Study Guide - Ad Targeting Evaluation

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17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
t urda .16.2
Sa 172

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
tur ad Landing Page, and ad keyword. While
In this task, you will evaluate how well a Query matches an Ad Creative, d
17 ay, J
many tasks you work on ask you to determine whether or not a user would find an 2 .16 Adanuseful, the goal of this evaluation is
.25 uary
4.6 6
to determine whether the advertiser would want to show their ad to this user. by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
Steps: 0 2
, 2 Ngu
y e n
ry u
n ua by N
J a .6
r d ay, .254
tu 1 6
Sa 172.

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Step by Step
Step 1: Research and evaluate the user Query 17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
The first part of the task asks I P you some basic questions about the user Query by itself. Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 2 y e n
1. Does the Query 6 , 2 Ncontain
gu any location terms?
ry u
n ua by N
J 4.6 are words or phrases that are used primarily to pick out locations. These terms might be explicit or implicit
Locationay, .2terms
ur d 6
t . 1
172 terms.

Explicit location terms are terms that would almost always be used to pick out a location. The
names of cities, streets, or landmarks are all examples of explicit location terms.

Query: [215 springfield kfc]

17 ay, J[cordoba argentina]
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by ,location
Implicit 2 terms are words or phrases that determine a specific location even if they are not primarily
Nu 024 f IP
Ng rom om
names of locations.
uye IPFor example, the names of an arena or a business that has only onefrlocation are both implicit
n 0 2 4 yen
location terms. y 6, 2 Ng
a r u
J a nu 6 by N
Query: [3 arena] r d ay, .254
tu 16
Sa 172.
Query: [camp nou]
No Location Terms
Query: [Brandy Melville where?] tur
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
Query: [florencia shop online] 54 ry 6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
2. Does the Query contain o m any brand terms? Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 uy e n
y 6, 2 Ng
r u
n ua by N
J a .6
r d ay, .254
tu 16
Sa 172.

Pure brand queries consist entirely of brand terms and don't contain any other words. For example, "apple iPhone
11" is a pure brand Query.
17 ay, J[apple iPhone 11]
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
Query: [primark]
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
Brand term included
yen IP queries that mention brands but contain additional words or phrases. r
24 uyeFor
f n example, "iPhone
2 0 g
reviews" is a brand term included Query. 6,
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
Query: [iPhone reviews] da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Query: [download adobe premiere]
Query: [fix screen phone] tur
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
Query: [lavender seeds] 54 ry 6
by , 202
I P Nu 4 f
m user is more likely to be searching as an individual consumerNor rom
3. Does it seem likefrothe guon
yen behalf
IP of a business
2 4
0 uy e n
or organization?
y 6, 2 Ng
r u
n ua by N
a .6
y, J question
Fordathis 254 consider both the types of things the user is looking for and the amounts. Users looking for bulk products
r 6 .
a tu 2.1
S might
17 be looking on behalf of a business or organization. Remember to use the search results as a helpful resource.

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
As .6an individual
by , 202 consumer
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
Query: [fake candles uyeliving fr
n IProom] 0 24 uyen
6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
Query: [voyage vinyl shipping] u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
On Behalf of a business or organization S 17

Query: [cash register till]

Query: [wine suppliers for restaurants]

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
t urda .16.2
Sa 172

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Step 2: Research and evaluate the ad
The second part of the task asks you some basic questions about the Ad. tur
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6 u
For this task, we require that you check the ad Landing Page in order to get a .2better 54 arysense of what the advertiser is
.6 6
by , 202
offering. Note that some of IP the questions below will be hidden depending on your previous N answers.
u N 4 fro
o m gu m I
4 fr n yen P
1. Does the keyword 2 e
0 guycontain a brand term?
6 , 2
uary y Nu
n 6b
Use the , . criteria here as you do for the Query version of this question.
r d a .254
tu 16
Sa 172.
Pure Brand
Brand Term Included

2. Does the ad take the user to a search results page?

Some d advertisers will bring the user to a search results page. We want to distinguish between different types of search
17 ay, J
2.1 an
54 ary 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Marketplaces or store search pages that display a number of products that are being offered. Target, Amazon,
and eBay would also be examples of marketplaces. The search results
Sa on these pages will be products or services
you can buy. d
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
I P Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 2 y e n
6 , 2 Ngu
ry u
n ua by N
J a .6
r d ay, .254
tu 16
Sa 172.

