper. If the rod is pulled out of
magnetic field with velocity v as shown in figure.
1) plate M will be positively charged
2) plate N will be positively charged
3) both plates will be similarly charged
4) no charge will be collected on plates
6. In hydrogen like atoms the ratio of difference of energies E4 n E2 n and E2 n En varies with
atomic number z and principle quantum number n as
z2 z4 z
1) 2 2) 4 3) 4) none of these
n n n
7. Consider two identical iron spheres A and B, A lies on a thermally insulating plate, whilst B
hangs from an insulating thread as shown. Equal amounts of heat are given to the two
spheres. Then
r r
R 3R R 3R
1) 2)
r r
R 2R R 2R 3R
3) 4)
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12. Consider the following four statements.
A. A paramagnetic substance displays greater magnetization when cooled.
B. Diamagnetism is independent of temperature.
C. If a solenoid uses Iron for its core instead of air then field will be greater.
D. Magnetic field lines are closed loops
Which statements are true?
1) Only A and B 2) A, B and C 3) A, B and D 4) All four
13. ‘Parsec’ is the unit of-
1) Time 2) Distance 3) Frequency 4) Angular acceleration
14. Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because
1) atoms get ionized at high temperature
2) kinetic energy is high enough to overcome the coulomb repulsion between nuclei
3) molecules break up at high temperature
4) nuclei break up at high temperature
15. The equation has Statement-I and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the
statements, choose the one that best describes the two statements.
Statement-1: Very large size telescopes are reflecting telescopes.
Statement-2: It is easier to provide mechanical support to large size mirrors than large size
1) Statement-1 is true and Statement-2 is false
2) Statement-1 is false and Statement-2 is true
3) Statement-1 and Statement-2 are true and Statement-2 is correct explanation for
4) Statement-1 and Statement-2 are true and Statement-2 is not the correct explanation for
1 2
1) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
2) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion
3) If Assertion is true but Reason is false
4) If Assertion is false but Reason is true
Section-II contains 10 Numerical Value Type questions. Attempt any 5 questions only. First 5 attempted questions will be considered if more than 5 questions attempted. The
Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is
10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
From: Question number’s 21 to 30 rules for Answer marking
If your answer is options 2,4 Then you have to fill the OMR sheet
as ‘24’
If your answer is options 1,3,4 Then you have to fill the OMR sheet
as ‘134’
And if your answer is options 1,2,3,4 then you have to fill the OMR sheet as
25. Charges Q1 and Q2 lie inside and outside respectively of a closed Gaussian surface S. Let E
3) For t T 8 , y A 2 4) For y A 2 , t T 8
28. An astronaut leaves his spaceship for some experiment and floats freely in space at rest
relative to his spaceship. His friend in the spaceship ignites a rocket installed on the
spaceship for a very short duration. Which of the following observations can you make
relative to a reference frame moving together with the astronaut outside the spaceship?
1) The spaceship has lesser kinetic energy than ejected gases
2) The spaceship and the ejected gases have equal kinetic energies
3) The spaceship has greater kinetic energy than the ejected gases
4) Magnitudes of momenta of spaceship and ejected gases are equal
29. In an X-ray tube, electrons emitted from a filament (cathode) carrying current I hit a target
(anode) at a distance d from the cathode. The target is kept at a potential V higher than the
cathode resulting in emission of continuous and characteristic X-rays. If the filament current
31. For the process : H2O l (1 atm, 373.15K) H2O g (1 atm, 373.15K), the correct set of
thermodynamic parameter is
1) G 0; S ve 2) G 0; S ve
3) G ve; S 0 4) G ve ; S ve
32. Assertion:- When aniline is subjected to nitration by conc. HNO3 &H2SO4 meta nitro aniline
is formed in considerable amount.
Reason: - NH2 is o/p directing but ring deactivating group.
1) Assertion is True, Reason is true: Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion.
2) Assertion is true Reason is true: Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion.
3) Assertion is True, Reason is False.
4) Assertion is False, Reason is true.
NH 2 OH H LiAlH 4
O (A) (B) (C) ; The product 'C' is
1) H 2) 3) H 4) H H
34. The equilibrium constant for ionization constant of acetic acid in an aqueous solution of
concentration ‘C’ is given by
c c2 c c2 c c2 c c2
1) K 2) K 3) K 4) K
c ( c ) c ( c )
35. Which one of the following is correct (Major product)
NMe2 NMe2 OCH 3 OCH 3
Na / liq NH 3 Na / liq NH 3
1) 2)
Na / liq NH 3 Na / liq NH 3
3) 4)
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36. Which of the following is/are aromatic in character?
NH2 Br
1) 2)
3) 4) O
39. Assertion (A): Components of a mixture of red and blue inks can be separated by
distributing the components between stationary and mobile phases in paper chromatography.
Reason (R): The coloured components of inks migrate at different rates because paper
selectively retains different components according to the difference in their partition
between the two phases.
1) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
2) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
3) Both A and R are not correct.
4) A is not correct but R is correct
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40. A metal ‘M’ shows the following observable changes in the sequence of reactions. Identify
the metal. M
dil . H 2 SO4
colourless solution
aq NaOH
White ppt
excess NaOH
colourless solution
White ppt
1) Bi 2) Pb 3) As 4) Zn
41. The rate of hydrolysis of boron halides will be in the order of
1) BF3 BCl3 BBr3 BI3 2) BCl3 BF3 BBr3 BI3
3) BI3 BBr3 BCl3 BF3 4) BI3 BCl3 BF3 BBr3
42. The equilibrium:
P4 g 6Cl2 4PCl3 g is obtained by mixing equal moles of P4 and Cl2 in an evacuated
vessel. Then at equilibrium:
1) Cl2 PCl3 2) Cl2 P4 3) P4 Cl2 4) PCl3 P4
43. Biuret test is not given by :
1) proteins 2) urea
3) polypeptide 4) carbohydrates
44. Which of the following complex has highest C O bond energy?
1) Ni CO
2) Co CO
3) Mn CO
4) Fe CO 5
45. Which of the following diazonium coupling reactions is not feasible?
N2Cl + OH N N OH
O 2N N 2 Cl + OCH 3 O 2N N N OCH 3
NO 2
3) NO 2
NO 2 H 3C NO 2 H 3C
O 2N N 2 Cl + CH3 O 2N N N CH3
NO 2 H 3C
4) NO 2 H 3C
1) Br 2)
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3) Br 4) Br
50. Which failed to form Osazone with excess of C6H5NHNH2 in strongly alkaline medium
52. How many of the following reactions give haloform as one of the products?
Cl 3
i H O
i H 2O /
ii I 2 / NaOH
ii I 2 / NaOH
I 2 / NaOH
I 2 / NaOH
i Hg OAC
2 2 4 / H O, NaBH
(v) 2
ii I / NaOH ,
The number of possible isomers for X excluding stereo isomers and including X.
0 0 0
54. If E1 , E2 and E3 are standard oxidation potentials for Fe Fe 2 , Fe 2 Fe3 and Fe Fe3 , then
E 20 2 E10
3 . The value of n is……….
55. Among the following, the total number of reactions/ processes in which the entropy
increases are:
a. 2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 s CO2 g H 2O g
b. A liquid cyrstallises into a solid.
c. Temperature of crystalline solid is raised from zero K to 100 K.
d. Hard boiling of an egg.
e. Intermixing of gases at constant temperature.
f. Boiling of water
g. Desalination of water.
h. NH3 g ,10atm NH3 g ,1atm
CH 2
H 2C CH 2 A gas B
1 mole LiAlH 4
If X is no of moles of CO2 and Y is no. of hydrogens that can participate in hyperconjugation
in D ,then (X + Y) is……
58. Total number of moles of P-H bonds is in the product(s) formed when one mole of white
60. How many of the following compounds are more reactive than chlorobenzene towards
CH 3
F NO2 O O O CH 3 OH NMe2
61. S1 : function : 5, 81 R defined by x x 5 2 x 812 x , takes the value 43 for
some x 5, 81
S2 : If a function y g x is defined on 5, 81 , then for any k g 5 , g 81 there is some
point c 5, 81 such that g c k
1) S1 is true and S2 is true for every function g
2) S1 is true and S2 is not true for every function g
3) S1 is not true and S2 is true for very function g
4) S1 is not true and S2 is not true for every function g
62. Which of the following is always true
1) One root of the equation ax bx c 0, a, b R & c R Q & a 0 in the form of
2) Exactly one of the root of the equation ax 2 bx c 0, a 0 lies in the given interval
k1 , k2 if k1 . k2 0
3) If a,b,c, d,e, are positive real numbers and d e2 0. The equations
d e
ax 2 2bx c 0, a 0 and dx 2 2ex 0 d 0 have a common root, then
a b c
4) a,b,c are in A.P and G.P then (a, b, c) can be (0, 0, 0)
63. In a parallelogram as shown in the figure a b
D u1 bx ay ab
u3 ax by ab
u4 ax by 2ab
A u2 bx ay 2ab B
Equation of the diagonal AC is
1 4 u2u3 0
1) uu 2) u1 u2 u3 u4 0
1 2 u3u4 0
3) uu 1 3 u2u4 0
4) uu
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01, then
64. If 9 80 I where I, n are integers and
1) I is an odd integer 2) I is an even integer
3) I I 2
4) 12 2 9 80
65. Let S1 : A function f always has a local maximum between any two local minima. Then f
must be differentiable
S2 : If a function is defined on a , b and continuous on a, b , then it takes its extreme
values on a, b.