Specialized search pages which give users access to specialized information that might not be available in
general web results. For example, the page might have criminal records lookups, business reviews, or car history
reports. These search pages will generally be limited to one type of information.
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
General web search results pages that give users access to web results generally. Google, Bing, and Yahoo all
provide general search results. Sa
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
t urda .16.2
Sa 172

None of the Above

3. Is the advertiser's customer base more likely to be households and everyday consumers or other businesses
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 whether
u the advertiser is more interested in reaching everyday consumers or other businesses.
54 ary 6
by ,businesses
Primary 2 and organizations (Advertisers who offer bulk supplies for other businesses.)
Nu 024 f IP
Ng rom m be equally useful for
Both businesses
uye Iand households (Advertisers who offer products and services that could
fr o
n P 0 24 uyen
businesses or individual consumers.) 6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
Keyword: [tractors for sale] da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Keyword: [extra waiters for weddings]
Primarily households and everyday customers. (Advertisers who offer consumer goods and services,
information relevant to hobbies, general interest news/entertainment,Svacation/personal
atu travel, or financial services,
advice or news relevant to individuals.) 17 y, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
I P Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 2 y e n
6 , 2 Ngu
ry u
n ua by N
J a .6
r d ay, .254
tu 1 6
Sa 172.

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Step 3. Evaluate the relationship between the keyword and the Query
Keywords are the most direct way advertisers tell a search engine for which tur queries they want to show their ad, so
17 ay, J
knowing the specific relationship between the keyword and the Query is important. 2 .16 Again
an in this section, some questions
.25 uary
4.6 6
will appear depending on how you answered previous questions by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
1. Is there any aspect 4 fr of n the keyword that is missing from the Query? uye IP
0 2 y e n
6 , 2 Ngu
ry u
ua by N we are interested in whether the keyword appears (in some form or another) inside the Query. Or if
For thisanquestion,
J .6
r d ay, .254is missing. For example, the keyword might have a product specification (e.g. "new" or "red") that doesn't
tu 16
Sa 172.
appear in the Query at all. Or the keyword might specify a location (e.g. "near me") that is not part of the Query. The
keyword might also contain a word that is more specific than something in the Query. For example, the keyword might be
"chair" and the Query "furniture."

No, the Query and keyword have the same meaning. (The keyword and Query are synonyms or paraphrases of
tur one another.)
17 ay, J
2.1 an
u dog food] / Keyword: [top rated dog food]
54 ary 6
by , 202
N 4 IP
Query: [adidas uapparel]
Ng from/ Keyword: [adidas clothing] m
uye IP fr o
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
No, every aspect of the keyword is reflected in the Query. (The keyword is contained
ry Nu N in the Query (explicitly or
ua y
implicitly).) y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Query: [log in facebook] / Keyword: [facebook]
Query: [iberia flights to berlin] / Keyword: [flights to berlin]

Yes, there is an aspect of the keyword that is not reflected in the tur Query. (The Query is missing something
17 ay, J
from the keyword or the two are unrelated.) 2 .16 anu
.25 ary
4.6 6
by , 202
Query: [fast food delivery]IP/ Keyword: [burger king] Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 2 y e n
Query: [books6to N gu
, 2 improve my writing skills] / Keyword: [french schools in NY]
ry u
n ua by N
J 4.6
*if we ay,select 5 the last option, we would get the following question.
t ur d
. 1 6.2
Sa 172
2. How closely does the Query match the keyword?

This question asks you whether the keyword matches a plausible or typical intention associated with the Query or if it
mentions an unacceptable alternative or a different and unrelated intent.
The keyword matches a plausible or typical intention or alternative for the Query. (The search results for the
tur Query and keyword are very similar and either would likely lead the user to what they are interested in.)
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6 u
54 ary 6 games] / Keyword: [call of duty]
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
gu rom /I Keyword: [Razer mouse]
Query: [Logitech Nmouse]
fr o m
yen P
2 0 24 uyen
6, Ng
The keyword does not describe an acceptable alternative to the user (For a ryexample
u it describes a location
n u by N
J a .6
y, 254 substitute.)
that's incompatible with the user location, a complementary product, or andaunlikely
t u r 16.
Sa 172.
Query: [Desktop monitors in NYC] / Keyword: [Desktop monitors in Toronto]
Query: [Headphones for Music] / Keyword: [Bluetooth speaker for music]

The keyword is very different or unrelated to the user's needs. (Search tur results for the keyword would not be of
17 ay, J
interest to the user) 2 .16 anu
.25 ary
4.6 6
by , 202
Query: [Car workshop near IP me] / Keyword: [Motorbike service center] Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 2 y e n
Query: [Ayurvedic 6 N gu
, 2 medicine] / Keyword: [Cherry blossom season]
ry u
n ua by N
J a .6
r d ay, .254
tu 1 6
Sa 172.