S3 : Every continuous and bounded function on , takes its extreme values.
The number of statements among the S1, S2 , S3 which are always true for every function
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
66. Graph of y x is given below
0, 3
2 x
1 3
Then graph of y is best represented by
y y
12 2 13 2
0 x x
1 3 0 1 3
1 1
1) 2)
2 x y 1
0 1 3
1 13
0 x
1 2 3
3) 4)
67. Which of the following is true
1) If x is continuous at x a then at x a limit need not exist for ƒ 𝑥
2) For every continuous functions x , g x on 0, satisfying x g x for all x 0
and both lim x and limg x exist finitely
x x
y g x
y x
A' O
Here it is given that AA' BB ' and OA ' OB .
Absolute values of sum of roots of equations x 0 and g x 0 are p and q respectively
then p q
2d 2d
1) 2 a 2) 2 a d 3) 1 b 4) 2 a
c c
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69. f(x) and g(x) both defined R R are two non-constant continuous functions then
Statement – 1: If g (x) is periodic then f(g(x)) is also periodic
Statement – 2: If g(x) and f(x) are both aperiodic then f(g (x)) is aperiodic.
Statement – 3: If g(x) is periodic with fundamental period T then f(g(x)) is not periodic
Statement – 4: If g(x) is periodic with fundamental period T then f(g(x)) is also periodic with
period T
Which of the following must be truth value of above statements in that order.
Let function y x satisfies the differential equation x 2
70. y e x 0 and
2 x
lim f x 1 . Identify the incorrect statement?
x 0
1) Range of x is 0, 1 1 2) x is bounded
3) lim x 1
e 1
4) 0 f x dx 0 f x dx
dx 1
71. STATEMENT–1: The inequality 0 1 x n 1
is true for n N .
x n1 x n x 2n1
STATEMENT–2: dx 0, n N .
1 x n
x 2 y 2 8 x 6 y 23 0
STATEMENT- 4: If centre of first circle lie on the second circle then it bisects
circumference of second circle
Which of the following must be truth value of above statements in that order.
77. STATEMENT -1: Through the vertex ‘O’ of the parabola y2 4x chords OP & OQ are
drawn at right angles to one another. For all positions of the line through P and Q cuts the
axis of parabola at a fixed point
STATEMENT-2: The focus of the parabola y2 4ax is of the form x1, 0
1) Both Statements are true and Statement-2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1
2) Both Statements are true but Statement-2 is not the correct explanation of Statement-1
3) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false
4) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true
4) If AB = I then BA =I
79. Identify the correct statement.
1) If system of n simultaneous linear equations has a unique solution, then coefficient matrix
is singular
2) If system of n simultaneous linear equations has a unique solution, then coefficient matrix
is non singular
3) If A1 exists, adj . A 1 may not exist
cos x sin x 0
4) If F x sin x cos x 0 , then F x .F y F x y
0 0 0
80. Which of the following conclusion(s) hold(s) true for a non-zero vector a ?
1) .
ab .
ac b c 2) b a c b c
3) a.b a.c and a b a c b c 4) a b a b a .b 0
81. Let V1 be the variances of 2024 observations which are in A.P with first term 2024 and
common difference is 2024 and Let V2 be the variances of 2024 observations which are in
A.P with first term 2023 and common difference 2024 then V1 :V2 m: n where the greatest
2 digit value of m n is m, nN
82. Area of mid point triangle of a triangle whose vertices are complex numbers z1, z2, z3 is
z1 z1 1
z2 z2 1 then k
z3 z3 1
83. Given a, b and c are three vectors such that b and c are unit like parallel vectors and a 4.
If c 2b then the sum of all possible values of is equal to ______
84. The points P and Q are 1, 1, 1 and 2,1,1 The point of intersection of lines containing the
D.r.s of PR 1, 2,1 and QS 1, 4, 2 is A, if AB is perpendicular to PR and QS and
32, and possible position of B are B1, B2 then B1 B 2 2
85. For x 1, sin 1 k 2 tan 1 x then 3 k
1 x 2
d 2x 2 d y dx
86. l 2 k 2 0 Then number of possible ordered pair l, k is (for twice
dy dx dy
dx d 2 x
differentiable invertible function y x , & are finite values.) l , k Z and l 3 .
dy dy2
87. If I x sin 2 sin x cos 2 cos x dx , then I ___ , where . denotes the greatest integer
1 ac
88. sin12 0.sin 48 0.sin 54 0 , b tan18 tan 78, c tan54 tan 48 then the value of is
a b
89. A point P(x, y) moves in such a way that [x + y + 1] = [x] (where [.] greatest integer
function) and x (0, 4). Then the area representing all the possible positions of P equals
90. A triangle is formed by the points A 0, 0 , B 3, 0 and C 3, 4 . A and C are foci of ellipse
and B lies on the ellipse. If area of ellipse is p p N . then the value of p is
31) 1 32) 3 33) 2 34) 4 35) 4
36) 2 37) 1 38) 1 39) 1 40) 4
41) 3 42) 3 43) 4 44) 2 45) 2
46) 1 47) 4 48) 2 49) 4 50) 4
51) 1 52) 3 53) 9 54) 3 55) 6
56) 8 57) 6 58) 9 59) 3 60) 6
61) 2 62) 3 63) 4 64) 1 65) 3
66) 4 67) 1 68) 4 69) 1 70) 3
71) 1 72) 2 73) 4 74) 3 75) 4
76) 4 77) 2 78) 3 79) 2 80) 3
81) 98 82) 16 83) 4 84) 128 85) 2
86) 3 87) 19 88) 8 89) 4 90) 6
Mg L ML2
1. Before string is cut T , Just after string is cut Mg
2 2 3
3g L 3g Mg
Mg T M M T
2L 2 4 4
2. Factual based
3. V 2 x2 y 2
Equipotential surfaces will be hyperbolic and E everywhere will be to them.
4. For electron in electric field, magnitude of its momentum may increase, decrease or may
aquire same speed as initial value.
5. BV develops across rod PQ.
By Lenz’s law, plate M get positively charged.
E1 E
E4 n E2 n 16n 4n 2 1
6. constant.
E2 n En E1 E1
2 4
4n n
7. As a result of thermal expansion, the size of both spheres increases. The centre of mass of the sphere
lying on the plate rises, whilst that of the sphere hanging on the thread sinks. Thus, the potential energy
of the first sphere increases, whilst that of the second one decreases as shown in the figure.
According to the first law of thermodynamics, the heat transferred to the spheres produces not only an
increase in internal energy and the small amount of work done in expanding against the atmospheric
pressure (this is the same for both spheres), but also a change in gravitational potential energy. The
potential energy of the sphere lying on the insulating plate increases a little, therefore its internal energy
increases by less than the residual heat transferred. Conversely, the decrease in potential energy of the
hanging sphere contributes positively to the increase in its internal energy. In summary, the temperature
of the sphere suspended from the thread will be higher.
P P' P , 900 P2 P' P 2
P' P 2
Dividing with 2m
2m 2m 2m
P2 p2
should be sum of and lost kinetic energy
2m 2m
Where m is mass of unknown nucleus m m
9. Conceptual
10. Charge will always flow from inner shell to outer irrespective of magnitude or sign of
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11. kQ k 2 Q k 3Q kQ kQ
V R r
r R 2R r 2R
k 3Q k 3Q V 2R r 0
v R r 2R
r 2R
12. Conceptual
13. 1 Parsec 3.26 y 3.08 1016 m
14. Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because kinetic energy is high enough to
overcome the coulomb repulsion between nuclei.
15. S-1 true as reflecting telescopes are easier to construct due to handling of spherical
mirrors. As only one side of mirror is used so on other side the mirror can be mounted
where in case of lenses mounting can only be done at thin edges which is partially
difficult. That’s why very large size telescopes are made by using mirrors instead of
lenses S 2 : It is true and explaining S-1.