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Step 4: Evaluate how well the ad addresses the Query intent
The final section of the template asks you to evaluate the overall fit between Sa the Query and the ad as a whole. Again,
some questions may be hidden depending on how you respond to other questions 17 ayin the task.
2.1 , Jan
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
I P Nu 4 f
1. How closely doesrothe m ad address the user intent? Ng rom
f n uye IP
0 2 4 y e n
For this question 6 N gu
, 2 consider what the user is likely looking for and whether the Ad can address that particular need or only a
a ry Nu
nearby or udistantly
y related intent.
y , Jan 4.6 b
da 6.2 5
a tur 2.1Addresses user intent exactly or very closely
S 17
Query: [honda civic]

Keyword: [new honda civic]

Ad Creative:

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
Landing Page: HERE
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
Addresses nearby intent
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
Query: [best formal dinnerware sets] a tur 2.16
S 17

Keyword: [Resistant Dinner Sets]

Ad Creative:

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
Landing Page: 6, 2 Ng
a ry HERE
N u
, J an .6 by
y 254
t urda .1Addresses
a distantly related intent
S 17 2
Query: [play tester compensation ideas]

Keyword: [consulting compensation experts]

Ad Creative:

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
Landing Page: HERE a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
Not at all related to user intent da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Query: [government modesto, ca work]
Keyword: [job hiring]

Ad Creative: Sa
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
urda .16.2
SaLanding Page: HERE
*if we select the second or third option, we would get the following question.

2. Does that ad offer an alternative to what the user seeks?

SIfa the ad cannot satisfy the user’s need exactly, consider whether the ad offers a reasonable alternative. For example, if
the da is for the same product but in a different color, it would likely be a reasonable alternative. For example, an ad for
17 ad y, J
2 an
.25 uaryshoes when the Query is "white running shoes" is a reasonable alternative. If the ad misses an important
aspect of4.6the by Query
20 or seems to misunderstand the Query, then it is probably an unacceptable alternative. For example,
an ad for couples N u N 2therapy
rom shown on a Query about "becoming a therapist" is not an acceptable alternative IP because the
g o m
user is not looking for uyena therapist
IP but instead wants to become one. fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, Ng
Ad offers a reasonable alternative likely acceptable to the user (The ad satisfies ry the
u by N most important features of
a u
a n
the user's Query, or offers them a reasonable alternative way to solve their yproblem.)
J .6
r d a , .254
tu 16
Query: [Stemmed wine glass] Sa 172.

Keyword: [Stemless wine glass]

Ad Creative:

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
6, 2 Ng
Landing Page: a ry HERE
N u
, J an .6 by
y 254offers a radically different alternative, likely unacceptable to the user (The ad misses an important aspect
t urda .1Ad
Sa 172 of the Query or seems to misunderstand the Query.)

Query: [government modesto, ca work]

Keyword: [job hiring]

Ad Creative:
17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
Landing Page: HERE y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
It’s not meaningful to think about an alternative for this Query. S 17
In this section, we will only focus on these questions of the task that may
Sa be harder to answer. We selected these
questions based on the correspondence received in our inbox. 17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
Example 1: 54 ry 6
by , 202
I P Nu 4 f
Ad Content o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 2 y e n
Keyword: 6 , 2 Ngu
uary y Nu
.6 b
y , 5 4
da .2
tur 2.16 Page:
S 17

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Example 2:
Ad Content tur
17 ay, J
Keyword: 2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
[galaxy s10] .6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
Landing Page: o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
HERE 6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
t urda .16.2
Sa 172

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Example 3:
Ad Content tur
17 ay, J
Keyword: 2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
[nike hair band] .6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
Landing Page: o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
HERE 6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
t urda .16.2
Sa 172

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Example 4:
User Info tur
17 ay, J
Query: 2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
[milling knuth] .6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
t urda .16.2
Sa 172

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
Example 5:
User Info tur
17 ay, J
Query: 2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
[cleaning home service] .6
by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
r uye IP
0 2 4 f yen n
6, 2 g
a ry Nu N
, J an .6 by
y 54
t urda .16.2
Sa 172

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17
da questions and now it is time to put into
We have now covered all the possible questions that trigger upon answering1 the
72 y, Ja
.16 nu
practice what you have learned here so far. .25 ary
4.6 6
Good luck! ☺️ by , 202
IP Nu 4 f
o m Ng rom
4 fr n uye IP
0 2 y e n
Link to
6 , 2quiz
N gu
ry u
n ua by N
J a .6
r d ay, .254
tu 16
Sa 172.

17 ay, J
2.1 an
6.2 ua
54 ry 6
by , 202
Nu 4 f IP
Ng rom o m
uye IP fr
2 0 24 uyen
6, g
a ry Nu N
u y
y , Jan 4.6 b
da .25
a tur 2.16
S 17

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