16. Escape velocity on moon is less than that on earth.
17. R
18. Conceptual
19. Surface Energy Surface area
20. Conceptual
21. Property of friction.
22. Work energy theorem.
23. E m and r
24. Buoyancy force when lift accelerates upwards Vs g a
V g Vs g .........1 Vs' g a V g V a
Vs' g Vs' a V g V a Vs' g Vs' a Vs g Vs a Using equation 1
Vs' g a Vs a g Vs' Vs
25. Flux depends upon charges inside Gaussian surface and field on all charges.
26. Circuit might be pure resistive (OR)
It might have inductor and capacitor but oscillating in resonance
27. Use V A2 x 2 And x Asin t
28. Fext 0 Psys constant
k since mspaceship mgas So kspaceship k gas
hc 1 dN hc dN
29. min min min new 2 I decreases
eV V 2 dt dt
Hence I decreases
30. Conceptual
31. (2) Refer NCERT
32. Refer NCERT volume II 12th page 395
33. Beckmann rearrangement reaction.
34. We have
c 1 c c
CH 3COO H c 2
c c /
c c2
since c / , we get K
1 c / c
36. II is non aromatic
37. The order of bond angles is HCH HCF FCF
39. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
40. Zinc Metal
41. From BF3 to BI 3 back bonding decreases. Hence B –X bond strength decreases. So, rate
of hydrolysis increases.
42. Ans: C P4 Cl2
43. Biuret test is given by amide (proteins, urea, polypeptide)
44. More the electron density in central atom more will be the tendency for back bonding
then less will be the C – O bond energy
45. Presence of EWG- on diazonium ions at o & p-positions favour coupling reactions.
Diazonium ion without electron withdrawing groups does not couple with anisole.
46. From experiments (3) and (2), [A] is constant and [B] is double and rates becomes 8
times, so order w.r.t [B] = 3.
From experiments (1) and (3), [B] is constant and [A] is doubled, but rate does not
change, so order w.r.t [A] = 0. Thus, rate k B
Br Br
Br Br Br
I 2 / NaOH
CH 3 C CH 2
53. CH3 CH CH OH , , HO CH2 CH CH 2 , CH3 CH 2 CHO
, , , 3 2
H LiAlH 4
CH 2
H 3C
H 3C CH 3 H 3C CH 3
56. Solution : D C B
F O O OH NMe 2 OMe
61. Apply M.V.T
62. a, b can be irrational
63. Subtract P.S.L
9 4 5 I
Let 9 4 5 '
I ' 9 4 5 9 4 5
n n
even integer
0 ' 2 ' 1
I is an odd integer.
65. Draw graphs
66. Draw graphs
67. Draw graphs
68. Draw graphs of periodic functions
69. Draw graphs of periodic functions
dy dy e x
x2 y 2e x 2 2 dx, integrating both sides, is
dx y x
1 ex
1 1
2 dx C Putting t 2 dx dt
y x x x
1 1 1
et dt C et C e x C
y y y
1 n 1
x x n x 2 n1 1 n1
71. 0 1 x n dx 0 1 xn 1 x dx 0
1 1
1 x n1 dx
1 x n
dx 1 1 2 1 2 a a
1 ; n N . and 1 1 p 2 q 2 2 pq
1 x n
n n n n n p q
2 2
2 pq
72. Apply first principle
RoS is symmetric if RoS RoS
But RoS S 1oR 1 SoR
Option C is incorrect.
D. We have
cos x sin x 0 cos y sin y 0
F x F y sin x cos x 0 sin y cos y 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
cos x y sin x y 0
sin x y cos x y 0 F x y
0 0 0
80. C, D
A. a.b a.c either b c or a b c
B. a b a c either b c or a b c
81. Variance is independent of theft of origin
82. Area of M.P A area o
83. A,B,C, Given, a 4, b 1 c
Also, angle between b and c 0
L : r i j k i 2 j k
L2 : r 2i j k i 4 j 2k
Point of intersection 1 2
1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1, 2
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87. I x sin 2 sin x cos 2 cos x dx 2 I 2 sin 2 sin x cos 2 cos x dx
0 0
2 2
I sin 2 sin x cos 2 cos x dx sin 2 cos x cos 2 sin x dx
0 0
2 I 2dx I I1 x 2I
2 0
88. Let 120 L.H.S 0
sin120 sin 480 sin 720 sin 540
sin 72
1 sin 3 12 sin 54
0 0
sin 360 sin 540 cos 360 1
4 sin 720 8sin 360 cos 360 8cos 360 8
tan A tan 60 A tan 60 A tan 3 A A n
89. If x 0,1 Then 1 x y 0 , And if x [1, 2) 0 x y 1
Required area 8 .1. 2 sin 4 sq. units
2 4
1 2 3
x + y = –1
A 0, 0 B 3, 4
7 5 b 2 25
2a 7 a e 1 2 b 6
2 7 a 49
Area ab 6 P 6